project management

Post on 06-Jan-2016






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importance of time management in project completion



OnTime management in Project Functions

Submitted To: Submitted By:Nick Kocher Baljinder Singh Sidhu Student Id: A00126779

Introduction Time management refers to managing time effectively so that right time is allocated to right activity. It refers to the way you organize and and plan how long you spend on specific activities. Proper time management leads to below mentioned benefits: Greater productivity and efficiency Increased opportunities for advancement Save time and reduce stress Increases our work output Effective control over job responsibilitiesA project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.Project Time Management includes the processes required to accomplish timely completion of the project

Time is an unique, irreplaceable, non-renewable resource that is one of the major building blocks for the successful completion of the project. It is one of the critical alarm factors that managers face today. Dealing with deadlines and other time constraints on daily basis has made project time management a skill essential for good project management. To be a successful project manager you must be able to manage your time well. The best project managers ensure they are productive for most of their time and avoid time-wasters at all costs.

Project Time Management Process

1. Project Schedule Management :Project Schedule Management:


Tools and Techniques Output

Project Management Plan Includes Project Scope Statement and Work Breakdown StructuresExpert judgments means project team must have a expertise person in scheduling and domain area of projectSchedule Management Plans is that component which establishes the criteria and activities for developing, monitoring and controlling the schedule.

Project Charter Includes Start and end dates of project

Analytical Techniques are Alternative analysis,Leads &Lags,Reviewing Schedule Performance,Schedule Compression,Rolling Wave Planning.

Environmental Factors can be organizational culture and structure.

Meetings Decide Agenda and include peoples Project manager,sponser,team members,stakeholders

2. Define Activities:

It includes activity list ,attributes and milestone:

1. Activity list is the list of all schedule activities required by a project.

2. Activity Attributes includes predecessors, successors, logical relationship, resource requirements, imposed dates and constraints.

3. Milestone is a significant point or event in project.

3. Sequence Activities: the activities defined in previous step are sequenced based on the order in which they need to be done depending on their interdependencies. Any relationship between activities needs to be identified so that dependent activities can be scheduled to follow those that they are dependent upon. Dependency relations is of four types:

4. Estimate Activity Resources: In this step the estimation of amount and types of resources required is done on the basis of resource availability and capability.

5. Estimate Activity Durations: It involves estimating amount of efforts required for each activity and then calculating the duration. For Example: There is a requirement of 100m wall and one bricklayer can build a 5m wall in a day and there are 5 bricklayers. how much time they will take to build it?We can find the activity duration as follows:100m wall divided by 25m wall( built by 5 bricklayers daily). We will get 4 days as result.

6. Development Of schedule: It is the process of developing project schedule on the basis of activity duration estimates and resource requirement estimates.Important Tools & techniques are Gantt charts, critical path method ,leads nad lags which are as follows: Gantt Charts:Gantt chart provides a graphical illustration of a schedule that helps to plan, coordinate, and track specific tasks in a project. Gantt Chart Look Like this:

A gantt chart created using Microsoft Project,Critical Path is in Red , the slack is the black lines connected to the non-critical activities , since saturay and sunaday are not the working days and are thus excluded from the schedule ,some bars are on the gantt chart are longer if they cut along the weekend.Critical Path Method : This method calculates the longest path of planned activities to the end of the project and the earliest and latest date that each activity can start and finish without any delay which helps to prioritize activities and take correct actions to meet deadlines. Diagram: Critical path method for project X

Leads and Lags:Leads are used to advance successor activity with respect to predecessor activity.Lags are used where process require a set of time to elapse between predecessor and successor.Schedule Compression techniques:Crashing involves either adding resources or increasing work hours to shorten the task.Fast tracking is a process in which activities are performed in parallel to reduce duration.

7. Control Schedule : It is concerned with:

ConclusionTime management is a basic skill for project managers. If you can't manage your own time, how can you expect to manage your teams? Ask each day what you did to move the project forward. Plan your next day, what will you do to ensure your project continues along the straight and narrow. Plan your time, manage your resources with a light touch and communicate effectively. With a little time management, project success should come easier.Every delivery that you are supposed to make is time-bound. Therefore, without proper time management, a project can head towards a disaster.When it comes to project time management, it is not just the time of the project manager, but it is the time management of the project team. There are a number of time management techniques that have been integrated into the management theories and best practices


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