persuasive techniques in political advertising

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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Persuasive Techniques in Political Advertising

2008 Campaign Stickers

Common Persuasive Techniques in Political


Name Calling

• Using personal attacks on an opponent to distract voters from the real issues. The goal is to inspire doubts about the opponents fitness for office.


• Using symbols or images to evoke some emotion or something unrelated, such as a candidate or proposition. 1984 Lin between Mondale to beloved patriotic symbols such as liberty and the flag


• Creating the impression that everyone supports the candidate or cause. Plays on the desire that everyone loves a winner. 1972 people from all walks of life are supporting George McGovern.

Plain Folks• The use of folksy or

everyday images & language to show that the candidate is a regular person who understands the needs & concerns of the common man. 1872 President Grant appears as a common working person,

Card Stacking

• Presenting facts, stats, & other evidence that support only one side of the story/argument. Example of Mike Dukakis supported a plan that allowed murderers to take weekend leaves from jail. “Dukakis is the killers best friend, and the decent, honest citizen’s worst enemy.


• Having a well-known celebrity endorse a candidate or proposal. The hope is that you will follow the person’s example w/out questioning his qualifications to make such a judgement. 1928 ad, famous sports figures endorse Al Smith for president.

Glittering Generalities

• The use of vague, sweeping statements that appeal to voters emotionally, but don’t say much of anything. Candidates or proposals are often described in lofty terms. 1952 Eisenhower ad.

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