pca l1_final.ppt

Post on 02-Jun-2018






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Emergency Medical Technician - Basic / EMT

National Vocational Education Qualification Framework

NVEQ Level I : Emergency Medical Care - Basic (EMT)

Competency Based Curriculum

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1. Introduction. !"out t#e $ector

%. &"'ective of t#e our e

*. National &ccu+ational $tandard

,. our e $tructure: la -oom /ractical !ctivitie

0. ! e ment uide2. Li t of Tool 3 E4ui+ment3 Material

5. Teac#er6 Qualification


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T#e term 7 curriculum” (+lural: curricula or curriculums ) i derived from t#e Latin word for 7 race course” 3

referrin8 to t#e cour e of deed and e9+erience t#rou8# w#ic# c#ildren 8row to "ecome mature adult . !

com+etenc "a ed curriculum de cri"e w#at learner mu t 7know; and 7"e a"le to do; " t#e end of a

+ro8ram or tud . It identifie t#e com+etencie and u"<com+etencie eac# learner i e9+ected to ma ter. It

tate clearl t#e criteria and condition " w#ic# +erformance will "e a e ed. It al o define t#e learnin8

activitie t#at will lead to t#e learner to ma ter of t#e tar8eted learnin8 outcome.

T#e competency based curriculum i "roken down into co#erent +art known a Units . Eac# unit i furt#er

"roken down into knowled8e and kill on t#e "a i of w#ic# evidence i to "e +rovided " t#e learner and t#e

evaluation i to "e done " t#e teac#er or trainer.

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About the Sector

=ealt#care ector in India #a "een 8rowin8 ra+idl over t#e ear and i e timated to reac# >$? 5@ "illion " @ @.

on e4uentl 3 t#e ector i al o e9+eriencin8 an incremental demand for #uman re ource acro vertical A from

doctor 3 nur e to allied #ealt# +rofe ional and tec#nician . ! +er t#e recent /=FI re+ort3 India #a a #ortfall of 0

million !llied =ealt# /rofe ional in t#e countr .

India i far "e#ind 8lo"al tandard in term of availa"ilit of doctor +er 1@@@ +eo+le ( India @.0A >$ .,0 or >B .%) 3

nur e (India @.5A >$ C.%2 or >B 1 .1 )3 Midwive (India @.*2A >B @.0%) and la" tec#nician (India @.@ A >$ .1,)

To meet t#e 8rowin8 #uman re ource c#allen8e 3 t#e National $kill Develo+ment or+oration t#e onfederation of

Indian Indu tr #ave con tituted t#e =ealt#care $ector $kill ouncil (=$$ ). T#e ouncil i e9+ected to +romote a

vi"rant vocational education tem in #ealt#care in t#e countr " ettin8 u+ occu+ational tandard 3 affiliatin8 trainin8

in titute 3 a e in8 com+etenc of trainee and i uin8 certificate . T#e council aim to facilitate killin8 of *.5 million

+eo+le over t#e ne9t 1@ ear in allied #ealt# +aramedic +ace.

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Objective of the Course

T#e o"'ective of t#e +ro8ram i to develo+ a +ool of trained workforce w#ic# can "e em+lo ed " #ealt#care ervice

+rovider to a i t nur in8 +er onnel to +rovide 4ualit #ealt#care ervice . T#i cour e i 8eared to +re+are c#ool 8oin8c#ildren (I 3 3 I II tandard) wit# no +reviou e9+erience in #ealt#care and w#o de ire to "e em+lo ed a a #ealt#care+rofe ional in a #ealt#care facilit on com+letion of L<*. T#i +ro8ram focu e on t#e ac4ui ition of kill nece ar toa ume an au9iliar role in t#e care of +atient under t#e direct u+ervi ion. >+on com+letion of t#e cour e3 trainee will "ea"le to

Demon trate knowled8e a"out t#e #ealt#care ector and #ealt#care ervice

Demon trate t#e a"ilit to +erform clinical kill e ential in +rovidin8 "a ic #ealt#care ervice uc# a /atient Gat#in83roomin83 /atient dre in8<u+3 /atient Feedin83 Elimination need of /atient3 Tran ferrin8 t#e /atient wit#in t#e =o +ital3

! i t Nur e in o" ervin8 -e+ortin8 #an8e in /atient 3 lean Medical E4ui+ment under o" ervation3 Tran +ort/atient6 am+le 3 #an8e Tran +ort Laundr 3 etc.

Demon trate ettin8 of a +atient room for admi ion or di c#ar8e

/ractice infection control mea ure

Demon trate afe and efficient tran ferrin8 and am"ulation tec#ni4ue

Demon trate tec#ni4ue to maintain t#e +er onal # 8iene need of a +atient

Demon trate action in t#e event of medical and facilit emer8encie

Demon trate +rofe ional "e#avior3 +er onal 4ualitie and c#aracteri tic of a /atient are ! i tant

Demon trate 8ood communication3 communicate accuratel and a++ro+riatel in t#e role of

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National Occupational Standards

=$$ N %@1: -e +ond to emer8enc call

=$$ N %@ : $iHe u+ t#e cene at t#e ite=$$ N %@%: Follow evidence "a ed +rotocol w#ile mana8in8 +atient=$$ N %@*: ! e +atient at t#e ite=$$ N %@,: /atient tria8e "a ed on t#e defined clinical criteria of everit of illne=$$ N %@0: Mana8e cardiova cular emer8enc=$$ N %@2: Mana8e cere"ro<va cular emer8enc=$$ N %@5: Mana8e aller8ic reaction=$$ N %@C: Mana8e +oi onin8 or overdo e=$$ N %1@: Mana8e environmental emer8enc=$$ N %11: Mana8e "e#avioral emer8enc=$$ N %1 : Mana8e o" tetric naecolo8 emer8encie=$$ N %1%: Mana8e "leedin8 and #ock=$$ N %1*: Mana8e oft ti ue in'urie and "urn=$$ N %1,: Mana8e mu culo keletal in'urie=$$ N %10: Mana8e in'urie to #ead and +ine=$$ N %12: Mana8e infant 3 neonate and c#ildren=$$ N %15: Mana8e re +irator emer8enc=$$ N %1C: Mana8e evere a"dominal +ain=$$ N % @: Mana8e ma ca ualt incident=$$ N % 1: $elect t#e +ro+er +rovider in titute for tran fer =$$ N % : Tran +ort +atient to t#e +rovider in titute

=$$ N % %: Mana8e +atient #andover to t#e +rovider in titute=$$ N C0@1: ollate and communicate #ealt# information=$$ N C0@%: !ct wit#in t#e limit of one6 com+etence and aut#orit=$$ N C0@*: ork effectivel wit# ot#er=$$ N C0@,: Mana8e work to meet re4uirement=$$ N C0@0: Maintain a afe3 #ealt# 3 and ecure workin8 environment=$$ N C0@2: /ractice code of conduct w#ile +erformin8 dutie

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Course Structure

NVEQ !evel I

Sl No Unit Code Unit Title No of NotionalLearning Hours

Pre-requisite Unit,if any

1 Introduction Healthcare Systems andDelivery Nil

2 Introduction Role of the EmergencyMedical Technician


=$$ N %@1 -e +ond to emer8enc call

=$$ N %@ $iHe u+ t#e cene at t#e ite

=$$ N %@% =$$ N %@* Protocols !ssessing "atient atthe site

# HSS$N$%1&' ( HSS$N$%11# Hygiene Standards (PersonalHygiene


% HSS $ N $ )*&* Safety Nil

* +eneral Healthcare to"ics Primary Medical ,are Nil

- +eneral Healthcare to"ics Immuni.ation Nil

' HSS $ N $ )*&) /io Medical 0asteManagement Nil

) +eneral health care to"ics /asic ife Su""ort I Nil

1& HSS $ N %1&- Soft S3ills and,ommunications 41 Nil

Course Structure – This course ( ocational !uali"ication pac#age$ is a planned se!uence o" instructions consisting o" the

"ollo%ing &' modules called as Units

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Course Structure

"ealthcare System # $elivery% An Introduction &

)uration * ++

Location Learning Outcome Knowledge!aluation


Teac"ing andTraining #et"od

,lass Room andE5"osure 6isit to a

Primary Health ,entre

/asic 7nderstanding ofHealthcare Service Providers8"rimary9 secondary (


Descri;e healthcaresystems in India

Narrate IndianHealthcare system

Interactive lectures (Discussion

6isit to Primary Health,entre9 Nursing Home

and ,ommunityHealth ,entre

/asic 7nderstanding ofHos"ital<unctions

Descri;e Hos"itals=services to "atientsin hos"itals

Narrate services inhos"ital

/asic 7nderstanding ofDoctor=s o>ces and ,linics

Descri;e clinics andservices to "atientsin clinic

Narrate services inclinic

ong Term ,are <acilities Descri;e old agecare facilities9 Homecare services

Narrate old agecare and Homecare

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Course Structure

"y+iene Standards # (ersonal "y+iene

$ Unit Code % HSS&N&'()* + HSS&N&'(( $uration ) ***,

Location Learning OutcomeKnowledge


!aluationTeac"ing and

Training #et"od

,lass Room


S3ill a; in theSchool

To develo"understanding of theconce"t of Healthy


Descri;e 3ey features ofhealthy living 8 such asdaily ;ath9 oral hygiene9cleanliness9 e5ercise9etc@

Narrate 3eyfeatures ofhealthy living Interactive

ecture (

,lass RoomDiscussion

,harts (


Practical in S3illa;

To understandim"ortance of PhysicalHealth ( means ofmaintaining PhysicalHealth

Descri;e ;asic e5erciseand "hysical "ostures

Enlist means ofmaintaining"ersonal"hysical health

To develo"

understanding ("rocedures of HandHygiene

Descri;e methods of

hand Aashing


methods of handAashing

To develo" techniBuesof +rooming

DeCne techniBues ofgood grooming $a""earance

Enlist Dailygrooming ha;its

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Course Structure

"y+iene Standards # (ersonal "y+iene

% -nit ode ) "SS.N./012 # "SS.N./003 &$uration ) **,,

Location Learning OutcomeKnowledge


!aluationTeac"ing and

Training #et"od

,lass Room


S3ill a; in theSchool

TechniBues of HandAashing9 HandScru;;ing9 7se of Mas39

+oAn9 +loves9 etc@

Descri;e Protocols ofPro"er Hand 0ashing

DemonstratetechniBues ofHand 0ashing Interactive

ecture (

,lass RoomDiscussion

,harts (Diagrams

Practical in S3illa; in School

E5"osure 6isit toPrimary Health,entre

TechniBues ofDisinfection (Sterili.ation

Descri;e techniBues ofDisinfection (Sterili.ation

,hec34list ofSterili.ation ofeBui"ment

,are and TechniBue ofSterili.ation of linen9;ed9 ru;;er goods9

Descri;e methods ofsterili.ation of linen andconsuma;les used for"atients

Demonstrate"rocess forautoclaving (Schedule

To develo" techniBuesof +rooming

DeCne techniBues ofgood grooming $a""earance

Enlist Dailygrooming ha;its

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Course Structure


% -nit ode ) "SS.N.4515 &$uration ) **,,

Location Learning OutcomeKnowledge



Teac"ing andTraining#et"od

,lass Room


S3ill a; in the School

To develo"understanding and"recautions to ensurePatient=s Safety

Descri;e "ro"erfunctioning ofEBui"ment (!ccessories inPatient=s room

,reate a chec34list of items inPatient=s Room Interactive

ecture (

,lass RoomDiscussion

,harts (Diagrams

Practical in S3illa; in School

E5"osure 6isit toPrimary Health,entre

Descri;e goodinfection control"ractices

Enlist goodinfectioncontrol"ractices

,are Provided to ;ody

and Patient=s ;odyAhen Transferring

Descri;e /ody



in a s3ill4la;various as"ectsof "atienttransfer

!ssisting in the use of"rotective devices

Protective Devices Demonstrate0hen9 hoA (Ahat to use

,are ( "recaution

ta3en Ahen o5ygen isin use

o5ygen nature9 high

"ressure9 care



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Course Structure

(rimary 6edical are

% 7eneral "ealthcare 8opic &$uration ) ***,

Location Learning Outcome Knowledge !aluation Performance !aluationTeac"ing

and Training#et"od

To gain ;roadunderstanding ofHealthcare System in


Descri;e the healthcaresystem in India Primary9District and Tertiary

Narrate Healthcare system inIndia

Interactiveecture (

,lass RoomDiscussion

,harts (Diagrams

Practical inS3ill a; inSchool

E5"osure 6isitto PrimaryHealth ,entre

,lass Room


S3ill a; inthe School

To learn essentialcom"onents of "rimaryhealthcare

Descri;e the role of"rimary healthcarecentres

,reate a chart of activitiescarried ;y Primary Healthcare,entres

Enlist at least # PrimaryHealthcare ,entres in thevicinity

To gain ;roadunderstanding of Healthrelated issues in India9including e"idemics

Descri;e ma or issues inhealthcare9 includinge"idemics descri;e"recautions and careduring e"idemics

Narrate ma or healthcarerelated issues

To gain understanding ofam;ulance andemergency trans"ort

Descri;e emergencyservices "rovided ;y!m;ulance@

Descri;e !m;ulance"rotocols

Narrate !m;ulance Protocols@Enlist !m;ulance services (eBui"ment in am;ulance @,ontact details of am;ulance

services in the vicinity

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Course Structure


% 7eneral "ealthcare 8opic &

$uration ) ***,

Location Learning Outcome Knowledge !aluation Performance !aluationTeac"ing

and Training#et"od

,lass Room

To gain understanding ofImmunity and Need forImmuni.ation

Descri;e the im"ortanceof immuni.ation

Narrate immuni.ation"rogramme

,reate an immuni.ationschedule

Interactiveecture (

,lass RoomDiscussion

,harts (Diagrams

E5"osure 6isitto ,entre inthe vicinityAhere PulsePolioProgamme is;eingim"lemented

To learn a;out 7niversal


Descri;e the

Immuni.ation Programmecarried4out ;y the+overnment

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Course Structure

6edical :aste 6ana+ement

% "SS . N . 4514 &$uration ) **,,

Location Learning Outcome Knowledge !aluation Performance !aluationTeac"ing

and Training#et"od

,lass Room

To gain understanding ofim"ortance of "ro"erand safe dis"osal of ;io4

medical Aaste (treatment

To gain understanding ofcategories of ;io4medical Aaste

Descri;e the im"ortanceand categories of medicalAaste@

Narrate various ty"es andcategories of ;io4medical Aasteand dis"osal@

,reate a chart 8,olour ,oding:9descri;ing "ro"er ;io4medicalAaste management

Interactiveecture (

,lass RoomDiscussion

,harts (Diagrams

E5"osure 6isitto aHealthcare

,entre in thevicinity

Practicaldemonstration in the a;

To learn a;out dis"osalof ;io4medical Aaste colour coding9 ty"es ofcontainers9trans"ortation of Aaste9etc@

Descri;e ty"es of ;io4medical Aaste anddiFerent colour coding forsafe dis"osal@

To gain ;roadunderstanding ofstandards for ;io4

medical Aaste dis"osal

Descri;e /io4Medical0aste Standards

Narrate 3ey features of /io4medical Aaste standards@

To gain ;road Descri;e various means4

Narrate and create a chart of

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Course Structure

Basic !ife Support

% 7eneral "ealthcare 8opic &$uration ) ****,

Location Learning Outcome Knowledge !aluation Performance !aluationTeac"ing

and Training#et"od

,lass Room

To learn <irst4!id Descri;e the im"ortanceof <irst !id

Narrate and demonstrate Crstaid usage

Interactiveecture (

,lass RoomDiscussion

Practicaldemonstration of radio"ulmonaryresuscitation

in the s3ill la;

To learn techniBues ofradio "ulmonaryresuscitation

Descri;e techniBues ofradio "ulmonaryresuscitation

Demonstrate techniBues ofradio "ulmonary resuscitation

,hain of survival

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