ped 199 beginning curling dr. britton johnson. equipment sheet of ice for play (rink holds 4 sheets)...

Post on 29-Mar-2015






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  • Slide 1

PED 199 Beginning Curling Dr. Britton Johnson Slide 2 Equipment Sheet of ice for play (rink holds 4 sheets) Curling stones (8 per team) Brooms (1 per player) Hacks (2 per sheet) Shoes Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Tee and Tee-Line Tee spot that is exactly center of the house (scoring zone). Also called the button Tee line- This is the line that runs through the center of the house. Slide 6 Hog Line 21 feet from tee line This line serves two purposes: Delivery - Stone must be released before crossing this line (on your own side). Scoring Stone must completely pass this line (on opposite side) to be in play. Slide 7 Side lines and Back line Side line - Stone must not touch the sideline at all, or it will be considered out of play. Back line A stone must be completely over the line to be considered out of play. Slide 8 The House Slide 9 House The house is a 12 foot in diameter circle. It is described by its various rings 1 foot circle (Inner White ring) (or 6 inch semicircle) 4 foot circle (Red ring) (or 2 foot semicircle) 8 foot circle (Outer White ring) (or 4 foot semicircle) 12 foot circle (Blue ring) (or 6 foot semicircle) Slide 10 Ice Conditions Surface must be perfectly level. Any change in level will result in unwanted curl, or speeding up or slowing of the stone. Pebble - The surface of the sheet is covered with small drops of ice, called a pebble, which is sprayed on beforehand. This is what allows the stone to catch and curl based on the spin of the delivery. Sweepers try to melt the pebble to keep a stone on-line longer, or to delay the slowing of the stone. Slide 11 The Old Stone Slide 12 The New Stone Slide 13 The Brooms Slide 14 The Hack Slide 15 The Shoes Slide 16 Scoring Stone must be touching the house to count Closest stone to Button receives a point (only 1 team) Next closest receives a point if from the same team (no point if opposite team) Red scores 2, Yellow scores 0. Slide 17 Yellow 4 Red 0 Slide 18 Red 2 Yellow 0 Slide 19 Yellow 3 Red 0 Slide 20 Red 3 Yellow 0 Slide 21 Yellow 1 Red 0 Slide 22 Total Score Team123456Final Red247 7 Yellow478 8 Score is tied 7-7 after 5 ends. Yellow wins 8-7 after 6 ends Only the team that scores receives the point Total score is added, not individual ends. Slide 23 How to Play One player releases stone from hack Stone slides down ice 2 players sweep (if needed) to help stone into position Stone may curl (change direction) to move around other stones. Type of shot depends on situation Slide 24 Sweeping Any offensive player can sweep at any time. Players sweep as close to the stone as possible. If they touch the stone, it must immediately be removed. Sweeping melts the pebble on the ice, allowing the stone to: Not slow down as fast (good sweepers can get an extra 15 feet out of a throw) Not curl as soon (in order to go around a stone) Only the skip can sweep defensively Can only sweep after stone passes the Tee line. Slide 25 Types of Shots Draw Shooting for the button Stone stops in middle of house. Takeout Shot hits opposing teams stone and knocks it out of play (own stone may stay in play, or go out of play Out-turn Elbow rotates away from body Right handed Stone turns counter-clockwise In-turn Elbow rotates in to the body on delivery Right handed stone turns clockwise Raise Team bumps a stone and moves it forward into the house or into a better scoring position Slide 26 Curling's Michael Jordan Kevin Martin - Canada Slide 27 The Release Slide 28 Slide 29 Sweeping Slide 30 Slide 31 Strategies of Curling Free guard zone Not allowed to remove first 2 stones in Free guard zone The Hammer Throwing the last stone in an end Blank Ends Team who has hammer throws last. Keep hammer and score 0 points, or score 1 point and lose hammer? Take-outs vs. Draws Removing a stone means less points available, but wastes one of your stones Protecting your stones Placing a stone so that the opposition can not remove your other stone Aim and curl Aiming your stone appropriately and allowing for the proper amount of curl is critical to a successful shot. Slide 32 GAME TIME LETS PLAY

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