real healthy kids copyright 2015 “nourishing foundations” by sally gray nd

Post on 06-Jan-2018






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 My own health challenges, I am a statistic!  I’m a mum and just like you I want the absolute best for my child and I am prepared to fight to secure the best future possible  How things have changed in my 20 year career, TOO many sick kids and it’s increasing daily!  We are in a health crisis and our kids are paying the ultimate price  I’ve seen first hand in my own life and clinic that the right nutrition and lifestyle intervention changes lives. I’m Sally Gray, founder of Real Healthy Kids and I am committed to empowering families with “real” nutrition & lifestyle advice & a range of tools to create “ EXTRAORDINARY ” health & healing with lifelong resilience & happiness for their kids! Why? REAL HEALTHY KIDS "Wake up! Step up! Transform!


Real Healthy Kids COPYRIGHT 2015

“Nourishing Foundations”By Sally Gray ND

Real Healthy Kids COPYRIGHT 2015

Welcome!Congratulations on making this life changing decision. As you will discover, we have incredible control over our health and with the right nutrition and lifestyle we can not only prevent disease but live with a level of vitality and joy most never even dream possible. We now know for certain that the wrong food drives physical and mental/emotional dis-ease!

We are going to cover some serious ground over the next for weeks, I will introduce you to the concepts and exact actions you can take to secure your family’s EXTRAORDINARY health!

So let’s begin!

My own health challenges, I am a statistic! I’m a mum and just like you I want the absolute best for my child and I

am prepared to fight to secure the best future possible How things have changed in my 20 year career, TOO many sick kids

and it’s increasing daily! We are in a health crisis and our kids are paying the ultimate price I’ve seen first hand in my own life and clinic that the right nutrition

and lifestyle intervention changes lives.

I’m Sally Gray, founder of Real Healthy Kids and I am committed to empowering families with “real” nutrition & lifestyle advice & a range of tools to create “EXTRAORDINARY” health & healing with lifelong resilience & happiness for their kids!


REAL HEALTHY KIDS "Wake up! Step up! Transform!

Real Healthy Kids COPYRIGHT 2015

My Family’s Health Goal:Goal setting is a powerful success tool. Establishing where you want to go (ie the goal) creates clarity which is incredibly powerful. Most of us are flying blind as parents which is utter craziness! We can use recognised success tools to support us on our journey which, let’s be honest, is the MOST important job there is, raising kids for the future!

Goal setting also significantly amplifies results and success potential so let’s figure out where we want to be and set our course for health and happiness!

Examples: (hint, you can set bite size goals if you are on a healing journey eg. We easily shift into the right way of eating to support healing and begin to create optimal health.)

“We are all optimally healthy, happy and resilient through eating a delicious wholefood diet and practicing daily self-care

activities, laughing and loving!”

World Health Organisation (WHO) declares:“children of this generation will NOT live as long as their parents”This picture of declining health is recognised by global authorities and they agree that in store for our kids is a chronic, PREVENTABLE, lifestyle disease!

Let’s focus on the word preventable and let’s take action!

Diseases that are growing in kids supported in the medical literature and research : Diabetes type 1 and 2 Auto-immune disease Cancer Dental decay Obesity Recurrent infections Behavioural/cognitive issues inc ASD Mental illness Musculoskeletal issues

August 2015 research findings Australia:1 in 5 have MULTIPLE chronic diseases aged 18+ in 2 kids suffers from chronic disease)

REAL HEALTHY KIDS "Wake up! Step up! Transform!


Our modern practices are KILLING USWe have been misinformed for generations about health and nutrition and our current choices are having SERIOUS downstream effects!

In 1903, Thomas Edison predicted that the doctor of the future will give no medicine, but instead “instruct his patient in the care of the human frame in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” A hundred and one years later, the American College of Lifestyle Medicine was born

“We’ve known for a long time that for most of the leading causes of death our genes account for at most 10 to 20% of risk, the rest is within our control!”

An “impressive number of studies have shown that lifestyle is the root cause of what ails us.” The good news is that by changing our lifestyle we can dramatically improve our health.

REAL HEALTHY KIDS "Wake up! Step up! Transform!

Epigenetics is the KEY!This branch of science looks at the factors in our environment that impact our genetic expression and our health.

The answer is: “EVERTYHING”3 critical factors:

Toxicity: we can limit this through nutritionPoor Nutrition: we can directly impact this with our

choicesStress: is the trump card every time!

Our epigenome is the driver of our health!

REAL HEALTHY KIDS "Wake up! Step up! Transform!

Francis Pottenger: Nutrition PioneerDedicated to the cause of preventing chronic illness, he made significant contributions to the understanding of the role of nutrition in maintaining good health.

Also one of the first to connect the quality (growing methods) of the food with health.

“Pottenger’s Cats” study (1932-1942), A Study in Nutrition. He followed 900 cats, across 4 generations for 10 years to determine the impact of nutrition on health AND generational health.

The cats were divided into five groups. All the groups were supplied the same basic minimal diet, but the major portion of the diets were varied. Two of the groups were fed whole foods (raw milk and meat - real foods for cats). The other three groups were given processed foods: pasteurized, evaporated and condensed milk.

REAL HEALTHY KIDS "Wake up! Step up! Transform!

REAL HEALTHY KIDS "Wake up! Step up! Transform!

Study Results:• All 4 generations of raw food group healthy• First generation of ALL 3 processed food groups developed disease/illness

near end of life• Second generation of ALL 3 processed food groups developed disease/illness

around middle of life• Third generation of ALL 3 processed food groups developed disease/illness at

beginning of life and many died before 6 months• There was no fourth generation in any of the three processed food groups.

Either the third generation parents were sterile or the fourth generation cats died before birth!

As for applying his results to human nutrition, Dr. Pottenger said, "While no attempt will be made to correlate the changes in the animals studied with malformations found in humans, the similarity is so obvious that parallel pictures will suggest themselves.“

Does this give you an understanding of why so many children are now developing cancer? Why there were no fertility clinics 30 years ago?

Weston A Price: Nutrition PioneerDescribed as the “Charles Darwin” of Nutrition, author of “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration”, he was the first to connect nutrition with physical AND dental health outcomes.

Monumental research project across the globe, studying health of primitive, traditional societies untouched by “modern” practices, 15000 photos and 4000 slides.

REAL HEALTHY KIDS "Wake up! Step up! Transform!

Real Healthy Kids COPYRIGHT 2015

Real Healthy Kids COPYRIGHT 2015

Real Healthy Kids COPYRIGHT 2015

Narrow jaw & face, crowded teeth with overbite

Broad jaw & features, perfect teeth

Real Healthy Kids COPYRIGHT 2015

Conclusions: ”aspects of a modern Western diet (particularly

flour, sugar, and modern processed vegetable fats) cause nutritional deficiencies that are a cause

of many dental issues and health problems.”

Results: ONLY “real” food from a variety of sources leads to health! Particularly inclusive of quality fats, protein and plants.

Real Healthy Kids COPYRIGHT 2015

Nutrient SourceVitamin A Cod liver oil, liver, butter, egg yolks from pasture raised

chickensVitamin D Cod liver oil, shellfish, lard, butter, egg yolks from pasture

raised chickensCholine Cod liver oil, egg yolks from pasture raised animalsDHA Cod liver oil, liver, butter, egg yolks from pasture raised

chickensZinc Red meat from pasture raised animals, shellfishTryphtophan

Meat of pasture raised animals


Seafood, dairy foods, eggs and meat from pasture raised animals

Vital Nutrients for Kids!The following are lacking in the modern diet but amplified in a traditional diet:

Real Healthy Kids COPYRIGHT 2015

Real Healthy Kids COPYRIGHT 2015 Sally Gray ND

Sugar is highly addictive!

Like abusive drugs, sugar causes a release of dopamine in the reward center of the brain which makes addicts WANT more and more and more…..

James DiNicolantonio is a cardiovascular research scientist at St. Luke’s Mid-America Heart Institute in Kansas City, Mo. He recently published a comprehensive review of dozens of studies in which he contends that sugar is more dangerous than salt when it comes to risk for heart disease. He says that refined sugar is similar to cocaine — a white crystal extracted from sugar cane rather than coca leaves — and that studies show it can be even more addictive than the recreational drug.“When you look at animal studies comparing sugar to cocaine,” DiNicolantonio said, “even when you get the rats hooked on IV cocaine, once you introduce sugar, almost all of them switch to the sugar.”

Real Healthy Kids COPYRIGHT 2015

Week 1 Action Steps:

1. Nutrition assessment; identify where “modern” foods that drive dis-ease are being consumed in the diet. Wherever you are at, change is possible.

2. Take the necessary steps toward change; we will focus on this much more next week but for now I would encourage you to make a plan for meals. My popular “Ultimate Planner” is on your download page. This is absolute gold so go and grab it now. Have it laminated and use it over and over!

3. Bonus guide: meal suggestions in your download area.


Real Healthy Kids COPYRIGHT 2015

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