phonological awareness - linus classes

Post on 13-Feb-2017






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Phonological Awareness


To distinguish phonological awareness and phonics.To identify the important components of

phonological awareness.To learn the teaching of phonological

awareness skills.To understand the different instructional approaches to reading.

Concept of spoken wordThe ability to distinguish words in a sentence.

RhymeThe ability to recognize rhyme, complete rhyme.

SyllablesThe ability to blend, segment and delete syllables.

PhonemesThe ability to recognize initial and final sounds in words.The ability to blend onset and rimeThe ability to blend, segment and delete phonemes

Phoneme manipulationThe ability to add and/or substitute phonemes

The hippopotamus jumps across the riversentences


hippopotamus jumps across the river words


the hi-ppo-po-ta-mus jumps a-cross the ri-ver



The smallest unit of spoken language sounds.Vowels and consonantsPhonemes are not the same as letters. (graphemes)


Phonics is knowing how letter names and phonemes relate to each other.

Also knowing as ‘letter-sound correspondence’

Phonological awareness


Auditory and visual skills, and letter – sound correspondence

•The ability to hear and discriminate phonemes require adequate ‘auditory skills’ and ‘auditory perceptual skills’.

•The ability to see and discriminate reversible letters require adequate ‘visual skills’ and ‘visual perceptual skills’.

•The ability to associate letter with sounds requires integration of auditory and visual skills.







Letter – sound correspondenceWhat are letter – sound correspondence ?

involve knowledge of ;The sounds represented by the letters of the alphabet.The letters used to represent the sounds.

Why is knowledge of letter sound correspondences important?

Knowledge of the letter sound correspondences is essential in reading and writing

In order to read a word , the learner must recognize the letters in the word and associate each letters with its sounds

In order to write or type a word, the learner must break the word into its component sounds and know the letter that represent these sounds.

Knowledge of letter sound correspondenceand phonological awareness skills are the basic building blocks of literacy learning.

What sequence should be used to teach letter soundcorrespondences ?

LSC should be taught one at a time.When the pupils acquires one LSC, introduce a new one.

We suggest teaching the letter and sound in this sequence

a m t p on c d u sg h i f bl e r w kx v y z jq

Why????????Letters that occur frequently in simple words (e.g; a.m.t ) are taught first.Letters that look similar and have similar sounds (b and d ) are separated in the instructional sequence to avoid confusion.

Short vowels are taught before long vowels.

Lower case letters are taught first since these occur more frequently than upper case.

Is it appropriate to teach letter names aswell as letter sound ?

1.Teaching the sounds of the letter, not their names.

2. Knowing the names of the letters is not necessary to read or write.

Sample goal for instruction in LSC

The learner will;•Listen to a target sounds presented orally.•Identify the letter that represent the sound.

Instructional taskHere is an example of instruction to teach letter sound correspondence :

The teacher ; * introduces the new letter and its sound. * show a card with the letter ‘m’ and says the sound “mmm”

After practice with this letter sound, the teacher providesreview.

The teacher * says a letter sound.

The learner•Listen to the sound.•Select the correct letter.

Group of letter

Alphabet boardFrom


Phonological awareness skill sequence

Skill ExampleWordIsolating words in sentences

She/ is / a / good /player


Does glass rhyme with pass ?


pan + cake = pancakeSwim/suitSay hotdog without hot

Skill ExamplePhonemeIsolation of initial/final soundBlendingComplete segmentationDeletion

What is the first sound in fox?What am I saying ? f-enceWhat are the sounds in bag ?

Manipulation of soundsAdditionDeletion

Add /t/ to anSay meat without /m/Say play without /p/Say play without /l/

Substitution Say yard and instead of/y/ say /h/

Transposition Spot to stopWhat is changing each time?

Skill ExampleWordIsolating words in sentences

She/ is / a / good /player


Does glass rhyme with pass ?


pan + cake = pancakeSwim/suitSay hotdog without hot

Skill ExamplePhonemeIsolation of initial/final soundBlendingComplete segmentationDeletion

What is the first sound in fox?What am I saying ? f-enceWhat are the sounds in bag ?

Manipulation of soundsAdditionDeletion

Add /t/ to anSay meat without /m/Say play without /p/Say play without /l/

Substitution Say yard and instead of/y/ say /h/

Transposition Spot to stopWhat is changing each time?

Discuss with your group members…

1.Rhyming word activities.2.Teaching syllable segmentation3.Teaching beginning sound substitution4.Teaching sound isolation5.Teaching phonemic segmentation6.Manipulation of sounds ; addition and deletion


THANK YOU See you in the next Presentation

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