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PUEBLO, COAPRIL 11 & 12, 2013












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PueblO, CO CReAtive CORRidOR







3 4The Governor’s Arts Award

bReAKfASt - hosted by deborah Jordy, executive director of CbCA | Pecha Kucha featuring: Redline, m12, Andrea moore | guest Speaker mukul malhotra, Experiencing Art in Diverse Communities - exploring opportunities to imagine & create multi-sensorial art environments.

viSit exhibitORS / bReAKCOlORAdO CReAteS ACtivity - Jam SessionPoetry and music with special guests; all are welcome to participate or observe!(if bad weather, the Murphy/Sitter Room in the Courtyard Marriot Hotel)


viSit exhibitORS

Governor’s Arts AwArds Luncheon

viSit exhibitORS

wORKShOPS / PANelS / NetwORKiNg / viSit exhibitORS

10:00 - 12NOONconvention ctr hallway

11:00-12NOONheros Pavilion

12NOON - 1:15PmFortino Grand Ballroom

1:15 - 1:30Pm

1:30 - 2:15PmFortino Grand Ballroom

2:00 - 3:50Pmheros Pavilion

2:30 - 4:50Pmconvention ctr rooms

5:00 - 5:30Pmconvention ctr hallway

5:30 - 8:00Pmcreative corridor

8:00 - 10:00Pmsangre de cristo Arts ctr

8:00 - 9:30AmFortino Grand Ballroom

9:30 - 9:50Am

10:00 - 12NOONriverwalk Gateway Park

at welte Plaza

9:50 - 12NOONconvention ctr rooms

12NOON-12:30Pmconvention ctr hallway

12:30 - 2:30PmFortino Grand Ballroom

2:30 - 3:00Pmconvention ctr hallway

3:00 - 4:00Pmconvention ctr rooms


ThURdSAy, APRIL 11RegiStRAtiON / viSit exhibitORS

COlORAdO CReAteS ACtivity ROOm & lOuNgePop in for creative activities, networking, check your email or have coffee.

welCOme luNCheON - featuring margaret hunt, bob Clasen, Steve Nawrocki | musical performance by daniel valdez | Keynote speakers: Ken Arkind and bobby lefebre introduced by Alex markovich, Associate State director for the Colorado Small business development Center (SbdC)


iNteRACtive ACtivity: “exquisite Corpse” with wendy mike

COlORAdO CReAteS ACtivity ROOm & lOuNgePop in for creative activities, networking, check your email or have coffee.


viSit exhibitORS

2Nd thuRSdAy ARt CRAwl - walk, run, bike, boat, or crawl as you join in celebrating the fantastic community of Pueblo in an art party. Participate in creative activities and stroll around the Creative Corridor.

deSSeRt ReCePtiON with cash bar An extravaganza of art, poetry, music & food.

Michael clapper Michael clapper studios, denver

michael was educated in design at wendell Castle School in Rochester, New york. michael focuses on creating contemporary public and residential sculpture. typically working in the medium of stone, steel and light, his art conveys a natural palette of color, pattern and texture that are inherent within the materials themselves.

“I feel that my work, created mostly from carved stone, fabricated steel and light, tells its story through a visual language of dignified restraint. By using these materials I intentionally compose a natural palette of color, pattern and texture that are inherent within the materials themselves.”

the annual governor’s Arts Award recognizes a Colorado town or city for their collective efforts to enhance their community and their economy through strategic use of the arts. Aspen mayor michael ireland and Pueblo City Council President Steve Nawrocki will be presented with the awards, which are original stone sculptures by denver artist michael Clapper. the art selection panel chose Clapper for his contemporary approach to sculpture and his use of local materials. they liked the idea that each community would ‘have a piece of Colorado’. the artworks will be displayed in public locations in the respective cities and a third sculpture by Clapper will become part of the governor’s Arts Award collection and be displayed in a public building.

Colorado Creative industries, a division of the Office of Economic Development and International trade, annually convenes a panel to review the nominations. in selecting Aspen and Pueblo as the recipients, the review panel cited each city’s uniquely specific use of the arts and creative industries to enhance their communities with regard to economic and community development. they were also impressed with the diverse expression of arts in both communities that honored their individual spirit and history. The other nominated cities were Broomfield, Colorado Springs and lone tree.

12Friday, April

welcome from master of Ceremonies, tom green musical performance from the haunted windchimes Recital from the Colorado Poetry Out loud 2013 winner, Alice Kilduff Presentation of the governor’s Arts Awards to the winning communities of Pueblo and Aspen Special Announcement from brandCOlORAdO’s Aaron Kennedy, Chief Marketing Officer for the State of Colorado Remarks from CCi executive director, margaret hunt & CCi Council Chair, bob Clasen

encore performance from the haunted windchimes

12:30 - 2:30Pm Pueblo convention center Fortino Grand hall

Summit Agenda


tom g


winning Artist of the Governor’s Arts Award 2013


Ken ArKind Ken Arkind is an American National Poetry Slam Champion, Nuyorican Poets Cafe grand Slam Champion and published author who has performed his work in 49 States, 6 countries and at over 150 colleges and universities. he is the current executive director and head brave New voices coach for the denver minor disturbance youth Poetry Project, an independent literary arts organization dedicated to helping Colorado youth between the ages of 13-19 find their voices through the mediums of poetry and performance. His first full collection of poetry was published by Penmanship books in march 2013. Ken was born on the western slope of the Rocky mountains and grew up playing in the shallow waters of the yampa River. he divides his time between an Apartment in denver and a couch in brooklyn.

Leigh Augustine, esq., Augustine Law Firm, LLc, denver. Augustine is the owner and managing member of Augustine law firm, llC, a sports, entertainment, and intellectual property law firm that represents individuals as well as small and large companies. Augustine has extensive experience negotiating contracts, protecting trademarks and copyrights, drafting licensing agreements, securing domain names, drafting sweepstakes and contest rules, and setting up businesses. Since 2006, Augustine has been teaching the Sports law Class at the university of denver’s College of law.

david Boger, Managing director, Jiberish, denver. Jiberish clothing was started by boger in 2004 and he is still the managing director. Jiberish started with 12 tee shirts and 12 sweatshirts and has grown into a seven-figure business with retail accounts in 16 countries along with two flagship stores in denver (the lohi store) and Park City utah (the vault store). boger holds a Bachelor of Science in Forestry and a Master’s Certificate in Geographic information Systems from the university of denver. he is an avid outdoorsmen and involved with his family and community. boger is an aspiring yogi and plays music to help maintain a balanced lifestyle.

ray Burrasca, sBdc Partner. Ray burrasca, founder and organizer of Colorado Crowdfunding, is a seasoned business executive whose career in corporate finance, securities and large and small company merger & acquisitions and other significant corporate transactions spans both coasts and more than four decades. Ray’s experiences in the finance area have involved the entire gamut of financing alternatives, including some of the more pedestrian types, such as revolving credit bank loans to the more exotic, such as early stage startup and venture capital financing.

BoBBy LeFeBrebobby lefebre is a denver-born performance poet, actor and social worker. he is a two time grand-slam Champion, a National Poetry Slam finalist, an individual world Poetry Slam finalist, a two time tedx speaker, and has been a member of three National Poetry Slam teams.the dynamic, award-winning latino performer has touched stages and hearts around the world, delivering provocative and entertaining poetry with a message.Combining his passion for education and performance, lefebre is founder of Cafe Cultura, denver’s largest monthly artistic expression event serving the mile high inner-city community. the monthly showcase was voted best open mic by westword in 2007, and has showcased both local and national talent. lefebre lives and works in denver and believes that green chile is the world’s most perfect food.

65 PresentersKeynote Speakerscory ostos Arcarese, sBdc consultant, Pueblo. Cory Ostos Arcarese is an award winning marketing executive with more than 23 years of progressive experience and an expansive portfolio which includes strategic marketing, digital marketing and business development. with a bA in marketing and a mS in Accounting. Cory is a marketing executive who excels in data analysis and creativity. An accomplished speaker, fluent in Spanish, Cory works tirelessly to advance the profitability of a business.

Laura Bond, special Projects Manager, colorado symphony, denver. laura bond serves as the Colorado Symphony’s Special Projects manager, her role includes educational program development, community coalition building and engagement of new audiences. A creative writer and journalist, laura was lighthouse writer’s workshop’s 2012 Alice maxine bowie fellow for fiction, and contributes regularly to uSAA and westword, where she served as music editor and staff writer for six years.

danielle “d.” Brooks, Performance Poet , rhapsodee entertainment Group LLc, Aurora. danielle (d.) brooks is a dynamic performer and communications professional with more than fifteen years of experience in stage production, poetry open mics and competitions. d. brooks refreshes traditional organizational models with her diverse and cultured perspective by facilitating writing and performance workshops, supporting/organizing events to promote the creative industries, as well as performing for schools, non-profit organizations and community groups/events.

87 PresentersPresenters

PJ d’Amico, executive director, redLine, denver. PJ d’Amico is the executive director of Redline, a creative space that converges arts, education and community. under PJ’s leadership, Redline has grown as a pivotal catalyst in Colorado that fuses cutting edge contemporary art with critical social issues. d’Amico comes out of a long history of radical community organizing and discovered later in life that art is a perennial meta narrative for social transformation--once we change what people see we can change how we behave and interact. this is the business of Redline, tikkun olam…repair the world. He also serves as a Program Officer with the Buck Foundation and serves as an adjunct faculty at Regis University in the Masters of Nonprofit management Program.

Maryo Gard ewell, creative industries consultant, Gunnison. maryo gard ewell has worked in the community arts world for her entire career, for both local and state arts agencies. in the early 1970’s she participated in the start-up of the Audubon Street Arts district in New haven, Ct, so working now for Colorado’s Creative districts program for Colorado Creative industries is especially meaningful. maryo has also been president of her local arts center, and is on the advisory council for the Community foundation of the gunnison valley. She holds mA’s in Organizational behavior and in urban & Regional Planning.

Jeanne Fenter-snider, Principal, Jeanne Fenter & Associates, Fowler. Jeanne has served on the Colorado Tourism Office Board of Directors as member-At- large since 2008. She is currently Co-chairperson for the heritage, Cultural, and Agritourism Committee. As the former Chairperson of Canyons & Plains of Southeast Colorado Regional heritage taskforce, she led the organization to become a premier destination for heritage tourism in the state. before relocating to Colorado from green bay, wisconsin, she was a Neville Public museum, Curator of education for Art, history and Science; teACh wi Project grants manager for 38 school districts; and development Coordinator for Agricultural heritage & Resources inc.

Louis Fineberg, Planning director, city of trinidad. louis received a master of City and Regional Planning degree from Rutgers university in 2001 and has worked as a professional public sector planner for over ten years. Since 2011 he has served as the Planning director for the City of trinidad having secured over $1.5 million in grant funding for historic preservation, trail and infrastructure development projects; led the effort to have the Corazon de trinidad National historic district designated as an emerging Creative district and has drafted the City’s current historic district ordinance. louis specializes in implementing creative economic development strategies and integrating urban areas into their natural surroundings.

Jennifer coates, town Manager, ridgway. the Ridgway community is truly home for Jen Coates. transitioning over time from the private and non-profit sectors in Phoenix and Durango, to public administration in a small, rural town has been a humbling and educational gift. the opportunity to work with the creative and inspired residents of Ridgway during both flush and tough economic times has allowed the fountain of humility and knowledge to continuously flow, long and wide. Outside the colorful walls of Town Hall Jen enjoys vacationing with her husband and indulging in numerous outdoor sports, soaking in the majesty of the San Juans and Southwest Colorado.

dr. sean Flanigan, Associate Professor of Music, colorado Mesa university, Grand Junction. dr. Sean flanigan is an international guest conductor, lecturer, trombone soloist and recording artist who serves as Coordinator of the music industry program at Colorado mesa university. he has been invited many times to teach and perform by the legendary El Sistema training program in venezuela and is on the Conn-Selmer performing artist roster. dr. flanigan holds degrees from the university of North texas and university of illinois and previously served on the faculties of drake university, bowling green State university, blue lake fine Arts Camp, illinois Summer youth music and the Oklahoma Summer Arts institute.

dr. Gisela Flanigan, Board of directors, colorado creative, Grand Junction. dr. gisela flanigan is an international pianist, social entrepreneur and highly sought-after lecturer and panelist for national and international conferences. She holds degrees from the university of miami and the university of North texas. She has been a piano faculty member at drake university, grinnell College, bowling green State university, heidelberg university and for the el SiStemA ibero-American brass festival in venezuela, gisela is currently faculty Artist for the barry tuckwell institute, Chair of the grand Junction Commission on Arts and Culture, and board member of the Crested butte music festival and Colorado Creative and the western Colorado writers forum.

Amelia caruso, Artist, Ft collins. After attending the Art Academy of Cincinnati and the university of Cincinnati, Amelia went to work running pizza shops around town. it gave her a new perspective having not been taught the business end of art. when she moved to Colorado in the late 90’s she put her heart and head into running her art like a business. Amelia has had her artwork on tv shows such as will & grace; in galleries across the country and a fabric line licensed through Robert Kaufman and a line of flip-flops with The lesson that she has learned over the years, Diversification!

robert B. clasen, chair, colorado creative industries commission, denver. Robert b. Clasen had been a media and entertainment executive until his retirement in 2010. during his forty-year career, he has served in a variety of senior positions in the cable television, telecommunications, and New Media industries, including Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Starz, LLC, a television production and distribution company, animation studios, a home video company, and an independent movie studio, Overture films. Since his retirement, he serves as Chairman of the Colorado Creative industries Council, a member of the denver film Society Capital Campaign and an executive in Residence at the daniels College of business at the university of denver.

Mccabe callahan, ceo, community Funded, Fort collins. mcCabe Callahan is co-founder and CeO of Community funded, a social funding (or crowdfunding) platform focused on community collaboration. Callahan is a passionate entrepreneur and the founder, owner, and operator of mugs Coffee lounge. he is an active community member in fort Collins and sits on board for downtown development Authority, downtown business Association, beet Street; Committee member of local living economy Steering Committee, and fort Collins budgeting for Outcomes economic health task group.

109 PresentersPresenters

John L. hall, economic development & urban renewal director, town of Parker. John hall has 20 years of experience in public economic development planning and implementation and private land use development consulting. his expertise includes business development and assistance, target industry analysis, strategic planning and program impact assessment. Prior to joining the Town of Parker, Hall was the Business Development Officer for the City of westminster in Colorado. he has also held the positions of business Recruitment Officer for the Portland Development Commission, Business development Coordinator and enterprise Zone Program manager for the State of Oregon and Senior Associate for leland and hobson economic Consultants. hall teaches and has conducted research in economic development.

dan hobbs, rocky Mountain Farmers union cooperative and economic development center, Pueblo. hobbs is a cooperative development specialist with the Rocky mountain farmers union Cooperative and economic development Center. he has over twenty years agricultural and rural development experience in the united States and South America and formerly served as executive director of Organic Seed Alliance, New farms and Nuestras Raices, all 501(c)(3) organizations. Dan is a fifth generation Coloradan, holds a b.A. in latin American Studies and owns and operates a 30 acre organic seed and vegetable farm in Pueblo County Colorado.

Laura Grey, Heritage & Agritourism Program Manager, Colorado Office of tourism, denver. laura grey was born and raised in upstate New york and promptly moved out west after extensive research into states that had more than a handful of sunny days. After arriving in Colorado, laura graduated from CU Denver and worked with a leading national arts non-profits as well as the Denver Office of Cultural Affairs coordinating programs aimed at economic development. In 2008, she began her work with the Governor’s Office of economic development and international trade as the location and community manager for the Office of Film Television and Media. Laura joined the Tourism Office’s team in early February 2012 and brings with her an extensive knowledge of Colorado’s many unique assets as well as enthusiasm and a dedication for rural economic development in Colorado.

Beth Flowers, executive director, Beet street and Air (Arts incubator of the rockies), Fort collins. beth has nearly twenty years of executive level experience with non-profits, public interest groups, governmental agencies, and broadcast media. She is a visionary thinker and a talented communicator with a proven track record of success. beth was hired by beet Street as a consultant in 2009 to redesign their strategic plan. She was hired permanently in february 2010 as Project and development director and now leads the organization as executive director.

susan Fries, creative community Builder & collaboration coordinator, director of Pueblo creative corridor and Pueblo Performing Arts Guild, Pueblo. Susan fries has worked tirelessly to promote and develop the arts in Pueblo. As director, fries has guided, informed and worked intimately with a variety of local creative industry non-profits, business, and co-ops in various stages of development. She has been on the forefront of connecting the dots between local arts programs and positive economic impact. fries, in addition to her professional work, she is an active volunteer with Colorado humanities, All Pueblo Reads, Song of Pueblo: an Oratorio, and more.

emma harrington, ecommerce Buyer & Merchandising Associate, craftsy, denver. Emma is proud to be a fifth generation Colorado native and loves being back in Colorado after receiving her b.A. in New england. At, emma has worked in conjunction with the entire ecommerce team to develop a merchandising and product assortment strategy that fits the wants and needs of the continually growing online crafting community. the goals of the team are to provide one of the premium online shopping experiences for crafting shoppers!

daniel Junge, Filmmaker, denver. daniel Junge is an Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker and two-time nominee. His first feature-length film, ChiefS, won the grand Jury Prize at the tribeca film festival and broadcast nationally. iRON lAdieS Of libeRiA premiered at the toronto film festival and aired worldwide. they Killed SiSteR dOROthy, won the Audience and grand Jury Prizes at the SxSw film festival and earned a 2010 emmy nomination for best investigative Journalism; the lASt CAmPAigN Of gOveRNOR bOOth gARdNeR was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short in 2010. His most recent film, SAVING FACE, won the 2011 Academy Award for best documentary Short. Junge lives in Colorado with his wife and daughter and large dog.

Margaret hunt, executive director, colorado creative industries, denver.margaret previously served as the executive director of the utah division of Arts and Museums for eight years. She led the agency through significant changes including the merger of two state agencies: the utah Arts Council and the Office of Museum Services. Other positions she has held include director of Community and economic development for Salt lake City government, manager of Economic Development Programs for PacifiCorp/Rocky Mountain Power Company, director of the International Microfinance Training Program at Naropa university and vice president of a utah-based fundraising consulting group for nonprofit organizations. Margaret has served on the board of the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies and has been a trustee of the Western States Arts Federation for five years. She has received numerous leadership awards over the years and is also a visual artist.

hear here Poetry. luke Cissell and Susan Peiffer form a team cultivating diverse community among poets and artists of the Pikes Peak region. in 2011 Cissell founded the hear here Poetry Open mic and Slam with a mission of helping support artists from their roots up. Believing firmly that art functions as therapy and all people are artists with stories to share, Cissell and Peiffer hold it is essential to focus on the total health of creating individuals. by fostering connections beyond time spent with microphone, paintbrush and pen hear here is much more than stories on a stage. luke is a nature lover, an emcee, and a stage poet since 2010. Susan is a published poet who has traveled with spoken word communities since 2007. hear here is held every third and fourth friday monthly at marmalade in Colorado Springs. it is an all welcome, all ages, everyone encouraged event!

1211 PresentersPresentersMallory Logan, co-founder,, Gunnison. in my handful of years working in graphic arts, one word has become my mantra: deeper. whether you are starting a business, designing a logo for a client, or creating a new working relationship, there is always more to know, another layer to peel, and a different perspective to consider. it is paramount in the creative and entrepreneurial field to connect with others, and to help them dig deeper into their thought processes while constantly evaluating your own.

Jamie Licko, President centro inc., denver. Jamie licko is the founder and president of Centro Inc., a consulting firm focused on strengthening city centers, downtowns, main streets and neighborhood business districts. Jamie specializes in the development of place management strategies – organizational and funding approaches that enhance the day-to-day operations, activation and marketing of place – as well as innovative economic development and placemaking initiatives that help define the character of a district and bring it to life. She is currently a consultant to Colorado Creative industries (CCi) for the Creative districts program.

Wade Kloos, Account Executive, esri, Broomfield. wade has worked for public, private and non-profit organizations for over 27 years and has been involved with the creation of general plans and zoning ordinances; implemented design guidelines and established and coordinated municipal Cdbg programs. he created and managed a geographic information system (giS) when giS was emerging in the early 90s. this work lead him to focus on spatial technologies which provide assistance to cities, counties and state governments in their efforts to implement giS solutions using maps for telling a story and the discovery of where meaningful information may be found.

Marilyn Leuszler, Art & culture Advisory commission, trinidad. Award-winning artist marilyn leuszler studied in Japan under masters in brush Calligraphy, Sumi-e painting and Japanese Silk embroidery. her work has shown in the tokyo metropolitan museum of Art, ginza area galleries in tokyo, local and national exhibitions in the u.S., and is in private and corporate collections in Asia, europe, and the u.S. Currently, marilyn is deeply involved with Oedit, the Colorado blueprint, and Key industries programs. She serves on the trinidad Art & Culture Advisory Commission; board of directors of the AR mitchell museum, core committee for trinidad’s emerging Creative district and is western States Coordinator for fresh Artists.

Jill MacKay, Artist, Fort collins. Jill macKay is an accomplished designer, author and consultant. her name is synonymous with innovation and boundless creativity. Jill licenses her designs to national chains, manufacturers and television retailers. Jill is perhaps best known as being the jewelry designer for national television shows, and for her work on Paramount Studio’s Star trek: the Next generation. Jill is also a celebrated art in education specialist having collaborated with many of our nation’s largest art institutions and organizations on large-scale projects and residencies. macKay has represented the nation’s artists at NASAA, presents internationally and has been a self-employed, working creative since 1983.

Amy Kimberly, executive director of the carbondale council on Arts and humanities, carbondale. Amy is the executive director of the Carbondale Council on Arts and humanities, winner of the 2012 governor’s Arts Award. She has been part of the nonprofit world for over 20 years. Amy has created and grown many music events and venues including: telluride Nightgrass, Carbondale Summer of music, Palisade bluegrass and Roots fest and the Performing Arts Center at third. her strength is public-private partnerships to further economic development and vibrancy in communities.

delaney Keating, roshamBo: Marketing + creative,Gunnison. As a professional storyteller, i believe in the inherent human pursuit to connect and mobilize efforts through shared story. these stories appeal to our senses and serve across time, space, modality and circumstance. the best part is that everyone has a story to tell. At RoShambo, we believe in helping our clients tell their stories. we blend a mix of “show + tell” to build emotionally engaging and relevant material to enhance brand communications for a versatile base of businesses and organizations. Our 24/7 revolves around all things that foster an everyday experience that is mindful, artful and playful. mind your art, and play!

Mukul Malhotra, Principal, director of urban design, MiG, inc. mukul malhotra has over 15 years of experience in urban design, planning and architecture. he has managed and contributed to a wide range of planning and design projects, addressing issues related to urban development and revitalization, streetscape design and planning, pedestrian- and transit-oriented design, and preservation of neighborhood and city character. mukul’s projects have ranged from downtowns and historic districts to new communities and university campuses. All of his projects have involved extensive agency and stakeholder coordination to ensure that final designs and plans can be effectively implemented. in addition, mukul has facilitated numerous working sessions, public workshops and design charrettes in conjunction with all of his projects to ensure community ownership and pride. mukul is one of the creators of re:Streets, a multi-disciplinary collaboration focused on the planning, design and construction of streets as a method for improving our built environment.

elaine Mariner, cultural director for the town of Parker, Parker. mariner oversees Parker’s cultural programs and facilities including the new Parker Arts, Culture and events (PACe) Center and the development of Parker’s new Creative district. She formerly served as the director of the Colorado Creative industries division where she re-branded the division to represent the full breadth of Colorado’s creative industries and launched the state’s Creative districts program. mariner holds several board and advisory roles including downtown Colorado, inc. and metro State university Center for innovation. She is a graduate of harvard Kennedy School’s 2011 institute for executives in State and local government and of leadership denver and holds an mbA from the university of Colorado at boulder and a bS in Computer information Systems from george mason university.

13Presenters 14Presenters

Jack d. Pappalardo, esq., President, denver’s Arts district on santa Fe, denver. Jack earned his Juris doctor at Syracuse College of law and his master’s degree in Public Administration at the university’s maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs. he is a practicing attorney and the long-time president of Denver’s Art District on Santa Fe one of only two “Certified Creative districts” designated by the Colorado Creative industries and a recipient of the 2012 mayor’s Award for excellence in Arts and Culture. Jack and his wife artist georgia Amar have owned and operated georgia Amar fine Art gallery and studio and lived in the Art district since 2003. they provide workshops, classes and work with charities and neighborhood kids to enrich the lives of those around them.

Philip A. Patterson, Assistant director, durango. Philip Paterson, born in Australia, knew he wanted to “go make film” after finishing high school. Since 1984 he has worked on such films as Crocodile Dundee and The Rescue where he was offered the opportunity to work in America. A lifestyle choice brought Philip to durango in 1992. his production work has taken him across North America, Asia, Africa, europe and back to Australia. Philip’s work ranges from big productions like wolverine to family entertainment, flipper, and quirkier films like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. In 2000 the University of Canberra awarded him their first Distinguished Alumni awards, in recognition of his work as an “international filmmaker”.

Kari Munson, Project Manager, Beet street and Air (Arts incubator of the rockies), Fort collins. Kari was born and raised in minneapolis, mN and earned her bachelor of Arts in musical theatre from the university of Northern Colorado. After graduation she started her arts career as a freelance director and choreographer and discovered a passion for arts education. Kari is excited to continue her work with the arts and culture community in fort Collins developing partnerships and civic pride with each new program. Kari is privileged to work at Beet Street while fulfilling the core passions of her career and life; arts, culture, and education.

Andrea Moore, creative Activist, Andrea Moore Arts, denver. Andrea is a writer, performer, photographer, and producer. She is passionate about using creativity as a means for cultural activism and works to foster connection and dialogue across social and cultural lines. in addition to running her own arts company, Andrea operates the detached garage artist-in-residency program, which targets and empowers emerging artists and brings art to denver’s Clayton neighborhood. She is also a co-founder of the No One way Arts Collaborative. N.O.w. designs and implements 72-hour collaborative retreats for artists in cities across the country, and online challenges that serve an international artistic community.

wendy Mike, creative consultant, creative engagement, colorado springs. A lifelong visual artist, wendy has worked in dance, sings and acts and is an author and entrepreneur. Collaborating with artists from women’s Action Coalition in NyC on a large-scale summer-long installation sparked her interest in art as activism. She later founded the non-profit “FutureSelf,” serving youth at-risk with life-changing art-based programs. Currently she uses ‘the tools of the artist’ to benefit individuals and organizations nationwide. Wendy was nominated for the 2013 tedprize for her vision of how the Arts create a world that works for everyone. in her heart-of-hearts, she is never far from her own artistic self-expression.

neil McKenzie, Principal, creatives and Business LLc, centennial. mcKenzie is the author of the Artist’s business and marketing toolbox - how to Start, Run and market a Successful Arts or Creative business. he has developed and teaches the course “Artrepreneurship” at the Center for innovation at metropolitan State university of denver. Neil has over 30 years’ experience as a management consultant and marketing executive, working with some of the world’s top brands. Neil is a frequent lecturer to artists and arts organizations, a guest columnist for Colorado biz magazine, where he covers the creative sector of the economy and the author of several articles for Americans for the Arts.

Bryan Mashinter, Producer, Backflip Studios, Boulder. After a variety of careers, bryan earned his bachelors degree in computer science from Westwood College in 2008. Bryan currently works as a producer at Backflip Studios, a rapidly growing mobile game studio based in boulder, CO. he has been the producer on a multitude of mobile and social titles at Backflip, including dragonvale, the #1 top grossing iOS App for 2012.

elizabeth Martin, sBdc consultant, Pueblo. elizabeth martin has been a coworker with business owners as they grow with change and technology since 1997. Since 2005, when she discovered her latent artist within, elizabeth became an advocate for the creative spirit in each of us, which often takes shape as a business. She has volunteered her expertise to SbdC and SCORe since she moved to Colorado Springs in 2009. She initiated an outreach to artists as creator of A Perspective llC offering roundtable events for small business owners.

tara dawn Marshall, director, colorado welcome center, trinidad. After spending many years living in Dallas, Texas and working in the fine wine industry, tara relocated to beautiful southern Colorado. She is the director of the Colorado welcome Center in trinidad and works both for the Colorado Tourism Office and the City of Trinidad. When not working in Tourism, she spends time volunteering on the boards of the trinidad & las Animas County Chamber of Commerce, the Southern Colorado Repertory theatre and tara is the Co-Chair of trinidad’s Creative district. She is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Public Policy from uC denver.

sal Pace, Pueblo county commissioner. A father of three, Sal is currently serving as a Pueblo County Commissioner and was formally a member of the Colorado State house. A graduate of fort lewis College, he spent eight years living in durango engaged in various community organizations and civic engagements. he holds a master’s degree in American Political theory from lSu. Sal previously represented hd-46, Pueblo, in the Colorado State house of Representatives; where he was selected as the minority leader and he worked in a bi-partisan fashion to fight for good paying jobs, stimulate the economy and bring accountability and transparency to government.

15Presenters 16Presenters

Kirsten stoltz, director of Programs, M12, Last chance. Kirsten Stoltz represents m12, a group of artists and creative professionals based in byers and last Chance, Colorado. the group’s projects are designed and built to integrate art, architecture and social engagement, and expand the reach and reputation of art made in rural communities. m12 has participated in many national and international exhibitions and programs that investigate contemporary art practices in rural communities and was included in the 13th international venice Architecture biennale last year.

Maia stone, executive director, colorado creative, denver. maia founded Colorado Creative, a nonprofit with a mission to provide Colorado’s youth with the tools to realize their full potential and pursue creative, entrepreneurial careers. After receiving a bachelor in fine Arts, maia worked for 10 years in hospitality, for companies such as marriott and disney. maia then obtained an mbA and a master of taxation, from the university of denver, and is now a CPA, running a small bookkeeping practice. maia enjoys spending her free time with her husband and dog, and practicing yoga. Always keeping art in her life, she knits, sews, and takes pleasure in photography.

Benjamin stockman, Principal, nicheZ LLc., denver ben is founder and lead strategist at NICHEZ LLC, a Denver-based branding and technology firm. Since 2001, NiCheZ has developed marketing strategies, designed brands and built websites for the likes of denver’s eSPN, dish Network, Anthony’s Pizza and Pasta and more.

s. Brian smith, President, the space creators, denver. As a committed entrepreneur, brian has founded several businesses including Shortcut to China, foreclosureJet, Sb Smith west, and the Space Creators. As president of the Space Creators, brian Smith leads a team of innovative professionals working to provide small businesses and creative individuals with unique solutions for their space needs. brian serves as both visionary leader and implementer, guiding his team through the development of new spaces, brokering commercial real estate, and providing full-service real estate. At the core of their work, brian and the Space Creators aim to make commercial real estate more accessible to the small business owner.

Pattie snidow, community and economic development director (statewide) nw Area director, usdA rural development. Pattie served the western 22 counties as the western business development Representative for the CO Office of Economic Development & International Trade from 2002, where she coordinated the Community Assessment Program for economic development on a statewide basis in addition to her duties regionally. She joined the u.S. department of Agriculture - Rural development as Northwest Area director in 2005 serving 18 counties. uSdA Rural development provides funding opportunities for infrastructure, community facilities and business development to rural areas, as well as technical assistance in economic and community development. She is coordinating and delivering the Stronger economies together Program throughout Colorado, which focuses on regional economic development strategies.

dave ratner, Principal, creative Law network, LLc, denver. following a career in the music business as a tour manager, band manager, publicist, and founder of a management agency, david Ratner now specializes in helping artists and small businesses navigate the complex world of contracts, licensing, and negotiations with a concentration on advising clients on trademark, copyright, and small business law. he is a graduate of Cornell university and the university of denver, College of law; adjunct professor of entertainment law at the university of denver, co-chair of the entertainment and Sports Section of the Colorado bar Association, and chair of the Rocky mountain Chapter of the Copyright Society of the u.S.A.

robert st. John roper, Attorney, the unlaw Firm, denver. Robert St. John Roper is an arts, media and entertainment attorney in a solo law practice he calls “the unlaw firm.” Robert’s clients have included artists, actors, athletes, composers, musicians, authors, producers, photographers, ad agencies, publishers, Internet companies, TV networks, nonprofits, software developers and website designers, among others. Some of his credits include many successful television programs, including “whale wars,” “trading Spaces,” “Roller Jam,” “world Series of Poker” “the willis Clan,” and “elvis Presley’s graceland.” Robert is a member of the media leaders Roundtable executive Committee, and the board of directors of the edge theater.

scott L. shine, AicP, executive director of the Montrose downtown development Authority, Montrose. Scott l. Shine, AiCP has served as the founding executive director of the montrose downtown development Authority (ddA) since August 2011. he has over eight years of experience in community planning, urban design, and economic development in utah, Oregon, and Colorado. he served as a fellow with the u.S. department of housing and urban development and received his master’s degree in Community and Regional Planning from the university of Oregon’s School of Planning, Public Policy & management. Scott also helps organize endurance athletic events with the San Juan mountain Runners and other local sports

Mary Beth Polce, development Manager, Beet street and Air (Arts incubator of the rockies), Fort collins. mary beth earned her bfA from the University of Michigan, and began her career in arts nonprofits at the Art institute of Chicago. She worked on the development team for the museum’s new modern wing, which opened in 2009, as well as fundraising for exhibitions and special projects. She moved to fort Collins in 2013 to work at beet Street. She looks forward to helping the organization grow, building communities large and small.

sally Pearce, sJPearce consultants, President. Sally Pearce is a consultant and the Co-executive director of the National Scenic byway foundation. ms. Pearce served as the State Scenic byways Program Coordinator for the Colorado Scenic and historic byways Program at the Colorado department of transportation for twenty years. in addition, she also served as the department’s staff historian for thirteen years. most recently, ms. Pearce served as manager of the grand Circle Association, a marketing organization in the four Corners Region. She is a published author, including a guide to Colorado architecture and several books on historic mining districts.

17Presenters 18Performers

dAnieL vALdeZ best-known for his roles in movies “la bamba” and “Zoot Suit,” valdez has returned to his roots in live theater. the actor, musician, composer and vocalist left San Jose, CA in 1966 at the age of 17 to join his brother (luis valdez) in forming el teatro Campesino. in addition to his acting credits, valdez wrote some and arranged all of the big band music for “Zoot Suit” and was producer, researcher and driving force behind “la bamba.” in recent years he has produced live oratorios, plays and concerts in California, Colorado, Arizona and mexico. using his composition skills and theatrical and musical knowledge valdez created a new way of presenting history. he evolved this form of theatrical history presentations in denver, Colorado. valdez continued to develop this form of story telling in Pueblo, Colorado in 2006, with the creation on “Song of Pueblo”.

the hAunted windchiMes the haunted windchimes sound draws from traditional folk and American roots music. the songs have a vintage quality, as if they might have been written yesterday or 75 years ago. grounded in honeyed harmonies and spirited pickin’, it lies in a nowhere land between distinct styles: it’s not quite bluegrass or blues or country. it’s the vocal harmonies that really set them apart; desirae garcia (ukulele), Chela lujan (banjo) and inaiah lujan (guitar), mike Clark (harmonica, guitar and mandolin) and Sean fanning (bass). “when their voices blend, it is nothing short of beautiful,” writes bill Reed of the Colorado Springs gazette.

Kellen Zubick, MFA Principal consultant, Mission spark, denver. Kelleen Zubick, mfA is a Principal Consultant for mission Spark. for over 18 years, Kelleen has worked in senior positions at nonprofits and state agencies developing a track record of success in planning and management, resource development, developing and evaluating programming, and in building partnerships and coalitions. her consulting approach is collaborative and practical, with an emphasis on helping her clients accomplish tangible results. Prior to consulting for mission Spark, Kelleen served as director of Consulting and interim Co-director for the Community Resource Center, executive director for the Colorado business Committee on the Arts, and Associate director of the Colorado Council on the Arts.

chuck sullivan, co-founder, something independent, denver. bringing concepts to life and developing the surrounding narrative is what gets Chuck out of bed in the morning. his underlying approach is to bring good people with great abilities into the conversation. to invite participation and interaction leads to innovation and opportunity. Chuck invests in real partnerships to elevate stories and move messages. he brings experience from the worlds of communications, national politics, public awareness initiatives & strategic partnership development. Chuck is an active participant in the Colorado story.

caroline trani, southern colorado sBdc director, Pueblo. Caroline trani serves as director for the Southern Colorado SbdC, a division of Pueblo Community College and one of fourteen centers of the Colorado SbdC Network. Caroline earned a dual bachelor’s degree in mass communications and sociology and a master’s in organizational management. her political, business and strategic management expertise has proven to be invaluable to her success as a community and business development specialist for Southern Colorado.

Jaime whitlock donnelly, one tribe creative, Marketing communications director, Fort collins. One tribe Creative is a full-service agency that brands, designs, and implements marketing strategies on behalf of socially and environmentally responsible organizations – like clean energy, the arts, natural products, healthy living, global solutions, and community-focused businesses and nonprofits. Our clients do good in the world, often with limited resources. Our role is to help them tell their story and clearly and honestly communicate the difference they make.

Donald Zuckerman, Director, Colorado Office of Film, Television & Media. Donald Zuckerman was appointed as Director of Colorado Office of Film, television & media by governor John hickenlooper in may 2011. he has helped create film incentive legislation, HB 1286, to increase the current film incentive to 20 percent and offers a bank loan-guarantee program. Previously, Zuckerman produced 18 films including Casino Jack, Beer for My Horses and Broken bridges. Zuckerman is a law school graduate of the boston university School of law and worked for four years as a Staff Attorney for the New york City legal Aid Society Criminal defense division and later maintained a private law practice.

19Exhibitors 20Notes

colorado small Business development


Metro state

university of

Beet street/

colorado state

Art Management Planning Associates,

colorado creative

cci - creative


colorado housing & Finance Authority (chFA)

Colorado Tourism

Pueblo creative

21Workshops - Thursday, April 2:30-3:30pm

(See fold out map for room locations)


creative entrepreneur track A

sponsor: Regis university

room: fortino grand hall C-east

creative entrepreneurtrack B

sponsor: brainchild blueprints

room: fortino grand hall C-west

creative districts trackroom:

fortino grand hall b

rural communities trackroom:

meeting Rooms 2 & 3

Arts innovation trackroom:

meeting Rooms 4 & 5

sBdc trackroom:

bernstein brothers Room

conducting and using Market research you have a great idea for a product or service, and it’s sure to capture the hearts and minds of consumers, but what about their wallets? in this workshop you will learn the steps of defining your target market (your customer base), identifying your competitors, conducting an industry analysis, and testing the market. through market research, you will recognize opportunities in your business environment. Panel:Neil mcKenzie, Jaime whitlock, Facilitator: maia Stone

Legal issues for Artistsin a variation of speed dating or musical chairs, the participants in this workshop will be divided into three groups and then take turns picking the brains of three very experienced arts, entertainment and media lawyers. Panel: david Ratner, leigh Augustine, Facilitator: Robert RoperNB: This workshop will offer participants general legal information. None of the workshop’s lawyers can provide specific legal advice in connection with this workshop. Under no circumstances will an attorney-client relationship be created due to anything that transpires during this workshop.

Mapping your creative Assetsthis creative session features eSRi’s Storymapping tool - a new technology that helps communities create a visual, interactive story about themselves, as well as track and share data trends. the easy-to-use tool allows communities to drop data, images, text and other information into an online program that instantly brings the information to life. we’ll discuss and demonstrate the mapping platform during the session, and eSRi will be available throughout the conference so you can “try your hand” at telling your community’s tale. speakers: wade Kloos, Jamie licko

Might and Magic: Finding Funding in rural AmericaAn open panel discussion that will help you determine the role of your local government in funding, understand strategic redevelopment initiatives and make the most of limited development funds and rural-centered community foundations. Panel: Pattie Snidow, dan hobbs, Facilitator: louis fineberg

shift your world: Art Builds Business Builds ArtA two hour interactive session that explores the changing view of art and creativity in our modern world. Participants will explore a new paradigm shift that values artful and creative thinking and learn practical uses of design thinking, right brain strength training, and collaboration skills. the second part is at 3:50pm. Presenter: beth flowers

one-to-one counseling sessionsSign up at the SbdC exhibition table at any time for 20 to 30 minute counseling sessions. counselors: Caroline trani, Cory Arcarese, elizabeth martin

22 11

creative entrepreneur track A

sponsor: Regis university

room: fortino grand hall C-east


fortino grand hall b

Arts innovation trackroom:

meeting Rooms 4 & 5

sBdc trackroom:

bernstein brothers Room


brainchild blueprints room:

fortino grand hall C-west


meeting Rooms 2 & 3

Production, Merchandising and online communitiesdeciding which products to promote, keeping up with production, and managing your online store. An effective merchandising strategy, at a craft show, a retail store, or an online community will help maximize the impact of your products and keep you relevant in the marketplace. Panel: mallory logan, emma harrington, delaney Keating

Peer Group networking session: Municipal/Government workersinformal meet and greet with other municipal and government workers who work with creative communities.Facilitator: John hall

shift your world: Art Builds Business Builds Art (continued)Second hour of this two hour workshop.Presenter: Kari munson

one-to-one counseling sessionsSign up at the SbdC exhibition table at any time for 20 to 30 minute counseling sessions.counselors: Caroline trani, Cory Arcarese, elizabeth martin

Peer Group networking session: creative entrepreneursinformal meet and greet with other creative entrepreneurs. Facilitator: beth flowers

Peer Group Networking Session: Non-profit CommunityInformal meet and greet with non-profit community. Facilitator: elaine mariner

Workshops - Thursday, April 3:50-4:50pm

(See fold out map for room locations)

colorado creates Activity room

room: heros Pavilion

(at the discretion of the presenters this workshop

will move outside)

Poetry workshopThe fire, poetry and intent.. Poetry is an essential part of human existence, as necessary to our history as fire or farming. This workshop is an open invitation to use poetry as a means to help rediscover your intent. we will explore traditional prompts and creative literary educational tools to guide us through a journey of where we have been, where we want to go and the steps that we took in order to get from one to the other. Presenters: Ken Arkind and bobby lefebre

23Workshops - Friday, April 12

creative entrepreneurPavilion) track A

sponsor: Regis university

room: fortino grand hall C-east

creative entrepreneur track B

sponsor: brainchild blueprints

room: fortino grand hall C-west

creative districts trackroom:

fortino grand hall b

Business Planning & Finance Part 1in Part 1 of this two part series, you will work through the basics of business planning and finance. We will discuss your choice of entity, business filing and licenses. Small business owners may feel comfortable conducting business without a budget, but this workshop will help you properly allocate resources for maximum performance effectiveness. we will explore how to properly price your product or service, determine how much to pay yourself or a staff, pay the right amount for your workspace, and review other items that make up your total project costs. Panel: Kelleen Zubick, brian Smith, Facilitator: Sean flanigan

Marketing and Branding for creativesbuilding your brand identity, creating related collateral, and getting out your message is a vital part of any business and will give your product or service a unique identity. We will also discuss finding and building your audience, launching and promoting your product or service, dig into social media strategies, and outline an effective marketing plan.Panel: Neil mcKenzie, ben Stockman, Facilitator: Chuck Sullivan

Arts as economic catalyst: Focused tactics communities can usethe arts can be a powerful economic catalyst in our communities, particularly where there are focused efforts and programs to harness their power. in this session, learn about important programs and projects being undertaken in communities around the state to help incentivize job creation, business development, and overall increase the economic impact of creative industries in their community. from incentives, to incubators, to direct creative business recruitment and retention assistance, these programs will inspire you to look at your community and how it too many benefit from utilizing the arts as an economic catalyst. Panel: John hall, Jen Coates, Susan fries, Jack Pappalardo, Facilitator: maryo gard ewell

(See fold out map for room locations)

24Workshops - Friday, April 9:50-10:50am


Film tracksponsor:

Colorado Office of Film, television & media

room: fortino grand hall A

sBdc trackroom:

bernstein brothers Room

rural communities track room:

meeting Rooms 2 & 3

Arts innovation trackroom:

meeting Rooms 4 & 5

the colorado Filmmaker’s Guide, from Features to documentariesA panel of successful Colorado filmmakers will share their knowledge of producing independent films outside of Hollywood.Panel: daniel Junge, Philip Patterson, Facilitator: donald Zuckerman

one-to-one counseling sessionsSign up at the SbdC exhibition table at any time for 20 to 30 minute counseling sessions. counselors: Caroline trani, Cory Arcarese, elizabeth martin

rural relationships that work: the Private/Public Partnership discover how vital place-mapping and place- stories are to your community in developing and supporting rural cultural economies. find how you an collaborate with business and nonprofit organizations alike and how important site-centric projects are, especially in rural areas. finally, the importance of evaluation and how it ties to everything you want to accomplish. Panel: Kirsten Stoltz, laura grey, Facilitator: Amy Kimberly

shift your communityOne hour panel and interactive session that provides cases studies and real world tools to engage business and government and art in innovative community building. Presenter: Kari munson

(See fold out map for room locations)

Jam session(10:00-12 noon)

Location:Riverwalk gateway Park

at welte Plaza (across the parking lot from the

Convention Center).

Poetry and MusicCome and experience the free flowing, awe inspiring Poetry Jam and music Session featuring luke Cissell and Susan Peiffer of hear here Poetry Slam & Open mic as well as special guests from denver’s Slam Nuba and local musicians. whether or not you consider yourself a poet or a musician, this is your opportunity to work with a creative for a once in a lifetime experience that can never be duplicated. All are welcome to participate or observe.Featuring: danielle Brooks, Laura Bond, hear here Poetry and special guests Ken Arkind & Bobby LeFebreIf weather is inclement the session will be held in the Murphy/Sitter room in the Courtyard Marriot.


12(See fold out map for room locations)

rural communities trackroom:

meeting Rooms 2 & 3

Arts innovation trackroom:

meeting Rooms 4 & 5

Film tracksponsor:

Colorado Office of Film, television & media

room:fortino grand hall A

outside the Box-Fresh ideas in MarketingAn open panel discussion on “branding” your rural community and fully utilizing authenticity, heritage and those things that make it unique from any other. how might you develop, and then promote your own “Secret Sauce?” You’ll also find out how Heritage Tourism and Agritourism can fit into your overall strategic planning. Panel: tara marshall, Jeanne fenter, Sally Pearce, Facilitator: marilyn leuszler

rock the Air websiteA discussion of the many uses of the AiR website and sneak peak of new functionality. Participants will get a tour of the AiR website, tips to build great directory page, connections to statewide and intermountain west regional networks. Presenter: mary beth Polce

colorado’s video Game industryColorado’s gaming industry, from traditional games to apps. Presenter: bryan mashinter

creative districts trackroom:

fortino grand hall b

creative Funding tools: Building the capacity to Make an impactAn effective and sustainable approach to creative sector work means identifying funding sources that can allow you to plan, invest and build a strong creative sector economy. we’ll look at existing and emerging tools that are helping other communities find success; collaborative funding partnerships, crowd funding, special districts, grant sources. Panel: Scott l. Shine, mcCabe Callahan, Facilitator: Jamie licko

creative entrepreneur track A

sponsor: Regis university

room: fortino grand hall C-east

creative entrepreneur track B

sponsor: brainchild blueprints

room: fortino grand hall C-west

Business Planning & Finance Part 2 in the 2nd part of this series and if you have a legally formed business and a budget, we will explore raising capital to fund your projects including: resources for loans, grants, and residencies. the majority of our time will be on crowd funding; explore if this is the right strategy for you and how to achieve success. Panel: Kelleen Zubick, Ray burrasca, Caroline trani, Facilitator: maia Stone

sustainable Business Models for creativeswhat is the value proposition you offer your community? how do you develop key partnerships in order to cross promote services? what are some ways you can work with education and industry to creatively meet the needs of your audience? these and other questions will be explored in this workshop designed to help you create a sustainable business model. Panel: Jill mackay, Amelia Caruso, dave boger, Chuck Sullivan, Facilitator: gisela flanigan

26Workshops - Friday, April3:00-4:00pm

12(See fold out map for room locations)

room: fortino grand hall C-west

room:fortino grand hall C-east

room:meeting Rooms 4 & 5

room:fortino grand hall b

sBdc trackroom:

bernstein brothers Room

room:meeting Rooms 2 & 3

sBdc trackroom:

bernstein brothers Room

colorado creates Grantsinformation session with CCi staff and guests. Presenter: CCi Staff

CCI Creative Districts Program: Applying for Certification 2014Interested in getting certified? Join us at this session to learn more about Colorado’s Creative districts legislation, including information about how the program works, the types of programming offered in 2013, considerations and opportunities for involvement in the program looking ahead, and how to start now to get your community prepared for an application so that you’ll be competitive. Presenter: maryo gard-ewell

rock the Air websiteA discussion of the many uses of the AiR website and sneak peak of new functionality. Participants will get a tour of the AiR website, tips to build great directory page, connections to statewide and intermountain west regional networks. Presenter: mary beth Polce

Pecha Kucha and various speakers Gatheringinformal meet and greet with some of the presenters of Pecha Kucha and other speakers and presenters from throughout the Summit; your chance to grill them for information and get/give a business card or two!

one to one counseling sessionsSign up at the SbdC exhibition table at any time for 20 to 30 minute counseling sessions. counselors: Caroline trani, Cory Arcarese, elizabeth martin

Advocacy for the ArtsPanel: louis fineberg, PJ d’Amico, Sal Pace, Facilitator: bob Clasen

one-to-one counseling sessionsSign up at the SbdC exhibition table at any time for 20 to 30 minute counseling sessions. Presenter(s): Caroline trani, elizabeth martin

25Workshops - Friday, April11:00am-12noon

27Pueblo Creative Cooridor 29MAPS28MAPSthere’s no shortage of fun to explore in Pueblo’s Creative Corridor. the area is packed with galleries, museums, street sculpture and fountains, cafés, live music, and street performers that are all ready to challenge your imagination and inspire your visit. the Creative Corridor is focused around the three historic city centers of Pueblo: downtown main Street, union Avenue historic district, and the mesa Junction. each retains its uniqueness, while providing an enjoyable stroll from one end to the other.

Special activities to participate in while visiting the Creative Corridor include first friday Art walks every month of the year, Street beat performances until labor day weekend, and Summer Sundays through October. Special preparations are being made to celebrate the grand Opening of the Creative Corridor on October 5. On this special day visitors will be able to participate in activities like carriage rides, bicycling events, ghost walk tours, first friday Art walk, poetry readings, street performances, and so much more.

in the downtown main Street Area, the Sangre de Cristo Art museum and buell Children’s museum are the crown jewels of the area, and feature ever-changing exhibits, performances, and outdoor concerts; there’s something to inspire everyone’s imagination. Surrounding the Art Center on Santa fe Avenue and main Streets, between 1st and 5th Streets, there is the world’s only solar coffee roaster, the local brew pub, a western wear store,SAge Art Academy, and the 5th & main espresso bar and gallery. throughout this area of the district is the Art & Soul Street gallery where all the sculptures on the street are for sale.

On the south end of the Creative Corridor is mesa Junction. here the Rawlings Public library and info Zone museum (on the library’s top floor) are the center of the many attractions. The library and museum feature local artist’s exhibits, cultural activities, and the best modern architecture in Southeastern Colorado. this quaint residential neighborhood is home to many nationally-known studio artists, galleries, cafés, and book shops.

As you pass from the mesa Juction to historic union Avenue look below the bridge and see the world’s longest mural on the levee wall of the Arkansas River.

historic union Avenue features an abundance of unique galleries, shops, restaurants, cafés, and bars. there are plenty of places to stop and find adventures like: chocolate basil ice cream, magic tricks, an alternative newspaper, a summer farmer’s market, street performers, and outdoor concerts. Art and activity take place everyday on the Riverwalk, here you can track the history of Zebulon Pike, play in the beautiful fountains, and sip cocktails as the singing gondolier floats past.

for details, a map, and all event listings of the Creative Corridor visit or like us on facebook at PuebloPAg.

31 32MAPS Thankswe would like to thank all the people who helped

make this event possible!


Pueblo convention center

the stAFF oF coLorAdo creAtive industries, Presenters, FAciLitAtors, PerForMers, And

event orGAniZersKim harrell and Christy Costello

Susan fries and the Pueblo Creative Corridor teamAndrew wynne

Pueblo Chamber of CommerceCity of Pueblo, our host

Jared PetscheAdam monroe

Roxanne davisonOrigami Odyssey Club

yarn bomb brigade of Pueblo

the steerinG coMMittee

vicki berkleylaura bond

danielle brooksAndrew Coate

maryo gard ewellbeth flowersSusan fries

Sharon glassmanleanne goebel

Amy KimberlySara Knudsen

marilyn leuszlerwendy miketanya mote

Courtney Pottshelen Rodriquez

Robert Ropermaia StoneArt thomas

Kelleen Zubick


Kristi Alfonsowade broadheadlinda Catesgaye davisdiana easonKim furrhCathie graeserlara hollandNicole Kochismegan murilloKevin OrtizRita PandoRobert Sullivanbonnie waughConnie wilbarSusan wolfJulie Ann woods

in memory of Jil Rosentrater and her work on behalf of public art.

Colorado Creative Industries1625 Broadway, Suite 2700

denver, Colorado 80202

2013. designed By: Brainchild Blueprints

At the Colorado Creative Industries, we are dedicated to the cultural, educational, and economic welfare of the State of Colorado. The Council, a group of private citizens selected by the governor and

recognized for their diverse and knowledgebable perspectices on teh arts and their insight into community and state interests, creates policy to benefit the arts in Colorado. The staff is charged with enacting the

policies and programs put forth by the Council and serving the needs of artists, organizations, and citizens statewide.

COLORAdO CREATIvE INdUSTRIES STAFF:Margaret hunt - director

Jeanette Albert - Program Administrator Sheila Sears - Arts Education ManagerKelleen Zubick - Programs Specialist

Christy Costello - Programs Specialist

COUNCIL MEMBERS:Robert B. Clasen - Chair - denver

dave Boger - denverClaire Garcia - Colorado Springs

Robert hammond - denverKimberly harrell - AuroraSue Patterson - Alamosa

Josh Rael - denverAllison Sarmo - Grand Junction

Marianne virgili - Glenwood SpringsLenna Watson - Grand Junction

Kyle Zeppelin - denver


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