qu4king newsletter may 2014-pdf

Post on 18-Apr-2017






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Queens for the King


May 2014 Newsletter

May....The Month of Change

May has been a big month full of changes for our family

and ministry. Thomas has accepted the principal position of

the Tabitha school (Christian Life Academy). He will

assume that position in June. Julie and Emily arrived as

interns so our Queen family feels like it has 2 additional

daughters. Our new interns arrived this month which gives

us some much need help. Our construction on the boy’s

dorm is in full swing with daily changes to each room as we

paint away. Jacob and Elizabeth both celebrated their

birthdays....This is change we really can believe in!

Meet our New


Thomas was offered the newly

vacated position of principal of

Christian Life Academy. This

is the elementary school that is

on the Hope Center campus

where 41 of our Tabitha

children call home. After much

thought and prayer, Thomas

accepted this new challenge.

Please pray for Thomas as he

needs God's wisdom with how

best to structure the school. He

desires to make much of Christ

as always in the school and

raise reading and math levels

for each grade. Little Seth

seems really excited about his

Chop Chop Chop!

Baking class is in full swing.

We made pizza last week

since Grove Level Baptist

spoiled us with sending

pepperonis. (They don't sell

those in S Africa so that was

a real treat.) Also on the

menu this month was

hamburgers & fries and

ostrich stroganoff. Baking

class has the best exams I

have ever tasted! Mmm

Mmm good.

"Train up a child in the way they should

go...Prov 22:6"

Thomas and I have been busy maintaining

all the devotional groups while we were in

between intern groups. We finished the

book of Exodus. Our new interns will pick

up in the book of Numbers. (We are

skipping Leviticus for now, whew!) Also I

have filled in as a children's Sunday school

teacher at Hilton Baptist as needed. Our

kids love the stories of the Bible.

Our Super Summer Interns!

Our 6 new summer interns have all arrived safely with all their

luggage too. Yippee!!!!! Scott and Nate are going to help mentor our

boys spiritually and help Thomas with "manly tasks". Lauren and

Shelby will do physical therapy with Seth our little handicapped

child. Julie and Emily will help teach in the school and paint murals

for the boy’s dorm and girl's lounge. All our interns will lead

devotional small groups with our children. We love you guys!

Paint those Walls!

The walls are up thanks to

our 4 man American

construction team in April.

Now our interns are busy

painting the boys dorms. Our

interns will paint the boys

dorm literally from ceiling to

floor. They also have put the

shiny coat on our wood

lockers for each child. A

little paint really makes a

house a home:).

Elizabeth, My


Elizabeth is doing well in

Grade 11. She isn't a big fan of

her physics class, but is really

hanging in there. When she

isn't studying or running cross

country, she is helping me with

baking class for the Tabitha

girls or helping our children's

minister with the Funky Friday

outing. She helped me with

teaching the children Sunday

school class too. She had her

17th birthday April 28th. We

are so delighted in the

Christian young lady she is

growing up to be.

Happy Birthday Dear


Jacob turned 13 this May

so there are two teenagers

in the house now. He is

really loving rugby. He

has moved from the left

wing position to outside

center. He gets to run

with the ball a lot more

and is more in the action.

We all look forward to

cheering him on each

Saturday morning during

his match. Even our

Tabitha boys and interns

are big fans.

Praises and Prayer Concerns:


The new interns are here and thriving

Local volunteers getting involved in boys

dorm construction

Prayer Requests:

Permanent Resident Visas to be granted this

year for our family

Wisdom for Thomas in leading the school

Wisdom for separating boys from girls with


God to move in our Tabitha children's heart

as they are mentored by our interns daily

God to prepare hearts in Sweetwaters to

receive His word during house visits and

during July evangelism outreaches

Check out our

website: queensforthekin

g.org or

Follow us on

our Facebook page

at Queens for the King

or On Twitter

at: @queens_for

Permanent Address:

Thomas and Paige Queen

135 Leamington Lane SE

Cleveland, TN 37323

In-Country Mailing


Thomas and Paige Queen

Suite H 17

P/Bag X 9118

Pietermaritzburg, South



Donations that will make us


Used or New Laptops for our computer


American DVD player, new or used

Sofa or lounge chairs for the girls'


Used or new children's tennis shoes for


Socks, scarves, toboggans, and gloves

for winter

Toothbrushes or Band aides for


Children's Ibuprofen or Junior

chewable Ibuprofen

Hand held mirrors for the girls'

bedroom dressing table

top related