unitrentopart ii – research activities 45 i. foreword as illustrated in the presentation, the dsg...

Post on 26-Jul-2020






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I. FOREWORD As illustrated in the Presentation, the DSG has an annual budget of around

1,700,000 Euros. About 50% of the funds used for research comes annually from outside organisations: MIUR, CNR, European Union, the Autonomous Province of Trento etc. In this regard it is interesting to observe that the ability to acquire funds for heads of research departments, as well as international relations, were the elements highlighted in a CENSIS survey carried out in 2002, as far as results inherent to research carried out by jurists at the Faculties of Jurisprudence, Economy and Sociology are concerned.

II. THE DEPARTMENT MACRO-PROJECTS The section of the research funded by the University concerns for the most part the

macro-projects of each department. The DSG is currently engaged in 4 macro-projects that together involve almost all of its members. The projects are:


transnational vocation of research characterises the Department of Legal Sciences in Trento. This project brings together the initiatives of a fair amount of the disciplines present in the Department, in particular:

Private law in a comparative dimension and European integration (Benacchio, Antoniolli, Santaroni, Pradi)

Comparative Administrative law (Falcon, de Pretis, Marchetti, Borgonovo) Italian and comparative public and constitutional law (Guzzetta) Comparative constitutional law and European Union law (Toniatti, Casonato,

Woelk) International law and European Union law (Nesi, Politi, De Cesari) Criminal law (Picotti, Fornasari, Melchionda) Roman law (Santucci, Luisi) Legal and political history/ fundamentals of European law (Quaglioni, Carta) Private and comparative law /law and technology (Pascuzzi, Lener, Caso) Laws and regulations of Internet/law and technology (Lugaresi) 2. LAW AND RIGHTS: RULES AND METHODS – Research of a methodological

nature has been carried out, with particular attention having been given to legal institutions with respect to the epistemological parameters of each single discipline. This section includes the following initiatives :

Labour law/effectiveness of workers’ personal protection rights and new technology (Zoli, Nogler, Bolego) Labour and European integration (Scarponi) Commercial law (Zorzi) Navigation law (Busti) Canon law, ecclesiastical law and the history of canon law (Maceratini, Camassa) Tax law (Magliaro) Civil procedural law (Montanari, Marinelli) Philosophy of law (Manzin)

3. LAW AND ECONOMY – This groups together the initiatives concerning economic

analysis of law as a methodology for research, in particular: Institutions, law and economy (Arena, Cafaggi, Bombardelli, Cosulich, Bellantuono, Iamiceli, Galletti)

4. BIOLAW – The biolaw project is aimed at examining legal problems tied to

bioethics, finding links and developing certain lines of research already in progress at the University of Trento. The most recent scientific discoveries regarding bio-technological matters have undergone considerable acceleration; as a result of which it is now possible to actually carry out a series of experiments and applications that until this moment were merely hypotheses. Said acceleration has highlighted the fact that the possibilities of scientific research have, in so many words, exceeded the levels of ethic and moral



consideration as well as the level of legal elaboration, both of which appear, currently, extremely uncertain, incomplete and divided. The execution of the countless initiatives of multi-disciplinary nature and proposed by the various associates of the Department, who has made them its own. (In particular: Pascuzzi, Casonato, Bolego, Camassa, Caso, Manzin, Picotti).


MIUR A primary source of external funding is represented in the projects co-financed by

MIUR. In the University the DSG is one of the departments with the highest number of projects co-financed by way of this system.

In 2002 alone 14 applications for funds were presented to MIUR for projects of significant national importance. The following received funding: 1. IL GOVERNO DELLA PROPRIETÀ INTELLETTUALE: INCOMPLETEZZA CONTRATTUALE, COMPLEMENTARITÀ ISTITUZIONALE E POLITICHE ALTERNATIVE DELL’INNOVAZIONE E DELLO SVILUPPO supervised by Prof. Fabrizio Cafaggi: the local research unit’s development of a programme dealing with “Forme di governo della conoscenza fra proprietà e contratto”; 2. LE TRASFORMAZIONI COSTITUZIONALI DELL’UNIONE EUROPEA ALLA LUCE DELLA CONVENZIONE

SULL’AVVENIRE DELL’EUROPA, supervised by Prof. Giovanni Gazzetta: the local research unit’s development of a programme dealing with “Il futuro dell’Europa dopo la convenzione di Bruxelles (profili costituzionali)”; 3. LA RETORICA COME METODO DI CONTROLLO RAZIONALE DELLE DECISIONI GIUDIZIALI E NORMATIVE, supervised by Prof. Maurizio Manzin: the local research unit’s development of a programme dealing with “Ordine e prassi del discorso retorico. Profili teorico-giuridici”; 4. LO SPAZIO GIUDIZIARIO EUROPEO IN MATERIALE PENALE, supervised by prof. Giuseppe Nesi: the local research unit’s development of a programme dealing with “Consiglio di sicurezza e terrorismo internazionale”; 5. LA PROPORZIONALITÀ DELLE STRUTTURE ISTITUZIONALI ALLA TUTELA E VALORIZZAZIONE DEI

DIRITTI INDIVIDUALI E SOCIALI, supervised by Prof. Gregorio Arena: the local research unit’s development of a programme dealing with “L’istruzione tra autonomia scolastica e autonomia regionale dopo la riforma del titolo V della Costituzione” (Education – schools and regional autonomy, following the reform of title 5 of the Constitution)

In 2001 funds were granted to the following projects of significant national



COMMERCIALE NELL'ERA DI INTERNET, supervised by Prof. Nadia Zorzi.

In 2000 funds were granted to the following projects of significant national importance: 1. LO SVILUPPO DELLE STRUTTURE E DEI POTERI DELL'UNIONE EUROPEA COME PROCESSO DI








In 2003, applications were presented to MIUR requesting co-funding for the following

research programmes of significant national importance: ANTONIOLLI Il diritto privato europeo e il diritto dei contratti. Nucleo comune e modelli di

armonizzazione (national head: Bussani, Trieste) BENACCHIO L'attuazione legislativa della normativa comunitaria nell'ordinamento italiano:

fedeltà e correttezza nel recepimento (national head: Benacchio, Trento) BOMBARDELLI Innovazione tecnologica e nuovi modelli organizzativi nell'amministrazione di

risultato (national head: Merloni, Perugia) CARTA Il governo civile: leggi, diritto, giustizia nel pensiero, politico moderno e

contemporaneo (national head: Conti, Firenze) COSULICH Le fonti provinciali del diritto nella Regione Trentino-Alto Adige (national head:

Sorrentino, Roma - La Sapienza) FALCON Gli sviluppi della tutela giurisdizionale nei confronti della pubblica

amministrazione nel sistema europeo alla luce della Convenzione sul futuro dell'Europa (national head: Falcon, Trento)

FLORENZANO Il governo dell’energia tra Unione europea, Stato e Regioni. Liberalizzazione dei settori energetici e riparto di competenze dopo la riforma del Titolo V della Parte seconda della Costituzione (national head: Florenzano, Trento)

MACERATINI Studio storico ed attuale sul diritto penale canonico in generale, in particolare sui delitti contro la fede. Libertà religiosa e democrazia pluralista (national head: Arcidiacono, Catania)

MONTANARI Lo spazio giudiziario civile europeo: verso forme di circolazione automatica delle decisioni giudiziarie (national head: Consolo, Padova)

NOGLER Lavoro associato e sociale. Lavoro nel settore non profit e servizi di cura. Lavoro a distanza (telelavoro) (national head: Tiraboschi, Modena)

PASCUZZI Modelli di regolamentazione della gestione digitale dei diritti sulle opere dell'ingegno: una comparazione tra Stati Uniti ed Unione Europea (national head: Musso, Bologna)

PICOTTI I reati contro la persona e le nuove tecnologie (national head: Donini, Modena) SANTUCCI Modelli teorici e metodologici nella storia del diritto romano, intermedio ed

attuale(national head: Giuffrè, Napoli) SCARPONI Modelli partecipativi alla gestione delle imprese e profili giuridici degli organismi

di rappresentanza del personale (national head: Mariucci, Venezia) ZOLI Contrattazione collettiva decentrata e mercati del lavoro (national head:


A particular mention should go to the numerous projects coordinated with local and

national professional organisations:

- Prof. Giovanni Pascuzzi’s research project: SICUREZZA IN CARDIOLOGIA INTERVENTISTICA E

IN CARDIOCHIRURGIA, with the primary organisation of the PAT/APSS project together with the Department of Biological Chemistry of Padua University and Vicenza local health authority nbr 6. The project is aimed at developing and scientifically validating techniques for regenerating devices that are implanted in the human body during heart surgery. The specific task of the research unit, (which comes under the authority of the Department of Legal Sciences), is to examine the bio-ethical and legal problems linked to the re-employment of medical devices used for transplant in the human body;

- Prof. Giovanni Pascuzzi’s research project: VERSO L’IMPLEMENTAZIONE DELLA


CONNESSE ALL’IMPIEGO DELLA TECNOLOGIA DIGITALE IN CAMPO SANITARIO, which, by way of comparative analysis, has the task of examining the legal problems linked to the utilisation of of medical information in digital form, with particular attention being given to the safety and secrecy of medical records, the civil responsibility of the physicians and health authorities involved in remote healthcare services. The research project is funded



as part of the Programme Agreement between the University of Trento and the Autonomous Province of Trento;

- Prof. Giovanni Pascuzzi’s convention for third parties, stipulated with the Autonomous Province of Trento consisting in a consultancy dealing with PREVENZIONE DEL CONTENZIOSO

PENALE E CIVILE IN AMBITO SANITARIO. The assignment, awarded by the Councillor for health and the President of the Medical Council, is focussed on alternative methods of dealing with controversy in the field of medical responsibility;

- Prof. Fulzio Zuelli’s convention for third parties, stipulated in 1998 with the Autonomous Province of Bolzano for the elaboration of a TESTO UNICO COMPILATIVO DELLE LEGGI

PROVINCIALI NEL SETTORE DELL’IGIENE E DELLA SANITÀ; - Prof. Gian Antonio Benacchio’s research project dealing with STATO ED EVOLUZIONE DELLA


RIFERIMENTO AI SOGGETTI NON PROFIT, in collaboration with ISSAN-Istituto Studi Sviluppo Aziende Non profit;

- A consultancy headed by Prof.Giovanni Pascuzzi, dealing with TUTELA DELLE PERSONE E DI

ALTRI SOGGETTI RISPETTO AL TRATTAMENTO DEI DATI PERSONALI recently commissioned by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano and currently being defined.


The capacity for acquiring external funds is corroborated by the many international initiatives currently in progress: the EQUAL project, run by prof. Luca Mogler, entitled SOSTEGNO ALLO SVANTAGGIO

DEL LAVORO ATIPICO, VALORIZZAZIONE E EMANCIPAZIONE and funded as part of the European Union’s EQUAL initiative, by the Ministry of Labour and Social Security and which, together with the Department of Legal Sciences, counts among its promoters the Trento Chamber of Commerce IAA, (which occupies the position of group leader), the Academy of Commerce and Tourism, the Trentino Institute of Culture, the Bilateral Association of Trentino Crafts and the Bilateral Association of Trentino Tourism. All of the organisations participating in the project have formed an organisation, consequently signing a constitutional act for a temporary business Association; the EQUAL project, supervised by Professors Carlo Zoli and Luca Nogler, dealing with IL RAPPORTO DI LAVORO DELLE DONNE IMMIGRATE NEI SERVIZI DI CURA, coordinated and managed by the Trentine Federation of Cooperatives; the project entitled “THE COMMON CORE OF EUROPEAN PRIVATE LAW”, which is aimed at an analysis of existing laws in member countries of the European Union, in order to produce information and materials on private law which can be eventually used for harmonisation purposes. The project, in progress since 1995, is conducted by Professors Ugo Mattei and Mauro Bussani with the cooperation of Prof. Luisa Antoniolli, and it is based on the preparation of questionnaires dealing with “responsibility”, “property” and “contracts” which are presented and discussed at the annual meeting traditionally held in Trento during the month of July. The project has met with the approval of local organisations and has also received a significant three year funding from the European Commission.

Also submitted to the European Commission, were a number of items of interest pertinent to the 6th Framework Programme for research projects dealing with “Asymmetric Constitutional Regions and European Governance” (Prof. Toniatti) and “Legal Integration in European Private Law Common Principles and European Civil Code” (Prof. Benacchio).

With reference to the 6th Framework Programme, and more specifically regarding the Marie Curie Mobility Actions, Professor Luisa Antoniolli presented to the European Commission an application for “Large Conference” funds for a project entitled “The Common Core of European private Law”.

Professor Luca Nogler and the Trentino Federation of Cooperatives presented a joint project entitled “CONFIDENCE - Creating Open Networks for Financial Instruments to Develop Engagement by Co-operative Employees”.



VI. RESEARCH AREAS Thus the DSG is engaged in a range of research activities which, involve only single

members or larger groups, assembled according to the needs and knowledge required for dealing with the particular theme in question. To better highlight both the strengths and weaknesses of the DSG’s research activities, 9 different thematic areas have been identified, (all interdisciplinary), for which the DSG has managed to raise and channel funds. The subdivision is strictly a means of auto-evaluation and does not necessarily correspond to institutionalised areas of research. Nonetheless, for some years now a convergence of the activities of each single member has been discernible, towards the development and planning of themes existing within these nine areas.

The areas are the following:


Professori e ricercatori G. Pascuzzi (Diritto privato comparato), L. Picotti (Diritto penale), M. Bombardelli (Diritto amministrativo), N. Zorzi (Diritto commerciale), E. Pederzini (Diritto commerciale), N. Lugaresi (Diritto amministrativo), S. Busti (Diritto dei trasporti), G. Bellantuono (Diritto privato), G. Lener (Diritto privato), R. Caso (Diritto privato comparato) Assegnisti, borsisti, dottorandi U. Izzo (assegnista: Diritto privato comparato), A. Rossato (borsista: Diritto dell’informatica), S. Tabarelli de Fatis (borsista: Diritto penale dell’informatica), B. Sieff (assegnista: Diritto privato comparato), L. Masotto (dottoranda: Diritto privato comparato), F. Ronconi (dottorando: Diritto privato comparato).


Professori e ricercatori C. Casonato (Diritto pubblico comparato), M. Manzin (Filosofia del diritto), G Pascuzzi (Diritto privato comparato), G. Bolego (Diritto del lavoro), G. Orrù (Filosofia del diritto), E. Camassa (Diritto canonico e Diritto ecclesiastico), R. Maceratini (Diritto canonico e Diritto ecclesiastico) Assegnisti, borsisti, dottorandi U. Izzo (assegnista: Diritto privato comparato), C. Piciocchi (dottore di ricerca in Libertà fondamentali...), M. Magrassi (dottorando: Libertà fondamentali .....), D. Strazzari (dottorando: Libertà fondamentali ...), M. Guglielmetti (dottorando: Libertà fondamentali), B. Sieff (assegnista: Diritto privato comparato)


Professori e ricercatori L. Nogler (Diritto del lavoro), C. Zoli (Diritto del lavoro), S. Busti (Diritto dei trasporti), M. Montanari (Diritto processuale civile), N. Zorzi (Diritto commerciale), A. Melchionda (Diritto penale), D. Galletti (Diritto commerciale), S. Scarponi (Diritto del lavoro), G. A. Rescio (Diritto commerciale), E. Cusa (Diritto commerciale), A. Magliaro (Diritto tributario), G. Bolego (Diritto del lavoro), E. Pederzini (Diritto commerciale), S. Vezzoso (Diritto commerciale), M. Cosulich (Istituzioni di diritto pubblico) Assegnisti, borsisti, dottorandi R. Muroni (assegnista: Diritto processuale civile), M. Borzaga (assegnista: Diritto del lavoro), M. Dani (assegnista: Diritto pubblico comparato), L. Corazza (assegnista: Diritto del lavoro), S. Brun (assegnista: Diritto del lavoro), M. Cozzio (assegnista: Diritto privato comparato)


Professori e ricercatori G. Falcon (Diritto amministrativo), R. Toniatti (Diritto pubblico comparato), G. Guzzetta (Istituzioni di diritto pubblico), D. de Pretis (Diritto amministrativo), L. Picotti (Diritto penale), G. Benacchio (Diritto privato comparato), E. Cusa (Diritto commerciale), G. Fornasari (Diritto penale), L. Antoniolli (Diritto privato comparato), A. Melchionda (Diritto penale), M. Politi (Diritto internazionale), G. Nesi (Diritto internazionale), P. De Cesari (Diritto internazionale), B. Marchetti (Diritto amministrativo), M. Montanari (Diritto processuale civile), M. Marinelli (Diritto processuale civile), C. Casonato (Diritto pubblico comparato), M. Santaroni (Diritto privato comparato), J. Woelk (Diritto pubblico comparato), D. Borgonovo (Istituzioni di diritto pubblico), A. Pradi (Diritto privato), S. Scarponi (Diritto del lavoro) Assegnisti, borsisti, dottorandi M. Dani (assegnista: Diritto pubblico comparato), E. Ioriatti (assegnista: Diritto privato comparato), V. Torre (assegnista: Diritto penale), E.



Mattevi (borsista: Diritto penale), S. Adamoli (assegnista: Criminologia), A. Di Nicola (assegnista: Criminologia)


Professori e ricercatori M. Politi (Diritto internazionale), G. Nesi (Diritto internazionale), P. De Cesari (Diritto internazionale), D. Quaglioni (Storia del diritto medievale e moderno), P. Carta (Storia delle dottrine politiche), J. Woelk (Diritto pubblico comparato), E. Camassa (Diritto canonico e Diritto ecclesiastico) Assegnisti, borsisti, dottorandi


Professori e ricercatori D. Quaglioni (Storia del Diritto medievale e moderno), G. Santucci (Diritto romano e diritti dell’antichità), R. Maceratini (Diritto canonico e Diritto ecclesiastico), L. Nogler (Diritto del lavoro), M. Miglietta (Diritto romano e diritti dell’antichità), P. Carta (Storia delle dottrine politiche), G. Zucchini (Storia del diritto medievale e moderno), M. Marinelli (Diritto processuale civile), N. Luisi (Diritto romano e diritti dell’antichità) Assegnisti, borsisti, dottorandi M. Cau (dottorando: Studi storici), F.S. Dalba (dottorando: Studi storici), M.T. Lo Preiato (dottoranda: Studi storici)


Professori e ricercatori G. Falcon (Diritto amministrativo), G. Arena (Diritto amministrativo), F. Cafaggi (Diritto privato), D. de Pretis (Diritto amministrativo), R. Toniatti (Diritto pubblico comparato), F. Zuelli (Istituzioni di diritto pubblico), G. Guzzetta (Istituzioni di diritto pubblico), C. Zoli (Diritto del lavoro), D. Florenzano (Istituzioni di diritto pubblico), M. Bombardelli (Diritto amministrativo), N. Lugaresi (Diritto amministrativo), B. Marchetti (Diritto amministrativo), P. Iamiceli (Diritto privato), D. Borgonovo (Istituzioni di diritto pubblico), M. Cosulich (Istituzioni di diritto pubblico) Assegnisti, borsisti, dottorandi A. Simonati (assegnista: Diritto amministrativo), C. Ferrazzi (assegnista: Diritto amministrativo)

8. DIRITTO ED ECONOMIA Professori e ricercatori F. Cafaggi (Diritto privato), G. Benacchio (Diritto privato comparato), L. Antoniolli (Diritto privato comparato), G. Bellantuono (Diritto privato), D. Galletti (Diritto commerciale), G. Lener (Diritto privato), R. Caso (Diritto privato comparato), P. Iamiceli (Diritto privato), A. Pradi (Diritto privato) Assegnisti, borsisti, dottorandi F. Sartori (assegnista: Diritto privato comparato), C. Medici (dottoranda: Diritto privato comparato)

9. DIRITTO E METODO Professori e ricercatori M. Manzin (Filosofia del diritto), G. Fornasari (Diritto penale), G. Orrù (Filosofia del diritto), G. Santucci (Diritto romano e diritti dell’antichità), M. Miglietta (Diritto romano e diritti dell’antichità), N. Luisi (Diritto romano e diritti dell’antichità) Assegnisti, borsisti, dottorandi F. Puppo (dottorando: Filosofia del diritto)

Below is a presentation of the specific areas of research. Composition, activities, financial external resources results, strengths and weaknesses have all been highlighted.



A R E A 1 – L A W A N D T E C H N O L O G Y CONTRIBUTORS TO THE RESEARCH AREA Members of the Department LORENZO PICOTTI P.O. Diritto penale SILVIO BUSTI P.S. Diritto dei trasporti GIOVANNI PASCUZZI P.S. Diritto privato comparato MARCO BOMBARDELLI P.A. Diritto amministrativo GIORGIO LENER P.A. Diritto privato NICOLA LUGARESI P.A. Diritto amministrativo NADIA ZORZI P.A. Diritto commerciale GIUSEPPE BELLANTUONO R. Diritto privato ROBERTO CASO R. Diritto privato comparato ELISABETTA PEDERZINI R. Diritto commerciale UMBERTO IZZO Assegnista Diritto privato comparato ANDREA ROSSATO Borsista Diritto dell’informatica STEFANIA TABARELLI DE FATIS Dottore di ricerca Diritto penale dell’informatica LAURA MASOTTO Dottoranda Diritto privato comparato FRANCO RONCONI Dottorando Diritto privato comparato BENEDETTO SIEFF Dottorando Diritto privato comparato EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS CIRSFID Bologna (Prof. Pattaro, Prof. Sartor); Univ. Parigi XII (Prof. Chatillon); Univ. Luiss Roma (Prof. Pardolesi); Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) - Internet Interdisciplinary Institut (IN3); (prof. Oscar Morales Garcia, prof. Fermin Morales Prats). RESEARCH ACTIVITY Outline There is a close tie between law and technology, or rather a symbiotic connection exists between law and human activities which, by exploiting the achievements of science, creates new means, instruments, devices and apparatuses capable of improving the conditions and lifestyle of mankind. The interaction between law and technology presents countless and complex forms of expression, at least two of which can be highlighted. Law regulates the risks (in the broad sense of the word), connected to the physiological or deviant use of technology. It is enough to consider how the regulations of civil responsibility (or rather the awarding of compensation to subjects not tied by contractual agreements), governs the use of technology (for example as in the use of technology, such as vehicles or aircraft, when used for transporting third persons). Law makes use of technology in order to reach its own objectives. It is sufficient to consider the use of technology (paper, computers) for documentative or evidence purposes or for the circulation of credit (instruments of credit and finance). In both cases, important technological progress most probably implies changes in the field of law. Technological progress seems to be one of the most relevant factors of legal evolution. This is confirmed by research carried out (above all abroad) in the most important legal fields (private, public, criminal, commercial, etc.). Nonetheless, with respect to other factors of evolution (such as social context and economic theories), technological progress needs to be better examined. Here below are the research areas, some divisional, others transversal (individual, other collective) , which appear to be the most prolific: Law and technology of language and of signs Information law and technology Computers and legal documentation Computer-assisted education



Law and technology of energy Law and technology of medicine Law and biotechnology The change in operational regulations, structures and categories and the circulation

of legal models Law, economy and technology Legal process and technology SUMMARY TABLE OF MAIN ACTIVITY INDICATORS 2000-03

TOTAL PUBLICATIONS AND WORKING PAPERS Books and editorships national: 8 international: 2 Articles and contributions national: 40 international: 10 other: 10 working papers: 7 SUMMARY TABLE OF RESEARCH PROJECTS WITH FINANCIAL SUPPORT SINCE 2000






L. PICOTTI: Armonizzazione degli ordinamenti nazionali nel campo del diritto penale dell’economia e creazione di un diritto penale comunitario

MIUR cofin 2000

51.645,69 2001-2002

G. PASCUZZI: Agenti software e commercio elettronico: analisi economica e comparata delle regole giuridiche

MIUR 75.402,71 2001-2003

G. PASCUZZI: Safety in interventional cardiology and cardiac surgery – Legal and Bioethical Issues Surrounding the Regeneration of Medical Devices

PAT 64.557,00 2002-2004

G. PASCUZZI: Ricerca cofinanziata dal Murst (ex 40%). Modelli di Common Law e di Civil Law in materia di diritto d'autore.

MIUR 30.470,96 1999-2001

G. PASCUZZI: “Towards the Implementation of Telemedicine in the Trento Province: Analysis of the Legal Issues Involved by the Use of Digital Technology in Health Care”

PAT 52.678,61 2001-2003

MAIN RESEARCH TOPICS AND RESULTS Teoria dei formanti (Pascuzzi, Caso, Izzo, Masotto, Ronconi, Sieff) Making use of synchronic and diachronic comparison, an effort has been made to illustrate the close tie that exists between the conditions of representation, conservation and transmission of the cultural legal heritage (editorial formant) on the one hand, and the characteristics of the legal system (with regard to both operational rules and the construction of legal reasoning), on the other. Il diritto dell’era digitale (operational regulations) (Pascuzzi, Caso, Izzo, Masotto, Ronconi, Sieff) The objective of the study is to illustrate, in a comparative manner, how the use of new technology alters operational regulations. Teoria dei beni (Pascuzzi, Caso, Izzo, Masotto, Ronconi, Sieff)



Theories on the appropriation of the new assets, with particular attention to the American system and solar rights. Legal research (Pascuzzi, Caso, Izzo, Masotto, Ronconi, Sieff) An analysis of the various ways of gathering information in Italy and abroad (USA, UK, Germany, France, Canada), with particular attention to the possibilities offered by computer technology. Legal education. (Pascuzzi, Caso, Izzo, Masotto, Ronconi, Sieff) A theoretical study of legal didactics and of the use of electronic technology in law teaching. Diritto d’autore (Pascuzzi, Caso, Izzo, Masotto, Ronconi, Sieff) Evolution of the concept of authorship and creative work, with particular attention to the American system. American fair-use doctrine. Diritto antitrust (Pascuzzi, Caso, Izzo, Masotto, Ronconi, Sieff) This study concentrates on instruments of protection and on the liability resulting from violation of anti-competition laws. Tutela transnazionale dei diritti (Pascuzzi, Caso, Izzo, Masotto, Ronconi, Sieff) Instruments of legal and judicial protection for citizens belonging to States different from those in which protection is requested. Meccanismi di tutela delle posizioni soggettive dinanzi a giurisdizioni diverse da quella nazionale in presenza di fenomeni quali l’inquinamento transfrontaliero Tutela dei nomi di dominio (Pascuzzi, Caso, Izzo, Masotto, Ronconi, Sieff) Legal aspects connected to the assignment of Internet addresses. Armonizzazione dei sistemi penali nazionali nella lotta ai reati informatici e via Internet (Picotti, Tabarelli de Fatis) This study involves a comparative analysis of the different types of the most common computer-related offences, verifying the impact on the existing penal system with regard to computer crimes, especially via the Internet. The objective of the study is to synchronise and unify penalties on a Community and European level, as a result of international agreements, European Union board proposals and EC directives. As a means of providing a public appraisal and synthesis of the research work, important scientific conferences were organised in Trento. Particularly interesting was the most recent, dealing with “Prospettive di armonizzazione del diritto penale dell’economia in ambito comunitario”, which included a special session dedicated to “Armonizzazione dei sistemi penali nazionali nella lotta ai reati informatici e via Internet” (10-11 October 2002). The proceedings are currently being published. Comunicazione pubblica e qualità dell’informazione amministrativa (Bombardelli). This study analyses the role of public communications in the sphere of administrative procedure, as a suitable instrument for both increasing and speeding up internal administrative information flows and, above all, the exchange between the latter and their external interlocutors (companies, groups, individuals etc.). La semplificazion normativa e amministrativa (Bombardelli). This is a collective study dealing with the regulations and various initiatives that have been adopted in recent years (from decree n. 241/90 to the most recent decrees n. 59/97, 127/97 and 191/98, and to the simplification laws and consolidation acts for administrative documentation), as a means to normative and administrative simplification, with particular attention being paid to proceedings, systems for drawing up relative acts and for circulation of administrative documents, in particular of a computerised nature. La tutela delle persone di fronte alle reti telematiche (Zorzi). Digital technology is radically altering applied rules in some of the classic fields of civil law, such as personality law. This study examines these changes as a means of pinpointing the evolving trend of the system.



Internet e privacy (Lugaresi). This study analyses, with particular attention being paid to the American system, the discipline of protection of privacy in relation of computerised networks. Internet e diritto d’autore (Caso). This study covers (c) Copyright and the field of private law, areas which, more than others, have been affected by the advent of the Internet. A consideration is made of the new works to be protected (software, databanks), as well as of the re-definition of mechanisms of support for authors. The study deals in particular with the Net protected on-line products. Diritto e medicina (Izzo) This study deals with the ethical-legal problems connected to the interaction that is inexorably becoming established between the Internet (and more in general, digital technology) and the practise of medicine; the delicate ethical-legal questions triggered by the increase of expectations of infallibility that technological innovation throws upon health care, and the ethical-legal problems linked to the regulation of medical technology. CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTS Cybercrimes (Picotti) This study is examining the prospects of giving implementation to the guidelines issued at the Cybercrime Convention of the European Council held in November 2001, and the major supranational sources relative to Internet discipline (in particular Directives EC 2000/31 and 2001/29 recently applied in Italy by the legislative decrees provided for by the 2002 Community law). The critical points of the issues are those pertaining to crimes dealing with the manifestation of thought and the protection of privacy, as well as copyright on the Internet; on the one hand the delicate balance necessary for the protection of fundamental rights, and on the other, the more pressing needs for control, penal if needed, which appear to be emerging at the international level. Among these, worth mentioning is the concentrated effort against terrorism and organised crime. Also within this sphere, a more precise definition should be drawn up of the Service Providers’ limits of legal liability. Agenti software e commercio elettronico (Pascuzzi) An economical and comparative analysis of legal regulations (Chief Operative Unit in the sphere of inter-university biennial research project on: Software agents and electronic trading: legal, technological and psycho-social profiles). This expression (or other equivalent expressions such as “intelligent agents”, “electronic agents”) is meant to describe, in a general sense, all types of software capable of autonomous performance in complex contexts. From a legal point of view this generates the following problems: 1) if the use of the agents is of legal relevance; 2) if contracts drawn up by agents are valid; 3) if and how to impute the agents’ holders with liability in connection to the use of “intelligent agents”; 4) which instruments to employ in order to avoid the practise of unfair competition. Safety in interventional cardiology and cardiac surgery – Legal and Bioethical Issues Surrounding the Regeneration of Medical Devices (Pascuzzi, Izzo, Sieff) This project is aimed at the examination of legal problems connected to the medical and surgical reuse of products more generally meant for disposable use, e.g.: catheters. This category of problems includes those relative to civil liability, to notified consent and so on. Modelli di Common Law e di Civil Law in materia di diritto d'autore (Pascuzzi, Caso) This study deals with the evolution and circulation of legal models: The research is centred on the sphere of intellectual property, i.e. rights connected to works of intellect. Two models of protection pertinent to works of intellect were taken into consideration: American copyright and Italian copyright. Comparative analysis is used to examine the changes that digital technology has induced in the two models. Towards the Implementation of Telemedicine in the Trento Province: Analysis of the Legal Issues Involved by the Use of Digital Technology in Health Care (Pascuzzi, Izzo) The transition towards a well-integrated health system, which fully exploits the applicative potential of computer technology, prefigures the need to study, over time, the newly arisen



legal problems with which this transition will have to deal. The objective of the analysis is to thoroughly examine the topics schematically summarised here: the protection of the privacy of patients subjected to medical (on-line) treatment: the safety and secrecy of transmission (including trans-national) of all medical data in digital format; the legal relevance (especially from a probative point of view) of documentation (e.g. medical records) produced by (on-line) physicians in electronic form; patients’ notified consent of medical (on-line) treatment; the civil liability of physicians, and health structures in general, involved in remote healthcare; liability of the machinery manufacturers, the software producers and the providers of networks employed in therapeutic or diagnostic health care; aspects of liability and regulation with regard to Web sites that transmit medical and pharmaceutical information. L’effettività dell’innovazione nella pubblica amministrazione sotto il profilo organizzativo, della trasparenza e del risultato (Bombardelli) This study falls within a sphere that is aimed at learning more about the effectiveness of the innovations introduced by local authority reforms, both from an operational and active point of view. More specifically, the objective is to make an analysis, from a legal point of view, of the exact nature of the impact of technological innovation on administrative organisation, and to identify the organisational and operative transformations necessary in order to fully exploit the potential of new technology, as a means of reaching the goals set by local authorities, in accordance with the principles and legal rules regarding the latter. Contratti, impresa e società: gli strumenti telematici e l’evoluzione del diritto civile e commerciale nell’era di Internet (Zorzi) Digital technology is radically changing the operative regulations of several traditional fields, such as civil and commercial law. This study is aimed at examining these changes in order to identify the evolving trends of the system. Impresa e società nell’universo multimediale: la globalizzazione del mercato e le nuove tecniche di tutela (Pederzini) Multi-media technology is the new system through which it is now possible to transmit subject matter (and, when all comes to all, represent knowledge). The advent of this new form coincides with the globalisation of the economy (and of knowledge itself), and the progress of factual (or technological) protection. This study is aimed at analysing the inter-connection among these issues. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS L. PICOTTI, Reati informatici, Enciclopedia giuridica Treccani, 2000; Id., Pornografia minorile: evoluzione della disciplina penale e beni giuridici tutelati, in Fioravanti L. (a cura di), La tutela penale della persona. Nuove frontiere, difficili equilibri, Giuffrè, 2001, 295-314. L. PICOTTI, Id., Commento all’art. 600-ter, comma III, in Cadoppi A. (cur.), Commentari alle leggi sulla violenza sessuale e contro la pedofilia, 3^ ed., Cedam, Padova 2002, p. 585-617; L. PICOTTI, Id., Responsabilità penali in Internet, in Pascuzzi G. (cur.), Diritto e informatica, Giuffré, Milano 2002, p. 115-146; L. PICOTTI, Id., Prozessuale und materielle Aspekte des Legalitätsprinzips im Corpus Juris, in Huber B. (Hrsg.), Das Corpus Juris als Grundlage eines Europäischen Strafrechts, Freiburg im Breisgau, 2000, 291 s.; L. PICOTTI, Id., Fundamento y limites de la responsabilidad penal de los provedores de accesso y servicio en Internet, in Revista de Derecho y Proceso Penal, Aranzadi, 2000, (3), 211-222; L. PICOTTI, Id., Aspectos supranacionales de la Responsabilidad penal de los proveedores de acceso y servicio en Internet, in Morales Prats F., Morales Garcia O. (cur.), Contenidos Ilìcitos y Responsabilidad de los Prestadores de Servicios de Internet, 2002, p. 143-161; S. BUSTI, Contratto di trasporto aereo, Giuffrè, Milano, 2001. S. BUSTI, Nuovi documenti del trasporto aereo, Diritto dei trasporti, 2001, 345. S. BUSTI, Profili innovativi nella documentazione del contratto di trasporto aereo di persone. Trasporti, 2000, fasc. 81, 197 S. BUSTI, I fori competenti per l’azione in responsabilità contro il vettore aereo internazionale. Trasporti, 2000, fasc. 82, 45 S. BUSTI, Trasporto aereo oneroso, gratuito od amichevole. Trasporti, 1998, fasc. 74, 23



G. PASCUZZI, Il diritto dell'era digitale. Tecnologie informatiche e regole privatistiche, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2002. G. PASCUZZI, I diritti sulle opere digitali. Copyright statunitense e diritto d'autore italiano, Cedam, Padova, 2002 (curatore con R. Caso). G. PASCUZZI, Diritto e informatica, Giuffré, Milano, 2002 (curatore per il Centro per la formazione e l'aggiornamento professionale degli avvocati del Consiglio Nazionale Forense). G. PASCUZZI, La responsabilità civile. Percorsi giurisprudenziali. Opera ipertestuale (libro + cdrom). Trento, Alcione, 2001. G. PASCUZZI, Cercare il diritto. Come reperire la legislazione, la giurisprudenza e la dottrina consultando libri e periodici specializzati, Bologna, Zanichelli, 1998. G. PASCUZZI, Il diritto fra tomi e bit: generi letterari e ipertesti, Padova, Cedam, 1997. G. PASCUZZI, Cyberdiritto. Guida alle banche dati italiane e straniere alla rete Internet e all'apprendimento assistito da calcolatore, Bologna, Zanichelli, 1995. G. PASCUZZI, The law of the digital age, in Italian National Reports to the XVI International Congress of Comparative Law (Brisbane 2002) Milano, Giuffré, 2002, 513. G. PASCUZZI, How to Find the Italian Law, in U. Mattei, J. Lena, Introduction to the Italian Law, Kluwer, The Hague, London, New York, 2002. G. PASCUZZI, The law between books and bits". In Droit européen comparé d'Internet - Internet European Compared Law, Chatillon G. (a cura di), Bruxelles, Bruylant, 2000, pp. 249-259. G. PASCUZZI, Internet (diritto privato), in Digesto civ., Utet, Torino, 2000, vol. appendice , 531- 540. G. PASCUZZI, Da IANA a ICANN: un nuovo regime per l'attribuzione dei nomi di dominio su Internet, Foro it., 1999, IV, 415. G. PASCUZZI, I mezzi di informazione, in Trattato di diritto civile a cura di Rodolfo Sacco, volume 'Le fonti del diritto italiano 2 - Le fonti non scritte e l'interpretazione', Utet, Torino, 1999, pp. 529-582. G. PASCUZZI, The law between books and bits, in Italian National Reports to the XV International Congress of Comparative Law (Bristol 1998) Milano, Giuffré, 1998, 661. M. BOMBARDELLI, Diritto di accesso e tutela della privacy, in Giornale di diritto amministrativo, n. 6, 1998, 532-535; M. BOMBARDELLI, Pubblica amministrazione e tutela dei dati personali, in Informator, 1998, n. 2, 9-27; M. BOMBARDELLI, Nuovi orientamenti giurisprudenziali sul rapporto fra diritto di accesso e riservatezza, in Giornale di diritto amministrativo, 1999, 549-552; M. BOMBARDELLI, Commento all’art. 32 (Accertamenti e controlli), in C.M. Bianca, F.D. Busnelli (a cura di), Tutela della privacy. Commentario alla l. n. 31 dicembre 1996, n. 675, in Le nuove leggi civili commentate, 1999, 716-721; M. BOMBARDELLI, Informatica pubblica e documento elettronico, in G. Pascuzzi (a cura di), Documento elettronico e firma digitale, Trento, Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Giunta, 2000; M. BOMBARDELLI, Informatica pubblica, e-government e sviluppo sostenibile, in Rivista italiana di diritto pubblico comunitario, 2002, n. 5, 991-1027. M. BOMBARDELLI, Public Informatics, E-government and Sustainable Development, in G. Arena, M.P. Chiti (eds.), Public Administration, Competitiveness and Sustainable Development, Firenze, University Press, 2002, 17-46. G. LENER, Regole dell’interpretazione della legge e analisi economica del diritto, in L’interpretazione della legge civile e l’insegnamento delle Istituzioni, Padova, 2003 (Articolo in cui si affronta il tema dei rapporti tra argomentazioni interpretative tradizionali e analisi economica del diritto). Profili del collegamento negoziale, Milano, 1999 (Lavoro monografico in cui si affronta il tema della compatibilità tra pluralità di strutture negoziali e unità dell’autoregolamento complessivo). N. LUGARESI, Principles and regulations about online privacy: “implementation divide” and misunderstandings in the European Union”, Proceedings of the 30th Research Conference on Communication, Information and Internet Policy (Alexandria, Stati Uniti, 2002) http://intel.si.umich.edu/tprc/papers/2002/42/OnlinePrivacy.pdf) N. LUGARESI, Developments of Italian Environmental Law: Year 2001 in Jurist: The Legal Education Network, online journal of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law (USA) (http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/world/itcor3.htm) N. LUGARESI, Internet, privacy e pubblici poteri negli Stati Uniti (“Internet, Privacy and Government in the United States”), Giuffrè, Milan 2000, pp.1-262.



N. ZORZI, AA.VV., Il contratto telematico, a cura di V. Ricciuto e N. Zorzi, nel Trattato di diritto commerciale e diritto pubblico dell’economia diretto da F. Galgano, vol. XXVII, Cedam, Padova, 2002 (contenente anche il saggio di N. Zorzi, La disciplina europea dei servizi finanziari). G. BELLANTUONO, "Contratti incompleti e norme sociali". Rivista critica del diritto privato, 2001, p. 261-282. G. BELLANTUONO, Razionalità limitata e regole contrattuali: promesse e problemi della nuova analisi economica del diritto. 2001. Università Carlo Cattaneo - LIUC (www.liuc.it) G. BELLANTUONO, I contratti incompleti nel diritto e nell'economia, Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche dell'Università di Trento Padova: CEDAM, 2000 PASCUZZI G., CASO R., I diritti sulle opere digitali, Padova, 2002; CASO R., Abuso di potere contrattuale e subfornitura industriale. Modelli economici e regole giuridiche, Trento, 2000; CASO R., Intellectual property rights’ tra analisi economica e comparazione giuridica, in A.A.V.V., Diritto ed economia della proprietà intellettuale, Clerico G. e Rizzello S. ed., Padova, 1998; CASO R., L’attuazione della direttiva sui programmi per elaboratori tra imposizione di modello e deformazione del diritto d’autore, in Saggi di diritto privato europeo: persona proprietà contratto responsabilità civile privative, Pardolesi R. ed., Napoli, 1995; CASO R., Il diritto europeo della proprietà intellettuale, in Riv. critica dir. privato, 1995, 823. E. PEDERZINI, Annunci pubblicitari in materia finanziaria (art. 101 T.u.fin.), in Le riforme del diritto commerciale – Il Testo Unico della Finanza – Commentario diretto da G.F. Campobasso, vol. II, ed. UTET, Torino , 2002, p.850. U. IZZO, (Editor, with G. Pascuzzi), La responsabilità medica nella Provincia di Trento. Il fenomeno. I problemi. Le possibili soluzioni [Medical Malpractice in the Province of Trento. Facts, Problems and Perspective Solutions], Trent, PAT, Tipografia Temi, 2003 U. IZZO, Blood, Bureaucracy and Law: The HIV-tainted Blood Contamination in Italy, in AA.VV. (Eds. R. Bayer, E. Feldman), Blood Feuds. Aids, Blood, and the Politics of Medical Disaster, New York – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999; U. IZZO, Alle radici della diversità tra copyright e diritto d'autore [The Historical Roots of the Copyright/Droit d'Auteur Dichotomy: A Comparative Analysis], in G. PASCUZZI, R. CASO

(Eds.), I diritti sulle opere digitali. Copyright statunitense e diritto d'autore italiano [Rights over Digital Works: American Copyright and Italian Diritto d'autore], Padua: Cedam, 2002, 43-164; U. IZZO, L'avvento della cibermedicina: quali regole per la medicina in rete? [The Advent of Cybermedicine: Which Rules for On-line Medicine?], in Il Sole 24 Ore Sanità, n. 12, 2001. U. IZZO, Medicina e diritto nell’era digitale: i problemi giuridici della cybermedicina, in Danno e responsabilità, 2000, 8-9, 807-818 [Medicine and Law in the Digital Age: The Legal Problems of Cybermedicine]; with G. PASCUZZI, Le problematiche giuridiche connesse all'utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie in sanità [Legal Problems Arising from the Implementation of New Technologies in Health Care], in Atti del convegno "Teleformazione e teleconsulto in sanità" [Proceedings of the Conference: On-line Didactics and On-line Consulting in Health Care], Trento, June 9, 2000 S. TABARELLI DE FATIS, La libertà di espressione come limite sovranazionale alla diffamazione on-line, in Picotti L. (a cura di), Prospettive di armonizzazione del diritto penale dell’economia in ambito comunitario, in corso di pubblicazione S. TABARELLI DE FATIS, Id., La controversa disciplina penale della diffamazione tramite Internet, in Dir. inf., 2001, (2), 307-328; S. TABARELLI DE FATIS, Id., La controvertida regulacion juridico penal de la difamacion a traves de Internet, traduzione a cura di Morales Garcia O., in Morales Prats F.-Morales Garcia O. (a cura di), Contenidos Ilicitos y Responsabilidad de los Prestadores de Servicios de Internet, Aranzadi, 2002, 65-94 F. RONCONI, “Trapianto e rielaborazione del modello normativo statunitense: il diritto d’autore di fronte alla sfida digitale”, in Pascuzzi, Caso (a cura di), “I diritti sulle opere digitali. Copyright statunitense e diritto d’autore italiano”, Cedam, Padova, 2002, pp. 195-331. B. SIEFF, Danno neurologico da parto al neonato: nesso di causalità ed alternative indennitarie no-fault, in Danno e resp., n. 4, 2002, 409-425. Forme di appartenenza e gestione collettiva come spunto per il diritto dell’era digitale: approccio metodologico e primi sviluppi, in I dominii collettivi nella pianificazione strategica dello sviluppo delle aree rurali, atti del VII Convegno, a cura di P. Nervi, Padova, 2002, 299-310.




UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING Diritto civile Pascuzzi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza (dal 1993 ad oggi) 60 ore Diritto privato comparato Pascuzzi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza (dal 1993 al 2002)60 ore Diritto privato dell’informatica Pascuzzi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza (dal 2000 ad oggi) 30 ore Informatica e documentazione giuridica

Pascuzzi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza (dal 2000 ad oggi) 30 ore

Diritto penale Picotti, Facoltà di giurisprudenza (dal 1995 ad oggi) 60 ore Diritto penale dell’informatica Picotti, Facoltà di giurisprudenza (dal 2000 ad oggi) 30 ore Diritto dei trasporti Busti, Facoltà di giurisprudenza (dal 1998 ad oggi) 60 ore Legislazione del turismo Busti, Facoltà di giurisprudenza (dal 1998 al 2002) 30 ore Enviromental Law Lugaresi, Faculty of Law (1999-present) 60 ore

Diritto pubblico dell’economia Bombardelli, Facoltà di economia (dal 1998-99 ad oggi) 60

ore Diritto amministrativo Bombardelli, Facoltà di economia (2000-01) 60 ore Diritto degli enti locali Bombardelli, Facoltà di economia (2001-02) 30 ore Istituzioni di diritto pubblico e legislazione scolastica

Bombardelli, SSIS Rovereto (dal 2001-02 ad oggi) 30 ore

Diritto dell’ambiente

Bombardelli, Facoltà di economia (2002-03) 30 ore

Titolare del corso di Diritto Commerciale e Diritto Commerciale Comparato

Zorzi, dal 1998 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 ore

Titolare poi Contitolare del corso di Diritto Commerciale Avanzato – La tutela europea del commercio elettronico

Zorzi, dal 2001 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 ore

Istituzioni di dirittto privato Lener, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 ore Istituzioni di dirittto privato Bellantuono, Facoltà di economia 60 ore Diritto privato comparato Bellantuono, Facoltà di giurisprudenza 30 ore (with Prof. Giovanni Pascuzzi) Digital Private Law

Caso, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 30 ore

(with Dr. Giuseppe Bellantuono, Comparative Private Law

Caso, dal 2002 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 30 ore

Contitolare del corso di Diritto Commerciale

Pederzini, 2001-2002, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, ore 60 ore

Contitolare del corso di Diritto Commerciale Avanzato – La tutela europea del commercio elettronico

Pederzini, 2002-2003, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, ore 30 ore

Titolare del corso semiannuale di Diritto delle società che fanno ricorso al mercato del capitale di rischio

Pederzini, 2002-2003, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, ore 30 ore

Medical Malpractice Izzo, 2001/2002, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 30 hours GRADUATE TEACHING

Corso di Studi Avanzati di Diritto Europeo e Transnazionale

Picotti, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 2001-02; 2000-01

Relatore in Seminari di aggiornamento e formazione professionale per magistrati e per avvocati

Picotti, Consiglio Superiore della Magistraura. Consiglio Nazionale Forense 2001

Docente al XIX Curso de Verano su Nuevas tecnologias y derecho penal

Picotti, Università dei Paesi Baschi - San Sebastian, 9-13 luglio 2001

Responsabile di area (Diritto di Internet) e Insegnamento nell’ambito del Master in Diritto

Pascuzzi, Università di Bologna, 2002, 2003



delle nuove tecnologie e Informatica giuridica presso l’Università di Bologna Organizzatore e Relatore in Seminari di aggiornamento e formazione professionale per avvocati su Diritto e informatica

Pascuzzi, Consiglio Nazionale Forense, 2000, 2001, 2002

Relatore in Seminari di aggiornamento e formazione professionale per magistrati

Pascuzzi, Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura, 2000, 2001, 2002.

Insegnamento nell’ambito del Master in Economia delle organizzazioni non profit

Bombardelli, dal 2000-01 ad oggi

Insegnamento nell’ambito del Master in Scienze dell’amministrazione presso l’Università di Urbino

Bombardelli, dal 2000 ad oggi

Insegnamento nell’ambito del Master in Diritto delle nuove tecnologie e Informatica giuridica presso l’Università di Bologna

Caso, Università di Bologna, 2002, 2003

Insegnamento nell’ambito del Master in Diritto ed Economia di Internet presso l’Università di Trieste

Caso, Università di Trieste, 2002, 2003

Corso di Studi Avanzati in Diritto Europeo e Transnazionale

Pederzini, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 2002-2003

Privacy Protection in Complex Health Care Organizations

Izzo, Summer 2001, course held at the Azienda Provinciale per i Servizi Sanitari della Provincia Autonoma di Trento

Master Course "Internet and Tort Liability", Master NTEC -- Net Economy Advanced Course

Izzo, Faculty of Economy of the University of Trieste, March 2001

Master Course "Internet Provider Liability", Master NTEC -- Net Economy Advanced Course

Izzo, Faculty of Economy of the University of Trieste, April 2002



Significant positioning in the national legal scenario: the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Trento is a solid and authoritative reference point in the field of digital law. A sound capacity for achieving external funding both as regards quality as well as quantity (entity of resources). A sound capacity of the senior professors for creating and leading study groups that get on well together, and for training young research students. Dynamism and high scientific productivity, a fact demonstrated by the extremely elevated number of national and international publications. The group’s inter-disciplinary nature. The study of the links between law and technology is carried out from a wide-ranging perspective that embraces all fields of law: private, public, criminal, commercial etc. The link between research and teaching: the scientific results are immediately transmitted for use in the courses, such as private digital law, criminal digital law etc. , in a continuous cycle of combined team work.

Weaknesses Even greater teamwork among members of the group could be achieved.



Opportunities This field of research can strengthen its role by setting up initiatives that highlight its potential, for example the institution of a Master’s course in digital law.

Threats Difficulty in guaranteeing a sure future in the University to younger members of the group. The lack of prospects could invalidate the significant investments undertaken and dissolve a considerably relevant legacy of learning. A greater coordination between the Department and the bodies that are engaged in recruitment is the primary path to take in order to avoid this risk.



A R E A 2 – B I O L A W CONTRIBUTORS TO THE RESEARCH AREA Members of the Department RUGGERO MACERATINI P.S. Diritto canonico e diritto ecclesiastico MAURIZIO MANZIN P.S. Filosofia del diritto GIOVANNI PASCUZZI P.S. Diritto privato comparato CARLO CASONATO P.A. Diritto costituzionale comparato GIOVANNI ORRÙ P.A. Filosofia del diritto GIORGIO BOLEGO R. Diritto del lavoro ERMINIA CAMASSA R. Diritto canonico e diritto ecclesiastico UMBERTO IZZO Assegnista Diritto privato comparato BENEDETTO SIEFF Assegnista Diritto privato comparato MARIO GUGLIELMETTI Dottore di ricerca Diritto costituzionale comparato MATTIA MAGRASSI Dottorando di

ricerca Libertà fondamentali ...

CINZIA PICIOCCHI Dottore di ricerca Diritto costituzionale comparato DAVIDE STRAZZARI Dottorando di

ricerca Libertà fondamentali ...

EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS Ordine dei medici chirurghi e degli odontoiatri della Provincia di Trento (dott. Paolo Barbacovi); Commissione di bioetica dell’Ordine dei medici chirurghi e degli odontoiatri della Provincia di Trento (Dott.ssa Loreta Rocchetti); Comitato etico della Provincia di Bolzano (dott. Oswald Mayr); Chicago-Kent College of Law, Institute of Science, Law and Technology, Illinois Institute of Technology, US (prof. Lydia Elazar); IVR-Internationale Vereinigung für Rechts und Sozialphilosophie; Società Italiana di Filosofia Giuridica e Politica; Dottorato in Filosofia del Diritto (Metodo e Tradizioni Giuridiche) con sede amministrativa presso il Dipartimento di Storia e Filosofia del Diritto e Diritto Canonico dell'Università di Padova (prof. Francesco Cavalla); LUMSSA Roma (prof.ssa Laura Palazzani), Università di Roma Tor Vergata (prof. Francesco D’Agostino); Scuola di Perfezionamento in Teoria e Metodo dell'Argomentazione Giudiziale dell'Università di Padova; Zeitschrift Savigny Stiftung Kanonistische Abteil; Max-Planck-Inst. für Europäische Rechtgeschichte di Francoforte sul Meno. Joseph L. Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University (prof. Ronald Bayer); Centre for Medicine, Ethics and Law, Faculty of Law, McGill University (prof.ssa Margaret A. Somerville); Institute for Law and Society, New York University J.D. (prof. A. Eric Feldman); CERAT, IEP (Institut d'Etudes Politiques), Université Pierre-Mendes, Grenoble France, Chargée de recherche CNRS (prof.ssa Monika Steffen).

• RESEARCH ACTIVITY Outline The Biolaw project has been operative since mid 2002 when it began to examine the legal problems tied to bioethics, by developing several areas of research already partly explored by the University of Trento. The most recent scientific discoveries with regard to biotechnology have undergone a considerable acceleration, following which it is now possible to carry out a concrete series of experiments and practises that until today were merely hypotheses. This acceleration has highlighted how scientific discoveries have, in so many words, overtaken ethical and moral consideration, as well as legal elaboration, both of which still currently appear to be greatly uncertain, incomplete and divided. The Italian legal system in particular appears to be strongly lacking in a series of “sensitive” issues, already the object of research, experimentation and practical application in the Bio-medical field. In this regard, issues such as artificial insemination or therapeutic cloning constitute areas in which legal discipline emerges as inadequate or out-of-date, overcome by recent technological progress. Besides, the discipline governing the end-of-life issues seems to be coming under more and more



criticism, or even partial misapplication, both from a legal perspective and in the health sector itself. Attempts to create a legal discipline for these issues, even on European and international level, are hampered by the difficulty in reaching a shared ethical position upon which any legislative regulation should be based. The possible consequences of such a situation would be to leave, medical personnel without any guidelines, as well as to compel judges to formulate their own interpretations, resulting in no less than a “creation of the law”. In this regard, the biolaw project has examined a series of issues considered particularly significant and paradigmatic: from law’s role in bioethics to the regulation of end-of-life, to techniques for medically assisted procreation, to possible risks inherent to eugenics and to a new dimension of genetic discrimination. From a methodological point of view, it was decided to give preference to an inter-disciplinary perspective, making the most of all that legal comparison can offer. In fact, the open and “dialoguing” nature of biolaw highlights the weakness of a totally national analysis, necessitating a comparison and a combination between different levels of regulation. SUMMARY TABLE OF MAIN ACTIVITY INDICATORS 2000-03

TOTAL PUBLICATIONS AND WORKING PAPERS Books and editorships national: 2 international: 0 Articles and contributions national: 12 international: 7 other: 4 (forthcoming publications) working papers: 7 SUMMARY TABLE OF RESEARCH PROJECTS WITH FINANCIAL SUPPORT SINCE 2000





G. PASCUZZI: Progetto Biodiritto PAT (Accordo di programma) 40.000,00 2003 G. PASCUZZI: Consulenza in materia di responsabilità civile e penale degli operatori delle strutture in ambito sanitario

PAT 15.493,71 2002

MAIN RESEARCH TOPICS AND RESULTS Il biodiritto: caratteristiche, ruolo e contenuti (Casonato, Camassa, Maceratini, Manzin, Orrù, Pascuzzi, Piciocchi, Guglielmetti) The first area examined by the project concerns the characteristics, the role and content of biolaw, intended as a theoretical and practical consideration of a legal nature on bioethical issues. After over 30 years of research, which followed the dawn of bioethics, it has so far proven impossible to give a shared answer to any of the essential questions dealing with bioethics. From this standpoint, the field of bioethics is finding it hard to find its own unitary and consolidated epistemological status. If the scientific knowledge relative to bioethics seems to present a picture of great uncertainty, the political world appears equally unable of finding a shared and mutual position. Such divisions are both the mirror image of, and find their very reason in, an ethical and cultural pluralism which, all in all, prevents the formation of a set of homogeneous social regulations. In bioethical issues it is society itself that turns out to be greatly divided, lacerated along transverse lines, hardly ever definable or coherent. Faced with such an uncertain and fragmented picture, there was a desire in Trento to develop the study on bioethical law, on its characteristics, its nature, its relationship with ethics, science and politics. Consequently, in November 2002, Professors Manzin and Casonato organised



and introduced a conference entitled “Dalla bioetica al biodiritto” (From bioethics to biolaw), attended by the Rector and the head of the legal Science Department of Trento University, as well as by Professor Francesco D’Agostino, President of the National Bioethics Commission. The most specific concept of the role of biolaw in a society ever more composite and pluralistic, was the object of a great deal of consideration, thanks to a conference entitled “Biodiritto e società multietnica”, organised by Dr. Camassa at the end of November 2002, and attended by Cinzia Piciocchi, as well as by Prof. Giuseppe Dalla Torre, Rector of LUMSA and a former member of the National Bioethics Commission. Italy’s recent adhesion to the European Commission on Biomedicine and the considerations of the concept of European biolaw, was the object of a publication written by Cinzia Piciocchi: «La Convenzione di Oviedo sui diritti dell'uomo e la biomedicina: verso una bioetica europea?», in Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, 2001, III, 1301; while Mario Guglielmetti published an article in “La bioetica e la Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione Europea”, edited by R. Toniatti, Diritto, diritti, giurisdizione. La Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione Europea, Padua, CEDAM, 2002, L’inizio vita (Casonato, Orrù) The concepts regarding the beginning of life, and in particular the legal and ethical problems related to medically assisted procreation were examined in particular detail. Carlo Casonato’s research examines Italian legislation and makes a comparison with a number of significant regulations and the most recent Italian bills. The results of this research were illustrated in a discussion held during the International Conference on “L’uomo all’inizio del ciclo della vita”, organised by the Ethics Commission and the Province of Bolzano in November 2002. The comparative perspective was also the object of a conference introduced by Carlo Casonato and chaired in March 2003 by Professor Alfredo Mordechai Rabello from the Faculty of Law of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, entitled “La concezione ebraica dell’intervento terapeutico: l’inseminazione artificiale”. One specific area of the study dealt with exceptionally premature birth. In this respect a particularly close and fruitful collaboration with the Bioethics Commission of the Order of Surgeons and Odontologists of the Province of Trento, resulted in a report entitled “La nascita fortemente prematura: aspetti etici, deontologici e giuridici”, which won the 2002 edition of the Gemma Gherson Award. Furthermore, Professor Romano Orrù organised several meetings within the Philosophy of law course dedicated, to cloning, including one at the end of November 2002 entitled “Il mistero della pochezza degli argomenti contro la clonazione. E' un crimine far nascere un gemello?” chaired by Professor Luigi Vallari Lombardi. La fine vita (Casonato, Piciocchi) Among the other concepts developed, one worth mentioning is the study carried out by Carlo Casonato and Cinzia Piciocchi in collaboration with the Bioethics Commission of the Order of Surgeons and Odontologists of the Province of Trento, on the end of life and the possibility of choosing a dignified death. This topic was examined from a comparative perspective, and presented a pattern of the various decrees dealing with the degree of freedom or State imposition in connection to the dying individual. The results of this study were illustrated in a number of conferences, including one entitled “Scelte di fine vita: aspetti etici, deontologici e giuridici”, organised in October 2002 by Carlo Casonato in collaboration with the Order of Surgeons and Odontologists of the Province of Trento; “Etica e diritto in medicina”, an inter-university seminar organised in April 2003 by the Universities of Padua, Innsbruck and Freiburg i. B.; “Diritto di vivere e diritto di morire”, organised in May 2003 by the Fondazione Querini Stampalia from Venice. A paper due to be published on this theme will include articles by project members Cinzia Piciocchi and Carlo Casonato. La responsabilità medica in Provincia di Trento (Pascuzzi, Izzo) In 2002 in the sphere of one of the key objectives of the Biolaw project (or rather that of examining the delicate ethical-legal questions triggered by the increase of expectations of infallibility that scientific and technological innovations have brought to the practise of medicine), Dr. Umberto Izzo and Prof. Giovanni Pascuzzi carried out research activities which were aimed at measuring the entity of the phenomenon of medical malpractice escalation in the Province of Trento, with an aim to assessing the legal opportunities of putting into action a composite model of dispute resolution, alternative to judicial action. The study, funded also by a contribution of € 15.000 from PAT, was primarily motivated by the need to make a diachronic estimation, in the period from 1980 to 2002, of the dimension of the phenomenon



of medical liability in the Province of Trento, with an aim at establishing as accurate and rational an analysis as possible of the dynamics behind it. Consulting the archives of the Province’s three principal law courts (Trento, Rovereto and the Trento Appeals Court), 117 civil and criminal decisions were brought to light, all of which were passed during the period under examination. In the light of the most recent trends, revealed by the issue of medical liability in judicial, doctrinal and legislative areas, the legal material was the object of examination, comment and analysis, the results of which were consequently stored in digital form. In second place, the study dealt with the compilation of data relative to the German experience of the Gutachterkommissionen and the Schlichungstellen, in order to convey a solid basis of knowledge of legal problems and complications of a practical nature that the German model had to face over 25 years of activity; while at the same time presenting the latest figures and statistics on the functionality of these departmental organisms, which together offer incisive proof of the efficient deflationary effect that the composite model - an alternative to legal dispute - had on the German legal system as far as medical liability is concerned. All of the material resulting from the study, together with a CD ROM of relevant legal issues, has been published in a volume compiled by Umberto Izzo and Giovanni Pascuzzi: La Responsabilità medica nella Provincia Autonoma di Trento: il fenomeno, i problemi, le possibili soluzioni, Trento, PAT, 2003 (http://www.jus.unitn.it/dsg/pubblicazioni/altre/izzo/home.html). After publication the volume was presented during a conference held in Trento on 22 March 2003 (see the tape of the event at http://www.jus.unitn.it/services/arc/2003/0322/home.html). Eugenetica e discriminazione genetica (Casonato, Piciocchi) Abidance of fundamental rights and respect for human dignity constitute a transverse tendency present in all areas of the project, for the very reason that they could be threatened, (and indeed already are), by the absence or inadequacy of a calculated and efficient set of rules pertaining to bioethics. Carlo Casonato, in his study of this specific issue, paid particular attention to the risks of genetic discrimination that the new technology for genetic testing may generate. The results of the research were presented in a report entitled “Discriminazione genetica e nuove frontiere del diritto alla privacy” presented in June 2001 at the XV Biennial Meeting of the Italian Association of Comparative Law, which is currently being printed in the relative Acts. The study was then extended to embrace the entire area of eugenics, which was also examined in a comparative manner. Part of the results of this second aspect of the study were the object of a publication by Cinzia Piciocchi entitled «L'arrêt Perruche della Cassazione francese: wrongful life actions e tutela costituzionale dell’esistenza. Un dissidio «insanabile»?», Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, 2001, II, 677. From a more general point of view Carlo Casonato presented a dissertation in a report entitled “Diritto ed eugenetica” during a series of seminars entitled “La sfida dell’eugenetica: scienza, filosofia, religione” held in March 2003 and organised by the Department of History and Philological Science of Trento University in collaboration with the California Centre of Theology and the Natural Sciences. La libertà di cura (Piciocchi) The issue regarding the freedom to choose to be or not to be treated was taken into consideration both as a genus including more specific themes (such as the choice of the end of life), but also as an autonomous topic, making it possible to deal with problems of a strictly up-to-date nature. For example, the choice between “official” treatment and “alternative treatment” represents an emerging field that brings new and unknown factors to the doctor-patient relationship and highlights the limits of therapeutic choice for both sides. Furthermore, therapeutic diversity, in other words a preference for treatments that differ from traditional western medicine, is often an expression of the cultural diversity of ethnic groups. The growing heterogeneousness of social contexts adds urgency to the need to find a set of rules for a correct coexistence, also from the unusual perspective of the coexistence of different therapeutic cultures. These issues were examined by Cinzia Piciocchi in several publications (among the most recent, « Libertà di cura tra "medicina ufficiale" e "medicine alternative". Prime riflessioni per una comparazione fra gli ordinamenti italiano e inglese», in “Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo”, 2001, I, 83. The same issues were also examined in several congresses and seminars, including the seminar held in October 2001 as part of the Doctorate research course at Trento University’s Department of Legal Sciences entitled



“Diritto e pluralismo culturale: la libertà di cura come diritto culturale. Un’analisi comparata”, and the conference entitled “Biodiritto e società multietnica” in which a report was presented entitled “Profili giuridici del pluralismo culturale nella scelta terapeutica”, held in November 2002 at the Faculty of Law at Trento University. CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTS The issues addressed have certainly not been exhausted within the course of the year spent on the Biolaw project. For this reason our intent is to continue developing in depth and continuously the study on the role of bio-rights and on its potential contents. To this end, a conference has been scheduled for 21st June 2003 dedicated to the relationships between law, ethics and science within the bioethical sector, to be attended by renowned specialists including Prof. Mauro Barni. The beginning-of-life issue also continues to be fertile ground for research, by comparative prospects and de jure condendo. For this reason in Trento, at the end of May, Professors Carlo Flamini and Lucio Pinkus have met for a conference on the theme of ethical and legal issues regarding beginning-of-life techniques. At the end of June is scheduled a conference (was scheduled) by the title of La bioetica fra scienza, etica e diritto (Bioethics amid science, ethics and law) which will see the participation of Professors Mauro Barni and Antonio Autiero, among others. Later on, in July 2003, the Faculty of Law of the University of Trento will play host to a conference on freedom of health care in Europe to be attended, together with other members of the project, by Professor Corrado Viafora. Furthermore, in addition to the in-depth study of these issues, the purpose of the project is to launch a set of research projects dedicated to new issues, including: freedom of research between scientific progress and human rights (according to the title of a conference to be organized for mid July with the participation, among others, of Professor Roberto Toniatti and of Dr. Gianni Tognoni); a specific study, mainly with Cinzia Piciocchi, on the legal and ethical issues linked to the use of staminal cells; the patentability of biotechnological discoveries, which represents another sector requiring specific attention, including that of a legal kind. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS M. MANZIN, "Cristianesimo, Occidente e i valori dimenticati", in: L. Palazzani M. MANZIN, Cristianesimo, Occidente e i valori dimenticati, Conferenza svolta presso il Centro Congressi dell'Unione Industriali di Torino (23 marzo 2001), a c. del CIDAS, Torino, Scarrone, 2001, pp. 21-36 M. MANZIN, Ordine e natura nelle "Positiones de lege naturali" in AAVV, Storia, istituzioni e diritto in Carlo Antonio de Martini (1726-1800), Atti del 2. Colloquio Europeo Martini (Trento, 18-19 ottobre 2000), Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche dell'Universita' di Trento, 32, Trento 2002, pp. 43-49 G. PASCUZZI, (editor with U. Izzo) La responsabilità medica nella Provincia Autonoma di Trento: il fenomeno, i problemi, le possibili soluzioni. G. PASCUZZI (editor with U. Izzo) Le problematiche giuridiche connesse all'utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie in sanità, in Atti del convegno "Teleformazione e teleconsulto in sanità", Trento, June 9, 2000. G. PASCUZZI, Diritto e informatica, Giuffré, Milano, 2002. Il diritto alla riservatezza nell’era di Internet, in Studi in onore di Piero Schlesinger, in corso di pubblicazione. C. CASONATO, Discriminazione genetica e nuove frontiere del diritto alla privacy, Associazione italiano di diritto comparato, Atti del convegno "I diritti fondamentali in Europa", Taormina - Messina, 31 maggio - 2 giugno, 2001, Giuffrè:Milano, forthcoming. C. CASONATO, Scelte di fine vita: aspetti etici, deontologici e giuridici (editor), forthcoming. Morte dignitosa e sospensione delle cure: ordinamenti giuridici a confronto, in C. CASONATO

(editor), Scelte di fine vita: aspetti etici, deontologici e giuridici (editor), forthcoming. C. CASONATO, Il contenuto della Carta, tra conferme, novità e contraddizioni, in Toniatti R. (a cura di), “Diritto, diritti, giurisdizione. La Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione Europea”, Padova, CEDAM, 2002. U. IZZO, La responsabilità dello Stato per il contagio di emofilici e politrafusi: oltre i limiti della responsabilità civile, in Danno e responsabilità, 2001, 11, 1083-88; U. IZZO, Il danno da contagio come danno evidenziale? Regole e concetti in tema di presunzioni (del giudice) e responsabilità (della struttura sanitaria), in Danno e responsabilità, 2001, 3, 243-56;



U. IZZO, L'avvento della cibermedicina: quali regole per la medicina in rete? Medicina e diritto nell’era digitale: i problemi giuridici della cybermedicina, in Danno e responsabilità, 2000, 8-9, 807-818; U. IZZO, Sangue infetto e responsabilità civile: il danno da contagio fra responsabilità del produttore ed esercizio di attività pericolose, in Danno e responsabilità, 2000, 10, 933-945; U. IZZO, Sangue infetto e responsabilità civile: rischio, responsabilità e prevenzione, Danno e responsabilità, 2000, 3, 229-55; M. GUGLIELMETTI, La bioetica e la Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione Europea, in in TONIATTI R. (a cura di), “Diritto, diritti, giurisdizione. La Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione Europea”, Padova, CEDAM, 2002, C. PICIOCCHI, «Libertà di cura tra "medicina ufficiale" e "medicine alternative". Prime riflessioni per una comparazione fra gli ordinamenti italiano e inglese», in Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, 2001, I, 83; C. PICIOCCHI, «L'arrêt Perruche della Cassazione francese: wrongful life actions e tutela costituzionale dell’esistenza. Un dissidio «insanabile»?», in Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, 2001, II, 677; C. PICIOCCHI, «La Convenzione di Oviedo sui diritti dell'uomo e la biomedicina: verso una bioetica europea?»; in Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, 2001, III, 1301. TEACHING ACTIVITY

UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING Biodiritto: le problematiche giuridiche della bioetica Casonato, Piciocchi, 2001-2002,

Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 30 hrs

Diritto costituzionale comparato Casonato, dal 2000, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Diritto privato comparato Pascuzzi, dal 2000 ad oggi, , Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Diritto civile Pascuzzi, dal 2001 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Teoria generale del diritto Manzin, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Filosofia del diritto Orrù, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Diritto canonico Maceratini, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, dal 2000 ad oggi, 60 hrs

Diritto ecclesiastico Camassa, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Privacy Protection in Complex Health Care Organizations

Izzo, Azienda Provinciale per i Servizi Sanitari della Provincia Autonoma di


Educazione continua in medicina Casonato Etica e diritto in medicina, incontri di formazione medica post lauream


Dottorato di ricerca in Filosofia del diritto Manzin Scuola di Perfezionamento in Teoria e Metodo dell’Argomentazione Giudiziale

Manzin, Padova

Medical Malpractice Izzo




Strengths The interdisciplinary nature and the comparative approach are important new elements in the research on biolegal matters. The topicality of the issue and the strong connections with other study or research bodies have helped attract to Trento some of the most authoritative specialists in the field.

Weaknesses Even if the interest of several group members is previous, the Biolaw project has been active having been funded only as from mid 2002. This means that the synergies between the project’s components and critical mass are still to be fully defined.

Opportunities Interesting opportunities for future research come from the development of external relations cultivated by many members of the research area (e.g.: collaboration in research and teaching activities with the Chicago-Kent College of Law, Institute of Science, Law and Technology, IIT). Collaboration between lawyers, healthcare personnel and bioethicists, still rare in the Italian scientific landscape, is a promising avenue for the improvement of the quality of interdisciplinary research and should be pursued with increasing vigour in the near future.

Threats Nothing of relevance.





A R E A 3 – C O M P A N Y L A W CONTRIBUTORS TO THE RESEARCH AREA Members of the Department CARLO ZOLI P.O. Diritto del lavoro SILVIO BUSTI P.S. Diritto dei trasporti LUCA NOGLER P.S. Diritto del lavoro GIUSEPPE ANTONIO RESCIO P.S. Diritto commerciale EMANUELE CUSA P.A. Diritto commerciale ALESSANDRO MELCHIONDA P.A. Diritto penale MASSIMO MONTANARI P.A. Diritto processuale civile DANILO GALLETTI P.A. Diritto commerciale STEFANIA SCARPONI P.A. Diritto del lavoro NADIA ZORZI P.A. Diritto commerciale GIORGIO BOLEGO R. Diritto del lavoro MATTEO COSULICH R. Istituzioni di diritto pubblico ALESSANDRA MAGLIARO R. Diritto tributario ELISABETTA PEDERZINI R. Diritto commerciale ELISABETTA VEZZOSO R. Diritto commerciale MATTEO BORZAGA Assegnista Diritto del lavoro STEFANIA BRUN Assegnista Diritto del lavoro LUISA CORAZZA Assegnista Diritto del lavoro MICHELE COZZIO Assegnista Diritto privato comparato MARCO DANI Assegnista Diritto pubblico comparato RAFFAELLA MURONI Assegnista Diritto processuale civile EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano, Università di Bologna (L. Montuschi, G. Ghezzi, F. Carinci, M. Pedrazzoli, U. Romagnoli),Università di Ferrara (G. Balandi), Firenze (R. Del Punta), Pisa (O. Mazzotta) Genova (M.V. Ballestrero) Venezia (L. Mariucci, A. Perulli) Università di Münster, Università di Bucarest, Max-Planck Institut für Sozialrecht (U. Becker), Universität Bremen (W. Däubler), Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Politik Hamburg (U. Zachert, K. Bieback, U. Reifner) Universidad de Salamanca (C. Palomeque; W. Sanguinetti) y de Sevilla (A. Ojeda), Université d’Avignon (M. Le Friant), Université de Lyon (A. Jeammaud), Universität Wien (U. Runggaldier) und Innsbruck (M. Binder) Istituto Universitario Europeo (C. Joerges, S. Sciarra) University of Cambridge (S. Deakin, C. Bearnard) Federazione Trentina delle Cooperative, Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura, Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato, C.C.I.A.A. di Trento, ITC-IRST, Ente Bilaterale per l’Artigianato Trentino (EBAT), Istituto per la Promozione dei Lavoratori della P.A.B., Centro Internazionale di Formazione dell'OIL, Commissione per le pari opportunità della PAT. RESEARCH ACTIVITY Outline The research topics concerning this area regard many investigation and study themes and refer to quite different but essentially complementary regulatory subject topics, in particular: labour law, transportation law, trade law, bankruptcy law, procedural law, fiscal law, public and penal law in economy. For each subject matter many research studies have been conducted, even of an interdisciplinary kind, while other projects have been started and are still under way. Together with a methodological approach that stresses the EC and comparative aspects, the unifying element remains the focus on the reconstruction of the “enterprise”, analysed from the following viewpoints:



o regulatory and systematic: in correlation with an analysis of the most important legislative novelties without detaching itself from the study on jurisprudential processing of the subject;

o operational and contractual: for the peculiarities they acquire “within” and “with” the enterprise;

o pathological: in terms of importance and safeguarding at penal law level, and of the moment of economic and capital dissolution linked to insolvency proceedings.


TOTAL PUBLICATIONS AND WORKING PAPERS Books and editorships national: no. 9 international: no. 0 Articles and contributions national: no. 60 international: no. 0 other: no. 0 working papers: no. 0 SUMMARY TABLE OF RESEARCH PROJECTS WITH FINANCIAL SUPPORT SINCE 2000





C. ZOLI: Il rapporto di lavoro delle donne immigrate nei servizi di cura

Federazione Trentina delle Cooperative

34.000,00 2002-2004

G.A. BENACCHIO: Finanziamento di un assegno di ricerca in Diritto privato comparato

ISSAN 30.200,00 2003

L. NOGLER: SAVE: Sostegno allo svantaggio del lavoro atipico, valorizzazione, emancipazione

Commissione europea

192.948,00 2002-2004

N. ZORZI: Contratti, impresa e società: gli strumenti telematici e l’evoluzione del diritto civile e commerciale nell’era di internet

MIUR 80.050,82 2001-2003


Società cooperative (Zoli, Nogler, Tremolada, Cusa, Galletti, Bolego) The research activity concerns the discipline of the phenomenon of cooperativism, with special reference to recent legislative innovations regarding both the regulation of cooperative businesses and the position of the working partner. Two conferences have been dedicated to these issues: the first regarding the theme “La riforma della disciplina del lavoro del socio di cooperativa (L. 30 aprile 2001, N. 142)” reform of the regulations concerning cooperative partners (Law No. 142 of 30 April 2001) - (Trento, 29 October 2001), the second on “La riforma della disciplina delle società cooperative” reform of the regulations concerning cooperative businesses) - (Trento, 13 June 2003). The former led to the publication of a commentary on Law No. 142/2001, in Le nuove leggi civili commentate (A commentary of new laws), edited by L. Nogler, M. Tremolada and C. Zoli together with E. Cusa, G. Bolego, Matteo Borzaga, Stefania Brun, E. Italia, Daniele Simonato, Sergio Vergari. Organizzazione sindacale e contratto collettivo (Zoli, Nogler, Scarponi) 1.a. The focus has been on several research topics relating, first of all, to the issues of trade union organization and representative systems, with various articles published in journals and commentaries. Research studied in depth the issues regarding union organization models, problems between union membership and general representation, with reference to



the changes that have affected delegation organisms at workplaces both in the private and public sectors. Special attention has been dedicated by S. Scarponi to the debate on the “new trade union regulations”, especially those regarding the autonomous and heteronomous solution and, more recently, regarding the proposal of unitary models for the application of the representativeness criterion. On this matter Scarponi has published a commentary to the reformation of the public sector entitled Rappresentanze nei luoghi di lavoro, in Il lavoro alle dipendenze delle pubbliche a amministrazioni, directed by F. Carinci and M. D’Antona, Giuffré, 2000. She has also treated the theme regarding the trade union representatives of parasubordinate workers through the direction of a monograph of the magazine Lavoro e diritto No. 4/1999 “Lavoratori parasubordinati e rappresentanza sindacale”. She is currently completing a book by the title “Organizzazione e rappresentatività sindacale” for the faculty of law series published by Cedam. An important scientific result has been achieved on these themes through the publication of the book edited by C. Zoli, Le Fonti. Il diritto sindacale, within the commentary Diritto del lavoro, edited by F. Carinci, Torino, Utet, 1998, revised in 2002. 1.b. Another research topic has regarded the issues concerning interpretation of collective agreements. The study, conducted by L. Nogler, consisted of two phases, the first using survey and comparison methodology to identify the operational rules by which judges interprets collective agreements. The second consisted of a critical analysis of operational rules. The results show the probable importance of art. 39 of the constitution not only in relation to the processing of the employment conditions but also related to their institutional application. This has opened up a new research path that has identified the important role that constitutional regulation can play in identifying the (trial-related and substantial) judicial rules for interpreting collective agreements. The conclusion is that the judge must give precedence to the rules self-determined by the collective parties. Secondarily, the judge must then apply the rules that privilege the overall and systematic interpretation of collective clauses. Il decentramento produttivo (Zoli, Nogler) As regards individual employment relations, the research topic concerned decentralised work, more in general, production decentralization that has almost always evoked negative connotations. Linked to developing production situations, in fact, decentralization signified the set of escamotages invented by employers to escape from the legal responsibilities connected to the classification of labour relations. As such, the phenomenon in question has been addressed prevailingly through a punitive attitude. Starting from the Eighties, however, the social function of decentralized labour started to change. The increase in importance of the service sector, the technological revolution, the onset of new production models, the increasing market internationalisation and globalisation, decentralized labour (provisional work, outwork, teleworking, etc.) have revealed how decentralized labour is a set of types of labour relations that have the flexibility necessary to meet the above mentioned structural changes. Consequently, the approach of legislators and of the social parties has become less and less punitive and more and more regulatory. The research activity has therefore addressed the problem of the contents and assumptions of the rules set to govern this new social function of decentralized labour, taking into account the important novelties that have arisen in the national and EC regulatory scenario. From this particular viewpoint, focus has been on national experience in the field of provisional work, outwork, teleworking, considering the current legislation over such contract tools. Orario di lavoro (Scarponi, Bolego) In the period of flexibility, the working hours topic has progressively taken on a central role in the regulation of labour relations. Indeed, the working hours tool has passed progressively from being the mere measurement of how much a person works to being a fundamental flexibility tool for the benefit of both the enterprise and of the workers. The research activity has therefore tackled the problem of working hours modulation and flexibilisation procedures in both full-time and part-time labour contracts. With regard to the former, special attention has been paid to overtime, as well as to the evolution in legislation overall through articles written by the members of the research group published in the book attached to the journal Lavoro e diritto No. 1/1998, edited by S. Scarponi (together with Ballestrero and De Simone ), under the title Tempo di lavoro e disciplina degli orari; as for the latter, the attention was focussed on EC directive No. 97/91/EC and on the Italian legislative decree No. 61/2000 that has applied this directive. This activity has led to the



publication of various essays published in journals and commentaries. To date, research is being conducted to analyse its possible evolution, comparing national regulations with local ones. G. Bolego is conducting research on the topic of discipline and organization of working hours in the trade sector, in collaboration with AFI-IPL of P.A.B. and the Centro Internazionale di Formazione of O.I.L.. Diritto comunitario e transnazionale del lavoro (Scarponi) Further research has been conducted on community law and, more in general, the study on the supranational legal aspect of labour law. To this end, the activity led to the organisation of a set of seminars and of a conference, organised within the context of the MURST research project, “Globalizzazione e diritto del lavoro: il ruolo degli ordinamenti sovranazionali” (Trento, 23 - 24 November 2000), the proceedings of which have been published by Giuffrè. The study also analysed the impact of European directives on discrimination bans and the safeguarding of fundamental rights, including new generation ones, as well on the emersion of the “European agreement” regarding atypical labour contracts that pose important questions regarding the relations between the sources of law as well as between protection models. The most recent works refer to this new research profile. Il contratto di trasporto (Busti) Research has concentrated on the study on private law applied to carrier activities, with focus on air transport. It was obviously necessary to address the heated doctrinal and jurisprudential debate over the onerousness of “contract of carriage” type and on the nature of free and complimentary transport. The results of this research phase, conducted with reference to uniform international law and with the examination of the solutions reached by French law and of common law, have been collected into the essay Trasporto aereo, oneroso, gratuito od amichevole (in Trasporti, 1998, issue No. 74, p. 23-72), in which the non contractual nature of complimentary services is stressed. Following the signing of the new Convention on international air transport (Montreal, 28 May 1999) and the almost concomitant coming into force of the EC Council No. 207/97, regarding damages paid to the passenger victim of an accident while on a flight run by a community air carrier, the investigation area has expanded, touching upon the examination of the various air transport activity profiles, with special reference to the carrier’s liability in case of non-performance (overbooking) and of personal injury to the passenger. The results of this research have been collected into a more general paper on the entire air transport contract topic, through publication of the book Contratto di trasporto aereo, vol. XXVI, t. 3, of the Trattato di diritto civile e commerciale directed by A. Cicu, F. Messineo, L. Mengoni, published by Giuffrè, Milan, 2001. La riforma del processo civile e tributario (Montanari, Magliaro) Research has concerned the options and fundamental principles underlying the reform of the civil and tax procedures enacted through acts no. 353/1990 and no. 374/1991 as well as via Leg. Decrees No. 545 and No. 546/1992. The study examined the common lines of evolution in the regulations that govern these two fundamental sectors of judicial protection, in order to evaluate the repercussion of the reforms on mutual relations – of a competitive or exclusive sort - between the civil procedure and the tax procedure. Special attention has been paid to the dogmatic reconstruction of the precautionary protection system, as it emerges from the reformations subject of the research and by judgement No. 190/1985 of the constitutional court that has introduced innominate and atypical urgent protection in the administrative procedure. Research was conducted through the textual comparative analysis of the tax and trial profile. The work was also carried out through meetings, conferences and seminars concerning procedural, civil and tax law and throughout the country (via meetings with professional associations – lawyers, qualified accountants, bookkeepers – and with the local bodies), as well as through the drafting of publications concerning this topic. The work conducted by M. Montanari in particular has concerned bankruptcy law, that touches upon many different topics worthy of study, such as: a) bankruptcy declaration procedures; b) ordinary revocatory action in bankruptcy; c) challenge; d) verification of bankruptcy dues; e) assets liquidation procedures. Further attention was then paid to what today are especially topical issues, made even more so by the recent Community rules on bankruptcy procedures No. 1346/2000, of bankruptcy law, with precise reference to its key



elements in the various pertaining national jurisdictions and in the domestic recognition of foreign decisions made in this litigation area. Profili penali del diritto societario, dell’intermediazione mobiliare e dei reati fallimentari in prospettiva europea e di riforma (Melchionda) The research topic of the local unit (represented by the University of Bologna) was conducted within the context of a two-year inter-university research project co-financed by MIUR using 2000-2002 year funds, entitled Armonizzazione degli ordinamenti nazionali nel campo del diritto penale dell’economia e creazione di un diritto penale comunitario, national scientific coordinator being prof. Lorenzo Picotti. The conclusive and summarising moment of the research study was the scientific conference by the title Prospettive di armonizzazione del diritto penale dell’economia in ambito comunitario, held in Trento on 11 and 12 of October 2002, during which Prof. Melchionda held a speech on "La riformulazione dei delitti di aggiotaggio (art. 2637 c.c.) e la proposta di una nuova direttiva europea sugli abusi di mercato". The publication of the conference proceedings is forthcoming. CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTS SAVE: Sostegno allo svantaggio del lavoro atipico, valorizzazione, emancipazione (Nogler) This research project is entirely financed by the community project called Equal, in which the following bodies participate: the C.C.I.A.A. (Chamber of Commerce) of Trento (leading body), the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Trento, ITC-IRST and the Ente Bilaterale per l’Artigianato Trentino (EBAT). Within this project, dedicated to the study on atypical labour (permanent employment relations pursuant to art. 409, No. 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure) in the Autonomous Province of Trento, the Department of Legal Sciences has undertaken two different tasks: a) in the initial phase of the research, it collaborated in the analysis of empirical data regarding the separate section of the National Institute of Social Welfare (INPS - Gestione Separata) for para-employee workers (data relative to a single province). This phase, concluded with a report, is being followed by a statistical research phase (based on a questionnaire submitted to a sample of atypical workers operating in Trentino), run by the Chamber of Commerce. Noteworthy in this phase is the conference on the topic: “Lavoro subordinato, coordinato e dintorni”, held in Trento on 4 April 2003 in collaboration with the Associazione italiana di diritto del lavoro e della previdenza sociale (Italian association of law and social security). b) secondly, the Department is in charge of coordinating the transnational partnership, consisting of two other projects: Equal, in Bari (LASA project) and in Germany (Allgaeu-Oberland project, Garmisch-Partenkirchen). Within this partnership, already two meetings have been organized (one in Garmisch-Partenkirchen last November, one in Trento on the occasion of the congress “Lavoro subordinato, lavoro coordinato e dintorni” held on 3-4 April 2003) to promote the exchange of information on their respective projects and labour markets. To date, doctors M. Borzaga and M. Dani (both granted research funds) are working on the project, together with Prof. Luca Nogler in his capacity as liaison with the Department of Legal Sciences (that coordinates the various activities of the participating bodies). Il rapporto di lavoro delle donne immigrate nei servizi di cura (Zoli) Financed by the EC project Equal, this project is coordinated and run by the Trentine Federation of Cooperatives. Its aim is to identify the most suitable strategies for ensuring the regular and qualified entry of immigrated women into the Trentino labour market through the identification of legal structures capable of acting as liaison between demand and supply of home care services. This objective is pursued through research activity subdivided into three phases: a) the starting point, already started and concluded, consisting in an in-depth study that has revealed the current state of affairs regarding ongoing migratory processes, inclusion of the immigrants into the labour market, the paths and the specific difficulties relating to the employment relations of immigrant women, the demand for home care services. This first phase based on a factual approach to the phenomenon is followed by two scientific in-depth study phases: b) the first, currently under way, consists in examining the labour law scenario of reference; b) the second, yet to be started, will focus on the study and



identification of the legal format most suited in creating the premises for bringing back to the light so-called “undeclared” labour. This project has allowed to activate funding in favour of Dr. S. Brun, who is working at the project. Il contratto di trasporto terrestre (Busti) Although a conspicuous and even commercially speaking extremely interesting research topic, to date it has been the subject of only partial studies or studies limited to the merely “domestic” discipline of the matter. It was therefore decided to start research on the domestic and international-uniform regulation of land transportation of passengers and goods by the various routes: road, railway, mixed. The latter is an especially topical issue seeing the increasing recourse to overlapping transports (i.e. on part of the route, the road vehicle is placed on the rail vehicle) in the attempt to reduce environmental pollution. Rappresentatività e organizzazione sindacale (Scarponi ) This topic expands on the initial research theme regarding the evolution of the union representations in workplaces, as fulcrum for the introduction of juridification tools regarding trade union matters. The research conducted to date has studied in depth the problems relating to trade union organization models, between union membership and general representation, with reference to the changes that have affected the delegation organisms in workplaces, both in the private and public sectors. Special attention has been paid to the debate on the “new union rules”, especially regarding the autonomous and heteronymous solution and, more recently, regarding the proposal of unitary models for the use of the representativeness criterion. The study, now in its final stage, will dwell on the use of trade union representativeness notions by the legal system in order to evaluate incidence on the collective negotiation aspect and on the other aspects in which the trade union activity is operated. The study also investigates the possibility of using the tools and concepts of political representation, such as recourse to the majority principle, seeing the debate on art. 39 of the Constitution. Researchers are currently completing a book entitled: “Organizzazione e rappresentatività sindacale” intended for the Department’s series with the publisher Cedam.

• SELECTED PUBLICATIONS L. NOGLER, M. TREMOLADA, C. ZOLI (a cura di), La riforma della posizione giuridica del socio lavoratore di cooperativa, Commentario alla l. n. 142/2001, in Nuove leggi civili commentate, 2002. C. ZOLI (a cura di), Le fonti. Il diritto sindacale, in F. Carinci (dir. da), Il diritto del lavoro. Commentario, Torino, UTET, 1998, aggiornamento 2002. S. SCARPONI (a cura di), Globalizzazione e diritto del lavoro. Il ruolo degli ordinamenti sovranazionali, Milano, Giuffrè, 2001. S. BUSTI, "Trasporto aereo oneroso, gratuito od amichevole", in Trasporti, n. 74/1998, pp. 23-72. S. BUSTI, Contratto di trasporto aereo, vol. XXVI, t. 3, del Trattato di diritto civile e commerciale dir. da A. Cicu, F. Messineo, L. Mengoni, ed. Giuffrè, Milano, 2001. L. NOGLER, Il lavoro a domicilio, in Commentario al codice civile diretto da P. Schlesinger, Giuffrè, Milano, 2000. L. NOGLER, "I profili processuali dell’interpretazione del contratto collettivo: una rilettura", in Giornale di diritto del lavoro e relazioni industriali, 1998, n. 3. L. NOGLER, Lücken im Tarifvertrag und litigation: eine rechtsvergleichende Skizze, in Schulze, Reiner/Ajani, Gianmaria, Gemeinsame Prinzipien des Europäischen Privatrechts - Studien eines Forschungsnetzwerks/Common Principles of European Private Law - Studies of a Research Network, F. a M., Nomos, 2003. L. NOGLER, Viejas y nuevas tendencias del Derecho del Trabajo italiano, in Responsa iurisperitorum Digesta, IV, 2003, Ediciones Universidad Salamanca, 267-297 L. NOGLER, Labor Law, in Lena J.S., Mattei U. (Edt.), Introduction of Italian Law, New York, Kluwert, pp. 357-394 (2002); L. NOGLER, Koalitionsfreiheit und nationale Minderheiten am Beispiel Südtirols, in Festscrift für Wolfgang Däubler, F.a.M., Bund Verlag, 560-572 (1999); C. ZOLI, La procedura del licenziamento collettivo e il sistema delle fonti nel diritto del lavoro, in Il sistema della fonti nel diritto del lavoro, Giuffré, 2002, 303 ss.



C. ZOLI, Subordinazione e poteri del datore di lavoro: privato e pubblico a confronto, in Scritti in onore di Giuseppe Federico Mancini, Milano, Giuffré, 1998, pp. 73 ss. C. ZOLI, "Il lavoro temporaneo: il contratto di fornitura", in Quad. Dir. Lav. Rel. Ind., n. 22, 1999. E. CUSA, I ristorni nelle società cooperative, in Quaderni di Giurisprudenza commerciale, n. 211, Giuffrè, Milano, 2000, pp. XVI-244. E. CUSA, Riforma del diritto societario e scopo mutualistico, in Associazione Preite, Verso un nuovo diritto societario. Contributi per un dibattito, il Mulino, Bologna, 2002, pp. 213-233 (pubblicato in traduzione spagnola in Revista Jurídica de Economía Social y Cooperativa, 2002, n. 13, pp. 125-140.). A. MELCHIONDA, Commento agli art. 1 e 2 d.lgs 11 aprile 2002 n. 61, in I nuovi reati societari. Commentario al decreto legislativo 11 aprile 2002, n. 61, a cura di A. Lanzi e A. Cadoppi, Cedam, Padova, 2002, pp. 161-179 e 217-231. M. MONTANARI, La cognizione del giudice: le eccezioni non rilevabili d’ufficio e l’azione revocatoria, in Quaderni del C.S.M, 2002. M. Montanari, Giurisdizione italiana in tema di revocatoria dei pagamenti tra “vecchia” e “nuova” amministrazione straordinaria delle grandi imprese insolventi, in Corriere giuridico, 2002, pp. 764-772. G.A. RESCIO, La pubblicità commerciale nei Paesi dell’Unione Europea- I- Repubblica Federale Tedesca,Francia, Gran Bretagna, Spagna, Austria, Collana Studi del Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato, Giuffrè, Milano, 2000. G.A. RESCIO, L’assemblea della public company e la sua verbalizzazione, in AA.VV., Assemblea degli azionisti e nuove regole del governo societario, Cedam, Padova, 2002. G.A. Rescio, I patti parasociali, in Rivista delle società, 2002, I, pp.840 ss. S. SCARPONI, Lavori flessibili, autonomia collettiva tra diritto comunitario e interno, in Lav. Dir., 2002 S. SCARPONI, IL dialogo tra giudice comunitario e giudice nazionale alla luce della direttiva sul trasferimento d’azienda, in AA.VV., Scritti in onore di F. Mancini, Milano, 1998 N. ZORZI, Deterrence e sanzioni civili nella proprietà intellettuale: i sequestri, in AIDA – Annali Italiani del Diritto d’Autore, della cultura, dello spettacolo, Giuffrè, Milano, 2000, pp.77-92 N. ZORZI, relazione dal titolo La responsabilità civile nell’esercizio della professione medica in Italia, nell’ambito del Convegno organizzato nel febbraio 2001 dall’Università di Bogotà (Colombia) sul tema della Responsabilità extracontrattuale N. ZORZI, L’abuso della personalità giuridica. Tecniche sanzionatorie a confronto, Cedam, Padova, 2002 G. BOLEGO, “Privatizzazione” dei gestori di servizi pubblici ed effetti sul rapporto di lavoro, in Lav. pubbl. amm., 1999, pp. 1225-1257. G. BOLEGO, La gestione individualizzata dell’orario di lavoro nel«nuovo» part time, in Riv. it. dir. lav., 2000, I, pp. 437 ss.. G. BOLEGO, Strumenti e tecniche di intervento sull’orario di lavoro: il caso tedesco, in Dir. rel. ind., 1998, 2000, p. 47 ss.. M. COSULICH, Le casse di risparmio e le fondazioni bancarie tra pubblico e privato. Due questioni di fine secolo, Quaderni del Centro Bachelet, n. 27, Milano, Giuffrè, 2002, pp. 241. A. MAGLIARO, Considerazioni in tema di tutela cautelare in materia tributaria, Trento 2000. E. PEDERZINI, Impiego delle somme erogate a titolo di mutuo e revocatoria fallimentare, in Giurisprudenza Commerciale, 2001, II, pp.603-622 E. PEDERZINI, Convocazione dell’assemblea su richiesta della minoranza (art.125 T.u.fin.), in AA.VV., Le riforme del diritto commerciale – Il Testo Unico della Finanza – Commentario diretto da G.F. Campobasso, UTET, Torino, 2001 – vol. II, pp. 1018-1032 E. PEDERZINI, Disposizioni in materia di privatizzazioni (art. 212 T.u.fin.), in AA.VV., Le riforme del diritto commerciale – Il Testo Unico della Finanza – Commentario diretto da G.F. Campobasso, UTET, Torino, 2001 – vol. III, pp. 1623-1630




UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING Diritto del lavoro Zoli, dal 2000 al 2002, Facoltà di

giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Diritto comparato del lavoro Nogler, dal 2000 ad oggi,

Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Diritto dei paesi di lingua tedesca Nogler, dal 2000 ad oggi,

Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 30 hrs Diritto sindacale Scarponi, dal 2000 ad oggi,

Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Diritto del lavoro Nogler, dal 2002 ad oggi,

Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Diritto comparato del lavoro Bolego, 2002-2003, Facoltà di

giurisprudenza, 40 hrs Diritto dei trasporti Busti, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà

di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Legislazione turistica Busti, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà

di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Diritto processuale civile Monatanari, dal 2000 ad oggi,

Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Diritto fallimentare Montanari, dal 2000 ad oggi,

Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Diritto processuale civile comparato Marinelli, 2002-2003, Facoltà di

giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Diritto commerciale Zorzi, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà

di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Diritto commerciale - corso avanzato Zorzi, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà

di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Diritto delle società che fanno ricorso al capitale di rischio Pederzini, 2002-2003, Facoltà di

giurisprudenza, 30 hrs Diritto commerciale comparato Zorzi, Pederzini, dal 2000 ad

oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Diritto della cooperazione Cusa, 2002-2003, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Diritto penale dell'economia Melchionda, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Diritto tributario Magliaro, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Diritto fallimentare Galletti, 2002-2003, Facoltà di economia, 60 hrs

Diritto commerciale Rescio, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di economia, 60 hrs

Diritto del lavoro Bolego, 2002-2003, Facoltà di economia, 60 hrs

Laboratorio applicativo “La giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia in materia di Politica sociale”


Laboratorio applicativo “Offerta pubblica d’acquisto e nuova disciplina delle società quotate”


Laboratorio applicativo “La giurisprudenza comunitaria in materia di imposte dirette”


GRADUATE TEACHING Corso di Studi avanzati in diritto europeo e transnazionale Nogler (coordinatore), Zoli,

Busti, Melchionda, Cusa, Pederzini, Scarponi

Master Tributario IPSOA, modulo “Fallimento e altre procedure concorsuali”: anni 2001-2002

Montanari (coordinatore scientifico)

Corsi di aggiornamento per magistrati onorari preposti agli uffici del Giudice di Pace compresi nel distretto della

Montanari (coordinatore)



Corte d’Appello di Trento – Anni 2000 ss. Scuola di specializzazione nelle professioni forensi istituita dalle Università di Trento e Verona – Anni 2001-2002

Zoli (Direttore), Nogler, Montanari, Melchionda, Zorzi, Bolego, Pederzini,

Master per consulenti del lavoro Nogler, Zoli, Bolego, Corazza, Scarponi

Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato e Commissione Studi Unione Europea presso il Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato


Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura, Corso annuale di aggiornamento per magistrati 2002/2003


Master Ipsoa di diritto tributario; Scuola professionale per i praticanti Dottori Commercialisti di Trento; Trento School of Management


Scuola di formazione per i praticanti dottori Commercialisti degli Ordini di Trento e Bolzano


Scuola di Specializzazione delle Pubbliche Amministrazioni di Bologna

Zoli, Bolego, Scarponi



The research group is rather heterogeneous, although this feature is at the same time a strong point as well as a weak point of the area intended as a whole. The strong point derives from the circumstance that the examination of the “enterprise” phenomenon can be conducted from various viewpoints, allowing the scholars to overcome the closed borders of their topic of competence and adopt a methodological approach involving in individual research the evaluation of profiles of interest which would otherwise remain excluded. In fact, within the wider scenario of globalisation, it is impossible to examine the regulation of business enterprises in a fragmentary manner, unless one wishes to ignore its renewed centrality at legal, economic and social level. For this reason, it is believed that a multidisciplinary examination of the business enterprise as a phenomenon can lead to a reconstruction that enhances the phenomenon itself not only in its patrimonial aspects but also in its value as tool suitable for contributing in a real increase in social well-being.

Weaknesses The weak points instead are due to the fact that the marked heterogeneity of the research group makes it rather difficult to guarantee effective coordination on the theoretical level, essentially for two reasons: on the one hand, because there are no – and there can be no – common fundamental principles that lead the various topics back to unity; on the other, because the overabundance of legislation makes each single researcher follow significantly different directions. Consequently, since the research group hopes to continue the interdisciplinary projects, it is necessary to identify directive criteria that allow to avoid a split and the excessive fragmentation of the studies.

Opportunities The opportunities develop under two profiles. On the theoretical level, the already signalled need for the multidisciplinary character of the research becomes important, while on a more general level the possibility of projecting and translating theoretical and systematic investigations into “applied research” becomes important in order to propitiate a mutually successful collaboration with the world of business enterprises and its practical operators.

Threats Nothing of relevance.





A R E A 4 – E U R O P E A N , E U , T R A N S N A T I O N A L A N D I N T E R N A T I O N A L L E G A L A R E A


Members of the Department GIANDOMENICO FALCON P.O. Diritto amministrativo LORENZO PICOTTI P.O. Diritto penale MAURO POLITI P.O. Diritto internazionale ROBERTO TONIATTI P.O. Diritto costituzionale comparato GIAN ANTONIO BENACCHIO P.S. Diritto privato comparato DARIA DE PRETIS P.S. Diritto amministrativo GABRIELE FORNASARI P.S. Diritto penale GIOVANNI GUZZETTA P.S. Istituzione di diritto pubblico GIUSEPPE NESI P.S. Diritto internazionale LUISA ANTONIOLLI P.A. Diritto privato comparato CARLO CASONATO P.A. Diritto costituzionale comparato EMANUELE CUSA P.A. Diritto commerciale PATRIZIA DE CESARI P.A. Diritto internazionale BARBARA MARCHETTI P.A. Diritto amministrativo MARINO MARINELLI P.A. Diritto processuale civile ALESSANDRO MELCHIONDA P.A. Diritto penale MASSIMO MONTANARI P.A. Diritto processuale civile MASSIMO SANTARONI P.A. Diritto privato comparato STEFANIA SCARPONI P.A. Diritto del lavoro DONATA BORGONOVO RE R. Istituzioni di diritto pubblico ANDREA PRADI R. Diritto privato JENS WOELK R. Diritto costituzionale comparato SABRINA ADAMOLI Assegnista Criminologia MARCO DANI Assegnista Diritto costituzionale comparato ANDRA DI NICOLA Assegnista Criminologia ELENA IORIATTI Assegnista Diritto privato comparato VALERIA TORRE Assegnista Diritto penale ELENA MATTEVI Borsista Diritto penale EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS The participants to the research area of a European, Community and transnational area have established numerous and important relationships with research bodies and other institutions, both at the national and international level. A number research networks with Italian universities have been established within the programmes of research grants administered by the Italian Ministry of University (cofin MIUR), which cover a number of specific fields (Guzzetta, international integration and federative process; Picotti, Europeanisation of economic criminal law; Falcon, administrative law in the EU; the common core of European private law, Antoniolli). Several research projects funded by the EU and other public bodies have been completed and are still in progress in the field of criminology (such as measurement of organised crime in the EU, legislative control of money laundering, monitoring of international trafficking of human beings for sexual exploitation, etc. cf. Research activities below). A large international network of research has been established through the project “The Common core of European private law”, which works in Trento since eight years ago, and which connects aproximately one hundred legal scholars from all over Europe and some other wolrd jurisdictions (such as the United States). Several participants to this research area also cooperate with foreign networks of research (Benacchio, Antoniolli: research group on the “acquis communautaire”, Antoniolli: Fairness laws for the protection of consumers). Several members cooperate with local and national legislative bodies, providing them with legal advice (Falcon: Region Trentino/Sudtirolo-Suedtyrol, Region Emilia-Romagna, Autonomous Province of Trento; Woelk and Toniatti: Region Trentino/Sϋdtirolo-Sϋdtyrol;



Guzzetta: Parliamentary Commission for constitutional reform, consultant of Ulivo-DL-Margherita in the Senate; Nesi: Parliament, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Politi, judge of the International Criminal Court). Cooperation works also with other research institution active in the area, such as the European Academy of Bolzano (Woelk) and Istituto Trentino di Cultura (Woelk, Toniatti), as well as with the University of Bolzano (Wolk, Toniatti) and the University “Leopold Franzens” of Innsbruck (Marinelli), the Univeristy of Maastricht and Leiden (Benacchio, Antoniolli, Pradi, Ioriatti), the University of California (Antoniolli, Pradi). Other links are with international bodies, such as the United Nations (Nesi) and with the International Criminal court (Politi and Nesi), the German Max Planck Institut für ausländisches und internationales Strafrecht in Freiburg i.Br. (Fornasari, Melchionda), the Center for the Administration of Justice of the Florida University in U.S.A. (Melchionda). RESEARCH ACTIVITY Outline Private and business law (Benacchio, Antoniolli, Santaroni, Pradi, Ioriatti) In the area of private and business law, the focus has been on combining the traditional instruments of comparative law with the developing trends within the European Community. EC law, in fact, has started as law of a mainly international and public nature, but is has increasingly impinged on issues of private and civil law. This has significantly enlarged the scope of analysis, and has required the investigation of the patterns of unification and harmonisation, through the study of the legal models that are been transplanted, and the characteristics and difficulties of implementation of the unified and harmonised rules. Comparison is consequently needed, and it must also focus on the peculiarities of the EC legal process, which in many respects is different both from national and international law. One of the most relevant features is the fact that EC law tends to be fragmentary and scattered, and in can be analysed as a system only in connection with national private law. Yet, since private law is not uniform across Europe, the combination of EC and national private law is not always smooth, and often requires a painstaking work of levelling, which is performed both by lawmakers, judges and legal doctrine. The development of a common legal science and of the role of case law (particularly of the ECJ, but also of national courts) are factors that are crucial in establishing a common European private law. Among the issues that have been investigated in these years, some concern the law of legal persons, particularly cooperative societies, the European company and the right of establishments of corporations, and focus on the balance between harmonisation and competition between legal orders. A further field of research connected to the establishment of the internal market within the European Community concerns competition and state aids to enterprises, and the way in which European regulation has interacted and slowly changed Italian law in this area. A connected topic of research is that of public procurement contracts, which has been developed through teaching activities in cooperation with the Province of Trento, in order to enhance the knowledge of this complex legal field among civil servants and other practitioners. A different field of research has been devoted to the law of contract in comparative law and EC law, particularly in relation to consumer law, where several significant tensions exist between the tendency towards general and comprehensive rules, and the creation of protective rules for categories that are deemed weak, and therefore requiring a special legal regime. These two competing aims are reflected in different harmonisation techniques, such as minimum protection directives in consumer contract law and the development of general instruments of soft law, such as the Principles of European contract law, prepared by the Lando Commission. Another area that has been investigated is production of new categories of goods due to the development of information technologies, and their social penetration (such as domain names, software, multimedia works, etc.); the analysis has focused on the possibility and limits of an extension of the regulation enacted for physical goods to the so-called digital goods, and to the novelties that are progressively emerging in the area of intellectual property, particularly in relation to the legal concepts and rules pertaining to property law. All these areas are related to the debate that is currently going on concerning the feasibility and the content of a European Civil code, which is still far from settled, but it has several



interesting features, such as the way of determining the rules, the relationships with the national codes, the existence of sufficient competence for the EC to act. Criminal law (Fornasari, Picotti, Melchionda, Torre, Mattevi) The activity of the criminal law scholars has focused on several aspects of the Europena and Community area. The methodology has always used the tools of comparative law, both in the research and the teaching activities (prof. Fornasari has been invited as visiting professor in several universities in Germany and Spain). A comparative analysis has also been used in the main volumes of the senior members of the group (XXX). Another field of research has focused on harmonisation of criminal law within Europe, which has also been one of the leading aspects of the Ph.D. programme in criminal law at the University of Trento (directed by prof. Picotti), both in terms of teaching and research activities. The University of Trento has furthermore several conferences concerning criminal law in a European perspective, two concerning the project of a European Corpus Juris for the protection of EC financial interests, the others concerning more specific aspects of economic and informatic crimes. These research activities have been also developed in the framework of a national research project sponsored by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (national coordinator: prof. Picotti). Among the most research topics, one is devoted to the study of alternative disputes resolution, which has also been developed in two conferences organized with the Region Trentino/Sϋdtyrol-Alto Adige, concerning the use of mediation in criminal law concerning minors and adults. The role of the group of criminal law scholars within the Department of Legal sciences of the University of Trento has been to foster research based of comparative research and the perspective of harmonisation, like e.g. in the seminars organised every academic year for undergraduate students attending courses of criminal law and Ph.D. students, where numerous national and foreign experts have taken part in order to analyse the perspectives of a European legal-criminal area. In the field of criminal law another wide range of research topics has been analysed by Transcrime, the interdepartmental centre for research on transnational criminality of the University of Trento. Its activities are centred on four main issues: research, research training, technical counselling and evaluation, documentation. Research is aimed at the analysis of trends in criminal activities, to the evaluation of repressive and preventive policies and to the proposal of solutions aimed at ameliorating the efficiency of strategies for combating crimes. Several projects concern research on a Eurpean, Community and transnational legal area, which can be grouped in three main subareas:

1) In the field of organized crime: development of a methodology for measuring organized crime within the EU; the relationship between the legal professions and criminal clients.

2) In the field of money laundering and illegal profits: use of cash payments for money laudering purposes: control of large-scale cash payments with the EU member States; seizure and confiscation of the proceeds from crime in the EU; transparency of regulations and practices in the EU member states obstructing anti money-laundering international cooperation; protection of the EU financial system from the exploitation of offshore facilities by organised crime.

3) In the field of trafficking of human beings: monitoring of international trafficking of human beings for sexual exploitation.

Constitutional and public law (Toniatti, Falcon, Guzzetta, Casonato, de Pretis, Marchetti, Borgonovo Re, Woelk, Dani) One of the most significant areas of research has been the development of local and regional authonomy in relation to EC integration (which is developed as part of a joint project of the Univeristy of Trento and the Autonomous Province of Trento, coordinator prof. Bruno Dallago). Prof. Toniatti has analysed the locam dimension of law and rights, the new legal models and adaptation to European standards. In this area, Dott. Borgonovo and dott. Woelk are dealing with these issues in the Balkan area. Further topics of research of prof. Toniatti include the revision of the Italian Constitution; constitutional protection of minorities; Regions and economic policies; constitutional adjudication; inter-regional and transborder cooperation; Italian participation to the European Union.



Prof. Casonato has been involved in the research on the protection of fundamental rights in the European Community, analysing in a comparative perspective the situtation of other legal system, such as the Canadian, and the the role of fundamental rights within the European Chartyer on Fundamental Rights. Prof. Guzzetta is researching in the field of evolution of contemporary legal orders. In particular, thanks to a one-and-a-half year stage in Germany, he has thoroughly studied the rule of law and the political regime in connection to the system of sources of law in Germany. The ongoing researches focus on constitutional problems of European integration and on federalization processes within and outside the State. In the field of European studies an international Symposium on Constitutional Issues of The Political Decision Making In The EU was organised in october 2002. A further wide area of research concerns the relationship between the EC legal integration process and judicial protection. Profs. Falcon, de Pretis, Marchetti and dott. Borgonovo have developed a national research project on “Judicial protection against public powers in Europe: substantial and procedural aspects” (2001-2003) aiming at describing the main European administrative justice systems and the different protection mechanisms towards public administration - not available in the same way in litigations between private subjects - developed in each of them. After having focused several main topics (such as for instance the scope of jurisdiction, the facts, the administrative judge, kinds of actions, particularly allument and damages; ADR, etc.), they have been analysed within Italian law having regard to the results of the other main European legal systems, and to the development of common European principles concerning judicial protection against public administrations and the administrative judicial process. International public law (Politi, Nesi, De Cesari) Great importance has the research about “Cooperation between European Organizations and the United Nations in the struggle against international terrorism” (Co-ordinator: G. Nesi; Members of the research group: P. De Cesari, M. Politi). The cooperation between European organizations - namely, the European Union, the Council of Europe and the Organization for Security and Organization in Europe (OSCE) - and the United Nations in the fight against international terrorism will be the core of the research of the Trento Unit. Two (out of six) important topics to be dealt with by the Trento Unit regard the consequences of the declared fight against terrorism for the protection of human rights. Topic no. six is that of the relationship between the fight against terrorism, the protection of human rights and the role of international organizations, both at regional and universal level. It seems that counter terrorism measures could collide with some international obligations. Namely, we will try to understand whether such measures can conflict with certain fundamental human rights (protected by several international instruments) that, traditionally, do not permit any derogation. Reference is here to the right of life, to the prohibition of torture and inhuman and degrading treatment, to the freedom of thought and religion. In this context, for instance, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) could deal in the near future with cases concerning counter terrorism activities: it suffices to think of cases that could be founded on Art. 8 of the Rome Convention (that refer to the respect to private life) and the intrusiveness of modern means of control on communications. In addition, related to the right of a fair trial, Topic no. five is dealing with the issue of jurisdiction for the crime of terrorism: jurisdiction on terrorist activities will be examined first of all with reference to the means at the disposal of national apparatus in order to suppress those activities. Of course, States can operate on the basis of the traditional criteria of territoriality and active and passive personality. One can wonder whether those crimes can be prosecuted also on the basis of the criterion of universal jurisdiction. The likelihood of prosecuting the authors of a crime without making reference to one of the traditional criteria of jurisdiction, thus making reference to the concept of universal jurisdiction, is normally linked to the qualification of the committed crime as a crimen juris gentium; such qualification seems to be missed, as of now, as regards terrorist activities. Moreover, regarding jurisdiction in the field of the suppression of terrorism, and affecting also international organizations, the role that can be played by international jurisdictions, and namely by the International Criminal Court (ICC), is analysed. It is well known that the Rome Statute does not make reference to international terrorism as one of the crimes to be prosecuted by the ICC. Nonetheless, many States have tried to insert such crime in the Statute and the Rome Conference Resolution by which the Statute was adopted makes



specific reference to future negotiations aimed at inserting the crime of international terrorism in the Statute when it will be amended. International civil procedure and international arbitration (Marinelli, Montanari) The increasing significance and the wide practical importance of international or cross-border aspects of civil and commercial litigation is one of the topics that the civil procedure scholars of the Department have developed. This research has dealt not only on the projects concerning European and extra-European harmonisation (such as the so-called Storme project and the Hazard-Taruffo of the American Law Institute), but also international conventions. Special attention has been devoted to the Brussels-Lugano Convention - which has now been turned into a EC regulation – on the jurisdiction and circulation of judicial decision in civil and commercial matters (Montanari and Marinelli); the New York convention (Marinelli) which constitutes a jus commune for the transnational circulation of arbitral awards; the recent EC regulations concerning judicial decision on bankruptcy and family matters. Great attention has been paid to arbitration – as an alternative to the judicial process not only at the national but also the transnational level, particularly focusing on the international and comparative aspects (Marinelli) and the circulation of evidence and the harmonisation of the law of evidence (Montanari). The experience and data gathered on the subject of the EC civil procedure and the comparative aspects of civil procedure have been used in the preparation of a pilot initiative, the publication of a new journal called “International Lis”, which for the first time in Italy analyses the issues of international civil procedure and arbitration, with a practice-oriented approach, focusing particularly on the case law of the European Court of Justice and of the main European legal systems (Germany, Austria, England, France, Belgium, The Netherlands) and the United States. Profs. Montanari and Marinelli are in charge of the Trento branch of the journal, within the Department of Legal Sciences. SUMMARY TABLE OF MAIN ACTIVITY INDICATORS 2000-02

TOTAL PUBLICATIONS AND WORKING PAPERS Books and editorships national: nr. 20 international: nr. 3 Articles and contributions national: nr. 190 international: nr. 45 other: nr. 0 working papers: nr. 58 RESEARCH PROJECTS ENJOYING FINANCIAL SUPPORT SINCE 2000 – SUMMARY TABLE








G. FALCON: Il diritto amministrativo dei paesi europei tra omogeneizzazione comunitaria e diversità culturali.

MIUR 91.929,33 2001-2003

L. PICOTTI: Armonizzazione degli ordinamenti nazionali nel campo del diritto penale comunitario.

MIUR 51.645,69 2000-2002

R. TONIATTI: Lo sviluppo delle strutture e dei poteri dell'Unione Europea come processo di costituzionalizzazione.

MIUR 43.898,84 2000-2002

G. GUZZETTA: Le trasformazioni costituzionali dell'Unione Europea alla luce della Convenzione sull'avvenire dell'Europa.

MIUR 54.900,00 2002-2004



G. GUZZETTA: Integrazione sovranazionale e processi federativi. Profili costituzionali nell'attuale fase evolutiva.

MIUR 45.964,66 2000-2002

L. ANTONIOLLI: L’edificazione del diritto privato europeo: fonti, modelli e regole

MIUR 51.645,69 2001-2003

L. ANTONIOLLI: Il “common core” del diritto europeo Commissione europea

98.309,00 2000-2002

MAIN RESEARCH TOPICS AND RESULTS Private and comparative law • Cooperative societies • European company • Right of establishment of corporation • Harmonisation vs. regulatory competition in private law • EC competition and state aid • Public procurment contracts • The common core of European private law • Contract law and harmonisation of the European level • Consumer contracts and consumer protection • Intellectual property new goods, property law • European civil code Criminal law • European Corpus juris project for the protection of EU financial interests • Europeanisation of criminal law on the fields of economic and informatic crimes • ADR (mediation) in criminal law • Money laundering and illegal profits • Trafficking of human beings and illegal immigration Constitutional and public law • Regional autonomy and European integration • Constitutional questions of European integration and federalisation processes • Europe and Balkan States • Constitutional issues of political decision-making in the EU and sources of law • Constitutional protection of minorities • Judicial protection against public powers in Europe • The administrative judicial process in Europe • Constitutional reform in Italy and european integration International public law • United Nations • European Organizations • Struggle against international terrorism • Fundamental human rights • European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) • Crimina juris gentium • International Criminal Court (ICC) Civil procedure and international arbitration • Harmonisation within the EU of civil procedure • European execution order • European civil area and the circulation of judicial acts • Regulation and circulation of evidence within the EU • Transnational circulation of arbitral awards • Simultaneous proceedings between arbitration and national judicial action The results of these research have been published in various journals and volumes (see list of selected publications), and have been discussed in a number of conferences and seminars.



CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTS Most of the research projects of the members of the group are still in process, the published results being a step of an ongoing work. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS

G. FALCON: Il big bang del regionalismo italiano, in le Regioni, 2001, p. 1141-1484; Modello e transizione nel nuovo Titolo V della parte seconda della Costituzione, in Le Regioni, 2001, p. 1247-1273. R. TONIATTI: Conflitti di competenza e forma di governo comunitaria: un contributo della Corte Europea di Giustizia, in Diritto pubblico comparato ed europeo, 1999; La via giurisdizionale per la legittimazione dell’Unione Europea, Forum sulla Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione Europea, in Diritto Pubblico Comparato Europeo, 2000. G. BENACCHIO (V. SIMONI), Repertorio di diritto comunitario civile e commerciale,Padova, 2001, pp.741; Diritto privato della Comunità Europea (fonti, modelli, regole), II ed. Padova, 2001, pp. 541.D. DE PRETIS, La tutela giurisdizionale amministrativa europea e i principi del processo”, in Riv. trim dir. pubbl. 2002, pp. 683- 738; (a cura di D. de Pretis), I piani urbanistici di attuazione, Dal piano particolareggiato al piano operativo, Quaderni del Dipartimento di scienze giuridiche, Trento, 2002. G. FORNASARI: "I principi del diritto penale tedesco", ed. CEDAM, 1993.; G. FORNASARI (a cura di), Le strategie di contrasto alla criminalità organizzata nella prospettiva di diritto comparato, CEDAM, Padova, 2002; G. FORNASARI, Introduzione ai sistemi penali europei, in G. INSOLERA-N. MAZZACUVA - M. PAVARINI

- M. ZANOTTI (a cura di), Introduzione al sistema penale, vol. I, 2^ ed., Giappichelli, Torino, 2000, 49 ss. ; G. FORNASARI, Die Regelung des Versuchs und des Rücktritts vom Versuch im deutschen und im italienischen Strafrecht, in MOMSEN-BLOY-RACKOW, Fragmentarisches Strafrecht. Beiträge zum Strafrecht, Strafprozeßrecht und zur Strafrechtsvergleichung (für Manfred Maiwald aus Anlaß seiner Emeritierung), Peter Lang, Frankfurt, 2003, 49 ss. G. GUZZETTA: La Costituzione europea tra teoria e politica. L’esperienza della Convenzione, in Teoria dello Stato, 2003; Le garanzie nel maggioritario. Profili istituzionali, relazione al Convegno su Le garanzie nel maggioritario, Roma, 26 marzo 2002, pubbl. in Il Patto, 2002, n. 4, 5 ss. G. NESI: I rapporti fra OSCE e ONU nella soluzione dei conflitti, Trento, 2000; (M. POLITI and) G. NESI (eds.), The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Challenge to Impunity, Proceedings of the Trento Conference on the ICC (13-15 May 1999), Ashgate Publishing, Aldershot, 2001. L. ANTONIOLLI, "L'interazione del diritto inglese con il diritto comunitario: l'esempio della direttiva sulle clausole abusive nei contratti con i consumatori ed il principio di buona fede", in Riv. dir. civ., 2002, I, pp. 451-488; "Italy and the European Union", in U. Mattei, J. Lena (eds.), Introduction to Italian Law, 2002, Kluwer, pp. 63-97. C. CASONATO: (Editor) The Protection of Fundamental Rights in Europe: Lessons from Canada, 2003; Il contenuto della Carta, tra conferme, novità e contraddizioni, in Toniatti R. (a cura di), “Diritto, diritti, giurisdizione. La Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell'Unione Europea”, Padova, 2002. P. DE CESARI, L’esecuzione delle decisioni civili straniere nello spazio giudiziario europeo, in Diritto del commercio int., 2992; Autonomia della volontà e legge regolatrice delle successioni, Padova, 2001. M. MARINELLI, Eccezione arbitrale non sollevata o respinta e circolazione delle sentenze nella Convenzione di Bruxelles, in Int’L Lis 2002; La natura dell’arbitrato irrituale. Profili comparatistici e processuali, Torino, 2002 (pp. 328). M. MONTANARI, Exequatur comunitario e procedura concorsuale nello Stato a quo: la sentenza Coursier dinanzi al supremo giudice tedesco, in Int’l Lis, 2002. A. MELCHIONDA, Le circostanze del reato. Origine, sviluppo e prospettive di una controversa categoria penalistica, Padova, 2000, pag. I-XX, 1-822; La responsabilità penale dei sindaci di società commerciali: problemi attuali e prospettive di soluzione, in Ind. Pen., 2000, pag. 47-85. D. BORGONOVO, Informazione ambientale, ovvero quando un problema procedurale si fa sostanziale in Rivista Giuridica dell’ambiente, 1998;



A. PRADI, Immissioni in Rivista di Diritto Civile, parte II, n. 2, 2001; Property Rights and Constitutional Protection, in Global Jurist Advanced, www.bepress.com, 2003. J. WOELK: Konfliktregelung und Kooperation im italienischen und deutschen Verfassungsrecht: "Leale collaborazione" und Bundestreue im Vergleich, 1. ed., Nomos-Verl.-Ges., Baden-Baden 1999. 367 pagg. (Schriftenreihe der Europäischen Akademie Bozen, Bereich "Ethnische Minderheiten und Regionale Autonomien", 01); Diritti di cittadinanza e autonomia nel contesto europeo, in A. DI MICHELE, G. PALLAVER, F. PALERMO (a cura di), 1992-2002. Fine di un conflitto. 10 anni dalla chiusura della questione sudtirolese”, Bologna (Il Mulino), 2003, pp. 217 – 246. A. DE NICOLA, “Trafficking in Women for the Purpose of Sexual Exploitation: Knowledge-based Preventative Strategies from Italy”, capitolo 6 in M. Gill (a cura di), Crime at Work Series. Number 3, Perpetuity Press, Leicester; Oganised Crime Around the World (con S. Adamoli, E.U. Savona, P. Zoffi), Publication Series No. 31, European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control, affiliated with the United Nations (HEUNI), Helsinki, 1998. E. IORIATTI, Codice Civile Europeo: un approccio metodologico, in Rivista Critica del Diritto Privato n. 2/2003; “Il Codice Civile Europeo, il Parlamento Europeo e il potere della Comunità Europea di codificare il diritto privato”, pubblicata in Riv. Veronese di giurisprudenza ed economia, 2001.V. TORRE, Limiti tabellari e tolleranza giuridica delle attività rischiose, in Ind. Pen., 2002, p. 227 s. TEACHING ACTIVITY

UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING Private comparative law Antoniolli, 2001/2002, Facoltà di giurisprudenza,

60 hrs Comparative legal systems Santaroni, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di

giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Institutions of EC law Antoniolli, 2000/2001, 2001/2002 e Benacchio,

2002/2003, Facoltà giurisprudenza, 36 hrs Institutions of public law Borgonovo, 2001/2002, Facoltà di giurisprudenza,

60 hrs Institutions of public law Guzzetta, dal 2001 ad oggi, Facoltà di sociologia,

60 hrs Constitutional law Toniatti, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di

giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Criminal law Picotti, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza,

60 hrs International law Politi, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza,

60 hrs Administrative law I Falcon, 2000/2001 e 2001/2002, Falcon-de Pretis,

Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Civil procedure Montanari, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di

giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Law of cooperatives and non-profit organizations

Cusa, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Bankrupcy law Montanari, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Private international law De Cesari, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Criminal business law Melchionda, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Criminal law II Fornasari, 2000/2001; Fornasari-Melchionda, 2001/2002; 2002/2003, Facoltà di giurisprudenza,

60 hrs EC private law Benacchio, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di

giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Regional law and local governement law Borgonovo, 2000/2001, Facoltà di giurisprudenza,

60 hrs Comparative administrative law De Pretis-Woelk, 2000/2001; De Pretis-Woelk,

2001/2002; De Pretis-Marchetti, 2002/2003,



Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Administrative law II De Pretis, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di

giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Anglo-american law Antoniolli, 2000/2001; Pradi, 2001/2002,

2002/2003, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Comparative constitutional law Casonato, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di

giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Comparative constitutional law II 2001/2002 Toniatti, 2001/2002, Facoltà di

giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Constitutional judicial review Falcon, 2001/2002, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 30

hrs. Law of the African countries Toniatti, 2000/2001, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60

hrs Law of the German countries Woelk, dal 2000, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Arbitration and international arbitration law

Benacchio-Picotti, 2000/2001, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Parallel proceedings between arbitration and state jurisdiction

2001/2002 Montanari, 2001/2002, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 20 hrs

The reform of title V of Constitution Borgonovo, 2001/2002, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 20 hrs

Legal researches Borgonovo, 2001/2002, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 20 hrs

EC public law Nesi, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Comparative criminal law Fornasari, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Criminal law and informatics Picotti, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Administrative procedural law De Pretis, 2000/2001; Marchetti, 2001/2002, 2002/2003, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

International human rights law Nesi, 2000/2001, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs International commercial law Benacchio, 2001/2002, Facoltà di giurisprudenza,

60 hrs Nozioni giuridiche fondamentali Ioriatti, 2001/2002, 2002/2003 Facoltà di lettere,

60 hrs Comparative civil procedure Marinelli, 2002/2003, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60

hrs European and transnational constitutional law

Toniatti, 2002/2003, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Comparative and EC discrimination law Toniatti, 2002/2003, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Comparative and constitutional law on groups and minorities

Toniatti, 2002/2003, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 30 hrs

Bio-Law and bioethichs 2002/2003 Casonato, 2002/2003, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 20 hrs

The municipality and the systems of the local autonomies

Borgonovo, 2002/2003, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 30 hrs

The non-legislative functions of the chambers of Parliament

2002/2003 Borgonovo, 2002/2003, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 20 hrs

GRADUATE TEACHING Master programme on European and Transnational Law - Corso di studi avanzati di diritto europeo e transnazionale

Teaching in the academic year 2000/2003

G. Falcon 2000/2001: 6 h; 2001/2002: 4 h; 2002/2003: h 4. R. Toniatti 2000/2001: 2 h ; 2001/2002: 4 h; 2002/2003: 4

h. D. de Pretis 2000/2001: 2 ; 2001/2002: 2 h; 2002/2003: h 2. L. Picotti 2000/2001: h 2; 2001/2002: h 3; 2002/2003: h 2.



E. Cusa 2000/2001: h 4; 2001/2002: h 4; 2002/2003: h 4. G. Fornasari 2000/2001: h 2; 2001/2002: h 2; 2002/2003: h 2. L. Antoniolli 2001/2002: h 2. A. Melchionda 2000/2001: h 2; 2001/2002: h 2; 2002/2003: h 2. M. Politi 2000/2001: h 2; 2001/2002: h 4; 2002/2003: h 2. G. Nesi 2000/2001: h 4; 2001/2002: h 2. P. De Cesari 2001/2002: h 4; 2002/2003: h 2. B. Marchetti 2001/2002: h 2. C. Casonato 2000/2001: h 2. S. Adamoli 2000/2001: h 1. A. Di Nicola 2000/2001: h 1. Scuola di specializzazione per le professioni legali delle Università di Trento e Verona

Lezioni svolte nel periodo accademico 2001/2003

G. Falcon 2001/2002 : h 2. D. de Pretis 2001/2002 : h 4. B. Marchetti 2001/2002 : h 4. L. Picotti 2001/2002 : h 4; 2002/2003: h 4. G. Fornasari 2001/2002 : h 4; 2002/2003: h 4. A. Melchionda 2001/2002 : h 4; 2002/2003: h 2. G.A. Benacchio 2001/2002 : h 1. L. Antoniolli 2001/2002 : h 4; 2002/2003: h 4. E. Ioriatti 2002/2003: h 1. P. De Cesari 2002/2003: h 4. M. Marinelli 2001/2002 : h 4; 2002/2003: h 12. M. Montanari 2001/2002 : h 8; 2002/2003: h 16. SWOT ANALYSIS


The research group on a European, Community and transnational legal area derives much of its strengths from the large scope of research, together with the strong links that exist among all individual researches. European, Community and comparative and international law in general are fields that have a very consolidated scientific background, but at the same time they are undergoing major changes due to the rapid evolution taking place not only within the European Union and its member States, but also in several international organisations, and finally through the modification that law is experiencing both at the national and international level due to the effects of globalisation. The research group is well equipped to deal with these changes, because comparative studies have been undertaken since the very creation of the department, and have continued ever since. The breadth of the topics of research makes it possible to have fruitful cooperation among all members of the group, and to monitor legal developments by crossing the individual research results. Another strength of the group derives from the well-established and wide network of contacts, first of all with other research institutions, both national and international, and with other public and private bodies that work in the legal field. These numerous links are extremely useful to exchange information and test the practical impact of the research results.

Weaknesses A weakness, which is in fact linked to the positive aspect of the large scope of analysis of the area, can be detected in some specific issues of research, where greater interaction could be developed among individual researchers or research groups. For instance, the study concerning several methods of alternative dispute resolution (such as mediation, conciliation etc.) has been performed both in the area of criminal law and of civil procedure, and these could be usefully be combined in order to enlarge the scope of the analysis and confront the results obtained.



It could therefore be extremely useful to envisage a system for planning in a systematic way the exchange at an early stage of information concerning individual researches, so as to enable to cluster those that are strictly connected.

Opportunities The characteristics of this research area provide a very fruitful and challenging field of work, since monitoring the developments that are currently taking place requires significant efforts in a number of different legal fields, focusing on the changes concerning national law and comparing it with those pertaining to foreign law, as well as the developments that are taking place at the international level, on the European and world scale. This kind of analysis is a challenging task, and it creates interesting opportunities for young scholars, such as Ph.D. students and others, to work on research topics and confront their ideas and results with a large number of scholars, as well as using the network of international contacts in order to broaden their analysis. Finally, the topics of research, because of their comparative and international focus, make it possible to establish fruitful links and cooperation with foreign scholars and research institutions, thereby reinforcing the international character which has strongly been pursued by the University of Trento in the last years.

Threats The only perceived threat concerns the funding of research projects. The current cuts by the government of public expenditure concerning Univerisities is putting at a risk the capacity of research groups to continue their work in a meaningful way, since the cutting impacts of several aspects (purchase of books, journals and databanks, recruitment of young researchers, organisation of seminars and conferences, and so on) which are all fundamental. It is consequently needed that adequate funding can be ensured in order to continue to carry out the tasks that this research area is performing within the Department of Legal Sciences.





A R E A 5 – S Y S T E M S O F J U R I S D I C T I O N A L H U M A N R I G H T S G U A R A N T E E

CONTRIBUTORS TO THE RESEARCH AREA Members of the Department MAURO POLITI P.O. Diritto internazionale DIEGO QUAGLIONI P.O. Storia del Diritto medievale e moderno GIUSEPPE NESI P.S. Diritto internazionale PAOLO CARTA P.A. Storia delle dottrine politiche PATRIZIA DE CESARI P.A. Diritto internazionale ERMINIA CAMASSA R. Diritto canonico e Diritto ecclesiastico JENS WOELK R. Diritto pubblico comparato EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS Kent University, UK (Prof. Yutaka Arai); University of Zurich, Switzerland (Prof. Giovanni Biaggini), Vermont Law School, USA (Prof. Bruce Duthu), "No Peace without Justice" Bruxelles, (Prof. Nicolò Figà), Max Planck Institut Heidelberg, Germany (Prof. Matthias Hartwig), University of Graz, Austria (Prof. Joseph Marko), Vermont Law School, USA (Prof. Pamela Stephens), I.U.H.E.I., Geneva (Prof. Marcelo G. Kohen). RESEARCH ACTIVITY Outline So far, the research activities of the group have analysed the issue of legal guarantees of Human Rights developing two main strands: the constitutional protection of minorities and the consequences of the fight against terrorism for the protection of Human Rights in the international legal system. La tutela costituzionale delle minoranze The first research area concentrates on the analysis of autochthonous minorities protection, considered as communities characterized by their own ethnic, linguistic and cultural identity, other than the majority’s ones, within one common state, and presents a number of models, mainly centred on the assessment of individually exercised protection situations. We must also count, however, a number of institutes that will rather provide a kind of subjectivation of minorities, as emerging in connection to the theme of preferential political representation and also of jurisdictional representation. A special research interest involves the relationship between fight against terrorism, the protection of human rights and the role of international organizations, both at regional and worldwide level. Counter terrorism measures can collide with some international obligations and certain fundamental human rights safeguarded by several international instruments, with particular reference to the right to life, the banning of torture, and the freedom of thought and religion. Traditionally, these rights do not allow for any derogation. SUMMARY TABLE OF MAIN ACTIVITY INDICATORS 2000-02

TOTAL PUBLICATIONS AND WORKING PAPERS Books and editorships national: no. 0 international: no. 4 Articles and contributions national: no. 6 international: no. 6 other: no. 0 working papers: no. 0








G. NESI: Cooperation between European Organizations and the United Nations in the struggle against international terrorism

MIUR 55.700,00 2002/2004


La tutela costituzionale delle minoranze (Casonato, Woelk) The research, with other participating members of the Legal Sciences Department in addition to Carlo Casonato and Jens Woelk, wants to expand the systematic knowledge of models of constitutional autochthonous minorities protection found in numerous European and extra-European countries through a few main lines of investigation, distinct by subject but converging on a perspective of legal pluralistic systems definition; this is the ultimate objective of the study, aimed at stressing an approach removed from the consolidated revival of legal systems in rigorously unitary terms. The research deals with, among others, the instruments of autochthonous minorities protection, the picture in the making of the so called “new minorities” (e.g. resident immigrants) legal condition, the impact of the theme on the notion of citizenship and nation, and its transposition to the area of supranational European integration processes. The research carries out a comparative investigation of state systems and experiences but also of interstate and supranational perspectives, analyzing and ordering in geopolitical and legal compartments the different existential realities of minorities presenting diversified but coinciding features (autochthonous minorities in western, central and eastern European states – with special attention to the ongoing regulative and legal developments of the subject in Italy too) but also in the United States and Canada; the forms of legal personal pluralism and parallel territorial autonomy; the identifying features, even religious ones, of minority groups, the protection of their respective identities and the forms of negotiated autonomy. As well as publications and contributions to meetings, there have been seminars organized with experts outside the research group. The possible applications envisage consultancy and planning work at provincial, regional, national and community level for new protection models addressed to autochthonous minorities within autonomous territorial legal systems. Cooperation between European Organizations and the United Nations in the struggle against international terrorism. In the second line of research, even before starting with the current research project (see below), the group has already organized two International Conferences in Trento, "Moving beyond Peace, Rights and Justice: Time for New Views?" (October 2000).

• CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTS Cooperation between European Organizations and the United Nations in the struggle against international terrorism (MIUR 2002) The cooperation between European organizations - namely, the European Union, the Council of Europe and the Organization for Security and Organization in Europe (OSCE) - and the United Nations in the fight against international terrorism will be the core of the research of the Trento Unit. Two (out of six) important topics to be dealt with by the Trento Unit regard the consequences of the declared fight against terrorism for the protection of human rights. Topic no. six is that of the relationship between the fight against terrorism, the protection of human rights and the role of international organizations, both at regional and universal level. It seems that counter terrorism measures could collide with some international obligations. Namely, we will try to understand whether such measures can conflict with certain fundamental human rights (protected by several international instruments) that, traditionally, do not permit any derogation. Reference is here to the right of life, to the prohibition of torture and inhuman and degrading treatment, to the freedom of thought and



religion. In this context, for instance, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) could deal in the near future with cases concerning counter terrorism activities: it suffices to think of cases that could be founded on Art. 8 of the Rome Convention (that refer to the respect to private life) and the intrusiveness of modern means of control on communications. In addition, related to the right of a fair trial, Topic no. five is dealing with the issue of jurisdiction for the crime of terrorism: jurisdiction on terrorist activities will be examined first of all with reference to the means at the disposal of national apparatus in order to suppress those activities. Of course, States can operate on the basis of the traditional criteria of territoriality and active and passive personality. One can wonder whether those crimes can be prosecuted also on the basis of the criterion of universal jurisdiction. The likelihood of prosecuting the authors of a crime without making reference to one of the traditional criteria of jurisdiction, thus making reference to the concept of universal jurisdiction, is normally linked to the qualification of the committed crime as a crimen juris gentium; such qualification seems to be missed, as of now, as regards terrorist activities. Moreover, regarding jurisdiction in the field of the suppression of terrorism, and affecting also international organizations, the role that can be played by international jurisdictions, and namely by the International Criminal Court (ICC), is analysed. It is well known that the Rome Statute does not make reference to international terrorism as one of the crimes to be prosecuted by the ICC. Nonetheless, many States have tried to insert such crime in the Statute and the Rome Conference Resolution by which the Statute was adopted makes specific reference to future negotiations aimed at inserting the crime of international terrorism in the Statute when it will be amended. An international Conference on the role of the International Criminal Court is planned for 2004. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS M. POLITI, G. NESI, (eds.), The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court – A Challenge to Impunity, Aldershot, Dartmouth 2001 M. POLITI, G. NESI, (eds.), The International Criminal Court and the Crime of Aggression, Ashgate Publ. (in press) M. POLITI, Elements of Crimes, in Cassese-Gaeta-Jones The Statute of International Criminal Court. A Commentary, Oxford University Press, 2002, vol. I D. QUAGLIONI, Le leggi razziali e le «incertezze” dei diritti umani, in Il sapere e la vergogna. Psichiatria, scienza e cultura nelle leggi razziali del 1938. Convegno internazionale di studi (Reggio Emilia, 20-21 novembre 1998), Reggio Emilia, Centro di Documentazione di Storia della Psichiatria, 2002, pp. 35-47. D. QUAGLIONI, Libertà, diritto, società, in Antonio Rosmini e l’idea della libertà. Atti del VII Convegno internazionale di studi rosminiani (Rovereto, 8-10 marzo 1999), a cura di A. Autiero e A. Genovese, Bologna, Edizioni Dehoniane, 2001, pp. 21-36. G. NESI, “The Obligation to Co-operate with the International Criminal Court and States non Parties to the Statute”, in The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: A Challenge to Impunity, Proceedings of the Damascus Conference on the ICC (3-4 November 2001), Damascus, 2002 P. CARTA, De Los Santos L. (eds.), La République en exile (XVe-XVIe siècles). Lyon, ENS-Editions, 2002 (laboratoire italien 3/2002) P. CARTA, Il poeta e la polis. Colpa e responsabilità, in W.H. Auden (ed.), Cedam, Padova 2003 P. DE CESARI, Observations on the Appeal before the International Criminal Court, M. POLITI, G. NESI, (eds.), The Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court – A Challenge to Impunity, Aldershot, Dartmouth 2001 E. CAMASSA, “Islam: un’intesa possibile?”, in AA.VV., “Islam: un dialogo possibile”, Atti del Convegno di studi tenutosi nel Gennaio 2002 a Crotone (in print) E. CAMASSA, “Islam e diritti umani”, in AA.VV., “A volto scoperto. Donne e diritti umani”, Atti del Seminario organizzato dalla Società Italiana delle Storiche presso il Dipartimento di Studi Storici dell’Università degli Studi di Bologna (in print) J. WOELK, From Ethnic Minority Protection to Cohabitation, in: Agency of Local Democracy Subotica (ed.), Essays on Regionalisation. A collection of reports submitted at the International Conference: Regionalisation in Southeast Europe – Comparative Analysis and



Perspectives, Subotica 2001, pp. 107 - 128 (Serbian translation: Od zastite prava manjina do suzivota, in: Ogledi o Regionalizaciji, pp. 107 - 128). J. WOELK, La tutela dei diritti fondamentali prima della carta, in: Roberto Toniatti (ed.), Diritto, diritti, giurisdizione. La Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione Europea, Padova, Cedam, 2002, pp. 55 – 74


UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING Diritto internazionale Politi, 2000, (60 h); 2001, 2002 (60 + 30

h), Facoltà di giurisprudenza, Laboratorio applicativo sulla Convenzione Europea dei Diritti dell'Uomo

Nesi, 1999/2000, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 20 hrs

Corso di Tutela Internazionale dei Diritti dell'Uomo

Nesi, 2001, 2002, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Diritto delle comunità europee (pubblico) Nesi, 2000, 2001, 2002, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, (60 h)

Diritto internazionale Nesi, 1999, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, (60 h) Corso di Diritto delle comunità europee (pubblico)

De Cesari, 2003, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, (60 h)

Diritto dei paesi di lingua tedesca – parte: diritti fondamentali e giustizia costiuzionale

Woelk, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 30 hrs

Diritto amministrativo comparato – il processo amministrativo

Woelk, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, (30 h)

GRADUATE TEACHING Master in Studi Internazionali presso la Scuola di Studi internazionali

Nesi, Politi, De Cesari – dal 2001

Master in Local Development for the Balkans Woelk 2002 (lectures on minority-protection, ca. 15 h)


Strengths Despite the relatively small size of the group, the direct involvement of some members of the group at international level (International Criminal Court) is a precious resource for the research activities of the group as a whole and goes well beyond the specific topic. On the other hand, the group's research topic is not limited to a mere analysis under the perspective of international law, but there are important contributions from other disciplines, especially comparative constitutional law, European Community law as well as Legal History. This differentiated approach, enriched by the activities of most members in other projects and consultancy in the field, guarantees a balanced and multi-faceted view of the problem how to guarantee human rights.

Weaknesses The members of the group participate in a variety of research activities. Due to the different disciplines represented in the group, these are not always closely interrelated and connected. In addition, being a comparatively small group, there is the risk that some areas are not sufficiently covered. There is still a lack of external support, especially by domestic judges which could give a valuable additional contribution to the significant practical experience of some members of the group at international level.

Opportunities The group is carrying out research in an important sector for the future shape of society and its legal institutions and procedures. Particularly promising is the focus on the consequences of the globalisation processes, in particular the recent developments concerning the fight against terrorism, as well as the comparative method applied in most of the projects.

Threats The direct participation at international level is certainly a precious resource, but at the cost of frequent absence of the concerned members which might make cooperation within the



group more difficult. Another possible risk, resulting from the limited number of the group's members, is that the research activities of the single disciplines might not always be sufficiently connected for guaranteeing the use of synergies.





A R E A 6 – H I S T O R Y O F E U R O P E A N L A W

CONTRIBUTORS TO THE RESEARCH AREA Members of the Department DIEGO QUAGLIONI P.O. Storia del Diritto medievale e moderno RUGGERO MACERATINI P.S. Diritto canonico e diritto ecclesiastico LUCA NOGLER P.S. Diritto del lavoro PAOLO CARTA P.A. Storia delle dottrine politiche MARINO MARINELLI P.A. Diritto processuale civile MASSIMO MIGLIETTA P.A. Diritto romano e diritti dell’antichità GIANNI SANTUCCI P.A. Diritto romano e diritti dell’antichità GIAMPAOLO ZUCCHINI P.A. Storia del Diritto medievale e moderno NICOLA LUISI R. Diritto romano e diritti dell’antichità MAURIZIO CAU Dottore di ricerca Borsista Max Planck Institut FRANCESCO SAVERIO DALBA Dottorando Studi storici MARIA TERESA LO PREIATO Dottorando Studi storici EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS Heidelberg, (C. Baldus); University of California (E. Bencivenga); Paris (M-D. Couzinet); Francoforte (G. Dilcher); Paris – ENS Lyon, (Jean-Louis Fournel); Salzburg, (J.M. Rainer); Pavia, (D. Mantovani, coordinatore del dottorato di ricerca in Diritto romano e cultura giuridica europea (sede amministrativa Pavia) a cui Trento aderisce come sede consorziata; Padova (A. Burdese, L. Garofalo, U. Vincenti), Bologna (D. Dalla, G. Luchetti), Modena, (R. Lambertini), Torino, (F. Gallo, F. Goria), Lausanne (F. Sturm), Innsbruck (A. Völkl). Francoforte, (M. Stolleis); ENS-Lyon (Jean-Claude Zancarini); Firenze (P. Grossi); Roma, (F. Liotta); Istituto Universitario Europeo (C. Joerges). RESEARCH ACTIVITY The aim of the subject area is the study of European law seen in its historical dimension, and the comparison of international legal and political experiences. In this regard, the area has, in more recent years, increasingly addressed its commitment to the following lines of research: History of legal methods in early modern Europe, with special reference to the relationships between the Italian and French law experience (Quaglioni, Couzinet); the legal-political thought of Carlo Antonio Martini (Zucchini); The perception of natural law in Italy and especially in the Rovereto area (Stoffella); Political thought and regulae iuris (Carta); the legal status of heretics in the common law (Maceratini); the relationship between law and custom in the European legal thought during the medieval and modern age (Dilcher, Zendri); Religious freedom and censorship doctrines in European history (Bianchin); legal doctrines on the separation of husband and wife (Marchetto); Law and politics in National Socialism times (Cau, Nogler); Origins of industrial labour law (L. Nogler); Ethics and law in XVIII century Europe (Bencivenga); Right to citizenship (Lo Preiato); European political culture in the Venetian perception (Sciacca). In the subject area of “History of European law”, research on Roman law is a point of sure prominence. The department members who are mainly engaged in Roman law studies (but not only that) - Gianni Santucci and Massimo Miglietta – have constantly been expanding the subject scopes within the current international doctrinal studies in the field. In particular, the broadest investigations, carried out in the form of monograph studies, analyze figures of Roman private law with the usual, strict methodology of Roman law research, placing at the centre of their examination the analysis of legal and regulative Roman texts, without neglecting literary sources. A mention should also go to contributions in the field centred on problems of a more marked historicist character, either in relation to the formal statute of legal and literary sources, or to the penal process.




TOTAL PUBLICATIONS AND WORKING PAPERS Books and editorships national: 13 international: 1 Articles and contributions national: 23 international: 90 other: 0 working papers: 52 SUMMARY TABLE OF RESEARCH PROJECTS ENJOYING FINANCIAL SUPPORT SINCE 2000





D. QUAGLIONI: Strutture sociali e poteri di governo in età moderna e contamporanea

MIUR 80,050.82 2001-2003

MAIN RESEARCH TOPICS AND RESULTS The research on matrimonial cases produced two published monographs, collecting the proceedings of seminars run on a six month basis in Trento, Florence and Venice: D. QUAGLIONI - S. SEIDEL MENCHI, Matrimoni in dubbio. Unioni controverse e nozze clandestine in Italia dal XIV al XVIII secolo. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2001. With attached CD-ROM; D. QUAGLIONI

– S. SEIDEL MENCHI, Coniugi nemici. La separazione in Italia dal XII al XVIII secolo. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2000. p. 570. “Quaderni” of the Italian-German Historical Institute in Trento, 53. To these must be added a third volume currently being printed (D. QUAGLIONI – S. SEIDEL MENCHI, Unioni trasgressive. Concubinaggio, adulterio, bigamia, Bologna, Il Mulino). The project enrolled the participation of the most important scholars in the field and it also helped, from the documentary point of view, build up a data bank of matrimonial cases found in European church archives, as shown in the CD ROM attached to the second volume. Also to be reported is a monograph currently being produced by Giuliano Marchetto, and devoted to the Separazione dei coniugi nella dottrina di diritto comune. The project involved the organization of an international meeting, held in Trento. From the project on power legitimacy and legitimization in various jurists political thought in modern and contemporary times came the following volumes, published or in press: D. QUAGLIONI, La sovranità, Bari, Laterza, 2003 (in press); D. QUAGLIONI, L’idea di giustizia dal medioevo all’età moderna, Paris (in press); L. CAMPOS BORALEVI - D. QUAGLIONI (edited by), La politeia biblica, Florence, Olschki, 2003; P. CARTA – L. DE LOS SANTOS (eds.), La République en exil, Lyon, ENS, 2002 («Laboratoire italien», No. 3); P. Carta, Il poeta e la «polis», Padova, Cedam, 2003 and P. CARTA, Ricordi politici, in “Quaderni” of the Department of Legal Sciences, Trento University, 2003. To these volumes, published or in press, we must add the following monographs by Christian Zendri, currently in progress: Legge e consuetudine nella Francia del ‘500; Lucia Bianchin, Dottrine della censura nella prima età moderna; Maurizio Cau, Diritto e potere nel pensiero di K. Kraus and Stefania Stoffella, Il pensiero giuspolitico di Clemente Baroni Cavalcabò. The research also brought about an international seminar devoted to I giuristi e la città in Italia (secc. XIV-XV) held in Trento on 22-23 November 2002 and organized, together with the Ecole Française de Rome, at the Institut Universitaire de France and the Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier III. The project Laboratoire italien, financed by Trento University, CNEL, ENS-Lyon and the Italian-French University, envisaged the birth of an international journal devoted to the Italian political and legal culture, and addressed to a European, particularly French, audience. The project produced a web site for the journal and the publication of the first four issues, starting in 2001. The journal can also pride itself on having been presented at the Salon du livre in Paris in 2002. The project Laboratoire italien is now continuing with the



publication of monograph issues and involves, in addition to regular meetings of the editorial board, also a number of seminars specifically devoted to the topics in hand. Il socio d’opera in diritto romano (G. Santucci), (one monograph and three contributions in the form of essays). The investigation’s approach is poised between the use of dogmatic categories on one hand and text exegesis on the other, and the analysis of available literary sources, and their socio-economic context, takes quite thoroughly into consideration the most specifically legal problems involved. An in depth study of legal and literary sources relative to the figure of the business partner whose investment is in the form of labour has first of all allowed to highlight in all its complexity and relevance an otherwise little known and studied topic in law doctrine. The project also singles out forms of work contracting quite neglected until now or, at the most, only glimpsed in the doctrine; finally, it affirms, contrary to the general position of Roman Law studies most popular until a few years ago, the contractual liability due to partner negligence and the classic principle of the so called culpa in concreto. “Operis novi nuntiatio iuris publici tuendi gratia” (G. Santucci), (one monograph on the subject). In examining from all points of view the operis novi nuntiatio in defence of public interest, we report the systematic analysis of sources with reference to Lenel’s palingenetic view. This allows to reread the texts from an original angle and, above all, to overcome antinomies previous doctrines had discussed and tried to resolve by using the interpolatio method, offering therefore a conservative and reliable exegetical method for the few but relevant texts available. La legislazione imperiale postclassica (G. Santucci), with particular reference to the legal repercussions of actions of the so called potentes subjects and the problems of credit transfer through inter vivos transactions (four essays devoted to the subject). “Servus dolo occisus” (M. Miglietta) A study contribution to the concurrence of ‘actio legis Aquiliae’ and ‘iudicium ex lege Cornelia de sicariis’, Naples, Novene 2001; Id., “Elaborazione di Ulpiano e di Paolo intorno al “certum dicere” nell’ “edictum ‘generale’ de iniuriis”, Lecce, Argo 2002: these two monograph studies – sharing the subject and a rigorously exegetical method – aim at pursuing the study of the historical and dogmatic evolution involving, since Roman times, the concept of liability outside the terms of contract (or ‘Aquilian’). Such evolution appears, in fact, to be strictly linked to the transformation undergone by the very role of the fundamental regulative text on the subject (the so called Lex Aquilia de damno iniuria dato), from its original penal character to mainly, although not exclusively, compensatory aspects. Concorso tra azione civile e giudizio criminale per omicidio in diritto romano (M. Miglietta) The investigation was centred, in the first place, on the revival (palingenesis) of single Roman jurists thought on the subject of liability outside the terms of contract and the identification of legal-dogmatic ordering models for the delicate problem of concurrence of actions (civil and penal ones) in ancient Rome legal system and the influence exercised by such system on later legal experiences. “Certum dicere” ed “edictum ‘generale’ de iniuriis” nella riflessione dei giuristi severiani (M. Miglietta) The work, published in a svelte monograph and a sizeable article appeared on an Italian journal, has a mainly palingenetic character, aimed at illustrating how, in the light of the ‘certum dicere’ syntagma (which comes, therefore, to be fundamental in the ruling of the magistrate clause on the subject of bodily harm – iniuria -), the Roman jurists of the Severi times syntactically and logically structured their commentaries on the subject. Aspetti di metodologia interpretativa delle fonti inerenti il ‘processo a Gesù’ (Massimo Miglietta). Within a substantial series of contributions published in national and international journals, of meeting proceedings and monographs with several collaborating authors, Miglietta engaged in a somewhat original reading of the whole story (freed, that is, of the problem and cultural weight of the so called culpa iudaica), as recognized by the most recent specialistic doctrine.



Il diritto del lavoro in Europa dalla Repubblica di Weimar ai regimi totolitari (L. Nogler) This research area has been dealing for some years with the European origins of legal thought on the subject of labour law, with special reference to collective labour law (collective bargaining agreements, trade unions participation to the process, etc.). Quite central to the analysis we find the figure of Hugo Sinzheimer and his labour law school (O. Kahn Freund, F. Neumann and Ernst Fraenkel). In addition to the Weimar origins of labour law, the project also investigated the relationship between National Socialist and corporatist doctrines in relation to the making – again in the labour relationships field – of a new European social order. The investigation was carried out as part of a collaboration with a European University Institute research project on the theme Darker Legacies of Law in Europe. The Shadow of National Socialism and Fascism over Europe and its Legal Tradition coordinated by C. Joerges. CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTS Ripensare l’umanesimo giuridico (Rethinking legal humanism). Starting off from Domenico Maffei classic studies, the historical-legal area wants to go back with this research to the fundamental texts which characterized legal humanism, and work on moments particularly neglected by historiography, to retrace the complex weave of intellectual experiences. In this sense, next to various considerations on legal methodology and its history, we must report an investigation on the relationship between regulae iuris and solid reality, between law and custom, and between power sovereignty and constraints. To this theme will be dedicated an international meeting to be held in November 2003 in Montpellier, organized by the Department of Legal Sciences of Trento University together with the ’Ecole Française de Rome, the Institut Universitaire de France and the Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier III. As part of the relationships now firmly established with major French scientific institutions, some of the themes indicated for possible research lines are also: Legal humanism: mos italicus and mos gallicus compared. Figures, experiences, doctrines. The legal-political doctrine in the XVI century: circulation of scholars and jurists. Jurists in exile: the Italian opposition from abroad during French religious wars. The XVII century new horizon. Italy and France in the reforms and Enlightenment period. Italy and France in Napoleonic Europe. Ricerche intorno al diritto di usufrutto nell’esperienza giuridica romana (Research on the usufructuary right in Roman law (Santucci). The ongoing study deals in particular with the examination of usufructuaries obligations; a palingenetic study of the relative Roman fragments, which is part of the current project, should lead to convincing and original results as compared to previous literature (Karlowa, Bortilucci, Betancourt, Grosso), still bound in various ways to a critical work carried out with the interpolatio method. Almost completed is Santucci’s participation to the CNR project for the young Agenzia 2000 (with Dr. Bellodi in charge) entitled “Theoretical and methodological models in the history of intermediate and current private Roman law: obligations and real rights. In particular Santucci presented talks and reports in all meetings sessions (21/112002; 22/4/2003; 8-9/5/2003) and wrote an essay now published in a volume with the same title, published in Naples in 2003. Ricerche intorno al metodo dialettico della scuola giuridica serviana (Research on the Servian legal school dialectical method (Miglietta). The study, already well under way, aims at investigating a specific aspect of the legal thought proper of the school of Servius S. Rufus and his pupil P. Alfenus Varus, i.e. the logical conflict between ‘quaestio’ and ‘responsum’ to be found, in some cases, in Alfenus’s Digesta: here we can witness the rather cunning attempt of a petitioner addressing the jurist and trying to lead him towards a certain solution. Of course in favour of the person who is asking the quaestio. Such ploy is opposed by the interpretative efforts of the jurist who, as we will see, starting from the very words of the petioner — that is exploiting the quaestio logical-syntactical structure — turns over the premises and comes to the opposite solution to the one he would have reached if he had given in to the ‘temptation’ of following the direction laid out by the party.



Il dialogo atlantico in tema di diritto del lavoro (L. Nogler) The project wants to investigate the relationships between European legal thought on labour issues and the United States one, based on the analysis model proposed by Daniel Rodgers in his book on Atlantic crossings. The research will be carried out in collaboration with the European University Institute. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS L. CAMPOS BORALEVI - D. QUAGLIONI (a c. di), La politeia biblica, Firenze, Olschki, 2003 D. QUAGLIONI, La Sovranità, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2003. D. QUAGLIONI – S. SEIDEL MENCHI, Unioni trasgressive. Concubinaggio, adulterio, bigamia, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2003. D. QUAGLIONI - S. SEIDEL MENCHI, Matrimoni in dubbio. Unioni controverse e nozze clandestine in Italia dal XIV al XVIII secolo. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2001. Con allegato CD-rom D. QUAGLIONI – S. SEIDEL MENCHI, Coniugi nemici. La separazione in Italia dal XII al XVIII secolo. Bologna: Il mulino, 2000. p. 570. Quaderni dell'Istituto storico italo-germanico in Trento, 53 D. QUAGLIONI, "Machiavelli e la lingua della giurisprudenza". Pensiero politico : rivista di storia delle idee politiche e sociali, 1999, v. XXXII, n. 2, p. 171-185. D. QUAGLIONI, "Pufendorf in Italia. Appunti e notizie sulla prima diffusione della traduzione italiana del De iure naturae et gentium". Pensiero politico : rivista di storia delle idee politiche e sociali, 1999, v. XXXII, n. 2, p. 235-250. D. QUAGLIONI, "Il processo Avogari e la dottrina medievale della tirannide". In Cagnin G. (a cura di), Il Processo Avogari (Treviso, 1314-1315). Roma: Viella, 1999, Fonti per la storia della Terraferma Veneta Vol. 8 D. QUAGLIONI, ""Conscientiam munire". Dottrine della censura tra Cinque e Seicento". In Censura ecclesiastica e cultura politica in Italia tra Cinquecento e Seicento. Firenze: Olschki, 2001. p. 37-54. D. QUAGLIONI, ""Sans violance ny peine quelconque au port de salut". Il problema della libertà di coscienza nella "République" di Jean Bodin". In La formazione storica della alterità. Studi di storia della tolleranza nell'età moderna offerti a Antonio Rotondò. Firenze: Olschki, 2001. p. 361-373. D. QUAGLIONI, "La cultura giuridica a Rovereto nel Settecento". In La nascita di una società civile e colta nella Rovereto del Settecento. Allegri M. (a cura di) Rovereto (TN): Accademia roveretana degli Agiati, 2000. p. 7-19. D. QUAGLIONI, "La consuetudine come costituzione". In Dominii collettivi e autonomia. Nervi P. (a cura di) Padova: CEDAM, 2000. p. 11-35. D. QUAGLIONI, "L'iniquo diritto. "Ius regis" e "regimen regis" nell'esegesi di I Sam. 8, 11-17 e negli "Spacula principum" del tardo Medioevo". In Specula principum. De Benedictis A. (a cura di) Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann, 1999. p. 209-242. D. QUAGLIONI, "Il pensiero politico dell'assolutismo". In Il pensiero politico. Idee teorie dottrine. Andreatta A. Baldini A. (a cura di) Torino: UTET, 1999. p. 99-125. R. MACERATINI, "Brevi riflessioni sull'insegnamento del Diritto Canonico e la Storia del Diritto Canonico". In L'insegnamento del diritto ecclesiastico nelle università italiane. Tozzi V. (a cura di) Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane, 2002. p. 85-93. R. MACERATINI, "Diritto Canonico e Diritto Civile in Accursio e la Grande Glossa al Codex di Giustiniano, con riferimento al problema della posizione giuridica dell'eretico". In Studi in onore di Francesco Finocchiaro. Padova: CEDAM, 2000. p. 1211-1250. R. MACERATINI, "Il pensiero di Ugolino in tema di eresie". In Studi in onore di Gaetano Catalano. Soveria Mannelli (CZ): Rubbettino, 1998. p. 953-964. R. MACERATINI, "Il pensiero di Roffredo intorno all'eretico". Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte. Romanistische Abteilung, 1998, v. 115, n. 84, p. 619-625. L. NOGLER, L’idea nazionalsocialista di un “nuovo ordine europeo” e la nostra dottrina corporativa”, in Giorn. Dir. Lav. Rel. Ind., 2001, 317-359 I profili processuali dell’interpretazione del contratto collettivo, in Gior. dir. lav. rel. ind., 1998, 723-780 L. NOGLER, Corporatist Doctrine and the “New European Order”, in Joerges C. & Navraj Singh Ghaleigh (Ed.), Darker Legacies in Europe with a Prologue by Michael Stolleis and an Epilogue by J.H.H. Weiler, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2003.



L. NOGLER, Review of Scienza giuridica italiana. Un profilo storico 1860-1950 by Paolo Grossi, in Giorn. Dir. Lav. Rel. Ind., 539-555, (2001). P. CARTA, Nunziature ed eresia nel Cinquecento. Nuovi documenti sul processo e la condanna di Francesco Pucci (1592-1597), Padova, Cedam, 1999 (Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche. Università degli Studi di Trento, XXIX). P. CARTA, La lettera di Jean Bodin a Barnabé Brisson in una traduzione coeva, «Il pensiero politico», XXXIII (2000), n. 1, pp. 63-93. P. CARTA-L. DE LOS SANTOS, La République en exil, «Laboratoire italien», 3, Lyon, ENS, 2002. P. CARTA, Guicciardini scettico?, in Bologna nell’età di Carlo V e Francesco Guicciardini, a c. di E. Pasquini e P. Prodi, Atti del Convegno internazionale, Bologna, 19-21 ottobre 2000, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2002, pp. 265-281. P. CARTA, Il poeta e la «polis». Colpa e responsabilità in Wystan H. Auden, Padova, Cedam, 2003. P. CARTA, Ricordi politici. Le «Proposizioni civili» di Cesare Speciano e il pensiero politico del XVI secolo, Trento, Università degli Studi di Trento, 2003 (Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche). M. MIGLIETTA, Elaborazione di Ulpiano e di Paolo intorno al «certum dicere» nell’«edictum ‘generale’ de iniuriis», Lecce, Argo 2002, pp. 112. M. MIGLIETTA, L’invio ad tetrarca di Galilea e Perea, in L. BOVE, E. CANTARELLA, B. FABBRINI, M. MIGLIETTA, D. PIATTELLI, A.M. RABELLO, B. SANTALUCIA, C. VENTURINI, Il processo contro Gesù [a cura di F. Amarelli e F. Lucrezi, pref. di F.P. Casavola], Napoli, Novene 1999, pp. 105-150 e 245-299. L’opera è stata recentemente tradotta in lingua spagnola a cura di Antonio e Federico Fernàndez De Bujàn: El proceso contra Jesùs, Madrid, Dikynson 2002. M. MIGLIETTA, Una recente indagine storico-giuridica sul processo ‘contro’ Gesù, in Archivio Giuridico 221 (2001), pp. 473-493. G. SANTUCCI C.Th.2,13,1: la legislazione di Onorio sui crediti fra il 421 e il 422 d.C., in SDHI, 57, 1991, pp.181-204. G. SANTUCCI, Il socio d’opera in diritto romano. Conferimenti e responsabilità, Padova, Cedam 1997, pp. XIX+315. G. SANTUCCI, Operis novi nuntiatio iuris publici tendi gratia, Padova, Cedam 2001, pp. XII+170. G. SANTUCCI, Fides bona e societas una riflessione, In Studi in onore di A. Burdese, Padova 2003 G. SANTUCCI, Il conferimento del nome nella società. Una premessa storica necessaria, in AA.VV., Modelli teorici e metodologici nella storia del diritto privato romano, intermedio e contemporaneo, Napoli 2003. H. BARTA, G. PALLAVER, G. ROSSI, G. ZUCCHINI (a cura di), Storia, istituzioni e diritto in Carlo Antonio de Martini (1726-1800). 2° Colloquio Europeo Martini, Trento 18-19 ottobre 2000, Trento, Università degli Studi di Trento (Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche), 2002. G. ZUCCHINI, Politikaì Velencèben: a szabadsàg es a fueggetlenség eroetere (had. di sander bene), in CaBabel, Budapest, u.3, 1998 pp.43-49; G. ZUCCHINI, “Dalla memoria alla storia”, in “Rassegna”, Istituto Pedagogico Italiano, Bolzano, n. 11 (1999), pp. 5-8; MAURIZIO CAU, Recenti studi benjaminiani, «Il Pensiero Politico», XXXV (2002), 2, pp. 481-493. MAURIZIO CAU, Ricomporre l’infranto? Walter Benjamin politico del frammento, «Annali dell’Istituto Storico Italo-Germanico di Trento», XXV (1999), pp. 273-304. TEACHING ACTIVITY

UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING Storia del pensiero giuridico Quaglioni, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di

giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Storia delle dottrine politiche Quaglioni; 1998/1999; 1999/2000; , dal

2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Storia del diritto canonico Maceratini, dal 2002 ad oggi, , dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Storia delle dottrine politiche Carta, dal 2000 ad oggi, , dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs



Esegesi delle fonti del diritto romano Miglietta, 2002/2003, , dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Istituzioni di diritto romano Santucci, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Diritto romano Santucci, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Storia del diritto romano Santucci, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Storia delle Codificazioni moderne Zucchini, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

GRADUATE TEACHING Dottorato di ricerca in studi storici Trento Quaglioni, Maceratini, Zucchini, Carta (2000-

2002) Dottorato di ricerca in filosofia politica (Padova)

Quaglioni, Carta (2000-oggi)

Dottorato di ricerca in diritto romano e cultura giuridica europea Pavia

Santucci (1999-oggi) Miglietta (2002-oggi)

Scuola forense (Area fondamenti diritto europeo)

Santucci (2001-oggi)


Strengths The area’s main strong point is its interdisciplinary feature. The wealth of interests and different methodologies is expressed in common initiatives, both as regards teaching and research, allowing to reach significantly innovative scientific results, also shown in the above titles and the prestigious publishing sources.

Weaknesses Poor interaction among ancient, modern and contemporary age historians present in the University on projects run by the subject area.

Opportunities A PhD School at the Department of Legal Sciences, started up with a background of consolidated scientific connections between major law historians in Europe. A cooperation project with ENS-Lyon and the Max Planck Institute in Frankfurt.

Threats Continuing and developing historical-legal researches, exploiting initiatives aimed at sharing scientific results and brightening up archive and text investigation activities.





A R E A 7 – C O N S T I T U T I O N A L R E V I S I O N , S U B S I D I A R I T Y A N D P U B L I C A D M I N I S T R A T I O N


Members of the Department GREGORIO ARENA P.O. Diritto amministrativo GIANDOMENICO FALCON P.O. Diritto amministrativo ROBERTO TONIATTI P.O. Diritto costituzionale comparato CARLO ZOLI P.O. Diritto del lavoro FULVIO ZUELLI P.O. Istituzioni di diritto pubblico FABRIZIO CAFAGGI P.S. Diritto privato DARIA DE PRETIS P.S. Diritto amministrativo GIOVANNI GUZZETTA P.S. Istituzioni di diritto pubblico MARCO BOMBARDELLI P.A. Diritto amministrativo DAMIANO FLORENZANO P.A. Istituzioni di diritto pubblico NICOLA LUGARESI P.A. Diritto amministrativo BARBARA MARCHETTI P.A. Diritto amministrativo DONATA BORGONOVO RE R. Istituzioni di diritto pubblico MATTEO COSULICH R. Istituzioni di diritto pubblico PAOLA IAMICELI R. Diritto privato CHRISTIAN FERRAZZI Assegnista Diritto amministrativo ANNA SIMONATI Assegnista Diritto amministrativo EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS

L’area ha rapporti con varie istituzioni di ricerca a livello nazionale e internazionale. Fra queste ultime sono da ricordare: American University di Washington SIS (School of International Studies), Istituto di Diritto pubblico, Università di Innsbruck (prof. Peter Pernthaler); Centre de recherche en droit public, Université de Montréal (prof. Jacques Frémont); Vermont Law School (prof. Belinda Sifford); Istituto Universitario Europeo (prof. Bruno de Witte); Rechtswissenschaftliche Facultät, Universität von Regensburg (prof. Reiner Alnord); Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Università di Leeds (prof. Ian Leigh); Facultà de Derecho, Universidad del Paese Basco, San Sebastian (prof. Gurutz Jauregui). Collabora inoltre con l’ European Public Law Center – Grecia diretto dal prof. S. Flogaitis (Università capodistriana di Atene) e dal prof. G. Timisit (Università di Parigi I, Sorbona). RESEARCH ACTIVITY Outline The research area includes a large number of studies on the transformations involving in the past as well as in the present the organization of public power, in particular public administration, following the reformation process started in the ‘90s (Law No. 142/90 on local autonomies; Law No. 241/90 on administrative procedures; Law No. 59/97 and gov. decr. No. 112/98 on the so called “administrative federalism”, etc.) and ending up in the constitutional revision Law No. 3/2001, which modified title V of the Italian Constitution. The studies carried out in the research area analyze transformations now under way from different points of view, expanding in particular on the role and recognized importance of territorial autonomies, also by way of comparative analysis; on the connections that the current process presents with the European integration process and the influence of EC law; on the progressive strengthening of the subsidiarity principle (both in a vertical and horizontal direction); on the evolution of relationships between public administration and private individuals in managing public services and their progressive contracting out; on the modifications introduced in criteria regulating administrative organization and the discipline of public administration employed labour; on the changes registered in administrative operations principles, especially as regards simplification, participation and transparency. The area has therefore as its target study both national and EC public administrations, as well as private organizations entertaining relationships with them in the exercise of



administrative functions. Because of the themes involved, significant connections exist with area 1 and 4. SUMMARY TABLE OF MAIN ACTIVITY INDICATORS 2000-02

TOTAL PUBLICATIONS AND WORKING PAPERS Books and editorships national: 11 international: 0 Articles and contributions national: 66 international: 13 other: 0 working papers: 0 SUMMARY TABLE OF RESEARCH PROJECTS ENJOYING FINANCIAL SUPPORT SINCE 2000




G. ARENA: Education between school autonomy and regional autonomy after the last Italian constitutional reform

MIUR and Trento University

33.300,00 2002-2004

G. FALCON: Il diritto amministrativo dei paesi europei tra omogeneizzazione comunitaria e diversità culturali

MIUR 91.292,33 2001/2003

F. ZUELLI: Integrazione convenzione conto terzi per incarico redazione Testo Unico in materia di sanità provinciale

PAB 24.166,67 2003

F. CAFAGGI: Analisi economica comparata delle istituzioni e complessità istituzionale delle forme di governance nella prospettiva della teoria dei contratti incompleti

MIUR 51.645,69 2000-2002


La pubblica amministrazione tra revisione costituzionale ed integrazione comunitaria (Toniatti, Guzzetta, Florenzano, Borgonovo, Falcon, de Pretis, Marchetti, Borgonovo Re, Simonati, Ferrazzi) Sviluppo delle autonomie regionali e locali ed integrazione comunitaria The subject was dealt with from several points of view, both by examining specific contexts, and by trying to have an eagle’s eye view of its different and most relevant features. In particular, an analysis was carried out on the theme “Attori e mutamento nello sviluppo locale: un approccio comparato applicato all'area balcanica" (D. Borgonovo). There then followed a study on the role of Regions at international level (D. Florenzano). The aim of this research is to scrutinize a multifaceted praxis standing out against a very generic background. In this case, too, the most interesting aspects to analyze are connected to the interpretation and implementation of the constitutional reform, that seems to have given the Regions and the Autonomous Provinces the power to conclude international agreements with foreign States. Again, research has been made in the field of evolution of contemporary legal orders (G. Guzzetta). In particular, has been studied the rule of law and the political regime in connection to the sources of law in Germany and the European integration and the federalization processes within and outside the State. In the field of European studies an



international Symposium on Constitutional Issues of The Political Decision Making In The EU was organised in October 2002. Another research activities has been developed in the following fields (R. Toniatti): Revision of the Italian Constitution; constitutional protection of minorities; Regions and economic policies; constitutional adjudication; inter-regional and transborder cooperation; Italian participation to the European Union. Processo di integrazione comunitaria e tutela giurisdizionale (Falcon, de Pretis, Marchetti, Borgonovo, Simonati, Ferrazzi) On this theme was carried out in particular a research project entitled “Judicial protection against public powers in Europe: substantial and procedural aspects” (G. Falcon, D. de Pretis, B. Marchetti, D. Borgonovo, A. Simonati, Ch. Ferrazzi: 2001-2003). The project aims at describing the main European administrative legal systems and the different public administration protection mechanisms - not equally available in litigations between private individuals. After identifying a few leading themes (knowledge area, facts, administrative judge; merit jurisdiction and full jurisdiction of the administrative judge; elements and types of action, referring in particular to the relationship between annulment and compensation; people’s action; alternative remedies; regulations and contracts, especially in public tenders), these have been dealt with in connection with national law, after a comparison with the main European legal systems, within the context of the formation process of common European principles regarding jurisdictional protection of administrations and administrative processes. The research produced, among other works,: D. de Pretis, “La tutela giurisdizionale amministrativa europea e i principi del processo”, in Riv. trim. dir. pubbl. 2002, pp. 683- 738. Integrazione comunitaria e tutela dell’ambiente (Lugaresi) Research on this theme was carried out in particular by N. Lugaresi, who dealt specifically with water resources protection, participating to or coordinating research work such as: the MIUR (Ministry for Education, Universities and Scientific Research) Strategic Project research group on “Water resources sector: integrated and sustainable management in different territorial contexts”; “Legal and regulatory aspects” a special project in co-operation with IRSA-CNR (National Research Board) (started in 2002); the European research group EUWARENESS work on “European Water Regimes and the Notion of a Sustainable Status”, within the European Commission 5th Framework Programme, coordinated by the University of Twente in the Netherlands (2000-2002); the Columbia University research project “Water Diplomacy Initiative at Columbia University” (1999); the research project commissioned by the Alternative Energy National Board (ENEA) to the Postgraduate School of Studies on Public Administration (SPISA), Bologna University, on the subject of “Hydropower Production and Environmental Issues” (1998). Trasformazioni dell’amministrazione ed esternalizzazione dei servizi pubblici Riforma del welfare e ruolo del terzo settore (Cafaggi, Iamiceli) On this subject was carried out a research on contracted out services of public interest (F. Cafaggi), with special reference to services to the people (social and health services, welfare and charity services, cultural services). Attention was mainly focused on the relationship between pluralism and competition and on the legal instruments used by different administrations to regulate their relationships with service contractors. In particular the work examined the alternative between contractual and organizational instruments, with special attention given, in the latter case, to the mixed systems model. The research work, carried out together with other department members (P. Iamiceli), with colleagues from other departments (L. Sacconi, Department of Economics) and other universities (G.P. Barbetta, Milan University; G. Fiorentini, Bologna University; A. Fici, Rome University), was the object of an intense meeting and seminar activity and led to the volume ‘Modelli di governo, riforma dello stato sociale e ruolo del terzo settore’, published by Il Mulino in 2002. In the same subject area and again in collaboration with the Department of Economics, a research was carried out on “Le organizzazioni di Terzo Settore nell'area dei servizi alla persona e alla comunità con particolare riferimento alla Provincia di Trento” (P. Iamiceli), investigating in particular elements relative to the “Ruolo degli enti non-profit come gestori dei servizi ‘esternalizzati’ dall'ente locale” and “Forme di gestione e modalità di



finanziamento dei servizi nel settore delle attività culturali. Il caso della Provincia Autonoma di Trento” (the work is being published in the series “Quaderni della Provincia Autonoma di Trento”). The tertiary sector role in cultural services was also the subject of a larger work on public and private management of such services (F. Cafaggi, with collaborating colleagues from other universities, e.g. M. Cammelli, Bologna University). The research project activity had a first phase which included its presentation at a meeting organized in Trento on 12 December 2002 on the theme “Quale futuro per il patrimonio culturale? Cultura, servizi e nuove forme di gestione” (among the speakers, F. Cafaggi and P. Iamiceli). A monograph volume is under way, containing the main research contributions. Again on the subject of contracted out services of public interest, P. Iamiceli participated to a project sponsored by the Town of Bolzano on the theme “I servizi all’infanzia nella Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano” (May - September 2000). Le forme di gestione dei servizi pubblici (Florenzano) Within this area was carried out in particular a research on public utilities (D. Florenzano) with the goal to shed light on the organizational models allowed in the current legal situation, characterized by the constant overlapping of national and European norms. The framework is also complicated by the new reform of the Constitution, which seems to have given the Regions the power to regulate local public utilities. Organizzazione e gestione del servizio sanitario (Zuelli, de Pretis, Florenzano, Casonato) To this theme was devoted a working group (headed by F. Zuelli and including, among others, D. de Pretis, D. Florenzano and C. Casonato) carrying out a research on health service organization and management at national, regional and local level. The research was functional to the drawing up of the new health laws consolidation act for the Autonomous Province of Bolzano. The new principles of public administration Semplificazione amministrativa, comunicazione, trasparenza (Arena, Bombardelli, Cosulich, Simonati) The project studied in particular the issue of new instruments made necessary for administrative operation (G. Arena and M. Bombardelli), against the background of a public administration poised on becoming increasingly more complex, and extending to several government levels, in line with the principle of vertical subsidiarity, while also opening up significantly to private operators, in line with the principle of horizontal subsidiarity. The project chose to investigate the problem of relationships between different administration offices, between different administrations and between these and private operators, in a context where connections are no longer ensured by the traditional vertical integration patterns. More in detail, the project analyzed the role of public communication as part of the administrative procedures, as a suitable instrument for greater and faster information flows within the administration and especially between the administration and its external interlocutors (companies, groups, private individuals, etc.). The research led to the publication of the volume edited by G. Arena, La funzione di comunicazione nelle pubbliche amministrazioni, Rimini, Maggioli, 2001. Following the same line of research, was also studied the theme of the right of access to administrative documents, enlisting also A. Simonati’s autonomous work. Within the same subject, was then tackled the theme of the semplificazione normativa e amministrativa (G. Arena M. Bombardelli and M. Cosulich). The research dealt with a comprehensive study of the regulations and various initiatives of the last few years (from Law No. 241/90 to the more recent Law No. 59/97; 127/97 and 191/98, the simplification laws and the consolidated act on administrative documentation) adopted in connection with regulative and administrative simplification, referring in particular to the procedures and the modalities involved in drawing up the relative acts and in circulating administrative documentation. The research produced a number of published essays.



Riforma dell’amministrazione e gestione del territorio (de Pretis, Simonati) On this subject was carried out a research project (D. de Pretis - A. Simonati) with the purpose of describing town-planning development, especially in connection with the most recent legal instruments, and aiming at taking stock of the situation on the matter of town planning implementation, as it has evolved in the Italian urbanistic systems, starting from the original version of the 1942 law to the more recent developments of the ’90s programmes. The investigation results confirmed the impression, which started off the research, of a particular vitality of this kind of town planning instrument, due probably to its tendency to take up special functions in addition to strict territory planning, and change its character and functions during the years. The project led to the publication of a number of essays, including: D. de Pretis (edited by), La pianificazione urbanistica di attuazione. Dal piano particolareggiato ai piani operativi, in “Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche”, Trento University, Trento, 2002, 23-73; Pretis (de) D, Lo sportello unico per l’edilizia, in La disciplina pubblica dell’attività edilizia e la sua codificazione, Atti del V Convegno nazionale AIDU, a cura di E. Ferrari, Milano, 2002, pp. 263-292 Riforma dell’amministrazione, politiche del lavoro e disciplina del lavoro alle dipendenze della pubblica amministrazione Within this subject was investigated the reform on privatization of public administrations labour relationships (S. Scarponi), expanding on the areas that present a difference compared to the private sector, in particular as regards trade unions, where the new discipline on representation and collective bargaining agreement is at the centre of a debate going back to art. 39 and the constitutional reform. Object of further investigation was also the legal discipline dealing with equal opportunities for women, already dealt with in previous studies, by analyzing models of mandatory positive actions required of public administrations, as well as the recent reform (government decree No. 196/2000) regulating new “coordinating networks” between institutional figures called “equal opportunity counsellors”, while also examining possible constraints posed to special statute regions, given the recent constitutional reform contained in art. 117, and the requirement to check the extent to which this may affect the autonomy of special statute regions and of the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano. The contribution is being published in the Commentary to gov. decree No. 196 in the journal “Nuove leggi civili commentate”, edited by M. Barbera and M. Napoli. Lastly, the research dealt with the theme of constitutional reforms, taking into consideration the questions posed by the federalist perspective vis à vis the increased relevance of EC labour law (Ancona, 2003, meeting on “Federalismo e diritto del lavoro”). Collocamento, politiche attive e mercato del lavoro nelle Province Autonome di Trento e Bolzano (Zoli, Tremolada) In the same research area is placed the study on “Collocamento, politiche attive e mercato del lavoro nelle Province Autonome di Trento e Bolzano” (headed by C. Zoli, who coordinated a group including also L. Nogler, M. Tremolada, A. Pizzoferrato, S. Vergari). The study examined the degree of actual decentralization of functions connected to employment services which, as we well know, were moved to local territorial bodies by gov. decree No. 469, dated 23 December 1997. Particular attention was devoted to regions enjoying a special statute and to the Autonomous Provinces of Trento and Bolzano, where the move took place according to current statutes and proper implementation rules (see art. 9). More precisely, the research investigated characters, modalities and experiences of labour politics in the Trento and Bolzano provinces, taking into consideration the peculiarity of the two provinces statutory competence as compared with ordinary regions, and their reciprocal autonomy on the subject. The research brought to light how, as regards the organizational aspects of labour politics management as well as the instruments used to regulate any intervention, the decentralization of state competences was differently implemented in the two provinces. While Bolzano’s Province shaped up its organizational model to mirror the previous one, the Trento province interpreted the decentralization process as an opportunity for simplification over the territory of the whole administrative organization regarding labour issues. A difficulty emerged however in drawing a clear demarcation line between state and provincial powers. More specifically, the research was structured and developed along four different lines of investigation: a) institutional organization of provincial bodies in charge of labour market and



politics; b) apprenticeship regulation; c) different incentives aimed at furthering self employment and company foundation; d) interventions on the subject of disabled people labour. A rather articulated and composite picture emerged, characterized by interventions in a number of directions, to be reported in a volume entitled "IL LAVORO NELLE PROVINCE AUTONOME DI TRENTO E BOLZANO. Decentramento, politiche locali e tecniche giuridiche di sostegno" due to publish the research results.

• CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTS Trasformazioni dell’amministrazione e sussidiarietà orizzontale (Arena, Bombardelli, Cosulich) G. Arena, M. Bombardelli and M. Cosulich are carrying out a research aimed at understanding how the recent institutional changes, started off by the administrative reform laws of the ‘90s and now further developed with the modification to title V of the Constitution, are reflected in the capacity of public powers to answer the need for protection and attainment of individual and social rights. More specifically, the research aims at analizing how the national education system is evolving after the changes recently introduced by the regulations affecting it, and others currently under way, assessing in particular the impact of such changes on the system capacity to bring forward the right to study, to ensure the cultural promotion of society and individuals, and guarantee the freedom of teaching and the democratic participation to school life. Trasformazioni dell’amministrazione ed esternalizzazione dei servizi pubblici (Bombardelli, Benacchio, Iamiceli) M. Bombardelli is scientific coordinator to the project “L’esternalizzazione dei servizi di interesse generale”, promoted by Issan under C. Borzaga’s direction, with the participation of several members of the Department of Legal Sciences (in addition to the coordinator, G. A. Benacchio, P. Iamiceli and M. Cozzio). The research acknowledges how, starting in the ‘90s, the shrinking resources, together with the necessity to ensure adequate quantitative and qualitative standards, and the pressing EC demands for market liberalization, brought forward the need to reorganize the general services sector covering both industrial services and services to the people. The research aims at analyzing the model now emerging, inspired by the subsidiarity principle, whereby private individuals are called to play a leading role in providing general services in collaboration with the Public Administration, with all the problems of a publicistic nature arising in connection with the choice of contractors, the contracting modalities, the guarantees on service quality and application of EC law on competition. The research plans to create, in the first instance, a doctrinal type of support for the general services issue, with special reference to the possible relationships between public delegators and non profit organizations. Following this preliminary phase, the study will analyze in a comparative way the types of management and contracting procedures provided for in the Italian and Spanish law, investigating the possibility of introducing innovative formulas, to answer on one hand the need for protection of non profit organizations and on the other the requirement to conform to EC rules and principles in force on the subject of competition law. Riforma dell’amministrazione e disciplina del lavoro alle dipendenze della pubblica amministrazione S. Scarponi will tackle the constitutional reform subject partly from the point of view previously analyzed of the emerging principle of equal opportunities for men and women in the constitutional reform, to assess its implications also in relation to the possibility of introducing quota systems, given the recent verdict of the Constitutional Court on electoral matters, and with an eye to EC regulations on the subject. Further study will be devoted to the theme of federalism in labour law, to which is connected the work presented at the above mentioned meeting, devoted to assessing regional activity about a year after the constitutional reform.

• SELECTED PUBLICATIONS G. ARENA (ed.), La funzione di comunicazione nelle pubbliche amministrazioni, Rimini, 2001. G. ARENA, La semplificazione normativa: un’esperienza e alcune riflessioni, in Le regioni, 1999, 849 ss.;



G. ARENA, Introducciòn a la administraciòn compartida, in J. Tornos Mas- A. Galàn Galàn (eds.), Comunicaciòn publica, Barcelona, 2000, 147 ss.; G. ARENA, Comunicazione pubblica e sussidiarietà orizzontale, in Quaderni del Ministero dell’economia e delle finanze, n. 2, 2002, 14 ss. M. BOMBARDELLI, La comunicazione nell’organizzazione amministrativa, in G. ARENA (a cura di), La funzione di comunicazione nelle pubbliche amministrazioni, Rimini, Maggioli, 2001, 83-102. G. FALCON, Il giudice amministrativo tra giurisdizione di legittimità e giurisdizione di spettanza, in Dir. proc. amm. 2001, 287 ss. G. FALCON, Nuova devolution, unità della Repubblica, riforma della riforma del Titolo V, realtà effettiva, in Diritto pubblico, 2002, p. 751 ss. G. FALCON, Le funzioni, in Bartole, Bin, Falcon, Tosi, Diritto regionale, Bologna 2003. R. TONIATTI, La tutela delle minoranze linguistiche: il paradigma pluralista della nuova democrazia europea, in Proceedings of the Conference "Il ruolo delle lingue minoritarie nella vita pubblica", Saint Vincent, 23-24 giugno 2000, Regione Autonoma Valle d'Aosta, 2001. R. TONIATTI, L’evoluzione statutaria dell’autonomia speciale nell’Alto Adige/Südtirol: dalle garanzie della democrazia consociativa alla «autodeterminazione territoriale», in J. Marko, S. Ortino, F. Palermo (a cura di), L’ordinamento speciale della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano, Padova, 2001. R. TONIATTI, Potere estero e politica economica delle Regioni: il nuovo assetto istituzionale e le ragioni dell’economia territoriale, in Le Regioni, No 5, 2001. R. TONIATTI, Il regionalismo relazionale e il governo delle reti: primi spunti ricostruttivi, in S. Gambino (ed.), Il “nuovo” ordinamento regionale. Competenze e diritti, Milano, 2003. C. ZOLI, La riforma dei rapporti di lavoro pubblico nelle autonomie speciali. In, Il lavoro nelle pubbliche amministrazioni, 1998, p. 1033-1057. ZOLI, Prestazioni di fatto e rapporto di lavoro pubblico. Argomenti di diritto del lavoro, 2001, p. 496 D. DE PRETIS, Il processo amministrativo in Europa, Trento, 2000. D. DE PRETIS (a cura di), I piani urbanistici di attuazione, Dal piano particolareggiato al piano operativo, Quaderni del Dipartimento di scienze giuridiche, Trento, 2002 D. DE PRETIS, La tutela giurisdizionale amministrativa europea e i principi del processo, in Riv. trim dir. pubbl. 2002, pp. 683- 738. G. GUZZETTA, G., Problemi ricostruttivi e profili problematici della potestà regolamentare dopo la riforma del titolo V, in Le istituzioni del federalismo, 2001, 1123 ss. G. GUZZETTA, La posizione del Parlamento tra neoregionalismo e "fatto maggioritario", relazione al seminario tentosi in Roma il Seminario interno, 6 dicembre 2001 dal titolo Come cambia il lavoro parlamentare dopo la riforma del Titolo V della seconda parte della Costituzione www.deputatids.it/documenti/SeminarioTitoloV/Guzzetta.htm G. GUZZETTA, Un governo senza controlli e senza contrappesi? Lo statuto dell’opposizione, in Stefano Ceccanti e Salvatore Vassallo (a cura di) Come chiudere la transizione?, Il Mulino, in corso di pubblicazione. M. BOMBARDELLI, Informatica pubblica, e-government e sviluppo sostenibile, in Rivista italiana di diritto pubblico comunitario, 2002, n. 5, 991-1027. D. FLORENZANO, Le attività promozionali all’estero delle Regioni e la legge 15 marzo 1997 n. 59. Dimensione internazionale e autonomia regionale, Trento 2000, I-VIII, 1-185. D. FLORENZANO, Regioni e Unione Europea, in Quaderni del CDE, 2000, fasc. n. 6, pag. 5 e ss. D. FLORENZANO, I Servizi pubblici locali, in L’ordinamento speciale della Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano a cura di J. Marko, G. Ortino, F. Palermo, Padova, 2001. LUGARESI, La competenza in materia di acque nella Provincia autonoma di Trento: le concessioni di grande derivazione in Rivista giuridica dell’ambiente 1999, pp.473-485 N. LUGARESI, Water resources regulations towards sustainability: the role of water rights in the Italian legal system in Rivista italiana di diritto pubblico comunitario 2001, pp.1089-1116 N. LUGARESI, Introduzione in La riforma del Titolo V, parte II, della Costituzione (C. Bottari editor), Rimini 2003, pp.227-230 B. MARCHETTI, “Identità culturale delle Regioni e attività economiche tradizionali". In: Bartole S. (a cura di), Le Regioni alla ricerca della loro identità culturale. Milano: Giuffré, 1999. p. 215-257 B. MARCHETTI, L'esecuzione della sentenza amministrativa prima del giudicato. Padova: CEDAM, 2000. p. 308. Dipartimento di scienze giuridiche - Università di Trento XXXII



B. MARCHETTI, I rimedi a garanzia dell'esecuzione delle pronunce del giudice, In La tutela dell'interesse al provvedimento. Falcon G. (a cura di) Trento: Università di Trento, 2001. p. 147-176. S. SCARPONI, La disciplina in materia di pari opportunità, in F. CARINCI e M. D’ANTONA, Il lavoro alle dipendenze delle amministrazioni pubbliche, II ed. Giuffré 2000, 1733 –1764. S. SCARPONI, La rappresentatività sindacale nel settore pubblico e nel settore privato fra autonomia e convergenze, Riv.giur.lav.2000, I, 539 – 574. S. SCARPONI, Strumenti di coordinamento e di azione istituzionale, in Commentario al d.lgs. n.196/2000 “Disciplina dell’attività delle consigliere e dei consiglieri di parità e disposizioni in materia di azioni positive” diretto da M. BARBERA e M. NAPOLI, in Nuove leggi civili commentate 2003. D. BORGONOVO, Politica e amministrazione nei Comuni della Regione Trentino-Alto Adige in Le Regioni (ed.Il Mulino), 2001; D. BORGONOVO, L’organizzazione per la comunicazione: gli URP in La funzione di comunicazione nelle pubbliche amministrazioni, (a cura di) Arena, Maggioli, 2001; D. BORGONOVO, Politica e amministrazione nei Comuni della Regione Trentino-Alto Adige in AA.VV.,Studi in onore di Umberto Pototschnig, vol.I, Giuffrè,2002; M. COSULICH, La rappresentanza degli enti locali. Conferenza o Consiglio?, in Le istituzioni del federalismo. Regione e Governo locale, 1, gennaio-febbraio 2001, pp. 217-240. M. COSULICH, Trento e Trieste, come sono lontane … (le correzioni della proporzionale nelle Regioni speciali), in Quaderni costituzionali, 1, marzo 2001, pp. 93-120. M. COSULICH, Riforma elettorale e governo parlamentare nella Costituzione inglese, tra estensione del suffragio e proposte “ultra-democratiche”, in G. Di GASPARE (a cura di), Walter Bagehot e la Costituzione inglese, Atti del seminario di studio, Roma, 14 dicembre 1998, Quaderni del Centro Bachelet, n. 21, Milano, Giuffrè, 2001, pp. 73-99. C. FERRAZZI, I programmi integrati di intervento, in D. de Pretis(a cura di), I piani urbanistici di attuazione, Dal piano particolareggiato al piano operativo, Quaderni del Dipartimento di scienze giuridiche, Trento, 2002, 241 ss. A. SIMONATI, I piani di lottizzazione: caratteri e tendenze, in D. de Pretis (a cura di), La pianificazione urbanistica di attuazione. Dal piano particolareggiato ai piani operativi, in Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, Università degli Studi di Trento, Trento, 2002, 23-73 A. SIMONATI, L’accesso amministrativo e la tutela della riservatezza, in Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche, Università degli Studi di Trento, Trento, 2002, I-441 A. SIMONATI, La Corte Costituzionale contribuisce alla sopravvivenza di un antico istituto: note sulla giurisprudenza della Consulta in materia di usi civici, in Le Regioni, 1998, 1479-1504;


UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING Diritto amministrativo Arena, dal 1998 ad oggi, Facoltà

di economia, 70 ore Diritto pubblico dell’economia Bombardelli, dal 1998 ad oggi,

Facoltà di economia, 35 ore Diritto amministrativo Bombardelli, 2000/2001, Facoltà

di economia, 70 ore Diritto degli enti locali Bombardelli, Cosulich,

2001/2002, Facoltà di Economia 35 ore

Istituzioni di diritto pubblico e legislazione scolastica Bombardelli, 2001/2002, SSIS Rovereto, 20 ore

Diritto dell’ambiente Bombardelli, 2002/2003, Facoltà di economia, 35 ore



Diritto regionale e degli enti locali Borgonovo, 2000/2001, Facoltà di economia, 35 ore

Istituzioni di diritto pubblico Borgonovo, 2001/2002, Facoltà di economia, 60 ore

Laboratorio applicativo “Il Comune” Borgonovo, 2002/2003, Facoltà di economia, 60 ore

Diritto privato dell’economia Cafaggi (2000-2002) Iamiceli (2003) Facoltà di economia, 35

ore Istituzioni di diritto privato Cafaggi, 2000-2002, Iamiceli,

2003, Facoltà di Economia, 70 ore Diritto pubblico dell’economia Cosulich, Facoltà di economia,

Corso Bz (2001-02), 35 ore Istituzioni di diritto pubblico Cosulich, Facoltà di economia

2001- ad oggi, 35 ore Diritto amministrativo I de Pretis, dal 2001 ad oggi,

Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 ore Diritto amministrativo II de Pretis, dal 2000 ad oggi,

Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 ore Diritto amministrativo comparato de Pretis, dal 2000 ad oggi,

Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 ore Diritto processuale amministrativo de Pretis, 1999-2000, Facoltà di

giurisprudenza, 60 ore Diritto amministrativo I Falcon, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà

di giurisprudenza, 60 ore Diritto processuale costituzionale Falcon, 2001-2002, Facoltà di

giurisprudenza, 30 ore Public law

Guzzetta, dal 2001 ad oggi, Facoltà di sociologia, 60 ore

Consititutional comparitive law Guzzetta, dal 2001 ad oggi, Facoltà di sociologia, 60 ore

Diritto dell’ambiente Lugaresi, dal 2001 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 ore

Diritto amministrativo comparato Marchetti, dal 2002 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 ore

Diritto processuale amministrativo Marchetti, dal 2002 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 ore

Diritto sindacale, con una parte dedicata alla disciplina sulla contrattazione collettiva e sui diritti sindacali nel lavoro pubblico privatizzato.

Scarponi, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 ore

Laboratorio sulla Giurisprudenza della Corte di Giustizia in materia di politica sociale

Scarponi, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 ore

Cultural Heritage Law (Legislazione dei beni culturali) at the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy of Trento University.

Simonati, 2001 .present, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, 60 hrs

Diritto costituzionale Toniatti, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 ore

Diritto costituzionale comparato Toniatti, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 ore

Diritto del lavoro Zoli, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 ore

Istituzioni di diritto pubblico Zuelli, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 ore

GRADUATE TEACHING Master in Diritto dell’informazione e della comunicazione (La comunicazione pubblica), presso la SPISA di Bologna

Arena, (dal 1999 ad oggi)

Master in Economia delle organizzazioni non profit (elementi di diritto amministrativo e disciplina dei servizi pubblici)

Bombardelli (dal 2000-01 ad oggi)

Master in Scienze dell’amministrazione presso l’Università di Urbino (semplificazione della

Bombardelli (Dal 2000 ad oggi)



documentazione amministrativa e diritto di accesso ai documenti amministrativi) Master on Local Development for the Balkans – Master in Sviluppo locale per i Balcani.

Borgonovo (dal 2001/2002; ad oggi).

ISSAN – Corso di perfezionamento post laurea per la gestione di organizzazioni non-profit e cooperative sociali

Cafaggi (1999) - Iamiceli (2000-2002)

Scuola di specializzazione per le professioni legali delle Università di Trento e di Verona, (docente di diritto amministrativo)

de Pretis

Corso di studi avanzati di diritto europeo e transnazionale (docente dell’area pubblicistica)

de Pretis

Master in Scienze dell’amministrazione presso l’Università di Urbino (La tutela giurisdizionale)

de Pretis (2000- ad oggi)

ISSAN – Master di primo livello per la gestione di organizzazioni non profit e cooperative sociali

Iamiceli (2002-2003)

ISSAN – Master per dirigenti di organizzazioni non profit e cooperative sociali

Iamiceli (2002)

CATIS (Bologna) - Master per management e governance di organizzazioni non profit

Iamiceli (2002)

IRSRS (Trento) – Master per dirigenti operanti nel settore dell’assistenza

Iamiceli (2002)

Master Degree Course on Regional and Local Government at the Postgraduate School of Studies on Public Administration (SPISA), Bologna University

Lugaresi (1998-99)

Environmental Law at the “Master in environmental management and sustainable development”, Ferrara University

Lugaresi (1999-2001)

Public Contracts at the Specialization Course in Public Health Law at the Postgraduate School of Studies on Public Administration (SPISA), Bologna University

Lugaresi (2001-2002)

Project financing at the “Master in public works” at the Postgraduate School of Studies on Public Administration (SPISA), Bologna University

Lugaresi (2001-2002)

Environmental Law at the “Master in sustainable development and agricultural systems management” (member of the Scientific Committee), Bologna University

Lugaresi (2001-present)

Internet privacy protection at the Post-graduate Course “Campus Lex et Media”, Bologna University (in co-operation with Mediaset)

Lugaresi (2001-present)

European Legislation and integration at the “Master in waste management technologies” (member of the Scientific Committee), Bologna University

Lugaresi (2002-present)

Quality systems at the “Master Market, Rights, Consumer”, Bologna University

Lugaresi (2002-present)

Lecturer in European Environmental Law at the Course “The (Emerging) Constitutional Law of the European Union”, Vermont Law School and Trento Law School

Lugaresi (2001-present)

Environmental Law at the School of Development Innovation and Change, Bologna University

Lugaresi (2001-present)

Diritto del lavoro, presso la SPISA (Scuola di specializzazione in Diritto amministrativo e Scienza dell’Amministrazione dell’Università di Bologna

Scarponi (1998-2002)

International Summer School, “Citizenship and Identities in a Multilevel European Space”, Universities of Innsbruck and Trento.

Toniatti (2001-2002)

High Course, Centro di Ricerca e Formazione sul Diritto Toniatti (2001)



costituzionale comparato, University of Siena. Doctorate Course in Constitutional Law, University of Bologna.

Toniatti (2001)



The research work carried out in the departmental area covers many significant aspects of the subject under study, examining it from different, adequately integrated points of view. Department members working on the subject are quite competent in their respective research fields and quite significant is also the fall out effect registered for operational research so far, including significant collaborations with public institutions, at national and local level.

Weaknesses Although in terms of results the research projects appear adequately integrated, space devoted to common work or at least to a joint discussion of the results obtained by different lines of study could be improved upon.

Opportunities The main opportunities offered by this research area can be found in the topicality of the subject, which anticipates a strong interest of public institutions, as regards the innovations introduced by the Constitution title V reform, in welcoming theoretical and applicative contributions in the field. That should help in securing funds to continue and develop the research work.

Threats Nothing to report.





A R E A 8 - L A W A N D E C O N O M I C S CONTRIBUTORS TO THE RESEARCH AREA GIAN ANTONIO BENACCHIO P.S. Diritto privato comparato FABRIZIO CAFAGGI P.S. Diritto privato LUISA ANTONIOLLI P.A. Diritto privato comparato GIUSEPPE BELLANTUONO P.A. Diritto privato comparato GIORGIO LENER P.A. Diritto privato DANILO GALLETTI P.A. Diritto commerciale ROBERTO CASO R. Diritto privato comparato PAOLA IAMICELI R. Diritto privato ANDREA PRADI R. Diritto privato FILIPPO SARTORI Assegnista Diritto privato comparato CHIARA MEDICI Dottorando Diritto privato comparato EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS Department of Political Economics, University of Siena, (U. Pagano, A. Nicita); University of Turin and Hastings College of Law, USA (U. Mattei).

RESEARCH ACTIVITY Outline The unifying theme of the research area on Law and Economics is a method of inquiry that puts strong emphasis on the economic consequences of institutional choices. As is well known, in the last decade the economic approach to law gained widespread consensus in Europe. The first International Encyclopedia of Law and Economics was edited in 2000 by two Belgian scholars. Even though a large part of the contributions to the field still carry an American flavour, it is undeniable that today the European scholarship on the subject has developed its own research tools. As far as Italy is concerned, many law schools include graduate and post-graduate courses on Law and Economics in their curricula. Moreover, hundreds of Italian works apply this methodology in a large number of legal fields (see the bibliographies annexed to the entry Law and Economics in Italy by R. Pardolesi e G. Bellantuono in the International Encyclopedia of Law and Economics and to the Italian edition of the textbook on Law and Economics by R. Cooter and T. Ulen, published in 1999). All the members of the research area share the view that the economic approach to law leads to a deeper understanding of the working rules of a legal system than traditional legal methods. This is not to say that efficiency is our exclusive concern. As the various contributions listed below show, the economic approach is more an analytic tool than a normative stance. It is important to stress that most of the members of the research area have a comparative law background. Therefore the label Comparative Law and Economics is particularly apt to describe the main direction of our research efforts. Starting from a strong awareness of similarities and differences among legal systems, we endeavour to discover the factors which lead to observable legal equilibria in sectors as various as the European Union, the Italian network districts or non profit organizations. Where economic analysis mesh with comparative law is in the discussion of the reasons of legal change as well as of legal persistence. The basic economic notion of transaction costs is employed to explain the interdependence between economic activity and the legal framework. From the acknowledgment of the reciprocal influences between the legal and economic spheres follows the refusal of the traditional State/market opposition and a more coherent picture of the determinants of legal evolution. At the same time, the notion of transaction costs is further decomposed to account for the influence of non economic factors. For example, the studies on European law listed below show that the absorption of European policies in national legal systems is strongly dependent from legal process and legal culture, factors not easily accounted for in a purely economic analysis. One final observation concerns the relations that link most of the members of the research area to other research groups. F. Cafaggi, G. Bellantuono and P. Iamiceli collaborate with the Department of Economics of the University of Trento, as is shown by their involvement in



common projects and in the annual Summer School on Law and Economics. F. Cafaggi is also one of the founders of the Ph.D. in Law and Economics, jointly managed by the Universities of Siena, Trento and Liuc (Castellanza). L. Antoniolli, A. Pradi and F. Sartori have close collaborations with the research projects led by Prof. U. Mattei of the University of Turin. In the sections that follow we draw up a list of the fields of interest to the members of the research area, as well as of the research projects currently in progress. SUMMARY TABLE OF MAIN ACTIVITY INDICATORS 2000-02

TOTAL PUBLICATIONS AND WORKING PAPERS Books and editorships national: 8 international: 0 Articles and contributions national: 15 international: 5 other: 0 working papers: 1 SUMMARY TABLE OF RESEARCH PROJECTS ENJOYING FINANCIAL SUPPORT SINCE 2000






F. CAFAGGI: Il governo della proprietà intellettuale: incompletezza contrattuale, complementarietà istituzionale e politiche alternative dell’innovazione e dello sviluppo

MIUR 22.600,00 2003-2004

MAIN RESEARCH TOPICS AND RESULTS Legal and economic analysis of non profit organizations (Cafaggi, Iamiceli) F. Cafaggi and P. Iamiceli have developed a research about non profit organizations and their role in the field of public interests services. A special attention has been paid to the choice of legal forms that can be alternatively used to perform an economic or non-economic activity, entrepreneurial or not, direct to beneficiaries who are mainly internal or external to the organization. Two specific studies have been realized: - a case study about associations operating in the field of recreative and cultural activities at National level; - a study about cultural institutions; within this research a special attention has been paid to the foundation model; on the empirical side, substantial evidence has been collected about organizations operating in the Trento Province. A special focus has received the related subject of the relationship between non-profit organizations and Public Administration. Within the neo-istitutional economics approach, non profit entities have been herein examined as possible counterparty of the public Agency within (1) a contractual relationship or (2) more complex organizational pattern, in which public and private parties are involved. The theory of contractual incompleteness has been massively applied to identify the different impact generated by the choice of the legal forms. The research work, conducted with the participation of a colleague of the Department of Economics (L. Sacconi) and other economic scholars, has resulted in a book (see below). A number of conferences have been organized by the Department on these subjects. The complete list is available on the Department website. Legal and economic analysis of firm networks (Cafaggi, Iamiceli) Since the beginning of 2002 F. Cafaggi is directing a research project about networks. The research takes birth from the neo-istitutional economics intuition of the hybrid form of organization, located between contracts and organizations and due to give a different answer to the problem of incompleteness and risk of opportunism. Mainly focussing on interfirm networks, the research involves scholars already leaders in the field, also at international



level (C. Sabel, University of Columbia, NYC) as well as senior and junior researchers, specifically studying different coordination models within the newtwork system (contractual models v. corporation models; the use of self-regulation) or different issues concerning all the models (innovation, labour relations, financing). An international conference on the subject was organised in March 2002. The speeches are available on the Department website. While the theoretical part of the study is almost resulting in a first stage work, an empirical phase is starting, mainly focussed on the network patterns used within the Italian districts. An intense workshop activity is in act in order to develop the study. A further collaboration is activated with the Universities of Turin, Bologna and Florence for a deeper analysis about networks and local production systems. Economic analysis of contract law (Bellantuono, Caso, Sartori) G. Bellantuono has been developing a research activity on the subject of contractual incompleteness. Starting from the economic intuition of the inevitable incompleteness of every long-term contract, Bellantuono proposes to reinterpret some of the traditional contract rules as means of managing the problems ensuing from contractual gaps. Key applications are the rules on supervening events, on interpretation and gap-filling, on the classification of specific contracts and on general clauses. As far as the connection between economic analysis and comparative law is concerned, Bellantuono shows that the way common law and civil law countries tackle the problem of contractual incompleteness is deeply rooted in the peculiar characteristics of the two legal traditions. Two other ramifications of the research on contractual incompleteness are: a) the analysis of the interdependence between social (extralegal) norms and legal rules; b) the implications of the notion of bounded rationality for the design of contractual rules. R. Caso has been developing a research on the abuse of contractual power. Starting from art. 9 of law n. 192/98 on the abuse of economic dependence, Caso proposes a unitary framework for interpreting the hypotheses of contractual unbalance. He devotes particular attention to outsourcing and distribution agreements, as well as to the novel field of Business to Business commercial relationships in electronic markets. He also documents the complex interaction between contract law and antitrust law, drawing especially on the French experience. F. Sartori has been developing a research on fiduciary duties of financial intermediaries in securities markets. He applies the economic models of agency theory to a number of controversial issues in the relationship between investors and financial professionals. His aim is to show how the most advanced financial systems try to secure a balance between the divergent interests of the intermediaries and of their clients. Economic analysis of European law (Cafaggi, Benacchio, Antoniolli, Pradi) As is well known, European law is a fertile ground for an economically oriented approach. L. Antoniolli’s research in the field of consumer law shows how the impact of European law on national legal systems can best be appreciated through the contemporaneous application of economic and comparative law methodologies. In the same direction moves the reaserch conducted by A. Pradi in the field of property law and by G. Benacchio in the field of Antitrust law and State aids. In May 2002 the Department organized a conference on the Communication of the European Commission on European Contract Law. The speeches were recorded and are available on the website of the Department. The contributions by F. Cafaggi and G. Bellantuono will be included in a forthcoming book (cited below). In collaboration with the European university Institute (Fiesole, FI), F. Cafaggi is developing a research about the ‘Europeanization process of private law’ (main participants: Cafaggi, Ziller, Joerges). Economic analysis of asset partitioning and bankruptcy law (Galletti, Iamiceli) D. Galletti has been developing a research on bankruptcy and insolvency rules. He aims at explaining the economic rationality of the tools currently employed to allocate the risks connected to the collapse of the firm. Particular attention is devoted to the discussion of the advantages of “private” (as opposed to statal) solutions to insolvency. In a larger perspective (not exclusively focussed on the insolvency scenario) P. Iamiceli’s research examines the new legal trend favoring the asset partitioning as opposed to the principle of unity of assets, generally applied to each person, either physical and legal. Adopting a law and economics perspective, the analysis compares advantages and



disadvantage of asset partitioning in particular contexts it tends to arise, mainly: financial markets, securitizations, corporation law. It is found that, although favoring an efficient use of assets and also serving sometime some important distributive purposes, asset partitioning can be a threat for other parties who have no access to any protection against it. The discipline of some new legal pattern show a substantial attention to these problems, but other issues are still on the ground. CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTS Analisi comparata delle alternative istituzionali nella regolamentazione delle relazioni contrattuali e delle organizzazioni (Cafaggi, Bellantuono, Iamiceli) F. Cafaggi, G. Bellantuono and P. Iamiceli are presently involved in a research project financed by MIUR on the management of intellectual property rights in firm networks. The aim of the project is to discuss the ways in which property law and contract law solve the trade off between incentives to innovation and diffusion of knowledge. A special attention is given to networks as coordination models used with the purpose of generating and organising knowledge within interfirm contexts. The use of contractual devices (like license agreements, franchising contracts, contractual joint ventures) o corporation models (like associations, companies, consortia, ...) is substantially revealing on this side and tends to be quite differentiated depending on the economic context. G. Bellantuono is also working to a long-term project on the interactions of private law and regulation in the newly liberalized sectors of telecommunications and energy (electricity and gas). The main theme of the research is the analysis of hybrid models of regulation which share some of the characteristics of (but are not completely identifiable with) the two classical and opposite means of private and public regulation. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS CAFAGGI – IAMICELI, I fondi pensione: struttura di governo e regole di responsabilità, Quaderno Mefop, dicembre 2002. CAFAGGI (a cura di), Modelli di governo, riforma dello stato sociale e ruolo del terzo settore, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2002. CAFAGGI (a cura di), Quale diritto europeo dei contratti ?, Cedam, forthcoming 2003. CAFAGGI e MATTEI, Comparative law and Economics, in P. NEWMAN (ed.), New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law, I, McMillan, London, 1998, 346. CAFAGGI, Complementarità istituzionali ed evoluzione delle forme organizzative nella riforma del diritto societario, in Mercato, Concorrenza e Regole, 2002, pp. 9-44. CAFAGGI, Crisi della statualità, pluralismo e modelli di autoregolazione, in Pol. dir., 2001, p. 543 ss. CAFAGGI, Diritti e libertà nella trasformazione dello Stato sociale, in La cittadinanza difficile. Diritti e welfare, a cura di L. Barca e M. Franzini, Firenze, Il Ponte, 2001. CAFAGGI, Governare per contratto o per organizzazione? Alternative istituzionali nella riforma dello Stato sociale, in “Modelli di governo, riforma dello stato sociale e ruolo del terzo settore”, a cura di F. Cafaggi, Bologna, 2002. CAFAGGI, Introduzione, in G. BARBETTA – C. SCHENA (a cura di), I controlli sulle organizzazioni non profit, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2000. CAFAGGI, L'impresa a finalità sociale, Politica dir., 2000, p. 595 ss. CAFAGGI, Modelli di governo e riforma dello Stato sociale, in “Modelli di governo, riforma dello stato sociale e ruolo del terzo settore”, a cura di F. Cafaggi, Bologna, 2002. CAFAGGI, Riforma del diritto societario: il ruolo delle “clausole generali”, Stato e mercato, 2001, p. 45-77. BENACCHIO, La politica di concorrenza dell'Unione Europea, Quaderni del Centro di documentazione europea, n. 15, Trento, 2002. ANTONIOLLI (con U. Mattei e A. Rossato), Comparative Law and Economics, in B. Bouckaert, G. De Geest (eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, vol. I, Cheltenham, Elgar, 2000, pp. 505-538. ANTONIOLLI, I contratti dei consumatori nel diritto inglese fra common law e diritto comunitario: legal process e forme di tutela, in Riv. dir. civ., 2002, I, 779. BELLANTUONO (con R. PARDOLESI), Law and Economics in Italy, in B. BOUCKAERT, G. DE GEEST (eds.), Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, vol. I, Cheltenham, Elgar, 2000, 244. BELLANTUONO, Contratti incompleti e norme sociali, in Riv. critica dir. privato, 2001, 261.



BELLANTUONO, I contratti incompleti nel diritto e nell’economia, Cedam, Padova, 2000. BELLANTUONO, Le regole di default nel diritto dei contratti, in Riv. dir. civ., 2000, I, 427. BELLANTUONO, Razionalità limitata e regole contrattuali: promesse e problemi della nuova analisi economica del diritto, Liuc Papers, 2001. CASO, L’abuso di potere contrattuale, ed. provv., Trento, 2000. GALLETTI (insieme con G. Guerrieri), La cartolarizzazione dei crediti, Bologna, il Mulino, 2000. GALLETTI, Il creditore particolare del socio, Milano, Giuffré, 2002. LENER, Regole dell’interpretazione della legge e analisi economica del diritto, intervento al Convegno su L’interpretazione della legge civile e l’insegnamento delle Istituzioni, Roma, Marzo 2002. IAMICELI, Servizi alla persona e forme privatistiche di gestione: il modello delle organizzazioni miste, in “Modelli di governo, riforma dello stato sociale e ruolo del terzo settore”, a cura di F. Cafaggi, Bologna, 2002, pp. 179-253. IAMICELI, Unità e separazione dei patrimoni, Cedam, forthcoming 2003. PRADI, Property Rights and Constitutional Guarantees: A Comparative Institutional Analysis, 1 Global Jurist Advanced 1, www.bepress.com/gj, 2003, pp. 1-25. SARTORI, Il conflitto di interessi tra intermediari finanziari e clienti nello svolgimento dei servizi di investimento e accessori: un problema risolto ?, in Riv. dir. civ., 2001, II, 191. SARTORI, Il modello economico dell’agency e il diritto: prime riflessioni, in Riv. critica dir. privato, 2001, 607. TEACHING ACTIVITY

UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING Istituzioni di diritto privato Bellantuono/Iamiceli, 2002-03,

Facoltà di economia, 35 hrs Istituzioni di diritto privato Lener, dal 2001 ad oggi, Facoltà

di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs Diritto privato dell’economia Iamiceli, 2002/2003, Facoltà di

economia, 35 hrs Istituzioni di diritto privato – corso di marketing per operatori turistici

Iamiceli, 2002/2003, Facoltà di economia, 20 hrs

Diritto privato comparato Bellantuono, dal 2001, Facoltà di economia, 30 hrs

Diritto privato dell’Unione europea Benacchio, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Diritto privato comparato Antoniolli, dal 2000 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Diritto anglo-americano Pradi, dal 2001 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Istituzioni di diritto privato Pradi, dal 2001 ad oggi, Facoltà di sociologia, 60 hrs

Diritto privato comparato Caso, dal 2001 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 30 hrs

Diritto privato dell’informatica Caso, dal 2001 ad oggi, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 30 hrs

Diritto fallimentare Galletti, 2002/2003, Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 hrs

Istituzioni di diritto privato Cafaggi, dal 1999 al 2002, Facoltà di economia, 60 hrs

Diritto privato dell’economia Cafaggi, dal 1999 al 2002, Facoltà di economia, 35 hrs

GRADUATE TEACHING Summer School in Law and Economics july 2002 Cafaggi, Bellantuono Ph. D. in Law and Economics 2002 (Cafaggi) 2003 (Iamiceli)

Cafaggi, Bellantuono, Iamiceli

Ph. D. in Comparative Law Antoniolli, Pradi




Strenghts The members of the research area are strongly committed to the development of an innovative approach. The interdisciplinarity that marks the various contributions brings a fresh view on new and old problems and helps the Department to keep in touch with a lively scientific sector.

Weaknesses The main weakness is the absence of a project common to all the members of the research area. It could be useful to find a theme which all practitioners of Law and Economics would be interested in deal with. Moreover, a closer coordination could increase the visibility and impact of individual researches.

Opportunities Interesting opportunities for future research come from the development of external relations cultivated by many members of the research area. The collaboration between lawyers and economists, still rare in the Italian scientific landscape, is a promising avenue for the improvement of the quality of interdisciplinary research and should be pursued with increasing vigour in the near future.

Threats No significant threats perceived.



A R E A 9 – L A W A N D L E G A L M E T H O D CONTRIBUTORS TO THE RESEARCH AREA Members of the Department GABRIELE FORNASARI P.S. Diritto penale comparato MAURIZIO MANZIN P.S. Filosofia del diritto MASSIMO MIGLIETTA P.A. Diritto romano e diritti dell’antichità GIOVANNI ORRÙ P.A. Filosofia del diritto GIANNI SANTUCCI P.A. Diritto romano e diritti dell’antichità NICOLA DEMETRIO LUISI R. Diritto romano e diritti dell’antichità FEDERICO PUPPO Dottorando Filosofia del diritto EXTERNAL RELATIONSHIPS University of Padova (F. Cavalla, P. Moro, P. Sommaggio, C. Sarra); University of Verona (F. Zanuso, S. Fuselli, D. Velo Dalbrenta); University of Torino (P. Heritier); University of Milano-Bicocca (F. Brangian); Université Laval, Canada (B. Melkevik); University of Bucuresti, Rumenia (V. Sichitiu); University of Torino (F. Gallo, F. Goria, F. Zuccotti); University of Pavia (D. Mantovani); University of Heidelberg, D (C. Baldus); University of Exeter, UK (D. Pugsley); University of Salzburg, A (M. Rainer); University of Lausanne, CH (F. Sturm); University of Innsbruck, A (A. Völkl); University of Bologna (F. Sgubbi); University of Palermo (G. Fiandaca); University of Freiburg, D (H.H. Jescheck, A. Eser); University of München, D (K. Volk); University of Göttingen, D (M. Maiwald); University of Frankfurt, D (W. Hassemer); University of Limerick, Eire (P. McCutcheon); University of Edimburgh, UK (A. McCall); University of Poitiers, F (J. Pradel); University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, E (J.M. Silva Sanchez); University San Pablo, Madrid, E (E. Bacigalupo); University of Lisboa, Portugal (P. Sousa Mendes). RESEARCH ACTIVITY Outline The field covered by the research area includes a series of disciplines from different subject groups, such as philosophy and general law theory, legal science methodology, criminal law, institutes of private law and Roman law, trial theory, theory of legal reasoning, judicial hermeneutics, etc. The area scientific approach to problems of method finds its expression in the historical analysis of procedures characteristic of the legal science in specific periods, in relation to different positive laws, and in the critical study of the main methodologies, especially in the field of legal reasoning. Special attention is devoted to the historical-linguistic structure of the regulatory act and to the field of legal rhetoric. The logical aspect is especially relevant in the general approach to problems related to the study of methods, resting on the major perspectives of contemporary epistemology (theory of indetermination, theory of the undecidability of axiomatized systems, fuzzy logic) in a purposely interdisciplinary way. With reference to criminal law, particularly relevant is an in-depth study of the reasoning scheme followed by the judge to come to a decision, in order to underline its nature, not so much logical-axiomatic as topical-rhetorical, this being a rather controversial conclusion even today among criminal layers; the analysis of the relationship between hermeneutics and criminal law will in particular be of interest, with special attention given to the compatibility between this formulation of the legal talk and the civil rights ensuring principles set by the Constitution on the subject of criminal law. As regards the Roman law sector, the methodological aspect is represented by studies aimed at investigating in depth and with a rigorously palingenetic approach (i.e. of reconstruction of single jurists thought) the descriptive structure and legal logic underlying the reasoning of two of the most important Severian jurists, Ulpianus and Paulus (III sec. AD), with particular reference to their elaborations on the matter of society and crime obligations. At the same time, of fundamental importance appears to be the promotion (also through teaching) of the empirical method typical of Roman law, and of its inductive lesson: the capacity, that is, to create the rule of law (regula iuris) starting from a concrete case.




TOTAL PUBLICATIONS AND WORKING PAPERS Books and editorships national: 12 international: 1 Articles and contributions national: 2 international: 7 other: 2 working papers: 12 SUMMARY TABLE OF RESEARCH PROJECTS ENJOYING FINANCIAL SUPPORT SINCE 2000




M. MANZIN: La retorica come metodo di controllo razionale delle decisioni giudiziali e normative

MIUR - Cofin 2002 25.000,00 2002-04

MAIN RESEARCH TOPICS AND RESULTS Analisi del concetto di inesigibilità come clausola “retorica” della normativa penalistica (Fornasari). The project is part of a critical study on the syllogistic nature of criminal law’s judicial application; the key to the conclusions reached is the need to identify control criteria based on the canon of argumentative plausibility, rather than on logical demonstrations in terms of truth. I modelli logici del ragionamento giudiziale (Manzin). Within a more general historical-philosophical analysis were identified three fundamental logical methods derived from the empirical tradition, neopositivism (especially Carnap) and the classical tradition (dialectic and rhetoric). They were applied to procedural law, in looking at how coherent logical propositions can back sentence motivation when supported by a dialectic reasoning operating through the Aristotelian principle of non-contradiction. Il “petrarchismo giuridico” (Manzin). The investigation on the evolution of logical methods used in the theory of law has discovered a break in the historical period ascribed to legal humanism, as a matter of fact almost overlooked in the literature (Maffei et al.). An in depth study of Petrarca’s Latin works allowed to find out: 1) the origins of culta jurisprudence in Petrarca’s writings tradition, 2) the classical structure of Petrarca’s logical conception (indicated as “legal Petrarchism”), 3) the imperfect reception of Petrarca’s teaching in later humanistic-legal movements (especially as regards the distinction between dialectic and rhetoric). S. Agostino e il confronto fra ordine in senso classico e in senso moderno (Manzin). The image of an “ordered universe”, hierarchical in nature, corresponds to an epistemological choice that is quite opposite to the classical one. On this choice was founded the modern legal-political theory. The present modernity crisis, indicated as “post-modernism” (Lyotard et al.), can take inspiration in building new models from St. Augustine classical vision. Identità e differenza nel metodo della scienza giuridica (Manzin). The study experimented a hermeneutic approach to the general theory of law, using the theoretical categories of “identity” and “difference” as suggested by Heidegger. Two fundamental models emerged, indicated as “equality thought” and “(original) difference thought”, corresponding respectively to the modern and classical conception of legal science.



Concorso tra azione civile e giudizio criminale per omicidio in diritto romano (Miglietta). Turned later into a monograph, the study had as its object, in the first place, the recovery (palingenesis) of single Roman jurists thought on the matter of responsibility outside the terms of contract, as well as the identification of models for a legal-dogmatic solution to the delicate problem of concurrence of actions (civil and criminal) in ancient Rome legal system and the influence of such system on later legal experiences. “Certum dicere” ed “edictum ‘generale’ de iniuriis” nella riflessione dei giuristi severiani (Miglietta). The work, published in a monograph study and a long article appeared on an international journal, displays a highly palingenetic character and aims at illustrating how, in the light of the ‘certum dicere’ syntagma (which appears therefore to be fundamental in the ruling of magistrate provisions on personal injuries – iniuria –), the Roman jurists of the Severi period structured syntactically and logically their commentaries on the subject. Aspetti di metodologia interpretativa delle fonti inerenti il ‘processo a Gesù’ (Miglietta). As part of a substantial series of contributions published in national and international journals, meeting proceedings and miscellaneous works, the study proceeded – as regards methodology – to search for and offer an innovative hermeneutical model for the sources of direct and indirect cognition, arriving at a somewhat original reading of the whole story (freed, that is, of the problem and cultural weight of the so called culpa iudaica), as recognized by the most recent specialistic doctrine. Studi sul socio d’opera in diritto romano: conferimenti e responsabilità. Studi sulla ‘Operis novi nuntiatio iuri publici tuendi gratia’ (Santucci). Using an unconventional methodological approach, through the most accurate text exegesis and an analysis of the socio-economic context, the issues of the business partner whose investment is in the form of labour and nuntiatio operis novi were investigated in relation to the more specifical legal problems involved. A systematic examination of the sources, with reference to Lenel’s palingenetic view, has allowed to reinterpret them and resolve the antinomies that the previous doctrine had discussed using the interpolatio method. CURRENT RESEARCH PROJECTS La riforma della parte speciale del codice penale (Fornasari). The research, funded by MIUR and conducted by a group of criminal law experts from the Universities of Trento, Bologna, Genoa and Florence, aims at outlining a general picture of the main needs for legal protection emerged recently and of the regulatory techniques available in the fight against the main forms of criminality, referring in particular to crimes against the individual. Ordine e prassi del discorso retorico. Profili teorico-giuridici (Manzin, Puppo, Ferrari). The study is cofinanced by Miur as an inter-university project (Padua, Verona and Turin Universities) of significant national interest. Through an exchange of views among experts in practical and theoretical law, an attempt is made to identify the basis of propositions endowed with persuasive power in the field proper of legal linguistics (legislation and trials) and their epistemic statute. The current research compares especially classical rhetoric methods and modern theories on argumentation. The study aims at equipping with suitable instruments in the rigorously logical construction of a persuasive speech both legal operators (magistrate or lawyers) and scholars. Neoplatonismo e diffusione della concezione deduttivistica del ragionamento (Manzin). The construction of the legal system as a logical structure organized through deductive associations (from general to particular), which is the basis of modern formalistic conceptions, derives, through the theory of natural law, from scholasticism. The development of this thought was investigated by considering it consequent to the diffusion of neoplatonic reasoning models rather than (according to current prevailing views in the literature) of Aristotelianism. Military Ethics in Peace Support Operations (Manzin). This research consists in the practical application to one specific sector (the military one) of the analysis of the ordered structure of speech. Proceeding from a distinction between static and dynamic order and acknowledging



the crisis of legal formalism, the study tries to outline a new model of obedience in the military legal system, in line with the needs of multinational peace keeping and peace enforcement (P.S.O.) missions. Ricerche intorno al metodo dialettico della scuola giuridica serviana (Miglietta). The study, already well under way, aims at investigating a specific aspect of the legal thought typical of the school of Servius S. Rufus and his pupil P. Alfenus Varus, i.e. the logical conflict between ‘quaestio’ and ‘responsum’ to be found, in some cases, in Alfenus’s Digesta: here we can witness the rather cunning attempt of a petitioner addressing the jurist and trying to lead him towards a certain solution, of course in favour of the person who is asking the quaestio. Such ploy is opposed by the interpretative efforts of the jurist who, starting from the very words of the petitioner, turns over the premises and comes to the opposite solution to the one he would have reached if he had given in to the ‘temptation’ of following the direction laid out by the party. Philosophy of Law in the totalitarian nazi state (Orrù). Study on the authors that contributed to the elaboration of the legal-philosophical doctrine of the German National Socialism, based on the idea that some legal philosophical movements, such as Freirechtsbewegung (movement for the free interpretation of law) were much more responsible than others, even more considered (i.e. legal positivism and formalism). Fuzzy Law (Puppo). As part of the editing work for a doctoral thesis, the research wants to critically investigate the possible relationships between fuzzy logic and argumentation theory, and their application to the field of legal informatics. SELECTED PUBLICATIONS G. FORNASARI, Il doping come problema penalistico nella prospettiva di diritto comparato, in S. CANESTRARI - G. FORNASARI (a cura di), Nuove esigenze di tutela nell'ambito dei reati contro la persona, CLUEB, Bologna, 2001, 337 ss. G. FORNASARI, Profili di giustizia conciliativa nell'esperienza di diritto comparato, in L. PICOTTI - G. SPANGHER, Verso una giustizia penale "conciliativa", Giuffrè, Milano, 2002, 69 ss. G. FORNASARI (a cura di), Le strategie di contrasto alla criminalità organizzata nella prospettiva di diritto comparato, CEDAM, Padova, 2002 G. FORNASARI, I reati contro l'amministrazione della giustizia nell'esperienza tedesca, Indice penale, 2002, 850 ss G. FORNASARI, Il principio di inesigibilità nel diritto penale, ed. CEDAM, Padova, 1990, p. 402 G. FORNASARI, Brevi note sul metodo interpretativo del giudice penale e sulla funzione dogmatica della giurisprudenza, in: Atti del Convegno ISISC su "Le discrasie fra dottrina e giurisprudenza nel diritto penale", a cura di A. STILE, ed. Jovene, Napoli, 1991, 247 ss. G. FORNASARI, I principi del diritto penale tedesco, ed. CEDAM, Padova, 1993, p. 459 G. FORNASARI, Il concetto di economia pubblica nel diritto penale. Spunti esegetici e prospettive di riforma, ed. Giuffrè, Milano, 1994, p. 246 G. FORNASARI, Riflessioni sui principi sovralegali del diritto penale, in Studi in memoria di Renato Dell'Andro, ed. Cacucci, Bari, 1994, vol. I, 347 ss. G. FORNASARI, L'elemento soggettivo del reato: la colpevolezza in generale, in BRICOLA-ZAGREBELSKY, Giurisprudenza sistematica di diritto penale, UTET, Torino, 2^ ed., 1996, 375 ss. G. FORNASARI, Diritto giurisprudenziale e cause di giustificazione nell'esperienza tedesca - A margine, alcune considerazioni su interpretazione giudiziale e dogmatica giuridica -, in G. FIANDACA (a cura di), Sistema penale in transizione e ruolo del diritto giurisprudenziale, CEDAM, Padova, 1997, 21 ss. G. FORNASARI, Introduzione ai sistemi penali europei, in G. INSOLERA - N. MAZZACUVA - M. PAVARINI - M. AANOTTI (a cura di), Introduzione al sistema penale, vol. I, 2^ ed., Giappichelli, Torino, 2000, 49 ss. G. FORNASARI, Dolo, errore sul fatto ed aberratio ictus, in AA.VV., Introduzione al sistema penale, II, Giappichelli, Torino, 2001, 155 ss. G. FORNASARI, Le cause di esclusione della colpevolezza, in AA.VV., Introduzione al sistema penale, II, Giappichelli, Torino, 2001, 257 ss. S. CANESTRARI - G. FORNASARI (a cura di), Nuove esigenze di tutela nell'ambito dei reati contro la persona, CLUEB, Bologna, 2001



M. MANZIN, Il petrarchismo giuridico. Filosofia e logica del diritto agli inizî dell'umanesimo, Padova, CEDAM, 1995. M. MANZIN, Ordine politico e verità in Sant’Agostino. Riflessioni sulla crisi della scienza moderna, Padova, CEDAM, 1998. Introduzione di F. Cavalla. M. MANZIN, Funzione della pena e terzieta' del giudice nel confronto fra teoria e prassi, coll. Quaderni del Dipartimento, 36, Universita' degli studi di Trento-Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche, Trento 2002. M. MANZIN, Logic, Order and the Law: Dionysian Hierarchich System in Medieval Legal Science and St. Isidorus' Ambiguities, Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto, 1, 2000, 133-6. M. MANZIN, Terzieta' e verita': una logica per il giudice nell'eta' post-moderna in Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto, 4, 2000, pagg. 589-592. M. MANZIN, Obbedienza o disciplina. L’obbedienza militare nel pensiero classico e nell’interpretazione moderna, in: ISTRID - Informazioni Studi Ricerche Difesa, 60-62, 2001, pagg. 21-24. M. MANZIN, Il problema della ‘diffinitio’ nel razionalismo scolastico e le prime critiche dell'umanesimo giuridico in Rivista internazionale di filosofia del diritto, 1, 1995, 232-40. Ora in: A. Cadoppi, C. Beduschi, M. Jori, M. Da Passano, A. Belvedere, G. Buttarelli, G. Orrù, M. Manzin, F. Bricola, W. Frisch, M. Burgstaller, J. De Faria Costa, F. Morales Prats, C. Jacq, I. Dennis, F. Palazzo, A. Melchionda, M. Papa, U. Pioletti, P. Semeraro, L. Stortoni, Il problema delle definizioni in diritto penale, a c. di A. Cadoppi, Padova, CEDAM, 1996, 163-72. M. MANZIN, Ordine e natura nelle "Positiones de lege naturali" in AAVV, Storia, istituzioni e diritto in Carlo Antonio de Martini (1726-1800), Atti del 2. Colloquio Europeo Martini (Trento, 18-19 ottobre 2000), Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche dell'Universita' di Trento, 32, Trento 2002, pp. 43-49. M. MANZIN, Ordine e procedura nella prospettiva classica ed in quella moderna, in Giustizia e procedure. Dinamiche di legittimazione tra stato e società internazionale, Atti del XXII Congresso della Società Italiana di Filosofia Giuridica e Politica (Trieste, 26-30 settembre 2000), Giuffre', Milano 2002, pp. 239-246. G. FASSÒ, Storia della filosofia del diritto, ediz. agg. a c. di C. Faralli, vol. 1- Antichita' e medioevo, Bari, Laterza, 2001 (aggiornamento delle notizie bibliografiche per la parte relativa ai capp. XI-XII). M. MIGLIETTA, «Servus dolo occisus». Contributo allo studio del concorso tra ‘actio legis Aquiliae’ e ‘iudicium ex lege Cornelia del sicariis’, Napoli, Novene 2001, pp. XII+488. M. MIGLIETTA, La conoscenza profetica del vero nella Oratio ad sanctorum coetum di Costantino Magno, in Gli arconti di questo mondo: Politica e diritto. Profili di simbolica politico-giuridica [a cura di C. Bonvecchio, T. Tonchia], Trieste, EUT 2000, pp. 245-281. M. MIGLIETTA, Intorno al ‘certum dicere’ nell’edictum ‘generale’ de iniuriis, in Labeo 40 (2002), pp. 208-258. G. ORRÙ, Main stances on Judge Made Law, in Zeitschrift für Rechtspolitik, next number (2003). G. SANTUCCI, Il socio d’opera in diritto romano. Conferimenti e responsabilità, Padova, Cedam 1997, pp. XIX+315. G. SANTUCCI, Operis novi nuntiatio iuris publici tendi gratia, Padova, Cedam 2001, pp. XII+170. F. PUPPO, Comunicazione in Funzione della pena e terzieta' del giudice nel confronto fra teoria e prassi, a cura di M. Manzin, coll. Quaderni del Dipartimento, 36, Universita' degli studi di Trento-Dipartimento di Scienze giuridiche, Trento 2002, pp. 163-173; F. PUPPO, Per un possibile confronto fra la logica fuzzy e le teorie dell’argomentazione, articolo di prossima pubblicazione in Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto; F. PUPPO, cura della traduzione italiana di: Bjarne Melkevik, Military Obedience: Ethical, Military and Legal Perspective, in attesa di pubblicazione sulla Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia del Diritto, 1, 2003; TEACHING ACTIVITY

UNDERGRADUATE TEACHING Teoria Generale del Diritto Manzin, 2001, Facoltà di lettere,

30 hrs Teoria Generale del Diritto Puppo, 2000-2001, Facoltà di

giurisprudenza, 10 ore Teoria Generale del Diritto Puppo, 2002, Facoltà di



giurisprudenza, 15 ore Esegesi delle fonti del diritto romano Miglietta, dal 2002, Facoltà di

giurisprudenza, 60 ore Diritto romano Santucci, dal 2001 ad oggi,

Facoltà di giurisprudenza, 60 ore GRADUATE TEACHING

Scuola di Perfezionamento in teoria e metodo dell’argomentazione giudiziale (5)

Manzin (2002)

Dottorato di ricerca in Diritto romano e cultura giuridica europea (Pavia)

Miglietta (2002)

Scuola forense: area fondamenti diritto europeo area diritto romano area metodologia della scienza giuridica e tecnica della comunicazione

Miglietta (2002) Santucci (2002)

Scuola forense: Diritto penale Fornasari (2002) SWOT ANALYSIS

Strengths The major strong points are: 1) The combination of analysis methods typical of the theory of law with the results obtained by contemporary logic and epistemology; 2) the capacity to formulate interpretative models in line with the historical evolution of legal doctrines and current positive law; 3) the applicability of the research results to different areas of legal sciences in specific domains (normative theory, trial theory, legal reasoning); 4) the possible exploitation of these results in current methodologies used by legal operators in the field, strengthening the connection between doctrine and jurisprudence.

Weaknesses The main weakness consists in the difficulty of putting together into one general theoretical direction a number of positive legal disciplines beyond criminal law (substantive and procedural) and Roman law.

Opportunities The dialogue started between some scholars of this and other Departments, from Italy and abroad, and members of the legal professions, has allowed to establish the first effective connections on an interdisciplinary basis and to share information on the different problems involved and the single expectations. There is a possibility to create, as part of a general project initially centred on the analysis of rhetorical methods, a Centre where scholars of different positive legal disciplines and members of the legal professions can investigate model applicability in their respective specialized field.

Threats Nothing to report.

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