privacy settings how to complete your privacy section

Post on 28-Mar-2015






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Privacy Settings

How to complete your Privacy section

You Home Page

Where is my Privacy page?

Your privacy section can be found by clicking on the icon next to the Privacy Title or by clicking on the Privacy Tab



Privacy is taken seriously at AviAMP

The Privacy section has four sub-sections which are Contact preferences, Default profile, Company- specific profiles and Block list Here we show you how to use them and the significance of each


Contact Preferences

Select Contact preferences in the sub menu and select new contact preference

This section will display exactly how you want to be contacted by telephone You must create a name for this particular profile to be saved, in order for you to distinguish it from other contact preferences you wish to create


Contact Preferences

Name the profile and select the dates when this particular profile is active Then click the add button in the Contact preference field This will allow you to enter your telephone number and select the actual days of the week and actual times of day when you prefer to be contacted by telephone, including accepting SMS text messages


Contact Preferences

If you have several telephone numbers for the same profile just click ADD to add another Don’t forget the international dialing code Your named Contact preference will also appear in a drop down menu in your availability section

You will see how these two sections are related when you create your availability


Contact Preferences

This is what your contact profile page will look like if you have more than one listed


Default Profile

These settings are the easy to use tick boxes, for items you wish to be visible to all companies. Tick the box to show, un-tick the box to hide The Passport number is set to hide by default, and no one will see it if the number was entered in the passport section. If you wish to show the passport number to any particular company you may use the company specific profile settings section to do this while keeping the number hidden from all other companies We suggest leaving the passport number hidden at all times until it’s necessary to be revealed This is also where you can chose to display specific Record of Maintenance Experience (ROME) presentations

For maximum viewing we suggest leaving all boxes ticked except Passport number


Company Specific Profile

If you wish to reveal your passport number having previously entered it in the passport section, or wish to reveal any profile items you had hidden from general view in the default setting, you may use company specific profile settings here to reveal them to specific named companies The name of the company will appear in the company drop down menu if they have previously contacted you through the In-Mail function, or if you have been saved to their favorites list


Company Specific Profile

The tick boxes are by default un-ticked on this page, and you will need to tick each item separately to allow the item to be viewed by the company selected in the drop down To allow more than one company to see the details, create another by clicking new company profile


Company Specific Profile

Once you have been contacted via In-Mail or have been added to a company’s favorites list, the named company will appear in the company drop down menu, for you to select If there are several names on the drop down menu, you can then create different permissions for the different companies, by going back to the start and clicking on a new company


Block List

This is a useful tool if you want to block specific companies from viewing your profile or non specific companies from different places This tool selectively uses mandatory information supplied by the companies to identify it as a searching company and then hides you from their search results

Click Edit to start


Block List

If you want to block companies in certain locations, click the Locations ADD button Use the drop down menus to select a specific country and then all companies registered in that country will be blocked from seeing any of your profile

The associated region auto –fills when a county is selected


Block List

If you select a region alone, then all companies in that region will be blocked from seeing your profile Note. This will over-ride all company specific profile settings or default profile settings for companies searching from the country selected Your company specific and default settings will still work for any other countries or regions not selected in the block list


Block List

The Block e-mails, domain names, companies and keywords are free text boxes for you to enter the specific details that company you wish to block uses Enter as many details as possible You don’t need to write every single email address that the company uses



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