positive behavior supports student presentation fall 2008 positive behavior support team candy...

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Positive Behavior SupportsStudent Presentation

Fall 2008

Positive Behavior Support TeamCandy BurgerChelle BusseNancy BerteJan KetchumStacey Origer

Tamela JohnsonRon Bollmeyer

External Coaches: Carol Jensen & Linda Harms

Be Ready

1-Arrive on time

2-Enter quickly & sit quietly in your designated seats

Be Respectful

1-Be silent during performance

2-Enter/exit during applause

3-Be courteous

Be Responsible

• 1-Use appropriate language/ volume during audience participation

Be Proud

1-Leave no trace

2-Observe Flag etiquette

3-Respect performers/ participants/ officials

C:\Documents and Settings\tjohnson\Desktop\2008-09\PBS\Thunder Power Song 2.doc

Why Do We Need toDo Something


“If a child doesn’t know how to read, we teach.”

“If a child doesn’t know how to swim, we teach.”

“If a child doesn’t know how to multiply, we

teach.”“If a child doesn’t know how to

drive, we teach.”“If a child doesn’t know how to

behave, we……teach? …punish?”

(Herner, 1998)

Academic Systems Behavioral Systems

1-5% 1-5%

5-10% 5-10%

80-90% 80-90%

Intensive, Individual Interventions•Individual Students•Assessment-based•High Intensity

Intensive, Individual Interventions•Individual Students•Assessment-based•Intense, durable procedures

Targeted Group Interventions•Some students (at-risk)•High efficiency•Rapid response

Targeted Group Interventions•Some students (at-risk)•High efficiency•Rapid response

Universal Interventions•All students•Preventive, proactive

Universal Interventions•All settings, all students•Preventive, proactive

Designing School-Wide Systems for Student Success

Discipline is….

The actions parents and teachers take to increase student success (Charles, 1980).


Routines, Arrangemen




What is Positive Behavior Support?

“PBS encourage

positive behavior And

discourages problem behaviors.

Leading to a

safer environment where students achieve

academically and build positive

relationships with each other

and with adults.”


• Classroom• Restrooms/locker rooms• Recess/Breaktime• Hallway• Lunchroom• Assemblies/Activities• Bus

  ClassroomRestrooms/ Locker

RoomsRecess/Breaktime Hallway Lunchroom/ Snacktime Assemblies/ Activities Bus

Respectful Teachers' Generate

1-Be Thoughtful of space/property 2-Use supplies correctly

1-Be Thoughtful of space/property 2-Be Kind -with words/actions 3-Take turns/play cooperatively

1-Keep feet/hands/ words to yourself 2-Close lockers/doors quietly 3-Wait in line appropriately

1-Be Thoughtful of space/property 2-Use table manners

1-Be silent during performance 2-Enter/exit during applause 3-Be courteous

1-Be thoughtful of space/property 2-Be Kind -with words/actions 3-Listen/follow bus driver directions

Responsible Teachers' Generate

1-Use appropriate language/volume 2-Flush & Wash hands 3-Use time wisely

1-Use appropriate language/volume 2-Follow the rules 3-Care for, appropriate use & return equipment

1-Use appropriate language & volume 2-Walk at all times & stay to their right 3-Follow directions when given

1-Use appropriate language/volume 2-Take only what you will eat of self-selected foods 3-Clean up after yourself

1-Use appropriate language/volume during audience participation

1-Use appropriate language/volume 2-Follow the rules 3-Stay in your seat

Ready Teachers' Generate

1-Use bathrooms at scheduled breaks 2-Tell adult if restroom needs attention 3-Help keep bathroom clean

1-Bring/wear appropriate clothing for the weather 2-Stop activity immediately when directed 3. Be on time

1-Remember your purpose 2-Have all needed materials with you

1-Come in, stay in line & wait your turn 2-Pick up necessary supplies before you get your tray

1-Arrive on time 2-Enter quickly & sit quietly in your designated seats

1-Arrive on time 2-Enter quickly & sit quietly in your designated seats

Proud Teachers' Generate1-Help keep bathroom clean

1-Leave no trace 2-Sportsmanship 3-Include everyone in activities

1-Leave no trace 2-Enjoy the posters & artwork on display with your eyes only 3-Keep hallways/lockers clean & clear

1-Leave no trace 2-Keep your hands & feet to yourself 3-Walk at all times

1-Leave no trace 2-Observe Flag etiquette 3-Respect performers/ participants/ officials

1-Leave no trace 2-Keep your hands & feet to yourself 3-Walk at all times


C:\Documents and Settings\tjohnson\Desktop\2008-09\

PBS\GBC47198 PBS_posters.pdf

C:\Documents and Settings\tjohnson\Desktop\2008-09\PBS\Thunder Power Points Coupon.xls

Thunder Power Points

• Keeping track of problem behaviors

C:\Documents and Settings\tjohnson\Desktop\2008-09\PBS\H_E_A_R_T_ Add Student Referral.mht

Referral Form

C:\Documents and Settings\tjohnson\Desktop\2008-09\PBS\Referral form.xls

• 5 positives = 1 negative

• Voice 4-3-2-1

• Smile and Wave

Cool Tools

Guiding Principles:• All students are valuable and

deserve respect.• All students can be taught to

demonstrate appropriate behavior.

• Punishment does not work to change behavior.

• School climate is a shared responsibility among administrators, teachers, staff, students and families.

Features of PBS

• Clearly defined expectations

• Teaching component for behavior

• Reinforcing appropriate behavior

• Correcting problem behavior

• Interventions for challenging behaviors

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