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Post on 29-Aug-2018






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  • COVERGNSS v2.0

    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15

  • Contents

    Main index

    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15

    Introduction Background What is COVERGNSS?

    Technical Features Main Functionalities

    Resources management GNSS Studies Ground Navaids Studies Compative studies



  • Current situation


    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15

    The arising of the concept of Performance Based Navigation (PBN) and the development of Satellite Navigation Systems (GNSS) are causing an important evolution of air navigation, since terrestrial systems have passed, increasingly, to be secondary and even redundant in many phases of flight and mid-term decommissioning is planned. However, it is widely recognized that reversion systems are still necessary:

    ICAO: 12th ANC - The implementation of PBN offers an opportunity for the rationalization of terrestrial navigation aids, but there is a need to retain a minimum network of terrestrial aids to mitigate the potential loss of GNSS service.

    FAA: NextGen/FRN 2011_31541 The FAA will ensure sufficient infrastructure is provided to mitigate the effects of scheduled GPS outages in designated areas and unscheduled outages which could otherwise significantly disrupt air commerce.

    SESAR: 15.3.1 - Foresee backup systems and reversionary operation procedures to recover from GNSS degradation or failures due to system failures and radio frequency interference (RFI)


  • Current situation


    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15

    Transition from conventional navigation to PBN/GNSS Complex decision for ANSPs. Several factors to be considered: Redundancy level Cost Saving Increased Capacity GNSS performances downgrade backup



  • What is COVERGNSS?


    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15

    CoverGNSS is a SW tool developed to evaluate the global navigation performances provided in a certain airspace, considering both ground navaids and GNSS (GPS+EGNOS+Galileo+GPS L5). The tool integrates a Geographical Information System (GIS) which help the analyst providing a configurable graphical presentation of the results, according to the specific requirements of the final users. Main objectives:

    PBN Implementation Navaids Rationalization Global performances analysis, considering fleet equipage Support to the design and validation of Instrument Flight Procedures Assessment of the navigation performances downgrade in case of GNSS or

    navaids outages. Support to SESAR ATM Masterplan


  • INECO SW Tools


    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15


  • Main technical features

    Technical Features

    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15


    Higher performances for complex studies. Better time/complexity ratio. Not blocking.


    OpenSource (SDK) 3D Representation High resolution. WMS web server Flexible.


  • Resources management

    Main functionalities

    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15

    Resources Objects defined for the studies, which can be used in different ones. Stations

    Ground Navaids: VOR, DME. SBAS RIMS (Ranging Integrity Monitoring Stations)

    Locations Virtual receivers Area Grids IFP

    GNSS constellations Almanacs automatic download or manual selection SBAS CPF models (Central Processing Facility) Obstacles (.shp files)



  • GNSS Studies

    Main functionalties. GNSS studies

    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15


    Satelites position, visibility and status Almanacs: orbital parameters NANUs: outages

    DOP RAIM Errors

    HNSE_95 = 2.45/sqrt (2) * UERE * HDOP VNSE_95 = 1.96 * UERE * VDOP HNSE_95(t) = 2.45/sqrt(2) x sqrt(M11 + M22) VNSE_95(t) = 1.96sqrt(M33)



  • GNSS Studies

    Main functionalties. GNSS studies

    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15


    Navigation alerts Dependant on the number of visible satellites, the protection limits and the phase of flight.

    Continuity analysis Critical satellites Constellation validity function (alerts+ RNP in each phase of flight) Deterministic Model MTTR and MTBF values Stochastic Model Markov

    Availability analysis

    Deterministic Model NANUs and constellation function Stochastic Model Markov

  • GNSS Studies Configuration

    Main functionalties. GNSS studies

    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15


    Step 1 Study parameters selection

    Step 2 GNSS features selection


  • GNSS Studies Configuration

    Main functionalties. GNSS studies

    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15


    Step 4 Phase of flight and RNP

    parameters selection

    Step 3 Type of study selection: punctual, route or area

  • GNSS Studies Results

    Main functionalties. GNSS studies

    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15

    Geometry , accuracy, continuity, availability and RAIM admisibility.


  • GNSS Studies Results

    Main functionalties. GNSS studies

    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15

    Temporal evolution of the performances received in a certain point


    RAIM Admissibility Continuity Availability

    DOP Accuracy

  • GNSS Studies Results

    Main functionalties. GNSS studies

    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15

    Accuracy, continuity and availability statistical maps


  • GNSS Studies Results

    Main functionalties. GNSS studies

    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15

    Accuracy, continuity and availability statistical maps


  • Ground Navaids Studies

    Main functionalties. Ground Navaids studies

    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15

    Line-of-sight coverage calculation DME (UHF) and VOR (VHF) frequency bands propagation. PEE calculation

    PEE for DME-DME navigation DME stations errors: E1 y E2. PEE for VOR-DME navigation VOR angular error and DME distance error Avionic requirements

    Minimum field power density (ICAO Annex10) DME minimum distance: 3 NM DME maximum distance: 160 NM Maximum elevation angle: 40 FOM: ARINC 424


  • Ground Navaids Studies Configuration

    Main functionalties. Ground Navaids studies

    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15


    Step 1 Study parameters selection

    Step 2 Navaids selection

    Step3 Type of study selection: punctual, route or area

  • Ground Navaids Studies Results

    Main functionalties. Ground Navaids studies

    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15

    Number of stations in coverage at each point or area cell Accuracy, continuity and availability values


  • Ground Navaids Studies Results

    Main functionalties. Ground Navaids studies

    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15


  • Comparative (global) studies

    Main functionalties. Comparative studies

    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15

    Instantaneous and mean period peformances both of GNSS and Ground Navaids.

    Join performances comparison, including accuracy, continuity and availability If Rcombinado = 100% Navaids rationalization study considering Fleet equipage forecast If Rcombinado < 100% Number of ground navaids to be maintaned


  • Comparative studies configuration and results

    Main functionalties. Comparative studies

    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15


    Selection of GNSS and Ground Navids studies to compare Direct comparison and rationalization study option Corrective factor considering fleet equipage (Optional)

    Dynamic Comparison Parameters modification and

    results view in the same screen

    Decision making

  • Comparative studie considering fleet

    Main functionalties. Comparative studies

    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15


    Analysis of the navigation performances achievable. Fleet evolution impact studies.

    Dynamic Comparison Parameters modification and

    results view in the same screen

    Decision making

  • Conclusions

    Conclusions and added value

    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15


    COVERGNSS added value Global analysis

    No split GNSS and Ground navaids analyses. Joint analysis provided. Real scenario, considering fleet equipage. Not only GPS+EGNOS, also GPS L5, Galileo: Future.

    Potential uses for ANSPs

    Global performances analysis in a certain air space Rationalization and performances evaluation

    Safety studies support Numerical values to present to the NSA.

    Cost/Benefit Analysis Considering fleet equipage. Global performances and future improvements.

  • Thank you for your atention!

    COVERGNSS: World ATM. Victor M. Gordo 10/03/15


    Victor Gordo

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