questions? call or text me: 760-271-2810 …questions? call or text me: 760-271-2810 simple freedom!...

Post on 02-Apr-2020






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Questions? CALL OR TEXT ME: 760-271-2810



How Simple Messages Turn into Rivers of Cash Flow

Learn How to Find 100s of People Who Are Already Thinking Similar Thoughts and Make

$150-$500 a day Sharing This Booklet...

How This Booklet Makes You Money

1. Read this booklet 3x. Most tell us they read this 5-6 times.

2. Call me if you have any questions: Franco (760) 271-2810

3. The sooner you get started, the sooner you can make money.

4. Share This Booklet. Earn $1,000+ Per Week. Simple. Just join me. Then copy it. Put your website link on it. Done.

It's so simple & so obvious, but people miss it…

You're about to learn a proven, and shockingly simple

way to make an extra $250-$1,500 a week from home.

Specially designed for every day, busy people who don't have time to take on complicated drama. This is simple and fast.

** YES. This is for busy people.

** NO Expensive “Getting Started” Fees. Anyone can start.

** NOT MLM. This is about cash flow. Free Enterprise.

** MASTER COPY of this booklet to duplicate (make sales).

** You Get Private Leads and Advertising Resources.

** Passive & Residual Income. Work Today Pays For Years.

** Everybody is Looking For Ways To Make Extra Money.

** Use This Booklet to Make Cash. Fun Money.


The Secret Revealed: Exactly Why This Works…

The Billion Dollar Home Business Industry: Millions of people are spending billions worldwide online. They also are looking for simple ways to make extra money from home. Our program teaches people exactly what to do. We teach you the skills to create your own cash.

The Simple Freedom Club: A private club of entrepreneurs that hold member’s only training and mastermind calls and teach you how to make money from home, in a simple way. Training 24/7 online.

** The highest quality home business training. ** Part Time or Full Time. As Flexible as You Want.

** Simple Marketing Tools & Tactics Anyone Can Do. ** MASTER-COPY of this booklet. Copy and make sales. ** FREE Training and System Closes Your Sales.

** 24/7 Presentation System + Offline + Online + Global.

A Simple Way To OWN YOUR LIFE Again

Most People Who Read This Book and Can Actually See

Themselves Making $10,000 to $15,000 in The Next 90 Days - Do This and Get Paid:

1. Make copies and mail this booklet to people you know. 2. Make copies and leave this in stores.

3. Mail booklet to leads you capture online. We show you how. 4. The booklet takes all the rejection. It works 24/7. 5. Don’t explain this to anyone. Only for people who “get it.”

6. Most people want a fun, simple way to earn a second income. 7. We teach marketing, leadership and free enterprise.

Get Started. Keep it Simple. Make Money.

What if... just think, what if?

What if what we sell here is legitimately incredible and you

discovered that this l i t t le system changed people’s lives?

What then?

What if while you were living your life as usual, you earned

$1,000 per week here simply by sharing this booklet?

Imagine this little booklet making you $1,000/wk. What then?

What if you went about your day and did what you normally do

but you mailed 25 of these booklets each week to leads that we

supplied and you made an extra $1,000 to $1,500? What if you

got serious and mailed more with your profits and earned over

$2,000 weekly? What then?

What if there was no confusing website to manage or anything

time consuming... and all this was... was about getting this

single booklet into as many hands as you could? What then?

What if there was a mastermind support club such as ours

where there were average people from all walks of life earning

$1,000’s per week and you could associate with them via

conference calls and webinars? Would that benefit you?

What if now, through our system, you would have a product

that made you a nice chunk of extra money on the side and

you never had to explain anything, make deliveries or do

anything but circulate this book?

What if you discovered that money is all around you and

money is everywhere and your life changed virtually within

days? What if you study this booklet, join and make money?

Make Copies of this Booklet + Circulate = Simple Money.

Money is Everywhere... Prosperity is All Around You!

Money is everywhere and Prosperity is all around us and those

of us who agree with that notion tend to gather more money

from more people.

Most average people have a belief that money is a “job” or a

position. That’s not true.

Others like me, have the belief that “LIKE-MINDED PEOPLE”

are financial freedom and so, those believers of prosperity sit

among many people and they collect money from crowds of

like-minds. Crowds on Twitter. Crowds on Facebook, even

crowds from people who received an ugly little post card in

the mail. Simple stuff you and masses of people can do.

Here’s what I mean...

Why did Tony Robbins have FREE, late night TV commercials

and sell his $177 audio CD Personal Power Program? Because

he knew other people were thinking the same thoughts as

he was.

Why did I create my prosperity courses and write this


Because money is everywhere and I knew other people – not a

job – were thinking exactly as I was. I knew you'd find this

book. This little book sells for me just like it does for you.

Some people "argue" with this amazing concept and choose

to stand before an employer and ask, “My title and education is

worth $42,000 annually, are you hiring?” Others with a higher

belief and vision, stand alone and speak their desire into

society and wait for other people to agree with them.

Money is everywhere and sits within the pockets of other

people. It’s a choice. You can decide to think scarcity and

only ask one person (hi boss!) for income or you can circulate

your INTENTION into society and wait for others who were

thinking just as you were, to raise their hands and say:

“Yes, I was thinking that too! Can I buy a ticket and watch?”

“What You Give Away, You Always Get to Keep.”

How Simple Messages Turn into Cash

Everyone likes to think out loud and it’s even better when you can speak

what you think – and other people think with you and then they add

their thoughts to what you already said you believed.

They call that “having a conversation.”

Most people however, only have those conversations in small tiny little

groups. They do that at the bowling alley, at their family weekend BBQ

and they text each other... one at a time. There is no leverage there.

Then there are some people who decided to have those thoughts publicly

and speak to thousands and even millions at a time. What was the Oprah Winfrey TV show but just a few people chatting about a book with

7 Million people a week eavesdropping? Massive leverage.

What was the Jay Leno show or American Idol but a few people

sharing an idea back and forth with an audience who pays to

watch? People watched for free, and companies bought ads.

Back in the mid-nineties there was a famous mail-order full page ad that

ran in work-from-home entrepreneur magazines. The headline was,

“How I Make $1,000 a Day in My Underwear.” Sounds stupid, right?

Well guess what? I bought that little nutty $15 course from its creator

Jeff Paul and in that little course he explained his genius mail-order

techniques and even showed bank statements that proved he made not

$1,000 a day, but often $5,000. Daily. I was curious how he did it.

How? Because his “front-end” $15 course was simply a hook to get guys

like me to order his $600 package. Of which I did. This booklet works

like that too but the difference is, that you make the money.

Stories. Conversations. Simple Messages. Make People Wealthy.

His Secret? All he did was start with a belief that other people would be

thinking what he was and he placed ads that collected the energy –

“money” – from those people who wanted to extend that conversation and

who trusted him enough with $15 bucks.

PS, and by the way... his $600 course taught me so well that I used what I

learned to build a monster sized home business. And all because I was

open enough to trust a stupid ad that said anyone could actually earn

$1,000 per day sitting home in their underwear. I was open minded.

And that is EXACTLY what the system we sell is all about. The “how

to” and “why to” of how to think, how to market and how to draw big

crowds who want to send you money and buy whatever you are selling.

And guess what? There are MILLIONS of people like us who want to have

that conversation. You’d like to have that conversation, right? Just google and

search on these words to prove it to yourself, “make money from home”

or google the words “home based business” or “attraction marketing.”

At last count, there were over 4,780,000 on my name alone.

That proves once again, there are hundreds of thousands of people

having the SAME THOUGHT as you and if you place an offer in front of

them, to think more richly with you, they will pay you for that pleasure.

Why else would people pile into my live online seminars?

Why else would Google have so many people following me?

Why else would I have even bothered creating my courses?

People who want to think what you’re thinking will pay you.

Money is ALL OVER The Place! 24 Hour Recorded:

4.4 Million Books It’s Just a Simple Message. A Conversation.

Like her... don’t like her... TV Food Network legend Rachael Ray with her

“30 Minute Meals” sold 4.4 million books in 2008. Her secret? Simple.

She sat on TV and chatted about fast meals. She created attraction by

talking about her mother, her upstate NY upbringing, giggled a lot and

gave total value. Millions of people loved the experience of her content.

The result? Over four million people said, “Hey, I’d like to take you home

with me and extend our TV show relationship to my life. Do you have a

book?” Money is Everywhere. All you have to do is give other people the

means and reason to share with you what is already in their pockets.

Footnote: The energy you believe in, is the same energy that will endorse

or curse you. If you believe in an energy called “not enough” ... you’ll live

to prove it. You’ll always have “not enough.” However, if you decide to

believe that the world will support you, which is exactly what true

prosperity consciousness believes, you, like me, will live to have

thousands of total strangers send you money to experience what you

believe as an extension of their admiration of you.

The “scarcity” (not enough), “life sucks” mindset thinks like a pizza.

“Oh, no! Two slices are missing with only six left.”

In scarcity thinking you subtract from what is there, to divide a mindset

of “not enough.” In true prosperity, you are responsible for MAKING the

pie, which then allows you an endless supply.

You have the power to make as much pizza as you want on your own.

With enough dough you never run out of pizza. Ever!

See how simple this is?

This booklet sells for you.

How My $25 Conversation with 22,000 People

Turns into an Endless Stream of $1,000 Profits.

Money is Everywhere! Especially in the pockets of other people.

So what I did was create a $25 conversation. I never actually had to tell

people exactly what the product was. All I did was tell a story and, would

you believe, that by me not saying what the product actually was,

people’s imaginations go wild and then my ad becomes virtually

impossible to resist. Especially with my “easy to duplicate” booklet that

you’re reading right now.

Learn more: Listen to this 24/7 Recorded Message. It helps you create cash profits daily. Simple messages create profits.

You + This Booklet + That 24/7 Recorded Message = DAILY PROFITS.

Just one e-magazine I used to post a simple 4- line ad has only a

subscriber base of 22,000 and even with 21,200 readers IGNORING

me... what is 300 people times $25? That’s a true money river that

creates $1,000+ weeks like clockwork. And there is passive income built

in too. I show you how the leverage works inside.

Money is Everywhere. All you have to do is put what you are thinking

in front of enough people and wait for others who were thinking what you

were, to agree with you.

And when they do, they tend to “vote” for you in the form of cash, a

Paypal order, bitcoin or credit card. Most newbies work with too few a

number. They only speak or advertise to a few. That's their fatal


The secret is to be in front of thousands of people per day. It’s all just #’s.

Circulate ads = people send you orders. You receive MONEY.

No deliveries. You get paid and delivery is automated for you.

How to Employ Your Subconscious Mind When you wanted to get married, it was a MUST, not a maybe. From

there your subconscious went to work and found you a mate. Just like

when you decided to buy a car. Also when you left school and decided to

get a job. Notice how in all of those instances, you got what you thought

about and what you actually demanded?

So we already know that YOU know how to literally “THINK” your way

into getting whatever you FOCUS your MIND on, right?

You Think About Money All The Time.

That’s How You Attracted This Message!

This booklet is further proof because isn’t it also true that you think

about money – a lot – and this book is actually speaking to you right now

about what you were already dreaming about? This is amazing. It works.

Okay, now take what you already know how to do and just take it a step

further... try this little self -meditation for 90 days and see how much

more LIFE and more OPPORTUNITY knocks on your door... say this

meditation morning, noon and night for 90 days:


“I am (your name) and I am financially free. I know that $10,000 in

new money already exists. I simply don’t know where it is. Please

come to me by way of people and opportunity and prove yourself

to me. I am POWER. I am PROSPERITY and I release the need to

know from where, or when, I just know the $10,000 already

exists and I am now calling that to be delivered now, in my life.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”


Learn to Train Your Subconscious to Work For You 24/7

Recession or Obsession? Your Choice.

Money and opportunity is everywhere. And when you teach

your subconscious to believe that fact, like a puzzle, your body

and nervous system will be forced to prove that back to you as


All you have to do is believe in the words that you use. That’s

because the subconscious loves you so much, it protects you

from things you secretly, deep down fear or actually don’t

believe. The poor always think poorly and so their brains

live to prove what the poor think about all day and all night,

“I am poor.” “Life sucks.” “It can’t work.”

So try it now. However, you’ll have to believe that OUTSIDE of

you is money and people are actually waiting to help you.

And that assumes that you already have prosperity


As soon as you believe that people suck or “it’s a scam” or

think like the “pizza brain” and that there aren’t enough slices

to go around, you cancel out more money and the very people

who can help you. Don't argue for "broke!"

Most people believe that whatever they do as a “job” is all that

they are allowed to do. So the barber is only a barber and the

accountant isn’t interested in anything outside of what his

“career” is. Great for them! To each their own. However...

I chose to think differently. I made freedom my goal and not

necessarily how I made the money. That’s why today I have 12

incomes. I never penciled myself into only one way for money to

find me. Same with Donald Trump. He believes that money is

everywhere too. That’s why he earns in 37 different ways.

“Real” Money isn’t a job. It’s actually just a belief.

Recession or Obsession? Your Choice.

Money is Everywhere. The only “recession” or economic

downfall is man’s lack of decision to receive (read that again).

If we are in a recession, how can you explain the new books

which have become best sellers? Last month I made more in a

single month than many folks have earned in the past year.

So tell me again about the recession and then I’ll ask, “How is

Morgan Freeman making more income today than he did ten

years ago?” His new movies are everywhere plus he has a show

about Cosmology and Quantum mysteries. What recession?

How come senators and CEO’s are still making money-rivers

when others are destitute? Because some people agree to only

work where money is no more, while others create new

streams. It’s hard to ask for or expect money in a location that

has stopped sharing it. So why complain if you, in fact, refused

to change?

“You Can’t Complain About What You Permit.”

I decided to obsess not over money itself, but how I can serve

more people with more of it. So I became a crazed mule. I

dreamed about what money could do for other people and I

read dozens of books on the laws of attraction and success

and decoded some of the most deft and profound marketing

concepts ever devised.

I took copious notes and created over 70 legal pads of plans. I

learned that a life without a plan is a life planning to fail,

where as those who map out and plan their life usually plan to

and become wealthy. But that’s just me.

What You Write Down, You Expect To Happen.

Money is Just An Idea. Here’s Proof:

Money is like a ball. One day it’s up and the next it’s down.

One day you have bushels of it, the next you don’t, but

eventually it bounces back in your hand. One day milk is

$2.86 over at Walmart and the next, it’s $4.10 at 7-11 because

some CEO said, “Let’s spike the price a bit because we can.”

Thanks 7-11!

One day 300 mortgage brokers decide to give everyone a

mortgage and even those who can’t really afford it. Then two

years later the economy hiccups and unemployment is 9%. Up

and down and all because money is just an idea. One day your

real estate taxes are $4,500 and then oops, now they’re up

$700 more and you now owe $5,200!

“If you want to make more money, be where

more people are thinking about more money

and more people will share more money with you.”

All I did was decide to be the guy talking about money and

prosperity. So instead of waiting for customers or employers to

agree with me, I created my own conversation and started to

mumble out loud that “Money is Everywhere.”

What’s so hard about that?

7-11 said, “why not?” and so I said the same thing, except I

made a plan where myself and my buddies all could earn

through the energy of each other and TRADE prosperity

amongst each other. So we let go of scarcity thinking and

included strangers. Now today, our message is worldwide.

How? Because one person said so. Me!

Money is Just An Idea. Here’s Proof:

Most people underestimate not only themselves, but other

people. Case in point... At what point so far in this booklet

have you thought to yourself, “Who does he think he is?”

But that’s okay. I don’t need everyone to agree with me

because 2% to 7% always do and as such, I live a life

completely outside the rut of normal society. It's a number's

game and they're on my side. They'll be on your side too if

you're open minded.

Money is Everywhere, except most people think too cheap

and they undercut themselves and remain locked into a job

that can barely pay their bills.

Cheap is expensive because now without enough money you

still have to buy stuff. And now you do it on “credit” and are

charged 21% to 32% late fees and guess what? Cheap is not

only expensive, but it's stressful and bad for your health.

Imagine not having enough cash to buy a stainless steel fridge

so you pay it on credit at Sears. Now, because of late payments

and their sinful interest charges, that blasted refrigerator

actually costs $3,100 where had you paid cash, it would have

just been $1,950.

People say, “What? My stars! $100 for a home business?” But

look, cheap never endorses itself and besides, it’s FAR easier

to find 50 people to give you $100 than waiting to get ten

times that many – 100 cheap people – to give you $10 bucks

for some lame MLM where you have to recruit a small country

to just make minimum wage. MLM has Cancer!

Besides, if John Lennon’s estate on June 21, 2010 can get

$1.2 million when they sold the original page he wrote one of his

songs on, why can’t you earn a beautiful $1,000/wk each time

you unlock people’s life for only a lousy little $25!

I decided. Others have agreed (1000s of them).

“A Day In The Life” – On Sgt. Peppers Album: $1.2M

A Programmed Machine That Collects Money

The super successful among us are programmed to succeed.

They don’t measure falling down as failure and they are self-

programmed to “BE” as they believe they are rightfully allowed

to expect.

Machines don’t ask other machines for motivation or worry

about days off or wonder what the machine next to them is

doing because the machine is self-contained and a law unto

itself. As you will be.

These Machines oil and fuel themselves and could care less

what other machines think about them. Today your word is

law. Order my program and never look back because with my

simple 12 minute per day system you too will be programmed to be


I write book after book, do seminar after seminar because I am

simply programmed to. I am like a machine. Now you will be too.

Allow no one on earth to dictate WHO you can be or how much

you’re allowed to earn.

Master Copy of This Booklet with Your Order of $25

Money is Everywhere!

1. (760) 271-2810

2. Leave me your vm.

This Booklet Can Easily Be Mailed

with a simple Stamp or Simply

Handed Out.

Get Paid Today.

Yes, you CAN make money with this booklet. This is easy.

Get Paid to Circulate Prosperity. Money Likes You.

Your Simple Freedom Formula:

1. Call me 760-271-2810. Own this book.

2. Share this book with others.

3. Make money. How much do you want to make?

Your simple next step:

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