
Post on 28-Jun-2015






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, D




, S



, S



& S





Mr Dowd has requested a promotional video for this school. We teamed up in a group of 5, which we then started to plan out the work we had to do. We all sat down and discussed which task we all had to carry out, we gave each other important rolls, this was important because it helped us work successfully and equally throughout unit. As a group we decided that Valza and Samira should do the editing because Valza had the editing experience and Samira had effective ideas which helped the promotional video look more professional. Sara’s roll was to do the paper work and make our blog look more visually pleasing. Dardanas and Sharmin roll was to film good shots of the school and also interview teachers and students which our group also participated.

AUDIENCE RESEARCH: SARAH The target audience for our promotional video were year six students as

well as their parents who make the ultimate decision on which secondary school their child attends. To balance out our information we did a questionnaire for the children and parents. We asked most students if they were excited to be attending secondary school. The responses we got was that 45% of the students looked forward to be meeting new people.  30% of the students said that they look forward to be attending after school clubs. On the other hand the parents liked the idea of keeping their child safe and secure while being educated to a good standard. We intended to include these requests into our promotional video so that we meet their expectorations.

CONVENTIONS: VALZA The convention we wanted to imitate were ones that would inform but also look professional to our target audience. We watched a few promotional video such as king Edwards School and we had come across that they use a lot of L-cuts because of this we wanted to replicate this into our own promotional video because we believe that it is effective, for example we have Mr Dowd being interviewed and then cuts to a shot of students different ethnicity working together. This shot is effective when creating a promotional video because it helps the audience understand the school more better.

Another technique we used was entitles letting the audience who the person is and what the job in Haverstock is.


To help us make a professional promotional video we gathered various information about different promotional video such as Stocktons ABLE high school this was an effective video as it showed all the codes and conventions of a promotional video, we took ideas of the camera angles, L-cuts, voice overs and shots types. This helped us to create a more better and effective video in the amount of time given.

Another thing we was set out to do was to create a factual media convention presentation this was very useful as it allowed us to see how professionals use their conventions in order to give out specific information to their target audience, for example a news reporter would dress in a smart and talk in a formal way so the viewers would take him/her more seriously.


The pre production tasks we undertook was audience research because we needed to know what the audience liked before we could finish our editing, this way we can get a better idea of can of codes and conventions we should involve.

We did many other pre production work such as creating a storyboard, this helped us to set out how and when we wanted each shot to be. Giving us a clear vision of how we wanted our video to look like, although we didn’t stick to our storyboard it still helped us get an idea of how we wanted it set out. Furthermore, we did a group meetings this was a useful technique because it allowed our group to communicate well and come up with good ideas for the final edit.


What went well?

The most of our pre production tasks went well because, we were very organised and it was very easy to hold interviews with previous year six students (now year seven) this made it easy for us because we can get an insight of how they felt when they started Haverstock School and what they were looking forward coming here. because of this it was less time consuming.

Many other things had gone well for us such as how well our group got along, and listened to each other very well. This was an effective because it helped us achieve our goals.

What could you had improved?

We could had improved on having a lot more group meetings to help make our video more professional.



• Motivating each other to complete tasks and checking up on our work.

• Sharing work equally, for example the storyboard was done by me, since I am good at drawing, film schedule was done by Dardana and Sharmin.

• Being organised when it came down to interviews with students and teacher for example when interviewing Mr Dowd, he told us to come at certain time (3pm) and we were five minutes earlier.

• We used different shot types.

• Meeting deadlines, we knew we was going to meet our deadlines because we was motivated from the start which made it easier for us to complete our work.



• We had a lot of disagreements for example when it came down to editing Valza and Samira didn’t agree on much but overcame the situation with solutions.

• When searching for music we could not find the right one that suited our video, all the ones we searched were either depressing or didn’t suit our theme.

• Another problem was during one interview we had background noise which made it hard for us to hear what the student was saying.

• we didn’t involve other core subjects such as maths and English

This is the clip


Our promotional video was like our original intentions, the way we planned our promotional video to be it came out the same. The only things that we didn't get to do is put all the core teachers in. We thought putting all the core teachers in was a good idea so that audience can get a better idea of the school. We did some research and watched some promotional videos and noticed that other schools promotional videos didn't not have all the core teachers in. we noticed that majority of the promotional videos have shots of the science department and also have a science teachers explaining how science works in their school.

Science intrigues the audience


We believe that our final product does look like a professional video because it has a lot of codes of conventions and really stands out, it gives information about the school as well as showing the mise en scene of the school. The lighting of the videos was good, we didn’t come across any dull scenes. We tried to use lively and active places of the school to make it more appealing to our audience. We think that our promotional video was edited well and to a high standard, we used fade shots to make it look more creative, calm and relaxing for the audience. All our shots were timed nicely so it would go well together.


With our first version, many of our classmates have noticed some faults such as, not good shots of the sport facilities, so we then took their feedback into consideration and re-filmed those specific shots.


As a group, we are very proud of how our promotional video turned out, because of this we will present our video

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