quiz 3 review early american politics and expansion

Post on 15-Dec-2015






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Quiz 3 Review

Early American Politics and Expansion

• As Secretary of Treasury, how did Alexander Hamilton plan to handle debt?

• He supported having the federal government take on the states’ debts.

• Know that unlike the Federalists, Jeffersonian Republicans objected to the interference of the national government in the economy.

• Give me an example!

• What controversial legislation did John Adams support as president?

• The Alien & Sedition Acts• What did those entail?

• What did the election of 1800 (Adams -> Jefferson) demonstrate?

• That the country could peacefully transfer power from one party to another.

• What is John Marshall remembered for?

• Judicial review• serving as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

for 34 years.

• What is judicial review?

• It allows the Supreme Court to decide if state and federal laws are constitutional.

• What was the goal of the Lewis and Clark expedition?

• gather information about natural resources west of the Mississippi (Louisiana Territory)

• What was the outcome of the War of 1812?

• a return to the prewar boundaries between United States and British territories.

• Patriotism

• What was the greatest accomplishment of Thomas Jefferson’s administration?

• making the Louisiana Purchase

• Why was the Louisiana Purchase important?

• greatly increased the size of the United States.

• Why did the U.S. declare war on Great Britain in the War of 1812?

• Because of continued British harassment (impressment)

• What did the British do when they invaded the U.S. in the War of 1812?

• They burned the United States capital (Washington, D.C.)

• What did the Adams-Onís Treaty of 1819 result in?

• Spain ceded Florida to the United States.

• How did Native American migration differ from that of white Americans?

• Most Native Americans migrated after being forced from their land.

• What did Native American migrations result in?

• lost land and population.

• Who did settlers in Texas fight for independence from?

• Mexico

• How did most settlers move west after 1843?

• The Oregon Trail

• Describe Henry Clay’s American System

• It was designed to improve the nation’s economy and infrastructure following the War of 1812

• What was the purpose of the Monroe Doctrine?

• It was meant to protect US interests in the Americas from European threats

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