pengurusan bilik darjah

Post on 05-Jan-2016






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Third-grade teacher Amy Collins is puzzled by David Brower*s behavior.

Every few minutes, David is out of his seat, going to the tissue box, the trash can, or

to the pencil sharpener. Ms. Collins has told the students that they do not need to

request permission to do these things, but only David abuses the privilege.

Sometimes, David will stand beside his desk, rummaging through his books and

belongings, and at other times, he just stands at his desk, lost in thought. When Ms.

Collins tells David to return to his seat, he quickly does so and never complains.

David's constant roaming is becoming a problem for both Ms. Collins and the other

students, who are distracted by his behavior and who feel that they, too, should be

allowed to roam about the classroom constantly. During the past week, she punished

David for his excessive out-of-seat behavior by giving him extra work and not

allowing him to have recess; neither had any impact.

Ms. Collins talked to David's second-grade teacher about his behavior, but Ms.

Smith couldn't remember David being a problem in her classroom. Ms. Smith

suggested that Ms. Collins's expectations were too high. Concerned that she was

making too much of David's misbehavior, Ms. Collins asked the school guidance

counselor to observe her class and give her suggestions. The guidance counselor

was amazed that during the two hours she observed the classroom, David was out of

his seat twenty-seven times. The average number of times the other students left

their seats during that same time period was three.

Working with the guidance counselor and David's mother, Ms. Collins developed

a plan to shape David's behavior. Ms. Brower told Ms. Collins that David had been

begging for a new pair of skates for several weeks. They decided that they would

allow David to work for the skates by changing his out-of-seat behavior.

After school, David, his mother, the guidance counselor, and Ms. Collins met to

talk about David's misbehavior. When Ms. Collins told David that he was out of his

seat forty-three times the day before, David agreed that this seemed excessive.

When asked why he thought he was out of his seat so often, David merely shrugged.

Ms. Collins asked David if he was willing to work on staying in his seat more, and he

quickly answered "yes."

Together, a plan was developed. With forty-three as a baseline, they agreed that

for the next week, David would be out of his seat no more than thirty-five times a day.

Each day Ms. Collins would send home a note telling how many times David had left

his seat. Each day he met his goal, he would earn a point toward acquiring his

skates. When he earned thirty points, he would receive the skates. They also agreed

that they would reduce the times he could be out of his seat once David had earned

five points. This reduction would continue until he was out of seat no more than ten

times a day, the average number of times his classmates were out of their seats

during a day.

The first day, David exceeded his goal and left his seat only thirty times. He

was pleased with the note sent to his parents by Ms. Collins. Unfortunately, the

second day, he forgot and did not meet his goal. After a few days, however,

David's parents were receiving positive notes most days. It took seven weeks for

David to meet his goal and to earn his skates. During that time, David became

aware of his behavior and never returned to constant classroom roaming.



Pengurusan tingkah laku DALAM BILIK DARJAH


Guru gred ketiga Amy Collins hairan dengan tingkah laku David Brower * s.

Setiap beberapa minit, Daud daripada tempat duduknya, pergi ke kotak tisu,

sampah boleh, atau untuk pengasah pensil. Cik Collins telah memberitahu pelajar

bahawa mereka tidak perlu meminta kebenaran untuk melakukan perkara-perkara

ini, tetapi hanya David penyalahgunaan hak istimewa.

Kadang-kadang, David akan berdiri di sebelah mejanya, berlari mencari

melalui buku-buku dan barang-barangnya, dan pada masa yang lain, dia hanya

berdiri di mejanya, hilang dalam pemikiran. Apabila Cik Collins memberitahu Daud

untuk kembali ke tempat duduknya, dia cepat berbuat demikian dan tidak pernah

mengadu. Perayauan tetap Daud menjadi masalah untuk kedua-dua Cik Collins

dan pelajar-pelajar lain, yang terganggu oleh tingkah laku dan yang merasakan

bahawa mereka juga harus dibenarkan untuk berkeliaran mengenai kelas

sentiasa. Pada minggu yang lalu, dia dihukum Daud untuk out-of-kerusi tingkah

laku yang berlebihan dengan memberikan dia kerja tambahan dan tidak

membenarkan beliau untuk mempunyai rehat; tidak mempunyai apa-apa kesan.

Cik Collins bercakap dengan guru kedua gred Daud mengenai tingkah laku,

tetapi Cik Smith tidak ingat Daud menjadi masalah di dalam kelas beliau. Cik

Smith mencadangkan bahawa jangkaan Cik Collins terlalu tinggi. Bimbang bahawa

dia telah membuat terlalu banyak salah laku Daud, Cik Collins meminta bimbingan

kaunselor sekolah untuk memerhatikan kelasnya dan memberikan cadangan

beliau. Kaunselor bimbingan kagum bahawa dalam tempoh dua jam dia

diperhatikan kelas, Daud daripada kerusinya dua puluh tujuh kali. Purata beberapa

kali pelajar lain meninggalkan tempat duduk mereka dalam tempoh masa yang

sama adalah tiga.

Bekerja dengan kaunselor bimbingan dan ibu Daud, Cik Collins

membangunkan rancangan untuk membentuk tingkah laku Daud. Cik Brower

kepada Cik Collins bahawa Daud telah mengemis untuk sepasang kasut baru

untuk beberapa minggu. Mereka memutuskan bahawa mereka akan

membenarkan Daud untuk bekerja untuk kasut dengan mengubah tingkah laku

beliau di luar tempat duduk.

Selepas sekolah, David, ibunya, kaunselor bimbingan, dan Cik Collins bertemu

untuk bercakap mengenai salah laku Daud. Apabila Cik Collins kepada Daud

bahawa dia daripada tempat duduknya empat puluh tiga kali sehari sebelum,

David bersetuju bahawa ini seolah-olah berlebihan. Apabila ditanya mengapa dia

fikir dia daripada tempat duduknya selalu, David hanya mengangkat bahu. Cik

Collins bertanya kepada Daud jika dia bersedia untuk bekerja untuk tinggal di

tempat duduknya, sehingga ia cepat menjawab "ya."

Bersama-sama, pelan yang telah dibangunkan. Dengan empat puluh tiga

sebagai asas, mereka bersetuju bahawa untuk minggu depan, Daud akan keluar

dari tempat duduknya tidak lebih daripada tiga puluh lima kali sehari. Setiap hari

Cik Collins akan menghantar pulang nota memberitahu berapa kali Daud telah

meninggalkan tempat duduknya. Setiap hari beliau bertemu dengan matlamatnya,

dia akan mendapat satu mata ke arah memperoleh kasut beliau. Apabila beliau

mendapat tiga puluh mata, beliau akan menerima kasut. Mereka juga bersetuju

bahawa mereka akan mengurangkan masa dia boleh keluar dari kerusinya sekali

Daud telah memperoleh lima mata. Pengurangan ini akan terus sehingga dia

keluar dari tempat duduk tidak lebih dari sepuluh kali sehari, purata bilangan kali

rakan-rakan beliau telah keluar dari tempat duduk mereka dalam sehari.

Hari pertama, David melebihi matlamat beliau dan meninggalkan kerusinya

hanya tiga puluh kali. Beliau merasa gembira dengan nota yang dihantar kepada

ibu bapanya dengan Cik Collins. Malangnya, hari kedua, ia lupa dan tidak

memenuhi matlamatnya. Selepas beberapa hari, bagaimanapun, ibu bapa Daud

telah menerima nota positif kebanyakan hari. Ia mengambil masa tujuh minggu

untuk Daud untuk memenuhi matlamat dan untuk mendapatkan kasut beliau. Pada

masa itu, Daud menyedari tingkah laku dan tidak pernah kembali untuk tetap

perayauan bilik darjah.

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