phd work in progress 21092011

Post on 05-Aug-2015






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Configuring hybrid objects as design spaces. How to design for participation?

Jessica SchoffelenPromotor: prof. dr. Oswald Devisch (PHL, Arck)Co-promotor: dr. Liesbeth HuybrechtsLSM – MAD-faculty – social spaces

Open designProbleemstelling – participatief design Opzet

Michel Avital (2011)

“Open design signifies open-access to digital blueprints that can be adapted at will to meet situated requirements, and can subsequently be used by consumers to fabricate products on demand by commercial, off-the-shelf production methods.

The open design model diminishes the traditional vertical value chain that is formed by designer-manufacturer-distributor-consumer relationships and offers an alternative, open web of direct links between designers and consumers.

The resulting short-spanned, transient and non-hierarchical relationships forge dynamic and flexible arrays of blueprints that are not only user-centred but also user-driven”

(Avital, 2011, In Van Abel B., et al., p. 52).

producten zijn steeds in beta-fase, nooit af producten vragen om participatie ifv iteraties

Open design manifesteert zich op veel manieren

diy (MAKE)p2p-platforms (Instructables)design tools/software (SketchChair, Scratch)3D-printersfablabssharing-economies …

Open design doelt op adaptatie, aanpassingen door gebruikers om tegemoet te komen aan eigen wensen en noden of de vereisten van een specifieke context.

Maar heeft dat wel zin?Cf. uitdaging voor participatief design

“If I’d asked people what they wanted, they would have asked for a better horse.” (Henry Ford)

En, willen ze wel meedoen?

Nielsen, Participation inequality

“Also, I was surprised to find that makers made my lamp exactly as I had designed. I had secretly hoped to see new solutions and

adaptations to the posted design.”

Design by use (aka non-intentional design)

Siskind - Lego My own creation

Sugru Hack things better

Onderzoek besteedt aandacht aan designactiviteiten van gebruikersDesign by useAppropriation Consumption as use Tinkering

Open design als aanzet voor ontwikkeling van andere manieren omgebruikers bij ontwerpen te betrekken.Verlengde van participatief design: relatie ontwerper-gebruiker?

How to design for participation?

Avital, 2011

Strategieën van infrastructuring (P.Ehn):

Design patterns - Christopher Alexander “pattern language”Ontologieën - open maken, subjectieve infrastructuur transparant


I need projects

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