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01 | GLOBE 2014: MARCH 26-28, 2014

NORTH AMERICA’S LARGEST INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL BUSINESS SUMMITOver the past 24 years, the GLOBE™ Series has become the nexus for global networking and leadership on the business of the environment. In 2014, GLOBE will once again serve as the consummate place to transform environmental challenges into lucrative business opportunities.

Biennially, thousands of environmental business leaders, corporate environmental managers and sustainability practitioners come together in Vancouver, Canada to explore the mutually inclusive goals of corporate sustainability, business growth, energy and climate change solutions and urban development.

Meet senior business executives and government officials. Exchange ideas, build partnerships, and conduct business on a wide range of global environmental issues. Access some of the most progressive individuals and companies in the world. You cannot afford to miss this opportunity to find out how you and your organization can be best positioned over the coming decade to survive and thrive.


IntrOducInG thE 2014 cOnfErEncE thEmEs: » The Changing Energy Landscape

» The Search for Clean and Abundant Water

» The Future of Global Food Security – NEW!

» Building Resilient Cities

» Responsible Resource Management – NEW!

» Clean Capitalism: Financing the Future

» Doing Business in the Green Economy – NEW!

» China – Our Shared Future – NEW!

» The Aboriginal Advantage – NEW! | 02

WHO ATTENDSCorporate Executives responsible for strategic planning, business development, environmental health and safety, finance, regulatory and public affairs, technology development, research and engineering and product stewardship.

Financial Executives representing major insurance and reinsurance companies, pension plans and financial institutions, as well as venture capitalists and SRI practitioners.

Government Policy Makers from around the world responsible for energy, natural resources, environmental policies, regulations and enforcement, research and technology transfer, and business and economic development.

Environmental Industry Executives from environmental technology and service companies responsible for business development, marketing, research and development and finance.

International Agency Representatives from major development banks, multilateral development and aid agencies.

Urban Leaders and Design Professionals in economic revitalization, sustainable construction, eco-industrial development and urban governance, as well as architects, engineers and urban planning specialists.

Domestic and International Media representing television, radio, newspapers, magazines and web news sources.

GLOBE 2012 fast facts

9,000+ Total Participants

3,100 Participating Organizations

1,800 Conference Delegates

650 Presidents & CEOs

400 Exhibiting Companies

220 Media

157 Conference Speakers

58 Countries Represented

GLOBE 2012 spEakErs left to right: John laird, Natural Resources Secretary, State of California John Kitzhaber, Governor, State of OregonChristine gregoire, Governor, State of WashingtonChristy Clark, Premier, Province of British Columbia

03 | GLOBE 2014: MARCH 26-28, 2014

a GLOBaL markEtpLacE Of EnVIrOnmEntaL InnOVatIOnThe GLOBE 2014 Exposition will feature leading-edge products, technologies and services, corporate showcases, and international pavilions highlighting the very best solutions to the world’s environmental challenges in three critical areas:

» Energy

» Green Building & Sustainable Cities

» Water

Discover and explore the very latest in clean technologies and advanced environmental solutions presented by over 400 exhibitors from North America, Latin America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Take in specialty showcases, workshops and special presentations. Visit our international pavilions where you’ll meet global exhibitors and learn about business opportunities abroad. Everywhere you turn, you’ll see cutting-edge technologies, learn about new sustainable business practices and interact with influential leaders of today’s diverse business community.

gloBe 2014 highlightSIntErnatIOnaL dELEGatIOnsThe truly international character of GLOBE™ Events draws thousands of participants to the conference and exposition. With participants from over 50 countries expected, GLOBE 2014 will offer unparalleled opportunities to interact with business and government representatives from all corners of the world.

nEtWOrkInG OppOrtunItIEsSee what happens when business and social collide. Here’s your chance to let your hair down and meet fellow delegates over drinks, dessert and music nightly. Build your business and social networks, exchange views, and fill your fun quota. And if you want to stretch your networks before GLOBE even starts, check out our online social networking platform to set up meetings during the event with colleagues old and new.

thE GLOBE aWards fOr EnVIrOnmEntaL EXcELLEncEEach year since 2002, the GLOBE Awards for Environmental Excellence recognize outstanding Canadian companies and organizations who have demonstrated their commitment to environmental and corporate sustainability through technical, financial, or practical applications. The GLOBE Awards for Environmental Excellence will be presented at GLOBE 2014 International Conference & Exposition on March 28, 2014.

For information on the GLOBE Awards, visit:




604-695-5001 or 1 800-274-6097 (Toll Free)

04 | GLOBE 2014: MARCH 26-28, 2014

the global energy sector is undergoing a profound transformation. New technologies and new sources of energy are coming online; new players are reshaping the global energy market; millions of dollars are being invested in new transportation and processing facilities; and the search for more efficient and less carbon-intensive energy solutions are reverberating throughout many sectors. These sessions look at the various dimensions of the changing energy landscape and their potential impacts on the larger global economy.



thE dILEmma Of hYdrauLIc fracturInGHydraulic fracturing has opened up vast new sources of natural gas and oil and is shifting the energy supply-demand balance of power around the world. But do the environmental costs of this process outweigh the benefits? Ground water contamination, risks to air quality, migration of gases and hydraulic fracturing chemicals to the surface, mishandling of waste, and the associated health impacts of all these may be too high a price to pay for energy independence. What can a Fracker Do?

EnErGY pIpELInEs – thE tIEs that BInd

The efficient transportation of energy resources by pipelines has become a political and environmental flashpoint that threatens not only the Continental Energy Strategy, but also the ties that bind the three nations of North America. Is rail transportation a viable option? What does the future hold for this form of energy transportation? | 05

pIpE drEams Or pIpE rEaLItIEs – What makEs thE dIffErEncE?Finding the right route for a pipeline used to be a simple engineering challenge. Today it is often the focal point of controversy that can kill a project before it begins. But some pipeline projects do become realities. What marks the difference between pipe dreams and pipe realities? Who is winning and who is losing?

LnG – EXpOrtInG thE canadIan adVantaGESeveral large LNG export projects are in development to seize the window of opportunity for high LNG prices in the Asia Pacific energy market. But could that LNG be put to better use at home to fuel Canadian industry or to facilitate the transition to a lower carbon intensive economy? Are we exporting the long term Canadian advantage for short term gain?

cLEan EnErGY trEnds: What’s drIVInG thE IndustrY fOrWard?Now in its 13th edition, Clean Edge’s Clean Energy Trends report is one of the most established and respected annual clean-energy publications. Based on results from this year’s expanded research to be launched at GLOBE 2014, a stellar panel of business and investment innovators will come together to share their insights on the current status, most prominent trends, and future direction of global renewable energy supply and storage, green buildings, energy efficiency, and clean transportation.

cOmmunItY EnErGY: arE thE daYs Of BIG utILItIEs numBErEd?Advances in renewable and distributed energy systems are eroding the century old model of large scale utilities with near monopoly powers. Who are the new players in the emerging community energy marketplace?

thE chanGInG nOrth amErIcan EnErGY LandscapEThe United States is on track to eclipse Saudi Arabia as the world’s top oil producer and this has changed the balance of power in both the North American and global energy markets. How will this change Canada’s role as an energy superpower? How will it affect Mexico’s goal to diversify its economy? What do the leaders of North America’s energy giants predict for the future energy landscape of North America?

a natIOnaL EnErGY stratEGY fOr canada – Isn’t It aBOut tImE?Is the current preoccupation on fossil energy preventing development of a national energy strategy that gives equal weight to renewable and other clean energy resources? Do we need such a strategy? What do the thought leaders of Canada’s corporate sector think?

EnErGY prIcInG In a WOrLd Of LOW cOst naturaL GasElectricity prices are rising across North America particularly for coal-fired power generation facilities. But natural gas supplies are increasing and market prices are decreasing. What do energy sector leaders predict for the future of energy pricing and energy investment in North America and around the world?

naturaL Gas – transItIOnInG tO a LOWEr carBOn futurENatural gas is a viable transition fuel as we move to a lower carbon future. As this energy source grows, the storage and distribution system, whether by long-distance pipelines or via distribution networks in cities to supply natural gas to individual residences, will expand as well. The potential of natural gas to play a key role in the transition from the fossil fuel era to the low carbon renewable energy era has not escaped the more progressive leaders in this industry. Hear their views on how natural gas will power the future.

utILItIEs Of thE futurE: nEW BusInEss mOdELs fOr rEnEWaBLEs and EffIcIEncY IntEGratIOnWhat will the electric power industry look like in the future? The utility sector is facing a number of challenges that have upset the conventional wisdom about where the industry may be heading. Rising capital costs, escalating operating costs, falling demand for electricity and growing consumer frustration with all powerful utilities are forcing utility companies to reassess their business strategies and to explore new business models. This session provides insights from those who are at the forefront of these changes.

06 | GLOBE 2014: MARCH 26-28, 2014



cLEan WatEr fOr aLL – thE prIVatE sEctOr rOLE In OVErcOmInG WatEr scarcItYThe OECD estimates that worldwide over a billion people lack access to drinking water and more than twice that number lack access to basic sanitation. Learn why the active participation of the private sector in providing safe, clean water is becoming the way of the future.

WatEr usE and rE-usEIncreased demand for limited fresh water supplies has spurred innovations in the technologies and processes for reuse of water. What more must be done to overcome the growing global water reuse challenge?

Water is the most fundamental element of our daily lives, yet it is the most undervalued and mismanaged of all of our natural resources. The competition for renewable fresh water has increased to the point that water scarcity is now a harsh reality in many parts of the world. Increased pressures being placed on available fresh water supplies have made better water management a virtual necessity. These sessions explore the many dimensions of a growing global problem. | 07

thE cOmpEtItIOn fOr WatErThe competition for water to grow food, to supply fresh water to cities, and to meet energy production demands is intensifying. Balancing the needs of one sector over another is more than a challenge; it’s an imperative. Whose needs are more important?

urBan WatEr – WhO usEd YOur WatEr YEstErdaY?The rise of megacities gives rise to mega-challenges in terms of providing safe, clean water and sanitation services. Learn from those who make water that was used yesterday safe for reuse today.

tOWn haLL mEEtInG On WatEr and fOOdWater and food deficits, already evident in many developing nations, may soon become a key issue in larger economies such as China, India and North America. Hear how the leaders of the world’s largest food companies are coping with the new realities of water scarcity.

cLImatE adaptatIOn and BEttEr WatEr manaGEmEntNew technologies and best practices are needed to mitigate or prevent the worst impacts of climate change. This session explores the new realities of water management in a changing world.

thE pLastIc OcEan – can Our sEas BE saVEd?Enormous gyres of plastic wastes in the world’s ocean have raised alarms about their impact on the living resources of the sea. The enormity of the problem and the lack of practical solutions have sparked calls for tougher pollution prevention measures. But will this be enough?

SAVE $600 RegisteR befoRe DecembeR 18, 2013

GLOBE 2012 spEakErlaurent auguste, President & CEO, Veolia Water Americas



food security has always been an important social issue, but in today’s turbulent economy, ensuring enough safe and nutritious food to meet the dietary needs and food preferences of the world’s growing population is becoming increasingly difficult, particularly in developing and newly industrialized economies. These sessions explore the many dimensions of this growing global problem.

08 | GLOBE 2014: MARCH 26-28, 2014

fOOd sEcurItY In a chanGInG WOrLdExtreme weather, droughts and floods are having a devastating impact on agriculture and food production resulting in famine, population displacements and human suffering. Hear from the world’s top experts on food security about the need to adapt to the new climate realities.

aQuacuLturE – nEW apprOachEs tO farmInG thE OcEansAquaculture is the world’s fastest growing food production sector providing for half of the fish used for human consumption. Decades of over-exploitation of limited fish stocks along with climate change threaten the world’s main aquatic food supply source. What can we do?

Visit our Website to watch a video which captures the essence of the GLOBE Series, find out about new session formats, and more. | 09

sustaInaBLE farmInG – must WE GO Back tO GO fOrWard?Growing consumer demands for healthier and more ethically grown food is redefining our concepts of sustainable agriculture. Do we need to go back to our roots in order to make agriculture more sustainable for tomorrow?

urBan aGrIcuLturE – can cItIEs fEEd thEmsELVEs?Rising costs and limited access to land for food production are changing traditional farm-based agriculture. One solution that holds potential is urban farming. Hear from leading visionaries as they explore this profound transformation in food production.

WhO prOcEssEs YOur fOOd? shOuLd YOu BE cOncErnEd?Large-scale food processing is crucial in meeting the dietary needs of the world’s expanding population. But reliance on additives and other health related concerns are becoming widespread. How can we make food processing safer, healthier and more sustainable?

fOOd, WatEr and EnErGY – thE nEXt GrEEn rEVOLutIOnThe Green Revolution of the 1950’s in large part was dependent on hydrocarbons in the form of fertilizers, pesticides and fossil-fuel powered machinery. Rising energy costs are changing the face of agriculture. Could the next Green Revolution be the greening of agricultural production?

thE fOOd VErsus fuEL dEBatE – WhY thIs IssuE WOn’t GO aWaYMany studies link biofuel’s production to rising food prices. Fuelling the controversy are concerns about water shortages, competition for biomass materials, and excessive use of subsidies. Learn from the experts who have studied both sides of this complex issue.

Is GmO thE WaY Of thE futurE Or a dEad End rOad?While a broad scientific consensus exists that genetically modified crops pose no greater risk to human health than conventionally grown food, resistance to GMO products has been widespread. Will this resistance halt the further development of GM food products?

BOOk YOur hOtELGLOBE has negotiated special discounted rates at select downtown hotels including the Pan Pacific Hotel and the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel. To make a reservation or for more information, visit the ‘Hotel’ section of our website:



Cities everywhere are grappling with the challenges of rapid population growth, rising energy prices, shortages in funds for infrastructure renewal, and the need to deal with the often devastating impacts of extreme weather incidents. There is an urgent need for more sustainable urban management policies and programs spanning everything from energy and water supply, to transportation, to waste management, and to building more sustainable infrastructure. These sessions will zero in on some of today’s most pertinent issues related to building more resilient cities.

urBan adaptatIOn – It’s thE cLImatE, stupIdCalgary, Toronto, New York, and New Orleans: In these cities, the impacts of a changing climate are tangible and painful realities. Find out how leaders from cities around the world are preparing for and responding to the devastating realities of climate-related disasters.

aVOIdInG thE rIsks Of GrEEn BuILdInGHigh-performance buildings and infrastructure hold a wealth of promise, but also have complex risk factors that require careful consideration. This interactive discussion will explore how to turn green building stumbling blocks into stepping stones for innovative, green building.

10 | GLOBE 2014: MARCH 26-28, 2014

nEXt GEnEratIOn cItIEs arE smartEr, fastEr, BEttErInformation and communication technologies are fuelling the urban revolution in how people live, work and enjoy life in today’s society. Who are the visionaries providing the technologies that are spearheading the next-generation approach to running cities?

hIGh-rIsE, hIGh-tEch, hIGh-pErfOrmancE BuILdInGsAdvancements in building operations are often tempered by the inability to ensure operating systems are running at optimal efficiency levels. Learn what needs to be done to keep high-performance buildings operating efficiently and the risks involved when they do not.

strIVInG fOr carBOn nEutraL cItIEs: What WILL It takECities around the world are working to lower their carbon footprint by promoting green building and instituting new best practices to favour more energy efficient operations. This interactive session will shed new light on best practices for developing greener, more livable cities.

GOOdBYE mIamI: thE cOmInG crIsIs fOr cOastaL cItIEsRising sea levels and the devastating impacts of storm surges have already demonstrated that hundreds of cities around the world are at risk from incalculable losses in property damage and human lives. What can and must be done to deal with this frightening reality?

rEGEnEratIVE dEsIGn fOr hIGh-pErfOrmancE cOmmunItIEsRegenerative design is a process-oriented approach that uses sustainable systems principles to integrate the needs of society with the power of nature. Hear from those who are using regenerative design for the cities of today and tomorrow.

dO GrEEn cItY InItIatIVEs rEaLLY WOrk?Many cities are making unprecedented investments in sustainability, but lingering challenges remain concerning measuring and reporting on the success of these initiatives. Hear from those who are developing solid key performance indicators to measure urban sustainability.

thE InfrastructurE dEfIcIt – a prOBLEm Or an OppOrtunItYThe costs to replace infrastructure in many cities is beyond the capacity of cash-strapped governments. New investment models that serve both the public and private sectors could turn the infrastructure deficit problem into an opportunity to create more resilient cities. | 11

GLOBE 2010 spEakErgregor robertson,

Mayor, City of Vancouver

Register Online



Climate change impacts, growing concerns about environmental degradation, shifts in consumer attitudes and consumption patterns, and increased government oversight on the management of scarce natural resources are among the many challenges facing corporations today that are redefining Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). These sessions will explore the growing importance of responsible resource management.

12 | GLOBE 2014: MARCH 26-28, 2014

rEspOnsIBLE manaGEmEnt In a nEW aGE Of accOuntaBILItY In today’s age of instant media reporting and civil oversight, the need for responsible resource management is an unavoidable reality. Many companies have proven their worth in this regard, but often through costly trial and error. Learn from those on the front lines of the new age of accountability.

thE BIO-EcOnOmY – hOW sustaInaBLE Is YOur BIO-futurE? The allure of bio-based energy has attracted a great deal of attention, but is the bio-based economy the way of the future? In this session, leaders of the emerging bio-based economy will present their successes and answer your questions about our bio-future. | 13

EarnInG thE sOcIaL LIcEnsE tO OpEratE National and local governments in many parts of the world are demanding changes in long held relationships between resource developers and host communities. Learn from the successes and failures of companies who are dealing with the new realities of earning the social license to operate.

naturaL capItaL: paYInG fOr What WE takE frOm naturE None of the world’s major industry sectors would be profitable if they actually paid for the resources they take from nature or for the damage they inflict on our natural capital. How will true accounting for natural capital use affect the economy and sustainability in the long-term?

thE GrEEn mInInG InItIatIVE: Is sustaInaBLE mInInG pOssIBLE? The Green Mining Initiative promotes innovation in mining, and positions Canada’s mining sector as the global leader in green mining technologies. Learn how the international mining sector is responding to demands for more environmentally sensitive processes and practices.

SAVE $600register before December 18, 2013

spOnsOrshIp OppOrtunItIEs aVaILaBLEThere’s never been a better time to get involved with the GLOBE™ Series, or a better place to tell your corporate story to an influential, global audience. Partner with us to ensure your company is well positioned and ready for new market opportunities. With international media exposure and the presence of world renowned decision makers, GLOBE 2014 has all the right elements to strengthen your business for long-term gain and positive growth.

For information on becoming a sponsor for GLOBE 2014, please contact:

Nancy Wright Vice President Toll Free: 1 800-274-6097 Tel: 604-695-5000 Email:

nEW partnErshIp mOdELs that EnhancE EcOsYstEm prOtEctIOn New collaborations between business and non-business organizations go to the heart of how companies must now operate and how they engage other players in the process. It is a lesson some corporate leaders are finding hard to accept.

cLImatE adaptatIOn – dELaY Is nOt an OptIOn The impacts of global warming and the consequences of failing to act to mitigate these impacts are well documented. But many governments and businesses are still slow to act. The world’s top experts on climate change lay it on the line. Act now or pay the price tomorrow.

thE chanGInG arctIc – manaGInG thE rIsks and thE OppOrtunItIEsThe decline of ice cover in Arctic waters has made shipping along the Arctic Sea Route an economic and transportation reality. But at the same time it exposes this very vulnerable region to potential ecological disasters associated with transportation mishaps. Member nations of the Arctic Council are working together to manage the risks to the northern environment that could arise with the further exploitation of the natural resources of this region.







Corporate sustainability has never been more important as a driving force for free enterprise. In a world of resource scarcity, increased international competition, climate change, and scarce financial resources, clean capitalism has taken on a new significance. Far more than a politically correct imperative, managing risks in troubled financial times has become the key to corporate survival. This series of sessions explores the importance of making ‘sustainability’ and risk management fundamental operating parameters for corporate policy, financial management and product design.

14 | GLOBE 2014: MARCH 26-28, 2014

LIQuId capItaL In thE cLEantEch sEctOrThe cleantech industry which was once seen as the white knight of a troubled global economy has now left many investors wondering what’s next and where is my reward as global financial markets become increasingly risk averse to sustainability initiatives. Listen to leaders from the global financial community as they discuss how capital markets and private equity liquidity are evolving in funding sustainability initiatives in the business world of tomorrow.

WEathErInG thE stOrm: rIsk manaGEmEnt In a chanGInG WOrLd EnVIrOnmEntClimate related risks are becoming increasingly important challenges for both businesses and governments. Some of the largest players in risk management are realigning their risk profiles to meet the increasing downside impacts of climate related natural disasters. What must companies and governments do to tackle these growing challenges? Learn from the world’s top experts about managing risks in tomorrow’s world and how it will affect your financial future. | 15

EXHIBITING OppORTUNITIES AVAILABLEExhibiting at GLOBE 2014 will provide a special opportunity to showcase your technologies and services; demonstrate your successes in strategic environmental management, operational innovation and community projects with an audience of your best prospects.

Find out more about exhibiting opportunities at GLOBE 2014:

Visit: Email: Call: 604-695-5001 or Toll Free: 1 800-274-6097

sustaInaBLE InVEstmEnt – fInancInG a LOWEr carBOn futurELearn from the leaders of major venture capital firms about what they look for when assessing the technical and financial risks associated with investing in innovative technologies. This is a must attend session for those seeking to finance their new technology-based initiatives.

fInancInG thE urBan rEVOLutIOn – dIdn’t YOu GEt thE mEmO?What are the new financing tools that can make cities more vibrant and resilient places to live, work, and play? This is a must attend session for municipal leaders looking for ideas and insights on financing the future of their cities.

sustaInaBLE capItaL markEtsMillions of dollars are transacted daily on the stock markets around the world. While many companies wish to grow to a size that can seek financing on these platforms, global stock markets also are vehicles for change and are driving capital to promising companies with proven products or services that provide environmental benefits. Hear from the pioneers who are working with some of the world’s largest stock markets to embed sustainability into the capital marketplace.

GrEEn prOcurEmEnt – BuYInG a GrEEnEr futurEThe purchasing powers of businesses and governments can create market-based opportunities for small and medium sized enterprises. Learn from those who have used their purchasing powers to finance the changes that will lead to a greener, more prosperous economy.

What’s “up” WIth thE carBOn markEt?North America’s carbon markets are slowly developing a solid client base and are becoming more effective in stimulating investments in emissions reducing technologies. However, the carbon markets have been volatile to say the least. Will North America become the world leader in carbon trading and what is still required to increase the awareness of the true cost of carbon?

GrEEnBacks fOr GrEEn BuILdInGs – BuILdInG BEYOnd IncEntIVEsA fundamental shift in the way incentives are designed and implemented is needed to provide longer term support for new buildings and new infrastructure. Jurisdictions around the world are grappling with ways to stimulate consumer behaviour changes that are not linked to rebates, grants or other incentives. Explore the innovative financing schemes that will drive the next urban revolution.



in a thousand different ways businesses and governments are responding to the changing demands of more articulate and savvy consumers and stakeholders who are seeking more transparency and more sustainable business practices. Tougher environmental protection standards, more stringent project approval processes, and policies designed to promote job creation combine to create a new operating environment for business leaders.

16 | GLOBE 2014: MARCH 26-28, 2014

hOW tO futurE prOOf YOur Brand Changing consumer preferences and demands for more honesty in product labeling and branding are creating new challenges that go far beyond Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for many long established companies. Learn from companies that have listened to their customers and taken the steps to survive the future.

EmErGInG drIVErs Of thE cIrcuLar EcOnOmY Efficiency is more than a time management concept. It is now governing how corporations view the economic realities of the marketplace and how they can seize the opportunities that spring from innovation. Listen to those who are changing the world as we know it. | 17

sustaInaBLE dEsIGn and matErIaLs stEWardshIp: cradLE tO cradLE and BEYOnd One of the great maxims of management is that you can’t manage what you can’t measure. This is doubly so when it comes to managing life cycle assessments of products and processes. Learn from those who are blazing new trails in a largely unchartered territory.

GrEEn tEams – What Is thE BEst WaY tO GrEEn YOur cOmpanY? Whether initiated by an activist employee or mandated from above, Green Teams advance concepts of sustainability throughout their company’s operations. Learn from those companies that have become successful by listening to their employees.

BIG data: hOW thE IndustrIaL IntErnEt WILL chanGE YOur LIfE fOrEVEr The convergence of IT systems and technologies has created new platforms that enable radical efficiencies, breakthrough business models, and innovative products and services. Is Big Data the Big Brother we feared, or the pathway to a more prosperous future?

cOLLaBOratIOns that drIVE sustaInaBLE InnOVatIOn Innovation knows no boundaries. Large corporations may have the upper hand in turning innovative ideas into market realities, but often the genius springs from small enterprises or even individuals. Learn from those who have prospered by listening to the guy with a great idea.

sustaInaBILItY standards & mEtrIcs: hOW dO WE rEaLLY mEasurE BEInG GrEEn Gone are the times when anyone could define ‘sustainability’ as they wished and could market ‘green’ products at will. Interact with other business leaders as they share their experiences on how to gain legitimacy in the marketplace. Hear from the world’s leading experts on sustainability standards on how to measure your progress and performance on being green.

ZErO WastE stratEGIEs – turnInG WastE IntO prOfIt thrOuGh EcO-EffIcIEncIEsCorporations are working hard to reduce their environmental footprints by going well beyond legal requirements to demonstrate they can be successful with zero waste. This session will feature some of the corporate leaders who are cleaning up from zero waste.

cLEan tEchnOLOGY trEnds: What’s drIVInG IndustrY fOrWard? A stellar panel of business, cleantech, investment leaders and entrepreneurs will share their insights on the current status of clean technology, the future direction of global renewable energy supply, green buildings, energy efficiency, clean transportation, and water technology.

trIck Or tWEEt: usInG sOcIaL mEdIa tO drIVE GrEEn cOnsumErIsm Social networks are becoming the preferred means of discovery for nearly a third of all consumers. How is social media being used to drive green consumerism and what is the potential for doing more of this going forward?

18 | GLOBE 2014: MARCH 26-28, 2014

cLEan tEchnOLOGY – BEhInd thE GrEEn curtaIn Of chInaChina has become a world leader in the development and deployment of clean technologies. But China is in dire need of technological solutions to meet these growing demands and is opening its domestic market

to foreign suppliers. Business leaders at the forefront of these new partnerships will share their insights on the challenges, risks and enormous opportunities that lie behind the green curtain of China.



China’s new leaders have declared ecological progress as a top national priority. Billions will be spent on measures to reduce energy consumption and to lower the country’s carbon intensity. Already a world leader in renewable energy development and deployment, China is reaching out to the world both as a purchaser of key commodities and as a supplier of technologies, consumer products, and investment capital. China also has a significant appetite to grow its intellectual capital and domestic technology innovation capacity. Developing China’s economy while responding to increased environmental and quality of life goals present both challenges and opportunities for global suppliers. These sessions explore the many dimensions of the new China. | 19

EnErGY – pOWErInG sustaInaBLE GrOWth In chInaChina’s need for coal, oil, natural gas, and other energy resources has led it to the far corners of the world to lock up supplies to meet present and future needs. However, while importing resources from around the world, China is also developing one of the largest international markets for renewable energy especially in solar and wind technologies. Learn why energy partnerships with China are good news for buyers, sellers, and for the world in general.

BuILdInG chIna’s GrEat cItIEsChina’s great cities have undergone unparalleled growth and redevelopment over the past few decades to accommodate increased economic activity and a growing middle class population. However, China is also consistently ranked high on the list of urban centers with the worst air quality. With urban densification in many of China’s cities growing at rapid rates, how are domestic and foreign solution providers lending a helping hand? Hear from those leading the charge to make China’s great cities cleaner and healthier.

a sustaInaBLE chIna In a sustaInaBLE WOrLdRepairing China’s damaged waterways, agricultural lands, and urban areas, the costs of which are estimated at over $400 billion, are straining the resources of national and state authorities that might better be used to move China toward the more resilient and ecologically sensitive economy it desires. Why is helping to green China a way to green the entire world?

chIna’s LOnG GrEEn march tOWard sustaInaBILItYChina’s Twelfth Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) sets out ambitious targets for greener growth and greater social stability in rural and inland areas. While many of these targets have yet to be achieved, China already has become one of the world’s largest players in the renewable energy market. China’s aggressive drive towards sustainability creates opportunities for both foreign and domestic solutions providers. Interact with those who are helping China complete its Long March towards sustainability.

SAVE $600 RegisteR befoRe DecembeR 18, 2013

20 | GLOBE 2014: MARCH 26-28, 2014



forging resource development agreements between Aboriginal communities and companies are becoming a business imperative, not an option. Unlocking the potential of electricity, mining, pipeline, forest products and transmission ventures necessitates going far beyond regulatory and legal requirements. Bottom line, Aboriginal interests must be reflected in commercial land-based projects and enterprises. These sessions focus on Aboriginal-Business Accords that are community-centered, environmentally-sensitive and economically value-additive for major resource development opportunities.

IntEractIVE kEYnOtE & cOmmunItY haLL sEssIOn Securing the social license to operate in areas where Aboriginal interests exist requires not only a totally different engagement approach, but also a fundamental rethink about doing business with Aboriginal partners. Engage with those who are at the forefront of this new reality.

cOmmOdItIEs & cOrrIdOrs: IntEGratInG aBOrIGInaL IntErEsts One of the more challenging issues resource development proponents face is ensuring that the economic, social and environmental interests of First Nation and Metis communities are integral to any new infrastructure. This session explores go-forward agreements that meet Aboriginal and business expectations. | 21

aBOrGInaL pOWEr: a natIOn-BuILdInG OppOrtunItY Aboriginal Power relates not only to energy generation opportunities on Aboriginal lands, it also relates to the growing power of First Nation, Metis and Inuit leaders in corporate boardrooms. Learn from a new generation of First Nations and industry leaders at the forefront of the Aboriginal Power movement which has the potential to fuel economic prosperity.

SPeCial arrangementS Will Be made to faCilitate firSt nationS B2B meetingS With inComing inVeStor delegationS

advancing Sustainability through Performance VerificationEnvironmental Technology Verification (ETV) accelerates the market adoption of innovative technologies and related products by verifying their environmental performance. It benefits companies seeking to demonstrate the effectiveness and value of the technologies and solutions they provide, and also benefits technology users seeking reliable, independently verified performance information to support their decisions.

This special one day GLOBE Performance Solutions (GPS) workshop is designed for companies with an innovative technology or those interested in having a technology’s performance independently verified. Find out how technology performance is being verified in North America and globally.

GLOBE 2012 spEakErPhil fontaine, President, Ishkonigan Inc. & Former National Chief,

Assembly of First Nations, Canada


BY FAX: +1 604-695-5019 BY MAIL: GLOBE 2014

578–999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC Canada V6C 3E1

QUESTIONS?TEL: +1 604-695-5001

 1 800-274-6097 (Toll Free)EMAIL: registration@globeseries.comWEB:

For Office Use Only





Early Bird Rate

Rate (on or before March 5, 2014) $

$ 995

Early Bird Rate $ 850


Regular Rate (after March 5, 2014) $ 1595

GROUP RATE (3 or more attendees*)

Reduced Rate (on or before March 5, 2014) $ 995

Regular Rate (after March 5, 2014) $ 1250

* Group registrants must be submitted at the same time. **GST is applicable to all registrants. (GST #13513 7693 RT0001)


Add GST at 5%** $





3 DIGIT SECURITY ID NUMBER (located on the back of credit card) EXP DATE (MM/YY)



SIGNATURE OF CARDHOLDER Note: Credit card charges will appear as GLOBE Foundation on your statement.

General ConditionsIt is agreed that the GLOBE Foundation, its employees, officers, volunteers, contracted staff,  contracted companies and agents shall not be held liable or responsible for any loss, injury, or  damages, however caused, to any person or the  property of any person engaged by, participating  in or attending GLOBE 2014, unless due solely to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of the GLOBE Foundation, its employees, volunteers, contracted staff, in program dates, content, speakers, or location or cancellation of any programs or functions. It is agreed that the GLOBE Foundation, its employees agents and officers, reserve the right to refuse admission, cancel or reschedule programs, change speakers, locations or revise content.

Children On-Site PolicyGLOBE 2014 is a conference and trade fair for accredited business professionals. Children under the age of 16 are not permitted to attend the conference; however, children are permitted to attend the trade fair when accompanied by an adult who is a GLOBE 2014 registrant (maximum two (2) children per adult). Student groups wishing to attend should contact show management no fewer than fourteen (14) days prior to the event to arrange for access at an appointed time.

Future CommunicationsCompletion of this form constitutes acceptance of the registrant to receive future information on the GLOBE Series of events.

Substitution/Cancelation PolicySubstitutions are accepted at any time. Registration fees will be refunded, less a $95.00 administration charge, if a refund request is received in writing at the address given below before March 12, 2014. No refunds forregistration fees will be issued for requestsreceived after March 12, 2014.

I have read, understood and agreed to the general conditions & policies outlined above.



Registration      DR.         MR.        MRS.         MS.










SAVE $600Register by Dec.18, 2013



FOR mORE INFORmATION: Tel: 604-695-5001 Toll Free: 1 800-274-6097 Fax: 604-695-5019 Email:

GLOBE Foundation World Trade Centre 578 – 999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC Canada V6C 3E1

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