readings for the weekend, april 22 & 23 first reading...

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Readings for the Weekend, April 22nd & 23rd Second Sunday of Easter – Divine Mercy Sunday

FIRST READING – (Acts of the Apostles 4:32-35) Second Reading – (1 Johns 5:1-6) Gospel – (John 20:29). PRAY FOR THE SICK: Marvin Barnes, Baby Ethan Bean, Michael Blake, Jim Braiser, Carol Briton, Joshua Burks, Julie Bussey, Bill Carroll, Rhonda Ciovacco, Ellie B. Clark, Darlene Cruce, Harold Dill, Lawrence Dill, Faye Nell Erwin, Mary Fadlevich, Lucille Fontenot, Liddie Fowler, Charles Franklin, Agnes Frey, Joe Gagliano, Chad Galloway, Noah Galloway, John Grainger, Paul Grefsheim, (Rev.) Albert Gunn, Brenda Hawkins, Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Haynes, Rachel Helms, Dan Hensley, Guy Hicks, Wanda Hight, Betty Sue Horton, Sheri Irvin, Betty Jay, Paul Johnson, Frank Jones, Joann Jordan, Mary Jo Langford, Jim Lee, Kenny Lee, Margie Lee, Eleanor Littlefield, B.J. Long, Don Maddox, Laura Maddox, Julio Martinez, Marie McNutt, Gail McCarrick, Mary Milko, Rose Marie Mitchell, Rick Nogosky, Taugh Payne, Rebecca Pearce, Gina Perkins, Charlene Plunkett, Glenda Powers, Patricia Pritchett, Brittney Pugh, Pete Ragusa, Ruby Rosato, Vita Russo, Anita Salchert, Kim Sloan, Baby Jack Smith, Mildred Stack, Wendy Stiles, Catherine Sullivan, Michele Thornton, Mildred Tidwell, Linda Towers, Mike Vines, Lena Vizzinia, Katie VonHagel, Gary Wages, Renae Warren, Lillian White, Shelby Grace Wood, Gatham Wyatt and Nisa Zanaty. Please keep these, all the sick and their caregivers in your prayers. If you know of anyone who should be added to or removed from this list please contact the church office. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS: especially our families, friends and loved ones who are currently in active military service: Becky Hodges, Michael Miller and Barbara Salvagio. Please keep all of our brave men and women in your prayers. If you know of anyone who should be added to or removed from this list please contact the Church office. I WOULD LIKE TO THANK you all for praying for me and others while we were in Iraq. It is your support that gives us strength while we face danger. Thanks, Doug Balcom NOTE TO LECTORS: There are several of the Lector Workbooks for this year still available. If you would like to have one please call the church office. SUMMER CHILDCARE NEEDED Jinni Dempsey is looking for a young parishioner interested in babysitting 2 or 3 days a week from May thru July. She has two children ages 7 & 4. If you would be interested in this position please contact the church office. MARK YOUR CALENDAR We will have a Mission starting May 22 thru May 24, 2006. Everyone in the Parish should make plans to attend. More information will be posted. YOU ARE INVITED to attend a Mass of Appreciation and Reception honoring Sr. Mary Leo Arnold, O.S.B., for her over 60 years of service at John Carroll Catholic High School and the Diocese of Birmingham. This event will take place on Sunday, April 30, 2006, beginning at 2:00pm in the John Carroll Catholic High School Chapel where Bishop William R. Houck will celebrate Mass. A reception will follow in the Commons. Please e-mail to make reservation! CATHOLIC CENTER OF CONCERN will hold their annual fundraiser Bingo Luncheon sponsored by the Auxiliary of the Catholic Center of Concern on May 3rd, 2006. The event will include a Tea Cup Auction and Trash and Treasure Sale. This year the luncheon will be held at Our Lady of Sorrows parish hall. Admission is $6.00, which includes a lunch and 10 free games of bingo. Door prizes will be awarded during the games. Groups are asked to call ahead with numbers so we are sure to have enough lunches. Proceeds from this event will be used to purchase milk and eggs for families in emergency situations.

PASTOR’S corner

Did you know that our own Ronnie Muro has authored a book? It is entitled "Stories with a Purpose" and contains many beautiful stories that inspire and build up your faith. You can purchase a copy at, (St. Mary’s website) or through Alpha Church Supply on Green Springs Highway. Congratulations, Ronnie!

Please plan on taking full advantage of Divine Mercy Sunday on April 23. See the two page flyer in this week's bulletin or check the website for full information.

I will be on vacation all week (April 17-22). In the case of an emergency, please call on Sr. Maura who will contact a priest if necessary. There will be no confessions or daily masses this week. I will be back in time to celebrate the 5 PM mass on April 22.

Please pray for the success of SPRINGFEST. But remember, pray as if it all depends on God and work as if it all depends on you!

EASTER SUNDAY The stone is rolled back, the tomb is empty! We are to go and tell the Good News. Rejoice in the power of the ressurrection! Alleluia! (Mark 16:1-8) Let us pray for all who were welcomed into the Church that they may continue to go and tell the Good News. (Vocation View sponsored by the Serra Club)

ADULT BIBLE STUDY Sunday at 9:00am in the Family Life Center. Topic: Book of Genesis.

FAITH FORMATION will resume this Wednesday April 19, 2006 at 6:30.

CEMETERY SERVICE PROJECT - Knights of Columbus Council 10567 is undertaking a massive service project for Saturday, April 22 and we need your help. The Fraternal Cemetery in Pratt City is in a very sad state and in dire need of work. Our Council is committing to help but we don’t have enough people and equipment to get the job done in one day. This cemetery includes the loved ones of many, Catholic families in Birmingham and has not been maintained properly for years. We need men committed to help from 8 to 4 on Saturday, April 22 and equipment, primarily weed eaters, push mowers, chain saws, rakes, etc. We need a minimum of 40 men for the work day. If you can help, we need to know your name and what type of equipment you can bring with you. We also need everyone to please pass the word about this to family members at other churches or to any group that might be willing to help. To put your name on the work list, e-mail Louis J. Muro at or call the church office as soon as possible.

CONGRATULATIONS to Knights of Columbus Family of the Month and Knight of the Month for April - The family of Phillip and Cindy Troha was honored as the Knights of Columbus Council 10567 Family of the Month and Mike Muro was named the Knight of the Month at the recent April Council meeting. Phillip and Cindy Troha and their children Tracie and John Phillip are longtime St. Patrick parishioners who have been involved in numerous activities over the years. Phillip recently volunteered to organize and lead the very successful Lenten Day of Service and John Phillip recently became a Third Degree Knight of Columbus. Tracie is currently a journalist working in California. Council 10567 gives the Family of the Month honor each month to a family that serves as an inspiration to our St. Patrick faith community and Knights of Columbus Council by supporting and strengthening Christian family life. Mike Muro is a Past Grand Knight who recently initiated, organized and successfully completed a project to purchase and install new chairs for our tables in the St. Joseph Hall. Congratulations to these great members of our parish family on receiving these honors.

SPIRIT SUNDAY! for Grades 9-12 is next Sunday, April 23, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., in the SPIRIT Room. We'll dive into sub sandwiches and we'll wrap up the "Revolution" series with "Impact!" Join us next Sunday and bring a friend! SPIRIT SERVICE DRIVE continues through June 30. If you have basic yard work needs, or chores around the house, contact Kevin Whitaker to schedule a SPIRIT member to work for you. In exchange, a contribution toward SPIRIT Service Mission 2006 (SSM 2006) is requested. For more information, visit the SSM 2006 page on the church website at

SUNSHINE CLUB: Make plans to attend the Sunshine Club’s April Meeting this Wednesday the 19th. Bingo will begin at 11:00am. The cost is $5.00 and includes 10 games of bingo and lunch. Please RSVP the church office so we will be sure to have enough lunches. ST. BERNARD FESTIVAL: Next weekend, April 22 and 23, the Bloomin’ Festival will be held at St. Bernard in Cullman. Hours are from 9am to 5pm each day. Everyone is invited to attend. THE SERRA CLUB OF BIRMINGHAM, the Lay Ministry for Vocations for the Catholic Diocese of Birmingham, pray in Community, and Individually, for new Priestly Vocations, and provide prayer and encouragement for Seminarians, Priests, Priests, Deacons, and all Religious in the Diocese on an ongoing basis (Prayer, Awareness, Affirmation and Support). They meet twice monthly at Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Homewood, for Mass, fellowship, a meal, and a meeting. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 18, beginning with Mass at 6:00 p.m. The Guest Speaker will be Rev. Richard Donahoe, Rector of the Cathedral of St. Paul, Birmingham. His topic will be “De-Coding and De-Bunking ‘The DaVinci Code’ ”. To attend the Dinner meeting on April 18, please call Lita Hess by the end of Easter Sunday, April 16. The Dinner is complimentary, but reservations in advance are requested in order that all guests can be accommodated. THE CATHEDRAL ELIZABETH MINISTRY invites you to an Anniversary Mass of Baptism on Sunday, April 23rd at 8:30 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Paul. If you were baptized at St. Paul's in the last five years, please make plans to attend. A reception will follow. For more information, please call the Cathedral office. ST. ELIAS LEBANESE FOOD AND CULTURAL FESTIVAL will be held April 21st and 22nd. Enjoy Lebanese Food, a silent auction, church tour and visit the Heritage Room. The festival provides an opportunity for the public to experience the atmosphere of this Lebanese Maronite Catholic Church (the only one in Alabama). Please make plans to attend and support this festival. AN ENVIROMENTAL MESSAGE: The 2006 Household & Hazardous Waste Day in Jefferson County is April 22, 2006. At The Alabama State Fairgrounds, The Hoover Met, The Bessemer Civic Center & The Centerpoint Courthouse, you can dispose of aerosols, antifreeze, car batteries, motor oil, tires, paint & related products, pesticides, alkaline batteries, chemical drain cleaners, solvents, ammunition, gun powder, explosives, fireworks & flares. For further info., please see the flyer on the bulletin board or call the Jeff. Co. Environmental Protection Division. PRAYING WITH CLAY Retreat will be held at Sacred Heart Monastery from April 23 to 28 and May 14 to 19, 2006.Call (256) 734-8302 to register. ST. ALOYSIUS SCHOOL is now accepting applications for students in Grades 4K-8 for the 2006-2007 school year. If you need an application or have questions, please contact the school office @ 425-0045.

AUCTION ITEMS NEEDED: We are in need of donated items to be used for the Springfest Auction. If you have an item to donate or any information on who we might contact for a donation we would greatly appreciate your help. Some of the items auctioned last year were UAB autographed basketballs, golf packages, gift baskets, autographed Auburn game ball and much more. For more information contact the church office. SPRINGFEST CHILDRENS INFLATABLES : We are in need of volunteers to help with the Children’s Inflatable games. Please find it in your heart to volunteer and call the church office. ATTENTION CHILDREN OF ALL AGES: Get your wristbands now. You can’t beat this deal. The wrist bands sell for $10.00 and the wearer gets to enjoy all 7 infaltables (plus a toddler bounce for the wee ones) all day long. PLUS each wearer will get a free snow cone, a free popcorn AND a free cotton candy. For more information please contact the church office. SPRINGFEST AD PROGRAM We have our Bulletin Ad Supplement as part of Springfest 2006. Would your business like to advertise in our church bulletin and support Springfest? Ads run for six weeks beginning in April and are available for a $100 donation. For $150, a booth sponsorship is included on Springfest Sunday and you get 2 free dinners as well. And once again our Gold Level sponsorship is available for $200. If you need more information or you or someone you know would like to be a sponsor, contact the church office. Thanks to all our past sponsors for your support over the years. SPRINGFEST MEETINGS: We have scheduled a meeting for April 23rd, after Mass. SPRINGFEST (Sunday, May 7) is 3 weeks away from today, Easter Sunday!! 10 plus club, after 3-17, are Pauline Vines, Jesse & Lillian White, Anthony Sicola, Jo & Bobby Bruce, Phil & Julia Neely, Nancy Manzella, C. D. Day. 20 plus club, is Phil & Julia Neely. Father Bean started a challenge in February, and continued into March, by selling 113 books of SPRINGFEST RAFFLE TICKETS. Several parishioners are meeting Father’s challenge: LuLu & Don Meadows, 60 books; G. Conte, 42.5; William & Donna Boone, 26; Phil & Julia Neely, 25; Roger & Judy Click, 22; They are among the 9 that have sold 20 or more books of tickets. SELLERS. We need to hear from you!! SELL, SELL, SELL !!!. Please turn in your money and ticket stubs to Gaeton Conte, Raffle Ticket Chairperson, or drop them into the collection basket at Mass. SPRINGFEST SIGNS, for your YARD, available in the ST. JOSEPH HALL. We have fewer signs this year than last year. If you take one or have one from last year, please return it after springfest. WE WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE YARD SALE ITEMS for Bargain Basement! We would be very grateful if you would look around your house, basement, etc. and donate unwanted items to SPRINGFEST. No clothing, shoes, or items in need of repair. Please bring the items you no longer use to Church. Any questions, call the church office. SHAMROCK SALES: If anyone has arts or crafts to donate for Springfest 2006 we would greatly appreciate any contribution. We will return any unsold items provided your name and contact information are on the item(s). For more information call the church office.

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