population: 3 million 67 % of the population lives in the cities 60 municipalities 761 – culture...

Post on 20-Jan-2016






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Population: 3 million67 % of the population lives in the cities60 municipalities

761 – culture centres:

189 – legal entity415 – branches160 – other

to create conditions for the dissemination of folk culture, foster ancient culture traditions, ensure the transmission of the national culture

to organise activities of the amateur art ensembles and groups

to take care for the participation of amateur art groups in the song and dance celebrations, local, national and international events

to organize recreational, educational and other events

to organize official mentioning events of state celebrations, anniversaries, calendar holidays

to take care for the spare time activities and arts education of children and youth

to organise events popularizing the traditional culture and amateur art, to fulfil other cultural needs of the community

to create favourable conditions for the dissemination of the professional art.

4 300 employees: 2 800 specialists in culture and arts

75 000 events per year 8 million spectators and patricipants

4 000 amateur art ensembles (53 000 participants):1 690 children and youth groups (21 000 participants)

The yearly maintenance of the culture centres at municipalities costs around 28 million Euros

Law on the Lithuanian Culture Centres Law on the Songs Celebrations Law on the Principles of State Protection

of Ethnic Culture

Sub-statutory legal acts: Regional Cultural Development ProgrammeAmateur Art ProgrammeOther laws

50 employees

organising song and dance celebrations

Implementing significant cultural programmes

employing various means for wider public recognition

releasing publications

analyses of cultural status and tendencies

methodical guiding of ensembles and their leaders

activity of culture and education specialists, taking care of their work conditions, professional improvement etc.

obtainment of national costumes and music instruments for the art ensembles

organization of consultants network of various amateur art branches and genres

obtainment of compositions for the song and dance celebrations’ repertoire

methodical and other support is rendered to foster the cultural activities of the Lithuanian communities abroad

dissemination of the Lithuanian Song and Dance Celebration internationally

The Lithuanian Cross-crafting

Song and dance Celebrations

Lithuanian ancient polyphonic Songs- Sutartinės

Tautiniai kostiumai

Coordinative Council on Regional Culture

6 councils of amateur art branches and genres

National Commission of Song and Dance Celebrations

Nuotrauka is Dainu sventes

Lithuanian Folk Culture Centre2014

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