principles of effective communication

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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Principles of effective communicationBy Jason Gadsby


Wrong! Try again!

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Question 1: Which emoticon is :’( ?

Angry Upset Happy


The answer was upset as it shows a sad face with a tear coming off of the eye. To be able to use these effectively is important as it can make the difference between two different meanings of a sentence. To an employer, this can make you seem like you have good English skills if you can fit an emoticon into the right place.But that was an easy one, time for something a little more challenging.

Next Question

Question 2: Which of these is the best action in an interview?

Sit up, and look interested in what the

interviewer says.

Sit back and relax while looking like you

need to be somewhere else.

Shake your leg as if you are bored and

want to leave.


You must look as though your interested while you are in an interview otherwise you won’t get the job because of the way you were sitting. This can make the difference between looking interested and looking like you can’t be bothered with the interview. Being able to maintain and switch between body languages is a good skill as it can show that you know what you’re doing and can manipulate the employer’s thoughts of what you are like.Onto round 3!

Next Question

Question 3: Which of these is the correct spelling?

Simmultanously Simultaneously Simultaneousely


The correct spelling was ‘simultaneously’ while most people spell it with a double ‘M’. This is important as if you spell the simplest of words wrong, you aren’t likely to get a job as you will appear to be unintelligent. If you are good at spelling then you will have passed the first test of the employers as they will be doing everything they can to select one person for the job and you aren’t the only one applying for the job.Time to move on from spelling.

Next Question

Question 4: Which of these methods is the best way to entertain an audience?

Stay humorousDress as a popular

characterInvolve the audience


Although they are all good ways to keep an audience’s attention, the best way is to involve the audience as wearing a costume doesn’t mean that you can keep their attention on what you say. It is important to keep an audience’s attention as it can mean that you will be able to get your point across better than you would if you

Next Question

Question 5: If someone was to make a speech on how bus accidents were increasing, what would you take note of?

Increase rateHow many buses have

Been involvedWhat the person talking

is wearing


You would take note of the increase rate as all the other information would be irrelevant. Being able to filter words through your mind and pick out the information which is essential for any job you work in as junk information is going to turn up in any job you do.

Onto the next topic.

Next question

Question 6: How would you understand someone if you couldn’t hear them?

Lip ReadWalk away Ask them to write it downWalk away Ask them to write it down


Lip reading is the most effective way of understanding someone who doesn’t talk loud enough, this can also help if you don’t understand someone’s accent as well. It is a handy skill if you can lip read but don’t worry if you can’t, it isn’t something that people can pick up on very easily but if it is, then you will be praised well for it.

Time to really boggle your mind!

Next Question

Question 7: In an interview, how quickly should you reply?

In a minute or twoAfter a few secondsInstantly


You should aim to reply as soon as they ask you something or if you want to put a word in about something. You can be forgiven for a few seconds, but only if you say something along the lines of: ‘erm, let me think about that for a second’. This can show others that you think quickly and can come up with solutions to problems within an instant. It is a very useful skill especially if you work in a job where you fix stuff.

Onto the next challenge.Next Question

Question 8: What kinds of questions should you try to use in an interview?

Open Mix of the twoClosed


You should use a mix of open and closed questions to show that you know the difference between the two and can apply your knowledge of them to an everyday situation. It is important to know how to use open and closed questions as it can show an employer that you have top quality English skills and know the difference between the two making you a the obvious choice for whatever job you apply for.

Time to move on.

Next Question

Question 9: How would you show someone that you understand what they are talking about without talking?

Nod Turn aroundLook down


You would nod to show your understanding so they don’t have to stop talking if they plan on continuing. It is important to know when to nod as, for example, it can make someone know that you know what they are going on about so the conversation can continue without it stopping for you to say: ‘I understand entirely, please carry on good sir’.

Time for a challenge.

Next Slide

Question 10: Is it better to use the more complex words over shorter words when presenting work?

NoYes A Bit


You should try using longer words when appropriate as if you use too many it can often confuse people and they will not understand, but if you don’t use enough, you will bore people into not paying attention to what you say. It is important to avoid confusing people with long words and patronise others with short words as this can lead someone to avoid talking to you as you wouldn’t be able to get your opinion across without insulting them in some way.

Next question!Next Question

Question 11: Is it important to be accurate with your information?

Yes No


If your not accurate with your information, you will often confuse people when they know that what you are talking about is wrong, therefore people will just be correcting you instead of listening to you. It is important to be accurate with any information you give as no one will take you seriously if you look on the internet for your answers and always pick out the wrong information to use.

Onto the next obstacle.

Next Question

Question 12: Which word is often confused with other words when spoken?

WhetherAssistance Read


Assistance is confused as it is used closely with ‘assistants’ which can confuse people when they say ‘can I have some assistance/assistants’. It is important to be clear on what you say as people might get confused with what you say and do something that you asked them to but may inadvertently do it wrong.

Time to really test you!

Next Question

Question 13: What could happen if you don’t proofread your work?

You look like a fool.

Your work is Looked down uponBy anyone reading


You become aLaughing stock of

The entire area andGet laughed out ofThe town/village.


Well, that is the best answer there out of the three anyway. It is important to proofread as it can lead to devastating effects on your work. If you send a letter which hasn’t been proof read, for example, to an employer and misspell their name, you aren’t likely to get the job that you are applying for.

Time for your surprisingly difficult question which is going to take you by surprise!!

To the ultimately hard Superb question!!!

You beat the quiz, how do you feel?

Overjoyed Ecstatic Amused


Great! That’s the end of the quiz!

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