polypyrimidine-tract-binding protein is a component of the ......polypyrimidine-tract-binding...

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Polypyrimidine-tract-binding protein is a component of the HCV RNAreplication complex and necessary for RNA synthesis

Hideki Aizaki1,2, Keum S. Choi1, Minyi Liu1, Yi-jia Li1 & Michael M.C. Lai1,3,*1Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, University of Southern California, Keck School ofMedicine, 2011 Zonal Ave., HMR-503, Los Angeles, CA, 90033, California, USA; 2Department of VirologyII, National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 162-8640, Japan; 3Institute of MolecularBiology, Academia Sinica, Nankang, 115, Taiwan

Received 16 February 2006; accepted 10 April 2006

� 2006 National Science Council, Taipei

Key words: hepatitis C virus, PTB, RNA replication, lipid rafts


The machinery for hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA replication is still poorly characterized. The relationshipbetween HCV RNA replication and translation is also not clear. We have previously shown that a cellularprotein polypyrimidine-tract-binding protein (PTB) binds to HCV RNA at several different sites andmodulates HCV translation in several ways. Here we show that PTB also participates in RNA replication.By bromouridine triphosphate (BrUTP) labeling and confocal microscopy of cells harboring an HCVreplicon, we showed that the newly synthesized HCV RNA was localized to distinct structures in thecytoplasm, which also contain PTB. Membrane flotation analysis demonstrated that a fraction of cyto-plasmic PTB was associated with a detergent-resistant membrane (DRM) structure consisting of lipid rafts,which also contained HCV nonstructural proteins and the human vesicle-associated membrane protein-associated protein (hVAP-33). PTB in the DRM was resistant to protease digestion, but became sensitiveafter treatment with the raft-disrupting agents. PTB in the DRM consisted of multiple isoforms and thebrain-specific paralog. By using small interfering RNA (siRNA) of PTB, we showed that silencing of theendogenous PTB reduced the replication of HCV RNA replicon. In a cell-free, de novo HCV RNAsynthesis system, HCV RNA synthesis was inhibited by anti-PTB antibody. These studies together indi-cated that PTB is a part of the HCV RNA replication complex and participates in viral RNA synthesis.Thus, PTB has dual functions in HCV life cycle, including translation and RNA replication.


Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a major causative agentof chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, and hepatocel-lular carcinoma. Blood screening based on thecloned HCV genome and its gene products hasreduced significantly the blood–borne HCV trans-mission [1–3]. However, detailed studies of HCV(for example, virus replication, pathogenicity, andnatural history of HCV) have been greatly ham-

pered by the lack of efficient in vitro culturesystems of HCV infection.

Viral replication often requires the participationof host factors, which interact with viral RNA and/or viral proteins [4]. In the case of HCV, severalRNA-binding proteins, including La, NS1-associ-ated protein 1 (NSAP1), and polypyrimidine tract-binding protein (PTB), have been shown to bind tothe 5¢-end of HCV RNA and regulate HCV internalribosome entry site (IRES)- mediated translation[5–7]. In addition, several cellular proteins have beenshown to bind HCV nonstructural (NS) proteins;for example, human vesicle-associated membrane

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Fax +1-323-442-1721, E-mail: michlai@usc.edu

Journal of Biomedical Science (2006) 13:469–480 469DOI 10.1007/s11373-006-9088-4

protein-associated protein of 33 kDa (hVAP-33)was reported to bind to NS5A and NS5B proteins,and recruited them to the membrane to form theHCV replication complex (RC) [8, 9]. This cellularprotein is important for HCV RNA replication.

PTB, in particular, has been extensively studiedwith regard to its role in HCV translation. PTB (57-kDa) is a member of the heterogeneous nuclearribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) family and binds topyrimidine-rich RNA sequences, which are presentmostly in introns and untranslated regions ofcellular and viral RNAs [10]. As an RNA-bindingprotein, PTB has four consensus RNA-recognitionmotifs (RRM). RRM1 and 2, in the N-terminal halfof PTB, are required for PTB oligomerization andother protein–protein interactions, whereas RRM 3and 4, in the C-terminal half of PTB, are necessaryfor theRNA-binding activity [11]. PTB is involved inmultiple steps of pre-mRNA processing, includingtissue-specific splicing [12], mRNA localization [13,14], regulation of polyadenylation [15], and trans-port of hepatitis B viral unspliced mRNA fromnucleus to cytoplasm [16]. PTB localizes mainly inthe nucleus and can shuttle between the nucleus andcytoplasm. Cytoplasmic PTB has been shown toeither enhance or inhibit viral and cellular IRES-dependent translation of RNA [17], depending onthe type of IRES [18–20]. PTB has also beenreported to bind to both the HCV 5¢-untranslatedregion (UTR) [21] and 3¢-UTR [22] and regulateHCV translation. In addition, PTB binds to a core-protein-coding region of HCV RNA, which pro-vides an additional mechanism for the regulation ofHCV translation [23].

In this study, we further characterized the role ofPTB in HCV replication. We showed that PTB is acomponent of HCV RNA replication complex andparticipates in viral RNA synthesis. Thus, PTBserves dual functions in HCV replication, includingboth translation and RNA replication. This obser-vation also suggests an interesting relationshipbetween translation and RNA replication in HCVlife cycle.

Materials and methods


Huh-7 cells were grown at 37 �C in Dulbecco’smodified Eagle medium (DMEM) supplemented

with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) and nonessen-tial amino acids. Huh-7 cells harboring an HCVsubgenomic replicon RNA derived from the HCV-N strain [24, 25] were described previously [26].


The primary antibodies used for the analyses inthis study included mouse anti-NS3 (Vector Lab-oratories, Burlingame, CA), anti-NS4B (ViroStat,Portland, ME), anti-NS5A (Biodesign, Saco,Maine, ME), anti-actin (Sigma, St. Louis, MO),anti-caveolin 2 (cav-2) (New England Biolads,Beverly, MA) monoclonal antibodies, a rat anti-hVAP-33 [27] and a rabbit anti-calnexin poly-clonal antibody (Stressgen, Victoria, Canada). Themouse monoclonal antibody against NS5B wasmade by NS5B protein expressed from a recombi-nant baculovirus and was a generous gift of Dr.Soon Hwang (Hallym University, Korea) [28, 29].The mouse monoclonal antibody against PTBisoforms 1, 2, and 4 (anti-PTB) was purified fromculture medium of the mouse hybridoma cell, BB7,purchased from ATCC (Manassas, VA). Thepolyclonal antibody against the brain-specificPTB (anti-bPTB) was a generous gift ofDr. Douglas L. Black (UCLA).

Labeling and immunofluorescene staining of denovo-synthesized viral RNA and PTB

The procedures for cell permeabilization, labelingof de novo-synthesized viral RNA, immunofluo-rescence staining and confocal microscopy weremodified from the previously described methods[30]. Briefly, Huh-7 or replicon cells were plated on8-well chamber slides at a density of 1� 104 cellsper well. Two days after seeding, cells wereincubated with actinomycin D (10 lg/ml) for 1 hto inhibit cellular RNA synthesis. Subsequently,2 mM of bromouridine triphosphate (BrUTP) wastranfected into cells at 4 �C for 15 min usingFuGENE 6 transfection reagent according to themanufacturer’s instructions (Roche MolecularBiochemicals, Indianapolis, IN). The cells werewashed with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) twiceand cultured at 37 �C for 1 h with DMEMsupplemented with 10% FBS. After incubation,cells were washed twice with PBS and subsequentlyfixed by 4% formaldehyde for 1 h at 4 �C. Forpermeabilization, the cells were treated with 0.1%


Triton X-100 (TX-100) (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis,MO) in PBS supplemented with 1% FBS for30 min at RT. Primary antibodies were diluted inPBS containing 1% bovine serum albumin (BSA)and incubated with cells for 1 h at RT. After threewashes in PBS, the cells were incubated withfluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)–conjugated orRhodamine–conjugated secondary antibodies di-luted at a 1:100 with PBS containing 5% BSA for1 h at RT. Then the cells were washed three timesin PBS and mounted in Vectashield (Vector Lab-oratories, Burlingame, CA).

Membrane flotation, detergent solubilization,and immunoblotting

The membrane flotation assay was performed aspreviously described [31]. Briefly, Cells were firstlysed in 1 ml of hypotonic buffer (10 mM Tris-HCV [pH 7.5], 10 mM KCl, 5 mM MgCl2) andpassed through a 25-gauge needle 20 times. Nucleiand unbroken cells were removed by centrifuga-tion at 1,000� g for 5 min in microcentrifuge at4 �C. Cell lysates were then mixed with 3 ml of72% sucrose in low-salt buffer (LSB, comprising50 mM Tris–HCl [pH 7.5], 25 mM KCl, and5 mM MgCl2) and overlaid with 4 ml of 55%sucrose in LSB, followed by 1.5 ml of 10% sucrosein LSB. The sucrose gradient was centrifuged at38,000 rpm in a Beckman SW41 Ti rotor for 14 hfor 4 �C. After centrifugation, one-milliliter frac-tions were taken from the top of the gradient, andeach was added 1.7 ml of LSB to dilute sucroseand concentrated by being passed through aCentricon YM-30 or YM-100 filter unit (Millipore,Bedford, Mass.).

To characterize lipid rafts, postnuclear super-natants of cell lysates were incubated with 1% TX-100 at 4 or 37 �C for 1 h and followed by flotationcentrifugation.

One half of each sucrose gradient fraction wasseparated by SDS-PAGE on 12% polyacrylamidegel and transferred to nitrocellulose membrane.After blocking of the membrane with PBS con-taining both 0.1% Tween 20 and 5% Skim Milk,the membrane was incubated with the primaryantibody for 1 h at 37 �C, followed by the appro-priate species-specific horseradish peroxidase con-jugate, for additional one hour at 37 �C. Boundantibody was detected by the ECL-plus system(Amersham, Piscataway, NJ).

Proteinase digestion assay

Proteinase digestion assay was performed asdescribed previously [31]. Briefly, after the mem-brane flotation assay, the membrane fraction wastreated without or with 1% TX-100 at 4 or 37 �Cfor 1 h. Samples were then incubated with orwithout trypsin (10, 100 lg/ml) at 4 �C for 5 min.The reactions were stopped by adding 100 lg/mlof soybean trypsin inhibitor. Then samples wereanalyzed by immunoblotting.

RNA interference analysis

The small interfering RNA (siRNA) of PTB target-ing a 19-nt sequence corresponding to nt 1135–1153of PTB open reading frame (ORF) [32] was chem-ically synthesized by Integrated DNA Technolo-gies, Inc. (Coralville, Iowa). Nonspecific siRNAwas purchased from Ambion (Austin, Tex). Huh-7cells with or without a replicon were grown inDMEM containing 10% FBS without antibiotics.For transfection, cells were plated at a density of 105

cells per well in a 24-well plate. Three ll of a 20 lMstock of siRNA duplex was mixed with 47 ll ofOpti-MEM (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, Calif.) on day 2.In a separate tube, 3 ll of Lipofectamine 2000(Invitrogen) was mixed with 12 ll of Opti-MEM,followed by incubation at RT for 7 min. The twomixtureswere combined andallowed to sit atRT for25 min. After incubation, 35 ll of Opti-MEM wasadded and the 100 ll mixture was directly added tothe well containing 500 ll of growth medium. Onday 3, cells were trypsinized and split into each of a6-well plate. On day 4, cells were retransfected using6 ll of siRNA with 6 ll of Lipofectamine 2000. Onday 6, cells were harvested for either Western blotanalysis or RNA isolation.

To determine the quantity of RNA by real-timePCR, we performed a single-tube reaction by usingthe TaqMan EZ RT-PCR Core Reagents (AppliedBiosystems, Foster City, CA) as described previ-ously [31]. Values were normalized to that ofGAPDH (Applied Biosystems). Each test wasdone in triplicate and averages were obtained.

Cell-Free replication assay and immunodepletionexperiment

Cell lysates of Huh-7 cells with or without an HCVreplicon were prepared by a modified protocol


from the published procedures [33]. Briefly, thecells grown in 100-mm-diameter dishes werewashed with cold washing buffer (150 mM su-crose, 30 mM HEPES [pH 7.4], 33 mM ammo-nium chloride, 7 mM KCl, 4.5 mM magnesiumacetate), followed by treatment with lysolecithinbuffer (250 lg/ml of washing buffer) for 2 min.Three milliliters of washing buffer was added toeach culture plate. The buffer was removed byaspiration. The cells were collected by scraping in120 ll of incomplete replication buffer (100 mMHEPES [pH 7.4]; 50 mM ammonium chloride;7 mM KCl; 1 mM spermidine; 1 mM each ofATP, GTP, and UTP; 10 lM CTP), transferred toa new tube, and lysed gently by pipetting at least15 times. The cell suspension was centrifuged at1,600 rpm in a microcentrifuge (Eppendorf) for5 min at 4 �C.

For immunodepletion experiment, a 40-ll cyto-plasmic fraction (supernatant) was treated with1% Nonidet P-40 (NP-40) (Boehringer Mann-heim, Quebec, Canada) at 4 �C for 1 h andincubated with 0.1 or 1 lg of antibody with anadjusted amount of PBS at 4 �C for 4 h withrotation. After incubation, the sample was furtherincubated with [32P]CTP (30 lCi; 800 Ci/mmol),10 lg of actinomycin D per ml and 800 U ofRNase Inhibitor per ml (Promega Corporation,Madison, Wis.) for 3 h at 30 �C. Thereafter, RNAwas extracted from the total mixture using the TRIRegent (Molecular Research Center, Inc., Cincin-nati, OH). The RNA were precipitated and elutedin 10 ll of RNase-free water. The RNA productswere analyzed by formaldehyde-agarose (1%) gelelectrophoresis and autoradiography.


Colocalization of cytoplasmic PTB with denovo-synthesized HCV RNA

Previous studies on the HCV replicon-harboringcells have shown that HCV replication occurs inthe membrane-associated RCs [34]. Furthermore,the newly synthesized HCV RNA and the viral NSproteins colocalized on a distinct speckle-likestructure, which is made of the detergent-resistantmembranes (DRMs), in the cytoplasm of thereplicon cells, [29]. To test the possibility thatPTB not only participates in HCV translation, but

also is associated with the HCV replication com-plex, we first determined the intracellular localiza-tion of PTB in the HCV replicon-containing cells.We performed immunofluorescence studies tolocalize PTB and the newly syntheisized HCVRNA by using short-term BrUTP labeling in thepresence of actinomycin D. Double immunofluo-rescence staining using a polyclonal antibodyagainst PTB and a monoclonal antibody againstBrUTP showed that PTB was present almostexclusively in the nucleus, in agreement with theprevious results [35]. In contrast, in the HCVreplicon-containing cells, PTB was found not onlyin the nucleus, but also as distinct structures in thecytoplasm. The cytoplasmic PTB colocalized al-most precisely with the BrUTP labels in thereplicon cell (Figure 1). These results suggestedthat HCV RCs recruited PTB to distinct structuresin the cytoplasm of the replicon cells.

PTB localized in membrane fractions of repliconcells

To determine the properties of the distinct struc-tures that harbor cytoplasmic PTB, we performedmembrane flotation experiments to separate mem-brane and cytosolic fractions of cell lysates. Cyto-plasmic PTB in Huh-7 cells was detected mainly inthe cytosol fractions; In contrast, PTB was detectedin not only the cytosol fractions but also membranefractions in replicon cells (Figure 2A), suggestingthat PTB relocated from non-membrane fractionsto membrane fractions in the cytoplasm of the cellscontaining HCV replicon. Interestingly, a smallerPTB fragment (S-PTB) was also detected in thecytosol fractions of the replicon cells. This smallPTB fragment could also be detected in Huh-7 cellswithout HCV replicon, but only after very longexposure; furthermore, the relative ratio of S-PTBand the full-length PTB (F-PTB) was much higherin the replicon cells (Figure 2). These results suggestthat HCV replicon induced the cleavage of PTB.Only the full-length PTB, but not S-PTB, wasdetected in the membrane fractions. The role of S-PTB is still not clear.

PTB was associated with a DRM structurecontaining HCV NS proteins and RNA

Previous studies have shown that HCV RCs wereresistant to detergent treatment [8, 29, 31].


Furthermore, cell-free HCV RNA replicationactivity was not affected by the detergent treatment[31, 36]. To determine whether PTB was present inthe HCV RC, we next studied whether PTB waspresent in the DRM structure. In this experiment,the lysates of the replicon cells after treatment with1% TX-100 at 4 �C for 1 h were fractionated andconcentrated by passing through a CentriplusYM-100 filter unit, which allows small proteins(<100000 Da) to go through. Thus, only thoseproteins existing in large complexes could bedetected. As shown in Figure 3, all the HCVnonstructural proteins studied, including NS3,NS4B, NS5A and NS5B, were found in the DRMfraction. hVAP-33, which is involved in the forma-tion of HCV RC [8, 37], was also detected in theDRM. Significantly, PTB was detected in thismembrane fraction in the replicon-containing cells,but not in Huh-7 cells. As shown previously,caveolin-2, a known DRM-resident protein wasdetected in the DRM fraction of both Huh-7 andreplicon cells (29, 31; see also Figure 4). Theseresults indicated that PTB, together with the HCVNS proteins and hVAP-33, was present as largecomplexes in the DRM fraction.

Anti-bPTBAnti-BrUTP Combined



Figure 1. Colocalization of cytoplasmic PTB with de novo-synthesized HCV RNA. Two days after cell seeding, HCV replicon(Replicon) or control (Huh-7) cells were permeabilized and transfected with BrUTP for 15 min. They then were double stainedwith the mouse monoclonal antibody against BrdUTP (anti-BrUTP) and the rabbit polyclonal antibody against the brain-specificPTB (anti-bPTB). Bars, 5 lm.












1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Membrane Non membraneA









Figure 2. Detection of PTB in membrane fractions of HCVreplicon cells. Cell lysates from HCV replicon (Replicon) orcontrol (Huh-7) cells were fractionated by discontinuous su-crose gradient centrifugation. Each fraction was concentratedin a Centricon YM-30 filter unit and analyzed by SDS-PAGEon 12% polyacrylamide gel, followed by immunoblotting withantibodies against PTB (A). To detect the small PTB frag-ments, the membrane of Huh-7 cell lysates was exposed for 5times longer (B). Fractions are numbered from 1 to 9 in orderfrom top to bottom (light to heavy). The full-length PTB(F-PTB) and small PTB fragments (S-PTB) are indicated byarrows.


Detergent solubilization of cytoplasmic PTBin HCV replicon cells

To further establish that PTB is associated withlipid rafts, the detergent solubility of PTB underdifferent conditions was studied. Cell lysates ofreplicon cells were treated with 1% TX-100 ateither 4 or 37 �C before equilibrium flotationcentrifugation. The results showed that both PTBand cav-2, a lipid raft marker [38], were recoveredin the membrane-containing fractions after theTX-100 treatment at 4 �C. In contrast, the ERprotein calnexin was solubilized by TX-100 at4 �C (Figure 4). After treatment with TX-100 at37 �C, the association of PTB or cav-2 with DRMstructure was disrupted, as was observed for otherraft-resident proteins [39]. HCV NS proteins werealso shifted to the detergent-soluble fractions aftertreatment with TX-100 at 37 �C [31]. These results

are consistent with the interpretation that theDRM structures containing PTB are lipid rafts.

PTB in the membrane fraction was resistant toprotease digestion, but became sensitive aftertreatment with the raft-disrupting agents

Previous studies have shown that HCV RCs wereprotected within the membrane structure associ-ated with lipid rafts [31]. We therefore examinedwhether PTB was also enclosed within lipid rafts.We determined trypsin sensitivity of PTB in theDRM fractions. As shown in Figure 5, in theabsence of detergent treatment, most of PTB wasresistant to trypsin digestion even at a very highconcentration of trypsin (100 lg/ml). After themembrane was treated with 1% TX-100 at 4 �C,at least some PTB was not digested. In contrast,after treatment with 1% TX-100 at 37 �C, PTBwas completely digested by trypsin (100 lg/ml).This result suggested that at least part of PTB inDRM is protected by lipid raft. Alternatively, allof PTB are in lipid rafts, but the protection maynot be complete.

PTB in DRM fraction of replicon cells consistsof multiple isoforms and a paralog

Several isoforms and paralogs of PTB have beenreported [10, 40, 41]. Brain-specific PTB is knownto be a different gene product of PTB, i.e., aparalog of PTB. To determine whether there wasdifferential incorporation of PTB components intothe HCV RC, we performed immunoblotting byusing different antibodies, including a monoclonalantibody that can detect PTB isoforms 1, 2, and 4(anti-PTB) and a mouse polyclonal antibodyspecific for the brain-specific PTB (anti-bPTB)[42]. The anti-bPTB antibody detected a PTBspecies in the cytosol of mouse brain but notmouse kidney (Figure 6A left panel), whereas theanti-PTB antibody detected PTB isoform 1 in thekidney and a very faint band corresponding toPTB isoforms 2 and 4 in the brain (Figure 6A,right panel). Since bPTB and PTB isoforms 2 and4 have very similar sizes, we could not distinguishthe possibilities that the anti-PTB antibody cross-reacted with bPTB or that PTB isoforms 2 and 4were also present in the brain. Huh-7 cells con-tained both PTB isoforms 2 and 4 and bPTB(Figure 6A). Interestingly, PTB was also detected













Figure 3. Detection of HCV proteins and PTB in DRM frac-tions of HCV replicon cells. Cell lysates from HCV replicon(Replicon) or control (Huh-7) cells were treated with 1% TX-100 for 60 min on ice and fractionated by discontinuous su-crose gradient centrifugation. DRM fraction was concen-trated in a Centricon YM-100 filter unit and analyzed bySDS-PAGE, followed by immunoblotting with antibodiesagainst NS3, NS4B, NS5A, NS5B, PTB or hVAP-33.


in the DRM fraction of the mouse brain andkidney (Figure 6B); the physiological significanceof this finding is currently unknown. In Huh-7cells containing the HCV replicon, bPTB and PTBisoforms 2 and 4 were also detected in the DRMfraction, This result suggested that all the PTBspecies in Huh-7 cells were incorporated into theHCV RC.

In vivo knockdown of PTB inhibited HCVreplication

To further examine the role of PTB in HCVreplication in vivo, we attempted to knock downthe endogenous PTB expression using the RNAinterference method [32]. Replicon cells weretransfected with either PTB-specific or nonspecificsiRNA. The PTB siRNA caused a significantreduction of the endogenous PTB (Figure 7A).Correspondingly, PTB siRNA caused a reductionof HCV RNA to a level around 40–50% that ofthe cells treated with the nonspecific siRNA(Figure 7B). These results concluded that PTBwas a positive regulator of HCV RNA synthesis.

Depletion of PTB from cellular lysates inhibitedHCV RNA replication in vitro

The finding that the reduction of endogenous PTBinhibited viral RNA synthesis could be due to thepossibilities that PTB is directly involved in bothviral transcription and translation or that theinhibition of RNA replication was the indirectresult of inhibition of viral protein synthesis. Todistinguish these possibilities, we designed exper-iments to separate viral transcription from viraltranslation. We performed an in vitro replicationassay using HCV RCs in crude membrane frac-tions of the replicon cells [31, 33, 43, 44]. Further-more, we performed immunodepletion of PTBfrom the lysates to assess the effects of PTB inRNA replication in vitro. Cell lysates of repliconcells or Huh-7 cells were treated with detergent(NP-40 at 4 �C) and incubated with antibodiesagainst PTB, HCV NS4B, or HCV E2 proteins.After incubation, HCV RNA replication under thecell-free condition was carried out. Both anti-PTBand anti-NS4B antibodies inhibited HCV RNAsynthesis in a dose-dependent manner (Figure 8).


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9



Detergent resistant Detergent soluble


Detergent resistant Detergent soluble

Figure 4. Detergent solublization of PTB in HCV replicon cells. Cell lysates of replicon cells were either treated with 1% TX-100at 4 or 37 �C, and fractionated by discontinuous sucrose gradient centrifugation. Each fraction was concentrated in a CentriconYM-30 filter unit. Equal volumes of the recovered fractions were analyzed by SDS-PAGE, followed by immunoblotting with anti-bodies against PTB, calnexin (ER marker), or cav-2 (lipid raft marker). Fractions are numbered from 1 to 9 in order from top tobottom (light to heavy).



0 10 100

No treatment

0 10 100


0 10 100


Figure 5. Protease sensitivity of PTB in the HCV RC. Cell lysates of replicon cells were fractionated by flotation sucrose gradientcentrifugation. Fraction 2, which contains membrane, was concentrated in a Centriplus YM-30 filter unit and incubated without orwith 1% TX-100 at 4 or 37 �C for 1 h. Then the samples were incubated without or with either 10 or 100 lg/ml of trypsin for5 min on ice. The digestion was terminated by adding Soybean trypsin inhibitor and analyzed by SDS-PAGE and immunoblottedwith the monoclonal antibody against PTB.


This result is consistent with the interpretationthat PTB and NS4B are components of HCV RCsand are required for RNA synthesis. In contrast,

anti-E2 antibody did not significantly affect HCVRNA synthesis at 0.1, 1.0 lg/ml (Figure 8) or even10 lg/ml of antibody concentrations tested (datanot shown). This result is expected since E2protein is not a component of HCV RCs. Thesecombined results provided direct evidence thatPTB is a part of the HCV RNA replicationcomplex and participates directly in viral RNAsynthesis.


The use of BrUTP labeling has enabled us tocharacterize active HCV RNA replication in situ.Previously, we have shown that HCV RNAreplication occurs on speckle–like structures [29],which may be equivalent to the membranous web,as reported by Gosert et al. [45]. The immunoflu-orescence staining study presented here showedthat PTB in Huh-7 cells mainly existed in thenucleus, while PTB in the replicon cells localized innot only the nucleus but also distinct structures inthe cytoplasm and colocalized with the newlysynthesized HCV RNA (Figure 1). These resultssuggest strongly that PTB is recruited into theHCV replication complex. PTB is thought to be anuclear protein in the static state. It can shuttlebetween the nucleus and cytoplasm, because theRRM 2 domain of PTB facilitates the nuclearexport of PTB, whereas RRM 1, 3, and 4 maycontribute to the nuclear localization of PTB [46–48]. PTB is also an RNA-binding protein; indeed,PTB has been shown to bind to both 5¢UTR [21]











PTB 2, 4PTB 1








PTB 2, 4PTB 1




























Figure 6. Isoforms and paralogs of PTB in HCV repliconcells. PTB in cytosol (A) or DRM fraction (B) of the HCVreplicon cell lysates (Replicon) was separated by SDS-PAGEand immunoblotted with monoclonal antibody against PTB 1,2, 4 (anti-PTB) or brain-specific PTB (anti-bPTB). Brain andKidney tissues were used for controls of brain-specific PTBand isoform 1 PTB, respectively. PTB 1, 2, and 4 are indi-cated by arrows.



















Figure 7. Inhibition of viral RNA replication by siRNAagainst PTB. HCV replicon cells were treated with PTB-specific or nonspecific (NS) siRNA twice and harvested at48 h after the second siRNA transfection and analyzed forPTB expression by immunoblotting with PTB antibody (A)and for HCV RNA titer by real-time quantitative RT-PCR(B). GAPDH mRNA was used as the internal control. Therelative RNA titer in the PTB siRNA-treated cells was com-pared with that treated with the nonspecific siRNA. Errorbars denote standard deviations with asterisks indicating sta-tistical significance (*p<0.05).


0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.0 ug/ml




Cell lysate

Figure 8. Inhibition of cell-free replication activity by anti-PTB antibody. Cell lysates from HCV replicon (Replicon) orcontrol (Huh-7) cells were incubated without or with mono-clonal antibodies against PTB, HCV E2, or NS4B at two dif-ferent concentrations (0.1 and 1 ug/ml). Samples wereincubated with [a-32P]CTP in the cell-free replication assay.The RNA products were analyzed by formaldehyde-agarosegel electrophoresis.


and 3¢UTR of HCV RNA [23]. This bindingconceivably facilitates the recruitment of PTB tothe HCV RC. One notable feature of cellularfactors involved in viral RNA synthesis is that theyare located predominantly in the nucleus ofnormal cells, while viral RNA synthesis occursmostly in the cytoplasm [4]. However, the relocal-ization of cellular proteins from nucleus to cyto-plasm in virus-infected cells has previously beendemonstrated for several proteins, including La,hnRNP A1, and PTB [49–51]. Here we alsoshowed the relocalization of PTB from nucleusto cytoplasm in HCV replicon cells. Thus, this islikely a common feature of RNA viruses.

Membrane flotation experiments showed that asignificant fraction of the full-length PTB shiftedfrom cytosol to membranes in the cytoplasm ofHCV replicon cells (Figure 2A). On the otherhand, the majority of a small PTB cleavagefragment remained in the cytosolic fractions.These results suggested that only the full-lengthPTB could be recruited to membrane fraction andparticipate in HCV replication. The mechanism ofgeneration and function of the small PTB frag-ment is not clear. It has been reported that PTB iscleaved by caspase-3 during apoptosis [52] or bypoliovirus 3Cpro and/or 3CDpro [53]; the C-terminal PTB fragment was localized to thecytoplasm. Interestingly, the small PTB fragmentshave been shown to inhibit polioviral IRES-dependent translation, suggesting that the cleavageof PTBs may contribute to the molecular switchingfrom translation to replication of poliovirus RNA.Moreover, modulation of translation by proteo-lytic cleavage of a translation initiation factor eIF-4GII is a mechanism for shutting down the hostcell protein synthesis by poliovirus [54]. The smallPTB fragments present in mouse tissues have beenreported to prevent PTB binding to 5¢UTR andinhibit IRES-dependent translation of hepatitis Avirus [55]. Thus, the small PTB fragments found inHCV replicon cells may similarly contribute to themolecular switching from translation to replica-tion, or vice versa, of HCV RNA.

In this study, we demonstrated that the DRMstructure from the replicon cells contained notonly HCV NS proteins but also PTB and hVAP-33(Figure 3). Recently, we have demonstrated bymembrane flotation analysis that HCV RNA andNS proteins of replicon cells are present mainly inDRM fractions [29, 31]. Cell-free, de novo HCV

replication assay further showed that HCV RNAand NS proteins in DRM fractions could carry outRNA replication in vitro [31]. Waris et al. [36] alsofound purified RCs to be resistant to an evenhigher concentration of NP-40. These resultstogether support the notion that the active HCVRCs existed in DRM structure that consists oflipid rafts. On the other hand, Lai et al. [44]showed that the RNA replication activity of HCVRC was inhibited by a lower concentration of NP-40. The difference in the detergent sensitivity ofHCV RNA replication between our studies andthe other report may be attributed to the propor-tion of NS proteins existing in DRM fraction.Indeed, the proportion of total NS5B proteinpresent in the DRM fraction was variable indifferent replicon cell lines (data not shown).Furthermore, HCV RNA titers in different repli-con cell lines appear to correlate with the amountof NS5B in the DRM fraction (data not shown).

In this study, PTB in the DRM was shown tobe resistant to protease digestion, but becomesensitive after treatment of DRM with the raft-disrupting agents. This result was similar to theresults of RNase and protease treatments of HCVRNA and NS proteins in the DRM of repliconcells, respectively [31]. These results togetherindicated that HCV RNA, NS proteins, and PTBin HCV RCs were protected within membranestructure associated with lipid rafts. We detected inHCV RC several isoforms and a paralog of PTB,including PTB 2, 4, and brain-specific PTB inHuh-7 cells. A previous study has shown thatseveral members of heterogeneous nuclear ribonu-cleoprotein (hnRNP) type A/B family, includinghnRNP A1, hnRNP A/B, hnRNP A2/B1, andhnRNP A3, interacted with mouse hepatitis virusRNA and function interchangeably in the replica-tion of viral RNA [56]. Similarly, all of theisoforms and paralog of PTB may be functionalin HCV RNA replication as well.

We showed that the reduction of PTB expres-sion level in replicon cells inhibited HCV RNAreplication (Figure 7). Previously, Zhang et al.[57] also obtained the similar results by usingsiRNA targeting several cellular proteins, includ-ing PTB, hVAP-33 and La antigen. In this report,we have further demonstrated that PTB isdirectly involved in viral transcription by demon-strating that immunodepletion of PTB from thelysates inhibited RNA replication in a cell-free


HCV RNA replication assay. Therefore, PTB is acomponent of HCV RCs and necessary for HCVRNA synthesis. Our studies presented here thusconfirmed and extended the recent publicationson the roles of PTB in HCV RNA replication [58,59]. However, we do not know exactly how thePTB antibodies interfered with RNA replicationin the cell lysates. They could simply prevent PTBfrom being incorporated into the HCV RCs, orthey could interfere with its function after assem-bly of the HCV RCs. Lai et al. [44] demonstratedthat HCV RC preparation could not use exoge-nous RNA as template and that the newlysynthesized single-strand RNA could serve asthe template for an additional round of RNAsynthesis. HCV proteins have been shown to berelatively stable [60]. Shi et al. [29] suggested thatHCV RNA replication did not rely on continuousprotein synthesis. The NS proteins and HCVRNA in RCs are thus capable of multiple roundsof RNA synthesis. These data are consistent withour observation that the HCV RCs were made upof the lipid- raft-containing membranes, so thatexogenous RNA, RNase, and protease could notaccess the internal components of RCs. Wepropose several possible mechanisms for theinvolvement of PTB in HCV RNA translationand replication. First, PTB may bind to both the5¢ and 3¢ ends of HCV RNA [21, 22], potentiallyallowing the 5¢ and 3¢-end interactions through asingle protein. The 5¢–3¢ crosstalk of RNA maycause circularization of viral genome, which mayhelp both RNA replication and translation. The5¢- and 3¢-end interactions are important forRNA synthesis of many RNA viruses [61, 62].Second, PTB may be involved in the formation ofHCV RCs; for example, PTB may recruit HCVRNA into the RCs by interacting with both HCVRNA and NS proteins or other components (e.g.,hVAP-33) of RCs. Third, PTB may change theconformation of viral RNA into one that is morefavorable for replication and translation, proba-bly functioning as an RNA chaperon to unfoldthe highly structured untranslated region of HCVRNA.

Our studies here showed that PTB is involvedin HCV RNA replication. Previously, our labora-tory and others have shown that PTB regulatesHCV translation [21, 22]. These findings supportthe potential linkage between viral RC and thetranslation machinery. PTB may be one of the key

factors involved in the transition of viral RNAfrom HCV RCs to the HCV translation machin-eries. The small PTB fragments may be induced byHCV replicon and play a role in the switch fromtranslation to replication or vice versa. Whetherother components of the HCV RCs are importantfor both replication and translation will be inter-esting issues for future studies.


We acknowledge microscope analysis providedby the microscopy sub core at the USC Centerfor Liver Diseases. This work was supported byNIH grants awarded to MMCL.


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