reaching the unreached - lrbt€¦ · reaching and treating the unreached. 14 of lrbt’s 19 eye...

Post on 18-Jul-2020






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established the Layton rahmatulla Benevolent

trust in 1984, laying down an inspiring vision,

an audacious mission and 4 founding values.

Graham Layton and Zaka Rahmatulla

our foundinGPrinCiPLes

all treatmentat LrBt shouldbe totally freefor the poor sothat no man,woman orchild becomesblind justbecause theycannot affordthe treatment.



Vision 02treatmentshould beappropriate,state-of-the-art. Charityshould notmean second-ratetreatment.

there shouldbe nodiscriminationdue to gender,caste,ethnicity,language,religion orsect.


Patientsshould betreated withcompassionand dignity.

LrBt is committed to

creating a better Pakistan

by preventing the

suffering caused by

blindness and other eye

ailments. to this end it

will provide state of the

art comprehensive free

eye-care for the poor

across Pakistan, in

keeping with its tradition

of excellence, efficiency

and compassion for all.

“no man/woman or child

should go blind just

because they cannot

afford the treatment”.

reaChinG the UNREACHED


Governmentspends 0.45 % of the GdP onhealth versusthe Whobenchmark of at least

of thepopulation hasno access toGovernmenthealth carefacilities

who do, facepoor servicedelivery –absent staff,out of orderequipment,out of stock orexpired &counterfeitmedicines



of ourpopulation (23 million) areeither blind orvisuallyimpaired, mostof them arefrom thepoorestsection ofsociety ineither smalltowns or ruralareas wherefacilities areunavailable


the prevalenceof totalblindness ismore thanthree timeshigher in poorareas than inaffluent areasand within thepoor areas it is

higher inwomen than in males


in this contextour 2 foundersGraham Layton& Zakarahmatulladecided to focusLrBt’s efforts onreaching andtreating theunreached. 14 of

LRBT’s19 eyehospitals,4 of itsOutreachCentres and39 out of 52Communityeyecare Centresare located ineither smalltowns orvillages. the restare located inthe poorestsections of thecities

LrBt free tertiary eyehospital,

Karachiest. in


LrBt freesecondary eye


Quettaest. in


LrBt freesecondary eyehospital,

TandoBagoest. in


LrBt freesecondary eye


Lar multan est. in


LrBt freetertiary Careeye hospital,

Lahoreest. in


LrBt freesecondary eye


Shahpurest. in


LrBt freesecondary eyehospital,

Gambatest. in


LrBt freesecondary eye


Mandraest. in


LrBt freesecondary eyehospital,

AkoraKhattak est. in


LrBt freesecondary eye


Mansehraest. in


LrBt free eye hospitals in Pakistan

LrBt freesecondary eye hospital,

Pasrursialkot est. in


LrBt freesecondary eye


Kalakalayest. in


LrBt freesecondary eye hospital,

Khanewalest. in


LrBt freesecondary eye


swat est. in


LrBt free secondary eye hospital,

Rashidabadtando allayaarest. in


LrBt freesecondary eye


Chiniotest. in


LrBt free secondary eyehospital,

Arifwalanear sahiwalest. in


LrBt freesecondary eye


ThokarNiaz Baig

Lahore, est in


LrBt freesecondary eyehospital,

NorthKarachiest. in


Mir Islam is a vendor earning his living by sellingvegetables at the wholesale market.

Matta, Swat:

Mir Islam A Vegetable seller

ne day as per routine he offloaded

the vegetables from the truck, with

the heavy sack on his shoulder he

did not see the child running

towards him, Mir swerved to avoid the child

crashing into him and he tripped and fell. Mir

tried to get up but found he could not due to

a pounding headache and felt something

warm trickle down his face, he was bleeding

from his left eye having hit his head on a

protruding rock in the ground. The pain was

unlike he had ever experienced before. He was

immediately rushed to the hospital by other

sellers who had witnessed the accident. The

emergency doctor used an ice pack to stop the

flow of blood and prescribed painkillers to

soothe the pain. The bleeding eventually

stopped and Mir’s eye looked visibly better.

Weeks passed and Mir felt that his vision was

getting hazy; he ignored it hoping it would get

better on its own. The family was already

under debt and they had no one left to turn to

for more financial help. Miraculously a

detergent brand was carrying a survey in the

neighborhood and when they knocked on

Mir’s door and asked his wife about her

husband’s profession his wife said he was lying

in bed since his freak accident. Upon finding

out about Mir’s condition the interviewer

informed her about LRBT Odigram and its free

services for the poor. Mir’s wife and her

brother took him to LRBT Odigram where the

doctors advised immediate surgery which was

performed the very next day.

Today Mir Islam is back to work. He is thankful

to God and LRBT for giving him another

chance and aims to give a better future to his

son by making him a doctor as there are hardly

any in his community.


ali – at the age of 14 had todrop out of school when hisfather lost his job due topoor eyesight. to helpsupport his family of 6 hestarted selling samosasfrom a small kiosk, till asluck would have it he toodeveloped an eye ailmentcausing loss of vision whichforced him to quit work.

today ali is back tosupporting his family,grateful to LrBt forrestoring his sight enablinghim to support his familyagain. he sells biryani alongwith the samosas toincrease their income. ali’sfather too was treated atLrBt and is now looking fora job once again.

34th millionpatient in october 2016

36th millionpatient in June 2017

35th millionpatient in feb 2017


mashtashma – a beautiful 8 yearold girl from Quetta was hardly 5when her teachers and parentsrealized that she suffered fromcorneal opacity and the onlypossible cure was a cornealtransplant. Procuring a corneacould take years and her parentscould not afford the cost.

today, after a successful surgery,mashtashma has once againbecome a bubbly cheerful girl wholoves preening before a mirror..the highlight of her day is going toschool and playing with her friends& siblings.

saeed –a student of grade 4 lost hissight due to an accident at home.along with his sight saeed also lost hisdream of joining the national cricketteam one day. saeed who had alwaysbeen a confident, happy child had nowbecome withdrawn and lonely - anoutcast at school.

saeed’s surgery was successful and heis able to see clearly once again. havingbeen so close to living in darkness, hetruly appreciates the gift of sight and isthankful to LrBt for restoring it.hewants to help others, the way that LrBthas helped him.

28 Achievements

30 Chairman’s Report

31 Review of Operations

36 Appointments/Workshops/Seminars/Conferences

38 Visitors

40 Trustees

42 Major Benefactors

43 Donors of LRBT

51 Honorary Consultants

52 Acknowledgements

53 Report of the Trustees of the Graham Layton Trust


55 LRB Foundation Canada

56 Financial Highlights

58 Donations & Contributions

59 Expenditure

60 Estimated Receipts and Payments

61 Cumulative OPD Growth

62 Cumulative Surgeries Growth

63 Best Corrected Visual Acuity


31,469 Laserprocedureswere carriedout – agrowth of 6%.

55refractionists,ophthalmicand operationtheatretechniciansareundergoingtraining atLrBt’s schoolofophthalmicParamedicine.

awardedCertificate ofexcellencefor the thirdyear runningby themanagementassociationof Pakistan inthenPo/nGocategory.

14,033 retinalprocedureswere performeda growth of 8 %over lastyear.thisincluded 12,165patients whowere treatedwith avastin forage relatedmaculardegenerationand diabeticretinopathy.

281267,027 major & minorsurgeries wereperformed. majorsurgeries grew by3% over theprevious year.

53doctors areenrolled in theLrBt’s postgraduatetrainingprogramme inophthalmologywhich is thelargestprogramme inthe country.

Cornealtransplantswereconducted- a growthof 39%.

Patientsvisited our75 facilities– a growthof 1 % overthepreviousyear.


awarded theGolisanoLeadershipaward foroutstandingleadershipand ongoingcommitmentto advancinginclusivehealth topeople withintellectualdisabilities.

achievements 2016/17

rupees wasinvested inthe latestequipment todeliver stateof the arttreatment toour patientsmost ofwhom livebelow thepoverty line.

98million GLA



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Chairman’s Report2016/17 was a year of consolidation. We are in the last phase of completingthe expansion of our existing hospitals. Lar, Khanewal and North Karachi’sexpansion will end in December 2017 and all our hospitals now have capacityto cater for the anticipated growth of patient volume for the foreseeable future.

Two major gaps in our coverage of Pakistan will be filled when the purposebuilt Chiniot Hospital opens in July 2018 and we start work on the constructionof another hospital near Sadiqabad in South Punjab in the first quarter of 2018.

We also finished the first phase of a major upgradation of equipment spendingRs.98 million to live up to our founding value: Treatment despite being Freeshould be State of The Art. This upgradation will continue in the next few years.

We continue to monitor our quality through Surgical Audits both internal &external and also benchmark ourselves against the WHO/ICEH of good qualitycataract surgery where we have maintained our position of surpassing it byseven percentage points.

With Diabetes assuming alarming proportions (just under 17% of ourpopulation suffers from it) we began piloting our Diabetic screening project inpartnership with Interactive Research Development (IRD), an internationalNGO at our Korangi hospital. All patients above a certain age are screened forthis disease to isolate those who have or show early signs of diabeticretinopathy an irreversible blinding disease. The progress of this if treated intime can be arrested. The intention is to cascade this to all our hospitals inphases, resources permitting.

The continued support of our big hearted donors, volunteers, media, thecommitment & dedication of our staff have enabled us to become what aCountry Director of Sightsavers (aka The Royal Commonwealth Society for theBlind) described as “the one safety net where the poor can access qualitytreatment free of all cost” May God bless them all & shower them with hisinfinite blessings.

rReview of OperationsOPD VISITS / SURGERIESDuring the year ending June 2017, 2.9 million patients visited our 19 hospitals and 56Community Eye Health Centers, a growth of 1% over the previous year. During the sameperiod 267,027 major & minor surgeries were performed. Growth in major surgeries was 3%over last year. Cataract, which is the leading cause of curable blindness constituted 90% ofmajor surgeries.Other surgeries included vitreo-retinal procedures, Trabulectomy, Corneatransplants, DCR, Squint etc.

14,033 retinal procedures were performed - a growth of 8% over last year.This included12,165 patients who were treated with Avastin for Age Related Macular Degeneration andDiabetic Retinopathy. 31,469 laser procedures were also performed - a growth of 6% over theprevious year. 281 corneas were transplanted at our Lahore and Korangi Tertiary Hospitals - agrowth of 39% over last year.

We remain the biggest provider of Cataract, Vitreo-retinal and Corneal transplant surgeries forthe poor people in the country.

In our aim to ensure the highest quality of surgical care we regularly evaluate ourselvesagainst the WHO/ICEH benchmark for good cataract surgery. This is expressed in terms ofvisual outcomes. In 2016/17 we were 7 percentage points higher than the benchmark.

EXPENSESOur operating expenses during the year were Rs. 972 million being 8.8% above last year. Mainreasons for this increase were 10% salary increase and increase of 48 employees (5%) overprevious year; over 1% growth in patient visits to OPD and 3% increase in major surgeries; fullyear expenses of Kalakalay Hospital; Increase of Rs. 3.6 million in USAID funded childblindness project at Quetta Hospital. These increases were partly offset by reduction of Rs. 7.7million in Exchange loss on foreign bank accounts. Capital Expenditure at Rs. 128 million was29% lower than last year as the expansion in hospital buildings at Akora Khattak and Gambatwas capitalized in the last financial year. Our overhead expenses were 4.67% of operatingexpenses and are among the lowest in the world.


LAR (MULTAN)Civil work on the new Surgical Complex in Phase II of the Project is presently underway which willprovide the increased capacity so that patients requiring surgery do not have to wait for anextended period. This complex will have a comfortable waiting area, a number of OperationTheatres and allied services. It is expected to complete and be fully operational by the end ofNovember 2017.

The entire project is being funded by a UAE based donor who had earlier also sponsored therenovation and expansion of Gambat and Khanewal Hospitals.

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11 Slit Lamp, SL-3G, Topcon 11

12 Auto Refractometer 5

13 Tonopen 1

14 Diesel Generator (30-KVA Qty-1, 60-KVA Qty-3 & 100-KVA Qty-1) 5

REACHING OUTThe following free Eye screening camps were conducted:S. No Location LRBT Hospital Total Camps Collaboration

1 Amangarh Nowshera, Takht-i- Bhai, Mardan AkoraKhattak 2 APPNA

2 Hasilpur Arifwala 1

3 National Highway Gambat 1 Motor way Police

Ghotki city Gambat 1 APPNA

UCH Power Plant Dera Murad Jamali, District Nasirabad 2 UCH Power (PVT) Ltd

4 Mian Channu Khanewal 1 Shell Pakistan

5 Bahria Town, Bilal Petrol Pump Korangi 4 Shell PakistanToll Plaza, Mardan Trucking and Zulfiqarabad Near Port Qasim Morh

6 Basic Health Unit, PGNIG Tando Rahim Khan 1 (Polish Oil & Gas Company)

Garden South Polish Head Quarters, Haji Ibrahim Goth 2 LOTTE Chemical Pak Ltd.

Haji Ibrahim Goth Korangi 1 Karachi Golf Club

KGCA Welfare Hospital Mauripur, Pakistan Welding ElectrodesTruck Stand Karachi 1 (PVT) Ltd (PAWEL)

Orangi Town 1 K-Electric

Saadi Town, Scheme - 33 Karachi 1 Pakland Private Trust

Sakro Road TCF School - Gharo 1 APPNA

7 Mehmood Kot, Muzaffarghar Lalpir Power limited Lar-Multan 1 Lal Pir AES

Multan Road, Qadir pur Rawan, Multan. 1 Shell Pakistan

8 Bagga Shekhan, Kahuta and RHC Qazian 34 Fred Hollows Foundation

Domeli (Sohawa) Mandra 1 Parco Pearl Gas Company

Jhangi Syedan, Rawal Lake and Sihala 3 Shell Pakistan

9 Havelian, Muzaffrabad Mansehra 2 Shell Pakistan

Pasrur Road, Sirawali, MianwaliPasrur


Bharokay Bridge, Daska 1 APPNA

10 Mach Jail Quetta 1 Fred Hollows Foundation

11 128/1 Mipurkhas Road, Digri Rashidabad 1 Shell Pakistan

12 Khushab Shahpur Saddar 1 APPNA

Total 67

Sr. Items Qty.

KHANEWALFollowing completion of the primary waiting areas, screening rooms and a minor operationtheatre after commencement of the project in January 2017, a new additional operation theatrewith all allied services is being constructed. Additionally, doctors’ accommodation also requiredto be refurbished and expanded. This entire project is expected to complete by the middle ofSeptember 2017. This project is being sponsored by the same generous donor who hadfinancially supported its earlier major expansion and new ophthalmic equipment.

ARIFWALAThe new operation theatre has become operational which would provide the requiredincreased capacity as there was paucity of space and dire need to expand. In order to alsocomply with the requirements of the Punjab Healthcare Commission, separate entry and exitgates at the Hospital have also been constructed. Paint work of the Hospital will soon beginwhich should be completed by end August 2017.

NORTH KARACHIIn order to alleviate the difficulty being faced due to limited space availability, remodeling andexpansion was planned to enable us to accommodate the growing number of patients comingto this facility which will give additional space in the operation theatre, screening rooms andwaiting areas this year. We expect clinical visits and surgical activity to increase significantly asa result of this expansion. Work at the facility is progressing smoothly and is planned to becompleted by end January 2018.

New HospitalsCHINIOTGround breaking ceremony of the new purpose built hospital which is being sponsored by theAnjuman-e Islamia took place in November 2016 and is progressing well. A 60 bedded facility,it is being built on Jhang Road in the outskirts of Chiniot. The new Hospital is expected tobecome operational by the end of the third quarter next year.

SOPHISTICATED EQUIPMENT The following state of the art equipment was provided to our various Hospitals to enable ourdoctors to provide quality eye care to the poor people who visit them ensuring that freetreatment does not mean second rate treatment.


1 Advance Operating Microscope - Lumera-i for VR Surgery 1

2 Operation Microscope, OMS-90 13

3 Phacoemulsifier Pulsar 5

4 Anaesthesia Machine 1

5 Photocoagulator 4

6 Yag Laser 2

7 B-Scan 3

8 Tonoref-III (Combo Equipment) 5

9 Air Puff / Non-Contact Tonometer 9

10 Digital Slit Lamp BQ-900, Haag Streit with Imaging System 2

Sr. Summary Items Qty.

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FUNDRAISING INITIATIVESLRBT RAMZAN CAMPAIGN 2016/2017LRBT’s Annual Ramzan Campaign was initiated just before Ramzan across all media includingTVC, Print, Radio, Outdoor, Direct Mail and Social Media. The campaign’s aim was to highlightthe plight of the poor blind people of Pakistan and raise awareness in the community at largeand broaden the pool of donors.

Our TV Commercial was directed by Mr. Saquib Malik one of the top directors’ in the country. Thecampaign was targeted to attract the attention of zakat givers. Limited TV and social media wasused to approach the diaspora in USA and social media was used for the donors in Gulf, UK andCanada. Advertisements were also placed on Google,, and Facebook.

We are extremely grateful to our media partners, organizations and individuals who havecontributed and assisted us in conveying our message. Special thanks are due to PrestigeCommunications who created the concept as well as Engro, Coke, Unilever Pakistan, Mobilinkand Kinetic who helped us in getting free of cost space. We are also thankful to ARY News,ARY QTV, AAJ News, A Plus, Business Plus, Capital TV, Express News, HUM TV, Hum Sitaray,Jaag, Kashish, KTN News, Masala, Mehran TV, News One, Raavi, Samaa, TV One, Urdu 1,FM91, 96, 101, 103, 107, News, Daily Times and Jang for free of cost advertising and/orspecial rates for LRBT.

OTHER INITIATIVESLRBT RIDE FOR A CAUSE – NOVEMBER 2016In order to create awareness for our cause of eradicating curable blindness and raise the levelof social responsibility in our children LRBT held an event ‘Ride for a Cause’ to mark the WorldSight Day on 13th November 2016. A large number of people participated in the cycling,walking, jogging segments, while others enjoyed a free ride in the vintage cars. Airplaneenthusiasts were awed by the Aero modeling show while the heavy bikes on display pulled ahuge number of people eager to take selfies with the bikes. There was special focus on corneadonations and participants could register as a donor and obtain details on the mechanics ofcornea donation.

Besides these activities there were games, clothing, toys, books and confectionary stalls insidethe venue which the participants enjoyed immensely. An eye screening camp was also set upand a lot of visitors especially children took the opportunity to get their eyes checked.

Students from SZABIST formed the backbone of the volunteer group that helped make theevent a success.

FOODPANDA-LRBT PARTNERSHIP IN RAMZAN 2017To provide our donors an additional convenient medium to make their Donations and Zakat wepartnered with Foodpanda, a global online food delivery marketplace which through its onlineordering system, collected Zakat and donations for LRBT and helped further our cause.

EFU-LRBT PARTNERSHIP IN RAMADAN 2016 AND 2017EFU joined hands with LRBT in Ramadan 2017, for a period of 7 days, by sharing LRBT’spatient pictures and information with its Facebook followers. For every like, share or commentan amount was donated to LRBT. This campaign was also supported by Radio and was aimedat increasing awareness in addition to raising funds for the cause.

HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENTDOCTORS QUALIFICATIONSAt present 43 FCPS and 10 MCPS trainees are pursuing postgraduate Fellowship/membershipprogrammes at our Karachi and Lahore Tertiary Hospitals. This is the largest post graduatetraining programme of Opthalmology in the Country.

Ten of our doctors were awarded the FCPS, three the MCPS while five cleared theintermediate level exam of the FCPS.

CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION17 of our doctors at the Tertiary Hospital, Korangi are presently undergoing various types ofprocedural training.

TRAINING & DEVELOPMENTLRBT SCHOOL OF OPHTHALMIC PARAMEDICINESession 2016: Students from Sindh completed their academic session and appeared in their finalexamination. Their results are expected soon. Students from Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhawacompleted their final tests at Jinnah Medical College Hospital and all 14 students qualified.

Session 2017: Classes of Ophthalmic Technician, Ophthalmic Operation Theatre (OT)Technician & Refractionist Course commenced from 2nd January 2017.Process for enrollment of students under Sindh Medical Faculty/ JinnahMedical College Hospital (JMCH) is underway. At present 53 students areundergoing various paramedical courses at LRBT School Korangi.

REFRESHER COURSESOur existing technical staff from various Hospitals underwent one to twoweek refresher training at both the centers designated for this purpose. 41Ophthalmic / OT Technicians / Refractionists were trained at the Mandra Hospital and 24 at theKorangi Hospital respectively.

OTHER TRAINING PROGRAMMES16 Hospital Administrators from our various Hospitals attended six days structured training on“Policies and Procedures of LRBT” from 27th March to 1st April 2017 at Korangi Hospital.

5 employees from Korangi, Gambat, Akora Khattak, Mandra and Central Office attendedTraining on Hardware & Software for Social Franchise (SF) Optical Store organized by BrienHolden Vision Institute at Rawalpindi from 8th to 10th March 2017.

8 employees from Optical Shops Korangi, Gambat, Akora Khattak and Mandra attendedtraining on Social Franchise (SF) Optical Store Operations organized by Brien Holden VisionInstitute at Hotel Royal Palace, Rawalpindi from 1st to 5th August 2016.


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APPOINTMENTSDr. S. Fawad Rizvi from our Korangi Hospital was appointed as paper setter for FCPS – II(Vitreo Retinal Ophthalmology) from 7th to 8th June 2017 and 7th to 8th October 2016,Examiner for FCPS – II (Ophthalmology) TOACS & Clinical Examination from 1st to 3rd May2017 and FCPS-II (Vitreo Retinal Ophthalmology) TOACS & Clinical Examination from 10th to11th March 2017, Assessor for Theory Assessment FCPS-II (Vitreo Retinal Ophthalmology)Examination on 4th February 2017 and FCPS-II (Ophthalmology) Examination on 18th April2017, 2nd November 2016 & 18th August 2016 at CPSP Karachi. He was also the internalexaminer for Ophthalmology 4th Professional MBBS Annual Examination 2017 from 28th to29th March 2017 and Supplementary Examination 2016 on 13th December 2016 at JinnahMedical College Hospital, Karachi. In addition, he was the external examiner for Semester VIIMBBS (2013) on 25th April 2017 and Semester VII MBBS (2012) on 4th October 2016 atJinnah Sindh Medical University Karachi.

Dr. Bashiran Shahzadi from our Korangi Hospital was appointed as Clinical Coordinator forFCPS-II (Ophthalmology) Clinical Examination Aug-2016 from 6th to 9th September 2016.

Dr. Zaheer Uddin Aqil Qazi from our Lahore (Township) Hospital was appointed as Examinerfor FCPS-II (Ophthalmology) TOACS & Clinical Examination Aug-2016 from 4th to 6thSeptember 2016.

Dr. Shakir Zafar from our Korangi Hospital was appointed as Examiner for MCPS(Ophthalmology) TOACS & Clinical Examination Session Oct-2016 from 9th to 10th December2016, FCPS-II (Ophthalmology) TOACS & Clinical Examination Aug-2016 and MCPS(Ophthalmology) TOACS & Clinical Examination Oct-2016 from 4th to 6th September 2016 and9th to 10th December 2016 respectively and Assessor for Theory Assessment FCPS-II(Ophthalmology) Examination Aug-2016 on 18th August 2016 at CPSP Karachi.

WORKSHOPSMr. Umar Ghafoor, CEO, LRBT participated in CBM’s Country Planning Workshop held on 29thMay 2017 at Grand Excelsior Hotel, Dubai.

Ms. Zareen Naz, HR Officer from our Korangi Hospital attended workshop on “Gender Equity &Equality” in Islamabad from 14th to 16th December 2016.

Accessibility Audit Workshop was held on 10th December 2016 at our Korangi Hospital by ateam nominated and sponsored by CBM. Various doctors and staff from LRBT, AL Ibrahim EyeHospital, Pakistan Eye Bank Society, Al Baseer Eye Hospital, Sightsavers, Fred HollowsFoundation, Brian Holden Vision Institute, MALC and CBM attended.

Dr. Faisal Murtaza Qureshi from our Korangi Hospital attended workshops at CPSP, Karachi on“Research Methodology” and “Supervisory Skills” (For Supervisors) from 7th to 10th & 24th to27th November 2016 respectively.

Dr. Zubaida Sirang, Dr. Mubarak Ali, Dr. Tiabbah Saleem, Dr. Aijaz Hussain, Dr. Hina Loya, Dr.Najia Uzair, Dr. Hunain Razzak Ghoghari, Dr. Muhammad Omer Hassan and Dr. Mehak Aijazattended skills development workshops at CPSP.


MEETINGSDr. S. Fawad Rizvi from our Korangi Hospital attended 1st Meeting of National Cataract Task Force (NCTF)at College of Ophthalmology & Allied Vision Science (COAVS), Lahore on 26th March 2017.

Dr. Syed Fawad Rizvi and Dr. Ayesha Bukhari from our Korangi Hospital attended Eye Tumor BoardMeeting at Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi on 5th August 2016.

CONFERENCESDrs’. S. Fawad Rizvi, Hina Loya from our Korangi Hospital and Khalid Masood Ashraf from ourMandra Hospital attended 19th Annual Islamabad Congress of Ophthalmology at PC-Hotel Bhurbanfrom 28th to 30th April 2017.

Drs’. Faisal Murtaza Qureshi and M. Tanweer Hassan Khan from our Korangi Hospital and Drs’. ZaheerUddin Aqil Qazi and Kashif Iqbal from our Lahore Kot Lakhpat Hospital attended 32nd Asia PacificAcademy of Ophthalmology (APAO) Congress 2017 at Singapore from 1st to 5th March 2017.

Drs’. Zaheer Uddin Aqil Qazi and Kashif Iqbal from our Lahore Kot Lakhpat Hospital attended 39thAnnual Congress of Ophthalmology and 10th Khyber Symposium at Peshawar from 10th to 12thFebruary 2017.

Drs’. Khalid Masood Ashraf from our Mandra Hospital, Tauseef Ahmed from Akora Khattak Hospital,Faisal Murtuza Qureshi, Shahab ul Hassan and Mahwash A. Khan from our Korangi Hospital andDrs’ Muhammad Hasnain and Muhammad Saleem from our Shahpur Hospital attended 35th LahoreOphthalmo 2016 at PC Hotel, Lahore from 1st to 4th December 2016.

Dr. Syed Fawad Rizvi from our Korangi Hospital attended APAO Conference 2016 held in Chicago,USA from 14th to 18th October 2016.

Dr. Khurram Azam Mirza from our Lahore Kot Lakhpat Hospital attended EURETINA Conference atCopenhagen, Denmark from 7th to 10th September 2016.

Dr. Syed Fawad Rizvi from our Korangi Hospital attended Ophthalmology Conference in Baku,Azerbaijan from 29th August to 8th September 2016 wherein he delivered a lecture on “Role ofCombination Therapy in Glaucoma”.

Dr. Syed Fawad Rizvi from our Korangi Hospital and Dr. Zaheer Uddin Aqil Qazi from our Lahore Kot

Lakhpat Hospital attended 13th SAARC Conference of Ophthalmology at Movenpick Hotel, Karachi from

18th to 21st August 2016. Dr. Syed Fawad Rizvi was awarded Gold Medal for his presentation on

“Management of Retinal Haemangioblastomas”. Various other doctors of LRBT attended the conference.

RECOGNITION Special Olympics Pakistan organized a ceremony on 24th May 2017 at Avari Hotel, Karachi in whichshields were given to LRBT in recognition of Eye Care Services provided to the athletes of SpecialOlympics Pakistan in the past few years. Chairman, CEO and other management officials, doctorsand staff attended the ceremony.

Drs’. Muhammad Abdullah Tufail Khan, Zeeshan Kamil and Syeda Aisha Bokhari have been

recognized as supervisors by the CPSP for postgraduate training.

AWARD DISTRIBUTION CEREMONY 2015/16An Award Distribution Ceremony was held on 3rd September 2016 to recognize the employees fortheir long service and best performance for FY 2016-17 at Korangi Hospital. Chairman, LRBTpresented the awards.


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Mr. Hasan Minto Global Director Child Eye Health & Low Vision - BHVI LRBT Korangi

Ms. Sumrana Yasmeen Regional Director South East Asia and Eastern Mediterranean-BHVI LRBT Korangi

Mr. Ibrahim Asad Air Commander Base PAF Korangi LRBT Rashidabad

Mrs. Kishvar Mirza Supporter in UK LRBT Chiniot

Mr. Drew Keys Project Manager Papua New Guinea & Pacific-BHVI LRBT Mandra

Mr. Khalid SaifUllah Program Manager Pakistan - BHVI LRBT Mandra

Syed Fakhar Imam Former Speaker, National Assembly of Pakistan and Trustee, LRBT LRBT Quetta

Olga Arara Kimani Regional Head Corporate Affairs & Brand& Marketing for Africa and Middle East,Standard Chartered Bank LRBT Korangi

Mr. Asad Aamir Ansari Volunteer Graham Layton Trust, UK LRBT Korangi

The following visited our tertiary and secondary hospitals during the period under review:

Name Designation Hospital visited

Mr. Ramesh Puri Regional Director South Asia Middle East LRBT Mandra

Ms. Rahila Hameed Durrani Speaker Balochistan Assembly Government of Balochistan LRBT Quetta

Mir Arif Ali District Governor Rotary Club Lahore LRBT Tertiary Lahore

Mr. Mujahid Hussain Mirza President Rotary Club Lahore LRBT Tertiary Lahore

Col. (R) Sajid Deputy Governor (D) LRBT TertiaryBaseershaikh District 3271 Rotary Club Lahore Lahore

Mr. Dilli R. Simmons PDG, Rotary Club Lahore LRBT Tertiary Lahore

Dr. Haostan TX 7705, USA (A Team of Rotary Club) LRBT Tertiary Lahore

Dr. Nasir Choudhry Assistant Professor King Edward LRBT KorangiMedical University Lahore.

Itfaq Khaliq Khan Sightsavers International LRBT Korangi

Mr. Atif Ali Trustee of TCF London-UK LRBT Korangi

Ms. Lindsay Hampton Manager Eye Care Designate of IRD LRBT Tertiary Lahore

Mian Ershad Zaheen Chairman of Graham Layton Trust (GLT) - UK LRBT Korangi

Mian Qadrud-Din Former Ambassador LRBT Korangi

Mr. Muhammad Qaswar Nadeem Pakistan Baitulmal Islamabad LRBT Quetta

Professor Kovin Naidoo CEO BHVI LRBT Korangi


Name Designation Hospital visited


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ADVISORY COUNCIL Ms. Zishan Afzal Khan Member

Mr. S. Asif Shah Member

Ms. Fareeha Paracha Member

Mr. Raja Aftab Saeed Member

Mr. Zakaullah Khan Member

Mr. Khawar Butt Member

Mr. Mujahid Hamid Member

Mr. Towfiq Chinoy Member

Mr. Samee-ul-Hasan Member

Mr. Badruddin Vellani Member

Mr. Javed Jabbar Member

Mr. Monis Rehman Member

Mr. Najmuddin Shaikh Member

Air Cdre (Retd) Shabbir A. Khan Member

Mr. Mumtaz Hasan Khan Member

Mr. Ashfaque Azad Member

Mr. Azhar Zafar Member

Mr. Shahzad Qasim Member

Mr. Sajjad Ahmed Member

Mr. Duraid Qureshi Member

Mr. Rashid M. Khan Secretary

MANAGING COMMITTEEMr. Najmus Saquib Hameed Chairman

Mr. Iqbal Ali Lakhani Member

Mr. Yacoobali G. Zamindar Member

Mr. Justice (Retd.) Aamer Raza A. Khan Member

Mr. Amir Ali Tapal Member

Mr. Aitzaz Shahbaz Member

Mrs. Marriana Karim Member

Mr. Riaz Hussain Khokhar Member

Syed Salim Raza Member

OFFICE BEARERSMr. Najmus Saquib Hameed Honorary Chairman

Mr. Iqbal Ali Lakhani Honorary Vice Chairman

Mr. Justice (Retd.) Aamer Raza A. Khan Honorary Legal Advisor

Mrs. Marriana Karim Honorary Secretary

Syed Salim Raza Honorary Treasurer


Mr. Aitzaz Shahbaz Chairman

Mr. K. Iqbal Hassan Member

Mr. Qasim E. Causer Member

Mr. Mansoor H. Hamdani Secretary

Mr. Najmus Saquib Hameed(Retired Company Chairman)

Mr. Iqbal Ali Lakhani(Chairman, Lakhani Group of Companies)

Mr. Justice (Retd) Aamer Raza A. Khan(Retired Judge, Lahore High Court & Advocate)

Mrs. Marriana Karim (Social Worker)

Syed Salim Raza(Former Governor, State Bank of Pakistan)

Mr. K. Z. Hassan (Retired Company Chairman)

Mr. Yacoobali G. Zamindar(Chartered Accountant)

Syed Babar Ali (Company Chairman)

Mr. Amir Ali Tapal (Company Director)

Mr. K. M. Aminullah (Retired Chartered Accountant)

Prof. Muhammad Daud Khan(Retired Vice Chancellor)

Mr. Farrokh K. Captain (Company Chairman)

Mr. Ahsan Raza (Retired Chartered Accountant)

Mr. Naseem S. Mirza (Retired Company Chairman)

Dr. Muhammad Mukhtar Ahmed(Ophthalmic Surgeon)

Mr. Aziz ul Haq (Retired Architect)

Mr. Atizaz Shahbaz (Retired Company Chairman)

Mrs. Spenta D. Kandawalla (Company Director)

Syed Fakhar Imam(Former Speaker, National Assembly of Pakistan)

Mian Ershad Zaheen (Investment Banker)

Mr. Zain K. Anjarwala (Consultant Engineer)

Mr. Riaz Hussain Khokhar(Former Foreign Secretary, Govt. of Pakistan)

Mr. Zubyr Soomro (Company Chairman)

Mr. Usman Paracha (Company Chairman)

Mr. Shaheen Amin(Chief Executive officer, Orix Leasing)

Mr. K. Iqbal Hassan (Company Director)

Mr. Amjad Ali Khan(Managing Partner, Afridi & Angell Dubai)



LRBT Annual Review



LRBT Annual Review



1 Sight Savers International2 Graham Layton Trust3 Health Department, Government Of Sindh4 Mr. Muhammad Usman Peracha5 The Fred Hollows Foundation6 Punjab Welfare Trust For The Disabled7 Mr. Amjad Ali Khan8 Pakistan Bait-Ul-Mal9 Mr. Faheem Chaudhry10 Human Concern International11 International Develop. & Relief Foundation12 Subhan Food Industries13 North Star Textiles Mills Ltd.14 Provincial Zakat Fund - Government Of Sindh15 Infaq Foundation16 Ms. Fauzia Abbasi17 Muhammad Shafi Trust18 Mr. Muhammad Saeed Khan19 Bestway Foundation20 Grand Leisure Corporation Ltd21 Hamid D. Habib Memorial Trust22 CBM International23 K-Electric24 Mr. Sajjad Ahmad25 Arfeen International (Pvt) Limited26 Mr. Abdullah27 Global Giving28 Brien Holden Vision Institute29 Hamza Foundation30 Uch Power (Private) Limited31 Mr. Shafiq Ur Rehman32 Chiniot Anjuman Islamia33 Parents Of Dr. Z. Aqil Qazi & Dr. Saadia Moin34 Mr. Masood Ahmed35 Pak-Arab Refinery Ltd36 Din Leather (Pvt) Ltd37 Mrs. Samina Ibrahim38 Khaadi (SMC-Pvt) Ltd39 Convenience Food Industries (Pvt) Ltd40 Association Of Physicians Of Pakistani (APPNA)41 Health Department, Govt. Of The Punjab42 International Steels Ltd43 Siddique Corporation44 Mr. Sajid Akram

45 Engr I.Haq46 Mr. Jahangir Firoz47 Ms. Farzana Firoz48 Mr. Salman Ahmed (Bahrain)49 Mr. Shaheen Amin50 Mr. Mustafa Kassam51 Mr. Fazal Jilani Khan52 Provincial Zakat Fund, Govt. Of The Punjab53 Mr. Frahim Ali Khan54 The I-Care Foundation55 Major (Retd.) Arshad Hussain56 Lal Pir Power Limited57 Mr. Tariq Fancy58 Orix Leasing Pakistan Limited59 ICI Pakistan Foundation60 Mr. Khalid Islam Khan61 Bilqees Sultan Medical Centre62 Mr. M A Javed63 Shalimar Resin Industries (Pvt.) Ltd.64 Mr. Maqsood Hussain65 Mr. Shahid Hamid66 Mr. Zahid Hanif67 Cowasjee Foundation68 Ms. Khurshid Bhaimia69 Mr. Khawar Masood Butt70 Allied Book Company71 Ms. Feroza Shera72 Jaag Broad Casting Systems (Pvt) Ltd73 Liberty Mills Limited74 Trading Corporation Of Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd75 Mr. Ashraf Ali Zuberi76 Anjuman Khuddam-E-Rasool Allah77 Mr. Sheikh Imranul Haque78 Suraj Cotton Mills Limited79 Al Meezan Investment Management Ltd.80 Fakhria Tannery81 Mr. Aurangzeb Firoz82 International Industries Limited83 Premier Dairies Pvt. Limited84 Mr. M. J. Chaudhry85 A. Q. Enterprises86 Mr. Waseem Ullah Anjum87 Mr. Faheem Ul Islam Khan88 Kohat Cement Company Limited

Major BenefactorsDuring the Year ended 30th June, 2017 dDonors of LRBTDuring the Year Ended 30th June, 2017

We gratefully acknowledge donations from the following:

1 Shell Pakistan Ltd.2 Ms. Farhana Mowjee Khan & Irshad Mowjee3 Mr. M. Aqeel Chaudhary4 Dubai Islamic Bank5 Miss Gulzar Bano6 Mr. Mian Abdul Rashid7 Sharif Wheat Thresher8 Ms. Shamsa Ali9 Mr. Abdus Samad10 Mr. Babar Bashir Nawaz11 Dr. Hanif Paracha12 Haji Zameer Ahmed13 Mrs. Bushra Rashid14 EFU Life Assurance Ltd.15 Mr. Kashif Anwer Khan16 Dr. Samina Khan17 Getz Pharma (Pvt) Limited18 Ms. Sadaf Saeed19 Ms. Sahia Ahmad20 Ms. Zeenat Towfiq Chinoy21 Mian Nasir Sattar22 Mr. Kashif Zaki23 Mr. Zahid Iqbal Bhatti24 Mr. Shahzad Laeeq25 Mrs. Khalida Farooq26 Mr. Riaz Ahmed Gul27 Standpharm Pakistan Pvt. Ltd.28 Richa Leathers29 Ms. Sumbul Munir30 Mrs. Hanifa Yasmin Ashraf31 Ms. Raheela Durrani32 Mr. Khalid A. Mirza33 Mr. Munib Z. Islam34 Mr. Syed Jawad Naseem35 Chaudhry Muhammad Tariq36 Mr. Muhammad Naveed Khalid37 Chaudhry Zulfiqar & Sons38 Mr. Qasim Kazmi39 Mr. Sultan Nadir Ali Pasha40 Mr. Mohammad Nasir Zaman Khan41 The Searle Company Ltd42 Mr. Mohammad Afzal43 Mr. Munir A. Gondal44 PAPCO45 Mr. Muhammad Ibrahim46 Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah Ni (M)47 Mehr Ghulam Samdani48 Pakistan Kuwait Investment Company (Pvt) Ltd49 Mr. Wahid Yunus Dada50 Mr. Mohammad Jerjees Seja51 Mr. M.A. Nasir

52 Ms. Mehak Iftikhar53 NBP Fullerton Asset Management Ltd (NAFA)54 Mr. Shamshad Nabi55 Mr. Muhammad Arshad Saeed56 Shaikh M Amin57 Procter & Gamble Pakistan58 JQ Tel59 Lt Col Sultan Mahmud -Ul-Hassan Shah60 Hanif Adamjee Charitable Trust61 Mohammad Amin Waqf Estate62 Mr. Abid Zuberi63 Mr. Muhammad Yunus Gagan64 Mr. Talib Hussain Halai65 Mr. Mohammad Farogh Naseem66 Ms. Habiba Ali67 Mrs. Shafeea Shah68 Dr. Nauman Ahmed Qazi69 Proline (Pvt) Ltd70 Resham Textile Industries Ltd.71 Mr. Ali Ahmed Khan72 Mr. Sheikh Ghulam Ahmed Bumbal73 Mr. Naeem Kasbati74 Mrs. Anwer Jahan & Family75 Ms. Samina Mehboob Elahi76 Lft Gen Ahmed Shamim Khan77 Mr. Shahzad Aziz78 Mr. Zaheer Ur Rehman Khan79 Mr. Zain Mehmood Randhawa80 Texchain International81 Sheikh Muhammad Shafique82 Mr. Shafqat Mahmood83 Mr. Murtaza Kayani84 Mr. Hamza Kayani85 Dr. & Mrs. M. A. Chughtai86 Dr. Behram Ali Khan87 Mr. Malik Shahid Manzoor88 Aamina H. Wain89 Mr. Ahmed Iqbal Malik90 Mr. Nasir Hussain91 Mr. Nadeem Saber And Family92 Mr. M Hanif Peracha93 Topcon Singapore Medical Pte Limited94 Mrs. Shameem Mumtaz Qureshi95 Mr. Hamayoun Noor96 Late Safdar Iqbal, Zebinda & Saad Endow Fund97 Mr. Muhammad Altaf Hussain98 Mr. Tariq Jawed99 Chaudhry Nasrullah Family Trust Lahore100 Kausar Ghee Mills (Pvt) Limited101 Kausar Feed Mills (Pvt) Ltd.102 Mr. Wasif Sajjad


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103 Mr. Muhammad Ziaullah Siddiqui104 Mrs. Asma Shehryar Ahmed Sheikh105 Mr. M. Habib Ur Rehman106 Chaudhry Imtiaz Bashir107 Mr. Nasim Kamal108 Al - Bader Welfare Trust109 Pakland Private Trust110 Atco Laboratories Limited111 Justice (R) Munib Ahmed112 Mr. Saleem Jangda113 Ms. Maliha & Munir Bhimjee114 Mr. Muhammad Aslam115 Mr. Ehsan Ali Malik116 Mr. Babar Ismail117 Mr. Ziauddin Tamim118 Mr. Abdul Rauf119 Mr. Muhammad Dawood120 Master Paint Indutries121 Mr. Omair Noor122 Elegance Fabrics123 Mrs. Rehana Yasmin124 Integrated Consulting Services Pvt. Ltd.125 Mr. Nadeem Ashraf126 Mr. Jawed Iqbal Siddiqui127 Mr. Mirza Saleem Baig128 Mr. Asim Farid129 Mrs. Dure-Shahwar Aslam130 Hascol Petroleum Limited131 ZEDM & Others132 Mr. Asim Shah133 Mrs. Ishrat Saleem134 Mr. Abdul Waheed135 Mr. Faqir Hussain Khan136 CDC-Trustee NIT Islamic Equity Fund137 Mr. Mumtaz Ahmed Taji138 Surraiya Khanam Trust139 Ms. Lilly R. Dossabhoy140 The Tauheed Trust141 Mr. Khurram Saeed Naik142 Mr. Mohammad Abdul Aleem143 Khalid Anwer & Co.144 Mr. Najam Khawaja145 Mr. Jabir Janoo146 Engr Muhammad Saeed147 Mr. Abdul Rashid Lone148 Intertrade Distributors (Pvt) Ltd149 Mr. Abid Hussain150 Mr. Kashif Ali Bhutto151 Ms. Shamim Bano152 Mr. Mohammad Yousuf153 Mr. R.Z. Mahmood154 Brig. Syed Muhammad Arif155 Mr. Taimoor Muhammad Qureshi156 Mr. M Ali Majeed157 Burque Corporation (Pvt) Ltd.158 Dr. Taj-Ud-Din Malik159 Mr. & Mrs Waqar Hassan160 Crystallite Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd161 Mr. Abdul Shakoor162 Mrs. Maimona Bai

163 Mr. Masood Ahmed Khawaja164 Riaz Shaikh And Friends165 Mr. Muhammad Ilyas166 Mr. Sajjad Ahmad And Friend167 Abbas Nursery168 Mr. Jahangir Anwar Shaikh169 Syed Muhammad Sohail170 Mr. Anjum Gulzar171 Mr. Shakeel Ahmed172 Mr. Naveed Akhtar Malik173 Mr. Rao Sarfraz Ali174 Mr. Noor Ahmed175 Mr. Adil Saleem176 Dr. Azhar Javed177 See International (U.S.A)178 Mrs. Anila Shaukat179 Ehsan Chappal Store (Pvt). Ltd.180 Mr. Mirza Badar Munir181 Mrs. Farkhanda Akther182 Mr. Syed Qamar-Ul-Arfeen183 Mr. Asif Baig184 Mr. Jawaid Shaheen185 Mr. Sheheryar Ali186 Mr. Mian Ijaz Ahmed187 Dr. Farrukh Shah188 Mr. Abdul Wahid189 Dr. Norin Iftikhar Bano190 Polish Oil & Gas Company191 Mr. Moin M Fudda192 Mr. Shahnoor Ahmed & Family193 SBR & Co. of Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd.194 Hajra Bi & Muhammad Ilyas195 Mr. Shahzad Naseer196 Mr. S.M.Naveed197 Abs Products Pakistan198 Ms. M.I. Mahomedy Family199 Mrs. Zaitoon Nisa Esbhani200 Mr. Qaiseruddin Siddiqui201 Mitech202 Mrs. Misbah Majeed203 Ismail Industries Limited204 Mr. Muhammad Khan205 Mr. Arshad Haroon206 Mr. Sheikh Sikander Sarwar207 Mr. Tariq Mehmood208 Mr. Akbar Raza Khan209 Mr. Maaz Ali210 Mr. M. Zafar Javaid Bhatti211 Mr. Mohammad Raheel Bhatti212 Mr. Muhammad Shirjeel Bhatti213 Ch. Foad Hussain214 Saleem Fabrics215 Mrs. Nasreen Mahmud Kasuri216 Mr. Khurshid Mahmud Kasuri217 Dr. Nabeel Hasan Khan218 Mr. Ashar Hasan Khan219 Mrs. Huma Auman220 Mr. Ahsam Sohail Arshad221 Group M222 Mr. Muhammad Fahad Pervaiz

223 Ms. Saima Irfan Riaz224 Dr. Mobin Sadiq225 Mr. Muhammad Arif226 Mr. Abdul Rasheed Chandio227 Allied Engineering & Services Ltd.228 Mr. Omar Saeed229 Mr. Zia Ullah Khan230 Mr. Sheikh Atif Mehmood Sahib231 Mr. Muhammad Rizwan Altaf232 Mr. Siddique A. Qureshi233 Mr. Kashif Ijaz Sheikh234 Mr. Muhammad Omar Akram235 Mrs. Azra Qureshi236 Rotary Club Of Lahore Midtown237 Mr. Munawar A. Gilani238 Mr. Haji Nazir Ahmed239 Mr. Abdul Wahid240 Mr. Mirza Shabbir241 Pakistan Welding Electrodes (Pvt) Ltd.242 Mrs. Asma Kamal243 Mr. Haji Nauman Zafar244 Lotte Chemical Pakistan Ltd245 Mr. Sheikh Shakeel Ahmed246 Amn Trust247 Haji Abdul Majeed248 Mr. Rehan Riaz249 Dr. Zeenat Eva Khan250 Sattar Electronics251 Haji Muhammad Welfare Trust252 Dr. Atiq Ahmed253 Mr. Muhammad Iqbal Tai254 Mr. M. M. Khan255 Mr. Shahid Ali Malik256 Dr. Samina Aziz Ismail257 EFU General Insurance Ltd258 Mr. Hasan Ali Asghar259 Dr. Riaz Khawaja260 Mr. Raja Muhammad Riaz261 Mrs. Amber Haroon Saigol262 Mr. Anwaar Ahmed Khan263 Sheikh Muhamamd Mukarram264 Ali Hussain Rajab Ali Ltd265 The Khanz Family266 Khawaja Qutubuddin267 Khalifa Abdul Raheem268 Mr. Khalil Ur Rehman269 Karachi Grains Private Limited270 Mr. Zaffar A Khan271 Mr. Muhammad Hidayatullah272 Mr. Musharaf Shah Bukhari273 Mr. Muhammad Nadeem274 Ms. Sitwat Asad275 Ms. Yasmeen S. Qureshi276 AEO Pakistan277 Mr. Khurram Khan278 Dr. Rafia Qureshi279 Mr. Badar Yousuf280 Shujauddin & Brothers281 Mr. Anwar Ayaz Ahmed Khan282 TPL Direct Insurance Ltd

283 Sulaimaniyah Trust284 Ms. Sehar Gul285 Human Foundation Pakistan286 Mrs. Yasmeen Baqa287 Syed Iftikhar Ali Naqvi288 Chaudhry Muhammad Ilyas289 Ms. Ayesha Abbasi290 Mr. Ayaz Taha291 Cpt. Javed Iqbal292 Dr. M.N. Beg293 Mrs. Saira294 Mrs. Fatima295 Mr. Saifuddin N. Zoomkawala296 Mrs. Nuzhat Hussain297 Mr. Sohail Bashir Rana298 Tazeen Fazal Ahmad299 Mr. Farouq H Rahimtoola300 Mr. Mohammad Abdullah Ahmed301 Mr. Mohammad Iqbal302 Dr. Moiz-Ud-Din303 Mr. Muhammad Adil Naseem304 Mr. Malik Ikram Ali Khan305 Dr. Amanat Ali Mohsin306 Mr. Hanif Molani, Asif Molani & Javed Molani307 Mrs. Salma Khatoon308 Mr. Najeem Dilawar Khan309 Mr. Aamir Hussain Shirazi310 Mr. Muhammad Bilal Sheikh311 Ms. Nazneen Fatima312 Dr. Ashur Fatima313 Mr. Nadeem Mumtaz Qureshi314 Dr. Harith Hilal Qureshi315 Mrs. Mansoora Khanum316 Ms. Muntaha Begum317 Abdul Saboor Welfare Society318 Haji Abdul Rehman Khatri & Family319 Joint Engineering Services Pvt Ltd320 Mrs. Aliya Shahid321 U.M. Enterprises322 Garib Sons (Pvt) Ltd,323 Mr. Naeem324 Mr. Faiz Shah325 Mrs. Nusrat Khawaja326 Mr. Khan Nadeem Shahzad327 Mr. Muhammad Waseem328 Ms. Tooba Akhter329 Dr. Ashar Fatima330 Mr. Imran Ul Haq Toor331 Mr. Munir Ahmed332 S R Designworks333 Mr. Muhammad Afzal334 Kausar Rice & General Mills335 Mrs. Moazuma Sultana336 Mr. Ijaz Hussain Khan337 Mrs. Rukhsana Talib338 Mr. Abdul Basit339 Haji Muhammad Siddique340 Mr. Khalid Latif341 Chaudhry Foundation342 Mr. Riaz H. Waraich


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343 Begum Chaudhry Manzoor Ahmed344 Mrs. Mussarrat Afzal345 Mr. Waqar Ahmed Malik346 Mr. Atif Masood Sethi347 Mrs. Shaheena Iqbal348 Mr. Muhammad Younis Shami (Late)349 Mr. Iqbal Talib350 Mr. Haroon Rafi351 Mr. Nazir Ahmed352 Mr. Kaleem Hanif353 Mrs. Nazar Muhammad Malik354 Mr. Shahid Hussain355 Mr. Muhammad Ali356 Yummy Milk Products (Pvt) Limited357 Mrs. Ruhi Sohail358 Mr. Mian Mahmood Ahmed359 Mr. Mubashir Ashfaq360 Ms. Zoya Yasar361 Seasons Edible Oil Limited362 Mr. Javed Ul Islam Khan363 Mr. Sajjad Anwar Lodhi364 Mr. Abdul Moeez Bukhari365 Dr. Arshad Malik366 Mr. Syed Shabbir Ahmed367 Mr. Saqib Adenwalla368 Classic International Trading369 Mr. Abdul Qadir370 Mr. Muhammad Arif Hijazi371 Saudi Orix Leasing Company Staff372 Mr. Zia-Ur-Rehman373 Mr. Ali374 Mr. Zafar Ahmed & Tariq Ahmed Sehgal375 Mr. Ahmed Umair Khalid376 Mr. Zubair Rafiq377 Sheikh Zaheer Ahmed378 Mr. Sultan Mehmood Tahir379 Mahmooda Nasreen Arshad380 Mian Ahad Yaqoob381 Mrs. Javeria Nadeem382 Mrs. Fakhra Imtiaz383 Mr. Mian Adnan384 Parco Pearl Gas (Private) Limited385 Mr. M Monis Siddique386 Dr. Khawaja Masuood Ahmed387 PICIC Islamic Stock Fund388 Abdul Sattar & Co389 Mrs. Zareena Asghar Khan390 Mr. Muhammad Zubair Akbar391 Ms. Mashmooma Zehra Majeed392 Ms. Imrana Ahmed393 Haji Muhammad Benevolent Trust394 Haji Muhammad Memorial Trust395 Ms. Romana Aziz Khan396 Mr. Navid Chamdia397 Mr. Saleem Anwar398 Mr. Asher Noor399 Akbar Ali Yousuf Ali400 Cpt. (R) Aftab Nadeem401 Mr. Muhammad Khalil Ur Rehman402 Al Riaz Agencies (Pvt) Ltd

403 Mr. Muhammad Saeed Ahmed404 Mr. Shehzad Sajid Mumtaz405 Mr. Shafqat Iqbal406 Mr. Noor M Zakaria407 Mrs. Ozaira Mughis408 Mr. Syed Rashid Jamil409 Darul Adviat410 Mr. Rizwan Mansoor411 Ms. Nahid S Qureshi412 Ms. Gul-I-Yasmeen Qamar & Fauzia Qamar413 Qazi Wahab414 Syed Kaleem Akhtar415 Mr. Muhammad Saleem416 Mr. Muhammad Saif-Ur- Rehman417 Mr. Zeeshan Waheed418 Mr. Sultan Farooq Ahmed Khan419 Dr. Hafiz Abdul Qayyum420 Mrs. Uzma Shafique421 Mrs. Ayesha A. Malik422 Mr. Muhammad Abbas423 Mrs. Shazia Nauman424 Anjum Naheed Khan, Naaem Ul Islam Khan425 Mr. M.B.S. Mazari426 Mr. Shamshad M. Khan427 Mrs. Zahida Khanam428 Mr. Muhammad Akram429 Syed M. Jawad Bukhari430 Mr. Tariq Zaman431 Mr. Najeeb Ullah Anjum432 Dr. Azhar Nisar433 Mr. Bilal Abdool Rassool434 Col. (R) Jafar Ilyas Khan435 Dr. Farzana Najeeb436 Mrs. Sadaf Naz437 Mr. Samad Ahmed Sirohey438 Mr. Muhammad Munir439 Mr. Ahad Khan Cheema440 Mr. Abdul Rahim441 National Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd.442 Mr. Azhar Nazir443 Mr. Ismat Ullah Chaudhary444 Mr. Abdul Sattar445 Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed446 Mr. Asdaque Sultan447 Mr. Athar Sultan448 Mr. Arshad Sultan449 Mr. Majid Ali Khan450 Mr. Nadeem Hussain451 Mr. Khurram Ahmad452 Mr. Riaz Ali Pirbhai453 Mr. Avinash454 Mr. Urfi Jafri455 Mr. Aftab Ahmed Khan456 Mr. Faizan Ahmed457 Mr. Sharjeel458 Mr. Farooq Ahmed Farooqui459 Davis Pharmaceutical Laboratories460 HBL Islamic Stock Fund461 Mr. Aamar Waseem Hassan462 Mr. Sheikh M. Aslam (Late)

463 Mr. Sheikh Pervez Iqbal464 Mr. M Mobin Khan465 Atlas Islamic Stock Fund466 Muller & Phipps Pakistan (Pvt) Limited467 Mrs. Haajra Abdul Ghani468 Mr. M Salim Yusuf469 Mr. Zahid M. Niaz470 Mr. Anwar M. Zaidi471 Mr. Syed Shamim Akhter472 The Amin Mohiuddin Foundation Ltd473 Mr. Shariq Ali Zaidi474 Mr. Imran Iqbal475 Dr. M. D. Chowdhry Foundation476 Dr. Muhammad Amer477 Mr. Shaikh Sabir Ali478 Major Retd. Iftikhar Ahmad479 Mr. Liaqat Ali Khan480 Mr. Shaheen Sadiq481 Mr. Saleem Atta482 Mr. Bilal Naseem483 Mr. Mian Munir Monnoo484 Ms. Aiysha Zafar485 Mr. Tauqeer Ehsan Rana486 Mr. Mobeen Majeed Chaudhri487 Dr. Nausheen Siddiqui488 Mr. Nasir Ali Khan489 Mr. Shahzada Maqbool490 Farah, Mehmooda & Najma491 Mr. M Nazir Hussain Sabri492 Mr. Sajid Mahmood493 Soneri Bank Limited494 Ms. Mubina Khatoon495 Ms. Maryam Aamer496 Mr. Khursheed Ahmed Siddiqui497 Mian Waqar Ud Din498 Najem D.Toor499 Tipu Associates500 Mr. Muhammad Zahid Rafiq501 Mahmood Ahmad (Air Commodore Retd.)502 Mr. Muhammad Farooq503 Mr. Zain Ul Abedin504 Mr. Javed Ansari505 Dr. Tanweer506 Mr. Muhammad Hasan Metla507 Mrs. Munawwar Salim508 Mrs. Naheed Rahman509 Mr. Aleem Sattar510 Far Eastern Impex (Pvt) Ltd511 Dr. Kaukab Bashir512 Mr. Muhammad Ahmad Mehboob513 Mrs. Naveed S.Hameed514 Mr. Rizwan Umar515 Dr. Zahoor Rizvi/ Naghmana Rizvi516 Hospital Supply Corporation517 Mr. Shaikh Waqar Ahmed518 Mrs. Nasreen Panjwani519 Rotary Club, Lahore520 Col. (Retd.) Sajid Baseer Shaikh521 Mr. Tariq Sajid Sheikh (Rotary Club)522 Mr. Badar Munir

523 Mr. Muhammad Asif Iqbal524 Mr. Abu Bakar Chaudhry525 Mr. Ahsan Tayyab526 Mr. Ahsan Fazal527 Dr. Shakeel Khan528 Mrs. Raana Syed529 Syed Muhammad Asim530 Dr. S. Fawad Rizvi531 Dr. Shahnaz Ahmed532 Mr. Abdul Hameed533 SITE Lions Club534 Mr. Mian Muhammad Zubair535 Sheikha Charitable Trust536 Mr. Sohail Osman Ali537 Mr. Yacoob Ali G. Zamindar538 Mr. Zulqarnain Humayun539 Ms. Seema Riaz540 Begum Jamila Latif541 Ms. Zishan Afzal Khan542 Mr. Mian Iqbal Salahuddin543 Ms. Shahnaz Arshad544 Mirza Shafi Ahmad545 Mr. Munir Ahmed546 Mr. Mohammad Kalim547 Mirza Iqbal Baig548 Mr. Muhammad Ziauddin549 Mr. M. Misbah Al-Mobin Qazi550 Mr. M. R. Mehkari & Tazeen Mehkari551 Mr. M Amin Dosani552 Mr. M. Arif Ishaque553 Mr. Bashir Makki554 Mr. Muhammad Saeed Akhtar555 Mr. Asif Qadir556 Progressive Traders (Private) Limited557 Sheikh Saleem Akbar558 Mr. Muhammad Ali Madras Wala559 Mr. Nafees Khan560 Mr. Muhammad Feroz Alam561 Mr. Moosa Shafi Qureshi562 Syed Wahabuddin563 Mr. Salman Zafar564 Mr. Abdul Hameed Bhatti565 Mrs. Akhter Khalid Waheed566 Mr. Shuja-Ul-Hassan Khan567 Mr. Amer Farooq568 Mr. Azhar Mehmood569 Mr. S. Khalid Rizavi570 Mr. Osman Hameed Chaudhri571 Mr. Abdul Kadir Adam572 Ms. Kausar Rauf573 Mr. M. Zubair574 Mr. Fakhruddin Mandviwalla575 Mr. Rana Muhammad Shafi576 Mr. S. H. Jafarey577 The Rabia Azim Trust578 Haji Zafar Ali579 Mr. Habib Yousuf Habib580 Mrs. Tahzeen Fazal Khan581 Mrs. Kiran582 Syed Imran Ali


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583 Mr. Parvez Ahmad Butt584 Mr. Muhammad Sharif Ghouri585 Syed Muhammad Athar Farid586 Syed Mobeen Ahmed587 Ms. Ghania Kanwal588 Mr. M Abad Khan589 Mrs. Fabiha Haq590 Mr. M.A Lodhi591 Mr. Umar Ghafoor592 Mr. M Tahseen Khan593 Mr. Adeel Ahmed & Riffat Adeel594 Syed Nadeem Haider595 The Captain Foundation596 Mr. Muhammad Akram Awan597 The General Tyre & Rubber Company Of Pakistan Ltd598 Mr. Mehboob Hussain599 Col. (R) M Hashim Baloch600 Qureshi Flour Mills601 Mr. Javed Rasheed602 Dr. Syed Ali Imam603 Mr. Waseem Chughtai604 Mr. Muhammad Hanif605 Mr. Muhammad Taufiq606 Crestex (The Crescent Textile Mills Ltd)607 Ms. Zulekha Bai608 Eternal Trading Group609 Mr. Fiyaz Ahmed Longi610 Muhammad Bashir Kasmani Securities (Pvt) Ltd611 Dr. Taha Jaffrey Dr Yasmin Taha Jaffrey & Family612 Mr. Naveed613 Mr. Muhammad Saleem Ismail Jamsa614 Mr. Muhammad Farooq Deewan615 Mr. Wajahat Iqbal616 Consolidated Engineering Services (Pvt) Ltd617 Mr. Adeel Rafi618 Mr. Abdul Ghaffar Bhadelia619 Hajra Bi620 Zubaida Bibi621 Star Corporation622 Mr. Zia Muhammad623 Mr. Badar Alam624 Mr. Muhammad Amin Abdul Shakoor625 Chaudhry Ghullam Mohiuddin626 Mr. Asim Rafiq Malik627 Mr. Naseem Ahmed628 Mr. Shahabuddin629 Cpt. Riffat Mahmood Uppal630 Mr. Rao Ahmed Saeed631 Mr. Azim K. Yusufzai632 Syed Faraz Ahmed633 Mr. Abdul Hafeez Khan634 Mr. Shahzad Manzoor635 Mr. M Zaheer Babar636 Mr. S.M. Zaheer Alam637 Mr. Muhammad Shahab Rasheed638 Mrs. Haleema Khan639 Mrs. Mussarat Mahmood640 Mrs. Bilqees Ashraf641 Grace Apparel (Pvt) Ltd642 Fazal Trading Corporation

643 Mr. Jawed Ahmed Khan644 Karachi Grammar School (Junior Section)645 Mr. Ali A. Karimjee646 Mrs. Rehana Umer Ali647 Ms. Yasmin Khan648 Sheikh Sultan Ahmed649 Mr. Imtiaz Shaikh Ali650 Dr. Saleem Siddiqi651 Khawaja Anwar Majid652 Mr. Arshad A Zuberi653 Mr. Imran Aziz Siddiqui & Family654 Mr. Muhammad Shafiq Khalil655 Mr. Zulfiqar Ali656 Mr. Ahsan M Saleem657 Mrs. Nabila Aamir658 Mr. S.A Kabir659 Raja Sultan Mehmood660 Mr. Rizwan Ahmad661 Faisal Mahmood Ghani & Co.662 Dr. Nasir Khan Jakhrani663 Mrs. Farida Taimoor664 Mr. Naseer Ahmed Khan665 Mrs. Raana Faiz666 Mr. Parvez Rajput667 Mr. Abdul Ghaffar & Sumera668 Mr. Muhammad Sohail Shamsi669 Mr. Ghulam Ahmad670 Mr. Shoaib Rafi671 Mr. Abdul Hameed Qureshi672 Suzuki South673 Mr. Muhammad Nasir Jamal674 Mr. Muhammad Fahim675 Mr. Rana Assad Amin676 Mrs. Huma Jafri677 Mr. Muhammad Aqib678 Mr. Badar Munir679 AES School For Girls680 Pharmalink681 Mr. Abid Usman682 Mr. Omer Bin Zia683 Mr. M Imran Asghar684 Mr. Asif Suleman685 Miss Fakhira Taimoor686 Mr. Muhammad Asad Kath687 Ms. Amber Ishaque688 Mrs. Komel Anwer689 Mr. Syed Muhammad Owais690 Dr. F.A. Siddiqui691 Shaista Amin Trust692 Mr. Irshad & Family693 Khawaja Tariq Lateef Foundation694 Mr. Amin Reza695 Ms. Sameena Ahmad696 Ms. Afsheen Feroz697 Ms. Nausheen Iftikhar698 Dr. Haroon Rasheed699 Mr. Raza Hasnain700 Mr. Tariq Javed701 Mr. Javeed Hussain702 Mr. Samir S. Amir

703 Mr. Haroon Rashid Puri704 Mr. Farhan-Ul-Karim705 Ms. Shaista Rehman706 Ms. Maheen Rahman707 Haji Muhammad Sharif708 Horizon Media (Pvt) Ltd709 Mr. Adam710 Mr. Atique Baig711 Variety Centre712 Mrs. Saeeda Shahzada713 Mr. Tariq Hussain Aamir714 Mr. Habib-Ur-Rehman715 Mrs. Shamim A. Cheema & Mrs Riffat Abdulla Cheema716 Mrs. Khurshid Masood717 Mrs. Maryam Bano718 Mr. Noor Muhammad719 Mr. Muhammad Naeem720 Mr. Saad Safi Bhutta721 Mr. Iqbal Malik722 Mr. Zubair Ahmed723 Mr. Talal Khan724 Mr. Basheer Ahmed725 Ms. Asma Javed726 Dr. Khalida Shafi727 Mr. S.M. Ghayasuddin728 Nbp Leasing Limited729 Mr. Syed Asif730 Late Hawa Bibi731 Dr. Abida Naveed732 Mitsubishi Corporation733 Mr. Khan Muhammad734 Mr. Athar Hussain735 Ms. Swaleha Alam Shahzad736 Ms. Afshan Misbah Qazi737 Haji Mazhar-Ul-Haq738 Ms. Sumia Nishat739 Mr. Nasir Alvi740 Mr. Hassan Jawed741 Ms. Abida Naveed742 Mr. Anwar Mansoor743 Mr. Fayyaz Ahmed Leghari744 Ms. Nuzhat Hussain745 Ms. Bilkis Yusuf Hussain746 Mr. Aamir Ghani747 Mr. Ali Mohammad748 Mr. Fahad Ahmed749 Ms. Bushra Ansari750 Saima Packaging (Pvt) Ltd.751 Ms. Shaheda Mumtaz Hassan752 Mr. Muhammad Akbar Ali Khan753 Ms. Farzana Saleh Bhoy754 Mr. Farhan Siddiqui755 Mr. Mansoor Ali756 Mr. Muhammad Ejaz Khan757 Mr. Aamir Sattar758 Mrs. Shabiha Faizan759 Ms. Sana Yousaf Puri760 Mr. G.M. Shah761 Sheikh Amjad Rasheed762 Asna Ashari Trust

763 Mr. Muhammad Owais Hussain764 Mr. Hamid Masood765 Mrs. Mariam Amir Ahmed766 Mr. Syed Amir Ahmed767 Mr. Ahmad Naeem Qamar768 Mr. Arshad Hussain Ansari769 Mr. Shakil Ahmed Khan770 Mr. Muhammad Ismail771 Mr. Ahmed772 Mr. Arshad Zuberi773 Ms. Seema Eled Roos774 Dr. Sabiha Navaid Mirza Khan775 Mr. Jawaid776 Mr. Mehboob Hussain777 Mr. Amir Rauf778 Hanif Saree House779 Mr. Muhammad Vayani780 Mrs. Najma Hussain781 Mr. Syed Ishrat Hussain782 Mr. Falak Mustafa Khan783 Mr. Muhammad Anwar Jalil784 Mr. Syed Farooq Zaidi785 Mr. Imtiaz Hussain786 Shaikh Enam Ellahi787 Mr. Anwar Ul Haq788 Mr. Muhammad Alamgir Khan789 Mr. Muhammad Salim Khan790 Mrs. Samina Rahman791 Mr. Shahzada Ellahi Shaikh792 Dr. Sher Mohammad Khan Sadozai793 KSB Pumps Company Limited794 Professor Dr. Zahida Durrani795 Dr. Nauman Qureshi796 Mr. Imran Butt797 Mr. Muhammad Abdul Aleem798 Dr. Rasheed A. Mian799 Mr. Amjad Ali Siddiqui800 Mr. Shahid Javed801 Mr. Syed Tayyeb Hassan Gardezi802 Begum Bilquis Khurshid Ahmed803 Mrs. Amna Faisal804 Mr. Syed Qaiser Ali805 Prof. Dr. Nosheen Khan806 Mr. Shamsher Zaman807 Mrs. Talat Riaz808 Mr. M. Tajammal Akbar809 Mr. Muhammad Saleem810 Dr. Fawad Ur Rahman811 Syed Anees Ahmed Bukhari812 Mrs. Syeda Bushra Waheed813 Mrs. Rashda Bukhari814 Mrs. Surriya Khanum Gilani815 Mr. Syed Wasif Masood816 Mr. Humayoun Ihsan817 Mr. Haji Muhammad Sadiq818 Mr. Ghyas Ahmed819 Mr. Aziz Ul Haq & Shama Haq820 Dr. Khalid Hamid Sheikh821 Dr. Iffat Ali Muhammad822 Dr. Attiya Sakhi

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hHonorary ConsultantsKARACHI

1. Dr. M. Mukhtar Ahmed Honorary Medical Director, LRBTDO; FRCS; FC(Ophth.) Director, Institute of Clinical Ophthalmology


2. Dr. S. M.M. Sheriff Retired Consultant Ophthalmic SurgeonRoyal Preston Hospital, Preston (UK)

3. Dr. M. Hanif Peracha Eye Surgeons Associates, USA

4. Dr. Afzal Ahmad Chairman - Hundal Foundation &Ophthalmologist, USA

5. Mr. Mansoor H. Hamdani Honorary SecretaryLRBT Audit Committee


6. Prof. Muhammad Munir-ul-Haq Visiting Eye Consultant (Orbital)MS; FCPS; FICS, Retired Professor of Ophthalmology &FRCS (Ophth.) London, Retired Director of the Institute of Ophthalmology,

King Edward Medical College, Lahore

7. Col. (Retd.) Dr. Hamid Ali Consultant Pathologist, LRBTConsultant PathologistRoyal Army Medical Corps(U.K.), Lahore.

8. Dr. Muhammad Yaqeen Retired Medical SuperintendentMC (Ophth.) Data Darbar Eye Hospital, Lahore

Fellow American Academy of Ophthalmology

823 Mr. Fawad Jahanzeb Saeed824 Mrs. Sameena Ahmed825 Mr. M. Naeem Khan826 Mr. Sarfraz Butt827 Dr. Imran Dar828 Ms. Maleeha Salim Metla829 Mr. Ghulam Asghar Khan830 Dr. Khalid Pervez Lone831 Mrs. Mahmood Hasan832 Mr. Zubair Mustafa Khan833 Dr. Muhammad Asad Parvaiz834 Mr. Muhammad Saeed Malik835 Mr. Malik Muhammad Arshad836 Mrs. Ruqia Aslam Akhtar837 Mr. Naseem Anwar838 Mr. Zubair Munir Khan839 Sheikh Mohammad Masood840 Mrs. Naseem Akhtar841 Mr. Mian Muhammad Mazhar842 Mr. Shaukat Ali Khan843 Mr. Muhammad Usman Ishaq844 Mr. Muhammad Asif Majeed845 Mr. Shahid Sultan Butt846 Mr. Zubair Naeem847 AMPACKS848 Sheikh Abdul Waheed849 Mr. Javed Kaif850 Begum Abida Azam851 Mrs. Shehzada Begum852 Mr. Pervez Anwar Sheikh853 Ad Innovation854 Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Khan855 iSRA Innovative Technologies856 Dr. Naveed Arshad857 Justice (Retd) Nasira Iqbal858 Mr. Muhammad Anwar Chaudhary859 Mr. Karamat Ullah Khan Niazi860 Zafar Brothers861 Mr. Rizwan Yousaf862 Justice Munir A Sheikh863 Mr. Tariq Masaud Chaudhry864 Ms. Rubina Hasan865 Mr. Husnain Ahmad866 BBJ Pipe Industries Pvt. Ltd.867 Mr. Haji Muhammad Ishtiaq868 Mr. Muhammad Munawar Pasha869 G. R Metal Industries870 Dr. Umar Farooq871 Haji Muhammad Sharif Chohan872 Unique Traders873 Mrs. Yasmin Safdar874 Mr. Pervez Ahmed Sheikh

875 Ms. Bilquees Anwar Cheema876 Mrs. Riffat Ara Naseem Minhas877 Mr. Majid Ahmad878 Mr. Athar Obaid879 Popular Chemical Works (Pvt) Limited880 Learning Alliance Pvt. Ltd.881 Syeda Kausar Ali Rizvi882 Mr. Waseem Ahmed Khan883 Mrs. Kishwar Sultana Khalid884 Sheikh Farooq885 Dr. Ahmad Najib Chaudhary886 Mr. Rizwan Habib887 Dr. Nazir Ahmed Chaudhry888 Mrs. Saeeda Begum889 Mr. Hasham Malik890 Ms. Manezeh Sharyar891 Mr. Waseem Uddin Ahmed And Syed Muhammad Ali Shah892 Mr. Nasim Ahmed Chaudhary893 Ms. Rahila Bano894 Mr. Ijaz Ahmed Khan895 Mr. Sajid Saeed896 Mr. M. Shakeel Chaudhary897 Mr. Tafazzul Hussain898 Mr. Azeem Buksh Garhist Wayne899 Miss Shazi Nayyar900 Mr. Mian Abdul Ghafoor901 Mr. Zahid Iqbal902 Begum Ahmed Hussain903 Mr. Muhammad Mahmood Khokhar904 Dr. Anis Ur Rahman905 Mr. Choudhary Abdul Waheed906 Mr. Hasan Abbas907 Sheikh Din Muhammad Welfare Trust908 Begum Masooma W/O Khawaja Abdul Rahman909 Mrs. Amir Nawaz910 Haji Rustam Ali911 Mr. Moeez Karim912 Mr. Ajmal913 Mrs. Farhat Sarfraz914 Miss Sahar D/O Mr. Naseem Ahmed915 Mr. Mushtaq Ahmed Sheikh916 Sheikh Ameen Akhtar & Muhammad Saad Ali917 Mrs. Naveeda Amin918 Dermatechno Pakistan919 Mr. Iftikhar Ahmed Qazi920 Mr. Chaudhry Shahid Javed921 Mr. Noaman Amjad922 Mrs. Sara Amjad923 Khawaja Tanveer924 Atta Cable Pvt. Limited925 Mr. Ahson Atta926 Brig. Khuram Jahandur Khan

and other donors who gave less than Rs. 100,000/-

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a rAcknowledgementsMr.Javed Jabbar

Jang Group

Hum Network


Airwaves Media (TV1)




Kinetic Pakistan

Creative Unit (Private) Ltd.

Mr. Mehdi Raza (FM 107)

Ms. Shazya Aamir (Radio FM91)

Mr. Saqib Malik

The News

Prestige Communications (Private) Ltd.

The C.A.S. School



Media Monitors

DHA Sports Complex Moin Khan Academy


Mehran TV










Punjab TV








FM 91

FM 99

FM 96

FM 103

Radio Awaz

Hascol Petroleum Ltd.

The Next Big Thing

Standard Chartered Bank

A. F. Ferguson & Company

Report of the Trustees of theGraham Layton Trust,For The Year to 30 June 2017

Patron: The Right Honourable The Lord Dobbs

Board of Advisors: Mr. Khalid Aziz, LVO, DL, The Most Hon. the Marquis of Salisbury,DL, Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles KCMG LVO, Miss Susan Farrington, Mr Ram GidoomalCBE, Lord Hannay of Chiswick GCMG, Sir Christopher MacRae, KCMG & LadyMacRae, The Rt. Rev’d. Michael Nazir-Ali, former Bishop of Rochester, The Rt. Hon.Sir Malcolm Rifkind KCMG QC, Lord Michael Sandberg, CBE.

Trustees (at 30 June 2016): Mian Zaheen (Chairman), Stuart Sinclair, Jehangir Mehta(Hon. Treasurer), Vica Irani, Vaiz Karamatullah (Hon. Secretary), David Kotler, NusratMirza, Michael Pelham, Yasmin Riaz and John Walker.

Staff: The General Manager, Ms Soonu Engineer promoted the Trust at several publicevents, thus raising its profile.

Volunteers: Mukti Adnani, Rukhsana Ahmed, Almas Akhtar, Mohsin O Ali, ShareenAsif, Scherezade Azim, Ayesha Babar, Saira Brohi, Shomyl Brohi, Reece Chowdhury,Nizar Din, Stephen Duckworth, Ameera El Syed, Samina Hand, Werisha Husaini,Aleem Khan, Fahd Khan, Sabah Khan, Saamir Mahmud, Arooj Zara Mehmood, AvaMehta, Maria Qanita, Afshan Mirza, Khola Mirza, Zeshan Mirza, Tariq Mumtaz, ElizaNowruzi, Gulnara Nowruzi, Ilaria Palmisano, Alia Qaim, Maria Qanita, Heera Rahman,Ansar Rafiq, Rehan Rajput, Sergey Siaber, Zunaira Sufi, Sarah Jane Walford, SaraZafar, Sahar Zafar, Salina Zaheen, Zara Zaheen.

FUNDRAISINGThe fundraising total for the year was £447,267 of which £221,317 was raised fromvarious fund-raising events held during the year. The Trust remitted a total of £329,977to Pakistan from funds raised, to be utilized by LRBT, mostly for the procurement ofIOLs and special medical equipment.

The Trust’s income has included significant quarterly donations from the Lady FatimahTrust and generous one-off donations from individuals.

The Financial period also saw the continued support of generous benefactors from SaudiArabia, Europe and Middle East as well as the UK. GLT is sincerely thankful for theselarge private donations from individuals who are passionate about the work of LRBT andwant to see the organization grow and develop further.

Two Videos: Publicity for the campaign included two 30-second videos, ‘Fate’ &‘Hope’, which received more than 6000 views. The LRBT originals were adapted topromote GLT in the UK. Lord Dobbs tweeted one of them to his network.

Facebook was used as actively as in the past year; and for the first time, we havereceived large donations via Facebook.

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Mass emails were sent out 4 times during the month, and there was an online response indonations following each mailing. An Eid card was designed and sent to all our donors.

An 8-page pamphlet and an Appeal leaflet was sent by post to all donors with a postaladdress on our database and the response has been very strong.

Kilimanjaro Challenge: £5,200 was donated. A pen set was gifted to Yuan Qin andChengyuan Liu, the two Chinese students at Imperial College London who initiated and carriedout the challenge of the Kilamanjaro climb.

Tramp disco: More than a 100 young GLT supporters attended this event in March, which wasrun by a team of volunteers: Salina Zaheen, Scherezade Azim, Sahar Zafar and AroojMahmood. £4,292 was raised.

GLT is successfully increasing its focus on generating interest in its cause amongst theyounger generation of volunteers, students and donors and was delighted to have won theapplication to be Imperial College Pakistan Student Society’s Charity of the Year. In November,250 students attended the Society’s Annual dinner where a GLT video was shown.

Other successful fundraising and awareness events were the presence of a GLT Stall atChand Raat Hangama at Chelsea Town Hall, Qawwali concert with famous qawwals fromPakistan which reached a new audience.

35 new supporters and a School screening Camp in Karachi sponsored by a supporter whosigned up at the Olympia event last year.

GLT Gala 2016: This event in October 2016, was the highlight of GLT’s fundraising efforts forthe year. With 220 guests at Four Season’s Hotel, Park Lane, London, the event that washosted by GLT’s Patron Lord Michael Dobbs, included a very successful and persuasive auctionconducted by the charismatic Lord Jeffrey Archer and was entertainingly compered by the well-known Pakistani/British actor Art Malik. The meeting was also addressed by ProfessorChristopher Lewis, Head of the pediatric unit at Great Ormond Street Hospital who explainedthe need for specialized “Retcam” equipment to operate upon premature babies born withcataracts, who could otherwise be afflicted with permanent blindness. The audience respondedmost generously with the event raising £158,215, thus enabling GLT to facilitate LRBT’spurchase of Retcam equipment for the pediatric department at its Korangi hospital. A specialthank you goes out to our Trustee Mrs. Nusrat Mirza who organized the hugely successful event.

Ramadan Dinner: GLT held a highly successful Ramadan dinner, organized by its Trustee MrsNusrat Mirza and supported by its valued volunteers where over 200 guests attended, raising£76,426 for LRBT’s purchase of “Constellation system equipment” for the timely detection andtreatment of eye disorders in diabetic patients. The system was presented and explained bythe eminent Consultant Ophthalmologist, Ms. Rahila Zakir. The charismatic Imam and politicianMr. Ajmal Masroor, conducted an entertaining and successful auction.

House of Lords luncheon: In December GLT’s Patron, Lord Michael Dobbs, hosted asuccessful luncheon at the House of Lords for the Advisory Panel and significant donors thatwas also attended by Trustees and selected volunteers. An invitation was extended to theAdvisory Panel Member Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali to visit LRBT’s hospital in Lahore.

A winter mailing was done to all on the database with GLT’s own New Year’s card, designedby award winning artist Tausif Ahmad.

“The Pakistani community over 450,000 strong is wide spread across the US. It’s high timethat we build a loyal movement of supporters to meet our mission that no Pakistanishould go blind because they cannot afford the treatment.”.

A total of $120,000 was raised so far mainly through personal contacts. Ramzan campaignon social media and TVCs on ethnic channels.

It is now being planned to develop a clear and robust direction to deliver high-quality levelawareness of the organization and increase fundraising donations across the country fromNew York, to California, Texas and Washington DC.

To this end, one of our supporters Mr. Rupani hosted an event in Houston, USA on 28thJune to introduce LRBT to the Pakistani diaspora. It was a well-attended event with Ms.Aisha Farooqui, Consul General, Pakistan gracing the occasion as the guest of honor. Mr.Najmus Saquib Hameed, Chairman LRBT, who was visiting Houston at the time made apresentation tracing LRBT’s journey from a humble mobile to a vast network of 19hospitals & 56 clinics treating 36% of all eye patients in the country free of all costs for thepoor. He also shared future plans.

A chapter has been established in Houston, Texas headed by Mr. Rahim Ali.

LRBT USA is on the path to establish a wide network of experts, sector leaders,supporters, volunteers and board members to help commit to drive fundraising. To do this,the following measures will be undertaken:

• develop a solid income stream by reaching out to a wide donor base to fund our work inPakistan

• establish a core team of staff (front line and support) who know how to deliverfundraising objectives

• maintain and develop our reputation internally and externally to partners, supporters,ambassadors, donors, media & press

• develop and expand the skills of the Board of Directors to oversee the operational andstaff structure required to deliver this plan

This strategic process will bring consistency to our income stream as well as raisingawareness on the excellent work that is done in Pakistan.

LRB FOUNDATION CANADALRBF, Canada, donated a sum of USD 184,895/= for medical equipment at KorangiHospital, a generator for the Gambat Hospital and 5000 cataract surgeries carried out atnine Hospitals in our network.


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Financial Highlights for 2016 –17Income - Current, Property and Equipment 2016/17 2015/16

& Endowment FundDonations & Contributions

In CashSight Savers International, UK 96,287 62,276Graham Layton Trust, UK 26,926Punjab Welfare Trust For Disabled 15,672 16,983Pakistan Bait - ul - Mal 11,359 8,136Sindh Zakat Fund 6,000 6,000INFAQ Foundation 5,584 4,116Organizations & Individuals

- Donations 449,625 481,118- Zakat 493,977 465,757In Kind

- Graham Layton Trust, UK 11,836 27,433- Sight Savers International, UK 826- Organizations & Individuals 12,419 13,185

1,129,685 1,085,830Deferred Income released 88,416 26,165Investment Income

- Current & Property and equipment Fund 48,010 23,558- Endowment Fund 93,863 118,893Other Income 1,416 1,346

1,361,390 1,255,792

Earmarked toCurrent Fund 1,082,062 979,001Property and equipment Fund 176,270 139,718Endowment Fund 103,058 137,073

1,361,390 1,255,792

RECEIPTS INTO DEFERRED INCOME ACCOUNTSindh Government Grant for Surgeries 35,000 35,000Donations in Kind - Fixed Assets

- Graham Layton Trust, UK 5,935 5,816- Others 15,421 22,313

56,356 63,129

OPERATING EXPENDITURETertiary and secondary Hospitals 842,340 767,815Community Eye Health Clinics 38,906 32,817School of paramedicine 8,482 8,429Establishment and other overheads 45,365 40,844Fund Raising Activities 31,272 29,430Training, Seminars, etc. 3,051 3,405Other loss 2,655 10,584

972,071 893,324

CAPITAL EXPENDITURE - AdditionsTertiary Eye Hospital- Korangi 19,105 33,166Tertiary Eye Hospital- Lahore 26,213 25,704Secondary Hospitals & CEHCs 82,348 116,740

127,666 175,610Establishment 669 4,660

128,335 180,270

June 30, 2017 June 30, 2016

Capital Work-in-Progress as at 55,536 23,834

The figures have been extracted from financial statements of the Trust, audited by an independent firm of auditorsMessrs KPMG Taseer Hadi & Co., a member firm of KPMG International. In case detailed information is desired, copyof the audited financial statements can be obtained from LRBT's office.

Rupees in thousand

Financial Highlights for 2016 –17Rupees in thousand

Operating Expenditure for 2016/17 – Tertiary and Secondary Hospitals

Tertiary Hospital Tertiary Hospital All Secondary TotalKorangi Lahore Hospitals

Salaries & Wages 94,271 93,778 250,494 438,543

Medicine, Medical Supplies & IOLs 48,025 34,300 147,260 229,585

Hospital running expenses 17,625 19,372 49,776 86,773

Sub Total (Current Fund) 159,921 147,450 447,530 754,901

Depreciation (Property and equipment Fund) 17,250 22,100 48,089 87,439

30th June 2017 Total Rs. 177,171 169,550 495,619 842,340

30th June 2016 Total Rs. 164,903 161,834 441,078 767,815

Capital Expenditure for 2016/17 – Hospitals & CEHCsTertiary Hospital Tertiary Hospital Secondary Total

Korangi Lahore Hospitals & CEHCs

Land & Buildings 1,056 3,131 4,187

Medical Equipment 15,493 23,736 58,885 98,114

Air Conditioners 676 200 863 1,739

Furniture & Fittings 42 364 1,673 2,079

Generators – – 8,015 8,015

Vehicles 2,030 – 3,122 5,152

Office Equipment 828 806 5,369 7,003

Water Coolers 36 51 1,290 1,377

30th June 2017 Total Rs. 19,105 26,213 82,348 127,666

30th June 2016 Total Rs. 33,166 25,704 116,740 175,610

Operating Assets - 30th June 2017 – Hospitals & CEHCs

Tertiary Hospital Tertiary Hospital Secondary TotalKorangi Lahore Hospitals & CEHCs

Land and Building 57,114 52,857 519,831 629,802

Medical Equipment 210,326 289,404 426,692 926,422

Mobile Units – – 196 196

Air Conditioners 2,595 2,621 6,580 11,796

Furniture & Fittings 3,144 6,418 11,730 21,292

Generators 2,058 4,161 27,388 33,607

Vehicles 3,680 3,754 17,988 25,422

Office Equipment 6,819 5,225 9,146 21,190

Water Coolers 615 1,055 3,465 5,135

At Cost to date 286,351 365,495 1,023,016 1,674,862

Less: accumulated depreciation 198,752 274,222 424,072 897,046

Written down value

30th June 2017 Total Rs. 87,599 91,273 598,944 777,816

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Expenditure 2016 – 17Donations & Contributions 2016 – 17

Rs. 1,186 million� Sight Savers International, UK (SSI) 96,287 8.1%

� Graham Layton Trust, UK 44,696 3.8%� The Fred Hollows Foundation 17,349 1.5%

� Punjab Welfare Trust for Disabled 15,672 1.3%

� Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal 11,359 1.0%

� Sindh Zakat Fund 6,000 0.5%

� INFAQ Foundation 5,584 0.5%

� Other Organizations 195,202 16.5%

� Individuals 793,892 66.9%

1,186,041 100.0%

Operating Expenditure 2016-17

Rs. 972 million� Salaries & Wages 499,101 51.3%

� Medicines, Medical Supplies & IOLs 237,605 24.4%

� Depreciation 93,321 9.6%

� Repair & Maintenance 41,439 4.3%

� Other Operating Expenses 32,565 3.4%

� Utilities 33,658 3.5%

� Fund Raising Activities & Others 31,728 3.3%

� Other Loss 2,655 0.3%

972,071 100.0%

Operating Expenditure 2016-17

Rs. 972 million� Tertiary Hospital - Korangi 177,171 18.2%

� Tertiary Hospital - Lahore 169,550 17.4%

� Secondary Hospitals 495,619 51.0%

� Community Eye Health Clinics 38,906 4.0%

� School of Paramedicine 8,482 0.9%

� Establishment & Other Overheads 45,365 4.7%

� Fund Raising Activities & Others 34,323 3.5%

� Other Loss 2,655 0.3%

972,071 100.0%

Capital Expenditure 2016-17

Rs. 128 million� Buildings 4,187 3.3%

� Medical Equipment 98,113 76.5%

� Office Equipment 7,618 5.9%

� Air Conditioners & Water Coolers 3,171 2.5%

� Generators 8,015 6.2%

� Furniture & fittings 2,079 1.6%

� Vehicles 5,152 4.0%

128,335 100.0%

Rs. 1,186 million� From Pakistan 946,277 79.8%

� Outside Pakistan 239,764 20.2%1,186,041 100.0%

Rupees in Thousand

Rupees in Thousand

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* To be funded from surplus b/f from previous year** This Capital Expenditure will only be incurred on receipt of Specific Donations

Cumulatively (Nov 1985 to June 2017)36 million patient visits in OPD



















































2011-12 22,849,921

2010-11 20,633,794

2012-13 25,109,270

2013-14 27,617,471

2016 - 1 7


1985 - 8 6


Estimated Receipts and Paymentsfrom July 2017 to June 2018

Rupees in thousand

ReceiptsSpecifically for Total

Operating Expenditure Capital Expenditure

The Graham Layton Trust, UK (GLT) 20,936 8,925 29,861 Sight Savers International 66,180 – 66,180 The Fred Hollows Foundadtion 3,619 – 3,619 Sindh Zakat Administration 12,000 – 12,000 Pakistan Bait - ul - Mal 10,000 – 10,000 Punjab Welfare Trust for the Disabled 6,768 8,000 14,768 Chiniot Anjuman Islamia 14,538 – 14,538 Govt of Sindh 35,000 – 35,000 Central Office - Donations from Org. and individuals 344,700 38,430 383,130 Central Office - Zakat from Org. and individuals 230,000 – 230,000 Lahore Hospital - Donations from Org. and individuals 48,500 – 48,500 Lahore Hospital - Zakat from Org. and individuals 110,000 – 110,000 Zakat by Mr. Usman Peracha for various hospitals 12,000 – 12,000 Dubai Chapter - Donations & Zakat from individuals 19,399 – 19,399 Donation in Kind (stock items) 3,600 – 3,600 Donation for Lar & Khanewal Hospital expansion – 12,150 12,150 INFAQ Foundation – 5,000 5,000 Donations in Kind / Cash for Equipment – 9,000 9,000 Investment Income 30,573 240 30,813 TOTAL RECEIPTS 967,813 81,745 1,049,558

PaymentsOperating Expenditure Capital Expenditure Total

Tertiary Hospital - Korangi 188,592 81,116 269,708 Tertiary Hospital - Lahore, Kot Lakhpat 163,556 28,050 191,606 Secondary Hospital - Tando Bago 28,722 238 28,960 Secondary Hospital - Rashidabad 34,207 133 34,340 Secondary Hospital - Gambat 44,136 523 44,659 Secondary Hospital - Akora Khattak 39,841 398 40,239 Secondary Hospital - Odigram 30,860 783 31,643 Secondary Hospital - Lar 41,894 17,091 58,985 Secondary Hospital - Quetta 30,893 1,264 32,157 Secondary Hospital - Shahpur 41,532 300 41,832 Secondary Hospital - Mandra 48,378 11,833 60,211 Secondary Hospital - Mansehra 26,163 73 26,236 Secondary Hospital - Khanewal 29,789 6,623 36,412 Secondary Hospital - Pasrur 30,262 725 30,987 Secondary Hospital - Arifwala 32,088 819 32,907 Secondary Hospital - North Karachi 29,908 9,351 39,259 Secondary Hospital - Lahore, Multan Road 31,097 1,070 32,167 Mini Hospital - Kalakalay 15,280 6,091 21,371 Mini Hospital - Chiniot 16,563 – 16,563 Central Provision for Replacement of equipment at Hospitals – 64,703 64,703 Community Eye Health Clinics / School Screening 43,938 435 44,373 School of Ophthalmic Paramedicine 10,305 271 10,576 Establishment & Other Overheads 45,014 2,282 47,296 Fund Raising Activities 7,843 – 7,843 Zakat Campaign / Advertising 27,978 – 27,978 Training, Seminars, Public Relations, etc. 3,852 – 3,852

TOTAL PAYMENTS 1,042,691 234,172 1,276,863

EXCESS / (DEFICIT) OF RECEIPTS OVER PAYMENTS *(74,878) **(152,427) (227,305) 2014-15 30,315,001

2015-16 33,206,539

2016-17 36,133,697


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LRBT Annual Review



Cumulative Surgeries(Nov 1985 to June 2017) over 3.5 million






















220,213 280,858

255,421 333,225

295,051 390,558

789,194337,183 452,011

385,045 518,321

438,889 599,493

1,519,422610,014 909,408

1,719,794673,497 1,046297

1,356,508554,307 802,201

1,929,536738,743 1,190,793

493,065 693,494























2,359,965854,449 1,505,516


2,580,265908,501 1,671,764


2,815,561965,247 1,850,314


3,063,964 1020112 2,043,852


3,324,0801076708 2247372


3,591,1071,134,690 2,456,417


2,138,359798,808 1,339,551



2016 - 1 7


1985 - 8 6


� Minor Surgeries � Major Surgeries


Best Corrected Visual Acuity PostCataract Surgery for 2016–17

Note: WHO/ICEH benchmark 6/18 & above 90%

2006/2007� 6/6 - 6/18 88%

� 6/6 - 6/60 6%� 6/60 or Below 6%

Visual Acuity of Cararact Patients

2010/2011� 6/6 - 6/18 97%

� 6/6 - 6/60 1%� 6/60 or Below 2%

2015/2016� 6/6 - 6/18 97%

� 6/6 - 6/60 1%� 6/60 or Below 2%

2016/2017� 6/6 - 6/18 97%

� 6/6 - 6/60 1%� 6/60 or Below 2%




A public service project:Sponsored by Getz Pharma Pakistan (Pvt.) LtdDesigned byCreative Unit (Pvt.) Ltd Photographed byJamshyd Masud

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