polar pluto point

Post on 20-Dec-2015






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have experienced Kundalini in the past but lately I am going thru a build up of energy which is increasing exponentially over time. Lately I am feeling intense waves of inner heat which feels like inner fire, to the point of sometimes becoming uncomfortable. It feels as if thou a very strong surge of energy is purifying any latent issues I may have, physical or emotional and can bring bursts of tears. I am asking about this as I feel it can intensify greatly as it continues to burn away at any blockages, it feels as if a huge amount of energy is wanting to go thru me and feels like it can fry the system if it were to increase, and it seems like it will increase.

Some people appear to have had negative life altering experiences with Kundalini, I have had certain experiences in the past but always positive and revealing.. this is much more intense than anything I have experienced before and is intensifying by the day.

Is there any danger and should I or others going thru something similar take any precautions?

Thank you

All the best

I can answer your question directly because each Soul and the physical system it chooses to be born into in each life is unique to that Soul. Because of this, as you know, it would be wrong for anyone to answer the specific question you have about yourself regards living with the manifestation of kundalini unless that person had much more direct and personal knowledge of you.

I can recommend, in case you have not heard of, reading the preeminent Soul who has written about Kundalini in every possible way, including his book "Living With Kundalini". His name is Gopi Krishna. As you know Kundalini 'normally' manifests in degrees that the nature of any given Soul is capable of integrating it. Rarely does it manifest in a full blown state. Yet that is what happened to Gopi Krishna who, at that point in time, was simply a 'normal' Indian man living a normal life. He almost died because of this. He did survive and his consciousness was then in a state of total awareness/ perception/ knowing of the nature of the Creation. He speaks and teaches from direct experience.

Here is a review of that book:

"At a time when the word 'Kundalini' is bandied about by too many self-appointed gurus and occult groups offering enlightenment in ten easy lessons, Gopi Krishna provides a salutary reminder of what a serious undertaking it is to attempt to raise this awesome power. He states that the Kundalini is the basis of all psychic manifestations in the individual, including mediumship and clairvoyance, a fact which renders this book of great importance to anyone working in a psychic capacity."—Light

"Gopi Krishna was a pioneer in the land of spirituality. What he described as psychic forces in human beings are now being understood as fields of energy and information. I salute this great sage and scientist of the twentieth century and

congratulate the publishers for bringing out this volume."—Deepak Chopra, M.D., author of Quantum Healing

"Gopi Krishna was a true psychenaut into the realms of human possibility, an Odysseus of inner space. The publication of his autobiography should be a major event in the documentation of who and what we really are."—Jean Houston, Ph.D., Director Foundation for Mind Research

"Gopi Krishna's description of the changes—psychological, physical, perceptual, and biochemical—which can happen to a person who is in the process of an accelerated spiritual emergence process was the first definitive work written for the Western world about kundalini awakening. This new book should be a great comfort to those trying to comprehend the process."—Emma Bragdon, Ph.D., Editor of the Spiritual Emergence Network Newsletter

"The writing of Gopi Krishna is an indispensable resource for anyone who wishes to begin to understand the role of kundalini in exceptional mental states and in the evolution of consciousness. His own kundalini awakening is itself an extraordinary and inspiring story of human possibility and gives one a sense of the tremendous spiritual birthright each of us carries within our own nervous system."—Kenneth Ring, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology, University of Connecticut, and author of Heading toward Omega and The Omega Project

"It was above all Gopi Krishna who, through his fascinating autobiography and other works, made the kundalini phenomenon widely known in the West. More than that, he brought it down from the level of abstract speculation to concrete description based on personal experience. He struggled hard to make this complex and crucial spiritual phenomenon intelligible in his numerous writings and talks, and I regard him as one of the bridge-building pioneers of our time, who hewed new paths for the necessary dialogue between East and West."—Georg Feuerstein, Ph.D., Author of Encyclopedic Dictionary of Yoga

About the Author

Gopi Krishna (1903-1984) was an ordinary Indian householder who experienced the awakening of the spiritual force known as kundalini at the age of thirty-four. He subsequently became the inspired writer of numerous books in which he shared his insights with others.

God Bless, RadI was mostly asking about general guidelines to keep in mind relative to an intensification of the Kundalini awakening process as I have seen some negative results in which people have a hard time going on with their normal lives.

Interesting that you mention Gopi Krishna as last night while doing some research on the matter I stumbled upon this video of him explaining his process:


It seems the best one can do is simply be as pure as possible on all levels and go with whatever happens.

Could we say, in western terminology, for those that have no notion of eastern concepts and are going thru a Kundalini awakening, that this energy is Source energy flowing thru them as they come closer to the Source?

Thank you Rad

All the best

es ...and remember Kundalini is the natural evolutionary force within the Soul encased in a body ... an actual physiological substance that is created via the spinal plexus, root chakra, that is regulated by DESIRE, the desire to return to that which is the Origin OF All Things.

God Bless, Radted to respond to your question above Skywalker. When transiting Uranus was exactly conjunct my Sun in Aries i had a spontaneous Kundalini rising experience which long term was liberating but at the time was violent and really frightening.

My experience of this was innately Uranaiun (spontaneous and explosive) and the Uraniun process disintigrated Saturnian blockages. It was an extraordinary and graphic process and over several days it rose up in my body, yes like you said almost burning away blockages, and when it got to my head even though i had my eyes closed (lying in shavasana in a crowded room) everything went black, i was on the edge of an enormous precipice, and then falling, and then there was a huge explosion in my head and i literally felt like my head exploded and shattered into millions of pieces. The only way to get through this kind of experience is to work on GROUNDING THE ENERGY.

On the spot and in the days after it was necessary to work on grounding the energy back in the centre of my body and then further in the weeks that followed grounding it back into the earth below my feet!

An excellent remedy that helped me so much was EARTH from Australian Bush Flower Essences, White Light Essences range. I took it for a couple of weeks, every hour for the first couple of days and then a couple of times a day. Of course grounding visualisations are helpful, imagining roots from your feet descending deep into the ground or a column of energy from you base chakra descending into the ground until it connects with the earth's iron core crystal.

Staying grounded in these shifting times is important for each and every one of


Blessingshanks for sharing your experience and for your concern. From my understanding Kundalini correlates to Pluto, was transiting Pluto also aspecting your Sun or does your Sun have a natal aspect to Pluto or is in the 8th house?

Thank youd, Pluto has been squaring my 10° Aries sun for the last couple of years.

First welcome to our message board. JWG wrote in his second volume of Pluto, which is all about the evolutionary reasons and intentions for relationships, that Soul mates are as follows.

"Soul mates are two people who have independently acted on their own desires a spiritual or transcendent reality and that the real purpose with the union of one another is to continue their individual spiritual development because of and through the relationship. In spiritual terms it is called the path of the householder in contrast to the path of the monastic. This does not mean that the two people are perfect. it does mean that both have embraced a transcendent or spiritual principle to guide both their individual lives, and their relationship. There is a common spiritual ( philosophical ) foundation upon which the relationship is built and based. As a result, there is a larger point of view to refer and defer to. This then allows for the unconditional love and support for one another as opposed to conditional love. Conditional love is one of the primary breeding grounds through which difficult karmic situations or conditions can be created. Unconditional love is one of the primary breeding grounds through which harmonious and or positive situations or conditions are created. Thus, true Soul mates only have a positive karma conditions or situations that are mutually supportive and beneficial to one another. The state of Soul mates, evolutionarily speaking, is a conditions that is evolved into from the most common of relationships: Karma Mates."

JWG also said in that book that relative to what he called 'relationship types' that true Soul mates are also two Souls who have created an inner condition within themselves of being the self reliant type. The self reliant type of Soul is one who understands and actualizes their own needs within or upon themselves. Thus in a true Soul mate relationship both are mutually self reliant which then minimizes if not totally eliminates the 'projection' of need upon the other. The projection of needs is that which is one of the core dynamics in what he called Karma mates.

God Bless, Rad

A Planetary Method of Chart Analysis Jeffrey Wolf Green Astro2000, Denver, CO 2000

What I’d like to do is try to make this as experiential for you this morning as possible, and the way I would like to do that is for all of you to keep your own particular birth chart in your head now as we go through this specific method so you can apply it immediately to your own case.

This particular method is very sequential; it is very Virgo like, ABC in nature, leading to a very deductive and Virgo-like analysis. In total, you will then find that once you employ this particular methodology--ABC--this will lead to a Pisces kind of awareness, meaning inductive, wherein you can see the whole first and then immediately grasp all the parts. So it is like going from Virgo to Pisces. Now as we go through this system, when you have questions, please ask me when you have the question, because the intention is to keep this as clear as possible as we are moving through it.

So the very first way we want to start the system is, of course, with Pluto. This is number one on your list; meaning as we go through this it is going to be like an outline. So we want to start with Pluto. We can ask a Pluto question: Why? And what we have here from a Plutonian point of view, of course, is the direct connection to the Soul, the Soul itself. Now, of course, if we understand this, the Soul is going to create the overall personality structure in any given life that is uniquely orientated to phenomenal reality in such a way that that unique orientation experiences the phenomenal reality in a way that is consistent with the evolutionary intentions and karmic requirement that the Soul has in any given life.

So we want to locate the natal position of Pluto first by house and sign. What is this going to be demonstrating? We have to remember that the nature of the Soul linked with time and space reality is simultaneously linked with the principle that we call evolution. Evolution is a dynamic in time and space reality that is beyond debate. The simplest way to know evolution: Is it not true that everybody on this planet, everyone in this room, inwardly always has an inner feeling of being in a continuous state of becoming? Who does not have such a feeling? So you can see right away just through normal life experience that this is a principle, a truth if you will, that applies to all people everywhere as long as we are living in time-space reality.

Now, if we linked evolution to the principle of the Soul, we ask a logical question: What is, in fact, the inner mechanism or dynamic within the Soul that causes evolution? The answer is straightforward, simple, and basic as most natural truths are. The answer is, in fact, the very same answer that came out of the enlightenment of the famous Buddha under the famous Bodhi tree, when he pondered the nature of sorrow and pain, misery and the like. What was actually promoted in Buddhism terms as Nirvana was based on the awareness within him called desire.

In each Soul there are two competing and antithetical desires that create evolution. One desire is a separating desire, meaning to separate away from what we can call God. And these sorts of desires are many, myriad, manifesting in typical ways as the desire for the new lover, the new possession, the new career ambition, whatever. All Souls have these desires, and simultaneous with the desire and coequal to it is the desire to return to that which has created the Soul in the first place. So, in effect, the essence of the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination (Pluto) of all separating desires to the exclusion of only one desire which can remain, which is to unite with the source of the Soul itself.

This is a very simple natural truth that operates independent of what we call astrology and can be validated by every single one of us in this room. In fact, it can be validated by everybody on earth. The simplest way to know it, again: Is not true that we can have whatever separating desire, oh we want this new thing over here, this, that or whatever, and we may have the ability to obtain that which we are desiring, and, of course, we have a momentary sense of satisfaction when we get it. But once we get it, what soon replaces the sense of satisfaction is, in effect, the sense of dissatisfaction, the sense of something more. It is exactly the sense of dissatisfaction that is mirroring and echoing this ultimate desire to return and to reunite with the source of all things. Who of you has not known this to be your own experience? You see, it is universal.

So the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination of all separating desires. The duality of these antithetical desires is intrinsic within the Soul and is what the psychologists call the basis of free choice.

Now, when we look at the nature of the natal position of Pluto, we are looking at two simultaneous phenomena, which is why we are starting with this number A on our Virgo list. Number one, it will describe very succinctly the types of desires that the soul has had prior to the current life, relative to its evolutionary necessities, its evolutionary intentions. That does not mean, by the way, that that is going to correlate or reflect all the prior lives that the Soul has had. The point is that the soul in any given life will only draw upon specific prior life times that have a direct connection to or bearing on the current life evolutionary intentions. The Sanskrit archetype for that is called Prarabdha Karma.

So, what the natal position of Pluto is demonstrating is the specific prior lifetimes and orientations that have direct bearing on the current lifetime. A simple example: What if we are dealing with a ninth house Pluto individual? We can make a very simple Piscean/ Virgo deduction that this would have been a Soul who, prior to the current life, one way or another, was desiring to understand its individual connection to the cosmological reality we call the universe, meaning natural desires to understand philosophy and cosmology and metaphysics, religion (even if that's atheism), anything that is a form of philosophy connected to the cosmos. Are we clear? Good.

And now what would that mean coming into the current life? And this is one of the secrets about Pluto that most people don't realize, i.e. when you read it in your happy books that it somehow connects to compulsion, obsession, defensiveness, resistance to change and all these things, and these things are accurate, but they never tell you why, and it is because at this point Pluto is going to correlate with the deepest sources of your unconscious sense of security. Keeping in mind that security is a function of self-consistency. Self-consistency is a function of the past, meaning what has come before. Again, how many of you would totally and wholly embrace the experience of absolute insecurity? No takers? Hmm? Ever wonder why we have compulsion, obsession? That's what psychologists call repetitive compulsion.

So by looking at the natal position of Pluto (house and sign), beyond the metaphysical point of view, you are describing in anybody’s life the sources that correlate with the deepest sense of unconscious security in the person. And in coming into the current life, the person instinctually gravitates to those sources in order to maintain a sense of self-consistency equaling security. Now clearly, if the soul stayed right there, there would, in fact, be no evolution. So this becomes a first point to examine. The next point is to determine how it is that soul is going to grow or evolve in the current life. And the answer very happily is that the next step (evolution) is determined--because we have to remember that we are living in a universe, time/space, that of itself is defined by the law of polarity--by the opposite house and sign of the natal position of Pluto.

So, following our example of the ninth house, it is, of course, naturally in opposition to the third house. Now, one of the natural problems in the ninth house/Sagittarius/Jupiter archetype is that it correlates, in essence, with the nature of phenomenal reality in total. And it is the ninth house in any chart--Jupiter/Sagittarius, archetypically natural law-- that creates the awareness in the human organism, in each person, that we are in fact connected to something much larger than just the earth itself. It creates the awareness that we are connected to a solar system, universes, and galaxies. And this sort of natural awareness gives rise to the philosophical questions that all human beings ask: What does it all mean? How are we connected to this thing?

One of the problems of the ninth house is that it will typically orientate to a portion of the overall truth, and then consider that particular portion to be the total truth, which is why we call it the Billy Graham Archetype, meaning the need to convince and convert other people to your particular point of view. Why? In order to feel secure. This is why in this case we are going to have a have a third house polarity.

Most of us have already realized in our happy books that Gemini correlates with diversity, yes? Most of us realized,--particularly for those that find yourself to be Gemini--that Gemini is a happy little sign because you put it in a bookstore, for example, and it is going to go around and do what? It is going to read two pages of this and one page of that, and maybe one right over here, but it is thinking that it is reading everything. And this means that it is trying to understand as much as possible relative to the whole phenomenon called creation. So when you have this polarity point to the ninth house Pluto, you can see the obvious evolutionary intention. The intention of the Soul is to evolve beyond the particular portion—part--of the truth that it has already realized. You understand the point?

So the Soul is like a computer, and it has its own program and in a typically Plutonian fashion, then, the Soul will actually literally program necessary philosophical confrontations (Pluto), meaning it will attract to itself other individuals that are more philosophically or cosmologically evolved than itself. These people will have the effect of penetrating (Pluto) to the weak link in this person’s existing philosophical structure. And by identifying the weak link, well, guess what? That whole structure collapses. And this is induces the Gemini evolutionary intention. Understand the point? I mean we could go on and on, but we only have an hour and a half. So, on our Virgo list we start with Pluto, natal position, polarity point. Any questions on this aspect of it? So, we are clear on this particular point?

Next step--number B on your Virgo list. We want to, of course, examine the nature of the south node of the moon. Now, why do we want to examine this point? The reason is that the south node of the moon will specifically correlate to the types of egocentric structures that the soul has necessarily created in order to consciously actualize the evolutionary desires or intentions, which have, in fact, preceded the current life.

That is to say that the moon, the south node of the moon specifically, correlates to what we call the ego. Now take this very seriously because, of course, I realize in astrology land that astrologers can assign the idea or the archetype of the ego to whatever planetary symbolism. Over the last 10-20 years it has been given to Saturn, Sun or whatever. But in reality in the astrology we do, the ego is specific to the moon. The way you can prove this through natural law is very straightforward. As an example we can understand that the ego is that which correlates with what we can psychologically call a self-image.

Now, for example, if we make an ego connection to the Sun and we look into the nature of our solar system, of course, the Sun appears to be relatively fixed, does it not? Now, do you feel throughout your life that your own inner self-image has been fixed and constant? When we compare this to examining the moon and its various phases, you can see the direct link to your own self-image and its evolution. Understand the point?

So, in effect, the Soul must create a necessary ego to create a self-image of the soul itself. So the south node is the conscious component that the soul generates or creates to actualize the desires that are intrinsic to the soul itself. As a simple example, let’s still use our Ninth House Pluto as our example, remembering that the ninth house Pluto is how I want to understand myself in the cosmos, etc. Now when we put the south Node in the seventh house, what are we looking at? We Are looking at a soul who prior to the current life, over a series of recent prior life times, has created egocentric structures that have been actualized through a seventh house archetype. What does it mean? It's going to mean that the soul has created a series of prior life egos that have been structured in such a way as to initiate a diversity of relationships, (seventh house), who looked like what? Ninth house teacher types. And by initiating this kind of relationships with teacher types, it has been collecting for itself, or attracting to itself, the kind of information that it has desired relative to the ninth house Pluto. You see the link?

Now, to show you why cookbook astrology is B.S.--I mean wrong--compare this to a ninth house Pluto but put the south node in the first house. You are going to still have the same complex of desires, but what types of personality structure, or egocentric structure has the Soul used that is very different from the seventh house? In the first case you have dependency on an external teacher, but when you put the south node in the first house, in essence, what you now have is a soul who has the same desire structure, but now with this south node in the first house you have an individual who has learned to ask and answer its own questions. You see why cookbook astrology is so wrong?

So in either case you still have a pre-existing orientation to reality. When that ninth house Pluto, south node in the seventh person comes into life she/he will gravitate, as they have prior to the current life, in exactly that way. This is why there is going to be a thing called the north node. You see the point? So in this ninth house Pluto/seventh house south node, we have a polarity point in the third house, and we have a north node in the first. So in essence, the north node in this case, the conscious actualization, makes that third house polarity occur, understand my point? What that would actually mean in this life as the person begin to emotionally mature (moon) in the current life, is that it progressively would begin to rebel against external teachers, their message and their voices. Because the intention (north node/first house) is that the person is meant to learn to ask and answer its own questions. This is going to create necessary intellectual, philosophical confrontation with external teacher types. You see?

In the second case, the person has been living in happy splendor, all within themselves in a form of narcissism (south node/first house). You see my point? So now why are we seeing the north node in the seventh house? They must learn to open up and share themselves with other people and in so doing, in opening up to other people, they are going to attract (third house polarity), you see how it works. You apply this to all charts. You start just this way, A, B on your happy list. Questions? So we have got this down now?

The next step in our happy methodology is then to go to the Sun, by the house and sign of the Sun and the aspects it is making. Why? Because the Sun is going to correlate specifically to how we are integrating and giving purpose and meaning to our current life experience. So in essence we are describing an evolutionary transition in our A B list, an evolutionary transition from past to the current life. The Sun is now going to show you how that is integrated and given purpose and meaning in the context of the current life. How the Sun in Sagittarius integrates life experience, gives purpose and meaning, is going to be very different from how a Virgo Sun integrates life experience and gives purpose and meaning, you understand my point?

So once you get used to these methods you ultimately get to play the role of an evolutionary detective, why this Sun sign? You understand my point? So that is why our next step is to move right to the Sun. And again I want you to be able to apply this experientially to your own chart, so try to work with that as we move through it so you can see the reality of what we are talking about. So just take a moment right now and think about your own natal Pluto, polarity point, north and south node and your Sun sign. Take a moment, don't ask a question, just take a moment!

Now, how many are completely stumped? Maybe in a moment it will become more clear for you.

Audience: How about if your Pluto is right on the cusp?

Jeffrey: On the cusp?

Audience: Yeah.

Jeffrey: What you have when Pluto is on the cusp is the archetype of initiation, but if you have it just before the cusp of moving into the next house, you have the archetype evolutionarily of culmination--an entire series of prior lives all culminating in the context of the current life.Audience: But you would still interpret it in terms of the house that it is in?

Jeffrey: Yeah. And see then what you have is as it progressively culminates—when Pluto is evolving into the next house—you still determine the polarity point, which allows for that evolutionary shift. This can by the way, psychologically create frustration, because the Soul already can feel where it is trying to go, but it also has to culminate, so it has this push-- pull, yeah.

Audience: What if Pluto is conjunct the nodes—actually, let’s take the north node.

Jeffrey: That's a very unique evolutionary signature. When you find Pluto conjunct the north node it means in all cases, that that soul has been working in that area of evolutionary development prior to the current life and is meant to completely focus on that area in the context of the current life. There is no polarity.

Audience: If Pluto and the north node are in the same house but not conjunct, is that the same meaning or not?

Jeffrey: First, you want to determine if the node is balsamic or new phase relative to Pluto, which creates its own archetypical meaning. And then there used to be an old phrase in astrology (I am going to date myself now) but it used to be called in mundo, meaning conjunct by sign. But unless you have technically an absolute conjunction, then you have a different kind of meaning depending on the phasal relationship between Pluto and the node itself.

The next step after understanding the integrative principle of the Sun and the purpose and meaning it is giving to life experience in general, our very next step is then to move to the moon itself. Why? The current life moon, the natal moon, and the nodes are going to reflect a spiritual law, the trinity, from the earth point of view the phenomenon of past, present, and future. We have the north and south nodes of the moon and what this is correlating to psychologically is a universal experience we call the dynamic tension that exist in all people between the past and the future, as experienced in each moment of our life. That's the natal moon in relationship to its nodal axis. We have an evolving ego, i.e. from south node to north node. How that evolving ego is integrated on a consistent basis (moon) is the natal moon itself by house and sign.

Audience: Could you go over that again?

Jeffrey: We have a thing called the dynamic tension between the past and the future that we all experience, yes? That dynamic tension as experienced in each moment of our life is contained in your natal moon. How we integrate the potential insecurity linked with our past and our future experienced in the moment is our natal moon. It creates cohesion, self-consistency, understand? It’s that place in you, the dynamic in you, that can say, “This is who I used to be, this is who I am trying to become.” That voice is your natal moon; do you understand my point?Audience: Can you give an example of that?

Jeffrey: All of you in this room know as your life experience that you are in a dynamic state of becoming, yes? You know you have a past; you know you have a feeling to go into--toward--your future, which is the experience of the moment, yes? The experience of these two things in the moment is your moon. How you experience that is your natal moon by its own house and sign.

Audience: Let’s say the moon was conjunct one end or the other of the nodal path, for example, the north node, would there be more orientation toward the future than the past and really more conflict about trying to integrate the south node somehow with Pluto?

Jeffrey: Each case is unique and you have to always overlay this with karmic evolutionary requirements. The experience of it depends on the person, including the observed evolutionary state; one size does not fit all. If I had the moon on the south node and I am in consensus state, for example, how I am responding to that inwardly would be vastly different than if I had that moon /south node and I am in, say, an individuated state, or a spiritual state, you see. In all cases you are looking at the phenomenon of something being unresolved in a prior life, at an emotional level, that the person is bringing forward into the current life in order to re experience with the intention of resolving it.

If you have moon square the nodes, and really anytime you have a planet square the nodes, including the moon or Pluto, in evolutionary terms you have what are called skipped steps. And in the current context the person has been flip flopping back and forth, back and forth. And in evolutionary terms, karmic requirement, the person must recover those skipped steps in order to evolutionary proceed. Until that recovery is made they are blocked, you see my point now? Are we clear on the methodology as we are proceeding? That's my main intention at the moment, are we clear at the moment? Anybody still not clear? Good!

Now, another way of looking at this is why we are going to be using the moon in this sequence. The moon is how each of us lives with ourself inwardly on a moment-to-moment basis. It is how we are giving personal form and definition to what we call our reality. It is way for us to make it personally secure. All human beings have a need to feel secure. Of course the issue is what constitutes security. But the phenomenon of feeling secure is a constant for all human beings. It is like the need to put an anchor in the sea instead of just letting the boat drift where it wants to go. That is your ego. That is your anchor in the sea. That is the anchor into your unconscious. That is the anchor into your soul. Do you understand my point?

That is the way for you to personally relate to what your evolutionary intentions are relative to the purpose that is described by the Sun. It is a way for you to live with it, to feel emotionally secure because of it. The house and sign of your moon and the aspects it makes describe how that process is done. It is that simple. Yes?

Audience: I'm sorry, is that the security………(Inaudible)…………

Jeffrey: Yes, this is why we have a triad among Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. See this is the ultimate meaning when we have the moon linked with Scorpio and Pisces. We have this natural triad, and very few astrologers will tell you that the ultimate secret of Cancer and the moon is to realize that the moon itself is the source of its own insecurity. This is why it is a Cardinal archetype, two steps forward and one step back. We want to initiate change and we freak out and we want to recover…(Inaudible)……

But the ultimate teaching of the moon is reflected in the dark side of the moon, the side we never see. And the reason that the moon creates its own insecurity is to ultimately realize (Pisces) security from within, linked with an inner reality that has nothing to do with the external environment. When you link this through Scorpio, this is why all of us at various points in our journey misapply our trust into people--in order to experience emotional betrayal, abandonment and loss to enforce inner security. This is why.

Audience: That wouldn't…(Inaudible)…… It seems to be reinforcing what you developed in the past.Jeffrey: No you are not listening; you’re not interpreting right. You don't understand reality unless you listen carefully and objectively to the words. What you have just heard is that the ultimate intention of the Cancer/Scorpio triad is to learn absolute state of inner security from within. Now you have heard it rightly.

The next step in our Virgo sequence is Mercury. Why? Mercury is now going to provide the intellectual structure. Again, we are all living in a phenomenal reality, yes? We started with Pluto, the nodal axis of the moon, Sun, and moon. And now you can see if you look at this evolutionarily, you can see why the Soul (Pluto) was picking Mercury in whatever house, sign and aspect. That's the kind of intellectual structure, meaning how I am going to intellectually organize in rational ways. That is how I explain to myself what my life experience is about, which is ultimately reflecting its evolutionary intention. This is how I give the intellectual super structure to this process. So I create an intellectual structure that creates rational thinking within me that creates an explanation and justification, which I then communicate to other people. This is why you have your specific house and sign of any given Mercury. You understand the point?

You see, life is either random, or it is in fact some sort of inherent order, you see? And if we look at it this way, we are looking at life and astrology non-judgmentally. This eliminates all the 19th century crap--exaltations, falls--it is irrelevant. We replace all this terminology with two words: what is. This is why you can have your Mercury in whatever house or sign. It is the way that you need to put it together and understand it intellectually through your left brain. Mercury in astrology specifically relates to the left brain.

Audience: What if Mercury is like right on a house cusp?

Jeffrey: Again, if you always use your ultimate perspective to understand the chart and then use an evolutionary perspective--transitions between past, present, future--then you can answer your own question. Any planet on the cusp is going to correlate evolutionarily either to culmination, meaning the planet just before a given house, or if it is just within that house something has already culminated and a brand new cycle of evolutionary development is now proceeding. So if Mercury happens to be the operative symbol it is simple going to mean a soul who is deciding to think, in this life, in altogether radically different ways than it has ever thought before.

Ok, next step in our Virgo sequence. Venus, of course, is going to correlate specifically to the nature of the value associations that you make for yourself. Values equal a sense of meaning that you are giving to your life. How many people on earth do you think can live without a sense of meaning? The sense of meaning in life, archetypically through astrology, is specific to Venus. Meaning is specific to that which you value. That which you value is in its own way conditioning or contributing to what you decide to believe. Understand my point?

So the Soul in any given life must orientate to a specific type of value associations that provide a specific sense of meaning. That now is specifically linked with the evolutionary intentions for the life itself. So here we determine and can see from the point of view of Soul/Pluto why Venus is in this house, and in this sign, making those aspects. Understand now?

The next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Mars. Some of you have learned in your happy books that Mars is a lower octave of Pluto. And if you have heard this, ask yourself the following question: What is a lower octave of something? See, here is a happy example of cultures like this where we can understand words, but we don't really know what they mean. A lower octave is simply a denser vibration of something. So why then is Mars a lower octave? The answer is straightforward; again the essence of the Soul’s evolution is based on desire. Mars in our subjective consciousness simply instinctually reflects and acts out desires emanating from the Soul itself. This is why you read in the happy books about Aries and Mars and the necessity of freedom. The Soul must have the necessary element, or level, of freedom in this life to initiate experiences that the Soul deems necessary relative to its evolutionary requirements and intentions, understand?

How that is done is specific to the house and sign and aspects that Mars is making. Got it? And this is why the necessity of freedom. That is also going to be correlating, by the way, to the necessary kind of sexual experiences. Sexual experiences are like any other experience of life in which the Soul learns about itself. Remember that sexual desires emanate specifically from the point of view of the primary brain. The primary brain in astrology correlates with Pluto, Mars and Moon. We have to understand that the primary brain in and of itself is unconditioned. It is specific to that which is called natural law. This sets in motion its own potential conflicts and collisions of what we call Will (Mars/Pluto). Meaning, the will of a normal society that is telling you what is right and wrong. What if the kind of sexual desires you have do not conform to your morality telling you this is right and that is wrong? Do you understand what potential conflicts are happening?

From a patriarchal point of view, linked with the primary brain, this is going to have the archetype that Thomas Moore called Dark Eros. The dark can only be linked, or applied, from the point of view of patriarchal judgment, understand my point? The only time any sexual desire is wrong is when it is linked with an intent to consciously hurt someone, anything other than what is normal and natural.

Most of you are familiar--most of you are old enough to remember--a series of books written, I think, in the late seventies or early eighties by a woman named Nancy Friday--Women's sexual fantasies, Men's sexual fantasies. So often you would hear in those books: Well I can have this in my fantasy, but I would never act it out. Now you understand this issue, don't you?

So Mars is simply the conscious component that instinctually registers the desires emanating from the unconscious life, Soul. Desires that are specific to the evolutionary needs and requirements of the Soul itself. It requires the necessary freedom in order to act out.

So we are still clear on the sequence? You are still trying to apply this to your chart? How many are starting to see your chart in a new way? Good. My point is that if you get used to doing it for yourself, well, guess what? You can do for your clients. Maybe you are beginning to see what this is finally going to lead to, the Piscean leap, called inductive logic, when you see it all at once. I mean you will get to the point where you don't have to spend three hours studying the chart before the client comes, and then you can do it instantly. So, any questions before we move on? Clear enough? Good.

Next step Jupiter. Following the sequence you can now logically see through your Virgo logic how Jupiter specifically is going to correlate with the types of belief structures that you need to draw upon in order to rationally explain, through your belief structure, the entire process we have described so far. Keeping in mind the nature of belief systems determines how you are interpreting the nature of phenomenal reality. How you are interpreting this reality comes right back to Mercury, how you are communicating it. From the point of view of brain, of consciousness, Jupiter specifically correlates to your right brain, the intuitive, the non-linear, the image based. There is that exact place in your consciousness that makes you aware, again, that we are connected to something much larger than just the earth.

So in effect, from an evolutionary point of view, why are we going to have Jupiter in this house, this sign, and making these aspects? It is the type of belief structure the Soul requires, without judgment, in order to facilitate the entire process of its evolutionary journey and intentions we are describing to this point. Got it?

As an example, do you think that a Soul that decided to have Jupiter in Aries is going to happily conform to a Capricorn version of reality? Why not? What is the evolutionary intent of having Jupiter in Aries? You see my point now? I mean they are trying to strike out on their own to think and understand and conceive for themselves. The phenomenon of conception, abstraction, to make abstract, is a Jupiter process.

It is one of the wonderful things about the great Yogananda. This man happened to have Jupiter in Aries and despite Vedantic tradition, which is essentially patriarchal, the essence of his teachings was all defined around the Divine Mother, not the Divine Father.

So, the next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Saturn. Here I am going to share a secret with you about Saturn that you are not going to read in any of your happy books. Saturn is the very structural nature of consciousness in general. One of the essential functions of Saturn is to provide a conditioning function. So for example, what if an individual happens to have Saturn in Leo? That means the entire structural definition of that consciousness is defined around a Leonean archetype. And that then means that every other astrological function, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, etc. is defined and conditioned by, in this case, the Leonean archetype--meaning the principle, the self-creative principle, the inner given right for creative self-actualization.

Understand this issue? For example, what do you typically read in your happy cookbook when Saturn is squaring Venus? Let's put Saturn in Leo and Venus in Scorpio. The typical cookbook interpretation will tell you what? That this individual will attempt to dominate and control and limit (Scorpio) the creative development of its partner relative to existing inner insecurity. This is wrong. The structural consciousness is defined by Saturn in Leo, so this then means (and to show you the opposite) that this individual is giving itself the right to creatively actualize itself in any way it deems necessary and will necessary have conflict with (Venus in Scorpio) partners who are so insecure that they are trying to undermine its creative self development. The Saturn in Leo defining the structural nature of that consciousness will then mean what? A desire to have partners that were doing the same thing.

So you can see the weakness in these stupid cookbooks, because it never made the leap that Saturn is the defining principle in the structural nature of consciousness itself, which is conditioning every other function in that consciousness. Do you see my point now? So, from a point of view of evolution, the happy sequence we have developed we now understand the structural nature of the consciousness that the Soul is creating to facilitate its evolutionary lessons, requirements and intentions.


Audience: You are saying that Saturn is the overall structure given to things, the Sun then is more like how we sense things because I was looking at the Sun….

Jeffrey: Sensing is a Venus principle.

Audience: Well, you are saying it correlates to how we integrate our current life experiences. Is integrating, which you are associating with the Sun, different from structuring, which you are associating with Saturn?

Jeffrey: Yes.

Audience: Can you explain that?

Jeffrey: This is a structure (Saturn). How we give purpose and meaning to the structure is the Sun.

Audience: Okay.

Jeffrey: Yes?

Audience: (Looking at a chart) Why do we have Mercury or Venus before we do, for instance, Saturn or Jupiter?

Jeffrey: I just explained that. That's why I am trying to go through this sequence very slowly. And it is a very deliberate sequence, one thing leading to the next thing. This is intentional to create cohesion, deductive analysis, not jumping around.

Jeffrey: Another Question? Yes?

Audience: With Saturn retrograde……… inaudible…..

Jeffrey: Completely. How would you like to examine that? Saturn retrograde has a very simple meaning; it is a structure of consciousness that is forever redefining and restructuring itself.

The problem with Saturn as an archetype intrinsically--this is what you read in the happy books—is the potentiality of crystallization. You have to remember everything is operating through polarity. What is the polarity of Capricorn, i.e. Saturn? It is the moon and Cancer; it comes right back to security issues. Particularly as we emotionally mature and get older most people start to want to not grow anymore. They want to have their Winnebago and their patio tools, “Oh, I am comfortable now I am not growing anymore.” There is a typical example of crystallization linked with security.

If you happen to have Saturn retrograde, you have a structural nature of consciousness that is always restless and will never reach a point in time that says, “Aha! That's it.” It wants to forever redefine itself relative to the evolutionary impulse to evolve and to grow.

Audience: How does that relate to all the other planets?

Jeffrey: Then it will have an oblique retrograde function to all the other planetary functions, not direct, oblique. Understand? Direct is like this, oblique is like this. So if I had Saturn retrograde it is having an oblique function to every other planetary function. It doesn't even have to be necessary in a direct aspect. We are talking about the structural nature of consciousness that is defining every other function. This is not something you read in some book, but it turns out to be actual reality. I have counseled over 15,000 clients. The essence of astrology is observation and correlation, and I am sharing with you the results of correlation and observation of over 15,000 clients all over the planet, not just America. Yes ma'm?

Audience: So actually having a retrograde planet might not be a negative thing at all?…(Inaudible)……

Jeffrey: It is not negative or positive. It simply is what it is. A retrograde archetype accelerates growth relative to the Jungian idea of individuation. Think about the symbol (Rx) to rebel, understand my point? To rebel against what? The status quo expectation of how the function defined by retrograde is meant to operate. And by having a rebellion function we have an individuation function, which is accelerating the growth of individuation or evolution through the function that is retrograde.

Karmically and evolutionary we also have Rx--the need to repeat, or relive something from prior lives that was (retrograde) not resolved. This can create its own kind of frustration. What if I have Venues retrograde in Scorpio linked with my relationship formation? And I have this need to repeat and relive x amount of intimate liaisons--karmically and evolutionary dictated--and I am now in a fixed pattern of Scorpio. Meaning all my relationship dynamics, despite my intellectual intention to change it, are fated to be repeated. Is this not going to create some potential frustration with our partner? Meaning the psychology of no matter what I do, I keep re-attracting the same thing. You see my point? These are things you don't read in the happy books.

Audience: So how do you bring that to an end? How do you stop?

Jeffrey: It is stopped once it is completed. It is completed when you finally see the retrograde symbol going to direct through progression, and not until.

Audience: What about when by progression a planet goes retrograde?

Jeffrey: Then you have entered a timeframe where you are repeating something from the past and/or redefining your overall reality in general, through individuation

Okay, so now we move into ever-understandable Uranus. From the point of view of Saturn, Saturn is going to describe--for most people--the interfacing between what we are consciously aware of, meaning our subjective consciousness or what we call personality, and the unconscious. It is that natural boundary, or barrier, or threshold. And for most people this is necessary because it goes right back to the idea of the moon, the anchor in the sea, which creates stability. This is also why, by the way, that most people do not have spontaneous natural access to their prior life memories. The point is that if most people had access to their prior life memories, those prior life memories, which are contained by Uranus, would overwhelm the current sense of reality (Saturn) in such a way it would become so consumed (Pluto) with what happened or didn't happen, what went right, what went wrong, we would not get on with the business of this life. That's why there is a necessary boundary (Saturn) that prevents this awareness. It can only really truly open to the Soul who begins it natural process of evolution back to the Source itself in an active conscious way. Understand my point?

So, Uranus correlates in Jungian terminology to what is called the individuated unconscious, or in Freudian terminology to the subconscious. In either case, I don't care about your the terminology, the Uranian element of your consciousness contains three components. You have learned, as an example, that it is a higher octave of Mercury. Mercury correlates with short-term memory. Uranus correlates with long-term memory. This also includes the long-term memories of other lifetimes. Just look at it logically. How many of you can remember in total detail what you did three days ago? Where did those memories go? Aaa, now we are looking at Uranus. So one dimension of Uranus correlates with where all the prior life memories that you have that are contributing to the current life are stored.

It also correlates to the component of our unconscious, dynamics that Saturn represses: dynamics in ourselves that we are having a problem accepting and, therefore, suppressing. This can also include the nature of trauma that is not resolved and is stuck into the subconscious. And Uranus also correlates to--connects to--what we can call the larger blueprint for the Soul’s evolutionary future. This is why we have the principal of liberation. To liberate from what? Saturn, the existing conditions of our life that can equal what we can euphemistically call our own personal status quo. That equals our own sense of security (moon) equaling the anchor in the sea that has been crystallized. So in effect, Uranus is always knocking on Saturn's door. When you go through an act of a Uranian transit, through linkage, the symbolism is very basic. That's what we call the hand grenade in a steel box. The steel box is your Saturn; the hand grenade is your Uranus. In the last analysis the hand grenade will prevail.

As an example, if I make a bomb go off right here, obviously everything is flying about, goes up into the air, fractured. Through the natural laws of returning (gravity), it is meant to come back to the earth, but it comes back in a new way. And that is really the function of Uranus. To remove whatever binding forces in our reality that are preventing necessary evolutionary growth. So whatever house and sign your Uranus is in and the aspects it is making, this is showing you how your own personal liberation in your own Saturnian conditions of your life is necessarily and naturally meant to occur.

It will also tell you, graphically, what kind of subconscious or unconscious memories the individual has, linked with their own prior life times, which is subconsciously conditioning their approach to their current life. This is where you can play astrological detective yet again. It can also show you the potential of unresolved karma as occurred and still may be operating subconsciously in such a way as to influence the behavior of the current life.

Now we come to the end of our Virgo sequence, and you can see now we come almost back to Pluto, meaning Neptune. And, of course, Neptune from a patriarchal point of view is called the archetype of transcendence. From the point of view of natural law, it is called the archetype of unity. The patriarchy teaches you that there is something to transcend, which itself is roughly the same as the delusive patriarchal idea that there is a natural conflict between spirit and flesh. That is why you have the word transcendence. This is utter B.S. An obsolete opinion invented by men to subjugate women. Through natural law the correct word of Neptune is union: to unite with the totality of creation, not to transcend it. And it is through absolute union that a natural expansion of consciousness occurs. There is nothing to transcend. And there is nothing to redeem. Despite what you’ve read in the happy books. That is reinforcing the patriarchy.

The issue here is that Neptune specifically correlates to the phenomenon of consciousness, in total, every one. Consciousness is very analogous to water. Water in and of itself has no form. Consciousness permeates and is the essence of creation. If I put water into this cup, then the consciousness in that water assumes the shape, form and function of the cup. If I put water /consciousness in human form, it is assuming the function and form of this body. If I put it in this plant, this animal etc., etc. Form and function is inherently limited--inherently limited,which is why you have read in your astrology books the need to go beyond the perception and experience of limitation. This is the inner action between Pisces and Scorpio.

Now, to make it very graphic to you, you all have consciousness, and it is all right now in a human body. And I will show you right away the limitation of consciousness in human form. Ready? What created God? You have just reached your limit, which exactly gives rise ultimately to the desire in all Souls to reunite with the source of all things, meaning to dissolve (Neptune) the apparent extinction of the separating form and to realize through union how the appearance of all manifested form is rooted in the original creation point. For you to do this naturally--for you to do this naturally--determine the house and sign of your Neptune and the aspects it is making. This is your own natural way, not according to any book or any teacher, understand the point? So has this now made a little bit of sense to you this morning? Any last questions? God Bless you and thank you for coming.

« Last Edit: Feb 19, 2013, 09:43 AM by Rad » Logged

RadModeratorMost Active Member

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Re: JWG'S Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation ...« Reply #12 on: Feb 21, 2013, 11:11 AM »

Hi Group,

I am now going to post an example chart that we can begin with. When you look at this chart I would like you at first to focus on the the evolutionary paradigm: natal Pluto, it's polarity point, the S.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler, and the N.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler. In our chart example we will analyze it from the point of view of the Soul being well within the 3rd individuated evolutionary state, a male in gender, a born in England to give it the necessary cultural context.

So as we begin our journey with the Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation I would like you to start with a succinct analysis of this charts Pluto, it's polarity point, the S/N Nodes and the location of their planetary rulers. This will then serve as the foundation upon which we will start to add the other planets one by one.

If you have any questions ask them of me now.

A Planetary Method of Chart Analysis Jeffrey Wolf Green Astro2000, Denver, CO 2000

What I’d like to do is try to make this as experiential for you this morning as possible, and the way I would like to do that is for all of you to keep your own particular birth chart in your head now as we go through this specific method so you can apply it immediately to your own case.

This particular method is very sequential; it is very Virgo like, ABC in nature, leading to a very deductive and Virgo-like analysis. In total, you will then find that once you employ this particular methodology--ABC--this will lead to a Pisces kind of awareness, meaning inductive, wherein you can see the whole first and then immediately grasp all the parts. So it is like going from Virgo to Pisces. Now as we go through this system, when you have questions, please ask me when you have the question, because the intention is to keep this as clear as possible as we are moving through it.

So the very first way we want to start the system is, of course, with Pluto. This is number one on your list; meaning as we go through this it is going to be like an outline. So we want to start with Pluto. We can ask a Pluto question: Why? And what we have here from a Plutonian point of view, of course, is the direct connection to the Soul, the Soul itself. Now, of course, if we understand this, the Soul is going to create the overall personality structure in any given life that is uniquely orientated to phenomenal reality in such a way that that unique orientation experiences the phenomenal reality in a way that is consistent with the evolutionary intentions and karmic requirement that the Soul has in any given life.

So we want to locate the natal position of Pluto first by house and sign. What is this going to be demonstrating? We have to remember that the nature of the Soul linked with time and space reality is simultaneously linked with the principle that we call evolution. Evolution is a dynamic in time and space reality that is beyond debate. The simplest way to know evolution: Is it not true that everybody on this planet, everyone in this room, inwardly always has an inner feeling of being in a continuous state of becoming? Who does not have such a feeling? So you can see right away just through normal life experience that this is a principle, a truth if you will, that applies to all people everywhere as long as we are living in time-space reality.

Now, if we linked evolution to the principle of the Soul, we ask a logical question: What is, in fact, the inner mechanism or dynamic within the Soul that causes evolution? The answer is straightforward, simple, and basic as most natural truths are. The answer is, in fact, the very same answer that came out of the enlightenment of the famous Buddha under the famous Bodhi tree, when he pondered the nature of sorrow and pain, misery and the like. What was actually promoted in Buddhism terms as Nirvana was based on the awareness within him called desire.

In each Soul there are two competing and antithetical desires that create evolution. One desire is a separating desire, meaning to separate away from what we can call God. And these sorts of desires are many, myriad, manifesting in typical ways as the desire for the new lover, the new possession, the new career ambition, whatever. All Souls have these desires, and simultaneous with the desire and coequal to it is the desire to return to that which has created the Soul in the first place. So, in effect, the essence of the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination (Pluto) of all separating desires to the exclusion of only one desire which can remain, which is to unite with the source of the Soul itself.

This is a very simple natural truth that operates independent of what we call astrology and can be validated by every single one of us in this room. In fact, it can be validated by everybody on earth. The simplest way to know it, again: Is not true that we can have whatever separating desire, oh we want this new thing over here, this, that or whatever, and we may have the ability to obtain that which we are desiring, and, of course, we have a momentary sense of satisfaction when we get it. But once we get it, what soon replaces the sense of satisfaction is, in effect, the sense of dissatisfaction, the sense of something more. It is exactly the sense of dissatisfaction that is mirroring and echoing this ultimate desire to return and to reunite with the source of all things. Who of you has not known this to be your own experience? You see, it is universal.

So the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination of all separating desires. The duality of these antithetical desires is intrinsic within the Soul and is what the psychologists call the basis of free choice.

Now, when we look at the nature of the natal position of Pluto, we are looking at two simultaneous phenomena, which is why we are starting with this number A on our Virgo list. Number one, it will describe very succinctly the types of desires that the soul has had prior to the current life, relative to its evolutionary necessities, its evolutionary intentions. That does not mean, by the way, that that is going to correlate or reflect all the prior lives that the Soul has had. The point is that the soul in any given life will only draw upon specific prior life times that have a direct connection to or bearing on the current life evolutionary intentions. The Sanskrit archetype for that is called Prarabdha Karma.

So, what the natal position of Pluto is demonstrating is the specific prior lifetimes and orientations that have direct bearing on the current lifetime. A simple example: What if we are dealing with a ninth house Pluto individual? We can make a very simple Piscean/ Virgo deduction that this would have been a Soul who, prior to the current life, one way or another, was desiring to understand its individual connection to the cosmological reality we call the universe, meaning natural desires to understand philosophy and cosmology and metaphysics, religion (even if that's atheism), anything that is a form of philosophy connected to the cosmos. Are we clear? Good.

And now what would that mean coming into the current life? And this is one of the secrets about Pluto that most people don't realize, i.e. when you read it in your happy books that it somehow connects to compulsion, obsession, defensiveness, resistance to change and all these things, and these things are accurate, but they never tell you why, and it is because at this point Pluto is going to correlate with the deepest sources of your unconscious sense of security. Keeping in mind that security is a function of self-consistency. Self-consistency is a function of the past, meaning what has come before. Again, how many of you would totally and wholly embrace the experience of absolute insecurity? No takers? Hmm? Ever wonder why we have compulsion, obsession? That's what psychologists call repetitive compulsion.

So by looking at the natal position of Pluto (house and sign), beyond the metaphysical point of view, you are describing in anybody’s life the sources that correlate with the deepest sense of unconscious security in the person. And in coming into the current life, the person instinctually gravitates to those sources in order to maintain a sense of self-consistency equaling security. Now clearly, if the soul stayed right there, there would, in fact, be no evolution. So this becomes a first point to examine. The next point is to determine how it is that soul is going to grow or evolve in the current life. And the answer very happily is that the next step (evolution) is determined--because we have to remember that we are living in a universe, time/space, that of itself is defined by the law of polarity--by the opposite house and sign of the natal position of Pluto.

So, following our example of the ninth house, it is, of course, naturally in opposition to the third house. Now, one of the natural problems in the ninth house/Sagittarius/Jupiter archetype is that it correlates, in essence, with the nature of phenomenal reality in total. And it is the ninth house in any chart--Jupiter/Sagittarius, archetypically natural law-- that creates the awareness in the human organism, in each person, that we are in fact connected to something much larger than just the earth itself. It creates the awareness that we are connected to a solar system, universes, and galaxies. And this sort of natural awareness gives rise to the philosophical questions that all human beings ask: What does it all mean? How are we connected to this thing?

One of the problems of the ninth house is that it will typically orientate to a portion of the overall truth, and then consider that particular portion to be the total truth, which is why we call it the Billy Graham Archetype, meaning the need to convince and convert other people to your particular point of view. Why? In order to feel secure. This is why in this case we are going to have a have a third house polarity.

Most of us have already realized in our happy books that Gemini correlates with diversity, yes? Most of us realized,--particularly for those that find yourself to be Gemini--that Gemini is a happy little sign because you put it in a bookstore, for example, and it is going to go around and do what? It is going to read two pages of this and one page of that, and maybe one right over here, but it is thinking that it is reading everything. And this means that it is trying to understand as much as possible relative to the whole phenomenon called creation. So when you have this polarity point to the ninth house Pluto, you can see the obvious evolutionary intention. The intention of the Soul is to evolve beyond the particular portion—part--of the truth that it has already realized. You understand the point?

So the Soul is like a computer, and it has its own program and in a typically Plutonian fashion, then, the Soul will actually literally program necessary philosophical confrontations (Pluto), meaning it will attract to itself other individuals that are more philosophically or cosmologically evolved than itself. These people will have the effect of penetrating (Pluto) to the weak link in this person’s existing philosophical structure. And by identifying the weak link, well, guess what? That whole structure collapses. And this is induces the Gemini evolutionary intention. Understand the point? I mean we could go on and on, but we only have an hour and a half. So, on our Virgo list we start with Pluto, natal position, polarity point. Any questions on this aspect of it? So, we are clear on this particular point?

Next step--number B on your Virgo list. We want to, of course, examine the nature of the south node of the moon. Now, why do we want to examine this point? The reason is that the south node of the moon will specifically correlate to the types of egocentric structures that the soul has necessarily created in order to consciously actualize the evolutionary desires or intentions, which have, in fact, preceded the current life.

That is to say that the moon, the south node of the moon specifically, correlates to what we call the ego. Now take this very seriously because, of course, I realize in astrology land that astrologers can assign the idea or the archetype of the ego to whatever planetary symbolism. Over the last 10-20 years it has been given to Saturn, Sun or whatever. But in reality in the astrology we do, the ego is specific to the moon. The way you can prove this through natural law is very straightforward. As an example we can understand that the ego is that which correlates with what we can psychologically call a self-image.

Now, for example, if we make an ego connection to the Sun and we look into the nature of our solar system, of course, the Sun appears to be relatively fixed, does it not? Now, do you feel throughout your life that your own inner self-image has been fixed and constant? When we compare this to examining the moon and its various phases, you can see the direct link to your own self-image and its evolution. Understand the point?

So, in effect, the Soul must create a necessary ego to create a self-image of the soul itself. So the south node is the conscious component that the soul generates or creates to actualize the desires that are intrinsic to the soul itself. As a simple example, let’s still use our Ninth House Pluto as our example, remembering that the ninth house Pluto is how I want to understand myself in the cosmos, etc. Now when we put the south Node in the seventh house, what are we looking at? We Are looking at a soul who prior to the current life, over a series of recent prior life times, has created egocentric structures that have been actualized through a seventh house archetype. What does it mean? It's going to mean that the soul has created a series of prior life egos that have been structured in such a way as to initiate a diversity of relationships, (seventh house), who looked like what? Ninth house teacher types. And by initiating this kind of relationships with teacher types, it has been collecting for itself, or attracting to itself, the kind of information that it has desired relative to the ninth house Pluto. You see the link?

Now, to show you why cookbook astrology is B.S.--I mean wrong--compare this to a ninth house Pluto but put the south node in the first house. You are going to still have the same complex of desires, but what types of personality structure, or egocentric structure has the Soul used that is very different from the seventh house? In the first case you have dependency on an external teacher, but when you put the south node in the first house, in essence, what you now have is a soul who has the same desire structure, but now with this south node in the first house you have an individual who has learned to ask and answer its own questions. You see why cookbook astrology is so wrong?

So in either case you still have a pre-existing orientation to reality. When that ninth house Pluto, south node in the seventh person comes into life she/he will gravitate, as they have prior to the current life, in exactly that way. This is why there is going to be a thing called the north node. You see the point? So in this ninth house Pluto/seventh house south node, we have a polarity point in the third house, and we have a north node in the first. So in essence, the north node in this case, the conscious actualization, makes that third house polarity occur, understand my point? What that would actually mean in this life as the person begin to emotionally mature (moon) in the current life, is that it progressively would begin to rebel against external teachers, their message and their voices. Because the intention (north node/first house) is that the person is meant to learn to ask and answer its own questions. This is going to create necessary intellectual, philosophical confrontation with external teacher types. You see?

In the second case, the person has been living in happy splendor, all within themselves in a form of narcissism (south node/first house). You see my point? So now why are we seeing the north node in the seventh house? They must learn to open up and share themselves with other people and in so doing, in opening up to other people, they are going to attract (third house polarity), you see how it works. You apply this to all charts. You start just this way, A, B on your happy list. Questions? So we have got this down now?

The next step in our happy methodology is then to go to the Sun, by the house and sign of the Sun and the aspects it is making. Why? Because the Sun is going to correlate specifically to how we are integrating and giving purpose and meaning to our current life experience. So in essence we are describing an evolutionary transition in our A B list, an evolutionary transition from past to the current life. The Sun is now going to show you how that is integrated and given purpose and meaning in the context of the current life. How the Sun in Sagittarius integrates life experience, gives purpose and meaning, is going to be very different from how a Virgo Sun integrates life experience and gives purpose and meaning, you understand my point?

So once you get used to these methods you ultimately get to play the role of an evolutionary detective, why this Sun sign? You understand my point? So that is why our next step is to move right to the Sun. And again I want you to be able to apply this experientially to your own chart, so try to work with that as we move through it so you can see the reality of what we are talking about. So just take a moment right now and think about your own natal Pluto, polarity point, north and south node and your Sun sign. Take a moment, don't ask a question, just take a moment!

Now, how many are completely stumped? Maybe in a moment it will become more clear for you.

Audience: How about if your Pluto is right on the cusp?

Jeffrey: On the cusp?

Audience: Yeah.

Jeffrey: What you have when Pluto is on the cusp is the archetype of initiation, but if you have it just before the cusp of moving into the next house, you have the archetype evolutionarily of culmination--an entire series of prior lives all culminating in the context of the current life.Audience: But you would still interpret it in terms of the house that it is in?

Jeffrey: Yeah. And see then what you have is as it progressively culminates—when Pluto is evolving into the next house—you still determine the polarity point, which allows for that evolutionary shift. This can by the way, psychologically create frustration, because the Soul already can feel where it is trying to go, but it also has to culminate, so it has this push-- pull, yeah.

Audience: What if Pluto is conjunct the nodes—actually, let’s take the north node.

Jeffrey: That's a very unique evolutionary signature. When you find Pluto conjunct the north node it means in all cases, that that soul has been working in that area of evolutionary development prior to the current life and is meant to completely focus on that area in the context of the current life. There is no polarity.

Audience: If Pluto and the north node are in the same house but not conjunct, is that the same meaning or not?

Jeffrey: First, you want to determine if the node is balsamic or new phase relative to Pluto, which creates its own archetypical meaning. And then there used to be an old phrase in astrology (I am going to date myself now) but it used to be called in mundo, meaning conjunct by sign. But unless you have technically an absolute conjunction, then you have a different kind of meaning depending on the phasal relationship between Pluto and the node itself.

The next step after understanding the integrative principle of the Sun and the purpose and meaning it is giving to life experience in general, our very next step is then to move to the moon itself. Why? The current life moon, the natal moon, and the nodes are going to reflect a spiritual law, the trinity, from the earth point of view the phenomenon of past, present, and future. We have the north and south nodes of the moon and what this is correlating to psychologically is a universal experience we call the dynamic tension that exist in all people between the past and the future, as experienced in each moment of our life. That's the natal moon in relationship to its nodal axis. We have an evolving ego, i.e. from south node to north node. How that evolving ego is integrated on a consistent basis (moon) is the natal moon itself by house and sign.

Audience: Could you go over that again?

Jeffrey: We have a thing called the dynamic tension between the past and the future that we all experience, yes? That dynamic tension as experienced in each moment of our life is contained in your natal moon. How we integrate the potential insecurity linked with our past and our future experienced in the moment is our natal moon. It creates cohesion, self-consistency, understand? It’s that place in you, the dynamic in you, that can say, “This is who I used to be, this is who I am trying to become.” That voice is your natal moon; do you understand my point?Audience: Can you give an example of that?

Jeffrey: All of you in this room know as your life experience that you are in a dynamic state of becoming, yes? You know you have a past; you know you have a feeling to go into--toward--your future, which is the experience of the moment, yes? The experience of these two things in the moment is your moon. How you experience that is your natal moon by its own house and sign.

Audience: Let’s say the moon was conjunct one end or the other of the nodal path, for example, the north node, would there be more orientation toward the future than the past and really more conflict about trying to integrate the south node somehow with Pluto?

Jeffrey: Each case is unique and you have to always overlay this with karmic evolutionary requirements. The experience of it depends on the person, including the observed evolutionary state; one size does not fit all. If I had the moon on the south node and I am in consensus state, for example, how I am responding to that inwardly would be vastly different than if I had that moon /south node and I am in, say, an individuated state, or a spiritual state, you see. In all cases you are looking at the phenomenon of something being unresolved in a prior life, at an emotional level, that the person is bringing forward into the current life in order to re experience with the intention of resolving it.

If you have moon square the nodes, and really anytime you have a planet square the nodes, including the moon or Pluto, in evolutionary terms you have what are called skipped steps. And in the current context the person has been flip flopping back and forth, back and forth. And in evolutionary terms, karmic requirement, the person must recover those skipped steps in order to evolutionary proceed. Until that recovery is made they are blocked, you see my point now? Are we clear on the methodology as we are proceeding? That's my main intention at the moment, are we clear at the moment? Anybody still not clear? Good!

Now, another way of looking at this is why we are going to be using the moon in this sequence. The moon is how each of us lives with ourself inwardly on a moment-to-moment basis. It is how we are giving personal form and definition to what we call our reality. It is way for us to make it personally secure. All human beings have a need to feel secure. Of course the issue is what constitutes security. But the phenomenon of feeling secure is a constant for all human beings. It is like the need to put an anchor in the sea instead of just letting the boat drift where it wants to go. That is your ego. That is your anchor in the sea. That is the anchor into your unconscious. That is the anchor into your soul. Do you understand my point?

That is the way for you to personally relate to what your evolutionary intentions are relative to the purpose that is described by the Sun. It is a way for you to live with it, to feel emotionally secure because of it. The house and sign of your moon and the aspects it makes describe how that process is done. It is that simple. Yes?

Audience: I'm sorry, is that the security………(Inaudible)…………

Jeffrey: Yes, this is why we have a triad among Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. See this is the ultimate meaning when we have the moon linked with Scorpio and Pisces. We have this natural triad, and very few astrologers will tell you that the ultimate secret of Cancer and the moon is to realize that the moon itself is the source of its own insecurity. This is why it is a Cardinal archetype, two steps forward and one step back. We want to initiate change and we freak out and we want to recover…(Inaudible)……

But the ultimate teaching of the moon is reflected in the dark side of the moon, the side we never see. And the reason that the moon creates its own insecurity is to ultimately realize (Pisces) security from within, linked with an inner reality that has nothing to do with the external environment. When you link this through Scorpio, this is why all of us at various points in our journey misapply our trust into people--in order to experience emotional betrayal, abandonment and loss to enforce inner security. This is why.

Audience: That wouldn't…(Inaudible)…… It seems to be reinforcing what you developed in the past.Jeffrey: No you are not listening; you’re not interpreting right. You don't understand reality unless you listen carefully and objectively to the words. What you have just heard is that the ultimate intention of the Cancer/Scorpio triad is to learn absolute state of inner security from within. Now you have heard it rightly.

The next step in our Virgo sequence is Mercury. Why? Mercury is now going to provide the intellectual structure. Again, we are all living in a phenomenal reality, yes? We started with Pluto, the nodal axis of the moon, Sun, and moon. And now you can see if you look at this evolutionarily, you can see why the Soul (Pluto) was picking Mercury in whatever house, sign and aspect. That's the kind of intellectual structure, meaning how I am going to intellectually organize in rational ways. That is how I explain to myself what my life experience is about, which is ultimately reflecting its evolutionary intention. This is how I give the intellectual super structure to this process. So I create an intellectual structure that creates rational thinking within me that creates an explanation and justification, which I then communicate to other people. This is why you have your specific house and sign of any given Mercury. You understand the point?

You see, life is either random, or it is in fact some sort of inherent order, you see? And if we look at it this way, we are looking at life and astrology non-judgmentally. This eliminates all the 19th century crap--exaltations, falls--it is irrelevant. We replace all this terminology with two words: what is. This is why you can have your Mercury in whatever house or sign. It is the way that you need to put it together and understand it intellectually through your left brain. Mercury in astrology specifically relates to the left brain.

Audience: What if Mercury is like right on a house cusp?

Jeffrey: Again, if you always use your ultimate perspective to understand the chart and then use an evolutionary perspective--transitions between past, present, future--then you can answer your own question. Any planet on the cusp is going to correlate evolutionarily either to culmination, meaning the planet just before a given house, or if it is just within that house something has already culminated and a brand new cycle of evolutionary development is now proceeding. So if Mercury happens to be the operative symbol it is simple going to mean a soul who is deciding to think, in this life, in altogether radically different ways than it has ever thought before.

Ok, next step in our Virgo sequence. Venus, of course, is going to correlate specifically to the nature of the value associations that you make for yourself. Values equal a sense of meaning that you are giving to your life. How many people on earth do you think can live without a sense of meaning? The sense of meaning in life, archetypically through astrology, is specific to Venus. Meaning is specific to that which you value. That which you value is in its own way conditioning or contributing to what you decide to believe. Understand my point?

So the Soul in any given life must orientate to a specific type of value associations that provide a specific sense of meaning. That now is specifically linked with the evolutionary intentions for the life itself. So here we determine and can see from the point of view of Soul/Pluto why Venus is in this house, and in this sign, making those aspects. Understand now?

The next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Mars. Some of you have learned in your happy books that Mars is a lower octave of Pluto. And if you have heard this, ask yourself the following question: What is a lower octave of something? See, here is a happy example of cultures like this where we can understand words, but we don't really know what they mean. A lower octave is simply a denser vibration of something. So why then is Mars a lower octave? The answer is straightforward; again the essence of the Soul’s evolution is based on desire. Mars in our subjective consciousness simply instinctually reflects and acts out desires emanating from the Soul itself. This is why you read in the happy books about Aries and Mars and the necessity of freedom. The Soul must have the necessary element, or level, of freedom in this life to initiate experiences that the Soul deems necessary relative to its evolutionary requirements and intentions, understand?

How that is done is specific to the house and sign and aspects that Mars is making. Got it? And this is why the necessity of freedom. That is also going to be correlating, by the way, to the necessary kind of sexual experiences. Sexual experiences are like any other experience of life in which the Soul learns about itself. Remember that sexual desires emanate specifically from the point of view of the primary brain. The primary brain in astrology correlates with Pluto, Mars and Moon. We have to understand that the primary brain in and of itself is unconditioned. It is specific to that which is called natural law. This sets in motion its own potential conflicts and collisions of what we call Will (Mars/Pluto). Meaning, the will of a normal society that is telling you what is right and wrong. What if the kind of sexual desires you have do not conform to your morality telling you this is right and that is wrong? Do you understand what potential conflicts are happening?

From a patriarchal point of view, linked with the primary brain, this is going to have the archetype that Thomas Moore called Dark Eros. The dark can only be linked, or applied, from the point of view of patriarchal judgment, understand my point? The only time any sexual desire is wrong is when it is linked with an intent to consciously hurt someone, anything other than what is normal and natural.

Most of you are familiar--most of you are old enough to remember--a series of books written, I think, in the late seventies or early eighties by a woman named Nancy Friday--Women's sexual fantasies, Men's sexual fantasies. So often you would hear in those books: Well I can have this in my fantasy, but I would never act it out. Now you understand this issue, don't you?

So Mars is simply the conscious component that instinctually registers the desires emanating from the unconscious life, Soul. Desires that are specific to the evolutionary needs and requirements of the Soul itself. It requires the necessary freedom in order to act out.

So we are still clear on the sequence? You are still trying to apply this to your chart? How many are starting to see your chart in a new way? Good. My point is that if you get used to doing it for yourself, well, guess what? You can do for your clients. Maybe you are beginning to see what this is finally going to lead to, the Piscean leap, called inductive logic, when you see it all at once. I mean you will get to the point where you don't have to spend three hours studying the chart before the client comes, and then you can do it instantly. So, any questions before we move on? Clear enough? Good.

Next step Jupiter. Following the sequence you can now logically see through your Virgo logic how Jupiter specifically is going to correlate with the types of belief structures that you need to draw upon in order to rationally explain, through your belief structure, the entire process we have described so far. Keeping in mind the nature of belief systems determines how you are interpreting the nature of phenomenal reality. How you are interpreting this reality comes right back to Mercury, how you are communicating it. From the point of view of brain, of consciousness, Jupiter specifically correlates to your right brain, the intuitive, the non-linear, the image based. There is that exact place in your consciousness that makes you aware, again, that we are connected to something much larger than just the earth.

So in effect, from an evolutionary point of view, why are we going to have Jupiter in this house, this sign, and making these aspects? It is the type of belief structure the Soul requires, without judgment, in order to facilitate the entire process of its evolutionary journey and intentions we are describing to this point. Got it?

As an example, do you think that a Soul that decided to have Jupiter in Aries is going to happily conform to a Capricorn version of reality? Why not? What is the evolutionary intent of having Jupiter in Aries? You see my point now? I mean they are trying to strike out on their own to think and understand and conceive for themselves. The phenomenon of conception, abstraction, to make abstract, is a Jupiter process.

It is one of the wonderful things about the great Yogananda. This man happened to have Jupiter in Aries and despite Vedantic tradition, which is essentially patriarchal, the essence of his teachings was all defined around the Divine Mother, not the Divine Father.

So, the next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Saturn. Here I am going to share a secret with you about Saturn that you are not going to read in any of your happy books. Saturn is the very structural nature of consciousness in general. One of the essential functions of Saturn is to provide a conditioning function. So for example, what if an individual happens to have Saturn in Leo? That means the entire structural definition of that consciousness is defined around a Leonean archetype. And that then means that every other astrological function, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, etc. is defined and conditioned by, in this case, the Leonean archetype--meaning the principle, the self-creative principle, the inner given right for creative self-actualization.

Understand this issue? For example, what do you typically read in your happy cookbook when Saturn is squaring Venus? Let's put Saturn in Leo and Venus in Scorpio. The typical cookbook interpretation will tell you what? That this individual will attempt to dominate and control and limit (Scorpio) the creative development of its partner relative to existing inner insecurity. This is wrong. The structural consciousness is defined by Saturn in Leo, so this then means (and to show you the opposite) that this individual is giving itself the right to creatively actualize itself in any way it deems necessary and will necessary have conflict with (Venus in Scorpio) partners who are so insecure that they are trying to undermine its creative self development. The Saturn in Leo defining the structural nature of that consciousness will then mean what? A desire to have partners that were doing the same thing.

So you can see the weakness in these stupid cookbooks, because it never made the leap that Saturn is the defining principle in the structural nature of consciousness itself, which is conditioning every other function in that consciousness. Do you see my point now? So, from a point of view of evolution, the happy sequence we have developed we now understand the structural nature of the consciousness that the Soul is creating to facilitate its evolutionary lessons, requirements and intentions.


Audience: You are saying that Saturn is the overall structure given to things, the Sun then is more like how we sense things because I was looking at the Sun….

Jeffrey: Sensing is a Venus principle.

Audience: Well, you are saying it correlates to how we integrate our current life experiences. Is integrating, which you are associating with the Sun, different from structuring, which you are associating with Saturn?

Jeffrey: Yes.

Audience: Can you explain that?

Jeffrey: This is a structure (Saturn). How we give purpose and meaning to the structure is the Sun.

Audience: Okay.

Jeffrey: Yes?

Audience: (Looking at a chart) Why do we have Mercury or Venus before we do, for instance, Saturn or Jupiter?

Jeffrey: I just explained that. That's why I am trying to go through this sequence very slowly. And it is a very deliberate sequence, one thing leading to the next thing. This is intentional to create cohesion, deductive analysis, not jumping around.

Jeffrey: Another Question? Yes?

Audience: With Saturn retrograde……… inaudible…..

Jeffrey: Completely. How would you like to examine that? Saturn retrograde has a very simple meaning; it is a structure of consciousness that is forever redefining and restructuring itself.

The problem with Saturn as an archetype intrinsically--this is what you read in the happy books—is the potentiality of crystallization. You have to remember everything is operating through polarity. What is the polarity of Capricorn, i.e. Saturn? It is the moon and Cancer; it comes right back to security issues. Particularly as we emotionally mature and get older most people start to want to not grow anymore. They want to have their Winnebago and their patio tools, “Oh, I am comfortable now I am not growing anymore.” There is a typical example of crystallization linked with security.

If you happen to have Saturn retrograde, you have a structural nature of consciousness that is always restless and will never reach a point in time that says, “Aha! That's it.” It wants to forever redefine itself relative to the evolutionary impulse to evolve and to grow.

Audience: How does that relate to all the other planets?

Jeffrey: Then it will have an oblique retrograde function to all the other planetary functions, not direct, oblique. Understand? Direct is like this, oblique is like this. So if I had Saturn retrograde it is having an oblique function to every other planetary function. It doesn't even have to be necessary in a direct aspect. We are talking about the structural nature of consciousness that is defining every other function. This is not something you read in some book, but it turns out to be actual reality. I have counseled over 15,000 clients. The essence of astrology is observation and correlation, and I am sharing with you the results of correlation and observation of over 15,000 clients all over the planet, not just America. Yes ma'm?

Audience: So actually having a retrograde planet might not be a negative thing at all?…(Inaudible)……

Jeffrey: It is not negative or positive. It simply is what it is. A retrograde archetype accelerates growth relative to the Jungian idea of individuation. Think about the symbol (Rx) to rebel, understand my point? To rebel against what? The status quo expectation of how the function defined by retrograde is meant to operate. And by having a rebellion function we have an individuation function, which is accelerating the growth of individuation or evolution through the function that is retrograde.

Karmically and evolutionary we also have Rx--the need to repeat, or relive something from prior lives that was (retrograde) not resolved. This can create its own kind of frustration. What if I have Venues retrograde in Scorpio linked with my relationship formation? And I have this need to repeat and relive x amount of intimate liaisons--karmically and evolutionary dictated--and I am now in a fixed pattern of Scorpio. Meaning all my relationship dynamics, despite my intellectual intention to change it, are fated to be repeated. Is this not going to create some potential frustration with our partner? Meaning the psychology of no matter what I do, I keep re-attracting the same thing. You see my point? These are things you don't read in the happy books.

Audience: So how do you bring that to an end? How do you stop?

Jeffrey: It is stopped once it is completed. It is completed when you finally see the retrograde symbol going to direct through progression, and not until.

Audience: What about when by progression a planet goes retrograde?

Jeffrey: Then you have entered a timeframe where you are repeating something from the past and/or redefining your overall reality in general, through individuation

Okay, so now we move into ever-understandable Uranus. From the point of view of Saturn, Saturn is going to describe--for most people--the interfacing between what we are consciously aware of, meaning our subjective consciousness or what we call personality, and the unconscious. It is that natural boundary, or barrier, or threshold. And for most people this is necessary because it goes right back to the idea of the moon, the anchor in the sea, which creates stability. This is also why, by the way, that most people do not have spontaneous natural access to their prior life memories. The point is that if most people had access to their prior life memories, those prior life memories, which are contained by Uranus, would overwhelm the current sense of reality (Saturn) in such a way it would become so consumed (Pluto) with what happened or didn't happen, what went right, what went wrong, we would not get on with the business of this life. That's why there is a necessary boundary (Saturn) that prevents this awareness. It can only really truly open to the Soul who begins it natural process of evolution back to the Source itself in an active conscious way. Understand my point?

So, Uranus correlates in Jungian terminology to what is called the individuated unconscious, or in Freudian terminology to the subconscious. In either case, I don't care about your the terminology, the Uranian element of your consciousness contains three components. You have learned, as an example, that it is a higher octave of Mercury. Mercury correlates with short-term memory. Uranus correlates with long-term memory. This also includes the long-term memories of other lifetimes. Just look at it logically. How many of you can remember in total detail what you did three days ago? Where did those memories go? Aaa, now we are looking at Uranus. So one dimension of Uranus correlates with where all the prior life memories that you have that are contributing to the current life are stored.

It also correlates to the component of our unconscious, dynamics that Saturn represses: dynamics in ourselves that we are having a problem accepting and, therefore, suppressing. This can also include the nature of trauma that is not resolved and is stuck into the subconscious. And Uranus also correlates to--connects to--what we can call the larger blueprint for the Soul’s evolutionary future. This is why we have the principal of liberation. To liberate from what? Saturn, the existing conditions of our life that can equal what we can euphemistically call our own personal status quo. That equals our own sense of security (moon) equaling the anchor in the sea that has been crystallized. So in effect, Uranus is always knocking on Saturn's door. When you go through an act of a Uranian transit, through linkage, the symbolism is very basic. That's what we call the hand grenade in a steel box. The steel box is your Saturn; the hand grenade is your Uranus. In the last analysis the hand grenade will prevail.

As an example, if I make a bomb go off right here, obviously everything is flying about, goes up into the air, fractured. Through the natural laws of returning (gravity), it is meant to come back to the earth, but it comes back in a new way. And that is really the function of Uranus. To remove whatever binding forces in our reality that are preventing necessary evolutionary growth. So whatever house and sign your Uranus is in and the aspects it is making, this is showing you how your own personal liberation in your own Saturnian conditions of your life is necessarily and naturally meant to occur.

It will also tell you, graphically, what kind of subconscious or unconscious memories the individual has, linked with their own prior life times, which is subconsciously conditioning their approach to their current life. This is where you can play astrological detective yet again. It can also show you the potential of unresolved karma as occurred and still may be operating subconsciously in such a way as to influence the behavior of the current life.

Now we come to the end of our Virgo sequence, and you can see now we come almost back to Pluto, meaning Neptune. And, of course, Neptune from a patriarchal point of view is called the archetype of transcendence. From the point of view of natural law, it is called the archetype of unity. The patriarchy teaches you that there is something to transcend, which itself is roughly the same as the delusive patriarchal idea that there is a natural conflict between spirit and flesh. That is why you have the word transcendence. This is utter B.S. An obsolete opinion invented by men to subjugate women. Through natural law the correct word of Neptune is union: to unite with the totality of creation, not to transcend it. And it is through absolute union that a natural expansion of consciousness occurs. There is nothing to transcend. And there is nothing to redeem. Despite what you’ve read in the happy books. That is reinforcing the patriarchy.

The issue here is that Neptune specifically correlates to the phenomenon of consciousness, in total, every one. Consciousness is very analogous to water. Water in and of itself has no form. Consciousness permeates and is the essence of creation. If I put water into this cup, then the consciousness in that water assumes the shape, form and function of the cup. If I put water /consciousness in human form, it is assuming the function and form of this body. If I put it in this plant, this animal etc., etc. Form and function is inherently limited--inherently limited,which is why you have read in your astrology books the need to go beyond the perception and experience of limitation. This is the inner action between Pisces and Scorpio.

Now, to make it very graphic to you, you all have consciousness, and it is all right now in a human body. And I will show you right away the limitation of consciousness in human form. Ready? What created God? You have just reached your limit, which exactly gives rise ultimately to the desire in all Souls to reunite with the source of all things, meaning to dissolve (Neptune) the apparent extinction of the separating form and to realize through union how the appearance of all manifested form is rooted in the original creation point. For you to do this naturally--for you to do this naturally--determine the house and sign of your Neptune and the aspects it is making. This is your own natural way, not according to any book or any teacher, understand the point? So has this now made a little bit of sense to you this morning? Any last questions? God Bless you and thank you for coming.

« Last Edit: Feb 19, 2013, 09:43 AM by Rad » Logged

RadModeratorMost Active Member

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Re: JWG'S Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation ...« Reply #12 on: Feb 21, 2013, 11:11 AM »

Hi Group,

I am now going to post an example chart that we can begin with. When you look at this chart I would like you at first to focus on the the evolutionary paradigm: natal Pluto, it's polarity point, the S.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler, and the N.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler. In our chart example we will analyze it from the point of view of the Soul being well within the 3rd individuated evolutionary state, a male in gender, a born in England to give it the necessary cultural context.

So as we begin our journey with the Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation I would like you to start with a succinct analysis of this charts Pluto, it's polarity point, the S/N Nodes and the location of their planetary rulers. This will then serve as the foundation upon which we will start to add the other planets one by one.

If you have any questions ask them of me now.

A Planetary Method of Chart Analysis Jeffrey Wolf Green Astro2000, Denver, CO 2000

What I’d like to do is try to make this as experiential for you this morning as possible, and the way I would like to do that is for all of you to keep your own particular birth chart in your head now as we go through this specific method so you can apply it immediately to your own case.

This particular method is very sequential; it is very Virgo like, ABC in nature, leading to a very deductive and Virgo-like analysis. In total, you will then find that once you employ this particular methodology--ABC--this will lead to a Pisces kind of awareness, meaning inductive, wherein you can see the whole first and then immediately grasp all the parts. So it is like going from Virgo to Pisces. Now as we go through this system, when you have questions, please ask me when you have the question, because the intention is to keep this as clear as possible as we are moving through it.

So the very first way we want to start the system is, of course, with Pluto. This is number one on your list; meaning as we go through this it is going to be like an outline. So we want to start with Pluto. We can ask a Pluto question: Why? And what we have here from a Plutonian point of view, of course, is the direct connection to the Soul, the Soul itself. Now, of course, if we understand this, the Soul is going to create the overall personality structure in any given life that is uniquely orientated to phenomenal reality in such a way that that unique orientation experiences the phenomenal reality in a way that is consistent with the evolutionary intentions and karmic requirement that the Soul has in any given life.

So we want to locate the natal position of Pluto first by house and sign. What is this going to be demonstrating? We have to remember that the nature of the Soul linked with time and space reality is simultaneously linked with the principle that we call evolution. Evolution is a dynamic in time and space reality that is beyond debate. The simplest way to know evolution: Is it not true that everybody on this planet, everyone in this room, inwardly always has an inner feeling of being in a continuous state of becoming? Who does not have such a feeling? So you can see right away just through normal life experience that this is a principle, a truth if you will, that applies to all people everywhere as long as we are living in time-space reality.

Now, if we linked evolution to the principle of the Soul, we ask a logical question: What is, in fact, the inner mechanism or dynamic within the Soul that causes evolution? The answer is straightforward, simple, and basic as most natural truths are. The answer is, in fact, the very same answer that came out of the enlightenment of the famous Buddha under the famous Bodhi tree, when he pondered the nature of sorrow and pain, misery and the like. What was actually promoted in Buddhism terms as Nirvana was based on the awareness within him called desire.

In each Soul there are two competing and antithetical desires that create evolution. One desire is a separating desire, meaning to separate away from what we can call God. And these sorts of desires are many, myriad, manifesting in typical ways as the desire for the new lover, the new possession, the new career ambition, whatever. All Souls have these desires, and simultaneous with the desire and coequal to it is the desire to return to that which has created the Soul in the first place. So, in effect, the essence of the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination (Pluto) of all separating desires to the exclusion of only one desire which can remain, which is to unite with the source of the Soul itself.

This is a very simple natural truth that operates independent of what we call astrology and can be validated by every single one of us in this room. In fact, it can be validated by everybody on earth. The simplest way to know it, again: Is not true that we can have whatever separating desire, oh we want this new thing over here, this, that or whatever, and we may have the ability to obtain that which we are desiring, and, of course, we have a momentary sense of satisfaction when we get it. But once we get it, what soon replaces the sense of satisfaction is, in effect, the sense of dissatisfaction, the sense of something more. It is exactly the sense of dissatisfaction that is mirroring and echoing this ultimate desire to return and to reunite with the source of all things. Who of you has not known this to be your own experience? You see, it is universal.

So the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination of all separating desires. The duality of these antithetical desires is intrinsic within the Soul and is what the psychologists call the basis of free choice.

Now, when we look at the nature of the natal position of Pluto, we are looking at two simultaneous phenomena, which is why we are starting with this number A on our Virgo list. Number one, it will describe very succinctly the types of desires that the soul has had prior to the current life, relative to its evolutionary necessities, its evolutionary intentions. That does not mean, by the way, that that is going to correlate or reflect all the prior lives that the Soul has had. The point is that the soul in any given life will only draw upon specific prior life times that have a direct connection to or bearing on the current life evolutionary intentions. The Sanskrit archetype for that is called Prarabdha Karma.

So, what the natal position of Pluto is demonstrating is the specific prior lifetimes and orientations that have direct bearing on the current lifetime. A simple example: What if we are dealing with a ninth house Pluto individual? We can make a very simple Piscean/ Virgo deduction that this would have been a Soul who, prior to the current life, one way or another, was desiring to understand its individual connection to the cosmological reality we call the universe, meaning natural desires to understand philosophy and cosmology and metaphysics, religion (even if that's atheism), anything that is a form of philosophy connected to the cosmos. Are we clear? Good.

And now what would that mean coming into the current life? And this is one of the secrets about Pluto that most people don't realize, i.e. when you read it in your happy books that it somehow connects to compulsion, obsession, defensiveness, resistance to change and all these things, and these things are accurate, but they never tell you why, and it is because at this point Pluto is going to correlate with the deepest sources of your unconscious sense of security. Keeping in mind that security is a function of self-consistency. Self-consistency is a function of the past, meaning what has come before. Again, how many of you would totally and wholly embrace the experience of absolute insecurity? No takers? Hmm? Ever wonder why we have compulsion, obsession? That's what psychologists call repetitive compulsion.

So by looking at the natal position of Pluto (house and sign), beyond the metaphysical point of view, you are describing in anybody’s life the sources that correlate with the deepest sense of unconscious security in the person. And in coming into the current life, the person instinctually gravitates to those sources in order to maintain a sense of self-consistency equaling security. Now clearly, if the soul stayed right there, there would, in fact, be no evolution. So this becomes a first point to examine. The next point is to determine how it is that soul is going to grow or evolve in the current life. And the answer very happily is that the next step (evolution) is determined--because we have to remember that we are living in a universe, time/space, that of itself is defined by the law of polarity--by the opposite house and sign of the natal position of Pluto.

So, following our example of the ninth house, it is, of course, naturally in opposition to the third house. Now, one of the natural problems in the ninth house/Sagittarius/Jupiter archetype is that it correlates, in essence, with the nature of phenomenal reality in total. And it is the ninth house in any chart--Jupiter/Sagittarius, archetypically natural law-- that creates the awareness in the human organism, in each person, that we are in fact connected to something much larger than just the earth itself. It creates the awareness that we are connected to a solar system, universes, and galaxies. And this sort of natural awareness gives rise to the philosophical questions that all human beings ask: What does it all mean? How are we connected to this thing?

One of the problems of the ninth house is that it will typically orientate to a portion of the overall truth, and then consider that particular portion to be the total truth, which is why we call it the Billy Graham Archetype, meaning the need to convince and convert other people to your particular point of view. Why? In order to feel secure. This is why in this case we are going to have a have a third house polarity.

Most of us have already realized in our happy books that Gemini correlates with diversity, yes? Most of us realized,--particularly for those that find yourself to be Gemini--that Gemini is a happy little sign because you put it in a bookstore, for example, and it is going to go around and do what? It is going to read two pages of this and one page of that, and maybe one right over here, but it is thinking that it is reading everything. And this means that it is trying to understand as much as possible relative to the whole phenomenon called creation. So when you have this polarity point to the ninth house Pluto, you can see the obvious evolutionary intention. The intention of the Soul is to evolve beyond the particular portion—part--of the truth that it has already realized. You understand the point?

So the Soul is like a computer, and it has its own program and in a typically Plutonian fashion, then, the Soul will actually literally program necessary philosophical confrontations (Pluto), meaning it will attract to itself other individuals that are more philosophically or cosmologically evolved than itself. These people will have the effect of penetrating (Pluto) to the weak link in this person’s existing philosophical structure. And by identifying the weak link, well, guess what? That whole structure collapses. And this is induces the Gemini evolutionary intention. Understand the point? I mean we could go on and on, but we only have an hour and a half. So, on our Virgo list we start with Pluto, natal position, polarity point. Any questions on this aspect of it? So, we are clear on this particular point?

Next step--number B on your Virgo list. We want to, of course, examine the nature of the south node of the moon. Now, why do we want to examine this point? The reason is that the south node of the moon will specifically correlate to the types of egocentric structures that the soul has necessarily created in order to consciously actualize the evolutionary desires or intentions, which have, in fact, preceded the current life.

That is to say that the moon, the south node of the moon specifically, correlates to what we call the ego. Now take this very seriously because, of course, I realize in astrology land that astrologers can assign the idea or the archetype of the ego to whatever planetary symbolism. Over the last 10-20 years it has been given to Saturn, Sun or whatever. But in reality in the astrology we do, the ego is specific to the moon. The way you can prove this through natural law is very straightforward. As an example we can understand that the ego is that which correlates with what we can psychologically call a self-image.

Now, for example, if we make an ego connection to the Sun and we look into the nature of our solar system, of course, the Sun appears to be relatively fixed, does it not? Now, do you feel throughout your life that your own inner self-image has been fixed and constant? When we compare this to examining the moon and its various phases, you can see the direct link to your own self-image and its evolution. Understand the point?

So, in effect, the Soul must create a necessary ego to create a self-image of the soul itself. So the south node is the conscious component that the soul generates or creates to actualize the desires that are intrinsic to the soul itself. As a simple example, let’s still use our Ninth House Pluto as our example, remembering that the ninth house Pluto is how I want to understand myself in the cosmos, etc. Now when we put the south Node in the seventh house, what are we looking at? We Are looking at a soul who prior to the current life, over a series of recent prior life times, has created egocentric structures that have been actualized through a seventh house archetype. What does it mean? It's going to mean that the soul has created a series of prior life egos that have been structured in such a way as to initiate a diversity of relationships, (seventh house), who looked like what? Ninth house teacher types. And by initiating this kind of relationships with teacher types, it has been collecting for itself, or attracting to itself, the kind of information that it has desired relative to the ninth house Pluto. You see the link?

Now, to show you why cookbook astrology is B.S.--I mean wrong--compare this to a ninth house Pluto but put the south node in the first house. You are going to still have the same complex of desires, but what types of personality structure, or egocentric structure has the Soul used that is very different from the seventh house? In the first case you have dependency on an external teacher, but when you put the south node in the first house, in essence, what you now have is a soul who has the same desire structure, but now with this south node in the first house you have an individual who has learned to ask and answer its own questions. You see why cookbook astrology is so wrong?

So in either case you still have a pre-existing orientation to reality. When that ninth house Pluto, south node in the seventh person comes into life she/he will gravitate, as they have prior to the current life, in exactly that way. This is why there is going to be a thing called the north node. You see the point? So in this ninth house Pluto/seventh house south node, we have a polarity point in the third house, and we have a north node in the first. So in essence, the north node in this case, the conscious actualization, makes that third house polarity occur, understand my point? What that would actually mean in this life as the person begin to emotionally mature (moon) in the current life, is that it progressively would begin to rebel against external teachers, their message and their voices. Because the intention (north node/first house) is that the person is meant to learn to ask and answer its own questions. This is going to create necessary intellectual, philosophical confrontation with external teacher types. You see?

In the second case, the person has been living in happy splendor, all within themselves in a form of narcissism (south node/first house). You see my point? So now why are we seeing the north node in the seventh house? They must learn to open up and share themselves with other people and in so doing, in opening up to other people, they are going to attract (third house polarity), you see how it works. You apply this to all charts. You start just this way, A, B on your happy list. Questions? So we have got this down now?

The next step in our happy methodology is then to go to the Sun, by the house and sign of the Sun and the aspects it is making. Why? Because the Sun is going to correlate specifically to how we are integrating and giving purpose and meaning to our current life experience. So in essence we are describing an evolutionary transition in our A B list, an evolutionary transition from past to the current life. The Sun is now going to show you how that is integrated and given purpose and meaning in the context of the current life. How the Sun in Sagittarius integrates life experience, gives purpose and meaning, is going to be very different from how a Virgo Sun integrates life experience and gives purpose and meaning, you understand my point?

So once you get used to these methods you ultimately get to play the role of an evolutionary detective, why this Sun sign? You understand my point? So that is why our next step is to move right to the Sun. And again I want you to be able to apply this experientially to your own chart, so try to work with that as we move through it so you can see the reality of what we are talking about. So just take a moment right now and think about your own natal Pluto, polarity point, north and south node and your Sun sign. Take a moment, don't ask a question, just take a moment!

Now, how many are completely stumped? Maybe in a moment it will become more clear for you.

Audience: How about if your Pluto is right on the cusp?

Jeffrey: On the cusp?

Audience: Yeah.

Jeffrey: What you have when Pluto is on the cusp is the archetype of initiation, but if you have it just before the cusp of moving into the next house, you have the archetype evolutionarily of culmination--an entire series of prior lives all culminating in the context of the current life.Audience: But you would still interpret it in terms of the house that it is in?

Jeffrey: Yeah. And see then what you have is as it progressively culminates—when Pluto is evolving into the next house—you still determine the polarity point, which allows for that evolutionary shift. This can by the way, psychologically create frustration, because the Soul already can feel where it is trying to go, but it also has to culminate, so it has this push-- pull, yeah.

Audience: What if Pluto is conjunct the nodes—actually, let’s take the north node.

Jeffrey: That's a very unique evolutionary signature. When you find Pluto conjunct the north node it means in all cases, that that soul has been working in that area of evolutionary development prior to the current life and is meant to completely focus on that area in the context of the current life. There is no polarity.

Audience: If Pluto and the north node are in the same house but not conjunct, is that the same meaning or not?

Jeffrey: First, you want to determine if the node is balsamic or new phase relative to Pluto, which creates its own archetypical meaning. And then there used to be an old phrase in astrology (I am going to date myself now) but it used to be called in mundo, meaning conjunct by sign. But unless you have technically an absolute conjunction, then you have a different kind of meaning depending on the phasal relationship between Pluto and the node itself.

The next step after understanding the integrative principle of the Sun and the purpose and meaning it is giving to life experience in general, our very next step is then to move to the moon itself. Why? The current life moon, the natal moon, and the nodes are going to reflect a spiritual law, the trinity, from the earth point of view the phenomenon of past, present, and future. We have the north and south nodes of the moon and what this is correlating to psychologically is a universal experience we call the dynamic tension that exist in all people between the past and the future, as experienced in each moment of our life. That's the natal moon in relationship to its nodal axis. We have an evolving ego, i.e. from south node to north node. How that evolving ego is integrated on a consistent basis (moon) is the natal moon itself by house and sign.

Audience: Could you go over that again?

Jeffrey: We have a thing called the dynamic tension between the past and the future that we all experience, yes? That dynamic tension as experienced in each moment of our life is contained in your natal moon. How we integrate the potential insecurity linked with our past and our future experienced in the moment is our natal moon. It creates cohesion, self-consistency, understand? It’s that place in you, the dynamic in you, that can say, “This is who I used to be, this is who I am trying to become.” That voice is your natal moon; do you understand my point?Audience: Can you give an example of that?

Jeffrey: All of you in this room know as your life experience that you are in a dynamic state of becoming, yes? You know you have a past; you know you have a feeling to go into--toward--your future, which is the experience of the moment, yes? The experience of these two things in the moment is your moon. How you experience that is your natal moon by its own house and sign.

Audience: Let’s say the moon was conjunct one end or the other of the nodal path, for example, the north node, would there be more orientation toward the future than the past and really more conflict about trying to integrate the south node somehow with Pluto?

Jeffrey: Each case is unique and you have to always overlay this with karmic evolutionary requirements. The experience of it depends on the person, including the observed evolutionary state; one size does not fit all. If I had the moon on the south node and I am in consensus state, for example, how I am responding to that inwardly would be vastly different than if I had that moon /south node and I am in, say, an individuated state, or a spiritual state, you see. In all cases you are looking at the phenomenon of something being unresolved in a prior life, at an emotional level, that the person is bringing forward into the current life in order to re experience with the intention of resolving it.

If you have moon square the nodes, and really anytime you have a planet square the nodes, including the moon or Pluto, in evolutionary terms you have what are called skipped steps. And in the current context the person has been flip flopping back and forth, back and forth. And in evolutionary terms, karmic requirement, the person must recover those skipped steps in order to evolutionary proceed. Until that recovery is made they are blocked, you see my point now? Are we clear on the methodology as we are proceeding? That's my main intention at the moment, are we clear at the moment? Anybody still not clear? Good!

Now, another way of looking at this is why we are going to be using the moon in this sequence. The moon is how each of us lives with ourself inwardly on a moment-to-moment basis. It is how we are giving personal form and definition to what we call our reality. It is way for us to make it personally secure. All human beings have a need to feel secure. Of course the issue is what constitutes security. But the phenomenon of feeling secure is a constant for all human beings. It is like the need to put an anchor in the sea instead of just letting the boat drift where it wants to go. That is your ego. That is your anchor in the sea. That is the anchor into your unconscious. That is the anchor into your soul. Do you understand my point?

That is the way for you to personally relate to what your evolutionary intentions are relative to the purpose that is described by the Sun. It is a way for you to live with it, to feel emotionally secure because of it. The house and sign of your moon and the aspects it makes describe how that process is done. It is that simple. Yes?

Audience: I'm sorry, is that the security………(Inaudible)…………

Jeffrey: Yes, this is why we have a triad among Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. See this is the ultimate meaning when we have the moon linked with Scorpio and Pisces. We have this natural triad, and very few astrologers will tell you that the ultimate secret of Cancer and the moon is to realize that the moon itself is the source of its own insecurity. This is why it is a Cardinal archetype, two steps forward and one step back. We want to initiate change and we freak out and we want to recover…(Inaudible)……

But the ultimate teaching of the moon is reflected in the dark side of the moon, the side we never see. And the reason that the moon creates its own insecurity is to ultimately realize (Pisces) security from within, linked with an inner reality that has nothing to do with the external environment. When you link this through Scorpio, this is why all of us at various points in our journey misapply our trust into people--in order to experience emotional betrayal, abandonment and loss to enforce inner security. This is why.

Audience: That wouldn't…(Inaudible)…… It seems to be reinforcing what you developed in the past.Jeffrey: No you are not listening; you’re not interpreting right. You don't understand reality unless you listen carefully and objectively to the words. What you have just heard is that the ultimate intention of the Cancer/Scorpio triad is to learn absolute state of inner security from within. Now you have heard it rightly.

The next step in our Virgo sequence is Mercury. Why? Mercury is now going to provide the intellectual structure. Again, we are all living in a phenomenal reality, yes? We started with Pluto, the nodal axis of the moon, Sun, and moon. And now you can see if you look at this evolutionarily, you can see why the Soul (Pluto) was picking Mercury in whatever house, sign and aspect. That's the kind of intellectual structure, meaning how I am going to intellectually organize in rational ways. That is how I explain to myself what my life experience is about, which is ultimately reflecting its evolutionary intention. This is how I give the intellectual super structure to this process. So I create an intellectual structure that creates rational thinking within me that creates an explanation and justification, which I then communicate to other people. This is why you have your specific house and sign of any given Mercury. You understand the point?

You see, life is either random, or it is in fact some sort of inherent order, you see? And if we look at it this way, we are looking at life and astrology non-judgmentally. This eliminates all the 19th century crap--exaltations, falls--it is irrelevant. We replace all this terminology with two words: what is. This is why you can have your Mercury in whatever house or sign. It is the way that you need to put it together and understand it intellectually through your left brain. Mercury in astrology specifically relates to the left brain.

Audience: What if Mercury is like right on a house cusp?

Jeffrey: Again, if you always use your ultimate perspective to understand the chart and then use an evolutionary perspective--transitions between past, present, future--then you can answer your own question. Any planet on the cusp is going to correlate evolutionarily either to culmination, meaning the planet just before a given house, or if it is just within that house something has already culminated and a brand new cycle of evolutionary development is now proceeding. So if Mercury happens to be the operative symbol it is simple going to mean a soul who is deciding to think, in this life, in altogether radically different ways than it has ever thought before.

Ok, next step in our Virgo sequence. Venus, of course, is going to correlate specifically to the nature of the value associations that you make for yourself. Values equal a sense of meaning that you are giving to your life. How many people on earth do you think can live without a sense of meaning? The sense of meaning in life, archetypically through astrology, is specific to Venus. Meaning is specific to that which you value. That which you value is in its own way conditioning or contributing to what you decide to believe. Understand my point?

So the Soul in any given life must orientate to a specific type of value associations that provide a specific sense of meaning. That now is specifically linked with the evolutionary intentions for the life itself. So here we determine and can see from the point of view of Soul/Pluto why Venus is in this house, and in this sign, making those aspects. Understand now?

The next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Mars. Some of you have learned in your happy books that Mars is a lower octave of Pluto. And if you have heard this, ask yourself the following question: What is a lower octave of something? See, here is a happy example of cultures like this where we can understand words, but we don't really know what they mean. A lower octave is simply a denser vibration of something. So why then is Mars a lower octave? The answer is straightforward; again the essence of the Soul’s evolution is based on desire. Mars in our subjective consciousness simply instinctually reflects and acts out desires emanating from the Soul itself. This is why you read in the happy books about Aries and Mars and the necessity of freedom. The Soul must have the necessary element, or level, of freedom in this life to initiate experiences that the Soul deems necessary relative to its evolutionary requirements and intentions, understand?

How that is done is specific to the house and sign and aspects that Mars is making. Got it? And this is why the necessity of freedom. That is also going to be correlating, by the way, to the necessary kind of sexual experiences. Sexual experiences are like any other experience of life in which the Soul learns about itself. Remember that sexual desires emanate specifically from the point of view of the primary brain. The primary brain in astrology correlates with Pluto, Mars and Moon. We have to understand that the primary brain in and of itself is unconditioned. It is specific to that which is called natural law. This sets in motion its own potential conflicts and collisions of what we call Will (Mars/Pluto). Meaning, the will of a normal society that is telling you what is right and wrong. What if the kind of sexual desires you have do not conform to your morality telling you this is right and that is wrong? Do you understand what potential conflicts are happening?

From a patriarchal point of view, linked with the primary brain, this is going to have the archetype that Thomas Moore called Dark Eros. The dark can only be linked, or applied, from the point of view of patriarchal judgment, understand my point? The only time any sexual desire is wrong is when it is linked with an intent to consciously hurt someone, anything other than what is normal and natural.

Most of you are familiar--most of you are old enough to remember--a series of books written, I think, in the late seventies or early eighties by a woman named Nancy Friday--Women's sexual fantasies, Men's sexual fantasies. So often you would hear in those books: Well I can have this in my fantasy, but I would never act it out. Now you understand this issue, don't you?

So Mars is simply the conscious component that instinctually registers the desires emanating from the unconscious life, Soul. Desires that are specific to the evolutionary needs and requirements of the Soul itself. It requires the necessary freedom in order to act out.

So we are still clear on the sequence? You are still trying to apply this to your chart? How many are starting to see your chart in a new way? Good. My point is that if you get used to doing it for yourself, well, guess what? You can do for your clients. Maybe you are beginning to see what this is finally going to lead to, the Piscean leap, called inductive logic, when you see it all at once. I mean you will get to the point where you don't have to spend three hours studying the chart before the client comes, and then you can do it instantly. So, any questions before we move on? Clear enough? Good.

Next step Jupiter. Following the sequence you can now logically see through your Virgo logic how Jupiter specifically is going to correlate with the types of belief structures that you need to draw upon in order to rationally explain, through your belief structure, the entire process we have described so far. Keeping in mind the nature of belief systems determines how you are interpreting the nature of phenomenal reality. How you are interpreting this reality comes right back to Mercury, how you are communicating it. From the point of view of brain, of consciousness, Jupiter specifically correlates to your right brain, the intuitive, the non-linear, the image based. There is that exact place in your consciousness that makes you aware, again, that we are connected to something much larger than just the earth.

So in effect, from an evolutionary point of view, why are we going to have Jupiter in this house, this sign, and making these aspects? It is the type of belief structure the Soul requires, without judgment, in order to facilitate the entire process of its evolutionary journey and intentions we are describing to this point. Got it?

As an example, do you think that a Soul that decided to have Jupiter in Aries is going to happily conform to a Capricorn version of reality? Why not? What is the evolutionary intent of having Jupiter in Aries? You see my point now? I mean they are trying to strike out on their own to think and understand and conceive for themselves. The phenomenon of conception, abstraction, to make abstract, is a Jupiter process.

It is one of the wonderful things about the great Yogananda. This man happened to have Jupiter in Aries and despite Vedantic tradition, which is essentially patriarchal, the essence of his teachings was all defined around the Divine Mother, not the Divine Father.

So, the next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Saturn. Here I am going to share a secret with you about Saturn that you are not going to read in any of your happy books. Saturn is the very structural nature of consciousness in general. One of the essential functions of Saturn is to provide a conditioning function. So for example, what if an individual happens to have Saturn in Leo? That means the entire structural definition of that consciousness is defined around a Leonean archetype. And that then means that every other astrological function, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, etc. is defined and conditioned by, in this case, the Leonean archetype--meaning the principle, the self-creative principle, the inner given right for creative self-actualization.

Understand this issue? For example, what do you typically read in your happy cookbook when Saturn is squaring Venus? Let's put Saturn in Leo and Venus in Scorpio. The typical cookbook interpretation will tell you what? That this individual will attempt to dominate and control and limit (Scorpio) the creative development of its partner relative to existing inner insecurity. This is wrong. The structural consciousness is defined by Saturn in Leo, so this then means (and to show you the opposite) that this individual is giving itself the right to creatively actualize itself in any way it deems necessary and will necessary have conflict with (Venus in Scorpio) partners who are so insecure that they are trying to undermine its creative self development. The Saturn in Leo defining the structural nature of that consciousness will then mean what? A desire to have partners that were doing the same thing.

So you can see the weakness in these stupid cookbooks, because it never made the leap that Saturn is the defining principle in the structural nature of consciousness itself, which is conditioning every other function in that consciousness. Do you see my point now? So, from a point of view of evolution, the happy sequence we have developed we now understand the structural nature of the consciousness that the Soul is creating to facilitate its evolutionary lessons, requirements and intentions.


Audience: You are saying that Saturn is the overall structure given to things, the Sun then is more like how we sense things because I was looking at the Sun….

Jeffrey: Sensing is a Venus principle.

Audience: Well, you are saying it correlates to how we integrate our current life experiences. Is integrating, which you are associating with the Sun, different from structuring, which you are associating with Saturn?

Jeffrey: Yes.

Audience: Can you explain that?

Jeffrey: This is a structure (Saturn). How we give purpose and meaning to the structure is the Sun.

Audience: Okay.

Jeffrey: Yes?

Audience: (Looking at a chart) Why do we have Mercury or Venus before we do, for instance, Saturn or Jupiter?

Jeffrey: I just explained that. That's why I am trying to go through this sequence very slowly. And it is a very deliberate sequence, one thing leading to the next thing. This is intentional to create cohesion, deductive analysis, not jumping around.

Jeffrey: Another Question? Yes?

Audience: With Saturn retrograde……… inaudible…..

Jeffrey: Completely. How would you like to examine that? Saturn retrograde has a very simple meaning; it is a structure of consciousness that is forever redefining and restructuring itself.

The problem with Saturn as an archetype intrinsically--this is what you read in the happy books—is the potentiality of crystallization. You have to remember everything is operating through polarity. What is the polarity of Capricorn, i.e. Saturn? It is the moon and Cancer; it comes right back to security issues. Particularly as we emotionally mature and get older most people start to want to not grow anymore. They want to have their Winnebago and their patio tools, “Oh, I am comfortable now I am not growing anymore.” There is a typical example of crystallization linked with security.

If you happen to have Saturn retrograde, you have a structural nature of consciousness that is always restless and will never reach a point in time that says, “Aha! That's it.” It wants to forever redefine itself relative to the evolutionary impulse to evolve and to grow.

Audience: How does that relate to all the other planets?

Jeffrey: Then it will have an oblique retrograde function to all the other planetary functions, not direct, oblique. Understand? Direct is like this, oblique is like this. So if I had Saturn retrograde it is having an oblique function to every other planetary function. It doesn't even have to be necessary in a direct aspect. We are talking about the structural nature of consciousness that is defining every other function. This is not something you read in some book, but it turns out to be actual reality. I have counseled over 15,000 clients. The essence of astrology is observation and correlation, and I am sharing with you the results of correlation and observation of over 15,000 clients all over the planet, not just America. Yes ma'm?

Audience: So actually having a retrograde planet might not be a negative thing at all?…(Inaudible)……

Jeffrey: It is not negative or positive. It simply is what it is. A retrograde archetype accelerates growth relative to the Jungian idea of individuation. Think about the symbol (Rx) to rebel, understand my point? To rebel against what? The status quo expectation of how the function defined by retrograde is meant to operate. And by having a rebellion function we have an individuation function, which is accelerating the growth of individuation or evolution through the function that is retrograde.

Karmically and evolutionary we also have Rx--the need to repeat, or relive something from prior lives that was (retrograde) not resolved. This can create its own kind of frustration. What if I have Venues retrograde in Scorpio linked with my relationship formation? And I have this need to repeat and relive x amount of intimate liaisons--karmically and evolutionary dictated--and I am now in a fixed pattern of Scorpio. Meaning all my relationship dynamics, despite my intellectual intention to change it, are fated to be repeated. Is this not going to create some potential frustration with our partner? Meaning the psychology of no matter what I do, I keep re-attracting the same thing. You see my point? These are things you don't read in the happy books.

Audience: So how do you bring that to an end? How do you stop?

Jeffrey: It is stopped once it is completed. It is completed when you finally see the retrograde symbol going to direct through progression, and not until.

Audience: What about when by progression a planet goes retrograde?

Jeffrey: Then you have entered a timeframe where you are repeating something from the past and/or redefining your overall reality in general, through individuation

Okay, so now we move into ever-understandable Uranus. From the point of view of Saturn, Saturn is going to describe--for most people--the interfacing between what we are consciously aware of, meaning our subjective consciousness or what we call personality, and the unconscious. It is that natural boundary, or barrier, or threshold. And for most people this is necessary because it goes right back to the idea of the moon, the anchor in the sea, which creates stability. This is also why, by the way, that most people do not have spontaneous natural access to their prior life memories. The point is that if most people had access to their prior life memories, those prior life memories, which are contained by Uranus, would overwhelm the current sense of reality (Saturn) in such a way it would become so consumed (Pluto) with what happened or didn't happen, what went right, what went wrong, we would not get on with the business of this life. That's why there is a necessary boundary (Saturn) that prevents this awareness. It can only really truly open to the Soul who begins it natural process of evolution back to the Source itself in an active conscious way. Understand my point?

So, Uranus correlates in Jungian terminology to what is called the individuated unconscious, or in Freudian terminology to the subconscious. In either case, I don't care about your the terminology, the Uranian element of your consciousness contains three components. You have learned, as an example, that it is a higher octave of Mercury. Mercury correlates with short-term memory. Uranus correlates with long-term memory. This also includes the long-term memories of other lifetimes. Just look at it logically. How many of you can remember in total detail what you did three days ago? Where did those memories go? Aaa, now we are looking at Uranus. So one dimension of Uranus correlates with where all the prior life memories that you have that are contributing to the current life are stored.

It also correlates to the component of our unconscious, dynamics that Saturn represses: dynamics in ourselves that we are having a problem accepting and, therefore, suppressing. This can also include the nature of trauma that is not resolved and is stuck into the subconscious. And Uranus also correlates to--connects to--what we can call the larger blueprint for the Soul’s evolutionary future. This is why we have the principal of liberation. To liberate from what? Saturn, the existing conditions of our life that can equal what we can euphemistically call our own personal status quo. That equals our own sense of security (moon) equaling the anchor in the sea that has been crystallized. So in effect, Uranus is always knocking on Saturn's door. When you go through an act of a Uranian transit, through linkage, the symbolism is very basic. That's what we call the hand grenade in a steel box. The steel box is your Saturn; the hand grenade is your Uranus. In the last analysis the hand grenade will prevail.

As an example, if I make a bomb go off right here, obviously everything is flying about, goes up into the air, fractured. Through the natural laws of returning (gravity), it is meant to come back to the earth, but it comes back in a new way. And that is really the function of Uranus. To remove whatever binding forces in our reality that are preventing necessary evolutionary growth. So whatever house and sign your Uranus is in and the aspects it is making, this is showing you how your own personal liberation in your own Saturnian conditions of your life is necessarily and naturally meant to occur.

It will also tell you, graphically, what kind of subconscious or unconscious memories the individual has, linked with their own prior life times, which is subconsciously conditioning their approach to their current life. This is where you can play astrological detective yet again. It can also show you the potential of unresolved karma as occurred and still may be operating subconsciously in such a way as to influence the behavior of the current life.

Now we come to the end of our Virgo sequence, and you can see now we come almost back to Pluto, meaning Neptune. And, of course, Neptune from a patriarchal point of view is called the archetype of transcendence. From the point of view of natural law, it is called the archetype of unity. The patriarchy teaches you that there is something to transcend, which itself is roughly the same as the delusive patriarchal idea that there is a natural conflict between spirit and flesh. That is why you have the word transcendence. This is utter B.S. An obsolete opinion invented by men to subjugate women. Through natural law the correct word of Neptune is union: to unite with the totality of creation, not to transcend it. And it is through absolute union that a natural expansion of consciousness occurs. There is nothing to transcend. And there is nothing to redeem. Despite what you’ve read in the happy books. That is reinforcing the patriarchy.

The issue here is that Neptune specifically correlates to the phenomenon of consciousness, in total, every one. Consciousness is very analogous to water. Water in and of itself has no form. Consciousness permeates and is the essence of creation. If I put water into this cup, then the consciousness in that water assumes the shape, form and function of the cup. If I put water /consciousness in human form, it is assuming the function and form of this body. If I put it in this plant, this animal etc., etc. Form and function is inherently limited--inherently limited,which is why you have read in your astrology books the need to go beyond the perception and experience of limitation. This is the inner action between Pisces and Scorpio.

Now, to make it very graphic to you, you all have consciousness, and it is all right now in a human body. And I will show you right away the limitation of consciousness in human form. Ready? What created God? You have just reached your limit, which exactly gives rise ultimately to the desire in all Souls to reunite with the source of all things, meaning to dissolve (Neptune) the apparent extinction of the separating form and to realize through union how the appearance of all manifested form is rooted in the original creation point. For you to do this naturally--for you to do this naturally--determine the house and sign of your Neptune and the aspects it is making. This is your own natural way, not according to any book or any teacher, understand the point? So has this now made a little bit of sense to you this morning? Any last questions? God Bless you and thank you for coming.

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RadModeratorMost Active Member

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Re: JWG'S Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation ...« Reply #12 on: Feb 21, 2013, 11:11 AM »

Hi Group,

I am now going to post an example chart that we can begin with. When you look at this chart I would like you at first to focus on the the evolutionary paradigm: natal Pluto, it's polarity point, the S.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler, and the N.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler. In our chart example we will analyze it from the point of view of the Soul being well within the 3rd individuated evolutionary state, a male in gender, a born in England to give it the necessary cultural context.

So as we begin our journey with the Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation I would like you to start with a succinct analysis of this charts Pluto, it's polarity point, the S/N Nodes and the location of their planetary rulers. This will then serve as the foundation upon which we will start to add the other planets one by one.

If you have any questions ask them of me now.

A Planetary Method of Chart Analysis Jeffrey Wolf Green Astro2000, Denver, CO 2000

What I’d like to do is try to make this as experiential for you this morning as possible, and the way I would like to do that is for all of you to keep your own particular birth chart in your head now as we go through this specific method so you can apply it immediately to your own case.

This particular method is very sequential; it is very Virgo like, ABC in nature, leading to a very deductive and Virgo-like analysis. In total, you will then find that once you employ this particular methodology--ABC--this will lead to a Pisces kind of awareness, meaning inductive, wherein you can see the whole first and then immediately grasp all the parts. So it is like going from Virgo to Pisces. Now as we go through this system, when you have questions, please ask me when you have the question, because the intention is to keep this as clear as possible as we are moving through it.

So the very first way we want to start the system is, of course, with Pluto. This is number one on your list; meaning as we go through this it is going to be like an outline. So we want to start with Pluto. We can ask a Pluto question: Why? And what we have here from a Plutonian point of view, of course, is the direct connection to the Soul, the Soul itself. Now, of course, if we understand this, the Soul is going to create the overall personality structure in any given life that is uniquely orientated to phenomenal reality in such a way that that unique orientation experiences the phenomenal reality in a way that is consistent with the evolutionary intentions and karmic requirement that the Soul has in any given life.

So we want to locate the natal position of Pluto first by house and sign. What is this going to be demonstrating? We have to remember that the nature of the Soul linked with time and space reality is simultaneously linked with the principle that we call evolution. Evolution is a dynamic in time and space reality that is beyond debate. The simplest way to know evolution: Is it not true that everybody on this planet, everyone in this room, inwardly always has an inner feeling of being in a continuous state of becoming? Who does not have such a feeling? So you can see right away just through normal life experience that this is a principle, a truth if you will, that applies to all people everywhere as long as we are living in time-space reality.

Now, if we linked evolution to the principle of the Soul, we ask a logical question: What is, in fact, the inner mechanism or dynamic within the Soul that causes evolution? The answer is straightforward, simple, and basic as most natural truths are. The answer is, in fact, the very same answer that came out of the enlightenment of the famous Buddha under the famous Bodhi tree, when he pondered the nature of sorrow and pain, misery and the like. What was actually promoted in Buddhism terms as Nirvana was based on the awareness within him called desire.

In each Soul there are two competing and antithetical desires that create evolution. One desire is a separating desire, meaning to separate away from what we can call God. And these sorts of desires are many, myriad, manifesting in typical ways as the desire for the new lover, the new possession, the new career ambition, whatever. All Souls have these desires, and simultaneous with the desire and coequal to it is the desire to return to that which has created the Soul in the first place. So, in effect, the essence of the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination (Pluto) of all separating desires to the exclusion of only one desire which can remain, which is to unite with the source of the Soul itself.

This is a very simple natural truth that operates independent of what we call astrology and can be validated by every single one of us in this room. In fact, it can be validated by everybody on earth. The simplest way to know it, again: Is not true that we can have whatever separating desire, oh we want this new thing over here, this, that or whatever, and we may have the ability to obtain that which we are desiring, and, of course, we have a momentary sense of satisfaction when we get it. But once we get it, what soon replaces the sense of satisfaction is, in effect, the sense of dissatisfaction, the sense of something more. It is exactly the sense of dissatisfaction that is mirroring and echoing this ultimate desire to return and to reunite with the source of all things. Who of you has not known this to be your own experience? You see, it is universal.

So the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination of all separating desires. The duality of these antithetical desires is intrinsic within the Soul and is what the psychologists call the basis of free choice.

Now, when we look at the nature of the natal position of Pluto, we are looking at two simultaneous phenomena, which is why we are starting with this number A on our Virgo list. Number one, it will describe very succinctly the types of desires that the soul has had prior to the current life, relative to its evolutionary necessities, its evolutionary intentions. That does not mean, by the way, that that is going to correlate or reflect all the prior lives that the Soul has had. The point is that the soul in any given life will only draw upon specific prior life times that have a direct connection to or bearing on the current life evolutionary intentions. The Sanskrit archetype for that is called Prarabdha Karma.

So, what the natal position of Pluto is demonstrating is the specific prior lifetimes and orientations that have direct bearing on the current lifetime. A simple example: What if we are dealing with a ninth house Pluto individual? We can make a very simple Piscean/ Virgo deduction that this would have been a Soul who, prior to the current life, one way or another, was desiring to understand its individual connection to the cosmological reality we call the universe, meaning natural desires to understand philosophy and cosmology and metaphysics, religion (even if that's atheism), anything that is a form of philosophy connected to the cosmos. Are we clear? Good.

And now what would that mean coming into the current life? And this is one of the secrets about Pluto that most people don't realize, i.e. when you read it in your happy books that it somehow connects to compulsion, obsession, defensiveness, resistance to change and all these things, and these things are accurate, but they never tell you why, and it is because at this point Pluto is going to correlate with the deepest sources of your unconscious sense of security. Keeping in mind that security is a function of self-consistency. Self-consistency is a function of the past, meaning what has come before. Again, how many of you would totally and wholly embrace the experience of absolute insecurity? No takers? Hmm? Ever wonder why we have compulsion, obsession? That's what psychologists call repetitive compulsion.

So by looking at the natal position of Pluto (house and sign), beyond the metaphysical point of view, you are describing in anybody’s life the sources that correlate with the deepest sense of unconscious security in the person. And in coming into the current life, the person instinctually gravitates to those sources in order to maintain a sense of self-consistency equaling security. Now clearly, if the soul stayed right there, there would, in fact, be no evolution. So this becomes a first point to examine. The next point is to determine how it is that soul is going to grow or evolve in the current life. And the answer very happily is that the next step (evolution) is determined--because we have to remember that we are living in a universe, time/space, that of itself is defined by the law of polarity--by the opposite house and sign of the natal position of Pluto.

So, following our example of the ninth house, it is, of course, naturally in opposition to the third house. Now, one of the natural problems in the ninth house/Sagittarius/Jupiter archetype is that it correlates, in essence, with the nature of phenomenal reality in total. And it is the ninth house in any chart--Jupiter/Sagittarius, archetypically natural law-- that creates the awareness in the human organism, in each person, that we are in fact connected to something much larger than just the earth itself. It creates the awareness that we are connected to a solar system, universes, and galaxies. And this sort of natural awareness gives rise to the philosophical questions that all human beings ask: What does it all mean? How are we connected to this thing?

One of the problems of the ninth house is that it will typically orientate to a portion of the overall truth, and then consider that particular portion to be the total truth, which is why we call it the Billy Graham Archetype, meaning the need to convince and convert other people to your particular point of view. Why? In order to feel secure. This is why in this case we are going to have a have a third house polarity.

Most of us have already realized in our happy books that Gemini correlates with diversity, yes? Most of us realized,--particularly for those that find yourself to be Gemini--that Gemini is a happy little sign because you put it in a bookstore, for example, and it is going to go around and do what? It is going to read two pages of this and one page of that, and maybe one right over here, but it is thinking that it is reading everything. And this means that it is trying to understand as much as possible relative to the whole phenomenon called creation. So when you have this polarity point to the ninth house Pluto, you can see the obvious evolutionary intention. The intention of the Soul is to evolve beyond the particular portion—part--of the truth that it has already realized. You understand the point?

So the Soul is like a computer, and it has its own program and in a typically Plutonian fashion, then, the Soul will actually literally program necessary philosophical confrontations (Pluto), meaning it will attract to itself other individuals that are more philosophically or cosmologically evolved than itself. These people will have the effect of penetrating (Pluto) to the weak link in this person’s existing philosophical structure. And by identifying the weak link, well, guess what? That whole structure collapses. And this is induces the Gemini evolutionary intention. Understand the point? I mean we could go on and on, but we only have an hour and a half. So, on our Virgo list we start with Pluto, natal position, polarity point. Any questions on this aspect of it? So, we are clear on this particular point?

Next step--number B on your Virgo list. We want to, of course, examine the nature of the south node of the moon. Now, why do we want to examine this point? The reason is that the south node of the moon will specifically correlate to the types of egocentric structures that the soul has necessarily created in order to consciously actualize the evolutionary desires or intentions, which have, in fact, preceded the current life.

That is to say that the moon, the south node of the moon specifically, correlates to what we call the ego. Now take this very seriously because, of course, I realize in astrology land that astrologers can assign the idea or the archetype of the ego to whatever planetary symbolism. Over the last 10-20 years it has been given to Saturn, Sun or whatever. But in reality in the astrology we do, the ego is specific to the moon. The way you can prove this through natural law is very straightforward. As an example we can understand that the ego is that which correlates with what we can psychologically call a self-image.

Now, for example, if we make an ego connection to the Sun and we look into the nature of our solar system, of course, the Sun appears to be relatively fixed, does it not? Now, do you feel throughout your life that your own inner self-image has been fixed and constant? When we compare this to examining the moon and its various phases, you can see the direct link to your own self-image and its evolution. Understand the point?

So, in effect, the Soul must create a necessary ego to create a self-image of the soul itself. So the south node is the conscious component that the soul generates or creates to actualize the desires that are intrinsic to the soul itself. As a simple example, let’s still use our Ninth House Pluto as our example, remembering that the ninth house Pluto is how I want to understand myself in the cosmos, etc. Now when we put the south Node in the seventh house, what are we looking at? We Are looking at a soul who prior to the current life, over a series of recent prior life times, has created egocentric structures that have been actualized through a seventh house archetype. What does it mean? It's going to mean that the soul has created a series of prior life egos that have been structured in such a way as to initiate a diversity of relationships, (seventh house), who looked like what? Ninth house teacher types. And by initiating this kind of relationships with teacher types, it has been collecting for itself, or attracting to itself, the kind of information that it has desired relative to the ninth house Pluto. You see the link?

Now, to show you why cookbook astrology is B.S.--I mean wrong--compare this to a ninth house Pluto but put the south node in the first house. You are going to still have the same complex of desires, but what types of personality structure, or egocentric structure has the Soul used that is very different from the seventh house? In the first case you have dependency on an external teacher, but when you put the south node in the first house, in essence, what you now have is a soul who has the same desire structure, but now with this south node in the first house you have an individual who has learned to ask and answer its own questions. You see why cookbook astrology is so wrong?

So in either case you still have a pre-existing orientation to reality. When that ninth house Pluto, south node in the seventh person comes into life she/he will gravitate, as they have prior to the current life, in exactly that way. This is why there is going to be a thing called the north node. You see the point? So in this ninth house Pluto/seventh house south node, we have a polarity point in the third house, and we have a north node in the first. So in essence, the north node in this case, the conscious actualization, makes that third house polarity occur, understand my point? What that would actually mean in this life as the person begin to emotionally mature (moon) in the current life, is that it progressively would begin to rebel against external teachers, their message and their voices. Because the intention (north node/first house) is that the person is meant to learn to ask and answer its own questions. This is going to create necessary intellectual, philosophical confrontation with external teacher types. You see?

In the second case, the person has been living in happy splendor, all within themselves in a form of narcissism (south node/first house). You see my point? So now why are we seeing the north node in the seventh house? They must learn to open up and share themselves with other people and in so doing, in opening up to other people, they are going to attract (third house polarity), you see how it works. You apply this to all charts. You start just this way, A, B on your happy list. Questions? So we have got this down now?

The next step in our happy methodology is then to go to the Sun, by the house and sign of the Sun and the aspects it is making. Why? Because the Sun is going to correlate specifically to how we are integrating and giving purpose and meaning to our current life experience. So in essence we are describing an evolutionary transition in our A B list, an evolutionary transition from past to the current life. The Sun is now going to show you how that is integrated and given purpose and meaning in the context of the current life. How the Sun in Sagittarius integrates life experience, gives purpose and meaning, is going to be very different from how a Virgo Sun integrates life experience and gives purpose and meaning, you understand my point?

So once you get used to these methods you ultimately get to play the role of an evolutionary detective, why this Sun sign? You understand my point? So that is why our next step is to move right to the Sun. And again I want you to be able to apply this experientially to your own chart, so try to work with that as we move through it so you can see the reality of what we are talking about. So just take a moment right now and think about your own natal Pluto, polarity point, north and south node and your Sun sign. Take a moment, don't ask a question, just take a moment!

Now, how many are completely stumped? Maybe in a moment it will become more clear for you.

Audience: How about if your Pluto is right on the cusp?

Jeffrey: On the cusp?

Audience: Yeah.

Jeffrey: What you have when Pluto is on the cusp is the archetype of initiation, but if you have it just before the cusp of moving into the next house, you have the archetype evolutionarily of culmination--an entire series of prior lives all culminating in the context of the current life.Audience: But you would still interpret it in terms of the house that it is in?

Jeffrey: Yeah. And see then what you have is as it progressively culminates—when Pluto is evolving into the next house—you still determine the polarity point, which allows for that evolutionary shift. This can by the way, psychologically create frustration, because the Soul already can feel where it is trying to go, but it also has to culminate, so it has this push-- pull, yeah.

Audience: What if Pluto is conjunct the nodes—actually, let’s take the north node.

Jeffrey: That's a very unique evolutionary signature. When you find Pluto conjunct the north node it means in all cases, that that soul has been working in that area of evolutionary development prior to the current life and is meant to completely focus on that area in the context of the current life. There is no polarity.

Audience: If Pluto and the north node are in the same house but not conjunct, is that the same meaning or not?

Jeffrey: First, you want to determine if the node is balsamic or new phase relative to Pluto, which creates its own archetypical meaning. And then there used to be an old phrase in astrology (I am going to date myself now) but it used to be called in mundo, meaning conjunct by sign. But unless you have technically an absolute conjunction, then you have a different kind of meaning depending on the phasal relationship between Pluto and the node itself.

The next step after understanding the integrative principle of the Sun and the purpose and meaning it is giving to life experience in general, our very next step is then to move to the moon itself. Why? The current life moon, the natal moon, and the nodes are going to reflect a spiritual law, the trinity, from the earth point of view the phenomenon of past, present, and future. We have the north and south nodes of the moon and what this is correlating to psychologically is a universal experience we call the dynamic tension that exist in all people between the past and the future, as experienced in each moment of our life. That's the natal moon in relationship to its nodal axis. We have an evolving ego, i.e. from south node to north node. How that evolving ego is integrated on a consistent basis (moon) is the natal moon itself by house and sign.

Audience: Could you go over that again?

Jeffrey: We have a thing called the dynamic tension between the past and the future that we all experience, yes? That dynamic tension as experienced in each moment of our life is contained in your natal moon. How we integrate the potential insecurity linked with our past and our future experienced in the moment is our natal moon. It creates cohesion, self-consistency, understand? It’s that place in you, the dynamic in you, that can say, “This is who I used to be, this is who I am trying to become.” That voice is your natal moon; do you understand my point?Audience: Can you give an example of that?

Jeffrey: All of you in this room know as your life experience that you are in a dynamic state of becoming, yes? You know you have a past; you know you have a feeling to go into--toward--your future, which is the experience of the moment, yes? The experience of these two things in the moment is your moon. How you experience that is your natal moon by its own house and sign.

Audience: Let’s say the moon was conjunct one end or the other of the nodal path, for example, the north node, would there be more orientation toward the future than the past and really more conflict about trying to integrate the south node somehow with Pluto?

Jeffrey: Each case is unique and you have to always overlay this with karmic evolutionary requirements. The experience of it depends on the person, including the observed evolutionary state; one size does not fit all. If I had the moon on the south node and I am in consensus state, for example, how I am responding to that inwardly would be vastly different than if I had that moon /south node and I am in, say, an individuated state, or a spiritual state, you see. In all cases you are looking at the phenomenon of something being unresolved in a prior life, at an emotional level, that the person is bringing forward into the current life in order to re experience with the intention of resolving it.

If you have moon square the nodes, and really anytime you have a planet square the nodes, including the moon or Pluto, in evolutionary terms you have what are called skipped steps. And in the current context the person has been flip flopping back and forth, back and forth. And in evolutionary terms, karmic requirement, the person must recover those skipped steps in order to evolutionary proceed. Until that recovery is made they are blocked, you see my point now? Are we clear on the methodology as we are proceeding? That's my main intention at the moment, are we clear at the moment? Anybody still not clear? Good!

Now, another way of looking at this is why we are going to be using the moon in this sequence. The moon is how each of us lives with ourself inwardly on a moment-to-moment basis. It is how we are giving personal form and definition to what we call our reality. It is way for us to make it personally secure. All human beings have a need to feel secure. Of course the issue is what constitutes security. But the phenomenon of feeling secure is a constant for all human beings. It is like the need to put an anchor in the sea instead of just letting the boat drift where it wants to go. That is your ego. That is your anchor in the sea. That is the anchor into your unconscious. That is the anchor into your soul. Do you understand my point?

That is the way for you to personally relate to what your evolutionary intentions are relative to the purpose that is described by the Sun. It is a way for you to live with it, to feel emotionally secure because of it. The house and sign of your moon and the aspects it makes describe how that process is done. It is that simple. Yes?

Audience: I'm sorry, is that the security………(Inaudible)…………

Jeffrey: Yes, this is why we have a triad among Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. See this is the ultimate meaning when we have the moon linked with Scorpio and Pisces. We have this natural triad, and very few astrologers will tell you that the ultimate secret of Cancer and the moon is to realize that the moon itself is the source of its own insecurity. This is why it is a Cardinal archetype, two steps forward and one step back. We want to initiate change and we freak out and we want to recover…(Inaudible)……

But the ultimate teaching of the moon is reflected in the dark side of the moon, the side we never see. And the reason that the moon creates its own insecurity is to ultimately realize (Pisces) security from within, linked with an inner reality that has nothing to do with the external environment. When you link this through Scorpio, this is why all of us at various points in our journey misapply our trust into people--in order to experience emotional betrayal, abandonment and loss to enforce inner security. This is why.

Audience: That wouldn't…(Inaudible)…… It seems to be reinforcing what you developed in the past.Jeffrey: No you are not listening; you’re not interpreting right. You don't understand reality unless you listen carefully and objectively to the words. What you have just heard is that the ultimate intention of the Cancer/Scorpio triad is to learn absolute state of inner security from within. Now you have heard it rightly.

The next step in our Virgo sequence is Mercury. Why? Mercury is now going to provide the intellectual structure. Again, we are all living in a phenomenal reality, yes? We started with Pluto, the nodal axis of the moon, Sun, and moon. And now you can see if you look at this evolutionarily, you can see why the Soul (Pluto) was picking Mercury in whatever house, sign and aspect. That's the kind of intellectual structure, meaning how I am going to intellectually organize in rational ways. That is how I explain to myself what my life experience is about, which is ultimately reflecting its evolutionary intention. This is how I give the intellectual super structure to this process. So I create an intellectual structure that creates rational thinking within me that creates an explanation and justification, which I then communicate to other people. This is why you have your specific house and sign of any given Mercury. You understand the point?

You see, life is either random, or it is in fact some sort of inherent order, you see? And if we look at it this way, we are looking at life and astrology non-judgmentally. This eliminates all the 19th century crap--exaltations, falls--it is irrelevant. We replace all this terminology with two words: what is. This is why you can have your Mercury in whatever house or sign. It is the way that you need to put it together and understand it intellectually through your left brain. Mercury in astrology specifically relates to the left brain.

Audience: What if Mercury is like right on a house cusp?

Jeffrey: Again, if you always use your ultimate perspective to understand the chart and then use an evolutionary perspective--transitions between past, present, future--then you can answer your own question. Any planet on the cusp is going to correlate evolutionarily either to culmination, meaning the planet just before a given house, or if it is just within that house something has already culminated and a brand new cycle of evolutionary development is now proceeding. So if Mercury happens to be the operative symbol it is simple going to mean a soul who is deciding to think, in this life, in altogether radically different ways than it has ever thought before.

Ok, next step in our Virgo sequence. Venus, of course, is going to correlate specifically to the nature of the value associations that you make for yourself. Values equal a sense of meaning that you are giving to your life. How many people on earth do you think can live without a sense of meaning? The sense of meaning in life, archetypically through astrology, is specific to Venus. Meaning is specific to that which you value. That which you value is in its own way conditioning or contributing to what you decide to believe. Understand my point?

So the Soul in any given life must orientate to a specific type of value associations that provide a specific sense of meaning. That now is specifically linked with the evolutionary intentions for the life itself. So here we determine and can see from the point of view of Soul/Pluto why Venus is in this house, and in this sign, making those aspects. Understand now?

The next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Mars. Some of you have learned in your happy books that Mars is a lower octave of Pluto. And if you have heard this, ask yourself the following question: What is a lower octave of something? See, here is a happy example of cultures like this where we can understand words, but we don't really know what they mean. A lower octave is simply a denser vibration of something. So why then is Mars a lower octave? The answer is straightforward; again the essence of the Soul’s evolution is based on desire. Mars in our subjective consciousness simply instinctually reflects and acts out desires emanating from the Soul itself. This is why you read in the happy books about Aries and Mars and the necessity of freedom. The Soul must have the necessary element, or level, of freedom in this life to initiate experiences that the Soul deems necessary relative to its evolutionary requirements and intentions, understand?

How that is done is specific to the house and sign and aspects that Mars is making. Got it? And this is why the necessity of freedom. That is also going to be correlating, by the way, to the necessary kind of sexual experiences. Sexual experiences are like any other experience of life in which the Soul learns about itself. Remember that sexual desires emanate specifically from the point of view of the primary brain. The primary brain in astrology correlates with Pluto, Mars and Moon. We have to understand that the primary brain in and of itself is unconditioned. It is specific to that which is called natural law. This sets in motion its own potential conflicts and collisions of what we call Will (Mars/Pluto). Meaning, the will of a normal society that is telling you what is right and wrong. What if the kind of sexual desires you have do not conform to your morality telling you this is right and that is wrong? Do you understand what potential conflicts are happening?

From a patriarchal point of view, linked with the primary brain, this is going to have the archetype that Thomas Moore called Dark Eros. The dark can only be linked, or applied, from the point of view of patriarchal judgment, understand my point? The only time any sexual desire is wrong is when it is linked with an intent to consciously hurt someone, anything other than what is normal and natural.

Most of you are familiar--most of you are old enough to remember--a series of books written, I think, in the late seventies or early eighties by a woman named Nancy Friday--Women's sexual fantasies, Men's sexual fantasies. So often you would hear in those books: Well I can have this in my fantasy, but I would never act it out. Now you understand this issue, don't you?

So Mars is simply the conscious component that instinctually registers the desires emanating from the unconscious life, Soul. Desires that are specific to the evolutionary needs and requirements of the Soul itself. It requires the necessary freedom in order to act out.

So we are still clear on the sequence? You are still trying to apply this to your chart? How many are starting to see your chart in a new way? Good. My point is that if you get used to doing it for yourself, well, guess what? You can do for your clients. Maybe you are beginning to see what this is finally going to lead to, the Piscean leap, called inductive logic, when you see it all at once. I mean you will get to the point where you don't have to spend three hours studying the chart before the client comes, and then you can do it instantly. So, any questions before we move on? Clear enough? Good.

Next step Jupiter. Following the sequence you can now logically see through your Virgo logic how Jupiter specifically is going to correlate with the types of belief structures that you need to draw upon in order to rationally explain, through your belief structure, the entire process we have described so far. Keeping in mind the nature of belief systems determines how you are interpreting the nature of phenomenal reality. How you are interpreting this reality comes right back to Mercury, how you are communicating it. From the point of view of brain, of consciousness, Jupiter specifically correlates to your right brain, the intuitive, the non-linear, the image based. There is that exact place in your consciousness that makes you aware, again, that we are connected to something much larger than just the earth.

So in effect, from an evolutionary point of view, why are we going to have Jupiter in this house, this sign, and making these aspects? It is the type of belief structure the Soul requires, without judgment, in order to facilitate the entire process of its evolutionary journey and intentions we are describing to this point. Got it?

As an example, do you think that a Soul that decided to have Jupiter in Aries is going to happily conform to a Capricorn version of reality? Why not? What is the evolutionary intent of having Jupiter in Aries? You see my point now? I mean they are trying to strike out on their own to think and understand and conceive for themselves. The phenomenon of conception, abstraction, to make abstract, is a Jupiter process.

It is one of the wonderful things about the great Yogananda. This man happened to have Jupiter in Aries and despite Vedantic tradition, which is essentially patriarchal, the essence of his teachings was all defined around the Divine Mother, not the Divine Father.

So, the next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Saturn. Here I am going to share a secret with you about Saturn that you are not going to read in any of your happy books. Saturn is the very structural nature of consciousness in general. One of the essential functions of Saturn is to provide a conditioning function. So for example, what if an individual happens to have Saturn in Leo? That means the entire structural definition of that consciousness is defined around a Leonean archetype. And that then means that every other astrological function, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, etc. is defined and conditioned by, in this case, the Leonean archetype--meaning the principle, the self-creative principle, the inner given right for creative self-actualization.

Understand this issue? For example, what do you typically read in your happy cookbook when Saturn is squaring Venus? Let's put Saturn in Leo and Venus in Scorpio. The typical cookbook interpretation will tell you what? That this individual will attempt to dominate and control and limit (Scorpio) the creative development of its partner relative to existing inner insecurity. This is wrong. The structural consciousness is defined by Saturn in Leo, so this then means (and to show you the opposite) that this individual is giving itself the right to creatively actualize itself in any way it deems necessary and will necessary have conflict with (Venus in Scorpio) partners who are so insecure that they are trying to undermine its creative self development. The Saturn in Leo defining the structural nature of that consciousness will then mean what? A desire to have partners that were doing the same thing.

So you can see the weakness in these stupid cookbooks, because it never made the leap that Saturn is the defining principle in the structural nature of consciousness itself, which is conditioning every other function in that consciousness. Do you see my point now? So, from a point of view of evolution, the happy sequence we have developed we now understand the structural nature of the consciousness that the Soul is creating to facilitate its evolutionary lessons, requirements and intentions.


Audience: You are saying that Saturn is the overall structure given to things, the Sun then is more like how we sense things because I was looking at the Sun….

Jeffrey: Sensing is a Venus principle.

Audience: Well, you are saying it correlates to how we integrate our current life experiences. Is integrating, which you are associating with the Sun, different from structuring, which you are associating with Saturn?

Jeffrey: Yes.

Audience: Can you explain that?

Jeffrey: This is a structure (Saturn). How we give purpose and meaning to the structure is the Sun.

Audience: Okay.

Jeffrey: Yes?

Audience: (Looking at a chart) Why do we have Mercury or Venus before we do, for instance, Saturn or Jupiter?

Jeffrey: I just explained that. That's why I am trying to go through this sequence very slowly. And it is a very deliberate sequence, one thing leading to the next thing. This is intentional to create cohesion, deductive analysis, not jumping around.

Jeffrey: Another Question? Yes?

Audience: With Saturn retrograde……… inaudible…..

Jeffrey: Completely. How would you like to examine that? Saturn retrograde has a very simple meaning; it is a structure of consciousness that is forever redefining and restructuring itself.

The problem with Saturn as an archetype intrinsically--this is what you read in the happy books—is the potentiality of crystallization. You have to remember everything is operating through polarity. What is the polarity of Capricorn, i.e. Saturn? It is the moon and Cancer; it comes right back to security issues. Particularly as we emotionally mature and get older most people start to want to not grow anymore. They want to have their Winnebago and their patio tools, “Oh, I am comfortable now I am not growing anymore.” There is a typical example of crystallization linked with security.

If you happen to have Saturn retrograde, you have a structural nature of consciousness that is always restless and will never reach a point in time that says, “Aha! That's it.” It wants to forever redefine itself relative to the evolutionary impulse to evolve and to grow.

Audience: How does that relate to all the other planets?

Jeffrey: Then it will have an oblique retrograde function to all the other planetary functions, not direct, oblique. Understand? Direct is like this, oblique is like this. So if I had Saturn retrograde it is having an oblique function to every other planetary function. It doesn't even have to be necessary in a direct aspect. We are talking about the structural nature of consciousness that is defining every other function. This is not something you read in some book, but it turns out to be actual reality. I have counseled over 15,000 clients. The essence of astrology is observation and correlation, and I am sharing with you the results of correlation and observation of over 15,000 clients all over the planet, not just America. Yes ma'm?

Audience: So actually having a retrograde planet might not be a negative thing at all?…(Inaudible)……

Jeffrey: It is not negative or positive. It simply is what it is. A retrograde archetype accelerates growth relative to the Jungian idea of individuation. Think about the symbol (Rx) to rebel, understand my point? To rebel against what? The status quo expectation of how the function defined by retrograde is meant to operate. And by having a rebellion function we have an individuation function, which is accelerating the growth of individuation or evolution through the function that is retrograde.

Karmically and evolutionary we also have Rx--the need to repeat, or relive something from prior lives that was (retrograde) not resolved. This can create its own kind of frustration. What if I have Venues retrograde in Scorpio linked with my relationship formation? And I have this need to repeat and relive x amount of intimate liaisons--karmically and evolutionary dictated--and I am now in a fixed pattern of Scorpio. Meaning all my relationship dynamics, despite my intellectual intention to change it, are fated to be repeated. Is this not going to create some potential frustration with our partner? Meaning the psychology of no matter what I do, I keep re-attracting the same thing. You see my point? These are things you don't read in the happy books.

Audience: So how do you bring that to an end? How do you stop?

Jeffrey: It is stopped once it is completed. It is completed when you finally see the retrograde symbol going to direct through progression, and not until.

Audience: What about when by progression a planet goes retrograde?

Jeffrey: Then you have entered a timeframe where you are repeating something from the past and/or redefining your overall reality in general, through individuation

Okay, so now we move into ever-understandable Uranus. From the point of view of Saturn, Saturn is going to describe--for most people--the interfacing between what we are consciously aware of, meaning our subjective consciousness or what we call personality, and the unconscious. It is that natural boundary, or barrier, or threshold. And for most people this is necessary because it goes right back to the idea of the moon, the anchor in the sea, which creates stability. This is also why, by the way, that most people do not have spontaneous natural access to their prior life memories. The point is that if most people had access to their prior life memories, those prior life memories, which are contained by Uranus, would overwhelm the current sense of reality (Saturn) in such a way it would become so consumed (Pluto) with what happened or didn't happen, what went right, what went wrong, we would not get on with the business of this life. That's why there is a necessary boundary (Saturn) that prevents this awareness. It can only really truly open to the Soul who begins it natural process of evolution back to the Source itself in an active conscious way. Understand my point?

So, Uranus correlates in Jungian terminology to what is called the individuated unconscious, or in Freudian terminology to the subconscious. In either case, I don't care about your the terminology, the Uranian element of your consciousness contains three components. You have learned, as an example, that it is a higher octave of Mercury. Mercury correlates with short-term memory. Uranus correlates with long-term memory. This also includes the long-term memories of other lifetimes. Just look at it logically. How many of you can remember in total detail what you did three days ago? Where did those memories go? Aaa, now we are looking at Uranus. So one dimension of Uranus correlates with where all the prior life memories that you have that are contributing to the current life are stored.

It also correlates to the component of our unconscious, dynamics that Saturn represses: dynamics in ourselves that we are having a problem accepting and, therefore, suppressing. This can also include the nature of trauma that is not resolved and is stuck into the subconscious. And Uranus also correlates to--connects to--what we can call the larger blueprint for the Soul’s evolutionary future. This is why we have the principal of liberation. To liberate from what? Saturn, the existing conditions of our life that can equal what we can euphemistically call our own personal status quo. That equals our own sense of security (moon) equaling the anchor in the sea that has been crystallized. So in effect, Uranus is always knocking on Saturn's door. When you go through an act of a Uranian transit, through linkage, the symbolism is very basic. That's what we call the hand grenade in a steel box. The steel box is your Saturn; the hand grenade is your Uranus. In the last analysis the hand grenade will prevail.

As an example, if I make a bomb go off right here, obviously everything is flying about, goes up into the air, fractured. Through the natural laws of returning (gravity), it is meant to come back to the earth, but it comes back in a new way. And that is really the function of Uranus. To remove whatever binding forces in our reality that are preventing necessary evolutionary growth. So whatever house and sign your Uranus is in and the aspects it is making, this is showing you how your own personal liberation in your own Saturnian conditions of your life is necessarily and naturally meant to occur.

It will also tell you, graphically, what kind of subconscious or unconscious memories the individual has, linked with their own prior life times, which is subconsciously conditioning their approach to their current life. This is where you can play astrological detective yet again. It can also show you the potential of unresolved karma as occurred and still may be operating subconsciously in such a way as to influence the behavior of the current life.

Now we come to the end of our Virgo sequence, and you can see now we come almost back to Pluto, meaning Neptune. And, of course, Neptune from a patriarchal point of view is called the archetype of transcendence. From the point of view of natural law, it is called the archetype of unity. The patriarchy teaches you that there is something to transcend, which itself is roughly the same as the delusive patriarchal idea that there is a natural conflict between spirit and flesh. That is why you have the word transcendence. This is utter B.S. An obsolete opinion invented by men to subjugate women. Through natural law the correct word of Neptune is union: to unite with the totality of creation, not to transcend it. And it is through absolute union that a natural expansion of consciousness occurs. There is nothing to transcend. And there is nothing to redeem. Despite what you’ve read in the happy books. That is reinforcing the patriarchy.

The issue here is that Neptune specifically correlates to the phenomenon of consciousness, in total, every one. Consciousness is very analogous to water. Water in and of itself has no form. Consciousness permeates and is the essence of creation. If I put water into this cup, then the consciousness in that water assumes the shape, form and function of the cup. If I put water /consciousness in human form, it is assuming the function and form of this body. If I put it in this plant, this animal etc., etc. Form and function is inherently limited--inherently limited,which is why you have read in your astrology books the need to go beyond the perception and experience of limitation. This is the inner action between Pisces and Scorpio.

Now, to make it very graphic to you, you all have consciousness, and it is all right now in a human body. And I will show you right away the limitation of consciousness in human form. Ready? What created God? You have just reached your limit, which exactly gives rise ultimately to the desire in all Souls to reunite with the source of all things, meaning to dissolve (Neptune) the apparent extinction of the separating form and to realize through union how the appearance of all manifested form is rooted in the original creation point. For you to do this naturally--for you to do this naturally--determine the house and sign of your Neptune and the aspects it is making. This is your own natural way, not according to any book or any teacher, understand the point? So has this now made a little bit of sense to you this morning? Any last questions? God Bless you and thank you for coming.

« Last Edit: Feb 19, 2013, 09:43 AM by Rad » Logged

RadModeratorMost Active Member

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Re: JWG'S Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation ...« Reply #12 on: Feb 21, 2013, 11:11 AM »

Hi Group,

I am now going to post an example chart that we can begin with. When you look at this chart I would like you at first to focus on the the evolutionary paradigm: natal Pluto, it's polarity point, the S.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler, and the N.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler. In our chart example we will analyze it from the point of view of the Soul being well within the 3rd individuated evolutionary state, a male in gender, a born in England to give it the necessary cultural context.

So as we begin our journey with the Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation I would like you to start with a succinct analysis of this charts Pluto, it's polarity point, the S/N Nodes and the location of their planetary rulers. This will then serve as the foundation upon which we will start to add the other planets one by one.

If you have any questions ask them of me now.

A Planetary Method of Chart Analysis Jeffrey Wolf Green Astro2000, Denver, CO 2000

What I’d like to do is try to make this as experiential for you this morning as possible, and the way I would like to do that is for all of you to keep your own particular birth chart in your head now as we go through this specific method so you can apply it immediately to your own case.

This particular method is very sequential; it is very Virgo like, ABC in nature, leading to a very deductive and Virgo-like analysis. In total, you will then find that once you employ this particular methodology--ABC--this will lead to a Pisces kind of awareness, meaning inductive, wherein you can see the whole first and then immediately grasp all the parts. So it is like going from Virgo to Pisces. Now as we go through this system, when you have questions, please ask me when you have the question, because the intention is to keep this as clear as possible as we are moving through it.

So the very first way we want to start the system is, of course, with Pluto. This is number one on your list; meaning as we go through this it is going to be like an outline. So we want to start with Pluto. We can ask a Pluto question: Why? And what we have here from a Plutonian point of view, of course, is the direct connection to the Soul, the Soul itself. Now, of course, if we understand this, the Soul is going to create the overall personality structure in any given life that is uniquely orientated to phenomenal reality in such a way that that unique orientation experiences the phenomenal reality in a way that is consistent with the evolutionary intentions and karmic requirement that the Soul has in any given life.

So we want to locate the natal position of Pluto first by house and sign. What is this going to be demonstrating? We have to remember that the nature of the Soul linked with time and space reality is simultaneously linked with the principle that we call evolution. Evolution is a dynamic in time and space reality that is beyond debate. The simplest way to know evolution: Is it not true that everybody on this planet, everyone in this room, inwardly always has an inner feeling of being in a continuous state of becoming? Who does not have such a feeling? So you can see right away just through normal life experience that this is a principle, a truth if you will, that applies to all people everywhere as long as we are living in time-space reality.

Now, if we linked evolution to the principle of the Soul, we ask a logical question: What is, in fact, the inner mechanism or dynamic within the Soul that causes evolution? The answer is straightforward, simple, and basic as most natural truths are. The answer is, in fact, the very same answer that came out of the enlightenment of the famous Buddha under the famous Bodhi tree, when he pondered the nature of sorrow and pain, misery and the like. What was actually promoted in Buddhism terms as Nirvana was based on the awareness within him called desire.

In each Soul there are two competing and antithetical desires that create evolution. One desire is a separating desire, meaning to separate away from what we can call God. And these sorts of desires are many, myriad, manifesting in typical ways as the desire for the new lover, the new possession, the new career ambition, whatever. All Souls have these desires, and simultaneous with the desire and coequal to it is the desire to return to that which has created the Soul in the first place. So, in effect, the essence of the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination (Pluto) of all separating desires to the exclusion of only one desire which can remain, which is to unite with the source of the Soul itself.

This is a very simple natural truth that operates independent of what we call astrology and can be validated by every single one of us in this room. In fact, it can be validated by everybody on earth. The simplest way to know it, again: Is not true that we can have whatever separating desire, oh we want this new thing over here, this, that or whatever, and we may have the ability to obtain that which we are desiring, and, of course, we have a momentary sense of satisfaction when we get it. But once we get it, what soon replaces the sense of satisfaction is, in effect, the sense of dissatisfaction, the sense of something more. It is exactly the sense of dissatisfaction that is mirroring and echoing this ultimate desire to return and to reunite with the source of all things. Who of you has not known this to be your own experience? You see, it is universal.

So the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination of all separating desires. The duality of these antithetical desires is intrinsic within the Soul and is what the psychologists call the basis of free choice.

Now, when we look at the nature of the natal position of Pluto, we are looking at two simultaneous phenomena, which is why we are starting with this number A on our Virgo list. Number one, it will describe very succinctly the types of desires that the soul has had prior to the current life, relative to its evolutionary necessities, its evolutionary intentions. That does not mean, by the way, that that is going to correlate or reflect all the prior lives that the Soul has had. The point is that the soul in any given life will only draw upon specific prior life times that have a direct connection to or bearing on the current life evolutionary intentions. The Sanskrit archetype for that is called Prarabdha Karma.

So, what the natal position of Pluto is demonstrating is the specific prior lifetimes and orientations that have direct bearing on the current lifetime. A simple example: What if we are dealing with a ninth house Pluto individual? We can make a very simple Piscean/ Virgo deduction that this would have been a Soul who, prior to the current life, one way or another, was desiring to understand its individual connection to the cosmological reality we call the universe, meaning natural desires to understand philosophy and cosmology and metaphysics, religion (even if that's atheism), anything that is a form of philosophy connected to the cosmos. Are we clear? Good.

And now what would that mean coming into the current life? And this is one of the secrets about Pluto that most people don't realize, i.e. when you read it in your happy books that it somehow connects to compulsion, obsession, defensiveness, resistance to change and all these things, and these things are accurate, but they never tell you why, and it is because at this point Pluto is going to correlate with the deepest sources of your unconscious sense of security. Keeping in mind that security is a function of self-consistency. Self-consistency is a function of the past, meaning what has come before. Again, how many of you would totally and wholly embrace the experience of absolute insecurity? No takers? Hmm? Ever wonder why we have compulsion, obsession? That's what psychologists call repetitive compulsion.

So by looking at the natal position of Pluto (house and sign), beyond the metaphysical point of view, you are describing in anybody’s life the sources that correlate with the deepest sense of unconscious security in the person. And in coming into the current life, the person instinctually gravitates to those sources in order to maintain a sense of self-consistency equaling security. Now clearly, if the soul stayed right there, there would, in fact, be no evolution. So this becomes a first point to examine. The next point is to determine how it is that soul is going to grow or evolve in the current life. And the answer very happily is that the next step (evolution) is determined--because we have to remember that we are living in a universe, time/space, that of itself is defined by the law of polarity--by the opposite house and sign of the natal position of Pluto.

So, following our example of the ninth house, it is, of course, naturally in opposition to the third house. Now, one of the natural problems in the ninth house/Sagittarius/Jupiter archetype is that it correlates, in essence, with the nature of phenomenal reality in total. And it is the ninth house in any chart--Jupiter/Sagittarius, archetypically natural law-- that creates the awareness in the human organism, in each person, that we are in fact connected to something much larger than just the earth itself. It creates the awareness that we are connected to a solar system, universes, and galaxies. And this sort of natural awareness gives rise to the philosophical questions that all human beings ask: What does it all mean? How are we connected to this thing?

One of the problems of the ninth house is that it will typically orientate to a portion of the overall truth, and then consider that particular portion to be the total truth, which is why we call it the Billy Graham Archetype, meaning the need to convince and convert other people to your particular point of view. Why? In order to feel secure. This is why in this case we are going to have a have a third house polarity.

Most of us have already realized in our happy books that Gemini correlates with diversity, yes? Most of us realized,--particularly for those that find yourself to be Gemini--that Gemini is a happy little sign because you put it in a bookstore, for example, and it is going to go around and do what? It is going to read two pages of this and one page of that, and maybe one right over here, but it is thinking that it is reading everything. And this means that it is trying to understand as much as possible relative to the whole phenomenon called creation. So when you have this polarity point to the ninth house Pluto, you can see the obvious evolutionary intention. The intention of the Soul is to evolve beyond the particular portion—part--of the truth that it has already realized. You understand the point?

So the Soul is like a computer, and it has its own program and in a typically Plutonian fashion, then, the Soul will actually literally program necessary philosophical confrontations (Pluto), meaning it will attract to itself other individuals that are more philosophically or cosmologically evolved than itself. These people will have the effect of penetrating (Pluto) to the weak link in this person’s existing philosophical structure. And by identifying the weak link, well, guess what? That whole structure collapses. And this is induces the Gemini evolutionary intention. Understand the point? I mean we could go on and on, but we only have an hour and a half. So, on our Virgo list we start with Pluto, natal position, polarity point. Any questions on this aspect of it? So, we are clear on this particular point?

Next step--number B on your Virgo list. We want to, of course, examine the nature of the south node of the moon. Now, why do we want to examine this point? The reason is that the south node of the moon will specifically correlate to the types of egocentric structures that the soul has necessarily created in order to consciously actualize the evolutionary desires or intentions, which have, in fact, preceded the current life.

That is to say that the moon, the south node of the moon specifically, correlates to what we call the ego. Now take this very seriously because, of course, I realize in astrology land that astrologers can assign the idea or the archetype of the ego to whatever planetary symbolism. Over the last 10-20 years it has been given to Saturn, Sun or whatever. But in reality in the astrology we do, the ego is specific to the moon. The way you can prove this through natural law is very straightforward. As an example we can understand that the ego is that which correlates with what we can psychologically call a self-image.

Now, for example, if we make an ego connection to the Sun and we look into the nature of our solar system, of course, the Sun appears to be relatively fixed, does it not? Now, do you feel throughout your life that your own inner self-image has been fixed and constant? When we compare this to examining the moon and its various phases, you can see the direct link to your own self-image and its evolution. Understand the point?

So, in effect, the Soul must create a necessary ego to create a self-image of the soul itself. So the south node is the conscious component that the soul generates or creates to actualize the desires that are intrinsic to the soul itself. As a simple example, let’s still use our Ninth House Pluto as our example, remembering that the ninth house Pluto is how I want to understand myself in the cosmos, etc. Now when we put the south Node in the seventh house, what are we looking at? We Are looking at a soul who prior to the current life, over a series of recent prior life times, has created egocentric structures that have been actualized through a seventh house archetype. What does it mean? It's going to mean that the soul has created a series of prior life egos that have been structured in such a way as to initiate a diversity of relationships, (seventh house), who looked like what? Ninth house teacher types. And by initiating this kind of relationships with teacher types, it has been collecting for itself, or attracting to itself, the kind of information that it has desired relative to the ninth house Pluto. You see the link?

Now, to show you why cookbook astrology is B.S.--I mean wrong--compare this to a ninth house Pluto but put the south node in the first house. You are going to still have the same complex of desires, but what types of personality structure, or egocentric structure has the Soul used that is very different from the seventh house? In the first case you have dependency on an external teacher, but when you put the south node in the first house, in essence, what you now have is a soul who has the same desire structure, but now with this south node in the first house you have an individual who has learned to ask and answer its own questions. You see why cookbook astrology is so wrong?

So in either case you still have a pre-existing orientation to reality. When that ninth house Pluto, south node in the seventh person comes into life she/he will gravitate, as they have prior to the current life, in exactly that way. This is why there is going to be a thing called the north node. You see the point? So in this ninth house Pluto/seventh house south node, we have a polarity point in the third house, and we have a north node in the first. So in essence, the north node in this case, the conscious actualization, makes that third house polarity occur, understand my point? What that would actually mean in this life as the person begin to emotionally mature (moon) in the current life, is that it progressively would begin to rebel against external teachers, their message and their voices. Because the intention (north node/first house) is that the person is meant to learn to ask and answer its own questions. This is going to create necessary intellectual, philosophical confrontation with external teacher types. You see?

In the second case, the person has been living in happy splendor, all within themselves in a form of narcissism (south node/first house). You see my point? So now why are we seeing the north node in the seventh house? They must learn to open up and share themselves with other people and in so doing, in opening up to other people, they are going to attract (third house polarity), you see how it works. You apply this to all charts. You start just this way, A, B on your happy list. Questions? So we have got this down now?

The next step in our happy methodology is then to go to the Sun, by the house and sign of the Sun and the aspects it is making. Why? Because the Sun is going to correlate specifically to how we are integrating and giving purpose and meaning to our current life experience. So in essence we are describing an evolutionary transition in our A B list, an evolutionary transition from past to the current life. The Sun is now going to show you how that is integrated and given purpose and meaning in the context of the current life. How the Sun in Sagittarius integrates life experience, gives purpose and meaning, is going to be very different from how a Virgo Sun integrates life experience and gives purpose and meaning, you understand my point?

So once you get used to these methods you ultimately get to play the role of an evolutionary detective, why this Sun sign? You understand my point? So that is why our next step is to move right to the Sun. And again I want you to be able to apply this experientially to your own chart, so try to work with that as we move through it so you can see the reality of what we are talking about. So just take a moment right now and think about your own natal Pluto, polarity point, north and south node and your Sun sign. Take a moment, don't ask a question, just take a moment!

Now, how many are completely stumped? Maybe in a moment it will become more clear for you.

Audience: How about if your Pluto is right on the cusp?

Jeffrey: On the cusp?

Audience: Yeah.

Jeffrey: What you have when Pluto is on the cusp is the archetype of initiation, but if you have it just before the cusp of moving into the next house, you have the archetype evolutionarily of culmination--an entire series of prior lives all culminating in the context of the current life.Audience: But you would still interpret it in terms of the house that it is in?

Jeffrey: Yeah. And see then what you have is as it progressively culminates—when Pluto is evolving into the next house—you still determine the polarity point, which allows for that evolutionary shift. This can by the way, psychologically create frustration, because the Soul already can feel where it is trying to go, but it also has to culminate, so it has this push-- pull, yeah.

Audience: What if Pluto is conjunct the nodes—actually, let’s take the north node.

Jeffrey: That's a very unique evolutionary signature. When you find Pluto conjunct the north node it means in all cases, that that soul has been working in that area of evolutionary development prior to the current life and is meant to completely focus on that area in the context of the current life. There is no polarity.

Audience: If Pluto and the north node are in the same house but not conjunct, is that the same meaning or not?

Jeffrey: First, you want to determine if the node is balsamic or new phase relative to Pluto, which creates its own archetypical meaning. And then there used to be an old phrase in astrology (I am going to date myself now) but it used to be called in mundo, meaning conjunct by sign. But unless you have technically an absolute conjunction, then you have a different kind of meaning depending on the phasal relationship between Pluto and the node itself.

The next step after understanding the integrative principle of the Sun and the purpose and meaning it is giving to life experience in general, our very next step is then to move to the moon itself. Why? The current life moon, the natal moon, and the nodes are going to reflect a spiritual law, the trinity, from the earth point of view the phenomenon of past, present, and future. We have the north and south nodes of the moon and what this is correlating to psychologically is a universal experience we call the dynamic tension that exist in all people between the past and the future, as experienced in each moment of our life. That's the natal moon in relationship to its nodal axis. We have an evolving ego, i.e. from south node to north node. How that evolving ego is integrated on a consistent basis (moon) is the natal moon itself by house and sign.

Audience: Could you go over that again?

Jeffrey: We have a thing called the dynamic tension between the past and the future that we all experience, yes? That dynamic tension as experienced in each moment of our life is contained in your natal moon. How we integrate the potential insecurity linked with our past and our future experienced in the moment is our natal moon. It creates cohesion, self-consistency, understand? It’s that place in you, the dynamic in you, that can say, “This is who I used to be, this is who I am trying to become.” That voice is your natal moon; do you understand my point?Audience: Can you give an example of that?

Jeffrey: All of you in this room know as your life experience that you are in a dynamic state of becoming, yes? You know you have a past; you know you have a feeling to go into--toward--your future, which is the experience of the moment, yes? The experience of these two things in the moment is your moon. How you experience that is your natal moon by its own house and sign.

Audience: Let’s say the moon was conjunct one end or the other of the nodal path, for example, the north node, would there be more orientation toward the future than the past and really more conflict about trying to integrate the south node somehow with Pluto?

Jeffrey: Each case is unique and you have to always overlay this with karmic evolutionary requirements. The experience of it depends on the person, including the observed evolutionary state; one size does not fit all. If I had the moon on the south node and I am in consensus state, for example, how I am responding to that inwardly would be vastly different than if I had that moon /south node and I am in, say, an individuated state, or a spiritual state, you see. In all cases you are looking at the phenomenon of something being unresolved in a prior life, at an emotional level, that the person is bringing forward into the current life in order to re experience with the intention of resolving it.

If you have moon square the nodes, and really anytime you have a planet square the nodes, including the moon or Pluto, in evolutionary terms you have what are called skipped steps. And in the current context the person has been flip flopping back and forth, back and forth. And in evolutionary terms, karmic requirement, the person must recover those skipped steps in order to evolutionary proceed. Until that recovery is made they are blocked, you see my point now? Are we clear on the methodology as we are proceeding? That's my main intention at the moment, are we clear at the moment? Anybody still not clear? Good!

Now, another way of looking at this is why we are going to be using the moon in this sequence. The moon is how each of us lives with ourself inwardly on a moment-to-moment basis. It is how we are giving personal form and definition to what we call our reality. It is way for us to make it personally secure. All human beings have a need to feel secure. Of course the issue is what constitutes security. But the phenomenon of feeling secure is a constant for all human beings. It is like the need to put an anchor in the sea instead of just letting the boat drift where it wants to go. That is your ego. That is your anchor in the sea. That is the anchor into your unconscious. That is the anchor into your soul. Do you understand my point?

That is the way for you to personally relate to what your evolutionary intentions are relative to the purpose that is described by the Sun. It is a way for you to live with it, to feel emotionally secure because of it. The house and sign of your moon and the aspects it makes describe how that process is done. It is that simple. Yes?

Audience: I'm sorry, is that the security………(Inaudible)…………

Jeffrey: Yes, this is why we have a triad among Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. See this is the ultimate meaning when we have the moon linked with Scorpio and Pisces. We have this natural triad, and very few astrologers will tell you that the ultimate secret of Cancer and the moon is to realize that the moon itself is the source of its own insecurity. This is why it is a Cardinal archetype, two steps forward and one step back. We want to initiate change and we freak out and we want to recover…(Inaudible)……

But the ultimate teaching of the moon is reflected in the dark side of the moon, the side we never see. And the reason that the moon creates its own insecurity is to ultimately realize (Pisces) security from within, linked with an inner reality that has nothing to do with the external environment. When you link this through Scorpio, this is why all of us at various points in our journey misapply our trust into people--in order to experience emotional betrayal, abandonment and loss to enforce inner security. This is why.

Audience: That wouldn't…(Inaudible)…… It seems to be reinforcing what you developed in the past.Jeffrey: No you are not listening; you’re not interpreting right. You don't understand reality unless you listen carefully and objectively to the words. What you have just heard is that the ultimate intention of the Cancer/Scorpio triad is to learn absolute state of inner security from within. Now you have heard it rightly.

The next step in our Virgo sequence is Mercury. Why? Mercury is now going to provide the intellectual structure. Again, we are all living in a phenomenal reality, yes? We started with Pluto, the nodal axis of the moon, Sun, and moon. And now you can see if you look at this evolutionarily, you can see why the Soul (Pluto) was picking Mercury in whatever house, sign and aspect. That's the kind of intellectual structure, meaning how I am going to intellectually organize in rational ways. That is how I explain to myself what my life experience is about, which is ultimately reflecting its evolutionary intention. This is how I give the intellectual super structure to this process. So I create an intellectual structure that creates rational thinking within me that creates an explanation and justification, which I then communicate to other people. This is why you have your specific house and sign of any given Mercury. You understand the point?

You see, life is either random, or it is in fact some sort of inherent order, you see? And if we look at it this way, we are looking at life and astrology non-judgmentally. This eliminates all the 19th century crap--exaltations, falls--it is irrelevant. We replace all this terminology with two words: what is. This is why you can have your Mercury in whatever house or sign. It is the way that you need to put it together and understand it intellectually through your left brain. Mercury in astrology specifically relates to the left brain.

Audience: What if Mercury is like right on a house cusp?

Jeffrey: Again, if you always use your ultimate perspective to understand the chart and then use an evolutionary perspective--transitions between past, present, future--then you can answer your own question. Any planet on the cusp is going to correlate evolutionarily either to culmination, meaning the planet just before a given house, or if it is just within that house something has already culminated and a brand new cycle of evolutionary development is now proceeding. So if Mercury happens to be the operative symbol it is simple going to mean a soul who is deciding to think, in this life, in altogether radically different ways than it has ever thought before.

Ok, next step in our Virgo sequence. Venus, of course, is going to correlate specifically to the nature of the value associations that you make for yourself. Values equal a sense of meaning that you are giving to your life. How many people on earth do you think can live without a sense of meaning? The sense of meaning in life, archetypically through astrology, is specific to Venus. Meaning is specific to that which you value. That which you value is in its own way conditioning or contributing to what you decide to believe. Understand my point?

So the Soul in any given life must orientate to a specific type of value associations that provide a specific sense of meaning. That now is specifically linked with the evolutionary intentions for the life itself. So here we determine and can see from the point of view of Soul/Pluto why Venus is in this house, and in this sign, making those aspects. Understand now?

The next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Mars. Some of you have learned in your happy books that Mars is a lower octave of Pluto. And if you have heard this, ask yourself the following question: What is a lower octave of something? See, here is a happy example of cultures like this where we can understand words, but we don't really know what they mean. A lower octave is simply a denser vibration of something. So why then is Mars a lower octave? The answer is straightforward; again the essence of the Soul’s evolution is based on desire. Mars in our subjective consciousness simply instinctually reflects and acts out desires emanating from the Soul itself. This is why you read in the happy books about Aries and Mars and the necessity of freedom. The Soul must have the necessary element, or level, of freedom in this life to initiate experiences that the Soul deems necessary relative to its evolutionary requirements and intentions, understand?

How that is done is specific to the house and sign and aspects that Mars is making. Got it? And this is why the necessity of freedom. That is also going to be correlating, by the way, to the necessary kind of sexual experiences. Sexual experiences are like any other experience of life in which the Soul learns about itself. Remember that sexual desires emanate specifically from the point of view of the primary brain. The primary brain in astrology correlates with Pluto, Mars and Moon. We have to understand that the primary brain in and of itself is unconditioned. It is specific to that which is called natural law. This sets in motion its own potential conflicts and collisions of what we call Will (Mars/Pluto). Meaning, the will of a normal society that is telling you what is right and wrong. What if the kind of sexual desires you have do not conform to your morality telling you this is right and that is wrong? Do you understand what potential conflicts are happening?

From a patriarchal point of view, linked with the primary brain, this is going to have the archetype that Thomas Moore called Dark Eros. The dark can only be linked, or applied, from the point of view of patriarchal judgment, understand my point? The only time any sexual desire is wrong is when it is linked with an intent to consciously hurt someone, anything other than what is normal and natural.

Most of you are familiar--most of you are old enough to remember--a series of books written, I think, in the late seventies or early eighties by a woman named Nancy Friday--Women's sexual fantasies, Men's sexual fantasies. So often you would hear in those books: Well I can have this in my fantasy, but I would never act it out. Now you understand this issue, don't you?

So Mars is simply the conscious component that instinctually registers the desires emanating from the unconscious life, Soul. Desires that are specific to the evolutionary needs and requirements of the Soul itself. It requires the necessary freedom in order to act out.

So we are still clear on the sequence? You are still trying to apply this to your chart? How many are starting to see your chart in a new way? Good. My point is that if you get used to doing it for yourself, well, guess what? You can do for your clients. Maybe you are beginning to see what this is finally going to lead to, the Piscean leap, called inductive logic, when you see it all at once. I mean you will get to the point where you don't have to spend three hours studying the chart before the client comes, and then you can do it instantly. So, any questions before we move on? Clear enough? Good.

Next step Jupiter. Following the sequence you can now logically see through your Virgo logic how Jupiter specifically is going to correlate with the types of belief structures that you need to draw upon in order to rationally explain, through your belief structure, the entire process we have described so far. Keeping in mind the nature of belief systems determines how you are interpreting the nature of phenomenal reality. How you are interpreting this reality comes right back to Mercury, how you are communicating it. From the point of view of brain, of consciousness, Jupiter specifically correlates to your right brain, the intuitive, the non-linear, the image based. There is that exact place in your consciousness that makes you aware, again, that we are connected to something much larger than just the earth.

So in effect, from an evolutionary point of view, why are we going to have Jupiter in this house, this sign, and making these aspects? It is the type of belief structure the Soul requires, without judgment, in order to facilitate the entire process of its evolutionary journey and intentions we are describing to this point. Got it?

As an example, do you think that a Soul that decided to have Jupiter in Aries is going to happily conform to a Capricorn version of reality? Why not? What is the evolutionary intent of having Jupiter in Aries? You see my point now? I mean they are trying to strike out on their own to think and understand and conceive for themselves. The phenomenon of conception, abstraction, to make abstract, is a Jupiter process.

It is one of the wonderful things about the great Yogananda. This man happened to have Jupiter in Aries and despite Vedantic tradition, which is essentially patriarchal, the essence of his teachings was all defined around the Divine Mother, not the Divine Father.

So, the next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Saturn. Here I am going to share a secret with you about Saturn that you are not going to read in any of your happy books. Saturn is the very structural nature of consciousness in general. One of the essential functions of Saturn is to provide a conditioning function. So for example, what if an individual happens to have Saturn in Leo? That means the entire structural definition of that consciousness is defined around a Leonean archetype. And that then means that every other astrological function, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, etc. is defined and conditioned by, in this case, the Leonean archetype--meaning the principle, the self-creative principle, the inner given right for creative self-actualization.

Understand this issue? For example, what do you typically read in your happy cookbook when Saturn is squaring Venus? Let's put Saturn in Leo and Venus in Scorpio. The typical cookbook interpretation will tell you what? That this individual will attempt to dominate and control and limit (Scorpio) the creative development of its partner relative to existing inner insecurity. This is wrong. The structural consciousness is defined by Saturn in Leo, so this then means (and to show you the opposite) that this individual is giving itself the right to creatively actualize itself in any way it deems necessary and will necessary have conflict with (Venus in Scorpio) partners who are so insecure that they are trying to undermine its creative self development. The Saturn in Leo defining the structural nature of that consciousness will then mean what? A desire to have partners that were doing the same thing.

So you can see the weakness in these stupid cookbooks, because it never made the leap that Saturn is the defining principle in the structural nature of consciousness itself, which is conditioning every other function in that consciousness. Do you see my point now? So, from a point of view of evolution, the happy sequence we have developed we now understand the structural nature of the consciousness that the Soul is creating to facilitate its evolutionary lessons, requirements and intentions.


Audience: You are saying that Saturn is the overall structure given to things, the Sun then is more like how we sense things because I was looking at the Sun….

Jeffrey: Sensing is a Venus principle.

Audience: Well, you are saying it correlates to how we integrate our current life experiences. Is integrating, which you are associating with the Sun, different from structuring, which you are associating with Saturn?

Jeffrey: Yes.

Audience: Can you explain that?

Jeffrey: This is a structure (Saturn). How we give purpose and meaning to the structure is the Sun.

Audience: Okay.

Jeffrey: Yes?

Audience: (Looking at a chart) Why do we have Mercury or Venus before we do, for instance, Saturn or Jupiter?

Jeffrey: I just explained that. That's why I am trying to go through this sequence very slowly. And it is a very deliberate sequence, one thing leading to the next thing. This is intentional to create cohesion, deductive analysis, not jumping around.

Jeffrey: Another Question? Yes?

Audience: With Saturn retrograde……… inaudible…..

Jeffrey: Completely. How would you like to examine that? Saturn retrograde has a very simple meaning; it is a structure of consciousness that is forever redefining and restructuring itself.

The problem with Saturn as an archetype intrinsically--this is what you read in the happy books—is the potentiality of crystallization. You have to remember everything is operating through polarity. What is the polarity of Capricorn, i.e. Saturn? It is the moon and Cancer; it comes right back to security issues. Particularly as we emotionally mature and get older most people start to want to not grow anymore. They want to have their Winnebago and their patio tools, “Oh, I am comfortable now I am not growing anymore.” There is a typical example of crystallization linked with security.

If you happen to have Saturn retrograde, you have a structural nature of consciousness that is always restless and will never reach a point in time that says, “Aha! That's it.” It wants to forever redefine itself relative to the evolutionary impulse to evolve and to grow.

Audience: How does that relate to all the other planets?

Jeffrey: Then it will have an oblique retrograde function to all the other planetary functions, not direct, oblique. Understand? Direct is like this, oblique is like this. So if I had Saturn retrograde it is having an oblique function to every other planetary function. It doesn't even have to be necessary in a direct aspect. We are talking about the structural nature of consciousness that is defining every other function. This is not something you read in some book, but it turns out to be actual reality. I have counseled over 15,000 clients. The essence of astrology is observation and correlation, and I am sharing with you the results of correlation and observation of over 15,000 clients all over the planet, not just America. Yes ma'm?

Audience: So actually having a retrograde planet might not be a negative thing at all?…(Inaudible)……

Jeffrey: It is not negative or positive. It simply is what it is. A retrograde archetype accelerates growth relative to the Jungian idea of individuation. Think about the symbol (Rx) to rebel, understand my point? To rebel against what? The status quo expectation of how the function defined by retrograde is meant to operate. And by having a rebellion function we have an individuation function, which is accelerating the growth of individuation or evolution through the function that is retrograde.

Karmically and evolutionary we also have Rx--the need to repeat, or relive something from prior lives that was (retrograde) not resolved. This can create its own kind of frustration. What if I have Venues retrograde in Scorpio linked with my relationship formation? And I have this need to repeat and relive x amount of intimate liaisons--karmically and evolutionary dictated--and I am now in a fixed pattern of Scorpio. Meaning all my relationship dynamics, despite my intellectual intention to change it, are fated to be repeated. Is this not going to create some potential frustration with our partner? Meaning the psychology of no matter what I do, I keep re-attracting the same thing. You see my point? These are things you don't read in the happy books.

Audience: So how do you bring that to an end? How do you stop?

Jeffrey: It is stopped once it is completed. It is completed when you finally see the retrograde symbol going to direct through progression, and not until.

Audience: What about when by progression a planet goes retrograde?

Jeffrey: Then you have entered a timeframe where you are repeating something from the past and/or redefining your overall reality in general, through individuation

Okay, so now we move into ever-understandable Uranus. From the point of view of Saturn, Saturn is going to describe--for most people--the interfacing between what we are consciously aware of, meaning our subjective consciousness or what we call personality, and the unconscious. It is that natural boundary, or barrier, or threshold. And for most people this is necessary because it goes right back to the idea of the moon, the anchor in the sea, which creates stability. This is also why, by the way, that most people do not have spontaneous natural access to their prior life memories. The point is that if most people had access to their prior life memories, those prior life memories, which are contained by Uranus, would overwhelm the current sense of reality (Saturn) in such a way it would become so consumed (Pluto) with what happened or didn't happen, what went right, what went wrong, we would not get on with the business of this life. That's why there is a necessary boundary (Saturn) that prevents this awareness. It can only really truly open to the Soul who begins it natural process of evolution back to the Source itself in an active conscious way. Understand my point?

So, Uranus correlates in Jungian terminology to what is called the individuated unconscious, or in Freudian terminology to the subconscious. In either case, I don't care about your the terminology, the Uranian element of your consciousness contains three components. You have learned, as an example, that it is a higher octave of Mercury. Mercury correlates with short-term memory. Uranus correlates with long-term memory. This also includes the long-term memories of other lifetimes. Just look at it logically. How many of you can remember in total detail what you did three days ago? Where did those memories go? Aaa, now we are looking at Uranus. So one dimension of Uranus correlates with where all the prior life memories that you have that are contributing to the current life are stored.

It also correlates to the component of our unconscious, dynamics that Saturn represses: dynamics in ourselves that we are having a problem accepting and, therefore, suppressing. This can also include the nature of trauma that is not resolved and is stuck into the subconscious. And Uranus also correlates to--connects to--what we can call the larger blueprint for the Soul’s evolutionary future. This is why we have the principal of liberation. To liberate from what? Saturn, the existing conditions of our life that can equal what we can euphemistically call our own personal status quo. That equals our own sense of security (moon) equaling the anchor in the sea that has been crystallized. So in effect, Uranus is always knocking on Saturn's door. When you go through an act of a Uranian transit, through linkage, the symbolism is very basic. That's what we call the hand grenade in a steel box. The steel box is your Saturn; the hand grenade is your Uranus. In the last analysis the hand grenade will prevail.

As an example, if I make a bomb go off right here, obviously everything is flying about, goes up into the air, fractured. Through the natural laws of returning (gravity), it is meant to come back to the earth, but it comes back in a new way. And that is really the function of Uranus. To remove whatever binding forces in our reality that are preventing necessary evolutionary growth. So whatever house and sign your Uranus is in and the aspects it is making, this is showing you how your own personal liberation in your own Saturnian conditions of your life is necessarily and naturally meant to occur.

It will also tell you, graphically, what kind of subconscious or unconscious memories the individual has, linked with their own prior life times, which is subconsciously conditioning their approach to their current life. This is where you can play astrological detective yet again. It can also show you the potential of unresolved karma as occurred and still may be operating subconsciously in such a way as to influence the behavior of the current life.

Now we come to the end of our Virgo sequence, and you can see now we come almost back to Pluto, meaning Neptune. And, of course, Neptune from a patriarchal point of view is called the archetype of transcendence. From the point of view of natural law, it is called the archetype of unity. The patriarchy teaches you that there is something to transcend, which itself is roughly the same as the delusive patriarchal idea that there is a natural conflict between spirit and flesh. That is why you have the word transcendence. This is utter B.S. An obsolete opinion invented by men to subjugate women. Through natural law the correct word of Neptune is union: to unite with the totality of creation, not to transcend it. And it is through absolute union that a natural expansion of consciousness occurs. There is nothing to transcend. And there is nothing to redeem. Despite what you’ve read in the happy books. That is reinforcing the patriarchy.

The issue here is that Neptune specifically correlates to the phenomenon of consciousness, in total, every one. Consciousness is very analogous to water. Water in and of itself has no form. Consciousness permeates and is the essence of creation. If I put water into this cup, then the consciousness in that water assumes the shape, form and function of the cup. If I put water /consciousness in human form, it is assuming the function and form of this body. If I put it in this plant, this animal etc., etc. Form and function is inherently limited--inherently limited,which is why you have read in your astrology books the need to go beyond the perception and experience of limitation. This is the inner action between Pisces and Scorpio.

Now, to make it very graphic to you, you all have consciousness, and it is all right now in a human body. And I will show you right away the limitation of consciousness in human form. Ready? What created God? You have just reached your limit, which exactly gives rise ultimately to the desire in all Souls to reunite with the source of all things, meaning to dissolve (Neptune) the apparent extinction of the separating form and to realize through union how the appearance of all manifested form is rooted in the original creation point. For you to do this naturally--for you to do this naturally--determine the house and sign of your Neptune and the aspects it is making. This is your own natural way, not according to any book or any teacher, understand the point? So has this now made a little bit of sense to you this morning? Any last questions? God Bless you and thank you for coming.

« Last Edit: Feb 19, 2013, 09:43 AM by Rad » Logged

RadModeratorMost Active Member

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Re: JWG'S Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation ...« Reply #12 on: Feb 21, 2013, 11:11 AM »

Hi Group,

I am now going to post an example chart that we can begin with. When you look at this chart I would like you at first to focus on the the evolutionary paradigm: natal Pluto, it's polarity point, the S.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler, and the N.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler. In our chart example we will analyze it from the point of view of the Soul being well within the 3rd individuated evolutionary state, a male in gender, a born in England to give it the necessary cultural context.

So as we begin our journey with the Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation I would like you to start with a succinct analysis of this charts Pluto, it's polarity point, the S/N Nodes and the location of their planetary rulers. This will then serve as the foundation upon which we will start to add the other planets one by one.

If you have any questions ask them of me now.

A Planetary Method of Chart Analysis Jeffrey Wolf Green Astro2000, Denver, CO 2000

What I’d like to do is try to make this as experiential for you this morning as possible, and the way I would like to do that is for all of you to keep your own particular birth chart in your head now as we go through this specific method so you can apply it immediately to your own case.

This particular method is very sequential; it is very Virgo like, ABC in nature, leading to a very deductive and Virgo-like analysis. In total, you will then find that once you employ this particular methodology--ABC--this will lead to a Pisces kind of awareness, meaning inductive, wherein you can see the whole first and then immediately grasp all the parts. So it is like going from Virgo to Pisces. Now as we go through this system, when you have questions, please ask me when you have the question, because the intention is to keep this as clear as possible as we are moving through it.

So the very first way we want to start the system is, of course, with Pluto. This is number one on your list; meaning as we go through this it is going to be like an outline. So we want to start with Pluto. We can ask a Pluto question: Why? And what we have here from a Plutonian point of view, of course, is the direct connection to the Soul, the Soul itself. Now, of course, if we understand this, the Soul is going to create the overall personality structure in any given life that is uniquely orientated to phenomenal reality in such a way that that unique orientation experiences the phenomenal reality in a way that is consistent with the evolutionary intentions and karmic requirement that the Soul has in any given life.

So we want to locate the natal position of Pluto first by house and sign. What is this going to be demonstrating? We have to remember that the nature of the Soul linked with time and space reality is simultaneously linked with the principle that we call evolution. Evolution is a dynamic in time and space reality that is beyond debate. The simplest way to know evolution: Is it not true that everybody on this planet, everyone in this room, inwardly always has an inner feeling of being in a continuous state of becoming? Who does not have such a feeling? So you can see right away just through normal life experience that this is a principle, a truth if you will, that applies to all people everywhere as long as we are living in time-space reality.

Now, if we linked evolution to the principle of the Soul, we ask a logical question: What is, in fact, the inner mechanism or dynamic within the Soul that causes evolution? The answer is straightforward, simple, and basic as most natural truths are. The answer is, in fact, the very same answer that came out of the enlightenment of the famous Buddha under the famous Bodhi tree, when he pondered the nature of sorrow and pain, misery and the like. What was actually promoted in Buddhism terms as Nirvana was based on the awareness within him called desire.

In each Soul there are two competing and antithetical desires that create evolution. One desire is a separating desire, meaning to separate away from what we can call God. And these sorts of desires are many, myriad, manifesting in typical ways as the desire for the new lover, the new possession, the new career ambition, whatever. All Souls have these desires, and simultaneous with the desire and coequal to it is the desire to return to that which has created the Soul in the first place. So, in effect, the essence of the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination (Pluto) of all separating desires to the exclusion of only one desire which can remain, which is to unite with the source of the Soul itself.

This is a very simple natural truth that operates independent of what we call astrology and can be validated by every single one of us in this room. In fact, it can be validated by everybody on earth. The simplest way to know it, again: Is not true that we can have whatever separating desire, oh we want this new thing over here, this, that or whatever, and we may have the ability to obtain that which we are desiring, and, of course, we have a momentary sense of satisfaction when we get it. But once we get it, what soon replaces the sense of satisfaction is, in effect, the sense of dissatisfaction, the sense of something more. It is exactly the sense of dissatisfaction that is mirroring and echoing this ultimate desire to return and to reunite with the source of all things. Who of you has not known this to be your own experience? You see, it is universal.

So the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination of all separating desires. The duality of these antithetical desires is intrinsic within the Soul and is what the psychologists call the basis of free choice.

Now, when we look at the nature of the natal position of Pluto, we are looking at two simultaneous phenomena, which is why we are starting with this number A on our Virgo list. Number one, it will describe very succinctly the types of desires that the soul has had prior to the current life, relative to its evolutionary necessities, its evolutionary intentions. That does not mean, by the way, that that is going to correlate or reflect all the prior lives that the Soul has had. The point is that the soul in any given life will only draw upon specific prior life times that have a direct connection to or bearing on the current life evolutionary intentions. The Sanskrit archetype for that is called Prarabdha Karma.

So, what the natal position of Pluto is demonstrating is the specific prior lifetimes and orientations that have direct bearing on the current lifetime. A simple example: What if we are dealing with a ninth house Pluto individual? We can make a very simple Piscean/ Virgo deduction that this would have been a Soul who, prior to the current life, one way or another, was desiring to understand its individual connection to the cosmological reality we call the universe, meaning natural desires to understand philosophy and cosmology and metaphysics, religion (even if that's atheism), anything that is a form of philosophy connected to the cosmos. Are we clear? Good.

And now what would that mean coming into the current life? And this is one of the secrets about Pluto that most people don't realize, i.e. when you read it in your happy books that it somehow connects to compulsion, obsession, defensiveness, resistance to change and all these things, and these things are accurate, but they never tell you why, and it is because at this point Pluto is going to correlate with the deepest sources of your unconscious sense of security. Keeping in mind that security is a function of self-consistency. Self-consistency is a function of the past, meaning what has come before. Again, how many of you would totally and wholly embrace the experience of absolute insecurity? No takers? Hmm? Ever wonder why we have compulsion, obsession? That's what psychologists call repetitive compulsion.

So by looking at the natal position of Pluto (house and sign), beyond the metaphysical point of view, you are describing in anybody’s life the sources that correlate with the deepest sense of unconscious security in the person. And in coming into the current life, the person instinctually gravitates to those sources in order to maintain a sense of self-consistency equaling security. Now clearly, if the soul stayed right there, there would, in fact, be no evolution. So this becomes a first point to examine. The next point is to determine how it is that soul is going to grow or evolve in the current life. And the answer very happily is that the next step (evolution) is determined--because we have to remember that we are living in a universe, time/space, that of itself is defined by the law of polarity--by the opposite house and sign of the natal position of Pluto.

So, following our example of the ninth house, it is, of course, naturally in opposition to the third house. Now, one of the natural problems in the ninth house/Sagittarius/Jupiter archetype is that it correlates, in essence, with the nature of phenomenal reality in total. And it is the ninth house in any chart--Jupiter/Sagittarius, archetypically natural law-- that creates the awareness in the human organism, in each person, that we are in fact connected to something much larger than just the earth itself. It creates the awareness that we are connected to a solar system, universes, and galaxies. And this sort of natural awareness gives rise to the philosophical questions that all human beings ask: What does it all mean? How are we connected to this thing?

One of the problems of the ninth house is that it will typically orientate to a portion of the overall truth, and then consider that particular portion to be the total truth, which is why we call it the Billy Graham Archetype, meaning the need to convince and convert other people to your particular point of view. Why? In order to feel secure. This is why in this case we are going to have a have a third house polarity.

Most of us have already realized in our happy books that Gemini correlates with diversity, yes? Most of us realized,--particularly for those that find yourself to be Gemini--that Gemini is a happy little sign because you put it in a bookstore, for example, and it is going to go around and do what? It is going to read two pages of this and one page of that, and maybe one right over here, but it is thinking that it is reading everything. And this means that it is trying to understand as much as possible relative to the whole phenomenon called creation. So when you have this polarity point to the ninth house Pluto, you can see the obvious evolutionary intention. The intention of the Soul is to evolve beyond the particular portion—part--of the truth that it has already realized. You understand the point?

So the Soul is like a computer, and it has its own program and in a typically Plutonian fashion, then, the Soul will actually literally program necessary philosophical confrontations (Pluto), meaning it will attract to itself other individuals that are more philosophically or cosmologically evolved than itself. These people will have the effect of penetrating (Pluto) to the weak link in this person’s existing philosophical structure. And by identifying the weak link, well, guess what? That whole structure collapses. And this is induces the Gemini evolutionary intention. Understand the point? I mean we could go on and on, but we only have an hour and a half. So, on our Virgo list we start with Pluto, natal position, polarity point. Any questions on this aspect of it? So, we are clear on this particular point?

Next step--number B on your Virgo list. We want to, of course, examine the nature of the south node of the moon. Now, why do we want to examine this point? The reason is that the south node of the moon will specifically correlate to the types of egocentric structures that the soul has necessarily created in order to consciously actualize the evolutionary desires or intentions, which have, in fact, preceded the current life.

That is to say that the moon, the south node of the moon specifically, correlates to what we call the ego. Now take this very seriously because, of course, I realize in astrology land that astrologers can assign the idea or the archetype of the ego to whatever planetary symbolism. Over the last 10-20 years it has been given to Saturn, Sun or whatever. But in reality in the astrology we do, the ego is specific to the moon. The way you can prove this through natural law is very straightforward. As an example we can understand that the ego is that which correlates with what we can psychologically call a self-image.

Now, for example, if we make an ego connection to the Sun and we look into the nature of our solar system, of course, the Sun appears to be relatively fixed, does it not? Now, do you feel throughout your life that your own inner self-image has been fixed and constant? When we compare this to examining the moon and its various phases, you can see the direct link to your own self-image and its evolution. Understand the point?

So, in effect, the Soul must create a necessary ego to create a self-image of the soul itself. So the south node is the conscious component that the soul generates or creates to actualize the desires that are intrinsic to the soul itself. As a simple example, let’s still use our Ninth House Pluto as our example, remembering that the ninth house Pluto is how I want to understand myself in the cosmos, etc. Now when we put the south Node in the seventh house, what are we looking at? We Are looking at a soul who prior to the current life, over a series of recent prior life times, has created egocentric structures that have been actualized through a seventh house archetype. What does it mean? It's going to mean that the soul has created a series of prior life egos that have been structured in such a way as to initiate a diversity of relationships, (seventh house), who looked like what? Ninth house teacher types. And by initiating this kind of relationships with teacher types, it has been collecting for itself, or attracting to itself, the kind of information that it has desired relative to the ninth house Pluto. You see the link?

Now, to show you why cookbook astrology is B.S.--I mean wrong--compare this to a ninth house Pluto but put the south node in the first house. You are going to still have the same complex of desires, but what types of personality structure, or egocentric structure has the Soul used that is very different from the seventh house? In the first case you have dependency on an external teacher, but when you put the south node in the first house, in essence, what you now have is a soul who has the same desire structure, but now with this south node in the first house you have an individual who has learned to ask and answer its own questions. You see why cookbook astrology is so wrong?

So in either case you still have a pre-existing orientation to reality. When that ninth house Pluto, south node in the seventh person comes into life she/he will gravitate, as they have prior to the current life, in exactly that way. This is why there is going to be a thing called the north node. You see the point? So in this ninth house Pluto/seventh house south node, we have a polarity point in the third house, and we have a north node in the first. So in essence, the north node in this case, the conscious actualization, makes that third house polarity occur, understand my point? What that would actually mean in this life as the person begin to emotionally mature (moon) in the current life, is that it progressively would begin to rebel against external teachers, their message and their voices. Because the intention (north node/first house) is that the person is meant to learn to ask and answer its own questions. This is going to create necessary intellectual, philosophical confrontation with external teacher types. You see?

In the second case, the person has been living in happy splendor, all within themselves in a form of narcissism (south node/first house). You see my point? So now why are we seeing the north node in the seventh house? They must learn to open up and share themselves with other people and in so doing, in opening up to other people, they are going to attract (third house polarity), you see how it works. You apply this to all charts. You start just this way, A, B on your happy list. Questions? So we have got this down now?

The next step in our happy methodology is then to go to the Sun, by the house and sign of the Sun and the aspects it is making. Why? Because the Sun is going to correlate specifically to how we are integrating and giving purpose and meaning to our current life experience. So in essence we are describing an evolutionary transition in our A B list, an evolutionary transition from past to the current life. The Sun is now going to show you how that is integrated and given purpose and meaning in the context of the current life. How the Sun in Sagittarius integrates life experience, gives purpose and meaning, is going to be very different from how a Virgo Sun integrates life experience and gives purpose and meaning, you understand my point?

So once you get used to these methods you ultimately get to play the role of an evolutionary detective, why this Sun sign? You understand my point? So that is why our next step is to move right to the Sun. And again I want you to be able to apply this experientially to your own chart, so try to work with that as we move through it so you can see the reality of what we are talking about. So just take a moment right now and think about your own natal Pluto, polarity point, north and south node and your Sun sign. Take a moment, don't ask a question, just take a moment!

Now, how many are completely stumped? Maybe in a moment it will become more clear for you.

Audience: How about if your Pluto is right on the cusp?

Jeffrey: On the cusp?

Audience: Yeah.

Jeffrey: What you have when Pluto is on the cusp is the archetype of initiation, but if you have it just before the cusp of moving into the next house, you have the archetype evolutionarily of culmination--an entire series of prior lives all culminating in the context of the current life.Audience: But you would still interpret it in terms of the house that it is in?

Jeffrey: Yeah. And see then what you have is as it progressively culminates—when Pluto is evolving into the next house—you still determine the polarity point, which allows for that evolutionary shift. This can by the way, psychologically create frustration, because the Soul already can feel where it is trying to go, but it also has to culminate, so it has this push-- pull, yeah.

Audience: What if Pluto is conjunct the nodes—actually, let’s take the north node.

Jeffrey: That's a very unique evolutionary signature. When you find Pluto conjunct the north node it means in all cases, that that soul has been working in that area of evolutionary development prior to the current life and is meant to completely focus on that area in the context of the current life. There is no polarity.

Audience: If Pluto and the north node are in the same house but not conjunct, is that the same meaning or not?

Jeffrey: First, you want to determine if the node is balsamic or new phase relative to Pluto, which creates its own archetypical meaning. And then there used to be an old phrase in astrology (I am going to date myself now) but it used to be called in mundo, meaning conjunct by sign. But unless you have technically an absolute conjunction, then you have a different kind of meaning depending on the phasal relationship between Pluto and the node itself.

The next step after understanding the integrative principle of the Sun and the purpose and meaning it is giving to life experience in general, our very next step is then to move to the moon itself. Why? The current life moon, the natal moon, and the nodes are going to reflect a spiritual law, the trinity, from the earth point of view the phenomenon of past, present, and future. We have the north and south nodes of the moon and what this is correlating to psychologically is a universal experience we call the dynamic tension that exist in all people between the past and the future, as experienced in each moment of our life. That's the natal moon in relationship to its nodal axis. We have an evolving ego, i.e. from south node to north node. How that evolving ego is integrated on a consistent basis (moon) is the natal moon itself by house and sign.

Audience: Could you go over that again?

Jeffrey: We have a thing called the dynamic tension between the past and the future that we all experience, yes? That dynamic tension as experienced in each moment of our life is contained in your natal moon. How we integrate the potential insecurity linked with our past and our future experienced in the moment is our natal moon. It creates cohesion, self-consistency, understand? It’s that place in you, the dynamic in you, that can say, “This is who I used to be, this is who I am trying to become.” That voice is your natal moon; do you understand my point?Audience: Can you give an example of that?

Jeffrey: All of you in this room know as your life experience that you are in a dynamic state of becoming, yes? You know you have a past; you know you have a feeling to go into--toward--your future, which is the experience of the moment, yes? The experience of these two things in the moment is your moon. How you experience that is your natal moon by its own house and sign.

Audience: Let’s say the moon was conjunct one end or the other of the nodal path, for example, the north node, would there be more orientation toward the future than the past and really more conflict about trying to integrate the south node somehow with Pluto?

Jeffrey: Each case is unique and you have to always overlay this with karmic evolutionary requirements. The experience of it depends on the person, including the observed evolutionary state; one size does not fit all. If I had the moon on the south node and I am in consensus state, for example, how I am responding to that inwardly would be vastly different than if I had that moon /south node and I am in, say, an individuated state, or a spiritual state, you see. In all cases you are looking at the phenomenon of something being unresolved in a prior life, at an emotional level, that the person is bringing forward into the current life in order to re experience with the intention of resolving it.

If you have moon square the nodes, and really anytime you have a planet square the nodes, including the moon or Pluto, in evolutionary terms you have what are called skipped steps. And in the current context the person has been flip flopping back and forth, back and forth. And in evolutionary terms, karmic requirement, the person must recover those skipped steps in order to evolutionary proceed. Until that recovery is made they are blocked, you see my point now? Are we clear on the methodology as we are proceeding? That's my main intention at the moment, are we clear at the moment? Anybody still not clear? Good!

Now, another way of looking at this is why we are going to be using the moon in this sequence. The moon is how each of us lives with ourself inwardly on a moment-to-moment basis. It is how we are giving personal form and definition to what we call our reality. It is way for us to make it personally secure. All human beings have a need to feel secure. Of course the issue is what constitutes security. But the phenomenon of feeling secure is a constant for all human beings. It is like the need to put an anchor in the sea instead of just letting the boat drift where it wants to go. That is your ego. That is your anchor in the sea. That is the anchor into your unconscious. That is the anchor into your soul. Do you understand my point?

That is the way for you to personally relate to what your evolutionary intentions are relative to the purpose that is described by the Sun. It is a way for you to live with it, to feel emotionally secure because of it. The house and sign of your moon and the aspects it makes describe how that process is done. It is that simple. Yes?

Audience: I'm sorry, is that the security………(Inaudible)…………

Jeffrey: Yes, this is why we have a triad among Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. See this is the ultimate meaning when we have the moon linked with Scorpio and Pisces. We have this natural triad, and very few astrologers will tell you that the ultimate secret of Cancer and the moon is to realize that the moon itself is the source of its own insecurity. This is why it is a Cardinal archetype, two steps forward and one step back. We want to initiate change and we freak out and we want to recover…(Inaudible)……

But the ultimate teaching of the moon is reflected in the dark side of the moon, the side we never see. And the reason that the moon creates its own insecurity is to ultimately realize (Pisces) security from within, linked with an inner reality that has nothing to do with the external environment. When you link this through Scorpio, this is why all of us at various points in our journey misapply our trust into people--in order to experience emotional betrayal, abandonment and loss to enforce inner security. This is why.

Audience: That wouldn't…(Inaudible)…… It seems to be reinforcing what you developed in the past.Jeffrey: No you are not listening; you’re not interpreting right. You don't understand reality unless you listen carefully and objectively to the words. What you have just heard is that the ultimate intention of the Cancer/Scorpio triad is to learn absolute state of inner security from within. Now you have heard it rightly.

The next step in our Virgo sequence is Mercury. Why? Mercury is now going to provide the intellectual structure. Again, we are all living in a phenomenal reality, yes? We started with Pluto, the nodal axis of the moon, Sun, and moon. And now you can see if you look at this evolutionarily, you can see why the Soul (Pluto) was picking Mercury in whatever house, sign and aspect. That's the kind of intellectual structure, meaning how I am going to intellectually organize in rational ways. That is how I explain to myself what my life experience is about, which is ultimately reflecting its evolutionary intention. This is how I give the intellectual super structure to this process. So I create an intellectual structure that creates rational thinking within me that creates an explanation and justification, which I then communicate to other people. This is why you have your specific house and sign of any given Mercury. You understand the point?

You see, life is either random, or it is in fact some sort of inherent order, you see? And if we look at it this way, we are looking at life and astrology non-judgmentally. This eliminates all the 19th century crap--exaltations, falls--it is irrelevant. We replace all this terminology with two words: what is. This is why you can have your Mercury in whatever house or sign. It is the way that you need to put it together and understand it intellectually through your left brain. Mercury in astrology specifically relates to the left brain.

Audience: What if Mercury is like right on a house cusp?

Jeffrey: Again, if you always use your ultimate perspective to understand the chart and then use an evolutionary perspective--transitions between past, present, future--then you can answer your own question. Any planet on the cusp is going to correlate evolutionarily either to culmination, meaning the planet just before a given house, or if it is just within that house something has already culminated and a brand new cycle of evolutionary development is now proceeding. So if Mercury happens to be the operative symbol it is simple going to mean a soul who is deciding to think, in this life, in altogether radically different ways than it has ever thought before.

Ok, next step in our Virgo sequence. Venus, of course, is going to correlate specifically to the nature of the value associations that you make for yourself. Values equal a sense of meaning that you are giving to your life. How many people on earth do you think can live without a sense of meaning? The sense of meaning in life, archetypically through astrology, is specific to Venus. Meaning is specific to that which you value. That which you value is in its own way conditioning or contributing to what you decide to believe. Understand my point?

So the Soul in any given life must orientate to a specific type of value associations that provide a specific sense of meaning. That now is specifically linked with the evolutionary intentions for the life itself. So here we determine and can see from the point of view of Soul/Pluto why Venus is in this house, and in this sign, making those aspects. Understand now?

The next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Mars. Some of you have learned in your happy books that Mars is a lower octave of Pluto. And if you have heard this, ask yourself the following question: What is a lower octave of something? See, here is a happy example of cultures like this where we can understand words, but we don't really know what they mean. A lower octave is simply a denser vibration of something. So why then is Mars a lower octave? The answer is straightforward; again the essence of the Soul’s evolution is based on desire. Mars in our subjective consciousness simply instinctually reflects and acts out desires emanating from the Soul itself. This is why you read in the happy books about Aries and Mars and the necessity of freedom. The Soul must have the necessary element, or level, of freedom in this life to initiate experiences that the Soul deems necessary relative to its evolutionary requirements and intentions, understand?

How that is done is specific to the house and sign and aspects that Mars is making. Got it? And this is why the necessity of freedom. That is also going to be correlating, by the way, to the necessary kind of sexual experiences. Sexual experiences are like any other experience of life in which the Soul learns about itself. Remember that sexual desires emanate specifically from the point of view of the primary brain. The primary brain in astrology correlates with Pluto, Mars and Moon. We have to understand that the primary brain in and of itself is unconditioned. It is specific to that which is called natural law. This sets in motion its own potential conflicts and collisions of what we call Will (Mars/Pluto). Meaning, the will of a normal society that is telling you what is right and wrong. What if the kind of sexual desires you have do not conform to your morality telling you this is right and that is wrong? Do you understand what potential conflicts are happening?

From a patriarchal point of view, linked with the primary brain, this is going to have the archetype that Thomas Moore called Dark Eros. The dark can only be linked, or applied, from the point of view of patriarchal judgment, understand my point? The only time any sexual desire is wrong is when it is linked with an intent to consciously hurt someone, anything other than what is normal and natural.

Most of you are familiar--most of you are old enough to remember--a series of books written, I think, in the late seventies or early eighties by a woman named Nancy Friday--Women's sexual fantasies, Men's sexual fantasies. So often you would hear in those books: Well I can have this in my fantasy, but I would never act it out. Now you understand this issue, don't you?

So Mars is simply the conscious component that instinctually registers the desires emanating from the unconscious life, Soul. Desires that are specific to the evolutionary needs and requirements of the Soul itself. It requires the necessary freedom in order to act out.

So we are still clear on the sequence? You are still trying to apply this to your chart? How many are starting to see your chart in a new way? Good. My point is that if you get used to doing it for yourself, well, guess what? You can do for your clients. Maybe you are beginning to see what this is finally going to lead to, the Piscean leap, called inductive logic, when you see it all at once. I mean you will get to the point where you don't have to spend three hours studying the chart before the client comes, and then you can do it instantly. So, any questions before we move on? Clear enough? Good.

Next step Jupiter. Following the sequence you can now logically see through your Virgo logic how Jupiter specifically is going to correlate with the types of belief structures that you need to draw upon in order to rationally explain, through your belief structure, the entire process we have described so far. Keeping in mind the nature of belief systems determines how you are interpreting the nature of phenomenal reality. How you are interpreting this reality comes right back to Mercury, how you are communicating it. From the point of view of brain, of consciousness, Jupiter specifically correlates to your right brain, the intuitive, the non-linear, the image based. There is that exact place in your consciousness that makes you aware, again, that we are connected to something much larger than just the earth.

So in effect, from an evolutionary point of view, why are we going to have Jupiter in this house, this sign, and making these aspects? It is the type of belief structure the Soul requires, without judgment, in order to facilitate the entire process of its evolutionary journey and intentions we are describing to this point. Got it?

As an example, do you think that a Soul that decided to have Jupiter in Aries is going to happily conform to a Capricorn version of reality? Why not? What is the evolutionary intent of having Jupiter in Aries? You see my point now? I mean they are trying to strike out on their own to think and understand and conceive for themselves. The phenomenon of conception, abstraction, to make abstract, is a Jupiter process.

It is one of the wonderful things about the great Yogananda. This man happened to have Jupiter in Aries and despite Vedantic tradition, which is essentially patriarchal, the essence of his teachings was all defined around the Divine Mother, not the Divine Father.

So, the next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Saturn. Here I am going to share a secret with you about Saturn that you are not going to read in any of your happy books. Saturn is the very structural nature of consciousness in general. One of the essential functions of Saturn is to provide a conditioning function. So for example, what if an individual happens to have Saturn in Leo? That means the entire structural definition of that consciousness is defined around a Leonean archetype. And that then means that every other astrological function, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, etc. is defined and conditioned by, in this case, the Leonean archetype--meaning the principle, the self-creative principle, the inner given right for creative self-actualization.

Understand this issue? For example, what do you typically read in your happy cookbook when Saturn is squaring Venus? Let's put Saturn in Leo and Venus in Scorpio. The typical cookbook interpretation will tell you what? That this individual will attempt to dominate and control and limit (Scorpio) the creative development of its partner relative to existing inner insecurity. This is wrong. The structural consciousness is defined by Saturn in Leo, so this then means (and to show you the opposite) that this individual is giving itself the right to creatively actualize itself in any way it deems necessary and will necessary have conflict with (Venus in Scorpio) partners who are so insecure that they are trying to undermine its creative self development. The Saturn in Leo defining the structural nature of that consciousness will then mean what? A desire to have partners that were doing the same thing.

So you can see the weakness in these stupid cookbooks, because it never made the leap that Saturn is the defining principle in the structural nature of consciousness itself, which is conditioning every other function in that consciousness. Do you see my point now? So, from a point of view of evolution, the happy sequence we have developed we now understand the structural nature of the consciousness that the Soul is creating to facilitate its evolutionary lessons, requirements and intentions.


Audience: You are saying that Saturn is the overall structure given to things, the Sun then is more like how we sense things because I was looking at the Sun….

Jeffrey: Sensing is a Venus principle.

Audience: Well, you are saying it correlates to how we integrate our current life experiences. Is integrating, which you are associating with the Sun, different from structuring, which you are associating with Saturn?

Jeffrey: Yes.

Audience: Can you explain that?

Jeffrey: This is a structure (Saturn). How we give purpose and meaning to the structure is the Sun.

Audience: Okay.

Jeffrey: Yes?

Audience: (Looking at a chart) Why do we have Mercury or Venus before we do, for instance, Saturn or Jupiter?

Jeffrey: I just explained that. That's why I am trying to go through this sequence very slowly. And it is a very deliberate sequence, one thing leading to the next thing. This is intentional to create cohesion, deductive analysis, not jumping around.

Jeffrey: Another Question? Yes?

Audience: With Saturn retrograde……… inaudible…..

Jeffrey: Completely. How would you like to examine that? Saturn retrograde has a very simple meaning; it is a structure of consciousness that is forever redefining and restructuring itself.

The problem with Saturn as an archetype intrinsically--this is what you read in the happy books—is the potentiality of crystallization. You have to remember everything is operating through polarity. What is the polarity of Capricorn, i.e. Saturn? It is the moon and Cancer; it comes right back to security issues. Particularly as we emotionally mature and get older most people start to want to not grow anymore. They want to have their Winnebago and their patio tools, “Oh, I am comfortable now I am not growing anymore.” There is a typical example of crystallization linked with security.

If you happen to have Saturn retrograde, you have a structural nature of consciousness that is always restless and will never reach a point in time that says, “Aha! That's it.” It wants to forever redefine itself relative to the evolutionary impulse to evolve and to grow.

Audience: How does that relate to all the other planets?

Jeffrey: Then it will have an oblique retrograde function to all the other planetary functions, not direct, oblique. Understand? Direct is like this, oblique is like this. So if I had Saturn retrograde it is having an oblique function to every other planetary function. It doesn't even have to be necessary in a direct aspect. We are talking about the structural nature of consciousness that is defining every other function. This is not something you read in some book, but it turns out to be actual reality. I have counseled over 15,000 clients. The essence of astrology is observation and correlation, and I am sharing with you the results of correlation and observation of over 15,000 clients all over the planet, not just America. Yes ma'm?

Audience: So actually having a retrograde planet might not be a negative thing at all?…(Inaudible)……

Jeffrey: It is not negative or positive. It simply is what it is. A retrograde archetype accelerates growth relative to the Jungian idea of individuation. Think about the symbol (Rx) to rebel, understand my point? To rebel against what? The status quo expectation of how the function defined by retrograde is meant to operate. And by having a rebellion function we have an individuation function, which is accelerating the growth of individuation or evolution through the function that is retrograde.

Karmically and evolutionary we also have Rx--the need to repeat, or relive something from prior lives that was (retrograde) not resolved. This can create its own kind of frustration. What if I have Venues retrograde in Scorpio linked with my relationship formation? And I have this need to repeat and relive x amount of intimate liaisons--karmically and evolutionary dictated--and I am now in a fixed pattern of Scorpio. Meaning all my relationship dynamics, despite my intellectual intention to change it, are fated to be repeated. Is this not going to create some potential frustration with our partner? Meaning the psychology of no matter what I do, I keep re-attracting the same thing. You see my point? These are things you don't read in the happy books.

Audience: So how do you bring that to an end? How do you stop?

Jeffrey: It is stopped once it is completed. It is completed when you finally see the retrograde symbol going to direct through progression, and not until.

Audience: What about when by progression a planet goes retrograde?

Jeffrey: Then you have entered a timeframe where you are repeating something from the past and/or redefining your overall reality in general, through individuation

Okay, so now we move into ever-understandable Uranus. From the point of view of Saturn, Saturn is going to describe--for most people--the interfacing between what we are consciously aware of, meaning our subjective consciousness or what we call personality, and the unconscious. It is that natural boundary, or barrier, or threshold. And for most people this is necessary because it goes right back to the idea of the moon, the anchor in the sea, which creates stability. This is also why, by the way, that most people do not have spontaneous natural access to their prior life memories. The point is that if most people had access to their prior life memories, those prior life memories, which are contained by Uranus, would overwhelm the current sense of reality (Saturn) in such a way it would become so consumed (Pluto) with what happened or didn't happen, what went right, what went wrong, we would not get on with the business of this life. That's why there is a necessary boundary (Saturn) that prevents this awareness. It can only really truly open to the Soul who begins it natural process of evolution back to the Source itself in an active conscious way. Understand my point?

So, Uranus correlates in Jungian terminology to what is called the individuated unconscious, or in Freudian terminology to the subconscious. In either case, I don't care about your the terminology, the Uranian element of your consciousness contains three components. You have learned, as an example, that it is a higher octave of Mercury. Mercury correlates with short-term memory. Uranus correlates with long-term memory. This also includes the long-term memories of other lifetimes. Just look at it logically. How many of you can remember in total detail what you did three days ago? Where did those memories go? Aaa, now we are looking at Uranus. So one dimension of Uranus correlates with where all the prior life memories that you have that are contributing to the current life are stored.

It also correlates to the component of our unconscious, dynamics that Saturn represses: dynamics in ourselves that we are having a problem accepting and, therefore, suppressing. This can also include the nature of trauma that is not resolved and is stuck into the subconscious. And Uranus also correlates to--connects to--what we can call the larger blueprint for the Soul’s evolutionary future. This is why we have the principal of liberation. To liberate from what? Saturn, the existing conditions of our life that can equal what we can euphemistically call our own personal status quo. That equals our own sense of security (moon) equaling the anchor in the sea that has been crystallized. So in effect, Uranus is always knocking on Saturn's door. When you go through an act of a Uranian transit, through linkage, the symbolism is very basic. That's what we call the hand grenade in a steel box. The steel box is your Saturn; the hand grenade is your Uranus. In the last analysis the hand grenade will prevail.

As an example, if I make a bomb go off right here, obviously everything is flying about, goes up into the air, fractured. Through the natural laws of returning (gravity), it is meant to come back to the earth, but it comes back in a new way. And that is really the function of Uranus. To remove whatever binding forces in our reality that are preventing necessary evolutionary growth. So whatever house and sign your Uranus is in and the aspects it is making, this is showing you how your own personal liberation in your own Saturnian conditions of your life is necessarily and naturally meant to occur.

It will also tell you, graphically, what kind of subconscious or unconscious memories the individual has, linked with their own prior life times, which is subconsciously conditioning their approach to their current life. This is where you can play astrological detective yet again. It can also show you the potential of unresolved karma as occurred and still may be operating subconsciously in such a way as to influence the behavior of the current life.

Now we come to the end of our Virgo sequence, and you can see now we come almost back to Pluto, meaning Neptune. And, of course, Neptune from a patriarchal point of view is called the archetype of transcendence. From the point of view of natural law, it is called the archetype of unity. The patriarchy teaches you that there is something to transcend, which itself is roughly the same as the delusive patriarchal idea that there is a natural conflict between spirit and flesh. That is why you have the word transcendence. This is utter B.S. An obsolete opinion invented by men to subjugate women. Through natural law the correct word of Neptune is union: to unite with the totality of creation, not to transcend it. And it is through absolute union that a natural expansion of consciousness occurs. There is nothing to transcend. And there is nothing to redeem. Despite what you’ve read in the happy books. That is reinforcing the patriarchy.

The issue here is that Neptune specifically correlates to the phenomenon of consciousness, in total, every one. Consciousness is very analogous to water. Water in and of itself has no form. Consciousness permeates and is the essence of creation. If I put water into this cup, then the consciousness in that water assumes the shape, form and function of the cup. If I put water /consciousness in human form, it is assuming the function and form of this body. If I put it in this plant, this animal etc., etc. Form and function is inherently limited--inherently limited,which is why you have read in your astrology books the need to go beyond the perception and experience of limitation. This is the inner action between Pisces and Scorpio.

Now, to make it very graphic to you, you all have consciousness, and it is all right now in a human body. And I will show you right away the limitation of consciousness in human form. Ready? What created God? You have just reached your limit, which exactly gives rise ultimately to the desire in all Souls to reunite with the source of all things, meaning to dissolve (Neptune) the apparent extinction of the separating form and to realize through union how the appearance of all manifested form is rooted in the original creation point. For you to do this naturally--for you to do this naturally--determine the house and sign of your Neptune and the aspects it is making. This is your own natural way, not according to any book or any teacher, understand the point? So has this now made a little bit of sense to you this morning? Any last questions? God Bless you and thank you for coming.

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RadModeratorMost Active Member

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Re: JWG'S Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation ...« Reply #12 on: Feb 21, 2013, 11:11 AM »

Hi Group,

I am now going to post an example chart that we can begin with. When you look at this chart I would like you at first to focus on the the evolutionary paradigm: natal Pluto, it's polarity point, the S.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler, and the N.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler. In our chart example we will analyze it from the point of view of the Soul being well within the 3rd individuated evolutionary state, a male in gender, a born in England to give it the necessary cultural context.

So as we begin our journey with the Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation I would like you to start with a succinct analysis of this charts Pluto, it's polarity point, the S/N Nodes and the location of their planetary rulers. This will then serve as the foundation upon which we will start to add the other planets one by one.

If you have any questions ask them of me now.

A Planetary Method of Chart Analysis Jeffrey Wolf Green Astro2000, Denver, CO 2000

What I’d like to do is try to make this as experiential for you this morning as possible, and the way I would like to do that is for all of you to keep your own particular birth chart in your head now as we go through this specific method so you can apply it immediately to your own case.

This particular method is very sequential; it is very Virgo like, ABC in nature, leading to a very deductive and Virgo-like analysis. In total, you will then find that once you employ this particular methodology--ABC--this will lead to a Pisces kind of awareness, meaning inductive, wherein you can see the whole first and then immediately grasp all the parts. So it is like going from Virgo to Pisces. Now as we go through this system, when you have questions, please ask me when you have the question, because the intention is to keep this as clear as possible as we are moving through it.

So the very first way we want to start the system is, of course, with Pluto. This is number one on your list; meaning as we go through this it is going to be like an outline. So we want to start with Pluto. We can ask a Pluto question: Why? And what we have here from a Plutonian point of view, of course, is the direct connection to the Soul, the Soul itself. Now, of course, if we understand this, the Soul is going to create the overall personality structure in any given life that is uniquely orientated to phenomenal reality in such a way that that unique orientation experiences the phenomenal reality in a way that is consistent with the evolutionary intentions and karmic requirement that the Soul has in any given life.

So we want to locate the natal position of Pluto first by house and sign. What is this going to be demonstrating? We have to remember that the nature of the Soul linked with time and space reality is simultaneously linked with the principle that we call evolution. Evolution is a dynamic in time and space reality that is beyond debate. The simplest way to know evolution: Is it not true that everybody on this planet, everyone in this room, inwardly always has an inner feeling of being in a continuous state of becoming? Who does not have such a feeling? So you can see right away just through normal life experience that this is a principle, a truth if you will, that applies to all people everywhere as long as we are living in time-space reality.

Now, if we linked evolution to the principle of the Soul, we ask a logical question: What is, in fact, the inner mechanism or dynamic within the Soul that causes evolution? The answer is straightforward, simple, and basic as most natural truths are. The answer is, in fact, the very same answer that came out of the enlightenment of the famous Buddha under the famous Bodhi tree, when he pondered the nature of sorrow and pain, misery and the like. What was actually promoted in Buddhism terms as Nirvana was based on the awareness within him called desire.

In each Soul there are two competing and antithetical desires that create evolution. One desire is a separating desire, meaning to separate away from what we can call God. And these sorts of desires are many, myriad, manifesting in typical ways as the desire for the new lover, the new possession, the new career ambition, whatever. All Souls have these desires, and simultaneous with the desire and coequal to it is the desire to return to that which has created the Soul in the first place. So, in effect, the essence of the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination (Pluto) of all separating desires to the exclusion of only one desire which can remain, which is to unite with the source of the Soul itself.

This is a very simple natural truth that operates independent of what we call astrology and can be validated by every single one of us in this room. In fact, it can be validated by everybody on earth. The simplest way to know it, again: Is not true that we can have whatever separating desire, oh we want this new thing over here, this, that or whatever, and we may have the ability to obtain that which we are desiring, and, of course, we have a momentary sense of satisfaction when we get it. But once we get it, what soon replaces the sense of satisfaction is, in effect, the sense of dissatisfaction, the sense of something more. It is exactly the sense of dissatisfaction that is mirroring and echoing this ultimate desire to return and to reunite with the source of all things. Who of you has not known this to be your own experience? You see, it is universal.

So the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination of all separating desires. The duality of these antithetical desires is intrinsic within the Soul and is what the psychologists call the basis of free choice.

Now, when we look at the nature of the natal position of Pluto, we are looking at two simultaneous phenomena, which is why we are starting with this number A on our Virgo list. Number one, it will describe very succinctly the types of desires that the soul has had prior to the current life, relative to its evolutionary necessities, its evolutionary intentions. That does not mean, by the way, that that is going to correlate or reflect all the prior lives that the Soul has had. The point is that the soul in any given life will only draw upon specific prior life times that have a direct connection to or bearing on the current life evolutionary intentions. The Sanskrit archetype for that is called Prarabdha Karma.

So, what the natal position of Pluto is demonstrating is the specific prior lifetimes and orientations that have direct bearing on the current lifetime. A simple example: What if we are dealing with a ninth house Pluto individual? We can make a very simple Piscean/ Virgo deduction that this would have been a Soul who, prior to the current life, one way or another, was desiring to understand its individual connection to the cosmological reality we call the universe, meaning natural desires to understand philosophy and cosmology and metaphysics, religion (even if that's atheism), anything that is a form of philosophy connected to the cosmos. Are we clear? Good.

And now what would that mean coming into the current life? And this is one of the secrets about Pluto that most people don't realize, i.e. when you read it in your happy books that it somehow connects to compulsion, obsession, defensiveness, resistance to change and all these things, and these things are accurate, but they never tell you why, and it is because at this point Pluto is going to correlate with the deepest sources of your unconscious sense of security. Keeping in mind that security is a function of self-consistency. Self-consistency is a function of the past, meaning what has come before. Again, how many of you would totally and wholly embrace the experience of absolute insecurity? No takers? Hmm? Ever wonder why we have compulsion, obsession? That's what psychologists call repetitive compulsion.

So by looking at the natal position of Pluto (house and sign), beyond the metaphysical point of view, you are describing in anybody’s life the sources that correlate with the deepest sense of unconscious security in the person. And in coming into the current life, the person instinctually gravitates to those sources in order to maintain a sense of self-consistency equaling security. Now clearly, if the soul stayed right there, there would, in fact, be no evolution. So this becomes a first point to examine. The next point is to determine how it is that soul is going to grow or evolve in the current life. And the answer very happily is that the next step (evolution) is determined--because we have to remember that we are living in a universe, time/space, that of itself is defined by the law of polarity--by the opposite house and sign of the natal position of Pluto.

So, following our example of the ninth house, it is, of course, naturally in opposition to the third house. Now, one of the natural problems in the ninth house/Sagittarius/Jupiter archetype is that it correlates, in essence, with the nature of phenomenal reality in total. And it is the ninth house in any chart--Jupiter/Sagittarius, archetypically natural law-- that creates the awareness in the human organism, in each person, that we are in fact connected to something much larger than just the earth itself. It creates the awareness that we are connected to a solar system, universes, and galaxies. And this sort of natural awareness gives rise to the philosophical questions that all human beings ask: What does it all mean? How are we connected to this thing?

One of the problems of the ninth house is that it will typically orientate to a portion of the overall truth, and then consider that particular portion to be the total truth, which is why we call it the Billy Graham Archetype, meaning the need to convince and convert other people to your particular point of view. Why? In order to feel secure. This is why in this case we are going to have a have a third house polarity.

Most of us have already realized in our happy books that Gemini correlates with diversity, yes? Most of us realized,--particularly for those that find yourself to be Gemini--that Gemini is a happy little sign because you put it in a bookstore, for example, and it is going to go around and do what? It is going to read two pages of this and one page of that, and maybe one right over here, but it is thinking that it is reading everything. And this means that it is trying to understand as much as possible relative to the whole phenomenon called creation. So when you have this polarity point to the ninth house Pluto, you can see the obvious evolutionary intention. The intention of the Soul is to evolve beyond the particular portion—part--of the truth that it has already realized. You understand the point?

So the Soul is like a computer, and it has its own program and in a typically Plutonian fashion, then, the Soul will actually literally program necessary philosophical confrontations (Pluto), meaning it will attract to itself other individuals that are more philosophically or cosmologically evolved than itself. These people will have the effect of penetrating (Pluto) to the weak link in this person’s existing philosophical structure. And by identifying the weak link, well, guess what? That whole structure collapses. And this is induces the Gemini evolutionary intention. Understand the point? I mean we could go on and on, but we only have an hour and a half. So, on our Virgo list we start with Pluto, natal position, polarity point. Any questions on this aspect of it? So, we are clear on this particular point?

Next step--number B on your Virgo list. We want to, of course, examine the nature of the south node of the moon. Now, why do we want to examine this point? The reason is that the south node of the moon will specifically correlate to the types of egocentric structures that the soul has necessarily created in order to consciously actualize the evolutionary desires or intentions, which have, in fact, preceded the current life.

That is to say that the moon, the south node of the moon specifically, correlates to what we call the ego. Now take this very seriously because, of course, I realize in astrology land that astrologers can assign the idea or the archetype of the ego to whatever planetary symbolism. Over the last 10-20 years it has been given to Saturn, Sun or whatever. But in reality in the astrology we do, the ego is specific to the moon. The way you can prove this through natural law is very straightforward. As an example we can understand that the ego is that which correlates with what we can psychologically call a self-image.

Now, for example, if we make an ego connection to the Sun and we look into the nature of our solar system, of course, the Sun appears to be relatively fixed, does it not? Now, do you feel throughout your life that your own inner self-image has been fixed and constant? When we compare this to examining the moon and its various phases, you can see the direct link to your own self-image and its evolution. Understand the point?

So, in effect, the Soul must create a necessary ego to create a self-image of the soul itself. So the south node is the conscious component that the soul generates or creates to actualize the desires that are intrinsic to the soul itself. As a simple example, let’s still use our Ninth House Pluto as our example, remembering that the ninth house Pluto is how I want to understand myself in the cosmos, etc. Now when we put the south Node in the seventh house, what are we looking at? We Are looking at a soul who prior to the current life, over a series of recent prior life times, has created egocentric structures that have been actualized through a seventh house archetype. What does it mean? It's going to mean that the soul has created a series of prior life egos that have been structured in such a way as to initiate a diversity of relationships, (seventh house), who looked like what? Ninth house teacher types. And by initiating this kind of relationships with teacher types, it has been collecting for itself, or attracting to itself, the kind of information that it has desired relative to the ninth house Pluto. You see the link?

Now, to show you why cookbook astrology is B.S.--I mean wrong--compare this to a ninth house Pluto but put the south node in the first house. You are going to still have the same complex of desires, but what types of personality structure, or egocentric structure has the Soul used that is very different from the seventh house? In the first case you have dependency on an external teacher, but when you put the south node in the first house, in essence, what you now have is a soul who has the same desire structure, but now with this south node in the first house you have an individual who has learned to ask and answer its own questions. You see why cookbook astrology is so wrong?

So in either case you still have a pre-existing orientation to reality. When that ninth house Pluto, south node in the seventh person comes into life she/he will gravitate, as they have prior to the current life, in exactly that way. This is why there is going to be a thing called the north node. You see the point? So in this ninth house Pluto/seventh house south node, we have a polarity point in the third house, and we have a north node in the first. So in essence, the north node in this case, the conscious actualization, makes that third house polarity occur, understand my point? What that would actually mean in this life as the person begin to emotionally mature (moon) in the current life, is that it progressively would begin to rebel against external teachers, their message and their voices. Because the intention (north node/first house) is that the person is meant to learn to ask and answer its own questions. This is going to create necessary intellectual, philosophical confrontation with external teacher types. You see?

In the second case, the person has been living in happy splendor, all within themselves in a form of narcissism (south node/first house). You see my point? So now why are we seeing the north node in the seventh house? They must learn to open up and share themselves with other people and in so doing, in opening up to other people, they are going to attract (third house polarity), you see how it works. You apply this to all charts. You start just this way, A, B on your happy list. Questions? So we have got this down now?

The next step in our happy methodology is then to go to the Sun, by the house and sign of the Sun and the aspects it is making. Why? Because the Sun is going to correlate specifically to how we are integrating and giving purpose and meaning to our current life experience. So in essence we are describing an evolutionary transition in our A B list, an evolutionary transition from past to the current life. The Sun is now going to show you how that is integrated and given purpose and meaning in the context of the current life. How the Sun in Sagittarius integrates life experience, gives purpose and meaning, is going to be very different from how a Virgo Sun integrates life experience and gives purpose and meaning, you understand my point?

So once you get used to these methods you ultimately get to play the role of an evolutionary detective, why this Sun sign? You understand my point? So that is why our next step is to move right to the Sun. And again I want you to be able to apply this experientially to your own chart, so try to work with that as we move through it so you can see the reality of what we are talking about. So just take a moment right now and think about your own natal Pluto, polarity point, north and south node and your Sun sign. Take a moment, don't ask a question, just take a moment!

Now, how many are completely stumped? Maybe in a moment it will become more clear for you.

Audience: How about if your Pluto is right on the cusp?

Jeffrey: On the cusp?

Audience: Yeah.

Jeffrey: What you have when Pluto is on the cusp is the archetype of initiation, but if you have it just before the cusp of moving into the next house, you have the archetype evolutionarily of culmination--an entire series of prior lives all culminating in the context of the current life.Audience: But you would still interpret it in terms of the house that it is in?

Jeffrey: Yeah. And see then what you have is as it progressively culminates—when Pluto is evolving into the next house—you still determine the polarity point, which allows for that evolutionary shift. This can by the way, psychologically create frustration, because the Soul already can feel where it is trying to go, but it also has to culminate, so it has this push-- pull, yeah.

Audience: What if Pluto is conjunct the nodes—actually, let’s take the north node.

Jeffrey: That's a very unique evolutionary signature. When you find Pluto conjunct the north node it means in all cases, that that soul has been working in that area of evolutionary development prior to the current life and is meant to completely focus on that area in the context of the current life. There is no polarity.

Audience: If Pluto and the north node are in the same house but not conjunct, is that the same meaning or not?

Jeffrey: First, you want to determine if the node is balsamic or new phase relative to Pluto, which creates its own archetypical meaning. And then there used to be an old phrase in astrology (I am going to date myself now) but it used to be called in mundo, meaning conjunct by sign. But unless you have technically an absolute conjunction, then you have a different kind of meaning depending on the phasal relationship between Pluto and the node itself.

The next step after understanding the integrative principle of the Sun and the purpose and meaning it is giving to life experience in general, our very next step is then to move to the moon itself. Why? The current life moon, the natal moon, and the nodes are going to reflect a spiritual law, the trinity, from the earth point of view the phenomenon of past, present, and future. We have the north and south nodes of the moon and what this is correlating to psychologically is a universal experience we call the dynamic tension that exist in all people between the past and the future, as experienced in each moment of our life. That's the natal moon in relationship to its nodal axis. We have an evolving ego, i.e. from south node to north node. How that evolving ego is integrated on a consistent basis (moon) is the natal moon itself by house and sign.

Audience: Could you go over that again?

Jeffrey: We have a thing called the dynamic tension between the past and the future that we all experience, yes? That dynamic tension as experienced in each moment of our life is contained in your natal moon. How we integrate the potential insecurity linked with our past and our future experienced in the moment is our natal moon. It creates cohesion, self-consistency, understand? It’s that place in you, the dynamic in you, that can say, “This is who I used to be, this is who I am trying to become.” That voice is your natal moon; do you understand my point?Audience: Can you give an example of that?

Jeffrey: All of you in this room know as your life experience that you are in a dynamic state of becoming, yes? You know you have a past; you know you have a feeling to go into--toward--your future, which is the experience of the moment, yes? The experience of these two things in the moment is your moon. How you experience that is your natal moon by its own house and sign.

Audience: Let’s say the moon was conjunct one end or the other of the nodal path, for example, the north node, would there be more orientation toward the future than the past and really more conflict about trying to integrate the south node somehow with Pluto?

Jeffrey: Each case is unique and you have to always overlay this with karmic evolutionary requirements. The experience of it depends on the person, including the observed evolutionary state; one size does not fit all. If I had the moon on the south node and I am in consensus state, for example, how I am responding to that inwardly would be vastly different than if I had that moon /south node and I am in, say, an individuated state, or a spiritual state, you see. In all cases you are looking at the phenomenon of something being unresolved in a prior life, at an emotional level, that the person is bringing forward into the current life in order to re experience with the intention of resolving it.

If you have moon square the nodes, and really anytime you have a planet square the nodes, including the moon or Pluto, in evolutionary terms you have what are called skipped steps. And in the current context the person has been flip flopping back and forth, back and forth. And in evolutionary terms, karmic requirement, the person must recover those skipped steps in order to evolutionary proceed. Until that recovery is made they are blocked, you see my point now? Are we clear on the methodology as we are proceeding? That's my main intention at the moment, are we clear at the moment? Anybody still not clear? Good!

Now, another way of looking at this is why we are going to be using the moon in this sequence. The moon is how each of us lives with ourself inwardly on a moment-to-moment basis. It is how we are giving personal form and definition to what we call our reality. It is way for us to make it personally secure. All human beings have a need to feel secure. Of course the issue is what constitutes security. But the phenomenon of feeling secure is a constant for all human beings. It is like the need to put an anchor in the sea instead of just letting the boat drift where it wants to go. That is your ego. That is your anchor in the sea. That is the anchor into your unconscious. That is the anchor into your soul. Do you understand my point?

That is the way for you to personally relate to what your evolutionary intentions are relative to the purpose that is described by the Sun. It is a way for you to live with it, to feel emotionally secure because of it. The house and sign of your moon and the aspects it makes describe how that process is done. It is that simple. Yes?

Audience: I'm sorry, is that the security………(Inaudible)…………

Jeffrey: Yes, this is why we have a triad among Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. See this is the ultimate meaning when we have the moon linked with Scorpio and Pisces. We have this natural triad, and very few astrologers will tell you that the ultimate secret of Cancer and the moon is to realize that the moon itself is the source of its own insecurity. This is why it is a Cardinal archetype, two steps forward and one step back. We want to initiate change and we freak out and we want to recover…(Inaudible)……

But the ultimate teaching of the moon is reflected in the dark side of the moon, the side we never see. And the reason that the moon creates its own insecurity is to ultimately realize (Pisces) security from within, linked with an inner reality that has nothing to do with the external environment. When you link this through Scorpio, this is why all of us at various points in our journey misapply our trust into people--in order to experience emotional betrayal, abandonment and loss to enforce inner security. This is why.

Audience: That wouldn't…(Inaudible)…… It seems to be reinforcing what you developed in the past.Jeffrey: No you are not listening; you’re not interpreting right. You don't understand reality unless you listen carefully and objectively to the words. What you have just heard is that the ultimate intention of the Cancer/Scorpio triad is to learn absolute state of inner security from within. Now you have heard it rightly.

The next step in our Virgo sequence is Mercury. Why? Mercury is now going to provide the intellectual structure. Again, we are all living in a phenomenal reality, yes? We started with Pluto, the nodal axis of the moon, Sun, and moon. And now you can see if you look at this evolutionarily, you can see why the Soul (Pluto) was picking Mercury in whatever house, sign and aspect. That's the kind of intellectual structure, meaning how I am going to intellectually organize in rational ways. That is how I explain to myself what my life experience is about, which is ultimately reflecting its evolutionary intention. This is how I give the intellectual super structure to this process. So I create an intellectual structure that creates rational thinking within me that creates an explanation and justification, which I then communicate to other people. This is why you have your specific house and sign of any given Mercury. You understand the point?

You see, life is either random, or it is in fact some sort of inherent order, you see? And if we look at it this way, we are looking at life and astrology non-judgmentally. This eliminates all the 19th century crap--exaltations, falls--it is irrelevant. We replace all this terminology with two words: what is. This is why you can have your Mercury in whatever house or sign. It is the way that you need to put it together and understand it intellectually through your left brain. Mercury in astrology specifically relates to the left brain.

Audience: What if Mercury is like right on a house cusp?

Jeffrey: Again, if you always use your ultimate perspective to understand the chart and then use an evolutionary perspective--transitions between past, present, future--then you can answer your own question. Any planet on the cusp is going to correlate evolutionarily either to culmination, meaning the planet just before a given house, or if it is just within that house something has already culminated and a brand new cycle of evolutionary development is now proceeding. So if Mercury happens to be the operative symbol it is simple going to mean a soul who is deciding to think, in this life, in altogether radically different ways than it has ever thought before.

Ok, next step in our Virgo sequence. Venus, of course, is going to correlate specifically to the nature of the value associations that you make for yourself. Values equal a sense of meaning that you are giving to your life. How many people on earth do you think can live without a sense of meaning? The sense of meaning in life, archetypically through astrology, is specific to Venus. Meaning is specific to that which you value. That which you value is in its own way conditioning or contributing to what you decide to believe. Understand my point?

So the Soul in any given life must orientate to a specific type of value associations that provide a specific sense of meaning. That now is specifically linked with the evolutionary intentions for the life itself. So here we determine and can see from the point of view of Soul/Pluto why Venus is in this house, and in this sign, making those aspects. Understand now?

The next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Mars. Some of you have learned in your happy books that Mars is a lower octave of Pluto. And if you have heard this, ask yourself the following question: What is a lower octave of something? See, here is a happy example of cultures like this where we can understand words, but we don't really know what they mean. A lower octave is simply a denser vibration of something. So why then is Mars a lower octave? The answer is straightforward; again the essence of the Soul’s evolution is based on desire. Mars in our subjective consciousness simply instinctually reflects and acts out desires emanating from the Soul itself. This is why you read in the happy books about Aries and Mars and the necessity of freedom. The Soul must have the necessary element, or level, of freedom in this life to initiate experiences that the Soul deems necessary relative to its evolutionary requirements and intentions, understand?

How that is done is specific to the house and sign and aspects that Mars is making. Got it? And this is why the necessity of freedom. That is also going to be correlating, by the way, to the necessary kind of sexual experiences. Sexual experiences are like any other experience of life in which the Soul learns about itself. Remember that sexual desires emanate specifically from the point of view of the primary brain. The primary brain in astrology correlates with Pluto, Mars and Moon. We have to understand that the primary brain in and of itself is unconditioned. It is specific to that which is called natural law. This sets in motion its own potential conflicts and collisions of what we call Will (Mars/Pluto). Meaning, the will of a normal society that is telling you what is right and wrong. What if the kind of sexual desires you have do not conform to your morality telling you this is right and that is wrong? Do you understand what potential conflicts are happening?

From a patriarchal point of view, linked with the primary brain, this is going to have the archetype that Thomas Moore called Dark Eros. The dark can only be linked, or applied, from the point of view of patriarchal judgment, understand my point? The only time any sexual desire is wrong is when it is linked with an intent to consciously hurt someone, anything other than what is normal and natural.

Most of you are familiar--most of you are old enough to remember--a series of books written, I think, in the late seventies or early eighties by a woman named Nancy Friday--Women's sexual fantasies, Men's sexual fantasies. So often you would hear in those books: Well I can have this in my fantasy, but I would never act it out. Now you understand this issue, don't you?

So Mars is simply the conscious component that instinctually registers the desires emanating from the unconscious life, Soul. Desires that are specific to the evolutionary needs and requirements of the Soul itself. It requires the necessary freedom in order to act out.

So we are still clear on the sequence? You are still trying to apply this to your chart? How many are starting to see your chart in a new way? Good. My point is that if you get used to doing it for yourself, well, guess what? You can do for your clients. Maybe you are beginning to see what this is finally going to lead to, the Piscean leap, called inductive logic, when you see it all at once. I mean you will get to the point where you don't have to spend three hours studying the chart before the client comes, and then you can do it instantly. So, any questions before we move on? Clear enough? Good.

Next step Jupiter. Following the sequence you can now logically see through your Virgo logic how Jupiter specifically is going to correlate with the types of belief structures that you need to draw upon in order to rationally explain, through your belief structure, the entire process we have described so far. Keeping in mind the nature of belief systems determines how you are interpreting the nature of phenomenal reality. How you are interpreting this reality comes right back to Mercury, how you are communicating it. From the point of view of brain, of consciousness, Jupiter specifically correlates to your right brain, the intuitive, the non-linear, the image based. There is that exact place in your consciousness that makes you aware, again, that we are connected to something much larger than just the earth.

So in effect, from an evolutionary point of view, why are we going to have Jupiter in this house, this sign, and making these aspects? It is the type of belief structure the Soul requires, without judgment, in order to facilitate the entire process of its evolutionary journey and intentions we are describing to this point. Got it?

As an example, do you think that a Soul that decided to have Jupiter in Aries is going to happily conform to a Capricorn version of reality? Why not? What is the evolutionary intent of having Jupiter in Aries? You see my point now? I mean they are trying to strike out on their own to think and understand and conceive for themselves. The phenomenon of conception, abstraction, to make abstract, is a Jupiter process.

It is one of the wonderful things about the great Yogananda. This man happened to have Jupiter in Aries and despite Vedantic tradition, which is essentially patriarchal, the essence of his teachings was all defined around the Divine Mother, not the Divine Father.

So, the next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Saturn. Here I am going to share a secret with you about Saturn that you are not going to read in any of your happy books. Saturn is the very structural nature of consciousness in general. One of the essential functions of Saturn is to provide a conditioning function. So for example, what if an individual happens to have Saturn in Leo? That means the entire structural definition of that consciousness is defined around a Leonean archetype. And that then means that every other astrological function, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, etc. is defined and conditioned by, in this case, the Leonean archetype--meaning the principle, the self-creative principle, the inner given right for creative self-actualization.

Understand this issue? For example, what do you typically read in your happy cookbook when Saturn is squaring Venus? Let's put Saturn in Leo and Venus in Scorpio. The typical cookbook interpretation will tell you what? That this individual will attempt to dominate and control and limit (Scorpio) the creative development of its partner relative to existing inner insecurity. This is wrong. The structural consciousness is defined by Saturn in Leo, so this then means (and to show you the opposite) that this individual is giving itself the right to creatively actualize itself in any way it deems necessary and will necessary have conflict with (Venus in Scorpio) partners who are so insecure that they are trying to undermine its creative self development. The Saturn in Leo defining the structural nature of that consciousness will then mean what? A desire to have partners that were doing the same thing.

So you can see the weakness in these stupid cookbooks, because it never made the leap that Saturn is the defining principle in the structural nature of consciousness itself, which is conditioning every other function in that consciousness. Do you see my point now? So, from a point of view of evolution, the happy sequence we have developed we now understand the structural nature of the consciousness that the Soul is creating to facilitate its evolutionary lessons, requirements and intentions.


Audience: You are saying that Saturn is the overall structure given to things, the Sun then is more like how we sense things because I was looking at the Sun….

Jeffrey: Sensing is a Venus principle.

Audience: Well, you are saying it correlates to how we integrate our current life experiences. Is integrating, which you are associating with the Sun, different from structuring, which you are associating with Saturn?

Jeffrey: Yes.

Audience: Can you explain that?

Jeffrey: This is a structure (Saturn). How we give purpose and meaning to the structure is the Sun.

Audience: Okay.

Jeffrey: Yes?

Audience: (Looking at a chart) Why do we have Mercury or Venus before we do, for instance, Saturn or Jupiter?

Jeffrey: I just explained that. That's why I am trying to go through this sequence very slowly. And it is a very deliberate sequence, one thing leading to the next thing. This is intentional to create cohesion, deductive analysis, not jumping around.

Jeffrey: Another Question? Yes?

Audience: With Saturn retrograde……… inaudible…..

Jeffrey: Completely. How would you like to examine that? Saturn retrograde has a very simple meaning; it is a structure of consciousness that is forever redefining and restructuring itself.

The problem with Saturn as an archetype intrinsically--this is what you read in the happy books—is the potentiality of crystallization. You have to remember everything is operating through polarity. What is the polarity of Capricorn, i.e. Saturn? It is the moon and Cancer; it comes right back to security issues. Particularly as we emotionally mature and get older most people start to want to not grow anymore. They want to have their Winnebago and their patio tools, “Oh, I am comfortable now I am not growing anymore.” There is a typical example of crystallization linked with security.

If you happen to have Saturn retrograde, you have a structural nature of consciousness that is always restless and will never reach a point in time that says, “Aha! That's it.” It wants to forever redefine itself relative to the evolutionary impulse to evolve and to grow.

Audience: How does that relate to all the other planets?

Jeffrey: Then it will have an oblique retrograde function to all the other planetary functions, not direct, oblique. Understand? Direct is like this, oblique is like this. So if I had Saturn retrograde it is having an oblique function to every other planetary function. It doesn't even have to be necessary in a direct aspect. We are talking about the structural nature of consciousness that is defining every other function. This is not something you read in some book, but it turns out to be actual reality. I have counseled over 15,000 clients. The essence of astrology is observation and correlation, and I am sharing with you the results of correlation and observation of over 15,000 clients all over the planet, not just America. Yes ma'm?

Audience: So actually having a retrograde planet might not be a negative thing at all?…(Inaudible)……

Jeffrey: It is not negative or positive. It simply is what it is. A retrograde archetype accelerates growth relative to the Jungian idea of individuation. Think about the symbol (Rx) to rebel, understand my point? To rebel against what? The status quo expectation of how the function defined by retrograde is meant to operate. And by having a rebellion function we have an individuation function, which is accelerating the growth of individuation or evolution through the function that is retrograde.

Karmically and evolutionary we also have Rx--the need to repeat, or relive something from prior lives that was (retrograde) not resolved. This can create its own kind of frustration. What if I have Venues retrograde in Scorpio linked with my relationship formation? And I have this need to repeat and relive x amount of intimate liaisons--karmically and evolutionary dictated--and I am now in a fixed pattern of Scorpio. Meaning all my relationship dynamics, despite my intellectual intention to change it, are fated to be repeated. Is this not going to create some potential frustration with our partner? Meaning the psychology of no matter what I do, I keep re-attracting the same thing. You see my point? These are things you don't read in the happy books.

Audience: So how do you bring that to an end? How do you stop?

Jeffrey: It is stopped once it is completed. It is completed when you finally see the retrograde symbol going to direct through progression, and not until.

Audience: What about when by progression a planet goes retrograde?

Jeffrey: Then you have entered a timeframe where you are repeating something from the past and/or redefining your overall reality in general, through individuation

Okay, so now we move into ever-understandable Uranus. From the point of view of Saturn, Saturn is going to describe--for most people--the interfacing between what we are consciously aware of, meaning our subjective consciousness or what we call personality, and the unconscious. It is that natural boundary, or barrier, or threshold. And for most people this is necessary because it goes right back to the idea of the moon, the anchor in the sea, which creates stability. This is also why, by the way, that most people do not have spontaneous natural access to their prior life memories. The point is that if most people had access to their prior life memories, those prior life memories, which are contained by Uranus, would overwhelm the current sense of reality (Saturn) in such a way it would become so consumed (Pluto) with what happened or didn't happen, what went right, what went wrong, we would not get on with the business of this life. That's why there is a necessary boundary (Saturn) that prevents this awareness. It can only really truly open to the Soul who begins it natural process of evolution back to the Source itself in an active conscious way. Understand my point?

So, Uranus correlates in Jungian terminology to what is called the individuated unconscious, or in Freudian terminology to the subconscious. In either case, I don't care about your the terminology, the Uranian element of your consciousness contains three components. You have learned, as an example, that it is a higher octave of Mercury. Mercury correlates with short-term memory. Uranus correlates with long-term memory. This also includes the long-term memories of other lifetimes. Just look at it logically. How many of you can remember in total detail what you did three days ago? Where did those memories go? Aaa, now we are looking at Uranus. So one dimension of Uranus correlates with where all the prior life memories that you have that are contributing to the current life are stored.

It also correlates to the component of our unconscious, dynamics that Saturn represses: dynamics in ourselves that we are having a problem accepting and, therefore, suppressing. This can also include the nature of trauma that is not resolved and is stuck into the subconscious. And Uranus also correlates to--connects to--what we can call the larger blueprint for the Soul’s evolutionary future. This is why we have the principal of liberation. To liberate from what? Saturn, the existing conditions of our life that can equal what we can euphemistically call our own personal status quo. That equals our own sense of security (moon) equaling the anchor in the sea that has been crystallized. So in effect, Uranus is always knocking on Saturn's door. When you go through an act of a Uranian transit, through linkage, the symbolism is very basic. That's what we call the hand grenade in a steel box. The steel box is your Saturn; the hand grenade is your Uranus. In the last analysis the hand grenade will prevail.

As an example, if I make a bomb go off right here, obviously everything is flying about, goes up into the air, fractured. Through the natural laws of returning (gravity), it is meant to come back to the earth, but it comes back in a new way. And that is really the function of Uranus. To remove whatever binding forces in our reality that are preventing necessary evolutionary growth. So whatever house and sign your Uranus is in and the aspects it is making, this is showing you how your own personal liberation in your own Saturnian conditions of your life is necessarily and naturally meant to occur.

It will also tell you, graphically, what kind of subconscious or unconscious memories the individual has, linked with their own prior life times, which is subconsciously conditioning their approach to their current life. This is where you can play astrological detective yet again. It can also show you the potential of unresolved karma as occurred and still may be operating subconsciously in such a way as to influence the behavior of the current life.

Now we come to the end of our Virgo sequence, and you can see now we come almost back to Pluto, meaning Neptune. And, of course, Neptune from a patriarchal point of view is called the archetype of transcendence. From the point of view of natural law, it is called the archetype of unity. The patriarchy teaches you that there is something to transcend, which itself is roughly the same as the delusive patriarchal idea that there is a natural conflict between spirit and flesh. That is why you have the word transcendence. This is utter B.S. An obsolete opinion invented by men to subjugate women. Through natural law the correct word of Neptune is union: to unite with the totality of creation, not to transcend it. And it is through absolute union that a natural expansion of consciousness occurs. There is nothing to transcend. And there is nothing to redeem. Despite what you’ve read in the happy books. That is reinforcing the patriarchy.

The issue here is that Neptune specifically correlates to the phenomenon of consciousness, in total, every one. Consciousness is very analogous to water. Water in and of itself has no form. Consciousness permeates and is the essence of creation. If I put water into this cup, then the consciousness in that water assumes the shape, form and function of the cup. If I put water /consciousness in human form, it is assuming the function and form of this body. If I put it in this plant, this animal etc., etc. Form and function is inherently limited--inherently limited,which is why you have read in your astrology books the need to go beyond the perception and experience of limitation. This is the inner action between Pisces and Scorpio.

Now, to make it very graphic to you, you all have consciousness, and it is all right now in a human body. And I will show you right away the limitation of consciousness in human form. Ready? What created God? You have just reached your limit, which exactly gives rise ultimately to the desire in all Souls to reunite with the source of all things, meaning to dissolve (Neptune) the apparent extinction of the separating form and to realize through union how the appearance of all manifested form is rooted in the original creation point. For you to do this naturally--for you to do this naturally--determine the house and sign of your Neptune and the aspects it is making. This is your own natural way, not according to any book or any teacher, understand the point? So has this now made a little bit of sense to you this morning? Any last questions? God Bless you and thank you for coming.

« Last Edit: Feb 19, 2013, 09:43 AM by Rad » Logged

RadModeratorMost Active Member

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Re: JWG'S Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation ...« Reply #12 on: Feb 21, 2013, 11:11 AM »

Hi Group,

I am now going to post an example chart that we can begin with. When you look at this chart I would like you at first to focus on the the evolutionary paradigm: natal Pluto, it's polarity point, the S.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler, and the N.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler. In our chart example we will analyze it from the point of view of the Soul being well within the 3rd individuated evolutionary state, a male in gender, a born in England to give it the necessary cultural context.

So as we begin our journey with the Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation I would like you to start with a succinct analysis of this charts Pluto, it's polarity point, the S/N Nodes and the location of their planetary rulers. This will then serve as the foundation upon which we will start to add the other planets one by one.

If you have any questions ask them of me now.

A Planetary Method of Chart Analysis Jeffrey Wolf Green Astro2000, Denver, CO 2000

What I’d like to do is try to make this as experiential for you this morning as possible, and the way I would like to do that is for all of you to keep your own particular birth chart in your head now as we go through this specific method so you can apply it immediately to your own case.

This particular method is very sequential; it is very Virgo like, ABC in nature, leading to a very deductive and Virgo-like analysis. In total, you will then find that once you employ this particular methodology--ABC--this will lead to a Pisces kind of awareness, meaning inductive, wherein you can see the whole first and then immediately grasp all the parts. So it is like going from Virgo to Pisces. Now as we go through this system, when you have questions, please ask me when you have the question, because the intention is to keep this as clear as possible as we are moving through it.

So the very first way we want to start the system is, of course, with Pluto. This is number one on your list; meaning as we go through this it is going to be like an outline. So we want to start with Pluto. We can ask a Pluto question: Why? And what we have here from a Plutonian point of view, of course, is the direct connection to the Soul, the Soul itself. Now, of course, if we understand this, the Soul is going to create the overall personality structure in any given life that is uniquely orientated to phenomenal reality in such a way that that unique orientation experiences the phenomenal reality in a way that is consistent with the evolutionary intentions and karmic requirement that the Soul has in any given life.

So we want to locate the natal position of Pluto first by house and sign. What is this going to be demonstrating? We have to remember that the nature of the Soul linked with time and space reality is simultaneously linked with the principle that we call evolution. Evolution is a dynamic in time and space reality that is beyond debate. The simplest way to know evolution: Is it not true that everybody on this planet, everyone in this room, inwardly always has an inner feeling of being in a continuous state of becoming? Who does not have such a feeling? So you can see right away just through normal life experience that this is a principle, a truth if you will, that applies to all people everywhere as long as we are living in time-space reality.

Now, if we linked evolution to the principle of the Soul, we ask a logical question: What is, in fact, the inner mechanism or dynamic within the Soul that causes evolution? The answer is straightforward, simple, and basic as most natural truths are. The answer is, in fact, the very same answer that came out of the enlightenment of the famous Buddha under the famous Bodhi tree, when he pondered the nature of sorrow and pain, misery and the like. What was actually promoted in Buddhism terms as Nirvana was based on the awareness within him called desire.

In each Soul there are two competing and antithetical desires that create evolution. One desire is a separating desire, meaning to separate away from what we can call God. And these sorts of desires are many, myriad, manifesting in typical ways as the desire for the new lover, the new possession, the new career ambition, whatever. All Souls have these desires, and simultaneous with the desire and coequal to it is the desire to return to that which has created the Soul in the first place. So, in effect, the essence of the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination (Pluto) of all separating desires to the exclusion of only one desire which can remain, which is to unite with the source of the Soul itself.

This is a very simple natural truth that operates independent of what we call astrology and can be validated by every single one of us in this room. In fact, it can be validated by everybody on earth. The simplest way to know it, again: Is not true that we can have whatever separating desire, oh we want this new thing over here, this, that or whatever, and we may have the ability to obtain that which we are desiring, and, of course, we have a momentary sense of satisfaction when we get it. But once we get it, what soon replaces the sense of satisfaction is, in effect, the sense of dissatisfaction, the sense of something more. It is exactly the sense of dissatisfaction that is mirroring and echoing this ultimate desire to return and to reunite with the source of all things. Who of you has not known this to be your own experience? You see, it is universal.

So the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination of all separating desires. The duality of these antithetical desires is intrinsic within the Soul and is what the psychologists call the basis of free choice.

Now, when we look at the nature of the natal position of Pluto, we are looking at two simultaneous phenomena, which is why we are starting with this number A on our Virgo list. Number one, it will describe very succinctly the types of desires that the soul has had prior to the current life, relative to its evolutionary necessities, its evolutionary intentions. That does not mean, by the way, that that is going to correlate or reflect all the prior lives that the Soul has had. The point is that the soul in any given life will only draw upon specific prior life times that have a direct connection to or bearing on the current life evolutionary intentions. The Sanskrit archetype for that is called Prarabdha Karma.

So, what the natal position of Pluto is demonstrating is the specific prior lifetimes and orientations that have direct bearing on the current lifetime. A simple example: What if we are dealing with a ninth house Pluto individual? We can make a very simple Piscean/ Virgo deduction that this would have been a Soul who, prior to the current life, one way or another, was desiring to understand its individual connection to the cosmological reality we call the universe, meaning natural desires to understand philosophy and cosmology and metaphysics, religion (even if that's atheism), anything that is a form of philosophy connected to the cosmos. Are we clear? Good.

And now what would that mean coming into the current life? And this is one of the secrets about Pluto that most people don't realize, i.e. when you read it in your happy books that it somehow connects to compulsion, obsession, defensiveness, resistance to change and all these things, and these things are accurate, but they never tell you why, and it is because at this point Pluto is going to correlate with the deepest sources of your unconscious sense of security. Keeping in mind that security is a function of self-consistency. Self-consistency is a function of the past, meaning what has come before. Again, how many of you would totally and wholly embrace the experience of absolute insecurity? No takers? Hmm? Ever wonder why we have compulsion, obsession? That's what psychologists call repetitive compulsion.

So by looking at the natal position of Pluto (house and sign), beyond the metaphysical point of view, you are describing in anybody’s life the sources that correlate with the deepest sense of unconscious security in the person. And in coming into the current life, the person instinctually gravitates to those sources in order to maintain a sense of self-consistency equaling security. Now clearly, if the soul stayed right there, there would, in fact, be no evolution. So this becomes a first point to examine. The next point is to determine how it is that soul is going to grow or evolve in the current life. And the answer very happily is that the next step (evolution) is determined--because we have to remember that we are living in a universe, time/space, that of itself is defined by the law of polarity--by the opposite house and sign of the natal position of Pluto.

So, following our example of the ninth house, it is, of course, naturally in opposition to the third house. Now, one of the natural problems in the ninth house/Sagittarius/Jupiter archetype is that it correlates, in essence, with the nature of phenomenal reality in total. And it is the ninth house in any chart--Jupiter/Sagittarius, archetypically natural law-- that creates the awareness in the human organism, in each person, that we are in fact connected to something much larger than just the earth itself. It creates the awareness that we are connected to a solar system, universes, and galaxies. And this sort of natural awareness gives rise to the philosophical questions that all human beings ask: What does it all mean? How are we connected to this thing?

One of the problems of the ninth house is that it will typically orientate to a portion of the overall truth, and then consider that particular portion to be the total truth, which is why we call it the Billy Graham Archetype, meaning the need to convince and convert other people to your particular point of view. Why? In order to feel secure. This is why in this case we are going to have a have a third house polarity.

Most of us have already realized in our happy books that Gemini correlates with diversity, yes? Most of us realized,--particularly for those that find yourself to be Gemini--that Gemini is a happy little sign because you put it in a bookstore, for example, and it is going to go around and do what? It is going to read two pages of this and one page of that, and maybe one right over here, but it is thinking that it is reading everything. And this means that it is trying to understand as much as possible relative to the whole phenomenon called creation. So when you have this polarity point to the ninth house Pluto, you can see the obvious evolutionary intention. The intention of the Soul is to evolve beyond the particular portion—part--of the truth that it has already realized. You understand the point?

So the Soul is like a computer, and it has its own program and in a typically Plutonian fashion, then, the Soul will actually literally program necessary philosophical confrontations (Pluto), meaning it will attract to itself other individuals that are more philosophically or cosmologically evolved than itself. These people will have the effect of penetrating (Pluto) to the weak link in this person’s existing philosophical structure. And by identifying the weak link, well, guess what? That whole structure collapses. And this is induces the Gemini evolutionary intention. Understand the point? I mean we could go on and on, but we only have an hour and a half. So, on our Virgo list we start with Pluto, natal position, polarity point. Any questions on this aspect of it? So, we are clear on this particular point?

Next step--number B on your Virgo list. We want to, of course, examine the nature of the south node of the moon. Now, why do we want to examine this point? The reason is that the south node of the moon will specifically correlate to the types of egocentric structures that the soul has necessarily created in order to consciously actualize the evolutionary desires or intentions, which have, in fact, preceded the current life.

That is to say that the moon, the south node of the moon specifically, correlates to what we call the ego. Now take this very seriously because, of course, I realize in astrology land that astrologers can assign the idea or the archetype of the ego to whatever planetary symbolism. Over the last 10-20 years it has been given to Saturn, Sun or whatever. But in reality in the astrology we do, the ego is specific to the moon. The way you can prove this through natural law is very straightforward. As an example we can understand that the ego is that which correlates with what we can psychologically call a self-image.

Now, for example, if we make an ego connection to the Sun and we look into the nature of our solar system, of course, the Sun appears to be relatively fixed, does it not? Now, do you feel throughout your life that your own inner self-image has been fixed and constant? When we compare this to examining the moon and its various phases, you can see the direct link to your own self-image and its evolution. Understand the point?

So, in effect, the Soul must create a necessary ego to create a self-image of the soul itself. So the south node is the conscious component that the soul generates or creates to actualize the desires that are intrinsic to the soul itself. As a simple example, let’s still use our Ninth House Pluto as our example, remembering that the ninth house Pluto is how I want to understand myself in the cosmos, etc. Now when we put the south Node in the seventh house, what are we looking at? We Are looking at a soul who prior to the current life, over a series of recent prior life times, has created egocentric structures that have been actualized through a seventh house archetype. What does it mean? It's going to mean that the soul has created a series of prior life egos that have been structured in such a way as to initiate a diversity of relationships, (seventh house), who looked like what? Ninth house teacher types. And by initiating this kind of relationships with teacher types, it has been collecting for itself, or attracting to itself, the kind of information that it has desired relative to the ninth house Pluto. You see the link?

Now, to show you why cookbook astrology is B.S.--I mean wrong--compare this to a ninth house Pluto but put the south node in the first house. You are going to still have the same complex of desires, but what types of personality structure, or egocentric structure has the Soul used that is very different from the seventh house? In the first case you have dependency on an external teacher, but when you put the south node in the first house, in essence, what you now have is a soul who has the same desire structure, but now with this south node in the first house you have an individual who has learned to ask and answer its own questions. You see why cookbook astrology is so wrong?

So in either case you still have a pre-existing orientation to reality. When that ninth house Pluto, south node in the seventh person comes into life she/he will gravitate, as they have prior to the current life, in exactly that way. This is why there is going to be a thing called the north node. You see the point? So in this ninth house Pluto/seventh house south node, we have a polarity point in the third house, and we have a north node in the first. So in essence, the north node in this case, the conscious actualization, makes that third house polarity occur, understand my point? What that would actually mean in this life as the person begin to emotionally mature (moon) in the current life, is that it progressively would begin to rebel against external teachers, their message and their voices. Because the intention (north node/first house) is that the person is meant to learn to ask and answer its own questions. This is going to create necessary intellectual, philosophical confrontation with external teacher types. You see?

In the second case, the person has been living in happy splendor, all within themselves in a form of narcissism (south node/first house). You see my point? So now why are we seeing the north node in the seventh house? They must learn to open up and share themselves with other people and in so doing, in opening up to other people, they are going to attract (third house polarity), you see how it works. You apply this to all charts. You start just this way, A, B on your happy list. Questions? So we have got this down now?

The next step in our happy methodology is then to go to the Sun, by the house and sign of the Sun and the aspects it is making. Why? Because the Sun is going to correlate specifically to how we are integrating and giving purpose and meaning to our current life experience. So in essence we are describing an evolutionary transition in our A B list, an evolutionary transition from past to the current life. The Sun is now going to show you how that is integrated and given purpose and meaning in the context of the current life. How the Sun in Sagittarius integrates life experience, gives purpose and meaning, is going to be very different from how a Virgo Sun integrates life experience and gives purpose and meaning, you understand my point?

So once you get used to these methods you ultimately get to play the role of an evolutionary detective, why this Sun sign? You understand my point? So that is why our next step is to move right to the Sun. And again I want you to be able to apply this experientially to your own chart, so try to work with that as we move through it so you can see the reality of what we are talking about. So just take a moment right now and think about your own natal Pluto, polarity point, north and south node and your Sun sign. Take a moment, don't ask a question, just take a moment!

Now, how many are completely stumped? Maybe in a moment it will become more clear for you.

Audience: How about if your Pluto is right on the cusp?

Jeffrey: On the cusp?

Audience: Yeah.

Jeffrey: What you have when Pluto is on the cusp is the archetype of initiation, but if you have it just before the cusp of moving into the next house, you have the archetype evolutionarily of culmination--an entire series of prior lives all culminating in the context of the current life.Audience: But you would still interpret it in terms of the house that it is in?

Jeffrey: Yeah. And see then what you have is as it progressively culminates—when Pluto is evolving into the next house—you still determine the polarity point, which allows for that evolutionary shift. This can by the way, psychologically create frustration, because the Soul already can feel where it is trying to go, but it also has to culminate, so it has this push-- pull, yeah.

Audience: What if Pluto is conjunct the nodes—actually, let’s take the north node.

Jeffrey: That's a very unique evolutionary signature. When you find Pluto conjunct the north node it means in all cases, that that soul has been working in that area of evolutionary development prior to the current life and is meant to completely focus on that area in the context of the current life. There is no polarity.

Audience: If Pluto and the north node are in the same house but not conjunct, is that the same meaning or not?

Jeffrey: First, you want to determine if the node is balsamic or new phase relative to Pluto, which creates its own archetypical meaning. And then there used to be an old phrase in astrology (I am going to date myself now) but it used to be called in mundo, meaning conjunct by sign. But unless you have technically an absolute conjunction, then you have a different kind of meaning depending on the phasal relationship between Pluto and the node itself.

The next step after understanding the integrative principle of the Sun and the purpose and meaning it is giving to life experience in general, our very next step is then to move to the moon itself. Why? The current life moon, the natal moon, and the nodes are going to reflect a spiritual law, the trinity, from the earth point of view the phenomenon of past, present, and future. We have the north and south nodes of the moon and what this is correlating to psychologically is a universal experience we call the dynamic tension that exist in all people between the past and the future, as experienced in each moment of our life. That's the natal moon in relationship to its nodal axis. We have an evolving ego, i.e. from south node to north node. How that evolving ego is integrated on a consistent basis (moon) is the natal moon itself by house and sign.

Audience: Could you go over that again?

Jeffrey: We have a thing called the dynamic tension between the past and the future that we all experience, yes? That dynamic tension as experienced in each moment of our life is contained in your natal moon. How we integrate the potential insecurity linked with our past and our future experienced in the moment is our natal moon. It creates cohesion, self-consistency, understand? It’s that place in you, the dynamic in you, that can say, “This is who I used to be, this is who I am trying to become.” That voice is your natal moon; do you understand my point?Audience: Can you give an example of that?

Jeffrey: All of you in this room know as your life experience that you are in a dynamic state of becoming, yes? You know you have a past; you know you have a feeling to go into--toward--your future, which is the experience of the moment, yes? The experience of these two things in the moment is your moon. How you experience that is your natal moon by its own house and sign.

Audience: Let’s say the moon was conjunct one end or the other of the nodal path, for example, the north node, would there be more orientation toward the future than the past and really more conflict about trying to integrate the south node somehow with Pluto?

Jeffrey: Each case is unique and you have to always overlay this with karmic evolutionary requirements. The experience of it depends on the person, including the observed evolutionary state; one size does not fit all. If I had the moon on the south node and I am in consensus state, for example, how I am responding to that inwardly would be vastly different than if I had that moon /south node and I am in, say, an individuated state, or a spiritual state, you see. In all cases you are looking at the phenomenon of something being unresolved in a prior life, at an emotional level, that the person is bringing forward into the current life in order to re experience with the intention of resolving it.

If you have moon square the nodes, and really anytime you have a planet square the nodes, including the moon or Pluto, in evolutionary terms you have what are called skipped steps. And in the current context the person has been flip flopping back and forth, back and forth. And in evolutionary terms, karmic requirement, the person must recover those skipped steps in order to evolutionary proceed. Until that recovery is made they are blocked, you see my point now? Are we clear on the methodology as we are proceeding? That's my main intention at the moment, are we clear at the moment? Anybody still not clear? Good!

Now, another way of looking at this is why we are going to be using the moon in this sequence. The moon is how each of us lives with ourself inwardly on a moment-to-moment basis. It is how we are giving personal form and definition to what we call our reality. It is way for us to make it personally secure. All human beings have a need to feel secure. Of course the issue is what constitutes security. But the phenomenon of feeling secure is a constant for all human beings. It is like the need to put an anchor in the sea instead of just letting the boat drift where it wants to go. That is your ego. That is your anchor in the sea. That is the anchor into your unconscious. That is the anchor into your soul. Do you understand my point?

That is the way for you to personally relate to what your evolutionary intentions are relative to the purpose that is described by the Sun. It is a way for you to live with it, to feel emotionally secure because of it. The house and sign of your moon and the aspects it makes describe how that process is done. It is that simple. Yes?

Audience: I'm sorry, is that the security………(Inaudible)…………

Jeffrey: Yes, this is why we have a triad among Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. See this is the ultimate meaning when we have the moon linked with Scorpio and Pisces. We have this natural triad, and very few astrologers will tell you that the ultimate secret of Cancer and the moon is to realize that the moon itself is the source of its own insecurity. This is why it is a Cardinal archetype, two steps forward and one step back. We want to initiate change and we freak out and we want to recover…(Inaudible)……

But the ultimate teaching of the moon is reflected in the dark side of the moon, the side we never see. And the reason that the moon creates its own insecurity is to ultimately realize (Pisces) security from within, linked with an inner reality that has nothing to do with the external environment. When you link this through Scorpio, this is why all of us at various points in our journey misapply our trust into people--in order to experience emotional betrayal, abandonment and loss to enforce inner security. This is why.

Audience: That wouldn't…(Inaudible)…… It seems to be reinforcing what you developed in the past.Jeffrey: No you are not listening; you’re not interpreting right. You don't understand reality unless you listen carefully and objectively to the words. What you have just heard is that the ultimate intention of the Cancer/Scorpio triad is to learn absolute state of inner security from within. Now you have heard it rightly.

The next step in our Virgo sequence is Mercury. Why? Mercury is now going to provide the intellectual structure. Again, we are all living in a phenomenal reality, yes? We started with Pluto, the nodal axis of the moon, Sun, and moon. And now you can see if you look at this evolutionarily, you can see why the Soul (Pluto) was picking Mercury in whatever house, sign and aspect. That's the kind of intellectual structure, meaning how I am going to intellectually organize in rational ways. That is how I explain to myself what my life experience is about, which is ultimately reflecting its evolutionary intention. This is how I give the intellectual super structure to this process. So I create an intellectual structure that creates rational thinking within me that creates an explanation and justification, which I then communicate to other people. This is why you have your specific house and sign of any given Mercury. You understand the point?

You see, life is either random, or it is in fact some sort of inherent order, you see? And if we look at it this way, we are looking at life and astrology non-judgmentally. This eliminates all the 19th century crap--exaltations, falls--it is irrelevant. We replace all this terminology with two words: what is. This is why you can have your Mercury in whatever house or sign. It is the way that you need to put it together and understand it intellectually through your left brain. Mercury in astrology specifically relates to the left brain.

Audience: What if Mercury is like right on a house cusp?

Jeffrey: Again, if you always use your ultimate perspective to understand the chart and then use an evolutionary perspective--transitions between past, present, future--then you can answer your own question. Any planet on the cusp is going to correlate evolutionarily either to culmination, meaning the planet just before a given house, or if it is just within that house something has already culminated and a brand new cycle of evolutionary development is now proceeding. So if Mercury happens to be the operative symbol it is simple going to mean a soul who is deciding to think, in this life, in altogether radically different ways than it has ever thought before.

Ok, next step in our Virgo sequence. Venus, of course, is going to correlate specifically to the nature of the value associations that you make for yourself. Values equal a sense of meaning that you are giving to your life. How many people on earth do you think can live without a sense of meaning? The sense of meaning in life, archetypically through astrology, is specific to Venus. Meaning is specific to that which you value. That which you value is in its own way conditioning or contributing to what you decide to believe. Understand my point?

So the Soul in any given life must orientate to a specific type of value associations that provide a specific sense of meaning. That now is specifically linked with the evolutionary intentions for the life itself. So here we determine and can see from the point of view of Soul/Pluto why Venus is in this house, and in this sign, making those aspects. Understand now?

The next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Mars. Some of you have learned in your happy books that Mars is a lower octave of Pluto. And if you have heard this, ask yourself the following question: What is a lower octave of something? See, here is a happy example of cultures like this where we can understand words, but we don't really know what they mean. A lower octave is simply a denser vibration of something. So why then is Mars a lower octave? The answer is straightforward; again the essence of the Soul’s evolution is based on desire. Mars in our subjective consciousness simply instinctually reflects and acts out desires emanating from the Soul itself. This is why you read in the happy books about Aries and Mars and the necessity of freedom. The Soul must have the necessary element, or level, of freedom in this life to initiate experiences that the Soul deems necessary relative to its evolutionary requirements and intentions, understand?

How that is done is specific to the house and sign and aspects that Mars is making. Got it? And this is why the necessity of freedom. That is also going to be correlating, by the way, to the necessary kind of sexual experiences. Sexual experiences are like any other experience of life in which the Soul learns about itself. Remember that sexual desires emanate specifically from the point of view of the primary brain. The primary brain in astrology correlates with Pluto, Mars and Moon. We have to understand that the primary brain in and of itself is unconditioned. It is specific to that which is called natural law. This sets in motion its own potential conflicts and collisions of what we call Will (Mars/Pluto). Meaning, the will of a normal society that is telling you what is right and wrong. What if the kind of sexual desires you have do not conform to your morality telling you this is right and that is wrong? Do you understand what potential conflicts are happening?

From a patriarchal point of view, linked with the primary brain, this is going to have the archetype that Thomas Moore called Dark Eros. The dark can only be linked, or applied, from the point of view of patriarchal judgment, understand my point? The only time any sexual desire is wrong is when it is linked with an intent to consciously hurt someone, anything other than what is normal and natural.

Most of you are familiar--most of you are old enough to remember--a series of books written, I think, in the late seventies or early eighties by a woman named Nancy Friday--Women's sexual fantasies, Men's sexual fantasies. So often you would hear in those books: Well I can have this in my fantasy, but I would never act it out. Now you understand this issue, don't you?

So Mars is simply the conscious component that instinctually registers the desires emanating from the unconscious life, Soul. Desires that are specific to the evolutionary needs and requirements of the Soul itself. It requires the necessary freedom in order to act out.

So we are still clear on the sequence? You are still trying to apply this to your chart? How many are starting to see your chart in a new way? Good. My point is that if you get used to doing it for yourself, well, guess what? You can do for your clients. Maybe you are beginning to see what this is finally going to lead to, the Piscean leap, called inductive logic, when you see it all at once. I mean you will get to the point where you don't have to spend three hours studying the chart before the client comes, and then you can do it instantly. So, any questions before we move on? Clear enough? Good.

Next step Jupiter. Following the sequence you can now logically see through your Virgo logic how Jupiter specifically is going to correlate with the types of belief structures that you need to draw upon in order to rationally explain, through your belief structure, the entire process we have described so far. Keeping in mind the nature of belief systems determines how you are interpreting the nature of phenomenal reality. How you are interpreting this reality comes right back to Mercury, how you are communicating it. From the point of view of brain, of consciousness, Jupiter specifically correlates to your right brain, the intuitive, the non-linear, the image based. There is that exact place in your consciousness that makes you aware, again, that we are connected to something much larger than just the earth.

So in effect, from an evolutionary point of view, why are we going to have Jupiter in this house, this sign, and making these aspects? It is the type of belief structure the Soul requires, without judgment, in order to facilitate the entire process of its evolutionary journey and intentions we are describing to this point. Got it?

As an example, do you think that a Soul that decided to have Jupiter in Aries is going to happily conform to a Capricorn version of reality? Why not? What is the evolutionary intent of having Jupiter in Aries? You see my point now? I mean they are trying to strike out on their own to think and understand and conceive for themselves. The phenomenon of conception, abstraction, to make abstract, is a Jupiter process.

It is one of the wonderful things about the great Yogananda. This man happened to have Jupiter in Aries and despite Vedantic tradition, which is essentially patriarchal, the essence of his teachings was all defined around the Divine Mother, not the Divine Father.

So, the next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Saturn. Here I am going to share a secret with you about Saturn that you are not going to read in any of your happy books. Saturn is the very structural nature of consciousness in general. One of the essential functions of Saturn is to provide a conditioning function. So for example, what if an individual happens to have Saturn in Leo? That means the entire structural definition of that consciousness is defined around a Leonean archetype. And that then means that every other astrological function, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, etc. is defined and conditioned by, in this case, the Leonean archetype--meaning the principle, the self-creative principle, the inner given right for creative self-actualization.

Understand this issue? For example, what do you typically read in your happy cookbook when Saturn is squaring Venus? Let's put Saturn in Leo and Venus in Scorpio. The typical cookbook interpretation will tell you what? That this individual will attempt to dominate and control and limit (Scorpio) the creative development of its partner relative to existing inner insecurity. This is wrong. The structural consciousness is defined by Saturn in Leo, so this then means (and to show you the opposite) that this individual is giving itself the right to creatively actualize itself in any way it deems necessary and will necessary have conflict with (Venus in Scorpio) partners who are so insecure that they are trying to undermine its creative self development. The Saturn in Leo defining the structural nature of that consciousness will then mean what? A desire to have partners that were doing the same thing.

So you can see the weakness in these stupid cookbooks, because it never made the leap that Saturn is the defining principle in the structural nature of consciousness itself, which is conditioning every other function in that consciousness. Do you see my point now? So, from a point of view of evolution, the happy sequence we have developed we now understand the structural nature of the consciousness that the Soul is creating to facilitate its evolutionary lessons, requirements and intentions.


Audience: You are saying that Saturn is the overall structure given to things, the Sun then is more like how we sense things because I was looking at the Sun….

Jeffrey: Sensing is a Venus principle.

Audience: Well, you are saying it correlates to how we integrate our current life experiences. Is integrating, which you are associating with the Sun, different from structuring, which you are associating with Saturn?

Jeffrey: Yes.

Audience: Can you explain that?

Jeffrey: This is a structure (Saturn). How we give purpose and meaning to the structure is the Sun.

Audience: Okay.

Jeffrey: Yes?

Audience: (Looking at a chart) Why do we have Mercury or Venus before we do, for instance, Saturn or Jupiter?

Jeffrey: I just explained that. That's why I am trying to go through this sequence very slowly. And it is a very deliberate sequence, one thing leading to the next thing. This is intentional to create cohesion, deductive analysis, not jumping around.

Jeffrey: Another Question? Yes?

Audience: With Saturn retrograde……… inaudible…..

Jeffrey: Completely. How would you like to examine that? Saturn retrograde has a very simple meaning; it is a structure of consciousness that is forever redefining and restructuring itself.

The problem with Saturn as an archetype intrinsically--this is what you read in the happy books—is the potentiality of crystallization. You have to remember everything is operating through polarity. What is the polarity of Capricorn, i.e. Saturn? It is the moon and Cancer; it comes right back to security issues. Particularly as we emotionally mature and get older most people start to want to not grow anymore. They want to have their Winnebago and their patio tools, “Oh, I am comfortable now I am not growing anymore.” There is a typical example of crystallization linked with security.

If you happen to have Saturn retrograde, you have a structural nature of consciousness that is always restless and will never reach a point in time that says, “Aha! That's it.” It wants to forever redefine itself relative to the evolutionary impulse to evolve and to grow.

Audience: How does that relate to all the other planets?

Jeffrey: Then it will have an oblique retrograde function to all the other planetary functions, not direct, oblique. Understand? Direct is like this, oblique is like this. So if I had Saturn retrograde it is having an oblique function to every other planetary function. It doesn't even have to be necessary in a direct aspect. We are talking about the structural nature of consciousness that is defining every other function. This is not something you read in some book, but it turns out to be actual reality. I have counseled over 15,000 clients. The essence of astrology is observation and correlation, and I am sharing with you the results of correlation and observation of over 15,000 clients all over the planet, not just America. Yes ma'm?

Audience: So actually having a retrograde planet might not be a negative thing at all?…(Inaudible)……

Jeffrey: It is not negative or positive. It simply is what it is. A retrograde archetype accelerates growth relative to the Jungian idea of individuation. Think about the symbol (Rx) to rebel, understand my point? To rebel against what? The status quo expectation of how the function defined by retrograde is meant to operate. And by having a rebellion function we have an individuation function, which is accelerating the growth of individuation or evolution through the function that is retrograde.

Karmically and evolutionary we also have Rx--the need to repeat, or relive something from prior lives that was (retrograde) not resolved. This can create its own kind of frustration. What if I have Venues retrograde in Scorpio linked with my relationship formation? And I have this need to repeat and relive x amount of intimate liaisons--karmically and evolutionary dictated--and I am now in a fixed pattern of Scorpio. Meaning all my relationship dynamics, despite my intellectual intention to change it, are fated to be repeated. Is this not going to create some potential frustration with our partner? Meaning the psychology of no matter what I do, I keep re-attracting the same thing. You see my point? These are things you don't read in the happy books.

Audience: So how do you bring that to an end? How do you stop?

Jeffrey: It is stopped once it is completed. It is completed when you finally see the retrograde symbol going to direct through progression, and not until.

Audience: What about when by progression a planet goes retrograde?

Jeffrey: Then you have entered a timeframe where you are repeating something from the past and/or redefining your overall reality in general, through individuation

Okay, so now we move into ever-understandable Uranus. From the point of view of Saturn, Saturn is going to describe--for most people--the interfacing between what we are consciously aware of, meaning our subjective consciousness or what we call personality, and the unconscious. It is that natural boundary, or barrier, or threshold. And for most people this is necessary because it goes right back to the idea of the moon, the anchor in the sea, which creates stability. This is also why, by the way, that most people do not have spontaneous natural access to their prior life memories. The point is that if most people had access to their prior life memories, those prior life memories, which are contained by Uranus, would overwhelm the current sense of reality (Saturn) in such a way it would become so consumed (Pluto) with what happened or didn't happen, what went right, what went wrong, we would not get on with the business of this life. That's why there is a necessary boundary (Saturn) that prevents this awareness. It can only really truly open to the Soul who begins it natural process of evolution back to the Source itself in an active conscious way. Understand my point?

So, Uranus correlates in Jungian terminology to what is called the individuated unconscious, or in Freudian terminology to the subconscious. In either case, I don't care about your the terminology, the Uranian element of your consciousness contains three components. You have learned, as an example, that it is a higher octave of Mercury. Mercury correlates with short-term memory. Uranus correlates with long-term memory. This also includes the long-term memories of other lifetimes. Just look at it logically. How many of you can remember in total detail what you did three days ago? Where did those memories go? Aaa, now we are looking at Uranus. So one dimension of Uranus correlates with where all the prior life memories that you have that are contributing to the current life are stored.

It also correlates to the component of our unconscious, dynamics that Saturn represses: dynamics in ourselves that we are having a problem accepting and, therefore, suppressing. This can also include the nature of trauma that is not resolved and is stuck into the subconscious. And Uranus also correlates to--connects to--what we can call the larger blueprint for the Soul’s evolutionary future. This is why we have the principal of liberation. To liberate from what? Saturn, the existing conditions of our life that can equal what we can euphemistically call our own personal status quo. That equals our own sense of security (moon) equaling the anchor in the sea that has been crystallized. So in effect, Uranus is always knocking on Saturn's door. When you go through an act of a Uranian transit, through linkage, the symbolism is very basic. That's what we call the hand grenade in a steel box. The steel box is your Saturn; the hand grenade is your Uranus. In the last analysis the hand grenade will prevail.

As an example, if I make a bomb go off right here, obviously everything is flying about, goes up into the air, fractured. Through the natural laws of returning (gravity), it is meant to come back to the earth, but it comes back in a new way. And that is really the function of Uranus. To remove whatever binding forces in our reality that are preventing necessary evolutionary growth. So whatever house and sign your Uranus is in and the aspects it is making, this is showing you how your own personal liberation in your own Saturnian conditions of your life is necessarily and naturally meant to occur.

It will also tell you, graphically, what kind of subconscious or unconscious memories the individual has, linked with their own prior life times, which is subconsciously conditioning their approach to their current life. This is where you can play astrological detective yet again. It can also show you the potential of unresolved karma as occurred and still may be operating subconsciously in such a way as to influence the behavior of the current life.

Now we come to the end of our Virgo sequence, and you can see now we come almost back to Pluto, meaning Neptune. And, of course, Neptune from a patriarchal point of view is called the archetype of transcendence. From the point of view of natural law, it is called the archetype of unity. The patriarchy teaches you that there is something to transcend, which itself is roughly the same as the delusive patriarchal idea that there is a natural conflict between spirit and flesh. That is why you have the word transcendence. This is utter B.S. An obsolete opinion invented by men to subjugate women. Through natural law the correct word of Neptune is union: to unite with the totality of creation, not to transcend it. And it is through absolute union that a natural expansion of consciousness occurs. There is nothing to transcend. And there is nothing to redeem. Despite what you’ve read in the happy books. That is reinforcing the patriarchy.

The issue here is that Neptune specifically correlates to the phenomenon of consciousness, in total, every one. Consciousness is very analogous to water. Water in and of itself has no form. Consciousness permeates and is the essence of creation. If I put water into this cup, then the consciousness in that water assumes the shape, form and function of the cup. If I put water /consciousness in human form, it is assuming the function and form of this body. If I put it in this plant, this animal etc., etc. Form and function is inherently limited--inherently limited,which is why you have read in your astrology books the need to go beyond the perception and experience of limitation. This is the inner action between Pisces and Scorpio.

Now, to make it very graphic to you, you all have consciousness, and it is all right now in a human body. And I will show you right away the limitation of consciousness in human form. Ready? What created God? You have just reached your limit, which exactly gives rise ultimately to the desire in all Souls to reunite with the source of all things, meaning to dissolve (Neptune) the apparent extinction of the separating form and to realize through union how the appearance of all manifested form is rooted in the original creation point. For you to do this naturally--for you to do this naturally--determine the house and sign of your Neptune and the aspects it is making. This is your own natural way, not according to any book or any teacher, understand the point? So has this now made a little bit of sense to you this morning? Any last questions? God Bless you and thank you for coming.

« Last Edit: Feb 19, 2013, 09:43 AM by Rad » Logged

RadModeratorMost Active Member

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Re: JWG'S Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation ...« Reply #12 on: Feb 21, 2013, 11:11 AM »

Hi Group,

I am now going to post an example chart that we can begin with. When you look at this chart I would like you at first to focus on the the evolutionary paradigm: natal Pluto, it's polarity point, the S.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler, and the N.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler. In our chart example we will analyze it from the point of view of the Soul being well within the 3rd individuated evolutionary state, a male in gender, a born in England to give it the necessary cultural context.

So as we begin our journey with the Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation I would like you to start with a succinct analysis of this charts Pluto, it's polarity point, the S/N Nodes and the location of their planetary rulers. This will then serve as the foundation upon which we will start to add the other planets one by one.

If you have any questions ask them of me now.

A Planetary Method of Chart Analysis Jeffrey Wolf Green Astro2000, Denver, CO 2000

What I’d like to do is try to make this as experiential for you this morning as possible, and the way I would like to do that is for all of you to keep your own particular birth chart in your head now as we go through this specific method so you can apply it immediately to your own case.

This particular method is very sequential; it is very Virgo like, ABC in nature, leading to a very deductive and Virgo-like analysis. In total, you will then find that once you employ this particular methodology--ABC--this will lead to a Pisces kind of awareness, meaning inductive, wherein you can see the whole first and then immediately grasp all the parts. So it is like going from Virgo to Pisces. Now as we go through this system, when you have questions, please ask me when you have the question, because the intention is to keep this as clear as possible as we are moving through it.

So the very first way we want to start the system is, of course, with Pluto. This is number one on your list; meaning as we go through this it is going to be like an outline. So we want to start with Pluto. We can ask a Pluto question: Why? And what we have here from a Plutonian point of view, of course, is the direct connection to the Soul, the Soul itself. Now, of course, if we understand this, the Soul is going to create the overall personality structure in any given life that is uniquely orientated to phenomenal reality in such a way that that unique orientation experiences the phenomenal reality in a way that is consistent with the evolutionary intentions and karmic requirement that the Soul has in any given life.

So we want to locate the natal position of Pluto first by house and sign. What is this going to be demonstrating? We have to remember that the nature of the Soul linked with time and space reality is simultaneously linked with the principle that we call evolution. Evolution is a dynamic in time and space reality that is beyond debate. The simplest way to know evolution: Is it not true that everybody on this planet, everyone in this room, inwardly always has an inner feeling of being in a continuous state of becoming? Who does not have such a feeling? So you can see right away just through normal life experience that this is a principle, a truth if you will, that applies to all people everywhere as long as we are living in time-space reality.

Now, if we linked evolution to the principle of the Soul, we ask a logical question: What is, in fact, the inner mechanism or dynamic within the Soul that causes evolution? The answer is straightforward, simple, and basic as most natural truths are. The answer is, in fact, the very same answer that came out of the enlightenment of the famous Buddha under the famous Bodhi tree, when he pondered the nature of sorrow and pain, misery and the like. What was actually promoted in Buddhism terms as Nirvana was based on the awareness within him called desire.

In each Soul there are two competing and antithetical desires that create evolution. One desire is a separating desire, meaning to separate away from what we can call God. And these sorts of desires are many, myriad, manifesting in typical ways as the desire for the new lover, the new possession, the new career ambition, whatever. All Souls have these desires, and simultaneous with the desire and coequal to it is the desire to return to that which has created the Soul in the first place. So, in effect, the essence of the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination (Pluto) of all separating desires to the exclusion of only one desire which can remain, which is to unite with the source of the Soul itself.

This is a very simple natural truth that operates independent of what we call astrology and can be validated by every single one of us in this room. In fact, it can be validated by everybody on earth. The simplest way to know it, again: Is not true that we can have whatever separating desire, oh we want this new thing over here, this, that or whatever, and we may have the ability to obtain that which we are desiring, and, of course, we have a momentary sense of satisfaction when we get it. But once we get it, what soon replaces the sense of satisfaction is, in effect, the sense of dissatisfaction, the sense of something more. It is exactly the sense of dissatisfaction that is mirroring and echoing this ultimate desire to return and to reunite with the source of all things. Who of you has not known this to be your own experience? You see, it is universal.

So the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination of all separating desires. The duality of these antithetical desires is intrinsic within the Soul and is what the psychologists call the basis of free choice.

Now, when we look at the nature of the natal position of Pluto, we are looking at two simultaneous phenomena, which is why we are starting with this number A on our Virgo list. Number one, it will describe very succinctly the types of desires that the soul has had prior to the current life, relative to its evolutionary necessities, its evolutionary intentions. That does not mean, by the way, that that is going to correlate or reflect all the prior lives that the Soul has had. The point is that the soul in any given life will only draw upon specific prior life times that have a direct connection to or bearing on the current life evolutionary intentions. The Sanskrit archetype for that is called Prarabdha Karma.

So, what the natal position of Pluto is demonstrating is the specific prior lifetimes and orientations that have direct bearing on the current lifetime. A simple example: What if we are dealing with a ninth house Pluto individual? We can make a very simple Piscean/ Virgo deduction that this would have been a Soul who, prior to the current life, one way or another, was desiring to understand its individual connection to the cosmological reality we call the universe, meaning natural desires to understand philosophy and cosmology and metaphysics, religion (even if that's atheism), anything that is a form of philosophy connected to the cosmos. Are we clear? Good.

And now what would that mean coming into the current life? And this is one of the secrets about Pluto that most people don't realize, i.e. when you read it in your happy books that it somehow connects to compulsion, obsession, defensiveness, resistance to change and all these things, and these things are accurate, but they never tell you why, and it is because at this point Pluto is going to correlate with the deepest sources of your unconscious sense of security. Keeping in mind that security is a function of self-consistency. Self-consistency is a function of the past, meaning what has come before. Again, how many of you would totally and wholly embrace the experience of absolute insecurity? No takers? Hmm? Ever wonder why we have compulsion, obsession? That's what psychologists call repetitive compulsion.

So by looking at the natal position of Pluto (house and sign), beyond the metaphysical point of view, you are describing in anybody’s life the sources that correlate with the deepest sense of unconscious security in the person. And in coming into the current life, the person instinctually gravitates to those sources in order to maintain a sense of self-consistency equaling security. Now clearly, if the soul stayed right there, there would, in fact, be no evolution. So this becomes a first point to examine. The next point is to determine how it is that soul is going to grow or evolve in the current life. And the answer very happily is that the next step (evolution) is determined--because we have to remember that we are living in a universe, time/space, that of itself is defined by the law of polarity--by the opposite house and sign of the natal position of Pluto.

So, following our example of the ninth house, it is, of course, naturally in opposition to the third house. Now, one of the natural problems in the ninth house/Sagittarius/Jupiter archetype is that it correlates, in essence, with the nature of phenomenal reality in total. And it is the ninth house in any chart--Jupiter/Sagittarius, archetypically natural law-- that creates the awareness in the human organism, in each person, that we are in fact connected to something much larger than just the earth itself. It creates the awareness that we are connected to a solar system, universes, and galaxies. And this sort of natural awareness gives rise to the philosophical questions that all human beings ask: What does it all mean? How are we connected to this thing?

One of the problems of the ninth house is that it will typically orientate to a portion of the overall truth, and then consider that particular portion to be the total truth, which is why we call it the Billy Graham Archetype, meaning the need to convince and convert other people to your particular point of view. Why? In order to feel secure. This is why in this case we are going to have a have a third house polarity.

Most of us have already realized in our happy books that Gemini correlates with diversity, yes? Most of us realized,--particularly for those that find yourself to be Gemini--that Gemini is a happy little sign because you put it in a bookstore, for example, and it is going to go around and do what? It is going to read two pages of this and one page of that, and maybe one right over here, but it is thinking that it is reading everything. And this means that it is trying to understand as much as possible relative to the whole phenomenon called creation. So when you have this polarity point to the ninth house Pluto, you can see the obvious evolutionary intention. The intention of the Soul is to evolve beyond the particular portion—part--of the truth that it has already realized. You understand the point?

So the Soul is like a computer, and it has its own program and in a typically Plutonian fashion, then, the Soul will actually literally program necessary philosophical confrontations (Pluto), meaning it will attract to itself other individuals that are more philosophically or cosmologically evolved than itself. These people will have the effect of penetrating (Pluto) to the weak link in this person’s existing philosophical structure. And by identifying the weak link, well, guess what? That whole structure collapses. And this is induces the Gemini evolutionary intention. Understand the point? I mean we could go on and on, but we only have an hour and a half. So, on our Virgo list we start with Pluto, natal position, polarity point. Any questions on this aspect of it? So, we are clear on this particular point?

Next step--number B on your Virgo list. We want to, of course, examine the nature of the south node of the moon. Now, why do we want to examine this point? The reason is that the south node of the moon will specifically correlate to the types of egocentric structures that the soul has necessarily created in order to consciously actualize the evolutionary desires or intentions, which have, in fact, preceded the current life.

That is to say that the moon, the south node of the moon specifically, correlates to what we call the ego. Now take this very seriously because, of course, I realize in astrology land that astrologers can assign the idea or the archetype of the ego to whatever planetary symbolism. Over the last 10-20 years it has been given to Saturn, Sun or whatever. But in reality in the astrology we do, the ego is specific to the moon. The way you can prove this through natural law is very straightforward. As an example we can understand that the ego is that which correlates with what we can psychologically call a self-image.

Now, for example, if we make an ego connection to the Sun and we look into the nature of our solar system, of course, the Sun appears to be relatively fixed, does it not? Now, do you feel throughout your life that your own inner self-image has been fixed and constant? When we compare this to examining the moon and its various phases, you can see the direct link to your own self-image and its evolution. Understand the point?

So, in effect, the Soul must create a necessary ego to create a self-image of the soul itself. So the south node is the conscious component that the soul generates or creates to actualize the desires that are intrinsic to the soul itself. As a simple example, let’s still use our Ninth House Pluto as our example, remembering that the ninth house Pluto is how I want to understand myself in the cosmos, etc. Now when we put the south Node in the seventh house, what are we looking at? We Are looking at a soul who prior to the current life, over a series of recent prior life times, has created egocentric structures that have been actualized through a seventh house archetype. What does it mean? It's going to mean that the soul has created a series of prior life egos that have been structured in such a way as to initiate a diversity of relationships, (seventh house), who looked like what? Ninth house teacher types. And by initiating this kind of relationships with teacher types, it has been collecting for itself, or attracting to itself, the kind of information that it has desired relative to the ninth house Pluto. You see the link?

Now, to show you why cookbook astrology is B.S.--I mean wrong--compare this to a ninth house Pluto but put the south node in the first house. You are going to still have the same complex of desires, but what types of personality structure, or egocentric structure has the Soul used that is very different from the seventh house? In the first case you have dependency on an external teacher, but when you put the south node in the first house, in essence, what you now have is a soul who has the same desire structure, but now with this south node in the first house you have an individual who has learned to ask and answer its own questions. You see why cookbook astrology is so wrong?

So in either case you still have a pre-existing orientation to reality. When that ninth house Pluto, south node in the seventh person comes into life she/he will gravitate, as they have prior to the current life, in exactly that way. This is why there is going to be a thing called the north node. You see the point? So in this ninth house Pluto/seventh house south node, we have a polarity point in the third house, and we have a north node in the first. So in essence, the north node in this case, the conscious actualization, makes that third house polarity occur, understand my point? What that would actually mean in this life as the person begin to emotionally mature (moon) in the current life, is that it progressively would begin to rebel against external teachers, their message and their voices. Because the intention (north node/first house) is that the person is meant to learn to ask and answer its own questions. This is going to create necessary intellectual, philosophical confrontation with external teacher types. You see?

In the second case, the person has been living in happy splendor, all within themselves in a form of narcissism (south node/first house). You see my point? So now why are we seeing the north node in the seventh house? They must learn to open up and share themselves with other people and in so doing, in opening up to other people, they are going to attract (third house polarity), you see how it works. You apply this to all charts. You start just this way, A, B on your happy list. Questions? So we have got this down now?

The next step in our happy methodology is then to go to the Sun, by the house and sign of the Sun and the aspects it is making. Why? Because the Sun is going to correlate specifically to how we are integrating and giving purpose and meaning to our current life experience. So in essence we are describing an evolutionary transition in our A B list, an evolutionary transition from past to the current life. The Sun is now going to show you how that is integrated and given purpose and meaning in the context of the current life. How the Sun in Sagittarius integrates life experience, gives purpose and meaning, is going to be very different from how a Virgo Sun integrates life experience and gives purpose and meaning, you understand my point?

So once you get used to these methods you ultimately get to play the role of an evolutionary detective, why this Sun sign? You understand my point? So that is why our next step is to move right to the Sun. And again I want you to be able to apply this experientially to your own chart, so try to work with that as we move through it so you can see the reality of what we are talking about. So just take a moment right now and think about your own natal Pluto, polarity point, north and south node and your Sun sign. Take a moment, don't ask a question, just take a moment!

Now, how many are completely stumped? Maybe in a moment it will become more clear for you.

Audience: How about if your Pluto is right on the cusp?

Jeffrey: On the cusp?

Audience: Yeah.

Jeffrey: What you have when Pluto is on the cusp is the archetype of initiation, but if you have it just before the cusp of moving into the next house, you have the archetype evolutionarily of culmination--an entire series of prior lives all culminating in the context of the current life.Audience: But you would still interpret it in terms of the house that it is in?

Jeffrey: Yeah. And see then what you have is as it progressively culminates—when Pluto is evolving into the next house—you still determine the polarity point, which allows for that evolutionary shift. This can by the way, psychologically create frustration, because the Soul already can feel where it is trying to go, but it also has to culminate, so it has this push-- pull, yeah.

Audience: What if Pluto is conjunct the nodes—actually, let’s take the north node.

Jeffrey: That's a very unique evolutionary signature. When you find Pluto conjunct the north node it means in all cases, that that soul has been working in that area of evolutionary development prior to the current life and is meant to completely focus on that area in the context of the current life. There is no polarity.

Audience: If Pluto and the north node are in the same house but not conjunct, is that the same meaning or not?

Jeffrey: First, you want to determine if the node is balsamic or new phase relative to Pluto, which creates its own archetypical meaning. And then there used to be an old phrase in astrology (I am going to date myself now) but it used to be called in mundo, meaning conjunct by sign. But unless you have technically an absolute conjunction, then you have a different kind of meaning depending on the phasal relationship between Pluto and the node itself.

The next step after understanding the integrative principle of the Sun and the purpose and meaning it is giving to life experience in general, our very next step is then to move to the moon itself. Why? The current life moon, the natal moon, and the nodes are going to reflect a spiritual law, the trinity, from the earth point of view the phenomenon of past, present, and future. We have the north and south nodes of the moon and what this is correlating to psychologically is a universal experience we call the dynamic tension that exist in all people between the past and the future, as experienced in each moment of our life. That's the natal moon in relationship to its nodal axis. We have an evolving ego, i.e. from south node to north node. How that evolving ego is integrated on a consistent basis (moon) is the natal moon itself by house and sign.

Audience: Could you go over that again?

Jeffrey: We have a thing called the dynamic tension between the past and the future that we all experience, yes? That dynamic tension as experienced in each moment of our life is contained in your natal moon. How we integrate the potential insecurity linked with our past and our future experienced in the moment is our natal moon. It creates cohesion, self-consistency, understand? It’s that place in you, the dynamic in you, that can say, “This is who I used to be, this is who I am trying to become.” That voice is your natal moon; do you understand my point?Audience: Can you give an example of that?

Jeffrey: All of you in this room know as your life experience that you are in a dynamic state of becoming, yes? You know you have a past; you know you have a feeling to go into--toward--your future, which is the experience of the moment, yes? The experience of these two things in the moment is your moon. How you experience that is your natal moon by its own house and sign.

Audience: Let’s say the moon was conjunct one end or the other of the nodal path, for example, the north node, would there be more orientation toward the future than the past and really more conflict about trying to integrate the south node somehow with Pluto?

Jeffrey: Each case is unique and you have to always overlay this with karmic evolutionary requirements. The experience of it depends on the person, including the observed evolutionary state; one size does not fit all. If I had the moon on the south node and I am in consensus state, for example, how I am responding to that inwardly would be vastly different than if I had that moon /south node and I am in, say, an individuated state, or a spiritual state, you see. In all cases you are looking at the phenomenon of something being unresolved in a prior life, at an emotional level, that the person is bringing forward into the current life in order to re experience with the intention of resolving it.

If you have moon square the nodes, and really anytime you have a planet square the nodes, including the moon or Pluto, in evolutionary terms you have what are called skipped steps. And in the current context the person has been flip flopping back and forth, back and forth. And in evolutionary terms, karmic requirement, the person must recover those skipped steps in order to evolutionary proceed. Until that recovery is made they are blocked, you see my point now? Are we clear on the methodology as we are proceeding? That's my main intention at the moment, are we clear at the moment? Anybody still not clear? Good!

Now, another way of looking at this is why we are going to be using the moon in this sequence. The moon is how each of us lives with ourself inwardly on a moment-to-moment basis. It is how we are giving personal form and definition to what we call our reality. It is way for us to make it personally secure. All human beings have a need to feel secure. Of course the issue is what constitutes security. But the phenomenon of feeling secure is a constant for all human beings. It is like the need to put an anchor in the sea instead of just letting the boat drift where it wants to go. That is your ego. That is your anchor in the sea. That is the anchor into your unconscious. That is the anchor into your soul. Do you understand my point?

That is the way for you to personally relate to what your evolutionary intentions are relative to the purpose that is described by the Sun. It is a way for you to live with it, to feel emotionally secure because of it. The house and sign of your moon and the aspects it makes describe how that process is done. It is that simple. Yes?

Audience: I'm sorry, is that the security………(Inaudible)…………

Jeffrey: Yes, this is why we have a triad among Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. See this is the ultimate meaning when we have the moon linked with Scorpio and Pisces. We have this natural triad, and very few astrologers will tell you that the ultimate secret of Cancer and the moon is to realize that the moon itself is the source of its own insecurity. This is why it is a Cardinal archetype, two steps forward and one step back. We want to initiate change and we freak out and we want to recover…(Inaudible)……

But the ultimate teaching of the moon is reflected in the dark side of the moon, the side we never see. And the reason that the moon creates its own insecurity is to ultimately realize (Pisces) security from within, linked with an inner reality that has nothing to do with the external environment. When you link this through Scorpio, this is why all of us at various points in our journey misapply our trust into people--in order to experience emotional betrayal, abandonment and loss to enforce inner security. This is why.

Audience: That wouldn't…(Inaudible)…… It seems to be reinforcing what you developed in the past.Jeffrey: No you are not listening; you’re not interpreting right. You don't understand reality unless you listen carefully and objectively to the words. What you have just heard is that the ultimate intention of the Cancer/Scorpio triad is to learn absolute state of inner security from within. Now you have heard it rightly.

The next step in our Virgo sequence is Mercury. Why? Mercury is now going to provide the intellectual structure. Again, we are all living in a phenomenal reality, yes? We started with Pluto, the nodal axis of the moon, Sun, and moon. And now you can see if you look at this evolutionarily, you can see why the Soul (Pluto) was picking Mercury in whatever house, sign and aspect. That's the kind of intellectual structure, meaning how I am going to intellectually organize in rational ways. That is how I explain to myself what my life experience is about, which is ultimately reflecting its evolutionary intention. This is how I give the intellectual super structure to this process. So I create an intellectual structure that creates rational thinking within me that creates an explanation and justification, which I then communicate to other people. This is why you have your specific house and sign of any given Mercury. You understand the point?

You see, life is either random, or it is in fact some sort of inherent order, you see? And if we look at it this way, we are looking at life and astrology non-judgmentally. This eliminates all the 19th century crap--exaltations, falls--it is irrelevant. We replace all this terminology with two words: what is. This is why you can have your Mercury in whatever house or sign. It is the way that you need to put it together and understand it intellectually through your left brain. Mercury in astrology specifically relates to the left brain.

Audience: What if Mercury is like right on a house cusp?

Jeffrey: Again, if you always use your ultimate perspective to understand the chart and then use an evolutionary perspective--transitions between past, present, future--then you can answer your own question. Any planet on the cusp is going to correlate evolutionarily either to culmination, meaning the planet just before a given house, or if it is just within that house something has already culminated and a brand new cycle of evolutionary development is now proceeding. So if Mercury happens to be the operative symbol it is simple going to mean a soul who is deciding to think, in this life, in altogether radically different ways than it has ever thought before.

Ok, next step in our Virgo sequence. Venus, of course, is going to correlate specifically to the nature of the value associations that you make for yourself. Values equal a sense of meaning that you are giving to your life. How many people on earth do you think can live without a sense of meaning? The sense of meaning in life, archetypically through astrology, is specific to Venus. Meaning is specific to that which you value. That which you value is in its own way conditioning or contributing to what you decide to believe. Understand my point?

So the Soul in any given life must orientate to a specific type of value associations that provide a specific sense of meaning. That now is specifically linked with the evolutionary intentions for the life itself. So here we determine and can see from the point of view of Soul/Pluto why Venus is in this house, and in this sign, making those aspects. Understand now?

The next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Mars. Some of you have learned in your happy books that Mars is a lower octave of Pluto. And if you have heard this, ask yourself the following question: What is a lower octave of something? See, here is a happy example of cultures like this where we can understand words, but we don't really know what they mean. A lower octave is simply a denser vibration of something. So why then is Mars a lower octave? The answer is straightforward; again the essence of the Soul’s evolution is based on desire. Mars in our subjective consciousness simply instinctually reflects and acts out desires emanating from the Soul itself. This is why you read in the happy books about Aries and Mars and the necessity of freedom. The Soul must have the necessary element, or level, of freedom in this life to initiate experiences that the Soul deems necessary relative to its evolutionary requirements and intentions, understand?

How that is done is specific to the house and sign and aspects that Mars is making. Got it? And this is why the necessity of freedom. That is also going to be correlating, by the way, to the necessary kind of sexual experiences. Sexual experiences are like any other experience of life in which the Soul learns about itself. Remember that sexual desires emanate specifically from the point of view of the primary brain. The primary brain in astrology correlates with Pluto, Mars and Moon. We have to understand that the primary brain in and of itself is unconditioned. It is specific to that which is called natural law. This sets in motion its own potential conflicts and collisions of what we call Will (Mars/Pluto). Meaning, the will of a normal society that is telling you what is right and wrong. What if the kind of sexual desires you have do not conform to your morality telling you this is right and that is wrong? Do you understand what potential conflicts are happening?

From a patriarchal point of view, linked with the primary brain, this is going to have the archetype that Thomas Moore called Dark Eros. The dark can only be linked, or applied, from the point of view of patriarchal judgment, understand my point? The only time any sexual desire is wrong is when it is linked with an intent to consciously hurt someone, anything other than what is normal and natural.

Most of you are familiar--most of you are old enough to remember--a series of books written, I think, in the late seventies or early eighties by a woman named Nancy Friday--Women's sexual fantasies, Men's sexual fantasies. So often you would hear in those books: Well I can have this in my fantasy, but I would never act it out. Now you understand this issue, don't you?

So Mars is simply the conscious component that instinctually registers the desires emanating from the unconscious life, Soul. Desires that are specific to the evolutionary needs and requirements of the Soul itself. It requires the necessary freedom in order to act out.

So we are still clear on the sequence? You are still trying to apply this to your chart? How many are starting to see your chart in a new way? Good. My point is that if you get used to doing it for yourself, well, guess what? You can do for your clients. Maybe you are beginning to see what this is finally going to lead to, the Piscean leap, called inductive logic, when you see it all at once. I mean you will get to the point where you don't have to spend three hours studying the chart before the client comes, and then you can do it instantly. So, any questions before we move on? Clear enough? Good.

Next step Jupiter. Following the sequence you can now logically see through your Virgo logic how Jupiter specifically is going to correlate with the types of belief structures that you need to draw upon in order to rationally explain, through your belief structure, the entire process we have described so far. Keeping in mind the nature of belief systems determines how you are interpreting the nature of phenomenal reality. How you are interpreting this reality comes right back to Mercury, how you are communicating it. From the point of view of brain, of consciousness, Jupiter specifically correlates to your right brain, the intuitive, the non-linear, the image based. There is that exact place in your consciousness that makes you aware, again, that we are connected to something much larger than just the earth.

So in effect, from an evolutionary point of view, why are we going to have Jupiter in this house, this sign, and making these aspects? It is the type of belief structure the Soul requires, without judgment, in order to facilitate the entire process of its evolutionary journey and intentions we are describing to this point. Got it?

As an example, do you think that a Soul that decided to have Jupiter in Aries is going to happily conform to a Capricorn version of reality? Why not? What is the evolutionary intent of having Jupiter in Aries? You see my point now? I mean they are trying to strike out on their own to think and understand and conceive for themselves. The phenomenon of conception, abstraction, to make abstract, is a Jupiter process.

It is one of the wonderful things about the great Yogananda. This man happened to have Jupiter in Aries and despite Vedantic tradition, which is essentially patriarchal, the essence of his teachings was all defined around the Divine Mother, not the Divine Father.

So, the next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Saturn. Here I am going to share a secret with you about Saturn that you are not going to read in any of your happy books. Saturn is the very structural nature of consciousness in general. One of the essential functions of Saturn is to provide a conditioning function. So for example, what if an individual happens to have Saturn in Leo? That means the entire structural definition of that consciousness is defined around a Leonean archetype. And that then means that every other astrological function, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, etc. is defined and conditioned by, in this case, the Leonean archetype--meaning the principle, the self-creative principle, the inner given right for creative self-actualization.

Understand this issue? For example, what do you typically read in your happy cookbook when Saturn is squaring Venus? Let's put Saturn in Leo and Venus in Scorpio. The typical cookbook interpretation will tell you what? That this individual will attempt to dominate and control and limit (Scorpio) the creative development of its partner relative to existing inner insecurity. This is wrong. The structural consciousness is defined by Saturn in Leo, so this then means (and to show you the opposite) that this individual is giving itself the right to creatively actualize itself in any way it deems necessary and will necessary have conflict with (Venus in Scorpio) partners who are so insecure that they are trying to undermine its creative self development. The Saturn in Leo defining the structural nature of that consciousness will then mean what? A desire to have partners that were doing the same thing.

So you can see the weakness in these stupid cookbooks, because it never made the leap that Saturn is the defining principle in the structural nature of consciousness itself, which is conditioning every other function in that consciousness. Do you see my point now? So, from a point of view of evolution, the happy sequence we have developed we now understand the structural nature of the consciousness that the Soul is creating to facilitate its evolutionary lessons, requirements and intentions.


Audience: You are saying that Saturn is the overall structure given to things, the Sun then is more like how we sense things because I was looking at the Sun….

Jeffrey: Sensing is a Venus principle.

Audience: Well, you are saying it correlates to how we integrate our current life experiences. Is integrating, which you are associating with the Sun, different from structuring, which you are associating with Saturn?

Jeffrey: Yes.

Audience: Can you explain that?

Jeffrey: This is a structure (Saturn). How we give purpose and meaning to the structure is the Sun.

Audience: Okay.

Jeffrey: Yes?

Audience: (Looking at a chart) Why do we have Mercury or Venus before we do, for instance, Saturn or Jupiter?

Jeffrey: I just explained that. That's why I am trying to go through this sequence very slowly. And it is a very deliberate sequence, one thing leading to the next thing. This is intentional to create cohesion, deductive analysis, not jumping around.

Jeffrey: Another Question? Yes?

Audience: With Saturn retrograde……… inaudible…..

Jeffrey: Completely. How would you like to examine that? Saturn retrograde has a very simple meaning; it is a structure of consciousness that is forever redefining and restructuring itself.

The problem with Saturn as an archetype intrinsically--this is what you read in the happy books—is the potentiality of crystallization. You have to remember everything is operating through polarity. What is the polarity of Capricorn, i.e. Saturn? It is the moon and Cancer; it comes right back to security issues. Particularly as we emotionally mature and get older most people start to want to not grow anymore. They want to have their Winnebago and their patio tools, “Oh, I am comfortable now I am not growing anymore.” There is a typical example of crystallization linked with security.

If you happen to have Saturn retrograde, you have a structural nature of consciousness that is always restless and will never reach a point in time that says, “Aha! That's it.” It wants to forever redefine itself relative to the evolutionary impulse to evolve and to grow.

Audience: How does that relate to all the other planets?

Jeffrey: Then it will have an oblique retrograde function to all the other planetary functions, not direct, oblique. Understand? Direct is like this, oblique is like this. So if I had Saturn retrograde it is having an oblique function to every other planetary function. It doesn't even have to be necessary in a direct aspect. We are talking about the structural nature of consciousness that is defining every other function. This is not something you read in some book, but it turns out to be actual reality. I have counseled over 15,000 clients. The essence of astrology is observation and correlation, and I am sharing with you the results of correlation and observation of over 15,000 clients all over the planet, not just America. Yes ma'm?

Audience: So actually having a retrograde planet might not be a negative thing at all?…(Inaudible)……

Jeffrey: It is not negative or positive. It simply is what it is. A retrograde archetype accelerates growth relative to the Jungian idea of individuation. Think about the symbol (Rx) to rebel, understand my point? To rebel against what? The status quo expectation of how the function defined by retrograde is meant to operate. And by having a rebellion function we have an individuation function, which is accelerating the growth of individuation or evolution through the function that is retrograde.

Karmically and evolutionary we also have Rx--the need to repeat, or relive something from prior lives that was (retrograde) not resolved. This can create its own kind of frustration. What if I have Venues retrograde in Scorpio linked with my relationship formation? And I have this need to repeat and relive x amount of intimate liaisons--karmically and evolutionary dictated--and I am now in a fixed pattern of Scorpio. Meaning all my relationship dynamics, despite my intellectual intention to change it, are fated to be repeated. Is this not going to create some potential frustration with our partner? Meaning the psychology of no matter what I do, I keep re-attracting the same thing. You see my point? These are things you don't read in the happy books.

Audience: So how do you bring that to an end? How do you stop?

Jeffrey: It is stopped once it is completed. It is completed when you finally see the retrograde symbol going to direct through progression, and not until.

Audience: What about when by progression a planet goes retrograde?

Jeffrey: Then you have entered a timeframe where you are repeating something from the past and/or redefining your overall reality in general, through individuation

Okay, so now we move into ever-understandable Uranus. From the point of view of Saturn, Saturn is going to describe--for most people--the interfacing between what we are consciously aware of, meaning our subjective consciousness or what we call personality, and the unconscious. It is that natural boundary, or barrier, or threshold. And for most people this is necessary because it goes right back to the idea of the moon, the anchor in the sea, which creates stability. This is also why, by the way, that most people do not have spontaneous natural access to their prior life memories. The point is that if most people had access to their prior life memories, those prior life memories, which are contained by Uranus, would overwhelm the current sense of reality (Saturn) in such a way it would become so consumed (Pluto) with what happened or didn't happen, what went right, what went wrong, we would not get on with the business of this life. That's why there is a necessary boundary (Saturn) that prevents this awareness. It can only really truly open to the Soul who begins it natural process of evolution back to the Source itself in an active conscious way. Understand my point?

So, Uranus correlates in Jungian terminology to what is called the individuated unconscious, or in Freudian terminology to the subconscious. In either case, I don't care about your the terminology, the Uranian element of your consciousness contains three components. You have learned, as an example, that it is a higher octave of Mercury. Mercury correlates with short-term memory. Uranus correlates with long-term memory. This also includes the long-term memories of other lifetimes. Just look at it logically. How many of you can remember in total detail what you did three days ago? Where did those memories go? Aaa, now we are looking at Uranus. So one dimension of Uranus correlates with where all the prior life memories that you have that are contributing to the current life are stored.

It also correlates to the component of our unconscious, dynamics that Saturn represses: dynamics in ourselves that we are having a problem accepting and, therefore, suppressing. This can also include the nature of trauma that is not resolved and is stuck into the subconscious. And Uranus also correlates to--connects to--what we can call the larger blueprint for the Soul’s evolutionary future. This is why we have the principal of liberation. To liberate from what? Saturn, the existing conditions of our life that can equal what we can euphemistically call our own personal status quo. That equals our own sense of security (moon) equaling the anchor in the sea that has been crystallized. So in effect, Uranus is always knocking on Saturn's door. When you go through an act of a Uranian transit, through linkage, the symbolism is very basic. That's what we call the hand grenade in a steel box. The steel box is your Saturn; the hand grenade is your Uranus. In the last analysis the hand grenade will prevail.

As an example, if I make a bomb go off right here, obviously everything is flying about, goes up into the air, fractured. Through the natural laws of returning (gravity), it is meant to come back to the earth, but it comes back in a new way. And that is really the function of Uranus. To remove whatever binding forces in our reality that are preventing necessary evolutionary growth. So whatever house and sign your Uranus is in and the aspects it is making, this is showing you how your own personal liberation in your own Saturnian conditions of your life is necessarily and naturally meant to occur.

It will also tell you, graphically, what kind of subconscious or unconscious memories the individual has, linked with their own prior life times, which is subconsciously conditioning their approach to their current life. This is where you can play astrological detective yet again. It can also show you the potential of unresolved karma as occurred and still may be operating subconsciously in such a way as to influence the behavior of the current life.

Now we come to the end of our Virgo sequence, and you can see now we come almost back to Pluto, meaning Neptune. And, of course, Neptune from a patriarchal point of view is called the archetype of transcendence. From the point of view of natural law, it is called the archetype of unity. The patriarchy teaches you that there is something to transcend, which itself is roughly the same as the delusive patriarchal idea that there is a natural conflict between spirit and flesh. That is why you have the word transcendence. This is utter B.S. An obsolete opinion invented by men to subjugate women. Through natural law the correct word of Neptune is union: to unite with the totality of creation, not to transcend it. And it is through absolute union that a natural expansion of consciousness occurs. There is nothing to transcend. And there is nothing to redeem. Despite what you’ve read in the happy books. That is reinforcing the patriarchy.

The issue here is that Neptune specifically correlates to the phenomenon of consciousness, in total, every one. Consciousness is very analogous to water. Water in and of itself has no form. Consciousness permeates and is the essence of creation. If I put water into this cup, then the consciousness in that water assumes the shape, form and function of the cup. If I put water /consciousness in human form, it is assuming the function and form of this body. If I put it in this plant, this animal etc., etc. Form and function is inherently limited--inherently limited,which is why you have read in your astrology books the need to go beyond the perception and experience of limitation. This is the inner action between Pisces and Scorpio.

Now, to make it very graphic to you, you all have consciousness, and it is all right now in a human body. And I will show you right away the limitation of consciousness in human form. Ready? What created God? You have just reached your limit, which exactly gives rise ultimately to the desire in all Souls to reunite with the source of all things, meaning to dissolve (Neptune) the apparent extinction of the separating form and to realize through union how the appearance of all manifested form is rooted in the original creation point. For you to do this naturally--for you to do this naturally--determine the house and sign of your Neptune and the aspects it is making. This is your own natural way, not according to any book or any teacher, understand the point? So has this now made a little bit of sense to you this morning? Any last questions? God Bless you and thank you for coming.

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RadModeratorMost Active Member

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Re: JWG'S Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation ...« Reply #12 on: Feb 21, 2013, 11:11 AM »

Hi Group,

I am now going to post an example chart that we can begin with. When you look at this chart I would like you at first to focus on the the evolutionary paradigm: natal Pluto, it's polarity point, the S.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler, and the N.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler. In our chart example we will analyze it from the point of view of the Soul being well within the 3rd individuated evolutionary state, a male in gender, a born in England to give it the necessary cultural context.

So as we begin our journey with the Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation I would like you to start with a succinct analysis of this charts Pluto, it's polarity point, the S/N Nodes and the location of their planetary rulers. This will then serve as the foundation upon which we will start to add the other planets one by one.

If you have any questions ask them of me now.

A Planetary Method of Chart Analysis Jeffrey Wolf Green Astro2000, Denver, CO 2000

What I’d like to do is try to make this as experiential for you this morning as possible, and the way I would like to do that is for all of you to keep your own particular birth chart in your head now as we go through this specific method so you can apply it immediately to your own case.

This particular method is very sequential; it is very Virgo like, ABC in nature, leading to a very deductive and Virgo-like analysis. In total, you will then find that once you employ this particular methodology--ABC--this will lead to a Pisces kind of awareness, meaning inductive, wherein you can see the whole first and then immediately grasp all the parts. So it is like going from Virgo to Pisces. Now as we go through this system, when you have questions, please ask me when you have the question, because the intention is to keep this as clear as possible as we are moving through it.

So the very first way we want to start the system is, of course, with Pluto. This is number one on your list; meaning as we go through this it is going to be like an outline. So we want to start with Pluto. We can ask a Pluto question: Why? And what we have here from a Plutonian point of view, of course, is the direct connection to the Soul, the Soul itself. Now, of course, if we understand this, the Soul is going to create the overall personality structure in any given life that is uniquely orientated to phenomenal reality in such a way that that unique orientation experiences the phenomenal reality in a way that is consistent with the evolutionary intentions and karmic requirement that the Soul has in any given life.

So we want to locate the natal position of Pluto first by house and sign. What is this going to be demonstrating? We have to remember that the nature of the Soul linked with time and space reality is simultaneously linked with the principle that we call evolution. Evolution is a dynamic in time and space reality that is beyond debate. The simplest way to know evolution: Is it not true that everybody on this planet, everyone in this room, inwardly always has an inner feeling of being in a continuous state of becoming? Who does not have such a feeling? So you can see right away just through normal life experience that this is a principle, a truth if you will, that applies to all people everywhere as long as we are living in time-space reality.

Now, if we linked evolution to the principle of the Soul, we ask a logical question: What is, in fact, the inner mechanism or dynamic within the Soul that causes evolution? The answer is straightforward, simple, and basic as most natural truths are. The answer is, in fact, the very same answer that came out of the enlightenment of the famous Buddha under the famous Bodhi tree, when he pondered the nature of sorrow and pain, misery and the like. What was actually promoted in Buddhism terms as Nirvana was based on the awareness within him called desire.

In each Soul there are two competing and antithetical desires that create evolution. One desire is a separating desire, meaning to separate away from what we can call God. And these sorts of desires are many, myriad, manifesting in typical ways as the desire for the new lover, the new possession, the new career ambition, whatever. All Souls have these desires, and simultaneous with the desire and coequal to it is the desire to return to that which has created the Soul in the first place. So, in effect, the essence of the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination (Pluto) of all separating desires to the exclusion of only one desire which can remain, which is to unite with the source of the Soul itself.

This is a very simple natural truth that operates independent of what we call astrology and can be validated by every single one of us in this room. In fact, it can be validated by everybody on earth. The simplest way to know it, again: Is not true that we can have whatever separating desire, oh we want this new thing over here, this, that or whatever, and we may have the ability to obtain that which we are desiring, and, of course, we have a momentary sense of satisfaction when we get it. But once we get it, what soon replaces the sense of satisfaction is, in effect, the sense of dissatisfaction, the sense of something more. It is exactly the sense of dissatisfaction that is mirroring and echoing this ultimate desire to return and to reunite with the source of all things. Who of you has not known this to be your own experience? You see, it is universal.

So the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination of all separating desires. The duality of these antithetical desires is intrinsic within the Soul and is what the psychologists call the basis of free choice.

Now, when we look at the nature of the natal position of Pluto, we are looking at two simultaneous phenomena, which is why we are starting with this number A on our Virgo list. Number one, it will describe very succinctly the types of desires that the soul has had prior to the current life, relative to its evolutionary necessities, its evolutionary intentions. That does not mean, by the way, that that is going to correlate or reflect all the prior lives that the Soul has had. The point is that the soul in any given life will only draw upon specific prior life times that have a direct connection to or bearing on the current life evolutionary intentions. The Sanskrit archetype for that is called Prarabdha Karma.

So, what the natal position of Pluto is demonstrating is the specific prior lifetimes and orientations that have direct bearing on the current lifetime. A simple example: What if we are dealing with a ninth house Pluto individual? We can make a very simple Piscean/ Virgo deduction that this would have been a Soul who, prior to the current life, one way or another, was desiring to understand its individual connection to the cosmological reality we call the universe, meaning natural desires to understand philosophy and cosmology and metaphysics, religion (even if that's atheism), anything that is a form of philosophy connected to the cosmos. Are we clear? Good.

And now what would that mean coming into the current life? And this is one of the secrets about Pluto that most people don't realize, i.e. when you read it in your happy books that it somehow connects to compulsion, obsession, defensiveness, resistance to change and all these things, and these things are accurate, but they never tell you why, and it is because at this point Pluto is going to correlate with the deepest sources of your unconscious sense of security. Keeping in mind that security is a function of self-consistency. Self-consistency is a function of the past, meaning what has come before. Again, how many of you would totally and wholly embrace the experience of absolute insecurity? No takers? Hmm? Ever wonder why we have compulsion, obsession? That's what psychologists call repetitive compulsion.

So by looking at the natal position of Pluto (house and sign), beyond the metaphysical point of view, you are describing in anybody’s life the sources that correlate with the deepest sense of unconscious security in the person. And in coming into the current life, the person instinctually gravitates to those sources in order to maintain a sense of self-consistency equaling security. Now clearly, if the soul stayed right there, there would, in fact, be no evolution. So this becomes a first point to examine. The next point is to determine how it is that soul is going to grow or evolve in the current life. And the answer very happily is that the next step (evolution) is determined--because we have to remember that we are living in a universe, time/space, that of itself is defined by the law of polarity--by the opposite house and sign of the natal position of Pluto.

So, following our example of the ninth house, it is, of course, naturally in opposition to the third house. Now, one of the natural problems in the ninth house/Sagittarius/Jupiter archetype is that it correlates, in essence, with the nature of phenomenal reality in total. And it is the ninth house in any chart--Jupiter/Sagittarius, archetypically natural law-- that creates the awareness in the human organism, in each person, that we are in fact connected to something much larger than just the earth itself. It creates the awareness that we are connected to a solar system, universes, and galaxies. And this sort of natural awareness gives rise to the philosophical questions that all human beings ask: What does it all mean? How are we connected to this thing?

One of the problems of the ninth house is that it will typically orientate to a portion of the overall truth, and then consider that particular portion to be the total truth, which is why we call it the Billy Graham Archetype, meaning the need to convince and convert other people to your particular point of view. Why? In order to feel secure. This is why in this case we are going to have a have a third house polarity.

Most of us have already realized in our happy books that Gemini correlates with diversity, yes? Most of us realized,--particularly for those that find yourself to be Gemini--that Gemini is a happy little sign because you put it in a bookstore, for example, and it is going to go around and do what? It is going to read two pages of this and one page of that, and maybe one right over here, but it is thinking that it is reading everything. And this means that it is trying to understand as much as possible relative to the whole phenomenon called creation. So when you have this polarity point to the ninth house Pluto, you can see the obvious evolutionary intention. The intention of the Soul is to evolve beyond the particular portion—part--of the truth that it has already realized. You understand the point?

So the Soul is like a computer, and it has its own program and in a typically Plutonian fashion, then, the Soul will actually literally program necessary philosophical confrontations (Pluto), meaning it will attract to itself other individuals that are more philosophically or cosmologically evolved than itself. These people will have the effect of penetrating (Pluto) to the weak link in this person’s existing philosophical structure. And by identifying the weak link, well, guess what? That whole structure collapses. And this is induces the Gemini evolutionary intention. Understand the point? I mean we could go on and on, but we only have an hour and a half. So, on our Virgo list we start with Pluto, natal position, polarity point. Any questions on this aspect of it? So, we are clear on this particular point?

Next step--number B on your Virgo list. We want to, of course, examine the nature of the south node of the moon. Now, why do we want to examine this point? The reason is that the south node of the moon will specifically correlate to the types of egocentric structures that the soul has necessarily created in order to consciously actualize the evolutionary desires or intentions, which have, in fact, preceded the current life.

That is to say that the moon, the south node of the moon specifically, correlates to what we call the ego. Now take this very seriously because, of course, I realize in astrology land that astrologers can assign the idea or the archetype of the ego to whatever planetary symbolism. Over the last 10-20 years it has been given to Saturn, Sun or whatever. But in reality in the astrology we do, the ego is specific to the moon. The way you can prove this through natural law is very straightforward. As an example we can understand that the ego is that which correlates with what we can psychologically call a self-image.

Now, for example, if we make an ego connection to the Sun and we look into the nature of our solar system, of course, the Sun appears to be relatively fixed, does it not? Now, do you feel throughout your life that your own inner self-image has been fixed and constant? When we compare this to examining the moon and its various phases, you can see the direct link to your own self-image and its evolution. Understand the point?

So, in effect, the Soul must create a necessary ego to create a self-image of the soul itself. So the south node is the conscious component that the soul generates or creates to actualize the desires that are intrinsic to the soul itself. As a simple example, let’s still use our Ninth House Pluto as our example, remembering that the ninth house Pluto is how I want to understand myself in the cosmos, etc. Now when we put the south Node in the seventh house, what are we looking at? We Are looking at a soul who prior to the current life, over a series of recent prior life times, has created egocentric structures that have been actualized through a seventh house archetype. What does it mean? It's going to mean that the soul has created a series of prior life egos that have been structured in such a way as to initiate a diversity of relationships, (seventh house), who looked like what? Ninth house teacher types. And by initiating this kind of relationships with teacher types, it has been collecting for itself, or attracting to itself, the kind of information that it has desired relative to the ninth house Pluto. You see the link?

Now, to show you why cookbook astrology is B.S.--I mean wrong--compare this to a ninth house Pluto but put the south node in the first house. You are going to still have the same complex of desires, but what types of personality structure, or egocentric structure has the Soul used that is very different from the seventh house? In the first case you have dependency on an external teacher, but when you put the south node in the first house, in essence, what you now have is a soul who has the same desire structure, but now with this south node in the first house you have an individual who has learned to ask and answer its own questions. You see why cookbook astrology is so wrong?

So in either case you still have a pre-existing orientation to reality. When that ninth house Pluto, south node in the seventh person comes into life she/he will gravitate, as they have prior to the current life, in exactly that way. This is why there is going to be a thing called the north node. You see the point? So in this ninth house Pluto/seventh house south node, we have a polarity point in the third house, and we have a north node in the first. So in essence, the north node in this case, the conscious actualization, makes that third house polarity occur, understand my point? What that would actually mean in this life as the person begin to emotionally mature (moon) in the current life, is that it progressively would begin to rebel against external teachers, their message and their voices. Because the intention (north node/first house) is that the person is meant to learn to ask and answer its own questions. This is going to create necessary intellectual, philosophical confrontation with external teacher types. You see?

In the second case, the person has been living in happy splendor, all within themselves in a form of narcissism (south node/first house). You see my point? So now why are we seeing the north node in the seventh house? They must learn to open up and share themselves with other people and in so doing, in opening up to other people, they are going to attract (third house polarity), you see how it works. You apply this to all charts. You start just this way, A, B on your happy list. Questions? So we have got this down now?

The next step in our happy methodology is then to go to the Sun, by the house and sign of the Sun and the aspects it is making. Why? Because the Sun is going to correlate specifically to how we are integrating and giving purpose and meaning to our current life experience. So in essence we are describing an evolutionary transition in our A B list, an evolutionary transition from past to the current life. The Sun is now going to show you how that is integrated and given purpose and meaning in the context of the current life. How the Sun in Sagittarius integrates life experience, gives purpose and meaning, is going to be very different from how a Virgo Sun integrates life experience and gives purpose and meaning, you understand my point?

So once you get used to these methods you ultimately get to play the role of an evolutionary detective, why this Sun sign? You understand my point? So that is why our next step is to move right to the Sun. And again I want you to be able to apply this experientially to your own chart, so try to work with that as we move through it so you can see the reality of what we are talking about. So just take a moment right now and think about your own natal Pluto, polarity point, north and south node and your Sun sign. Take a moment, don't ask a question, just take a moment!

Now, how many are completely stumped? Maybe in a moment it will become more clear for you.

Audience: How about if your Pluto is right on the cusp?

Jeffrey: On the cusp?

Audience: Yeah.

Jeffrey: What you have when Pluto is on the cusp is the archetype of initiation, but if you have it just before the cusp of moving into the next house, you have the archetype evolutionarily of culmination--an entire series of prior lives all culminating in the context of the current life.Audience: But you would still interpret it in terms of the house that it is in?

Jeffrey: Yeah. And see then what you have is as it progressively culminates—when Pluto is evolving into the next house—you still determine the polarity point, which allows for that evolutionary shift. This can by the way, psychologically create frustration, because the Soul already can feel where it is trying to go, but it also has to culminate, so it has this push-- pull, yeah.

Audience: What if Pluto is conjunct the nodes—actually, let’s take the north node.

Jeffrey: That's a very unique evolutionary signature. When you find Pluto conjunct the north node it means in all cases, that that soul has been working in that area of evolutionary development prior to the current life and is meant to completely focus on that area in the context of the current life. There is no polarity.

Audience: If Pluto and the north node are in the same house but not conjunct, is that the same meaning or not?

Jeffrey: First, you want to determine if the node is balsamic or new phase relative to Pluto, which creates its own archetypical meaning. And then there used to be an old phrase in astrology (I am going to date myself now) but it used to be called in mundo, meaning conjunct by sign. But unless you have technically an absolute conjunction, then you have a different kind of meaning depending on the phasal relationship between Pluto and the node itself.

The next step after understanding the integrative principle of the Sun and the purpose and meaning it is giving to life experience in general, our very next step is then to move to the moon itself. Why? The current life moon, the natal moon, and the nodes are going to reflect a spiritual law, the trinity, from the earth point of view the phenomenon of past, present, and future. We have the north and south nodes of the moon and what this is correlating to psychologically is a universal experience we call the dynamic tension that exist in all people between the past and the future, as experienced in each moment of our life. That's the natal moon in relationship to its nodal axis. We have an evolving ego, i.e. from south node to north node. How that evolving ego is integrated on a consistent basis (moon) is the natal moon itself by house and sign.

Audience: Could you go over that again?

Jeffrey: We have a thing called the dynamic tension between the past and the future that we all experience, yes? That dynamic tension as experienced in each moment of our life is contained in your natal moon. How we integrate the potential insecurity linked with our past and our future experienced in the moment is our natal moon. It creates cohesion, self-consistency, understand? It’s that place in you, the dynamic in you, that can say, “This is who I used to be, this is who I am trying to become.” That voice is your natal moon; do you understand my point?Audience: Can you give an example of that?

Jeffrey: All of you in this room know as your life experience that you are in a dynamic state of becoming, yes? You know you have a past; you know you have a feeling to go into--toward--your future, which is the experience of the moment, yes? The experience of these two things in the moment is your moon. How you experience that is your natal moon by its own house and sign.

Audience: Let’s say the moon was conjunct one end or the other of the nodal path, for example, the north node, would there be more orientation toward the future than the past and really more conflict about trying to integrate the south node somehow with Pluto?

Jeffrey: Each case is unique and you have to always overlay this with karmic evolutionary requirements. The experience of it depends on the person, including the observed evolutionary state; one size does not fit all. If I had the moon on the south node and I am in consensus state, for example, how I am responding to that inwardly would be vastly different than if I had that moon /south node and I am in, say, an individuated state, or a spiritual state, you see. In all cases you are looking at the phenomenon of something being unresolved in a prior life, at an emotional level, that the person is bringing forward into the current life in order to re experience with the intention of resolving it.

If you have moon square the nodes, and really anytime you have a planet square the nodes, including the moon or Pluto, in evolutionary terms you have what are called skipped steps. And in the current context the person has been flip flopping back and forth, back and forth. And in evolutionary terms, karmic requirement, the person must recover those skipped steps in order to evolutionary proceed. Until that recovery is made they are blocked, you see my point now? Are we clear on the methodology as we are proceeding? That's my main intention at the moment, are we clear at the moment? Anybody still not clear? Good!

Now, another way of looking at this is why we are going to be using the moon in this sequence. The moon is how each of us lives with ourself inwardly on a moment-to-moment basis. It is how we are giving personal form and definition to what we call our reality. It is way for us to make it personally secure. All human beings have a need to feel secure. Of course the issue is what constitutes security. But the phenomenon of feeling secure is a constant for all human beings. It is like the need to put an anchor in the sea instead of just letting the boat drift where it wants to go. That is your ego. That is your anchor in the sea. That is the anchor into your unconscious. That is the anchor into your soul. Do you understand my point?

That is the way for you to personally relate to what your evolutionary intentions are relative to the purpose that is described by the Sun. It is a way for you to live with it, to feel emotionally secure because of it. The house and sign of your moon and the aspects it makes describe how that process is done. It is that simple. Yes?

Audience: I'm sorry, is that the security………(Inaudible)…………

Jeffrey: Yes, this is why we have a triad among Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. See this is the ultimate meaning when we have the moon linked with Scorpio and Pisces. We have this natural triad, and very few astrologers will tell you that the ultimate secret of Cancer and the moon is to realize that the moon itself is the source of its own insecurity. This is why it is a Cardinal archetype, two steps forward and one step back. We want to initiate change and we freak out and we want to recover…(Inaudible)……

But the ultimate teaching of the moon is reflected in the dark side of the moon, the side we never see. And the reason that the moon creates its own insecurity is to ultimately realize (Pisces) security from within, linked with an inner reality that has nothing to do with the external environment. When you link this through Scorpio, this is why all of us at various points in our journey misapply our trust into people--in order to experience emotional betrayal, abandonment and loss to enforce inner security. This is why.

Audience: That wouldn't…(Inaudible)…… It seems to be reinforcing what you developed in the past.Jeffrey: No you are not listening; you’re not interpreting right. You don't understand reality unless you listen carefully and objectively to the words. What you have just heard is that the ultimate intention of the Cancer/Scorpio triad is to learn absolute state of inner security from within. Now you have heard it rightly.

The next step in our Virgo sequence is Mercury. Why? Mercury is now going to provide the intellectual structure. Again, we are all living in a phenomenal reality, yes? We started with Pluto, the nodal axis of the moon, Sun, and moon. And now you can see if you look at this evolutionarily, you can see why the Soul (Pluto) was picking Mercury in whatever house, sign and aspect. That's the kind of intellectual structure, meaning how I am going to intellectually organize in rational ways. That is how I explain to myself what my life experience is about, which is ultimately reflecting its evolutionary intention. This is how I give the intellectual super structure to this process. So I create an intellectual structure that creates rational thinking within me that creates an explanation and justification, which I then communicate to other people. This is why you have your specific house and sign of any given Mercury. You understand the point?

You see, life is either random, or it is in fact some sort of inherent order, you see? And if we look at it this way, we are looking at life and astrology non-judgmentally. This eliminates all the 19th century crap--exaltations, falls--it is irrelevant. We replace all this terminology with two words: what is. This is why you can have your Mercury in whatever house or sign. It is the way that you need to put it together and understand it intellectually through your left brain. Mercury in astrology specifically relates to the left brain.

Audience: What if Mercury is like right on a house cusp?

Jeffrey: Again, if you always use your ultimate perspective to understand the chart and then use an evolutionary perspective--transitions between past, present, future--then you can answer your own question. Any planet on the cusp is going to correlate evolutionarily either to culmination, meaning the planet just before a given house, or if it is just within that house something has already culminated and a brand new cycle of evolutionary development is now proceeding. So if Mercury happens to be the operative symbol it is simple going to mean a soul who is deciding to think, in this life, in altogether radically different ways than it has ever thought before.

Ok, next step in our Virgo sequence. Venus, of course, is going to correlate specifically to the nature of the value associations that you make for yourself. Values equal a sense of meaning that you are giving to your life. How many people on earth do you think can live without a sense of meaning? The sense of meaning in life, archetypically through astrology, is specific to Venus. Meaning is specific to that which you value. That which you value is in its own way conditioning or contributing to what you decide to believe. Understand my point?

So the Soul in any given life must orientate to a specific type of value associations that provide a specific sense of meaning. That now is specifically linked with the evolutionary intentions for the life itself. So here we determine and can see from the point of view of Soul/Pluto why Venus is in this house, and in this sign, making those aspects. Understand now?

The next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Mars. Some of you have learned in your happy books that Mars is a lower octave of Pluto. And if you have heard this, ask yourself the following question: What is a lower octave of something? See, here is a happy example of cultures like this where we can understand words, but we don't really know what they mean. A lower octave is simply a denser vibration of something. So why then is Mars a lower octave? The answer is straightforward; again the essence of the Soul’s evolution is based on desire. Mars in our subjective consciousness simply instinctually reflects and acts out desires emanating from the Soul itself. This is why you read in the happy books about Aries and Mars and the necessity of freedom. The Soul must have the necessary element, or level, of freedom in this life to initiate experiences that the Soul deems necessary relative to its evolutionary requirements and intentions, understand?

How that is done is specific to the house and sign and aspects that Mars is making. Got it? And this is why the necessity of freedom. That is also going to be correlating, by the way, to the necessary kind of sexual experiences. Sexual experiences are like any other experience of life in which the Soul learns about itself. Remember that sexual desires emanate specifically from the point of view of the primary brain. The primary brain in astrology correlates with Pluto, Mars and Moon. We have to understand that the primary brain in and of itself is unconditioned. It is specific to that which is called natural law. This sets in motion its own potential conflicts and collisions of what we call Will (Mars/Pluto). Meaning, the will of a normal society that is telling you what is right and wrong. What if the kind of sexual desires you have do not conform to your morality telling you this is right and that is wrong? Do you understand what potential conflicts are happening?

From a patriarchal point of view, linked with the primary brain, this is going to have the archetype that Thomas Moore called Dark Eros. The dark can only be linked, or applied, from the point of view of patriarchal judgment, understand my point? The only time any sexual desire is wrong is when it is linked with an intent to consciously hurt someone, anything other than what is normal and natural.

Most of you are familiar--most of you are old enough to remember--a series of books written, I think, in the late seventies or early eighties by a woman named Nancy Friday--Women's sexual fantasies, Men's sexual fantasies. So often you would hear in those books: Well I can have this in my fantasy, but I would never act it out. Now you understand this issue, don't you?

So Mars is simply the conscious component that instinctually registers the desires emanating from the unconscious life, Soul. Desires that are specific to the evolutionary needs and requirements of the Soul itself. It requires the necessary freedom in order to act out.

So we are still clear on the sequence? You are still trying to apply this to your chart? How many are starting to see your chart in a new way? Good. My point is that if you get used to doing it for yourself, well, guess what? You can do for your clients. Maybe you are beginning to see what this is finally going to lead to, the Piscean leap, called inductive logic, when you see it all at once. I mean you will get to the point where you don't have to spend three hours studying the chart before the client comes, and then you can do it instantly. So, any questions before we move on? Clear enough? Good.

Next step Jupiter. Following the sequence you can now logically see through your Virgo logic how Jupiter specifically is going to correlate with the types of belief structures that you need to draw upon in order to rationally explain, through your belief structure, the entire process we have described so far. Keeping in mind the nature of belief systems determines how you are interpreting the nature of phenomenal reality. How you are interpreting this reality comes right back to Mercury, how you are communicating it. From the point of view of brain, of consciousness, Jupiter specifically correlates to your right brain, the intuitive, the non-linear, the image based. There is that exact place in your consciousness that makes you aware, again, that we are connected to something much larger than just the earth.

So in effect, from an evolutionary point of view, why are we going to have Jupiter in this house, this sign, and making these aspects? It is the type of belief structure the Soul requires, without judgment, in order to facilitate the entire process of its evolutionary journey and intentions we are describing to this point. Got it?

As an example, do you think that a Soul that decided to have Jupiter in Aries is going to happily conform to a Capricorn version of reality? Why not? What is the evolutionary intent of having Jupiter in Aries? You see my point now? I mean they are trying to strike out on their own to think and understand and conceive for themselves. The phenomenon of conception, abstraction, to make abstract, is a Jupiter process.

It is one of the wonderful things about the great Yogananda. This man happened to have Jupiter in Aries and despite Vedantic tradition, which is essentially patriarchal, the essence of his teachings was all defined around the Divine Mother, not the Divine Father.

So, the next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Saturn. Here I am going to share a secret with you about Saturn that you are not going to read in any of your happy books. Saturn is the very structural nature of consciousness in general. One of the essential functions of Saturn is to provide a conditioning function. So for example, what if an individual happens to have Saturn in Leo? That means the entire structural definition of that consciousness is defined around a Leonean archetype. And that then means that every other astrological function, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, etc. is defined and conditioned by, in this case, the Leonean archetype--meaning the principle, the self-creative principle, the inner given right for creative self-actualization.

Understand this issue? For example, what do you typically read in your happy cookbook when Saturn is squaring Venus? Let's put Saturn in Leo and Venus in Scorpio. The typical cookbook interpretation will tell you what? That this individual will attempt to dominate and control and limit (Scorpio) the creative development of its partner relative to existing inner insecurity. This is wrong. The structural consciousness is defined by Saturn in Leo, so this then means (and to show you the opposite) that this individual is giving itself the right to creatively actualize itself in any way it deems necessary and will necessary have conflict with (Venus in Scorpio) partners who are so insecure that they are trying to undermine its creative self development. The Saturn in Leo defining the structural nature of that consciousness will then mean what? A desire to have partners that were doing the same thing.

So you can see the weakness in these stupid cookbooks, because it never made the leap that Saturn is the defining principle in the structural nature of consciousness itself, which is conditioning every other function in that consciousness. Do you see my point now? So, from a point of view of evolution, the happy sequence we have developed we now understand the structural nature of the consciousness that the Soul is creating to facilitate its evolutionary lessons, requirements and intentions.


Audience: You are saying that Saturn is the overall structure given to things, the Sun then is more like how we sense things because I was looking at the Sun….

Jeffrey: Sensing is a Venus principle.

Audience: Well, you are saying it correlates to how we integrate our current life experiences. Is integrating, which you are associating with the Sun, different from structuring, which you are associating with Saturn?

Jeffrey: Yes.

Audience: Can you explain that?

Jeffrey: This is a structure (Saturn). How we give purpose and meaning to the structure is the Sun.

Audience: Okay.

Jeffrey: Yes?

Audience: (Looking at a chart) Why do we have Mercury or Venus before we do, for instance, Saturn or Jupiter?

Jeffrey: I just explained that. That's why I am trying to go through this sequence very slowly. And it is a very deliberate sequence, one thing leading to the next thing. This is intentional to create cohesion, deductive analysis, not jumping around.

Jeffrey: Another Question? Yes?

Audience: With Saturn retrograde……… inaudible…..

Jeffrey: Completely. How would you like to examine that? Saturn retrograde has a very simple meaning; it is a structure of consciousness that is forever redefining and restructuring itself.

The problem with Saturn as an archetype intrinsically--this is what you read in the happy books—is the potentiality of crystallization. You have to remember everything is operating through polarity. What is the polarity of Capricorn, i.e. Saturn? It is the moon and Cancer; it comes right back to security issues. Particularly as we emotionally mature and get older most people start to want to not grow anymore. They want to have their Winnebago and their patio tools, “Oh, I am comfortable now I am not growing anymore.” There is a typical example of crystallization linked with security.

If you happen to have Saturn retrograde, you have a structural nature of consciousness that is always restless and will never reach a point in time that says, “Aha! That's it.” It wants to forever redefine itself relative to the evolutionary impulse to evolve and to grow.

Audience: How does that relate to all the other planets?

Jeffrey: Then it will have an oblique retrograde function to all the other planetary functions, not direct, oblique. Understand? Direct is like this, oblique is like this. So if I had Saturn retrograde it is having an oblique function to every other planetary function. It doesn't even have to be necessary in a direct aspect. We are talking about the structural nature of consciousness that is defining every other function. This is not something you read in some book, but it turns out to be actual reality. I have counseled over 15,000 clients. The essence of astrology is observation and correlation, and I am sharing with you the results of correlation and observation of over 15,000 clients all over the planet, not just America. Yes ma'm?

Audience: So actually having a retrograde planet might not be a negative thing at all?…(Inaudible)……

Jeffrey: It is not negative or positive. It simply is what it is. A retrograde archetype accelerates growth relative to the Jungian idea of individuation. Think about the symbol (Rx) to rebel, understand my point? To rebel against what? The status quo expectation of how the function defined by retrograde is meant to operate. And by having a rebellion function we have an individuation function, which is accelerating the growth of individuation or evolution through the function that is retrograde.

Karmically and evolutionary we also have Rx--the need to repeat, or relive something from prior lives that was (retrograde) not resolved. This can create its own kind of frustration. What if I have Venues retrograde in Scorpio linked with my relationship formation? And I have this need to repeat and relive x amount of intimate liaisons--karmically and evolutionary dictated--and I am now in a fixed pattern of Scorpio. Meaning all my relationship dynamics, despite my intellectual intention to change it, are fated to be repeated. Is this not going to create some potential frustration with our partner? Meaning the psychology of no matter what I do, I keep re-attracting the same thing. You see my point? These are things you don't read in the happy books.

Audience: So how do you bring that to an end? How do you stop?

Jeffrey: It is stopped once it is completed. It is completed when you finally see the retrograde symbol going to direct through progression, and not until.

Audience: What about when by progression a planet goes retrograde?

Jeffrey: Then you have entered a timeframe where you are repeating something from the past and/or redefining your overall reality in general, through individuation

Okay, so now we move into ever-understandable Uranus. From the point of view of Saturn, Saturn is going to describe--for most people--the interfacing between what we are consciously aware of, meaning our subjective consciousness or what we call personality, and the unconscious. It is that natural boundary, or barrier, or threshold. And for most people this is necessary because it goes right back to the idea of the moon, the anchor in the sea, which creates stability. This is also why, by the way, that most people do not have spontaneous natural access to their prior life memories. The point is that if most people had access to their prior life memories, those prior life memories, which are contained by Uranus, would overwhelm the current sense of reality (Saturn) in such a way it would become so consumed (Pluto) with what happened or didn't happen, what went right, what went wrong, we would not get on with the business of this life. That's why there is a necessary boundary (Saturn) that prevents this awareness. It can only really truly open to the Soul who begins it natural process of evolution back to the Source itself in an active conscious way. Understand my point?

So, Uranus correlates in Jungian terminology to what is called the individuated unconscious, or in Freudian terminology to the subconscious. In either case, I don't care about your the terminology, the Uranian element of your consciousness contains three components. You have learned, as an example, that it is a higher octave of Mercury. Mercury correlates with short-term memory. Uranus correlates with long-term memory. This also includes the long-term memories of other lifetimes. Just look at it logically. How many of you can remember in total detail what you did three days ago? Where did those memories go? Aaa, now we are looking at Uranus. So one dimension of Uranus correlates with where all the prior life memories that you have that are contributing to the current life are stored.

It also correlates to the component of our unconscious, dynamics that Saturn represses: dynamics in ourselves that we are having a problem accepting and, therefore, suppressing. This can also include the nature of trauma that is not resolved and is stuck into the subconscious. And Uranus also correlates to--connects to--what we can call the larger blueprint for the Soul’s evolutionary future. This is why we have the principal of liberation. To liberate from what? Saturn, the existing conditions of our life that can equal what we can euphemistically call our own personal status quo. That equals our own sense of security (moon) equaling the anchor in the sea that has been crystallized. So in effect, Uranus is always knocking on Saturn's door. When you go through an act of a Uranian transit, through linkage, the symbolism is very basic. That's what we call the hand grenade in a steel box. The steel box is your Saturn; the hand grenade is your Uranus. In the last analysis the hand grenade will prevail.

As an example, if I make a bomb go off right here, obviously everything is flying about, goes up into the air, fractured. Through the natural laws of returning (gravity), it is meant to come back to the earth, but it comes back in a new way. And that is really the function of Uranus. To remove whatever binding forces in our reality that are preventing necessary evolutionary growth. So whatever house and sign your Uranus is in and the aspects it is making, this is showing you how your own personal liberation in your own Saturnian conditions of your life is necessarily and naturally meant to occur.

It will also tell you, graphically, what kind of subconscious or unconscious memories the individual has, linked with their own prior life times, which is subconsciously conditioning their approach to their current life. This is where you can play astrological detective yet again. It can also show you the potential of unresolved karma as occurred and still may be operating subconsciously in such a way as to influence the behavior of the current life.

Now we come to the end of our Virgo sequence, and you can see now we come almost back to Pluto, meaning Neptune. And, of course, Neptune from a patriarchal point of view is called the archetype of transcendence. From the point of view of natural law, it is called the archetype of unity. The patriarchy teaches you that there is something to transcend, which itself is roughly the same as the delusive patriarchal idea that there is a natural conflict between spirit and flesh. That is why you have the word transcendence. This is utter B.S. An obsolete opinion invented by men to subjugate women. Through natural law the correct word of Neptune is union: to unite with the totality of creation, not to transcend it. And it is through absolute union that a natural expansion of consciousness occurs. There is nothing to transcend. And there is nothing to redeem. Despite what you’ve read in the happy books. That is reinforcing the patriarchy.

The issue here is that Neptune specifically correlates to the phenomenon of consciousness, in total, every one. Consciousness is very analogous to water. Water in and of itself has no form. Consciousness permeates and is the essence of creation. If I put water into this cup, then the consciousness in that water assumes the shape, form and function of the cup. If I put water /consciousness in human form, it is assuming the function and form of this body. If I put it in this plant, this animal etc., etc. Form and function is inherently limited--inherently limited,which is why you have read in your astrology books the need to go beyond the perception and experience of limitation. This is the inner action between Pisces and Scorpio.

Now, to make it very graphic to you, you all have consciousness, and it is all right now in a human body. And I will show you right away the limitation of consciousness in human form. Ready? What created God? You have just reached your limit, which exactly gives rise ultimately to the desire in all Souls to reunite with the source of all things, meaning to dissolve (Neptune) the apparent extinction of the separating form and to realize through union how the appearance of all manifested form is rooted in the original creation point. For you to do this naturally--for you to do this naturally--determine the house and sign of your Neptune and the aspects it is making. This is your own natural way, not according to any book or any teacher, understand the point? So has this now made a little bit of sense to you this morning? Any last questions? God Bless you and thank you for coming.

« Last Edit: Feb 19, 2013, 09:43 AM by Rad » Logged

RadModeratorMost Active Member

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Re: JWG'S Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation ...« Reply #12 on: Feb 21, 2013, 11:11 AM »

Hi Group,

I am now going to post an example chart that we can begin with. When you look at this chart I would like you at first to focus on the the evolutionary paradigm: natal Pluto, it's polarity point, the S.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler, and the N.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler. In our chart example we will analyze it from the point of view of the Soul being well within the 3rd individuated evolutionary state, a male in gender, a born in England to give it the necessary cultural context.

So as we begin our journey with the Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation I would like you to start with a succinct analysis of this charts Pluto, it's polarity point, the S/N Nodes and the location of their planetary rulers. This will then serve as the foundation upon which we will start to add the other planets one by one.

If you have any questions ask them of me now.

A Planetary Method of Chart Analysis Jeffrey Wolf Green Astro2000, Denver, CO 2000

What I’d like to do is try to make this as experiential for you this morning as possible, and the way I would like to do that is for all of you to keep your own particular birth chart in your head now as we go through this specific method so you can apply it immediately to your own case.

This particular method is very sequential; it is very Virgo like, ABC in nature, leading to a very deductive and Virgo-like analysis. In total, you will then find that once you employ this particular methodology--ABC--this will lead to a Pisces kind of awareness, meaning inductive, wherein you can see the whole first and then immediately grasp all the parts. So it is like going from Virgo to Pisces. Now as we go through this system, when you have questions, please ask me when you have the question, because the intention is to keep this as clear as possible as we are moving through it.

So the very first way we want to start the system is, of course, with Pluto. This is number one on your list; meaning as we go through this it is going to be like an outline. So we want to start with Pluto. We can ask a Pluto question: Why? And what we have here from a Plutonian point of view, of course, is the direct connection to the Soul, the Soul itself. Now, of course, if we understand this, the Soul is going to create the overall personality structure in any given life that is uniquely orientated to phenomenal reality in such a way that that unique orientation experiences the phenomenal reality in a way that is consistent with the evolutionary intentions and karmic requirement that the Soul has in any given life.

So we want to locate the natal position of Pluto first by house and sign. What is this going to be demonstrating? We have to remember that the nature of the Soul linked with time and space reality is simultaneously linked with the principle that we call evolution. Evolution is a dynamic in time and space reality that is beyond debate. The simplest way to know evolution: Is it not true that everybody on this planet, everyone in this room, inwardly always has an inner feeling of being in a continuous state of becoming? Who does not have such a feeling? So you can see right away just through normal life experience that this is a principle, a truth if you will, that applies to all people everywhere as long as we are living in time-space reality.

Now, if we linked evolution to the principle of the Soul, we ask a logical question: What is, in fact, the inner mechanism or dynamic within the Soul that causes evolution? The answer is straightforward, simple, and basic as most natural truths are. The answer is, in fact, the very same answer that came out of the enlightenment of the famous Buddha under the famous Bodhi tree, when he pondered the nature of sorrow and pain, misery and the like. What was actually promoted in Buddhism terms as Nirvana was based on the awareness within him called desire.

In each Soul there are two competing and antithetical desires that create evolution. One desire is a separating desire, meaning to separate away from what we can call God. And these sorts of desires are many, myriad, manifesting in typical ways as the desire for the new lover, the new possession, the new career ambition, whatever. All Souls have these desires, and simultaneous with the desire and coequal to it is the desire to return to that which has created the Soul in the first place. So, in effect, the essence of the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination (Pluto) of all separating desires to the exclusion of only one desire which can remain, which is to unite with the source of the Soul itself.

This is a very simple natural truth that operates independent of what we call astrology and can be validated by every single one of us in this room. In fact, it can be validated by everybody on earth. The simplest way to know it, again: Is not true that we can have whatever separating desire, oh we want this new thing over here, this, that or whatever, and we may have the ability to obtain that which we are desiring, and, of course, we have a momentary sense of satisfaction when we get it. But once we get it, what soon replaces the sense of satisfaction is, in effect, the sense of dissatisfaction, the sense of something more. It is exactly the sense of dissatisfaction that is mirroring and echoing this ultimate desire to return and to reunite with the source of all things. Who of you has not known this to be your own experience? You see, it is universal.

So the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination of all separating desires. The duality of these antithetical desires is intrinsic within the Soul and is what the psychologists call the basis of free choice.

Now, when we look at the nature of the natal position of Pluto, we are looking at two simultaneous phenomena, which is why we are starting with this number A on our Virgo list. Number one, it will describe very succinctly the types of desires that the soul has had prior to the current life, relative to its evolutionary necessities, its evolutionary intentions. That does not mean, by the way, that that is going to correlate or reflect all the prior lives that the Soul has had. The point is that the soul in any given life will only draw upon specific prior life times that have a direct connection to or bearing on the current life evolutionary intentions. The Sanskrit archetype for that is called Prarabdha Karma.

So, what the natal position of Pluto is demonstrating is the specific prior lifetimes and orientations that have direct bearing on the current lifetime. A simple example: What if we are dealing with a ninth house Pluto individual? We can make a very simple Piscean/ Virgo deduction that this would have been a Soul who, prior to the current life, one way or another, was desiring to understand its individual connection to the cosmological reality we call the universe, meaning natural desires to understand philosophy and cosmology and metaphysics, religion (even if that's atheism), anything that is a form of philosophy connected to the cosmos. Are we clear? Good.

And now what would that mean coming into the current life? And this is one of the secrets about Pluto that most people don't realize, i.e. when you read it in your happy books that it somehow connects to compulsion, obsession, defensiveness, resistance to change and all these things, and these things are accurate, but they never tell you why, and it is because at this point Pluto is going to correlate with the deepest sources of your unconscious sense of security. Keeping in mind that security is a function of self-consistency. Self-consistency is a function of the past, meaning what has come before. Again, how many of you would totally and wholly embrace the experience of absolute insecurity? No takers? Hmm? Ever wonder why we have compulsion, obsession? That's what psychologists call repetitive compulsion.

So by looking at the natal position of Pluto (house and sign), beyond the metaphysical point of view, you are describing in anybody’s life the sources that correlate with the deepest sense of unconscious security in the person. And in coming into the current life, the person instinctually gravitates to those sources in order to maintain a sense of self-consistency equaling security. Now clearly, if the soul stayed right there, there would, in fact, be no evolution. So this becomes a first point to examine. The next point is to determine how it is that soul is going to grow or evolve in the current life. And the answer very happily is that the next step (evolution) is determined--because we have to remember that we are living in a universe, time/space, that of itself is defined by the law of polarity--by the opposite house and sign of the natal position of Pluto.

So, following our example of the ninth house, it is, of course, naturally in opposition to the third house. Now, one of the natural problems in the ninth house/Sagittarius/Jupiter archetype is that it correlates, in essence, with the nature of phenomenal reality in total. And it is the ninth house in any chart--Jupiter/Sagittarius, archetypically natural law-- that creates the awareness in the human organism, in each person, that we are in fact connected to something much larger than just the earth itself. It creates the awareness that we are connected to a solar system, universes, and galaxies. And this sort of natural awareness gives rise to the philosophical questions that all human beings ask: What does it all mean? How are we connected to this thing?

One of the problems of the ninth house is that it will typically orientate to a portion of the overall truth, and then consider that particular portion to be the total truth, which is why we call it the Billy Graham Archetype, meaning the need to convince and convert other people to your particular point of view. Why? In order to feel secure. This is why in this case we are going to have a have a third house polarity.

Most of us have already realized in our happy books that Gemini correlates with diversity, yes? Most of us realized,--particularly for those that find yourself to be Gemini--that Gemini is a happy little sign because you put it in a bookstore, for example, and it is going to go around and do what? It is going to read two pages of this and one page of that, and maybe one right over here, but it is thinking that it is reading everything. And this means that it is trying to understand as much as possible relative to the whole phenomenon called creation. So when you have this polarity point to the ninth house Pluto, you can see the obvious evolutionary intention. The intention of the Soul is to evolve beyond the particular portion—part--of the truth that it has already realized. You understand the point?

So the Soul is like a computer, and it has its own program and in a typically Plutonian fashion, then, the Soul will actually literally program necessary philosophical confrontations (Pluto), meaning it will attract to itself other individuals that are more philosophically or cosmologically evolved than itself. These people will have the effect of penetrating (Pluto) to the weak link in this person’s existing philosophical structure. And by identifying the weak link, well, guess what? That whole structure collapses. And this is induces the Gemini evolutionary intention. Understand the point? I mean we could go on and on, but we only have an hour and a half. So, on our Virgo list we start with Pluto, natal position, polarity point. Any questions on this aspect of it? So, we are clear on this particular point?

Next step--number B on your Virgo list. We want to, of course, examine the nature of the south node of the moon. Now, why do we want to examine this point? The reason is that the south node of the moon will specifically correlate to the types of egocentric structures that the soul has necessarily created in order to consciously actualize the evolutionary desires or intentions, which have, in fact, preceded the current life.

That is to say that the moon, the south node of the moon specifically, correlates to what we call the ego. Now take this very seriously because, of course, I realize in astrology land that astrologers can assign the idea or the archetype of the ego to whatever planetary symbolism. Over the last 10-20 years it has been given to Saturn, Sun or whatever. But in reality in the astrology we do, the ego is specific to the moon. The way you can prove this through natural law is very straightforward. As an example we can understand that the ego is that which correlates with what we can psychologically call a self-image.

Now, for example, if we make an ego connection to the Sun and we look into the nature of our solar system, of course, the Sun appears to be relatively fixed, does it not? Now, do you feel throughout your life that your own inner self-image has been fixed and constant? When we compare this to examining the moon and its various phases, you can see the direct link to your own self-image and its evolution. Understand the point?

So, in effect, the Soul must create a necessary ego to create a self-image of the soul itself. So the south node is the conscious component that the soul generates or creates to actualize the desires that are intrinsic to the soul itself. As a simple example, let’s still use our Ninth House Pluto as our example, remembering that the ninth house Pluto is how I want to understand myself in the cosmos, etc. Now when we put the south Node in the seventh house, what are we looking at? We Are looking at a soul who prior to the current life, over a series of recent prior life times, has created egocentric structures that have been actualized through a seventh house archetype. What does it mean? It's going to mean that the soul has created a series of prior life egos that have been structured in such a way as to initiate a diversity of relationships, (seventh house), who looked like what? Ninth house teacher types. And by initiating this kind of relationships with teacher types, it has been collecting for itself, or attracting to itself, the kind of information that it has desired relative to the ninth house Pluto. You see the link?

Now, to show you why cookbook astrology is B.S.--I mean wrong--compare this to a ninth house Pluto but put the south node in the first house. You are going to still have the same complex of desires, but what types of personality structure, or egocentric structure has the Soul used that is very different from the seventh house? In the first case you have dependency on an external teacher, but when you put the south node in the first house, in essence, what you now have is a soul who has the same desire structure, but now with this south node in the first house you have an individual who has learned to ask and answer its own questions. You see why cookbook astrology is so wrong?

So in either case you still have a pre-existing orientation to reality. When that ninth house Pluto, south node in the seventh person comes into life she/he will gravitate, as they have prior to the current life, in exactly that way. This is why there is going to be a thing called the north node. You see the point? So in this ninth house Pluto/seventh house south node, we have a polarity point in the third house, and we have a north node in the first. So in essence, the north node in this case, the conscious actualization, makes that third house polarity occur, understand my point? What that would actually mean in this life as the person begin to emotionally mature (moon) in the current life, is that it progressively would begin to rebel against external teachers, their message and their voices. Because the intention (north node/first house) is that the person is meant to learn to ask and answer its own questions. This is going to create necessary intellectual, philosophical confrontation with external teacher types. You see?

In the second case, the person has been living in happy splendor, all within themselves in a form of narcissism (south node/first house). You see my point? So now why are we seeing the north node in the seventh house? They must learn to open up and share themselves with other people and in so doing, in opening up to other people, they are going to attract (third house polarity), you see how it works. You apply this to all charts. You start just this way, A, B on your happy list. Questions? So we have got this down now?

The next step in our happy methodology is then to go to the Sun, by the house and sign of the Sun and the aspects it is making. Why? Because the Sun is going to correlate specifically to how we are integrating and giving purpose and meaning to our current life experience. So in essence we are describing an evolutionary transition in our A B list, an evolutionary transition from past to the current life. The Sun is now going to show you how that is integrated and given purpose and meaning in the context of the current life. How the Sun in Sagittarius integrates life experience, gives purpose and meaning, is going to be very different from how a Virgo Sun integrates life experience and gives purpose and meaning, you understand my point?

So once you get used to these methods you ultimately get to play the role of an evolutionary detective, why this Sun sign? You understand my point? So that is why our next step is to move right to the Sun. And again I want you to be able to apply this experientially to your own chart, so try to work with that as we move through it so you can see the reality of what we are talking about. So just take a moment right now and think about your own natal Pluto, polarity point, north and south node and your Sun sign. Take a moment, don't ask a question, just take a moment!

Now, how many are completely stumped? Maybe in a moment it will become more clear for you.

Audience: How about if your Pluto is right on the cusp?

Jeffrey: On the cusp?

Audience: Yeah.

Jeffrey: What you have when Pluto is on the cusp is the archetype of initiation, but if you have it just before the cusp of moving into the next house, you have the archetype evolutionarily of culmination--an entire series of prior lives all culminating in the context of the current life.Audience: But you would still interpret it in terms of the house that it is in?

Jeffrey: Yeah. And see then what you have is as it progressively culminates—when Pluto is evolving into the next house—you still determine the polarity point, which allows for that evolutionary shift. This can by the way, psychologically create frustration, because the Soul already can feel where it is trying to go, but it also has to culminate, so it has this push-- pull, yeah.

Audience: What if Pluto is conjunct the nodes—actually, let’s take the north node.

Jeffrey: That's a very unique evolutionary signature. When you find Pluto conjunct the north node it means in all cases, that that soul has been working in that area of evolutionary development prior to the current life and is meant to completely focus on that area in the context of the current life. There is no polarity.

Audience: If Pluto and the north node are in the same house but not conjunct, is that the same meaning or not?

Jeffrey: First, you want to determine if the node is balsamic or new phase relative to Pluto, which creates its own archetypical meaning. And then there used to be an old phrase in astrology (I am going to date myself now) but it used to be called in mundo, meaning conjunct by sign. But unless you have technically an absolute conjunction, then you have a different kind of meaning depending on the phasal relationship between Pluto and the node itself.

The next step after understanding the integrative principle of the Sun and the purpose and meaning it is giving to life experience in general, our very next step is then to move to the moon itself. Why? The current life moon, the natal moon, and the nodes are going to reflect a spiritual law, the trinity, from the earth point of view the phenomenon of past, present, and future. We have the north and south nodes of the moon and what this is correlating to psychologically is a universal experience we call the dynamic tension that exist in all people between the past and the future, as experienced in each moment of our life. That's the natal moon in relationship to its nodal axis. We have an evolving ego, i.e. from south node to north node. How that evolving ego is integrated on a consistent basis (moon) is the natal moon itself by house and sign.

Audience: Could you go over that again?

Jeffrey: We have a thing called the dynamic tension between the past and the future that we all experience, yes? That dynamic tension as experienced in each moment of our life is contained in your natal moon. How we integrate the potential insecurity linked with our past and our future experienced in the moment is our natal moon. It creates cohesion, self-consistency, understand? It’s that place in you, the dynamic in you, that can say, “This is who I used to be, this is who I am trying to become.” That voice is your natal moon; do you understand my point?Audience: Can you give an example of that?

Jeffrey: All of you in this room know as your life experience that you are in a dynamic state of becoming, yes? You know you have a past; you know you have a feeling to go into--toward--your future, which is the experience of the moment, yes? The experience of these two things in the moment is your moon. How you experience that is your natal moon by its own house and sign.

Audience: Let’s say the moon was conjunct one end or the other of the nodal path, for example, the north node, would there be more orientation toward the future than the past and really more conflict about trying to integrate the south node somehow with Pluto?

Jeffrey: Each case is unique and you have to always overlay this with karmic evolutionary requirements. The experience of it depends on the person, including the observed evolutionary state; one size does not fit all. If I had the moon on the south node and I am in consensus state, for example, how I am responding to that inwardly would be vastly different than if I had that moon /south node and I am in, say, an individuated state, or a spiritual state, you see. In all cases you are looking at the phenomenon of something being unresolved in a prior life, at an emotional level, that the person is bringing forward into the current life in order to re experience with the intention of resolving it.

If you have moon square the nodes, and really anytime you have a planet square the nodes, including the moon or Pluto, in evolutionary terms you have what are called skipped steps. And in the current context the person has been flip flopping back and forth, back and forth. And in evolutionary terms, karmic requirement, the person must recover those skipped steps in order to evolutionary proceed. Until that recovery is made they are blocked, you see my point now? Are we clear on the methodology as we are proceeding? That's my main intention at the moment, are we clear at the moment? Anybody still not clear? Good!

Now, another way of looking at this is why we are going to be using the moon in this sequence. The moon is how each of us lives with ourself inwardly on a moment-to-moment basis. It is how we are giving personal form and definition to what we call our reality. It is way for us to make it personally secure. All human beings have a need to feel secure. Of course the issue is what constitutes security. But the phenomenon of feeling secure is a constant for all human beings. It is like the need to put an anchor in the sea instead of just letting the boat drift where it wants to go. That is your ego. That is your anchor in the sea. That is the anchor into your unconscious. That is the anchor into your soul. Do you understand my point?

That is the way for you to personally relate to what your evolutionary intentions are relative to the purpose that is described by the Sun. It is a way for you to live with it, to feel emotionally secure because of it. The house and sign of your moon and the aspects it makes describe how that process is done. It is that simple. Yes?

Audience: I'm sorry, is that the security………(Inaudible)…………

Jeffrey: Yes, this is why we have a triad among Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. See this is the ultimate meaning when we have the moon linked with Scorpio and Pisces. We have this natural triad, and very few astrologers will tell you that the ultimate secret of Cancer and the moon is to realize that the moon itself is the source of its own insecurity. This is why it is a Cardinal archetype, two steps forward and one step back. We want to initiate change and we freak out and we want to recover…(Inaudible)……

But the ultimate teaching of the moon is reflected in the dark side of the moon, the side we never see. And the reason that the moon creates its own insecurity is to ultimately realize (Pisces) security from within, linked with an inner reality that has nothing to do with the external environment. When you link this through Scorpio, this is why all of us at various points in our journey misapply our trust into people--in order to experience emotional betrayal, abandonment and loss to enforce inner security. This is why.

Audience: That wouldn't…(Inaudible)…… It seems to be reinforcing what you developed in the past.Jeffrey: No you are not listening; you’re not interpreting right. You don't understand reality unless you listen carefully and objectively to the words. What you have just heard is that the ultimate intention of the Cancer/Scorpio triad is to learn absolute state of inner security from within. Now you have heard it rightly.

The next step in our Virgo sequence is Mercury. Why? Mercury is now going to provide the intellectual structure. Again, we are all living in a phenomenal reality, yes? We started with Pluto, the nodal axis of the moon, Sun, and moon. And now you can see if you look at this evolutionarily, you can see why the Soul (Pluto) was picking Mercury in whatever house, sign and aspect. That's the kind of intellectual structure, meaning how I am going to intellectually organize in rational ways. That is how I explain to myself what my life experience is about, which is ultimately reflecting its evolutionary intention. This is how I give the intellectual super structure to this process. So I create an intellectual structure that creates rational thinking within me that creates an explanation and justification, which I then communicate to other people. This is why you have your specific house and sign of any given Mercury. You understand the point?

You see, life is either random, or it is in fact some sort of inherent order, you see? And if we look at it this way, we are looking at life and astrology non-judgmentally. This eliminates all the 19th century crap--exaltations, falls--it is irrelevant. We replace all this terminology with two words: what is. This is why you can have your Mercury in whatever house or sign. It is the way that you need to put it together and understand it intellectually through your left brain. Mercury in astrology specifically relates to the left brain.

Audience: What if Mercury is like right on a house cusp?

Jeffrey: Again, if you always use your ultimate perspective to understand the chart and then use an evolutionary perspective--transitions between past, present, future--then you can answer your own question. Any planet on the cusp is going to correlate evolutionarily either to culmination, meaning the planet just before a given house, or if it is just within that house something has already culminated and a brand new cycle of evolutionary development is now proceeding. So if Mercury happens to be the operative symbol it is simple going to mean a soul who is deciding to think, in this life, in altogether radically different ways than it has ever thought before.

Ok, next step in our Virgo sequence. Venus, of course, is going to correlate specifically to the nature of the value associations that you make for yourself. Values equal a sense of meaning that you are giving to your life. How many people on earth do you think can live without a sense of meaning? The sense of meaning in life, archetypically through astrology, is specific to Venus. Meaning is specific to that which you value. That which you value is in its own way conditioning or contributing to what you decide to believe. Understand my point?

So the Soul in any given life must orientate to a specific type of value associations that provide a specific sense of meaning. That now is specifically linked with the evolutionary intentions for the life itself. So here we determine and can see from the point of view of Soul/Pluto why Venus is in this house, and in this sign, making those aspects. Understand now?

The next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Mars. Some of you have learned in your happy books that Mars is a lower octave of Pluto. And if you have heard this, ask yourself the following question: What is a lower octave of something? See, here is a happy example of cultures like this where we can understand words, but we don't really know what they mean. A lower octave is simply a denser vibration of something. So why then is Mars a lower octave? The answer is straightforward; again the essence of the Soul’s evolution is based on desire. Mars in our subjective consciousness simply instinctually reflects and acts out desires emanating from the Soul itself. This is why you read in the happy books about Aries and Mars and the necessity of freedom. The Soul must have the necessary element, or level, of freedom in this life to initiate experiences that the Soul deems necessary relative to its evolutionary requirements and intentions, understand?

How that is done is specific to the house and sign and aspects that Mars is making. Got it? And this is why the necessity of freedom. That is also going to be correlating, by the way, to the necessary kind of sexual experiences. Sexual experiences are like any other experience of life in which the Soul learns about itself. Remember that sexual desires emanate specifically from the point of view of the primary brain. The primary brain in astrology correlates with Pluto, Mars and Moon. We have to understand that the primary brain in and of itself is unconditioned. It is specific to that which is called natural law. This sets in motion its own potential conflicts and collisions of what we call Will (Mars/Pluto). Meaning, the will of a normal society that is telling you what is right and wrong. What if the kind of sexual desires you have do not conform to your morality telling you this is right and that is wrong? Do you understand what potential conflicts are happening?

From a patriarchal point of view, linked with the primary brain, this is going to have the archetype that Thomas Moore called Dark Eros. The dark can only be linked, or applied, from the point of view of patriarchal judgment, understand my point? The only time any sexual desire is wrong is when it is linked with an intent to consciously hurt someone, anything other than what is normal and natural.

Most of you are familiar--most of you are old enough to remember--a series of books written, I think, in the late seventies or early eighties by a woman named Nancy Friday--Women's sexual fantasies, Men's sexual fantasies. So often you would hear in those books: Well I can have this in my fantasy, but I would never act it out. Now you understand this issue, don't you?

So Mars is simply the conscious component that instinctually registers the desires emanating from the unconscious life, Soul. Desires that are specific to the evolutionary needs and requirements of the Soul itself. It requires the necessary freedom in order to act out.

So we are still clear on the sequence? You are still trying to apply this to your chart? How many are starting to see your chart in a new way? Good. My point is that if you get used to doing it for yourself, well, guess what? You can do for your clients. Maybe you are beginning to see what this is finally going to lead to, the Piscean leap, called inductive logic, when you see it all at once. I mean you will get to the point where you don't have to spend three hours studying the chart before the client comes, and then you can do it instantly. So, any questions before we move on? Clear enough? Good.

Next step Jupiter. Following the sequence you can now logically see through your Virgo logic how Jupiter specifically is going to correlate with the types of belief structures that you need to draw upon in order to rationally explain, through your belief structure, the entire process we have described so far. Keeping in mind the nature of belief systems determines how you are interpreting the nature of phenomenal reality. How you are interpreting this reality comes right back to Mercury, how you are communicating it. From the point of view of brain, of consciousness, Jupiter specifically correlates to your right brain, the intuitive, the non-linear, the image based. There is that exact place in your consciousness that makes you aware, again, that we are connected to something much larger than just the earth.

So in effect, from an evolutionary point of view, why are we going to have Jupiter in this house, this sign, and making these aspects? It is the type of belief structure the Soul requires, without judgment, in order to facilitate the entire process of its evolutionary journey and intentions we are describing to this point. Got it?

As an example, do you think that a Soul that decided to have Jupiter in Aries is going to happily conform to a Capricorn version of reality? Why not? What is the evolutionary intent of having Jupiter in Aries? You see my point now? I mean they are trying to strike out on their own to think and understand and conceive for themselves. The phenomenon of conception, abstraction, to make abstract, is a Jupiter process.

It is one of the wonderful things about the great Yogananda. This man happened to have Jupiter in Aries and despite Vedantic tradition, which is essentially patriarchal, the essence of his teachings was all defined around the Divine Mother, not the Divine Father.

So, the next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Saturn. Here I am going to share a secret with you about Saturn that you are not going to read in any of your happy books. Saturn is the very structural nature of consciousness in general. One of the essential functions of Saturn is to provide a conditioning function. So for example, what if an individual happens to have Saturn in Leo? That means the entire structural definition of that consciousness is defined around a Leonean archetype. And that then means that every other astrological function, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, etc. is defined and conditioned by, in this case, the Leonean archetype--meaning the principle, the self-creative principle, the inner given right for creative self-actualization.

Understand this issue? For example, what do you typically read in your happy cookbook when Saturn is squaring Venus? Let's put Saturn in Leo and Venus in Scorpio. The typical cookbook interpretation will tell you what? That this individual will attempt to dominate and control and limit (Scorpio) the creative development of its partner relative to existing inner insecurity. This is wrong. The structural consciousness is defined by Saturn in Leo, so this then means (and to show you the opposite) that this individual is giving itself the right to creatively actualize itself in any way it deems necessary and will necessary have conflict with (Venus in Scorpio) partners who are so insecure that they are trying to undermine its creative self development. The Saturn in Leo defining the structural nature of that consciousness will then mean what? A desire to have partners that were doing the same thing.

So you can see the weakness in these stupid cookbooks, because it never made the leap that Saturn is the defining principle in the structural nature of consciousness itself, which is conditioning every other function in that consciousness. Do you see my point now? So, from a point of view of evolution, the happy sequence we have developed we now understand the structural nature of the consciousness that the Soul is creating to facilitate its evolutionary lessons, requirements and intentions.


Audience: You are saying that Saturn is the overall structure given to things, the Sun then is more like how we sense things because I was looking at the Sun….

Jeffrey: Sensing is a Venus principle.

Audience: Well, you are saying it correlates to how we integrate our current life experiences. Is integrating, which you are associating with the Sun, different from structuring, which you are associating with Saturn?

Jeffrey: Yes.

Audience: Can you explain that?

Jeffrey: This is a structure (Saturn). How we give purpose and meaning to the structure is the Sun.

Audience: Okay.

Jeffrey: Yes?

Audience: (Looking at a chart) Why do we have Mercury or Venus before we do, for instance, Saturn or Jupiter?

Jeffrey: I just explained that. That's why I am trying to go through this sequence very slowly. And it is a very deliberate sequence, one thing leading to the next thing. This is intentional to create cohesion, deductive analysis, not jumping around.

Jeffrey: Another Question? Yes?

Audience: With Saturn retrograde……… inaudible…..

Jeffrey: Completely. How would you like to examine that? Saturn retrograde has a very simple meaning; it is a structure of consciousness that is forever redefining and restructuring itself.

The problem with Saturn as an archetype intrinsically--this is what you read in the happy books—is the potentiality of crystallization. You have to remember everything is operating through polarity. What is the polarity of Capricorn, i.e. Saturn? It is the moon and Cancer; it comes right back to security issues. Particularly as we emotionally mature and get older most people start to want to not grow anymore. They want to have their Winnebago and their patio tools, “Oh, I am comfortable now I am not growing anymore.” There is a typical example of crystallization linked with security.

If you happen to have Saturn retrograde, you have a structural nature of consciousness that is always restless and will never reach a point in time that says, “Aha! That's it.” It wants to forever redefine itself relative to the evolutionary impulse to evolve and to grow.

Audience: How does that relate to all the other planets?

Jeffrey: Then it will have an oblique retrograde function to all the other planetary functions, not direct, oblique. Understand? Direct is like this, oblique is like this. So if I had Saturn retrograde it is having an oblique function to every other planetary function. It doesn't even have to be necessary in a direct aspect. We are talking about the structural nature of consciousness that is defining every other function. This is not something you read in some book, but it turns out to be actual reality. I have counseled over 15,000 clients. The essence of astrology is observation and correlation, and I am sharing with you the results of correlation and observation of over 15,000 clients all over the planet, not just America. Yes ma'm?

Audience: So actually having a retrograde planet might not be a negative thing at all?…(Inaudible)……

Jeffrey: It is not negative or positive. It simply is what it is. A retrograde archetype accelerates growth relative to the Jungian idea of individuation. Think about the symbol (Rx) to rebel, understand my point? To rebel against what? The status quo expectation of how the function defined by retrograde is meant to operate. And by having a rebellion function we have an individuation function, which is accelerating the growth of individuation or evolution through the function that is retrograde.

Karmically and evolutionary we also have Rx--the need to repeat, or relive something from prior lives that was (retrograde) not resolved. This can create its own kind of frustration. What if I have Venues retrograde in Scorpio linked with my relationship formation? And I have this need to repeat and relive x amount of intimate liaisons--karmically and evolutionary dictated--and I am now in a fixed pattern of Scorpio. Meaning all my relationship dynamics, despite my intellectual intention to change it, are fated to be repeated. Is this not going to create some potential frustration with our partner? Meaning the psychology of no matter what I do, I keep re-attracting the same thing. You see my point? These are things you don't read in the happy books.

Audience: So how do you bring that to an end? How do you stop?

Jeffrey: It is stopped once it is completed. It is completed when you finally see the retrograde symbol going to direct through progression, and not until.

Audience: What about when by progression a planet goes retrograde?

Jeffrey: Then you have entered a timeframe where you are repeating something from the past and/or redefining your overall reality in general, through individuation

Okay, so now we move into ever-understandable Uranus. From the point of view of Saturn, Saturn is going to describe--for most people--the interfacing between what we are consciously aware of, meaning our subjective consciousness or what we call personality, and the unconscious. It is that natural boundary, or barrier, or threshold. And for most people this is necessary because it goes right back to the idea of the moon, the anchor in the sea, which creates stability. This is also why, by the way, that most people do not have spontaneous natural access to their prior life memories. The point is that if most people had access to their prior life memories, those prior life memories, which are contained by Uranus, would overwhelm the current sense of reality (Saturn) in such a way it would become so consumed (Pluto) with what happened or didn't happen, what went right, what went wrong, we would not get on with the business of this life. That's why there is a necessary boundary (Saturn) that prevents this awareness. It can only really truly open to the Soul who begins it natural process of evolution back to the Source itself in an active conscious way. Understand my point?

So, Uranus correlates in Jungian terminology to what is called the individuated unconscious, or in Freudian terminology to the subconscious. In either case, I don't care about your the terminology, the Uranian element of your consciousness contains three components. You have learned, as an example, that it is a higher octave of Mercury. Mercury correlates with short-term memory. Uranus correlates with long-term memory. This also includes the long-term memories of other lifetimes. Just look at it logically. How many of you can remember in total detail what you did three days ago? Where did those memories go? Aaa, now we are looking at Uranus. So one dimension of Uranus correlates with where all the prior life memories that you have that are contributing to the current life are stored.

It also correlates to the component of our unconscious, dynamics that Saturn represses: dynamics in ourselves that we are having a problem accepting and, therefore, suppressing. This can also include the nature of trauma that is not resolved and is stuck into the subconscious. And Uranus also correlates to--connects to--what we can call the larger blueprint for the Soul’s evolutionary future. This is why we have the principal of liberation. To liberate from what? Saturn, the existing conditions of our life that can equal what we can euphemistically call our own personal status quo. That equals our own sense of security (moon) equaling the anchor in the sea that has been crystallized. So in effect, Uranus is always knocking on Saturn's door. When you go through an act of a Uranian transit, through linkage, the symbolism is very basic. That's what we call the hand grenade in a steel box. The steel box is your Saturn; the hand grenade is your Uranus. In the last analysis the hand grenade will prevail.

As an example, if I make a bomb go off right here, obviously everything is flying about, goes up into the air, fractured. Through the natural laws of returning (gravity), it is meant to come back to the earth, but it comes back in a new way. And that is really the function of Uranus. To remove whatever binding forces in our reality that are preventing necessary evolutionary growth. So whatever house and sign your Uranus is in and the aspects it is making, this is showing you how your own personal liberation in your own Saturnian conditions of your life is necessarily and naturally meant to occur.

It will also tell you, graphically, what kind of subconscious or unconscious memories the individual has, linked with their own prior life times, which is subconsciously conditioning their approach to their current life. This is where you can play astrological detective yet again. It can also show you the potential of unresolved karma as occurred and still may be operating subconsciously in such a way as to influence the behavior of the current life.

Now we come to the end of our Virgo sequence, and you can see now we come almost back to Pluto, meaning Neptune. And, of course, Neptune from a patriarchal point of view is called the archetype of transcendence. From the point of view of natural law, it is called the archetype of unity. The patriarchy teaches you that there is something to transcend, which itself is roughly the same as the delusive patriarchal idea that there is a natural conflict between spirit and flesh. That is why you have the word transcendence. This is utter B.S. An obsolete opinion invented by men to subjugate women. Through natural law the correct word of Neptune is union: to unite with the totality of creation, not to transcend it. And it is through absolute union that a natural expansion of consciousness occurs. There is nothing to transcend. And there is nothing to redeem. Despite what you’ve read in the happy books. That is reinforcing the patriarchy.

The issue here is that Neptune specifically correlates to the phenomenon of consciousness, in total, every one. Consciousness is very analogous to water. Water in and of itself has no form. Consciousness permeates and is the essence of creation. If I put water into this cup, then the consciousness in that water assumes the shape, form and function of the cup. If I put water /consciousness in human form, it is assuming the function and form of this body. If I put it in this plant, this animal etc., etc. Form and function is inherently limited--inherently limited,which is why you have read in your astrology books the need to go beyond the perception and experience of limitation. This is the inner action between Pisces and Scorpio.

Now, to make it very graphic to you, you all have consciousness, and it is all right now in a human body. And I will show you right away the limitation of consciousness in human form. Ready? What created God? You have just reached your limit, which exactly gives rise ultimately to the desire in all Souls to reunite with the source of all things, meaning to dissolve (Neptune) the apparent extinction of the separating form and to realize through union how the appearance of all manifested form is rooted in the original creation point. For you to do this naturally--for you to do this naturally--determine the house and sign of your Neptune and the aspects it is making. This is your own natural way, not according to any book or any teacher, understand the point? So has this now made a little bit of sense to you this morning? Any last questions? God Bless you and thank you for coming.

« Last Edit: Feb 19, 2013, 09:43 AM by Rad » Logged

RadModeratorMost Active Member

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Re: JWG'S Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation ...« Reply #12 on: Feb 21, 2013, 11:11 AM »

Hi Group,

I am now going to post an example chart that we can begin with. When you look at this chart I would like you at first to focus on the the evolutionary paradigm: natal Pluto, it's polarity point, the S.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler, and the N.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler. In our chart example we will analyze it from the point of view of the Soul being well within the 3rd individuated evolutionary state, a male in gender, a born in England to give it the necessary cultural context.

So as we begin our journey with the Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation I would like you to start with a succinct analysis of this charts Pluto, it's polarity point, the S/N Nodes and the location of their planetary rulers. This will then serve as the foundation upon which we will start to add the other planets one by one.

If you have any questions ask them of me now.

A Planetary Method of Chart Analysis Jeffrey Wolf Green Astro2000, Denver, CO 2000

What I’d like to do is try to make this as experiential for you this morning as possible, and the way I would like to do that is for all of you to keep your own particular birth chart in your head now as we go through this specific method so you can apply it immediately to your own case.

This particular method is very sequential; it is very Virgo like, ABC in nature, leading to a very deductive and Virgo-like analysis. In total, you will then find that once you employ this particular methodology--ABC--this will lead to a Pisces kind of awareness, meaning inductive, wherein you can see the whole first and then immediately grasp all the parts. So it is like going from Virgo to Pisces. Now as we go through this system, when you have questions, please ask me when you have the question, because the intention is to keep this as clear as possible as we are moving through it.

So the very first way we want to start the system is, of course, with Pluto. This is number one on your list; meaning as we go through this it is going to be like an outline. So we want to start with Pluto. We can ask a Pluto question: Why? And what we have here from a Plutonian point of view, of course, is the direct connection to the Soul, the Soul itself. Now, of course, if we understand this, the Soul is going to create the overall personality structure in any given life that is uniquely orientated to phenomenal reality in such a way that that unique orientation experiences the phenomenal reality in a way that is consistent with the evolutionary intentions and karmic requirement that the Soul has in any given life.

So we want to locate the natal position of Pluto first by house and sign. What is this going to be demonstrating? We have to remember that the nature of the Soul linked with time and space reality is simultaneously linked with the principle that we call evolution. Evolution is a dynamic in time and space reality that is beyond debate. The simplest way to know evolution: Is it not true that everybody on this planet, everyone in this room, inwardly always has an inner feeling of being in a continuous state of becoming? Who does not have such a feeling? So you can see right away just through normal life experience that this is a principle, a truth if you will, that applies to all people everywhere as long as we are living in time-space reality.

Now, if we linked evolution to the principle of the Soul, we ask a logical question: What is, in fact, the inner mechanism or dynamic within the Soul that causes evolution? The answer is straightforward, simple, and basic as most natural truths are. The answer is, in fact, the very same answer that came out of the enlightenment of the famous Buddha under the famous Bodhi tree, when he pondered the nature of sorrow and pain, misery and the like. What was actually promoted in Buddhism terms as Nirvana was based on the awareness within him called desire.

In each Soul there are two competing and antithetical desires that create evolution. One desire is a separating desire, meaning to separate away from what we can call God. And these sorts of desires are many, myriad, manifesting in typical ways as the desire for the new lover, the new possession, the new career ambition, whatever. All Souls have these desires, and simultaneous with the desire and coequal to it is the desire to return to that which has created the Soul in the first place. So, in effect, the essence of the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination (Pluto) of all separating desires to the exclusion of only one desire which can remain, which is to unite with the source of the Soul itself.

This is a very simple natural truth that operates independent of what we call astrology and can be validated by every single one of us in this room. In fact, it can be validated by everybody on earth. The simplest way to know it, again: Is not true that we can have whatever separating desire, oh we want this new thing over here, this, that or whatever, and we may have the ability to obtain that which we are desiring, and, of course, we have a momentary sense of satisfaction when we get it. But once we get it, what soon replaces the sense of satisfaction is, in effect, the sense of dissatisfaction, the sense of something more. It is exactly the sense of dissatisfaction that is mirroring and echoing this ultimate desire to return and to reunite with the source of all things. Who of you has not known this to be your own experience? You see, it is universal.

So the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination of all separating desires. The duality of these antithetical desires is intrinsic within the Soul and is what the psychologists call the basis of free choice.

Now, when we look at the nature of the natal position of Pluto, we are looking at two simultaneous phenomena, which is why we are starting with this number A on our Virgo list. Number one, it will describe very succinctly the types of desires that the soul has had prior to the current life, relative to its evolutionary necessities, its evolutionary intentions. That does not mean, by the way, that that is going to correlate or reflect all the prior lives that the Soul has had. The point is that the soul in any given life will only draw upon specific prior life times that have a direct connection to or bearing on the current life evolutionary intentions. The Sanskrit archetype for that is called Prarabdha Karma.

So, what the natal position of Pluto is demonstrating is the specific prior lifetimes and orientations that have direct bearing on the current lifetime. A simple example: What if we are dealing with a ninth house Pluto individual? We can make a very simple Piscean/ Virgo deduction that this would have been a Soul who, prior to the current life, one way or another, was desiring to understand its individual connection to the cosmological reality we call the universe, meaning natural desires to understand philosophy and cosmology and metaphysics, religion (even if that's atheism), anything that is a form of philosophy connected to the cosmos. Are we clear? Good.

And now what would that mean coming into the current life? And this is one of the secrets about Pluto that most people don't realize, i.e. when you read it in your happy books that it somehow connects to compulsion, obsession, defensiveness, resistance to change and all these things, and these things are accurate, but they never tell you why, and it is because at this point Pluto is going to correlate with the deepest sources of your unconscious sense of security. Keeping in mind that security is a function of self-consistency. Self-consistency is a function of the past, meaning what has come before. Again, how many of you would totally and wholly embrace the experience of absolute insecurity? No takers? Hmm? Ever wonder why we have compulsion, obsession? That's what psychologists call repetitive compulsion.

So by looking at the natal position of Pluto (house and sign), beyond the metaphysical point of view, you are describing in anybody’s life the sources that correlate with the deepest sense of unconscious security in the person. And in coming into the current life, the person instinctually gravitates to those sources in order to maintain a sense of self-consistency equaling security. Now clearly, if the soul stayed right there, there would, in fact, be no evolution. So this becomes a first point to examine. The next point is to determine how it is that soul is going to grow or evolve in the current life. And the answer very happily is that the next step (evolution) is determined--because we have to remember that we are living in a universe, time/space, that of itself is defined by the law of polarity--by the opposite house and sign of the natal position of Pluto.

So, following our example of the ninth house, it is, of course, naturally in opposition to the third house. Now, one of the natural problems in the ninth house/Sagittarius/Jupiter archetype is that it correlates, in essence, with the nature of phenomenal reality in total. And it is the ninth house in any chart--Jupiter/Sagittarius, archetypically natural law-- that creates the awareness in the human organism, in each person, that we are in fact connected to something much larger than just the earth itself. It creates the awareness that we are connected to a solar system, universes, and galaxies. And this sort of natural awareness gives rise to the philosophical questions that all human beings ask: What does it all mean? How are we connected to this thing?

One of the problems of the ninth house is that it will typically orientate to a portion of the overall truth, and then consider that particular portion to be the total truth, which is why we call it the Billy Graham Archetype, meaning the need to convince and convert other people to your particular point of view. Why? In order to feel secure. This is why in this case we are going to have a have a third house polarity.

Most of us have already realized in our happy books that Gemini correlates with diversity, yes? Most of us realized,--particularly for those that find yourself to be Gemini--that Gemini is a happy little sign because you put it in a bookstore, for example, and it is going to go around and do what? It is going to read two pages of this and one page of that, and maybe one right over here, but it is thinking that it is reading everything. And this means that it is trying to understand as much as possible relative to the whole phenomenon called creation. So when you have this polarity point to the ninth house Pluto, you can see the obvious evolutionary intention. The intention of the Soul is to evolve beyond the particular portion—part--of the truth that it has already realized. You understand the point?

So the Soul is like a computer, and it has its own program and in a typically Plutonian fashion, then, the Soul will actually literally program necessary philosophical confrontations (Pluto), meaning it will attract to itself other individuals that are more philosophically or cosmologically evolved than itself. These people will have the effect of penetrating (Pluto) to the weak link in this person’s existing philosophical structure. And by identifying the weak link, well, guess what? That whole structure collapses. And this is induces the Gemini evolutionary intention. Understand the point? I mean we could go on and on, but we only have an hour and a half. So, on our Virgo list we start with Pluto, natal position, polarity point. Any questions on this aspect of it? So, we are clear on this particular point?

Next step--number B on your Virgo list. We want to, of course, examine the nature of the south node of the moon. Now, why do we want to examine this point? The reason is that the south node of the moon will specifically correlate to the types of egocentric structures that the soul has necessarily created in order to consciously actualize the evolutionary desires or intentions, which have, in fact, preceded the current life.

That is to say that the moon, the south node of the moon specifically, correlates to what we call the ego. Now take this very seriously because, of course, I realize in astrology land that astrologers can assign the idea or the archetype of the ego to whatever planetary symbolism. Over the last 10-20 years it has been given to Saturn, Sun or whatever. But in reality in the astrology we do, the ego is specific to the moon. The way you can prove this through natural law is very straightforward. As an example we can understand that the ego is that which correlates with what we can psychologically call a self-image.

Now, for example, if we make an ego connection to the Sun and we look into the nature of our solar system, of course, the Sun appears to be relatively fixed, does it not? Now, do you feel throughout your life that your own inner self-image has been fixed and constant? When we compare this to examining the moon and its various phases, you can see the direct link to your own self-image and its evolution. Understand the point?

So, in effect, the Soul must create a necessary ego to create a self-image of the soul itself. So the south node is the conscious component that the soul generates or creates to actualize the desires that are intrinsic to the soul itself. As a simple example, let’s still use our Ninth House Pluto as our example, remembering that the ninth house Pluto is how I want to understand myself in the cosmos, etc. Now when we put the south Node in the seventh house, what are we looking at? We Are looking at a soul who prior to the current life, over a series of recent prior life times, has created egocentric structures that have been actualized through a seventh house archetype. What does it mean? It's going to mean that the soul has created a series of prior life egos that have been structured in such a way as to initiate a diversity of relationships, (seventh house), who looked like what? Ninth house teacher types. And by initiating this kind of relationships with teacher types, it has been collecting for itself, or attracting to itself, the kind of information that it has desired relative to the ninth house Pluto. You see the link?

Now, to show you why cookbook astrology is B.S.--I mean wrong--compare this to a ninth house Pluto but put the south node in the first house. You are going to still have the same complex of desires, but what types of personality structure, or egocentric structure has the Soul used that is very different from the seventh house? In the first case you have dependency on an external teacher, but when you put the south node in the first house, in essence, what you now have is a soul who has the same desire structure, but now with this south node in the first house you have an individual who has learned to ask and answer its own questions. You see why cookbook astrology is so wrong?

So in either case you still have a pre-existing orientation to reality. When that ninth house Pluto, south node in the seventh person comes into life she/he will gravitate, as they have prior to the current life, in exactly that way. This is why there is going to be a thing called the north node. You see the point? So in this ninth house Pluto/seventh house south node, we have a polarity point in the third house, and we have a north node in the first. So in essence, the north node in this case, the conscious actualization, makes that third house polarity occur, understand my point? What that would actually mean in this life as the person begin to emotionally mature (moon) in the current life, is that it progressively would begin to rebel against external teachers, their message and their voices. Because the intention (north node/first house) is that the person is meant to learn to ask and answer its own questions. This is going to create necessary intellectual, philosophical confrontation with external teacher types. You see?

In the second case, the person has been living in happy splendor, all within themselves in a form of narcissism (south node/first house). You see my point? So now why are we seeing the north node in the seventh house? They must learn to open up and share themselves with other people and in so doing, in opening up to other people, they are going to attract (third house polarity), you see how it works. You apply this to all charts. You start just this way, A, B on your happy list. Questions? So we have got this down now?

The next step in our happy methodology is then to go to the Sun, by the house and sign of the Sun and the aspects it is making. Why? Because the Sun is going to correlate specifically to how we are integrating and giving purpose and meaning to our current life experience. So in essence we are describing an evolutionary transition in our A B list, an evolutionary transition from past to the current life. The Sun is now going to show you how that is integrated and given purpose and meaning in the context of the current life. How the Sun in Sagittarius integrates life experience, gives purpose and meaning, is going to be very different from how a Virgo Sun integrates life experience and gives purpose and meaning, you understand my point?

So once you get used to these methods you ultimately get to play the role of an evolutionary detective, why this Sun sign? You understand my point? So that is why our next step is to move right to the Sun. And again I want you to be able to apply this experientially to your own chart, so try to work with that as we move through it so you can see the reality of what we are talking about. So just take a moment right now and think about your own natal Pluto, polarity point, north and south node and your Sun sign. Take a moment, don't ask a question, just take a moment!

Now, how many are completely stumped? Maybe in a moment it will become more clear for you.

Audience: How about if your Pluto is right on the cusp?

Jeffrey: On the cusp?

Audience: Yeah.

Jeffrey: What you have when Pluto is on the cusp is the archetype of initiation, but if you have it just before the cusp of moving into the next house, you have the archetype evolutionarily of culmination--an entire series of prior lives all culminating in the context of the current life.Audience: But you would still interpret it in terms of the house that it is in?

Jeffrey: Yeah. And see then what you have is as it progressively culminates—when Pluto is evolving into the next house—you still determine the polarity point, which allows for that evolutionary shift. This can by the way, psychologically create frustration, because the Soul already can feel where it is trying to go, but it also has to culminate, so it has this push-- pull, yeah.

Audience: What if Pluto is conjunct the nodes—actually, let’s take the north node.

Jeffrey: That's a very unique evolutionary signature. When you find Pluto conjunct the north node it means in all cases, that that soul has been working in that area of evolutionary development prior to the current life and is meant to completely focus on that area in the context of the current life. There is no polarity.

Audience: If Pluto and the north node are in the same house but not conjunct, is that the same meaning or not?

Jeffrey: First, you want to determine if the node is balsamic or new phase relative to Pluto, which creates its own archetypical meaning. And then there used to be an old phrase in astrology (I am going to date myself now) but it used to be called in mundo, meaning conjunct by sign. But unless you have technically an absolute conjunction, then you have a different kind of meaning depending on the phasal relationship between Pluto and the node itself.

The next step after understanding the integrative principle of the Sun and the purpose and meaning it is giving to life experience in general, our very next step is then to move to the moon itself. Why? The current life moon, the natal moon, and the nodes are going to reflect a spiritual law, the trinity, from the earth point of view the phenomenon of past, present, and future. We have the north and south nodes of the moon and what this is correlating to psychologically is a universal experience we call the dynamic tension that exist in all people between the past and the future, as experienced in each moment of our life. That's the natal moon in relationship to its nodal axis. We have an evolving ego, i.e. from south node to north node. How that evolving ego is integrated on a consistent basis (moon) is the natal moon itself by house and sign.

Audience: Could you go over that again?

Jeffrey: We have a thing called the dynamic tension between the past and the future that we all experience, yes? That dynamic tension as experienced in each moment of our life is contained in your natal moon. How we integrate the potential insecurity linked with our past and our future experienced in the moment is our natal moon. It creates cohesion, self-consistency, understand? It’s that place in you, the dynamic in you, that can say, “This is who I used to be, this is who I am trying to become.” That voice is your natal moon; do you understand my point?Audience: Can you give an example of that?

Jeffrey: All of you in this room know as your life experience that you are in a dynamic state of becoming, yes? You know you have a past; you know you have a feeling to go into--toward--your future, which is the experience of the moment, yes? The experience of these two things in the moment is your moon. How you experience that is your natal moon by its own house and sign.

Audience: Let’s say the moon was conjunct one end or the other of the nodal path, for example, the north node, would there be more orientation toward the future than the past and really more conflict about trying to integrate the south node somehow with Pluto?

Jeffrey: Each case is unique and you have to always overlay this with karmic evolutionary requirements. The experience of it depends on the person, including the observed evolutionary state; one size does not fit all. If I had the moon on the south node and I am in consensus state, for example, how I am responding to that inwardly would be vastly different than if I had that moon /south node and I am in, say, an individuated state, or a spiritual state, you see. In all cases you are looking at the phenomenon of something being unresolved in a prior life, at an emotional level, that the person is bringing forward into the current life in order to re experience with the intention of resolving it.

If you have moon square the nodes, and really anytime you have a planet square the nodes, including the moon or Pluto, in evolutionary terms you have what are called skipped steps. And in the current context the person has been flip flopping back and forth, back and forth. And in evolutionary terms, karmic requirement, the person must recover those skipped steps in order to evolutionary proceed. Until that recovery is made they are blocked, you see my point now? Are we clear on the methodology as we are proceeding? That's my main intention at the moment, are we clear at the moment? Anybody still not clear? Good!

Now, another way of looking at this is why we are going to be using the moon in this sequence. The moon is how each of us lives with ourself inwardly on a moment-to-moment basis. It is how we are giving personal form and definition to what we call our reality. It is way for us to make it personally secure. All human beings have a need to feel secure. Of course the issue is what constitutes security. But the phenomenon of feeling secure is a constant for all human beings. It is like the need to put an anchor in the sea instead of just letting the boat drift where it wants to go. That is your ego. That is your anchor in the sea. That is the anchor into your unconscious. That is the anchor into your soul. Do you understand my point?

That is the way for you to personally relate to what your evolutionary intentions are relative to the purpose that is described by the Sun. It is a way for you to live with it, to feel emotionally secure because of it. The house and sign of your moon and the aspects it makes describe how that process is done. It is that simple. Yes?

Audience: I'm sorry, is that the security………(Inaudible)…………

Jeffrey: Yes, this is why we have a triad among Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. See this is the ultimate meaning when we have the moon linked with Scorpio and Pisces. We have this natural triad, and very few astrologers will tell you that the ultimate secret of Cancer and the moon is to realize that the moon itself is the source of its own insecurity. This is why it is a Cardinal archetype, two steps forward and one step back. We want to initiate change and we freak out and we want to recover…(Inaudible)……

But the ultimate teaching of the moon is reflected in the dark side of the moon, the side we never see. And the reason that the moon creates its own insecurity is to ultimately realize (Pisces) security from within, linked with an inner reality that has nothing to do with the external environment. When you link this through Scorpio, this is why all of us at various points in our journey misapply our trust into people--in order to experience emotional betrayal, abandonment and loss to enforce inner security. This is why.

Audience: That wouldn't…(Inaudible)…… It seems to be reinforcing what you developed in the past.Jeffrey: No you are not listening; you’re not interpreting right. You don't understand reality unless you listen carefully and objectively to the words. What you have just heard is that the ultimate intention of the Cancer/Scorpio triad is to learn absolute state of inner security from within. Now you have heard it rightly.

The next step in our Virgo sequence is Mercury. Why? Mercury is now going to provide the intellectual structure. Again, we are all living in a phenomenal reality, yes? We started with Pluto, the nodal axis of the moon, Sun, and moon. And now you can see if you look at this evolutionarily, you can see why the Soul (Pluto) was picking Mercury in whatever house, sign and aspect. That's the kind of intellectual structure, meaning how I am going to intellectually organize in rational ways. That is how I explain to myself what my life experience is about, which is ultimately reflecting its evolutionary intention. This is how I give the intellectual super structure to this process. So I create an intellectual structure that creates rational thinking within me that creates an explanation and justification, which I then communicate to other people. This is why you have your specific house and sign of any given Mercury. You understand the point?

You see, life is either random, or it is in fact some sort of inherent order, you see? And if we look at it this way, we are looking at life and astrology non-judgmentally. This eliminates all the 19th century crap--exaltations, falls--it is irrelevant. We replace all this terminology with two words: what is. This is why you can have your Mercury in whatever house or sign. It is the way that you need to put it together and understand it intellectually through your left brain. Mercury in astrology specifically relates to the left brain.

Audience: What if Mercury is like right on a house cusp?

Jeffrey: Again, if you always use your ultimate perspective to understand the chart and then use an evolutionary perspective--transitions between past, present, future--then you can answer your own question. Any planet on the cusp is going to correlate evolutionarily either to culmination, meaning the planet just before a given house, or if it is just within that house something has already culminated and a brand new cycle of evolutionary development is now proceeding. So if Mercury happens to be the operative symbol it is simple going to mean a soul who is deciding to think, in this life, in altogether radically different ways than it has ever thought before.

Ok, next step in our Virgo sequence. Venus, of course, is going to correlate specifically to the nature of the value associations that you make for yourself. Values equal a sense of meaning that you are giving to your life. How many people on earth do you think can live without a sense of meaning? The sense of meaning in life, archetypically through astrology, is specific to Venus. Meaning is specific to that which you value. That which you value is in its own way conditioning or contributing to what you decide to believe. Understand my point?

So the Soul in any given life must orientate to a specific type of value associations that provide a specific sense of meaning. That now is specifically linked with the evolutionary intentions for the life itself. So here we determine and can see from the point of view of Soul/Pluto why Venus is in this house, and in this sign, making those aspects. Understand now?

The next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Mars. Some of you have learned in your happy books that Mars is a lower octave of Pluto. And if you have heard this, ask yourself the following question: What is a lower octave of something? See, here is a happy example of cultures like this where we can understand words, but we don't really know what they mean. A lower octave is simply a denser vibration of something. So why then is Mars a lower octave? The answer is straightforward; again the essence of the Soul’s evolution is based on desire. Mars in our subjective consciousness simply instinctually reflects and acts out desires emanating from the Soul itself. This is why you read in the happy books about Aries and Mars and the necessity of freedom. The Soul must have the necessary element, or level, of freedom in this life to initiate experiences that the Soul deems necessary relative to its evolutionary requirements and intentions, understand?

How that is done is specific to the house and sign and aspects that Mars is making. Got it? And this is why the necessity of freedom. That is also going to be correlating, by the way, to the necessary kind of sexual experiences. Sexual experiences are like any other experience of life in which the Soul learns about itself. Remember that sexual desires emanate specifically from the point of view of the primary brain. The primary brain in astrology correlates with Pluto, Mars and Moon. We have to understand that the primary brain in and of itself is unconditioned. It is specific to that which is called natural law. This sets in motion its own potential conflicts and collisions of what we call Will (Mars/Pluto). Meaning, the will of a normal society that is telling you what is right and wrong. What if the kind of sexual desires you have do not conform to your morality telling you this is right and that is wrong? Do you understand what potential conflicts are happening?

From a patriarchal point of view, linked with the primary brain, this is going to have the archetype that Thomas Moore called Dark Eros. The dark can only be linked, or applied, from the point of view of patriarchal judgment, understand my point? The only time any sexual desire is wrong is when it is linked with an intent to consciously hurt someone, anything other than what is normal and natural.

Most of you are familiar--most of you are old enough to remember--a series of books written, I think, in the late seventies or early eighties by a woman named Nancy Friday--Women's sexual fantasies, Men's sexual fantasies. So often you would hear in those books: Well I can have this in my fantasy, but I would never act it out. Now you understand this issue, don't you?

So Mars is simply the conscious component that instinctually registers the desires emanating from the unconscious life, Soul. Desires that are specific to the evolutionary needs and requirements of the Soul itself. It requires the necessary freedom in order to act out.

So we are still clear on the sequence? You are still trying to apply this to your chart? How many are starting to see your chart in a new way? Good. My point is that if you get used to doing it for yourself, well, guess what? You can do for your clients. Maybe you are beginning to see what this is finally going to lead to, the Piscean leap, called inductive logic, when you see it all at once. I mean you will get to the point where you don't have to spend three hours studying the chart before the client comes, and then you can do it instantly. So, any questions before we move on? Clear enough? Good.

Next step Jupiter. Following the sequence you can now logically see through your Virgo logic how Jupiter specifically is going to correlate with the types of belief structures that you need to draw upon in order to rationally explain, through your belief structure, the entire process we have described so far. Keeping in mind the nature of belief systems determines how you are interpreting the nature of phenomenal reality. How you are interpreting this reality comes right back to Mercury, how you are communicating it. From the point of view of brain, of consciousness, Jupiter specifically correlates to your right brain, the intuitive, the non-linear, the image based. There is that exact place in your consciousness that makes you aware, again, that we are connected to something much larger than just the earth.

So in effect, from an evolutionary point of view, why are we going to have Jupiter in this house, this sign, and making these aspects? It is the type of belief structure the Soul requires, without judgment, in order to facilitate the entire process of its evolutionary journey and intentions we are describing to this point. Got it?

As an example, do you think that a Soul that decided to have Jupiter in Aries is going to happily conform to a Capricorn version of reality? Why not? What is the evolutionary intent of having Jupiter in Aries? You see my point now? I mean they are trying to strike out on their own to think and understand and conceive for themselves. The phenomenon of conception, abstraction, to make abstract, is a Jupiter process.

It is one of the wonderful things about the great Yogananda. This man happened to have Jupiter in Aries and despite Vedantic tradition, which is essentially patriarchal, the essence of his teachings was all defined around the Divine Mother, not the Divine Father.

So, the next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Saturn. Here I am going to share a secret with you about Saturn that you are not going to read in any of your happy books. Saturn is the very structural nature of consciousness in general. One of the essential functions of Saturn is to provide a conditioning function. So for example, what if an individual happens to have Saturn in Leo? That means the entire structural definition of that consciousness is defined around a Leonean archetype. And that then means that every other astrological function, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, etc. is defined and conditioned by, in this case, the Leonean archetype--meaning the principle, the self-creative principle, the inner given right for creative self-actualization.

Understand this issue? For example, what do you typically read in your happy cookbook when Saturn is squaring Venus? Let's put Saturn in Leo and Venus in Scorpio. The typical cookbook interpretation will tell you what? That this individual will attempt to dominate and control and limit (Scorpio) the creative development of its partner relative to existing inner insecurity. This is wrong. The structural consciousness is defined by Saturn in Leo, so this then means (and to show you the opposite) that this individual is giving itself the right to creatively actualize itself in any way it deems necessary and will necessary have conflict with (Venus in Scorpio) partners who are so insecure that they are trying to undermine its creative self development. The Saturn in Leo defining the structural nature of that consciousness will then mean what? A desire to have partners that were doing the same thing.

So you can see the weakness in these stupid cookbooks, because it never made the leap that Saturn is the defining principle in the structural nature of consciousness itself, which is conditioning every other function in that consciousness. Do you see my point now? So, from a point of view of evolution, the happy sequence we have developed we now understand the structural nature of the consciousness that the Soul is creating to facilitate its evolutionary lessons, requirements and intentions.


Audience: You are saying that Saturn is the overall structure given to things, the Sun then is more like how we sense things because I was looking at the Sun….

Jeffrey: Sensing is a Venus principle.

Audience: Well, you are saying it correlates to how we integrate our current life experiences. Is integrating, which you are associating with the Sun, different from structuring, which you are associating with Saturn?

Jeffrey: Yes.

Audience: Can you explain that?

Jeffrey: This is a structure (Saturn). How we give purpose and meaning to the structure is the Sun.

Audience: Okay.

Jeffrey: Yes?

Audience: (Looking at a chart) Why do we have Mercury or Venus before we do, for instance, Saturn or Jupiter?

Jeffrey: I just explained that. That's why I am trying to go through this sequence very slowly. And it is a very deliberate sequence, one thing leading to the next thing. This is intentional to create cohesion, deductive analysis, not jumping around.

Jeffrey: Another Question? Yes?

Audience: With Saturn retrograde……… inaudible…..

Jeffrey: Completely. How would you like to examine that? Saturn retrograde has a very simple meaning; it is a structure of consciousness that is forever redefining and restructuring itself.

The problem with Saturn as an archetype intrinsically--this is what you read in the happy books—is the potentiality of crystallization. You have to remember everything is operating through polarity. What is the polarity of Capricorn, i.e. Saturn? It is the moon and Cancer; it comes right back to security issues. Particularly as we emotionally mature and get older most people start to want to not grow anymore. They want to have their Winnebago and their patio tools, “Oh, I am comfortable now I am not growing anymore.” There is a typical example of crystallization linked with security.

If you happen to have Saturn retrograde, you have a structural nature of consciousness that is always restless and will never reach a point in time that says, “Aha! That's it.” It wants to forever redefine itself relative to the evolutionary impulse to evolve and to grow.

Audience: How does that relate to all the other planets?

Jeffrey: Then it will have an oblique retrograde function to all the other planetary functions, not direct, oblique. Understand? Direct is like this, oblique is like this. So if I had Saturn retrograde it is having an oblique function to every other planetary function. It doesn't even have to be necessary in a direct aspect. We are talking about the structural nature of consciousness that is defining every other function. This is not something you read in some book, but it turns out to be actual reality. I have counseled over 15,000 clients. The essence of astrology is observation and correlation, and I am sharing with you the results of correlation and observation of over 15,000 clients all over the planet, not just America. Yes ma'm?

Audience: So actually having a retrograde planet might not be a negative thing at all?…(Inaudible)……

Jeffrey: It is not negative or positive. It simply is what it is. A retrograde archetype accelerates growth relative to the Jungian idea of individuation. Think about the symbol (Rx) to rebel, understand my point? To rebel against what? The status quo expectation of how the function defined by retrograde is meant to operate. And by having a rebellion function we have an individuation function, which is accelerating the growth of individuation or evolution through the function that is retrograde.

Karmically and evolutionary we also have Rx--the need to repeat, or relive something from prior lives that was (retrograde) not resolved. This can create its own kind of frustration. What if I have Venues retrograde in Scorpio linked with my relationship formation? And I have this need to repeat and relive x amount of intimate liaisons--karmically and evolutionary dictated--and I am now in a fixed pattern of Scorpio. Meaning all my relationship dynamics, despite my intellectual intention to change it, are fated to be repeated. Is this not going to create some potential frustration with our partner? Meaning the psychology of no matter what I do, I keep re-attracting the same thing. You see my point? These are things you don't read in the happy books.

Audience: So how do you bring that to an end? How do you stop?

Jeffrey: It is stopped once it is completed. It is completed when you finally see the retrograde symbol going to direct through progression, and not until.

Audience: What about when by progression a planet goes retrograde?

Jeffrey: Then you have entered a timeframe where you are repeating something from the past and/or redefining your overall reality in general, through individuation

Okay, so now we move into ever-understandable Uranus. From the point of view of Saturn, Saturn is going to describe--for most people--the interfacing between what we are consciously aware of, meaning our subjective consciousness or what we call personality, and the unconscious. It is that natural boundary, or barrier, or threshold. And for most people this is necessary because it goes right back to the idea of the moon, the anchor in the sea, which creates stability. This is also why, by the way, that most people do not have spontaneous natural access to their prior life memories. The point is that if most people had access to their prior life memories, those prior life memories, which are contained by Uranus, would overwhelm the current sense of reality (Saturn) in such a way it would become so consumed (Pluto) with what happened or didn't happen, what went right, what went wrong, we would not get on with the business of this life. That's why there is a necessary boundary (Saturn) that prevents this awareness. It can only really truly open to the Soul who begins it natural process of evolution back to the Source itself in an active conscious way. Understand my point?

So, Uranus correlates in Jungian terminology to what is called the individuated unconscious, or in Freudian terminology to the subconscious. In either case, I don't care about your the terminology, the Uranian element of your consciousness contains three components. You have learned, as an example, that it is a higher octave of Mercury. Mercury correlates with short-term memory. Uranus correlates with long-term memory. This also includes the long-term memories of other lifetimes. Just look at it logically. How many of you can remember in total detail what you did three days ago? Where did those memories go? Aaa, now we are looking at Uranus. So one dimension of Uranus correlates with where all the prior life memories that you have that are contributing to the current life are stored.

It also correlates to the component of our unconscious, dynamics that Saturn represses: dynamics in ourselves that we are having a problem accepting and, therefore, suppressing. This can also include the nature of trauma that is not resolved and is stuck into the subconscious. And Uranus also correlates to--connects to--what we can call the larger blueprint for the Soul’s evolutionary future. This is why we have the principal of liberation. To liberate from what? Saturn, the existing conditions of our life that can equal what we can euphemistically call our own personal status quo. That equals our own sense of security (moon) equaling the anchor in the sea that has been crystallized. So in effect, Uranus is always knocking on Saturn's door. When you go through an act of a Uranian transit, through linkage, the symbolism is very basic. That's what we call the hand grenade in a steel box. The steel box is your Saturn; the hand grenade is your Uranus. In the last analysis the hand grenade will prevail.

As an example, if I make a bomb go off right here, obviously everything is flying about, goes up into the air, fractured. Through the natural laws of returning (gravity), it is meant to come back to the earth, but it comes back in a new way. And that is really the function of Uranus. To remove whatever binding forces in our reality that are preventing necessary evolutionary growth. So whatever house and sign your Uranus is in and the aspects it is making, this is showing you how your own personal liberation in your own Saturnian conditions of your life is necessarily and naturally meant to occur.

It will also tell you, graphically, what kind of subconscious or unconscious memories the individual has, linked with their own prior life times, which is subconsciously conditioning their approach to their current life. This is where you can play astrological detective yet again. It can also show you the potential of unresolved karma as occurred and still may be operating subconsciously in such a way as to influence the behavior of the current life.

Now we come to the end of our Virgo sequence, and you can see now we come almost back to Pluto, meaning Neptune. And, of course, Neptune from a patriarchal point of view is called the archetype of transcendence. From the point of view of natural law, it is called the archetype of unity. The patriarchy teaches you that there is something to transcend, which itself is roughly the same as the delusive patriarchal idea that there is a natural conflict between spirit and flesh. That is why you have the word transcendence. This is utter B.S. An obsolete opinion invented by men to subjugate women. Through natural law the correct word of Neptune is union: to unite with the totality of creation, not to transcend it. And it is through absolute union that a natural expansion of consciousness occurs. There is nothing to transcend. And there is nothing to redeem. Despite what you’ve read in the happy books. That is reinforcing the patriarchy.

The issue here is that Neptune specifically correlates to the phenomenon of consciousness, in total, every one. Consciousness is very analogous to water. Water in and of itself has no form. Consciousness permeates and is the essence of creation. If I put water into this cup, then the consciousness in that water assumes the shape, form and function of the cup. If I put water /consciousness in human form, it is assuming the function and form of this body. If I put it in this plant, this animal etc., etc. Form and function is inherently limited--inherently limited,which is why you have read in your astrology books the need to go beyond the perception and experience of limitation. This is the inner action between Pisces and Scorpio.

Now, to make it very graphic to you, you all have consciousness, and it is all right now in a human body. And I will show you right away the limitation of consciousness in human form. Ready? What created God? You have just reached your limit, which exactly gives rise ultimately to the desire in all Souls to reunite with the source of all things, meaning to dissolve (Neptune) the apparent extinction of the separating form and to realize through union how the appearance of all manifested form is rooted in the original creation point. For you to do this naturally--for you to do this naturally--determine the house and sign of your Neptune and the aspects it is making. This is your own natural way, not according to any book or any teacher, understand the point? So has this now made a little bit of sense to you this morning? Any last questions? God Bless you and thank you for coming.

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RadModeratorMost Active Member

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Re: JWG'S Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation ...« Reply #12 on: Feb 21, 2013, 11:11 AM »

Hi Group,

I am now going to post an example chart that we can begin with. When you look at this chart I would like you at first to focus on the the evolutionary paradigm: natal Pluto, it's polarity point, the S.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler, and the N.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler. In our chart example we will analyze it from the point of view of the Soul being well within the 3rd individuated evolutionary state, a male in gender, a born in England to give it the necessary cultural context.

So as we begin our journey with the Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation I would like you to start with a succinct analysis of this charts Pluto, it's polarity point, the S/N Nodes and the location of their planetary rulers. This will then serve as the foundation upon which we will start to add the other planets one by one.

If you have any questions ask them of me now.

A Planetary Method of Chart Analysis Jeffrey Wolf Green Astro2000, Denver, CO 2000

What I’d like to do is try to make this as experiential for you this morning as possible, and the way I would like to do that is for all of you to keep your own particular birth chart in your head now as we go through this specific method so you can apply it immediately to your own case.

This particular method is very sequential; it is very Virgo like, ABC in nature, leading to a very deductive and Virgo-like analysis. In total, you will then find that once you employ this particular methodology--ABC--this will lead to a Pisces kind of awareness, meaning inductive, wherein you can see the whole first and then immediately grasp all the parts. So it is like going from Virgo to Pisces. Now as we go through this system, when you have questions, please ask me when you have the question, because the intention is to keep this as clear as possible as we are moving through it.

So the very first way we want to start the system is, of course, with Pluto. This is number one on your list; meaning as we go through this it is going to be like an outline. So we want to start with Pluto. We can ask a Pluto question: Why? And what we have here from a Plutonian point of view, of course, is the direct connection to the Soul, the Soul itself. Now, of course, if we understand this, the Soul is going to create the overall personality structure in any given life that is uniquely orientated to phenomenal reality in such a way that that unique orientation experiences the phenomenal reality in a way that is consistent with the evolutionary intentions and karmic requirement that the Soul has in any given life.

So we want to locate the natal position of Pluto first by house and sign. What is this going to be demonstrating? We have to remember that the nature of the Soul linked with time and space reality is simultaneously linked with the principle that we call evolution. Evolution is a dynamic in time and space reality that is beyond debate. The simplest way to know evolution: Is it not true that everybody on this planet, everyone in this room, inwardly always has an inner feeling of being in a continuous state of becoming? Who does not have such a feeling? So you can see right away just through normal life experience that this is a principle, a truth if you will, that applies to all people everywhere as long as we are living in time-space reality.

Now, if we linked evolution to the principle of the Soul, we ask a logical question: What is, in fact, the inner mechanism or dynamic within the Soul that causes evolution? The answer is straightforward, simple, and basic as most natural truths are. The answer is, in fact, the very same answer that came out of the enlightenment of the famous Buddha under the famous Bodhi tree, when he pondered the nature of sorrow and pain, misery and the like. What was actually promoted in Buddhism terms as Nirvana was based on the awareness within him called desire.

In each Soul there are two competing and antithetical desires that create evolution. One desire is a separating desire, meaning to separate away from what we can call God. And these sorts of desires are many, myriad, manifesting in typical ways as the desire for the new lover, the new possession, the new career ambition, whatever. All Souls have these desires, and simultaneous with the desire and coequal to it is the desire to return to that which has created the Soul in the first place. So, in effect, the essence of the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination (Pluto) of all separating desires to the exclusion of only one desire which can remain, which is to unite with the source of the Soul itself.

This is a very simple natural truth that operates independent of what we call astrology and can be validated by every single one of us in this room. In fact, it can be validated by everybody on earth. The simplest way to know it, again: Is not true that we can have whatever separating desire, oh we want this new thing over here, this, that or whatever, and we may have the ability to obtain that which we are desiring, and, of course, we have a momentary sense of satisfaction when we get it. But once we get it, what soon replaces the sense of satisfaction is, in effect, the sense of dissatisfaction, the sense of something more. It is exactly the sense of dissatisfaction that is mirroring and echoing this ultimate desire to return and to reunite with the source of all things. Who of you has not known this to be your own experience? You see, it is universal.

So the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination of all separating desires. The duality of these antithetical desires is intrinsic within the Soul and is what the psychologists call the basis of free choice.

Now, when we look at the nature of the natal position of Pluto, we are looking at two simultaneous phenomena, which is why we are starting with this number A on our Virgo list. Number one, it will describe very succinctly the types of desires that the soul has had prior to the current life, relative to its evolutionary necessities, its evolutionary intentions. That does not mean, by the way, that that is going to correlate or reflect all the prior lives that the Soul has had. The point is that the soul in any given life will only draw upon specific prior life times that have a direct connection to or bearing on the current life evolutionary intentions. The Sanskrit archetype for that is called Prarabdha Karma.

So, what the natal position of Pluto is demonstrating is the specific prior lifetimes and orientations that have direct bearing on the current lifetime. A simple example: What if we are dealing with a ninth house Pluto individual? We can make a very simple Piscean/ Virgo deduction that this would have been a Soul who, prior to the current life, one way or another, was desiring to understand its individual connection to the cosmological reality we call the universe, meaning natural desires to understand philosophy and cosmology and metaphysics, religion (even if that's atheism), anything that is a form of philosophy connected to the cosmos. Are we clear? Good.

And now what would that mean coming into the current life? And this is one of the secrets about Pluto that most people don't realize, i.e. when you read it in your happy books that it somehow connects to compulsion, obsession, defensiveness, resistance to change and all these things, and these things are accurate, but they never tell you why, and it is because at this point Pluto is going to correlate with the deepest sources of your unconscious sense of security. Keeping in mind that security is a function of self-consistency. Self-consistency is a function of the past, meaning what has come before. Again, how many of you would totally and wholly embrace the experience of absolute insecurity? No takers? Hmm? Ever wonder why we have compulsion, obsession? That's what psychologists call repetitive compulsion.

So by looking at the natal position of Pluto (house and sign), beyond the metaphysical point of view, you are describing in anybody’s life the sources that correlate with the deepest sense of unconscious security in the person. And in coming into the current life, the person instinctually gravitates to those sources in order to maintain a sense of self-consistency equaling security. Now clearly, if the soul stayed right there, there would, in fact, be no evolution. So this becomes a first point to examine. The next point is to determine how it is that soul is going to grow or evolve in the current life. And the answer very happily is that the next step (evolution) is determined--because we have to remember that we are living in a universe, time/space, that of itself is defined by the law of polarity--by the opposite house and sign of the natal position of Pluto.

So, following our example of the ninth house, it is, of course, naturally in opposition to the third house. Now, one of the natural problems in the ninth house/Sagittarius/Jupiter archetype is that it correlates, in essence, with the nature of phenomenal reality in total. And it is the ninth house in any chart--Jupiter/Sagittarius, archetypically natural law-- that creates the awareness in the human organism, in each person, that we are in fact connected to something much larger than just the earth itself. It creates the awareness that we are connected to a solar system, universes, and galaxies. And this sort of natural awareness gives rise to the philosophical questions that all human beings ask: What does it all mean? How are we connected to this thing?

One of the problems of the ninth house is that it will typically orientate to a portion of the overall truth, and then consider that particular portion to be the total truth, which is why we call it the Billy Graham Archetype, meaning the need to convince and convert other people to your particular point of view. Why? In order to feel secure. This is why in this case we are going to have a have a third house polarity.

Most of us have already realized in our happy books that Gemini correlates with diversity, yes? Most of us realized,--particularly for those that find yourself to be Gemini--that Gemini is a happy little sign because you put it in a bookstore, for example, and it is going to go around and do what? It is going to read two pages of this and one page of that, and maybe one right over here, but it is thinking that it is reading everything. And this means that it is trying to understand as much as possible relative to the whole phenomenon called creation. So when you have this polarity point to the ninth house Pluto, you can see the obvious evolutionary intention. The intention of the Soul is to evolve beyond the particular portion—part--of the truth that it has already realized. You understand the point?

So the Soul is like a computer, and it has its own program and in a typically Plutonian fashion, then, the Soul will actually literally program necessary philosophical confrontations (Pluto), meaning it will attract to itself other individuals that are more philosophically or cosmologically evolved than itself. These people will have the effect of penetrating (Pluto) to the weak link in this person’s existing philosophical structure. And by identifying the weak link, well, guess what? That whole structure collapses. And this is induces the Gemini evolutionary intention. Understand the point? I mean we could go on and on, but we only have an hour and a half. So, on our Virgo list we start with Pluto, natal position, polarity point. Any questions on this aspect of it? So, we are clear on this particular point?

Next step--number B on your Virgo list. We want to, of course, examine the nature of the south node of the moon. Now, why do we want to examine this point? The reason is that the south node of the moon will specifically correlate to the types of egocentric structures that the soul has necessarily created in order to consciously actualize the evolutionary desires or intentions, which have, in fact, preceded the current life.

That is to say that the moon, the south node of the moon specifically, correlates to what we call the ego. Now take this very seriously because, of course, I realize in astrology land that astrologers can assign the idea or the archetype of the ego to whatever planetary symbolism. Over the last 10-20 years it has been given to Saturn, Sun or whatever. But in reality in the astrology we do, the ego is specific to the moon. The way you can prove this through natural law is very straightforward. As an example we can understand that the ego is that which correlates with what we can psychologically call a self-image.

Now, for example, if we make an ego connection to the Sun and we look into the nature of our solar system, of course, the Sun appears to be relatively fixed, does it not? Now, do you feel throughout your life that your own inner self-image has been fixed and constant? When we compare this to examining the moon and its various phases, you can see the direct link to your own self-image and its evolution. Understand the point?

So, in effect, the Soul must create a necessary ego to create a self-image of the soul itself. So the south node is the conscious component that the soul generates or creates to actualize the desires that are intrinsic to the soul itself. As a simple example, let’s still use our Ninth House Pluto as our example, remembering that the ninth house Pluto is how I want to understand myself in the cosmos, etc. Now when we put the south Node in the seventh house, what are we looking at? We Are looking at a soul who prior to the current life, over a series of recent prior life times, has created egocentric structures that have been actualized through a seventh house archetype. What does it mean? It's going to mean that the soul has created a series of prior life egos that have been structured in such a way as to initiate a diversity of relationships, (seventh house), who looked like what? Ninth house teacher types. And by initiating this kind of relationships with teacher types, it has been collecting for itself, or attracting to itself, the kind of information that it has desired relative to the ninth house Pluto. You see the link?

Now, to show you why cookbook astrology is B.S.--I mean wrong--compare this to a ninth house Pluto but put the south node in the first house. You are going to still have the same complex of desires, but what types of personality structure, or egocentric structure has the Soul used that is very different from the seventh house? In the first case you have dependency on an external teacher, but when you put the south node in the first house, in essence, what you now have is a soul who has the same desire structure, but now with this south node in the first house you have an individual who has learned to ask and answer its own questions. You see why cookbook astrology is so wrong?

So in either case you still have a pre-existing orientation to reality. When that ninth house Pluto, south node in the seventh person comes into life she/he will gravitate, as they have prior to the current life, in exactly that way. This is why there is going to be a thing called the north node. You see the point? So in this ninth house Pluto/seventh house south node, we have a polarity point in the third house, and we have a north node in the first. So in essence, the north node in this case, the conscious actualization, makes that third house polarity occur, understand my point? What that would actually mean in this life as the person begin to emotionally mature (moon) in the current life, is that it progressively would begin to rebel against external teachers, their message and their voices. Because the intention (north node/first house) is that the person is meant to learn to ask and answer its own questions. This is going to create necessary intellectual, philosophical confrontation with external teacher types. You see?

In the second case, the person has been living in happy splendor, all within themselves in a form of narcissism (south node/first house). You see my point? So now why are we seeing the north node in the seventh house? They must learn to open up and share themselves with other people and in so doing, in opening up to other people, they are going to attract (third house polarity), you see how it works. You apply this to all charts. You start just this way, A, B on your happy list. Questions? So we have got this down now?

The next step in our happy methodology is then to go to the Sun, by the house and sign of the Sun and the aspects it is making. Why? Because the Sun is going to correlate specifically to how we are integrating and giving purpose and meaning to our current life experience. So in essence we are describing an evolutionary transition in our A B list, an evolutionary transition from past to the current life. The Sun is now going to show you how that is integrated and given purpose and meaning in the context of the current life. How the Sun in Sagittarius integrates life experience, gives purpose and meaning, is going to be very different from how a Virgo Sun integrates life experience and gives purpose and meaning, you understand my point?

So once you get used to these methods you ultimately get to play the role of an evolutionary detective, why this Sun sign? You understand my point? So that is why our next step is to move right to the Sun. And again I want you to be able to apply this experientially to your own chart, so try to work with that as we move through it so you can see the reality of what we are talking about. So just take a moment right now and think about your own natal Pluto, polarity point, north and south node and your Sun sign. Take a moment, don't ask a question, just take a moment!

Now, how many are completely stumped? Maybe in a moment it will become more clear for you.

Audience: How about if your Pluto is right on the cusp?

Jeffrey: On the cusp?

Audience: Yeah.

Jeffrey: What you have when Pluto is on the cusp is the archetype of initiation, but if you have it just before the cusp of moving into the next house, you have the archetype evolutionarily of culmination--an entire series of prior lives all culminating in the context of the current life.Audience: But you would still interpret it in terms of the house that it is in?

Jeffrey: Yeah. And see then what you have is as it progressively culminates—when Pluto is evolving into the next house—you still determine the polarity point, which allows for that evolutionary shift. This can by the way, psychologically create frustration, because the Soul already can feel where it is trying to go, but it also has to culminate, so it has this push-- pull, yeah.

Audience: What if Pluto is conjunct the nodes—actually, let’s take the north node.

Jeffrey: That's a very unique evolutionary signature. When you find Pluto conjunct the north node it means in all cases, that that soul has been working in that area of evolutionary development prior to the current life and is meant to completely focus on that area in the context of the current life. There is no polarity.

Audience: If Pluto and the north node are in the same house but not conjunct, is that the same meaning or not?

Jeffrey: First, you want to determine if the node is balsamic or new phase relative to Pluto, which creates its own archetypical meaning. And then there used to be an old phrase in astrology (I am going to date myself now) but it used to be called in mundo, meaning conjunct by sign. But unless you have technically an absolute conjunction, then you have a different kind of meaning depending on the phasal relationship between Pluto and the node itself.

The next step after understanding the integrative principle of the Sun and the purpose and meaning it is giving to life experience in general, our very next step is then to move to the moon itself. Why? The current life moon, the natal moon, and the nodes are going to reflect a spiritual law, the trinity, from the earth point of view the phenomenon of past, present, and future. We have the north and south nodes of the moon and what this is correlating to psychologically is a universal experience we call the dynamic tension that exist in all people between the past and the future, as experienced in each moment of our life. That's the natal moon in relationship to its nodal axis. We have an evolving ego, i.e. from south node to north node. How that evolving ego is integrated on a consistent basis (moon) is the natal moon itself by house and sign.

Audience: Could you go over that again?

Jeffrey: We have a thing called the dynamic tension between the past and the future that we all experience, yes? That dynamic tension as experienced in each moment of our life is contained in your natal moon. How we integrate the potential insecurity linked with our past and our future experienced in the moment is our natal moon. It creates cohesion, self-consistency, understand? It’s that place in you, the dynamic in you, that can say, “This is who I used to be, this is who I am trying to become.” That voice is your natal moon; do you understand my point?Audience: Can you give an example of that?

Jeffrey: All of you in this room know as your life experience that you are in a dynamic state of becoming, yes? You know you have a past; you know you have a feeling to go into--toward--your future, which is the experience of the moment, yes? The experience of these two things in the moment is your moon. How you experience that is your natal moon by its own house and sign.

Audience: Let’s say the moon was conjunct one end or the other of the nodal path, for example, the north node, would there be more orientation toward the future than the past and really more conflict about trying to integrate the south node somehow with Pluto?

Jeffrey: Each case is unique and you have to always overlay this with karmic evolutionary requirements. The experience of it depends on the person, including the observed evolutionary state; one size does not fit all. If I had the moon on the south node and I am in consensus state, for example, how I am responding to that inwardly would be vastly different than if I had that moon /south node and I am in, say, an individuated state, or a spiritual state, you see. In all cases you are looking at the phenomenon of something being unresolved in a prior life, at an emotional level, that the person is bringing forward into the current life in order to re experience with the intention of resolving it.

If you have moon square the nodes, and really anytime you have a planet square the nodes, including the moon or Pluto, in evolutionary terms you have what are called skipped steps. And in the current context the person has been flip flopping back and forth, back and forth. And in evolutionary terms, karmic requirement, the person must recover those skipped steps in order to evolutionary proceed. Until that recovery is made they are blocked, you see my point now? Are we clear on the methodology as we are proceeding? That's my main intention at the moment, are we clear at the moment? Anybody still not clear? Good!

Now, another way of looking at this is why we are going to be using the moon in this sequence. The moon is how each of us lives with ourself inwardly on a moment-to-moment basis. It is how we are giving personal form and definition to what we call our reality. It is way for us to make it personally secure. All human beings have a need to feel secure. Of course the issue is what constitutes security. But the phenomenon of feeling secure is a constant for all human beings. It is like the need to put an anchor in the sea instead of just letting the boat drift where it wants to go. That is your ego. That is your anchor in the sea. That is the anchor into your unconscious. That is the anchor into your soul. Do you understand my point?

That is the way for you to personally relate to what your evolutionary intentions are relative to the purpose that is described by the Sun. It is a way for you to live with it, to feel emotionally secure because of it. The house and sign of your moon and the aspects it makes describe how that process is done. It is that simple. Yes?

Audience: I'm sorry, is that the security………(Inaudible)…………

Jeffrey: Yes, this is why we have a triad among Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. See this is the ultimate meaning when we have the moon linked with Scorpio and Pisces. We have this natural triad, and very few astrologers will tell you that the ultimate secret of Cancer and the moon is to realize that the moon itself is the source of its own insecurity. This is why it is a Cardinal archetype, two steps forward and one step back. We want to initiate change and we freak out and we want to recover…(Inaudible)……

But the ultimate teaching of the moon is reflected in the dark side of the moon, the side we never see. And the reason that the moon creates its own insecurity is to ultimately realize (Pisces) security from within, linked with an inner reality that has nothing to do with the external environment. When you link this through Scorpio, this is why all of us at various points in our journey misapply our trust into people--in order to experience emotional betrayal, abandonment and loss to enforce inner security. This is why.

Audience: That wouldn't…(Inaudible)…… It seems to be reinforcing what you developed in the past.Jeffrey: No you are not listening; you’re not interpreting right. You don't understand reality unless you listen carefully and objectively to the words. What you have just heard is that the ultimate intention of the Cancer/Scorpio triad is to learn absolute state of inner security from within. Now you have heard it rightly.

The next step in our Virgo sequence is Mercury. Why? Mercury is now going to provide the intellectual structure. Again, we are all living in a phenomenal reality, yes? We started with Pluto, the nodal axis of the moon, Sun, and moon. And now you can see if you look at this evolutionarily, you can see why the Soul (Pluto) was picking Mercury in whatever house, sign and aspect. That's the kind of intellectual structure, meaning how I am going to intellectually organize in rational ways. That is how I explain to myself what my life experience is about, which is ultimately reflecting its evolutionary intention. This is how I give the intellectual super structure to this process. So I create an intellectual structure that creates rational thinking within me that creates an explanation and justification, which I then communicate to other people. This is why you have your specific house and sign of any given Mercury. You understand the point?

You see, life is either random, or it is in fact some sort of inherent order, you see? And if we look at it this way, we are looking at life and astrology non-judgmentally. This eliminates all the 19th century crap--exaltations, falls--it is irrelevant. We replace all this terminology with two words: what is. This is why you can have your Mercury in whatever house or sign. It is the way that you need to put it together and understand it intellectually through your left brain. Mercury in astrology specifically relates to the left brain.

Audience: What if Mercury is like right on a house cusp?

Jeffrey: Again, if you always use your ultimate perspective to understand the chart and then use an evolutionary perspective--transitions between past, present, future--then you can answer your own question. Any planet on the cusp is going to correlate evolutionarily either to culmination, meaning the planet just before a given house, or if it is just within that house something has already culminated and a brand new cycle of evolutionary development is now proceeding. So if Mercury happens to be the operative symbol it is simple going to mean a soul who is deciding to think, in this life, in altogether radically different ways than it has ever thought before.

Ok, next step in our Virgo sequence. Venus, of course, is going to correlate specifically to the nature of the value associations that you make for yourself. Values equal a sense of meaning that you are giving to your life. How many people on earth do you think can live without a sense of meaning? The sense of meaning in life, archetypically through astrology, is specific to Venus. Meaning is specific to that which you value. That which you value is in its own way conditioning or contributing to what you decide to believe. Understand my point?

So the Soul in any given life must orientate to a specific type of value associations that provide a specific sense of meaning. That now is specifically linked with the evolutionary intentions for the life itself. So here we determine and can see from the point of view of Soul/Pluto why Venus is in this house, and in this sign, making those aspects. Understand now?

The next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Mars. Some of you have learned in your happy books that Mars is a lower octave of Pluto. And if you have heard this, ask yourself the following question: What is a lower octave of something? See, here is a happy example of cultures like this where we can understand words, but we don't really know what they mean. A lower octave is simply a denser vibration of something. So why then is Mars a lower octave? The answer is straightforward; again the essence of the Soul’s evolution is based on desire. Mars in our subjective consciousness simply instinctually reflects and acts out desires emanating from the Soul itself. This is why you read in the happy books about Aries and Mars and the necessity of freedom. The Soul must have the necessary element, or level, of freedom in this life to initiate experiences that the Soul deems necessary relative to its evolutionary requirements and intentions, understand?

How that is done is specific to the house and sign and aspects that Mars is making. Got it? And this is why the necessity of freedom. That is also going to be correlating, by the way, to the necessary kind of sexual experiences. Sexual experiences are like any other experience of life in which the Soul learns about itself. Remember that sexual desires emanate specifically from the point of view of the primary brain. The primary brain in astrology correlates with Pluto, Mars and Moon. We have to understand that the primary brain in and of itself is unconditioned. It is specific to that which is called natural law. This sets in motion its own potential conflicts and collisions of what we call Will (Mars/Pluto). Meaning, the will of a normal society that is telling you what is right and wrong. What if the kind of sexual desires you have do not conform to your morality telling you this is right and that is wrong? Do you understand what potential conflicts are happening?

From a patriarchal point of view, linked with the primary brain, this is going to have the archetype that Thomas Moore called Dark Eros. The dark can only be linked, or applied, from the point of view of patriarchal judgment, understand my point? The only time any sexual desire is wrong is when it is linked with an intent to consciously hurt someone, anything other than what is normal and natural.

Most of you are familiar--most of you are old enough to remember--a series of books written, I think, in the late seventies or early eighties by a woman named Nancy Friday--Women's sexual fantasies, Men's sexual fantasies. So often you would hear in those books: Well I can have this in my fantasy, but I would never act it out. Now you understand this issue, don't you?

So Mars is simply the conscious component that instinctually registers the desires emanating from the unconscious life, Soul. Desires that are specific to the evolutionary needs and requirements of the Soul itself. It requires the necessary freedom in order to act out.

So we are still clear on the sequence? You are still trying to apply this to your chart? How many are starting to see your chart in a new way? Good. My point is that if you get used to doing it for yourself, well, guess what? You can do for your clients. Maybe you are beginning to see what this is finally going to lead to, the Piscean leap, called inductive logic, when you see it all at once. I mean you will get to the point where you don't have to spend three hours studying the chart before the client comes, and then you can do it instantly. So, any questions before we move on? Clear enough? Good.

Next step Jupiter. Following the sequence you can now logically see through your Virgo logic how Jupiter specifically is going to correlate with the types of belief structures that you need to draw upon in order to rationally explain, through your belief structure, the entire process we have described so far. Keeping in mind the nature of belief systems determines how you are interpreting the nature of phenomenal reality. How you are interpreting this reality comes right back to Mercury, how you are communicating it. From the point of view of brain, of consciousness, Jupiter specifically correlates to your right brain, the intuitive, the non-linear, the image based. There is that exact place in your consciousness that makes you aware, again, that we are connected to something much larger than just the earth.

So in effect, from an evolutionary point of view, why are we going to have Jupiter in this house, this sign, and making these aspects? It is the type of belief structure the Soul requires, without judgment, in order to facilitate the entire process of its evolutionary journey and intentions we are describing to this point. Got it?

As an example, do you think that a Soul that decided to have Jupiter in Aries is going to happily conform to a Capricorn version of reality? Why not? What is the evolutionary intent of having Jupiter in Aries? You see my point now? I mean they are trying to strike out on their own to think and understand and conceive for themselves. The phenomenon of conception, abstraction, to make abstract, is a Jupiter process.

It is one of the wonderful things about the great Yogananda. This man happened to have Jupiter in Aries and despite Vedantic tradition, which is essentially patriarchal, the essence of his teachings was all defined around the Divine Mother, not the Divine Father.

So, the next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Saturn. Here I am going to share a secret with you about Saturn that you are not going to read in any of your happy books. Saturn is the very structural nature of consciousness in general. One of the essential functions of Saturn is to provide a conditioning function. So for example, what if an individual happens to have Saturn in Leo? That means the entire structural definition of that consciousness is defined around a Leonean archetype. And that then means that every other astrological function, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, etc. is defined and conditioned by, in this case, the Leonean archetype--meaning the principle, the self-creative principle, the inner given right for creative self-actualization.

Understand this issue? For example, what do you typically read in your happy cookbook when Saturn is squaring Venus? Let's put Saturn in Leo and Venus in Scorpio. The typical cookbook interpretation will tell you what? That this individual will attempt to dominate and control and limit (Scorpio) the creative development of its partner relative to existing inner insecurity. This is wrong. The structural consciousness is defined by Saturn in Leo, so this then means (and to show you the opposite) that this individual is giving itself the right to creatively actualize itself in any way it deems necessary and will necessary have conflict with (Venus in Scorpio) partners who are so insecure that they are trying to undermine its creative self development. The Saturn in Leo defining the structural nature of that consciousness will then mean what? A desire to have partners that were doing the same thing.

So you can see the weakness in these stupid cookbooks, because it never made the leap that Saturn is the defining principle in the structural nature of consciousness itself, which is conditioning every other function in that consciousness. Do you see my point now? So, from a point of view of evolution, the happy sequence we have developed we now understand the structural nature of the consciousness that the Soul is creating to facilitate its evolutionary lessons, requirements and intentions.


Audience: You are saying that Saturn is the overall structure given to things, the Sun then is more like how we sense things because I was looking at the Sun….

Jeffrey: Sensing is a Venus principle.

Audience: Well, you are saying it correlates to how we integrate our current life experiences. Is integrating, which you are associating with the Sun, different from structuring, which you are associating with Saturn?

Jeffrey: Yes.

Audience: Can you explain that?

Jeffrey: This is a structure (Saturn). How we give purpose and meaning to the structure is the Sun.

Audience: Okay.

Jeffrey: Yes?

Audience: (Looking at a chart) Why do we have Mercury or Venus before we do, for instance, Saturn or Jupiter?

Jeffrey: I just explained that. That's why I am trying to go through this sequence very slowly. And it is a very deliberate sequence, one thing leading to the next thing. This is intentional to create cohesion, deductive analysis, not jumping around.

Jeffrey: Another Question? Yes?

Audience: With Saturn retrograde……… inaudible…..

Jeffrey: Completely. How would you like to examine that? Saturn retrograde has a very simple meaning; it is a structure of consciousness that is forever redefining and restructuring itself.

The problem with Saturn as an archetype intrinsically--this is what you read in the happy books—is the potentiality of crystallization. You have to remember everything is operating through polarity. What is the polarity of Capricorn, i.e. Saturn? It is the moon and Cancer; it comes right back to security issues. Particularly as we emotionally mature and get older most people start to want to not grow anymore. They want to have their Winnebago and their patio tools, “Oh, I am comfortable now I am not growing anymore.” There is a typical example of crystallization linked with security.

If you happen to have Saturn retrograde, you have a structural nature of consciousness that is always restless and will never reach a point in time that says, “Aha! That's it.” It wants to forever redefine itself relative to the evolutionary impulse to evolve and to grow.

Audience: How does that relate to all the other planets?

Jeffrey: Then it will have an oblique retrograde function to all the other planetary functions, not direct, oblique. Understand? Direct is like this, oblique is like this. So if I had Saturn retrograde it is having an oblique function to every other planetary function. It doesn't even have to be necessary in a direct aspect. We are talking about the structural nature of consciousness that is defining every other function. This is not something you read in some book, but it turns out to be actual reality. I have counseled over 15,000 clients. The essence of astrology is observation and correlation, and I am sharing with you the results of correlation and observation of over 15,000 clients all over the planet, not just America. Yes ma'm?

Audience: So actually having a retrograde planet might not be a negative thing at all?…(Inaudible)……

Jeffrey: It is not negative or positive. It simply is what it is. A retrograde archetype accelerates growth relative to the Jungian idea of individuation. Think about the symbol (Rx) to rebel, understand my point? To rebel against what? The status quo expectation of how the function defined by retrograde is meant to operate. And by having a rebellion function we have an individuation function, which is accelerating the growth of individuation or evolution through the function that is retrograde.

Karmically and evolutionary we also have Rx--the need to repeat, or relive something from prior lives that was (retrograde) not resolved. This can create its own kind of frustration. What if I have Venues retrograde in Scorpio linked with my relationship formation? And I have this need to repeat and relive x amount of intimate liaisons--karmically and evolutionary dictated--and I am now in a fixed pattern of Scorpio. Meaning all my relationship dynamics, despite my intellectual intention to change it, are fated to be repeated. Is this not going to create some potential frustration with our partner? Meaning the psychology of no matter what I do, I keep re-attracting the same thing. You see my point? These are things you don't read in the happy books.

Audience: So how do you bring that to an end? How do you stop?

Jeffrey: It is stopped once it is completed. It is completed when you finally see the retrograde symbol going to direct through progression, and not until.

Audience: What about when by progression a planet goes retrograde?

Jeffrey: Then you have entered a timeframe where you are repeating something from the past and/or redefining your overall reality in general, through individuation

Okay, so now we move into ever-understandable Uranus. From the point of view of Saturn, Saturn is going to describe--for most people--the interfacing between what we are consciously aware of, meaning our subjective consciousness or what we call personality, and the unconscious. It is that natural boundary, or barrier, or threshold. And for most people this is necessary because it goes right back to the idea of the moon, the anchor in the sea, which creates stability. This is also why, by the way, that most people do not have spontaneous natural access to their prior life memories. The point is that if most people had access to their prior life memories, those prior life memories, which are contained by Uranus, would overwhelm the current sense of reality (Saturn) in such a way it would become so consumed (Pluto) with what happened or didn't happen, what went right, what went wrong, we would not get on with the business of this life. That's why there is a necessary boundary (Saturn) that prevents this awareness. It can only really truly open to the Soul who begins it natural process of evolution back to the Source itself in an active conscious way. Understand my point?

So, Uranus correlates in Jungian terminology to what is called the individuated unconscious, or in Freudian terminology to the subconscious. In either case, I don't care about your the terminology, the Uranian element of your consciousness contains three components. You have learned, as an example, that it is a higher octave of Mercury. Mercury correlates with short-term memory. Uranus correlates with long-term memory. This also includes the long-term memories of other lifetimes. Just look at it logically. How many of you can remember in total detail what you did three days ago? Where did those memories go? Aaa, now we are looking at Uranus. So one dimension of Uranus correlates with where all the prior life memories that you have that are contributing to the current life are stored.

It also correlates to the component of our unconscious, dynamics that Saturn represses: dynamics in ourselves that we are having a problem accepting and, therefore, suppressing. This can also include the nature of trauma that is not resolved and is stuck into the subconscious. And Uranus also correlates to--connects to--what we can call the larger blueprint for the Soul’s evolutionary future. This is why we have the principal of liberation. To liberate from what? Saturn, the existing conditions of our life that can equal what we can euphemistically call our own personal status quo. That equals our own sense of security (moon) equaling the anchor in the sea that has been crystallized. So in effect, Uranus is always knocking on Saturn's door. When you go through an act of a Uranian transit, through linkage, the symbolism is very basic. That's what we call the hand grenade in a steel box. The steel box is your Saturn; the hand grenade is your Uranus. In the last analysis the hand grenade will prevail.

As an example, if I make a bomb go off right here, obviously everything is flying about, goes up into the air, fractured. Through the natural laws of returning (gravity), it is meant to come back to the earth, but it comes back in a new way. And that is really the function of Uranus. To remove whatever binding forces in our reality that are preventing necessary evolutionary growth. So whatever house and sign your Uranus is in and the aspects it is making, this is showing you how your own personal liberation in your own Saturnian conditions of your life is necessarily and naturally meant to occur.

It will also tell you, graphically, what kind of subconscious or unconscious memories the individual has, linked with their own prior life times, which is subconsciously conditioning their approach to their current life. This is where you can play astrological detective yet again. It can also show you the potential of unresolved karma as occurred and still may be operating subconsciously in such a way as to influence the behavior of the current life.

Now we come to the end of our Virgo sequence, and you can see now we come almost back to Pluto, meaning Neptune. And, of course, Neptune from a patriarchal point of view is called the archetype of transcendence. From the point of view of natural law, it is called the archetype of unity. The patriarchy teaches you that there is something to transcend, which itself is roughly the same as the delusive patriarchal idea that there is a natural conflict between spirit and flesh. That is why you have the word transcendence. This is utter B.S. An obsolete opinion invented by men to subjugate women. Through natural law the correct word of Neptune is union: to unite with the totality of creation, not to transcend it. And it is through absolute union that a natural expansion of consciousness occurs. There is nothing to transcend. And there is nothing to redeem. Despite what you’ve read in the happy books. That is reinforcing the patriarchy.

The issue here is that Neptune specifically correlates to the phenomenon of consciousness, in total, every one. Consciousness is very analogous to water. Water in and of itself has no form. Consciousness permeates and is the essence of creation. If I put water into this cup, then the consciousness in that water assumes the shape, form and function of the cup. If I put water /consciousness in human form, it is assuming the function and form of this body. If I put it in this plant, this animal etc., etc. Form and function is inherently limited--inherently limited,which is why you have read in your astrology books the need to go beyond the perception and experience of limitation. This is the inner action between Pisces and Scorpio.

Now, to make it very graphic to you, you all have consciousness, and it is all right now in a human body. And I will show you right away the limitation of consciousness in human form. Ready? What created God? You have just reached your limit, which exactly gives rise ultimately to the desire in all Souls to reunite with the source of all things, meaning to dissolve (Neptune) the apparent extinction of the separating form and to realize through union how the appearance of all manifested form is rooted in the original creation point. For you to do this naturally--for you to do this naturally--determine the house and sign of your Neptune and the aspects it is making. This is your own natural way, not according to any book or any teacher, understand the point? So has this now made a little bit of sense to you this morning? Any last questions? God Bless you and thank you for coming.

« Last Edit: Feb 19, 2013, 09:43 AM by Rad » Logged

RadModeratorMost Active Member

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Re: JWG'S Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation ...« Reply #12 on: Feb 21, 2013, 11:11 AM »

Hi Group,

I am now going to post an example chart that we can begin with. When you look at this chart I would like you at first to focus on the the evolutionary paradigm: natal Pluto, it's polarity point, the S.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler, and the N.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler. In our chart example we will analyze it from the point of view of the Soul being well within the 3rd individuated evolutionary state, a male in gender, a born in England to give it the necessary cultural context.

So as we begin our journey with the Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation I would like you to start with a succinct analysis of this charts Pluto, it's polarity point, the S/N Nodes and the location of their planetary rulers. This will then serve as the foundation upon which we will start to add the other planets one by one.

If you have any questions ask them of me now.

A Planetary Method of Chart Analysis Jeffrey Wolf Green Astro2000, Denver, CO 2000

What I’d like to do is try to make this as experiential for you this morning as possible, and the way I would like to do that is for all of you to keep your own particular birth chart in your head now as we go through this specific method so you can apply it immediately to your own case.

This particular method is very sequential; it is very Virgo like, ABC in nature, leading to a very deductive and Virgo-like analysis. In total, you will then find that once you employ this particular methodology--ABC--this will lead to a Pisces kind of awareness, meaning inductive, wherein you can see the whole first and then immediately grasp all the parts. So it is like going from Virgo to Pisces. Now as we go through this system, when you have questions, please ask me when you have the question, because the intention is to keep this as clear as possible as we are moving through it.

So the very first way we want to start the system is, of course, with Pluto. This is number one on your list; meaning as we go through this it is going to be like an outline. So we want to start with Pluto. We can ask a Pluto question: Why? And what we have here from a Plutonian point of view, of course, is the direct connection to the Soul, the Soul itself. Now, of course, if we understand this, the Soul is going to create the overall personality structure in any given life that is uniquely orientated to phenomenal reality in such a way that that unique orientation experiences the phenomenal reality in a way that is consistent with the evolutionary intentions and karmic requirement that the Soul has in any given life.

So we want to locate the natal position of Pluto first by house and sign. What is this going to be demonstrating? We have to remember that the nature of the Soul linked with time and space reality is simultaneously linked with the principle that we call evolution. Evolution is a dynamic in time and space reality that is beyond debate. The simplest way to know evolution: Is it not true that everybody on this planet, everyone in this room, inwardly always has an inner feeling of being in a continuous state of becoming? Who does not have such a feeling? So you can see right away just through normal life experience that this is a principle, a truth if you will, that applies to all people everywhere as long as we are living in time-space reality.

Now, if we linked evolution to the principle of the Soul, we ask a logical question: What is, in fact, the inner mechanism or dynamic within the Soul that causes evolution? The answer is straightforward, simple, and basic as most natural truths are. The answer is, in fact, the very same answer that came out of the enlightenment of the famous Buddha under the famous Bodhi tree, when he pondered the nature of sorrow and pain, misery and the like. What was actually promoted in Buddhism terms as Nirvana was based on the awareness within him called desire.

In each Soul there are two competing and antithetical desires that create evolution. One desire is a separating desire, meaning to separate away from what we can call God. And these sorts of desires are many, myriad, manifesting in typical ways as the desire for the new lover, the new possession, the new career ambition, whatever. All Souls have these desires, and simultaneous with the desire and coequal to it is the desire to return to that which has created the Soul in the first place. So, in effect, the essence of the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination (Pluto) of all separating desires to the exclusion of only one desire which can remain, which is to unite with the source of the Soul itself.

This is a very simple natural truth that operates independent of what we call astrology and can be validated by every single one of us in this room. In fact, it can be validated by everybody on earth. The simplest way to know it, again: Is not true that we can have whatever separating desire, oh we want this new thing over here, this, that or whatever, and we may have the ability to obtain that which we are desiring, and, of course, we have a momentary sense of satisfaction when we get it. But once we get it, what soon replaces the sense of satisfaction is, in effect, the sense of dissatisfaction, the sense of something more. It is exactly the sense of dissatisfaction that is mirroring and echoing this ultimate desire to return and to reunite with the source of all things. Who of you has not known this to be your own experience? You see, it is universal.

So the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination of all separating desires. The duality of these antithetical desires is intrinsic within the Soul and is what the psychologists call the basis of free choice.

Now, when we look at the nature of the natal position of Pluto, we are looking at two simultaneous phenomena, which is why we are starting with this number A on our Virgo list. Number one, it will describe very succinctly the types of desires that the soul has had prior to the current life, relative to its evolutionary necessities, its evolutionary intentions. That does not mean, by the way, that that is going to correlate or reflect all the prior lives that the Soul has had. The point is that the soul in any given life will only draw upon specific prior life times that have a direct connection to or bearing on the current life evolutionary intentions. The Sanskrit archetype for that is called Prarabdha Karma.

So, what the natal position of Pluto is demonstrating is the specific prior lifetimes and orientations that have direct bearing on the current lifetime. A simple example: What if we are dealing with a ninth house Pluto individual? We can make a very simple Piscean/ Virgo deduction that this would have been a Soul who, prior to the current life, one way or another, was desiring to understand its individual connection to the cosmological reality we call the universe, meaning natural desires to understand philosophy and cosmology and metaphysics, religion (even if that's atheism), anything that is a form of philosophy connected to the cosmos. Are we clear? Good.

And now what would that mean coming into the current life? And this is one of the secrets about Pluto that most people don't realize, i.e. when you read it in your happy books that it somehow connects to compulsion, obsession, defensiveness, resistance to change and all these things, and these things are accurate, but they never tell you why, and it is because at this point Pluto is going to correlate with the deepest sources of your unconscious sense of security. Keeping in mind that security is a function of self-consistency. Self-consistency is a function of the past, meaning what has come before. Again, how many of you would totally and wholly embrace the experience of absolute insecurity? No takers? Hmm? Ever wonder why we have compulsion, obsession? That's what psychologists call repetitive compulsion.

So by looking at the natal position of Pluto (house and sign), beyond the metaphysical point of view, you are describing in anybody’s life the sources that correlate with the deepest sense of unconscious security in the person. And in coming into the current life, the person instinctually gravitates to those sources in order to maintain a sense of self-consistency equaling security. Now clearly, if the soul stayed right there, there would, in fact, be no evolution. So this becomes a first point to examine. The next point is to determine how it is that soul is going to grow or evolve in the current life. And the answer very happily is that the next step (evolution) is determined--because we have to remember that we are living in a universe, time/space, that of itself is defined by the law of polarity--by the opposite house and sign of the natal position of Pluto.

So, following our example of the ninth house, it is, of course, naturally in opposition to the third house. Now, one of the natural problems in the ninth house/Sagittarius/Jupiter archetype is that it correlates, in essence, with the nature of phenomenal reality in total. And it is the ninth house in any chart--Jupiter/Sagittarius, archetypically natural law-- that creates the awareness in the human organism, in each person, that we are in fact connected to something much larger than just the earth itself. It creates the awareness that we are connected to a solar system, universes, and galaxies. And this sort of natural awareness gives rise to the philosophical questions that all human beings ask: What does it all mean? How are we connected to this thing?

One of the problems of the ninth house is that it will typically orientate to a portion of the overall truth, and then consider that particular portion to be the total truth, which is why we call it the Billy Graham Archetype, meaning the need to convince and convert other people to your particular point of view. Why? In order to feel secure. This is why in this case we are going to have a have a third house polarity.

Most of us have already realized in our happy books that Gemini correlates with diversity, yes? Most of us realized,--particularly for those that find yourself to be Gemini--that Gemini is a happy little sign because you put it in a bookstore, for example, and it is going to go around and do what? It is going to read two pages of this and one page of that, and maybe one right over here, but it is thinking that it is reading everything. And this means that it is trying to understand as much as possible relative to the whole phenomenon called creation. So when you have this polarity point to the ninth house Pluto, you can see the obvious evolutionary intention. The intention of the Soul is to evolve beyond the particular portion—part--of the truth that it has already realized. You understand the point?

So the Soul is like a computer, and it has its own program and in a typically Plutonian fashion, then, the Soul will actually literally program necessary philosophical confrontations (Pluto), meaning it will attract to itself other individuals that are more philosophically or cosmologically evolved than itself. These people will have the effect of penetrating (Pluto) to the weak link in this person’s existing philosophical structure. And by identifying the weak link, well, guess what? That whole structure collapses. And this is induces the Gemini evolutionary intention. Understand the point? I mean we could go on and on, but we only have an hour and a half. So, on our Virgo list we start with Pluto, natal position, polarity point. Any questions on this aspect of it? So, we are clear on this particular point?

Next step--number B on your Virgo list. We want to, of course, examine the nature of the south node of the moon. Now, why do we want to examine this point? The reason is that the south node of the moon will specifically correlate to the types of egocentric structures that the soul has necessarily created in order to consciously actualize the evolutionary desires or intentions, which have, in fact, preceded the current life.

That is to say that the moon, the south node of the moon specifically, correlates to what we call the ego. Now take this very seriously because, of course, I realize in astrology land that astrologers can assign the idea or the archetype of the ego to whatever planetary symbolism. Over the last 10-20 years it has been given to Saturn, Sun or whatever. But in reality in the astrology we do, the ego is specific to the moon. The way you can prove this through natural law is very straightforward. As an example we can understand that the ego is that which correlates with what we can psychologically call a self-image.

Now, for example, if we make an ego connection to the Sun and we look into the nature of our solar system, of course, the Sun appears to be relatively fixed, does it not? Now, do you feel throughout your life that your own inner self-image has been fixed and constant? When we compare this to examining the moon and its various phases, you can see the direct link to your own self-image and its evolution. Understand the point?

So, in effect, the Soul must create a necessary ego to create a self-image of the soul itself. So the south node is the conscious component that the soul generates or creates to actualize the desires that are intrinsic to the soul itself. As a simple example, let’s still use our Ninth House Pluto as our example, remembering that the ninth house Pluto is how I want to understand myself in the cosmos, etc. Now when we put the south Node in the seventh house, what are we looking at? We Are looking at a soul who prior to the current life, over a series of recent prior life times, has created egocentric structures that have been actualized through a seventh house archetype. What does it mean? It's going to mean that the soul has created a series of prior life egos that have been structured in such a way as to initiate a diversity of relationships, (seventh house), who looked like what? Ninth house teacher types. And by initiating this kind of relationships with teacher types, it has been collecting for itself, or attracting to itself, the kind of information that it has desired relative to the ninth house Pluto. You see the link?

Now, to show you why cookbook astrology is B.S.--I mean wrong--compare this to a ninth house Pluto but put the south node in the first house. You are going to still have the same complex of desires, but what types of personality structure, or egocentric structure has the Soul used that is very different from the seventh house? In the first case you have dependency on an external teacher, but when you put the south node in the first house, in essence, what you now have is a soul who has the same desire structure, but now with this south node in the first house you have an individual who has learned to ask and answer its own questions. You see why cookbook astrology is so wrong?

So in either case you still have a pre-existing orientation to reality. When that ninth house Pluto, south node in the seventh person comes into life she/he will gravitate, as they have prior to the current life, in exactly that way. This is why there is going to be a thing called the north node. You see the point? So in this ninth house Pluto/seventh house south node, we have a polarity point in the third house, and we have a north node in the first. So in essence, the north node in this case, the conscious actualization, makes that third house polarity occur, understand my point? What that would actually mean in this life as the person begin to emotionally mature (moon) in the current life, is that it progressively would begin to rebel against external teachers, their message and their voices. Because the intention (north node/first house) is that the person is meant to learn to ask and answer its own questions. This is going to create necessary intellectual, philosophical confrontation with external teacher types. You see?

In the second case, the person has been living in happy splendor, all within themselves in a form of narcissism (south node/first house). You see my point? So now why are we seeing the north node in the seventh house? They must learn to open up and share themselves with other people and in so doing, in opening up to other people, they are going to attract (third house polarity), you see how it works. You apply this to all charts. You start just this way, A, B on your happy list. Questions? So we have got this down now?

The next step in our happy methodology is then to go to the Sun, by the house and sign of the Sun and the aspects it is making. Why? Because the Sun is going to correlate specifically to how we are integrating and giving purpose and meaning to our current life experience. So in essence we are describing an evolutionary transition in our A B list, an evolutionary transition from past to the current life. The Sun is now going to show you how that is integrated and given purpose and meaning in the context of the current life. How the Sun in Sagittarius integrates life experience, gives purpose and meaning, is going to be very different from how a Virgo Sun integrates life experience and gives purpose and meaning, you understand my point?

So once you get used to these methods you ultimately get to play the role of an evolutionary detective, why this Sun sign? You understand my point? So that is why our next step is to move right to the Sun. And again I want you to be able to apply this experientially to your own chart, so try to work with that as we move through it so you can see the reality of what we are talking about. So just take a moment right now and think about your own natal Pluto, polarity point, north and south node and your Sun sign. Take a moment, don't ask a question, just take a moment!

Now, how many are completely stumped? Maybe in a moment it will become more clear for you.

Audience: How about if your Pluto is right on the cusp?

Jeffrey: On the cusp?

Audience: Yeah.

Jeffrey: What you have when Pluto is on the cusp is the archetype of initiation, but if you have it just before the cusp of moving into the next house, you have the archetype evolutionarily of culmination--an entire series of prior lives all culminating in the context of the current life.Audience: But you would still interpret it in terms of the house that it is in?

Jeffrey: Yeah. And see then what you have is as it progressively culminates—when Pluto is evolving into the next house—you still determine the polarity point, which allows for that evolutionary shift. This can by the way, psychologically create frustration, because the Soul already can feel where it is trying to go, but it also has to culminate, so it has this push-- pull, yeah.

Audience: What if Pluto is conjunct the nodes—actually, let’s take the north node.

Jeffrey: That's a very unique evolutionary signature. When you find Pluto conjunct the north node it means in all cases, that that soul has been working in that area of evolutionary development prior to the current life and is meant to completely focus on that area in the context of the current life. There is no polarity.

Audience: If Pluto and the north node are in the same house but not conjunct, is that the same meaning or not?

Jeffrey: First, you want to determine if the node is balsamic or new phase relative to Pluto, which creates its own archetypical meaning. And then there used to be an old phrase in astrology (I am going to date myself now) but it used to be called in mundo, meaning conjunct by sign. But unless you have technically an absolute conjunction, then you have a different kind of meaning depending on the phasal relationship between Pluto and the node itself.

The next step after understanding the integrative principle of the Sun and the purpose and meaning it is giving to life experience in general, our very next step is then to move to the moon itself. Why? The current life moon, the natal moon, and the nodes are going to reflect a spiritual law, the trinity, from the earth point of view the phenomenon of past, present, and future. We have the north and south nodes of the moon and what this is correlating to psychologically is a universal experience we call the dynamic tension that exist in all people between the past and the future, as experienced in each moment of our life. That's the natal moon in relationship to its nodal axis. We have an evolving ego, i.e. from south node to north node. How that evolving ego is integrated on a consistent basis (moon) is the natal moon itself by house and sign.

Audience: Could you go over that again?

Jeffrey: We have a thing called the dynamic tension between the past and the future that we all experience, yes? That dynamic tension as experienced in each moment of our life is contained in your natal moon. How we integrate the potential insecurity linked with our past and our future experienced in the moment is our natal moon. It creates cohesion, self-consistency, understand? It’s that place in you, the dynamic in you, that can say, “This is who I used to be, this is who I am trying to become.” That voice is your natal moon; do you understand my point?Audience: Can you give an example of that?

Jeffrey: All of you in this room know as your life experience that you are in a dynamic state of becoming, yes? You know you have a past; you know you have a feeling to go into--toward--your future, which is the experience of the moment, yes? The experience of these two things in the moment is your moon. How you experience that is your natal moon by its own house and sign.

Audience: Let’s say the moon was conjunct one end or the other of the nodal path, for example, the north node, would there be more orientation toward the future than the past and really more conflict about trying to integrate the south node somehow with Pluto?

Jeffrey: Each case is unique and you have to always overlay this with karmic evolutionary requirements. The experience of it depends on the person, including the observed evolutionary state; one size does not fit all. If I had the moon on the south node and I am in consensus state, for example, how I am responding to that inwardly would be vastly different than if I had that moon /south node and I am in, say, an individuated state, or a spiritual state, you see. In all cases you are looking at the phenomenon of something being unresolved in a prior life, at an emotional level, that the person is bringing forward into the current life in order to re experience with the intention of resolving it.

If you have moon square the nodes, and really anytime you have a planet square the nodes, including the moon or Pluto, in evolutionary terms you have what are called skipped steps. And in the current context the person has been flip flopping back and forth, back and forth. And in evolutionary terms, karmic requirement, the person must recover those skipped steps in order to evolutionary proceed. Until that recovery is made they are blocked, you see my point now? Are we clear on the methodology as we are proceeding? That's my main intention at the moment, are we clear at the moment? Anybody still not clear? Good!

Now, another way of looking at this is why we are going to be using the moon in this sequence. The moon is how each of us lives with ourself inwardly on a moment-to-moment basis. It is how we are giving personal form and definition to what we call our reality. It is way for us to make it personally secure. All human beings have a need to feel secure. Of course the issue is what constitutes security. But the phenomenon of feeling secure is a constant for all human beings. It is like the need to put an anchor in the sea instead of just letting the boat drift where it wants to go. That is your ego. That is your anchor in the sea. That is the anchor into your unconscious. That is the anchor into your soul. Do you understand my point?

That is the way for you to personally relate to what your evolutionary intentions are relative to the purpose that is described by the Sun. It is a way for you to live with it, to feel emotionally secure because of it. The house and sign of your moon and the aspects it makes describe how that process is done. It is that simple. Yes?

Audience: I'm sorry, is that the security………(Inaudible)…………

Jeffrey: Yes, this is why we have a triad among Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. See this is the ultimate meaning when we have the moon linked with Scorpio and Pisces. We have this natural triad, and very few astrologers will tell you that the ultimate secret of Cancer and the moon is to realize that the moon itself is the source of its own insecurity. This is why it is a Cardinal archetype, two steps forward and one step back. We want to initiate change and we freak out and we want to recover…(Inaudible)……

But the ultimate teaching of the moon is reflected in the dark side of the moon, the side we never see. And the reason that the moon creates its own insecurity is to ultimately realize (Pisces) security from within, linked with an inner reality that has nothing to do with the external environment. When you link this through Scorpio, this is why all of us at various points in our journey misapply our trust into people--in order to experience emotional betrayal, abandonment and loss to enforce inner security. This is why.

Audience: That wouldn't…(Inaudible)…… It seems to be reinforcing what you developed in the past.Jeffrey: No you are not listening; you’re not interpreting right. You don't understand reality unless you listen carefully and objectively to the words. What you have just heard is that the ultimate intention of the Cancer/Scorpio triad is to learn absolute state of inner security from within. Now you have heard it rightly.

The next step in our Virgo sequence is Mercury. Why? Mercury is now going to provide the intellectual structure. Again, we are all living in a phenomenal reality, yes? We started with Pluto, the nodal axis of the moon, Sun, and moon. And now you can see if you look at this evolutionarily, you can see why the Soul (Pluto) was picking Mercury in whatever house, sign and aspect. That's the kind of intellectual structure, meaning how I am going to intellectually organize in rational ways. That is how I explain to myself what my life experience is about, which is ultimately reflecting its evolutionary intention. This is how I give the intellectual super structure to this process. So I create an intellectual structure that creates rational thinking within me that creates an explanation and justification, which I then communicate to other people. This is why you have your specific house and sign of any given Mercury. You understand the point?

You see, life is either random, or it is in fact some sort of inherent order, you see? And if we look at it this way, we are looking at life and astrology non-judgmentally. This eliminates all the 19th century crap--exaltations, falls--it is irrelevant. We replace all this terminology with two words: what is. This is why you can have your Mercury in whatever house or sign. It is the way that you need to put it together and understand it intellectually through your left brain. Mercury in astrology specifically relates to the left brain.

Audience: What if Mercury is like right on a house cusp?

Jeffrey: Again, if you always use your ultimate perspective to understand the chart and then use an evolutionary perspective--transitions between past, present, future--then you can answer your own question. Any planet on the cusp is going to correlate evolutionarily either to culmination, meaning the planet just before a given house, or if it is just within that house something has already culminated and a brand new cycle of evolutionary development is now proceeding. So if Mercury happens to be the operative symbol it is simple going to mean a soul who is deciding to think, in this life, in altogether radically different ways than it has ever thought before.

Ok, next step in our Virgo sequence. Venus, of course, is going to correlate specifically to the nature of the value associations that you make for yourself. Values equal a sense of meaning that you are giving to your life. How many people on earth do you think can live without a sense of meaning? The sense of meaning in life, archetypically through astrology, is specific to Venus. Meaning is specific to that which you value. That which you value is in its own way conditioning or contributing to what you decide to believe. Understand my point?

So the Soul in any given life must orientate to a specific type of value associations that provide a specific sense of meaning. That now is specifically linked with the evolutionary intentions for the life itself. So here we determine and can see from the point of view of Soul/Pluto why Venus is in this house, and in this sign, making those aspects. Understand now?

The next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Mars. Some of you have learned in your happy books that Mars is a lower octave of Pluto. And if you have heard this, ask yourself the following question: What is a lower octave of something? See, here is a happy example of cultures like this where we can understand words, but we don't really know what they mean. A lower octave is simply a denser vibration of something. So why then is Mars a lower octave? The answer is straightforward; again the essence of the Soul’s evolution is based on desire. Mars in our subjective consciousness simply instinctually reflects and acts out desires emanating from the Soul itself. This is why you read in the happy books about Aries and Mars and the necessity of freedom. The Soul must have the necessary element, or level, of freedom in this life to initiate experiences that the Soul deems necessary relative to its evolutionary requirements and intentions, understand?

How that is done is specific to the house and sign and aspects that Mars is making. Got it? And this is why the necessity of freedom. That is also going to be correlating, by the way, to the necessary kind of sexual experiences. Sexual experiences are like any other experience of life in which the Soul learns about itself. Remember that sexual desires emanate specifically from the point of view of the primary brain. The primary brain in astrology correlates with Pluto, Mars and Moon. We have to understand that the primary brain in and of itself is unconditioned. It is specific to that which is called natural law. This sets in motion its own potential conflicts and collisions of what we call Will (Mars/Pluto). Meaning, the will of a normal society that is telling you what is right and wrong. What if the kind of sexual desires you have do not conform to your morality telling you this is right and that is wrong? Do you understand what potential conflicts are happening?

From a patriarchal point of view, linked with the primary brain, this is going to have the archetype that Thomas Moore called Dark Eros. The dark can only be linked, or applied, from the point of view of patriarchal judgment, understand my point? The only time any sexual desire is wrong is when it is linked with an intent to consciously hurt someone, anything other than what is normal and natural.

Most of you are familiar--most of you are old enough to remember--a series of books written, I think, in the late seventies or early eighties by a woman named Nancy Friday--Women's sexual fantasies, Men's sexual fantasies. So often you would hear in those books: Well I can have this in my fantasy, but I would never act it out. Now you understand this issue, don't you?

So Mars is simply the conscious component that instinctually registers the desires emanating from the unconscious life, Soul. Desires that are specific to the evolutionary needs and requirements of the Soul itself. It requires the necessary freedom in order to act out.

So we are still clear on the sequence? You are still trying to apply this to your chart? How many are starting to see your chart in a new way? Good. My point is that if you get used to doing it for yourself, well, guess what? You can do for your clients. Maybe you are beginning to see what this is finally going to lead to, the Piscean leap, called inductive logic, when you see it all at once. I mean you will get to the point where you don't have to spend three hours studying the chart before the client comes, and then you can do it instantly. So, any questions before we move on? Clear enough? Good.

Next step Jupiter. Following the sequence you can now logically see through your Virgo logic how Jupiter specifically is going to correlate with the types of belief structures that you need to draw upon in order to rationally explain, through your belief structure, the entire process we have described so far. Keeping in mind the nature of belief systems determines how you are interpreting the nature of phenomenal reality. How you are interpreting this reality comes right back to Mercury, how you are communicating it. From the point of view of brain, of consciousness, Jupiter specifically correlates to your right brain, the intuitive, the non-linear, the image based. There is that exact place in your consciousness that makes you aware, again, that we are connected to something much larger than just the earth.

So in effect, from an evolutionary point of view, why are we going to have Jupiter in this house, this sign, and making these aspects? It is the type of belief structure the Soul requires, without judgment, in order to facilitate the entire process of its evolutionary journey and intentions we are describing to this point. Got it?

As an example, do you think that a Soul that decided to have Jupiter in Aries is going to happily conform to a Capricorn version of reality? Why not? What is the evolutionary intent of having Jupiter in Aries? You see my point now? I mean they are trying to strike out on their own to think and understand and conceive for themselves. The phenomenon of conception, abstraction, to make abstract, is a Jupiter process.

It is one of the wonderful things about the great Yogananda. This man happened to have Jupiter in Aries and despite Vedantic tradition, which is essentially patriarchal, the essence of his teachings was all defined around the Divine Mother, not the Divine Father.

So, the next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Saturn. Here I am going to share a secret with you about Saturn that you are not going to read in any of your happy books. Saturn is the very structural nature of consciousness in general. One of the essential functions of Saturn is to provide a conditioning function. So for example, what if an individual happens to have Saturn in Leo? That means the entire structural definition of that consciousness is defined around a Leonean archetype. And that then means that every other astrological function, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, etc. is defined and conditioned by, in this case, the Leonean archetype--meaning the principle, the self-creative principle, the inner given right for creative self-actualization.

Understand this issue? For example, what do you typically read in your happy cookbook when Saturn is squaring Venus? Let's put Saturn in Leo and Venus in Scorpio. The typical cookbook interpretation will tell you what? That this individual will attempt to dominate and control and limit (Scorpio) the creative development of its partner relative to existing inner insecurity. This is wrong. The structural consciousness is defined by Saturn in Leo, so this then means (and to show you the opposite) that this individual is giving itself the right to creatively actualize itself in any way it deems necessary and will necessary have conflict with (Venus in Scorpio) partners who are so insecure that they are trying to undermine its creative self development. The Saturn in Leo defining the structural nature of that consciousness will then mean what? A desire to have partners that were doing the same thing.

So you can see the weakness in these stupid cookbooks, because it never made the leap that Saturn is the defining principle in the structural nature of consciousness itself, which is conditioning every other function in that consciousness. Do you see my point now? So, from a point of view of evolution, the happy sequence we have developed we now understand the structural nature of the consciousness that the Soul is creating to facilitate its evolutionary lessons, requirements and intentions.


Audience: You are saying that Saturn is the overall structure given to things, the Sun then is more like how we sense things because I was looking at the Sun….

Jeffrey: Sensing is a Venus principle.

Audience: Well, you are saying it correlates to how we integrate our current life experiences. Is integrating, which you are associating with the Sun, different from structuring, which you are associating with Saturn?

Jeffrey: Yes.

Audience: Can you explain that?

Jeffrey: This is a structure (Saturn). How we give purpose and meaning to the structure is the Sun.

Audience: Okay.

Jeffrey: Yes?

Audience: (Looking at a chart) Why do we have Mercury or Venus before we do, for instance, Saturn or Jupiter?

Jeffrey: I just explained that. That's why I am trying to go through this sequence very slowly. And it is a very deliberate sequence, one thing leading to the next thing. This is intentional to create cohesion, deductive analysis, not jumping around.

Jeffrey: Another Question? Yes?

Audience: With Saturn retrograde……… inaudible…..

Jeffrey: Completely. How would you like to examine that? Saturn retrograde has a very simple meaning; it is a structure of consciousness that is forever redefining and restructuring itself.

The problem with Saturn as an archetype intrinsically--this is what you read in the happy books—is the potentiality of crystallization. You have to remember everything is operating through polarity. What is the polarity of Capricorn, i.e. Saturn? It is the moon and Cancer; it comes right back to security issues. Particularly as we emotionally mature and get older most people start to want to not grow anymore. They want to have their Winnebago and their patio tools, “Oh, I am comfortable now I am not growing anymore.” There is a typical example of crystallization linked with security.

If you happen to have Saturn retrograde, you have a structural nature of consciousness that is always restless and will never reach a point in time that says, “Aha! That's it.” It wants to forever redefine itself relative to the evolutionary impulse to evolve and to grow.

Audience: How does that relate to all the other planets?

Jeffrey: Then it will have an oblique retrograde function to all the other planetary functions, not direct, oblique. Understand? Direct is like this, oblique is like this. So if I had Saturn retrograde it is having an oblique function to every other planetary function. It doesn't even have to be necessary in a direct aspect. We are talking about the structural nature of consciousness that is defining every other function. This is not something you read in some book, but it turns out to be actual reality. I have counseled over 15,000 clients. The essence of astrology is observation and correlation, and I am sharing with you the results of correlation and observation of over 15,000 clients all over the planet, not just America. Yes ma'm?

Audience: So actually having a retrograde planet might not be a negative thing at all?…(Inaudible)……

Jeffrey: It is not negative or positive. It simply is what it is. A retrograde archetype accelerates growth relative to the Jungian idea of individuation. Think about the symbol (Rx) to rebel, understand my point? To rebel against what? The status quo expectation of how the function defined by retrograde is meant to operate. And by having a rebellion function we have an individuation function, which is accelerating the growth of individuation or evolution through the function that is retrograde.

Karmically and evolutionary we also have Rx--the need to repeat, or relive something from prior lives that was (retrograde) not resolved. This can create its own kind of frustration. What if I have Venues retrograde in Scorpio linked with my relationship formation? And I have this need to repeat and relive x amount of intimate liaisons--karmically and evolutionary dictated--and I am now in a fixed pattern of Scorpio. Meaning all my relationship dynamics, despite my intellectual intention to change it, are fated to be repeated. Is this not going to create some potential frustration with our partner? Meaning the psychology of no matter what I do, I keep re-attracting the same thing. You see my point? These are things you don't read in the happy books.

Audience: So how do you bring that to an end? How do you stop?

Jeffrey: It is stopped once it is completed. It is completed when you finally see the retrograde symbol going to direct through progression, and not until.

Audience: What about when by progression a planet goes retrograde?

Jeffrey: Then you have entered a timeframe where you are repeating something from the past and/or redefining your overall reality in general, through individuation

Okay, so now we move into ever-understandable Uranus. From the point of view of Saturn, Saturn is going to describe--for most people--the interfacing between what we are consciously aware of, meaning our subjective consciousness or what we call personality, and the unconscious. It is that natural boundary, or barrier, or threshold. And for most people this is necessary because it goes right back to the idea of the moon, the anchor in the sea, which creates stability. This is also why, by the way, that most people do not have spontaneous natural access to their prior life memories. The point is that if most people had access to their prior life memories, those prior life memories, which are contained by Uranus, would overwhelm the current sense of reality (Saturn) in such a way it would become so consumed (Pluto) with what happened or didn't happen, what went right, what went wrong, we would not get on with the business of this life. That's why there is a necessary boundary (Saturn) that prevents this awareness. It can only really truly open to the Soul who begins it natural process of evolution back to the Source itself in an active conscious way. Understand my point?

So, Uranus correlates in Jungian terminology to what is called the individuated unconscious, or in Freudian terminology to the subconscious. In either case, I don't care about your the terminology, the Uranian element of your consciousness contains three components. You have learned, as an example, that it is a higher octave of Mercury. Mercury correlates with short-term memory. Uranus correlates with long-term memory. This also includes the long-term memories of other lifetimes. Just look at it logically. How many of you can remember in total detail what you did three days ago? Where did those memories go? Aaa, now we are looking at Uranus. So one dimension of Uranus correlates with where all the prior life memories that you have that are contributing to the current life are stored.

It also correlates to the component of our unconscious, dynamics that Saturn represses: dynamics in ourselves that we are having a problem accepting and, therefore, suppressing. This can also include the nature of trauma that is not resolved and is stuck into the subconscious. And Uranus also correlates to--connects to--what we can call the larger blueprint for the Soul’s evolutionary future. This is why we have the principal of liberation. To liberate from what? Saturn, the existing conditions of our life that can equal what we can euphemistically call our own personal status quo. That equals our own sense of security (moon) equaling the anchor in the sea that has been crystallized. So in effect, Uranus is always knocking on Saturn's door. When you go through an act of a Uranian transit, through linkage, the symbolism is very basic. That's what we call the hand grenade in a steel box. The steel box is your Saturn; the hand grenade is your Uranus. In the last analysis the hand grenade will prevail.

As an example, if I make a bomb go off right here, obviously everything is flying about, goes up into the air, fractured. Through the natural laws of returning (gravity), it is meant to come back to the earth, but it comes back in a new way. And that is really the function of Uranus. To remove whatever binding forces in our reality that are preventing necessary evolutionary growth. So whatever house and sign your Uranus is in and the aspects it is making, this is showing you how your own personal liberation in your own Saturnian conditions of your life is necessarily and naturally meant to occur.

It will also tell you, graphically, what kind of subconscious or unconscious memories the individual has, linked with their own prior life times, which is subconsciously conditioning their approach to their current life. This is where you can play astrological detective yet again. It can also show you the potential of unresolved karma as occurred and still may be operating subconsciously in such a way as to influence the behavior of the current life.

Now we come to the end of our Virgo sequence, and you can see now we come almost back to Pluto, meaning Neptune. And, of course, Neptune from a patriarchal point of view is called the archetype of transcendence. From the point of view of natural law, it is called the archetype of unity. The patriarchy teaches you that there is something to transcend, which itself is roughly the same as the delusive patriarchal idea that there is a natural conflict between spirit and flesh. That is why you have the word transcendence. This is utter B.S. An obsolete opinion invented by men to subjugate women. Through natural law the correct word of Neptune is union: to unite with the totality of creation, not to transcend it. And it is through absolute union that a natural expansion of consciousness occurs. There is nothing to transcend. And there is nothing to redeem. Despite what you’ve read in the happy books. That is reinforcing the patriarchy.

The issue here is that Neptune specifically correlates to the phenomenon of consciousness, in total, every one. Consciousness is very analogous to water. Water in and of itself has no form. Consciousness permeates and is the essence of creation. If I put water into this cup, then the consciousness in that water assumes the shape, form and function of the cup. If I put water /consciousness in human form, it is assuming the function and form of this body. If I put it in this plant, this animal etc., etc. Form and function is inherently limited--inherently limited,which is why you have read in your astrology books the need to go beyond the perception and experience of limitation. This is the inner action between Pisces and Scorpio.

Now, to make it very graphic to you, you all have consciousness, and it is all right now in a human body. And I will show you right away the limitation of consciousness in human form. Ready? What created God? You have just reached your limit, which exactly gives rise ultimately to the desire in all Souls to reunite with the source of all things, meaning to dissolve (Neptune) the apparent extinction of the separating form and to realize through union how the appearance of all manifested form is rooted in the original creation point. For you to do this naturally--for you to do this naturally--determine the house and sign of your Neptune and the aspects it is making. This is your own natural way, not according to any book or any teacher, understand the point? So has this now made a little bit of sense to you this morning? Any last questions? God Bless you and thank you for coming.

« Last Edit: Feb 19, 2013, 09:43 AM by Rad » Logged

RadModeratorMost Active Member

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Re: JWG'S Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation ...« Reply #12 on: Feb 21, 2013, 11:11 AM »

Hi Group,

I am now going to post an example chart that we can begin with. When you look at this chart I would like you at first to focus on the the evolutionary paradigm: natal Pluto, it's polarity point, the S.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler, and the N.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler. In our chart example we will analyze it from the point of view of the Soul being well within the 3rd individuated evolutionary state, a male in gender, a born in England to give it the necessary cultural context.

So as we begin our journey with the Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation I would like you to start with a succinct analysis of this charts Pluto, it's polarity point, the S/N Nodes and the location of their planetary rulers. This will then serve as the foundation upon which we will start to add the other planets one by one.

If you have any questions ask them of me now.

A Planetary Method of Chart Analysis Jeffrey Wolf Green Astro2000, Denver, CO 2000

What I’d like to do is try to make this as experiential for you this morning as possible, and the way I would like to do that is for all of you to keep your own particular birth chart in your head now as we go through this specific method so you can apply it immediately to your own case.

This particular method is very sequential; it is very Virgo like, ABC in nature, leading to a very deductive and Virgo-like analysis. In total, you will then find that once you employ this particular methodology--ABC--this will lead to a Pisces kind of awareness, meaning inductive, wherein you can see the whole first and then immediately grasp all the parts. So it is like going from Virgo to Pisces. Now as we go through this system, when you have questions, please ask me when you have the question, because the intention is to keep this as clear as possible as we are moving through it.

So the very first way we want to start the system is, of course, with Pluto. This is number one on your list; meaning as we go through this it is going to be like an outline. So we want to start with Pluto. We can ask a Pluto question: Why? And what we have here from a Plutonian point of view, of course, is the direct connection to the Soul, the Soul itself. Now, of course, if we understand this, the Soul is going to create the overall personality structure in any given life that is uniquely orientated to phenomenal reality in such a way that that unique orientation experiences the phenomenal reality in a way that is consistent with the evolutionary intentions and karmic requirement that the Soul has in any given life.

So we want to locate the natal position of Pluto first by house and sign. What is this going to be demonstrating? We have to remember that the nature of the Soul linked with time and space reality is simultaneously linked with the principle that we call evolution. Evolution is a dynamic in time and space reality that is beyond debate. The simplest way to know evolution: Is it not true that everybody on this planet, everyone in this room, inwardly always has an inner feeling of being in a continuous state of becoming? Who does not have such a feeling? So you can see right away just through normal life experience that this is a principle, a truth if you will, that applies to all people everywhere as long as we are living in time-space reality.

Now, if we linked evolution to the principle of the Soul, we ask a logical question: What is, in fact, the inner mechanism or dynamic within the Soul that causes evolution? The answer is straightforward, simple, and basic as most natural truths are. The answer is, in fact, the very same answer that came out of the enlightenment of the famous Buddha under the famous Bodhi tree, when he pondered the nature of sorrow and pain, misery and the like. What was actually promoted in Buddhism terms as Nirvana was based on the awareness within him called desire.

In each Soul there are two competing and antithetical desires that create evolution. One desire is a separating desire, meaning to separate away from what we can call God. And these sorts of desires are many, myriad, manifesting in typical ways as the desire for the new lover, the new possession, the new career ambition, whatever. All Souls have these desires, and simultaneous with the desire and coequal to it is the desire to return to that which has created the Soul in the first place. So, in effect, the essence of the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination (Pluto) of all separating desires to the exclusion of only one desire which can remain, which is to unite with the source of the Soul itself.

This is a very simple natural truth that operates independent of what we call astrology and can be validated by every single one of us in this room. In fact, it can be validated by everybody on earth. The simplest way to know it, again: Is not true that we can have whatever separating desire, oh we want this new thing over here, this, that or whatever, and we may have the ability to obtain that which we are desiring, and, of course, we have a momentary sense of satisfaction when we get it. But once we get it, what soon replaces the sense of satisfaction is, in effect, the sense of dissatisfaction, the sense of something more. It is exactly the sense of dissatisfaction that is mirroring and echoing this ultimate desire to return and to reunite with the source of all things. Who of you has not known this to be your own experience? You see, it is universal.

So the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination of all separating desires. The duality of these antithetical desires is intrinsic within the Soul and is what the psychologists call the basis of free choice.

Now, when we look at the nature of the natal position of Pluto, we are looking at two simultaneous phenomena, which is why we are starting with this number A on our Virgo list. Number one, it will describe very succinctly the types of desires that the soul has had prior to the current life, relative to its evolutionary necessities, its evolutionary intentions. That does not mean, by the way, that that is going to correlate or reflect all the prior lives that the Soul has had. The point is that the soul in any given life will only draw upon specific prior life times that have a direct connection to or bearing on the current life evolutionary intentions. The Sanskrit archetype for that is called Prarabdha Karma.

So, what the natal position of Pluto is demonstrating is the specific prior lifetimes and orientations that have direct bearing on the current lifetime. A simple example: What if we are dealing with a ninth house Pluto individual? We can make a very simple Piscean/ Virgo deduction that this would have been a Soul who, prior to the current life, one way or another, was desiring to understand its individual connection to the cosmological reality we call the universe, meaning natural desires to understand philosophy and cosmology and metaphysics, religion (even if that's atheism), anything that is a form of philosophy connected to the cosmos. Are we clear? Good.

And now what would that mean coming into the current life? And this is one of the secrets about Pluto that most people don't realize, i.e. when you read it in your happy books that it somehow connects to compulsion, obsession, defensiveness, resistance to change and all these things, and these things are accurate, but they never tell you why, and it is because at this point Pluto is going to correlate with the deepest sources of your unconscious sense of security. Keeping in mind that security is a function of self-consistency. Self-consistency is a function of the past, meaning what has come before. Again, how many of you would totally and wholly embrace the experience of absolute insecurity? No takers? Hmm? Ever wonder why we have compulsion, obsession? That's what psychologists call repetitive compulsion.

So by looking at the natal position of Pluto (house and sign), beyond the metaphysical point of view, you are describing in anybody’s life the sources that correlate with the deepest sense of unconscious security in the person. And in coming into the current life, the person instinctually gravitates to those sources in order to maintain a sense of self-consistency equaling security. Now clearly, if the soul stayed right there, there would, in fact, be no evolution. So this becomes a first point to examine. The next point is to determine how it is that soul is going to grow or evolve in the current life. And the answer very happily is that the next step (evolution) is determined--because we have to remember that we are living in a universe, time/space, that of itself is defined by the law of polarity--by the opposite house and sign of the natal position of Pluto.

So, following our example of the ninth house, it is, of course, naturally in opposition to the third house. Now, one of the natural problems in the ninth house/Sagittarius/Jupiter archetype is that it correlates, in essence, with the nature of phenomenal reality in total. And it is the ninth house in any chart--Jupiter/Sagittarius, archetypically natural law-- that creates the awareness in the human organism, in each person, that we are in fact connected to something much larger than just the earth itself. It creates the awareness that we are connected to a solar system, universes, and galaxies. And this sort of natural awareness gives rise to the philosophical questions that all human beings ask: What does it all mean? How are we connected to this thing?

One of the problems of the ninth house is that it will typically orientate to a portion of the overall truth, and then consider that particular portion to be the total truth, which is why we call it the Billy Graham Archetype, meaning the need to convince and convert other people to your particular point of view. Why? In order to feel secure. This is why in this case we are going to have a have a third house polarity.

Most of us have already realized in our happy books that Gemini correlates with diversity, yes? Most of us realized,--particularly for those that find yourself to be Gemini--that Gemini is a happy little sign because you put it in a bookstore, for example, and it is going to go around and do what? It is going to read two pages of this and one page of that, and maybe one right over here, but it is thinking that it is reading everything. And this means that it is trying to understand as much as possible relative to the whole phenomenon called creation. So when you have this polarity point to the ninth house Pluto, you can see the obvious evolutionary intention. The intention of the Soul is to evolve beyond the particular portion—part--of the truth that it has already realized. You understand the point?

So the Soul is like a computer, and it has its own program and in a typically Plutonian fashion, then, the Soul will actually literally program necessary philosophical confrontations (Pluto), meaning it will attract to itself other individuals that are more philosophically or cosmologically evolved than itself. These people will have the effect of penetrating (Pluto) to the weak link in this person’s existing philosophical structure. And by identifying the weak link, well, guess what? That whole structure collapses. And this is induces the Gemini evolutionary intention. Understand the point? I mean we could go on and on, but we only have an hour and a half. So, on our Virgo list we start with Pluto, natal position, polarity point. Any questions on this aspect of it? So, we are clear on this particular point?

Next step--number B on your Virgo list. We want to, of course, examine the nature of the south node of the moon. Now, why do we want to examine this point? The reason is that the south node of the moon will specifically correlate to the types of egocentric structures that the soul has necessarily created in order to consciously actualize the evolutionary desires or intentions, which have, in fact, preceded the current life.

That is to say that the moon, the south node of the moon specifically, correlates to what we call the ego. Now take this very seriously because, of course, I realize in astrology land that astrologers can assign the idea or the archetype of the ego to whatever planetary symbolism. Over the last 10-20 years it has been given to Saturn, Sun or whatever. But in reality in the astrology we do, the ego is specific to the moon. The way you can prove this through natural law is very straightforward. As an example we can understand that the ego is that which correlates with what we can psychologically call a self-image.

Now, for example, if we make an ego connection to the Sun and we look into the nature of our solar system, of course, the Sun appears to be relatively fixed, does it not? Now, do you feel throughout your life that your own inner self-image has been fixed and constant? When we compare this to examining the moon and its various phases, you can see the direct link to your own self-image and its evolution. Understand the point?

So, in effect, the Soul must create a necessary ego to create a self-image of the soul itself. So the south node is the conscious component that the soul generates or creates to actualize the desires that are intrinsic to the soul itself. As a simple example, let’s still use our Ninth House Pluto as our example, remembering that the ninth house Pluto is how I want to understand myself in the cosmos, etc. Now when we put the south Node in the seventh house, what are we looking at? We Are looking at a soul who prior to the current life, over a series of recent prior life times, has created egocentric structures that have been actualized through a seventh house archetype. What does it mean? It's going to mean that the soul has created a series of prior life egos that have been structured in such a way as to initiate a diversity of relationships, (seventh house), who looked like what? Ninth house teacher types. And by initiating this kind of relationships with teacher types, it has been collecting for itself, or attracting to itself, the kind of information that it has desired relative to the ninth house Pluto. You see the link?

Now, to show you why cookbook astrology is B.S.--I mean wrong--compare this to a ninth house Pluto but put the south node in the first house. You are going to still have the same complex of desires, but what types of personality structure, or egocentric structure has the Soul used that is very different from the seventh house? In the first case you have dependency on an external teacher, but when you put the south node in the first house, in essence, what you now have is a soul who has the same desire structure, but now with this south node in the first house you have an individual who has learned to ask and answer its own questions. You see why cookbook astrology is so wrong?

So in either case you still have a pre-existing orientation to reality. When that ninth house Pluto, south node in the seventh person comes into life she/he will gravitate, as they have prior to the current life, in exactly that way. This is why there is going to be a thing called the north node. You see the point? So in this ninth house Pluto/seventh house south node, we have a polarity point in the third house, and we have a north node in the first. So in essence, the north node in this case, the conscious actualization, makes that third house polarity occur, understand my point? What that would actually mean in this life as the person begin to emotionally mature (moon) in the current life, is that it progressively would begin to rebel against external teachers, their message and their voices. Because the intention (north node/first house) is that the person is meant to learn to ask and answer its own questions. This is going to create necessary intellectual, philosophical confrontation with external teacher types. You see?

In the second case, the person has been living in happy splendor, all within themselves in a form of narcissism (south node/first house). You see my point? So now why are we seeing the north node in the seventh house? They must learn to open up and share themselves with other people and in so doing, in opening up to other people, they are going to attract (third house polarity), you see how it works. You apply this to all charts. You start just this way, A, B on your happy list. Questions? So we have got this down now?

The next step in our happy methodology is then to go to the Sun, by the house and sign of the Sun and the aspects it is making. Why? Because the Sun is going to correlate specifically to how we are integrating and giving purpose and meaning to our current life experience. So in essence we are describing an evolutionary transition in our A B list, an evolutionary transition from past to the current life. The Sun is now going to show you how that is integrated and given purpose and meaning in the context of the current life. How the Sun in Sagittarius integrates life experience, gives purpose and meaning, is going to be very different from how a Virgo Sun integrates life experience and gives purpose and meaning, you understand my point?

So once you get used to these methods you ultimately get to play the role of an evolutionary detective, why this Sun sign? You understand my point? So that is why our next step is to move right to the Sun. And again I want you to be able to apply this experientially to your own chart, so try to work with that as we move through it so you can see the reality of what we are talking about. So just take a moment right now and think about your own natal Pluto, polarity point, north and south node and your Sun sign. Take a moment, don't ask a question, just take a moment!

Now, how many are completely stumped? Maybe in a moment it will become more clear for you.

Audience: How about if your Pluto is right on the cusp?

Jeffrey: On the cusp?

Audience: Yeah.

Jeffrey: What you have when Pluto is on the cusp is the archetype of initiation, but if you have it just before the cusp of moving into the next house, you have the archetype evolutionarily of culmination--an entire series of prior lives all culminating in the context of the current life.Audience: But you would still interpret it in terms of the house that it is in?

Jeffrey: Yeah. And see then what you have is as it progressively culminates—when Pluto is evolving into the next house—you still determine the polarity point, which allows for that evolutionary shift. This can by the way, psychologically create frustration, because the Soul already can feel where it is trying to go, but it also has to culminate, so it has this push-- pull, yeah.

Audience: What if Pluto is conjunct the nodes—actually, let’s take the north node.

Jeffrey: That's a very unique evolutionary signature. When you find Pluto conjunct the north node it means in all cases, that that soul has been working in that area of evolutionary development prior to the current life and is meant to completely focus on that area in the context of the current life. There is no polarity.

Audience: If Pluto and the north node are in the same house but not conjunct, is that the same meaning or not?

Jeffrey: First, you want to determine if the node is balsamic or new phase relative to Pluto, which creates its own archetypical meaning. And then there used to be an old phrase in astrology (I am going to date myself now) but it used to be called in mundo, meaning conjunct by sign. But unless you have technically an absolute conjunction, then you have a different kind of meaning depending on the phasal relationship between Pluto and the node itself.

The next step after understanding the integrative principle of the Sun and the purpose and meaning it is giving to life experience in general, our very next step is then to move to the moon itself. Why? The current life moon, the natal moon, and the nodes are going to reflect a spiritual law, the trinity, from the earth point of view the phenomenon of past, present, and future. We have the north and south nodes of the moon and what this is correlating to psychologically is a universal experience we call the dynamic tension that exist in all people between the past and the future, as experienced in each moment of our life. That's the natal moon in relationship to its nodal axis. We have an evolving ego, i.e. from south node to north node. How that evolving ego is integrated on a consistent basis (moon) is the natal moon itself by house and sign.

Audience: Could you go over that again?

Jeffrey: We have a thing called the dynamic tension between the past and the future that we all experience, yes? That dynamic tension as experienced in each moment of our life is contained in your natal moon. How we integrate the potential insecurity linked with our past and our future experienced in the moment is our natal moon. It creates cohesion, self-consistency, understand? It’s that place in you, the dynamic in you, that can say, “This is who I used to be, this is who I am trying to become.” That voice is your natal moon; do you understand my point?Audience: Can you give an example of that?

Jeffrey: All of you in this room know as your life experience that you are in a dynamic state of becoming, yes? You know you have a past; you know you have a feeling to go into--toward--your future, which is the experience of the moment, yes? The experience of these two things in the moment is your moon. How you experience that is your natal moon by its own house and sign.

Audience: Let’s say the moon was conjunct one end or the other of the nodal path, for example, the north node, would there be more orientation toward the future than the past and really more conflict about trying to integrate the south node somehow with Pluto?

Jeffrey: Each case is unique and you have to always overlay this with karmic evolutionary requirements. The experience of it depends on the person, including the observed evolutionary state; one size does not fit all. If I had the moon on the south node and I am in consensus state, for example, how I am responding to that inwardly would be vastly different than if I had that moon /south node and I am in, say, an individuated state, or a spiritual state, you see. In all cases you are looking at the phenomenon of something being unresolved in a prior life, at an emotional level, that the person is bringing forward into the current life in order to re experience with the intention of resolving it.

If you have moon square the nodes, and really anytime you have a planet square the nodes, including the moon or Pluto, in evolutionary terms you have what are called skipped steps. And in the current context the person has been flip flopping back and forth, back and forth. And in evolutionary terms, karmic requirement, the person must recover those skipped steps in order to evolutionary proceed. Until that recovery is made they are blocked, you see my point now? Are we clear on the methodology as we are proceeding? That's my main intention at the moment, are we clear at the moment? Anybody still not clear? Good!

Now, another way of looking at this is why we are going to be using the moon in this sequence. The moon is how each of us lives with ourself inwardly on a moment-to-moment basis. It is how we are giving personal form and definition to what we call our reality. It is way for us to make it personally secure. All human beings have a need to feel secure. Of course the issue is what constitutes security. But the phenomenon of feeling secure is a constant for all human beings. It is like the need to put an anchor in the sea instead of just letting the boat drift where it wants to go. That is your ego. That is your anchor in the sea. That is the anchor into your unconscious. That is the anchor into your soul. Do you understand my point?

That is the way for you to personally relate to what your evolutionary intentions are relative to the purpose that is described by the Sun. It is a way for you to live with it, to feel emotionally secure because of it. The house and sign of your moon and the aspects it makes describe how that process is done. It is that simple. Yes?

Audience: I'm sorry, is that the security………(Inaudible)…………

Jeffrey: Yes, this is why we have a triad among Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. See this is the ultimate meaning when we have the moon linked with Scorpio and Pisces. We have this natural triad, and very few astrologers will tell you that the ultimate secret of Cancer and the moon is to realize that the moon itself is the source of its own insecurity. This is why it is a Cardinal archetype, two steps forward and one step back. We want to initiate change and we freak out and we want to recover…(Inaudible)……

But the ultimate teaching of the moon is reflected in the dark side of the moon, the side we never see. And the reason that the moon creates its own insecurity is to ultimately realize (Pisces) security from within, linked with an inner reality that has nothing to do with the external environment. When you link this through Scorpio, this is why all of us at various points in our journey misapply our trust into people--in order to experience emotional betrayal, abandonment and loss to enforce inner security. This is why.

Audience: That wouldn't…(Inaudible)…… It seems to be reinforcing what you developed in the past.Jeffrey: No you are not listening; you’re not interpreting right. You don't understand reality unless you listen carefully and objectively to the words. What you have just heard is that the ultimate intention of the Cancer/Scorpio triad is to learn absolute state of inner security from within. Now you have heard it rightly.

The next step in our Virgo sequence is Mercury. Why? Mercury is now going to provide the intellectual structure. Again, we are all living in a phenomenal reality, yes? We started with Pluto, the nodal axis of the moon, Sun, and moon. And now you can see if you look at this evolutionarily, you can see why the Soul (Pluto) was picking Mercury in whatever house, sign and aspect. That's the kind of intellectual structure, meaning how I am going to intellectually organize in rational ways. That is how I explain to myself what my life experience is about, which is ultimately reflecting its evolutionary intention. This is how I give the intellectual super structure to this process. So I create an intellectual structure that creates rational thinking within me that creates an explanation and justification, which I then communicate to other people. This is why you have your specific house and sign of any given Mercury. You understand the point?

You see, life is either random, or it is in fact some sort of inherent order, you see? And if we look at it this way, we are looking at life and astrology non-judgmentally. This eliminates all the 19th century crap--exaltations, falls--it is irrelevant. We replace all this terminology with two words: what is. This is why you can have your Mercury in whatever house or sign. It is the way that you need to put it together and understand it intellectually through your left brain. Mercury in astrology specifically relates to the left brain.

Audience: What if Mercury is like right on a house cusp?

Jeffrey: Again, if you always use your ultimate perspective to understand the chart and then use an evolutionary perspective--transitions between past, present, future--then you can answer your own question. Any planet on the cusp is going to correlate evolutionarily either to culmination, meaning the planet just before a given house, or if it is just within that house something has already culminated and a brand new cycle of evolutionary development is now proceeding. So if Mercury happens to be the operative symbol it is simple going to mean a soul who is deciding to think, in this life, in altogether radically different ways than it has ever thought before.

Ok, next step in our Virgo sequence. Venus, of course, is going to correlate specifically to the nature of the value associations that you make for yourself. Values equal a sense of meaning that you are giving to your life. How many people on earth do you think can live without a sense of meaning? The sense of meaning in life, archetypically through astrology, is specific to Venus. Meaning is specific to that which you value. That which you value is in its own way conditioning or contributing to what you decide to believe. Understand my point?

So the Soul in any given life must orientate to a specific type of value associations that provide a specific sense of meaning. That now is specifically linked with the evolutionary intentions for the life itself. So here we determine and can see from the point of view of Soul/Pluto why Venus is in this house, and in this sign, making those aspects. Understand now?

The next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Mars. Some of you have learned in your happy books that Mars is a lower octave of Pluto. And if you have heard this, ask yourself the following question: What is a lower octave of something? See, here is a happy example of cultures like this where we can understand words, but we don't really know what they mean. A lower octave is simply a denser vibration of something. So why then is Mars a lower octave? The answer is straightforward; again the essence of the Soul’s evolution is based on desire. Mars in our subjective consciousness simply instinctually reflects and acts out desires emanating from the Soul itself. This is why you read in the happy books about Aries and Mars and the necessity of freedom. The Soul must have the necessary element, or level, of freedom in this life to initiate experiences that the Soul deems necessary relative to its evolutionary requirements and intentions, understand?

How that is done is specific to the house and sign and aspects that Mars is making. Got it? And this is why the necessity of freedom. That is also going to be correlating, by the way, to the necessary kind of sexual experiences. Sexual experiences are like any other experience of life in which the Soul learns about itself. Remember that sexual desires emanate specifically from the point of view of the primary brain. The primary brain in astrology correlates with Pluto, Mars and Moon. We have to understand that the primary brain in and of itself is unconditioned. It is specific to that which is called natural law. This sets in motion its own potential conflicts and collisions of what we call Will (Mars/Pluto). Meaning, the will of a normal society that is telling you what is right and wrong. What if the kind of sexual desires you have do not conform to your morality telling you this is right and that is wrong? Do you understand what potential conflicts are happening?

From a patriarchal point of view, linked with the primary brain, this is going to have the archetype that Thomas Moore called Dark Eros. The dark can only be linked, or applied, from the point of view of patriarchal judgment, understand my point? The only time any sexual desire is wrong is when it is linked with an intent to consciously hurt someone, anything other than what is normal and natural.

Most of you are familiar--most of you are old enough to remember--a series of books written, I think, in the late seventies or early eighties by a woman named Nancy Friday--Women's sexual fantasies, Men's sexual fantasies. So often you would hear in those books: Well I can have this in my fantasy, but I would never act it out. Now you understand this issue, don't you?

So Mars is simply the conscious component that instinctually registers the desires emanating from the unconscious life, Soul. Desires that are specific to the evolutionary needs and requirements of the Soul itself. It requires the necessary freedom in order to act out.

So we are still clear on the sequence? You are still trying to apply this to your chart? How many are starting to see your chart in a new way? Good. My point is that if you get used to doing it for yourself, well, guess what? You can do for your clients. Maybe you are beginning to see what this is finally going to lead to, the Piscean leap, called inductive logic, when you see it all at once. I mean you will get to the point where you don't have to spend three hours studying the chart before the client comes, and then you can do it instantly. So, any questions before we move on? Clear enough? Good.

Next step Jupiter. Following the sequence you can now logically see through your Virgo logic how Jupiter specifically is going to correlate with the types of belief structures that you need to draw upon in order to rationally explain, through your belief structure, the entire process we have described so far. Keeping in mind the nature of belief systems determines how you are interpreting the nature of phenomenal reality. How you are interpreting this reality comes right back to Mercury, how you are communicating it. From the point of view of brain, of consciousness, Jupiter specifically correlates to your right brain, the intuitive, the non-linear, the image based. There is that exact place in your consciousness that makes you aware, again, that we are connected to something much larger than just the earth.

So in effect, from an evolutionary point of view, why are we going to have Jupiter in this house, this sign, and making these aspects? It is the type of belief structure the Soul requires, without judgment, in order to facilitate the entire process of its evolutionary journey and intentions we are describing to this point. Got it?

As an example, do you think that a Soul that decided to have Jupiter in Aries is going to happily conform to a Capricorn version of reality? Why not? What is the evolutionary intent of having Jupiter in Aries? You see my point now? I mean they are trying to strike out on their own to think and understand and conceive for themselves. The phenomenon of conception, abstraction, to make abstract, is a Jupiter process.

It is one of the wonderful things about the great Yogananda. This man happened to have Jupiter in Aries and despite Vedantic tradition, which is essentially patriarchal, the essence of his teachings was all defined around the Divine Mother, not the Divine Father.

So, the next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Saturn. Here I am going to share a secret with you about Saturn that you are not going to read in any of your happy books. Saturn is the very structural nature of consciousness in general. One of the essential functions of Saturn is to provide a conditioning function. So for example, what if an individual happens to have Saturn in Leo? That means the entire structural definition of that consciousness is defined around a Leonean archetype. And that then means that every other astrological function, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, etc. is defined and conditioned by, in this case, the Leonean archetype--meaning the principle, the self-creative principle, the inner given right for creative self-actualization.

Understand this issue? For example, what do you typically read in your happy cookbook when Saturn is squaring Venus? Let's put Saturn in Leo and Venus in Scorpio. The typical cookbook interpretation will tell you what? That this individual will attempt to dominate and control and limit (Scorpio) the creative development of its partner relative to existing inner insecurity. This is wrong. The structural consciousness is defined by Saturn in Leo, so this then means (and to show you the opposite) that this individual is giving itself the right to creatively actualize itself in any way it deems necessary and will necessary have conflict with (Venus in Scorpio) partners who are so insecure that they are trying to undermine its creative self development. The Saturn in Leo defining the structural nature of that consciousness will then mean what? A desire to have partners that were doing the same thing.

So you can see the weakness in these stupid cookbooks, because it never made the leap that Saturn is the defining principle in the structural nature of consciousness itself, which is conditioning every other function in that consciousness. Do you see my point now? So, from a point of view of evolution, the happy sequence we have developed we now understand the structural nature of the consciousness that the Soul is creating to facilitate its evolutionary lessons, requirements and intentions.


Audience: You are saying that Saturn is the overall structure given to things, the Sun then is more like how we sense things because I was looking at the Sun….

Jeffrey: Sensing is a Venus principle.

Audience: Well, you are saying it correlates to how we integrate our current life experiences. Is integrating, which you are associating with the Sun, different from structuring, which you are associating with Saturn?

Jeffrey: Yes.

Audience: Can you explain that?

Jeffrey: This is a structure (Saturn). How we give purpose and meaning to the structure is the Sun.

Audience: Okay.

Jeffrey: Yes?

Audience: (Looking at a chart) Why do we have Mercury or Venus before we do, for instance, Saturn or Jupiter?

Jeffrey: I just explained that. That's why I am trying to go through this sequence very slowly. And it is a very deliberate sequence, one thing leading to the next thing. This is intentional to create cohesion, deductive analysis, not jumping around.

Jeffrey: Another Question? Yes?

Audience: With Saturn retrograde……… inaudible…..

Jeffrey: Completely. How would you like to examine that? Saturn retrograde has a very simple meaning; it is a structure of consciousness that is forever redefining and restructuring itself.

The problem with Saturn as an archetype intrinsically--this is what you read in the happy books—is the potentiality of crystallization. You have to remember everything is operating through polarity. What is the polarity of Capricorn, i.e. Saturn? It is the moon and Cancer; it comes right back to security issues. Particularly as we emotionally mature and get older most people start to want to not grow anymore. They want to have their Winnebago and their patio tools, “Oh, I am comfortable now I am not growing anymore.” There is a typical example of crystallization linked with security.

If you happen to have Saturn retrograde, you have a structural nature of consciousness that is always restless and will never reach a point in time that says, “Aha! That's it.” It wants to forever redefine itself relative to the evolutionary impulse to evolve and to grow.

Audience: How does that relate to all the other planets?

Jeffrey: Then it will have an oblique retrograde function to all the other planetary functions, not direct, oblique. Understand? Direct is like this, oblique is like this. So if I had Saturn retrograde it is having an oblique function to every other planetary function. It doesn't even have to be necessary in a direct aspect. We are talking about the structural nature of consciousness that is defining every other function. This is not something you read in some book, but it turns out to be actual reality. I have counseled over 15,000 clients. The essence of astrology is observation and correlation, and I am sharing with you the results of correlation and observation of over 15,000 clients all over the planet, not just America. Yes ma'm?

Audience: So actually having a retrograde planet might not be a negative thing at all?…(Inaudible)……

Jeffrey: It is not negative or positive. It simply is what it is. A retrograde archetype accelerates growth relative to the Jungian idea of individuation. Think about the symbol (Rx) to rebel, understand my point? To rebel against what? The status quo expectation of how the function defined by retrograde is meant to operate. And by having a rebellion function we have an individuation function, which is accelerating the growth of individuation or evolution through the function that is retrograde.

Karmically and evolutionary we also have Rx--the need to repeat, or relive something from prior lives that was (retrograde) not resolved. This can create its own kind of frustration. What if I have Venues retrograde in Scorpio linked with my relationship formation? And I have this need to repeat and relive x amount of intimate liaisons--karmically and evolutionary dictated--and I am now in a fixed pattern of Scorpio. Meaning all my relationship dynamics, despite my intellectual intention to change it, are fated to be repeated. Is this not going to create some potential frustration with our partner? Meaning the psychology of no matter what I do, I keep re-attracting the same thing. You see my point? These are things you don't read in the happy books.

Audience: So how do you bring that to an end? How do you stop?

Jeffrey: It is stopped once it is completed. It is completed when you finally see the retrograde symbol going to direct through progression, and not until.

Audience: What about when by progression a planet goes retrograde?

Jeffrey: Then you have entered a timeframe where you are repeating something from the past and/or redefining your overall reality in general, through individuation

Okay, so now we move into ever-understandable Uranus. From the point of view of Saturn, Saturn is going to describe--for most people--the interfacing between what we are consciously aware of, meaning our subjective consciousness or what we call personality, and the unconscious. It is that natural boundary, or barrier, or threshold. And for most people this is necessary because it goes right back to the idea of the moon, the anchor in the sea, which creates stability. This is also why, by the way, that most people do not have spontaneous natural access to their prior life memories. The point is that if most people had access to their prior life memories, those prior life memories, which are contained by Uranus, would overwhelm the current sense of reality (Saturn) in such a way it would become so consumed (Pluto) with what happened or didn't happen, what went right, what went wrong, we would not get on with the business of this life. That's why there is a necessary boundary (Saturn) that prevents this awareness. It can only really truly open to the Soul who begins it natural process of evolution back to the Source itself in an active conscious way. Understand my point?

So, Uranus correlates in Jungian terminology to what is called the individuated unconscious, or in Freudian terminology to the subconscious. In either case, I don't care about your the terminology, the Uranian element of your consciousness contains three components. You have learned, as an example, that it is a higher octave of Mercury. Mercury correlates with short-term memory. Uranus correlates with long-term memory. This also includes the long-term memories of other lifetimes. Just look at it logically. How many of you can remember in total detail what you did three days ago? Where did those memories go? Aaa, now we are looking at Uranus. So one dimension of Uranus correlates with where all the prior life memories that you have that are contributing to the current life are stored.

It also correlates to the component of our unconscious, dynamics that Saturn represses: dynamics in ourselves that we are having a problem accepting and, therefore, suppressing. This can also include the nature of trauma that is not resolved and is stuck into the subconscious. And Uranus also correlates to--connects to--what we can call the larger blueprint for the Soul’s evolutionary future. This is why we have the principal of liberation. To liberate from what? Saturn, the existing conditions of our life that can equal what we can euphemistically call our own personal status quo. That equals our own sense of security (moon) equaling the anchor in the sea that has been crystallized. So in effect, Uranus is always knocking on Saturn's door. When you go through an act of a Uranian transit, through linkage, the symbolism is very basic. That's what we call the hand grenade in a steel box. The steel box is your Saturn; the hand grenade is your Uranus. In the last analysis the hand grenade will prevail.

As an example, if I make a bomb go off right here, obviously everything is flying about, goes up into the air, fractured. Through the natural laws of returning (gravity), it is meant to come back to the earth, but it comes back in a new way. And that is really the function of Uranus. To remove whatever binding forces in our reality that are preventing necessary evolutionary growth. So whatever house and sign your Uranus is in and the aspects it is making, this is showing you how your own personal liberation in your own Saturnian conditions of your life is necessarily and naturally meant to occur.

It will also tell you, graphically, what kind of subconscious or unconscious memories the individual has, linked with their own prior life times, which is subconsciously conditioning their approach to their current life. This is where you can play astrological detective yet again. It can also show you the potential of unresolved karma as occurred and still may be operating subconsciously in such a way as to influence the behavior of the current life.

Now we come to the end of our Virgo sequence, and you can see now we come almost back to Pluto, meaning Neptune. And, of course, Neptune from a patriarchal point of view is called the archetype of transcendence. From the point of view of natural law, it is called the archetype of unity. The patriarchy teaches you that there is something to transcend, which itself is roughly the same as the delusive patriarchal idea that there is a natural conflict between spirit and flesh. That is why you have the word transcendence. This is utter B.S. An obsolete opinion invented by men to subjugate women. Through natural law the correct word of Neptune is union: to unite with the totality of creation, not to transcend it. And it is through absolute union that a natural expansion of consciousness occurs. There is nothing to transcend. And there is nothing to redeem. Despite what you’ve read in the happy books. That is reinforcing the patriarchy.

The issue here is that Neptune specifically correlates to the phenomenon of consciousness, in total, every one. Consciousness is very analogous to water. Water in and of itself has no form. Consciousness permeates and is the essence of creation. If I put water into this cup, then the consciousness in that water assumes the shape, form and function of the cup. If I put water /consciousness in human form, it is assuming the function and form of this body. If I put it in this plant, this animal etc., etc. Form and function is inherently limited--inherently limited,which is why you have read in your astrology books the need to go beyond the perception and experience of limitation. This is the inner action between Pisces and Scorpio.

Now, to make it very graphic to you, you all have consciousness, and it is all right now in a human body. And I will show you right away the limitation of consciousness in human form. Ready? What created God? You have just reached your limit, which exactly gives rise ultimately to the desire in all Souls to reunite with the source of all things, meaning to dissolve (Neptune) the apparent extinction of the separating form and to realize through union how the appearance of all manifested form is rooted in the original creation point. For you to do this naturally--for you to do this naturally--determine the house and sign of your Neptune and the aspects it is making. This is your own natural way, not according to any book or any teacher, understand the point? So has this now made a little bit of sense to you this morning? Any last questions? God Bless you and thank you for coming.

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RadModeratorMost Active Member

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Re: JWG'S Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation ...« Reply #12 on: Feb 21, 2013, 11:11 AM »

Hi Group,

I am now going to post an example chart that we can begin with. When you look at this chart I would like you at first to focus on the the evolutionary paradigm: natal Pluto, it's polarity point, the S.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler, and the N.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler. In our chart example we will analyze it from the point of view of the Soul being well within the 3rd individuated evolutionary state, a male in gender, a born in England to give it the necessary cultural context.

So as we begin our journey with the Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation I would like you to start with a succinct analysis of this charts Pluto, it's polarity point, the S/N Nodes and the location of their planetary rulers. This will then serve as the foundation upon which we will start to add the other planets one by one.

If you have any questions ask them of me now.

A Planetary Method of Chart Analysis Jeffrey Wolf Green Astro2000, Denver, CO 2000

What I’d like to do is try to make this as experiential for you this morning as possible, and the way I would like to do that is for all of you to keep your own particular birth chart in your head now as we go through this specific method so you can apply it immediately to your own case.

This particular method is very sequential; it is very Virgo like, ABC in nature, leading to a very deductive and Virgo-like analysis. In total, you will then find that once you employ this particular methodology--ABC--this will lead to a Pisces kind of awareness, meaning inductive, wherein you can see the whole first and then immediately grasp all the parts. So it is like going from Virgo to Pisces. Now as we go through this system, when you have questions, please ask me when you have the question, because the intention is to keep this as clear as possible as we are moving through it.

So the very first way we want to start the system is, of course, with Pluto. This is number one on your list; meaning as we go through this it is going to be like an outline. So we want to start with Pluto. We can ask a Pluto question: Why? And what we have here from a Plutonian point of view, of course, is the direct connection to the Soul, the Soul itself. Now, of course, if we understand this, the Soul is going to create the overall personality structure in any given life that is uniquely orientated to phenomenal reality in such a way that that unique orientation experiences the phenomenal reality in a way that is consistent with the evolutionary intentions and karmic requirement that the Soul has in any given life.

So we want to locate the natal position of Pluto first by house and sign. What is this going to be demonstrating? We have to remember that the nature of the Soul linked with time and space reality is simultaneously linked with the principle that we call evolution. Evolution is a dynamic in time and space reality that is beyond debate. The simplest way to know evolution: Is it not true that everybody on this planet, everyone in this room, inwardly always has an inner feeling of being in a continuous state of becoming? Who does not have such a feeling? So you can see right away just through normal life experience that this is a principle, a truth if you will, that applies to all people everywhere as long as we are living in time-space reality.

Now, if we linked evolution to the principle of the Soul, we ask a logical question: What is, in fact, the inner mechanism or dynamic within the Soul that causes evolution? The answer is straightforward, simple, and basic as most natural truths are. The answer is, in fact, the very same answer that came out of the enlightenment of the famous Buddha under the famous Bodhi tree, when he pondered the nature of sorrow and pain, misery and the like. What was actually promoted in Buddhism terms as Nirvana was based on the awareness within him called desire.

In each Soul there are two competing and antithetical desires that create evolution. One desire is a separating desire, meaning to separate away from what we can call God. And these sorts of desires are many, myriad, manifesting in typical ways as the desire for the new lover, the new possession, the new career ambition, whatever. All Souls have these desires, and simultaneous with the desire and coequal to it is the desire to return to that which has created the Soul in the first place. So, in effect, the essence of the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination (Pluto) of all separating desires to the exclusion of only one desire which can remain, which is to unite with the source of the Soul itself.

This is a very simple natural truth that operates independent of what we call astrology and can be validated by every single one of us in this room. In fact, it can be validated by everybody on earth. The simplest way to know it, again: Is not true that we can have whatever separating desire, oh we want this new thing over here, this, that or whatever, and we may have the ability to obtain that which we are desiring, and, of course, we have a momentary sense of satisfaction when we get it. But once we get it, what soon replaces the sense of satisfaction is, in effect, the sense of dissatisfaction, the sense of something more. It is exactly the sense of dissatisfaction that is mirroring and echoing this ultimate desire to return and to reunite with the source of all things. Who of you has not known this to be your own experience? You see, it is universal.

So the evolution of the Soul is simply based on the progressive elimination of all separating desires. The duality of these antithetical desires is intrinsic within the Soul and is what the psychologists call the basis of free choice.

Now, when we look at the nature of the natal position of Pluto, we are looking at two simultaneous phenomena, which is why we are starting with this number A on our Virgo list. Number one, it will describe very succinctly the types of desires that the soul has had prior to the current life, relative to its evolutionary necessities, its evolutionary intentions. That does not mean, by the way, that that is going to correlate or reflect all the prior lives that the Soul has had. The point is that the soul in any given life will only draw upon specific prior life times that have a direct connection to or bearing on the current life evolutionary intentions. The Sanskrit archetype for that is called Prarabdha Karma.

So, what the natal position of Pluto is demonstrating is the specific prior lifetimes and orientations that have direct bearing on the current lifetime. A simple example: What if we are dealing with a ninth house Pluto individual? We can make a very simple Piscean/ Virgo deduction that this would have been a Soul who, prior to the current life, one way or another, was desiring to understand its individual connection to the cosmological reality we call the universe, meaning natural desires to understand philosophy and cosmology and metaphysics, religion (even if that's atheism), anything that is a form of philosophy connected to the cosmos. Are we clear? Good.

And now what would that mean coming into the current life? And this is one of the secrets about Pluto that most people don't realize, i.e. when you read it in your happy books that it somehow connects to compulsion, obsession, defensiveness, resistance to change and all these things, and these things are accurate, but they never tell you why, and it is because at this point Pluto is going to correlate with the deepest sources of your unconscious sense of security. Keeping in mind that security is a function of self-consistency. Self-consistency is a function of the past, meaning what has come before. Again, how many of you would totally and wholly embrace the experience of absolute insecurity? No takers? Hmm? Ever wonder why we have compulsion, obsession? That's what psychologists call repetitive compulsion.

So by looking at the natal position of Pluto (house and sign), beyond the metaphysical point of view, you are describing in anybody’s life the sources that correlate with the deepest sense of unconscious security in the person. And in coming into the current life, the person instinctually gravitates to those sources in order to maintain a sense of self-consistency equaling security. Now clearly, if the soul stayed right there, there would, in fact, be no evolution. So this becomes a first point to examine. The next point is to determine how it is that soul is going to grow or evolve in the current life. And the answer very happily is that the next step (evolution) is determined--because we have to remember that we are living in a universe, time/space, that of itself is defined by the law of polarity--by the opposite house and sign of the natal position of Pluto.

So, following our example of the ninth house, it is, of course, naturally in opposition to the third house. Now, one of the natural problems in the ninth house/Sagittarius/Jupiter archetype is that it correlates, in essence, with the nature of phenomenal reality in total. And it is the ninth house in any chart--Jupiter/Sagittarius, archetypically natural law-- that creates the awareness in the human organism, in each person, that we are in fact connected to something much larger than just the earth itself. It creates the awareness that we are connected to a solar system, universes, and galaxies. And this sort of natural awareness gives rise to the philosophical questions that all human beings ask: What does it all mean? How are we connected to this thing?

One of the problems of the ninth house is that it will typically orientate to a portion of the overall truth, and then consider that particular portion to be the total truth, which is why we call it the Billy Graham Archetype, meaning the need to convince and convert other people to your particular point of view. Why? In order to feel secure. This is why in this case we are going to have a have a third house polarity.

Most of us have already realized in our happy books that Gemini correlates with diversity, yes? Most of us realized,--particularly for those that find yourself to be Gemini--that Gemini is a happy little sign because you put it in a bookstore, for example, and it is going to go around and do what? It is going to read two pages of this and one page of that, and maybe one right over here, but it is thinking that it is reading everything. And this means that it is trying to understand as much as possible relative to the whole phenomenon called creation. So when you have this polarity point to the ninth house Pluto, you can see the obvious evolutionary intention. The intention of the Soul is to evolve beyond the particular portion—part--of the truth that it has already realized. You understand the point?

So the Soul is like a computer, and it has its own program and in a typically Plutonian fashion, then, the Soul will actually literally program necessary philosophical confrontations (Pluto), meaning it will attract to itself other individuals that are more philosophically or cosmologically evolved than itself. These people will have the effect of penetrating (Pluto) to the weak link in this person’s existing philosophical structure. And by identifying the weak link, well, guess what? That whole structure collapses. And this is induces the Gemini evolutionary intention. Understand the point? I mean we could go on and on, but we only have an hour and a half. So, on our Virgo list we start with Pluto, natal position, polarity point. Any questions on this aspect of it? So, we are clear on this particular point?

Next step--number B on your Virgo list. We want to, of course, examine the nature of the south node of the moon. Now, why do we want to examine this point? The reason is that the south node of the moon will specifically correlate to the types of egocentric structures that the soul has necessarily created in order to consciously actualize the evolutionary desires or intentions, which have, in fact, preceded the current life.

That is to say that the moon, the south node of the moon specifically, correlates to what we call the ego. Now take this very seriously because, of course, I realize in astrology land that astrologers can assign the idea or the archetype of the ego to whatever planetary symbolism. Over the last 10-20 years it has been given to Saturn, Sun or whatever. But in reality in the astrology we do, the ego is specific to the moon. The way you can prove this through natural law is very straightforward. As an example we can understand that the ego is that which correlates with what we can psychologically call a self-image.

Now, for example, if we make an ego connection to the Sun and we look into the nature of our solar system, of course, the Sun appears to be relatively fixed, does it not? Now, do you feel throughout your life that your own inner self-image has been fixed and constant? When we compare this to examining the moon and its various phases, you can see the direct link to your own self-image and its evolution. Understand the point?

So, in effect, the Soul must create a necessary ego to create a self-image of the soul itself. So the south node is the conscious component that the soul generates or creates to actualize the desires that are intrinsic to the soul itself. As a simple example, let’s still use our Ninth House Pluto as our example, remembering that the ninth house Pluto is how I want to understand myself in the cosmos, etc. Now when we put the south Node in the seventh house, what are we looking at? We Are looking at a soul who prior to the current life, over a series of recent prior life times, has created egocentric structures that have been actualized through a seventh house archetype. What does it mean? It's going to mean that the soul has created a series of prior life egos that have been structured in such a way as to initiate a diversity of relationships, (seventh house), who looked like what? Ninth house teacher types. And by initiating this kind of relationships with teacher types, it has been collecting for itself, or attracting to itself, the kind of information that it has desired relative to the ninth house Pluto. You see the link?

Now, to show you why cookbook astrology is B.S.--I mean wrong--compare this to a ninth house Pluto but put the south node in the first house. You are going to still have the same complex of desires, but what types of personality structure, or egocentric structure has the Soul used that is very different from the seventh house? In the first case you have dependency on an external teacher, but when you put the south node in the first house, in essence, what you now have is a soul who has the same desire structure, but now with this south node in the first house you have an individual who has learned to ask and answer its own questions. You see why cookbook astrology is so wrong?

So in either case you still have a pre-existing orientation to reality. When that ninth house Pluto, south node in the seventh person comes into life she/he will gravitate, as they have prior to the current life, in exactly that way. This is why there is going to be a thing called the north node. You see the point? So in this ninth house Pluto/seventh house south node, we have a polarity point in the third house, and we have a north node in the first. So in essence, the north node in this case, the conscious actualization, makes that third house polarity occur, understand my point? What that would actually mean in this life as the person begin to emotionally mature (moon) in the current life, is that it progressively would begin to rebel against external teachers, their message and their voices. Because the intention (north node/first house) is that the person is meant to learn to ask and answer its own questions. This is going to create necessary intellectual, philosophical confrontation with external teacher types. You see?

In the second case, the person has been living in happy splendor, all within themselves in a form of narcissism (south node/first house). You see my point? So now why are we seeing the north node in the seventh house? They must learn to open up and share themselves with other people and in so doing, in opening up to other people, they are going to attract (third house polarity), you see how it works. You apply this to all charts. You start just this way, A, B on your happy list. Questions? So we have got this down now?

The next step in our happy methodology is then to go to the Sun, by the house and sign of the Sun and the aspects it is making. Why? Because the Sun is going to correlate specifically to how we are integrating and giving purpose and meaning to our current life experience. So in essence we are describing an evolutionary transition in our A B list, an evolutionary transition from past to the current life. The Sun is now going to show you how that is integrated and given purpose and meaning in the context of the current life. How the Sun in Sagittarius integrates life experience, gives purpose and meaning, is going to be very different from how a Virgo Sun integrates life experience and gives purpose and meaning, you understand my point?

So once you get used to these methods you ultimately get to play the role of an evolutionary detective, why this Sun sign? You understand my point? So that is why our next step is to move right to the Sun. And again I want you to be able to apply this experientially to your own chart, so try to work with that as we move through it so you can see the reality of what we are talking about. So just take a moment right now and think about your own natal Pluto, polarity point, north and south node and your Sun sign. Take a moment, don't ask a question, just take a moment!

Now, how many are completely stumped? Maybe in a moment it will become more clear for you.

Audience: How about if your Pluto is right on the cusp?

Jeffrey: On the cusp?

Audience: Yeah.

Jeffrey: What you have when Pluto is on the cusp is the archetype of initiation, but if you have it just before the cusp of moving into the next house, you have the archetype evolutionarily of culmination--an entire series of prior lives all culminating in the context of the current life.Audience: But you would still interpret it in terms of the house that it is in?

Jeffrey: Yeah. And see then what you have is as it progressively culminates—when Pluto is evolving into the next house—you still determine the polarity point, which allows for that evolutionary shift. This can by the way, psychologically create frustration, because the Soul already can feel where it is trying to go, but it also has to culminate, so it has this push-- pull, yeah.

Audience: What if Pluto is conjunct the nodes—actually, let’s take the north node.

Jeffrey: That's a very unique evolutionary signature. When you find Pluto conjunct the north node it means in all cases, that that soul has been working in that area of evolutionary development prior to the current life and is meant to completely focus on that area in the context of the current life. There is no polarity.

Audience: If Pluto and the north node are in the same house but not conjunct, is that the same meaning or not?

Jeffrey: First, you want to determine if the node is balsamic or new phase relative to Pluto, which creates its own archetypical meaning. And then there used to be an old phrase in astrology (I am going to date myself now) but it used to be called in mundo, meaning conjunct by sign. But unless you have technically an absolute conjunction, then you have a different kind of meaning depending on the phasal relationship between Pluto and the node itself.

The next step after understanding the integrative principle of the Sun and the purpose and meaning it is giving to life experience in general, our very next step is then to move to the moon itself. Why? The current life moon, the natal moon, and the nodes are going to reflect a spiritual law, the trinity, from the earth point of view the phenomenon of past, present, and future. We have the north and south nodes of the moon and what this is correlating to psychologically is a universal experience we call the dynamic tension that exist in all people between the past and the future, as experienced in each moment of our life. That's the natal moon in relationship to its nodal axis. We have an evolving ego, i.e. from south node to north node. How that evolving ego is integrated on a consistent basis (moon) is the natal moon itself by house and sign.

Audience: Could you go over that again?

Jeffrey: We have a thing called the dynamic tension between the past and the future that we all experience, yes? That dynamic tension as experienced in each moment of our life is contained in your natal moon. How we integrate the potential insecurity linked with our past and our future experienced in the moment is our natal moon. It creates cohesion, self-consistency, understand? It’s that place in you, the dynamic in you, that can say, “This is who I used to be, this is who I am trying to become.” That voice is your natal moon; do you understand my point?Audience: Can you give an example of that?

Jeffrey: All of you in this room know as your life experience that you are in a dynamic state of becoming, yes? You know you have a past; you know you have a feeling to go into--toward--your future, which is the experience of the moment, yes? The experience of these two things in the moment is your moon. How you experience that is your natal moon by its own house and sign.

Audience: Let’s say the moon was conjunct one end or the other of the nodal path, for example, the north node, would there be more orientation toward the future than the past and really more conflict about trying to integrate the south node somehow with Pluto?

Jeffrey: Each case is unique and you have to always overlay this with karmic evolutionary requirements. The experience of it depends on the person, including the observed evolutionary state; one size does not fit all. If I had the moon on the south node and I am in consensus state, for example, how I am responding to that inwardly would be vastly different than if I had that moon /south node and I am in, say, an individuated state, or a spiritual state, you see. In all cases you are looking at the phenomenon of something being unresolved in a prior life, at an emotional level, that the person is bringing forward into the current life in order to re experience with the intention of resolving it.

If you have moon square the nodes, and really anytime you have a planet square the nodes, including the moon or Pluto, in evolutionary terms you have what are called skipped steps. And in the current context the person has been flip flopping back and forth, back and forth. And in evolutionary terms, karmic requirement, the person must recover those skipped steps in order to evolutionary proceed. Until that recovery is made they are blocked, you see my point now? Are we clear on the methodology as we are proceeding? That's my main intention at the moment, are we clear at the moment? Anybody still not clear? Good!

Now, another way of looking at this is why we are going to be using the moon in this sequence. The moon is how each of us lives with ourself inwardly on a moment-to-moment basis. It is how we are giving personal form and definition to what we call our reality. It is way for us to make it personally secure. All human beings have a need to feel secure. Of course the issue is what constitutes security. But the phenomenon of feeling secure is a constant for all human beings. It is like the need to put an anchor in the sea instead of just letting the boat drift where it wants to go. That is your ego. That is your anchor in the sea. That is the anchor into your unconscious. That is the anchor into your soul. Do you understand my point?

That is the way for you to personally relate to what your evolutionary intentions are relative to the purpose that is described by the Sun. It is a way for you to live with it, to feel emotionally secure because of it. The house and sign of your moon and the aspects it makes describe how that process is done. It is that simple. Yes?

Audience: I'm sorry, is that the security………(Inaudible)…………

Jeffrey: Yes, this is why we have a triad among Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. See this is the ultimate meaning when we have the moon linked with Scorpio and Pisces. We have this natural triad, and very few astrologers will tell you that the ultimate secret of Cancer and the moon is to realize that the moon itself is the source of its own insecurity. This is why it is a Cardinal archetype, two steps forward and one step back. We want to initiate change and we freak out and we want to recover…(Inaudible)……

But the ultimate teaching of the moon is reflected in the dark side of the moon, the side we never see. And the reason that the moon creates its own insecurity is to ultimately realize (Pisces) security from within, linked with an inner reality that has nothing to do with the external environment. When you link this through Scorpio, this is why all of us at various points in our journey misapply our trust into people--in order to experience emotional betrayal, abandonment and loss to enforce inner security. This is why.

Audience: That wouldn't…(Inaudible)…… It seems to be reinforcing what you developed in the past.Jeffrey: No you are not listening; you’re not interpreting right. You don't understand reality unless you listen carefully and objectively to the words. What you have just heard is that the ultimate intention of the Cancer/Scorpio triad is to learn absolute state of inner security from within. Now you have heard it rightly.

The next step in our Virgo sequence is Mercury. Why? Mercury is now going to provide the intellectual structure. Again, we are all living in a phenomenal reality, yes? We started with Pluto, the nodal axis of the moon, Sun, and moon. And now you can see if you look at this evolutionarily, you can see why the Soul (Pluto) was picking Mercury in whatever house, sign and aspect. That's the kind of intellectual structure, meaning how I am going to intellectually organize in rational ways. That is how I explain to myself what my life experience is about, which is ultimately reflecting its evolutionary intention. This is how I give the intellectual super structure to this process. So I create an intellectual structure that creates rational thinking within me that creates an explanation and justification, which I then communicate to other people. This is why you have your specific house and sign of any given Mercury. You understand the point?

You see, life is either random, or it is in fact some sort of inherent order, you see? And if we look at it this way, we are looking at life and astrology non-judgmentally. This eliminates all the 19th century crap--exaltations, falls--it is irrelevant. We replace all this terminology with two words: what is. This is why you can have your Mercury in whatever house or sign. It is the way that you need to put it together and understand it intellectually through your left brain. Mercury in astrology specifically relates to the left brain.

Audience: What if Mercury is like right on a house cusp?

Jeffrey: Again, if you always use your ultimate perspective to understand the chart and then use an evolutionary perspective--transitions between past, present, future--then you can answer your own question. Any planet on the cusp is going to correlate evolutionarily either to culmination, meaning the planet just before a given house, or if it is just within that house something has already culminated and a brand new cycle of evolutionary development is now proceeding. So if Mercury happens to be the operative symbol it is simple going to mean a soul who is deciding to think, in this life, in altogether radically different ways than it has ever thought before.

Ok, next step in our Virgo sequence. Venus, of course, is going to correlate specifically to the nature of the value associations that you make for yourself. Values equal a sense of meaning that you are giving to your life. How many people on earth do you think can live without a sense of meaning? The sense of meaning in life, archetypically through astrology, is specific to Venus. Meaning is specific to that which you value. That which you value is in its own way conditioning or contributing to what you decide to believe. Understand my point?

So the Soul in any given life must orientate to a specific type of value associations that provide a specific sense of meaning. That now is specifically linked with the evolutionary intentions for the life itself. So here we determine and can see from the point of view of Soul/Pluto why Venus is in this house, and in this sign, making those aspects. Understand now?

The next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Mars. Some of you have learned in your happy books that Mars is a lower octave of Pluto. And if you have heard this, ask yourself the following question: What is a lower octave of something? See, here is a happy example of cultures like this where we can understand words, but we don't really know what they mean. A lower octave is simply a denser vibration of something. So why then is Mars a lower octave? The answer is straightforward; again the essence of the Soul’s evolution is based on desire. Mars in our subjective consciousness simply instinctually reflects and acts out desires emanating from the Soul itself. This is why you read in the happy books about Aries and Mars and the necessity of freedom. The Soul must have the necessary element, or level, of freedom in this life to initiate experiences that the Soul deems necessary relative to its evolutionary requirements and intentions, understand?

How that is done is specific to the house and sign and aspects that Mars is making. Got it? And this is why the necessity of freedom. That is also going to be correlating, by the way, to the necessary kind of sexual experiences. Sexual experiences are like any other experience of life in which the Soul learns about itself. Remember that sexual desires emanate specifically from the point of view of the primary brain. The primary brain in astrology correlates with Pluto, Mars and Moon. We have to understand that the primary brain in and of itself is unconditioned. It is specific to that which is called natural law. This sets in motion its own potential conflicts and collisions of what we call Will (Mars/Pluto). Meaning, the will of a normal society that is telling you what is right and wrong. What if the kind of sexual desires you have do not conform to your morality telling you this is right and that is wrong? Do you understand what potential conflicts are happening?

From a patriarchal point of view, linked with the primary brain, this is going to have the archetype that Thomas Moore called Dark Eros. The dark can only be linked, or applied, from the point of view of patriarchal judgment, understand my point? The only time any sexual desire is wrong is when it is linked with an intent to consciously hurt someone, anything other than what is normal and natural.

Most of you are familiar--most of you are old enough to remember--a series of books written, I think, in the late seventies or early eighties by a woman named Nancy Friday--Women's sexual fantasies, Men's sexual fantasies. So often you would hear in those books: Well I can have this in my fantasy, but I would never act it out. Now you understand this issue, don't you?

So Mars is simply the conscious component that instinctually registers the desires emanating from the unconscious life, Soul. Desires that are specific to the evolutionary needs and requirements of the Soul itself. It requires the necessary freedom in order to act out.

So we are still clear on the sequence? You are still trying to apply this to your chart? How many are starting to see your chart in a new way? Good. My point is that if you get used to doing it for yourself, well, guess what? You can do for your clients. Maybe you are beginning to see what this is finally going to lead to, the Piscean leap, called inductive logic, when you see it all at once. I mean you will get to the point where you don't have to spend three hours studying the chart before the client comes, and then you can do it instantly. So, any questions before we move on? Clear enough? Good.

Next step Jupiter. Following the sequence you can now logically see through your Virgo logic how Jupiter specifically is going to correlate with the types of belief structures that you need to draw upon in order to rationally explain, through your belief structure, the entire process we have described so far. Keeping in mind the nature of belief systems determines how you are interpreting the nature of phenomenal reality. How you are interpreting this reality comes right back to Mercury, how you are communicating it. From the point of view of brain, of consciousness, Jupiter specifically correlates to your right brain, the intuitive, the non-linear, the image based. There is that exact place in your consciousness that makes you aware, again, that we are connected to something much larger than just the earth.

So in effect, from an evolutionary point of view, why are we going to have Jupiter in this house, this sign, and making these aspects? It is the type of belief structure the Soul requires, without judgment, in order to facilitate the entire process of its evolutionary journey and intentions we are describing to this point. Got it?

As an example, do you think that a Soul that decided to have Jupiter in Aries is going to happily conform to a Capricorn version of reality? Why not? What is the evolutionary intent of having Jupiter in Aries? You see my point now? I mean they are trying to strike out on their own to think and understand and conceive for themselves. The phenomenon of conception, abstraction, to make abstract, is a Jupiter process.

It is one of the wonderful things about the great Yogananda. This man happened to have Jupiter in Aries and despite Vedantic tradition, which is essentially patriarchal, the essence of his teachings was all defined around the Divine Mother, not the Divine Father.

So, the next step in our happy Virgo sequence is Saturn. Here I am going to share a secret with you about Saturn that you are not going to read in any of your happy books. Saturn is the very structural nature of consciousness in general. One of the essential functions of Saturn is to provide a conditioning function. So for example, what if an individual happens to have Saturn in Leo? That means the entire structural definition of that consciousness is defined around a Leonean archetype. And that then means that every other astrological function, Venus, Mercury, Mars, Pluto, etc. is defined and conditioned by, in this case, the Leonean archetype--meaning the principle, the self-creative principle, the inner given right for creative self-actualization.

Understand this issue? For example, what do you typically read in your happy cookbook when Saturn is squaring Venus? Let's put Saturn in Leo and Venus in Scorpio. The typical cookbook interpretation will tell you what? That this individual will attempt to dominate and control and limit (Scorpio) the creative development of its partner relative to existing inner insecurity. This is wrong. The structural consciousness is defined by Saturn in Leo, so this then means (and to show you the opposite) that this individual is giving itself the right to creatively actualize itself in any way it deems necessary and will necessary have conflict with (Venus in Scorpio) partners who are so insecure that they are trying to undermine its creative self development. The Saturn in Leo defining the structural nature of that consciousness will then mean what? A desire to have partners that were doing the same thing.

So you can see the weakness in these stupid cookbooks, because it never made the leap that Saturn is the defining principle in the structural nature of consciousness itself, which is conditioning every other function in that consciousness. Do you see my point now? So, from a point of view of evolution, the happy sequence we have developed we now understand the structural nature of the consciousness that the Soul is creating to facilitate its evolutionary lessons, requirements and intentions.


Audience: You are saying that Saturn is the overall structure given to things, the Sun then is more like how we sense things because I was looking at the Sun….

Jeffrey: Sensing is a Venus principle.

Audience: Well, you are saying it correlates to how we integrate our current life experiences. Is integrating, which you are associating with the Sun, different from structuring, which you are associating with Saturn?

Jeffrey: Yes.

Audience: Can you explain that?

Jeffrey: This is a structure (Saturn). How we give purpose and meaning to the structure is the Sun.

Audience: Okay.

Jeffrey: Yes?

Audience: (Looking at a chart) Why do we have Mercury or Venus before we do, for instance, Saturn or Jupiter?

Jeffrey: I just explained that. That's why I am trying to go through this sequence very slowly. And it is a very deliberate sequence, one thing leading to the next thing. This is intentional to create cohesion, deductive analysis, not jumping around.

Jeffrey: Another Question? Yes?

Audience: With Saturn retrograde……… inaudible…..

Jeffrey: Completely. How would you like to examine that? Saturn retrograde has a very simple meaning; it is a structure of consciousness that is forever redefining and restructuring itself.

The problem with Saturn as an archetype intrinsically--this is what you read in the happy books—is the potentiality of crystallization. You have to remember everything is operating through polarity. What is the polarity of Capricorn, i.e. Saturn? It is the moon and Cancer; it comes right back to security issues. Particularly as we emotionally mature and get older most people start to want to not grow anymore. They want to have their Winnebago and their patio tools, “Oh, I am comfortable now I am not growing anymore.” There is a typical example of crystallization linked with security.

If you happen to have Saturn retrograde, you have a structural nature of consciousness that is always restless and will never reach a point in time that says, “Aha! That's it.” It wants to forever redefine itself relative to the evolutionary impulse to evolve and to grow.

Audience: How does that relate to all the other planets?

Jeffrey: Then it will have an oblique retrograde function to all the other planetary functions, not direct, oblique. Understand? Direct is like this, oblique is like this. So if I had Saturn retrograde it is having an oblique function to every other planetary function. It doesn't even have to be necessary in a direct aspect. We are talking about the structural nature of consciousness that is defining every other function. This is not something you read in some book, but it turns out to be actual reality. I have counseled over 15,000 clients. The essence of astrology is observation and correlation, and I am sharing with you the results of correlation and observation of over 15,000 clients all over the planet, not just America. Yes ma'm?

Audience: So actually having a retrograde planet might not be a negative thing at all?…(Inaudible)……

Jeffrey: It is not negative or positive. It simply is what it is. A retrograde archetype accelerates growth relative to the Jungian idea of individuation. Think about the symbol (Rx) to rebel, understand my point? To rebel against what? The status quo expectation of how the function defined by retrograde is meant to operate. And by having a rebellion function we have an individuation function, which is accelerating the growth of individuation or evolution through the function that is retrograde.

Karmically and evolutionary we also have Rx--the need to repeat, or relive something from prior lives that was (retrograde) not resolved. This can create its own kind of frustration. What if I have Venues retrograde in Scorpio linked with my relationship formation? And I have this need to repeat and relive x amount of intimate liaisons--karmically and evolutionary dictated--and I am now in a fixed pattern of Scorpio. Meaning all my relationship dynamics, despite my intellectual intention to change it, are fated to be repeated. Is this not going to create some potential frustration with our partner? Meaning the psychology of no matter what I do, I keep re-attracting the same thing. You see my point? These are things you don't read in the happy books.

Audience: So how do you bring that to an end? How do you stop?

Jeffrey: It is stopped once it is completed. It is completed when you finally see the retrograde symbol going to direct through progression, and not until.

Audience: What about when by progression a planet goes retrograde?

Jeffrey: Then you have entered a timeframe where you are repeating something from the past and/or redefining your overall reality in general, through individuation

Okay, so now we move into ever-understandable Uranus. From the point of view of Saturn, Saturn is going to describe--for most people--the interfacing between what we are consciously aware of, meaning our subjective consciousness or what we call personality, and the unconscious. It is that natural boundary, or barrier, or threshold. And for most people this is necessary because it goes right back to the idea of the moon, the anchor in the sea, which creates stability. This is also why, by the way, that most people do not have spontaneous natural access to their prior life memories. The point is that if most people had access to their prior life memories, those prior life memories, which are contained by Uranus, would overwhelm the current sense of reality (Saturn) in such a way it would become so consumed (Pluto) with what happened or didn't happen, what went right, what went wrong, we would not get on with the business of this life. That's why there is a necessary boundary (Saturn) that prevents this awareness. It can only really truly open to the Soul who begins it natural process of evolution back to the Source itself in an active conscious way. Understand my point?

So, Uranus correlates in Jungian terminology to what is called the individuated unconscious, or in Freudian terminology to the subconscious. In either case, I don't care about your the terminology, the Uranian element of your consciousness contains three components. You have learned, as an example, that it is a higher octave of Mercury. Mercury correlates with short-term memory. Uranus correlates with long-term memory. This also includes the long-term memories of other lifetimes. Just look at it logically. How many of you can remember in total detail what you did three days ago? Where did those memories go? Aaa, now we are looking at Uranus. So one dimension of Uranus correlates with where all the prior life memories that you have that are contributing to the current life are stored.

It also correlates to the component of our unconscious, dynamics that Saturn represses: dynamics in ourselves that we are having a problem accepting and, therefore, suppressing. This can also include the nature of trauma that is not resolved and is stuck into the subconscious. And Uranus also correlates to--connects to--what we can call the larger blueprint for the Soul’s evolutionary future. This is why we have the principal of liberation. To liberate from what? Saturn, the existing conditions of our life that can equal what we can euphemistically call our own personal status quo. That equals our own sense of security (moon) equaling the anchor in the sea that has been crystallized. So in effect, Uranus is always knocking on Saturn's door. When you go through an act of a Uranian transit, through linkage, the symbolism is very basic. That's what we call the hand grenade in a steel box. The steel box is your Saturn; the hand grenade is your Uranus. In the last analysis the hand grenade will prevail.

As an example, if I make a bomb go off right here, obviously everything is flying about, goes up into the air, fractured. Through the natural laws of returning (gravity), it is meant to come back to the earth, but it comes back in a new way. And that is really the function of Uranus. To remove whatever binding forces in our reality that are preventing necessary evolutionary growth. So whatever house and sign your Uranus is in and the aspects it is making, this is showing you how your own personal liberation in your own Saturnian conditions of your life is necessarily and naturally meant to occur.

It will also tell you, graphically, what kind of subconscious or unconscious memories the individual has, linked with their own prior life times, which is subconsciously conditioning their approach to their current life. This is where you can play astrological detective yet again. It can also show you the potential of unresolved karma as occurred and still may be operating subconsciously in such a way as to influence the behavior of the current life.

Now we come to the end of our Virgo sequence, and you can see now we come almost back to Pluto, meaning Neptune. And, of course, Neptune from a patriarchal point of view is called the archetype of transcendence. From the point of view of natural law, it is called the archetype of unity. The patriarchy teaches you that there is something to transcend, which itself is roughly the same as the delusive patriarchal idea that there is a natural conflict between spirit and flesh. That is why you have the word transcendence. This is utter B.S. An obsolete opinion invented by men to subjugate women. Through natural law the correct word of Neptune is union: to unite with the totality of creation, not to transcend it. And it is through absolute union that a natural expansion of consciousness occurs. There is nothing to transcend. And there is nothing to redeem. Despite what you’ve read in the happy books. That is reinforcing the patriarchy.

The issue here is that Neptune specifically correlates to the phenomenon of consciousness, in total, every one. Consciousness is very analogous to water. Water in and of itself has no form. Consciousness permeates and is the essence of creation. If I put water into this cup, then the consciousness in that water assumes the shape, form and function of the cup. If I put water /consciousness in human form, it is assuming the function and form of this body. If I put it in this plant, this animal etc., etc. Form and function is inherently limited--inherently limited,which is why you have read in your astrology books the need to go beyond the perception and experience of limitation. This is the inner action between Pisces and Scorpio.

Now, to make it very graphic to you, you all have consciousness, and it is all right now in a human body. And I will show you right away the limitation of consciousness in human form. Ready? What created God? You have just reached your limit, which exactly gives rise ultimately to the desire in all Souls to reunite with the source of all things, meaning to dissolve (Neptune) the apparent extinction of the separating form and to realize through union how the appearance of all manifested form is rooted in the original creation point. For you to do this naturally--for you to do this naturally--determine the house and sign of your Neptune and the aspects it is making. This is your own natural way, not according to any book or any teacher, understand the point? So has this now made a little bit of sense to you this morning? Any last questions? God Bless you and thank you for coming.

« Last Edit: Feb 19, 2013, 09:43 AM by Rad » Logged

RadModeratorMost Active Member

Posts: 25759

Re: JWG'S Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation ...« Reply #12 on: Feb 21, 2013, 11:11 AM »

Hi Group,

I am now going to post an example chart that we can begin with. When you look at this chart I would like you at first to focus on the the evolutionary paradigm: natal Pluto, it's polarity point, the S.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler, and the N.Node and the location of it's planetary ruler. In our chart example we will analyze it from the point of view of the Soul being well within the 3rd individuated evolutionary state, a male in gender, a born in England to give it the necessary cultural context.

So as we begin our journey with the Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation I would like you to start with a succinct analysis of this charts Pluto, it's polarity point, the S/N Nodes and the location of their planetary rulers. This will then serve as the foundation upon which we will start to add the other planets one by one.

If you have any questions ask them of me now.

Today I had (for the first time) some sort of anxiety attack. My brother told me, that even though the symptones were not the exact same as for him, that what I had was an panic stress attack, which actually makes sense because I have felt extremely pressured lately. It felt like my chest was involuting itself repeteadly for about 10 seconds and the resulting schock to my system lasted for about 90 minutes (mostly like a feeling of feeling very weak and a litle bit dissy). I will try to participate, but just wanted you to know Rad that I might not be able to post anything at this time.luto in Pisces 3rdSN in Taurus 5th (ruler Venus in Aries 3rd)NN in Scorpio 11th (ruler Pluto)

BackgroundPluto was in Pisces from approx 1800 - 1824. Thus this soul has been born into a

generation when Britain became the world's first industrial society. It also became the first urban society. By 1851 more than half the population lived in towns, and the population was rapidly rising. In the early 19th century Britain was ruled by an elite. Only a small minority of men (and no women) were allowed to vote and at least 80% of the population was working class. Families were much larger than today, partly because infant mortality was high.

Organised religion was much more important in the 19th century than it is today. During the early 19th century religious revival continued. The Church of England regained its energy and many new churches were built. In the 19th century the 'modern' Christmas evolved (before then Christmas wasn't especially important. It was one of only many festivals celebrated during the year). All the same during the 19th century many poor workers had little or no contact with the church. In 1865 William and Catherine Booth founded a new movement to reach the poor and fight a 'war' against poverty. In 1878 it was named the Salvation Army.

During the 19th century the factory system gradually replaced the system of people working in their own homes or in small workshops. In England the textile industry was the first to be transformed which caused a great deal of suffering to poor people. The Industrial Revolution created a huge demand for female and child labour. Conditions in coalmines were often terrible & children as young as 5 worked underground.

Conditions in early 19th century towns were often dreadful - dirty, unsanitary and overcrowded. The worst thing about poverty in the 19th century was the callous attitude of many people. Many of them believed in 'self-help'. That is, they thought society should be comprised of exclusively self-reliant members who never needed help from anyone else. They also believed that anyone could become successful through sheer hard work and thrift. Logically that meant that if you were poor it was entirely your fault, regardless of natural occuring hardship or suffering caused by exploitation. Many people in the 19th century (not all) felt that the poor were to blame for their own poverty. At the end of the 19th century more than 25% of the population was living at or below subsistence level. If you had no income at all you had to enter the workhouse. The workhouses were feared and hated by the poor. They were meant to be as unpleasant as possible to deter poor people from asking the state for help. Before the 20th century dire poverty was accepted as a fact of life.

The well-off lived in very comfortable houses in the 1800s, skilled workers lived in humble houses, and the poor lived in dormitory type shacks or cellars. Until medicine and surgery made great advances in the later half of the 19th century, disease and illness were a constant threat. In the 1830's there were large outbreaks of infectious diseases such as cholera and typhus. Life expectancy was 17 years for a worker, 38 years for a professional/craftsperson/farmer, and 52 years for someone from the higher class. The average in 1810 was 20 years, so our native may not have lived very long.

Strict moral values involving modesty and gender roles were developed. Advances in railways and postal services joined communites into larger social networks, uniting all of England.

The manifestation of Pluto in PIsces on a generational level was varied, but centered around unifying concepts, vivid and expansive artistic and practical

imagination. While Pluto passed through Pisces tremendous cultural and artistic change occurred in Britain & Europe. This was a period of great flowering in the Arts when the Romantic Movement took place. Revolutionary artists expressed a departure from old romantic and medieval forms to accelerate a cultural and artistic consciousness. There were generally also transformations through large social and collective movements in industry, science and government, with big strides made in humanistic viewpoints resulting in firstly mass expoitation, then gradually compassionate changes and social protections for the vulnerable and downtrodden.

Thus through romantic, idealistic, imaginative, compassionate, creative and unifying endeavours Pluto in Pisces individuals helped bring (relatively) more wholeness into society .... e.g. Victor Hugo, Edgar Allan Poe, Byron, Shelley and Keats (all romantic poets) ,Chopin, Richard Wagner, Beethoven (romantic composers), Constable (romantic painter), Fyodor Dostoyevsky (humanist/existentialist), Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, Emily Brontë (playwrights, novelists), Florence Nightingale (nurse), Louis Vuitton (fashion designer), Louis Pasteur, Charles Darwin, Galileo Galilei (scientists), Henry David Thoreau (justice campaigner), Abraham Lincoln (president).

AnalysisIt largely depends on what social class or station this Soul was born into to determine how he would have reacted to his environment and expressed himself. However generically speaking we know he will probably share with his generation an appreciation for art in some form, an imaginative approach to life in general, and a deep and most likely unconscious urge for wholeness. Along with this possibilties for lonliness and escapism (eg through alcohol, fantasy), deceitful/cowardly actions, victimisation and self defeating behaviour (Pluto in PIsces). Being 3rd individuated he may also have felt to align himself with a more innovative form of religion than the standard Christianity of the times, finding it boring, and focused instead on something like the Salvation Army.

Pluto in PIsces may have made people of the times somewhat obessive about their beliefs, which they would have clung to in order to feel some kind of deep self definition or identity. In this Soul's case that would have been doubly reinforced due to Pluto being in the 3rd house. The bottom line for this individual (as far as emotional security went) would have been his ideas, concepts and mental structures - creating them and ordering them, and then referring to them. Due to the mutable nature of the 3rd house there would be a ever restless attraction for experiences of a varied and diverse nature to keep creating the material to add to his current point of view at any point in time. Doing so would ensure his perception of and feeling of security - which would be based in logically understanding his environment and his relationship to it, and his relationships with family, friends and others he dealt with on a regular basis.

At certain times however he would cyclically feel repelled by these new experience regardless of what they were eg. conversations, relating, outings, reading/writing etc. because the new information it would create that he would need to process would sooner or later undermine the current stability of his ideas and the connections between them, threatening his security. At these times he would need to let go and start trusting in nature, and allow his mind to function from the right hemisphere instead of the left i.e to let go of his painstakingly created view of reality, and simply see reality for what it was - i.e intuitively see

the truth of the matter (PPP in 9th). He would be able to do that by letting his ability for emotional objectification balance his thinking process (NN Scorpio 11th, NN ruler Pluto in 3rd).

His ideas however would have been very creative in nature (SN 5th) and he probably earnt a living from them (SN Taurus). His instinctive way of expressing these ideas, probably through writing, would have appealed because of its originality (Venus Ar 3rd). He would have been an independant person who decided what was valuable and important by thinking for himself (Venus Ar 3rd). However, he would be inclined to be constantly organising his observations (Pluto 3rd), of which there would be a constant supply (Venus, SN ruler in 3rd). Given his PPP being in the 9th he would be interested in natural subjects and activities in life, and probably preferred to be outside on a regular basis. He would tend to be a very inquisitive and curious person (Pluto 3rd, SN 5th, SN ruler in 3rd) and a good learner, maybe even a scholar. But his interests in the current life would be drawn to things that gave him a sense of power, that were hidden or needed to be investigated (NN Scorpio), and examined (NN ruler and SN ruler both in 3rd) with an eye to understanding them better (NN Scorpio, PPP in 9th) and finally classifying his perceptions (Pluto Pisces in 3rd) to cement (PPP in Virgo) his new understandings (PPP in 9th).

This person would have have had an extremely activated and highly creative mind (Pluto in 3rd, SN in 5th, SN ruler in 3rd, NN in 11th, PPP in Virgo in 9th) with a powerful subconscious feeling nature (Pluto in Pisces, NN in Scorpio). Because they were well into the Individuated state they would have inevitably wanted to use this mind somehow to better society, it would have been to them a way of expressing (SN 5th) their uniqueness (NN in 11th), and transforming (NN Scorpio) the constant observations and ideas they experienced (Pluto Pisces 3rd, SN ruler 3rd) into higher knowledge (PPP 9th) for the betterment of society (PPP in Virgo). He'd instinctively want to do this in his own way (SN ruler Venus in Aries), by listening to his own ideas (SN in Taurus, ruler in 3rd). With the septile between Pluto and the SN he'd have been born knowing he had a special destiny to fulfill, and with SN in the 5th he would have tried many different things until he discovered what it was. It was always something that had the potential to affect society strongly (NN in 11th in Scorpio), that perhaps would creatively (SN in 5th) change the relationship (Pluto 3rd) between social understanding and nature in some way (PPP in Virgo in 9th).

With Pluto trine his PPP With SN trine his PPP (and Uranus which conjuncts his NN also sextile it) he would have somehow already had a taste of this potential in previous lives, and be born with a strong desire to "get on with his life". Yet with Venus in Aries (SN ruler) gibbous inconjunct the NN in 11th there would have been difficulties, at least initially in his life, in identifying just what this work actually was, or how to go about it. However being 3rd individuated, with Pluto trine NN, and Pluto being the ruler of the NN, plus the NN septile PPP, he would have felt he was born to do this work and that it was very special in some way, and assuming he was able to listen to what others had to teach him (SN ruler Venus in 3rd) he would have been led by others more powerful or better placed than he was (NN in 11th in Scorpio) to his special destiny.

This was his potential anyway. However it would have depended on what social conditions he was born into. Due to his being an advanced 3rd individuated Soul he probably would have chosen a family with social influence and means, but this

is pure speculation. If he was born into the 80% that were in the working class he wouldn't have had a chance, and his destiny would have played out in small daily matters that were probably of little consequence.

Thankyou for this wonderful opportunity to practise and learn with you.Pluto in Pisces in the 3rd House

With Pluto in the 3rd in Pisces, this is a soul with a wild and vivid imagination, one who has experimented with various thoughts and ideas over time and who has collected vast combinations of information for lifetimes that his mind is now putting together in his final chapter of this series in his Soul book, ruler of his 3rd house Pluto in Pisces is Neptune in Sag in the 12th balsalmic to Saturn whose mind in ways transcends usual limits and who is able to travel to far away dimensions with his thoughts, where there are no borders or boundaries. He would find comfort and security in these inner travels as the ongoing mystery sent him searching for answers to some of life’s biggest questions. He would have been a Soul who would forever be asking questions such as, “Why life, why death, why this way and not that?” He would question pre-exiting beliefs and would have an investigative nature, challenging conventional thought. He would want to know how the WHOLE of the NATURAL world connected, Pluto in Pisces in the 3rd, ruler Neptune in Sag in the 12th. He is a Soul who would always be searching and seeking answers to the bigger picture questions and have a spiritual/cosmological focus or bent with respect to his inner ponderings with Pluto being in Pisces, also New Phase conjunct Jupiter in Pisces as well as being balsalmic to Mercury in Pisces. He had a natural need to explore many avenues, to consider all things before coming up with his bottom line blue print. He was a natural Philosopher, Pluto in the 3rd in Pisces conjunct Jupiter, ruler Neptune in Sag in the 12th conjunct Saturn in Sag.

He would make for a wonderful storyteller, a Soul who is naturally idealistic and hopeful and who perhaps at a younger age might exaggerate or fabricate the truth in his storytelling in order to stimulate interest and intrigue. The man Jesus had a stellium in Pisces in the 3rd, obviously at a different stage of evolution, but he was known to speak in parables and metaphors, he would speak in ways that dissolved the limits of words, where there were no lines or limitations within where the meaning of his message could be found. The emotional, spiritual and cosmological message in his teachings went far beyond what the mind could access to the point of penetrating other systems allowing for a greater understanding to permeate the consciousness. I feel this Soul would have had similar capacities to grasp concepts and realms of awareness, and to integrate his own understanding of the larger dimensions and intricacies in life and it was this life and this stage of his evolution which brought him to a key evolutionary gate, well into the 3rd stage individuated where he would need to take what he has observed and proven for himself and convince the world at large.

South Node in Taurus in the 5th, ruler Venus in Aries in the 3rd

Fortunately for him, he was born into a family, South Node in Taurus in the 5th, who had the resources and the financial wherewithal to allow him the freedom to actualize his ideas. He would have had the luxury for formal education and for whatever he needed to explore his intellectual instinct. The discoveries that this Soul may have had would have been linked in some way to land, and land

formations, landscapes and life on earth as we know it, someone who studies our literal survival, South node in Taurus, and with the North Node in Scorpio in the 11th, this literally translates into the scientist studying the evolution of our species. He would have far reaching potential to share this information and findings with others and also to become well known and ultimately famous for his research. Pluto in the 3rd in Pisces, ruler Neptune in Sag balsalmic to Saturn in Pisces in the 12th. Also South Node in the 5th in combination connects with being well known and fame.

His Soul’s greatest hurdle would be experienced when addressing his own fixed beliefs perhaps due to being spoon fed via certain religions from the past, South Node in Taurus in the 5th inconjunct his Neptune and Saturn balsalmic in Sag in the 12th house. He may have initiated some of these intellectual uncoverings in the past and could have been locked up for it or labeled crazy. There very well may have been harsh persecution and punishment for something he could see and very well prove but others simply did not have capacity to grasp for themselves or because his beliefs and findings challenged a world of security for consensus thinkers. Pluto in the 3rd, ruler Neptune in Sag in the 12th balsalmic conjunction to Saturn, it went far beyond where they felt it safe to go. Because of having lifetimes where he attempted to bring this forward and being locked up for it or silenced, Mercury in Pisces balsmalmic to Pluto square Neptune and Saturn in the 12th in Sag. He would have hidden from his truth, perhaps even hidden withing the church, or denied these truths in certain lives in order for his own survival to be allowed. He must now access the courage to bring this forward and to confront mainstream society once his observations were put in writing, regardless of the consequences. The ruler of his South Node in Taurus is Venus in Aries in the 3rd and is conjunct his North Node of Venus as well as his North Node of Mars, the courage to speak and to write the truth of what he has discovered and is inconjunct the North Node and Uranus in Scorpio, ruler Pluto in the 3rd in Pisces. You can see this old fear for his family’s survival as a result of patriarchal out lash of what he might spearhead, publish or pursue with the South Node in Taurus in the 5th inconjunct Saturn/Neptune in the 12th, with the ruler of South Node, Venus in Aries in the 3rd, the ruler Mars is in Libra in the 10th and squares a second house moon in Cap.

Being that he was born during a time in England when the thrust of church and organized religion was paramount for society’s sense of stability, he no doubt would have been heavily influenced by the traditions of the church for lifetimes well before this as well seen with the ruler of his Pluto in Pisces, Neptune, balasmic to Saturn in his 12th house. He may have even had lifetimes in the church as a clergyman or priest, studying various religious texts to prepare him for this life. His South Node in Taurus suggests monastic lives possibly also lifetimes as a monk, South Node in Taurus in the 5th, ruler Venus in Aries in the 3rd. The monk past may also be seen with Aries on the 5th house cusp where his South Node sits, ruler Mars in Libra in the 10th squaring a second house Moon in Cap. Also Pluto in the 3rd in Pisces, balsamic to Mercury in Pisces, ruler Neptune balsalmic to Saturn in the 12th. Certainly he would be born through a family where religion was deeply embedded seen in some of those same signatures. He would naturally have spiritual stirrings with Pluto in Pisces in the 3rd ruler Neptune in Sag in the 12th but his Soul’s mission would be to challenge consensus religion and the limits within this mind set. Also this disillusionment of the idea of a perfect God that he would personally experience as a result of his research and practical proving, natural discoveries were made that would

challenge the texts written about this miracle maker. This evolutionary crossover from his spiritual intellect to following his natural intuition can be seen with Mercury balsalmic to Pluto in Pisces on one side and Jupiter New Phase to Pluto in Pisces on the other, in the 3rd house. This would be the life where this great leap would be made.

He is a Soul who is so far advanced intellectually that he would always feel like an outcast or an alien, always miles ahead of the current way of thinking which is seen with Uranus on the cusp of his 3rd house where Pluto sits but also the ruler Uranus, being conjunct the North Node in Scorpio in the 11th house. But what he has always inwardly known and has to come to terms with through his own observations of natural law is that God has written the truth within these laws of nature. Pluto in the 3rd, ruler Neptune in Sag making a balsalmic conjunction to Saturn in Sag, truths that do not require beliefs, there was proof in the observations. Aquarius on the 3rd house cusp where Pluto resides, ruler Uranus in Scorpio conjunct the North Node in the 11th. Whereby this life he would need to confront these perceived limits in himself and then be a voice, as in a Messenger for others so they too can confront their own limits, and extend beyond where they have been, to consider something that may at first appear radical and even outrageous. Again, Aquarius sits on his 3rd house cusp where Pluto in Pisces resides, the ruler Uranus in conjunct his NN in Scorpio. His work had the potential to be that light of understanding for others, so they can then move forward in their life with clarity versus staying deep in the dark of denial.

This life would demand that he confront certain ideals that are linked with his prior understanding of God and he would ultimately become terribly disillusioned by this hope when coming to terms with the reality that life for the Soul does have limits, Pluto making a disseminating square to Saturn and Neptune in Sag and those true limits are experienced with the reality of death where no one can be saved by a miracle or their own imagination. It would require a certain sort of cataclysm or Soul shock to strip away any of his those lingering fixed clingings regarding his beliefs, South Node in Taurus in the 5th, North Node in Scorpio in the 11th conjunct Uranus, ruler of his 3rd house where Pluto resides. There is heartache shown in this chart linked with his children and their own survival seen with South Node in Taurus in the 5th, ruler Venus in Aries in the 3rd inconjunct the North Node and Uranus in Scorpio, Uranus, being the ruler of the house where Pluto sits as well as Venus, the ruler of his South node. This may have been caused due to weakened immune system. Pisces/Neptune and no amount of prayer or readily available miracle could save them. It was a time when viruses were mutating quickly and medicine had not reached the advanced stages to save the immuno- compromised. You can see with the 3rd house stellium that he also may have gotten swept away by the grief and been having hallucinations or visions of his dead child(ren)communicating with the other side. This life would have forced him to confront his darkness which equals his own limits and inability to save what he loved the most, to understand and to live the concept firsthand, the survival of the fittest.

This would be a life however where the traditional journey would end, Uranus, the ruler of his 3rd house cusp where Pluto resides is not only conjunct his North Node in Scorpio, it is STATION. Also Pluto in Pisces, ruler Neptune in Sag balsalmic to Saturn in Sag in the 12th.This Soul would go beyond what is written in formal texts such as the bible and bring a radically new yet natural ancient

teaching to this world. This seems as if it would create great inner torture as he undoubtedly tried this before and great trauma resulted. These traditional tests that once may have provided him great comfort and offered the same to most people of that time, yet he knew that whatever it was that he must bring forth could potentially shock the world, blowing them away, forcing all humans to bring analytical and cosmological attention to their own beliefs, to pull the rug out from underneath their own perceived sense of security.

Pluto Polarity in Virgo in the 9th, North Node in Scorpio in the 11th, ruler Pluto in the 3rd in Pisces

He desired to prove where the roof of religion stops and a vast new understanding of existence extends. His beliefs enforced others to look at themselves and to self examine what is broken in their belief structure with the Pluto Polarity Point being in Virgo in the 9th. This includes the need to eliminate all things that do not feel inherently true. This Soul in his life was in the process of eliminating all the gathered information and ideas that he may have learned and collected from other proclaimed thought leaders or books, that for him did not add up, he would purge and discard all that did not naturally feel true or contribute to his version of truth. He may have had a teacher, Jupiter in Pisces in the 3rd conjunct his Pluto, that he shared similar beliefs with yet needed to break away from and pioneer his own work. Venus, the ruler of the South Node in the 5th in Taurus, is in Aries in the 3rd and it trines his Neptune and Saturn in Sagittarius. Jupiter in Pisces is in a new phase to Venus in Aries, a teacher he may have known for lifetimes where they connected with similar ideas and beliefs, perhaps traveled the world together Jupiter in the 3rd, yet the connection culminating in this life so this Soul can speed off ahead, North Node in Scorpio in the 11th conjunct Uranus. He chanelled all he had come to understand and funneled into a body of work that was able to peirce through all the illusions and pre-conceived ideas of others in history, Pluto Polarity in Virgo in the 9th.

His discoveries however created great fear in him, in particular how they would be received and how it would effect his family, Pluto in Pisces in the 3rd, squaring ruler Neptune and Saturn in Sag in the 12th. Would he locked up or killed for it? Would the projections of patriarchal beliefs/thinking of the time destroy his family? Also this Saturn is the ruler of his 2nd house Moon in Cap which squares Mars in Libra. knowing that to the world this would be received as radical and outrageous to the typical mind. Aquarius on the 3rd house cusp where his Pluto in Pisces sits, ruler Uranus in Scorpio conjunct his North Node. This suggests the anxiety and stress that came with these observations of natural laws as part of the price paid for this intellectual giant who was able to synthesize this knowledge and bring something so succinctly and powerfully to the planet. Scorpio as an archetype instinctually wants to take everything in life to the extreme. To challenge any and all perceived limits and a Soul who never set limits for himself. This seen with the ruler of his 3rd house cusp, Uranus in Scorpio in the 11th, conjunct the North Node in Scorpio, remembering that Pluto is the ruler for Scorpio in the 3rd in Pisces this suggests this Soul has the capacity for his ideas to become revolutionary, to transcend and blow past anything anyone has ever conjured up. That even upon his death Scorpio, and for generations following, his model and ground breaking work will have a way of continuing to challenge consensus minds, pushing the limits of those who dared to look deeply for this truth themselves.

North Node in the 11th, especially in Scorpio, with Uranus conjunct this North Node, for a 3rd stage individuated this takes the Soul to a penetrating extreme and equals a Soul who has come here to remove whatever binding forces in our society that exist that are preventing necessary growth and evolution. As Jeffrey wrote so poignantly “Uranus is always knocking on Saturn’s door” and this Soul’s intention was to bust a Saturn door down that was holding a history of false beliefs. Disillusionment, as this Soul already found for himself, will one day be the experience of many who insist on clinging to rigid religious ways.

This Soul undoubtedly felt a weighing sense of duty and responsibility for all he had collected over lifetimes, Saturn balsalmic to Neptune, Pluto’s ruler, in the 12th that he must risk it all for these ideas and findings, ruler of his South Node in Taurus is Venus in Aries also conjunct his North Node of Venus as well as North Node of Mars, the ruler, and is inconjnuct his North Node and Uranus in Scorpio, to risk dying for these ideas. Pluto in the 3rd in Pisces, ruler Neptune in Sag making a balsalmic conjunction to Saturn in the 12th, this is the final curtain, truly a fated chart, North Node in Scorpio in the 11th conjunct stationary Uranus, ruler of the 3rd house cusp where Pluto resides. Also Neptune, the ruler of his Pluto is making a balasmic conjunctions to Saturn in the 12th in Sag to bring these observational teachings of natural law and order, these truths out into the known, a “freedom from the known” and the revelations of truth with proof, Scorpio, of science to substantiate these findings which can be witnessed and proven by all via natural observation, Uranus in Scorpio conjunct the North Node, ruler Pluto in Pisces in the 3rd conjunct Jupiter, ruler Neptune in Sag conjunct Saturn in Sag. His work brought and continues to bring the mental walls down, allowing for global transformation and the evolution of consciousness.

This Soul would die knowing his voyage here shook the world!

Peace,he Soul has been defined along many lifetimes by bottom-line desires to understand the nature of reality. This is skipped steps signature because of the Chiron square to the nodes, so both Pluto 3rd House and Pluto 9th House have been actualized in prior lifetimes, in ways which are not resolved or completed. The south node of Mercury is also square the nodes, with Mercury conjunct its own north node. So, the Soul has been flip-flopping between 3rd House Pisces and 9th House Virgo, ie. different approaches to understanding reality, different orientations to knowledge and truth, ie. linear thought or intuition, imagination and analysis. Same time, with the Nodal axis from houses 5th to 11th the Soul has been evolving its self-centered and subjective egocentric focus in order to gain objectivity in his quest for knowledge, which has created a need to confront all of its past illusions and errors, and to reformulate its prior understandings and overall approach to knowledge.

With natal Pluto being in the 3rd House in Pisces, the Soul has been defined along the 3rd stage individuated state by desires to understand everything, the total reality, from an intellectual, rational point of view. The Soul has desired to project itself to linearly understand the totality of life, to intellectually know the unknown. Thus, the individual has oriented to collect enormous amounts of information, facts, and observations from the environment. At the 3rd stage individuated, the individual would be a polymath, and with the south node being in Taurus, a naturalist or a physician, someone desiring to gather knowledge about nature (Taurus, 9th House, Virgo). The individual would be observing the immediate

environment and would also travel to distant places in search of information about the natural world. (this is the birth signature of Charles Darwin, who also was in this very evolutionary state). In more distant past-lifetimes, the individual has been prey of illusions and beliefs about the nature of things, including religion (Pisces 3d House and Virgo 9th House), which then triggered in more recent lives the desire and need to subject every illusion, belief, and concept, to factual deductive and analytic reasoning. The experience of past errors or mistakes, based on beliefs or illusions, has been devastating for the individual, because the individual has been fundamentally convinced of what it thought to be true. The individual felt deeply disillusioned of its own intellectual capacities and the acquired knowledge, because the individual was so identified with this knowledge, these beliefs and illusions, and with its own capacities, at an egocentric level (South Node in Taurus in the 5th House). Because the South Node is Taurus, with its ruler Venus being in Aries, and further the 5th House cusp being also in Aries, the sexual instinctive nature is strong, and the individual has created lies and illusions in the past in order to have its sexual needs met from a narcissistic and masturbatory point of view. Obtaining satisfaction of the sexual needs has been a confirmation of the own value, and dynamics of rivalry have existed with other males. The individual has used its intellectual powers in order to create illusions serving to attract women. So, there is a karma of lies linked with relationships (Venus inconjunct to North Node Scorpio) and an overall karma of using the intellect in devious ways, as a means to demonstrate or prove the validity of its own subjective point of view, dictated by narcissistic needs and desires, or to create whatever distortions of truth to serve these purposes (also Mercury 3rd House Pisces, ruler of the 7th House cusp, is Balsamic conjunct to Pluto; asteroid Kassandra is in Sagittarius squaring Pluto, and asteroid Achilles* is in the 5th House Taurus, conjunct the South Node). With Chiron being square the nodes, in the 2nd House Aquarius, relative to the South Node in Taurus, and the North Node in Scorpio in the 11th House conjunct Uranus, there are deep wounds and unresolved traumas in the Soul’s past, which are connected with survival of family members-children-and also the death of whole groups of people. The death of groups of people could have occurred in connection with plagues and contagious diseases, specially respiratory diseases (Chiron Aquarius, Uranus Scorpio conjunct North Node, Pluto polarity point in Virgo, the Pisces planets in the 3rd House). In these experiences the individual felt that it lacked the understanding and medical knowledge necessary to be of help, and its existing knowledge proved useless, inaccurate of irrelevant (in Darwin’s case, he postponed his studies in medicine for the sake of investigating in natural sciences, geology and biology; in an intermediate period he studied theology). Other dynamic relates to compensating the futility and meaninglessness created by the impact of the unknown, by intensifying the desires for external knowledge, translating in desires to travel to distant places, thus creating experiences of being away from home, and when coming back finding that a loved one, probably a child, had died: Virgo in the 9th House, Jupiter conjunct Pluto in Pisces, South Node in the 5th House square Chiron in the 2nd House, with the south node of Chiron in the 4th House Aries square the Moon in the 2nd House Capricorn, Ceres in Pisces conjunct Pluto and Mercury (the ruler of the Pluto polarity point; Neptune/Saturn 12th House are Sagittarius and are inconjunct the South Node. So, there is a pattern of guilt based on not having the knowledge needed to be of help to the group, combined with guilt for not being at home for his family because of the desires to expand the pre-existing knowledge. This type of traumas is confirmed by the Moon being conjunct asteroid Orpheus, and asteroid Proserpina being Rx in the 8th House at 3° Leo, conjunct Isis, both squaring the

nodes. Isis myth is about putting together knowledge, about loss and trauma in relationships creating fragmentation, and also relates to motherhood and to the death misteries. Proserpina is the roman Persephone connected to loss and grief in parenting and with Orpheus they are connected to loss in personal relationships and descent to the underworld. (Darwin experienced the devastating loss of a 10 years old daughter. Also his mother died when he was eight). A bottom-line intention of these experiences has been to liberate from the egocentric focus leading the way in this expansion, in order to allow for fundamental discovery to occur from within, versus external knowledge, and to allow being inwardly directed-Pisces, Taurus- in actualizing the individual’s role in connection with knowledge. Relative to the evolutionary state of the individual, the Uranus/North node conjunction in Scorpio in the 11th House, with Chiron in Aquarius square the nodes, and conjunct Eris, and asteroids Hidalgo and Icarus, all square the nodes, indicate socio-political past-life traumas linked with liberation desires and rebelliousness of groups, acting to reform society based on ideas and ideals.

A defense operating based on avoidance from the own dynamics and the own subjectivity, alienation and detachment, have perpetuated compensation of the inner suffering by maintaining a fixity of the egocentric structure and a purposefulness that is linked to discovering and disseminating intellectual, scientific and philosophical knowledge, in which the Soul has desired to be acknowledged as special and ‘superior’ for his intellectual capacities and the vastness of his knowledge (South Node in the 5th House, ruled by Venus in the 3rd House Aries). This egocentric focus of course has implied a limitation in the knowledge forms themselves, and in the developmental state of the senses, because of the competing nature of Leo with Taurus archetypes.

The individual has needed to listen to his heart, ie. to become closer to himself, in order to dissolve the egocentric obsession to create linear order within the perceived external phenomena, and the perpetual need to look for factual evidence supporting the pre-existing conceptions. Not listening to his heart would translate in heart problems such as palpitations, arrhythmia, angina, and in panic attacks, as in Darwin’s case: a consequence of running away from the inner pain and angst in face of the unknown within, the fear of having the own mental constructions dissolved.

Because of the fixity of the egocentric orientation limiting the cognitive dynamics, the individual has needed to create intense inner and outer confrontations of intellectual and philosophical nature. Basically, these have been confrontations with his own past ways of understanding reality or Nature, in some cases literally: his own theories as formulated in the past (3rd House Pluto being the Scorpio North Node ruler, and being septile the South Node). A problem has been that the individual has been too well equipped intellectually and has been able to win these confrontations (North Node Scorpio, Pluto in the 3rd House trine the South Node), this creating the need for a relative isolation for the individual’s own confrontation with self (South Node in Taurus, ruled by Venus in Aries, Moon in the 2nd House Capricorn, North Node in the 11th House-a group of one). This has implied a limitation for the evolution of thought and investigation (south node of Mercury in Capricorn 2nd House, square the nodes). The septile between the South Node and Pluto in the 3rd House suggests that he would also meet other individuals who would be more intellectually evolved and would provide key information or knowledge.

Along the process of course the individual would be delivering leading-edge scientific knowledge and theories contributing to the advance of human understanding of Nature. The point from an EA point of view is the limitations of these knowledge and theories themselves, in how they reflect or not the Soul’s inner experience, and how the individual is meant to evolve through and beyond the prior limitations. The trine between Pluto and the North Node demonstrates that the Soul is cooperating with the need for inner confrontations required in order to evolve these dynamics, equaling embracing the desires to change occurring, though, by means of these inner, intellectual and philosophical confrontations. And the outcome of this evolution would be observed in the same life of the individual. Some of the pre-existing limitations and resistance are based on the emphasis of deductive thought, versus inductive thought and intuition, translating into a relative difficulty to see the whole picture. The enormous amount of observations and details would be put together by means of linear thought, ie. trying to build a whole by means of parts, which is not possible in nature. Instead, parts can only make sense as parts of a whole. In Darwin’s theory of evolution, this is reflected in that evolution occurs through ‘natural selection’ of the fittest individuals, without being able to explain how variation of the species occurs, and how it occurs in specific directions (orthogenesis), which can only be observed from the point of view of the whole species, and beyond, and not in individuals only. However, Darwin was able to introduce later concepts about evolution from a wider perspective, even referring to co-evolution of species as in the famous case of the orchids and the wasps and moths. The idea of orthogenesis had to be discarded because it implied theology (Pluto Pisces in the 3rd House). Also, Darwin’s model based on natural selection allowing reproduction of the fittest, self instinctual gratification, and rivalry (an application of the own prior sexual/intellectual dynamics?). He dismissed Lamarck’s view on development of latent potential in individuals and transmission, which is not evolutionary from the point of view of the individuals alone, but which creates an expanded basis for mating from the point of view of the species. However, the very idea of sexual selection based on gratification and pleasure serves to expand the basis for sex as only manifesting an instinct to reproduce. His theory relates to gradual evolution, however, there is also evolution which is not gradual (this can reflect his own desires to have a stable reality, and a repression of the past traumas). He could not explain the phenomenon of transmission, even though he was about to discover genetics (North Node in Scorpio).

With the Pluto polarity point being in the 9th House, the individual has needed to embrace a holistic perspective, in order to perceive the whole first, and then allow the parts to fall naturally in their places. Because it is in Virgo, this has required the individual to discriminate and separate intuited truth from pre-existing beliefs and errors. This also implies accepting and allowing truth to be revealed gradually, to become step-by-step closer to truth, versus desiring to know the whole truth all at once. Thus, it implies embracing desires to purify the nature of the own desires in connection with knowledge, and to purge the egocentric orientation and illusions of possessing truth or knowledge. The North Node being in the 11th House correlates with the need to embrace a fundamental objectivity and detached capacity for observation, versus desiring to have prior theories confirmed, and a fundamental need to liberate from egocentrism. This also reflects the intention to learn from the thought forms of others as containing other parts of the whole truth, and the potential for dynamics of collaboration and team work versus needing to elaborate knowledge alone. It also reflects the need for experimentation (which Darwin did). Also implied is the need to develop tolerance for paradox. Specifically in Darwin’s case, the North Node in the 11th House in Scorpio reflects the potential to penetrate to deeper layers of phenomena in order to observe the evolutionary impulse operating at a molecular level, inside individuals and beyond individuals. This symbol reflecs the ongoing understanding of evolution as a collective phenomena, and at the level of multiplicities. Mentioned before the North Node being Scorpio reflects the need for inner and outer confrontations, with Pluto being in the 3rd House, with the thought forms delivered by the individual in the past, also, reflecting the need to still consider the relativity of the expanded understanding gained through the 9th House intuition, as an ultimate law of any knowledge form. The Scorpio North Node in the 11th House reflects too the need to objectify the nature of the Soul desires that are the basis for having reality arranged in whatever way, and for the existing associations of meaning and value (as an example, who are the ‘fittest’? .. why the need for rivalry as a basis for the theory?). In combination these dynamics allow for a perpetual evolution and adaptation of the knowledge forms the individual is able to deliver for social benefit, without needing to be egocentrically identified with the own specialness, thus allowing a liberation in which the individual can balance work time with time out, for a cultivation of relationship with self and Soul discovery, which would lead the individual into the Spiritual state. Within personal relationships and sexual dynamics, the individual needs to embrace a fundamental honesty and objective and analytic orientation to understand its own sexual needs and how they are met, and to embrace desires to experience sexuality at an emotional, Soul level, and not only as a biological function or a source of self-gratification. * Just noted that I took Achilles for Ulysses. Achilles is not related to lying.

« Last Edit: Feb 28, 2013, 10:54 AM by Gonzalo » Logged

RadModeratorMost Active Member

Posts: 25759

Re: JWG'S Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation ...« Reply #28 on: Feb 28, 2013, 09:53 AM »

Hi Gonzalo,

Thanks for your excellent and exhaustive EA work on the EA paradigm in this chart thus far. This is how EA is meant to be understood and practiced.

God Bless, Rad

A defense operating based on avoidance from the own dynamics and the own subjectivity, alienation and detachment, have perpetuated compensation of the inner suffering by maintaining a fixity of the egocentric structure and a purposefulness that is linked to discovering and disseminating intellectual, scientific and philosophical knowledge, in which the Soul has desired to be acknowledged as special and ‘superior’ for his intellectual capacities and the vastness of his knowledge (South Node in the 5th House, ruled by Venus in the 3rd House Aries). This egocentric focus of course has implied a limitation in the knowledge forms themselves, and in the developmental state of the senses, because of the competing nature of Leo with Taurus archetypes.

The individual has needed to listen to his heart, ie. to become closer to himself, in order to dissolve the egocentric obsession to create linear order within the perceived external phenomena, and the perpetual need to look for factual evidence supporting the pre-existing conceptions. Not listening to his heart would translate in heart problems such as palpitations, arrhythmia, angina, and in panic attacks, as in Darwin’s case: a consequence of running away from the inner pain and angst in face of the unknown within, the fear of having the own mental constructions dissolved.

Because of the fixity of the egocentric orientation limiting the cognitive dynamics, the individual has needed to create intense inner and outer confrontations of intellectual and philosophical nature. Basically, these have been confrontations with his own past ways of understanding reality or Nature, in some cases literally: his own theories as formulated in the past (3rd House Pluto being the Scorpio North Node ruler, and being septile the South Node). A problem has been that the individual has been too well equipped intellectually and has been able to win these confrontations (North Node Scorpio, Pluto in the 3rd House trine the South Node), this creating the need for a relative isolation for the individual’s own confrontation with self (South Node in Taurus, ruled by Venus in Aries, Moon in the 2nd House Capricorn, North Node in the 11th House-a group of one). This has implied a limitation for the evolution of thought and investigation (south node of Mercury in Capricorn 2nd House, square the nodes). The septile between the South Node and Pluto in the 3rd House suggests that he would also meet other individuals who would be more intellectually evolved and would provide key information or knowledge.

Along the process of course the individual would be delivering leading-edge scientific knowledge and theories contributing to the advance of human understanding of Nature. The point from an EA point of view is the limitations of these knowledge and theories themselves, in how they reflect or not the Soul’s inner experience, and how the individual is meant to evolve through and beyond the prior limitations. The trine between Pluto and the North Node demonstrates that the Soul is cooperating with the need for inner confrontations required in order to evolve these dynamics, equaling embracing the desires to change occurring, though, by means of these inner, intellectual and philosophical confrontations. And the outcome of this evolution would be observed in the same life of the individual. Some of the pre-existing limitations and resistance are based on the emphasis of deductive thought, versus inductive thought and intuition, translating into a relative difficulty to see the whole picture. The enormous amount of observations and details would be put together by means of linear thought, ie. trying to build a whole by means of parts, which is not possible in nature. Instead, parts can only make sense as parts of a whole. In Darwin’s theory of evolution, this is reflected in that evolution occurs through ‘natural selection’ of the fittest individuals, without being able to explain how variation of the species occurs, and how it occurs in specific directions (orthogenesis), which can only be observed from the point of view of the whole species, and beyond, and not in individuals only. However, Darwin was able to introduce later concepts about evolution from a wider perspective, even referring to co-evolution of species as in the famous case of the orchids and the wasps and moths. The idea of orthogenesis had to be discarded because it implied theology (Pluto Pisces in the 3rd House). Also, Darwin’s model based on natural selection allowing reproduction of the fittest, self instinctual gratification, and rivalry (an application of the own prior sexual/intellectual dynamics?). He dismissed Lamarck’s view on development of latent potential in individuals and transmission, which is not evolutionary from the point of view of the individuals alone, but which creates an expanded basis for mating from the point of view of the species. However, the very idea of sexual selection based on gratification and pleasure serves to expand the basis for sex as only manifesting an instinct to reproduce. His theory relates to gradual evolution, however, there is also evolution which is not gradual (this can reflect his own desires to have a stable reality, and a repression of the past traumas). He could not explain the phenomenon of transmission, even though he was about to discover genetics (North Node in Scorpio).

With the Pluto polarity point being in the 9th House, the individual has needed to embrace a holistic perspective, in order to perceive the whole first, and then allow the parts to fall naturally in their places. Because it is in Virgo, this has required the individual to discriminate and separate intuited truth from pre-existing beliefs and errors. This also implies accepting and allowing truth to be revealed gradually, to become step-by-step closer to truth, versus desiring to know the whole truth all at once. Thus, it implies embracing desires to purify the nature of the own desires in connection with knowledge, and to purge the egocentric orientation and illusions of possessing truth or knowledge. The North Node being in the 11th House correlates with the need to embrace a fundamental objectivity and detached capacity for observation, versus desiring to have prior theories confirmed, and a fundamental need to liberate from egocentrism. This also reflects the intention to learn from the thought forms of others as containing other parts of the whole truth, and the potential for dynamics of collaboration and team work versus needing to elaborate knowledge alone. It also reflects the need for experimentation (which Darwin did). Also implied is the need to develop tolerance for paradox. Specifically in Darwin’s case, the North Node in the 11th House in Scorpio reflects the potential to penetrate to deeper layers of phenomena in order to observe the evolutionary impulse operating at a molecular level, inside individuals and beyond individuals. This symbol reflecs the ongoing understanding of evolution as a collective phenomena, and at the level of multiplicities. Mentioned before the North Node being Scorpio reflects the need for inner and outer confrontations, with Pluto being in the 3rd House, with the thought forms delivered by the individual in the past, also, reflecting the need to still consider the relativity of the expanded understanding gained through the 9th House intuition, as an ultimate law of any knowledge form. The Scorpio North Node in the 11th House reflects too the need to objectify the nature of the Soul desires that are the basis for having reality arranged in whatever way, and for the existing associations of meaning and value (as an example, who are the ‘fittest’? .. why the need for rivalry as a basis for the theory?). In combination these dynamics allow for a perpetual evolution and adaptation of the knowledge forms the individual is able to deliver for social benefit, without needing to be egocentrically identified with the own specialness, thus allowing a liberation in which the individual can balance work time with time out, for a cultivation of relationship with self and Soul discovery, which would lead the individual into the Spiritual state. Within personal relationships and sexual dynamics, the individual needs to embrace a fundamental honesty and objective and analytic orientation to understand its own sexual needs and how they are met, and to embrace desires to experience sexuality at an emotional, Soul level, and not only as a biological function or a source of self-gratification. * Just noted that I took Achilles for Ulysses. Achilles is not related to lying.

« Last Edit: Feb 28, 2013, 10:54 AM by Gonzalo » Logged

RadModeratorMost Active Member

Posts: 25759

Re: JWG'S Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation ...« Reply #28 on: Feb 28, 2013, 09:53 AM »

Hi Gonzalo,

Thanks for your excellent and exhaustive EA work on the EA paradigm in this chart thus far. This is how EA is meant to be understood and practiced.

God Bless, Rad

A defense operating based on avoidance from the own dynamics and the own subjectivity, alienation and detachment, have perpetuated compensation of the inner suffering by maintaining a fixity of the egocentric structure and a purposefulness that is linked to discovering and disseminating intellectual, scientific and philosophical knowledge, in which the Soul has desired to be acknowledged as special and ‘superior’ for his intellectual capacities and the vastness of his knowledge (South Node in the 5th House, ruled by Venus in the 3rd House Aries). This egocentric focus of course has implied a limitation in the knowledge forms themselves, and in the developmental state of the senses, because of the competing nature of Leo with Taurus archetypes.

The individual has needed to listen to his heart, ie. to become closer to himself, in order to dissolve the egocentric obsession to create linear order within the perceived external phenomena, and the perpetual need to look for factual evidence supporting the pre-existing conceptions. Not listening to his heart would translate in heart problems such as palpitations, arrhythmia, angina, and in panic attacks, as in Darwin’s case: a consequence of running away from the inner pain and angst in face of the unknown within, the fear of having the own mental constructions dissolved.

Because of the fixity of the egocentric orientation limiting the cognitive dynamics, the individual has needed to create intense inner and outer confrontations of intellectual and philosophical nature. Basically, these have been confrontations with his own past ways of understanding reality or Nature, in some cases literally: his own theories as formulated in the past (3rd House Pluto being the Scorpio North Node ruler, and being septile the South Node). A problem has been that the individual has been too well equipped intellectually and has been able to win these confrontations (North Node Scorpio, Pluto in the 3rd House trine the South Node), this creating the need for a relative isolation for the individual’s own confrontation with self (South Node in Taurus, ruled by Venus in Aries, Moon in the 2nd House Capricorn, North Node in the 11th House-a group of one). This has implied a limitation for the evolution of thought and investigation (south node of Mercury in Capricorn 2nd House, square the nodes). The septile between the South Node and Pluto in the 3rd House suggests that he would also meet other individuals who would be more intellectually evolved and would provide key information or knowledge.

Along the process of course the individual would be delivering leading-edge scientific knowledge and theories contributing to the advance of human understanding of Nature. The point from an EA point of view is the limitations of these knowledge and theories themselves, in how they reflect or not the Soul’s inner experience, and how the individual is meant to evolve through and beyond the prior limitations. The trine between Pluto and the North Node demonstrates that the Soul is cooperating with the need for inner confrontations required in order to evolve these dynamics, equaling embracing the desires to change occurring, though, by means of these inner, intellectual and philosophical confrontations. And the outcome of this evolution would be observed in the same life of the individual. Some of the pre-existing limitations and resistance are based on the emphasis of deductive thought, versus inductive thought and intuition, translating into a relative difficulty to see the whole picture. The enormous amount of observations and details would be put together by means of linear thought, ie. trying to build a whole by means of parts, which is not possible in nature. Instead, parts can only make sense as parts of a whole. In Darwin’s theory of evolution, this is reflected in that evolution occurs through ‘natural selection’ of the fittest individuals, without being able to explain how variation of the species occurs, and how it occurs in specific directions (orthogenesis), which can only be observed from the point of view of the whole species, and beyond, and not in individuals only. However, Darwin was able to introduce later concepts about evolution from a wider perspective, even referring to co-evolution of species as in the famous case of the orchids and the wasps and moths. The idea of orthogenesis had to be discarded because it implied theology (Pluto Pisces in the 3rd House). Also, Darwin’s model based on natural selection allowing reproduction of the fittest, self instinctual gratification, and rivalry (an application of the own prior sexual/intellectual dynamics?). He dismissed Lamarck’s view on development of latent potential in individuals and transmission, which is not evolutionary from the point of view of the individuals alone, but which creates an expanded basis for mating from the point of view of the species. However, the very idea of sexual selection based on gratification and pleasure serves to expand the basis for sex as only manifesting an instinct to reproduce. His theory relates to gradual evolution, however, there is also evolution which is not gradual (this can reflect his own desires to have a stable reality, and a repression of the past traumas). He could not explain the phenomenon of transmission, even though he was about to discover genetics (North Node in Scorpio).

With the Pluto polarity point being in the 9th House, the individual has needed to embrace a holistic perspective, in order to perceive the whole first, and then allow the parts to fall naturally in their places. Because it is in Virgo, this has required the individual to discriminate and separate intuited truth from pre-existing beliefs and errors. This also implies accepting and allowing truth to be revealed gradually, to become step-by-step closer to truth, versus desiring to know the whole truth all at once. Thus, it implies embracing desires to purify the nature of the own desires in connection with knowledge, and to purge the egocentric orientation and illusions of possessing truth or knowledge. The North Node being in the 11th House correlates with the need to embrace a fundamental objectivity and detached capacity for observation, versus desiring to have prior theories confirmed, and a fundamental need to liberate from egocentrism. This also reflects the intention to learn from the thought forms of others as containing other parts of the whole truth, and the potential for dynamics of collaboration and team work versus needing to elaborate knowledge alone. It also reflects the need for experimentation (which Darwin did). Also implied is the need to develop tolerance for paradox. Specifically in Darwin’s case, the North Node in the 11th House in Scorpio reflects the potential to penetrate to deeper layers of phenomena in order to observe the evolutionary impulse operating at a molecular level, inside individuals and beyond individuals. This symbol reflecs the ongoing understanding of evolution as a collective phenomena, and at the level of multiplicities. Mentioned before the North Node being Scorpio reflects the need for inner and outer confrontations, with Pluto being in the 3rd House, with the thought forms delivered by the individual in the past, also, reflecting the need to still consider the relativity of the expanded understanding gained through the 9th House intuition, as an ultimate law of any knowledge form. The Scorpio North Node in the 11th House reflects too the need to objectify the nature of the Soul desires that are the basis for having reality arranged in whatever way, and for the existing associations of meaning and value (as an example, who are the ‘fittest’? .. why the need for rivalry as a basis for the theory?). In combination these dynamics allow for a perpetual evolution and adaptation of the knowledge forms the individual is able to deliver for social benefit, without needing to be egocentrically identified with the own specialness, thus allowing a liberation in which the individual can balance work time with time out, for a cultivation of relationship with self and Soul discovery, which would lead the individual into the Spiritual state. Within personal relationships and sexual dynamics, the individual needs to embrace a fundamental honesty and objective and analytic orientation to understand its own sexual needs and how they are met, and to embrace desires to experience sexuality at an emotional, Soul level, and not only as a biological function or a source of self-gratification. * Just noted that I took Achilles for Ulysses. Achilles is not related to lying.

« Last Edit: Feb 28, 2013, 10:54 AM by Gonzalo » Logged

RadModeratorMost Active Member

Posts: 25759

Re: JWG'S Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation ...« Reply #28 on: Feb 28, 2013, 09:53 AM »

Hi Gonzalo,

Thanks for your excellent and exhaustive EA work on the EA paradigm in this chart thus far. This is how EA is meant to be understood and practiced.

God Bless, Rad

Chiron skipped steps: SN is square Chiron in 2nd house conjunct SN Neptune (Neptune rules Pluto and all the thinking and belief system).There was some traumatic wound related to survival, to collective survival or loss of life, related to his need of finding the causes of collective survival and linked to the foundation of his belief system according to Natural Law (Chiron ruled by Uranus in Scorpio ruled by Pluto in 3rd house Pisces ruled by Neptune in Sag in mutual reception with Jupiter in Pisces).The Soul has already sought the causes in an unconditioned way, ying new beliefs, but suffered persecution and maybe jail because of it (Chiron skipped steps also square NN conjunct Uranus, SN Uranus conjunct SN Mars in Sag in 1st house, SN ruler Venus in Aries in 3rd NP conjunct Jupiter, SN Venus conjunct SN Saturn in Cap ruled by Saturn in 12th house).For evolution to proceed the Soul needs to seek the deep causes of death or survival in the collective long-term memory, accelerating the mutation of the past in future. (Resolution NN in 11th house in Scorpio conjunct Uranus and NN Chiron, SN balsamic semisquare Jupiter). In Darwin’s case this manifests in that he was the first to organize a Tree of Life, his metaphor of the phylogeny, or evolutionary relatedness among species through time.

With PPP in 9th house the Soul intends to know and explain its relation to the phenomenal nature of the universe, to natural principles and laws that transcend the empirical facts, the individual and his individual will.In 3rd individuated the Soul is concerned with helping consensus to evolve by understanding these causes and principles.

Being in Virgo conjunct Urania, (ruled by Mercury in Pisces in 3rd house conjunct its NN), the evolutionary intention is - by means of NN in Scorpio in 11th - to deepen the search for truth in his own way and allowing the distinctions obtained by classification and opposition to become elements to discernment; this discernment would then allow a new synthesis, a new bigger picture based on a deep cosmological, natural, underlying truth that the Soul already knows, but needs to find a new way to communicate to society. The new belief system is the result of an analytical and discriminative approach to the natural laws that rule the underlying unity of the empirical world, well known by the soul in prior lives, but having been confronted, persecuted and perhaps in jail because of it maybe his beliefs later remained hidden. (Virgo PPP ruled by Mercury balsamic Pluto and Jupiter, PPP ruler trine NN conjunct Uranus and square Saturn conjunct Neptune in 12t house, SN inconjunct Sat and Neptune in 12th, Mars in 10th house inconjunct Jupiter in Pisces in 3rd house in mutual reception with Neptune in 12th house).In Darwin’s chart, PPP in Virgo in 9th house is a reflection of the discovery, or uncovering, of the Law of natural selection as a key mechanism of evolution.

NN in 11th house in Scorpio conjunct Uranus: This Soul has chosen to know and explain the relation to larger natural realities and laws by searching for the deep causes of phenomenal manifestation, always asking why some aspect of reality or collectives has behave or become the way it has, and opening to innovative and revolutionary ideas with a promethean attitude of “steeling the fire to the gods” (or religion), giving this knowledge tool to Humanity to furthering its evolution. This purposeful attitude is guided and aided by an intelligence that extends far beyond the mental synthesis of the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity that spawns new and original formulations through the flash of insight, with ability of revolutionize the collective thinking. (NN trine Pallas in Aquarius in 3rd house conjunct Sun and Sophia)The skipped steps involving Uranus, ruler of his 3rd house, suggest that the Soul was innovative and able to confront the cultural structure of his time, but couldn’t sustain it and went back to its “well”, perhaps to survive or to maintain the control of its destiny until more objectivity were attained.

Together with the acknowledgment of the cultural requirement of its time, search for proof was now essential to this Soul and gave the original and revolutionary ideas a firm foundation that, despite the opposition, could prevent their invalidation by the consensus society or religion.

Thank you Rad for the possibility of learning this systematic approach to EA interpretation.God BlessMirta


ari mosheMost Active Member

Posts: 1245

Re: JWG'S Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation ...« Reply #31 on: Mar 03, 2013, 04:33 PM »

Hi Rad - Just want to check in with you. I've been real busy and have not had the chance to sit with this thread. I am committing time tomorrow, Monday, for just this.With love,Ari Moshe

Chiron skipped steps: SN is square Chiron in 2nd house conjunct SN Neptune (Neptune rules Pluto and all the thinking and belief system).There was some traumatic wound related to survival, to collective survival or loss of life, related to his need of finding the causes of collective survival and linked to the foundation of his belief system according to Natural Law (Chiron ruled by Uranus in Scorpio ruled by Pluto in 3rd house Pisces ruled by Neptune in Sag in mutual reception with Jupiter in Pisces).The Soul has already sought the causes in an unconditioned way, ying new beliefs, but suffered persecution and maybe jail because of it (Chiron skipped steps also square NN conjunct Uranus, SN Uranus conjunct SN Mars in Sag in 1st house, SN ruler Venus in Aries in 3rd NP conjunct Jupiter, SN Venus conjunct SN Saturn in Cap ruled by Saturn in 12th house).For evolution to proceed the Soul needs to seek the deep causes of death or survival in the collective long-term memory, accelerating the mutation of the past in future. (Resolution NN in 11th house in Scorpio conjunct Uranus and NN Chiron, SN balsamic semisquare Jupiter). In Darwin’s case this manifests in that he was the first to organize a Tree of Life, his metaphor of the phylogeny, or evolutionary relatedness among species through time.

With PPP in 9th house the Soul intends to know and explain its relation to the phenomenal nature of the universe, to natural principles and laws that transcend the empirical facts, the individual and his individual will.In 3rd individuated the Soul is concerned with helping consensus to evolve by understanding these causes and principles.

Being in Virgo conjunct Urania, (ruled by Mercury in Pisces in 3rd house conjunct its NN), the evolutionary intention is - by means of NN in Scorpio in 11th - to deepen the search for truth in his own way and allowing the distinctions obtained by classification and opposition to become elements to discernment; this discernment would then allow a new synthesis, a new bigger picture based on a deep cosmological, natural, underlying truth that the Soul already knows, but needs to find a new way to communicate to society. The new belief system is the result of an analytical and discriminative approach to the natural laws that rule the underlying unity of the empirical world, well known by the soul in prior lives, but having been confronted, persecuted and perhaps in jail because of it maybe his beliefs later remained hidden. (Virgo PPP ruled by Mercury balsamic Pluto and Jupiter, PPP ruler trine NN conjunct Uranus and square Saturn conjunct Neptune in 12t house, SN inconjunct Sat and Neptune in 12th, Mars in 10th house inconjunct Jupiter in Pisces in 3rd house in mutual reception with Neptune in 12th house).In Darwin’s chart, PPP in Virgo in 9th house is a reflection of the discovery, or uncovering, of the Law of natural selection as a key mechanism of evolution.

NN in 11th house in Scorpio conjunct Uranus: This Soul has chosen to know and explain the relation to larger natural realities and laws by searching for the deep causes of phenomenal manifestation, always asking why some aspect of reality or collectives has behave or become the way it has, and opening to innovative and revolutionary ideas with a promethean attitude of “steeling the fire to the gods” (or religion), giving this knowledge tool to Humanity to furthering its evolution. This purposeful attitude is guided and aided by an intelligence that extends far beyond the mental synthesis of the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity that spawns new and original formulations through the flash of insight, with ability of revolutionize the collective thinking. (NN trine Pallas in Aquarius in 3rd house conjunct Sun and Sophia)The skipped steps involving Uranus, ruler of his 3rd house, suggest that the Soul was innovative and able to confront the cultural structure of his time, but couldn’t sustain it and went back to its “well”, perhaps to survive or to maintain the control of its destiny until more objectivity were attained.

Together with the acknowledgment of the cultural requirement of its time, search for proof was now essential to this Soul and gave the original and revolutionary ideas a firm foundation that, despite the opposition, could prevent their invalidation by the consensus society or religion.

Thank you Rad for the possibility of learning this systematic approach to EA interpretation.God BlessMirta


ari mosheMost Active Member

Posts: 1245

Re: JWG'S Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation ...« Reply #31 on: Mar 03, 2013, 04:33 PM »

Hi Rad - Just want to check in with you. I've been real busy and have not had the chance to sit with this thread. I am committing time tomorrow, Monday, for just this.With love,Ari Moshe

Chiron skipped steps: SN is square Chiron in 2nd house conjunct SN Neptune (Neptune rules Pluto and all the thinking and belief system).There was some traumatic wound related to survival, to collective survival or loss of life, related to his need of finding the causes of collective survival and linked to the foundation of his belief system according to Natural Law (Chiron ruled by Uranus in Scorpio ruled by Pluto in 3rd house Pisces ruled by Neptune in Sag in mutual reception with Jupiter in Pisces).The Soul has already sought the causes in an unconditioned way, ying new beliefs, but suffered persecution and maybe jail because of it (Chiron skipped steps also square NN conjunct Uranus, SN Uranus conjunct SN Mars in Sag in 1st house, SN ruler Venus in Aries in 3rd NP conjunct Jupiter, SN Venus conjunct SN Saturn in Cap ruled by Saturn in 12th house).For evolution to proceed the Soul needs to seek the deep causes of death or survival in the collective long-term memory, accelerating the mutation of the past in future. (Resolution NN in 11th house in Scorpio conjunct Uranus and NN Chiron, SN balsamic semisquare Jupiter). In Darwin’s case this manifests in that he was the first to organize a Tree of Life, his metaphor of the phylogeny, or evolutionary relatedness among species through time.

With PPP in 9th house the Soul intends to know and explain its relation to the phenomenal nature of the universe, to natural principles and laws that transcend the empirical facts, the individual and his individual will.In 3rd individuated the Soul is concerned with helping consensus to evolve by understanding these causes and principles.

Being in Virgo conjunct Urania, (ruled by Mercury in Pisces in 3rd house conjunct its NN), the evolutionary intention is - by means of NN in Scorpio in 11th - to deepen the search for truth in his own way and allowing the distinctions obtained by classification and opposition to become elements to discernment; this discernment would then allow a new synthesis, a new bigger picture based on a deep cosmological, natural, underlying truth that the Soul already knows, but needs to find a new way to communicate to society. The new belief system is the result of an analytical and discriminative approach to the natural laws that rule the underlying unity of the empirical world, well known by the soul in prior lives, but having been confronted, persecuted and perhaps in jail because of it maybe his beliefs later remained hidden. (Virgo PPP ruled by Mercury balsamic Pluto and Jupiter, PPP ruler trine NN conjunct Uranus and square Saturn conjunct Neptune in 12t house, SN inconjunct Sat and Neptune in 12th, Mars in 10th house inconjunct Jupiter in Pisces in 3rd house in mutual reception with Neptune in 12th house).In Darwin’s chart, PPP in Virgo in 9th house is a reflection of the discovery, or uncovering, of the Law of natural selection as a key mechanism of evolution.

NN in 11th house in Scorpio conjunct Uranus: This Soul has chosen to know and explain the relation to larger natural realities and laws by searching for the deep causes of phenomenal manifestation, always asking why some aspect of reality or collectives has behave or become the way it has, and opening to innovative and revolutionary ideas with a promethean attitude of “steeling the fire to the gods” (or religion), giving this knowledge tool to Humanity to furthering its evolution. This purposeful attitude is guided and aided by an intelligence that extends far beyond the mental synthesis of the Gemini-Sagittarius polarity that spawns new and original formulations through the flash of insight, with ability of revolutionize the collective thinking. (NN trine Pallas in Aquarius in 3rd house conjunct Sun and Sophia)The skipped steps involving Uranus, ruler of his 3rd house, suggest that the Soul was innovative and able to confront the cultural structure of his time, but couldn’t sustain it and went back to its “well”, perhaps to survive or to maintain the control of its destiny until more objectivity were attained.

Together with the acknowledgment of the cultural requirement of its time, search for proof was now essential to this Soul and gave the original and revolutionary ideas a firm foundation that, despite the opposition, could prevent their invalidation by the consensus society or religion.

Thank you Rad for the possibility of learning this systematic approach to EA interpretation.God BlessMirta


ari mosheMost Active Member

Posts: 1245

Re: JWG'S Planetary Method of Chart Interpretation ...« Reply #31 on: Mar 03, 2013, 04:33 PM »

Hi Rad - Just want to check in with you. I've been real busy and have not had the chance to sit with this thread. I am committing time tomorrow, Monday, for just this.With love,Ari Moshe


“The Genius of the Human Mind”

(A) Pluto Pisces 3rd: Types of desires the Soul had in specific prior lives the evolutionary necessity and intentions of which have direct bearing on the current life.

In past lives the Soul had developed the mind and intellect in order to understand the phenomenal world by means of a collection of a vast array of endless new “observable” facts, data, information, evidence, details and proofs; naming, identifying, designating, cataloguing, sorting, grading and classifying data; developing written communication, manuscripts, texts, collected works, masterpieces; devouring copious quantities of books; seeking variety and diversity in a multiplicity of endeavours; and engaging in relationships and circumstances in the environment as a messenger, disseminator and communicator. The Soul was programmed to be constantly and intensely curious, restless, impatient, nervous, impulsive, reactionary, rational, logical and intelligent. All of these traits and activities based on the intellectual construction of the ordering of reality formed a structure of “intellectual security” which facilitated adjustments through the accumulation of more and more facts gathered from the environment.

In the Soul’s karmic history it desired to experience the dissolution and sublimation of its identification with the personal ego by diligently engaging itself in a widespread, far-reaching, extensive, creative, educational, cultural project, the knowledge and information of which would assist the world (the collective of Souls) and transcend time and space. The Soul had immersed itself in a search for ultimate meaning and fulfillment based on the information it had gathered, however, the Soul was dealing with weariness, exhaustion or disillusionment. The inner creation of dreams, fantasies, illusions and delusions had permeated

his thought patterns, assertions and transcendental beliefs. Because of a propensity for cycles of dissolution of the Soul’s identification with its mental structures generating loss of control, subconscious insecurities, fears, phobias, mental confusion, disorientation and meaninglessness, the Soul anchored itself to a known and familiar function. This function or symbol describes the iconic researcher, ingenious collector, deep imaginative thinker, inspirational communicator, and the writer writing with conviction, obsessively played out in an attempt to control its life, maintain a sense of order, and give it a tangible purpose (3rd stage Individuated).

The Soul was able to connect left-brain ‘rational’ facts, data, information, logic and reasoning with right-brain ‘non-rational’ intuition, creativity, insight, imagination and mysticism. Brain power, wit and intelligence combined with an all-knowing intuition, inductive thought, inspiration and deeply felt spirituality created open-mindedness, adaptability, but also inconsistency and confusion (lost in a sea of information). The Soul had the capacity to arrive at an holistic understanding by interpreting multiple viewpoints and systems of the whole of life/creation, unifying them through reasoning and logic, and then using the information for a collective application. This karmic signature also highlighted the simultaneously occurring and co-equal desires existing within the Soul. When separating desires were satisfied, they were immediately followed by a sense of dissatisfaction (Scorpio) mirroring the ultimate desire to return to Source.

Mercury (and NN of Mercury) last phase conj Pluto, all ruled by Neptune Sag 12th, ruled by Jupiter Pisces 3rd; Mercury (ruler of PPP) first qtr squ Neptune – These aspects emphasize the Soul intention to culminate a whole cycle of evolution (12th); transition from one phase to another (crisis in action) through resistance, insecurity and fear of the unknown; establish mental structures relative to surrendering to a Higher Will (collective unconscious); and dissolve any karmic remnants that remain in the Soul.

Neptune (conj Saturn) last qtr squ Pluto – This (generational) crisis in consciousness/belief describes facing the unknown, the totality, through the dissolution of self as ego; playing an integral role in the collective evolution of spirituality either through inspiration or delusion; dissolving the old reality or social order (Saturn) and opening humanity’s eyes to the “reality” of our world.

SN of Jupiter Cap 1st (ruled by Saturn Sag 12th); Jupiter Aries 3rd (ruled by Mars) first phase conj Pluto; NN Jupiter 29 deg Gemini 7th (ruled by Mercury) – The Soul sought new philosophical beliefs by instinctually asserting itself. The de facto oppositional signature of Jupiter/3rd was determined by the Soul to integrate and synthesize opposites. The Soul instinctively sought new ways of understanding Natural Laws, the natural truth of diversity, and the relativity of all things. In order for the philosophical structures to evolve by way of breaking new ground and taking completely new directions, it was necessary to culminate a whole cycle (NN Jupiter) whereby information had been collected through interactions and relationships with a variety of other Souls the dynamics of which had become unbalanced.

Mars Libra 10th ruling Jupiter – The Soul was balancing extremities associated with past life parental, societal and cultural conditioning patterns. This meant ceasing to believe old sources of information, untruths and half-truths and, having achieved the required social humility and purification (Mars/Pluto full

phase), undertaking a search alone (Venus Aries ruler of SN) for new information in a self-determined fashion. Venus (ruler of SN) trine Saturn/Neptune; Venus inconj NN – It was time to integrate the new evolutionary impulse on behalf of the collective of Souls, by humbly providing a service for humanity, and trusting in a higher power to usher in a new spiritual and social order.

(B) South Node Leo 5th – The types of egocentric structures that the Soul has necessarily created in order to consciously actualize the evolutionary desires or intentions which preceded the current life. The Soul Node is the conscious component that the Soul generates or creates to actualize the desires that are intrinsic to the Soul itself.

Over a series of prior lives, the Soul created egocentric structures or personalities that could actualize the Soul’s intention through creativity, will, power, self-importance and a sense of special destiny. Therefore, in the current life the Soul created a very specific egocentric personality programmed with specific life conditions, meetings with key people, affluent economic conditions, race, culture, as well as every other area of life exactly according to what the Soul needed to evolve beyond (progressively eliminate, culminate or exhaust) the past life desires.

In order for the Soul to attract to itself the information that it needed, it needed to develop an intense focus, to take charge of its life, apply personal energy, and create a special purpose that would attract to itself all the love, attention and acceptance that it craved, as well as creating a sense of self-value and self-esteem (Venus). The pattern or symbol of the creative principle included the use of the intellect, imagination, creative thought, creative writing, as well as the incorporation of inspirational transcendental beliefs. The Soul experienced an inner sense of ultimate meaning and fulfillment by sharing the information it had gathered about the environment with others. It shone its light of creative self-expression and personal self-actualization through a generous, warm, kind-hearted, dignified and charismatic personality thereby inspiring, motivating, and stimulating others with thought-provoking ideas and writings. It is possible that the creation of many lifetimes of fame, renown, or being in the limelight could have lead to the Soul becoming an iconic symbol or developing a God-complex.

In the Soul’s prior lives it desired to create inner value systems (self-worth, financial) while being rooted to a productive special purpose. The Soul’s strong instincts for survival, procreation, sensuality, sexuality, self-preservation, regeneration and self-sustainment were reflected in the larger order of Nature as the ongoing preservation of the species. Past lives spent in isolation, study, contemplation and withdrawal facilitated a sharp intellectual focus on the Soul’s special purpose, as well as an all-encompassing love and appreciation for the beauty and awesomeness of Nature.

(C) SN Ruler Venus Aries 3rd – Facilitates the SN egocentric structures

The Soul’s creation of the personality describing the iconic collector/communicator with a special purpose in the natural world was facilitated by strong instinctive energies, strong will, self-focus, courage, leadership, and a need for freedom and independence to explore the new territory. The Soul was naturally centred in itself through a concentrated self-awareness, quite stubborn and dogmatic in its thinking and communication patterns, tended to ask and

answer its own questions, and created intellectual confrontations with others (Aries natural trine to the 5th house, Venus naturally ruling Taurus). Furthermore, the Soul found it difficult to really listen to others because it had been intent on making its own points, as well as living past lives in isolation with everything revolving around itself. The desire to complete itself through a natural state of ‘becoming’ would expose a subconscious insecurity or lack of confidence (Venus conj IC) that reflected the toppling of the mental structures. However, this process motivated a driving need or instinctual urge to explore and discover more about itself and the world through the qualities of courage and audacity to break the new ground.

(D) PPP Virgo 9th – The current life intention of the Soul to evolve beyond the past life dynamics that it has already realized.

The Soul has a fixed vision (Taurus), a self-centred nature (Leo), and tends to ask and answer its own questions to generate self-value and self-love (Venus Aries 3rd). Its inner messages are narcissistically geared toward self. In order for the Soul to progress through the 3rd stage Individuated, the information that the Soul has been collecting for its special purpose needs to reach a wider audience, humanity, the collective. The Soul programmed necessary confrontations with people who were able to penetrate (Pluto) to the weakest link in the Soul’s highly developed intellectual structure. Thus the whole intellectual structure would collapse or topple (Leo) inducing the 9th house evolutionary intention to develop the right brain intuitive nature that reveals the deeper universal Natural Laws underlying the facts that the Soul has been collecting, and creating a composite, holistic view. In this way the Soul began to open up to deeper relationships with others (eg teachers, associates, groups, NN Scorpio) who represented what the Soul was lacking, thus mastering its intellectual structures, undertaking systematic inquiries into the data collected, communicating intuitive insights through rational language, synthesizing and classifying the knowledge, thereby transforming others (humanity).

The Soul was learning how to align with Natural Laws in order to understand them, not dominate or distort them, and to give a higher purpose for the information that the Soul had been collecting. In its travels far and wide to new shores, drawing on its past lives spent in isolation studying Nature, the interaction with new environments stimulated the senses (Taurus) and the mental structures (3rd) of natural observation (Virgo) in a new way (Aries). The transcendental belief system adopted by the Soul necessitated a deeper, sharper focus on the inner dynamics in order to effect adjustments and purifications of the egocentric structures making it possible to move out of the narcissistic, isolationist tendency toward benefiting others through human service. The Soul carrying Christian guilt, religious orthodoxy, and self-doubt would experience cycles of deep crisis mirroring the inner state of the Soul, enforcing self-improvements such as the grounding effects of work, seeing reality for what it is, studying systems as a whole, and bringing all the parts together.

(E) North Node Scorpio 11th – Conscious actualization of the PPP, the current life evolutionary intentions.

Here the Soul is learning how to detach from the pyramid structure of its inner reality by linking its purpose to a socially relevant function. The Soul is liberating from traumatic experiences where it is not acknowledged as special, and realizing

that it is merely a channel of universal creativity. The Soul is breaking free from conditioning patterns of past lives by no longer identifying with limited aspects of itself that are of no value, and eliminating them.

The Soul experienced the rejection by the established order of its innovative new approaches when, due to its strong attachment to rigid ideas, it was not allowed to integrate its vision into the whole. This created a need to step back and learn objectivity and detachment through crisis-filled traumatic experiences. The Soul started to understand what was unique about itself through contrasting and bonding itself with like-minded others.

The Soul became aware of the universal forces beyond its sense of powerlessness and its limitations of narcissism, isolationism, resistance, and self-interest, and desired to merge with, form relationships, and osmose power from people, symbols or sources that represented what the Soul was trying to become. These cycles of continual death-rebirth of the Soul’s awareness created intense dual desires of merging with that which was desired (powerful symbols) followed by a sense of dissatisfaction reflecting the desire to move beyond any boundary and merge back with Source. Trauma was triggered when the Soul experienced abandonment, loss and violation of trust through friendships.

(F) NN ruler Pluto 3rd – Facilitates the NN egocentric structures

The Soul had been resisting evolution in its past lives correlating to SN Taurus where it had felt highly secure in the ‘well.’ There had been a compulsion to not only repeat the SN dynamics but to also repeat the NN/PPP dynamics. The repeating of all of these dynamics resulting in trauma, fear and resistance because the Soul could no longer control its reality as defined by that past. This would result in new choices in the face of that past. By repeating the past life dynamics correlating to the PPP (widening its limited circle of activity to include world travel and commitment to work and service), those new choices would have the effect of evolving the NN (aligning with like-minded groups and linking the special purpose to a socially relevant need, communicating and sharing with naturalists all over the world), the SN (moving away from isolationism and narcissism), the SN ruler (instinctual inner messages evolving to listening to others), as well as natal Pluto itself (the intellectual structures and the transcendental belief system).

The Soul merged with powerful symbols of knowledge and, together with its massive databank of information, highly developed intellectual skills, huge questions in his mind, millions of pieces of specimens and evidence (touch, smell, see with own eyes), and studying and documenting the tiniest of variations, formulated the completely new human philosophy of evolution by natural selection (whatever survives will reproduce). This was facilitated by studying distinctive kinds of animals, fossils, rocks (geology), detecting an ordered sequence over time, and deducing from these tangible sources the idea of very slow evolution over vast spans of time.

The Soul was able to understand the unstoppable force of evolution (Pluto) thus revolutionizing how people understand the natural world. All the pieces of information that described the complexity and diversity of all life produced by Natural Laws were synthesized together in a comprehensive new scientific idea, thus correcting ideas about the age of the Earth, targeting religious distortion,

crashing through illusions about God (creationism), and understanding how humans form part of the animal kingdom in the unity of creation (Pisces). The conclusion reached was that every living thing was related to another because creation had struggled for survival over great lengths of time. Soon the flow of information through books and publications flooded the world-wide scientific community. This new human philosophy would effect evolution for not only the Soul, but would change the world forever.

~ ~ ~

Thanks Rad and group for yet another opportuThank you so much Rad for this space for such immense growth and learning to occur through this community. We all support the growth of one another so much through offering our efforts here.

With love, am

Pluto and the nodes paradigm.Third individuated, male - born in England. I'm already aware of who this individual is, so I am putting that aside to the best that I can in order to analyze this as objectively as possible.

Pluto in Pisces in the 3rd house. Mercury and Ceres in a balsamic conjunction with Pluto. Jupiter in a new phase conjunction with Pluto. Pluto squaring the Sag AC and the Gemini DC. Uranus in Scorpio conjunct the North node disseminating Trine to Pluto. Mars in Libra in the 10th full phase sesquiquadrate to Pluto.

Pluto polarity point in Virgo in the 9th.

South node in Taurus int he 5th, ruler Venus in Aries in the third house conjunct the IC. Venus first quarter trine to Neptune and Saturn in Sag in the 12th.

North node in Scorpio in the 11th house. Jupiter gibbous phase sesquiqudrate to the north node.

England at the time of this soul's incarnation was in the process of the industrial revolution which birthed rapid technological/scientific innovations. The industrial revolution reflected a stage of collective evolution relative to a growing collective receptivity to the sciences that had otherwise been shunned throughout the midieval ages. Given his ea stage, this soul has come into that environment as a reflection of his soul's desire to understand the greater interconnectedness between all things - to come to a transcendent understanding of how all elements in the enviroment internconnects with itself - Pluto in Pisces in the 3rd. In that vain, he would have experienced an inner sense of being lost in the context of the various social and religious "opinions" scientific and otherwise that have been taken as "fact" - needing to make sense of it all. There would be a loss of perspective and a yearning to find meaning in life - to understand something greater, something more. Pluto in new phase with Jupiter in Pisces in the 3rd, Pluto squaring Sag AC. This lifetime was about venturing forward to synthesize various and find greater meaning/context for the meaning of manifest reality.

Within all that, with Mercury in a balsamic conjunction to Pluto one thing the soul was seeking to complete in this lifetime was a whole bunch of information and data about the enviroment that doesn't seem to connect - for this soul this would relate to a deeply existential sense of meaningless in life - trying at times to make sense out of all the information of other people, Mercury ruling the DC in Gemini which is squared by Pluto and Mercury, and then being disillusioned upon realizing it's limitations, its non absolute nature. The Pluto polarity point in Virgo, noting that Virgo is intercepted and is ruled by that Mercury, is about developing a discriminative mind that allows him to sieve through all the facts, data, opinions, information, cultural beliefs, and come to a concrete synthesis of how it all works together. My sense of it, with such a loaded intercepted Pisces, and the ruler of the pretty much empty intercepted Virgo being back in Pisces in the 3rd - there is definitely a strong intention for this soul to create some higher context for things. With Lucifer in a gibbous phase opposition to Pluto - this really emphasizes the sense of lack and how difficult it can feel to make meaning out of all the data. And yet this soul, through the development of a cosmology would be bearing a philosophical light that will serve the collective. That Lucifer squares Saturn Neptune in Sag in the 12th both of which are also in a disseminating square to Pluto. So this is a strong theme in this soul's chart. The Saturn Neptune in disseminating square to Pluto, which I'll focus more on in a later post, in this context points to focusing his mind on the bottom line in order to create a structure of cosmological thought that will reach the masses and become conditioned within the collective consciousness as a way of explaining natural law.

The soul context for these Pluto desires has been through the south node in Taurus in the 5th house which in a general way correlates to an internalized sense of having a special purpose - to look inside himself, on his own and create something unique through deep internalized focus of his own energy. With Venus in Aries conj the IC, this creates a very self focused, self directed, internalized kind of personality that naturally pictures itself to have a special purpose to fulfill - on his own. For this soul there has been a constant, ongoing sense of becoming - who am I, what I am here to be, what is yet to be discovered? On an emotional level, his quest for universal knowledge that connects all things has been linked to a personal quest to find out who he is - to uncover his own individuality. So it's clear the discovery, internalization, walking out into the world alone and spending time with his self discoveries, Aries, sn in Taurus in the 5th - and having been known for that on some level is a past life theme here. The sn of Venus is in Cap in the 2nd house which further emphasizes the immense degree of internalization and self development within the soul from the past. The Moon is there as well, which I'll address in a future post.

Note however that there's a skipped step dynamic here with Chiron in Aquarius squaring both nodes - along with that is the sn of Neptune and the sn of Mercury both conjunct Chiron in Aquarius in the 2nd house. So the Pluto soul context has been met with some unresolved dynamics that relate back to the Venus, 2nd house archetype. The ruler of the Aquarius second house Chiron is Uranus which is on his north node in Scorpio in the 11th. Chiron is just about in a balsamic phase semi sextile with Pluto. These signatures correlate to dynamics in the past wherein the soul has made objective observations about survival, both how we live as a species, how we survive; perceiving the geometric matrix, the bottom line archetypes that relate to the evolution of consciousness. Given the strong Aquarius theme here and his ea stage, this would imply a great degree of scientific brilliance. Achieving these observations required the soul to liberate from culturally conditioned values - and to see things clearly, as they are. This has been met with great opposition and projections - possibly being excommunicated and things of that nature - second house isolation relative to 11th house. And yet with Uranus on the north node, this soul has already developed immensely in this area as a scientist and in the context of his evolutionary condition has learned a great degree of detachment to essentially not care what others think.

The Chiron skipped step implies that lifetime was about developing further detachment so that he can uncover his more essential nature, and to see things more clearly without any conditioned thoughts getting in the way. It also points to deep personal wounding around isolation and not fitting into any group. The soul lesson for this guy was to essentially be a group of one, to establish for his own self a sense of purpose that relates to who he knows he is intrinsically as a human being, and from there to let everything else unfold as it will. The fip flopping between the nodes would have expressed as periods of being completely self focused, self absorbed and doing his own thing - regardless of what others thought (sn Taurus 5th, ruler Venus in Aries) and periods of feeling just deeply alone and trying to establish his own values in the world and being met with great opposition/projections.

With Chiron on the sn of Neptune, squaring the 11th house Scorpio north node, and the balsamic phase between Chiron and all the Pisces planets, there is clearly a karma for this soul relative to past lives of involving the human brain and it's abilities - where he idealized and placed ultimate meaning onto it. This created massive trauma and was linked to a sense of arrogance that was possibly exclusive and persecutive to various subgroups. In his evolution, he has surely experienced the other end of that.

With Chiron applying to the north node his lesson was to get out of the well of his personal research and questioning and sharing his inner wealth of knowledge with the world.

A bit more about the trauma for this soul in terms of his own personal struggle to fit in, to be accepted: a part of this soul's path has been to overcome this trauma by being who he is, no matter what. All of this points back to the Pluto bottom line - which is to come to an all encompassing understanding of how creation interconnects with itself. The Chiron semi sextile balsamic phase to Pluto in Pisces in the 3rd means that he would be re-evaluating and reflecting highly on his own values and seeking a transcendent understanding of reality which would allow him to come to terms with his own existence, his own survival/social needs, his own role as a member of humanity etc. Relative to his evolutionary condition, this would still imply some degree of mental dissociation and a strong proclivity towards a cosmology that will "make things make sense" so that he doesn't have to face the immense inner trauma, which itself links back to a sense of meaninglessness in life.

With the north node in Scorpio in the 11th house, with Uranus on the north node, relative to the integration of the skipped step planet, this facilitates the Pluto polarity point in Virgo in the 9th which translates to the essence of observation and correlation. Integrating objective observations about reality into a clear and inwardly well articulated cosmology about reality. This allows him to come to intellectual terms with his personal place within the scheme of humanity via way to understand and make meaning out of the trauma of being alive.

With love, am

Pluto and the nodes paradigm.Third individuated, male - born in England. I'm already aware of who this individual is, so I am putting that aside to the best that I can in order to analyze this as objectively as possible.

Pluto in Pisces in the 3rd house. Mercury and Ceres in a balsamic conjunction with Pluto. Jupiter in a new phase conjunction with Pluto. Pluto squaring the Sag AC and the Gemini DC. Uranus in Scorpio conjunct the North node disseminating Trine to Pluto. Mars in Libra in the 10th full phase sesquiquadrate to Pluto.

Pluto polarity point in Virgo in the 9th.

South node in Taurus int he 5th, ruler Venus in Aries in the third house conjunct the IC. Venus first quarter trine to Neptune and Saturn in Sag in the 12th.

North node in Scorpio in the 11th house. Jupiter gibbous phase sesquiqudrate to the north node.

England at the time of this soul's incarnation was in the process of the industrial revolution which birthed rapid technological/scientific innovations. The industrial revolution reflected a stage of collective evolution relative to a growing collective receptivity to the sciences that had otherwise been shunned throughout the midieval ages. Given his ea stage, this soul has come into that environment as a reflection of his soul's desire to understand the greater interconnectedness between all things - to come to a transcendent understanding of how all elements in the enviroment internconnects with itself - Pluto in Pisces in the 3rd. In that vain, he would have experienced an inner sense of being lost in the context of the various social and religious "opinions" scientific and otherwise that have been taken as "fact" - needing to make sense of it all. There would be a loss of perspective and a yearning to find meaning in life - to understand something greater, something more. Pluto in new phase with Jupiter in Pisces in the 3rd, Pluto squaring Sag AC. This lifetime was about venturing forward to synthesize various and find greater meaning/context for the meaning of manifest reality.

Within all that, with Mercury in a balsamic conjunction to Pluto one thing the soul was seeking to complete in this lifetime was a whole bunch of information and data about the enviroment that doesn't seem to connect - for this soul this would relate to a deeply existential sense of meaningless in life - trying at times to make sense out of all the information of other people, Mercury ruling the DC in Gemini which is squared by Pluto and Mercury, and then being disillusioned upon realizing it's limitations, its non absolute nature. The Pluto polarity point in Virgo, noting that Virgo is intercepted and is ruled by that Mercury, is about developing a discriminative mind that allows him to sieve through all the facts, data, opinions, information, cultural beliefs, and come to a concrete synthesis of how it all works together. My sense of it, with such a loaded intercepted Pisces, and the ruler of the pretty much empty intercepted Virgo being back in Pisces in the 3rd - there is definitely a strong intention for this soul to create some higher context for things. With Lucifer in a gibbous phase opposition to Pluto - this really emphasizes the sense of lack and how difficult it can feel to make meaning out of all the data. And yet this soul, through the development of a cosmology would be bearing a philosophical light that will serve the collective. That Lucifer squares Saturn Neptune in Sag in the 12th both of which are also in a disseminating square to Pluto. So this is a strong theme in this soul's chart. The Saturn Neptune in disseminating square to Pluto, which I'll focus more on in a later post, in this context points to focusing his mind on the bottom line in order to create a structure of cosmological thought that will reach the masses and become conditioned within the collective consciousness as a way of explaining natural law.

The soul context for these Pluto desires has been through the south node in Taurus in the 5th house which in a general way correlates to an internalized sense of having a special purpose - to look inside himself, on his own and create something unique through deep internalized focus of his own energy. With Venus in Aries conj the IC, this creates a very self focused, self directed, internalized kind of personality that naturally pictures itself to have a special purpose to fulfill - on his own. For this soul there has been a constant, ongoing sense of becoming - who am I, what I am here to be, what is yet to be discovered? On an emotional level, his quest for universal knowledge that connects all things has been linked to a personal quest to find out who he is - to uncover his own individuality. So it's clear the discovery, internalization, walking out into the world alone and spending time with his self discoveries, Aries, sn in Taurus in the 5th - and having been known for that on some level is a past life theme here. The sn of Venus is in Cap in the 2nd house which further emphasizes the immense degree of internalization and self development within the soul from the past. The Moon is there as well, which I'll address in a future post.

Note however that there's a skipped step dynamic here with Chiron in Aquarius squaring both nodes - along with that is the sn of Neptune and the sn of Mercury both conjunct Chiron in Aquarius in the 2nd house. So the Pluto soul context has been met with some unresolved dynamics that relate back to the Venus, 2nd house archetype. The ruler of the Aquarius second house Chiron is Uranus which is on his north node in Scorpio in the 11th. Chiron is just about in a balsamic phase semi sextile with Pluto. These signatures correlate to dynamics in the past wherein the soul has made objective observations about survival, both how we live as a species, how we survive; perceiving the geometric matrix, the bottom line archetypes that relate to the evolution of consciousness. Given the strong Aquarius theme here and his ea stage, this would imply a great degree of scientific brilliance. Achieving these observations required the soul to liberate from culturally conditioned values - and to see things clearly, as they are. This has been met with great opposition and projections - possibly being excommunicated and things of that nature - second house isolation relative to 11th house. And yet with Uranus on the north node, this soul has already developed immensely in this area as a scientist and in the context of his evolutionary condition has learned a great degree of detachment to essentially not care what others think.

The Chiron skipped step implies that lifetime was about developing further detachment so that he can uncover his more essential nature, and to see things more clearly without any conditioned thoughts getting in the way. It also points to deep personal wounding around isolation and not fitting into any group. The soul lesson for this guy was to essentially be a group of one, to establish for his own self a sense of purpose that relates to who he knows he is intrinsically as a human being, and from there to let everything else unfold as it will. The fip flopping between the nodes would have expressed as periods of being completely self focused, self absorbed and doing his own thing - regardless of what others thought (sn Taurus 5th, ruler Venus in Aries) and periods of feeling just deeply alone and trying to establish his own values in the world and being met with great opposition/projections.

With Chiron on the sn of Neptune, squaring the 11th house Scorpio north node, and the balsamic phase between Chiron and all the Pisces planets, there is clearly a karma for this soul relative to past lives of involving the human brain and it's abilities - where he idealized and placed ultimate meaning onto it. This created massive trauma and was linked to a sense of arrogance that was possibly exclusive and persecutive to various subgroups. In his evolution, he has surely experienced the other end of that.

With Chiron applying to the north node his lesson was to get out of the well of his personal research and questioning and sharing his inner wealth of knowledge with the world.

A bit more about the trauma for this soul in terms of his own personal struggle to fit in, to be accepted: a part of this soul's path has been to overcome this trauma by being who he is, no matter what. All of this points back to the Pluto bottom line - which is to come to an all encompassing understanding of how creation interconnects with itself. The Chiron semi sextile balsamic phase to Pluto in Pisces in the 3rd means that he would be re-evaluating and reflecting highly on his own values and seeking a transcendent understanding of reality which would allow him to come to terms with his own existence, his own survival/social needs, his own role as a member of humanity etc. Relative to his evolutionary condition, this would still imply some degree of mental dissociation and a strong proclivity towards a cosmology that will "make things make sense" so that he doesn't have to face the immense inner trauma, which itself links back to a sense of meaninglessness in life.

With the north node in Scorpio in the 11th house, with Uranus on the north node, relative to the integration of the skipped step planet, this facilitates the Pluto polarity point in Virgo in the 9th which translates to the essence of observation and correlation. Integrating objective observations about reality into a clear and inwardly well articulated cosmology about reality. This allows him to come to intellectual terms with his personal place within the scheme of humanity via way to understand and make meaning out of the trauma of being alive.

With love, am

Pluto and the nodes paradigm.Third individuated, male - born in England. I'm already aware of who this individual is, so I am putting that aside to the best that I can in order to analyze this as objectively as possible.

Pluto in Pisces in the 3rd house. Mercury and Ceres in a balsamic conjunction with Pluto. Jupiter in a new phase conjunction with Pluto. Pluto squaring the Sag AC and the Gemini DC. Uranus in Scorpio conjunct the North node disseminating Trine to Pluto. Mars in Libra in the 10th full phase sesquiquadrate to Pluto.

Pluto polarity point in Virgo in the 9th.

South node in Taurus int he 5th, ruler Venus in Aries in the third house conjunct the IC. Venus first quarter trine to Neptune and Saturn in Sag in the 12th.

North node in Scorpio in the 11th house. Jupiter gibbous phase sesquiqudrate to the north node.

England at the time of this soul's incarnation was in the process of the industrial revolution which birthed rapid technological/scientific innovations. The industrial revolution reflected a stage of collective evolution relative to a growing collective receptivity to the sciences that had otherwise been shunned throughout the midieval ages. Given his ea stage, this soul has come into that environment as a reflection of his soul's desire to understand the greater interconnectedness between all things - to come to a transcendent understanding of how all elements in the enviroment internconnects with itself - Pluto in Pisces in the 3rd. In that vain, he would have experienced an inner sense of being lost in the context of the various social and religious "opinions" scientific and otherwise that have been taken as "fact" - needing to make sense of it all. There would be a loss of perspective and a yearning to find meaning in life - to understand something greater, something more. Pluto in new phase with Jupiter in Pisces in the 3rd, Pluto squaring Sag AC. This lifetime was about venturing forward to synthesize various and find greater meaning/context for the meaning of manifest reality.

Within all that, with Mercury in a balsamic conjunction to Pluto one thing the soul was seeking to complete in this lifetime was a whole bunch of information and data about the enviroment that doesn't seem to connect - for this soul this would relate to a deeply existential sense of meaningless in life - trying at times to make sense out of all the information of other people, Mercury ruling the DC in Gemini which is squared by Pluto and Mercury, and then being disillusioned upon realizing it's limitations, its non absolute nature. The Pluto polarity point in Virgo, noting that Virgo is intercepted and is ruled by that Mercury, is about developing a discriminative mind that allows him to sieve through all the facts, data, opinions, information, cultural beliefs, and come to a concrete synthesis of how it all works together. My sense of it, with such a loaded intercepted Pisces, and the ruler of the pretty much empty intercepted Virgo being back in Pisces in the 3rd - there is definitely a strong intention for this soul to create some higher context for things. With Lucifer in a gibbous phase opposition to Pluto - this really emphasizes the sense of lack and how difficult it can feel to make meaning out of all the data. And yet this soul, through the development of a cosmology would be bearing a philosophical light that will serve the collective. That Lucifer squares Saturn Neptune in Sag in the 12th both of which are also in a disseminating square to Pluto. So this is a strong theme in this soul's chart. The Saturn Neptune in disseminating square to Pluto, which I'll focus more on in a later post, in this context points to focusing his mind on the bottom line in order to create a structure of cosmological thought that will reach the masses and become conditioned within the collective consciousness as a way of explaining natural law.

The soul context for these Pluto desires has been through the south node in Taurus in the 5th house which in a general way correlates to an internalized sense of having a special purpose - to look inside himself, on his own and create something unique through deep internalized focus of his own energy. With Venus in Aries conj the IC, this creates a very self focused, self directed, internalized kind of personality that naturally pictures itself to have a special purpose to fulfill - on his own. For this soul there has been a constant, ongoing sense of becoming - who am I, what I am here to be, what is yet to be discovered? On an emotional level, his quest for universal knowledge that connects all things has been linked to a personal quest to find out who he is - to uncover his own individuality. So it's clear the discovery, internalization, walking out into the world alone and spending time with his self discoveries, Aries, sn in Taurus in the 5th - and having been known for that on some level is a past life theme here. The sn of Venus is in Cap in the 2nd house which further emphasizes the immense degree of internalization and self development within the soul from the past. The Moon is there as well, which I'll address in a future post.

Note however that there's a skipped step dynamic here with Chiron in Aquarius squaring both nodes - along with that is the sn of Neptune and the sn of Mercury both conjunct Chiron in Aquarius in the 2nd house. So the Pluto soul context has been met with some unresolved dynamics that relate back to the Venus, 2nd house archetype. The ruler of the Aquarius second house Chiron is Uranus which is on his north node in Scorpio in the 11th. Chiron is just about in a balsamic phase semi sextile with Pluto. These signatures correlate to dynamics in the past wherein the soul has made objective observations about survival, both how we live as a species, how we survive; perceiving the geometric matrix, the bottom line archetypes that relate to the evolution of consciousness. Given the strong Aquarius theme here and his ea stage, this would imply a great degree of scientific brilliance. Achieving these observations required the soul to liberate from culturally conditioned values - and to see things clearly, as they are. This has been met with great opposition and projections - possibly being excommunicated and things of that nature - second house isolation relative to 11th house. And yet with Uranus on the north node, this soul has already developed immensely in this area as a scientist and in the context of his evolutionary condition has learned a great degree of detachment to essentially not care what others think.

The Chiron skipped step implies that lifetime was about developing further detachment so that he can uncover his more essential nature, and to see things more clearly without any conditioned thoughts getting in the way. It also points to deep personal wounding around isolation and not fitting into any group. The soul lesson for this guy was to essentially be a group of one, to establish for his own self a sense of purpose that relates to who he knows he is intrinsically as a human being, and from there to let everything else unfold as it will. The fip flopping between the nodes would have expressed as periods of being completely self focused, self absorbed and doing his own thing - regardless of what others thought (sn Taurus 5th, ruler Venus in Aries) and periods of feeling just deeply alone and trying to establish his own values in the world and being met with great opposition/projections.

With Chiron on the sn of Neptune, squaring the 11th house Scorpio north node, and the balsamic phase between Chiron and all the Pisces planets, there is clearly a karma for this soul relative to past lives of involving the human brain and it's abilities - where he idealized and placed ultimate meaning onto it. This created massive trauma and was linked to a sense of arrogance that was possibly exclusive and persecutive to various subgroups. In his evolution, he has surely experienced the other end of that.

With Chiron applying to the north node his lesson was to get out of the well of his personal research and questioning and sharing his inner wealth of knowledge with the world.

A bit more about the trauma for this soul in terms of his own personal struggle to fit in, to be accepted: a part of this soul's path has been to overcome this trauma by being who he is, no matter what. All of this points back to the Pluto bottom line - which is to come to an all encompassing understanding of how creation interconnects with itself. The Chiron semi sextile balsamic phase to Pluto in Pisces in the 3rd means that he would be re-evaluating and reflecting highly on his own values and seeking a transcendent understanding of reality which would allow him to come to terms with his own existence, his own survival/social needs, his own role as a member of humanity etc. Relative to his evolutionary condition, this would still imply some degree of mental dissociation and a strong proclivity towards a cosmology that will "make things make sense" so that he doesn't have to face the immense inner trauma, which itself links back to a sense of meaninglessness in life.

With the north node in Scorpio in the 11th house, with Uranus on the north node, relative to the integration of the skipped step planet, this facilitates the Pluto polarity point in Virgo in the 9th which translates to the essence of observation and correlation. Integrating objective observations about reality into a clear and inwardly well articulated cosmology about reality. This allows him to come to intellectual terms with his personal place within the scheme of humanity via way to understand and make meaning out of the trauma of being alive.

With love, am

Pluto and the nodes paradigm.Third individuated, male - born in England. I'm already aware of who this individual is, so I am putting that aside to the best that I can in order to analyze this as objectively as possible.

Pluto in Pisces in the 3rd house. Mercury and Ceres in a balsamic conjunction with Pluto. Jupiter in a new phase conjunction with Pluto. Pluto squaring the Sag AC and the Gemini DC. Uranus in Scorpio conjunct the North node disseminating Trine to Pluto. Mars in Libra in the 10th full phase sesquiquadrate to Pluto.

Pluto polarity point in Virgo in the 9th.

South node in Taurus int he 5th, ruler Venus in Aries in the third house conjunct the IC. Venus first quarter trine to Neptune and Saturn in Sag in the 12th.

North node in Scorpio in the 11th house. Jupiter gibbous phase sesquiqudrate to the north node.

England at the time of this soul's incarnation was in the process of the industrial revolution which birthed rapid technological/scientific innovations. The industrial revolution reflected a stage of collective evolution relative to a growing collective receptivity to the sciences that had otherwise been shunned throughout the midieval ages. Given his ea stage, this soul has come into that environment as a reflection of his soul's desire to understand the greater interconnectedness between all things - to come to a transcendent understanding of how all elements in the enviroment internconnects with itself - Pluto in Pisces in the 3rd. In that vain, he would have experienced an inner sense of being lost in the context of the various social and religious "opinions" scientific and otherwise that have been taken as "fact" - needing to make sense of it all. There would be a loss of perspective and a yearning to find meaning in life - to understand something greater, something more. Pluto in new phase with Jupiter in Pisces in the 3rd, Pluto squaring Sag AC. This lifetime was about venturing forward to synthesize various and find greater meaning/context for the meaning of manifest reality.

Within all that, with Mercury in a balsamic conjunction to Pluto one thing the soul was seeking to complete in this lifetime was a whole bunch of information and data about the enviroment that doesn't seem to connect - for this soul this would relate to a deeply existential sense of meaningless in life - trying at times to make sense out of all the information of other people, Mercury ruling the DC in Gemini which is squared by Pluto and Mercury, and then being disillusioned upon realizing it's limitations, its non absolute nature. The Pluto polarity point in Virgo, noting that Virgo is intercepted and is ruled by that Mercury, is about developing a discriminative mind that allows him to sieve through all the facts, data, opinions, information, cultural beliefs, and come to a concrete synthesis of how it all works together. My sense of it, with such a loaded intercepted Pisces, and the ruler of the pretty much empty intercepted Virgo being back in Pisces in the 3rd - there is definitely a strong intention for this soul to create some higher context for things. With Lucifer in a gibbous phase opposition to Pluto - this really emphasizes the sense of lack and how difficult it can feel to make meaning out of all the data. And yet this soul, through the development of a cosmology would be bearing a philosophical light that will serve the collective. That Lucifer squares Saturn Neptune in Sag in the 12th both of which are also in a disseminating square to Pluto. So this is a strong theme in this soul's chart. The Saturn Neptune in disseminating square to Pluto, which I'll focus more on in a later post, in this context points to focusing his mind on the bottom line in order to create a structure of cosmological thought that will reach the masses and become conditioned within the collective consciousness as a way of explaining natural law.

The soul context for these Pluto desires has been through the south node in Taurus in the 5th house which in a general way correlates to an internalized sense of having a special purpose - to look inside himself, on his own and create something unique through deep internalized focus of his own energy. With Venus in Aries conj the IC, this creates a very self focused, self directed, internalized kind of personality that naturally pictures itself to have a special purpose to fulfill - on his own. For this soul there has been a constant, ongoing sense of becoming - who am I, what I am here to be, what is yet to be discovered? On an emotional level, his quest for universal knowledge that connects all things has been linked to a personal quest to find out who he is - to uncover his own individuality. So it's clear the discovery, internalization, walking out into the world alone and spending time with his self discoveries, Aries, sn in Taurus in the 5th - and having been known for that on some level is a past life theme here. The sn of Venus is in Cap in the 2nd house which further emphasizes the immense degree of internalization and self development within the soul from the past. The Moon is there as well, which I'll address in a future post.

Note however that there's a skipped step dynamic here with Chiron in Aquarius squaring both nodes - along with that is the sn of Neptune and the sn of Mercury both conjunct Chiron in Aquarius in the 2nd house. So the Pluto soul context has been met with some unresolved dynamics that relate back to the Venus, 2nd house archetype. The ruler of the Aquarius second house Chiron is Uranus which is on his north node in Scorpio in the 11th. Chiron is just about in a balsamic phase semi sextile with Pluto. These signatures correlate to dynamics in the past wherein the soul has made objective observations about survival, both how we live as a species, how we survive; perceiving the geometric matrix, the bottom line archetypes that relate to the evolution of consciousness. Given the strong Aquarius theme here and his ea stage, this would imply a great degree of scientific brilliance. Achieving these observations required the soul to liberate from culturally conditioned values - and to see things clearly, as they are. This has been met with great opposition and projections - possibly being excommunicated and things of that nature - second house isolation relative to 11th house. And yet with Uranus on the north node, this soul has already developed immensely in this area as a scientist and in the context of his evolutionary condition has learned a great degree of detachment to essentially not care what others think.

The Chiron skipped step implies that lifetime was about developing further detachment so that he can uncover his more essential nature, and to see things more clearly without any conditioned thoughts getting in the way. It also points to deep personal wounding around isolation and not fitting into any group. The soul lesson for this guy was to essentially be a group of one, to establish for his own self a sense of purpose that relates to who he knows he is intrinsically as a human being, and from there to let everything else unfold as it will. The fip flopping between the nodes would have expressed as periods of being completely self focused, self absorbed and doing his own thing - regardless of what others thought (sn Taurus 5th, ruler Venus in Aries) and periods of feeling just deeply alone and trying to establish his own values in the world and being met with great opposition/projections.

With Chiron on the sn of Neptune, squaring the 11th house Scorpio north node, and the balsamic phase between Chiron and all the Pisces planets, there is clearly a karma for this soul relative to past lives of involving the human brain and it's abilities - where he idealized and placed ultimate meaning onto it. This created massive trauma and was linked to a sense of arrogance that was possibly exclusive and persecutive to various subgroups. In his evolution, he has surely experienced the other end of that.

With Chiron applying to the north node his lesson was to get out of the well of his personal research and questioning and sharing his inner wealth of knowledge with the world.

A bit more about the trauma for this soul in terms of his own personal struggle to fit in, to be accepted: a part of this soul's path has been to overcome this trauma by being who he is, no matter what. All of this points back to the Pluto bottom line - which is to come to an all encompassing understanding of how creation interconnects with itself. The Chiron semi sextile balsamic phase to Pluto in Pisces in the 3rd means that he would be re-evaluating and reflecting highly on his own values and seeking a transcendent understanding of reality which would allow him to come to terms with his own existence, his own survival/social needs, his own role as a member of humanity etc. Relative to his evolutionary condition, this would still imply some degree of mental dissociation and a strong proclivity towards a cosmology that will "make things make sense" so that he doesn't have to face the immense inner trauma, which itself links back to a sense of meaninglessness in life.

With the north node in Scorpio in the 11th house, with Uranus on the north node, relative to the integration of the skipped step planet, this facilitates the Pluto polarity point in Virgo in the 9th which translates to the essence of observation and correlation. Integrating objective observations about reality into a clear and inwardly well articulated cosmology about reality. This allows him to come to intellectual terms with his personal place within the scheme of humanity via way to understand and make meaning out of the trauma of being alive.

m now posting my notes, somehow fragmentary, on the Moon archetype in Darwin's chart. Thanks so much Rad for your guidance and teaching of this amazing methodologyGod Bless, Gonzalo

Moon Archetype

"We must die as egos and be bornagain in the swarm, not separate

and self-hypnotized, but individualand related."

—Henry Miller, Sexus

The Moon is in the 2nd House Capricorn, ruling Cancer in the 8th House cusp. The 4th House cusp is Aries, ruled by Mars in the 10th House Libra, which is Crescent square the Moon. These symbols reflect an emotional nature which comes into the current life fundamentally repressed, and an egocentric structure or personality which is not in contact with the inner emotional states existing within the Soul. These symbols reflect a prior defense to emotional pain, in which the Soul has chosen to build barriers in order to avoid the impact of intense emotions including pain, grief, guilt, anger and disillusionment, resentment, and futility … The Moon in Capricorn and the 4th House ruler being in the 10th House reflect an inner state of MOURNING originating in the experiences of loss of family relationships and children, which we have discussed in this thread, defining how the individual inwardly feels and its overall tone of relatedness with self and others (Moon 2nd House, Mars Libra). The conscious self is permeated by feelings of guilt which is connected with the dynamics creating the past experiences of loss in parenting.

Coming into the current life, the Soul chose to be born through a biological family in which its own emotional needs would be unmet, and instead, would receive the impact of judgments including religious judgments, and a disciplinarian education, as a reflection of the inner state of repression. The mother would have been more or less emotionally and sexually repressed, controlled, and unavailable and not nurturing at a physical and emotional level for the child. She was already 43 or 44 when Charles was born. “She breed doves at their home, and she explained plants and flowers to Charles when he was young. But her health had never been good, and through the years of the marriage she became increasingly weak, and withdrawn from the young children” (Source: Darwin's mother and the miniature http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sc7wSLIx5fs).

Further, the child experienced the mother's death when he was eight. It seems the cause of the mother’s death was related to “gastrointestinal symptoms that were probably a sign of either a severe ulcer or stomach cancer” (Wikipedia article con Susannah Darwin) – Moon square Mars, and Darwin would later

manifest severe gastrointestinal symptoms too. At the time of the mother’s death transiting Ceres was rx conjunct the natal Moon of Charles, and conjuncting the SNs of Saturn, Venus, etc.; the transiting SN of Ceres was conjunct natal Saturn, ruler of the Moon. Transiting Mars was conjunct the Moon’s South Node. Darwin wrote in his Autobiography “My mother died in July 1817, when I was a little over eight years old, and it is odd that I can remember hardly anything about her except her death-bed, her black velvet gown, and her curiously constructed work-table”. In his “Autobiographical fragments” written much earlier, he wrote “when my mother died I was 8 ½ years old and Catherine one year less, yet she remembers all particulars and events of each day whilst I scarcely recollect anything (and so with very many other cases) except being sent for, the memory of going into her room, my father meeting me-crying afterwards. I recollect my mother’s gown and scarcely anything of her appearance, except one or two walks with her. I have no distinct remembrance of any conversation, and those only of a very trivial nature. I remember her saying “if she did ask me to do something”, which I said she had, “it was solely for my good” [Quoted by Carolyne Dever in: Death and the Mother from Dickens to Freud: Victorian Fiction and the Anxiety of Origins]. This book proposes, as the title reveals, that the death of the mother was a motive for Darwin's search of 'origins', which of course is confirmed by the birthchart (the Moon is connected by rulership to Saturn/Neptune in the 12th House, the Moon's North Node is ruler by Pluto in Pisces). “She was often to suffer the blunt of her husband's frequent outbursts of rage, and she died under slightly mysterious circumstances when Charles was eight years old” (Sopurce: http://www.thedarwinpapers.com) – Mars 10th House square the Moon. “In a scene eerily reminiscent of Darwin's grandmother's passing, his mother's last fortnight on earth was characterized by vomiting and severe gastro-intestinal pain while being tended to by her husband, Dr. Robert, as he administered VAST QUANTITIES OF THE OPIUM DERIVATIVE LAUDANUM to her.” Moon ruled by Saturn conjunct Neptune in the 12th House. With the Mars square to the Moon, this looks like a possibility that the mother were killed by the father… Susannah, the mother (born 23/Jan/1765 in Burlem, England), had Pluto/Venus Balsamic conjunct in Capricorn, square Mars in Aries, South Node in Virgo, North Node in Pisces, ruled by Neptune in Virgo, ruled by Mercury in Aquarius. This Mercury is conjunct the father’s Mars in Aquarius (Robert Darwin, born 30/May/1766 in Lichfield, England), which conjuncts his own North Node in Aquarius, ruled by his Uranus in Aries. Robert Darwin had South Node in Leo, conjunct Jupiter, ruled by the Sun in Gemini, ruled by Mercury in Taurus square his nodes, and conjunct Susannah’s Saturn in Taurus, the ruled of her Pluto/Venus. Composite Neptune/Mars are in opposition, and conjunct the Nodes in Virgo/Pisces). It is said that Robert Darwin didn’t want to be a doctor, and that he studied medicine only to avoid losing his part on his family inheritance. Biographer’s record that “within a day of Susannah's death the dutiful Dr. Robert was fifty miles away attending one of his patients, which seems rather odd for the grieving widower, since he actually detested the practice of medicine”.

The Mars in the 10th House square to the Moon in Capricorn indicate anger or rage against the father. He said about his father, "he was a little unjust to me when I was young, but afterwards I am thankful to think that I became a prime favourite with him." (Wikipedia, article on Darwin’s Health). Here we see the effect of repression in conditioning the orientation to patriarchal, external source of validation and social goals.

Cancer being in the 8th House cusp reflects the intensity of the inner states that have been repressed, and the overall intention to metamorphose the egocentric structure, which would need to occur through cyclic experiences of ‘death’ and rebirth. The need for this intensity of experiences has been created by the fixity of past egocentric orientation (South Node 5th House Taurus), which has been a causal factor for repressing the emotional states in order to keep heading toward the ego defined goals despite experiencing emotional pain. Uranus conjunct the North Node in the 11th House reflects the need to create traumas in order to unlock these emotional states existing within the Soul. The loss of the mother was just one of these traumas in the current lifetime. With the natal Moon conjuncting the south nodes of Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn, Venus, Vesta, and Mercury, all in Capricorn, we can see that these types of trauma caused by the loss of family relationships, and the repressive response thereof, have been occurring in the Soul’s history since much older times, and specifically the times of transition from matriarchal times to matriarchy. Also, we see the potential that the current life mother has been a mother to Charles Soul in prior lifetimes, or that they have been involved in family relations where these traumas have occurred in the past. If we have a look at the composite chart between Charles and his mother Susannah, it is amazing to me that they have a massive stellium of planets in Aquarius, and the Nodal Axis is in Cancer/Capricorn. The Aquarius stellium comprises Pluto, Moon, Sun, Venus, Chiron, Saturn, and Mercury. With this, it would seem to me like this composite chart, directly connects with the Pluto/Neptune/Uranus conjunction of 5036 BC (I'm overwhelmed by the synchonicity), and the traumas that the human species created during implementation of patriarchal family structures, ie. how man made laws and structures were violently imposed and replaced the biological memory of the species and the original matriarchal family structure that was aligned with the biological memory.

Cancer being in the 8th House cusp, the South Node being in the 5th House Taurus, ruled by Venus in Aries, Mars in the 10th House being the ruler of both the 4th and the 5th Houses, and the Moon being in Capricorn in the 2nd House Capricorn, reflect the intensity of desires for the mother which is denied access by the law of the father, frustrating the capacity for joy, while the anger toward the father is repressed for the sake of maintaining and reproducing the social order created by the law of the father. The crescent square between the Moon and Mars demonstrates the internalization of the law of the father leading to being defined by a state of lack. Given that the South Node ruler Venus in Aries the 3rd House, is conjunct Vesta in Aries in the 4th House, and the Moon in the 2nd House is conjunct the SN Vesta, both in Capricorn, natural sexual desires for the communal mothers and sisters in pre-patriarchal times became desire for ‘this’ woman who happens to be ‘my’ mother or ‘my’ sister within the patriarchal family. Because the communal ‘mother’ (or sister), became a nuclear family ‘mother’ (or sister), the word “mother” or “sister” originally referring to a series of women, became a word referring to specific, individual females. Thus, sexual desire was placed in the disjunction of either desiring the mother against the law of the father, and falling under madness of perversity, or accepting the law of the father and repressing desires, and sexual desires, for the mother. Further, connective syntheses, ‘and, and’ ie. this woman is my mother ‘and’ I feel sexual desire for her, were replaced by disjunctive syntheses, ‘either, or’, ie. ‘either’ this woman is my mother/sister, ‘or’ this woman is someone I can desire and have sex with. Thus, A cannot be not-A (South Node ruler Venus in the 3rd House, Aries, ruled by Mars in the 10th House). Thus, by means of emotional castration,

the ego became entrapped in the triangulation between mother and father: “who do you love most, mommy or daddy?” The phallus became the distributor of the lack, where women, and the mother, became defined by ‘not having’ the phallus, and God became a man, masculine image, representing the “a priori principle of the disjunctive syllogism, so that all things derive from it by a restriction (or division) of a larger reality”. This is the Judgment of God: Venus 3rd House Aries trine Neptune/Saturn in the 12th House (Deleuze/Guattari – AntiOedipus, Capitalism and Schizophrenia). Thus, no evolution here, but creationism, and same time, competition between species, and individuals, and concepts, in which one has to prevail: the survival of the fittest. The price paid is the denial of joy, the repression of emotion, sensation, feeling and sexuality, a malnourished Soul in debt with itself, forming a restricted self-image and anal-retentive personality structure which needs to block all that is alive and moves within.

We have seen with the North Node being in the 11th House Scorpio conjunct Uranus and Chaos, ruled by Pluto in Pisces in the 3rd House, and the Sun in Aquarius in the 2nd House, that the Soul attempts to metamorphose and subvert the prior limitations of the ego structure by totally revolutionizing the existing organization of thought, sensation, emotion, and sexuality. Why, then, does the Soul needed to create the Capricorn Moon current life ego? What is the evolutionary intention? In few words, it would seem that, once the Soul has created a prison cell for itself, when embracing the desires to liberate itself it must proceed with extreme caution and prudence.

With Scorpio on the North Node, ruled by Pluto in Pisces, the intensity of the desires to metamorphose, and to disorganize prior subjective arrangements, contain the danger of totally destroying self. As Castaneda wrote, when the Soul desires lead to the realm of the Nagual, real change and evolution of the Soul demand that the Tonal be preserved. Commenting on Castaneda's Tales of Power Deleuze/Guattari explain this beautifully. “The tonal seems to cover many disparate things: It is the organism, and also all that is organized and organizing; but it is also signifiance, and all that is signifying or signified, all that is susceptible to interpretation, explanation, all that is memorizable in the form of something recalling something else; finally, it is the Self (Moi), the subject, the historical, social, or individual person, and the corresponding feelings. In short, the tonal is everything, including God, the judgment of God, since it "makes up the rules by which it apprehends the world. So, in a manner of speaking, it creates the world." Yet the tonal is only an island. For the nagual is also everything. And it is the same everything, but under such conditions that the body without organs has replaced the organism and experimentation has replaced all interpretation, for which it no longer has any use. Flows of intensity, their fluids, their fibers, their continuums and conjunctions of affects, the wind, fine segmentation, microperceptions, have replaced the world of the subject. Becomings, becomings-animal, becomings-molecular, have replaced history, individual or general. In fact, the tonal is not as disparate as it seems: it includes all of the strata and everything that can be ascribed to the strata, the organization of the organism, the interpretations and explanations of the signifiable, the movements of subjectification. The nagual, on the contrary, dismantles the strata. It is no longer an organism that functions but a BwO that is constructed. No longer are there acts to explain, dreams or phantasies to interpret, childhood memories to recall, words to make signify; instead, there are colors and sounds, becomings and intensities (and when you become-dog, don't ask if the dog you are playing with is a dream or a reality, if it is "your goddam

mother" or something else entirely). There is no longer a Self [Moi] that feels, acts, and recalls; there is "a glowing fog, a dark yellow mist" that has affects and experiences movements, speeds. The important thing is not to dismantle the tonal by destroying it all of a sudden. You have to diminish it, shrink it, clean it, and that only at certain moments. You have to keep it in order to survive, to ward off the assault of the nagual. For a nagual that erupts, that destroys the tonal, a body without organs that shatters all the strata, turns immediately into a body of nothingness, pure self-destruction whose only outcome is death: "The tonal must be protected at any cost." (Deleuze/Guattari, 28 Novembre 1947 - HOW DO YOU MAKE YOURSELF A BODY WITHOUT ORGANS? In: A Thousand Plateaus, Capitalism and Schizophrenia).

"I am saturnine—bereft—disconsolate,The Prince of Aquitaine whose tower has crumbled:

My lone star is dead—and my bespangled luteBears the Black sun of Melancholia"

Gerard de Nerval's poem "The Wretched"(quoted in Stanton Marlan: The Black Sun - The Alchemy and Art of Darkness

Same time, and at a deeper psychological level, it is only by means of this extreme caution that the Soul can become aware of what needs to change in itself, and effect the transformation. The Moon in Capricorn in the 2nd House ruling the 8th House Cancer, relative to the North Node in Scorpio in the 11th House implies a Soul commitment to emotional transformation translating into a restricted sense of experience in which self-awareness is limited or confined to that which needs to decay and ultimately die within the personality. Wolf taught that within Creation all phenomena are interconnected. He also taught that the individual Soul is a composite of a variety of dynamics, each of them operating at different evolutionary rates. The North Node in the 11th House, and the Sun being in Aquarius, imply the potential of a total disorganization and disassociation because of the Soul desires to discover the universe within, and to evolve beyond prior egocentric structure. The individual consciousness can lose self-identity because of being submerged in the individual and collective unconscious: North Node Scorpio, ruled by Pluto in Pisces. This can lead to a situation in which the multiplicities of the inner or outer universes are in fact experienced, but remain unintegrated, and in which individual choice-making is felt as irrelevant, because in the end all causes and their effects are already connected from the point of view of non-linear time, and thus, the individual has no responsibility in the outcome of the process. On the contrary, the Moon in Capricorn is painfully demanding personal involvement occurring in time present, in the process of personal transformation between past and future. Thus, the necessary intensity of depression in which the individual, when picking the Capricorn natal Moon, has chosen to be confronted with its own darkness, in order to allow a transformation in the nature of desires: an integration of the inner darkness, or alchemical ‘nigredo’, and not only the brightness of knowledge, or the loss of personal consciousness because of going too fast. It is like having to pass through a rabbit hole, as Alice did, in order to access the inner universe. The hole (Moon conjunct Orpheus) is the contraction implied in having to fully experience the own limitations. “The cure for suffering—which is the collision of consciousness with unconsciousness—is not to be submerged in unconsciousness, but to be raised to consciousness and to suffer more. The evil of suffering is cured by more suffering, by higher suffering. Do not take opium, but put salt and vinegar in the soul’s

wound, for when you sleep and no longer feel the suffering, you are not. And, to be, that is imperative (Miguel de Unamuno, The Tragic Sense of Life)”. The Moon being exactly conjunct Orpheus restates the necessary descent to the underworld for Soul-retrieval, and the need not to proceed too quickly when coming back to surface; further, that the integration process is not about seeing, but more about feeling and hearing. Asteroid Euridice is exactly conjunct the Moon ruler, Saturn/Neptune in the 12th House, and the Moon exactly conjuncts asteroid Beatrix. These symbols reflect the call to enter the underworld resulting from the experiences of loss, the mourinig. Same time, they reflect that the Soul is receiving inner feminine guidance in the initiatory descent to its own inner darkness, in order to integrate and heal the feminine nature of sensation and emotional body, a portal leading to the inner universe for discovery of higher knowledge (the grand trine between Moon, Dark Moon Lilith and Urania, etc.).My god the depth and precision of your EA analysis as to why the Soul of Darwin chose the Capricorn Moon is simply incredible and brilliant: every part of your analysis that includes the relevant asteroids. Your uncovering of the causative dynamics of why his father and mother, which includes the original Vesta archetypes that led to a succession of the types of mothers his Soul chose to come through, is just exceptional EA work Gonzalo.

Your analysis reminded me of one of the Anton Chekhov plays in which a women is constantly wearing black. Someone finally asks her why she does this. And her answer reflects exactly what you have said about Darwin and his Capricorn Moon: "I am in mourning for my life".

Simply brilliant EA work Gonzalo. Your work reflects the very best of Evolutionary Astrology. This is how it is meant to be understood and applied.

God Bless, RadMOON in Capricorn in the 2nd

Darwin came out of the womb in mourning. The root of his grief was linked with the trauma that his family, in particular his children, endured and the fact that he was the source of this trauma, South Node in Taurus squaring Chiron in Aquarius, ruler Uranus is station and conjunct the North Node in Scorpio suggesting he has been trying to re-enter this pool of pain, to take responsibility for the trauma he caused others he dearly loved in an attempt to heal the past, Moon in Cap, ruler Saturn balsamic to Neptune in Sag in the 12th . Beyond the grief, it was the guilt that chained his heart and his Soul. He would have spent past lives in monasteries or in isolation repenting. He would have also spent lifetimes hiding behind not only his work but in families in more formal cultures where emotions were not embraced or discussed in order to safely repress and avoid the memories. The sheer weight of the grief and the guilt as well the sense of responsibility he carried can be seen with the South Nodes of Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Vesta and Mercury all in Capricorn conjunct his Moon.

With a 2nd House Cap Moon he was learning not only lessons in personal survival and thus his ground breaking research and discovery of the survival of the species, this signatures also reflects a Soul who was needing to support his own survival, as he would have not been nurtured nearly enough in the way that a child needs, feeling emotionally alone much of the time and literally on his own without a mother by the age of 8. Not only did he lose his mother when he was

young, she had him when she was in her 40's and was not healthy for most of Darwin’s life. With Aries on the 4th house cusp conjunct Vesta in Aries opposing Mars in Libra in combination, this would create an environment where he was forced to become independent right out of the gates, learning to emotionally take care of himself from as early as he can remember, he would soon realize this need to self provide in every way. Darwin did not have much of a childhood to speak of, he came out already a man, a man with deep penetrating anguish and grief, Moon in Cap, still grieving for not only the trauma of the past but where he had truly fallen short. One other reason he pulled in this emotionless mother beyond the fact that he himself wanted to avoid the sea of pain is that he felt that he did not deserve love because of the guilt that he carried from being a parent in the past, not being there for his children in times of critical need. He was too self absorbed and self focused in the past, per-occupied with his own work and personal pursuits unaware of the true needs of others around him, in particular his children, South Node in the 5th in Taurus, ruler, Venus in Aries, opposing Mars in the 10th. The guilt he carried forward is due to this lack of presence and the true narcissism that his needs and creative pursuits were more important than anything else, leading to the rug being pulled from underneath him, to shock his Soul so the pendulum would swing to establish more balance surrounding his responsibilities to his children. He has carried this energy of never being able to forgive himself for lifetimes for his lack of presence due to his self absorption. A metaphor for such a tragedy would be his family being asleep while he carelessly kept candles or an unattended fire burning while working late, he takes a walk, the house catches fire, the children parish and he survives. The bottom line was his pre-occupation with himself and his work. South Node in the 5th, ruler Venus in Aries in the 3rd opposing Mars in Libra in the 10th, squaring Moon in Cap in the 2nd. One minute he had everything and the next moment he lost it all. This trauma may have also extended beyond his own immediate family, involving extended family and others in his community or tribe seen in the Aquarian signature, Chiron in Aquarius square the Nodes, Uranus in Scorpio conjunct the North Noe in the 11th.

Darwin was forced to grow up young and fast with consistent, cold lessons in self reliance and rigid rules along the way reflected in the Moon in Cap in the 2nd. He was raised in a wealthy proper family in traditional England whose father was a well known society doctor and financier, his mother was from the famous Wedgewood pottery family, South Node in Taurus and Moon in Cap in the second house. He undoubtedly was raised to keep his emotions in check and to hold back the tears when they bubbled deep beneath the surface, showing a sign of strength and control. As a result throughout his life these repressed emotions would have created an inner pressure and an added sense of loneliness with no one to share his deepest emotional currents with. This is similar also to his emotional body being a deserted island out in the middle of the sea with nothing but water beneath and surrounding him, Moon in Cap, ruler Saturn in Sag balsalmic to Neptune in the 12th house, held captive by the weight of their hold. There was vast emotion present yet it was kept separate, guarded and hidden from the world as for Darwin the sea was too dark and to scary to enter. Darwin chose to be born into an environment where he would have the imprint an emotionless childhood, pulling in parents that were not only reserved and repressed emotionally themselves but also not at all emotionally available. This would mean he would not need to be forced to access his own inner emotional abyss of pain, anger and guilt. He could build a wall keeping himself separate

from the past and all that these emotions reflect.

He was considered to be a solitary child who often took long walks alone exploring and often loved telling make-believes stories with immense fabrication to his family during gatherings, Moon in Cap in the 2nd, ruler Saturn in Sag in the 12th balsalmic to Neptune. He used story telling to keep his emotional and imaginary gates open, in order to allow whatever was humanly possible to filter in and to integrate what he was feeling but could not openly express. He would create make believe stories which would have involved characters that were fragments of him self. He was often asking the question why, why this and why not that for this questioning would lead to greater inner grounding, also this need for proof would serve to create greater inner balance when the answers came. Of course Darwin was always looking to the next horizon so emotionally was weighted down most of the time with the realm of possibilities of unanswered questions, those that also challenged his need for a supernatural creator, that filled his heart and mind. The Moon in Cap in the 2nd would be forced to feel through and examine the more practical and realistic avenues for truth as the miracle maker that was written about in formal texts had let him down more than once. The end of this fantasy would serve to contribute to his grief and mourning. The Moon in Cap here represents in the past that Darwin in many lifetimes was brought back to earth, back to reality that God was not a man on a throne and the traumas of loss created a great anger at God for not saving his children or loved ones. Also a guilt not only at himself for feeling responsible in some way for what had occurred, ultimately he became progressively disillusioned in greater degrees with each lifetime, Moon in Cap, ruler Saturn in Sag balsalmic to Neptune in the 12th, all culminating in this life with the tragic loss of his favorite child. The anger at not only himself, but at God and at authority figures which would have included false teachers is also seen with the Moon in Cap squaring Mars in Libra in the 10th opposing Venus, ruler of the South Node. If he stays within his own closed box then he would not have to deal the pain of all that once was pure and true and yet would never be the same again, because of his actions and choices.

Darwin was surrounded by massive religious influence, the Church of England and Unitarian on his mother’s side- the ruler of the Moon in Cap is Saturn in Sag balsalmic to Neptune in Sag in the 12th. However it was the ideas of his grandfathers that laid the foundation for his later career as they were free thinking rationalists and humanists who challenged conventional thought in philosophy, politics, religion and science. There were also very interested in invention and did not set any limits for themselves, for example at the time they imagined air travel which people thoughts was totally crazy and yet it ultimately occurred. You can see this also reflected in the Moon in Cap in the 2nd, ruler Saturn in Sag in the 12th trining Venus in Aries, the ruler of his South Node. Also with the ruler of his Sun in Aquarius being conjunct the North Node in Scorpio in the 11th, grandfathers who challenged consensus thinking. There may have been some spiritual breathing space as Unitarian is a form of religion, but more progressive for the time as it celebrates a diversity of belief - A free and responsible search for truth and meaning. However there was plenty of the ‘us versus them mentality’, the religious dividing lines that breeds intolerance between people, projections and judgment of others of their beliefs. Darwin would have also felt these same projections and judgements within his family of origin, Moon in Cap square Mars in Libra in the 10th opposing Venus in Aries, ruler of his South Node in Taurus. Darwin's submergence into a family and societal setting such as this is due in part with that fact that we pick up where we left off and he

was int he process of culminating lifetimes of old patriarchal relations and consensus religious influences within that. These connections culminating from the past can be seen with the ruler of the Moon in Cap being Saturn in Sag making a balsalmic conjunction to Neptune in the 12th. His father and possibly his grandfather could have been higher ups in the various churches where Darwin may have been a monk or part of the clergy. Also it takes an extreme to counteract an extreme so in order for Darwin to experience his natural beliefs connect with his own inner rhythms it takes interfacing with all that you are naturally not. This extreme will force any Soul back into a better balance. His Moon in cap is squaring Mars in Libra, ruler is Venus in Aries which rules the South Node. In the proceed this would allow him to culminate lifetimes of relationships with people who represented his running and hiding from his emotional body.

His father had high societal expectations of him , Mars in Libra in the 10th squaring his Cap Moon in the 2nd, wanted him to also become a doctor sending him to the prestigious Cambridge University but his father became annoyed with him went he slipped on his studies as Darwin eventually rebelled, Moon in Cap square Mars in Libra in the 10th, going against his father’s wishes as his heart was in the study of natural history and the laws of nature. Darwin harbored great anger with the father and there were plenty of things that he wished to say but held his tongue as he felt the father’s control, judgments and expectations that were crushing, Moon in Cap in the 2nd , squaring Mars in Libra in the 10th, opposing Venus in Aries in the 3rd, the ruler of the South Node. This extreme in what his father wanted for him and what he needed for himself would also serve to mirror the extreme of consensus expectation that he himself had also collected in his own Soul over time. He had fallen prey to the niceties that a fine existence offered in other times, and the recognition from society due to accomplishments from these ambitious pursuits that society revered as respectable. He would interface with this truth that these following what society or his father wanted for him never got him anywhere, that it only slowed him down. With South Node in the 5th in Taurus and a Moon in Cap reflects him falling for the traditional temptations of being born a life of privileged but that there is a limit to anything and he would realize this luxury never filled him up, it only made him experience more emptiness. No matter how many accolades, accomplishments or fine bottles of wine he tasted, they would quickly be replaced with the feeling of wanting more, of what's next The Moon in Cap in the 2nd reflects him reaching the proverbial limit of the material world and his need now to bust past this place, North Node in Scorpio conjunct Uranus, to find MEANING in the truth of creation and in his connection to all those things he cannot touch or see. We know in this signature that there have been attempts in the past to liberate from the old patterns but he never quite got there, for the groove in the record was too deep.

In 1831, by the age of 22, his home, became a boat, when he had a once in a lifetime opportunity to travel the world, a grand sea-going adventure, Moon in Cap, ruler Saturn in Sag in the 12th balsalmic to Neptune. In 1835 he spent time in the Galapagos, and it was his findings while at home in the Galopogos that later led to his theory of natural selection. Moon in Cap, ruler Saturn in Sag in the 12th, an island in the middle of the sea. Also in researching the geodedics of this location, the Galopogos by location is 29 Cap, which conjuncts his Moon in Capricorn in the 2nd, ruler Saturn in Sag balsalmic to Neptune in the 12th in Sag. It was the findings in this location, a temporary home, that allowed him to later over time, Moon in Cap, put his research on the map. On a personal level, his

Moon in Cap, ruler Saturn in Sag in the 12th would reflect this international traveling being a reflection of the ongoing running and hiding from his emotional prison of secrets.

Darwin had a two prong focus: His identity and sense of self was totally linked with his life’s work - Discovery, documentation and dissemination of natural laws. This can be seen with a Moon in Cap, ruler Saturn balsalmic to Neptune, ruler of his Pluto in Pisces. The second prong was being a devoted family man however emotionally balancing the two main priorities was his Achilles Heel and had been for lifetimes, Moon IN Cap square Mars in Libra in the 10th, opposing Venus in Aries, ruler of the South Node.

With Pluto in Pisces, and the ruler Neptune baslamic to Saturn in the 12th, Saturn being the ruler of his Moon in Cap, he also chose this Moon to allow him to stay grounded versus having his wild imagination flying around in the clouds and never being brought into sensible form. The Moon in Cap in the 2nd, ruler Saturn in Sag, gave him legs to bring his dreams down to earth and to carry his visions forward, and in this life, ultimately to carry many lifetimes of attempts to closure, The Moon’s ruler Saturn is balsalmic to Neptune, ruler his his Pluto, in the 12th house.

Moon in Cap in the 2nd also connects to a Soul who has a natural need to reflect about all things, for Darwin, the ruler is Saturn in Sag in the 12th balsalmic to Neptune, he would need to reflect about the Origin of all things and how his progressive scientific uncovering would effect his emotional reality and his own personal fears regarding survival for his family. How would their lives be effected as a result? Would he see them again when they die? This in turn would create a feeling of doom and gloom as the inevitable sat in the distance, for ‘grief waits for those who love’. Moon in Capricorn connects to his Soul embodying a seriousness and a depression that he couldn’t shake, this Moon in Cap would also lead to a high pressure that would persist in him for all of his living days and one that rendered him chronically sick and immuno-compromised.

This Soul has been shouldering immense responsibility as his Moon is not only in Capricorn but it is conjunct the South Nodes of Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter in Capricorn, this adding to his Soul’s need to take responsibility for what he has set in motion. Beyond the trauma he was responsible for creating, he would have experienced great trauma and a true lack of acceptance for his research and findings in the past as this Moon in Cap squares Mars in the 10th house, Mars being the ruler of his Venus in Aries, which is the ruler of the South Node in Taurus in the 5th, Chiron in Aquarius also square the Nodes. The trauma however cannot get in the way of his Soul’s intended destiny for he knows from some other place within himself that he must carry this through. The emotional pressure for Darwin was immense and it fed most of his battles involving poor health, in particular his heart palpitations, South Node in the 5th, ruler Venus in Aries in the 3rd opposing Mars in the 10th in Libra which squares his second house Moon in Cap. Also with a stellium in Pisces it would create an immune system that was more naturally challenged by emotional stress and the outer environment. He carried the weight of the world on his heart and on his shoulders. It is the the emotional weight that can lead to the most challenging body and health woes. Darwin’s physical health was a direct result of his

emotional dis-ease. The dis-ease reflects all that he has emotionally carried that he cannot let himself off the hook for. The Moon in Cap in the 2nd, ruler Saturn in Sag in the 12th balsamic to Neptune is about the NEED TO FORGIVE HIMSELF. to remove himself from his own inner prison and to understand that the only way to healing is to take responsibility for what has occurred but for it not to paralyze him from moving on. To know that the natural God wants him to release the hold of the past and be free. It does not mean to be free of the guilt for GUILT IS NATURAL to CONSCIOUSNESS and necessary for Darwin to always have this within him for it will keep him from recreating the past dynamics that have caused him so much suffering. It is the learned guilt that accumulates that can literally suffocate a Soul preventing any evolution at all. This in combination with the emotioanl repression will cause volumes of distortion and rage. Ultimately this is when evil wins. With Darwin's Lucifer in Virgo squaring Saturn in the 12th,the ruler of his Moon in Cap in Sag, considering evil parks itself wherever we are most vulnerable, it is the self defeating, self sacrificing, masochistic thoughts that has become Darwin own belief system about himself, one where he deserves this pain and punishment forever until eternity for all he has done in this past, where he was careless and too self consumed. This will make its way deeply in to the physical corners of his body, in particular his heart, South Node in the 5th rooting itself there for all the negative emotions to feed upon. Even wallowing in his own grief was a form of self indulging in his pain from the loss of his favorite daughter. Following her death he was incapable of being the father his other children needed. He was unable to love and nurture them, causing trauma for them and re-igniting his own grief and guilt from the massive trauma that occurred in the past. This would also prove to feed the guilt as he would be unable to follow through on this parental priorities in a balanced way.


Darwin married his cousin which can be seen with his South Node in Taurus, ruler Venus in Aries in the 3rd, inconjunct his North Node and Uranus. Venus, the South Node ruler also opposes Mars in Libra which square the Moon in Cap. Obviously this was not a traditional choice and the extended family signature can be seen with the North Node in 11th in Scorpio conjunct Uranus, not only because it was not the norm, but the Aquarian, Uranian archetype connects to extended family. Also with the ruler of the South Node, being Venus in Aries, opposing Mars in Libra and squaring the Moon in Cap, this can be sexual relations with someone like a sibling, someone within the family bloodline. Darwin chose this partner because her Soul knew all of his secret and was part of his part with respect to these traumas that brought hims such grief. She saw him for who he was and she loved him at his worst and so she was the safest bet. Moon in Cap, ruler Saturn balsalmic to Neptune in the 12th. Also the sign on the 7th is Gemini, ruler Mercury in Pisces in the 3rd which is balsalmic to Pluto in Pisces and squares the ruler Neptune as well as Saturn, the ruler of his Moon in Cap, reflects the partner who is like a sibling and who knows his secrets. She is also wanting to put this theme to rest and is committed to the culmination of this repeating theme of trauma as well as committed to helping him culminate his destined body of work.

“How paramount the future is to the present when one is surrounded by children."

Charles Darwin

The Darwin’s had ten children, two died in infancy. The abundant family can be seen with the ruler of his Moon in Cap being Saturn in Sagittarius in the 12th balsalmic to Neptune, which also reflects the loss of children. Moon in Cap describes the true weight of the grief he has carried for loss of family not only in this lifetime but in others and for his own experience of disillusionment surrounding death, in particular children. Chiron in Aquarius squares his nodes and the ruler is conjunct the North Node, suggesting this not only occurred in this life but it has been a theme of heartbreak for him more than once. His need Moon in Cap in the 2nd to father that many children was his Soul's attempt to make up for the past, to nurture well and to take care of as many children as possible as this ambitious approach to parenting would become the true TEST, Moon in Cap, when his favorite child dies. Darwin has moon in Cap in the 2nd also as a TEST for all that came before, a test to be present at all costs but the trauma would test his ability to nurture the other children in unforeseen ways.

Darwin’s favorite daughter, Annie, passed when she was only 10 . “ "Anne was the apple of her proud father's eye, his favorite child, he confessed to" [his friend and cousin William Darwin] Fox. "More than any of the other children she treated him with a spontaneous affection that touched him deeply; she liked to smooth his hair and pat his clothes into shape, and was by nature self-absorbedly neat and tidy, cutting out delicate bits of paper to put away in her workbox, threading ribbons, and sewing small things for her dolls and make-believe worlds."[1] This spontaneous affection would have been the secret ingredient needed to bring his Cap walls down, it worked like magic, ruler of his Moon in Cap being Saturn in Sag balsalmic to Neptune in the 12th which trines Venus in Aries, the ruler of his South Node.

Annie’s Mars was conjunct Darwin’s Uranus and North Node in Scorpio, she being the trigger for the trauma but also for what would prove to be the shock his Soul needed to open up to the larger picture of life after death. To force his own Soul from its perceived limits, Moon in Cap in the 2nd,to see the whole of all things, including life, death and the hereafter. They undoubtedly had a Soul contract coming into this life, knowing it would take some sort of cataclysm, North Node in Scorpio, conjunct Uranus in Scorpio to accelerate his evolution and in order to bring his ground breaking work to the planet.? Also because as we pick up where we left off, if he was not able to finish his work in prior lives due to the trauma, he would be forced to experience this again with the intent to prevail no matter what. Annie could help him on the other side. She would be a continuous reminder of life after death and to teach and remind him that in the end nothing ever really dies, that we must lose our attachment to the physical, Moon in Cap square Mars in Libra, pushing beyond the limits of our own container. The Soul contract can be seen with their Composite Saturn in Sag making an exact trine to Venus in Aries conjunct North Node of Mars in Aries. Also Their Composite South Node of Uranus is conjunct this Saturn, natal Uranus is in Cap conjunct Neptune, suggesting the trauma in this life with respect to her loss had been a theme from the past. Annie may have proven to be his greatest teacher in this unveiling of the other side offering a window into another dimension, one that is very much alive and connected to the here and now. Darwin's South Node is in Taurus in the 5th, ruler Venus in Aries and this trines his Saturn, ruler of his Moon, the Saturn being balsalmic to Neptune, the ruler of his Pluto in Pisces, and they are both in the 12th. The loss of Annie became the self fulfilling prophecy reflected in the negative thought patterns set in motions lifetimes ago, that he deserved the

cruelest form of punishment for his parental neglect. This self fulfilling prophecy linked with his feelings that he deserved repeated trauma also due to the inner FEAR of this repeating, is seen with the Moon in Cap squaring Mars in Libra, opposing ruler Venus in Aries, ruler of the South Node. Also the ruler of his Moon in Cap, Saturn, squaring Lucifer in Virgo, that he deserved the ultimate punishment, the loss of his most cherished child.

"We have lost the joy of the household, and the solace of our old age” Darwin


Darwin felt responsible for her death in some way and carried tremendous guilt as a result. In 1849, Anne caught scarlet fever and her health declined; some authorities believe that she suffered from tuberculosis. In vain pursuit of help from Gully's water cure, which failed to save her, she died. This devastated Charles. The guilt and grief carried forward to his grave can be seen with the Moon in Cap in the second, ruler Saturn balsalmic to Neptune in Sag in the 12th, a signature for the rivers of tears for the family loss and in some way feeling responsible, pinning her exit on these emotions of guilt that he didn’t do enough. Irrational emotions kept the wound wet and open for the remainder of his living days. With Uranus station on the North Node, Uranus being the ruler of Chiron which squares the Nodes but also the ruler of the Sun, in the second which is balsalmic to his Moon in Cap, he would be re-living the very same types of traumas which had caused his Soul to freeze, in order to evolve beyond them, this due to his Moon in Cap lessons in responsibility for all the relationships in his life in-particular his children. Note:In patriarchal myth, Lilith has been given some harsh names, one of which is her being labeled baby killer. Of course in her pure undistorted form she is powerful beyond measure, the embodiment of a self reliant, independent wild alluring woman. Her being given the name seductress and baby killer only came after she refused to submit to male patriarchal dominance. Her rage at these expectations warped with natural injustice ignited a vengeance in her in defense of her right to be free and to have equality, this led her down roads of distortion. Darwin’s Lilith is conjunct his South Node in his 5th while making a T square to Chiron in Aquarius in the 2nd as well as his Moon in Cap, and squaring Dark Moon Lilith in the 8th on the other side, reflecting the darkest shadow of this symbol and the loss of his 'baibies'

With a mind and consciousness like Darwin’s, he would feel alone a great deal of the time even when surrounded by people and he would feel as if no one truly understood his inner world. This was how Darwin preferred it to be for he did not want anyone to know who he was, there were too many deep dark secrets that he himself could not face or live with, so not only did he shut himself off from the world he emotionally shut himself off from himself. It would take his favorite child dying, and connecting with him from the astral realm in a place, that was far from the landscapes of his mind, perhaps only there would he truly feel met, touched and forgiven. Annie's Mars was not only in Scorpio on his North Node and Uranus in the 11th, astral plane, but her Pallas and her North Node were in Aquarius conjunct his Sun in Aquarius, she being the messenger from the astral realm. Her Sun and Uranus were also conjunct his Pluto in the 3rd house and these symbols trine his North Node and Uranus.

Jeffrey shared in his write-up on the plenary method that there is a dark side of the moon that people never see, reflecting the insecurity within. With respect to Darwin this dark side of his Moon in Cap is the grief that was strapped to his Soul, and the guilt for his role in the trauma created for his beloved children, this will haunt him for eternity.

It also involves his imaginary world where he is visited by his daughter Annie from the other side, a world that is real beyond real to him, and yet others experienced him as hallucinating and spending far too much time in a world they can only understand as escape. It would be in this shadow, in this darkness, where only in death that a light would be found. He would recover more Soul security as he explored the dimensions that transcended space and time with the help of his invisible teacher and friend, Annie.

With the Moon symbolizing that which represents the evolving ego and how we integrate the insecurity of the past, you can see with a South Node in Taurus receiving the square from Chiron in Aquarius, that the trauma of the past caused him to freeze and fracture but with the Moon in Cap in the 2nd and the ruler Saturn trining Venus, the ruler of the South Node, he chose a Moon placement that would guarantee he would persevere, persist and press on. This weight of responsibility for what he was designed to bring forward would have also have been a true burden as it was so massive and timeless in nature. One man and one journey would change the world, Moon in Cap in the 2nd house, ruler Saturn balsalmic to Neptune, also Moon in Cap squaring Mars in Libra in the 10th opposing Venus. One man, one journey in fact was responsible for changing the world. That was an unfathomable burden to bear.

“A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections, - a mere heart of stone." (Darwin)

This sentiment would not be true however as for his Moon or ego to evolve, for his Soul to evolve, we not only look to the North Node in Scorpio, which reflects the deepest of depths, but we look to the Moon’s polarity, and not only find Cancer in the 8th, it is conjunct the North Node of Saturn and North Node of Pluto. It would take him 'time’ to emotionally soften and warm up to anything but eventually in order for him to evolve, it must happen. This evolving polarity also reflects the cataclysm that would force him into his emotional body, in particular the death of his daughter Annie, Cancer on the 8th house cusp, ruler Moon in Cap in the 2nd that would ignite the trauma of this past that he was responsible for connecting to the loss of many children.

With the Moon in Cap balsalmic to the Sun in Aquarius, the Sun in Aquarius allowed him to detach just enough to finish his Soul’s work for the world as this Sun is receiving a trine from Mars in Libra in the 10th, suggesting there will be enough energy and emotional focus in him to culminate this repeating circuit of paralyzing loss and to close this Soul chapter. Also Darwin's Moon in Cap is making a Last Quarter septile, 51 degrees, other wise known as a fate aspect, to his Pluto in Pisces in the 3rd which reflects the fate of the death of his daughter and his communications with her, her visits from the other side and his experience serving as a bridge from Earth to the timeless, unseen, invisible world

with the intention to help heal his wounded heart. This re-immersion into the emotional waters after attempting to hold it all up or back for lifetimes would allow Darwin to evolve, as the river always finds the path of least resistance, via the natural water trinity, Moon - Pluto -Neptune, the river always finds its way back to the sea, back to God.

With Pluto in the 3rd in Pisces, ruler Neptune balsamic to Saturn in Sag in the 12th, Saturn being the ruler of his Moon in Cap in the 2nd, it has been said by historians that even with all the research that has been done on Darwin’s life and story to date, and as much as we have have uncovered and will further uncover here, Darwin, the man, is an ENIGMA, with guarded Moon in Capricorn and a North Node in Scorpio in the 11th, Pluto in Pisces, ruler Neptune conjunct Saturn in the 12th, I am sure that is how he would like it to remain.

Namaste,Rad,I have been wondering/considering the relationship of the 7th house to the manifestation of not just relationships, but to life circumstances as well as. The Descendant is the gateway threshold to the 2 upper quadrants that are the expression of our outer world. Venus as ruler of the 7th house also represents the magnetic frequency, relative to our values and priorities, that we unconsciously project outward, and that is the determinant of what experiences we will necessarily attract through circumstance, and by what we call “fate”. Carl Jung said "What is not brought to consciousness, comes to us as fate." Do we objectify ourselves through outer circumstances as well as relationships? Does this dynamic of the nature of experience operate also through and relative to the 7th house archetype? e archetype of objectification manifests within Aquarius, the 11th House, and the planet Uranus. These are the archetypes that create to state of emotional/ psychological detachment, detaching, from the totality of our life experiences, and the very nature of the life we have created. Emotional detachment is necessary for such an objectification to occur wherein lies self knowledge about why we create what we create. Aquarius, the 11th House, and Uranus are of course part of the natural trinity with Libra, Venus, and the 7th House as well as Gemini, the 3rd House, and Mercury. So of course the nature of the relationships that we form are certainly part of this need to objectify.

God Bless, Rad

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