parent handbook for sacramental preparation · parent handbook for sacramental preparation (first...

Post on 03-Apr-2018






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(First Reconciliation &

First Communion)

2014 - 2015


St. John Bosco Parish


Important Dates

Welcome to the journey that will lead you and your child to First

Reconciliation (Confessions) and First Communion. The following is a chart

outlining upcoming dates and gatherings, necessary in the formation of your

child’s faith.

NOTE: If your child still requires Baptism, please make arrangements with

Father Jacob Chelamootil as soon as possible, in hopes that Baptism can be

completed before First Reconciliation (March).

Date Event Where Who Notes Saturday,

February 21,

2014 at 5:15

p.m. OR

Sunday, Feb.

22, 2014 at

10:00 a.m. (Be sure to attend

Mass on one of

these dates.)



for First

Communion &


St. John

Bosco Parish,



receiving the

Sacraments &

their families.

This Mass is

necessary in order

to acknowledge and

welcome those who

are committing to

the preparation of

First Communion.

Students are to

bring their name

card and a photo of

themselves for the

parish banner.

Sunday, March

1, 2015 at 3:30

p.m. for All





St. John

Bosco Parish,



receiving the

Sacraments &

their families.

The candidates will

be expected to

practise the

upcoming procedure

& prayer (Act of

Contrition) at home

with family before

this date.


April 16, 2015

(10:00 a.m. –

2:00 p.m.) For

All candidates

Retreat St. John

Bosco School

All Candidates

for First


Sunday, April

19, 2015 at

2:00 p.m.



St. John

Bosco Parish,



receiving the

Sacraments &

their families.

A reception will be

held following the

service and group



To ensure that all of the necessary aspects have been completed, please

refer to the following checklist and ‘check’ once each step has been fulfilled:

Be sure to complete the following necessities:

If not already completed, be sure to fill out a registration form for your child and

submit it to either Father Chelamootil or the church office. (This form is typically

completed on the evening of the parent meeting on October 8th. If you were

unable to attend, then please complete the registration form (yellow paper), at the

back of this handbook.)

If your child has not already been Baptized in the Catholic Faith, please make

arrangements with Father Jacob Chelamootil as soon as possible. Date of Baptism:

Provide Father Chelamootil or the church office with a copy of your child’s Catholic

Baptismal Certificate if your child was not baptized at St. John Bosco Parish.

Attend the enrolment Mass on either February 21, 2015 at 5:15 p.m. OR February

22, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. (whichever Mass best suits your schedule). This Mass is

critical in welcoming and proclaiming your child’s desire and decision to proceed

with receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Practise the ‘Act of Contrition’ prayer with your son/daughter.

Attend First Reconciliation (confessions) on Sunday, March 1, 2015 at 3:30 p.m. at

St. John Bosco Parish.

Ensure that your child attends the First Communion retreat on at J. L. Jordan

April 16, 2015 held at St. John Bosco School. This is from 10:00 – 2:00 p.m. and it

is rooted in learning more about the symbols of the Mass, the Host and the

Eucharistic celebration. Students from Ecole Ange-Gabriel and the public schools

are required to attend the retreat with the parent’s signed consent.

Attend First Communion Mass on Sunday, April 19 at 2:00 p.m. at St. John Bosco

Church. Be sure to arrive early in order to give your son/daughter ample time to

prepare for his/her role in the Mass. A reception will follow the service and the

group photo.


‘In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’

When Mass begins, make a Sign of the Cross (also called ‘blessing ourselves’). Also, make a

Sign of the Cross when beginning Confession and prayers. Mass, Confession and prayers also

end by making a Sign of the Cross. It is also important to bless yourself every time the

priest gives you a blessing, by making a Sign of the Cross over yourself.

Here’s how to bless yourself:

Touch your forehead with the fingers of your right hand, while saying, “In the name

of the Father…”

Touch your upper abdomen, while saying, “…and of the Son,…”

Touch your left shoulder while saying, “…and of the Holy…”

Touch your right shoulder while saying, “…Spirit.”

When you remove your hand, say, “Amen.”

Our Father

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come; thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as

we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us

from evil. Amen.

Hail Mary

Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed are you amongst women and blessed

is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at

the hour of our death. Amen.

The Glory Be

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is

now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Act of Contrition

My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do

good, I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with

your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin.

Our Saviour Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. In his name, my God, have mercy.


Grace Before Meals

Bless us O’ Lord, and these your gifts, which we are about to receive, from your Bounty,

through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Daily Morning Prayer

Dear, God, we thank you for this day.

We thank you for our families and friends.

We thank you for our classmates.

Be with us as we work and play today.

Help us always to be kind to each other.

We pray in the name of the Father,

and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Scripture References

Below you will find some Scripture Readings that you and your child may

enjoy together, all the while learning more about Reconciliation and


1) John 6:1-14 ... Loaves and Fishes

2) Matthew 26:26-28 ... The Last Supper

3) Mark 4:1-9 ... Rocky Ground

4) Matthew 4:18-22 ... Jesus Calls His Disciples

Examination of Conscience for Children

Based on the Ten Commandments

The following questions shall assist your child in coming up with things to

share with the priest during their First Reconciliation (confession):

1-3. Did I say my prayers every day?

Did I say God’s name in anger or frustration?

Did I complain about going to Church?

4. Did I talk back to my father or mother?

Did I help out around the house when I was asked?

Did I get angry when I didn’t get my way?

Have I forgiven everyone?

5. Did I fight with my brother or sister?

Was I mean to any of the other kids at school? Did I bully them?

Did I make fun of anyone, or talk behind someone’s back?

Did I use bad words?

6/9. Did I watch any programs on TV or on the computer that I knew I

should not be watching?

7. Did I take something without asking first?

Did I share with others the things I have?

Did I act selfishly with what was mine?

Did I waste my food?

10. Did I tell any lies?

Did I blame someone else for something that I did?

Did I break something and not tell anyone?


Father Jacob Chelamootil:

Church Office: (613) 342-5095

Marlene Leonard or Susan Visneski


St. John Bosco School (613)498-0656

Kathy Laushway, Principal

J. L. Jordan School (613) 342-7711

Karlene Elliott, Principal

Ecole Ange-Gabriel (613) 345-5914

Patrick Lamon, Principal

St. John Bosco Church Mass Times

Saturday Evening 5:15 p.m.

Sunday Morning 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.) Who do I contact if I should happen to have a question?

You may contact Father Chelamootil, either Marlene or Susan at the

church office or the principal at your child’s school.

2.) What do I do if my child (and family) have to miss an enrolment Mass?

You will be required to contact Father Chelamootil to make him aware of

your child’s absence and to make arrangements to attend Mass the

following Sunday, in order for your child to receive ‘enrolment’.

3.) What happens during an ‘enrolment’ Mass?

Father Chelamootil will officially welcome and acknowledge the

candidates by name in preparation for the upcoming Sacraments. NOTE:

The candidates do NOT perform their confession NOR receive the

eucharistic host during these Masses.

4.) Will there be a reception following the First Communion Mass?

Yes. There will be a reception held after the First Communion Mass

following the group photo of all the First Communicants.

5.) What happens following First Communion?

Immediately following the First Communion Mass, the candidates are led

outside of the Church (weather permitting) to the lawn area, in order to

have their group photo taken. A copy of this photo will be given to the

student approximately a week following the First Communion at their

schools. Following the photo, there is a reception held at the parish


6.) Where will we (my child and family) sit during the First Communion


Each candidate shall sit with his/her family. Please ensure that the

candidate is seated closest to the aisle, as he/she shall be expected to

participate periodically throughout the Mass.

7.) When do we arrive at the Church on the day of First Communion?

Be sure to have your child arrive at the Church at least 20 minutes

before the scheduled Mass time on that day, as he/she may have an

early responsibility within the Mass. Also, this shall afford families with

ample time to find their seats and time to get settled.

8.) Can I take photos of my son/daughter during the First Communion


Yes, you certainly may take photos of your son/daughter throughout the

First Communion Mass. Father Chelamootil is fine with photos being

taken. However, we do request that you respect all members attending

the Mass and do not interfere with the Sacrament of the First

Communion Mass.

9.) What should my son wear during First Communion?

Your son may wear a suit, if you wish; but he is not required to do so.

He may wear dress pants and a dressy shirt instead. It is entirely up to

you as to what level of dressiness you prefer. In the past, boys

typically wear dark coloured suits or dark coloured dress pants with a

white or light-coloured dress shirt. Ties are also a nice touch.

10.) Can my daughter wear a veil? Can she wear gloves?

Yes, she may wear a veil, gloves, etc. It is entirely up to you. There

are some girls who do so each year. Typically, girls tend to wear a white

or off-white dress, ankle or knee-length (either is appropriate). It is

your choice as to the degree of dressiness that you wish to bestow upon

your daughter. Some wish to go ‘all-out’ with traditions of the veil,

newly-purchased ornate floor length dress, gloves, etc.; while others

desire to have their daughters wear a dress that was handed-down in

tradition (carrying with it a great deal of meaning and significance).

Again, it is your decision. Please remember to choose attire that is

easy for the child to walk, stand and sit. Also, when the child receives

First Communion, their hands should be free of any other articles like

rosaries, etc.

Important Dates


Welcome to the journey that will lead you and your child to First

Reconciliation (Confessions) and First Communion. The following is a chart

outlining upcoming dates and gatherings, necessary in the formation of your

child’s faith.

NOTE: If your child still requires Baptism, please make arrangements with

Father Jacob Chelamootil as soon as possible, in hopes that Baptism can be

completed before First Reconciliation (March).

Date Event Where Who Notes Saturday,

February 21,

2014 at 5:15

p.m. OR

Sunday, Feb.

22, 2014 at

10:00 a.m. (Be sure to attend

Mass on one of

these dates.)



for First

Communion &


St. John

Bosco Parish,



receiving the

Sacraments &

their families.

This Mass is

necessary in order

to acknowledge and

welcome those who

are committing to

the preparation of

First Communion.

Students are to

bring their name

card and a photo of

themselves for the

parish banner.

Sunday, March

1, 2015 at 3:30

p.m. for All





St. John

Bosco Parish,



receiving the

Sacraments &

their families.

The candidates will

be expected to

practise the

upcoming procedure

& prayer (Act of

Contrition) at home

with family before

this date.


April 16, 2015

(10:00 a.m. –

2:00 p.m.) For

All candidates

Retreat St. John

Bosco School

All Candidates

for First


Sunday, April

19, 2015 at

2:00 p.m.



St. John

Bosco Parish,



receiving the

Sacraments &

their families.

A reception will be

held following the

service and group


Preparing for the Sacraments

‘Tips for Parents’

1. Talk to your children about the sacraments that they are going to be

celebrating. Encourage and show interest in the various activities that surround

these preparations.

2. Pray with your children and family and continue to pray for your children and


3. Be generous and loving to others, including those in special need within the

family, parish and community.

4. Model forgiveness to them by the way you live your lives. Let them hear the

words, ‘I am sorry, and ‘I forgive you’, when mistakes are made.

5. Talk to your children about the notion of ‘choices’ and consequences of the

choices they make.

6. Emphasize that God is a loving, forgiving, gentle Father, ever faithful, ever

persevering in his friendship with us. He believes in us and is there for us


7. Reconciliation is a sacrament of forgiveness, healing and strength in which we

experience personally our Heavenly Father’s merciful love through the ministry

of the priest. It is not something to fear.

8. Take your children to Mass and encourage them to participate in various ways

e.g. by joining the children’s choir, carrying up the gifts, altar serving, or as


9. Use missals and other books to show and explain the various parts of the Mass.

Help them to learn the prayers and responses to the Mass. Discuss with your

child what is happening during Mass, and why we do certain things – for example,

blessing ourselves, genuflecting, kneeling, standing, sitting, sharing the sign of


10. Celebrate special days with special meals. A special Sunday dinner or birthday

celebration, characterized with unique planning and festivity, provides a familiar

experience that the child can learn from when preparing for the celebration of

First Communion.

11. Remember the celebration of your child’s First Reconciliation and First

Communion with memory or souvenir books, photos, a special family meal or

snack, or perhaps a small appropriate gift. Keep the books available for them to

look at in future years.

12. Be people of faith, hope and love.

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