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Reactive animation: From piecemeal experimentation to reactivebiological systems


1The Mina & Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel, 2Department of Computer

Science and AppliedMathematics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, and 3Department of Immunology, Weizmann

Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

AbstractOver the past decade, multi-level complex behavior and reactive nature of biological systems, has been a focus point for thebiomedical community. We have developed a computational approach, termed Reactive Animation (RA) for simulating suchcomplex biological systems. RA is an approach for describing the dynamic characteristics of biological systems based on factscollected from experiments. These data are integrated bottom-up by computational tools and methods for reactive systemsdevelopment and are simulated concomitantly to a front-end user friendly visualization and reporting systems. Using RA, theexperimenter may intervene mid-simulation, suggest new hypotheses for cellular and molecular interactions, apply them tothe simulation and observe their resulting outcomes “on-line”. Several RA models have been developed including models ofT cell activation, thymocyte development and pancreatic organogenesis, which are describe in the in this review.

Keywords: Reactive animation, complex systems, computational models, systems biology, statecharts, simulation, thymus,pancreas, T cell activation

Reactive biological systems

Biological systems orchestrate multilevel complexbehavior into an intuitively friendly format.In biological systems, most processes take place in aconcurrent and a distributed fashion. These processesare under varying levels of control, react to multipleevents, and interact over multiple levels, signals, andconditions. Such systems answer the definition ofReactive Systems [1].

The biomedical community has been investingtremendous efforts to understand biological systemsthrough numerous experiments, each designed tolearn about a different piece in the puzzle. Data haveaccumulated, and continue to accumulate at anever-growing rate, due much to the development ofhigh-throughput machinery and other cutting-edgetechnologies. The results and the conclusions of theseexperiments are collected into databases of facts,where each fact may describe a snapshot of abiological system, from a genetic, molecular, bio-chemical, cellular, tissue, or an organ point of view.The snapshot nature of such research slights thedynamic quality of the system.

We have developed a computational approach forsimulating complex biological systems and termed thisapproach reactive animation (RA; [2,3]). RA facili-tates the simulation of complex biological systems andis built in two main layers: the first layer allows abottom-up integration of discrete multilevel exper-imental data of the interacting agents (cells andmolecules), and defines the logic and dynamicsbehind these interactions. This layer is composed ofpowerful tools and methods for reactive systemsdevelopment, such as the visual language Statecharts[4], which allows a rigorous specification of thesystem’s reactivity (of course, other agent-basedmodeling (ABM; [5]) approaches can be integratedto that layer).

The second layer is a front-end visualization of thesimulation, capable of real-time interactive manipu-lation of the simulated biological objects. RA allowsthe experimenter to intervene mid-simulation,suggests new hypotheses for cellular and molecularinteractions, applies them to the simulation, andobserves their resulting outcomes “online”.In addition to the main layers, intermittent layers

Correspondence: S. Efroni, The Mina & Everard Goodman Faculty of Life Sciences, Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israel.E-mail:

Autoimmunity, June 2011; 44(4): 1–11q Informa UK, Ltd.ISSN 0891-6934 print/1607-842X onlineDOI: 10.3109/08916934.2010.523260




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can be incorporated into the simulation to allow

various data mining and visualization, statistical

analysis, and reports [6,7].It is important to emphasize that RA is not simply a

new way to animate biological phenomena. RA

employs a dynamic user interface and animates or

dynamically redesigns these user interfaces to rep-

resent the system and its operational behavior

realistically. The powerful animation tools that can

be incorporated in the second layer of RA represent

the specifications of the simulations in an intuitive,

controllable, animated front end and are an essential

bridge between experimental biologists and computer

scientists and engineers [2].Often, mathematical models are used to describe

the relationships between biological quantities and

their change over time through equations (usually

differential equations). Mathematical models can

successfully describe biological systems, but require

the user to think in terms of rate constants and

kinetics, and often represent average or qualitative

behavior of biological entities (cell populations,

ligands, receptors, etc.). Moreover, as the complexity

of the modeled biological system increases, math-

ematical modeling necessitates more complicated

mathematical terms and representations, which

in turn may hinder their mathematical analysis and

their biological relevance.In contrast to mathematical models, a compu-

tational model is a formal model that assigns a

sequence of steps or instructions to be executed by a

computer [8–10]. Computational models are often

constructed through the composition of a state

machine, which connects qualitative conditions

(“states”) to functions [8]. One can specify a state

machine by defining how, due to given inputs (the

“cause”), a switch from one state to another occurs

(the “effect”). Biological systems are often described

in terms of “cause and effect”, and are, therefore,

amenable for a computational model description [8].

Note, however, that computational models can

include a very large number of states, resulting in

highly complex behavior, and generally require an

algorithmic approach for their analysis, such as model

checking [11], rather than a mathematical analysis.In this paper, we bring out several examples of how

RA has been used in modeling biological systems.

These include models of T-cell activation [12],

thymocyte development [6,7], and pancreatic orga-

nogenesis [13], following their order of publication.

The examples illustrate the evolution of the RA

modeling approach. The basic concepts and utilities of

RA are summarized and explained with each example.

The advantages and disadvantages of RA are discussed


The first layer of RA: Specifying biology withStatecharts

To model biological systems in a rigorous way, we firstneed to specify the studied system with a well-definedmodeling language, amenable to execution by acomputer. As previously mentioned, computationalmodeling, as opposed to mathematical modeling, isbased on statemachines [8,10]. Unfortunately, there isa “cultural gap” between biologists and computerscientists. Biologists are historically untrained incomputer science, just as computer scientists areuntrained in biology. Therefore, more visual and user-friendly, yet rigorous and well-defined, modelinglanguagesmayhelp to introduce computationalmodelsto biologists.

An intuitive visual modeling language, called“Statecharts”, was invented by David Harel in 1984to assist in the development of the avionics system of anew aircraft [4]. The behavior of an arbitrary system,including a biological system, can be described usingstates and events that cause transitions between states.States may contain substates, thus enabling descrip-tion at multiple levels, and zooming-in and zooming-out between levels. States may also be divided intoparallel (orthogonal) states, thus modeling concur-rency, allowing the system to reside simultaneouslyin several different states. For example, let us considera developing T cell.

This cellmayexpress several types ofmolecules on itsmembrane such as the T cell antigen receptor (TCR)and the IL2 receptor [14]. T cells can change theirlocation in the body to different anatomical compart-ments ([14] such as thebloodor the lymphnode (LN)).Upon activation, the T-cell can proliferate, and befoundmomentarily in different phases of the cell cycle,or, in other words, T cells can change their own state asa response to external stimuli [12]. Biologicaltransitions from one state to another (expressed orunexpressed; stay at G1 phase or start cell cycle;mobilize according to a gradient, etc.)may be the resultof an interaction between cells and/or molecules.In Statecharts, transitions take the system from onestate to another, considering concurrency, in a mannersimilar to our existing concepts of biological behavior.Biologists in need of amodel for biological systems andwho are inexperienced in computer programming canuse tools which support Statecharts-based modelingand execution that facilitates the automatic translationfrom Statecharts to a computer language—such a toolis Rhapsody, available from IBM [15].

In a Statecharts model that was built to simulateT-cell activation [12], the authors included theinteraction between T cells and antigen presentingcells (APCs) through interactions between receptorsand ligands resulting in cytokine secretion and cellreplication. The model considered three concurrentstates for a T cell: The immunological state (active or

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not active, consequently followed by substates of naı̈ve,memory or anergic T cells), cell cycle control(describing the phase of the cell cycle), and anatomicallocation (blood, LN, and the extra cellular matrix(ECM)). It should be noted that the role of theanatomical location is not to describe T-cell migration,but rather to simulate the context of the interactionbetween objects. Figure 1 illustrates a Statechartrepresentation of the model of T-cell activation.

The T-cell activation Statechart model exemplifiedtwo main features of reactive systems: concurrencyand multiscale description. Changes in the surround-ings of a cell may result in activating many parallelprocesses, from the cellular to the molecular level.Information processing and computation can propa-gate across levels. The model can be easily extendedinto more detailed levels, such as zooming-in to signaltransduction events resulting from receptor binding,or zooming-out to account for the spatial arrangementof cells in organs.

This modeling approach is based on an object-oriented design, which is likely to be intuitive toexperimentalists who are accustomed to look at theirsystems in terms of individual objects. It can also beapplied to many research fields and various organisms(Caenorhabditis elegans’ vulval development [16]).

Moreover, data are organized in an individualizedmanner (a single protein, a specializing cell, etc.), ratherthan a network of information. Therefore, object-oriented design and modeling may bridge betweenintuition and data catalogs, and intuitively show howsingle components interact to create a complex system.

The second layer of RA: Front-end visualization

A step forward from the model of the T-cell activationdiscussed previously was the addition of the secondmain layer of RA, the front-end visualization [6]. Weexemplified this component of RA through a simu-lation of the maturation of T cells in the thymic lobuleand the lineage choice (CD4 or CD8 T cell) [7]. Thiswork demonstrated the dynamic relationship betweenmolecules and cells in the thymus, consequentlyleading to the organ’s structural and functionalproperties. The thymus is the organ in which T cellsmature and establish the basis for the immunologicalrepertoire.

Therefore, modeling T-cell maturation in thethymus is highly relevant to homeostasis and todisease, especially to AIDS and to autoimmunediseases [17–19]. The thymic micro-environment isdivided anatomically into lobes and lobules, and thelobules are further divided into a cortex and amedulla.

Figure 1. Statecharts realization of T-cell activation. Figure adopted from [12].

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Stem cells arrive at the thymus from the bone marrow,and the developing T cells go through a series ofinteractions in different locations inside the thymus,potentially proliferating into 106 offspring cells from asingle cell [20].

T-cell maturation involves many agents: epithelialcells interact with developing T cells to activate andregulate many of the processes needed for theirmaturation [20,21]. Macrophages perform mainlyhousekeeping tasks to clear the thymus of dead cells[22]. Cytokines, such as IL2, responsible for signalingbetween the cells [23], and chemokines and chemo-kine receptors, such as CCL25 and CCR9, respect-ively, are responsible for cell movement alonggradients [24]. Peptides combined with majorhistocompatibility complex molecules induce differentT-cell selection events [25,26]. Thymocytes (T cells inthe thymus) express many different surface molecules,including CD4, CD8, both or none, which serve tointeract with other cells and molecules.

This biology has been specified using Statecharts,which, asmentionedpreviously, provides a controllableenvironment to process the dataset into orthogonalstates and state transitions. For instance, thymocytemovement in the thymus is directed by chemokinegradients, such as CCL25 (TECK), CXCL12 (SDF),CCL22(MDC), andCCL21(SLC).Thegradients arecalculated, and the movement of a cell across thegradient is determined by its cell-surface markerexpression (which correlates with its developmentalstage). Seven cell markers are suggested by theliterature as relevant for gradient tracing decisions.Five of them may be either expressed or unexpressed,and two of them have an intermediate level ofexpression termed “low”, leading to 288 optionalexpression states [7].

During simulation, a decision tree is used to scanthrough these optional expression states, and, conse-quently, the simulation generates events that direct thecell to the chemokine gradients it should follow.Another specification of this model involves thestructure of the thymic epithelial cells, which interactwith thymocytes and serve as APCs. The epithelialcells interact with thymocytes through specializedarms, and their varying length may influencethymocyte movement (see Figure 2).

The front-end visualization was established inthree dimensions (3D): two spatial dimensions andthe dimension of time—the dynamics of the system(Figure 3(A) and (B)). Each cell was coloreddifferently, and the thymus was divided into its mainstructural compartments: the cortex and the medulla.The user of the simulation has the ability tomanipulatethe simulation by pressing buttons on the animationscreen.

These buttons include performing statistical rep-resentations of the data, pausing the simulation,highlighting the chemokines, zooming-in and-outabilities and connections between the animation andsimulation. In addition, the user can givedifferent colorcodes relevant to the display, enabling one to trace themotion of specific cells, avoiding clutter made byoverlapping cells, and to receive visual indicationsof interactions, andmore. The time of the simulation iscontrolled by a clock that shows how much biologicaltime has gone by since the onset of the simulation.

RA simulation adds the dimension of time to themodel and, therefore, projects the dynamical nature ofthe interaction of cells and molecules, based ondiscrete data, which give rise to the emergence of thehigher scale organ seen in histologic sections (which area 2D representation of a 3D reality). For example,

Figure 2. Specifying thymocyte development. Figure adopted from [6].

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Figure 3. RA visualization layer. The utilities of the visualization layer (A) are described in detail in (B). Figure adopted from [7].

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targeted gene deletion of a chemokine receptorinvolved in cell-migration in the thymus, CXCR4[27], resulted in intact cortical localization anddevelopmental arrest. Figure 4(A) (left) shows thethymic lobule as it was captured under the microscope(described in [27]) and as it is captured during RA

simulation (right). In both cases, thymocytes do notrespond to CXCR4 stimulation, and thymocytedevelopment gets hung up close to the cortico–medulary junction in the DN1 stage (labeled red).Figure 4(B) shows an anatomical section in a wild-typethymus in which the double-positive cells (blue cells inthe simulation) have spread into the cortex.

Every object in the animation can display a clickablemenu, enabling data manipulation and data requests.For example, the user can notify the simulation that aspecific cell can perform apoptosis. The results ofapoptosis are performed in the simulation itself, i.e. athymocyte is deleted from the simulation(Figure 5(A)). Events thus can be specified andmanipulated both from the user interface and directlyfrom the simulation. The user can retrieve data, whichdo not direct or drive the simulation. For instance, theuser can extract the developmental stage of athymocyte, denoted by its surface markers, througha diagram that describes the path of development thatthymocytes go through in the thymus as reported inthe literature (Figure 5(A)).

The diagram that opens in response to the clickindicates graphically which developmental stage thethymocyte currently is in. The publications thatprovide the factual basis for this diagram can also bepresented to the user. The amino acid sequence of theTCR can also be shown to the user (Figure 5(A)).

Experimentalists often observe the end result of aprocess they are interested in. Sometimes, several pathsmaypotentially lead to the same output, and, therefore,several theories may explain these outputs. One of theadvantages of a model, whether computational ormathematical, is the ability to examine hypotheses or

Figure 4. Histological data emerge from RA. (A) targeted CXCR4

gene deletion. (B) control. Figure adopted from [7].

Figure 5. Theories can be selected by the user before and during the simulation.

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theories. In the RA works of Efroni colleagues,biological objects were modeled with the option toinstantiate different theories from a collection ofavailable theories for an interaction before and duringthe simulations. For example, the user can change theability of a cell to migrate to any of the chemokinesupon clicking the cell object in the animation andmarkin the checkbox table in the clickable submenu(Figure 5(B) and (C)). Then, the animation sends anevent to the simulation.

The simulation accordingly does two things: itnotifies the cell that it may then migrate according tothe chemokine selected by the user, and it informs theanimation that the thymocyte should then indicatethat it is susceptible to that chemokine. These theoriesdescribing interactions are interchangeable, and somecells may follow one theory, whereas all the others mayfollow a different theory. The choice between theoriescan also be made at run time by the simulation itself,when the right conditions develop. Note, however,that the interpretation of the simulation results is theresponsibility of the user scientist.

RA’s interactive nature makes it possible to knockout molecules or cells and observe the effects. Eachknockout influences the resulting thymus morphologyin a different way, a phenomenon that RA makesvisible quite effectively. For instance, RA simulationsuggested that the lack of phenotype observed in micewith CCR9 knocked out (CCR9 2 /2) might beexplained by dynamic compensation through popu-lation pressure. RA simulation also explains thecompetitive growth advantage enjoyed by wild-typecells over CCR9 2 /2 cells.

Indeed, over-expression of CCR9 on thymocytesleads to an in vivo phenotype that can be explained byRA as an early attraction of the thymocytes by corticalepithelial cells. RA simulation also suggests that theabsence of thymic output resulting from CXCR4inhibition can be attributed to the non-migratorybehavior of cells entering the thymus. Anotherinteresting observation from the RA simulation is theinstrumental role of cell competition during thymo-cyte development.

This competition is actually a life-or-death matter:during development, thymocytes require suitablestimulation by epithelial cells for preventing theirdeath. As the thymus is packed with full of cells, thereis a constant competition among thymocytes for spaceand stimulation, which has not been a subject forexperimentation thus far. This competition betweenindividual thymocytes for productive interactions withthymic epithelial cells, not seen in static histologicsections, emerged from the model’s simulation andwas not programmed in advance. By changing theparameters of the model, the authors suggested thatthymocyte competition might function as an import-ant factor in three emergent properties of T-cellmaturation: the functional anatomy of the thymus, the

selection of thymocytes with a range of migratoryvelocities, and the relative prevalence of single positiveCD4 T cells.

Another model, described in Swerdlin et al. [28],showed the use of RA and its two main layers appliedto describe the spatial and the temporal behavior ofthe LN, and its interaction with B cells and theirbehavior within the LN. Similar to the RA model ofthymocyte development [6,7], the simulations of theLN-B-cell RA model resulted in emergent propertiesof the LN, which rose from the piecemeal integrationof experimental data. The authors reported thedynamic cellular composition of the various anatomiccompartments of a LN that hosts a cohort of reactingB cells toward the generation of antibody-producingplasma cells and memory B cells. For mode details,see [28]

Dimensional realistic modeling with RA

An RA model that covers the primary stages ofpancreatic organogenesis in the mouse was developedby Setty et al. [13]. Similar to the RA model that wasconstructed to simulate thymocyte development [6,7],their approach integrated static experimental data intoa Statechart-based reactive model, linked to ananimation layer and a mathematical interface foranalysis. The main difference, however, from theapproach taken in [6,7], is that the visualization layergenerated the simulation in 3D animation.

This addition to the RA model allowed the authorsto formulate hypotheses about the structural charac-teristics of pancreatic organogenesis and provided anextended dynamic description of the system, whichresulted in visual resemblance to developmentalhistology of the pancreas. In the pancreas organogen-esis RA model, a cell was defined as an autonomousentity that senses the factors in its near environmentsurrounding the pancreas, which supplies importantinducer signals.

In mice, pancreatic organogenesis is initiated on theeighth embryonic day, and is roughly divided into twotransitions, primary and secondary [29]. During theprimary transition, cells at the appropriate regions ofthe flat gut are specified as pancreatic and form a bud;during the secondary transition, the bud evolves tobecome a lobulated structure [30]. The organogenesisprocess terminates when endocrine cells aggregate toform many sphere-like endocrine tissues, the islets ofLangerhans, embedded within the exocrine pancreas.The pancreas develops simultaneously from a ventralsite and a dorsal site; during organogenesis the ventralpancreas associates with the significantly larger dorsalpancreas.

The ECM plays a critical role in pancreaticorganogenesis by generating signals that triggerintracellular processes, such as gene expression[31,32]. These intracellular processes govern cell

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function and cell migration; for example, two externalsignals from the notochord, such as activinb andFGF2, both together direct endodermal cells toward apancreatic fate specification. These signals inhibitexpression of proteins that repress the expression ofthe pancreatic marker, Pdx1, and the absence of oneof them from the notochord results in the loss ofpancreatic specification. Pancreatic organogenesisdepends on simultaneous interactions across molecu-lar and morphogenetic scales, which decisively affecteach other [13].

The specification of the basic element of thepancreatic organogenesis RA model, the autonomouscell, included two distinct cellular compartments:nucleus and membrane. Two concurrent components,the cell cycle and differentiation processes, were alsospecified within the cell object. The nucleus compart-ment specifies gene expression in a discrete fashion(expressed or unexpressed), whereas the membraneobject specifies the response to external stimulationsvia receptor interactions with a ligand (bound orunbound). The membrane compartment alsoincludes a motion compartment, which senses the3D environment and causes the cell to move accordingto external signals (Figure 6).

The ECM was represented as a 3D grid thatoverlays the pancreatic tissue. The notochord, aorta,and mesenchyme were defined as objects, and theirbehavior was specified based on the literature. Thesetissues are known to promote early stages of pancreaticdevelopment by secreting factors in the ECM; theirconcentrations were stored in the ECM grid and couldbe updated by the different tissue objects (Figure 7).

The emerging pancreatic organogenesis qualitat-ively reproduced structures similar to those as seen inhistology experiments: it starts from a flat sheet of cells

and evolves to a lobed structure through budding andbranching processes (Figure 8). The simulation gaverise to an emergent property that corresponds wellwith the primary transition clusters appearing early inthe developing organ in vivo [30,33,34], although theauthors had not explicitly programmed the RA model

Figure 6. Specification for an autonomous cell.

Figure 7. Specifying pancreatic organogenesis. (A) the biology,(B) the modeled objects.

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to do so. Furthermore, the simulations reproducedresults similar to in vivo ablation experiments oftissues surrounding the pancreas, thus providing adynamic analysis for the “wet-lab” experiments.

Conclusions and discussion

RAmodeling provides an integrated view of a complexprocess that we usually analyze through snapshots,derived by experiments. This integration allowsexperimentalists to understand how details at onescale—genetic, molecular, intra- and inter-cellular,environmental, organ-dependant, etc.—affect otherscales. Moreover, RA allows the understanding of howan organ structure and environment can determinemolecular interactions and, vice versa, how molecularinteractions can determine the emergence of structureand environment in 3D.

The dynamics of a biological system is visuallytraceable, enabling the user of RA to perform in silicoexperiments to better understand complex biologicalsystems. Hypotheses can be formulated and examinedbefore and during the simulation to explore theinterplay between multiscale agents in health anddisease. The simulations can help in directing theexperimenter toward a more decisive experiment andthereby save time, resources, and animalmanipulations.

The collection of individual data precedes theirapplication to RA simulation. Most often, some of therequired data for constructing a precise model arelacking, and, therefore, our awareness is directed topreviously unconsidered key experimental inquiries orquestions that were not believed worthwhile to ask.

The RAmodels presented in this paper describe in amultiscale fashion the dynamic behavior of biologicalsystems. However, when discussing molecular events,these models do not include a detailed description ofmolecular signaling networks, but rather utilize simpleinput-output relationships between molecules.A platform providing the ability to model biologicalsignaling networks is Simmune [35,36].

Simmune facilitates the design and simulation ofcomplex signaling pathways due to chemosensing,based on the definition of specific molecular binding-site interactions and the subcellular localization ofmolecules. The molecular interactions are translatedinto spatially resolved simulations via a dynamicgraphical output. Amongst RA and Simmune, othersuccessful computational platforms for modeling theimmune system, such as IMMSIM [37–40] orsignaling pathways, for example, Qualitative Networks[41], have been previously provided.

Nomatterwhat computationalmodelingapproach istaken, RA or others, they all require the understanding

Figure 8. Pancreatic organogenesis (left) and its emergence from the RA model (right).

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of the underlying biology of a system and thecapabilities of models and the questions they cananswer. Therefore, mutual work between biologistsand modelists should be encouraged to constructwell-supported and validated models


David Harel is the William Sussman Professor in theDepartment of Computer Science and AppliedMathematics at the Weizmann Institute of Science.Irun R. Cohen is Professor of Immunology, Emeritusat the Weizmann Institute of Science. Sol Efroni andOded Vainas are at the Mina and Everard GoodmanFaculty of Life Science, Bar Ilan University.

Declaration of interest: The authors report noconflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsiblefor the content and writing of the paper.


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