prof sandra dunn chair, cdu academic board prof todd walker chair, uballarat academic board from...

Post on 15-Jan-2016






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Prof Sandra DunnChair, CDU Academic Board

Prof Todd WalkerChair, UBallarat Academic Board

From Review to Reform:The post-Bradley era

• Increased access• Targets for low SES, Indigenous, regional & remote• Lift caps on CGS places (deregulated)

• Increased quality (TEQSA)• Unified ‘coherent’ HE (VET-university) system• Increased public funding

• Research performance• ‘Funding follows student’

Bradley recommendations

• Access

• Quality

• Cost

Iron triangle

Pace of change – Inquiries over a 6 month period

• Senate committee inquiries

Compulsory Student Fees

Industry Skills Councils

Education Services for Overseas Students Legislation Amendment Bill

National Health and Hospitals Network Bill

• House of Representatives committee inquiries

Australia's International Research Engagement

• Government departments Inquiries

Overseas Student Health Cover - Submission to the Departmental Review of Overseas Student Health Cover

Research Workforce Strategy - Department of Innovation, Industry, Science & Research consultation paper

Review of Immunity from Seisure legislation - submission to the Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts

Simpler visas: Creating a simpler framework for temporary and permanent entry into Australia - Department of Immigration and Citizenship discussion paper

Collaboration Development Program - Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations draft guidelines

Structural Adjustment Fund - Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations draft guidelines

Review of the General Skilled Migration points test - Department of Immigration and Citizenship discussion paper

Review of Regional Loading - submission to the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations

An Indicator Framework for Higher Education Teaching and Learning Performance Funding - Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations discussion paper

Migration Update - Universities Australia response to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Higher Education Participation and Partnerships Program - Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations draft guidelines

Measuring the Socio-Economic Status of Higher Education Students - Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations discussion paper

Quality and regulatory elements

TEQSA Bill 2011

• Part 1 Objects and Definitions

• Part 2 Basic Principles

• Part 3 Registration

• Part 4 Accreditation of Courses of Study

• Part 5 Higher Education Standards Framework

• Part 6 Investigative Powers

• Part 7 Enforcement

• Part 8 TEQSA

• Part 9 Higher Education Standards Panel

• Part 10 Administrative Law matters

• Part 11 National register of HE Providers

• Part 12 Miscellaneous l

• Regulatory necessity

• Reflecting risk

• Proportionate regulation

Part 2: Basic principles

Part 5: HE Standards Framework

Role of Academic Board

• Awareness• Harmonising institutional aspirations with the new environment

in which the University operates

• Communication- formal networks to ensure organisational goals are reached.

- informal networks to share ideas, information and feedback

• Empowering• Subsidiarity – the lowest level in an organisation at which

decisions can be made provides formal authority to act

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