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Quarterly Report No. 1

July 2012

This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development.

It was prepared by RTI International.

Prioritizing Reform, Innovation, and

Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s

Teachers, Administrators, and Students


Quarterly Report No. 1

Contract AID-497-C-12-00003 May–June 2012

Prepared for


Prepared by

RTI International

3040 Cornwallis Road

Post Office Box 12194

Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194

The authors’ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United

States Agency for International Development or the United States Government.

Prioritizing Reform, Innovation, and Opportunities for

Reaching Indonesia’s Teachers, Administrators, and


USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 iii

Table of Contents

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................................................... 1

TABLE 1. SUMMARY OF SELECTED ACHIEVEMENTS ................................................................................... 2

RINGKASAN EKSEKUTIF .................................................................................................................................... 3

RANGKUMAN PENCAPAIAN PENTING .............................................................................................................. 4

1 PROJECT PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................... 5 1.1 MOBILIZATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE START-UP .............................................................................................. 6

1.1.1 Office establishment ......................................................................................................................... 6

1.1.2 Staffing .............................................................................................................................................. 6

1.1.3 Project planning and administration ................................................................................................ 7

1.1.4 Activities planned for the coming quarter ........................................................................................ 7

1.2 TECHNICAL START-UP ................................................................................................................................. 7

1.2.1 Planning and coordination ................................................................................................................ 8

1.2.2 Stakeholder consultations: national level ......................................................................................... 8

1.2.3 Stakeholder consultations: provincial level ....................................................................................... 8

1.2.4 Stakeholder consultations: district level ......................................................................................... 11

1.2.5 Selection of TTI and districts ........................................................................................................... 15

1.2.6 Module review and assessment: ..................................................................................................... 15

1.2.7 Activities planned for the coming quarter: ..................................................................................... 15

2 TEACHER TRAINING INSTITUTES ............................................................................................................ 17 2.1 ACTIVITIES DURING THE PAST QUARTER ....................................................................................................... 17

2.2 ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR THE COMING QUARTER: ......................................................................................... 19

3 WHOLE SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................................... 20 3.1 WHOLE SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT IN FORMER DBE DISTRICTS ............................................................................ 20

3.2 WHOLE SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT IN COHORT 1 PRIORITAS DISTRICTS ............................................................... 20

4 GOVERNANCE, MANAGEMENT, AND LINKAGES .................................................................................... 21 4.1 OUTLINE OF ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................................. 21

4.2 ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR THE COMING QUARTER: ......................................................................................... 21

5 ICT FOR EDUCATION (ICT4E) .................................................................................................................. 22 5.1 OUTLINE OF ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................................. 22

5.2 ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR THE COMING QUARTER: ......................................................................................... 22

6 CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES ......................................................................................................................... 23 6.1 OUTLINE OF ACTIVITIES ............................................................................................................................. 23

6.2 ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR THE COMING QUARTER: ......................................................................................... 23

7 COMMUNICATION AND REPORTING ..................................................................................................... 24 7.1 OVERVIEW OF ACTIVITIES........................................................................................................................... 24

7.2 ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR THE COMING QUARTER: ......................................................................................... 24

8 MONITORING AND EVALUATION .......................................................................................................... 25 8.1 PERFORMANCE MONITORING ..................................................................................................................... 25

8.2 ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR THE COMING QUARTER: ......................................................................................... 25

8.3 FUTURE ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................................................... 25

ANNEX A: PROVINCIAL REPORTS ................................................................................................................... 26

ANNEX B: DELIVERABLES ............................................................................................................................... 50

ANNEX C: ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, AND GLOSSARY .............................................................................. 53

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 1

Executive Summary

The United States Agency for International

Development–Prioritizing Reform, Innovation, and

Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s Teachers,

Administrators, and Students (USAID PRIORTAS)

project began in May 2012 with the aim of achieving

expanded access to quality basic education

(IR1). The intermediate results (IRs) that the project

aims to achieve are as follows:

strengthened instruction in schools in

targeted districts (IR1-1)

improved education management and

governance in targeted schools (IR1-2)

strengthened coordination between all levels

of the Government of Indonesia (GOI) and

education institutions (IR1-3).

This report covers the period from May through

June 2012 and represents the mobilization period for the project, which commenced on May 1,

2012. The report is a brief summary of project start-up activities conducted in this initial two-month

period. Significant activities include the following:

Completion of key staffing (with the exception of one position, which is in process and will

be filled next quarter)

Establishment of temporary offices in Jakarta and all provinces; initial administration

arrangements and procurement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and

other equipment have begun

Completion of key planning documents:

Year 1 Work Plan

Procurement Plan

Grants Manual and Implementation Plan

Completion of Rapid Assessment of modules from DBE and other projects

Preparation for consultations with national counterparts

Initial consultations with provincial counterparts

Consultations with former DBE districts

Informal consultations with Teacher Training Institutions (TTI)

Preparation and submission of draft Performance Management Plan (PMP)

Details of project achievements this quarter are summarized in the following Table 1 below.

USAID PRIORITAS encourages the expansion of quality education in basic education, such as facilitating the expansion of giving children the opportunity to develop creativity or their own ideas.

2 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012

Photos 1 and 2: USAID PRIORITAS East Java and North Sumatera convey socialization to stakeholders and LPTK partners in the districts about USAID PRIORITAS programs. Photo 3: PC West Java visiting schools to look at the sustainability and impact of DBE programs, such as those that occurred at the Madrasah Al Ahliyah Karawang. Teachers are consistent in and familiar with using ICT for learning in various subjects.

Table 1. Summary of Selected Achievements

Activity Target Achievement this Quarter

Procurement Plan Complete in first quarter Completed

Year One Work Plan Complete in first quarter Completed (to be revised early in

second quarter)

Grants Manual and Implementation


Complete in first quarter Completed

Rapid Review of Modules Complete in first quarter Completed

Performance Management Plan


Complete in first quarter Completed (to be revised early in

second quarter)

Mobilization of key personnel Complete in first quarter Completed with one national position

due to be mobilized in July

Initial consultations with national


Commence in first quarter Planned for second quarter

Initial consultations with provinces Commence in first quarter Conducted in all provinces.

Consultations in Aceh pending

inauguration of Governor and several

district heads.

Consultations with former DBE


Commence in first quarter Conducted in all provinces

Informal consultations with TTI Commence in first quarter Conducted in most provinces

1 2 3

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 3

Ringkasan Eksekutif

Program USAID PRIORITAS yang dimulai pada bulan

Mei 2012, bertujuan untuk meningkatkan akses

terhadap pendidikan dasar yang berkualitas (IR 1).

Bersumber dari tujuan ini, diharapkan program

mampu mencapai tujuan-tujuan antara berikut ini:

Meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran di

sekolah pada wilayah mitra (IR1-1)

Meningkatkan kualitas manajemen dan tata

kelola di sekolah/madrasah mitra (IR1-2)

Memperkuat koordinasi dari berbagai tingkat

pemerintahan dengan institusi-institusi

pendidikan (IR1-3)

Laporan ini mencakup kegiatan program di bulan Mei

sampai dengan bulan Juni 2012. Kegiatan program di

bulan ini secara umum adalah kegiatan mobilisasi dan

kegiatan start-up. Beberapa kegiatan penting di dalam periode ini adalah:

Mobilisasi seluruh staff kunci (kecuali satu posisi yang tersisa, yang diharapkan dapat diisi di

tri wulanan yang akan datang)

Persiapan kantor sementara baik untuk tingkat nasional di Jakarta, dan di tingkat provinsi,

yang didalamnya mencakup pengelolaan administrasi dan pengadaan alat-alat kantor dan TIK

yang terkait juga sudah dimulai.

Penyelesaian dokumen-dokumen perencanaan program:

Rencana Kerja untuk satu tahun pertama (Year One Workplan)

Rencana pengadaan (Procurement Plan)

Rencana pengembangan panduan dan implementasi hibah (Grants Manual and

Implementation Plan)

Menyelesaikan kajian cepat modul-modul DBE dan program pendidikan lainnya di Indonesia

Persiapan untuk konsultasi dengan mitra kerja di tingkat nasional

Konsultasi dengan mitra kerja di tingkat provinsi

Konsultasi informal dengan LPTK (Lembaga Pendidikan Tenaga Kependidikan)

Penyiapan dan pengajuan draft PMP (Performance Management Plan) – Rencana Monitor


Detail pencapaian program PRIORITAS triwulan ini dapat dirangkum dalam tabel berikut ini.

USAID PRIORITAS mendorong perluasan pendidikan berkualitas di pendidikan dasar, seperti memfasilitasi perluasan kesempatan anak untuk mengembangkan kreasi atau gagasannya.

4 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012

Foto 1 dan 2: USAID PRIORITAS Jawa Timur dan Sumatera Utara menyampaikan sosialisasi kepada para stakeholders mitra di daerah dan LPTK tentang program USAID PRIORITAS. Foto 3: PC Jawa Barat berkunjung ke sekolah mitra DBE untuk melihat keberlanjutan dan dampak program seperti yang terjadi yang terjadi di di Madrasah Al Ahliyah Karawang, para guru konsisten dan terbiasa dalam memanfaatkan IT untuk pembelajaran mata pelajaran.

Rangkuman Pencapaian Penting

Kegiatan Sasaran Pencapaian Triwulan Ini

Rencana Pengadaan Selesai dalam triwulan pertama Selesai

Rencana Kerja untuk satu tahun


Selesai dalam triwulan pertama Selesai (akan direvisi dalam

triwulan kedua)

Rencana pengembangan panduan

dan implementasi hibah

Selesai dalam triwulan pertama Selesai

Kajian cepat modul-modul DBE Selesai dalam triwulan pertama Sekesai

Rencana Monitor Kinerja Selesai dalam triwulan pertama Selesai (akan direvisi dalam

triwulan kedua)

Mobilisasi staff untuk posisi kunci Selesai dalam triwulan pertama Hampir Selesai (masih ada satu

posisi yang diharapkan terisi mulai

triwulan kedua)

Konsultasi dengan mitra kerja di

tingkat nasional

Selesai dalam triwulan pertama Akan dijalankan di triwulan kedua

Konsultasi dengan mitra kerja di

tingkat provinsi

Selesai dalam triwulan pertama Telah dijalankan di semua provinsi.

(Konsultasi di Aceh masih

menunggu pelantikan gubernur dan

beberapa Bupati/Walikota)

Konsultasi dengan mitra kerja DBE Selesai dalam triwulan pertama Sudah dijalankan di semua provinsi

Konsultasi informal dengan LPTK Selesai dalam triwulan pertama Sudah dijalankan di semua provinsi

1 2 3

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 5

Students showing the results of their writing in a diary after reading a favorite storybook. The culture of reading and writing will be an important part of the USAID PRIORITAS program to improve students' language skills.

1 Project Planning and Management

This is the first quarterly report for PRIORITAS. The report covers the period of May through June

2012—the first quarter of project implementation. The project began on May 1, 2012. Thus, the

reporting period for this report covers less than the normal quarterly period of three months.

This report contains a number of Indonesian terms and acronyms that are explained when first used

and are included in the glossary in Annex C. Individual Provincial Reports are included in Annex A.

These are in Bahasa Indonesia; however, the main points from these Provincial Reports are included

in English in the main body of this Quarterly Report.

Activity in the first quarter focused on mobilization and project start-up. The main activities included

office establishment, staffing, preliminary consultations with provinces and some districts, and

preparation of project plans. Technical and administrative start-up activities will continue in the

second quarter. These will include completion of permanent office arrangements (national and

provincial); completion of staffing; selection of partner districts, partner teacher training institutes

(TTIs), district coordinators, district facilitators and partner schools; preparation of formal working

agreements with provinces, districts, and TTIs; and formal launching activities at national, provincial,

and district levels.

6 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012

1.1 Mobilization and Administrative Start-Up

1.1.1 Office establishment

The project began operation in the RTI Indonesia office in the Bursa Efek Jakarta (BEJ) Building in

Jakarta in May. In the first week of June, the team moved to temporary office accommodations in the

Sampoerna Strategic Building nearby.

Plans are well advanced for permanent office space in the Ratu Plaza Building, located in Jalan

Sudirman, adjacent to the national Ministry of Education and Culture (MOEC) buildings. Contract

negotiations are close to completion and office building, ICT, and layout plans have been prepared. It

is expected that the office space will be ready to occupy in September 2012.

The PRIORITAS team has established temporary offices and conducted procurement surveys for

permanent office space in all target provinces. Small temporary offices have been variously

established in rooms provided within the District Education Offices (DEO), TTIs, and private

accommodation. The demands of the project—including the needs for security, space, meeting

rooms, parking, adequate electricity, and ICT support—require that private accommodation be

rented for all permanent provincial offices.

It is expected that all provinces will have established permanent offices by the end of June or early

July 2012.

1.1.2 Staffing

Key staff members at the national level were mobilized in this quarter, including the Chief of Party

(COP), Deputy Chief of Party (DCOP), Governance and Management Advisor, and Policy and

Stakeholder Coordination Advisor. The Teacher Training Advisor is due to start at the end of July.

Staff for the following national positions have also started in this quarter: Whole School

Development Advisor, Teacher Education Specialist (Junior Secondary), Gender and Equity

Specialist, Governance and Management Specialist (Education Management Information System

[EMIS]), Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) and Performance Evaluation Director, and Advocacy and

Communications Specialist. The M&E Specialist is due to begin in September. Personnel for the

Teacher Education Specialist (Early Grade Learning) and Governance and Management Specialist

(Finance and Planning) positions have been proposed to USAID.

In addition, the national Finance and Grants Manager, Human Resources (HR) Manager, and

Information Technology (IT) Manager have all started work.

The following positions have been filled for provinces.

Provincial Coordinators (PCs) for all provinces started in May.

A number of specialists joined the teams in this quarter:

Whole School Development Specialists: Started in Aceh, North Sumatra, West Java, and

Banten (in Banten the position is combined with the Governance and Management Specialist

position). Appointments in East Java and Central Java have been proposed to USAID. The

staff for the position in South Sulawesi will start in July.

Governance and Management Specialists: Started in all provinces, except for North

Sumatra (expected to start in September).

Teacher Training Specialists (Primary): All are expected to start in July.

Teacher Training Specialists (Junior Secondary): All are expected to start in July.

Teacher Training Institute (TTI) Development Specialists: All are expected to start in

the coming quarter.

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 7

Monitoring and Evaluation Specialists: Started in all provinces except for South Sulawesi

(due to start in July).

Information Technology Specialists: Started in all provinces except for South Sulawesi

(due to start in July).

Communications Specialists: Started in all provinces except for Central Java (appointment

being finalized, expected to start in July), Banten (appointment being finalized), and South

Sulawesi (due to start in July).

Accountants: Started in all provinces except for Banten (appointment being finalized,

expected to start in July) and South Sulawesi (due to start in July).

Administrative Assistants: Started in all provinces except for South Sulawesi (to be


District Coordinators: All will be appointed in the coming quarter. In former DBE districts,

one District Coordinator (DC) is expected to cover two districts in most instances. In

newly selected PRIORITAS districts, DCs will be jointly selected with the districts once

district selection is complete, with one DC per district. Districts will provide office space,

usually within the DEO.

1.1.3 Project planning and administration

The following plans were prepared and submitted this quarter:

Year 1 Work Plan

Procurement Plan

Grants Manual and Implementation Plan

1.1.4 Activities planned for the coming quarter

Complete arrangements for permanent offices in Jakarta and all provinces

Complete staffing mobilization

Complete initial procurements for administration and ICT

Expand work plan to include five-year indicative plan and budget

Conduct initial internal orientation and planning workshop with all personnel.

1.2 Technical Start-Up

An important objective of PRIORITAS, especially for sustainability and dissemination of good

practices, is to develop capacity within provincial and district governments and TTIs, together with

the commitment to further developing and disseminating these good practices. This focus began with

the first day of project activity.

Activities to support this objective during the start-up period included stakeholder coordination

meetings. Informal meetings were held with provinces to introduce the program and begin informally

to discuss plans for joint activity to achieve project aims. Meetings were also held with many former

DBE districts.

In the coming quarter, partner district selection will take place and follow-up provincial and district

meetings will be conducted to discuss and agree on plans for project implementation and

dissemination of programs. Meetings will also be held with national counterparts. These meetings are

expected to result in province and district plans to support the dissemination and sustainability of

good practices.

8 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012

1.2.1 Planning and coordination

Planning and coordination for PRIORITAS in

this first quarter built on the relationships and

experience of DBE, along with the work of the

USAID Bridging Team, appointed to assist with

coordination in the period immediately

following the completion of DBE and through

the mobilization period of PRIORITAS.

Following early meetings between senior

PRIORITAS personnel and USAID, a three-day

meeting was held in May with PCs and the

USAID Bridging Team. A second planning

meeting with PCs and the Bridging Team was

held over two days on June 12–13, 2012.

As a result of these meetings, work planning

was well informed, and PCs were able to

confidently move ahead with the administrative start-up described above, as well as with technical

start-up activities described below.

1.2.2 Stakeholder consultations: national level

Preparation for national level consultations with government stakeholders began with meetings

between USAID and PRIORITAS in June 2012.

In the coming quarter, the project team plans to meet with USAID and relevant technical

directorates at MOEC, the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA), and the National Development

Planning Board (BAPPENAS). The purpose of these meeting will be to provide information about

resources and programs available under PRIORITAS. The inclusion of BAPPENAS is strategic due to

the position this institution holds as a national planning agency working closely with technical

ministries. The Coordinating Ministry for People’s Welfare (Menko Kesra) will also be invited to join

USAID in meetings with technical directorates.

A process of mapping out the relevant sections and personnel within the national ministries and

bodies has commenced. PRIORITAS will begin initial consultations early in the following quarter,

assisted by the appointment of a Government Relations Consultant to the national PRIORITAS


1.2.3 Stakeholder consultations: provincial level

Provincial level consultations took place as follows:

Aceh: Initial meetings were conducted with the Provincial Education Office (PEO), the Regional

Development and Planning Board (BAPPEDA) and the MORA Regional Office. Further consultations

will take place in the coming quarter, following the inauguration of the new Governor, which took

place on June 25. PRIORITAS will seek an audience with the Governor and senior provincial

personnel as soon as possible.

North Sumatra: On May 31, 2012, PRIORITAS met with the PEO, specifically the Head of PEO and

the Head of Programs. The PEO is very enthusiastic about the PRIORITAS program and indicated

that they are ready to cooperate for the success of this program in North Sumatra. The PEO also

provides temporary office space for PRIORITAS and indicated that it is willing to allocate budget

USAID PRIORITAS staff in Banten meeting with education stakeholders and the Provincial Governor.

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 9

funds for the dissemination program. To support coordination, the PEO has appointed the Head of

Programs as a member of the technical team to support the PRIORITAS program.

On June 6, PRIORITAS met with BAPPEDA. BAPPEDA welcomed the new project and indicated

that they are ready to support the dissemination of the program with a budget allocation. To

facilitate the coordination of the program, the Agency has appointed Bpk. Ambarita as a member of

the technical team.

On June 7, PRIORITAS met with MORA, specifically the Head of the Provincial Office and the Head

of the Mapenda Curriculum section. MORA indicated strong support for the program in North

Sumatra. The provincial office of MORA is ready to cooperate in implementing the program. MORA

will propose a budget for dissemination through the routine government budget, as well as

instructing district/city-level offices and madrasah to allocate funds for dissemination.

A meeting was also held with the province level Quality Assurance Body (LPMP) on June 22. LPMP

indicated that they are ready to cooperate with PRIORITAS and hope to be involved in the selection

of partner districts/cities.

Banten: PRIORITAS met with the Head of provincial BAPPEDA, the Head of BAPPEDA’s Social and

Cultural section (Kabid Sosial Budaya), the Provincial Accreditation Board (BAP), the Head of

Mapenda in MORA’s Regional Office, and the Head of the PEO. The PRIORITAS program was

introduced and the program discussed. The response was very positive.

West Java: An initial meeting with provincial stakeholders was held on May 25, 2012, in the PEO.

The meeting was attended by representatives of the PEO, the regional MORA office, The National

Science Teaching Center (P4TK IPA), and The Provincial Teacher In-Service Training Center, known

as BPTKPU.1 Issues discussed included the selection criteria for USAID partner districts, integration

of PRIORITAS with the provincial program, activities of other donors, and prospective university


Some informal meetings also took place with stakeholders at the provincial level to investigate the

response of stakeholders to PRIORITAS. These included the following:

June 19: meeting with the Head of Social and Cultural section of BAPPEDA, West Java


June 20: meeting with representatives from the Regional Office of MORA, West Java

June 21: meeting with the Head of West Java Province LPMP

June 25: meeting with lecturers from BPTKPU, West Java Province.

Results of these meeting include the following:

BAPPEDA will provide support to districts and cities to disseminate good practices from

DBE if regarded as beneficial to the region in improving the quality of basic education.

However, the budgetary allocations for education in the province of West Java still focus

mainly on improving access to education.

In principle, the activities of PRIORITAS can be synergized with future planning in the office

of the Provincial MORA.

The agreement between PRIORITAS and the LPMP should be sufficient to deal with

cooperation between PRIORITAS and the Board of Education and Human Resource

Development’s Education Quality Assurance Board known as BPSDM and the LPMP.2

1 Balai Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Pendidikan Umum; a unit under the provincial Education Office in

West Java that develops teacher performance in regular schools. 2 The Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Pendidikan dan Penjamin Mutu Pendidikan is the national

level Teacher Inservice Training Center, formerly known as PMPTK.

10 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012

The LPMP in West Java is conducting a program called Quality Acceleration Program (PAM),

with target junior secondary schools (SMP). PAM is a follow-up to the School Self-Evaluation

program known as EDS. LPMP is also mapping teachers in West Java. LPMP has appointed

one operator in each district and subdistrict. LPMP invited PRIORITAS to take advantage of

the data and the results of this mapping.

To support the sustainability of the program from scratch, four BPTKPU lecturers will be

appointed to serve as facilitators for PRIORITAS.

USAID PRIORITAS Central Java staff meeting with the rector of the State University of Surakarta, Prof. Joko Nurkamto.

Central Java: Coordination meetings were held with the Head, Secretary, and Head of the Planning

Section of the PEO, as well as with the Head of the Social and Cultural Section in the provincial

BAPPEDA, and the Head of the Cooperation Secretariat of Central Java Province.

Discussions focused on planning for cooperation between PRIORITAS and the Provincial

Government of Central Java. In this context, the provincial government requested a copy of the

Grant Agreement between the Governments of the United States and Indonesia. Based on this

Agreement, the provincial government will create a legal basis for cooperation, termed a

Memorandum, Agreement, Terms of Reference for Cooperation, or similar such title in accordance

with the regulation Permendagri No. 15 of 2009.

PRIORITAS has submitted a draft agreement to the Head of the Foreign Cooperation Bureau and

the Secretary of the Provincial Education Office. The Head of the Cooperation Bureau will study the

draft and will discuss the proposed cooperation plan internally. He also suggested that USAID send

an official letter to the Governor of Central Java, stating that Central Java Province is selected as a

partner for the implementation of the USAID program and that, to follow up on the agreements at

the national level, it is now necessary to hold further discussions at the provincial and district levels.

To gain broad support for PRIORITAS implementation, meetings were also held to introduce the

program to the following entities: the Provincial Legislature (DPRD) and the Provincial Board of

Education (Dewan Pendidikan). The Vice Chairman of the Parliament of Central Java Province and

the Chairman of the Board of Education indicated that they fully support PRIORITAS. With this

program, they indicated that they hope to improve the quality of education, narrowing the quality

gap between regions and between schools in Central Java Province.

East Java: The PC and the USAID Education Liaison Consultant met with the Governor’s expert

staff on June 28 at the Governor's office. He indicated that he strongly supports the PRIORITAS

program and will strive for a budget allocation to fund dissemination of the program to nontarget

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 11

districts. As a result, the project sent him details of follow-up activities and program implementation


The MORA office, especially the Head of the province-level religious education section (Mapenda)

also expressed strong support for dissemination activities in the form of policies and budgets. MORA

requested that the PRIORITAS program should be delivered to clusters of madrasah, independent of

regular schools. Due to the small number of primary-level madrasah, which are known as Madrasah

Ibtidiayah (MI), too few MORA personnel were trained by DBE as facilitators or trainers for MIs.

(Approximately 20% of primary school children are educated in madrasah.)

South Sulawesi: Coordination with the provincial stakeholders began while the PC served on the

USAID Bridging Team and included meetings with the PEO, the MORA Office, BAPPEDA, and LPMP.

In the first week of June, the PC also met with the Head of the Cooperation Bureau of the Office of

the Governor to discuss the mechanisms for cooperation between the Government of South

Sulawesi Province and PRIORITAS. The key point in these meetings was that the Government of

South Sulawesi and relevant stakeholders in the province welcomed the offer of cooperation from

USAID PRIORITAS. To strengthen this cooperation, it is now important for a Memorandum of

Understanding (MOU) to be established between the government of the province and USAID


1.2.4 Stakeholder consultations: district level

District level consultations took place as follows:

Aceh: Coordination with districts was limited in this quarter to discussions with the DEO in Banda

Aceh and Aceh Besar. The Heads of both offices indicated that they will cooperate with PRIORITAS

to implement the planned education development programs.

Coordination with other districts, as with the provincial government, needs to wait until newly

elected regents and mayors have been inducted following the induction of the new Governor in late


North Sumatra: Coordination meetings took place in all former DBE districts this quarter, including

the following:

June 5 and June 19, City of Binjai: PRIORITAS met at the Office of the Mayor of Binjai, with the

Mayor, Deputy Mayor, Head of BAPPEDA, Head of Education, and separately with the Head of

MORA. The district government strongly welcomed PRIORITAS, and confirmed that it is hoping to

become a partner. The district indicated that it commits to the allocation of funds to support

dissemination of the PRIORITAS program.

June 6, Deli Serdang District: PRIORITAS met at the DEO with the Head of the Education Office,

Head of Programs, Head of the Culture and Social program at BAPPEDA, and separately with the

Head of MORA. The district government strongly welcomed PRIORITAS, and confirmed that it is

hoping to become a partner. The district reported that it is ready to commit to the terms proposed

for partnership with USAID PRIORITAS. In July–August 2012, the district government will replicate

DBE3 programs with a budget of Rp 588 million.

June 20, North Tapanuli: PRIORITAS met with the Head of the DEO, the Head of Basic Education,

and the Head of Mapenda, MORA. Meetings took place separately in each office. The district

government strongly welcomed PRIORITAS and confirmed that it is hoping to become a partner.

The district reports that it is ready to commit to the terms proposed for partnership with USAID


June 21, Sibolga: PRIORITAS met at the DEO with the Head of the DEO and the Head of Basic

Education. The district remains committed to follow up on the DBE program, and is very interested

in again becoming a partner with USAID through PRIORITAS.

12 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012

June 22, South Tapanuli: A meeting was held at the Regent's office with the Bupati, Deputy Bupati,

Assistant 2, Head of Education, the Education Secretary and the Head of Basic Education, the

Secretary of BAPPEDA, and Mapenda MORA. The district gave a very enthusiastic welcome to the

USAID PRIORITAS program and indicated that it wishes to become a program partner. The district

government indicated that it will support the project and is committed to budgeting for the

dissemination program.

June 25, Tebing Tinggi: PRIORITAS met at the Mayor's office with the Deputy Mayor, the Secretary

of BAPPEDA, the Head of Education, and separately with the Head of Mapenda, MORA. The district

indicated that it welcomes PRIORITAS and hopes to become a partner.

June 26, City of Tanjung Balai: PRIORITAS met at the official residence of the Mayor, with the

Mayor, the Head of Education, Head of MORA office, and Head of BAPPEDA. The Mayor welcomed

USAID PRIORITAS and indicated that the district is ready to support both in terms of authority and

funds to support the program.

June 28, Dairi: PRIORITAS met with the Bupati, Head of BAPPEDA, Head of Social and Cultural

programs at BAPPEDA, the Head of Secondary Education at the Education Office, Head of Basic

Education, the Head of MORA office, Head of Mapenda MORA, Head of the Parliament, and Chair

of Commission C at DPRD. Dairi District is very supportive of continuing the DBE program and

confirmed that it is willing to partner with USAID PRIORITAS. The district indicated that it is

committed to allocating a budget to support the dissemination of the USAID programs.

Banten: PRIORITAS met with former DBE districts, including BAPPEDA, the Education Offices, and

MORA to introduce the program. All districts and cities responded positively and enthusiastically.

Notwithstanding this, the Tangerang City Education Office will require a further approach and more

intensive effort.

West Java: Coordination with the potential partner districts for PRIORITAS has not yet been

conducted. The focus this quarter was on seeking information through the Provincial Education

Office, LPMP, and a unit under the provincial Education Office in West Java that develops teacher

performance in regular schools, known as BPTKPU (Balai Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan

Pendidikan Umum).

Central Java: PRIORITAS met to coordinate with a number of former DBE districts this quarter:

Demak, Kudus, Blora, Grobogan, Boyolali, and Karanganyar districts. It was explained to the districts

that USAID PRIORITAS will provide technical assistance to former DBE districts for a two-year

follow-up period to support the continued dissemination of DBE programs. In addition, the former

DBE districts will be used for a study visit for new PRIORITAS districts. The districts were invited to

send a letter of interest to USAID PRIORITAS in Jakarta to signify if they are still interested in

working with USAID.

All six districts visited expressed interest in continuing the cooperation. The general view is that the

DBE program associated with learning and educational management was very useful for schools. DBE

has reportedly had a positive impact on the progress of these schools.

In early July, PRIORITAS will continue with a second round of district visits to former DBE partners:

Purworejo and Jepara. Socialization will also continue to prospective partner districts that have

disseminated DBE programs, including Salatiga, Surakarta, Mageleng, Batang, Wonosobo, and

Banjarnegara districts.

East Java: The PC and the USAID Education Liaison consultant conducted socialization and

coordination meetings with relevant stakeholders, including BAPPEDA, the DEO, and MORA in

Sidoarjo, Pasuruan, Nganjuk, Bojonegoro, Sampang, and Bangkalan danTuban. Results of these

meeting are as follows:

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 13

May 28, Sidoarjo: A meeting was held in the Sidoarjo DEO with the Head of Development, who

explained that the DEO Head is committed and ready to continue the DBE program with funding

support. In Year 1 of the PRIORITAS program, the district plans to continue disseminating the DBE

program, following the existing plan in five subdistricts consisting of ten clusters/Teacher Working

Groups in secular primary schools (Kelompok Kerja Guru [KKGs]) and five Secondary School Teacher

Discussion Groups, grouped by subject matter (Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran [MGMPs]). The

program includes training and mentoring for teachers and is called “Quality Improvement of Primary

Education." A budget of Rp. 800 million has been allocated for this program. The DEO continues to

support facilitators who were trained by the DBE.

June 4, Pasuruan: PRIORITAS met with the DEO, BAPPEDA, and MORA; the Head of Culture and

Social Programs explained that the DBE program is being disseminated through the mapping of

elementary, junior high, and high schools in cooperation with the State University of Malang (UM). In

addition to disseminating the program, the district hopes that PRIORITAS will be able to support

preparation of their 2013 Rencana Strategis (Five-Year Educational Development Plan or Renstra)

and a program for illiteracy eradication.

The team also met with the Head of Secondary Education, who said that the DBE program is being

disseminated through the teacher discussion groups known in Pasruan as PKGMP (Peningkatan

Kinerja Guru Mata Pelajaran, literally “Subject Teacher Performance Development,” similar to

MGMP), for subject teachers in 10 meetings per year to develop 15 subjects. The program is now up

to the fourth meeting. The aim is for 140 facilitators to train 1,400 teachers. Participating teachers

are given transport funding of Rp 20 thousand/person. This activity is supported entirely by the

Sampoerna Foundation, making use of resource persons from the DBE Program.

A third meeting was held with the Secretary of the DEO. He suggested that supervisors be

prioritized in training, so they can later serve as district facilitators, an asset for the district. He

requested that PRIORITAS activities support and not interfere with DEO activities. The DEO

initially plans to develop a lesson study program in primary schools.

The most recent meeting was with the Head of Mapenda, MORA, who explained that MORA has

established a Madrasah Development Center in Pasuruan. The members are facilitators from both

the DEO and MORA, who have been trained by DBE and are developing a common curriculum that

is integrated with the Qur'an and the Hadith. In addition, the DBE program is also being

disseminated through school operational assistance funding (BOS) in the form of training on

management; academics; and Yayasan3 evaluation for principals, vice-principals, teachers, and IT

operators at the school. Based on the development of this DBE program, he is optimistic and ready

for the district to become a pilot region for PRIORITAS in madrasah development.

June 5, Nganjuk: PRIORITAS met with BAPPEDA and the Head of Secondary Education at the DEO.

The district’s support for PRIORITAS is reportedly related directly to the sustainability of the DBE

program. He suggested that supervisors can be trained in advance and take advantage of the

personnel who were trained by DBE. For the current year, dissemination funding is made possible

through the World Bank-funded Basic Education Capacity (BEC) project.

The Head of Secondary Schooling stated that dissemination of the DBE program has become a

necessity for Nganjuk. He has conducted training for pengawas (supervisors) on their core-mandated

tasks and functions, to support dissemination. But he asked that training be conducted on

Saturday/Sunday so as not to interfere with routine activities. The DEO is also prepared to allocate

funds for dissemination. As for the future implementation of DBE dissemination programs through

PRIORITAS, the basic concept proposed by the Head is as follows:

3 Yayasan is a foundation that manages schools.

14 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012

Teachers need to be mentored, especially in curriculum implementation.

The Chair of the MGMP for each subject should participate in the training.

The DEO will coordinate with the Madrasah Development Center to plan and implement

dissemination programs.

Teachers should also be trained in the use of ICT to support learning.

The DEO is prepared to fund dissemination through the 2013 budget.

Long-term strengthening of roles and functions at the management level will support step-

by-step achievement of the minimum service standards (SPM) regulation

The MOU will be signed by the district and should be witnessed by the local parliament. The

future sustainability of this program will be discussed together.

June 6, Bojonegoro: Meetings were held with BAPPEDA, the DEO, and MORA. BAPPEDA indicated

that they fully support the dissemination program that will be conducted by the DEO. The Secretary

of the DEO expressed support and indicated that they will provide policy support. The Head of

Mapenda indicated that MORA is committed to supporting cross-sectoral coordination with other

relevant stakeholders, especially the DEO, to improve the quality of education.

The Head of Planning in the DEO advised that the district is conducting a specific training of trainers

(TOT), and training to strengthen management (School Work Plans [RKS]-based EDS) and learning.

These three activities are being implemented with independent funding from already certified

teachers,4 BOS funds from the schools, and the District Government Annual Budget (APBD).

June 25, Sampang: Discussions took place with the Head and Secretary of the DEO, the Head of

Kindergarten/Primary Schooling, and the Head of Junior Secondary Schooling. In general, the DEO

welcomed the assistance provided through the dissemination of PRIORITAS and will prepare a

policy to provide the best facilitators and develop programs and activities with funding from the

district budget, self-help from certified teachers, as well as from the school BOS budgets.

BAPPEDA will provide a budget for the DEO through this year’s General Funds Allocation (DAU).

MORA and Mapenda have allocated independent funding for dissemination.

June 26, Bangkalan: Meetings were held with the Secretary of the DEO and the Head of Planning.

They indicated that they are very pleased and will prepare a budget to support dissemination. A

budget for the current year already exists. PRIORITAS also met with Commission III (Education

Commission) from the Bangkalan Parliament, which is in principle very supportive and indicated that

they will push the budget through.

June 27, Tuban: PRIORITAS met with the Head of the DEO, the Head of Primary/Kindergarten

Schooling, and BAPPEDA. Dissemination of the DBE program is taking place this year. A district

budget of Rp.300 million has been allocated, and the implementation team consists of trained

facilitators from the DBE program. BAPPEDA expressed support for the implementation of policies

and will support the budget for dissemination. MORA is also reportedly ready with funds for

implementation of the DBE dissemination program.

South Sulawesi: Since serving on the Bridging Team of USAID, the PC has coordinated with and

visited a number of former DBE districts to discuss the districts’ commitment and follow-up post-

DBE, as well as their expectations for PRIORITAS. The PC also coordinated by telephone with the

contact person at the DEO (Head of the DEO, Secretary, and Head of Division) in those districts

that have not yet been visited.

4 Certified teachers are required to spend a portion of their income on in-service training.

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 15

Based on the visits and telephone contacts, the former DBE districts generally display a quite strong

commitment to follow-up of the DBE program and hope to remain a partner with USAID through

PRIORITAS. The exception is Jeneponto District: although they are still very hopeful of becoming a

program partner for PRIORITAS, there is no evidence of commitment related to dissemination of

the DBE program by the local government, particularly not by the DEO.

1.2.5 Selection of TTI and districts

Criteria for the selection of TTIs and districts (including former DBE districts and Cohort 1

PRIORITAS districts) were agreed with USAID this quarter in preparation for selection in the

coming quarter. Preliminary consultations are underway in some areas at the province and district

level, as described above, to determine districts’ commitment to the program.

1.2.6 Module review and assessment:

Training modules and tools from DBE1, 2, and 3 were reviewed, and recommendations were made

for updating and revision in light of changing GOI policy and developments in the field. In addition to

reviewing DBE materials, the “rapid assessment” took into account training modules and materials

developed under other projects, including the United Nations Children’s’ Fund (UNICEF)- and

Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)- funded projects, as well as the results of

training and interventions conducted under all of these.

A report on this assessment was submitted to USAID in June. Key findings are as follows:

The modules: In general, the modules were assessed as feasible for use by PRIORITAS. There

are a great many more modules and materials than are needed for the core training

envisaged. Further work will focus on repackaging these existing materials for use in

PRIORITAS training. For this, the review recommended using materials from the UNICEF

Mainstreaming Good Practices in Basic Education (MGP-BE) project as a basis for training in

schools, in addition to drawing on DBE and other materials. Materials updating, modification,

and repackaging will be an ongoing process. The rapid assessment, while comprehensive, was

not exhaustive. It is likely that more modules may become available for consideration during

the course of the project’s implementation.

The training delivery approach: The review recommended that the approach taken by DBE,

similar to that taken by other projects, should be adopted by PRIORITAS. That is, district

facilitators are selected from the ranks of school supervisors and practitioners and trained

to facilitate the training and mentoring of teachers and schools. PRIORITAS will add a

stronger focus in preparing, supporting, and using Teacher Training Institutes (TTIs),

including universities, the Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan (Provincial Quality

Assurance Institute or LPMP) and similar province-level agencies, as higher-level trainers and

facilitators. It is envisaged that, over time and through PRIORITAS, the TTI will develop

greater familiarity with the realities of schools and classrooms and with good practices in

teaching, management, and governance, to increasingly take on the role of providing in-

service training for district facilitators and clusters of schools.

1.2.7 Activities planned for the coming quarter:

Re-selection of DBE districts: Districts will be invited to express interest and demonstrate

commitment. It is envisaged that most will be included for a program of assistance with


Selection of Cohort 1 PRIORITAS districts: New districts will be jointly selected with the

province and USAID, based on agreed criteria.

Teacher Training Institution (TTI) selection: TTIs will be selected, based on agreed criteria in

consultation with USAID.

16 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012

Planning and coordination meetings with national counterparts.

Provincial and district Cooperation Agreements (Kerangka Acuan Kerja [KAK]) finalized.

National and provincial launching events.

Planning and coordination meetings with all districts and TTIs.

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Baseline: The PMP will be finalized, and baseline data will

be collected.

Administrative Mobilization: Recruitment will be completed and staff mobilized, national and

provincial offices will be established, district coordinators appointed, and district offices


USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 17

2 Teacher Training Institutes

2.1 Activities During the Past Quarter

One of the core strategies of

PRIORITAS is to work with TTIs to (1)

build their capacity for design and

delivery of in-service and pre-service

teacher training, based on good

practice principles and (2) strengthen

linkages between schools, subdistricts,

districts, provinces, and TTIs to

improve the delivery of teacher in-

service training and support for better

governance and management at school

and district levels.

Preliminary meetings were held in most

provinces this quarter to informally

introduce the program and discuss

possibilities for collaboration. TTI

selection and further meetings will take

place in the coming quarter.

Aceh: Coordination with TTIs,

particularly with Syiah Kuala University, took place. Preliminary discussions suggest Syiah Kuala

University and Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Ar-Raniry as university partners.

North Sumatra: Preliminary meetings took place with the State University of Medan (UNIMED) and

IAIN Medan. PRIORITAS met with the Assistant Rector I, UNIMED, and the Rector of IAIN on June

7, 2012. Both IAIN and UNIMED indicated that they are ready to cooperate with PRIORITAS,

particularly for capacity building of teachers who are trained through the teacher certification

training (PLPG) and lecturers who manage teaching practicum (PPL) students. The two institutions

both expressed strong support for the concept of developing a support center within their

institutions to support capacity development for lecturers, and also to act as a mechanism for

building institutional linkages with the PRIORITAS program.

Banten: Following preliminary research and consideration of TTIs in Serang, and Banten Province in

general, PRIORITAS visited the Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa (UNTIRTA) university, and

specifically the Education Faculty (FKIP) and the Assistant Rector for Cooperation with outside

bodies. This institution was previously a partner with DBE2. Other TTI visited were with IAIN

Sultan Maulana Hasanudin (SMH) Serang Bantam, where the team met with the Dean of the Faculty

of Tarbiyah and the Assistant Rector for Cooperation. Previously SMH IAIN conducted training for

teachers using the DBE3 Better Teaching and Learning (BTL) 1-4 modules. They also plan to train

students using the PPL BTL Module 2. The institution was quite enthusiastic in their response. They

indicated that they would like to be involved in PRIORITAS from planning through to evaluation.

West Java: The PC, accompanied by the Governance and Management Specialist, visited the

Indonesian Education University (UPI), and specifically the Research and Community Service (LPPM)

Center, on June 6. The meeting discussed the outcomes of coordination with DBE, including the

dissemination of school-based management (SBM) programs conducted over some years by UPI

through the student field work (internships or KKN Thematic Program. As a “service provider” of

USAID PRIORITAS Central Java staff meeting with the rector of the Islamic University (IAIN), Prof. Nur Ahmad Lubis, MA.

18 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012

DBE1 programs, UPI needs to conduct refresher training to introduce SBM modules that will be

revised by PRIORITAS.

UPI obtained a grant of Rp.462 million this year from the Governor for implementation of the

Thematic KKN program. UPI (the Head of LPPM) is also a coordinator for the POS DAYA Program,

coordinating the nine universities in East Priangan, West Java (Tasik, Ciamis, Banjar, Garut).

DBE1 modules have been uploaded on the UPI Website:

usaid/ for use as a source of research in online libraries by staff and student. Modules on the

Website also need to be updated after they have been revised by PRIORITAS.

The PRIORITAS team also visited Universitas Islam Nasional (UIN) Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung on

June 28. The team was welcomed by the Dean and two Assistant Deans. The purposes of this visit

were (1) to provide a general introduction to PRIORITAS, (2) to outline in general terms the type of

cooperation that may be established between PRIORITAS and the UIN, and (3) to discuss the role

of UIN if later selected to become a PRIORITAS partner.

Information obtained from UIN includes the following:

The Tarbiyah Faculty holds bachelor-level courses in teaching Mathematics, Languages

(Arabic and English), Islam, and primary madrasah teacher training (PGMI).

UIN is collaborating with 49 schools/madrasah located around Bandung, Bandung District,

and Sumedang for the PPL program. The program is currently being redesigned to integrate

with KKN activities so that students are not just training to be teachers, but also to practice

socializing with the community.

The Tarbiyah and Teaching Faculty are also disseminating the DBE Lesson Study program in

collaboration with UPI.

Development of the Laboratory School will begin in 2012.

UIN also provides a special certification for Religion teachers and has partnered with

UNINUS UIN, IAIN Sheikh Nurjati Cirebon, IAIC Tasikmalaya, and STAIN Al-

Musaddadiyyah Garut in the certification process. This connection could form the basis for a

consortium if the UIN later becomes a partner with PRIORITAS.

The Dean indicated that he hopes that UIN will be a PRIORITAS partner and will report the results

of the discussion to the Rector.

Central Java: PRIORITAS consulted informally with the State University of Semarang, Semarang

IAIN Walisongo, and UKSW Salatiga. Based on these preliminary meetings, the project plans to visit

the TTI in the coming quarter to provide information on the programs to be developed.

East Java: Meetings are scheduled for the coming quarter.

South Sulawesi: The PC has held meetings with various parties at the State University of Makassar

(UNM). Since serving on the USAID Bridging Team, the PC has met with the Rector, the Head of

LPMP, Research Institutions, Primary School Teacher Development Program (PGSD), and School

Effectiveness Center.

In addition, PRIORITAS met with UNM partner institutions such as the Kopertis Region IX, which

oversees about 300 TTI, including 20 universities, and the Consortium of University Affairs of

Eastern Indonesia.

UNM has been cooperating with a number of districts for the dissemination of the DBE program and

is in the process of assisting Balikpapan in particular to analyze the District Profile for Teachers and

Education Personnel (PTK), which in turn will form the basis of a policy on the distribution of

teachers. UNM is also working with Bulukumba to provide ongoing professional development for

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 19

teachers in the district. Direct coordination with other TTIs has not yet taken place because, in

general terms, UNM is regarded as the main partner of DBE and, most likely, PRIORITAS.

The State Islamic University of Sultan Alauddin Makassar, which is coordinated by MORA, may also

be a potential partner.

2.2 Activities Planned for the Coming Quarter:

Select partner TTIs, and identify relevant personnel and centers within each TTI, with which

to work.

Conduct introductory and planning workshops to map out joint plans and intentions and

begin to identify, plan, and schedule key TTI lecturers' participation in district-based training.

Involve staff in provincial training of facilitators and district training of schools, as well as

provincial planning and coordination activities with districts.

Identify 14 Support Centers for development.

Identify existing TTI laboratory and university partner schools to include in PRIORITAS

teacher training.

Begin training of selected TTI staff in using materials and approaches in their pre- and in-

service training.

Select “good practices” schools in former DBE and PRIORITAS districts that are suitable for

use by TTIs for implementing practical teaching activities with their pre-service students.

Conduct initial meetings to introduce the TTIs to provincial and district planners and


In addition to working with the TTIs, PRIORITAS will work with non-academic service providers,

including government agencies such as the LPMP and LPPKS (national In-Service Training Institute for

Principals, based in Solo) and Balai Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Pendidikan Umum (BPTKPU),

a teacher training body in Bandung. PRIORITAS may also work with nongovernment service

providers, such as LPKIPI (Lembaga Pelatihan Dan Konsultan Inovasi Pendidikan Indonesia) in


Initial discussions were held with the LPPKS during this reporting period. In the coming quarter, a

mapping exercise will identify appropriate partners, and initial consultations will be held.

20 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012

3 Whole School Development

A key focus for PRIORITAS is the development of

groups of schools, using a “whole school

development” (WSD) approach. In addition to

directly assisting groups of schools to improve the

quality of teaching – and learning outcomes – WSD

activities will provide a focus for the training of

TTIs, and for provinces and districts to improve the

management and governance of basic education.

The “whole school development” approach means

(1) that training in teaching and learning, school-

based management and community participation are

provided in an integrated way and (2) that all

components of the school community are involved:

teachers, principals, committee members and school supervisors.

3.1 Whole School Development in Former DBE districts

Activities in the former DBE districts will commence next quarter.

Activities planned for the coming quarter:

Former DBE district facilitators and trainers will be reselected

All facilitators will receive training in the use of the revised training modules. Dissemination

will follow the plans drawn up by and agreed with the districts.

Project assistance for training in these districts will be confined mainly to training of

facilitators, provision of training materials and support for facilitators in implementing

training. Other training costs will be covered by government and school funding.

3.2 Whole School Development in Cohort 1 PRIORITAS Districts

Activities in Cohort 1 PRIORITAS districts will commence early 2013.

Activities planned for the coming quarter:

Selection of partner schools5

Socialization of the program to district stakeholders, school supervisors and school

principals of partner schools clusters

5 Note that primary schools will be selected in clusters (to include madrasah). Junior secondary schools

(including madrasah) will be selected where possible to link to feeder primary school clusters. In some cases

clusters of madrasah ibtidiayah will be selected separately.

Creating a successful learning environment is an important part of the training for teachers.

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 21

4 Governance, Management, and Linkages

4.1 Outline of Activities

Effective management of education in districts requires good supervision, data management,

resource allocation, monitoring and evaluation at district level.

Establishing a vision jointly with local governments and legislature and an appropriate sequencing of

support for planning, finance, human resource and data management activities will be a first activity.

Discussions have commenced on an informal basis, as described above, with provinces and with

former DBE districts. Consultations with PRIORITAS districts will commence in the coming quarter

after Cohort 1 districts are selected.

In addition to specific district concerns, PRIORITAS will focus on: (1) the relationship between

districts and service providers (TTIs) for delivering teacher training, to include issues of unit costs

for in-service and to examine how to make use of district facilitators; (2) the development of a long-

term human resource plan, including teacher allocation and staff development plans; (3) the

development of a plan and budget to disseminate activities to all schools within a district.

Good policy and governance are driven by open discussions on specific issues with high quality data.

Based on results of the rapid assessment of DBE and related materials, in the coming quarter, work

will commence in preparation for the redesign of key tools from the DBE1 program to assist

districts to collect and analyze data for policy and planning, using the MOEC’s new EMIS, known as


Interventions at the district level and major activities to strengthen linkages between districts,

provinces, TTI and national ministries will commence somewhat later in the project, after initial

work with TTI and on whole school development has taken place. In the short term, activity will

focus on joint planning and consultations.

4.2 Activities Planned for the Coming Quarter:

Revision of modules and tools: Following the recommendations of the rapid assessment of

DBE modules and tools, commencing July 2012, relevant tools and materials will be revised

and updated. A particular emphasis will be given to tools for personnel management and

financial analysis. This is expected to take some time and not be completed until 2013.

District and province consultations: Initial consultations will determine district and province

needs and priorities and will establish mechanisms for partnership in the project planning,

implementation and evaluation processes.

Initial TOTs will be conducted to introduce the revised materials to project personnel

(Provincial Specialists) and key personnel from TTIs, including LPMP. This will include a

national level workshop to be followed by provincial workshops.

PRIORITAS will assist in reviewing progress, planning and budgeting for dissemination in

former DBE districts. As described above, many are conducting ongoing dissemination. All

will need to plan and budget for dissemination as part of their commitment to participating


Linking schools, districts, provinces and TTI: Activities to strengthen linkages between the

different elements responsible for teacher in-service and pre-service training, needs

assessment, planning, delivery and evaluation will take place initially as part of the activities

described above for Whole School Development and Teacher Training Institutes.

22 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012

5 ICT for Education (ICT4E)

5.1 Outline of Activities

The objective of the PRIORITAS Information and

Communication Technology for Education (ICT4E)

program is to improve the use of ICT for teaching and

learning in effective, innovative and appropriate ways.

The project will promote ways to better use currently

and widely available ICT in Indonesia, particularly

laptops and hand phones. A study of ICT4E will be

conducted prior to the refinement and implementation

of the program, which consists of three main


1. Improving teaching and learning through the

provision and deployment of ICT equipment

to selected schools and TTIs, and the training

of teachers, lecturers, school managers, and administrators on the utilization and

maintenance of the ICTs to improve student learning outcomes;

2. Increasing the supply of online teaching and learning resources and improving teaching

practicums through working with partner TTIs to develop their role as hubs of good

practice in teaching and learning, through an increased use of available ICTs;

3. Increasing access to distance education in-service training courses through the development

and use of ICT-based distance learning materials designed to support districts, TTIs, and

others to fulfill their responsibilities for in-service training for teachers, especially in early

grades reading.

The ICT4E program will be piloted in two PRIORITAS districts in West Java and selected based on

the presence of supportive infrastructure, the population density, and the need for a reliable

network. The project will monitor and evaluate the pilot closely and consider ways the interventions

could be modified, developed, and expanded, based on proven impact.

Activity in this program is expected to start next quarter with a study of ICT usage in West Java.

5.2 Activities Planned for the Coming Quarter:

Planning and implementation of a study of ICT use in schools and TTIs.

Training, followed up with mentoring and cluster activities, is an effective way to bring about change in schools.

USAID PRIORITAS has placed a particular focus on improving the use of ICT in education.

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 23

6 Cross-Cutting Issues

6.1 Outline of Activities

To address the objective of increasing access

to quality education, a number of cross-cutting

issues have been identified. Approaches to

address poverty, transition, child protection,

inclusion, and gender, and to promote healthy

habits, will be incorporated (1) through whole

school development, and (2) by including the

information and skills required to address

these issues in training for teachers, principals,

supervisors, district and provincial

administrators, TTIs, and community

members. In addition, junior secondary

schools and primary schools will be linked for

joint training and information-sharing within

geographical areas to support transition.

To support this approach, initial activity

includes a series of consultations with USAID, national counterparts (including MOEC, MORA, the

Ministry of Health [MOH] and the Ministry for Women’s Empowerment) and stakeholders, including

gender and health specialists and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to survey existing

resources and strategies for possible integration into PRIORITAS. During this quarter, the national

Gender and Inclusion Specialist took part in the rapid assessment of modules and materials for use in


Informal consultations took place with the MOEC, specifically the Secretariat for School-Based

Management, under the Directorate for Kindergarten and Primary Schooling. Bpk Palogo,

representing the Secretariat, indicated that he welcomes PRIORITAS and is ready to cooperate with

and support the project. He will appoint a contact person in charge of the transition to junior high

school and inclusive education officials.

Discussions also took place with UNICEF (Ibu Astrid Dionisio–Child Protection Specialist) about the

protection of children in education. UNICEF has developed a series of child-friendly schools and

education modules. This includes the module titled Pedoman Pelatihan untuk Guru Tentang Pencegahan

Kekerasan Terhadap anak di Sekolah (Guidelines for training teachers in solving violence against

children in schools). UNICEF offers the possibility of cooperation with PRIORITAS as the child-

friendly school program has been implemented by UNICEF in the following PRIORITAS provinces:

Aceh, Central Java, East Java, South Sulawesi NTT, and Papua.

6.2 Activities Planned for the Coming Quarter:

Ensure a gender and equity focus in the planning and implementation of a study of ICT use in

schools and TTI.

Follow up consultations with MOEC, the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment, and other

stakeholders at the national level.

Conduct an assessment of government policies related to inclusive education, transition to

junior high school. and related issues.

Initial discussions will also be conducted with SMERU around the design of specific studies

that address poverty and participation in school.

A teacher using a ‘big book’ which she has made in order to improve students’ reading skills.

24 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012

7 Communication and Reporting

7.1 Overview of Activities

To share information, increase

ownership of the project by

stakeholders, and support

sustainability and dissemination of

good practices, PRIORITAS will (1)

report routinely to both USAID

and counterpart agencies, (2)

produce a range of special reports

from time to time to highlight

specific issues of policy and

practice, and (3) publish via a range

of media products, including

newsletters and Websites.

Media activities will include

publication of quarterly provincial

newsletters. Representative and

outstanding articles will be collated

and included in a quarterly national

newsletter to be published in both

English and Bahasa Indonesia. In

addition, a project Website will be

established to include: (1) a site for

sharing information about the

project, and (2) an interactive site

for practitioners on good practice,

an online “community of practice.”

During the first quarter, work

began on design of a “Fact Sheet”

to introduce the project to

counterparts and stakeholders. A

standard PowerPoint presentation

was also prepared for use in consultations with provinces, districts, and TTIs.

Work on Website design will begin early in the coming quarter. Newsletter production will begin

late in 2012 or early 2013, after initial activities and early results become available to report. In the

meantime, the fact sheet will be used for consultations and communication with stakeholders at all

levels. For a list of project reporting deliverables, please see Annex B.

7.2 Activities Planned for the Coming Quarter:

Submission of first quarterly report;

Completion of concept design for Website;

Completion of fact sheet in English and Bahasa Indonesia.

The Fact sheet for USAID PRIORITAS is one strategy used in

program communication.

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 25

8 Monitoring and Evaluation

8.1 Performance Monitoring

Performance monitoring provides the evidence needed to make timely and well-informed decisions

on project implementation. Monitoring and impact evaluation will support broader decisions about

the effectiveness of the project. PRIORITAS will conduct performance monitoring at regular

intervals during the project cycle in target districts and schools and in collaboration with GOI,

USAID, and other donor programs as appropriate.

During this quarter, the draft Performance Management Plan (PMP) presented in the proposal was

reviewed and submitted to USAID for approval at the end of June.

8.2 Activities Planned for the Coming Quarter:

Revision and completion of the PMP based on feedback from USAID

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E): After the PMP is finalized and approved, a plan for data

collection and analysis to meet the requirements of the PMP will be prepared. The initial

baseline survey will then be conducted in the following quarter, using the PMP and M&E plan.

8.3 Future Activities

Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA): The EGRA program will be designed, discussed

with counterparts in MOEC and MORA, and materials prepared for the assessment. EGRA

will then be implemented in a sample of schools and districts for use as baseline data in

assessing project impact. EGRA will also be subsequently used as a tool for district policy

and planning and, particularly, linking to teacher training needs.

Early Grades Math Assessment (EGMA): A similar approach will be taken to that for EGRA


Assessment of primary and junior secondary school mathematics and science.

Special studies will include the following:

Collaborative Management and Governance needs assessment

Assessment of the Role of Provincial Government.

Developing a culture of reading and writing is an important part of the USAID PRIORITAS program to improve students' literacy.

26 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012

Annex A: Provincial Reports


Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

Administrative Startup


Proses pencarian dan bidding kantor mulai dilakukan pada tanggal 5 Juni dan

pengajuan usulan ke kantor PRIORITAS Jakarta pada tanggal 12 Juni 2012.

Hingga saat ini belum ada penetapan kantor yang akan ditempati. Kondisi ini

berdampak pada kurangnya focus pelaksanaan kegiatan.


Hingga tanggal 28 Juni, staf USAID PRIORITAS Aceh berjumlah 5 orang: PC,

Accountant Specialist, IT Sepecialist, Admin Asisten, dan Whole School

Development Specialist (WSD Specialist). Whole School Development

Specialist mulai bertugas pada 18 Juni, sedangkan staf lainnya bertugas pada 4

Juni 2012.

Kami juga telah mengusulkan penugasan staf lain, yaitu Gevernance and

Management Specialist dan M&E and Performance Evaluation Specialist untuk

ditugaskan pada Juli 2012.

Hal yang paling penting untuk USAID PRIORITAS Aceh adalah perekrutan

Communication Specialist. Beberapa candidat telah diwawancarai HR RTI pada

tanggal 30-31 May dan satu candidat lainnya belum diwawancarai. Oleh karena

itu, hingga saat ini USAID PRIORITAS Aceh belum memiliki Communication

Specialist. Dampak dari belum ada staf ini koordinasi eksternal dengan provinsi

dan kab/kota masih dilakukan oleh PC

Technical Startup

Koordinasi Internal

Koordinasi internal, baik dengan staf USAID PRIORITAS Aceh maupun dengan

team nasional berjalan lancar. Koordinasi dengan staf provinsi dilakukan setiap

hari kerja. Akan tetapi, hasil koordinasi masih terbatas.

Koordinasi dengan


Koordinasi dengan pemerintah provinsi belum dilakukan karena kami

menunggu pelatikan Gubernur. Pelantikan baru belangsung tanggal 25 Juni dan

kami merencankan melalukan audiensi dengan Gubernur.

Koordinasi dengan Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi, Bappeda, dan Ka. Kanwil

Kemenag telah dilakukan. Akan tetapi mereka menyarankan untuk kembali

bertemu setelah pelantikan Gubernur definitif. Menurut mereka, program yang

akan dilaksanakan PRIORITAS sangat baik bagi pendidikan Aceh sehingga perlu

dibangun komitmen dengan Gubernur terlebih dahulu.

Koordinasi dengan


Koordinasi dengan pemerintah kab/kota masih terbatas dengan Dinas

Pendidikan Kota Banda Aceh dan Aceh Besar. Kedua kepala Dinas tersebut

akan bekerja sama dengan PRIORITAS untuk menjalankan program-program

pendidikan yang telah mereka rencanakan.

Kondisi koordinasi dengan Pemda kab/kota sama dengan Pemda Provinsi

karena bupati/walikota belum dilantik. Kami sedang menunggu pelantikan

mereka dan setelah itu, koordinasi akan segera dilakukan.

Koordinasi dengan


Koordinasi dengan TTI, khususnya dengan Universitas Syiah Kuala telah

dilakukan. Namun demikian, kami telah menetapkan Universitas Syiah Kuala

dan IAIN Ar-Raniry sebagai universitas mitra.

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 27

Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

Koordinasi dengan

donor lian Belum dilakukan

Seleksi Kabupaten/Kota

Seleksi ulang

distrik DBE –

konsultasi awal

Belum dilakukan

Seleksi kabupaten

Cohort 1 –

konsultasi awal

Belum dilakukan

Kegiatan lain

Pengadaan mobil sedang menunggu persetujuan kaontor USAID PRIORITAS


28 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012


Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

Administrative Startup


Sejak tanggal 1 Juni 2012 USAID PRIORITAS Sumut telah berkantor sementara

di Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Sumatra Utara, Lantai 4, Jl. T. Cik Di Tiro No. 1 D,

Medan. Fax: 061-4532710.


Sampai dengan 29 Juni 2012, staf kantor yang sudah bergabung: 1. Agus Marwan,

Provincial Coordinator mulai bekerja 21 Mei 2012; 2. Hariyadi, Monitoring and

Evaluation Specialist mulai bekerja 5 Juni 2012; 3. Erix Hutasoit, Communication

Specialist mulai bekerja 11 Juni 2012; 4. Agus Prayitno, Whole School

Development Specialist mulai bekerja 18 Juni 2012; 5. Edi Setiawan Malaha, IT

Specialist mulai bekerja 4 Juni 2012; 6. Dewi Rosanna Siagian, Admin Assistant

mulai bekerja 4 Juni 2012; 7. Tirta Gunawan, Driver mulai bekerja 15 Juni 2012.

Technical Startup

Koordinasi Internal

Sudah dilakukan 2 kali rapat internal untuk menyusun rencana kegiatan program

dan administrasi kantor. Rapat pertama dilaksanakan pada 5 Juni 2012, dan rapat

kedua dilaksanakan pada tgl 18 Juni 2012 bertempat di kantor USAID

PRIORITAS Medan. Koordinasi internal telah menghasilkan rencana kerja untuk

bulan Juni 2012.

Koordinasi dengan


Sudah dilakukan sosialisasi dan koordinasi dengan stakeholder provinsi, antara

lain dengan:

1. Dinas pendidikan provinsi Sumut, bertemu dengan Bapak Drs.Syaiful Syafri,

MM Kepala Dinas Pendidikan, Ibu Elisabeth Simanjuntak Kasubag Program.

Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada 31 Mei 2012 bertempat di kantor Diknas.

Diknas sangat antusias dengan program USAID PRIORITAS, dan siap

bekerjasama untuk mensukseskan program ini di Sumut. Diknas juga

menyediakan ruangan untuk kantor sementara USAID PRIORITAS, dan

bersedia mengalokasikan anggaran dana untuk diseminasi program. Untuk

mengefektifkan peran Diknas dalam program USAID ini, Diknas telah

menetapkan Ibu Elisabeth Simanjuntak sebagai anggota tim teknis untuk


2. Bappeda provinsi provinsi Sumut, bertemu dengan Bapak Ir. S.K. Ambarita

Kasie Sosial dan Kesra. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada 6 Juni 2012 bertempat di

kantor Bappeda Sumut. Bappeda menyambut baik program ini, dan siap

untuk mendukung pengalokasian anggaran diseminasi program. Untuk

memudahkan koordinasi program, Bappeda telah menetapkan bapak Ir. S.K.

Ambarita sebagai anggota tim teknis.

3. Kantor Kementrian Agama provinsi Sumut, bertemu dengan Bapak Drs.

Abdul Rahim,M.Hum kepala kanwil kemenag provinsi Sumut dan Bapak Drs.

Dahyar, M.Pd kasie Kurikulum Mapenda. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada 7 Juni

2012, bertempat di kantor wilayah kemenag Sumut. Kemenag sangat

mendukung program USAID PRIORITAS di Sumut. Kemenag provinsi siap

untuk bekerjasama dalam mengimplementasikan program. Kemenag akan

mengusulkan anggaran melalui DIPA untuk diseminasi program, disamping

akan menginstruksikan kepada para satker di tingkat kab/kota dan madrasah

untuk mengalokasikan anggaran diseminasi.

4. LPMP Sumut, bertemu dengan Bapak Bambang Winardji kepala LPMP

Sumut.Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada tgl 22 Juni 2012 bertempat di kantor

LPMP. Melalui pak Bambang, LPMP siap untuk bekerjasama dengan USAID

PRIORITAS, dan diharapkan dapat dilibatkan dalam seleksi mitra kab/kota

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 29

Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012


Koordinasi dengan


Kegiatan sosialisasi dan koordinasi telah dilaksanakan di semua district DBE,

antara lain:

1. Dengan Kota Binjai, dilaksanakan pada tanggal 5 Juni 2012 dan 19 Juni 2012

bertempat di Kantor Walikota Binjai, dan bertemu dengan Bapak M. Idaham

walikota Binjai, bapak Timbas Tarigan wakil walikota, Bapak Elyuzar Siregar

kepala Bappeda, Anang Wibowo kepala dinas pendidikan, serta secara

terpisah bertemu dengan Bapak Al-ahyu kepala kemenag Binjai. Pemko

Binjai sangat menyambut baik program USAID PRIORITAS, dan sangat

berharap dapat menjadi mitra. Pemko akan berkomitmen untuk

mengalokasikan anggaran diseminasi dalam mendukung program USAID


2. Dengan Kabupaten Deli Serdang, dilaksanakan pada 6 Juni 2012, bertempat

di kantor Dinas pendidikan, bertemu dengan Bapak Jaswar Sekretaris, Bapak

Yusnaldi kasubag Program dinas pendidikan, Bapak S. Manurung kasie

Sosbud Bappeda, dan secara terpisah bertemu dengan Bapak Dur Berutu

kepala kemenag, Bapak Torang Rambe Mapenda kemenag Deli Serdang.

Pemkab Deli Serdang sangat mendukung program USAID PRIORITAS, dan

berharap dapat menjadi salah satu mitra. Pemkab siap untuk berkomitmen

dengan syarat yang dijaukan oleh USAID PRIORITAS. Bahkan di bulan Juli-

Agustus 2012 ini, pemkab akan melakukan replikasi program DBE3 dengan

anggaran sebesar 588 juta rupiah.

3. Dengan Kabupaten Tapanuli Utara, dilaksanakan pada 20 Juni 2012,

bertemu dengan Bapak Osmar Silalahi kepala Bappeda, Bapak Roy Tobing

Kabid, Bapak Saut Panjaitan Kabid Dikdas dinas pendidikan, Bapak Munir

Aritonang sekretaris kemenag, dan Bapak Aminuddin Ujung kasie Mapenda

kemenag. Kegiatan dilaksanakan secara terpisah di kantor dinas masing-

masing. Pemkab Tapanuli Utara menyambut baik program USAID

PRIORITAS, dan berharap untuk dapat menjadi salah satu mitra. Pemkab

siap berkomitmen untuk memenuhi syarat-syarat untuk menjadi mitra


4. Dengan Kota Sibolga, dilaksanakan pada 21 Juni 2012 bertempat di kantor

Dinas Pendidikan, dan bertemu dengan Bapak Alpian Hutauruk kepala dinas

pendidikan, Bapak Soepono Kabid dikdas, Bapak Aswad sekretaris kemenag.

Pemko Sibolga masih komit dalam menindaklanjuti program DBE, dan

sangat berminat kembali untuk menjadi mitra USAID PRIORITAS.

5. Dengan Tapanuli Selatan, dilaksanakan pada 22 Juni 2012 bertempat di

kantor Bupati, bertemu dengan Bapak Syahrul Pasaribu Bupati, Bapak Aldinz

Rapolo Siregar Wakil Bupati, Bapak Saulian Sabih Situmorang Asisten 2, M.

Irsal Lubis kepala dinas pendidikan, Monalisa sekretaris dinas pendidikan,

Bapak Umar kabid dikdas, Bapak Ikhwan sekretaris Bappeda, Bapak Makruf

kasie Mapenda Kemenag. Pemkab Tapanuli Selatan sangat antusias

menyambut program USAID PRIORITAS, dan berkeinginan untuk menjadi

mitra program. Pemkab akan mendukung dan berkomitmen dengan

anggaran untuk diseminasi program.

6. Dengan Kota Tebing Tinggi, dilaksanakan pada 25 Juni 2012 bertempat di

kantor walikota, bertemu dengan Bapak Irham Taufik wakil walikota, Bapak

Kaban sekretaris Bappeda, Pardamean Siregar kepala dinas pendidikan, dan

secara terpisah bertemu dengan Bapak Pangadilan Dasopang kasie Mapenda

kemenag. Pemko Tebing Tinggi menyambut baik dan sangat antusias dengan

program USAID PRIORITAS, dan berharap dapat menjadi salah satu mitra.

30 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012

Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

7. Dengan Kota Tanjung Balai, dilaksanakan pada 26 Juni 2012, bertempat di

rumah dinas Walikota, bertemu dengan Bapak Thamrin Munte walikota

Tanjung Balai, Bapak Hamlet Sinambela kepala dinas pendidikan, Bapak

Hatyatsah kepala Kemenag, dan Bapak Ahmad Sanaan kepala Bappeda

Tanjung Balai. Walikota sangat menyambut baik program USAID

PRIORITAS, dan siap mendukung baik dalam hal anggaran dana daerah dan

tenaga daerah untuk mensupport program. Walikota berkeinginan untuk

bermitra dengan USAID PRIORITAS.

8. Dengan Kabupaten Dairi, dilaksanakan pada 28 Juni 2012 bertemu dengan

Bapak S.S. Ginting Asisten 2 Bupati, Bapak Sebastianus Tinambunan kepala

Bappeda, Bapak D.H. Tamba sekretaris Bappeda, Bapak Besli Pane Kabid

Sosbud Bappeda, Bapak Naek Lumban Tobing Kabid Dikmenum dinas

pendidikan, Bapak Sahat Simorangkir Kabid Dikdas, Bapak Hasan Basri

Bancin Kepala Kemenag, Bapak Inur Sagala Kasie Mapenda Kemenag, dan

Ibu Mardiana Delphi Ujung Ketua DPRD, Bapak Silalahi Ketua Komisi C

DPRD. Pemkab Dairi sangat mendukung kebertlanjutan program DBE, dan

berkeinginan untuk bermitra dengan USAID PRIORITAS. Pemkab

berkomitmen untuk mengalokasikan anggaran diseminasi untuk mendukung


Koordinasi dengan


Telah dilakukan sosialisasi dan koordinasi dengan Universitas Negeri Medan

(UNIMED) dan IAIN Medan, bertemu dengan Purek I UNIMED Bapak Prof. Dr.

Chairil Ansari, M.Pd, dan Prof. Dr. Nur Ahmad Fadhil Lubis, MA Rektor IAIN

Sumut bertempat di Rektorat UNIMED dan Rektorat IAIN pada tanggal 7 Juni

2012. UNIMED dan IAIN siap bekerjasama dengan USAID PRIORITAS, terutama

dalam pengembangan kapasitas dosen-dosen yang selama ini melatih PLPG dan

dosen-dosen yang mengelola mahasiswa PPL. UNIMED dan IAIN sangat

mendukung adanya support training center untuk mendukung pengembangan

kapasitas bagi dosen, dan sekaligus dapat menjadi alat untuk membangun

kelembagaan program USAID PRIORITAS.

Koordinasi dengan

donor lain


Seleksi Kabupaten/Kota

Seleksi ulang

distrik DBE –

konsultasi awal

Surat kesediaan bermitra dengan USAID PRIORITAS telah disampaikan kepada

Bupati/Walikota di semua district DBE. Sebelum surat disampaikan telah

dijelaskan proses seleksi untuk menjadi mitra. Dari diksusi dan konsultasi dengan

daerah, semua district DBE sangat berminat dan bersedia untuk menjadi mitra

USAID PRIORITAS. Semua district berjanji akan menyampaikan surat balasan

kesediaan bermitra tersebut sebelum tanggal 13 Juli 2012. Surat kesediaan

bermitra telah disampaikan ke Walikota Sibolga pada 21 Juni 2012, ke Bupati

Tapanuli Selatan pada 22 Juni 2012, ke Walikota Tebing Tinggi dan Bupati

Tapanuli Utara telah disampaikan pada 25 Juni 2012, ke Walikota Tanjung Balai

pada 26 Juni 2012, ke Walikota Binjai dan Bupati Deli Serdang pada 27 Juni 2012,

dan ke Bupati Dairi pada 28 Juni 2012.

Seleksi kabupaten

Cohort 1 –

konsultasi awal


USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 31

Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

Kegiatan lain


dalam US

Independece Day

Even di Medan

Dalam rangka US Independence Day Even yang diselenggarakan oleh Konsulat AS

di Medan, USAID PRIORITAS Sumut telah berpartisipasi dengan menyediakan

satu table untuk pameran yang memuat modul-modul dan buku best practises

program DBE dan program USAID PRIORITAS. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada

29 Juni 2012 bertempat di Hotel JW. Marriot.

32 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012


Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

Administrative Startup


Mencari alternatif kantor. Alternatif yang paling representatif dan memenuhi

beberapa persyaratan yang telah ditentukan adalah rumah di Komplek Ciceri

Indah Blok M No.1 Kelurahan Sumur Pecung, Kota Serang Banten. Kami

berharap sekali segera diapprove Jakarta agar bisa segera “ngantor”.


Sudah dilakukan dua kali interview, tetapi masih ada beberapa posisi yang

kosong dan belum bergabung. Posisi tersebut adalah: Teacher Training

Institutes Specialist, Teacher Training Specialist SMP & SD/MI, ICT for

Education Officer, Communication Specialist, Operation Manager, Accountant,

District Coordinators dan Drivers.

Staf yang sudah bergabung: PC, Admin Asisstant, IT Specialist/M & E,

Governance & Management Specialist/Whole School Development Specialist

Technical Startup

Koordinasi Internal

18 Juni 2012 berkoordinasi dengan tim yang sudah bergabung yaitu PC, Admin

Asisstant, IT Specialist/M & E, Governance & Management Specialist/Whole

School Development Specialist dan USAID Bridging Consultant. Penjelasan

awal program Prioritas kepada tim.

Koordinasi dengan


Menemui Bappeda Proponsi Banten Kabid Sosial Budaya, Badan Akreditasi

Propinsi (BAP), Kanwil Kemenag dan Kabid Mapenda Propinsi Banten, Dinas

Pendidikan Propinsi Banten. Sosialisasi dan penjelasan program Prioritas.

Respon sangat positif dan siap membantu.

Koordinasi dengan


Menemui Bappeda Kab/Kota daerah DBE, Dinas Pendidikan dan Kemenag

menjelaskan program Prioritas yang akan dilaksanakan. Semua Kab/Kota

merespon positif dan antusias. Khusus untuk Dinas Pendidikan Kota Tangerang

perlu pendekatan lebih jauh dan upaya intensif.

Koordinasi dengan


Setelah mempelajari dan mempertimbangkan beberapa LPTK yang ada di Kota

Serang dan Propinsi Banten pada umumnya, kami mengunjungi UNTIRTA

khususnya FKIP dan Pembantu Rektor Bidang Kerjasama. LPTK ini sebelumnya

adalah mitra DBE2. Perguruan tinggi lainnya yang dikunjungi adalah IAIN Sultan

Maulana Hasanudin (SMH) Serang Banten dan bertemu dan berdiskusi dengan

Dekan Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Pembantu Rektor Bidang Kerjasama. Sebelumnya

IAIN SMH ini secara aktif telah men-TOT para dosennya dengan modul BTL1-

4, dan membekali mahasiswa yang akan PPL dengan modul BTL 2.

Respon mereka cukup antusias, dan mereka menyarankan agar dilibatkan dari

mulai perencanaan sampai evaluasinya.

Koordinasi dengan

donor lain

Bertemu dengan pengelolan SSQ 3 AUSAID bantuan Australia untuk

pemercepatan akreditasi madrasah di Indonesia. Sasaran di Banten di 3

Kabupaten Serang, Kabupaten Lebak dan Kabupaten Tangerang. Pelaksananya

adalah MDC propinsi Banten.

Donor lain yang ada di Banten adalah Jica, Unicef dan beberapa donor lain

belum sempat bertemu langsung. Akan terus ditelusuri supaya ke depan bisa

bersinergi dengan baik.

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 33

Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

Seleksi Kabupaten/Kota

Seleksi ulang

distrik DBE –

konsultasi awal

Menemui Bappeda, Dinas Pendidikan dan Kasi Mapenda mereka nampak

“nyambung” dan menyambut dengan antusias. Khusus untuk Kota Tangerang

perlu sosialisasi dan pendekatann yang lebih intensif.

Seleksi kabupaten

Cohort 1 –

konsultasi awal

Menemui Bappeda Propinsi, Kemendikbud, dan Kanwil Kemenag. Hasil diskusi

dengan mereka muncul urutan yang disarankan oleh mereka: 1.

Kabupaten Pandeglang, 2. Kabupaten Serang, 3. Kabupaten Tangerang, 4. Kota

Tangerang Selatan dan 5. Kota Serang. Mereka menyarankan urutan tersebut

berdasarkan tingkat ketertinggalan daerah tersebut.

Kegiatan lain

Review Sekolah


Melacak jejak sekolah mitra DBE dan mengunjungi beberapa diantaranya. PSBG

masih bertahan meski optimalisasi pemanfaatannya perlu “recharge”. MTSN

Pasir Sukarayat Rangkasbitung nampak makin lebih baik, baik dari sisi penataan

sekolah maupun pembelajarannya.

34 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012


Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

Administrative Startup


Kantor USAID PRIORITAS Jawa Barat untuk sementara menempati Kantor Dinas

Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Barat sampai dengan bulan Juli 2012.

Pencarian kantor permanen USAID PRIORITAS Jawa Barat dilakukan sejak tanggal 30

Mei 2012. Kriteria yang ditetapkan selain harga sesuai budget antara lain adalah tidak

jauh dari kantor Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi, aman, nyaman, siap pakai, bukan daerah

banjir, tidak terlalu jauh ke jalan utama, area parkir cukup memadai.

Pengajuan 3 alternatif sudah dilakukan, saat ini sedang melakukan proses tender.

Diharapkan awal Agustus kantor permanen sudah siap untuk digunakan.


No. Posisi Nama Keterangan

1 Provincial Coordinator Erna Irnawati Aktif 21 Mei 2012

2 Akuntan Eka Rosmitalia Aktif 30 Mei 2012

3 Admin Assistant Ika Prasari Cessnarsi Aktif 30 Mei 2012

4 IT Specialist Danang Trimulyatno Aktif 30 Mei 2012

5 Management and

Governance Specialist

Rudi Sopiana Aktif 30 Mei 2012

6 Whole School

Development Specialist

Makinuddin Aktif 18 Juni 2012

7 Communication Specialist Dindin Solahudin Aktif 25 Juni 2012

8 M & E Specialist Indra Gunawan Aktif 2 Juli 2012

9 TTI Development


10 Teacher Training

Specialist - Primary

11 Teacher Training

Specialist - JSS

Yeti Heriyati

12 ICT4E Officer

13 Teaching & Learning

Operation Manager

14 Driver Debi Riyatno Aktif 8 Juni 2012

Technical Startup

Koordinasi Internal

USAID PRIORITAS mengadakan kegiatan pertemuan antara PC USAID PRIORITAS dan

Bridging Team USAID pada tanggal 22 Mei 2012 yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan

masukan dari Bridging Team tentang keberlanjutan program DBE di daerah dan

harapan-harapan stakheholder di provinsi maupun kabupaten/kota terhadap proyek

baru USAID. Dibahas juga tentang draft workplan tahun pertama USAID PRIORITAS.

PC Meeting telah dilakukan sebanyak dua kali, yaitu pertemuan pertama pada tanggal 21

Mei dan 23 Mei, pertemuan kedua pada 13 Juni 2012. Dari dua kali pertemuan tersebut

membahas tentang draft workplan, staffing, anggaran, IT system, kantor di provinsi,

administrasi dan keuangan.

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 35

Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

Koordinasi dengan


Meeting awal dengan stakeholder

provinsi telah dilaksanakan pada

tanggal 25 Mei 2012 bertempat di

dinas pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Barat.

Meeting dihadiri oleh perwakilan dari

dinas pendidikan provinsi, kantor

wilayah Kemenag Jawa Barat, P4TK

IPA, dan BPTKPU. Beberapa point

yang dibahas antara lain adalah kriteria

pemilihan daerah mitra USAID

PRIORITAS, integrasi program USAID

PRIORITAS dengan program provinsi,

kegiatan lembaga donor lainnya, calon universitas yang bisa dijadikan mitra USAID


Tim USAID PRIORITAS Jabar melakukan beberapa pertemuan informal dengan

stakeholder di tingkat provinsi untuk mengetahui respon stakeholder terhadap proyek


Tanggal 19 Juni 2012 bertemu dengan Kepala Bidang Sosial dan Budaya Bappeda

Provinsi Jawa Barat.

Tanggal 20 Juni 2012 bertemu dengan perwakilan dari Kantor Wilayah Kemenag Jawa


Tanggal 21 Juni 2012 bertemu dengan Kepala LPMP Provinsi Jawa Barat

Tanggal 25 Juni 2012 bertemu dengan widyaiswara BPTKPU Provinsi Jawa Barat.

Hasil dari pertemuan tersebut antara lain adalah:

Bappeda akan memberi dukungan kepada kabupaten/kota untuk mendiseminasikan

praktik baik DBE jika memang itu bermanfaat bagi daerah dalam meningkatkan mutu

pendidikan dasar. Mengingat alokasi penggunaan anggaran pendidikan di Provinsi Jawa

Barat masih fokus untuk peningkatan akses pendidikan.

Secara prinsip, kegiatan USAID PRIORITAS nanti dapat disinergikan dengan

perencanaan di kantor Kemenag Provinsi.

Perjanjian kerjasama antara USAID PRIORITAS dengan LPMP Provinsi Jawa Barat

sebaiknya cukup dengan perjanjian kerjasama antara USAID PRIORITAS dengan BPSDM

PPMP (Badan Pengembangan SDM Pendidikan dan Penjamin Mutu Pendidikan).

LPMP Jawa Barat mempunyai PAM (Program Akselerasi Mutu) dengan target SMP. PAM

ini merupakan program tindak lanjut dari EDS. Jika ternyata nanti daerah mitra USAID

PRIORITAS sama dengan PAM maka sebaiknya target sekolahnya dibedakan.

LPMP juga sedang melakukan pemetaan pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan se Jawa

Barat. Di setiap UPTD dan kab/kota, LPMP mempunyai masing-masing 1 orang

operator. LPMP menyarankan jika USAID PRIORITAS memerlukan silahkan

memanfaatkan data dan hasil pemetaan ini.

Untuk menjaga keberlanjutan program dari awal maka terdapat 4 orang widyaiswara

dari BPTKPU yang dapat dijadikan fasilitator USAID PRIORITAS.

Koordinasi dengan


Koordinasi dengan calon kabupaten/kota USAID PRIORITAS belum dilakukan. Saat ini

masih fokus mencari informasi melalui dinas pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Barat, LPMP, dan


Koordinasi dengan


PC beserta Manajemen and Governance Specialist melakukan kunjungan ke UPI melalui

LPPM UPI pada tanggal 6 Juni 2012. Hasil dari koordinasi tersebut antara lain adalah

Diseminasi DBE, khususnya untuk MBS dilakukan terus menerus oleh UPI melalui

kegiatan KKN Tematik.

36 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012

Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

SP UPI perlu mendapatkan penyegaran terkait dengan modul-modul MBS yang sudah

direvisi oleh USAID PRIORITAS

Untuk tahun 2012, UPI mendapatkan dana bantuan dari Gubernur sebesar 462 juta

rupiah untuk penyelenggaraan KKN Tematik.

UPI juga menjadi koordinator (Kepala LPPM) Program POS DAYA, mengkordinasikan 9

universitas di Jawa Barat bagian Priangan Timur (Tasik, Ciamis, Banjar, Garut).

Modul DBE1 dipasang dan digunakan sebagai sumber pustaka dalam tugas maupun

penelitian mahasiswa di WEB UPI.

Modul-modul yang ada di dalam web tersebut perlu diupdate berdasarkan modul yang

direvisi oleh USAID PRIORITAS

PC, Communication Specialist, dan Whole School Development Specialist melakukan

kunjungan ke UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung pada tanggal 28 Juni 2012. Tim USAID

PRIORITAS Jabar disambut oleh Prof. Dr. H. Mahmud (Dekan), Prof. Dr. H. Supiana

(Pembantu Dekan), and Drs. Hasan Basri, M.Ag. (Pembantu Dekan). Tujuan dari

kunjungan ini adalah (1) menjelaskan secara umum tentang program USAID

PRIORITAS; (2) menjelaskan secara umum bentuk kerjasama yang akan dibangun antara

USAID PRIORITAS dan UIN; dan (3) menjelaskan peran dari UIN jika nanti terpilih

untuk menjadi mitra USAID PRIORITAS.

Informasi yang diperoleh dari UIN antara lain adalah:

Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan mempunyai jurusan MIPA, Bahasa (Arab dan

Inggris), Agama Islam, dan PGMI.

Untuk PPL mahasiswa, UIN bekerjasama dengan 49 sekolah/madrasah yang terletak

disekitar Bandung, Kabupaten Bandung, dan Kabupaten Sumedang.

Saat ini sedang dirancang kegiatan PPL akan dikolaborasikan dengan kegiatan KKN

agar mahasiswa tidak hanya berlatih menjadi guru tetapi juga berlatih bersosialisasi

dengan masyarakat.

Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan ini juga mereplikasi program Lesson Study bekerja

sama dengan UPI.

Tahun 2012 ini, akan dimulai pembangunan Lab School

UIN juga menjadi penyelenggara sertifikasi khusus untuk guru agama

Selama ini UIN sudah bermitra dengan UNINUS, IAIN Syaikh Nurjati Cirebon,

IAIC Tasikmalaya dan STAI Al-Musaddadiyyah Garut dalam proses sertifikasi. Ini

bisa menjadi dasar untuk konsorsium jika UIN nanti menjadi mitra USAID


Dekan berharap dapat menjadi mitra USAID PRIORITAS dan akan melaporkan hasil

diskusi ini kepada Rektor.

Koordinasi dengan

donor lain

Koordinasi dengan donor lain tidak dilakukan secara langsung namun melalui diskusi

dengan dinas pendidikan dapat diketahui bahwa selain DBE ada juga kegiatan Lesson

Study dan BERMUTU yang tujuannya sama dengan DBE yaitu meningkatkan mutu

pendidikan dasar di Jawa Barat.

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 37

Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

Seleksi Kabupaten/Kota

Seleksi ulang distrik

DBE – konsultasi


Tim USAID PRIORITAS Jawa Barat melakukan kunjungan ke kabupaten/kota mitra DBE

untuk menginformasikan keberadaan program USAID PRIORITAS, menjelaskan secara

umum bentuk bantuan yang akan diberikan USAID PRIORITAS kepada daerah mitra

DBE, dan menyerahkan invitation letter untuk menjadi mitra USAID PRIORITAS.

Hasil dari kunjungan tersebut adalah:

Daerah Hasil


25 Juni 2012

Program-program DBE telah masuk pada DPA APBD 2012

Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Karawang, yaitu:

melatih 102 orang untuk peningkatan kapasitas bidang

manajemen di level sekolah.

melatih 50 orang guru dalam peningkatan mutu

pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar di kelas.

melatih 100 orang guru untuk peningkatan pembelajaran

di level SMP.

Kepala Dinas berharap, para pengawas lebih banyak dilibatkan,

hal ini terkait dengan program dinas dalam pemberdayaan

pengawas dinas pendidikan kabupaten karawang.

Kepala dinas, merencanakan untuk tetap melaksanakan

program-program peningkatan mutu baik di level sekolah

maupun di level kabupaten dengan anggaran 2013.


26 Juni 2012

Dinas pendidikan sedang menyelenggarakan kegiatan pelatihan

komite sekolah dengan target 50 sekolah (100 orang) dari

mulai TK, SD, SMP, dan SMA. Dinas pendidikan menggunakan

mantan staf DBE1 sebagai fasilitator. Kegiatan ini akan terus

dilaksanakan setiap tahun.

Tahun 2012 juga, dinas pendidikan mempunyai kegiatan

diseminasi DBE2 dan DBE3. Jika mendapat dukungan dari

USAID PRIORITAS maka dinas pendidikan dapat memperluas

target/cakupan pelatihan teaching and learning.

Tahun 2013, dinas pendidikan sudah merencanakan untuk

menyusun SIMPEG (system kepegawaian).


27 Juni 2012

Dinas pendidikan akan menyelaraskan kegiatan diseminasi

DBE dengan renja 2013.

Terjadi kesepahaman bahwa walaupun tidak ada program

pengembangan DBE secara eksplisit, namun ada kegiatan-

kegiatan peningkatan mutu pendidikan, baik dari sisi

pembelajaran maupun peningkatan pendidik dan tenaga


Program-program DBE 3 telah di replikasi hampir di semua

SMP, bahkan di inline kan dengan program BERMUTU dan

Lesson Studi, dan berkomitmen akan meneruskan hal-hal baik

dari program DBE 3 melalui swadaya sekolah maupun APBD.

38 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012

Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

Seleksi kabupaten

Cohort 1 –

konsultasi awal

Konsultasi terkait dengan criteria pemilihan daerah sudah dilakukan dengan stakeholder

provinsi, antara lain Dinas Pendidikan, Bappeda, LPMP, dan BPTKPU. Dapat disimpulkan

bahwa criteria pemilihan daerah PRIORITAS adalah:

Tersebar di 5 wilayah pengembangan Provinsi Jawa Barat (Priangan Timur, Priangan

Barat, Bogor, Cirebon, dan Purwakarta)

Utamakan daerah kabupaten

Utamakan daerah yang mempunyai nilai rata-rata lama sekolahnya masih jauh

dibawah 9 tahun

Utamakan daerah yang terisolir dan tertinggal

Utamakan daerah yang belum tersentuh oleh lembaga donor

Komitmen kepala daerah tinggi

Komitmen kepala dinas pendidikan, kepala Bappeda, dan Kepala Kantor Kemenag


Berdasarkan criteria tersebut kabupaten/kota akan dipetakan, kemudian akan dibuat

shortlist dan dikonsultasikan dengan dinas pendidikan provinsi. USAID PRIORITAS

menentukan daerah potensial.

Berkunjung ke daerah potensial calon PRIORITAS untuk menyampaikan informasi awal

tentang keberadaan program USAID PRIORITAS dan diskusi tentang kebijakan,

program, dan prioritas pendidikan dasar di kabupaten/kota yang akan dikunjungi.

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 39


Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

Administrative Startup


Tim USAID Prioritas Provinsi Jawa telah melakukan survey terhadap sekitar 30 rumah

atau rumah kantor dengan rentang harga antara Rp. 50 juta hingga Rp. 200 juta.

Beberapa kriteria dalam pemilihan calon kantor adalah: (a) harga berkisar Rp. 70

juta/tahun, (b) tidak jauh dari pusat kota, (c) berada pada lingkungan yang aman. Dari

jumlah tersebut telah direkomendasikan empat rumah yang memenuhi kriteria untuk

ditindaklanjuti, dan akirnya terpilih rumah yang paling memenuhi syarat. Saat ini sedang

disiapkan draft kontrak rumah oleh tim Jakarta dan akan segera dikirimkan kepada

pemilik rumah untuk dipelajari.

Ditargetkan pada pertengahan Juli 2012, set up ruang sudah selesai dan bisa dilengkapi

dengan furniture. Sehingga pada awal Agustus 2012 kantor sudah sepenuhnya bisa

digunakan untuk bekerja.

Beberapa kendala yang muncul dalam pencarian kantor ini adalah: (a) budget yang

rendah, (b) harga rumah/kantor di dekat perkotaan jauh lebih tinggi dari budget, (c)

tidak adanya penjaga keamanan rumah. Untuk mengatasi tersebut maka kami mencari

kantor yang lokasikan agak jauh dari pusat pemerintahan di kota sehingga bisa masuk



Sebagian staf program dan staf operasional yang direkrut oleh RTI sudah terisi (kecuali

Communication Specialist). Staf yang direkrut oleh EDC dan WE sudah ada calon,

tinggal menunggu kontrak antara pemberi kerja dan karyawan. PC, 2 spesialis provinsi,

dan 4 staf operasional sudah mulai bekerja sejak awal Juni 2011. Bebera staf akan mulai

bekerja pada awal Juli 2012 dan sisanya akan aktif pada bulan Agustus 2012. Hingga

saat ini posisi DC belum satupun DC yang sudah direkrut.

Technical Startup

Koordinasi Internal

Hingga akhir Juni 2012 koordinasi Prioritas Jateng dilakukan di kantor sementara yaitu

di rumah PC. Koordinasi ini dilakukan dalam rangka mempersiapkan kantor dan

kebutuhan yang diperlukan untuk kantor dan staffing. Selain koordinasi

mempersiapkan kantor dan staffing, koordinasi internal juga diperlukan untuk

membicarakan calon-calon kabupaten mitra Prioritas dan mendukung diseminasi di

kabupaten eks DBE.

Koordinasi dengan


Koordinasi dengan Pemerintah Provinsi telah

dilakukan dengan Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi,

Sekretaris Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi, Kasubag

Perencanaan Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi, Kepala

Bidang Sosial Budaya Bappeda Provinsi Jawa

Tengah, dan Kepala Biro Kerja sama Setda Provinsi

Jawa Tengah.

Koordinasi ini terfokus pada rencana kerja sama

antara USAID Prioritas dengan Pemerintah

Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Terkait hal ini Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Tengah menginginkan

mendapatkan foto copy Grand Agreement antara Pemerrintah Indonesia dengan

Pemerintah Amerika. Berdasarkan Grand Agrement tersebut Pemerintah Provinsi

Jawa Tengah akan membuat turunan kerja sama dengan nama Memorandum or

Agreement atau Kerangka Acuan Kerja Sama atau nama lain sesuai dengan

Permendagri Nomor 15 Tahun 2009.

USAID Prioritas Jawa Tengah telah menyerahkan dokumen assitantant agreement

tersebut kepada Kepala Biro Kerja Sama Luar Negeri Setda Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan

Sekretaris Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Selanjutnya Kepala Biro Kerja Sama

akan mempelajari assistant agreemen tersebut dan akan mensosialisasikan secara

40 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012

Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

internal rencana kerja sama tersebut. Selain itu Kabiro Kerja Sama menyarankan agar

USAID mengirimkan surat resmi ke Gubernur Jawa Tengah yang isinya menyatakan

bahwa Jawa Tengah terpillih sebagai provinsi dalam implementasi program USAID

Prioritas, dan untuk menindaklanjuti kesepakatan di tingkat nasional tersebut maka

perlu dilakukan kesepakatan di tingkat provinsi dan kabupaten/kota.

Untuk mendapatkan dukungan dan masyakarat luas dalam implementasi program ini,

juga telah dilakukan koordinasi dengan DPRD Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Dewan

Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Wakil Ketua DPRD Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Bambang

Sadono, S.H, M.H dan Ketua Dewan Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Tengah, Prof. A.T.

Soegito S.H. M.M menyatakan mendukung sepenuhnya program USAID Prioritas ini.

Dengan harapan program ini dapat meningkatkan mutu pendidikan, mempersempit

kesenjangan mutu antar daerah dan antar sekolah di Provinsi Jawa Tengah.

Koordinasi dengan


USAID Prioritas Jawa Tengah telah berkoordinasi

awal dengan beberapa mitra eks DBE yaitu

Kabupaten Demak, Kabupaten Kudus, Kabupaten

Blora, Kabupaten Grobogan, Kabupaten Boyolali,

dan Kabupaten Karanganyar. Kepada kabupaten-

kabupaten tersebut disampaikan bahwa USAID

Prioritas akan memberikan bantuan teknis

lanjutan DBE selama 2 tahun untuk melanjutkan

diseminasi program-program DBE. Selain itu

kabupaten eks DBE akan dijadikan tempat studi visit dari kabupaten baru yang akan

menjadi mitra USAID Prioritas. Bila kabupaten masih tertarik untuk bekerjasama agar

mengirimkan surat ketertarikan kepada USAID Prioritas di Jakarta.

Berdasarkan hasil kunjungan, enam kabupaten yang telah dikunjungan menyatakan

tertarik untuk melanjutkan kerjasama. Hal ini didasari selama ini program program

DBE yang terkait dengan pembelajaran dan manajemen pendidikan sangat berguna bagi

sekolah. DBE yang membawa dampak baik terhadap kemajuan sekolah.

Pada awal Juli 2012 akan dilanjutkan ke 2 kabupaten eks mitra DBE yaitu Purworejo

dan Jepara. Juga akan dilanjutkan sosialisasi kepada calon mira USAID Prioritas yang

pernah mendiseminasikan program-program DBE seperti di Kota Salatiga, Kota

Surakarta, Kabupaten Mageleng, Kabupaten Batang, Kabupaten Wonosobo, dan

Kabuapten Banjarnegara.

Koordinasi dengan


Secara informal USAID Prioritas telah

menginformasikan kepada Universitas Negeri

Semarang, IAIN Walisongo Semarang, dan

UKSW Salatiga. Berdasarkan informasi awal ini

sedang dijadwalkan kunjungan ke TTI untuk

menginformasikan program-program akan


Koordinasi dengan

donor lain

Di beberapa kapupaten eks mitra DBE ada yang mendapatkan bantuan program dari

BEC-TF (Basic Education Capacity Trust Fund) dan Bermutu dari World Bank. Untuk

membantu penyelenggaraan program tersebut USAID Prioritas Jawa Tengah telah

berkoordinasi dengan Kabupaten Blora, Demak, Purworejo, Wonosobo, dan

Banjarnegara. USAID Prioritas Jawa Tengah mengirimkan tenaga ahli sebagai

narasumber dalam penyelenggaraan kegiatan yang didanai BEC-TF. Beberapa program

yang telah didesimenasi adalah Renstra, Penghitungan SPM, Rencana Kerja Sekolah,

dan Keuangan Pendidikan.

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 41

Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

Seleksi Kabupaten/Kota

Seleksi ulang distrik

DBE – konsultasi


Berdasarkan koordinasi awal dengan eks kabupaten mitra DBE, belum ada satu pun

yang mengirimkan surat ketertarikan. Berdasarkan surat ketertarikan tersebut akan

dilakukan seleksi ulang dan dilanjutkan dengan penyiapan KAK.

Seleksi kabupaten

Cohort 1 –

konsultasi awal

Seleksi kabupaten mitra USAID Prioritas cohort 1 belum dilakukan. Yang telah

dilakukan saat ini adalah koordinasi awal dengan Pemerintah Provinsi untuk

menentukan kabupaten/kota mana saja yang memenuhi kriteria seleksi. Awal dari

semua itu adalah adanya surat permintaan USAID Prioritas yang menyatakan bahwa

Provinsi Jawa Tengah menjadi salah satu mitra USAID Prioritas dan selanjutnya

meminta kepada Gubernur Jawa Tengah untuk bersedia melakukan kerjasama dan

memfasilitasi pemilihan kabupaten/kota yang baru untuk menjadi mitra.

Kegiatan lain

Koordinasi Dengan

Sampoerna Shool of


Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) saat ini menjadi mitra dari Direktorat Pendidik

dan Tenaga Kependidikan Ditjen Dikti Kemdikbud yang sedang mempersiapkan

pelatihan diseminasi program DBE kepada para dosen LPTK. Terkait dengan hal

tersebut pada tanggal 22-23 Juni 2012 di Semarang, Tim Prioritas Jateng membantu

untuk merancang materi pelatihan. Program ini adalah program lanjutan yang

sebelumnya telah dilaksanakan di Indonesia bagian barat. Sementara wilayah Indonesia

bagian timur akan dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli 2012. Materi yang terkait program DBE

ada 2 yaitu: (a) pembelajaran aktif di perturuan tinggi selama 3 hari, dan (b) manajemen

dan tata kelola sekolah selama 3 hari.

42 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012


Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

Administrative Startup


East Java Province sudah mencari alternatif kantor yakni 2 di perumahan, 1 di gedung

perkantoran dan 1 di lingkungan Unesa. Namun karena mempertimbangkan beberapa

faktor meliputi: akes jalan, keamanan, kenyamanan, fasilitas penunjang, rate, kebersihan

dsb alternatif kantor masih dalam tahap pertimbangan dan sedang mencari alternatif



East Java Province sudah mengambil mobil yang dititipkan di Program EMAS pada

tanggal 8 Juni 2012 yaitu Kijang Innova. Namun karena hingga saat ini belum ada

kantor tetap maka sementara waktu mobil dititipkan di rumah East Java Provincial



Staf yang akan bertugas di Jatim meliputi:

East Java Provincial Coordinator : Silvana Erlina (sudah aktif per 21 Mei 2012

Teaching and Learning TTI Development Spesialist : Abd. Asari (belum aktif,

provide by EDC)

Teacher Training Spesialist Primary : Juprianto (belum aktif, provide by EDC)

Teacher Training Spesialist- JSS : Moh Najid (belum aktif, provide by EDC)

ICT4E : Arif Nuryadin (belum aktif, provide by EDC)

Governance and Management Specialist : M. Adri (sudah aktif, provide by RTI)

Whole School Development Specialist : Supriono Subakir (belum aktif, provide by


DC DBE : TBD (belum aktif, provide by WE)

DC PRIORITAS : TBD (belum aktif, provide by WE)

Communication Specialist : Dian Kusuma Dewi (belum aktif, provide by RTI)

M&E : Budi (belum aktif, provide by RTI)

Teaching & Learning Operations Manager : TBD (belum aktif, provide by RTI)

Accountant : Renov Saputra (sudah aktif per 24 Mei 2012)

IT Specialist : Anton Gerhana (belum aktif, provide by RTI)

Admin Asistant : Kartika (belum aktif, provide by RTI)

Driver : Suhariyanto (sudah aktif per 4 Juni 2012)

Salah satu alternatif kantor berupa rumah yang sudah di survey di daerah

Pondok Mutiara, Sidoarjo.

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 43

Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

RTI telah melakukan proses recruitment dan telah ada kesepakatan dengan karyawan

untuk bekerja di Program PRIORITAS. Namun karena beberapa diantaranya masih

terikat kontrak dengan lembaga donor lainnya, maka berlaku 1 month notification

sehingga akan mulai bekerja pada Bulan Juli-Agustus 2012.

Sementara untuk karyawan yang di provide oleh EDC dan WE hingga saat ini belum

diadakan recruitment dan kesepakatan kerja. .

Technical Startup

Koordinasi Internal

Koordinasi internal sudah dilakukan antara Provincial Coordinator (Silvana Erlina)

dengan USAID Education Liasion (Supriono Subakir) untuk segera melakukan

sosialisasi tentang program PRIORITAS di Kabupaten / Kota yang pernah menjadi

mitra program DBE.

Koordinasi dengan


Provincial Coordinator (Silvana Erlina) dan USAID Education Liasion (Supriono

Subakir) telah mengadakan pertemuan pada tanggal 28 Juni 2012 bertempat di kantor

gubernuran dengan Bapak Setiadjit staf ahli Gubernur. Dari hasil diskusi beliau sangat

mendukung program PRIORITAS dan akan memperjuangkan anggaran untuk

membiayai Distric lain diluar mitra PRIORITAS, namun teknisnya sama dengan

program PRIORITAS.Untuk tindak lanjutnya kami mengirim kegiatan dan strategi

pelaksanaan program PRIORITAS kepada beliau.

Kementrian Agama , terutama ka Mapeda Prov( Bapak Mahfud, Asrofi , Hakim dan

Bapak Wafi) juga sangat mendukung kegiatan desiminasi dalam bentuk kebijakan dan

anggran . Ada satu harapan kamenag, belajar dari pengalaman DBE,Jumlah MI sangat

terbatas 20%, sehingga mereka sangat minim tenaga ahli yang terlatih oleh DBE , untuk

bergabung dengan Dinas Pendidikan juga tidak memungkinkan. Harapannya di Proram

PRIORITAS agar MI diberi gugus tersndiri.

Koordinasi dengan



Provincial Coordinator (Silvana Erlina) dan USAID Education Liasion (Supriono

Subakir) telah melakukan sosialisasi dan koordinasi dengan stakeholder terkait

meliputi Bappeda, Dinas Pendidikan dan Kemenag di 4 Kabupaten yaitu Sidoarjo,

Pasuruan, Nganjuk , Bojonegoro, Sampang, Bangkalan danTuban. Hasil pertemuannya

adalah sebagai berikut:

Kab Sidoarjo, 28 Mei 2012

Pertemuan dilakukan di Dispendik Sidoarjo diterima langsung oleh Kabid

Pengembangan Bapak Drs Munif Beliau menjelaskan Dispendik Sidoarjo telah

berkomitmen dan siap melanjutkan Program DBE melalui dana APBD. Untuk tahun

pertama program PRIORITAS, rencananya Dispendik Sidoarjo akan melakukan

diseminasi program yang telah dikembangkan DBE di 5 kecamatan yang terdiri dari 10

Gugus / KKG dan 5 MGMP dalam bentuk pelatihan untuk guru dan pendampingan

yang diberi nama “Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan Dasar”.Dana pendukung dari APBD

sebesar 800 juta .Dinas Pendidikan juga mendukung dan mempersiapkan para

fasilitator yang sudah terlatih oleh DBE

Kab. Pasuruan, 4 Juni 2012

Di Kab. Pasuruan, Tim tidak hanya berkunjung ke Dispora Kab. Pasuruan namun juga

ke BAPPEDA dan ke Kemenag Kab. Pasuruan:

Ibu Silvana dan Bpk Supriono

diterima langsung oleh Kabid

Sos Bud BAPPEDA Kab.

Pasuruan, 4 Juni 2012.

44 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012

Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

Pertemuan dengan BAPPEDA Kab Pasuruan diterima langsung oleh Kabid Sos-Bud

Ibu Diana. Beliau menyatakan bahwa program DBE telah di diseminasi melalui

pemetaan SD, SMP hingga SMU yang bekerja sama dengan Universitas Negeri Malang.

Selain itu diseminasi pada program PRIORITAS hendaknya bisa membantu menyusun

Renstra 2013 dan penuntasan buta aksara.

Tim juga melakukan pertemuan dengan Kabid Dikmenum Bpk Hasbullah dimana beliau

mengatakan bahwa pemantapan program DBE telah dilakukan melalui PKGMP (lesson

study) untuk guru mata pelajaran di 4 base camp dengan mengadakan kegiatan 10x

pertemuan / tahun untuk pemantapan 15 mata pelajaran dan saat ini sudah masuk

pertemuan ke-4. Targetnya adalah sebanyak 1.400 guru dapat terfasilitasi melalui

bimbingan langsung 140 fasilitator. Setiap guru yang datang mendapatkan dana

transport Rp 20 ribu / orang. Kegiatan ini disupport sepenuhnya oleh Sampoerna

Foundation dengan memanfaatkan narasumber dari Program DBE.

Pertemuan ke-3 dengan Sekretaris Dispora Kab. Pasuruan Bpk. Sumantri. Beliau

memberi saran agar pengawas menjadi prioritas dalam pelatihan nanti sehingga dapat

berfungsi sebagai aset fasilitator daerah. Saran beliau sebaiknya kegiatan di program

PRIORITAS nanti tidak mengganggu kegiatan efektif kedinasan. Rencana awal Dispora

akan mengembangkan lesson study di SD.

Pertemuan terakhir dengan Kasie Mapenda Kemenag Kab Pasuruan Bpk Abdul Munif.

Beliau menyampaikan, saat ini Kemenag kab Pasuruan telah memiliki Pusat

Pengembangan Madrasah dimana para anggotanya adalah fasilitator gabungan Kemenag

dan Dispora yang telah dilatih oleh DBE dengan mengembangkan kurikulum umum

yang terintegrasi dengan Al Qur’an dan Hadits. Selain itu Kemenag juga telah

menindaklanjuti dalam bentuk pelatihan bagi guru melalui dana swadaya dengan materi

proses, managerial, akademik, evaluasi bagi yayasan, kepala sekolah dan wakil, guru

dan operator IT di sekolah. Dengan pengembangan program DBE ini beliau optimistis

dan siap menjadi wilayah percontohan untuk pengembangan program DBE di tingkat


Kab. Nganjuk, 5 Juni 2012

Pertemuan di Kab. Nganjuk dilakukan dengan menemui Bappeda Kab Nganjuk Ibu

Harianti dan Kabid Dikmenum Dispora Kab. Ngajuk Bpk M. Yasin dengan rincian

pertemuan sebagai sebagai berik

Ibu Harianti dari Bappeda Kab. Nganjuk menyampaikan dukungannya secara langsung

terkait keberlanjutan program DBE yakni PRIORITAS. Beliau menyarankan agar

pengawas dapat dilatih terlebih dahulu serta memanfaatkan SDM yang dulu pernah

dilatih oleh DBE. Untuk pendanaan diseminasi dimungkinkan tahun ini melalui PAK.

Ibu Silvana dan Bpk

Supriono diterima

langsung oleh Kabid


USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 45

Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

Pertemuan Tim dilanjutkan dengan bertemu Dispora Kab Nganjuk yang diwakili oleh

Kabid Dikmenum Bpk M. Yasin. Beliau menyatakan bahwa diseminasi program DBE

sudah menjadi kebutuhan Dispora Nganjuk. Untuk itu beliau telah melakukan

pelatihan berjenjang pada pengawas sesuai tupoksinya agar implementasi diseminasi

dapat lebih cepat. Namun beliau minta agar pelatihan dapat dilakukan pada

Sabtu/Minggu sehingga tidak mengganggu aktivitas dinas. Dispora juga siap

menganggarkan dana untuk diseminasi. Sedangkan untuk implementasi diseminasi

program DBE kedepan melalui PRIORITAS, Konsep dasar yang diusulkan oleh Pak

Yasin dalam proses diseminasi ini meliputi:

Guru perlu didampingi terutama implementasi kurikulum

Ketua MGMP setiap mapel dapat mengikuti ToT

Dispora akan berkoordinasi dengan MKKS untuk pengembangan diseminasi

Pendidik harapannya juga dilatih IT untuk mendukung pembelajaran

Dinas siap mendanai untuk desiminasi dengan APBD 2013

Penguatan tupoksi jangka panjang di level management secara berjenjang menuju

Perda / SPM

MoU nantinya sebaiknya ditandatangani oleh bupati dan disaksikan oleh DPRD dan

membahas bersama keberlanjutan program ini kedepan

Kab. Bojonegoro, 6 Juni 2012

Pertemuan Tim di Kab Bojonegoro dilakukan melalui rapat koordinasi dengan tiga

komponen yakni Bappeda, Dispendik dan Kemenag. Dalam pertemuan tersebut

menghasilkan kesepakatan seperti dibawah ini:

Bappeda yang diwakili oleh Ibu Yulia mendukung sepenuhnya diseminasi yang nanti

akan dilakukan oleh Dispendik.

Bpk Edo selaku sekretaris Dispendik juga mendukung kegiatan ini dan akan

memberikan dukungan kebijakan.

Bpk Ali Mapenda Kemenag Bojonegoro menyampaikan akan berkomitmen melalui

koordinasi lintas sektor dengan Dispendik dan stakeholder terkait lainnya dalam

rangka meningkatkan mutu pendidikan.

Kabid Perencanaan Dispendik Bpk Rasmadji mengungkapkan, kegiatan kedepan

yaitu penguatan melalui ToT yang lebih spesifik, pelatihan management (RKS

berbasis EDS), dan pembelajaran. Ke-3 kegiatan tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan

pendanaan mandiri bagi guru yang sudah sertifikasi, mandiri institusi dari dana BOS

serta APBD.

Rapat koordinasi antara Tim

dan stakeholder Kab

Bojonegoro yang terdiri dari

Bappeda, Dispendik dan

Kemenag yang berlangsung di

Kantor Dispendik, 6 Juni 2012

46 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012

Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

Kabupaten Sampang , 25 Juni 2012

Diskusi di Kab Sampang dilakukan dengan Ka Dinas, Segretaris Dinas Pendidikan,

Kabid TK/SD dan Kabid Dikmen. Pada umumnya beliau menyambut baik bantuan

desiminasi yang diberikan melalui program PRIORITAS dan akan menyiapkan kebijakan

untuk fasilitator terbaik, menyusun program kegiatan serta anggaran pendukung

melalui APBD , swadaya dari guru yang sudah sertifikasi serta dari anggaran BOS


BAPPEDA akan mengawal anggran sesuai yang diajukan Dinas Pendidkan melalui DUA

di tahun ini .

Kamenag dan Mapenda sudah menyaipkan dana secara mandiri untuk desiminasi

Kabupaten Bangkalan, 26 Juni 2012

Pertemuan dilaksanakan diruang sekretaris Dinas Pendidikan ( Pak Subaidi, Pak Eric

sebagai Ka Subag Program). Beliau sangat senang dan akan menyiapkan anggran untuk

mendukung desiminasi, untuk tahun ini sudah ada angaran pendukungnya.

Pada kesempatan ini kami juga menemua Komisi III DPRD Kab Bangkalan, pada

prinsipnya sangat mendukung dan memperjuangkan melalui APBD

Kabupaten Tuban, 27 Juni 2012

Kami berdiskusi di ruang Ka Dinas yang dihadiri oleh, Bapak Drs.Sutrisno, MM , Kabid

TK/SD Bapak Sutarno, serta Ibu Maria dari BAPPEDA.Saat ini Kabupaten Tuban

AKAN melaksanakan desiminasi program DBE,untuk tahun 2012 anggaran sudah

disiapkan sebesar 300 juta,Kabupaten Tuban juga sudah punya tim pengembang yaitu

fasilitator yang sudah terlatih dari program DBE . BAPPEDA mendukung kebijakan dan

anggran untuk pelaksanaan desiminasi

Departemen Agama, juga sudah siap dengan dana untuk pelaksanaan desiminasi

program DBE .

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 47

South Sulawesi

Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

Administrative Startup


Sejak minggu Keempat Mei, PC Sulawesi

Selatan telah melakukan survei beberapa

tempat untuk diajukan menjadi kantor

program USAID PRIORITAS. Survei meliputi

gedung perkantoran, perumahan, fasilitas

ruang pada Lembaga Pemerintahan dan

Perguruan tinggi seperti Kantor Dinas

Pendidikan, Kantor Gubernur, Bappeda dan

Perguruan Tinggi. Dari suvei tersebut

ditemukan bahwa pada Lembaga

Pemerintahan dan Perguruan Tinggi tidak

tersedia ruang yang memadai untuk

menampung sekitar 15 -18 orang calon staf

program. Kecuali di Gedung Rektorat baru

UNM (Universitas Negeri Makassar)

memungkinkan untuk disediakan ruang tapi

diperkirakan baru dapat digunakan tahun

depan, tetap harus dibayar/disewa sementara

gedung tersebut statusnya ada asset

Pemerintah yang tidak dibolehkan oleh USAID untuk disewa. Terkendala dengan hal

tersebut, maka PC memfokuskan perhatian pada gedung perkantoran (non

pemerintah) dan perumahan. Hingga pertengahan bulan Juni PC telah mengirim dua

versi penawaran ke USAID PRIORITAS Jakarta untuk diproses, yaitu 4 penawaran dari

pihak perumahan dan 3 penawaran dari pihak gedung perkantoran. Diharapkan

prosesnya selesai sebelum tanggal 10 Juli sehingga minggu Kedua telah ada kantor

permanen program USAID PRIORITAS wilayah Sulawesi Selatan.


Komposisi staf program USAID PRIORITAS

Sulawesi Selatan telah terisi secara lengkap

sesuai struktur yang dibutuhkan, dengan

asumsi tidak ada perumahan calon staf yang

diajukan oleh EDC. Namun demikian, hingga

akhir Juni baru PC yang telah menanda

tangani kontrak, sementara para specialist,

staf administrasi dan Accounting baru akan

aktif pada minggu Pertama dan Kedua Juli.

Oleh karena itu meskipun sebelumnya

semua staf diharapkan mulai bekerja dari 18

Juni 2012, namun PC meminta untuk diundurkan ke bulan Juli, dengan harapan minggu

Pertama Juli telah ada kantor tetap sehingga para staf betul-betul telah berkantor. Ada

dua kendala terkait dengan masalah staffing ini yaitu: belum adanya kantor sehingga

menyulitkan PC untuk melakukan koordinasi, dan belum rampungnya proses kontrak

para calon staf dari EDC. Dengan demikian dari minggu Keempat Mei hingga akhir

Juni, baru PC yang efektif telah bekerja, namun sebagian calon staf (RTI) telah

membantu secara sukarela. Diharapkan mulai tanggal 16 Juli semua staf secara efektif

telah mulai bekerja.

48 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012

Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

Technical Startup

Koordinasi Internal

Secara internal PC telah melakukan koordinasi dengan tim USAID PRIORITAS Jakarta

dan Bridging Team USAID, terutama dalam hal pembahasan work plan, penyiapan

kantor dan staf provinsi. Disamping itu, PC juga telah melakukan koordinasi secara

terbatas dengan para calon staf (RTI) provinsi program USAID PRIORITAS Sulawesi

Selatan, untuk: memberi penjelasan tentang komponen utama program USAID

PRIORITAS, work plan tahun pertama, seleksi kabupaten/kota DBE dan PRIORITAS,

dan identifikasi Perguruan Tinggi potensial untuk menjadi mitra.

Koordinasi dengan


Koordinasi dengan stakeholders provinsi telah

dimulai sejak PC bertugas dalam Bridging Team

yaitu: melakukan pertemuan dengan Dinas

Pendidikan Provinsi, Kantor Wilayah

Kementerian Agama, Bappeda, dan LPMP. Pada

minggu Pertama Juni, PC melakukan pertemuan

dengan Kepala Biro Kerjasama Kantor Gubernur

untuk membicarakan tentang mekanisme

kerjasama antara Pemerintah Provinsi Sulawesi

Selatan dengan pihak USAID PRIORITAS. Hal penting dari beberapa pertemuan

tersebut adalah bahwa Pemerintah Sulawesi Selatan, khususnya stakeholders terkait di

tingkat provinsi menyambut baik tawaran kerjasama dari USAID PRIORITAS. Untuk

menguatkan kerjasama dimaksud menjadi penting adanya MOU antara Pemerintah

Provinsi dengan USAID PRIORITAS.

Koordinasi dengan


Sejak bertugas dalam Bridging Team USAID, PC telah melakukan koordinasi dan

mengunjungi beberapa kabupaten/kota DBE, berdiskusi dengan stakeholders

kabupaten/kota DBE tentang komitmen dan tindak lanjut program pasca DBE, dan

mengidentiikasi harapan mereka tentang program USAID PRIORITAS. PC juga

melakukan koordinasi melalui telepon dengan para kontak person di Dinas Pendidikan

(Kepala Dinas, Sekretaris Dinas, Kepala Bidang) terutama kabupaten/kota yang belum

sempat dikunjungi. Dari kunjungan dan koordinasi via telepon, diketahui bahwa

umumnya kabupaten/kota DBE menunjukkan komitmen yang cukup baik dalam

menindaklanjuti program DBE dan berharap tetap menjadi mitra program USAID

PRIORITAS. Kecuali Kabupaten Jeneponto, meskipun masih sangat berharap untuk

menjadi mitra program USAID PRIORITAS, namun tidak terlihat komitmen yang

terukur terkait diseminasi program DBE yang diasilitasi oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten,

khususnya Dinas Pendidikan. Oleh karena itu PC mengusulkan agar tidak dilanjutkan

pendampingan di kabupaten tersebut.

Koordinasi dengan


Hingga akhir Juni, PC telah melakukan pertemuan dengan berbagai pihak di Universitas

Negeri Makassar (UNM). Sejak bertugas dalam Bridging Team USAID, PC telah

melakukan pertemuan dengan Rektor, Kepala LPM, Lembaga Penelitian, PGSD, dan

Pusat Sekolah Efekti, disamping lembaga mitra UNM seperti Kopertis Wilayah IX yang

membawahi sekitar 300 PT, termasuk 20 LPTK, dan Konsorsium Perguruan Tinggi

Negeri Kawasan Timur Indonesia. UNM telah melakukan kerjasama dengan beberapa

kabupaten/kota untuk diseminasi program DBE, dan saat ini sedang mendampingi Kota

Balikpapan khususnya Dinas Pendidikan melakukan analisis Profile Pendidik dan Tenaga

Kependidikan (PTK) yang selanjutnya akan menjadi kebijakan distribusi guru. UNM

juga sedang bekerjasama dengan Kabupaten Bulukumba dalam aspek peningkatan

kompetensi Guru dalam pembinaan profesionalisme berkelanjutan guru-guru di

kabupaten tersebut. Koordinasi dengan TTI lainnya belum dilakukan secara langsung

karena pada umumnya merupakan mitra UNM, kecuali Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan

Alauddin Makassar yang dibawah koordinasi Kantor Kementerian Agama.

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 49

Kegiatan Mei – Juni 2012

Koordinasi dengan

donor lain

PC belum melakukan koordinasi dengan Donor lain, namun telah melakukan

pertemuan dengan lembaga BAKTI yang merupakan lembaga yang memfasilitasi

koordinasi antar donor di Kawasan Timur Indonesia. Dari pertemuan tersebut

diketahui bahwa pada umumnya pada Tahun 2012, program dari lembaga donor

lainnya yang secara spesifik melaksanakan program bidang pendidikan Dasar khususnya

dalam aspek peningkatan kompetensi PTK, pembelajaran, manajemen dan tata kelola

Pendidikan Dasar telah berakhir, kecuali AUSAID yang programnya meliputi seluruh

provinsi dan kabupaten/kota di Indonesia, dan program BERMUTU dari Bank Dunia

yang bermitra dengan 5 kabupaten/kota di Sulawesi Selatan dan akan berakhir pada

akhir Tahun 2013.

Seleksi Kabupaten/Kota

Seleksi ulang distrik

DBE – konsultasi


Terkait dengan seleksi awal distrik DBE, pada tanggal 26 – 28 Juli 2012 PC melakukan

kunjungan ke Kabupaten Pangkep, Kota Palopo, Kabupaten Luwu, dan Kabupaten

Sidrap. Kunjungan tersebut dimaksudkan untuk melakukan konsultasi dengan

stakeholders pendidikan, khususnya Dinas Pendidikan perihal tawaran untuk

bekerjasama, disamping itu menyampaikan surat undangan kepada Bupati dan Walikota

untuk menjadi mitra program USAID PRIORITAS dalam bentuk pendampingan

terbatas. Pada tanggal 2 – 4 Juli 2012, PC akan melakukan kunjungan ke Kabupaten

Soppeng, Enrekang, dan Pinrang untuk maksud yang sama.

Seleksi kabupaten

Cohort 1 –

konsultasi awal

PC belum melakukan koordinasi dengan kabupaten/kota potensial untuk menjadi mitra

USAID PRIORITAS, namun telah mengirimkan list beberapa kabupaten yang

memungkinkan untuk diseleksi, seperti: Kabupaten Maros, Takalar, Wajo, Bone,

Bantaeng, Tanah Toraja, Barru, Sinjai, Gowa, dan Kota Pare-Pare.

50 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012

Annex B: Deliverables


Type Reporting Period Date Due



1. Procurement Plan 30 days after award May 30, 2012 Submitted

2. Grants Manual and Grants

Implementation Plan

No later than 45

days after award Jun 14, 2012 Submitted

3. First Year Work Plan and


No later than 45

days after award Jun 14, 2012 Submitted


Rapid Assessment of

Modules, Methods, and


60 days after award Jun 30, 2012 Submitted

5. Performance Management

Plan (PMP) 60 days after award Jun 30, 2012 Submitted

6. Quarterly Report (1) USG FY quarter Jul 15, 2012 Submitted

7. Quarterly Report (2) USG FY quarter Oct 15, 2012

8. Assessment of Role of

Provincial Government

Within first 6

months of project Nov 30, 2012

9. Quarterly Report (3) USG FY quarter Jan 15, 2013


Collaborative Analyses

and Identification of

Laboratory and Model


8 months after

project award Jan 30, 2013

11. EGRA and EGMA


Within first 8

months after award Jan 30, 2013


Collaborative Management

and Governance Needs

Assessment (for each


5-18 months after


Oct 2012-Nov

2013 Phased approach

13. Quarterly Report (4) USG FY quarter Apr 15, 2012


Collaborative ICT4E

Needs Assessment for W.


Within first year

after award By May 1, 2013

15. Quarterly Report (5) USG FY quarter Jul 15, 2013

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 51


Type Reporting Period Date Due



Routine Reports / Work Plans

Quarterly Reports

1. Due 15 days after every

USG FY quarter

(Dates provided for first 3

years of project)

May-Jun 2012 Jul 15, 2012 Only 2 months;

Not full quarter

2. Jul-Sep 2012 Oct 15, 2012

3. Oct-Dec 2012 Jan 15, 2012

4. Jan–Mar 2013 Apr 15, 2013

5. Apr-Jun 2013 Jul 15, 2013

6. Jul-Sep 0213 Oct 15, 2013

7. Oct-Dec 2013 Jan 15, 2014

8. Jan-Mar 2014 Apr 15, 2014

9. Apr-Jun 2014 Jul 15, 2014

10. Jul-Sep 2014 Oct 15, 2014

11. Oct-Dec 2014 Jan 15, 2015

Annual Reports Annually First due Oct.


Report on imple-

mentation of

Year 1Work Plan

12. Due 2 weeks after end of

USG FY May-Sep 2012 Oct 15, 2012

Not full year;

only 4 months

13. Oct 2012-Sep 2013 Oct 15, 2013

14. Oct 2013-Sep 2014 Oct 15, 2014

15. Oct 2014-Sep 2015 Oct 15, 2015

16. Oct 2015-Sep 2016 Oct 15, 2016

17. Oct 2016-Apr 30,

2017 May 15, 2017 ???

Not full year;

only 6 months

18. Final Report Duration of project Mar 31, 2017 30 days before

end of project

Work Plan (Annual Updates to 5-Year

Work Plan

Annually No later than 4

weeks before

anniversary date

of award

Subject to

possible schedule

change by COR

to coincide w/

USG Fiscal year

1. Work Plan Year 2 Oct 2013 – Sept


Apr 1, 2013 Sept 1, 2013

2. Work Plan Year 3 Oct 2014 – Sept


Apr 1, 2014 Sept 1, 2014

52 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012


Type Reporting Period Date Due



3. Work Plan Year 4 Oct 2015 – Sept


Apr 1, 2015 Sept 1, 2015

4. Work Plan Year 5 Oct 2016 – May


Apr 1, 2016 Sept 1, 2016

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 53

Annex C: Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Glossary

ADB Asian Development Bank

APBD Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Daerah (District Government Annual Budget)

AusAID Australian Agency for International Development

BAD Badan Akreditisasi Daerah – District School Accreditation Body

BAN Badan Akreditasi Nasional (National Accreditation Board)

BAN Badan Akreditisasi Nasional – National School Accreditation Body

BAP Badan Akreditisasi Propinsi – Provincial School Accreditation Body

BAPPEDA Badan Perecanaan Pembangunan Daera (Regional Development Planning Board)

BAPPENAS Bandan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (National Development Planning


BE Bursa Efek Jakarta Building [location of RTI Indonesia Office]

BEC Basic Education Capacity – a World Bank Trust Fund program

BOS Bantuan Operasional Sekolah or government allocated School Operational

Assistance Funds (per capita school operation grants)

BPSDMP & PMP Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Pendidikan dan Penjamin Mutu

Pendidikan (National level Teacher Inservice Training Center and Quality Assurance Body, formerly known as PMPTK)

Bpk Bapak (Mr.)


Balai Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan Pendidikan Umum; a unit under the

provincial Education Office in West Java that develops teacher performance in

regular schools

BTL Better Teaching and Learning (DBE training modules)

Bupati District Council Head (Regent)

Calistung Baca Tulis Hitung (Reading, Writing, and Math)

COP Chief of Party (project position)

COTR Contracting Officer's Technical Representative (USAID position)

DAK Dana Alokasi Khusus – Special Fund Allocation

DAPODIK Data Pokok Pendidikan, MOEC’s national web-based EMIS

Dapodik Data Pokok Pendidikan, Basic Education Data, MOEC’s web-based EMIS

DAU Dana Alakosi Umum – General Fund Allocation

DBE Decentralized Basic Education Project

DC District Coordinator (project position)

DCOP Deputy Chief of Party (project position)

DEO District Education Office

Dewan Pendidikan District Education Council

DIKNAS Kementerian Pendidikan Nasional (Ministry of National Education)

DIKTI Directorate General for Higher Education

Dinas District or Provincial Offices

DPRD Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (Regional/Local Legislature)

EDC Education Development Center

EDS School Self-Evaluation Program

EGRA Early Grade Reading Assessment

54 USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012

EGMA Early Grade Math Assessment

EMIS Education Management Information System

FKIP Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (Education Faculty)

GOI Government of Indonesia

HELM Higher Education Leadership and Management Project

HR Human Resources

IAIN Institut Agama Islam Negeri (State Islamic Higher Education Institution)

Ibu Mrs.

ICT Information and Communication Technology

ICT4E ICT4E Information and Communication Technology For Education

IR Intermediate Result

IT Information Technology

Kabupaten District or Regency

KAK Kerangka Acuan Kerja (Cooperation Agreement or Work Reference


KKG Kelompok Kerja Guru (Teacher Working Group-secular primary schools)

KKKS (or K3S) Kelompok Kerja Kepala Sekolah (school principals Working Group)

KKM Kelompok Kerja Madrasah (Teacher working Group-religious schools)

KKN Kuliah Kerja Nyata – program for senior university students to work as interns

in companies or villages

Kota City or Municipality

LP2KS Lembaga Pengembagan & Pemberdayaan Kepala Sekolah (Institute for School

Principal Development and Empowerment, based in Solo)

LPKIPI Lembaga Pelatihan dan Konsutlan Inovasi Pendidikan Indonesia, an independent

education consultancy based in Surabaya

LPMP Lembaga Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan (Provincial Quality Assurance Institute)

LPPKS Lembaga Pengembangan Profesional Kepala Sekolah (national School Principals

In-Service Training Institution)

LPPM Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Maysyarakat – Unit based within universities

for research and community service

LPTK Lembaga Pendidikan Tinggi Keguruan (a teacher training institution)

M&E Monitoring and Evaluation

Madrasah Islamic school

Mapenda Madrasah dan Pendidikan Agama Islam (unit in MORA office that manages

madrasah and Islamic subjects in regular schools)

MBS Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah (School Based Management)

Menko Kesra Coordinating Ministry for People’s Welfare

MGMP Musyawarah Guru Mata Pelajaran - Secondary School Teacher Discussion

Groups (grouped by subject matter)

MGP-BE Mainstreaming Good Practices in Basic Education (UNICEF program)

MI Masrasah Ibtidiayah (Islamic Primary School)

MKKS Secondary School Principals’ Working Group

MKKS Madrasah

MOEC Ministry of Education and Culture

USAID PRIORITAS – Quarterly Report No. 1, May – June 2012 55

MOH Ministry of Health

MOHA Ministry of Home Affairs

MORA Ministry of Religious Affairs

MOU Memorandum of Understanding

MSS Minimum Service Standard same as SPM in Bahasa Indonesia

MTs Madsrasah Tsanaiwiyah (Junior Secondary Islamic School)

NGO Nongovernmental Organization

NTT Nusa Tenggara Timur (Eastern Indonesian Province)

OVC Opportunities for Vulnerable Children

P4TK Teacher and Education Staff Development and Empowerment Center


Pusat Pengembangan Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan – Ilmu Pengetahuan

Alam –Teachers and Education Personnel Development Center -– Science

(located in Bandung)

PADATIWEB Former National level EMIS

PAKEM Pembelajaran yang Aktif, Efektif dan Menyenangkan (Active, Effective and

Enjoyable Learning)


Program Akselerasi Mutu (Quality Acceleration Program) – a program operated

by LPMP to assist schools in closing the performance gap in their EDS (School Self-Evaluation).

Pengawas School Supervisor

PC Provincial Coordinator (project position)

PEO Provincial Education Office

PGMI Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidiayah (Islamic Primary School Teacher

Development Program)

PGSD Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar (Primary School Teacher Development Program)

PKGMP Peningkatan Kinerja Guru Mata Pelajaran, literally “Subject Teacher Performance

Development,” conducted in Pasruan and similar to MGMP.

PLPG Pendidikan PeLatihan Profesi Guru (curriculum for teacher training, specifically

for teacher certification training).

PMP Performance Management Plan

PMPTK Pusat Mutu Pendidik dan Tenaga Pendidikan (national Center for Teachers and

Education Personnel)

PPG Pendidikan Profesi Guru (Professional Teacher Education program - one year


PPL Teaching Practicum (practice teaching)

PRIORITAS Prioritizing Reform, Innovation, and Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s

Teachers, Administrators, and Students Project

PTK Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan (Teachers and Education Personnel)

Puspendik Pusat Pendidikian (National Education Testing Center)

Renja Rencana Kerja (Annual Education Plan)

Renstra Rencana Strategis (Five Year Educational Development Plan)

RKAS Rencana Kerja Anggaran Sekolah (Annual School Budget)

RKS Rencana Kerja Sekolah (School Work Plans)

RKT Annual Plan

RTI International Research Triangle Institute International

SBM School-Based Management

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SD Sekolah Dasar (Primary School)

SK Surat Kuasa (Official Letter of Authority from Government)

SMERU An independent institution for research and public policy studies, based in Jakarta

SMH (IAIN) Sultan Maulana Hasanudin

SMP Sekolah Menengah Pertama (Junior Secondary School)

SPM Standar Pelayanan Minimum (Minimum Service Standards)

STTA Short-term Technical Assistance

Tarbiyah Education faculty in Islamic higher education institute

TOT Training of Trainers

TTI Teacher Training Institutes

UIN Universitas Islam Nasional – (State Islamic University)

UM State University of Malang

UNICEF The United Nations Children’s Fund

UNIMED State University of Medan

UNM State University of Makassar

UNTIRTA Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa

UPI Indonesian Education University

US United States

USAID United State Agency for International Development

UT Universitas Terbuka (Open University)

Walikota City Council Head or Mayor

WSD Whole School Development

Yayasan Foundation

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