
Post on 07-Jul-2015






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The subject of passwords is important today since they protect all of your accounts, and are frequently attacked by crackers. In this presentation I examine the technology used to handle and protect passwords, and make recommendations for what the user can do to protect themselves online.



Kevin O'BrienWashtenaw Linux Users Group

The server side

● Your password is stored on a server somewhere

● How securely?● May depend on the nature of the site

Access is the asset

● You have a password to grant you access to an online resource

● You want to keep others from this resource● But some resources are more important than


The site owner controls this!

● The only choice you have is the password you will use

● The site owner needs to secure and protect it● Good luck if that site is Sony

Threats aimed at you

● You are the biggest threat● Social engineering is still an excellent way to

get your password● “Hi, I'm Ted from IT, and I need to verify your

password...”● Or it might be an e-mail with a clickable link to


But are you the best target?

● Social engineering is retail● Hackers want to go wholesale● You are only a good individual target if the

payout is compelling● That means it is personal● Or that you have something really valuable

(e.g. intellectual property, access to corporate assets)

Money makes the world go round

● The best financial payoff in most cases is by cracking a business database of customer data

● Right now companies are largely escaping liability when this happens

● This creates a type of moral hazard● Companies will only spend money on security

when the cost of security is less than the cost of failure

Password Proliferation

● These days almost any site you go to demands a login and password to do just about anything

● This creates problems because people cannot handle this in a safe manner

● For instance, every password must contain a letter, a number, a symbol, a squirrel sound, and a Sanskrit hieroglyph

Sites induce failure

● If you need a ton of passwords, chances are you will use the same one over and over

● And if you use the same password to post a comment on the Rabid Rabbit blog as you do for your bank, a cracker can attack the blog to get into your bank account.

● So step one is to triage your sites by importance

Important sites

● A site is important if it has an asset that you really want to protect

● Banking● Health information● Email● These sites should have unique and secure


What can a cracker do?

● Well, if they can get into your bank account, they can wire money from your account to an account in say Belorussia

● And you may be liable for the money in that case, not the bank

● Disable any online banking features you don't absolutely need

Throwaway sites

● If you need a password to comment on a blog post, that is throwaway

● The password here should never be one you use on an important site

● But it probably does little harm to use the same one multiple times if you are accurate about your triage

How crackers work

● They may start with a targeted attack on an individual with access (spear phishing) to get a password

● Or they find a weakness in the online/network software (e.g. privilege elevation)

● Either way, they get access to the database

Worst case scenario

● The site has simply stored passwords as clear text● This means the cracker has everything as soon as

they get the database● One possible sign of this is when password length

is limited to a certain number of characters● They may not tell you. Try leaving off the last

character and see if you get in


● Uses a one-way function to encrypt the password● Easy to compute the hash● Infeasible to reverse the process and get back the

original● Infeasible to modify the original without modifying the

hash● Infeasible to get two originals with the same hash


● We are talking about current technology● We can mathematically analyze the level of

resources needed to crack a hash using current technology

● We can reasonably forecast the advancement of that technology absent fundamental breakthroughs

Arms race

● But it is an arms race● NSA, GCHQ, and criminals (hard to tell the

difference sometimes) are all eager to break encryption

● Researchers are busy researching● Quantum computing could change the field


Hashing algorithms

● MD5 – created by Ron Rivest (RSA) in 1991, but no longer secure

● Secure Hashing Algorithm 1 (SHA1) – Created by NSA and required in many government applications, but found to be less secure in 2005, leading to SHA2

● SHA3 was recently specified after a competition, but is very new and not in wide use yet

So what does a responsible owner do?

● Use encryption● Definitely not MD5● Hopefully not SHA1● Ideally SHA2 or SHA3, but for now SHA2 is

your best bet.● Note that SHA1 certificates are already

scheduled for EOL (Google, right now; Microsoft, 2017)

How passwords work in practice

● Generally, your password is transmitted to the site in the clear, which makes you vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attack

● That is why an SSL connection is important for any site that is important

● Browsers are starting to be configured to do this by default

● EFF has a plug-in for this as well:

Hashing on site

● The password is then hashed by the Web site, and the hash is stored

● On later logins, the password is again hashed, and the hashes are compared

● Done properly, the hash cannot be cracked by a frontal brute force attack with current technology

Dictionary attacks

● This is the way most attacks are done● A large number of passwords are created and

hashed by the crackers.● They can then lookup hashes in the database

against their dictionary● Generally, at least 50% of the passwords in a

database can be found by this method fairly quickly

The bad news

● A lot of people use known poor passwords● “password”, “1234”, “letmein”● Leet-speak is no defense, the dictionaries all

have that included● Many people use the same bad password, so

all of them will will fail at once

Solution: Salted Hash

● A random number is added to the password before it is hashed

● This is called the “salt”● The dictionaries won't work unless they are

compiled using the exact same random number● The salt has to be stored as well as the hash

for future login purposes

Salt is discoverable, but no matter

● The salt is probably in the same database as the hash

● So crackers will get the salt● But then they need to compile their entire

dictionary for each salt to get a possible hit● If every account has a different salt, that is a lot

of computation

Salt explanation

A really good explanation of how to do salted hashes correctly can be found at:

You have a responsibility too

● We looked at what site owners ought to be doing

● But you too have a responsibility● You need to create passwords that are less

likely to fall to a dictionary attack● But remember this is an arms race, you need to

follow changes in technology and be ready to make your changes in response


● Essentially, the degree of randomness in a system

● @^$(hodjhij6 is pretty random● “123456” is not at all random● Nor is “password”● Random = less likely to be in a dictionary


● Possibly, if both you and the site do everything correctly

● But changes in technology affect this● The NSA is storing a whole bunch of encrypted

messages for the day they can crack them● If this is your concern, you need to be very

vigilant and follow the technology


● What most of us really need to do is not have our bank account drained by a bad guy

● Or have our health information revealed publicly

● Or have our identity stolen● Etc.

Don't reuse passwords

● This is the most common mistake people make● Crackers now get passwords from one site and

start trying them on banks● They get enough hits to make this very lucrative● Any site that is important should have a unique,

strong password● Probably OK to have a standard password that

is throwaway for low-value sites (e.g. blogs)

Add to the entropy

● Avoid common names●● For some reason “monkey” is very popular● The ironic one is “trustno1”● But any word or name is bad

Entropy in action

● Suppose you have a 6-character password made of random lowercase letters

● You have 266 possible passwords (assuming standard English alphabet)

● 266=308,915,776● How good is this?

Hashing mathematics

● Bitcoin mining works by calculating hashes● Some very clever people have a monetary

incentive to improve hashing performance● As of this writing I have seen reports of 800

billion hashes per second in bitcoin mining rigs● So 308,915,776 combination can be checked in

a very small fraction of a second using equipment available to the general public today

Adding to the field

● If we have a mix of upper and lowercase, that gives us 526=19,770,609,664

● Better, but it still only takes a bitcoin mining rig less than a second

● Add in numbers, and 626~=57 billion● Add in special characters, and 956~=700 billion

Password Haystacks

● Term coined by Steve Gibson● The way to make it harder to search for a needle in

a haystack is to make the haystack much bigger● This approach says length trumps everything● Gibson claims that “………..pass……………” is

actually secure as long as the cracker doesn't have advance knowledge of your particular algorithm

Dictionaries and long passwords

● Suppose you create a password of 30 characters

● You use all 95 keyboard characters● And your password isn't limited to only 30

characters● This gets interesting● In theory, the total number of combinations is

95+952+953+954+....9529+9530 = 2*1052

How big is that?

● Assume a bitcoin mining rig can compute a trillion hashes per second

● A trillion is 1012

● So the number of seconds needed to search this particular haystack is 2*1047

● One year has 3*107 seconds● So it requires 6*1039 years to search this● The universe is 1.3*1010 years old

Computationally infeasible

● This is the definition of computationally infeasible

● But note that crackers are not sitting still either● A long passphrase made up of dictionary words

is vulnerable●


Long and random

● The only way to guarantee (for now, remember) that your password cannot be cracked is to have passwords both long and random

● If quantum computing comes in, everything changes

● But quantum computing will change encryption technology as well, so the world probably will not come to an end


● Everyone needs long, random passwords● Almost by definition, this means they are

difficult if not impossible to remember● Passwords are perhaps the worst possible way

of securely authenticating people● Which is why we are working on ways to get

away from passwords

For now...

● Use Two-factor authentication when offered (Duo Security, Google, Ubikey, etc.)

● Use a password generator and vault (e.g. LastPass, KeePassX)

● These generate strong passwords and store them for you

● This works on the principle of “Keep all of your eggs in one basket, and watch that basket!”


● Made for web site logins● Available for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE● Integrates with Duo Security and Ubikey for two-factor

authentication● Can automatically log you in to a site● Information stored in the cloud, but encrypted first on

your machine before being uploaded (AES-256)● Requires that you memorize one strong password to

protect your vault


● Stores your passwords locally in an encrypted database

● Available offline, which is why I store my WiFi password at home in here

● Having passwords in two places is a good idea for guaranteeing access to you

● Again, needs a good password to protect the database


● Right now, in 2014, the best recommendation is to use long, random passwords

● Since this means they cannot be memorized, use something like LastPass, KeePassX, or both, to generate and store passwords.

● I personally use both

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