part x buildings · part x page 3 r. h e h. m*om tmimm scwol 1906 1906 this building ms constructed...

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Part I Bag® 1


1886 To 1960

1886-15'06 Original Nosml BoUdiog* Used as Traiolng School allter Old Sfeia ma completed* $?»23897k

1906-1928 R. H. H. Biome Twitting School. Additions made in 191?, i919-:20. 30g933«2?

190?»1919 First Dining Hall Building 6*750*00

1906~191? First Bfeating Plant Original Cost $19*000 1912 Enlargement hs0O0


1917-1936 Seeoad Heating Plant Original Cost 75*000 Less Saliyage Value 19j00p


191W928 Se^sn TSKWOOHI Cottages Eosergency for men @ ^225*00 each« 1$$7$*QQ

19l6«.19^ Infinaaxy Original cost plus later additions« lQsh^l&$k

1909-1956 Auditorim Original cost plus later additions and alterations. U2s6l8ffl70

1928-1956 Im, D» Payne Training School Original cost plus later alterations 9Q9137®99

1902-1958 Alpha Hall Original eost plus later additions and alterations* 50j!00U4Jg?

1939~195b Baiyy Pumphouse 3I1.80OO

1951-1958 Training School Cafeteria 2t07U«16

192*6-1960 Maintenance Office Building, Paint Shop^ and Warehouse (Barracks), 10«690e00

Total Cost of Buildings Replaced |286tlai667

Part 1 Bag© 2


(1885 )

Architect: J* H9 Cr®ighton - Appointed - F®es $ ISOoOO Contractors 3. So Patt^a - Original Bid 6,688*74

Misc^llaneotja Repairs to 1895 400^00

Tofcel | 7,238o74

Tha btiilding was located on part of th© sit® of the present Training School. Th$ ^ailding f©c3@d noj-th and wee a one-story brick b^iMisg sixty f©@t ify seventy f©@t in siz© and hod a ten foot hallway thro^h the c«snt«r north and south* The building was stjrromsded by a tw@lT© foot porohe Franch windosr® w®r@ placed at regular tefeervals on ail §id©s of th© building*

During the b^giiming yesr® of th© institution, a portion of th© buildkig was usad as a res Id ©no« for th® caret aker asd his family •

In 1899, wh©a Old Main wss about completed, this building -mm reaodelsd into © training school end was used for that purpose until © Training School ^as ®r®efced in 1905.

During th© period 1885 to 1905, there was ®xp@nd@d for r@iH>d©!ing0

furnishing, and Msoellsneou^ repairs for th© training School., th© mm of #1,062.70,,

Th© building wa© sold to H@nry Sandos for #500o00o Th® bricks us@d in th© building WB® later u®@d in th® bt^ilding now knom as th© Curry Apsrtm^nts on East Fifth Stre©to

total gross space «> 4^200 square feet.

Demolished in 1906.

Part X Page 3

R. He H. m*om Tmimm SCWOL


1906 This building ms constructed In 1906 m the site of th® present Libeml Art® Buildi&g and vms Just ivsst of the origliml Normal School Building* The am^uixt mxp®Me£ on this building including th© original construction and additions made in 1915 and 1919-20 ms $3Q$953 »27

Total Orpeg, .Spooy,, ~, ^yOOO gquarei feet a

Demolished 19^6 to make land amilabl© for the IM D« PAINE TRAIHINB SCHOOL which was destroyed by fire in 1956*

Part X Page h



1905 First Dining Hal! Building was erected on the site of Annex VXI, This building *ras constructed of red brick at a cost of 1


Total | Qrosg Space ^ | 2 9kp0 syi&xe | feet ♦

Demolished in 1919.

Part I Pag® 5



1906 Legislative appropriation 23rd Territorial Legislature • Small brick building on site of present Annex ¥119 Jfeintenanc© Shop Facilities^ which previously was th© cafeteria o

Equipped with & 100 h«po boiler^ distribution linss$ conduits$ and radiators$ the cost nas $19^000

1912 An additional 100 hep0 boiler^ Building Addition^ and extension to distribution lines© ^Ji&SSS

Total $23^000

Demolished in 1917o

Part I Pag® 6



1917 The Third Legislature o* Arizona provided #50^000©00 for the construction of a Cantral Hasting Plant* However9 th© extra cost o" tunnels, distribution lines and incident a is brought th® original cost up to #70,000«>00o Subs@que»nb additions, ©xpansion of lines and repairs brought the cost to # 75^000©00

This Heating Plant was abandoned when the first portion o* the present Central Heating and Refrigeration Plant was completed in 19S6o

The following appraisal o* the salvage value waa mades New Heating Plant #7^425000^ Lyceum Building $5,500000, Transmission lines and tunnels still usable #6,075o00 **or a total salvage value of #19tf000o00e

The cost minus th© salvage value at th® time ©* abandonment was $ 54a000o0Q

See Part Xs pages 7 thr?» 10 for developaant on the Heating System to the building o^ the ^irst portion o* th® present Central Heating aid Refrigeration Planto

Demolished 1936 - Portion of building converted to present Lyceum Bulldingo

Part I Page


1886 to 1940

1886 to 1902 First Normal Stove - Wood

During this period wood stoves only were used for heating purposes* The first Normal School building was completed in 1387 and was a one story structure, 70,, x 50», with 12* ceilings over 55000 cubic feet, including halls6

1894 to 1905 Main Building Stove - Wood

During this period the present Main Building was in course of construction, (1894-1897) and was ready for use, one story at a time« As class rooms were ready for use, a part of their equipment consisted of a large wood-box and a stove large enough to heat the room oomfortablyo All wood boxes were filled on Saturdays with wood out during th® week* The building was 1349 x 80% three stories, 450^240 oubio feets containing 12 class rooms, large study hall9 a stage and auditorium, commodious halls on each floor0 admin¬ istrative and class room offices, etc*j> had it been necessary to occupy all of the building at one t; it would have been a di^icult problem ^or the Stove Syst&no

1902 Dormitories

Hot Air ^umace-Wood

In 1902 it was decided to introduce the Domndtopy Systam and a small building was built for that purpose* Being the ^irst, it was named Alpha Hall It was about one hal** the capaoity of Alpha Hall at the time it was razed# being only 40s x 65% two stories and a basement* The latter contained the dining hallflkitchen^ and rooms *or the help The other floors contained the o^^ioe^ parlor, aceomnodations for 24 girls <> It was decided to heat this with a Hot Air furnace in the basement „ using wood for fuelo

Part X Page


1906 The Dormitory System was a success and applica- TSast Hall tions from all parts of the Territory were so Two Hot Air numerous that the Legislative Assembly of ^urnaces voted an sppropriation Oor the building o* Wood women's dormitory to cost $28j000o This

building was named East Hallo It was about hal* the size o* the present *5ast Halli contained dining hall9 kitchen, parlors, office, infirmary0 and accommodations for seventy girls» Alpha Hall was then equipped Oor a'men's dormitory« Again the heating question was a problem, and it was finally decided to heat the building with two Hot Air <*urnaees, using either wood or coal for fuelo This arrangement was never satisfactory, but existed until more new buildings were required o A Training School and a Dining Hall were under discussion, and it was evident that a Central Heating Plant with a capacity for all buildings was a real necessity?

1906 First Central Heating Plant Steam9 Wood

or Coal

The Twenty=third Territorial Legislative Assembly voted#45J,000 for a Nonaal Building Fund, "rom taxes of 1905 and 1906* This appropriation included #17^,000 for a Central Heating Plant which was completed in time to be available ^or the old and new buildings• It consisted o* a small brick building located on the site of the present Annex VII, equipped with 100 H« P* boiler0 distribution lines, conduits, and radiators bringing the cost up to #19,000« Its work was to heat Alpha Hall, East Hall, Main Buildings Dining Hall and Training School» All these buildings, except the Main Building contained only one-ha1* their present cubical content, but they immediately utilised about two-thirds of the horse power installed, leaving but little allowance for additional building or depreciation^

1912 ^irst Central Heating Plant

Between 1905 and 1912, new buildings were constructed and it became necessary to enlarge the plant and install another 100 H» Po boiler, and extend the distribution lines at a coat of #4,000-, This addition made provision for the new buildings with but little margin for depreciation or further increase o^ buildings The distribution lines were enclosed in redwood conduits about 16 inches square or cement pipe 9 inohes in diameter © A small amount op brick cement lined tunnel

X Page 9

was oonstrvotedo This system was very unsatis¬ factory, particularly th* wood and cement pipe conduits for the steam sad return linese It was very evident that before further expansion o* th© college eorld be consid^'ed, an entirely new Central Heating System and adequate distribution lines must be provided *

1917 Second Heating The Third State Legislature in making appropriations Plant, Steam, for buildings provided $50,000 "or the construction Oil* Gas o" a Central Heating Plant, but the extra cost of

tunnels, boilers, distribution lines, etcO0 brought the original cost up to #70,000o Subsequent additions, expansion o* lines, and repairs increased the cost to about #75*000*

This system contained two 100 H« P* boilers, a. smaller steam boiler "or heating water, all pumps and equipment necessary *or besting tha present capacity with a considerable margin, ^or expansion, which was increased during the next 18 years to such an extent as to nearly double the original capacity to be heated* A*%er 1918 several o* our largest buildings have been constructed * new Dining Hall, Training School, with nearly double -tholr former oapeoityo Additions to Alpha Hall* .North Hair 10 South Hall, and Bast Hall9 increasing their ©apacity about 95 per cent* Matthews Hall and the new Library Building were added and by 1966 a capacity of ©bout Sp 0000000 cubic feet had to be heated o

Assuming the mechanical estimate *or projects o** this kind^ in our climate, to be 1,500 cubic feet per horse power, it appeared that a 200 H« Po boiler would b@ amplee> However, mechanical estimates placed th® depreciation o" boilers at SO to 4C$> during the first 10 years, with rapidly increasing depreciation over a longer periodo

The boilers by 19S6 had been in use 18 years« This* in connection with the worn-out, rusty condition of all distributing lines, reduced the efficiency o* th© system to less than 5($ of its maximum capacityo With new buildings continually in the course of constriction9 and the system in about the same comparative condition as th® old one when it was discarded, required extensive and expensive repairs, ©r an entirely new system to the requirements, and make reasonable provisions for future developments.

P*rt X Page 10

1936 Sd Central Plant under Construction


In vifiw o** the ^act thst the College Admlnlstraticn had succeeded in securing liberal Po Wc A«. appropriations ^or buildings, which9 wher. completed had to be properly heated„, thereby increesing th® capacity by more than S50g000 cubic ^eet, it was deemed advisable to install AN ENTIRELY NW HEATING SYSTEM, utilising the existing tunnels and the heating equipment as far as profitable, ^or this purpose the Po Wc Ao assigned #70,000o The New System included a new Boiler House and Shops located advantageously with reference to the buildings to be heated0 In it was installed two new 150 He Pc boilers, water softeners(?

water heater, and pumpso The steam distribution lines and the return lines were new and properly insulatedo The new buildings soon added included! West Hall, one- half o** the Matthews Library building, and one-half of the Dining Hall (Annex VII)« The Boiler House was so planned that its capacity could readily be increased to accommodate future demands, which were acoumulating. Bo Bo Moeur Activity Building, Lyceum Buildiag, Horn® Management and Nursery Building and Irish Dormitory*

Pari 1 ffcgf. 11



1915 Because of an eBiergency deiaand for mefc's bousingj, hhe Board of Education attempted an experiment g,nd ordered c^nstmoted seveni, two^room frame cottages 0 These buildings were eon- structed to accommodate four students eacho There uas a study room backed by a screened sleeping porch with canvas awnings o Tiro double deck bunks were placed in the sleeping porch* A wash basin was in one corner of the study ro©% two wardrobe closets 9 and suitable study desks and lamps a

The cost of these units was $225^00 eachj,

Total $l„575oOO

These were sold by public auction ia 192So

Part 1 Page 12



1916 Architects ho G* Enlpe Built by Force Accounts <> Supervised by the architect c

Pay-rolls for labor I 160§.2? Building materials, plumbing, lightingp etc* 1981988 Architect "s plans ©nd supervision ___jjOeOO

Total $ 3886015

1917 Building enlarged under the supervision of the Commission of State Institutions o

Accounts for labor9 lumber, plus&ingj, etco | 5C^5oS9

1919 From Relief Appropriations EOSoOO

19S5 Interior changesp painting, ato« 225©00

19S7 to 1939 Roofing, flooring, painting and miscellaneous 1000000

Total I 10,44 lo54

Demolished 1954 to make site available for now Infinaary0

Gross space «• 5»795 square feet., "' ■ "' ' <"

Part X Page 13


Two Story Brick * 72° it 100° (1909)

1909 Architect: Thornton Fitsht^h Contractor: Clinton Campbell

Original Contract | 24*750000 Architect0® Fees (5$) 1,237.50 700 Opera Chairs, Webber Company 1^475*00 Extras ©nd Miscellaneous 1,420«74

Total | 28,883,24

1915 Addition to th© South ssid® ©nd enlarged stag® 2s632o67

1919 Appropriation for r@modeling entire roof* Work directed by Commissioner of State Institutions 4^802 <J79

1930 to 1956 Miscellaneous Additions and Repairs SOOeOO

Total f S?8>118o70

1937 W. P. Ao Complete interior decoration 3,000«0Q

19S8-S9 W. Po A^ H®»wirlng, special light®, and miscellaneous r®»aodeling on both floorso ^^ 2s500o00

I 42,818.70

TotalGross space « 12,000 square feet.

Demolished 1956

Part X Page Hi.

XRA D.y PAggjI fflA^lfffi.. a(S23t 1923

1928 Architects? LrnQhwr & Mahon®y (4^) General Contractors William Ho Brcnsn Plumbing Contract or J G^JJeil Gompai^r Heating Coirfjractors Horrall CoinpaBy Bleotrio Wiring? South Sid© Gas and Electric Co* « Mmu

General Contract | 68^666000 Plumbing Cosifcract ^SSQoGO Heating Contract 49469Q00 Electric Wiring l£61So65 Contractors0 Extras l^SOSoSO Architectfl@ Fees S^g/loS?

Total # 84s277c-52

Furniture and Equipment (Local Dealers ) 5,588Q97 Cement Work «■ Foimtaln etco S#008e19 Hardwar©^ & misc®llan©ou® ZSZIZ^1

i9S5 Hepairs^ painting end miscellaneous S50o00

1959 ExtensiT® remodeling^ floor covering^etoo 25,^00000

Total I 98,757o99*

* This amount does not incliude the salvage from the former Training School Building which was ia service from 1905 to 1927<>

Tot&I| gross space^ 15,200 square feet.

Destroyed by fire during Easter Taction* 1956c

Part X Pag© 1<



Original Conatrtjction - First Half of Pre*s@sLt Building

1902 Architects D. ^a Millard and Son Contractor: Clinton Cempbell

Contracts Including archit^csfs fees | 11SS29«49

1915 to 1825 Misco iiqproveine&ts and repairs*

Chang© of heating system* extra roosss ia basement^ w&inscotting all rooms^ etc^ B^SSl^ig

$ 18s680a68

Bm Addition - Second Half

1927 to 1928 Architects? Lescher and Mahoney Contractors Albert Copeland 28^048^12 Plumbing and Heating Contractors

D* S« Horrall 4s424o00 Hardwares Stapley Company 689o06 Wiring and Miscellaneous extras 728oS9 Architects fees and oommissions lsS68o8S

1935 Special Extra® ISSoOO 1S@6 Painting exterior 25Qo00

19B8-19S9 ®m Roof ISOoOO 1957 Eemodeling Basement 700o00 19S9 Miscellaneous reparis 200o00

# SlA645o59

Grand Total $ 48^30^027

1950 Steel sash installed in sleeping porches l>7QQoQQ

Total to 1950 # 50s00€c27

Total gross space - 13,500 square feet. .,--.--■. . .i,^.,.—^ "-in i '■ .r m II iiinnnnii.rU i IIIIII , ,

Demolished 1958 to make land available for Life Sciences Center,

Part 1 Pag© 16



WPA ai^l Mk Project $ 3hBoOQ

Total Gross Space °» lijit square feeto

Demolished 1952*

Part X Page 17


1951 Converted Barracks Buildiag* Work done by Maintenance Staff,

Remodeling^ painting and equipment #2,074016

Total gross spaoe - 3»400 square feet

Demolished 1958

Part X Page 18



1946 Barracks Building - ^rame Construction Including Maintenance Office and Paint Shop and Warehouse I I0g440o00

5-9-60 Entire Structure Moved and Relocated 40* Section West of Engineering Center 2SQc>0Q

Total | 109S90o00

This was at one time (1946-47) used as Associated Students

Bulldingo The Thited States Government declared this building

surplus (Florences Arizona Prisoner 0° War Camp) and gave it

to Arizona State in 1946o The only cost involved was moving

it to the Campuse In 1960 its appraised value was |5o00 per

square foot or #70,4400000

Total Cross Spaoe ■*■ 3g480 square feete

Part X Page 19


Date Building Constructed

Administration & Business Adminis¬ tration Building 1951

Arizona State University Stadium 1958 Concession Buildings 1959 Temporary Barracks, Southeast 1958 Temporary Barracks, Southwest 1958

Arts Building 191k Agriculture Building 1950 Audio Visual Center 1950 B» Be Moeur Activity Building irn Carrie Matthews Hall 1918 Central Heating and Refrigeration Plant 1937 College of Education Laboratory School 191U Auditorium and Cafeteria 1939 Music and Shop Building 19U6

Danforth Meditation Chapel 19U8 Education Building (under construction) I960 Engineering Center 1955 English Building Farm Classrooms^ Office, and Shop 1956 Dairy Hay Barn 19W Dairy Garage and Garage Apartment 1939 Daliyman^s Residence 1939 Dairy Offices and Milking Shed 1939 Dairy Show Barn Fami Buildings j NIA Training Center

mod Palm Grove Apartments 1939 Farm Storage Building 1939 Farm Tractor Shelter 1939 Grain Bin for Loading trucks Grain Storage Borticultura Building Misc0 Sheds, Fens* and Bams 1939 Poultry House 1952 Poultry House 1953 Poultsy Bouse 1956 Poultrymanss Residence 1959 Sheep and Cow Barn 1939

11^022,599.55 1*072,665*1*6

26,171,, 96

55?ol2 117,82139 56i*,265.58

77*1*80.65 1514,720.00

6lj92i8oOG lfZL7,ftT0«70

216,1*37*51* 68f6ii3«63 31*000*00 15*136O59

l,239,t91*96 l*078,130fc82

80,903,53 135,705.03

6,31*9.85 2,085^00 ii,865«OQ 7*6b5*0O l,O00eC^

57,0(X)feOO 1,01^^00

13 0 000 s 00 2j50OfeO0 3j5oocoo 1^000e00 2*5OOe0G 5,118*70 ii, 881*30 5,ooo«oo

828^5 U,oo5ff25

30*53iu57 Garfield A« Goodwin Stadium, West Section 1936 103^b07e3b Greenhouse - West of Agriculture Building 195$ 2,0Ql&«00 Bam Economics Building 1951 21*8,779*23 Borne Management and Nursery Building 1939 3li,227*58 Infirmary 195U 167,552.82 Liberal Arts Building 1959 l,00b,322olt life Sciences Center 1959 1,128,663 »29 Igraeum Building 1939 53,096,10

Part X Page 20


Main Building (Old Main) Maintenance Shop Building Matthews Libraiy Memorial Union Men9s Gymnasium Physical Sciences Building Swimming Pool Tontosona Buildings (Near Payson)

Date Constructed

189U 1951 1930 195U 1927 1959 1957 1951

Annex I, Drama Workshop Auditorium 1958 Annex II, South of Main Building 1958 Annex III, English Annex 1959 Annex IV, Corner 10th St. and Forest ATO* 1952* Annex V Annex VI, West of Engineering 1959 Annex VII, Maintenance Shop Facilities 1919 Annex VIII, Publications Office 1936 Annex IX 1958 Annex X, Agriculture Annex 1921 Annex XI, Testing Center 1956 Annex XII, East of Laboratory School Shop 1958 Annex XIII, Hamada Hall 195b Annex XIV, Band Quonset 1951 Annex XV, Amerlcaa Men of Science Quonset 1951 Annex X^I, School of Nursing Offices 1959 Annex XVII, 911* Forest Avenue 1959

Maintenance Warehouse East of Audio Visual Center

Maintenance Warehouse Northeast of 1959

Audio Visual Center 1959 M0 Oc Best Hall 1956 East Hall 1903 ffeigler Hall 19U0 Charles Trumbull Bayden Hall 1951 E, M« Irish Hall 191*0 Sahuaro Hall 1956 Adelphl Housing Units 199*

Dixie Dees Gammage Hall 19lil James H* MeClintoek Hall, Unit A 1951 James H® MeClintoek Hall, Unit B 1956 North Hall 1911* Palo Verde 1956 South Hall 1913 West Hall 1935

$ 233,112 36 127,538,51* 883,821362

lf35W*0lu86 1,01*7,331*.96 1,616,561,91

225,977.00 15,860,68

6,816300 330.37 300a00


2,07Ua6 8i*,903u08

6,01*0*57 13,522.15 13,1*36*2U

9,U69 9i*5 ls»800o00

22,331.89 3,500a00

62*,l68a3 11,293.86 7,22lu25


3*000*00 570^*79.01*

89*308,07 362^511*86 29l*,866,9l* 1*25^000*00

l9li31,892a98 1*00,000*00

122,l*80jt5 198,53l*ol*6 381,281**23

57,021o02 l,811*,926o01

66,013 r,65 l60,l*01€!7ii la8,585.90

Part X Pag© 2%

Date S*11103-^ Constructed Escpended to_1960

Victoiy Village Apartnients I9l;6 $ 60,951i.98 Sixteenth Street Housing 1955 1 605 00 ??if,,rBM20r H0USe 1960 33*00cl00 1132 Van Ness 1956 2 560 00 Home of Director, Physical Plant 1957 lolll?!oo President's Residence 1907 12 527loi

General Improvementst Utility facilities, tunnels, seuers,

distribution lines 320,038.00 Streets, curbs, and sidewalks 98 fn QQ pricing lots 111**563100 Te?^is courts 56,978.00

Total Expended to Ju3y 1, I960 $23,1*2*6,850082

Fart S Page 22



Administration & Business Administration Building

Arisona State University Stadium, 190,000 Concession Buildings Temporary Barracks, Southeast Temporary Barracks, Southwest

Arts Building Agriculture Building Audio Visual Center B. B« Moeur Activity Building Carrie Matthews Hall Central Heating and Refrigeration Plant College of Education Laboratory School Auditorium and Cafeteria Music and Shop Building

Danforth Meditation Chapel Education Building (under construction) Engineering Center English Building Farm Classrooms, Office, and Shop Dairy Hay Bam Dairy Garage and Garage Apartment Dairyman lls Residence Daisy Offices and Milkingshed Dairy Show Bam Farm Buildings, NTA Training Center

and Palm Grove Apartments Farm Storage Building Farm Tractor Shelter Grain Bin for Loading Trucks Grain Storage Horticulture Building Misc» Sheds, Pens, and Bams Poultry House Poultry House Poultry House Poultxyman^s Residence Sheep and Coir Barn

Forest Service Greenhouse Garfield A« Goodwin Stadium, West Section Greenhouse « West of Agriculture Building Home Economics Building Home Management and Nursery Building Infirmary Liberal Arts Building Life Sciences Center lyeeum Building

Gross Square Feet


2,379 3,600 3,600 39,336 39,921* 6,81*0

20,581* li*,260 15,91*0 22,000 10,090 3,822 1,000 82*000

111,22*0 11,71*8 12,000 8,900 1,10*0 1,200 lb5oo 1,200

3,500 3,000 1,500 1,000 1,600

800 l*,50o 1,500 1,500 2,000 1,500 8,000 2,500

1*5,568 5oo

16,71*0 5,510 8,60li

79,11*0 88,000


Cubic F©et


18,312 28,800 28,800

509,916 1*85,666 68^00

397,018 139,120 218!, 800 176,000 800,720 30,576 30,000

981*,000 1,112,1*00

260,319 96,000

178,000 12,020 9,600

36,000 12,000

28,000 36,003 15,000 20,000 32,000

SsOQO 1*5,000 12,000 12,000 16,000 12,000 120,000 1*0,000

278,21*5 8,000

11*7,056 1*5,112 86,01*0

791,1*00 880,000 115,290


Main Building (Old Main) Maintenance Shop Building Matthews Libraiy Memorial Union Men's Gymnasium Physical Sciences Building Swimming Pool Tontozona Buildings (Near Payson)

Annex I Annex II Annex III Annex IV Annex V Annex VI Annex VII Annex VIII Annex IX Annex X Annex XI Annex XII Annex XIII Annex XIV Annex XV Annex XVI

Pari X Page 2$

Gross Sguare ?©et Cubic Feet

29,181* 2*50^1*0 16,31*8 202$9kli 71,578 76i*,l*00 67,667 9lt7j338 56,169 1,123*380 78,000 896^000 11,010 88,080 3,000 2l*,000

1,200 9,600 2,1*00 19,200 1,233 9,862* 8,222 65,776

3,600 28#800 8,692 133,809 1,1*70 llf760 1,21*5 9,960 5,005 50,050 1,206 9,61*8 1,620 12,960 3,600 28,800 6,600 52,800 1*,000 32,000 1,500 12#000

Maintenance Warehouse East of Audio Visual Center i*,000

Maintenance Warehouse Northeast of Audio Visual Center 1,000

M9 0. Best Hall 35,901* East Hall 11,1*80 Haigler Hall 50,592 Charles Tranfoull Hayden Hall 2U,301 F. M. Irish Ball 28,1*06 Sahuaro Hall 82,000 Adalphi Housing Units 38,021*

Dixie Gammage Hall 19,1*1*9 James He MeClintoek Hall, Unit A 12,261* James H* MeClintoek Hall, Unit B 2l*,926 North Ball ll*,59i* Palo Verde Hall 119,250 South Hall 13,880 West Hall 27,918 George W. Wilson Hall 28,1*10


8,000 287^232 lli7,950 220,356 l66f98X 209,570 656,000 30l*s192

21l*,020 77,10*0

11*8^670 137,960 951,000 102,220 215^386 281*0100


Victory Village Apartments Sixteenth Street Housing Solar Energy House 1132 Van Ness Home of Director, Physical Plant President's Residence


Part X Page 21*

Gross Square Feet

20,000 7,305 1,975

800 1,800 3»000

Cubic Feet

160,000 58,1^0 15,800 6,1*00

ii*,i*oo 30,360

1,761*,767 18,951,128

Fart X Pag'9 25




Architect: Varney &, Associates Contractorst Daum-Donaldson Const. Co*, Financings Legislative Appropriation

1952 Additions 1953 Additions 1958 Shelving added to building

ll*23-59 Advertising Bids, Elevator Installation 12-15-59 Architect's Fee, £• Le Varney C©s 12-28-59 Installation, Otis Elevator Co. 12- 8-59 Miscellaneous 12- i*-59 Sandalwood units for Roma 113 1-11-60 Formica Cabinet, Room 113, College of Business 1-15-60 Installation Air Conditioning, Room 202, Adm* 3-31*60 Bevise Business Manager's Office 5-5 ~60 Remodel Cashier's Cage 6-21?-60 Repair Elevator



2,626.21 737.95 296050 37,50

890.01* ll*,83l*o00

25.65 216,06 103.50

3,518000 256.66 103 M l*8g«13


Total Gross Space ^ 78,526 square feet,


Betseen the Buttes 1958

Architect; Edward LB Varz^y & Ass^iates Contractors F* H* Antrim Coi^truet5.on Cos Financings Leglslatl-te Appropriation |800SCX)0»00

Bond Issue ^gpO^gOQ.po Total 190CB,(KXI«CK)

Bonding CoB^saay? Maryland Casualty Co* of Baltlsor®

1958 Original Contract 677,000*00 Less Change Order Ho. 1 l42,OOOe0O Less Change Order Mo* 2 177*00 Add Change Qrtter No.- 3 7,762 *90 Add Change Order Eo* 1* 3l*,9301»00 Add Change Order Ho. 5 l*29Q00gQ0 I719,515e90

Architectural Fees on Stadium Facilities performed by following contractors s

F« H» Antrim Universal Construction CompaBy Mardian Construction Company Colorado Fuel & Iron Company

At S% 55,179.35 F. H* Antrim Const. Co«

Construction of Press Box for Stadiusa 79,000«00 Less Chang® Order #1 7,1*5Q»00 71,550.00

Uni^^ersal Construction Co» Stadium Toilet Structures 63,533*00

Mardi&n Construction Co, Grandstand Seating for Stadium 52,966*00

Colorado Fuel & Iron Corporatiezi Perimeter Fencing & Control Gates 10,38l„00 Change Order #1 1,690.00 Chang© Order #2 IQU.Qq 12,075*00

Total Cost, less grading, parking facilities I97l*,8l9a25

1958 Bond Expense 2,863*87 Supplemental Construction Contract 91,279«80 Metal Banners r?be00 3009 2/0 Chain & Fittings 61^18 Fountain receptor and Brackets 63*00

1959 Stadium Seat Brackets 11*0*00

Total t© 1959 1,069^97.10 1959 Installation of fraeaswrk & canvas backdrops 93iu09

Seat Brackets 21*5.27 2 21*» Gates - Acme Fence Compafly 31*8.00 AdTOrtising Bids for SDrinkling System 30*00

1960 Installation 725 ft. of fence. East Butte l»71i»00

Total to I960 1^072,665.1*6

Total Gross Space - 190,000 square feet. (Seating area and top eoneours© "1,, " """"'" ■"""* "' ""'"■"stsiSF.)

Part X Page 27


Arizona State Uniitersity Stadium


1959 Tempe Daily N&m Ad^rtieing Bid $ 31.50 R. R. Adams - Contract Coastruction 23,772«(K} Change Order 888*81 Architectural Services l,b79o6$

Total i26,X71.96

Total Gross Spaoe - 2,379 square feet.

Part 1 Page 28


East Side of Tunnel, South End

Arizona State Uni^tfersity Stadium


50 ft. section of Ramada Hall (Demolished) Contractors Arizona. House Moving Company

1958 h cost of moving, P. 0. 0923 11*50.00 § cost City of Tempe Permit 7.12

Total $1*57*12

Total Gross Space » 3,600 square feet,

Part S Page 29


West Side of Tunnel, South End

Arizona State University Stadium


50 ft. section of Ramada Hall (Demolished) Contractors Arizona House Moving Company

1958 | cost of moving, P. 0. 0923 IU50.00 § cost of City of Tempe Permit 7*12 50*gallon Hot Water Heater 100.00

Total #557ol2

Total Gross Space - 3,600 square feet.

Part % -age 30

Two Storiss and Baaen3®nt 1914

1914 Architects Le G. Knipe (2%) C ontract or J Gonera1

Arizona Engineering and Con8&t. Co^ Bid I 65^927000 iirchitecfe fees ls620oS4

C ontr act or s PI^J ing Vallssy Hardware and Pluatoing Company Bid 4^100*00

Contractors Heating and Ventilation Machinery and Electrical Co» Bid S^SSoOO

Talbott and Hubbard COP Bid 7^534 0 00 Contractor: Tools and Machinery

Total | 82,637.34

1919 Cornice and general repairs (Roliaf Fund) 1,111.73

1933 Equipmont and remodeling of baeemsnt 650oOO

1935 Painfcingj, roofing and general repair® 976*00

19S6 to 1939 Entire interior reraodeiesd and r®- furnished - painting, lighting* efcc* (iffFA) 18,000000

Tofcal to 1940 #10S<)S75o07

1950 Music Studios Construisted by Mainfceneno® Staff ^900.00


1952 Additions U9*62

1956 Architects Fee - HorXbeek & Hickman ii,lt96,70

Total $117,821.39

Total gross space «■ 39,336 square feeto

Part 1 PEge 31


Originally was




Architect; Lescher & I%.hon®y Contractort ^m* Peper Const« Coo l52li,999o72 Financings Legislative Appropriation


Architects Lescher & Mahon^r Contractor: Prank Harmonson Co« 39*0936 86

56ii,093.58 1959s Sheet metal duet work. Room 222 172«Q0

Total I56ti,265<,58

Total Gross Space * 39,921A square feet.

Part I Page 32


Formerly Our Lady of Mount Carsssl Parochial School


Architects Lcyd L* Pike Contractor: Glen Chlpperfleld Financing: Legislative Appropriation

1958 Total Purchase Price $ 91,390*75 Less Appraised Value, land & In^rowments lluOOOaQQ

Total Purchase Price 77,390*75

The purchase price tsas based on an appraisal by Kelly & Kelly Realtors. The $>91,390e75 price included land, improxrements* and buildings» The land is included in land acquisitions«

1959 Sheet Metal Duct Worfc for Refrigeration 89.90

Total $ 77,M0.65

Total Gross Space - 6,8140 square feet.

Part S Page 33



1957»1959 Architects? L©8oh®r & Mahoney Superint©nd©nb of W.P.A* Jamee Rohan Several Sub^Superintendents for 8p©cial work

Expenditures of W.P.A* Funds I 107S(059o00 College and State Funds 47^661000

Total I 154,720*00

Thie building is a unique production of the Federal Industry during the depression yearso The W* P* A. was entirely in charge of th® work of construction and in addition manufactured th® major portion of the material used in the construction© Large adobe sun&ried bricks were used in all the exterior walls and partitions«

The building was dedicated September 29* 1939^ and named th® Be Bo Moeur Activity Buildings in recognition of Dro Moeur for his oo-operation while Governor of Arisona and during his ten years of service as Secretary of the College Board of Uduoationo

Total gross spaoe « 20*584 square feet, TT——I—■<■■—"■«—i *iill III «« II ■ iiiuipim .in i IIIWII IIIPII IM

Part X Pag© 3h



1918 Architect: L. Go Inipe Trader supervision of The Coimnissiosw of State Institutions

Direct Appropriation # 5Qs000o00 Arehitecfs Fees (fSOO per month for

s even aonths) E,100o 00 Furniture and SquipTnent S^OlloSO

1919 Special Relief Appropriation to coiaplefc® 4^663e75

Tofcal # o9s77So05

1932 The building was assigned to womens and the amn were transferred to Alpha Hall

1923 Misoellaneous remodeling 260o00 1934 Painting and repairs 500*00 1936-36 Plunking* eleotricity* etc 775,00 1936-40 Remodeling interior of the of floe* par lor,

new roof, erfeco (ft* P* A.) 05OcOO

Total # 61a948o05

This building was built for young men and was named "Matthews Hall" at the iaenB8 first house meetingo The name was oontinued even after it was changed to a woiaan9s dormitory^ until 1929^ when th® Library was built and nefflsd the Matthews Library in honor of Dr* Matthews who was completing his thirtieth year as Presidenb* The nasse "Matthews" was then changed to "Carrie Matthews Hall" for Mrso Matthews. This building has been used as an Office Building for the College of Liberal Arts during the past two years - 1958-59 and 1959-60. Total gross space - 14*260 square feet

Part Z Pag© 35



P» Wo A,. Project

Contractors: Hows Brothers Engineers: Headman and Ferguson

1937 Contractor's Bid # 6o 88o ^ Engineer's Fee (») * I'Su 00 Miscellaneous Erases 20olS

Cost exclusive of salvage 73,li7iia00

Equipment salvaged from Old Plant 7,l£6a00 Total m.,ooo,c^

Federal Funda 65$ College Bonds 3$%

1951 Addition

Architect: Varney and Associates 117*!iB8 70 Contractor: R. w. lyiHsh & Johnson Bros. ff«uo«^


7- 5-56 Lowry & Sorenson, Engineering on Constr, ^ - ^ t In8ta31*tion, Steam Generating Boiler i oBo m I'PVU ISFZP**1*?****00*' ^^^tion Boiler M^lS 7-28-59 Lo«3ry & Sorenson * Engineering Services, * r»n tfe Sf?1^1 Heatin^ and Rsfrigemtion 55.L8? 00 7«30-59 Gilbert & Dolan Enterprises - Constructicm »*W5o00 •» «> fA S®11^1 Heating and Refrigeration 913 263 00 7- 7-59 Harold Painter, Removing foundation and 913*163.00

nn to dear site x. mM

Total to 1959 $1^217,870,70

Total Gross Space - l5»91iO square £**t_

Fart 1 Page 36


Formerly Tempe Graesaar School

Main Building

lOfeh Street

This building was purchased from School District #30, Tempe, Ariaona, along with other buildings and land, plus otter considerations The exchange of 15 acres of fans land on South Hill Avenue Mas saade part of the transaction* Mr* Eugene H» Brock, former Director of th® Physical Plant, together with other associates, made an appraisal of the buildings and land, and the foUoaing are the results of their appraisal*

Appraised Price $96,600*00 1959 Remodeling 82,1*214^00

Architects: Horlbeck & Hickman U»5&8o26 Contractor: Clifford Seibert Const* Co©

Advertising for Bids 31*50 Sun Control Co* - Installation Blinds & Shades 1,763 oOO 7 Sinks and Cabinets 1^5340 Horlbeck & Hickman, Arehiteet'e Fees 1,660*38 Burr & Sone - Alterations & Additions 27$&73»QO Smith Pipe & Steel ~ Chain Link Fence y&oOO

Total f216,1*37 *$k

Total Gross Space - 22,000 square feet*

Part I Page 37

COLLEGE OF EDUCATION tABORATOIg SCHOOL in . II mi i in n-i n urn linn ir II II mi

Auditorium and Cafeteria

Purchased from Tempe Elementazy Schools

1958 Appraised Value §68,500*00 Installation of Hot Water Heater 1^3 o63

Total |68,6U3«63

Total Gross Space « 10,090 square feet*

Part X Page 38

COLLEGE OF EDUCATION LABORATORT SCHOOL «——»—«—II ■mi—twmmmmamtmmmmmmmmm\< n——— i m i u in—mcmm

Music and Shop Building

Purchased from Tempe Elementary Schools

1958 Appraised Value $31*000*00

Total Gross Space * 3t822 square feet*

Part I Page 39


1948 Ko General Contractor Bnilt by Contributed Funds #15,15So59 Of this amount #5,000 • 00 was a gift from William Danforth* The remainder was contributed by students0 faoulty and friends of the Collegec

Total gross spaoe - 1^000 square feet.

Part I Page I4I



I960 Architect: Edward L* Varney Associates Contractor: T» G. K« Construction

Original Contract tl,l82,7UO.OO Architects Fees 56,751>96

Total $1,239*1*91*96

Total Gross Space - 82,000 square feet,

Part I Page la



Arohlteot: Ralph Haver Contractori William Peper Constrwotion Coo financingt Legislative Appropriation

1955 Advertising ^or Bids $ Slo50 Architects FeeSs Ralph Haver 520500000 Engineering Services S00o00

1956 Construction Contract 880^707000

1957 Engineering Services Computing Faoilities 7p010«64 Arohiteotural Services Se70Sc02 Additional Construction Contract 61^717000 Construction Supplement 40^682055 Arohlteot6 Fees 2e440o95

1958 TMstrut Partitions - Nuclear Lab 3^,270071

1959 Aoouotioal Tile Room 12S 229o00 Bids for Eleotrioal Work S6c00 Western Specialty Coo - Installation folding Wall 737o68

1960 Removing Concrete & Pouring Concrete ^loor In Hydraulics Laboratory 1^558«19

Advertising Bids 53^00 20 Tops & Drawer T^uits 628cOS Installation of Hydraulic Appurtenances 11^447088 Engineering Service Electrical Work 6-10o89 Hewberry Electric Co*, Electrical Work 90885oOO Science Research Eleotrioal Work 284oS8 Light raits - Meballirrgy Laboratory 102e26 TV Stiidio Remodeling 77o5S Installation TV Console 137o71

Total |l0078alS0<382

Total Gross Space - 1119240 square feets

part X Page US

BKGLI8H BFIID1IIG (Old Scieaoa Btiilding

Two Stories 0 709 x 92'

1909 Architects D.W.Millard Contractor; Harvey D«, Patton

Original Contract f 26965So00 Built in features (additional) 2,511o00 Architect «s fees and misoellaneous lj,447o01


1920 to 19S0 Repairs and improvements

1935 Copper roofing and remodeling


1956 Plumbing and wiring interior

19S7-S9 Wo P0 A. Paintings interior remodeling ©nd miscelo 400J

Total to 1940 # 56nl790<

1950 Remodeling (Old Science to Hew English Btailding)

Architects Mel Ensign Contractors J Homes and Sons Const* Co* 44«724o49

Total | 80,905o5S

Total gross space - 11,748 square feet.

Part 1 Page 1»3



Architect: Martin Ray Young, Jre Contractor: C. 0C Johnson & Son tl31»298<»55 Financing: Legislative Appropriation

1956 Installation Overhead Doors and Welding Outlets 2,2Glu53 Cabinet Work 1,888.68 Installation, 5 gas heaters 269 JbO Engineering and Staking 10^87

Total |135,705*03

Total Gross Space - 12,000 square feet.

Part I Page kh



Contractors Bernard Williams $ 6,3i$o85

Total Gross Space - 8,960 square feet0

Part X Pag© h$



WPA and NIA Project # 2^085*00

Walls built of adobe blocks left from Bo Bo Moeur Bulldingo

Total Gross Space " IsUhO square feeto

Part X Page

BAIIffimN«S RESIDENCE tmmmtmmmmmmawemtmB


m and KIA Project $ li,865o00

Total Gross Space - 1,200 square feet0

Part X Page hi



WPA and NIA Projects $ 7§6hSoOO

Total Gross Space <» k?500 square feet,

Part X Page I48


Approximate Cost $ l^OOOoOO

Total Gross Space - 19200 square feeto

Part I Pag® h9


(193 9-1940)

WoPeA. and N.Y.A* Projects

1959-40 Plans and Specifications? Ed* Bert els cm WPA Superintendents Jataes Ho Rohan

l^O Original cost I^QOOsGO AeS.T.C0 Material, Old Buildings 20P000«OQ

1941 Miscellaneous improvesnents S^0q0o00

Total #S7B000o00

These buildings are constructed on the 55 acres of land purchased froai Crook and Harelson in 1956 for #58000e end are located a mil® south of Tempe on both sides of Mill Avenue«

This cost Includes the expense of moving the old buildings from campus, the building of the farm house* barns, efeco It also includes the cost of cattle and the construction of living rooms and dormitorifss ^or the accomodation of 55 young men of the National Youth Adininletration< The dormitory section is now known as Palm Grove Apartmentso (1951)

Total gross spaoe - 3,500 square feeto

Part X Pag® 50



WKA and NXA Project $ IpOteo*

Total Gross Space - 3*000 square feet<

Part X Page 51



NIA Project $ B^OOOoOO

Total Gross Space ~ 1»500 square feeto

Part X Pag© 52


Approximate Cost | 2^5^000

Total Gross Space ~ 1?600 square feetQ

Part I Page 53


Approsimate Cost $ 3§500oOO

Total Oroes 8(pacei « 1^600 square feeto

Part X Page 54


Approximate Cost $ 1,000*00

Total Gross Space «> 800 square feet.

Part X Page 55


Constructed at various times sinse 1939*

Approadmat© Coat I 2^00^00

Total Gross Space - Apprpsimately ^500 square feeto

Part t P&fe 56



1952 Poultsy Houses $ 5*U8o70 1953 AddiUon hs88lo30 1956 Addition «Jk^^2

Total tl5»000o00

Totssl | Gf^ss tSj»c9 - 5gQ00 sq^g.-gg_j^i'

Total Gross | Space I-II 1^500 aqaare ftf^

Part 1 Page 57



36' x 36 s Fran^ house moved from 9iii Van Mess t© farm location <,

C & C Housemoving Compai^- $ 328 c,25

Part X Pag® 58



WPA and NIA Projects $ 39h7$oOQ

1956 Miscellaneous repairs 1A86G37 Engineering and staking _^__J^3o88

Total I k$OOSo2$

Total^ Gross Space * 8^000 square^ feet<

part X Pag© 59


West and South of Agriculture Building


Approximate cost furnished by Dr« Reynolds of Uo So Forest Service* $ 30*000*00

I960 Installation of refrigeration ffiuS?

Total $ 30*53lu5?

* Title to this building is retained by U„ Se Forest Service under agreement that it be placed on campus by Board of Regents«

Total Gross Space - 2»50Q square feet,

part X Page



PJff.A* Projeot

Engineers Le M.. Fitshtgh Contractors Del E* Webb Construetion Company

Contractor9s Bid # 76*589,09 Engineer's fees 5$ 3„829*45 Leveling and Lighting Athletic Field 3,050*40

Remodeling interior rooming? installing machinery 9^000^00

Total | 92,468,94

Seating Capacity • 4^000

Federal Funds (33 l/S$) College Bonds (66 2/3$)

1952 Additions 460,44 Light and sun control 9„934,54

1958 Installation of bookoase partitions 543»62

Total $105 ,,4070 34

Total gross spaoe - 45*568 square feet*

Part I Page 61


West End of Agriculture Building


1955 Aluminex Incorporateds 15 x 20 and 10 x 20 $ l^GitoOG

Concrete block and labor by maintenance IffiQoQO

Total $ 2,0*000

Total Grogs Space «* 500 square £®*$>°

1 Faere



Architects Lescher & Hahoney

Contractors J Farmer & Godfrey Const« Co« $ 248^,779023

Legislative appropriation

Total gross spaoe » 16,740 square feet.

Part X Page 63



WVP. Ao Project

Architects J Lescher & M Superintendegits s James Rohan and Kemp©r Goodwin

1939-40 Cost of the Building $ 24B727o58 1940 Fwnitur® and Equipment 7s500o00 1940 Miscellaneous Expenses 2e000o00

Total | 54,227*58

Federal Funds 63%, College Bonds 5736

Total gross space - 5,510 square feet.

Parte X Pag© 64


1954 Architects Kemper Goodwin Contractors William Peper9 Construction Co© Financing: Legislative Appropriation

Original Cost |167,021o60

Termite Proofing 522n00

Blue Prints 9o32


Total Gross Space - 8,

F&ri I Page 65



1959 Architects Ralph Haver & Associates Contractors Gilbert & Dolan Financings Legislative Appropriation

Original Contract #941,589o00 Architect's Fees 57s600o00 Soil Testing 492o50 Advertising Bids 36o00 Changes 1 to 12 Inolusive 4*548*00 Architects Fees 256o62

Total #10 004^3 22 o 12

Total Gross Space - 79fl140 square ^eeto

Part I Page 66



Arohlteott Kemper Goodwin Contraotors t« G* E« Constrtnjtion Coe

Financings Legislative Appropriation With #250,000000 Grant from Federal ^VDAS

1959 Original Contract Amount |969fi020«.00 Additions to 1~2~59 9^851024 Deductions to 1-2-59 6g082*20

Contract to l»2-59 972,789*04 Arehiteots Fees 69,455 o96 Relocation of Water Meter 97o96 Advertising for Bids llo25 Arehiteots Fees on Equipment S^OOOoOO 110 feet 2W Gas Line 152o 00

1959 Cover it Paint Cabinets & Microscope Cases 6,657<>00 Windows in ^oyer ,257*19

1959 Built In Oak Cabinets 2,472oOO installation o^ Heat V&ita ls242o9i Dog Kennel l,201oOB Agua Display Panels 829<>15

1959 Fixed Laboratory Equipmsnt 81,559o79

Total Gross Spaoe - 88c000 square feeto

Part 1 Fag© 6?



tf. P. A. Project

Architects? Alexander a ad Burton tf. P* A» Superintendent ~ James A* Rohan

tfa P. A. Labor and Material $ 23,000*00 A, S* T. C, l5f00Oo00 Salvage - Old Heating Plant 5*500*00 Furniture and Fixtures ji^gOO^Og

$ M^OOOoOO 1953 Ramcdeling Basement ^J^Og^lO

Total to 1953 $ 53*096.10

Total Gross Space « 7g520 square feeta

Par*. I Page 68


1394 - 1898

Architects? Fred Heinlein (2/^) Plena end spscification® and f^o A. BfeGinnla (l/$) supervision # l9800o00

Contractors JH<» W. Mattison,,, Lawenca Kapler, Clinton Campbellj, and Miscellaneous Special Contracts

1894 Basement and first floor walls (Mattison) 6,889^00 1895 Continued specialised constrvetion (Napier) 21,800o00 1898=7 For completion (Cai^bell and gpecials) 11,308.64

Uiacellaneors, advertising bids^ ©to• 250«00 June 15, 1897 Original ^urnitur© for Main Building

Blirm and C- F0 Webber E^OES^O


Additional Construction (1898-1910)

Cement floor in four basement rocsnaj third floor changed to classroomsj painting roof and erfeeritr 4,275000

Total # 48,346 oS4

1912 to 1956 Electric wiring of entire bualdingj Steam heating pipes and radiator® 4*000,00

1952 ReiEOdeling end equipping toilet roossa^ constructing and equipping new offices 1@000«,00

1956 to 1940 W. P. Ac

Changing amuseiaent rooia to class roouss 600&00 Constrvcting new offices 550*00



Total Cost to 1940 | 64,846.34

Cooling System Architects Mel Ensign Contractori Homos & Son Constr* Co* $ 10^2240 76

Total Cost to 1940 | 65,071*10 1955 Remodelingi

Architects Kemper Goodwin Contraotors Hosaes & Son Construction Co« 168g041.26

Total Cost to 1955 $2338112-36

Total gross apace - 29^184 square feet

Bart I P&g© 65?




iriHllll lllVllir^lMti in ■ faOMill

1951 Architect J Kemper Goodwin Contractors! MsGinty Construction Compaj^r |102j02li69it Financing $ Legislative Approprlatioa

1952 Addition - Purchasing and Gen. Supt* office 6,02i5e29

1957 Architects Kemper Goodwin Contractor: Halladay Construction Cempaiqr Additions Campus Shop 12,935*00

I960 I & S Air Conditioning 2*952.91

I960 Remodeling for Physical Plaat Director's office 3»5BqJi.p

Total *127,538.5U

Total Gross Space * 16,3^8 square feet.

Pari I Page TO



1950: Architects? Leacher St Mahoney ContractorJ (General) Res Bo Meeny Contractors (Plmbiug and Heating) Wo Fo -^'Neil

Contractor^ bid plus #4,500 for enlarginents | 70,084000 Plunfcing Bid plus |412 ^or enlargements 9#653^00 Ke«r State Elecw Co* Electricity & -"ixtureo .3,408050 Contract cheng©s ellowed 2^,801970

I "^iiTiiTTio Miscellaneous fvrnitur© and special equipment for library and offices« 11^254 045

Office machinee 1,777035 Basement ROOIES (Leonard Carr) 3 200*00 Architect»s fees allowed 4*313o32

Total First Portion # IcfJei^SO

Hatthe^s Library Addition - Po W. A. Projeet 1935

Architectst Lescher and Bfehoney Contractor? Del Bo Webb Construction Coc

Contractors bid reduced to f 115 531^9 Architectao f#e. *>% ^m.h Miscellaneous EKPens©® 84o7r

1936-37 Special firing, oooling,, basemant cons'to 1,000.00 1939 Library Stacks 6,000.00

Total Secoad Portion | 136^3 92 081

Federal F^mda 35^ College Bond® 65$

1951 Ifetthews Library Remodeling sad Enlargement Architects Kemper Goodwin Contractor: J* R, Porter Const» Coo $ 528y962«07

Blectric Panel '959^12 T<*al $ 771,996-30

1955 Stack room addition - J, R* Porter Const. Co. 113,222,00 1955 Architectural services - Kemper Goodwin 6,793.32

Total $ 883,821.62

Part I Page 71


College Avenue & Orange Street


1954 Arehiteots Kemper Goodwin Contractor? T« G» So Constnnstion Co« Bonding Coinpanys Re^snes, Ely Beok & Coo Attorneys J Chapman & Butler - Chicago, Illinois

Legislative Appropriation Bond Issue Coutribwtions


1954 Arohiteotural Fees Notice of Sale Mo ?% Bonds

1955 fiscal Agency Fee Legal Services on Bonds Advertising **or Equipment Contract ToG.K* Construction Co. Services Trustee **or Bonds


1956 Valley Bank Trustee Fees

1958 Gransaer C onstr vet ion Coo

1959 Advertising Bids Bowling Alleys Architect Bowling Alleys - Keapef Goodwin Deum«Donald8on Constrrction Coo

Installation Bowling Alleys Brunswick Balke C oil end ©r Coo

Installation Bowling Alleys height Bowling Alley Equipment

1960 Scoring Table-Chairs Exhaust Fan Title Policy Bond Issue Painting Saga Food Service Area Bowling Alley O^ice Installation o* Window Screens


I 5009000o00 400^000,, 00 350^000^00


71^941062 11*00

S^OOOoOQ 900 ..SI

14^25 ls199^8CBo10





36o00 3s840o00


3SS599092 l9858o80

83e20 342«90

47*50 3,680o00

526.87 174o31

$1^354 9404o86

Total Gross Spaoe - 678667 square feet*

Part X Pag© 72


(1927) South Balf

1927 Architects t Lescher and Mahoney General Contractor: William Pepper

General Contractor's Bid I 15,505*07 Plumbing Contract, D* 3. Horrall 1,1J35OOO Architect's Fees 8li8,80 Hardsare, lockers, and labor 1,131 »72

18^920.59 1928 Locker Room, baths, and dressing room 2,686«76


Horth Half ■i mi mmimmtm

1929 General Contractor's Bid with fees 19>li8i4.20 Electric Wiring, furnishings 9 miscellaneous 1,261*39


1935 Roofing, Special Relief Funds l,13i.»00 Miscellaneous improvements 650*00

1936 to 1939 Addition to South side, tf# P«, A. 2*700*00

1*6,833 .fti

1953 IffiN'S P. E. AND ARMORY Architect: Kemper Goodwin Contractors McGinty Construction Co* Financing: Legislative Appropriation 990,000*00

1959 Advertising bid for air conditioning 33*00 Air Conditioning 2*863*1*0 Registers and diffuser 67*00 Electrical Cable 3,120*62

1959 Relocate Evaporative Cooler Controls 1,899*00 Electric Hoists for Basketball Backstops 2,518*00

Total Il*0itf»331u96

Total Gross Space - 56,169 square feet*

Part X Pag@ 73



Architect: Kemper Goodwin Contraotors Bert Owens & Redden Constrt?ction Co, Financings Legislative Appropriation

1957 Original Contract Amount |ld0S6j>291o00 65j660o34

Total #lfl10i5951o34

Architects Fee 65^660o34

1958 Advertising for Bids 11,25 Arehiteots Fees 20OOOoOO 110 feet 2" Gas Lin® IS2o00 Transite Cabinets 1,679025 Arehiteots Services Equipment 19,500*00 Bert Owen & Redden Const* Charge 2^404*52 Vinyl T$.le DijBois Til© Coo 418o 18 Laboratory Cabinet 233 >68

1959 Advertising Bids ^or Addition S6o00 Bert Owens & Redden Const« Co^ Contract 338»631o00 Cabinets & Shelving 4^280^34 Fwme Hood ^ait 1,306.67 Tables & Wall Aeeemblies 5^428,00 Desks Permanently Installed 4E2(»81 Fixed Laboratory Equipment 1S69358O47 64 Cabinets With Drawers 1,318-40

Total iiTiieliiiTir

Total Gross Space - 78g000 square feeto

Part X Page 71*



Architects Keraper Goodwin Contraotors Redden Constrrction Coo Financing? Legislative Appropriation

1956 Contract |211fi945c00 Architects ^ees 139080o00 TTKderwater Light Fixtures 952 0 00

Total i225a977o00

Total Gross Spaoe ~ 11,010 square feet*

Part 1 F&ge 75


Under the Tonto Rim - N«, E. of Coles' Ranch


1951-52 Warehouse, Kitchen, & Dining Hall Material $2,150.00 Labor Donation 1,850.00 $ 1^,000*00

1952-53 2 Staff Cabins Material 500.00 Labor Donation 300.00 800o00

Water System & Pump - Tank & Pipe Lines Material 200.00 Labor Donation 1*00*00 600*00

1958 Bath Facilities - Material 300*00 Labor Donation 300.00 600*00

1951t~55 Dorraitoiy 20» x 80* Floor & Septic Tank 750*00 Studs & Roofing 375*00 Siding from Surplus 2,000.00 Labor Donation l^OOO.OO 1*,125«00

1952-58 Kitchen Equipment Estimated 800.00

7-lii-59 Morris Bros., Payson Construction of Fireplace 1,780.00

7*29-59 Whiting & Kuteh Const. Co* Architectural Academic Building 2,lt02.!9

8-2lt~59 Star Valley I4OO Gal. Concrete Septic Tank 12lu25

9- 1-59 Concrete Work - Architecture Bldg. 131*00

9- 1-59 Roofing Material Architecture Bldg. 96e30

5- 5-60 Morris Bros* 16* x 6h' Concrete Floor h01*9k

Total to 1960 $159860*68

Total Gross Space - 3»000 square feet.

Part I Page 76


DRAMA WORKSHOP AUDITORIUM Formerly Auditorium of I? D9 Payne Training School Moved from sit© of present Liberal Arts Building

5-20»59 Advertising for moving to new location back of Cosner Auditorium of Tempe Grammar School, purchased for lo D* Payne Training School, I 33oOO

8»7-»59 Arizona House Moving Moving Back Auditorium 6g 783*00

Total $6„8l6e00

Total Gross Space - 1^200 square feet<

Bart X Page 7?

ANNEX II mmi.Win-Mr.'Tinii.i

Remainder of Ira D. Payise Training School South of Main Building

3-31-60 Installation of 16 Electric Outlets $330*37

Total Gross Space - 2,1*00 square feet,

Part I Page 78


English Anm>z


1959 Cut and moved part of Building #21 to new position,

Arisosa House Moving Company $30Oo00

West of Engineering Center.

Total Gross Space ~ lp233 square feet.

Part I Page 79


Corner 10th St. and Forest Avenue

Purchased from Tempe Elementasy Schools

1958 Appraised Value $71»20O*CK)

Total Gross Space - 8,222 square feet*

Part X Page 80


Barracks Building West of Engineering

1959 Converted Barracks Bulldingo Work done by Maintenance Staff« Remodeling^ painting, and equipment* $2jj07iui6

Total Gross Space » 3^6001 square^ feet«

Part X Page 81




1919 Architect t L* G« Knipe Building supervised by architect (Force Account) Appropriation limited to $35i>Q06«00

Expended for labor and material #31^332M Architect's Fees 1*575*00

1920 From Repair Fund to complete 2g08laQ9 Total « 3k9988a$

1921 Appropriation from Capital Fund to enlarge building and add special flooring^ tile, etc 119112®2X

1922 From Student Account^ Brick Oven,* Fle&m, etc* l9660oU9

1930 Addition to West End and rooms for help (W0 H* Brosm, Supervisor) S^GOOeOO

1935 Roofing and miscellaneous repairs ffi,?oQQ Total 56^^7095

1936 Remodeling Dining Hall to Cafeteria (P* W, A^ Project)

Architect J L. M0 Fitshugh Contractors Adams &vd Cavin

Contractor's Bid Accepted 27g05SP6G Architect's Fee 5^ of amount 19352*93 Other Expenses it3«»6Q

Total 28^55*23

Approximation: Federal Funds 33 l/3%9 College Bonds 66 2/3#*

Grand Total, Dining Hall $81i#903«08

Total Gross Space - 8,692 square feet,

Part I pase 82





1936 Purchased from Miss Alroa Morton - College Teacher | S^SOOoOO

Cement work and improvements ( W.PoA.) 150o00

Total # 3^,650.00 1959 Architectural Services for Addition 1,239.54

Air conditioning 837.03 '278.00

Total $ 6,040.57

Total gross spaoe - 1,470 equare feet.

Part X Page 83


Formerly Drew Apartments

1958 Purchased $23*522 Jg Less Land 10,000e00

Total gU»&2.1$

This property is on Eighth Street, and the land is included in land acquisitionso

Total Qroyiii|S^ge»|[i>|ly2ii5 sq^agg^jgete

Part X Pag© 8k


COTTAGE South Campus


1921 Contractors C„ M* Paddock Superintendent; L0 0. Austin

Contractor's bid $3s2&0<iOO Architect fis fees and supervieioa 198080 Southside Gas and Electricity 33*75 Misc., including Hardware & Plumbing ^_l51»ffl

Total $ 39768012

Total Gross Space - 695 square feeto

1956 Barracks Buildings formerly used as Greea Gables^ Unit I and Devils Den, Building 7.

Devils Den 3j>6l8ol2 Green Gables llt050c(X)

Caabii^d To-tal Cost ft3»li36o2U

This Building is south of the Science Building constructed in 191*7* which is now the Agriculture Bulldingo

Part X Page 85



(Steele House, 901A Forest Avenue)


1956 Purchased from Robert & Olga Y. Noll $2kM9«h$ Less land value III ^OOOoOO

Total $ 9#li69oli5

Total Gross Space ^1^206 square feet^

ige oo


East of Laboratory School Shop Building

Purchased from Tempe Elementaiy Schools

1958 Appraised Value $1*800*00

Total Gross Space *» 1,620 square feet*

Part X Pag© 87




195U Converted Barracks originally temm as Green Gables |10g000&00 Remodeling IGsOQOoOO

1955 Moving buildings t© new location C & C Housemoving Compai^ 203Ql;oOQ Miseenaneous 27o89

Total $220331eJ9

Total^Bee S^e^Ojt^^j^^^jWt0

Fori X Page 88




Cost $30500*00

Total Gross Spae® - 6fl600 square feet*

Part X Page 89




Architects James W* Elmore

Contractors Geoe Mo l&lskel Const e Co«> i

1951 Buildings $l855l2a90 Insulatioa 3s232o50

1952 Insulation and Electric®! 38^25^o6o

1959 L & S Air Conditioning CompaEgr Installation Carrier Air Conditioning 29l50oQ0

1959 Construction ceiling and paartitions l9911o5l

1959 Tuttle & Bailey - Grills 1I5O72

1959 Installation 1/8" Asphalt til© 60o90

Total to 1959 $6krjl6B*13

Part X Page 90


School of Nursing Offices (Formerly Residence of Fred Joyce)

830 Forest Avenue

1959 Purchased from Fred Joyce ^295,1*26*75 Less Land Value 21,li26,75

Total I 8s,G00o00

1959 Refrigeration and remodeling 25lil43o86

1959 Painting 850e,00

Total $ll<,293o86

Total Gross Space - 1$500 square feete

Part X Pag© 91

ANNEX XVII ■II w Miiiiiiinnii miMii

91l4 Forest Avenue

Purchased from Mrs® Marie Ris@er

1959 Land Parcel purchased from Marie Risser

Purchase price $lU,72l4e25 Less Land Value 7a500oQ0

Total 17^22^025

Total Gross Spaee - 1,329 square feet«

Part S Paga 92



19U9 Band Building ~ Tropical Shell

Erected by Maintenance Staff I 2,261io37

1959 Moved to rear Audio Visual Center for storage warehouse ingt^SSsSP,

Total # 3»61k*3?

Total Gross Space ~ lj.,000 square feet<

Part I Paga 93



Overload Capacity Capacity

M. 0. Best 188 188 East H^

Unit 1 -A Unit 2 « B Unit 3 • C Unit h - D

Palo Verde - A* B, C Palo Verde D South West 100 100

Charles Haigler 88 9f Charles Trumbull Hayden Ibh F9 Me Irish 158 212 Sahaaro A - B 300 320 Sahuaro C 150 JgjJ

Total l^lla l^SlOi


30 28 28 28 30

Total HA


Dixie Detgs Gammage 8U 116 James He MeClintoek «• A James Hfe MBCliatoek » B 128 128 North

George W« Wilson

Total 1^251 1^327

GRAND TOTAL 29538 2^71?


nAn North Section

"B" South Section

1956 Arohlteot J Weaver and Drover Contractor j T. G« K* Conatrnction Co0

Financings Borsi Issue

1956 Weaver and Drover Architects I 31^872079 T.G.Ko Construction Coe - Contracting 531^213o24 Re^snee,, T51y Beck & Co0 » Bond Service 4p500o00 Legal Service la965o53 Clarenoe Carpenter Insurance Agenoy 240ol8 Tea^e Daily News - Advertising SloOS Valley National Bank 686025

Total 570o479o04

Total Gross Space - S5g9Q4 square ^eeto

Part 2 Pag© 95



190S Bvilding to incltsde © dining room and kitchen, bub not th& south wing*

Architect J D* Millard and Son, Phoenix Contrflctori Fi^ield and Gallaghera Phoenix

Ataownfc expended original contract, including architects fees # 84,547*21

Furniture and eqtsipmaaat - Dorxne, Kitchen and Dining Room 4if809o2S

1905 Remodeling Dining Room ©nd Kitchen to dormitory rooms 1,523*00 1906 Bt&lding Two large sleeping porches 564c00

Total 51*245*46

South Wing - Bast Hall 1908

1908 Architects: Crelghtosi ©nd Millard (fees 4#) Contractor©: Clinton Campbell

*C ontract or0 a bid including fee© and extras 18«,846«6S Pismittire for 26 rooM in this addition 2,405 eOO

1915 Bvilding of present sleeping porches lffS14o45 1919 Miscellaneous repairs^, ineludixtg oeaent back stairs 542*00 1055 Tfeder PoW«A0 and Special Appropriations (Seplast©ringp

palntings renewinga plmabing^ besting 25^4570 86 1956 New Roof - W* P. A. Projeot 2s836o00

1958-39 Remodeling basement, painting esrterior (¥«, ?« A*) ?_QQgOQ

| 81,325,40

1951 Coolers Contractors Pacific Western Enterprises 7,984^67

Total to 1951 | 899508a07

* Built from excess fund©* and wa© part of a joint bid of #25,876 which incltdai the President0® Besldense*

Total gross space ~ 11^480 square feet.

Part X Pag© 96

HAIGLER MEH?S RESIDENCE HALL Kiamaaa^Maumumamnliimmii., inpn—wmMtrtm**—'* ■■ nammmnr

Garfield A. G©cd»in Siadtai East Section


Wa P. A* Project

Arehlteetet Lescher and Mahoney Superintendents i Kemper Goodwin and James Rohan

Original Cost landscapes & Sidewalks sod Pergola

Seating Capaei% - 5«3GQ

Federal FuMs (55$)5 College Boiids {k$%}

19k6 - Men9® Donaitosy Installed



I 771,535086 i 9t976oOO


Total. i Sggfn,,,Spaccii ^ SO^gSjg ..ggwye i fiat,

CHARLSS TROMBULL I'II ■ it in ri r imm*' Trrn-iT —



Total gross space * 24,301 equare feet.

Part I Pas

1951 Architects H. K* Green I 39Efi860o22 Contractors! Homes & Son Constro Coo

1954 Addition 2,006.72


rwaiin IIHIHTH mm I

Fast T, Paga £8



Units A, B » W^^AeJroJect

Architect? Lescher & fehoney Superintendentss Nonoaa MBKisley and Kemper Goodedn

I9I4O Units A & B^ Contractors SfeGinty Construction Cs^ $2$Q&Qm&QQ ¥„ P, A^ Project

1*6 Usait G 175,000.00 Bo^ Issue V^^^^K**^

Total 19l»6 lHi25f 000.00

Total Orqas_Spacet-_28sko6 sqmm feet,,

I Page 99

1956 1956 1956 19*7 1957 1957 1957 1957 1957 1958

1957 1957




Architect: Horlbeck & Hickman Contractors Gilbert & Dolan Enterprises Inc, Financing: Bond Issue

U. W« Wing A S. W. Wing B

Drilling & Soil Saoipling $ 280.23 Architect Services - Horlbeck & Hicksan 56,2142.50 Risk Insurance 53lu31 Govexnstent Supervision & Inspection 3,750«^> Ad-9ertislng for Bids 1*6,56 Construction Contract 96lfi422.00 Advertising Sale of Bonds 63..QO Legal Fees & Expenses on Bonds 5^78*ii2 Trustee Services 825*140 Bulletin Paasls 1*102*00

Total to 1958 l$02998iai»36

Ha B. Wing C

Legal Services & Expenses for Bonds- 2^707*66 Advertising for Bids ■ 29^70 Architectural Fees 18^961*85 Bisk Insurance 216 M Construction Contract 37M37-a3 Advertising Sale of Bonds 118.23 Bulletin Panels 55i*oo


Total to 1958 11,1131*892.98

Total Gross Space ~ 82.000 square feet* ■■ HIi mi— HimiiiM—f i— r HI num in i m i iiftrmnmiwuii » 11 m %mmm\ KITH

Part I Page 100


Men^s Residence Halls

Fnlts A-B-C-D-s


1954 Architect J Kemper Goodwin Contraotors E* Jo Wasielswski Financing* Bond Issue

Cost #400,000,00

Fnltsg lo - A Delta Sigxoa Phi 2o - B Lambda Chi Alph© Se - C Sigiaa Uu 48 - D Phi Signs® Kappa be, - B Alpha Tew Oraig^

Total Gross ^ Spy@ ~ 58^(84 square feet

Part Z Page 101



1941 Architects! Leschar end Mahoney Contractori Wlllla© P«pp<sr Gonfitruction Co^eziy

Btslldings Brick and Cgmsnts Capacity 85 stwdeatSe

Cost, inclading architects* fees | lll9480o4S Ftamit-oro and Eqwlpmsnt ll?Q00oQD

| 122p480o46

Fuode - 10C^ College Bonds

Total grose space - 10,449 square feet.

MCCLXItfTOOX »A® ■ia»iiiM«ii.i»inii«iim»inJ,iii<lyimiii-nmmiil

Woisaiss* Beeider^je Hall



Part I Page 102

1951 Architects Guirej and Jones Contrtetors j? J» R* Porter Const B Co* Financing: Bond Issue

X95k Additions

Total to 195k


Total Gross Spaoe *i 12^261^ ggiiare feet.

ise J-'J.


Women"s Residence Hall


1956 Arehiteots Fred Guirey Contreotors William Peper Construction Coo ^inencing; Bond Issue

12-8-55 Risk Ins trance Clarence Carpenter Inswence Agency # 163 o81

8~4-55 Services o^* Trustee Valley National Bank 30*55

5-23-55 Advertising *or Bide 25o25

5-25°55 Arohiteots Fee 21^562 082

5-23-55 Construction Contract S59<)S77o00

2-9«55 Trustee Fees Valley Bank * 125»QQ


Total Gross Spaoe - 24,926 square <*eet

Part X P&g«


1914 Architect f S« G<, Knipe Contractor: Arizona Engineering and Constrwtion Compai^

Original Construction # 15s500e00 Machinery and Electrical Coiapany bid 1^441^00 Valley Hardware and Plumbing bid 11I195«00 Architect8a fees ^634^08

Total | 18J)770.08

1925 Second Half

Arohiteots: Lescher and Mahoney Contractor: McGinty Construction Coa^pany

This is one half of e joint bid for additions to North and South Halls* (See South Hall) f 339006o82

19S4 Miscellaneous repairs 525«00

1935 Roofing, plumbing, etc* (RITA) 60S»0Q

1SK7 to 19S9 (WPA) Changing sleeping porch, painting and repairs 400o00

Total to 1940 f 55,307*90

1950 Steel sach Installed in sleeping porches ls>700*00

Total to 1950 | 55s007o90

Installation of coolers I},650o00 Installation of sleeping porch floor % paint 363»12


Total | 57^021*02

Total gross space » 141,594 square feet.

Part X Page 105




Architectt Contractors Mardian Constmetion Co^^i^ Financings 100$ Bonds

SW Wing A WWing B SE ¥lng C

1956 Advertising for bids $ 87*00 Advertising Sale of Bonds 391*88 Government Supervision Fee 3#?50*00 Engineering Services ^OS^OQ Legal Services & Expenses on Bonds 10^136 ,,85 Valley National Bask - Trustee Services 825*39 Construction Contract, A9 Bf G9 and Dining Hall 1^32li?793eOO Prof. Services - Interior Decoration 2^500*00 5ff Primary Electric Duct 133 olU Risk Insurance - Kenneth Clark Agency 755 el3 Concrete Tests - Ariz* Testing Labcratosy Ij*817*18 Soil Tests - Arizona Testing Laboratory 613*50

1957 Construction of Wing D T* G* K* Construction Cou^aBy klQ$%00»GO Architect's Fee - Weaver & Dorer 25*110o00 Addition to original contract - Mardian Const*, Co,. 22>816W85 Concrete Tests - Arizona Testing Lab* l?li31*35 Advertising for Bids « Tempe News 27.9® Risk Insurance - Harelson Ins8 Co* 238*55

I960 Remodeling & Installing Kitchen Rooms 126-128 391*79

Total 1*8X1^926*01

Total Gross Space * 119*250 square feet.

Part X Page 106



1913 Arehiteots: Leeeher ©nd libbey ContractorJ Ariaona Engineering and Constriction Company

Original Construction | 18,147^00 Heating Plant * Other equipment and extras ^ 2?717e60

Total f 20*884,60

1925 Second Half

Architects: Lescher and Mahoney Contractors BfoGinty Constmotion Company

This is one half of a joint bid for additions to North and South Halls (See below) $ 33^006,82

1919-1964 Miscellaneous repairs and iraprosrementa Paintings oalcemining, plumbing, etc 500o00

1935 Roofing (PWA) 652*00 1938 Remodeling Kitchen and Basement Room® 300.00

Total to 1940 # ~1^Z&A£

1950 Steel sash installed in sleeping porches lff70Q,00

Total # 66.923o42

Additions to STcrth and South Hall

Joint Bid

1925 - Soeend Half - Both additions Architects: Lescher and Mahoney Contractors HsGinty Construction Coiapany General Contract f 49,971«59 Plnafelng and heating contractp Horral Co,. 6^999050 Architect"s ^ees (5%) 2,848o44 Hardware* eleotrioity8 painting^ flto0 l^SOOoai Fvrnitwre and equipment, both additions | 4^S94oil

Total I 60ffOlSo65

South Hall charged with on© half #33fl008*82 Horth Hall charged with one half 33^0060 82

Total gross space - 13,860 sqn&re feeto

Part X Page 107


1935=36 Architects? Lescher & Mahonoy Contractor: Del Eo Webb Construction Company Superintendent of Buildings Kemper Goodwin

Construct ion,, Original Bid plus #3,721063 extras llSO^SSSsOO Architects* feeSj, 5% of cost 7,642o75 Expense 153*99 Remodeling front entrances and painting interior gQQsOQ


Federal Funds 34$* College Bonds

1949 Installation of coolers 1^650.00

Total | 160*401.74

Total gross spaee - £7g918 square feeto

Part. X Page 108



Architects Kemper Goodwia Contractor* To Ge Ko Construction OOo Financings Bond Issue

1955 Clarence Carpenter Insurance Co* « risk insurance i 167621?. Valley Kational Bank - Trustee Fees 30*56 Advertising for Bids 25*0© Architects Fees 219883o08 Construction Coatraet 36b»7l8oCO Advertising for Bids I5o30 Trustee services 125600 Refrigeration Cojstraet 29,787o00 Architect's fees 1^1 ^2 Title poUcy klop

Total |1|189585«90

Total | Gross ,,§^8®, ^ ^^j^Q^^ggg^gj^

Part 1 Page 109



1946 Converted Barracks | 60s954o98

financed; Alumni Association - Loan Repaid vrom Rental Incomeo

Total Gross| Space ^ 41g|052 gqnareii^ieeti|«

During the Suiaaier o* 1960 half o** the units were

demolished to make room *Qr the new T&iversity entrance

off Mill Avenueo At the present time th@r© are twenty-

five units remaining * These will b© demolished shortly

to make room for the ne^ Frank Lloyd Wright designed

Auditorium and Fins Arts Centero

Total Gross Space 25 Fnite - 20^000 square feeto

Part X Page HO



1955 Architects Horlbeck & Hickman Moving two houses to 16th Street from lots purchased in land acquisition ^or expanded campus

1955 Architects ^ees I 505o00 Moving Contract l9100oQ0

Total 11*605.00

Included in this Housing Area which is south of Sahuaro

Hall are 11 small houses which were moved from property

acquired by the TMversity In its land acquisition programo

Total Gross Spaoe - 7^305 square feet

Part I Page 111


East Shea Boulevard Northwest of Scottsdale^ Arizona

This property is being held by the Arizona State University Founda<» tion until such time as the University has funds available for purchase•

Cost #33<>QOO»O0

Total Gross S^ace ~ lg975 square feeto

Part I Pag© 112


Approximate Cost # 2g500eOO

Total Gross Sgacei«. 800 sqtmre^feete

Part X Page 113

HOME OF DIRECTOR, PHYSICAL PLABT ■ i HUMw——iiinin inn h nimffm II> im mmi i iMmmiiiB

Formerly R* Jo Hight Hoaie

820 Forest Avenue

1957 Purchased f*om Dr* Ra J. Hight $28,900«75 Less land value l8g900»75


1959 Shower Cabinet

Total Gross Spaee - 1.800 square feet{ ' • g--|IH]lli I . r iif. ■»i. i ■imifli inn ■«III«.II ■iiii.ii.mnii

Part J. Page lilt



1907 Architectst Creighton and Millard Contractor; Clinton Campbell

* Original Contractg including architect's fees. Extras and mlscallaneone I 6S023W95

347^50 1910 Cement walks, ^©undationfl and basement 650o00

Ttstel | 60921o4S

1931 Remodeling interior, eictenaion, €tc« 2SE88»56 Mew Equipasmt - refrigerator^ range, furniture SOOoOO

1933 Roof, painting roomsp etc* 550*00

Tofcal t© BBS # 104560i,01

1937 to 1939 W, P, A» temporary room 125900 Enclosing poroh 150^00

Total cost to 1040 # 10s835o01

1951 Refrigeration system Installed by Maintenanc© Staff @50oOQ

I 11^485.01

* Built ^rom excess funds, being part of * joint bid of |238676 which injoleded the Sowth Wing ©f East Hall*

1954 Garage built by maintenance eta**. Ig042<,00 Total |18;gf.0i

Total gross space - 3ftQ0Q square feetw

Part X Page 115


To 1960

Utility facilities, tunnels, sewers^ distribution lines $3208)038oOO

Streets$ curbs, and sidewalks 98$711^00

Parking lots 1114*563 oOO

Tennis courts 56a978>Qp

Total i)S90&290&00

Pan; X Pag© 116



Cartipus Trees 3 Shrabs^ Palins^ and Hedges


«TH&ESr«»Yarieties 57$ Total number of treesj, 1U78

««SHRU^«¥«?arieties 7k$> Total number ©f shrubs* 1512

*a&HEDGES«»Varieties k9 Total number of feetd 5738

*TREES The f ix^t planting of trees to azjy extent was in 1891^ when ll^O Arisossa Ash ^ere planted on about ten acres of the original campus* Some of themp notr over sevssrty years oldt are still alive and are among the largest and thriftiest trees ©a the campus and may be good for another fifty years •

The neast large planting sms from 1912 to 193!^ ^®n about a hundred Olive Trees, and as mangr PalniSi, were pXantedo A fetr have been removed to make room for new buildings aiad IssniSo

In 19165 sixty Esaglish Elnss^ aM the same number of American Elms^ were procured from a California Nursery ami planted* The £ormer5 in Parkways,, and the latter* inside the sidewalk lin©j» on both sides of College Avenue,, They «er© the first Elms of as& kind to be planted in the Salt River ¥alley0 Numeroiss small plantings of various mrleties of Evergreeiss and Deeldious tree^ are made anmzallye

««SHRUBS The planting of shrubs on the campus has been governed by the construction and location of buildings^ which aecmints for the variation? maturity c and extensive plantings during recent years 0

^»HEDGES All the present hedges have been planted during the past taenty-five years e The larger being an Oleander hedge which surrounds the tuenty^aere Goodwin fieldo

Part I Page 11?

THRFS 130 American Elm k Magnolia 110 Ariaona Ash 5 Chinese Elm 6 Montebello Ash 3 Sycamores

53 English Elm 2 Willow kO Umbrellas IA Red Bud Cereis 27 Poplars 2 Chinese Flame Trees 5 Honey Locuts U Blue Chasta Trees 5 Ekckfoerxy

Total number of deeidious trees


135 Sour Oranges 6 Tamarix 95 Olive Shada® 6 Guadulupe Csrpress 9k Italian Cypress k Cork Oak 90 Carob 3 Live Oak 60 Axborvitaes 3 Cedars 2 Golden Golum 2 Evergreen Elm 58 Arisona Cypress 2 Silver Juniper kO Bottle Tree 2 Virginia Juniper ho Eucalyptus k Jacaranda 36 Pepper Tree 1 Fern Pirn 33 Pine Aleppo 1 Irish Yeu 11 Honterey Cypress 1 Big Cons Pin®


Total number of evergreen trees 730


9 1» 3 3 3

Fig Date Palms Mulbersy Grapefruit Naval

2 Sapotes 20 Pecan 8 Black W&ltmt 2 Cape Chestnuts

Total number of fruit & nut trees 5fe


Washlngtonia Felifera Washingtonia Robusta 230

k Blue Palm I4I Phoenix Cananiensis

k Sago Palm 2 Dsmrf Fan Palra 11 Fortune! Palm 2 Windmill Palm

Total number of palm trees



Different varieties of trees - 57

Part X Page 118


Different Varieties - 57

162 Euor^mus 18 EuoEymus Verigated

130 %rtle Commmas 27 ffyrtle Verigated k7 Myrtle Coa^aeti k9 Cassia 83 Cotoneaster

120 Pittosporum 23 Pittosporum Verigated 22 Daarf Pomeg^nite

10 Lantana 19 Photinias 130 Oleanders 56 Flowering Poa^granite lil Privet Japanese 8 Bush Jasmine

38 Randina 12 Phracantha Ik Privet California 1 Desert Cassia

1 Yucca Cactus k Persian Lils© 3 I&gunaria 1 California HoBy 2 Cactus li Bougainvillea Yine 1 Spanish Broom k Bay Leaf

2k Spirea 3 Chinese Holly (Desert)

Total lua&er of Plants - 1712

3 Abelia 1 English Holly

12 Alteap Rose of Sharon Flowering Peach Flowering Quince Trtsmpet fins Climbing Roses

206 Rose Bushes 6 Bignonic Tseediana fine 5 Camelias

I 12 23

8 Poinsatta 30 English Ivy

6 Algerian Ivy b Boston Ivy 6 Ploieosas Fera

11* B©2£H90d 3 fetal Plum k Honey Suckle

10 Coral Vine 6 l^ycuia

1 Buddlens 3 Coeeulus 1 A^utus Unedos k Rock Rose Cistur 2 Fuchsias l^daine-Iont 2 Fuchsias Australian 3 Clemtis 1 Golden Ball 1 Iie«»d€J Franc® 1 French Lilac

3 23 5 2 6

U k

Westeria Ylim Climbing Jasmine Bottle Brush

Crepe J^j/rtle Hibiscus Viburnum

1 Spirea Bellardi 3 Columbine Crimson Star 6 Columbine 1 French Li!&e»Pres„ Lincoln 1 * * Claude Bernard 1 » • Sou¥« de L Spaeth 1 English Holly

top related