ravening hordes: old grumbler edition

Post on 05-Jul-2018






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  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    Table of Contents


    Gors and Ungors..................................................................5






    Blood Greed:....................................................................5


    Army Organization...............................................................5

    Allies 0-5!:...................................................................."

    #eaders o$ t%e &aucous 'ost (-))!................................."

    Bray%erd 5!*................................................................"

    Centigors and Cariots 0-))!............................................"

    Gat%ering 'erds 0-))!...................................................."

    C%aos +,ares.......................................................................

    C%aos +,ar$ &ules..............................................................

    'o/go/lin &ules...................................................................


    +eat% roc1et.....................................................................

    2art% 3%a1er.....................................................................




    C%aos +,ar$ C%aracters......................................................4'o/go/lin %eroes................................................................

    Bull Centaur 'eroes............................................................


    +ar1 2les..............................................................................

     Team &ules..........................................................................

    'ate ot%er 2les:..............................................................



    +ar1 7n8uence:.................................................................

    9ig%t ision:.....................................................................

    Cauldron o$ /lood................................................................


    3ea +ragon Cloa1:............................................................


    +ar1 2l$ 'ero.......................................................................


    +ar1 2l$ Assassin.................................................................

    Assassin &ules................................................................(0





    +,ar$ 3tandard &ules........................................................(




    ;eople o$ 3tone:.............................................................(


  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition



    +,aren Ar=ue/us:........................................................(

    Mining ;ic1:....................................................................(

    Miner>s Cap:...................................................................(


    &ange Guild 0-)5!.....................................................(@

    &oyal Clan arriors 0-)5!................................................(5

    Outsiders 0-5!...................................................................(5

    +,ar$ C%aracters..............................................................(5

     T%e 2mpire...........................................................................("

    Gear o$ t%e 2mpire............................................................("

    'eay /reast plate:........................................................("

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    Monsters 0-(5! Dincludes monsters $or c%aractersE......)@

    Allies 0-))!......................................................................)5

    'eroes F Magic Users...........................................................)5

    9ig%t Go/lins.....................................................................)5

    9ormal Go/lins..................................................................)5

    t cause ;anic...........................................................)4


    &at Ogres and C%aos ar%ounds......................................)4

    Animal %andlers.............................................................)4

    ;oison ind Glo/adier.......................................................)

    ;oison ind Glo/es........................................................)

    Glo/adier deployment....................................................)

     ezzails.............................................................................. )


    arploc1 ezzail.............................................................)




    Crus%ing t%ings..............................................................)

    Cre, Attac1s..................................................................)

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition



    #oss o$ Cre,...................................................................@0

    3  O..........................................................@5

    Huesting o,.................................................................@5

    Grail o,........................................................................@5

    ;easant>s +uty..................................................................@5

    Ot%er 3pecial &ules...........................................................@5


  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


     Tom/ #ords........................................................................@


  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition




    9ig%t ision:...................................................................54

    MootD'al8ings E....................................................................5








    Ot%er,orldly Creatures:.................................................")

    +aemon psyc%ology:......................................................")

     Iour ,is% is my command:.............................................")

    C%aos Attri/utes..................................................................."@

    Using this Book Unit entries ,ill %ae notation /e$ore or a$ter. 9otation /e$ore indicates t%e minimum num/er o$ re=uired units De.g. (* means

    you must %ae at least one o$ t%e unit.E 9otation a$ter t%e unit indicates t%e unit size range De.g. (5* means t%e unit must %ae

    at least (5 models.E Artillery cre, ,ill %ae a notation a$ter t%eir entryJ t%is represents t%e num/er o$ cre,men per artillery. De.g.

    'o/go/lin Cre, DE means t%at t%e artillery is accompanied /y t,o %o/go/lin cre,.E

    BeastmenBeastmen are C%aotic 2il

     Type 9um/er o$ attri/utes


    Bestigor d"-Gors d"-)

    Ungors d"-@

    Centigor d"-@

    ar%ounds d"-@

    'arpy d"-@

    Minotaur d"-@


    Gor d"*ll-@

    Centigor d"*ll-5

    Minotaur d"*ll-5

    Gors and Ungors

    U9&U#I( : At t%e /eginning o$ eac% turn roll a die $or eac% unit. On t%e roll o$ a ( t%e unit must c%arge an enemy unit i$ it is,it%in c%arge distance DME or must moe as =uic1ly as possi/le to,ard t%e enemy.


     T&AM;#2 : centigors get an etra un modied attac1


    • 9o Caarly %ide sae)

    • Uses additional %and ,eaponsJ great ,eapons and s%ields as i$ it ,ere an in$antry model

    • May use spears as i$ it ,ere mounted D*( 3 on c%arge $or eampleE


    ( C%aos @t% ed.

    Beasts o$ C%aos "t% ed

    ) Beasts o$ C%aos "t% ed.

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    B#OO+ G&22+:  Minotaurs may not pursueJ until t%ey pass a #d test during t%e compulsory p%ase. 7$ c%arged /y t%eenemy ,%ile $eeding t%ey /ecome $renzied. May ta1e an additional test to try and pass i$ s%ot at.


    Beastman 3%amans;rimary: Blac1J &ed3econdary: /lac1-,%iteJ green

    Army Organization


    #eaders o$ t%e &aucous 'ost (-))! Iour ar%erd must %ae a general.

    Bray%erd 5!*

    Centigors and C%ariots 0-))!

    Gat%ering 'erds 0-))!

    Allies 0-5!

    A##723  0-5!:

    May ally ,it% t%e $ollo,ing to g%t enemies o$ goodJ order or neutral disposition:C%aos Allies31aen+ar1 2lesOrcs and Go/linsampire CountsGiantsC%aos +,aresOrcsOgres

    #2A+2&3  O

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    C%aracter Models may /e gien any gear aaila/le to t%eir respectie types. T%at is a Beast man c%aracter may /e gien gear

    aaila/le to Gors and Bestigors and a Minotaur 'ero may get gear aaila/le to minotaurs in t%e army list /elo,. A Beastman

    C%aracter may ride a c%ariotJ replacing one o$ t%e cre, you may deduct t%e cost o$ t%e single cre, man.

    B&AI'2&+ 5!*

    Unit Type M s Bs 3 T 7 A #d7nt

    Cl p ;ts

    Gor D(0*E @ @ ) ) @ ) ( 5 " " (0







    great ,eapon *J %al/erd *J add%and *(J 3%ield *(J lig%t armor *J

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition




    M s Bs 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;ts



    ) @ ) ) @ ( ( (0








    Great eapon *J 'eay Armor *(J3%ield *(J #arge 3%ields *J One unit

    may %ae a magic standard

    Unit type M s Bs 3 T , 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;ts

    C%aos +,ar$Blunder/ussiers D4*E

    ) @ ) ) @ ( ( 4 (

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules Upgrades

    lig%t armorJ %and ,eaponJ /lunder/uss 3%ields *(J %eay armor *(

    Unit type M




    3 T , 7 A#








    s'o/go/lin arrior

    D(5*E@ ) ) ) ) ( ( " " "





    #ig%t armor *(J /o, *(J 3%ield *.5

    Unit type M s Bs 3 T , 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;ts

    'o/go/lin ,ol$ rider D5*E @ ) ) ) ) ( ( " " " ()

    Giant ol$ @ 0 ) ) ( ) ( ) ) ) )

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules Upgrades

    Cla,s icious D3ee OFGE

    %and ,eaponJ s%ield May deploy as s1irmis%ers lig%t armor *J 3%ort/o,s *(


    Unit type M s Bs 3 T , 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;ts

    Bull Centaur D5E @ ) @ @ ) @0

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules Upgrades

    lig%t armorJ 3%ieldJ %and,eaponJ great ,eaponJ stomp


     T%ic1-s1inned sae D@*no t%ic1nessEJ no armor

    encum/rance&eplace lig%t armor ,it% 'eay armor*(

    Unit type M s Bs 3 T , 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;ts

    3nea1y Gits D(0*E @ ) ) ) ) ( ( " " " "

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules Upgrades

    +aggerJadditional dagger

    enelopeJ anticoagulantpoisoned attac1sJ lig%t


    Unit type M s Bs 3 T , 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;ts

    'o/go/lin Bolt t%ro,er D(-@E - - - - ) - - - - - - )0

    'o/go/lin Cre, DE @ ) ) ) ) ( ( " " "

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules Upgrades

    man /olt t%ro,er range )0P 35

    %and ,eapon #ig%t armor *

    Unit type M s Bs 3 T , 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;ts

    +eat% &oc1et D(-@E - - - - ) - - - - - - 50

    C%aos +,ar$ Cre, DE ) @ ) ) @ ( (

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    2=uipment 3pecial &ules Upgrades

    3ee rules

    'and ,eaponJ %eay armor


    Unit type M s Bs 3 T , 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;ts

    2art%3%a1er D(-

    E- - - - ) - - - - - - (50


    Cre, D@E) @ ) ) @ ( (


    3pecial &ules Upgrades

    3ee rulesJ @-man 2art%


    5-man 2art% 3%a1er *J "-man2art% 3%a1er *@@J -man 2art%

    3%a1er *""



    Chaos Darf Characters

    C%aos +,ar$ 'ero M s Bs 3 T , 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;ts

     ll( ) 5 @ @ @ ( ) @4

    ll ) " @ @ 5 ) ) (0*( 44

    ll) ) " @ @ 5 ) @ ) (0* (0*( (0*( (4

    ll@ ) @ @ 5 @ @ @ (0*) (0*( (0*( ("4

    ll5 ) 5 @ 5 @ 5 @ (0*) * (0* (0* 04

    C%aos +,ar$ izard M s Bs 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;ts

     ll( ) 5 @ ) @ ( ( 4*( (0*( 4

    ll ) 5 5 ) @ ) ( (0*( * (0* ((4

    ll) ) " 5 ) @ ) ) ( (0* * (0*( (0* 0)ll@ ) " " ) @ @ @ ( (0*) (0*) (0*( (0*) )0)

    ll5 ) " ) @ @ 5 ( (0*) (0*) (0* (0*) @(4

    C%aos d,ares use red and /lac1 magic

    $obgoblin heroes

    C%aracter M s Bs 3 T , 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;ts

    'o/go/lin ll( @ @ @ @ ) ( ) " " " 4

    'o/go/lin ll @ 5 @ @ @ ) ) 4*( " " " 50

    'o/go/lin ll) @ 5 @ @ @ ) @ ) * " *( *(

    'o/go/lin ll@ @ " @ @ @ @ @ @ (0*) " *( *( 5

    'o/go/lin ll5 @ " 5 @ @ @ 5 @ (0*) 4* 4* 4* ((

    Bull Centaur $eroes

    C%aracter M s Bs 3 T , 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;ts

    Bull Centaur #l ( 5 @ 5 @ @ ) 45

    Bull Centaur ll " @ 5 5 ) @ @ (0*( ()5

    Bull Centaur ll) " @ 5 5 @ 5 @ (0* (0*( (0*( (45

    Bull Centaur ll@ @ 5 5 5 " 5 (0*) (0*( (0*( )5

    Bull Centaur ll5 5 5 5 5 " 5 (0*) 4* (0* (0* 45


    May ally ,it% BeastmenJ +ar1 2lesJ C%aosJ Orcs and Go/linsJ 31aenJ ampire Counts to g%t Good or 9eutral enemies.

    Dark /l!es

     eam #ules

    +ar1 eles are eit%er Order 2il or C%aotic 2il

    'AT2  OT'2&  2#23 :  +ar1 eles %ae %atred o$ all ot%er eles

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    B2A3T3 :  +on>t cause panic in $ello, dar1 elesJ not aNected /y cauldron o$ /loodJ no dar1 el$ c%aracters may QoinJ do not use

    general>s #d

    6 'A797T2 :  can>t /e Qoined /y non-1%ainite c%aracters and are al,ays c%aotic eil and al,ays ,ors%ip 6%aine.

    3#AA923'7:  3ome +ar1 2les deiate $rom t%e norm and $ollo, 3laanes% instead o$ 6%aine. %en determining t%e num/er o$

    c%aos attri/utes eac% unit gets also determine i$ t%e unit $ollo,s 6%aine or 3laanes%. T%is ,ill aNect ,%ic% 1inds o$ attri/utes t%ey

    mig%t receie. Units o$ opposing ,ors%ip suNer animosity to,ard one anot%er.

    +A&6   79

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    'ero type Dmayc%oose (J %eromust /e ll or

    lo,er and must Qoina unit o$ t%at type.

    Bonus ;oints cost

    Blac1 Guard7mmune to ;syc%J


    itc% el$ Dregardless o$ 

    leelJ %ig%er leelsneedn>t Qoin a unitE

    s c%oice.

    • Unit>s may not use %er?%is #dJ 7ntJ ClJ or p.

     • 7$ s%e?%e is in a unit t%at /rea1s or 8ees t%ey must 8ee ,it% t%at unit.• Assassins are 6%ainiteMelee Gear ;oints Missile Gear ;oints Armor ;oints Mounts ;oints



    Additional %and ,eapon ( Cross/o, ) 3%ield ( Cold One 22Grappling

    hook 1

    Great eapon RepeatingCrossbow

    4 #arge 3%ield 2len steed

    #ance Throwing knife 1 #ig%t armor

    3pear ( Crossbow Pistol 2 'eay Armor )

    3,ord .5 Barding @

    Halberd 2

     Anticoagulant poisonedweapon1


    () 7n most o$ t%e lore regarding itc% el$ and +ar1 el$ poisons t%ey re$er to t%e slig%test touc% causing deat%J t%is doesn>t seem

    to re$er to normal poisons

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition



    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t+ar1 2l$ arrior D5*E 5D@E @ @ ) ) ( 5 ( 4 4 ((.5

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

    3%ieldJ 3,ordJ lig%t armor 'ate elesJ may deploy as lig%t in$antry 3pears *(J large s%ields *(

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    +ar1 2l$ Cross/o,man D5*E 5 @ @ ) ) ( 5 ( 4 4 ().5

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

    lig%t armorJ 3,ordJcross/o,

    'ate elesJ May deployas lig%t in$antry

    3%ields *(. repeating cross/o, *(. one unit may %ae great s,ords,eapons *.5

    Unit Type M3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t



    @ @ ) ) ( 5 ( 4 4 (5

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements T,o s,ordsJ lig%tarmorJ netsJ dragoncloa1

    'ate elesJ3laersJ lig%tin$antry

    Cross/o, ;istol*

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    +ar1 &ider D5*E 5 @ @ ) ) ( 5 ( 4 4 (

    2len 3teed ) 0 ) ) ( ) ( @ @ ) )

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

    3,ordJ lig%t armor May deploy as s1irmis%ersJ %ate %ig% eles 3pear *(J s%ield *(J one unit may get repeating cross/o,s *@

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    /iteJ cla,s

    #ots o$ %eadsJ - armor &egen )*J scaly s1in @* no t%ic1nessJ 3  CA;(4:  The models cannot have their 78S restricted to less than "2” ,ut as a conse$uence they may also ,e seen.

    They may ,e used 0ust like torches to start fires in ,uildins.

    ;A73 (:  - coverae& " thickness& ,enefit only applies aainst raned fire& unit may use raned weapons and pavis at the same

    time. 3ay not countermarch.

    &A9G2 < 79+2&0:  The Enineer may uess two distances and may choose the ,etter one after measurin ,ut ,efore rollin

    artillery dice.

    ;2&73CO;2 (:  The Enineer ains 78S throuh one interposin ,locker shorter than a cavalry/si5ed model. E.. a line of

    infantry& a wall or a hede.

    &A9G2 MA&62&3 :  Before deployment& the dwarf player reveals to the m that he9she has come to the field with rane

    markers. ane markers are small sins or posts placed on the ,attle field with measured and known distances for the dwarves.

    1ntuitively& these markers must ,e staked into the round with ample time ,efore the enemy arrives. +s a conse$uence every

    unit in the dwarf army counts as havin an 3 value of :.” The advantae is that the dwarf player will know the distance from

    the rane marker to where the enineer is deployed& allowin for more accurate fire. The 3 need only tell the dwarf player the

    distance once. 3arkers can ,e removed ,y the enemy without penalty ,y models who come in ,ase contact.

    OAT'3TO92 ;

    (5 T%is comes $rom t%e Blood /at% at Orc>s +ri$t Campaign pac1

    (" +,ares "t% ed.

    ( T%is ,as sorta made upJ /ut it is loosely /ased on t%e idea o$ Kimproised ,eapons $rom ,ar%ammer ) rd edJ and t%at miners

    are supposed to %ae great ,eapons t%at smas% t%roug% roc1.

    (4 Completely made upJ ecept t%at t%e models %ae em.

    ( T%is item appears regularly in ar%ammer Ancients Age o$ C%iarly and it seemed appropriate to add it.

    0 #argely made up

    ( 3ame Qust t%oug%t it ,ould add 8aor and interesting tactical %i-Qin

    2uropean armies ,ere 1no,n to do t%is to increase t%e accuracy o$ t%eir ,eaponsJ especially at distances greater t%an 00


  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    •  haracter may place the stone as a chare reaction& immediately followin a successful move to enae& or durin

    the movement phase.

    8nce the stone is placed the followin also apply

    • 1f the unit flees the dwarf player loses the value of the unit in ?ictory points& even if they su,se$uently rally2*.

    • The >haracter with the stone must issue and accept challenes

    • The unit forms into an infantry s$uare& place the stone in the center 

    • The unit ains rank ,onuses e$ual to its reatest dimension and foot print #e.. a *x( s$uare would et a total of * ranks&whereas a (x( would et (& and a 2x* or *x* would et none as no dimension is reat enouh to constitute a rank%

    • +ny other dwarf unit in "2” ains " >l so lon as the s$uare holds.

    • The unit ains an additional maic resistance #for a total of - ward save%.

    BOO 6  O<  G&U+G23 ; The eneral and the unit he9she is with ains hatred aainst the foe.

    -hield Bearers; 1f your eneral has shield ,earers other units within "@” may use her9his 7d& and >l

    modifiers& su,ordinate commanders may have their radius increased to *)4”. Shield Bearers are a special class of infantry

    with the followin stat line.

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ;

    3%ield Bearer DE ) 5 ) @ @ ( ) (

    They wear romril and carry hand weapons. 1f a shield ,earer dies& another dwarf from the unit the character has 0oined may

    drop his9her shield and take up carryin the shield. +ainst arcin fire the shield ,earers ,enefit as if they had a lare shield.

    )ue to his9her heiht advantae a dwarf character atop shield ,earers ains a " to hit. 1f there is one or no more shield

     ,earers the character must a,andon the oversi5ed shield and walk.



    'ly Speed of ":”

    Shootin hits are randomi5ed "/- yrocopter& 4 Pilot.

    >lose com,at hits are randomi5ed as well "/* yrocopter& (/4 Pilot


    Bom,s; The Pilot carries crude ceramic or cast iron renades which he may attempt to lo, or drop from the yrocopter. Place

    the "” radius explosion template anywhere within (” of the yrocopterAs fliht path that turn. oll to hit includin any rane or

    movement modifiers. +nd scatter the template the distance that the pilot missed ,y. +ny model touched ,y the template is hit on

    a * and takes a *S hit with a /2 armor modifier.

    Steam un; 3ay only ,e fired durin the shootin phase. Place the flame template in front of the ,arrel of the un. 'or each

    model touched ,y the template roll to hit usin the PilotAs BS. Each model hit takes a S* hit /" to armor.

    >lose >om,at; 1n close com,at the pilot may make attacks to the front and side. Before ,lows are struck any flyer or modelover ":A tall must pass an i test or ,e struck ,y the propellers. This is danerous for ,oth the yrocopter and the unfortunate

    monster. The yrocopter takes )* hits of S e$ual to the monsterAs T". +nd the monster takes )* S4 hits. 1f the yrocopter

    takes a sinle wound in this fashion it plummets to the round.

    he An!ils of Doom

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ;

    Anil Guard ) 5 ) @ @ ( ) (

    Anil o$ +oom - - - - (0 @ - - - - - -

    ear; +nvil uard are e$uipped with lare shield& reat weapon& hand weapon and romril armor 

    Special ules;

    1mmune to Psycholoy/ the +nvil uard is immune to psycholoy

    ) T%is is ,%ere one mig%t imagine slayers come $rom.

    @ #argely made upJ /ut t%ey $eel rig%t.

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    +ncestral heirloom; The anvils of doom were crafted in a ,yone era& there are none left who carry the knowlede to make

    them anew. >onse$uently the loss of a sinle anvil would ,e an irreplacea,le loss. The capture or destruction of an anvil is

    worth an additional ":: victory points.

    andomi5e hits; hits are randomi5ed 0ust like shootin at a warmachine.

    Strike unes; unes take a sinificant amount of preparation= the siil must ,e shaped ,efore it can ,e struck releasin its

     power. >onse$uently& runes are enerally crafted ,efore the ,attle so that they may ,e unleashed at the riht moment. + player

    may ,uy runes from the list of sorcerous runes. Each rune may only ,e used once. owever& if need ,e& runesmiths may craft

    new runes durin a ,attle. This process re$uires 2 full maic phases to complete and may ,e cast on the third turn. To release arune the runesmith must roll to hit the rune #unesmithAs CS vs. the difficulty of the rune% if he9she strikes it the sorcery is

    released. unes may ,e struck in the same phases as spells. + runesmith may strike as many runes as she9he has attacks each

    turn. unic sorcery is effectively maic& however they may not ,e dispelled such is the a,solute manner of unes. +t least no

    )warf has shared this lore to weavers of the maical winds. 3aic resistance applies as normal.

    Sorcerous unes;2-

    Army Organization


    • 2-D >lan Carriors

    •:/*-D Enineerin uilds #includes Enineer >haracters%

    • :/(-D oyal >lan Carriors #includes unesmiths and Carrior >haracters%

    • :/2-D 8utsiders #includes allies93ercenaries and raners and slayers%



    ill Ally it%: To

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    #ong Beards D5* perunitE

    ) 5 ) @ @ ( ( (4

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules

    'eay ArmorJ Great eaponJ'and eaponJ large s%ield

    immune to panicJ old grum/lers Dany unit o$ d,ares ,it%in "L may re-roll a $ailed panic testJ solong as t%e long /eards are not 8eeingEJ cannot outnum/er clansmen in t%e army.

    /ngineers5 Guild 6(*+3

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t+,ar$ T%underers D4* per unitE ) @ ) ) @ ( ( ((

    2=uipment 7mproements

    'and ,eaponJ lig%t armorJ Ar=ue/us 3%ield *(J or ;aise *(J One unit may %ae 'eay Armor*(

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    Miners D5* perunitE

    ) @ ) ) @ ( ( (@

    2=uipment 3pecial &ulesMining ;ic1J 'and eaponJMiner CapsJ %eay armor

    Underground Adance Dsee "t% ed.E t%e num/er o$ miner units you are allo,ed e=uals t%enum/er o$ miners you %ae diided /y ( to a minimum o$ (.

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t3appers D per unitE ) @ ) ) @ ( ( (5

    2=uipment 3pecial &ulesMining ;ic1J 'eay ArmorJ Miner caps 3appers

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;tCatapults D(-) per unitE - - - - ) - - - - - - 45Cre, D)E ) @ ) ) @ ( ( 2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

     T%ree Man Catapult

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    &oyal 'eroes4 M3


    3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t


  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    eaponAdd. 'and ,eapon ( Additional 'and eapon ( &anged Armor&anged &anged Ar=ue/us ( 3%ield (;istol ) T%ro,ing Ae ( ;istol ) #arge 3%ield Ar=ue/us ( Armor Brace o$ ;istols " #ig%t Armor Cross/o, ) 3%ield ( Bom/s (0 'eay Armor ) T%ro,ing Ae ( Buc1ler 0.5 Blunder/uss Gromril 5Armor Armor3%ield ( ;ais (#arge 3%ield #ig%t Armor #ig%t Armor 'eay Armor )'eay Armor ) Ot%erGromril 5 Miners Cap (Ot%er ;eriscope

    3%ield Bearers i$ general )0 &ange

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    ; 7G2O9 BOMB3 *(0 ;T3 2AC'):

    • 3ee t% ed. Boo1

    • May only /e used /y engineers

    0olley Gun


    • 'as ) sets o$ organ gun /arrelsJ eac% o$ t%ree.

    • 2ac% turn t%e olley gun may re a set o$ t%ree /arrelsJ eac% o$ ,%ic% is red at t%e same guessed range li1e a cannon and

    /ounced indiidually.• 3trengt% 5J range o$ @L

     T%e cre, reloads ( /arrel eac% turn.

    -team ank


    (. +uring t%e moement p%ase determine t%e num/er o$ steam points you ,is% to generateJ 0-5. All steam points must /e used

    t%is turn. A single steam point may /e used to :

    (. Moe )L straig%t $or,ard. Moe L /ac1,ard). ;iot up to 0 degrees cloc1,ise or counter cloc1,ise@.

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    3ureyor #l ( @ ) @ ) ) ( ) ( 4*( 4*( 0

    Bom/ardier #l @ ) @ ) ) @ ( 4*( * 4*( 50

    Master 2ngineer #l ) @ @ 5 @ @ ) @ ( * * * 5

    3pecial &ules

    One Artillery may use %is?%er B3 and re-roll misre c%art

    3ameJ and may re-roll t%e rst artillery die

    3ameJ and any unit %e?s%e commands counts as sappers ,%o construct at %al$ rate and gain no demolis% /enet.

    ;&723T3  O<  3 7GMA&



    3 T 7 A #d7nt




    arrior Mon1 @ @ ) @ ) ( ) ( 4*(



    arrior ;riest @ @ @ @ ) @ 4*(




    #ector @ 5 @ @ @ ) @ *





    Arc% #ector @ " 5 @ @ @ 5 )







     T%eogonist @ " 5 @ @ @ " )









    53pecial &ules

    %ite ll (J /ut only 1no,s ( minor spell

    %ite ll J /ut only 1no,s minor spell and 0 mig%tyspells

    %ite #l ) /ut only 1no,s ( mig%ty spell

    %ite D,it% /lac1 as secondaryE ll @ /ut 1no,s only mig%ty spells%ite D,%ite and /lac1 secondaryE#eel @

    May ,ear armor. Additionally t%ey and any unit t%ey Qoin are su/Qect to %atred to,ard c%aotic and eil models. arrior priests o$

    3igmar are Order good.

    3 TAT 2 T&OO;3  5!*

    Unit type Ms


    3 T , 7 A#d





    (* &eic%soldat D(0-50 perunitE

    @ ) ) ) ) ( ) ( .5



    3,ordJ /reastplate

    s%ield *( and one o$ t%e$ollo,ing: %al/erd *J pi1es *(Jcross/o, *)J ar=ue/us *(J /o,*

    Unit type Ms

    Bs 3 T , 7 A






    Cross/o,men D(0-)0per unitE

    @ ) ) ) ) ( ) ( .5

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules Upgrades

    +aggerJcross /o,

    May /e deployedas lig%t in$antry

    'and ,eapon *.5 replace+agger ,it% 3,ord *(

    Unit type M s Bs 3 T , 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;ts

    'ar=ue/usiers)" D(0* per unitE @ ) ) ) ( ) ( 5.5

    )" Most rule sets $or ,ar%ammer ma1e %andguns Qust as epensie as cross/o,s and long /o,sJ t%is is pro/lematic. 7n editions

    o$ ,ar%ammer /e$ore "t% ed. %and guns red eery ot%er turnJ as t%ey rig%tly s%ouldJ /ut t%eir cost o$ten did not re8ect t%is.

    'istoricallyJ gunpo,der replaced arro,sJ not /ecause o$ let%alityJ rangeJ or accuracy Das long /o,s ,ere certainly up t%e mar1 in

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    2=uipment 3pecial &ules Upgrades

    +agger Ar=ue/us 'and ,eapon *.5 &eplace dagger ,it% 3,ord *(

    Unit type Ms


    3 T , 7 A#d





    3,ordsmen D5-)0E) @ @ ) ) ) ( @ ( (0






    may replace /reast plate ,it% normallig%t armor $or $reeJ s%ield *(J /uc1ler

    *(J and one o$ t%e $ollo,ing /astards,ord *J add %and *(J may replaceany %and ,eapon ,it% a dagger at nocostJ pistol *

    Unit type Ms


    3 T , 7 A#d





    0- Great 3,ordsD5-(5E

    @ @ ) ) ) ( ) ( 4 4 4(@.5



    great 3,ordJ $ullplateJ 3,ord


    One unit may %ae a magicstandard *50 and magicinstrument *5

    6 97G'T3  A9+ 9OB7# 7TI 0-)5!

    Unit type Ms


    3 T , 7 A#d





    0-( 7nner Circle 1nig%tD5-0E

    @ @ ) @ ) ( ) ( 4 4 5.5

    ar%orse 4 ) 0 ) ) ( ) ( @ ) @ @



    3,ordJ $ull plate armorJlanceJ s%ield

    magic instrument *5Jmagic standard *(00

    Unit type M s Bs 3 T , 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;ts;istoliers D5-(0E @ ) ) ) ) ( ) ( (5.5'orse 4 ) 0 @ ) ( ) 0 ) ) ) )

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules Upgrades pistolsJ /reast plateJ3,ord

    s1irmis%JcaracoleA$raid o$ re

    Unit type Ms


    3 T , 7 A #d 7nt Cl ;;ts

    6nig%tly order D5-0E @ @ ) ) ) ( ) ( 4 4 @ar%orse 4 ) 0 ) ) ( ) ( @ ) @ @



    3,ordJ $ull platearmorJ lanceJ s%ield

    magic instrument *5Jmagic standard *5


    Unit type M s


    3 T , 7 A #d 7nt Cl

    ; ;ts

    all t%ese regardsE it ,as t%at ar=ue/usiers ,ere c%eaper to train so a greater num/er could /e /roug%t to t%e eldJ simply out

    num/ering traditional long/o,men ,%o too1 a li$e time to trainJ i$ not many years. Conse=uentlyJ %andgunners are presentedJ

    ,it% corners cut D3 -(J daggersJ c%eap %andgunsE to represent t%is.

    ) 7n ;i1e and 3%ot /attle eldsJ s,ordsmen ,ere o$ten used to counter pi1emen and needed to /e maneuera/le. AdditionallyJ

    t%e 2mpire rule/oo1s routinely re$er to t%e s,ordsmen as epert $encersJ ,%om 7 ,ould imagine to /e muc% more adaptie and

    creatie in t%eir ,eapon use.

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    0- &eic%sguard)4 D5-(5E

    @ @ ) ) ) ( @ ( 4 4 (@



    3,ordJ $ullplate armorJs%ield

    One unit may %ae %al/erds *J grt,pns *J 8ails *( magic standard*5J magic instrument *5

    GU992&I  A9+ 29G7922&79G  0-)5!

    Unit type M s Bs 3 T , 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;ts

    olley Gun D(-)E

    - - - - ) - - - - - - (5

    Cre, D)E @ ) ) ) ) ) 2=uipment 3pecial &ules Upgrades

    ) /arrel organgun )

    Gunnery Tools Dimproised,eaponE

    Unit type M s Bs 3 T , 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;tsGreat Cannon D(-)E - - - - ) - - - - - - (00Cre, D@E @ ) ) ) ) )

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules Upgrades@ man cannon

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    $igh /l!es

     eam #ules

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    7## A##I7T':

     To s $aor. 7t seemed appropriate to com/ine t%is rule concept ,it%

    t%e idea t%at t%ey are meant to die at a certain time.

    @ 'ig% 2les "t%J t% and 4t% ed. T%oug% modier to represent a %ide saeJ as arro,s ,ould still pierce t%e cloa1.

    50 Mord%eim ,it% some modication.

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    Army Organization


    Citizens and Militia2 )+3

    /8uestrians and Monsters2 6(+63

    9indred -u.eriors '(+63

    :ncludes characters; Army must include a general;

    Allies and Maritime Au

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    Arc%ers D(0-0E5@ 5 @ 5 ) ) ( 5 ( 4 4 ()

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

    long /o,J 3,ord sea el$ or %ig% el$J lig%t in$antry#ig%t armor *J 7t%ilmar *) W

    /8uestrians and Monsters 6(+63

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    2llyrian &eaer D5-(5 per unitE 5 @ @ ) ) ( 5 ( 4 4 (

    2len ar%orse ) 0 @ ) ( ) ( @ @ ) )

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

    3,ordJ lig%t armorJ spear %ig% el$J s1irmis% /o,s *J or s,ap spear $or /o, *( replace ,it% it%ilmar *(.5

    a$raid o$ re

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A#d





    3%ore &ider55 D5-0E

    5 5 @ ) ) ( 5 ( 4 4 (4

    2len ar%orse ) 0 @ ) ( ) ( @ @ ) )



    spearJ 3,ordJs%ield

    3ea el$D%orse mays,im usingridersunmoddedMEJ mays1irmis%

    /o,s *J aelins *(J lig%tarmor *@J 7t%ilmar *).5magical instrument *5

    a$raid o$ re

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    3iler 'elm


     D5E 5 5 @ ) ) ( 5 ( 4 4 2len ar%orse ) 0 ) ) ( ) ( @ @ ) )

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

    lance and 3,ordJ lig%tarmorJ s%ield

    'ig% el$J'eay ca.

    7t%ilmar armor *( WJ 7t%ilmar /arding *@J one unit may carry a magic standard,ort% up to 5pts

    a$raid o$ re

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

     Tiranoc C%ariot D-@E

    - - - ) - - - - - - 45

    2l$ Cre, DE 5 @ @ ) ) ( 5 ( 4 4 -2len ar%orse DE ) 0 ) ) ( ) ( @ @ ) )

    2=uipment3pecial&ules 7mproementslig%tc%ariot

    spearJ /o, High 5lf 'ight aror ,26 ithilar ,7

    a$raid o$re

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    ar,ain5 D(-@ per unitE - - - ) ( - - - - - ()0

    2l$ Cre, D@E 5 @ @ ) ) ( 5 ( 4 4

    2len ar%orse ) 0 ) ) ( ) ( @ @ ) )

    5@ ar%ammer Armies )rd ed.J %ere t%ey appeared as a *( Missile 2lite.

    55 ar%ammer Armies )rd ed. T%oug% it is not clear ,%et%er s%ore riders are 2llyrian &eaersJ t%ey are =uite compara/le and t%e

    2llyrian reaer tet alludes to t%em patrolling t%e s%ore.

    5" T%is unit is a /it interestingJ in t%e )rd ed. it appeared as a *) s%oc1 elite caalry /ut %ad t%e potential to /e %eaily upgraded

    in gearJ later siler %elms ,ere do,ngraded to ma1e room $or dragon princes D,%o used to ride dragons in t%e ) rd ed. and in t%e

    ,ar o$ t%e /eard mini ruleset.E T%e siler %elm presented %ere is as it appears in 'ig% 2les 5 t% ed.

    5 ar%ammer Armies )rd ed.

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

    'eay C%ariot 3cyt%ed ,%eels *0J magic standard *5J magic instrument *5

    3,ordJ lig%t armor %ig% el$ 3%ield *(J aelin *(J lig%t armor *J one cre, may %ae a long /o, *)

    a$raid o$ re

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    Great 2agles?Osprey54 D-"E 5 0 @ @ ) @ 4 4 4 50

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements


  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition



    sea el$s%ields *(J #arge s%ield *J replace ,it%it%ilmar *( WJ may replace spear ,it%s,ord $ree o$ c%arge

    Unit Type M3


    3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    Merc%antcompanies5 D(0-)0E

    5 @ @ ) ) ( 5 ( 4 4 ((





    sea el$

    3%ields *(J replace ,it% it%ilmar *(WJ magic instrument *5J '1) unitmust %ae long /o,s *)J other '1) may %ae spears *(J or %al/erds *Jone unit may %ae magic standard*5

    Unit Type M3


    3 T 7 A#d





    Marine /olt /atteries"0 D(-@E - - - - ) - - - - - -5

    2l$ Cre, D)E 5 @ @ ) ) ( 5( 4 4



    )0P 3@ ran1 penetrating )s%otsJ armor penetration (J nomulti-s%ot penalty

    3,ord 3ea 2l$  lig%t armor*

    Unit Type M3


    3 T 7 A #d7nt



    3%ipscompany"( D(0E

    5 @ @ ) ) ( 5 ( 4 4 ()



    long /o,J%and

    ,eaponJlig%t armor

    sea el$ Jlig%tin$antry

    great ,eapon *J s%ields *(Jgrappling %oo1 *(?J one unit may

    %ae magic standard *5J magicalinstrument *5

    5 ar%ammer Armies )rd ed.

    "0 T%e repeating /olt t%ro,er c%anged eery edition

    "( ar%ammer Armies )rd ed. And ar%ammer "t% 3torm o$ C%aos 'ig% 2l$ 3ea patrol

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition



    -aurus1=izardmen #ules

    #izardmen are neutral Order

    7MMU92  TO ;A97C" : #izardmen are immune to psyc%ology t%ey neer %ae to ta1e panic testsJ ecept in close com/at. T%ey

    do not ta1e $ear tests and pass any psyc%ology test t%ey must ta1eJ ecluding ; test. T%ey may not 8ee as a c%arge reaction.

     otem %arriors


    +ue to t%eir priileged position in societyJ no unit in t%e #izardman army may declare a c%arge or moe to engage until t%e%ig%est ran1ing totem unit %as eit%er declared a c%argeJ $oug%t a round o$ com/at or is dead. T%ey may declare c%arges t%esame turnJ so long as t%e %ig%er ran1ing one declares it rst. AdditionallyJ no totem ,arrior unit may start t%e game ,it% moremodels t%an a lesser totem ,arrior unit.

     TOT2M  ' 72&A&C'I

     Temple Guard

    " ar%ammer Armies )rd ed.

    ") 'istorically Aztec ,arriors ,ould enter com/at in order o$ ran1J relatedlyJ a similar rule appears in ar%ammer Ancients

    descri/ing t%e apanese 3amurai army. AdditionallyJ in ar%ammer Armies ) rdJ ed. T%e 3lann army $eatures a %ierarc%y o$ $rog

    soldiers ,it% t%ese names.

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    2agle and aguar arriorsAlligator arriors

    AHUAT7C :  some lizardmen %ae t%e a/ility to moe t%roug% ,ater $eatures ,it%out penalty. T%ey may not resere moe in ,ater.

     T%ey may not s%oot ,%ilst in ,ater. 2ncum/rance still aNects s,imming moement. Additionally models ,it% t%is rule may

    deploy as scouts in ,ater $eatures and may not /e targeted /y missile re or c%arges until t%e unit attempting to s%oot or c%arge

    t%em passes an intelligence test or t%e a=uatic unit moes. T%ey pretend to /e logs.

    2AG#2  A&&7O& : 2agle ,arriors pursue )dM and discount t%e lo,est alue

    3AC&2+ +UT I ?3#A99 :  %ere t%ere is a 3lann Mage and a temple guard regimentJ t%e 3lann mage must Qoin t%e regiment.

    • +uring a /attle t%e temple guard may not oluntarily leae t%e 3lann mage.

    •  T%e 3lann mage may /e placed in t%e $ront ran1J t%e rearJ in t%e center o$ a s=uare $ormation or in t%e middle o$ t%e unit,%ere %e?s%e disrupts ran1s.

    • 3lann Mages upon ;alan=uins may see oer temple guard and /e seen. 'e?s%e is a large target

    •  T%e Temple Guard carrying t%e palan=uin occupy a LL plat$orm and g%t as i$ t%ey ,ere in a $ormation.

    • &anged (- ;alan=uinJ J) X Temple Guard @J5J" 3lann Mage

    • Close com/atJ attac1s may /e made against t%e 3lann mage /ut against t%e temple guard>s s.

    • ;rotecting t%e 3lann is more important t%at maintaining ran1 and le $or t%e temple guardJ temple guard ,ill pre$erentially

    ta1e on t%e role o$ palan=uin /earer oer standing in ran1.

    • +ue to t%eir occupation %olding t%e palan=uinJ eac% temple guard li$ting t%e 3lann loses an attac1

    •  T%e palan=uin %as a moe alue e=ual to t%e num/er o$ guard %olding itJ s%ould it /e reduced to t%e 0 t%e 3lann may

    c%oose to ,al1.

    • 3%ould a 3lann %ae to ,al1 %e?s%e is reduced to a #l ( mage and may only use Minor spells "@

    =e!el ,

    3lann Mages t%at are #l" may %ae " minor spells and @ MaQor spells


    3lann and 31in1 magic users may use %iteJ GreenJ Blue as primary colors and red as a secondary color


    ;O73O9OU3   7

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition



    #izardman Ioung/lood"4 D(0*E @ ) @ ( (DE 4 @ 4 4 0

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

    'and ,eaponJ 3caly 31in 5*J /ite attac1 immune to panic 3%ield *(J spear *(

    M3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    31in1D(0*E 5 ) ) ( ) ( 5 5 5 .5


    3pecial&ules 7mproements



    31irmis% *(J 3cout *(J s%ield*(?J/uc1ler *(?J poisoned rangeattac1s D5* neurotoinE *( and oneo$ t%e $ollo,ing s%ort /o, *(?J J Qaelin *(?J /lo,pipe *(?J

    M3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    9e,tsD(0*E 5 ) ) ( ) ( 5 5 5 ).52=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements


    poison attac1sD@*9eurotoinEJpoisonous i$eatenJimmune topoison

    31irmis% *(J 3cout *(J lig%t armor*(J s%ield*.5J Buc1ler *.5J andreplace t%eir /lo,pipe ,it% eit%ers%ort /o, *.5J or aelins*(J


    B3 3 T 7 A


    7nt Cl

    ; ;t

    C%ameleon 0- unitsD5-(5E

    )" @ ) ( ) ( 5 5 5

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements%and


    31irmis%J scoutJ no


    3%ort /o,*(J poisoned

    arro,s D5*neurotoinE*(


    B3 3 T 7 A






    6roigator D(*E you may%ae up to Y units o$roug%ly e=ual size ,%ere e=uals t%e num/er o$6roigators?5 roundedup0 5 ) 0 5 @ ) ( ) @


    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements


    cause $earJ a=uaticJ MiedUnit $ormations ,it% 31in1sJarmor penetrating (J +oesn>tcount to,ard #esser 3pa,nminimum

    May replace great,eapon ,it% eit%er anadditional %and -(J ora 3%ield and %andeapon -(

     TOT2M  A&&7O&3(-50! M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t#izardman Alligator arrior @ @ ) ) @ ( (DE 5

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements'eay ArmorJ 3caly s1in 5*J%and ,eaponJ /ite attac1

    immune topanicJ a=uatic

    one o$ t%e $ollo,ing 3%ield *(J add %and *(VJ great ,eapon *JJ One unit may%ae a magic standard *5 magic music *5

    M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    #izardman aguar arrior @ @ ) ) @ (DE 5 )(

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements#ig%t armorJ s%ieldJ %and ,eaponJ3caly s1in 5*J /ite attac1

    7mmune to panicJ

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    #izardman 2agle arrior 5 @ ) @ @ (DE 5 ))

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements#ig%t armorJ s%ieldJ %and,eaponJ 3caly s1in 5*J /iteattac1

    7mmune to panicJ pursue ,it% etra dieignoring lo,estJ #ig%t in$antry

    3pears *(J aelins *(J one unit may %ae a magicstandard *5 or magic music *5

    M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    #izardman Temple Guard @ @ ) @ @ D)E 5 )

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

    3%ieldJ 3caly 31in @*J /ite attac1J%and ,eapon

    7mmune to panicJ sacredduty

    One unit may %ae a magical /anner (00* 'al/erd *J lig%tarmor *

     U9G#2 B2A3T3  0-0! M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t;terosaur &ider 5 ) ) - ) ( 5 5 5 )@

    ;terosaur ) ) @ ) @ 5 5 5

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

    %and ,eaponJ Qaelin 3%ield *(J spear *(

    Mounted *"

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    Orcs andGoblins

    #acial hierarchy ?)

    (. Giant. Ogres?trolls). Blac1 Orcs@. Big uns5. 3aage?normal Orcs". 9ig%t?


    @ Giant rules %ere are an amalgam o$ ) rd-4t% ed. rulesJ

    t%oug% giants really %aen>t c%anged muc% at all.

    5 ar%ammer )rd ed.

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    . Troops not armed ,it% ;i1esJ 'al/erd or spears get at

    -( to %it a giant"

    ). Giants may clim/ castle ,alls or onto t%e second

    leel o$ a /uilding. A Giant may /e /loc1ed /y its

    ,idt% o$ models D@ orc sized $or eampleE in a similar

    manner to a model using a ladder. Clim/ing ta1es a

    $ull moement p%ase ,%erein t%e Giant started

    ,it%in L o$ t%e ,all?/uilding.

    @. s side ,ins t%e com/at /y d".

    Thum. ith Club2 Target a single model in /ased

    contact. T%at model must pass an i test or suNer a

    single 43 %it -@ armor causing d" ,ounds. 7$ " ,ounds

    are caused t%e clu/ is lodged in t%e ground and t%egiant may not attac1 t%e $ollo,ing turn.

    @/adbutt2 Target model ta1es a 3" %it causing d

    ,oundsJ no armor. 7$ t%e model is ,ounded it may eit%er

    " ar%ammer )rd ed.

    ar%ammer 3iege )rd ed.

    4 ar%ammer 4t% ed. t%oug% really giants really %aen>t

    c%anged muc%

    not attac1 t%is turn i$ it %as not alreadyJ or it may not

    attac1 net turn i$ it %as already attac1ed t%is turn.

     um. U. and Don2 Test to $all. 7$ pass causes d" 35

    -) armor %its. Ta1e a ; testJ i$ t%e giant $ails s%e?%e

    must continue to Qump up and do,n eery turn until t%e

    unit is destroyed or routed. Units armed ,it% pi1esJ

    %al/erds or spears are esp. dangerous to Qumping

    giants. A$ter in8icting %its against suc% a unit roll a d".

    On a " t%e giant ,as pric1ed on a point and

    immediately 8ees $rom com/at to console its toe. 7t may

    not /e pursued.

    ick U. andE2 Target a model in /ase contact. T%at

    model may ma1e a single attac1. 7$ it ,ounds it is sa$e.

    Ot%er,ise roll a d"

    ( 3tuN into /ag: t%e model is no, in t%e K/agL ma1e a

    note. T%ro, /ac1 into com/at: T%e model ta1es a 35 %it. T%e

    unit ta1es d" 3) %its.) 'url: T%e model ta1es a 35 %it. Target a random enemy

    unit in (L t%at unit ta1es d" ) %its.@ 3=uas%: t%e model is dead5 2at: t%e model is dead. Ta1e a ; test. 7$ passed giant

    t%ro,s ictim D3ee ).E 7$ $ailed t%e giant munc%es

    a,ay and ,ill not pursue or $ollo, up." ;ic1 anot%er: t%e (st ictim is stuNed in t%e /ag. T%e

    giant pic1s up anot%er ictim roll again to see ,%at

    s%e?%e does

    -ing ith Club2 d" 3" %its -) armor.


    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

     Trolls D(-(0E " ) ( 5 @ ) ( ) @ @ " " "5

    -.ecial #ules

    -mash Armor2 t%e troll>s large clu/ smac1 ma1es most

    armor irreleantJ Trolls> attac1s %ae a - armor


    7ear2 Trolls cause $ear in models under (0>

    -tu.idity2 Trolls suNer $rom stupidity D#d test at

    /eginning o$ eac% turnE

    ar%ammer )rd ed.

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    #egeneration2 At t%e /eginning o$ eery turn any

    liing troll t%at %as suNered ( or more ,ounds may

    regain a single ,ound on t%e roll o$ a @*. ounds

    caused /y re may not /e regenerated in t%is manner.

    0omit2 Trolls> stomac%s create some o$ t%e most caustic

    su/stance in t%e 1no,n ,orld. Conse=uentlyJ once per

    game a unit o$ trolls may elect to omit upon t%e

    enemy. 2ac% troll $or$eits all o$ its prole attac1s and

    instead automatically in8icts a single 35 %it ,it% no

    armor sae. Against c%aracter models roll $or armor. 7$

    t%e armor saes it is destroyed. &oll a d" $or eac% ot%er

    item t%e c%aracter %as. On a " t%at item is destroyed.

     T%e c%aracter still ta1es a 35 %it. +estroyed ,eapons

    /ecome improised.

    Thum. Attack "62 Trolls may elect to $orego t%eir usual

    attac1s in $aor o$ a single t%ump attac1. -aJ *sJ *

    3J +) J -) armor.

    3 TO9 2  T&O##3

    -caly -kin2 3tone trolls %ae roug% stony s1inJ giing

    t%em a 5* coerage ,it% a single t%ic1ness

    Magic resistance2 &oc1s are intrinsically magic

    resistant and stone trolls> diet ,%ic% includes roc1s

    %elps t%em in t%is regard. T%ey %ae magic resistance

    J meaning t%ey ,ill automatically disregard any

    magical attac1 or spell>s eNects on t%e die result o$ a


    & 72&  T&O##3

    #i!er and -am. strider2 &ier trolls do not suNer

    moement penalties due to $res% ,ater $eaturesJ /ut

    may not resere moe t%roug% t%em.

    -li..ery and slimy2 &ier trolls are slimy and grimy

    and %ard to %itJ in close com/at t%e enemy suNers a -(

    to %it t%em.

    Black Orcs

    Unit Type M 3B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t


    @ @ ) @ @ ( ( 4 5 ((

    'eroes M 3B3

    3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    ( @ 5 @ @ @ ( ) 4 5 @

    @ " @ @ 5 ) )4*(


    ) @ @ 5 5 @ )*




    @ @ @ 5 5 ) @ @ * 5 4* 4* (@

    40 ar%ammer )rd ed.

    ( (

    5 @ 5 5 5 ) @ @*)





    Animosity: Blac1 Orcs are 7mmune to animosity and

    ot%er green s1ins ,ill not test against t%em.

    Gear: Blac1 Orc 'eroes may %ae gear aaila/le to

    /lac1 Orcs in t%e army list


    Unit Type

    M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t


    @ ) ) ) @ ( ( 5 4.5


    @ @ ) @ @ ( ( 5 (0.5

    'eroes M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    ( @ @ @ @ @ ( ) 5 ))

    @ 5 @ @ 5 ) ) 4*( 5 "(

    ) @ 5 @ @ 5 @ )4*




    @ @ " @ @ 5 ) @ @*)




    5 @ " 5 5 5 ) @ @*)





    3pecial &ules

    B 7G  U9>3: any one orc unitDecluding /lac1 orcsE may

    /e upgraded to /ig uns pts?modelJ *(sJ *(3J and a

    may get a standard up,ards o$ 5 ptsJ units upgraded

    to /ig uns ta1e up /ig un and rider unit selection.

    Gear: Orc %eroes may %ae gear aaila/le to Orcs in

    t%e army list

    -a!age Orcs


    @ ) ) ) @ ( ( 5 5.5

    'eroes M 3B3

    3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    ( @ @ @ @ @ ( ) 5 ))

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    @ 5 @ @ 5 ) )4*(

    5 "(

    ) @ 5 @ @ 5 @ )4*




    @ @ " @ @ 5 ) @ @*)




    5 @ " 5 5 5 ) @ @*)





    -.ecial #ules

    Afraid of %armachines and chariots"' 

    7renzy: 3aage orcs are su/Qect to $renzy

    %ar aint")2 3aage Orcs /enet $rom a "* ,ard sae

    Big Un5s2 3aage Orcs may also /e upgraded to Big


    Gear =imitations: 3aage Orc 'eroes are limited to

    any gear aaila/le to 3aage Orcs in t%e army list

    7orest Goblins

    4( ar%ammer Armies )rd ed.

    4 e t%oug%t it ,ould /e more appropriate i$ t%e ,ar paint

    $acilitating t%em getting into t%e g%tJ similar to %istorical

    groups t%e Boer &e/ellion or #a1ota uprisings ,%o /elieed

    t%ey ,ere inulnera/le to %iteman>s /ullets.

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    Gear =imitations: Go/lin 'eroes may %ae any gear

    aaila/le to go/lins in t%e army list

    >ight Goblins

    Unit TypeM


    B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    9ig%tGo/lins @ ) ) ) ( ) ( 5 5 5 5




    B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    ( @ ) @ @ ) ( @ 5 5 5 5 (5

    @ @ @ @ @ @ )

    "*( 5 5 5 4

    )@ @ @ @ @ 5 )

    * 5


    "*( @0

    @@ 5 @ @ @ ) " @

    * 5


    "*( 5)

    5@ 5 5 @ @ ) " @




    * "5

    -.ecial #ules

    7ear /l!es: 9ig%t Go/lins $ear any unit o$ eles t%ey do

    not outnum/er :(

    $ate Dar!es and Gnomes

    Gear =imitations: 9ig%t Go/lin 'eroes are limited to

    gear aaila/le to 9ig%t go/lins in t%e army list /ut may

    also %ae great ,eapons


    • Up to ) $anatics may %ide in a single nig%t go/lin unit

    •  T%ey stay t%ereJ %iddenJ until a non-8ying enemy comes

    ,it%in 4L ,%ereupon t%ey are immediately released.• %en released all moement on t%e /oard is momentarily

    pausedJ t%e $anatics are immediately eac% moed d"L in

    predetermined directions•

    7$ t%ey collide ,it% a unitJ moe t%em (L /eyond t%at unit. T%e unit struc1 ta1es d" 35 - armor %its• A$ter t%e $anatics %ae made t%eir initial moeJ unpause

    t%e ot%er units and t%eir controllers may opt ,%et%er to

    continue ,it% t%eir maneuers or %alt $or t%at p%ase• +uring eac% su/se=uent compulsory p%ase eac% $anatic

    moes in a random direction d"L T%e roll o$ a dou/les in

    t%ese su/se=uent moements indicates t%at t%e $anatic

    %as strangled %imsel$ or collapsed $rom e%austion.• Collision ,it% di]cult terrainJ linear o/staclesJ or /uildings

    ,ill also 1ill t%e $anatic. Buildings ta1e d" 35 %its.• A unit t%at moes t%roug% a $anatic ta1es %its as a/oe. A

    unit t%at stops atop a $anatic ta1es an additional d" %its

    and t%e $anatic is remoed as a casualty.• 7mmune to ;syc%ology

    -8uig $o..ers

    Unit Type M3


    3 T 7 A#d





    3=uig %oppers D5-(5E


    @ 0 5 ) ( 5 @ (

    -.ecial #ules


    Count as ca!alry

     To moeJ nominate a direction during t%e declare

    c%arges p%aseJ t%ey t%en moe )+"L in t%at direction

    during t%e moe c%argers p%ase. Any enemy unit t%ey

    %ad #O3 o$ at t%e /eginning o$ t%e turn and are ,it%in

    t%at distance and direction are c%arged or i$ distance

    ,ould put t%e unit directly on top o$ an enemy t%ey

    could not see.

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    3=uig %oppers ignore all terrain moement penalties

    een impassa/le terrainJ ,it% t%e $ollo,ing caeat: t%ey

    cannot cross ,ater $eatures Ds,ampsJ /ogsJ pondsJ

    la1esJ riersJ oceans etc.E T%ey may only cross suc% a

    $eature i$ t%eir moe ,ould put t%em on t%e $ar side

    meaning t%ey Qust Qumped rig%t oer it. 7$ t%ey

    ot%er,ise ne t%emseles in a ,ater $eature t%ey are

    remoed as casualties.

    'oppers pursue li1e normal s=uigsJ d"L

    7n t%e eent t%at t%e s=uigs route $rom com/at t%e

    riders are s%a1en oN and it KpopsL li1e loose s=uigsJ see

    s=uig entry /elo,

    :mmune to sychology

    -8uig $erders

    Unit Type M3


    3 T 7 A#d



    ; ;t


    @ 0 5 ) ( 5 @ (@

    3=uig %andlers D-("E

    @ ) ) ) ( ) ( 5 5 5 5

    -.ecial #ules

    -8uigs2 $ollo, animal trainers in t%e )rd ed. Boo1. it%

    t%e $ollo,ing eceptionsJ 3=uigs and %erders must /e

    purc%ased in ratios o$ ): t%oug% an ecess o$ %erders is

    neJ in t%e eent t%e unit panics or t%e %erders are all

    dead t%e unit KpopsL li1e "t% ed. loose s=uigsJ t%at isJ

    eac% s=uig moes d"L in a ,eig%ted scatter direction.

    And t%ey moe in t%is manner eac% compulsory p%ase.

    7$ t%ey land upon a model t%ey ma1e t,o attac1s and

    immediately Qump againJ t%ey may only /e attac1ed

    /ac1 /y models o$ %ig%er initiatieJ ,eapons t%at

    proide initiatie modiers s. 8yers ,ould /enet

    against s=uigs in t%is manner. A$ter ma1ing t%eir

    attac1sJ Qump t%em in a ,eig%ted scatter direction

    againJ continue t%is process until t%ey don>t land on a

    model. 7$ you roll dou/lesJ remoe t%e s=uig $rom play

    as t%ey %ae e%austed t%emseles or simply KpoppedL

    $rom oer stimulation.

    ^3=uigs pursue d"L4@

    4@ 3ince animals pursue at a rate diNerent t%an %andlersJ it

    seems implied t%at t%e s=uigs> M o$ @ re8ects t%e %erders>

    moementJ ,%ereas ,e mig%t in$er t%at t%e d"L commonly

    re$erred re8ects t%eir actual moement


    Unit Type M 3B3

    3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    3notlings D5-0E @ 5 ) 5 @ @ @ @ )0

    -.ecial #ules

    -.ore %ea.ons: 3 o$ userJ t%ro,n ,eaponJ no armorJ "L

    rangeJ ( s%ot per plat$ormJ ;lace a (L radius template. &oll to

    %it and scatter /y %o, muc% t%e unit misses /y. All models

    touc%ing t%e template are %it. May 3tand and s%oot.

    Mimic: snotlings mimic t%e psyc%ology o$ t%e nearest

    go/linoid unit ,it%in (L T%at isJ so long as t%e closest

    go/linoid unit is not panic1ing t%ey ,ill not panic. And i$

    t%e closest unit is $renzied t%ey ,ill /e $renzied etc.45

    -notling um. %agon

    Unit Type M 3B3

    3 T 7 A#d

    7nt Cl ; ;t

    ;ump agonD(E


    - - ) ( - - - - - @0

    3notling cre, @ 5 ) 5 @ @ @ @

    um. %agon",

    45 Orcs and Go/lins @t% ed.

    4" T%ese are largely ta1en $rom ar%ammer Armies ) rd ed.

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    (. Must moe +"L eac% turnJ turn radius o$ a

    lig%t c%ariot. +4 3" 7mpact %its.). May not resere moeJ a pump ,agon

    engaged in t%e 8an1 or rear may moe

    despite /eing engaged.@. &anged (- snotling )-" ,agon5. Melee (- ,agonJ )-" snotlings". 7$ a snotling ,agon collides ,it% a $riendly

    unit it impacts it as i$ it ,ere and enemy unit. On t%e c%arge t%e snotling cre, may not

    attac1.4. 'eay pump ,agon dou/les t%e cre, Dadding

    a top plat$ormE allo,ing t%e additional cre,

    to attac1 on t%e c%arge



    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    ar /oar ) 0 ) @ ( ) ( ) @ @ @ ("

    -.ecial #ules

    Boar charge: /oars get * 3J * 7J -( armor sae ,%en

    t%ey c%arge

    Thick skinned: a model mounted on a /oar gains a @*

    %ide sae

    DiFcult to control: any Cl or #d test ta1en /y a /oar>s

    rider is at a -(

    >o Barding: ,oles and /oars may not %ae /arding



    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    ol$ ) 0 ) ) ( ) ( ) @ @ @ 4

    4 ar%ammer armies )rd ed.

    44 ar%ammer Armies )rd edJ ecept t%e 3

    0icious: ,oles must $ollo, up and pursue

    :m.atient: at t%e /eginning o$ t%e controlling player>s

    turn i$ t%e ,oles are in c%arge distance DMLE o$ a unit

    %al$ t%eir size t%ey must pass a #d test or c%arge an

    enemy. At nig%tJ ,oles %ae nig%t ision *@ #O3.

    Afraid of &re

    Giant -.iders


    Unit Type



    3 T 7 A#d





    3pider ) 0 @ ) ( ( ( 5 ) "

    -.ecial #ule

    Cree.ing assault: ,%en assaulting a /uilding t%e

    spiders may participate in t%e assaultJ additionally t%ey

    may use t%eir additional moe to assault 8oors t%at are

    oN t%e ground.

    oisoned Attacks: 9eurotoin

    7ear 7ire

    7gnore moement penalties $rom terrain ecept ,ater.


    4 #argely deried $rom Orcs and Go/lins t% ed.

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    7iring the Doomdi!er: 7nnite rangeJ

    (. 9ominate a target in #O3J. guess distanceJ). scatter as normalJ D3ee Misre c%art in t%e eent o$ a

    misre result on artillery dieE

    @. t%en moe t%e template +"L to,ard t%e target pointDt%is may lead to oercompensationE

    5. place (L radius templateJ model directly under ta1e

    "3 +) ,ounds - armorJ ot%er,ise all models een

    partially %it suNer )3.

    +oomdier Misre C%art

    (. T%e giant slings%ot is pulled /ac1 too $ar and snaps

    ,%ipping t%roug% t%e air. T%e go/lin cre, ta1e d" 35%its and t%e catapult is destroyed.

    . T%e ammo go//o panics at t%e last moment

    scram/ling to escape. T%,ang T%e doomdier res

    as normalJ ecept t%at it is scattered t,iceJ treats

    $urt%er rolls o$ misre t%at turn as ( and does not

    moe d"L to,ard t%e target as %e is somersaulting

    t%roug% t%e air.

    ). Creeee1 T%e cre, %ae ,inc%ed t%e /and /ac1 to

    $ar causing t%e $rame to ,%ine. T%e +oomdier ta1es

    an 43 %it. 7$ t%is ,ould destroy t%e +oomdier t%e

    cre, ta1es d" 35 %its.

    @. Bounce T%e go/lin is launc%ed nearly %orizontally.+ra, a line d" (0L straig%t $or,ard $rom t%e

    doomdierJ t%e rst model?Unit?terrain in t%is line

    ta1es d" 3@ %its.

    5. %ut 7tz 7z Turn %et%er its a mis%ap ,it% t%e

    mac%inery or con$usion oer ,%o is t%e ammunitionJ

    t%e cre, $or t%e entire /attery is caug%t up

    s=ua//ling or running a/out con$usedly.

    ". ild s%ot. T%e doomdier res in a ,eig%ted scatter

    direction "d (0LJ don>t scatter or adQust to,ard t%e


    Cre1Ammo: +oomdiers come ,it% a nite cre, and

    ammunitionJ eac% time a doomdier catapult is red

    remoe one cre, as a casualty. Conse=uently

    doomdiers may /e purc%ased as /atteries o$ multiple

    catapults t%at ,ould all dra, upon t%e same pool o$

    go/lin cre,?ammunition. O/iouslyJ a doomdier may

    not re %imsel$J so a doomdier catapult may not re i$

    it %as a single cre, man le$tJ similarly doomdiers are

    aNected /y normal cre, loss rules. 7n t%e eent o$ t%e

    ,armac%ine>s destruction t%e cre, may eit%er gun

    ot%er orc and go/lin ,armac%ines or $orm into a

    regiment in t%eir o,n rig%tJ t%oug% armed ,it% only

    %and ,eapons. Use o$ Go/lins as ammo can cause panic

    to t%e remaining doomdier cre,.

    anic: +oomdiers cause an automatic panic test to /e

    ta1en /y any go/lin unit t%ey %it


    3aage Orc 3%amans3aage Orc3%aman



    3 T 7 A#d




    ( @ @ ) @ @ ( ( "*(



    @ @ ) @ @ (4*(




    ) @ 5 ) @ 5 (4*




    @ @ 5 @ @ 5 ) (4*




    5 @ " 5 @ 5 ) (4*








    )a saage orc unit ,it% a s%aman gets *( to its ,ar paintsae.;rimary: Blac1J &ed3econdary: GreenJ

    Orc 3%amansOrc3%aman



    3 T 7 A #d7nt



    ( @ @ ) @ @ ( ( "*(



    @ @ ) @ @ (4*(




    ) @ 5 ) @ 5 (4*




    @ @ 5 @ @ 5 ) (4*




    5 @ " 5 @ 5 ) (4*





    ;rimary: &ed3econdary: GreenJ Blue

    9ig%t Go/lin 3%amans9ig%tGo/lin3%aman



    3 T 7 A#d




    ( @ ) ) @ ) ( ) ( 5"*(



    @ ) ) @ ) ) ("*(




    ) @ @ ) @ @ ) (*





    @ @ @ @ @ @ ) ) (*




    5 @ 5 ) @ ) ) (*





    9ig%t go/lins start t%e game ,it% d) magic mus%rooms.Magic mus%rooms may /e eaten DusedE ,%ile casting aspell to add an additional mana die to t%e castingattempt. 7$ t%e magic mus%room die results in a ( t%ensomet%ing %orri/le %as %appenedJ roll a )d" and consultt%e miscast ta/le.

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    ;rimary: Blac1J Blue3econdary: &ed

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    MOB3  ))!*

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    Orc Boys D(0-)0E0 @ ) ) ) @ ( ( 5 4.5

    2=uipment3pecial &ules 7mproements

    'and ,eaponJ lig%tarmorJ s%ield

     'al/erds *J 3pears *(J add %and *(J one unit may %ae great,eapons * or a magic /anner up to 5 pts

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    Orc Arrer Boys D(0-)0E( @ ) ) ) @ ( ( 5 .52=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

    /o,J %and,eapon

     #ig%t in$antryJ May s1irmis% *(pt

    3%ields *(J lig%t armor *J one unit may %ae cross/o,s *

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    Go/lin Arc%ers D0-50E @ ) ) ) ( ( " 5 " 5 )

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

    %and ,eaponJ s%ort /o,

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    Go/lin ol$ &iders D5-0E

    @ ) ) ) ( ( 5 5 5 5 ((

    ol$ ) 0 ) ) ( ) ( ) @ @ @

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

     'and ,eapon

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;tGo/lin /attle C%ariot D(-"E - - - ) ( - - - - - "5Go/lin Cre, DE @ ) ) ) ( ( 5 5 5 5

    ol$ @ 0 ) ) ( ) ( ) @ @ @

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproementsUpgrading /y at least one ,ol$ ma1es it a%eay c%ariot

    more cre, D).5* eac%E scyt%es *0J add,ol$ *@

     #ig%t ArmorJ %and,eapon

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t&ier Trolls D(-(0E " ) ( 5 @ ) ( ) @ @ " " 52=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

    'and ,eaponormal Goblins




    3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl;


    ( @ ) @ @ ) ( ) " 5 " 5(5

    @ @ @ @ @ ) )*(

    5 " 54

    ) @ @ @ @ @ @ ) * 5 * "* @

    ( ( ( 0

    @ @ 5 5 @ @ ) 5 @*(




    5 @ 5 " @ @ ) 5 @4*








    3 T 7 A#d




    ( @ ) ) @ ) ( ( ""*(



    @ ) ) @ ) (*(




    ) @ @ ) @ @ (



    * "




    @ @ @ @ @ @ ) (4*




    5 @ 5 ) @ ) (4*





    7orest Goblins

    Go/lin M


    B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl

    ; ;t

    ( @ ) @ @ ) ( ) 5 5 5 5(5

    @ @ @ @ @ ) )"*(

    5 5 54

    ) @ @ @ @ @ 5 )*




    @ @ 5 5 @ @ ) 5 @*




  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition



    -ka!en team -.ecial


    31aen Are C%aotic 2il

    3 T&2 9GT '  79 9UMB2&3:)

     *( Cl $or eac% $ull ran1ecluding t%e rst to a maimum /enet o$ *). Units mayeit%er /enet $rom t%e general>s Cl modier or t%is modierJt%ey are non-cumulatie. 7$ t%e unit %as a c%aracterJ t%ismodier may act li1e a c%aracter>s modier eit%er additie orsu/tractie. 2.g. to $acilitate $ailing a $renzy test.


  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    an enemy place t%em in /ase contact as i$ t%ey ,ere

    c%argingJ /ut also g%ting $rom lo, ground.



    Assassin Gear

    3MO62  BOMB37$ t%e assassin /rea1s $rom com/atJ 8eesJ or ,it%dra,s $rom

    com/at t%e enemy must pass an initiatie test in order to

    pursue %im

    lague Monks


    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    ;lague Mon1s 5 ) ) ) @ ( @ ( 5 5 3pecial &ules

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    Beast master 5 ) ) ) ) ( @ ( " " 5 .5

    &at Ogre " ) @ 5 ) ) 5 @ 5 )4

    C%aos 'ounds " @ 0 @ @ @ " @ " " 03pecial &ules

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    %en t%e doom,%eel runs into somet%ing it causes d"*

    impact %its at 3 -" armor. T%e doom,%eel may penetrate

    ran1s li1e a ,edge i$ it 1ills su]cient models /et,een it and

    t%e rear o$ t%e unit to clear an entire pat% ,ide enoug% $or

    t%e model. 7n su/se=uent rounds o$ com/at t%e ,%eel does

    only d) impact %its

    C&2 A TTAC6 3

    As per normalJ t%e doom,%eel>s cre, and animals may

    attac1 in close com/at. 9ote t%at t%e engineer is %ig% upJ so

    %e may only attac1 do,n ,it% a pistol or ot%er long ,eaponJand conersely may only /e attac1ed /y models oer (0> tall

    or ,ielding spearsJ %al/erdsJ or pi1es

    < 7G'T79G   T'2  +OOM'22#

    +oom,%eels are $oug%t in t%e same manner as c%ariots. T%at

    isJ %its in close com/at and ranged are randomized.

    3%ooting Close Com/at

    (arpstoneGenerator (


    -@ %eel -) %eel

    5 &ats @-5 &ats

    " 2ngineer " 2ngineer

    +AMAG2  TO   T'2  ;A&T3


     T%e doom,%eel ,ill go in a random direction eery turnJ roll

    a scatter die and it goes in a straig%t line. T%e ,arp-lig%tning

    /olts are released eac% turn i$ a/le

    The %heels

    7$ t%e ,%eels are destroyed t%e ,%ole doom,%eel is smas%ed

    to piecesJ t%e cre, peris% as ,ell

    %ar.stone Generartor

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    s%ots Dincluding t%ose rolled t%at caused t%e misreE are red

    in t%e direction s%o,n /y t%e arro, and target t%e rst unit in

    #O3 and range. &oll t%e %it.

    +ou/le 5 or "J Blam T%e ,eapon /uilds up ecessie

    pressure and t%e release mec%anism loc1s s%ut. 9o s%ots are

    red t%is turnJ t%e ,eapon eplodes and t%e cre, is torn to


    #atling guns may stand and &re

    /ncumbrance D3ee arpre T%ro,er

    =oss of Cre D3ee arpre t%ro,erE

    %arlock /ngineer


    A&;#OC6  ; 73TO#

    3ame &ules as ;istol ecept 35 and magical

    AOC6  A&HU2BU3

    3ame as Ar=ue/us ecept 35 and magical

    A& ;  B#A+2

    May /e com/ined ,it% any close-com/at ,eapon allo,ed to

    %eroes. Allo,s t%e engineer to cast ,arp lig%tning

    A& ;  292&GI  CO9+2932&

    Allo,s t%e arloc1 2ngineer to cast arp lig%tning ,it% an

    additional magic die t%an %is leel allo,s

    A& ;-;O2&  ACCUMU#ATO&

    Gies t%e 31aen player *( magic die eac% turn

    0ermin =ord Greater

    Daemon of the $orned #at

    3pecial &ules

    ermin #ords $ollo, all o$ t%e rules $or Greater +aemons

    $ound in t%e Magical Creature BestiaryJ reproduced %ere $or


    O T'2& O& #+#I C&2ATU&23 : 

    +aemons are ot%er,orldly entities eisting on a separate

    plane $rom mortal /eings. Conse=uently t%ey /enet $rom a

    * ard sa!e ersus mundane ,eapons and attac1s

    All attacks made /y daemons are magical

    +A2MO9 ;3IC'O#OGI : 

    +aemons are immune to .sychology ecept tests induced

    /y e=ual or greater deamons

    Greater +aemons cause fear ')I to all t%ings

    %en a daemon ,ould normally ta1e a panic or /rea1 testJ

    roll as normal using ; instead o$ Cl. 7$ t%e daemon ,ould

    normally $ail instead t%e unit ta1es ,ounds distri/uted as per

    missile re e=ual in num/er to %o, muc% it $ailed t%e testJ no

    armor?,ard sae.

    =arge Target

    +OOM G#A72: ,ounds $rom t%e ermin #ord cause d)


    ermin #ords are ll @ and may use eit%er black(red or


    May not be the general or subcommander

    -creaming Bell


     T%e /ell %as an M alue e=ual t%e %al$ t%e rats pus%ing it Din

    /ase contactE to a maimum o$ 5L. T%e /ell moes li1e a

    %eay c%ariot. 7t may ,%eel and c%arge ,it% unitJ /ut it may

    not turn or marc%. T%e Bell ta1es damage going t%roug%

    o/stacles and roug% terrain in t%e same manner as a c%ariot.

    3creaming /ells are placed in t%e middle o$ t%e $ront ran1 li1e

    a standard /earer. Unless t%e 31aen unit is at least @ models

    M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    ermin #ord 4 4 @ (0 "4*(



    4*( "50

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    ,ide on eit%er side o$ t%e screaming /ellJ t%e /ell eNectiely

    nullies any ran1 /onuses $or t%e unit pus%ing it.

    < 7G'T79G   T'2  B2##

     T%e /ell is large enoug% t%at it may /e singled out /y ranged

    re. Ot%er,ise s%ooting and close-com/at against t%e

    3creaming /ell is compara/le to g%t a c%ariot.

    3%ooting Close Com/at

    ( Grey 3eer (- Grey 3eer

    -) Bell Carriage )-@ Bell Carriage

    @-5 3creaming Bell 5 3creaming Bell

    " 3tri1er " 3tri1er7$ t%e /ell is struc1 /y 3" or greater it immediately counts as

    /eing struc1 out o$ se=uence roll immediately.

    On t%e c%arge t%e /ell causes d" 3" impact %its and t%e grey

    seer and stri1er may /ot% participate in close com/at.

    +epending on your screaming /ell modelJ t%e Grey seer

    may/e gain )"0 #O3 $rom an eleated position so t%at %e can

    see oer interposing terrain and models D,it%in reasonE

     T%oug% t%ey are a template ,eaponJ a cannon ,ill only %it

    one part o$ t%e screaming /ell and s%ould /e randomized li1e

    ot%er ranged ,eapons.

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    Assassin ;riceAdditional 'andeapon (

    3,ord 0.5


  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    Unit Ty.e M %- B- - T % : A =d :nt Cl % t

    lague censer bearers J)(+K 5 @ 0 @ @ ( @ ( " " 5 (5

    /8ui.ment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

    lague Censer 3ee 2ntry

    Unit Ty.e M %- B- - T % : A =d :nt Cl % t

    Beast master J'(4K 5 ) ) ) ) ( @ ( " " 5 .5

    #at Ogre " ) @ 5 ) ) 5 @ 5 )4

    Chaos $ounds " @ 0 @ @ @ " @ " " 0

    /8ui.ment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

    hand ea.on animal %andler may command -" U3 o$ models 3%ield .5*. #ig%t armor *(


  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    -ka!en Character '()+3


    Grayseers may %ae /lac1J red and /lue as primary colors and green as a secondary color. ;lagued ;riests may only %ae /lac1-

    green as t%eir color.

    Allies 6()+3

     May ally ,it% Orcs and Go/linsJ C%aosJ C%aos +,aresJ BeastmenJ +ar1 2les and s c%oice.

    • Units may not use %er?%is #dJ 7ntJ ClJ or p. • 7$ s%e?%e is in a unit t%at /rea1s or 8ees t%ey must 8ee ,it% t%at unit.

    • May /e deployed indiidually as a scout

    JCharacter choiceK M %- B- - T % : A =d :nt Cl % t

    0ermin =ord 4 4 @ (0 " 4*( * 4*( 4*( "50

    -ka!en heroes M %- B- - T % : A =d :nt Cl % t

    Clan Chieftain J'K 5 @ @ @ ) ( 5 " " 5 4

    Clan %arlord J)K 5 5 @ @ @ 5 ) *( " 5 50

    0ermin =ord J*K 5 5 @ @ @ ) " ) 4* " "*( 4*(

    -eer Tyrant J4K 5 " @ @ @ @ @ *) " "*( 4*( 5

    =ord of Decay J+K 5 " 5 @ @ @ @ *) 4* * *( ((

    -ka!en izards M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    %arlock engineer J'K 5 @ ) @ ) ( @ ( " *( "*( 4*( (5

    .lagued .riest J'K 5 @ ) ) ) 5 " " 5 4*( 5"

    .lagued .riest J)K 5 @ ) ) @ 5 *( *( 5 * (00

    Grey -eer J4K 5 5 @ @ @ @ " ( 4* *) * (0*) 00

    Grey -eer J+K 5 " 5 @ @ @ ( *) *) 4*) (0*) )5

    Assassin M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    -trangler J'K " 5 @ @ ) ( 5 " )

    Culler J)K " " @ @ @ 5 ) 4*( "

    Garrotter J*K " " @ @ @ ) " ) * " 4*( 4*( (0@

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    The #ealm of Bretonnia

    Bretonnians are Good order

    Magic: Bretonnians may use ,%iteJ greenJ /lue;

      he Blessing of the =ady


     T%e #ady o$ t%e #a1e is t%e ;atron Goddess o$ t%e Bretonnian people. 7n /attle s%e protects t%e rig%teous $rom %arm. Be$ore t%e

    /attle startsJ a$ter deploymentJ /ut /e$ore turn order %as /een esta/lis%edJ t%e Bretonnian player may decide to pray $or t%e

    protection o$ t%e lady. 7$ %e does t%en on t%e rst turn %is soldiers Decluding alliesE may not moe as t%ey must pray to t%e lady.

    7n su/se=uent turnsJ models ,it% t%e 1nig%t>s o, gain a 5* ,ard sae against missile and magical attac1s. 7$ a model 8ees or

    re$uses a c%allenge it loses t%e $aor o$ t%e lady and conse=uently t%e 5* ,ard sae.

    Allies: May ally ,it% 'al8ingsJ Old orldersJ and ood eles to g%t c%aotic or 2il $oes

    Mercenaries: 'al$ OrcsJ OgresJ d,aresJ norseJ old ,orlders

    9nightly 0irtues: Bretonnian martial society is largely dened /y a %ierarc%y o$ pledges and oat%s. T%ese

    oat%s are a series o/ligationsJ reciprocal relations%ips and ideological tendencies t%at ultimately mani$est on t%e /attle eld in

    arious ,ays. %at $ollo,s is a series o$ irtues or o,s t%at are ta1en during a 1nig%t>s li$e in order and are cumulatie.









    • A 6nig%t o$ Bretonnia may not use a ranged ,eapon under any circumstance. AdditionallyJ suc% is t%eir disdain $or

    co,ardly /o,s and rearms t%at 1ill a man at distanceJ 6nig%ts %ate any enemy model t%at carries a missile ,eapon.• A 1nig%t s%all al,ays accept a duel. 7$ a 1nig%t o$ Bretonnia re$uses a c%allengeJ %e %as $or$eited %is $amily>s %onor. Iou

    automatically lose t%at model>s ictory points regardless i$ %e s%ould $all in /attle. AdditionallyJ t%e unit %e is ,it% may no

    longer use %is #d or coolness modier.• Models ,it% t%e 6nig%t>s o, loo1 upon t%e lo,er classes ,it% contempt. T%ey do not suNer any psyc%ology imposed /y

    8eeing or ot%er,ise models ,it% t%e peasant>s duty rule.• 9o 1nig%t unit may /e Qoined /y a model ,it% a lo,er o,.

    HU23T79G  O

    Models ,it% t%e Huesting o, may not use a lance o$ any 1ind. DGrail 1nig%ts are not /ound to t%is restrictionE• An army /earing Huesting 1nig%ts must also %ae a /aggage train in order to sustain t%e 1nig%ts on t%e constant tre1

    • Huesting 1nig%ts may reroll any $ailed coolnessJ ill;o,erJ or #eaders%ip test.

    G&A7# O

    • Models ,it% t%e Grail o, al,ays /egin t%e game ,it% t%e /lessing o$ t%e #ady

    •  T%ey are also immune to ;syc%ology

    •  T%ey ma1e magical attac1s

    • may issue and accept c%allenges as i$ t%ey ,ere all %ero models.

    easant5s Duty

    Ultimately ;easants are t%e ery $eet upon ,%ic% Bretonnia stands t%oug% t%is ,ould neer /e admitted /y t%e aristocracyJ

    /elieing t%emseles superior /ot% morally and p%ysically. 3trangely enoug%J t%e ruling class %as coninced t%e peasants o$ t%e

    trut% o$ t%eir ,orldie,. Conse=uentlyJ models ,it% t%e ;easant>s duty may use t%e #eaders%ip o$ any model ,it% t%e 6nig%t>s

    o, ,it%in "L

    AdditionallyJ i$ t%e army contains a /aggage trainJ it must contain a unit o$ peasants.(0" 

    Captured standards $rom peasants do not con$er ictory points neit%er may t%ey claim ictory points $or /anners t%ey capture

    9o unit o$ ;easants may /e led /y a Bretonnian %ero DMagic usersJ on t%e ot%er %andJ mayE o$ leel ) or greater.


    Other -.ecial #ules

    (0@ Bretonnia "t% ed.

    (05 Bretonnia 5t% ed.

    (0" 3omeone>s gotta do t%e ,or1.

    (0 T%ey %ae irtues ,%ic% allo, t%is to %appenJ so it ,ould suggest t%e no/ility can>t normally do t%is.

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    7M;2TUOU3 : Ioung no/les o$ Bretonnia are so eager to proe t%emseles and earn t%eir 1nig%t%ood t%at t%ey ,ill o$ten t%ro,

    t%emseles at t%e enemy. A$ter c%arges %ae /een declared /y /ot% sidesJ i$ an enemy is ,it%in ML o$ t%e 1nig%ts errantJ t%ey

    must pass a Cl test in order to restrain t%emseles $rom c%arging t%e enemy. 7$ t%e unit $ails and c%arges t%ey /ecome immune to

    psyc%ology $or t%e duration o$ t%e turn.

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition


    'eay Armor )

    Barding @


    ar%orse "

    ;egasus (5

    9OB7#7TI  5-5!

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    6nig%ts 2rrant D5*E @ ) ) ) ) ( ) ( " " (.5

    ar %orse 4 ) 0 ) ) ( ) ( 5 5 5 5

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements#anceJ %eay armorJ s%ieldJ s,ords 7mpetuousJ 1nig%ts o,J %eay caalry one unit may %ae /anner *5

      *@ /arding

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    +ismounted 6nig%ts o$ t%e realm @ @ ) ) ) ( ) ( 4 4 (0.5

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

    %eay armorJ s%ieldJ s,ord 1nig%ts o, Great ,eapon *J morning star*(J any unit may %ae /anner *5

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    (* 6nig%ts o$ t%e &ealm D5*E @ @ ) ) ) ( ) ( 4 4 .5

    ar %orse 4 ) 0 ) ) ( ) ( 5 5 5 5

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

    #anceJ %eay armorJ s%ieldJ s,ord 1nig%ts o,J %eay caalry any unit may %ae /anner *5


    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    0-( ;egasus 1nig%ts D)-(0E @ @ ) ) ) ( ) ( 4 4

    ;egasus 4 ) 0 @ ) ( @ ( ) @ ) )

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

    #anceJ %eay armorJ s%ieldJ 3,ord 1nig%ts o,

  • 8/15/2019 Ravening Hordes: Old Grumbler Edition



    ;easants dutyJley

    3%ield *.5J and one o$ t%e $ollo,ing /o,*(J spear *.5J 'al/erd *( no unit may%ae a standardJ nor musician

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    Men-at-arms D(0*E @ ) ) ) ) ( ) (

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

    'and ,eaponJ lig%t armor ;easants duty 3%ield *(J pais*J 'al/erds*J 3pear *(J 3,ords *.5

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    #ong Bo,men D(0*E @ ) ) ) ) ( ) ( 42=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

    daggerJ long/o,

    ;easants dutyJ lig%tin$antry

    lig%t armor*J de$ensie sta1es *( per model in $ront ran1J %and ,eapon *.5J 3,ord *(Js1irmis% *(

    mounted yeomen D5-(0E @ ) ) ) ) ( ) ( " " " " (5

    'orse 4 ) 0 ) ) ( ) 0 5 5 @ @

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

    %and ,eaponJ spear F /o, ;easants dutyJ $ast caalry lig%t armor* /ut lose $ast caalryJ s%ields *(


    A&T7##2&I  0-(0!

    Unit Type M 3 B3 3 T 7 A #d 7nt Cl ; ;t

    eld tre/uc%et D(-@E - - - - @ - - - - - - 0;easants D@E @ ) ) ( ( " " " "

    2=uipment 3pecial &ules 7mproements

      catapult ,it% @ cre,May upgrade to 5 man catapult $or 0 ptsMay upgrade to " man catapult $or @0 pts

    7mproised ,eapon ;easants duty

    Tomb 9ings Tom/ 6ings are 9eutral Order


    #ic%e ;riests o$ t%e tom/ 6ings use Blac1 and %ite MagicJ tom/ 1ings are neutral in dispositionJ t%oug% enge$ul uponany ,%o enter t%eir realm uninited.


     Tom/ 6ings Armies are supported /y a %ierarc%y o$ priests. At t%e %ead o$ t%is %ierarc%y is t%e 'ierop%ant responsi/le$or sustaining eac% particular army group. Be$ore t%e /attle you must elect $rom your %ig%er most ran1ing lic%es to /et%e %ierop%ant. All undead units in play and not lead /ut a lic% or Tom/ lord may use %is?%er #dJ ClJ 7ntJ and ;modiers. 7n t%e eent o$ t%is model>s deat%J at t%e /eginning o$ eac% tom/ 1ing compulsory p%

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