pathway emmanuel / francisco cândido xavier the human body represents on earth the most sublime...

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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Emmanuel / Francisco Cândido Xavier

The human body represents on earth

the most sublime sanctuary and one of the wonders of the

divine work.

The blessing of a body, though mutilated or deformed on earth is

like precious opportunity for spiritual perfection, the greatest

of all gifts that our planet can provide us.

The body is for the human being a real shrine of manifestation, a masterpiece of selective

work of all the kingdoms in which the planetary life is subdivided.

The birth deformities and diseases are elusive transient results of the harms that, individually, we

have caused to the harmonious current of evolution.

Mental energy is the living yeast that

improvises, changes, constricts, expands,

assimilates, disassembles,

integrates, powders or redraws matter in all


Therefore, we are what we decide, we have what we want,

we are where we prefer, and we find victory, defeat or stagnation, as we

imagine it.

The events of our lives follow our intentions and overt or hidden provocations. We will find what we deserve, because we deserve what we seek.

Therefore, the existence for us, wherever we go, will invariably be according to our thoughts.

The mind is a fountain of creative living energy.The thought is substance, something measurable.

Incarnates and discarnates populate the planet, as

inhabitants who dwell in an immense palace of several

floors, in different positions, producing multiple thoughts

that combine, repel or neutralize one another.

Active idealism, constructive faith, and

acting dreams, are pillars of all


Those who think more, giving way to what they idealize, will be more prone to receive the invisible

mental currents in the works of good or evil.

The human being remains wrapped in

broad ocean of thoughts, nourishing the mind to a great


Every creature absorbs, without noticing, the

influence of others through the imponderable resources that balance the existence.

In the form of impulses and stimuli, the soul collects through the

thoughts it attracts the forces that will provide

one support for the tasks at hand, wherever

one finds oneself.

Our inspiration is linked to all who feel like us, inasmuch as the source is controlled by the spring.

We are obsessed by discarnates friends or not, and we are

assisted by benefactors, in any

plan of life, according to our

mental condition.

We need to understand - we repeat - that our thoughts are forces, images, things and visible creations that are tangible in the spiritual field.

We attract companions and resources, in accordance with the nature of our ideas,

aspirations, invocations and appeals.

Each individual receives according to what one gives.

Each soul lives in the spiritual atmosphere one selects for oneself,

seeking the kind of experiences where one expects to find happiness.

Let us then be confident that our companions on earth or in the beyond are those we chose with our

inner requests,

because, according to the evangelical teaching, "we will have our treasure where we put our heart."

Text: From the book Roteiro: Emmanuel (Spirit), psychographed by Francisco

Cândido Xavier. Rio de Janeiro: FEB, 1952.

Music: BACH –– CD Classical Music For Meditation.


Production: Gilmar da Cunha Trivelato.


Translated by:SGNY/SAB

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