people who matter

Post on 25-Mar-2016






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A sweet photo book containing pictures of people I care most about and some of our shared activites.



By: Tori Cantoral

At certain points in peoples’ lives, they realize they’re only a selected group of people they trust most, talk to often and hangout with more then others. The focus of this book revolves around the people I socialize most with; my Mom, my brothers Michael and Frank, and my boyfriend Zak.

I have come to the conclusion of focusing my photos around the people I socialize most with and the people that mean most to me. I realized that there is a selected few that orbits my life’s cycle. These people, my mom brothers and boyfriend, are most relevant to my everyday life and basically sum up my docu-mentary. Although while I’m photographing my favorite people mentioned, I don’t realize that every second I capture is so valuable. My theme may also fo-cus on each decisive moment that takes place during any photo shoot we encoun-ter.

Notice each picture tells it’s own story. Every photo I take of my family and boyfriend represent the significance they have in my life. I cherish every moment I spend with all four characters, not only because they make great impacts in my life but also because with every picture I take, another lesson and adventure are practiced.

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