pfi western streaming media presentation

Post on 19-Oct-2014






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- PFI Western has proven that it doesn't take a huge budget to blow out video commerce across marketing channels. They cover almost all costs with co-op and advertising dollars. All infrastructure developed by 2 people with no budget.- The company chose an innovative approach, starting with television by buying airtime on a cable TV network and featuring products in a QVC/HSN style broadcast, then repurposed that content for the web. 100% self-produced content.- 500 pieces of unique video content. Over 55 half-hour television shows online.- 50% increase in conversion rates. 27% reduction in returns.- 25% of daily site visitors now watching video.- Increase in average order value, longer average time on site, increase in return visits.Need I say more? Well, maybe... interested in knowing how PFI Western achieves these results:- Employ multi-channel video strategy (TV, video commerce site, in-store displays, product pages, landing pages, syndication to video sharing sites, syndication to social networks, email campaigns (2-3X clickthrough rates), RSS feeds, mobile, podcasts)- Strong SEO results - often ranking 9 of the top 10 video results in Google, randing over 90% of first page video results in Bing and Yahoo


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