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Post on 20-Jul-2020






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Project MonitorQuality Assurance

Mitigate risk in your IT projectwith Infinity’s Project MonitorQuality Assurance

When is a Project Manager not enough? Anytime you’reundertaking a significant technology project.

Increasingly, public and private sector CIOs are engaging qualifiedProject Monitors to mitigate risk, reduce costs, minimize businessdisruption and prevent project delays.

Infinity Systems Software’s PMQA Solution

� Assess, monitor, report and manage risks and their potentialimpact on your project, recommending and implementingremedial action.

� Identify and remediate unforeseen issues before theynegatively impact your project and your business.

� Serve as a liaison between technical resources andsenior management.

� Ensure that the full benefits of your IT project are attainedby both your delivery organization and your business.

Assess: Infinity will review the detailed project plan, identifying allpotential issues, assessing their likelihood of occurrence and theirpotential impact on the project and the business. A comprehensive,color coded spreadsheet will be developed and reviewed with theProject Manager and senior management.

Monitor: Infinity will attend Project Management meetings,scheduling sidebar meetings, if needed, with individual projectgroups to monitor progress. Infinity will manage updates on allidentified issues, track each issue through resolution, and identifynew potential issues as they arise.

Report: Infinity will work closely with senior management, providingreports that translate technical jargon, explain the issue, risk factor,and potential impact on the project. Infinity will describe options forremedy and recommend the most effective solution.

Remediate: Infinity will work with the Project Manager to managethe issue remediation plan. If the necessary skills are not availablein-house, Infinity can draw from our staff of technical Subject MatterExperts to remediate the issue.

� Mitigate risk

� Save money

� Avoid cost overruns

� Prevent project delays

� Minimize business disruption

� Optimize your IT investment


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Demonstrated Success

As the PMQA overseeing a $100 million IT project for a majorcity’s Department of Finance, Infinity Systems Software saved 18hours in mission-critical system downtime and prevented anextended disruption of services. Infinity’s team of PQMASpecialists identified the risk, ran benchmark assessments, andworked with IBM’s labs to reduce downtime to half, well withinthe client’s threshold. Read more about this case study

Why Infinity Systems Software for PMQA?

Infinity Systems Software has both the PMQA expertise and thedemonstrated experience to ensure the successful completion ofyour IT project.

� Expertise in architecting, implementing, and managinga broad range of technology environments.

� Deep technical skills in hardware, software, networking,and services.

� In-house team of certified technical specialists, ready todeploy when needed to remediate an issue.

� Ability to leverage partnerships with leading technologycompanies such as IBM, Cisco, Vicom Infinity, Red Hat,and Suse.

� Acknowledged success in Project MonitoringQA engagements.

� An absolute commitment to the client relationshipand your project’s success.

Infinity’s PMQA save acity finance department18 hours in mission criticalsystem downtime.

Infinity’s in-house team ofcertified technical expertshave a dedicatedcommitment to everyclient’s success.

Infinity Systems Software Inc. would be happyto discuss your IT project of any size to deter-mine if and how our Project Monitor QualityAssurance can help you minimize risk andmanage your investment. Contact us or (646) 405-9300.

To learn more about Infinity SystemsSoftware Inc., please visit our website


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