peoplesoft hrms eprofile ebenefits_how a global auto parts retailer got more horsepower by adding...

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PeopleSoft HRMS Self-Service: How a global auto parts retailer got more horsepower by adding eProfile & eBenefits

Presented By:Ajay Stanislause

2© Hexaware Technologies. All rights reserved.


eProfile Manager Desktop

One Pager Customization

One Pager walkthrough

eBenefits Overview

Custom Life Events

Open Enrollment

Transaction Walkthrough

MSS top 5 Challenges

eBenefits top 5 Challenges

Open Enrollment top 5 challenges

Best Practices

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PeopleSoft eProfile Manager Desktop

• View Direct Reports Personal Information– Enables managers to view important information about

an employee on one page

• Change Employee Reporting Manager– Enables managers to request that their employees report

to another manager

• Change Employee Work Location – Enables managers to assign their employees to another


• Initiate Employee Retirement Process– Enables managers to initiate the employee retirement


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PeopleSoft eProfile Manager Desktop (cont)

• Transfer an Employee– Enables managers to request an employee transfer

• Promotion an Employee– Enables managers to request an employee promotion

• Employee Full-Part Time Status Change – Enables managers to change an employee’s status to

full/part time

• Employee Termination– Enables managers to initiate the employee termination


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eProfile Manager Desktop Links

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• One page where a Manager can initiate a transaction like Transfer, Promotion, Pay Rate Change etc

• Based on the Job Action selected, other fields in the following pages should populate dynamically

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• Design a single page for all Job Related Manager transactions – includes Pay Rate Change, Transfer, Promotion/Demotion, Hierarchy Change, Part Time/Full Time , Termination. However, a Manager will be able to choose only one action per transaction.

• Page/Fields will change dynamically based on the Action chosen.

• Design a configuration page to capture levels of approval for each transaction

• Design a workflow to capture all the above transactions individually

• A Manager will be able to choose from a single page any of the above transactions that (s)h/e wishes to initiate.

• Work list will be generated to the Approving Manager to approve/deny the transaction that has been initiated by Initiating Manager

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Process Flow

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Transaction – Step1(Initiation)

• Select the Effective date of the Job change and click continue.

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• This page will show manager’s direct reports and manager can select any of the below EE to change the Job Details.

Transaction – Step2(Employee Selection)

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Transaction – Step3 (Transfer)

Job Change (STEP – 3)• A manager will be able to change the details of the selected employee

• Manager will be able to select any given action from the dropdown

• Based on the Job Action chosen from the drop down, the fields are dynamically changed and the Manager can enter the new Job Information

• This page shows the transaction related to transferring an employee to different department and different location

• Once the Submit button is clicked, then workflow is triggered to the next level manager.

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Transaction – Step3 (Pay Rate Change)

•A manager will be able to change the details of the selected employee.

• Manager will be able to select any given action from the dropdown.

• Based on the Job Action chosen from the dropdown the fields are dynamically changed and the Manager can enter the new Salary

• This page shows the transaction related to Pay Rate change of an employee

• Once the Submit button is clicked, then workflow is triggered to the next level manager.

• For mass salary changes, the system will list down all Direct reportees of the Manager

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Transaction – Step3 (Promotion)

•A manager will be able to change the details of the selected employee

• Manager will be able to select any given action from the dropdown

• Based on the Job Action chosen from the dropdown the fields are dynamically changed and the Manager can enter the new Job Information

•This page shows the transaction related to Promotion of an employee

•Once the Submit button is clicked, then workflow is triggered to the next level manager

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Transaction – Step3 (Demotion)

•A manager will be able to change the details of the selected employee

•Manager will be able to select any given action from the dropdown.

•According to the dropdown selection the fields are dynamically changed and the Manager can enter the new Job Information.

•This page shows the transaction related to Demotion of an employee.

•Once the Submit button is clicked, then workflow is triggered to the next level manager

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Transaction – Step3 (FT to PT / PT to FT)

• A manager will be able to change the details of the selected employee.

• Manager will be able to select any given action from the dropdown.

• Based on the Job Action chosen from the dropdown the fields are dynamically changed and the Manager can enter the new Job Information

• This page shows the transaction related to Status change of an employee

• Once the Submit button is clicked, then workflow is triggered to the next level manager

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• A Manager will be able to click on the particular transaction

• Clicking on the link takes the Manager to the approval pages, where he will be able to review and approve/deny the transactions

• Once a Manager takes action on any transaction from the work list, then that item is removed from the work list after the Manager marks it as Mark Worked

Transaction - Approval

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Transaction – Status View

•By clicking on the link the Manager will be taken in to the status view pages where he will be able to see the current status of a particular transaction.

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PeopleSoft eBenefits Features

• Benefits enrollment• Health plan information• Insurance information• Savings plan information• Flexible spending account information• Dependent and beneficiary information• Life events management

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eBenefits - Integrations

• eBenefits integrates with the following PeopleSoft applications:

Human Resources

Human Resources

Payroll for North America

Payroll for North America

Benefits Administration

Benefits Administration

Payroll InterfacePayroll


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Benefits Administration Process

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Custom Life Events

PeopleSoft Delivered

Custom Life Events

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eBenefits Open Enrollment

• Mandatory Open Enrollment• Benefits Electronics Consent• Benefits Summary of Elections• Benefits Confirmation Statements

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Open Enrollment Steps

• Build Pay Calendars for Upcoming Year• Evaluate Current Plan and rate setup, change as needed for new plan year• Evaluate event and eligibility rules, change as needed for new plan year• Audit Benefit data and tables• Update benefit programs as needed for new plan year• Create Open Enrollment definition and Ben admin schedule(s)• Determine procedure for event coordination• Test, Test and Re-Test• Run initial Ben Admin process to determine eligibility and prepare options• Enter and Validate elections• Run finalize• Prepare confirmation Statements

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Benefits Electronic Consent

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Benefits Electronic Consent…Contd

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Open Enrollment Start Page

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MSS – Top 5 Challenges

• Self Service Manager transaction platform– One Custom platform to combine all the delivered transactions. Includes approval and different approval levels for

different transactions

• Store Rollout (Phased Implementation)– Sequenced Phased migration of the implementation which means that both new and old applications needed to be

maintained for some point of time till the rollout is complete

• Store browser Compatibility Issues– Store browsers outside the Peoplesoft recommended browsers for the tools version installed

• Admin Access for One Pager Job changes– Admin access and privileges for all the tasks that can be done on one pager including pushing through approvals

• Customization to avoid few transactions from happening through the web

– Customizations to avoid employees from working from home on the work related items

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eBenefits – Top 5 Challenges

• Custom Life events– Creation of totally new custom life events which are not delivered by PeopleSoft

• Handling Evidence Of Insurability – EOI provided by PS was not the exact way the customer needed. Customizations to the delivered EOI process

• Data Issues– Data issues created because of the previous systems and clean up was a challenge

• Benefits Certifications– Issues with PeopleSoft delivered certifications not flexible with customer needs

• Retiring the existing system– Bringing the data from legacy application was a challenge

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Annual Enrollment – Top 5 Challenges

• Handling the existing Open Events– Open events handling due to multiple event creation

• Mandatory Enrollment– Mandatory enrollment which made all employees who want benefits to log in

• Custom Benefits Summary Page using XML Publisher

– Complex logic needed to be built around this to ensure that the data is correct

• Benefits Electronic Consent– Mandatory before starting the enrollment process

• Final Confirmation Statements– Customizations and need to print this for all the employees made this challenging

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Best Practices

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Best Practices

• 100% Dynamic Security• Single sign on with LDAP• Centralizing PeopleSoft as single source of

truth• Usage of Hexaware propriety tools• Phase wise rollout • Volunteer Testing (UAT)• Load Testing / Server capacity Planning• Restricted access to work related MSS

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© 2009 Hexaware Technologies Limited. All rights reserved. For internal circulation only. Neither this publication nor any part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or in any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of Hexaware Technologies Limited. Published by Corporate Marketing & Communications

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