ramblings electronic marketing ramblings

Post on 08-Sep-2015






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Electronic Marketing Ramblings

Ethics and Legal Issues

Ethics frequently concerns the values na dpractices of professionals and others who have experty knowledge on a specifical fiel. Ethics is a general endeavour that takw sino ccount the oncerns and values of society as a whole

Va;ues and practices of a professional

Law created by governments (in the form of stutates) and enfroed by the courts (ewhich creats common law and interpretation of these stautes) in order to regular and enforce societys standards and to preeve jutice.


Stands for the flow of control conercning peoples actions.

The more control thatis ceded to consuerms, the more trust they form.

Consuemrs are wearyo of their trust:

Hwo controls

Who data is istriutd to

How it s collecte

Do they have permission to collect data

Is it being sold or a profit?

eMarketer 2014 ays that most consumer shave no issue sharing data if it is not too invasive/personal i.e. dmemogrpaics, name, interest, hobbies, occupation.

But more detailed express msigiivngs location, income, address, children, age.

Marketers and privcacies

Cookies when a copany/orgnaisation places a tracking devic into a consuemrs computer which then tracks their online browsing behaviour.

Capable of getting data such as

Age, browsing, scrolling behaviour, purchase behaviour, interests, personal details

Oftendone thugh ubiquitous applciations

Amazon is a master at doing this

So too is eBay

Packets of data create within a cusers hard drie in esposne to instrucitons received form aweb page

Cookies use in conjunction wih Retargeting + CRM

Helps them in segmenting the market and targeting consuemrs through the appropriate online advertising channels with respects to the unique individualistic ways in which they perceive and process informton

Helps amazon in segmenting and osnuemrs t

Helps amazon in segment and targting conusmers with the appropairte meia channel (traiditonal, digital, owe,d, earned, paid meaI 0based on the uniqu indvusalistc ways that they perceive and process information.

However, cookies lead to privacy issues

Amazons currently privacy polcuy says that it does not on-sell info the 3rd parties or prft. However, like a good privacy olciy, it is subject tto amendment at will by the company.

Did so in 212 del viccheo vs amazon sued for onselling data it gathered without permission. Brought caim for shre in profits that amzon made, ultimately faile, bu tarnished brand iamge. Court ruled in favour argue misused privacy protection sufferes brand iage - ecomic and non0econoic reprecussions.

Social media what u share on social media, u share with the fir itself.

The illusion of choice

Often can turn off cookies, but then companies will bar you from access from the website, or a lot from it

Transparency and tradoffs

Transapceney what are they gathering


What company is giving in return for consuemrs.

How to enfoce privacy

Govrnment has the privacy act 1988, which is a series of laws and regulations which seek to protect individual consumer privacy on what gccan be gathered, for how long adnw ith whose permission.

However, Gov itself seems to be enfroaching into consumer privacy as it attempts to pass through controversial meta data laws, which went thorugh lowerhouse in mach 2015, and if it goes through senate, it will be enacted.

Essentially an electornic x-ray that forces telecos to gather data and consumer information, of which government can access anytime \\brave new world technology presents a new problem, laws are struggling to catch up and regulate this every dynamic- chaing landscape of data retention and privacy

Governmetn enforced the 1988 privacy act which stries to polie the wa that data is agtehred and retained, however, this is heavily criticised as being old, and needs statutory reform.

Add insult ton nury for onsuemrs, governmetnw ant to pass controversial metadata laws pass through lower house in march 2015 pass through senate?

If it does, gov has power to force telecommunication companies (virgin, tpg, iinet) to store data for up t o 5-10 years concerning consumer emails, web browsing history, messages, intrnet ysage, data, indentity, who they talkd to and can execute warrants to see at any time.

Benefits AFP can protect citizens, particular y with threat of ISIS>


Expensive, pass price onto consuemrs to hold it $4 for consuemrs a year per person to retain data

Invasion of privacy, who is policignt his? Pbjectivity

Laible to hacks.

Marketrs addressing privacy concerns

Recommend transparency

Make it clear what data is being collected, for what purpose and privacy plicies, giving suers toption to read it.


Justify coleciton of data by markes showing what benefits they provide

Retargeting, better ads, coupons, more relevant, better searches. Actually sell it for money, gie them a shre

This giving of control to ocnsuemrs = trust

Becomes CSR + USP in its own right.

What can consuemrs o themselves?


Turn off browser cookeis, delete browser history exercise good browser hygine, scan computers for viruses.

Incognito mode

Social media

Be weary of what you post, dont use social media at all.

Movile devices

Turn of data, lociton trackigndevices.

Digital Proeprty trademarks, patents, copyright lciense

Digital property must be protecte by governments

Intangible and tangible property must be protected bygovenrments to ensure healthy copetition and fairness in busiensworld.


Patents act 1990 (Cth) serves to protect the methods and processes that busiensses/cmpaneis evelop.

Inventive proceses or steps

E.g. Amazon patented 1-click check out technology vs. barnsandnobles settles outside.

However, patent trolls, ppl who just use patents and apply for them and the nhold companies at ransom


Protection of a companies or persons

Protect a companies expressions of ideas in formats such as books, music etc

Protects a companies expressions of ideas

Protecs a companies expressions of diea sin difernt formats

Copyright protects companies expression of ideas in different formats.

i.e. in music, books, movies, videos copyright protects their expression of ideas

Copyright act 1968 (Cth)

Fair use

First limited ideas.








Creaches of copyright a companies expression of ideasin different formats


Protects a source identifiers

Protects source identigfiers for g/s

Protects source idnetifiers for g/s

Trademark soruce identifiers

E.g. logos, slogans

Mcdonald logo golden arches


Irhgt for companies to allow other companies to pay to produce or use ideas.

Contractual agreement b/w consumers and vnndors to buy and usep[roduce product

Contractual agreement buy/produce product.

Windows 8 licensed to uni.

Big Data

What is Big Data

Big data is a collection of data from traditional and digital sources, both inside and outside the company which provides an ongoing source of discovery and analysis. Big data incompasses the challenges, cpaaciitlies and comeptencies associated with sotring and analsing such large data sets to support a level of deision making that is more timely and accurate.

How is data collected

Can be collected from online and offline sources.

Fom primary, secondary and internal sources

Internal fims own data. Statistics, sales forecasts and transactions, website, customer interactions.

Secondary sources


CIA factbook

Free, acesible, but not very targeted data, good for general topics

Primary actually com[any funded research hwith a hypothesis and looking at things.

Client-side data collecitons


Servder-side data collection.

How is the data stored and danalsyed

Data is sotored in DMP data management paltofrms.

Pit in perspective, data is the currency, DMP is the bank.

Data warehouse wher data is stored, collated and organised in such a way that it can be analysed for correlations, trends and meaning which can aid marketers in their strategy, tored standardised and optimised.

Technology centred solution for agggating integrating, managing and deploying disparate sources of info.

Finds colleritons usefel for marketers.

SPecifc DMP tactics include

Data mining

Siftng through data looking for meaningful trends. Hidden predictive ino, patterns in consumer behaviour

Statistical analysis


Recendy of customer purcase

Frequency of the ransaction

Monetary value how much did the consumer buy?

RFM is used

Individual marketrs personnel an perform data mining, customer profiling and RFM anlysis through acces in data warheouses/DMPs to isitrubte results to other staff inbobedin aprituclar deicison.

Cross-channel attribution

Atrbituion provides clear indight into how, when and wehre markeer infleucnes customers across devices and chaneels

Corss chaneel attribtion measuredent of onine and offlie cjams

Cross-platform asignign credit to a parituclar marketing driven interaction other brand touch pojnt.

How can big data help?

Improve integration

Boost performance

Provide competitive advantage

Alow for better targeting

More precise


Understand oncsumer behaviour

Targeted ads, specific for the consumer and consumer media channel they best engge with

Keeping most valuable customers

Only target most valuable customers.

Reduce comm costs.

Amazon stands asa testaemtnt othe use of big data to achieve marketing objtives

Amazon agtehrd big data and sues it in conjunction with the strategies ofRetargeting and Consuemr relitonship mamangement.

How doe amazon collect data?

Uses cookies, plants cookies in a consuemrs computer, which ten gatehrs exborant amounts o data relating to a conumsers/ browsing history, website history, brwsing behaviour, name, age, demographic, economic power, loction, website interacitons.

Analyses this exorbitant amount of data so that then net time cosnuemrs comes on, ready to bombard

What marketing objectives?

Whether a customer chooses t buy a product on Amazon or not, company

Amazons strategy is smart and innovative, website deisnged as a sophisticated online communication tol that automates the process o creating value for the custome by recognising their interest.

CRM strategy that manages the amazon uses tech to interact with their consuemrs in a personal way. Way amaon uses tech to gather data on consuemrs in oder to manage their ongoing interacitons with htem.

Whether a customer chooses to uy a product or not, amazons knowledge abou the customer grows and in turn, so does their ability to provided relevant, targeted ads at the consumer (cosnsiting of personalised emails, social media psots, txt messages, or display advertising, pop-up ads) that relate back to the product they were searching. This increaees consumers brand awareness and purchase ivolement --. Which in turn leads to higher converstion ratex greate rprobaibliy o purchase and total si eof consumers checkout cart.

Tailor-made ads

Retargeting empoywer amazon with aibltiy an fleixibltiy to crate tailor-made ads



Big Dtaa is a double edged sword just as it can provide a compaynwith invalaubel dat, so too is it fraught with difficult y and issues.


Daa overload


Soruce reaibiltiy.


In order to get ata, some element of breach of privacy

Is it too persona?

Just a transaction, gaining farr to intimat an isngiht

Privacy policy


Data overload

Data without insight to inform marketing strategy is useless (Jeff Bezos Amazon CEO).

Becoming an increasing concern that although companies have the capability to gather petabytes worth of data, it is esceedingly expensive, difficult and time-consuming to actually dicern meaning and value from such data.

Collating unstructured data is expensive, overwhelming.

Fact hat ther is a brain drain substantiates this

32% of UK companies concerned about info overload.


Data gathered in DMP and data warehosues, which are large areas where data online and ofline is collected. Expensive to do so and notiorusly difficult.

Howver, advent of cloud storage is decreasing these costs.

Relaibiltiy of data

Sampling error

Sample of respondents not indicative of population

Smple bias

Sample pop was not selected objetivly t all

Fund raises issue of N = All, a dangerous, convenient assumption whereby dta gathered from one population is indicative of the pop as a whole.

Too easy an assumption, optunistic, trigger-happy optimsits only believe this and can misinform strategy.

Twitter, records and analyse every msg and drws conclusion, but in reality, twitter users are usually young, tech savvy, urban an d black


Advne tof big data has created a brave new world that provides companies with aseemingly endless stream of posiiblities and information and intelligence to better their marketing strtgies,

However, still in its infancy.

Currently have big data, but not big sinsights, need to analyse data properl,

Flying a bit blind

Will reap dividends.

Nobody wants data, everyone wants answers, which is easie said than done.


Each media category in itself, owned, earned and paid media comprise an effective marketing too in itself for marketing stratehies.

Each media category, whether it be owned, earned or paid comprises an effective marketing tool in itself. Unsurprisingly, makreters often use just one of the channels as the baiss of their strategy

Unsurprisingly, marketers fall into the temptation of using just the one media category as the basis of their strategies by treating them as individual entities.

Despite this, it is recommended that makreters create a holistic strategy by integrating all of these elements together principle of IMC integrated marketing communication, which is a blend of traiditonal and offline advertising through owned, paid and earned media channels under one strategy whereby each media category reinforces each other and creates synergies.


Companies shoul

(i) strive to create innovative, relevant, updated and interesting owned content

(ii) they should then use paid media to target such owned content to relevant taget markets.

(iii) and this in turn will drive consumer engagement to such content whi hteh ywill then go on to spread through the earned media channel

Earns customer su[pt,s leads to creation of earned media as consuers become brand adovcates


Sharing, mentions, reposts, reviews


Website, mobile, blog

Owned Media

Carry communication messages from the organisaiton to internet users on channels that or owned, or at least partly controlled y the company.

Carry communication essages from the organisation to consumer son the internet through owned/paryyle controlled channels.

Primary goals

Engage onsuemrs with relevant content.

Generate brand awareness by exposing company as much as possible o consumer.

Facilitate CRM + IMC

Inform, entertin ,engage.




Text messages





Brands are able to leverage on infleuntia bloggers both normal consuemrs, company owned or company sponsored.

Proide a stream of dialogue to consuemrs that can infleucne consumer decision making process and purchase decisions.

Allow for wom more important,lye WOM>

Consuemrs tend to view blogs as trustworthy,

Through infleuncers ability to connect with a targeted groupm see these idnivdiauls as authority igurees infleucne consuemrs purchasing attitudes and behavioural intention.

Email Rekevant, as =onkine comm tools, fre

Adv, customisable, can be tailored to eah indivudal ,can put info, qr code, promotions etc.

Cross and up sell


Consumer info onverload,

S[am filters. Junk

Performance metrics


Downloads, views number read and forwarded.

Owned Media

Channel that companies own or at least partyly control and use to distribute company content.

Owned media carry communication messages from the organisation to internet users on channels that are owned, or at least, partially controlled by the company.

Owned media, a channel that carries communications from the organisation to internet users that are woend by company

Owned media carryies company messages from organisaiton to consumes on internet through owned/partyl owned by company

Paid media

Communication channels that company users, but has to pay for.

Properties/processes owned by ithrs who are paid by irganisation to carry its promotional methods.

Company control the content, distributed on paid emdia channels, to allow it to best reach consumes.


Search engine marketing



Display advertising

Online offline --. Digital advertising increasing.

Used to distribute owned content.

In banner ad, popup pop under

Floating ad

Wallpap ad

Interactive ad

Contextual adversing

Sponsored advertising

Sponsor bloggers, paid bloggers, cleebriy endorsements

Social media advertising


Paid Fb ads

Twitter ads


Dispaky advertisng, videos and pop ups


Least trustworht

Owmed media communication channels that are sued by companies to distribute content to consuemrs on the internet that are owned or at elast partly owned.

Paid marketing

Onine properties that are paid y companies do distribute and advertiing content to consuemrs

IMC of Owned Media + Paid Media Search engine Marketing


SEM Paid and Owned Marketing IMC

SEM = Complex art and science of driving consuemrs towards a companies webstie. However, in order to achieve this, there are two tehniques indoing so.

SEO optimising a website so that it appears near the tiop if maximising number of users driven to a websiteng.

Oragnic search

Optimising a wesbtie site so it is positioned near top

Keeping fresh content

Using write keywords

Regular updates

Adgjust changing alorithms, hire someone to do it.

Choose unique words.

SEA paid advertising to search engines that allow it to rnak highly

One such method is PPC where companies bid for certain key words to be psoitoned highly, each click-through = payment to search engine.

Google sells for 0.15-15

Spend $14.8 bm in 2011 alone.


Controllable, measurable and easy to use.

Leads to higher conversion rates, seen more

Instant targeted traffic


Very epensive, hard to get the right key word,

Must be very s[ecific.

Paid marketing metrics.

Conversion rates


Website views/landings



(cost of ad/audience) * 000

CPC, conversion rtes, Cost per thousand

Effectiveness reaching and gaining attention of target arket

Efficiency doing so at a lowc sot.

Earned media

Media that is consumer generated and comes from consumer dialoeu

Individual consuers become the channel messages about the company that are generated by social media authoris

Like physical wom, but on steroids.

User engagement levels





social media infleucners

viral marketing

can be offline, online, emaisl, sharing content


Old spice


Ratings and review

Community discussion forum

Double-edged sword

Can be ood or bad

E.g. Amazon using FB as a customer serive platform

FB forum (Owned/Paid Media)

User reviews, feedback and sharing on FB earned media.

Works both ways.

Owned media yse of FBas a forum/platform for C

Earned media customer discussion likes, share and exposure

Pirncipels of IMC use FB as Amazon is creating and owning contet on F using it as a platform ofr customer sieve

Amazon create and own content double edged sword

Positive WOM and exposure negative UGC and WOM

Growth of social media as CS cultural shift of impatient forms consuejmrs listen to my complain right this second.

Dont want to be funnelled a channel where CS calls, waiting for generic email, demand engagement from companies.

FB is a platform that facilitates this Amazon can own this channel by putting in its own workers and creating f orum where customers can voice their grievances on the forum and get quick, dynamic replies.

Social media is beneficial --. Notification followed by a clear succinct answer, casual personable time. By owning the media channel and paying FB permission to use it, Amazon can take its time and reply to queires in a more perosnalsied, intimate, and casual times. All traits that cosnuemrs love.

Also allows them to distribute licnks back to company --. Cross and up sell

Earned media

Transparency all about vindication. Customers want to rave and rant to all the world, FB alow them to do so. However, if Amazon hanles the siutiton expidiotusly, proffesionaly and sense of urgency then looks good for them.

Use it as a tool to generate earned media and amazon to flex problem solving muscles. Consume lok kindly, all of FB see it shared and liked by indviduals who retweet it, post it to other friends etc.

All generates positive WM

Customer service paradox model

Bad good --. Better feeling.

However, double eged sword

Not hanel right customers get angry

Negative WOM. Piss off one person in physical world, yll 6 ppl ,piss them all off, tell 6,000.

Achieves marketing objectivesinspires brand loyalty, consumer confidence, resolves disputes, generates awareness positive iamge. Increase satisfaction

Walkers sandwich.

Amalagamation of online and traditional marketing tools through owned, paid and earned media

Walkers marketing campaign in 2011 won Cannes Effectiveness Award

Walkers chips wante to make eating with sandwiches at launch time more exciting.

Series of offline and online campaigns in british town of sandwich.

Owned Media

Wesbtie content


Stories, viedoes, billboards, posters

Promotional offers


Paid media

Sponsorships by celebrity, celebrity endoresements

Pamela Anderson

Boy band

Marco pierre white

Display advertising, tv

Earned media

Locals posted videos, social media went virl



BBC lapped itup

Free pubciity 7.2 million pounds wrth

Reportsted, rptoerted etc.


Podcasts, walkes mobileapp over 2 million downloads, wesbtie traffix increased

Increase sales 150% improved shelfing


Innovaive integration of Punterest + traditional bricsk and mortar advertising. IMC

Piniterest social media website allows users to pin their favourit items onto onie virtual boards, pin food, pictures viedos, recipe, articles.

58.2m unique cisitors.

Nordstrom 4.4 illion users.

NOrdstorm engages in Rever-se-show rooming.

Consuemrs look online then buy in store.

Reverse it through integriton of earned and owned media

Stage-one owned media allow users to pin their favourite Nordstorm catalogue items generate user-generated content.

Generated dialogue, pinned, repined and shared pins on favourites.

Pin on 69 of Nordstroms board.

The top pinned items were selected and gathered data data management saw the top-pined items

Gathered info and stocked it in store

21% of pinterest users bought same item as they went in tore.

Stage 2 owned media

Once initiates, reverse showrooming, social media earned media --. Drove them into owned media channels i.e. the tore itself wehre theyaere treated to the quiteseential nordstorm retail experience tuxedo waiter, music, champagne exclusive promotions.

Results combination of earned pinterest social Media + traditional media/owned media in form of retalign store multi channel shopping expeince online and offlinece, its no about bricks OR click about bricks and blicks.

Incressaed sales.

21%conversion rate.

Marketing mobile

Prolgideraiton of smartphones and rise of internet has seen an exponential increae on mobile advertising spending ove the past few years companie predict mobileinternet usage will surpass coputer usage by 204.

Spent $2.61bn in 2012 alone


Padi display adv advetsingmobile video advertising


Location base dads

Video, voice apps

Full screen takeover messaging


Iwreles bandwidth I s asmaall

Smaller screens


Ethical nad legal issues

What is privacy?

It is about control, who gets control.

Marketers and privacy, how do marketers collect data?


Ubiquotous applications.

Retargeting, Amazon and issues with privacy

Look at privacy policy does not onsell to 3rd parties, but in reality this can be changed at nay time

Got hammered for doing so,

Ireeperable damage financial and non-monetry. Cookies and privay issues.

Social media

What u give to social media

Illusion of choice, can u really turn of cookies?


Is responsible

1988 privacy act, but is old and needs updayin.

Outdated and unwidly an old.

Eeks to protect data, how it is stored and how it can be used

Government accused of breaching laws itself.

Metadata laws uh march 2015, pass through senate

Giant online x-ray that identifies when, where and how and to whom we communicate over phones and internet

Active content surveillance

Telcos must wtore metadata for a least 4 years, can be shearched through

Conversaitons, who with, how long



Website browsing history.


Breach of privacy


Who gets access to such information/ is it related only to terrorism?

Positive AFP us to proetect us

Metadata laws pale in comparison to what china is doing

How can mrketers improve

Al about transparency and tradeoofs

Be clear on what u collect and how u do it, ask permission and always have pricvacy policies available and accessible.

Tradoffs justify whsy u should breach privacy to gain dta to better hekp customers

If sell, maybedivvy pofits.


Censorship in China

Great Firewall of China, controlled by 60 internet regulations, one giant internet Metad

How can consuemrs enforce privacy?

Good browser hygine

Clear cookies

Turn them off

Delete histoy.

Use incognito mode

FB dont post up material that is privacy, dont do it all

Funnily aenough, emarketer, cosnuemrs actually allow info about their interests, hobbies, preferences, occupation,

But too invasive, name, address, income, family. Too close to hom.


Delete apps, turn of tracking devices.

Law and tension b/w privacy, lw trying to catch up in brave ne world.

Digital Proeprty

Series of rels, laws and reuglatiosn to protrect intangible and tangible property.

Patent protection of methods to do something, processes andinventive steps

Patents act.

Patent trolls

1 click tehcnolo

Copywright protect creative expression in different media forms

Fair use

First sale limits the aility.


Megaupload, pirate bay

Drains money, illegaldownload try and crack down


Companies source identifiers are protected


Browers, domains

Logos, slogans


Ompany contractual agreement allow oher companies to use their software for a price.

Windows 8.

Big data

What is it

What sources, how is it collected

How is it analysed?


What benefits can it give

Amazon retargeting + CRM



Info overload


Soure relaiibltiy

Big data

Is the collection of data from traditional and digital sources both inside and outside a company which provides an ongoing source of discovery and analysis.

That being said, Big Data does not just refer to the data itself, but it also emcompasses the challengs, cpaabilities and competencies associated with sotring and analysing such large data setsm to support a level of decision making that imore accurate and timely.

Sources of Data and How it is collected

Internal Sources

Reports, sales data, website data

Secondary sources

Data collected by other government agencies and companies which are freely and wiely avialble, ABS

Primary sources

Own research conducted by firm.

Client side data collection


Collect info through consemr click behaviour

Server side dat collection

When a website uses its own software to gather info on a consumer

Tracks what they do on the site.

How is it analysed

Data Management Platform

A DMP is essentially a data warehouse where data is gatherd, stored, categorised and optimised.

A DMP is essentially a piece of software/data warehouse hat gatehrs, amalgamates and optimises data. It then analyses,sifts through it to find meaningful correlation and tried to find meaning out of this unstructured data. Meaning thatcan be sue to inform marketing decision.

Essentially, big data is the urrency and DMP is the bank.

Piece of software that gathers, houses and sorts out information. It then

Techniques of analysing data

Data minig find hidden predictive information in large databases through statistical analysis

Data mining use of statistical analysis to ifnd hidden predictive informaiton

RFM analysis



Monetary value

Cross-channel attribution measurmen

Attribution Clear and accurate insight into how, when and wher marketing infleunces customers across devices and channels

Clear and accurate insighs into how, when andw ehre marketing infleunces customers across devices and chnnels

How can big data help

Boost sales

Improve integriton

Competitive adv over firms

Found out weaknesses and eploit

Target better

Discovering best ways to engage customers in social media

Keeping most valuable customers

Cross-selling activities

Reduce communicating costs by targeting high-response customers..

Target better

Cross and up-selling activities

Keeping most valuable customers

Only target most valuable customers.

Amazon stands as a testament to the collection of data

How does amazon collect data

Uses cookies to track the online journey of their consuemrs though the use of various online tiools and techniques such as cookes.

In turn, Amazon manages and athers exorbitant amounts of consumer information, uncluding the gender, age location and website inerations and purchase history of their consuemrs.

So that the net tim u go

Cookeis gather data on gende, ge, location, purchase history

Next time you go on website, bobard you with as.

Cliet-sdie data collection

Server side data collection.

What marketing obejctives oes it fulfil?

Use of retargeting and big data + crm is creative and innovative, allow for a stream of dialogue b/w consumer and amazon. Whether consumer opts to buy or not, amazon gatehrs data and uses this to provided targeted emails, display advertising according to the unique and innovative ways in which they perceive information.

This increases feelings of belongingness

Analysed in Amazons DMP

Once amazon collects data

Analysed in Amazons DMPs

Techniques of analysing

Data mining


Then used to provide tairlored, targeted ads

Incrases sense of belonginess.

Increases brand awareness and exposure higher conversion rates higher probability of purchase ncrease size of purchase cart.

Limitaitons of data

Big data is relatively new, still have to iron out. Despite beenfits it brings, still new tehnology and is fraught with pitfalls that can catch an unassuming marker.


Ethical and legal issue

How do u collect? Too personal

Data overload

Easy to get data, however, marketers want answers.

Data without insight is useless.

Data without insight to inform marketing strategy is worthless.

Petabytes of ata, discerning meaning is time consuming and expensive

Especially with shortage of data analyssits/statisticians.


To housr data and keep it in warehouses, expensive to get data in first palce.

However, cloud technology is reucing price.


Sampling error

Sampling bias sample pop was not chosen randomly at all

N = All easy, tigger happy assumption ,dangerous, twitter, not indicative of the whole po[.

Big data has arrive, but not big insights.


(1) Created owned media, relevant, knoweldgable entertaining

(2) use paid emdia to promote to relevant targetmarket

(3) gain consumer trust and interest, they will forward it through htheir own earned media channels

Consumers voice is the channel.

Each media category in itself, whether it be owned, earned or paid, constitutes an effective tool for marketers to reach their consumers. In saying this, marketers have fallen for the trap of looking at them as individual entities and only focusing on one of them at once. It is recommended that marketers view of the holistically and put them under on unified, strategy, under the umbrella of Intgrated marketing communciations. Whereby there is a blend of owned, paid, media and traditional and digital marketing methods whereby each media category serves to reinforce the other and create syndergies.

Intentional blending of traditional and online marketing tools and tacis aroud a single, unified marketing strategy

Following venn diagram communicates this.

Overall strategy should be that

(i) create unique, engaging, creative owned media content.

(2) should then used paid efforts/media to ensure that suh content is strategically placed where it can be spotted by the relevant target audience.

This in turn earns the consumers trust and support, which leads to the creation of earned media.


Each individual lentitty

Put together

Venn diagram

Owned media





Performance metrics

Paid Media

Pay to go through communication channels

Company controls the content

Most last trusted form of content

Examples of paid media

Digital advertising

Contextual advertising





Social Media Advertising

Disadv least trusted

Examples of Owned + Paid media

SEM google

SEO , owned Organi Marketing


SEA - Paid for marketing


How do u measure?



Click through



Owned Media

Carry communication messages through the organisations

Carry communication messages frm the organisation to internet usrs on channels that are owned and at least, partially controlled by the company.

Carry communication messages from the firm to the users of channels that are owned, or at least partly owned, by the firm.

Primary goals

Engage consumers with positive brand commitment

Entice them to pass along content to others


Carrying content ah ycan entertain, engage, inform


Website landing pgages, moble sites

Website chat

Support forums/communities

Gibson guitar board


Text messaging

Sales promo


Brands are able to leverage einleunctial bloggers to drive WOM to a large databse of receptive customers, which brands themelves dont have

Consume WOM is even mor eimprotant tosay now with internet eWOM

Brands leverage infleucntial bloggers, spread + wom to others. Ewom

Recommendtiosn in blogs are turyt worthy and reputable blogers

Authority figures.


Webstei, email, blogs, podcasts, videos

Owned media

Podcasts, mobile apps, website, email

Paid media

Firms pay other internet ognaisaitons to distribute their content/promotional messges

Properties owned by othrs who are paid by organisation to cary it spromoitona messages

Company controls the content

Exams of paid advertising

Display advertising

Online display ads are embedded in web pages, alow users to click-throuh to the owned content

In banner ads.


Contextual advertsing


Paid bloggers

Social mediaadverising

Face book, paid ads, stories

Twitter, paid retweets, trending tweets

Youtube, stream videos


Disadv. Not trusted

SEM complex art and science to drive consuemrs to website

IMC SEO (owned), SEA (Paid)

SEO (Owned) process of maximising the number of visitors to a website two types- natural search and paid search

Natural search (oganic searc) obtimising website so that I appears higher in results

Draw pitciture

Ensures hat either

(1) the site name and link appears hih

(2) ads get a click-through.


Spread fresh content all over the web

Design for relevant andmpopularity, optimise content

Adjust site to changing algorths

Choose unique words and targete ones that are rlated to busiens.


Choose unique words related

Update, freshcont

Work alorithsm

SEA (Paid) paying dsearch engiens to rank more highly

PPC online bidding of certain key terms associated with busiens that target market will clikc

Adv. Small investment, easy to track control flexibility, u control

Disadv, expensive, difficult to ifnd right word

Performanc metric



Effectiveness, efficiency


Earned Media

When individual conversations become the channel: Messages about the company that are generated by social media authors.

Earned media is like physicalWOM on steroids: a social megaphone: Customers and new outlets become the channel.

Messages about the company that are generatd

Individual customers are the channel

User engagement levels


Connect collect create collaborate

Examples of earned media

Social media infleuncers

Traditional journalists

Viral marketing

Social media infleuncers

Journalists, tv

Viral marketing

Ratings and reviews


Recommendaitons, ratings and reviesws, UGC viral marketing

Social meiainfleuncers

Traditional journalists

Double-edged sword


Scial Media as a platform for Custoemr service


Owned + Paid media Amazon using FB as a platform for Customer Service

EEarned emdia,customer discussion

Works as a double edged swod, Amazon is creating and owning content by addressing customer concerns on FV, but can go and work againt the,

Generate positive WOM

Or negative UGC

Why is there a shift?


Amazon taken advantage of this shift

Using social meia (owned + paid) as a platform, pays face the uploads its own content/trouble shooting that all can see.

Dyamic platform, facilitates a stream of dialogue


Earned Media

Consuemrs gets transparency, vindication, can get problems solves.

Amaon can flex its muscles and show off how it handles customers complaitns.

However, make unhappy can work gainst you

Customer service paradox

Initially bad, but then provide a better, looks good even happier.

Culture, shift

Dynamic customer interactions on social media

Earned media positive WOM


But if u make customers unhappy in difitual world, each tell 6,000.

Customer servie paradox

Fulfils marketing objective

Inspire customer retention and loyalty

Consumer confiene

Increase satisfaction

Generate Positive WOM.

Walkers sandwich

Amalgamation of online adntraditional IC

Objective wake walkers chips more exciting

Owned media

Website conent

Slaes promotion offer



Paid media offline and online celebrity endorsement

Digital display ads on internet

Tv ads

Earned media



Bbc tc

Performance metrics

Ownd media.

Mobile adveritisng

Prolfieraiton internet

On the rise

2.61 bn spent

Paid search

Display ads

Full screen takeover,s


Location baed ads






Small screen

Younger generiton, not so much older but they are getting it

Data caps/price

Wireless bandwidth is small

E.g. Diesel and QR codes

Disel uses ar codes, like it in the spot discount

Earned media owned media

Starbucks mobile payment

Disel qr like discount

Game of Pohones Virgin mobile.



Owmed + paid (Pinterest) what is it?

Allow pjning toppinne items

Steag 2 owned media nordstorm in shp expeirencev

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