peron n a turaliste partnership coastal adaptation decision pathways project

Post on 24-Feb-2016






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Peron N a turaliste Partnership Coastal Adaptation Decision Pathways Project. Funding by the Australian Government represented by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency. Coastal Adaptation Decision Pathways projects - An Australian Government initiative . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Peron Naturaliste PartnershipCoastal Adaptation Decision

Pathways Project

Funding by the Australian Government represented by the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency.Coastal Adaptation Decision Pathways projects - An Australian Government initiative

Peron Naturaliste Partnership

The vision of the Peron Naturaliste Partnership is to empower a resilient regional community to reduce risks and optimise opportunities presented by climate change.

Approach• A regional wide approach to

making adaptation decisions is critical in ensuring local government take a ‘best shot’ approach to adaptation.

• The partnership has strengthened cooperation between Local Governments and State Government

• Communication of climate change to the wider community is crucial

• A long term approach has been identified as the best way to address coastal erosion and inundation.

Guiding Documentation

• PNP MOU Agreement March 2011 – March 2013 (to be updated and re-signed in February 2013)

• PNP Business Plan and Action Plan• Draft Communications Strategy 2011-2013• Draft Pilot Community Engagement Strategy 2012-


Communication Strategy

The framework will:• link to current best practice

initiatives• protect the existing

partner’s organisational brand, image and reputation

• provide framework and direction for future consultation and engagement

• guide external communications

• guide internal communication and capacity building

• Knowledge management

Community Engagement

• Community Educationand Capacity Building

• Media/Communications • Public Participation

• Partnership and Collaboration

• Stakeholder Workshops• Community Forums

Goals The International Association

for Public Participation training and education is adopted by Local Governments across Australia and encourages a communicative approach to public participation (IAPP 2007).

There are 5 driving goals:

• Information• Consultation• Involvement• Collaboration• Empowerment

Coastal Adaptation Decision Pathways Project - Developing Flexible Adaptation Pathways for the

Peron Naturaliste Coastal Region of WA

Aim: To ensure the Peron Naturaliste Coastal Region of

Western Australia is adequately prepared to respond to

the impacts and opportunities posed by climate change

FundingAustralian Government (DCCEE): $400,000Phase One:

State Government (Department of Transport): $70,000PNP Councils: $50,000

Partners Department’s of Transport, Planning, Environment and

Conservation and Water

Project Summary

• Phase I is a synthesis of coastal hazards affecting the region.

• Phase II is a regional-based assessment of impacts, specifically comparing present day conditions with those projected for 2110.

• Phase III is a detailed locally-based assessment of impacts and potential responses, which will change over time. Developing adaptation options considers real options approach.

Key MessagesInnovative approachErosion hazard mapping utilized has some limitationsErosion modeling needs to be refined

Identify rock featuresInclude alongshore controls such as headlands

and groynesPrimarily an economic assessment

Key Messages

Assumed no existing protectionImpacts in areas outside the case study areas are not

includedUncertainty associated with future climate change

impacts in the regionInstitutional knowledge - PNP

Region-Wide Assessment

• Developing an understanding of the overall resource cost of adaption within the region as a whole

• Aim of this phase is not to design strategy but highlight likely costs

• Assets are classed into several classes and then a single, representative value is applied to all assets in a given class and location of assets is not considered

• Assets examined at snapshots in time

Region-Wide Assessment

• Erosion is a far more pervasive issue than flooding• 800 hectares of residential land would be subject to

an increase in flooding risk• Approximately 200 metre wide strip is at risk from

erosion along the whole extent of the coastline. • The value at risk of the affected assets along this

section of coastline is approximately $1.2 billion• $1.1 billion of assets are worth saving, at a cost of

around $120 million

Region-Wide Assessment

• Approximately $80 million in assets are not worth saving

• Equates to around 80 % of the affected region• When this farmland and/or nature reserve sits

behind more valuable settled areas, the protection afforded to the settled areas will also affect the less valuable land

Regional Hazard Mapping - Busselton

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