pearson education’s digital resources for supporting physics teaching: mastering physics adam...

Post on 25-Dec-2015






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Pearson Education’s digital resources for supporting Physics teaching: Mastering Physics

Adam Sarty, P.Phys.Saint Mary’s UniversityDept. of Astronomy & Physics

Presented to:CAP Congress 2015 @ U of Alberta

Commercial Publishers' Session: Resources to Enhance University Physics Teaching

June 16, 2015

Claire VarleyCustomer Experience ManagerHigher Education CanadaPearson Canada


• Adam: (“faculty advocate”)

– overview background/experience, what led to using MasteringPhysics, and discussing/showing how it works and how he uses it

• Claire: (Pearson expert!)

– overview other things that Adam doesn’t use

• Discussion / Q&A

Background• taught the 2-course intro-physics sequence for Life

Science (algebra based):– 1996-2000 (Florida State U)– 2000-2007 (SMU)– used text “Physics” by Giancoli (Pearson)

• taught the 2-course intro-physics sequence for Physical Scientists (calculus based):– 2007-2015 (SMU)– using text “Physics for Scientists and Engineers” by Knight


Background• Context of my courses:

– relatively traditional delivery: two 75minute lectures / week– class sizes ranging from 50 – 200 (avg ~120 last few years)– incorporate aspects of interactive engagement (via: clicker

questions every class, demonstrations with clicker Q’s)– “monitor” year-to-year pre/post FCI score gains– early move to hybrid model with use of online resources

• made first move to online homework in 1998:– MSU’s free “CAPA” (Computer Assisted Physics Assignment)– Switched to Pearson’s MasteringPhysics in 2007 …

and haven’t looked back

What drives move to online homework?• Initial reason usually resource driven:

– TA personpower high to grade paper-based homework• But: pedagogical reasons to move away from paper-based:

– feedback to students comes a long time after the thinking/work (significantly decreased relevance for teaching / changing thought processes)

– feedback to students inconsistent and/or incorrect (dependent upon multiple TA’s with relatively little experience at assessment/feedback)

• First online homework packages (e.g. CAPA) facilitated the move, but were quite “basic”:– Numerical answers; end-of-chapter style questions; – Diff’t numbers to reduce cheating– Immediate Right/Wrong response– Multiple attempts per question

But what would we REALLY likeonline homework to do / look like?

• more than just numerical input/answers:– symbol/equations as answers– graphs– vector / free-body-type diagrams– free-form written answers– dynamical applets that can be “run” and/or “controlled”– etc.!

But what would we REALLY likeonline homework to do / look like?

• more than just numerical input/answers• beyond just a “wrong” response for incorrect answer: provision

of appropriate feedback (hint) based upon answer

But what would we REALLY likeonline homework to do / look like?

• more than just numerical input/answers• beyond just a “wrong” response for incorrect answer: provision

of appropriate feedback (hint) based upon answer• maybe a SERIES of such “hints” to help guide a student (direct

them to the appropriate concepts)

But what would we REALLY likeonline homework to do / look like?

• more than just numerical input/answers• beyond just a “wrong” response for incorrect answer: provision

of appropriate feedback (hint) based upon answer• maybe a SERIES of such “hints” to help guide a student (direct

them to the appropriate concepts)• …maybe even questions structured to require students to

follow a particular problem-solving path (to teach process, over simply result)

But what would we REALLY likeonline homework to do / look like?

• more than just numerical input/answers• beyond just a “wrong” response for incorrect answer: provision

of appropriate feedback (hint) based upon answer• maybe a SERIES of such “hints” to help guide a student (direct

them to the appropriate concepts)• …maybe even questions structured to require students to

follow a particular problem-solving path (to teach process, over simply result)

• Basically: use the online capabilities to provide the standard direction you provide (frequently!)during 1-on-1 office hoursdiscussions.

MasteringPhysicsgoes a long way toward doing all this!

• began as project of MIT Prof. David Pritchard– developing an online “physics tutor” program– impressive learning gains: turned into his own company … hired

physicists to analyze student incorrect answers, figure out what must have happened to generate such incorrect answers, and develop the appropriate/relevant feedback and “Hints” to correct the errors

• sold his company to Pearson Education– Pearson expanded effort (Mastering now in ~10+ disciplines) …

• more students using system means better analysis and feedback/hint development, more reliability in answers, great measures of self-reported problem difficulty and time-spent on problems

• many hundreds of thousands of students using MasteringPhysics

• see video of Pritchard discussing:

Before showing you examplesof MasteringPhysics in action…

I wanted to also note some very helpful logistical aspects:• Smooth incorporation into LMS (Blackboard for sure, D2L,…)• Comes with e-book access built-in• Ability to choose problems based on Learning Outcomes if

desired (…and style/type of problem) when assembling assignment

• Info on difficulty and time-on-problem averages help design assignment (…and/or use problems on quizzes/tests)

• 30day free trial use reduces issues with students that don’t stay in course (or are waiting for student loan $)

The look from within the Blackboard LMS

Instructor View: setting up Assignments

Instructor View: setting up Assignments:- Mix of “Types”, and Difficulty Level- Can see time estimate; set point value

Instructor View: setting up Assignments:- Mix of “Types”, and Difficulty Level- Can see time estimate; set point value

Student View (more problems when scroll down)

Graphing Problem (multiple parts)

Graphing Problem (multiple parts)

Graphing Problem (multiple parts)

Graphing Problem (multiple parts)

Graphing Problem (multiple parts)

Graphing Problem (multiple parts)

Symbolic Answer input

Symbolic Answer input

Symbolic Answer input

Choosing correct diagrams …

Choosing correct diagrams …AND “forcing process” (requiring answersin a specific order)

Ranking Task questions

Ranking Task questions

When selecting problems: choose Chapter of text, sections if desired,AND type of question

When selecting problems: choose Chapter of text, sections if desired,AND type of question

% answered correctly(82.6% here)

% asked for answer(17.4% here)

Avg # of wrong answers(3.39 here)

Avg # hints (0.33 here)

“Data analysis” (lab-related) type

Questions that use an applet

Free-form essay answers(this one is pre-lecture..for just-in-time teaching)

Can make use of Learning Outcomes if desired(pre-programmed, or create your own)

Dynamic Study ModulesHelp Students learn concepts through Personalized Study Cards

• Based on Nobel prize winning research• Continually adapting to each student

Learning CatalyticsA bring your own device student engagement, assessment, and classroom intelligence system

• Numerical, Algebraic, Textual, Graphical, Multiple Choice questions

Adaptive Follow Up

Personalize Path to Success

• Complete your assignment• Work through the individualized adaptive plan

New Titles Available

Customer At Our Core

MyLab and Mastering Efficacy

–12+ million students worldwide

–560,000 in Canada in 2014

–Over 600 Cases in the Results Library

–Constantly evolving

CommunitySpecial Interests Exchange technology tips and training, connect with Pearson authors, share materials, and much more.

Members OnlyFaculty Advisor Network, or FAN site members-exclusive enrichment events and shape the direction of Mastering development.

Faculty Advisors

A select group of Mastering power users who have been chosen to do:

freelance training, speaking engagements and redesign consultants.


A number of ways for students to have their voice heard:

Pearson Student Advisory BoardPearson Campus AmbassadorCourse

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