@reddam in this issue: year 8 drama reddam …bianca nuyda, nicholas kelemen, rex paver...

Post on 28-May-2020






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Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Students on both campuses focussed on their Half-Yearly examinations this week and the

school has been interestingly quiet. Years 10 and Year 11 will continue writing next week with

the Year 12 students starting their Pre Trials today and continuing into the first week of the holi-

day. Years 7 – 9 will complete their examinations on Monday next week and receive feed-

back from their teachers thereafter. Mrs Oud has spoken at length to the students about a

growth mindset rather than a fixed one. They have all been issued with a reflective journal

which will form the central thread of their feedback sessions. It would be great if parents had

a look at this journal as much of the theory of a growth mindset is included and reinforcement

of the concepts at home would be helpful.

During this exam period a number of students have still had some outstanding achievements

in other fields namely:

Josh Devine took part in the Central Coast Regional Open Judo Championships,

achieving first place in his weight division and was awarded a Gold Medal a number of

weeks ago. This competition qualified him for the NSW State Judo Team, which is en-

tered the National Judo Competition held in Geelong over the weekend. The competi-

tion in the higher weight division was particularly high and he did not make the finals but

reinforced his eagerness to commit to another year’s training for next year’s Judo Na-


@REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter Volume 16, Issue 18, Friday 17 June 2016 Page 1


Year 8 Drama

Year 11 Biology Excursion

Visual Arts Workshops

Plus much more...

Reddam House High School Newsletter Volume 16 Issue 18

Friday 17th June 2016

@REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter Volume 16, Issue 18, Friday 17 June 2016 Page 2

Connor and Dylan Garratt represented Norths this last weekend in the State Rugby Champi-

onships in the U14 and U13 teams respectively. Congratulations to Connor, as the vice-

captain of Norths, being selected from this tournament to represent the Sydney Representa-

tive Team. Congratulations boys.

Sebastian Kelly once again represented Sydney Comets Basketball Team in Melbourne over

the Queen’s Birthday weekend. Well done Seb.

Jamie Gavin took part in the CIS cross country Championships where she came a very credi-

ble 24th improving her position within the AICES ranks.

@REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter Volume 16, Issue 18, Friday 17 June 2016 Page 3

Our U15 Football side have continued their good form in the Bill Turner National Knockout

Tournament and are now playing the semi-final of the NSW section next week. Good luck to

the team.

Last night, Opera Australia’s Carmen opened at The Opera House with Luc Siboulet and Louis

Fontaine in the cast. Congratulations boys.

Have a good week,

Dave Pitcairn

@REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter Volume 16, Issue 18, Friday 17 June 2016 Page 4


11Rs Boys V Bye

11Es Boys V Queens Park 0 - 4

10s Boys V Maroubra 1- 1

9s Boys V Maroubra 5- 0




10R (Div1) (Jaimee) V Bye

12R Div 2 ( Jaimee) V CYS 11.05am Alexandria Basket-

ball Stadium Saturday.

14 E Div 2 (Luke) V Tidas 1.30pm Marrickville Basketball

Stadium Saturday.

18 R Div 2 (Jaimee) V Storm 5.05pm Alexandria Basket-

ball Stadium Friday. The bus will leave the sports office

at Woollahra at 3.00pm

16E Div 2 (Jaimee) V Bandits 4.20pm Alexandria Bas-

ketball Stadium Friday. The bus will leave the sports

office at Woollahra at 3.00pm


10 R Div 1 ( Marcel) V Bye

12 R Div 2 (Marcel) V Blaze 11.05am Alexandria Basket-

ball Stadium Saturday.

12E Div 2 (Marcel) V Bye

12 D Div 3 (Marcel) V Kings 9.35am Alexandria Basket-

ball Stadium Saturday.

14 E Div 2 Primary (Henry) V Titans 1.30pm Alexandria

Basketball Stadium Saturday.

14D Div 3 High School (Henry) V Maccabi 2.20pm Alex-

andria Basketball Stadium Saturday.

16 R Div 2 ( Luke) V Inner City 3.45pm Marrickville Bas-

ketball Stadium Saturday.

16E Div 3 ( Luke) V Stars 4.30pm Marrickville Basketball

Stadium Saturday.

18R Div 1 ( Luke) V Wolves 6.45pm Marrickville Basket-

ball Stadium Saturday.

18E Div 3 Year 10 Boys (Luke) V Spartans 6.45pm

Marrickville Basketball Stadium Saturday.

Please check sydneybasketball.com.au to ensure

there have not been any late changes to the draw.


16A V No match

14A V No match


16 Girls V Pagewood, Rowland Park No.3, 11.30am


14 Girls V Queens Park, Queens Park 09, 10.45am Sun-


Open Boys V No match

Year 10 Boys V No match

Year 9 Boys V No match

Year 8 Boys V No match

Year 7 Boys V No match

12s Boys V Easts, Queens Park 05, 1.00pm Saturday

11Rs Boys V Queens Park, Queens Park 01B, 1.00pm


11Es Boys V Queens Park, Queens Park 1A, 1.00pm Sat-


10s Boys V Dunbar, Queens Park 10A, 12.00 noon Satur-


9s Boys V Bye


Reddam 1 ( Intermediate) V St Catherines Heffron Net-

ball Courts No. 2, 1.40pm Saturday

Reddam 2 (15 Years) V Bye

Reddam 3 (14 Years) V Rose Bay Rugby Heffron Net-

ball Courts No. 5, 12.24pm Saturday

Reddam 4 (14 Years ) V St Catherines Heffron Netball

Courts No. 3, 12.24pm Saturday

Reddam 5 (13 Years) V Bye

Reddam 6 (13 Years) V St Catherines Heffron Netball

Courts No. 26, 11.06am Saturday

Reddam 7 (12 Years ) V Mascot Heffron Netball

Courts No. 4, 11.06am Saturday

Reddam 8 (10 Years) V Double Bay Heffron Netball

Courts No. 3, 8.30am Saturday

Reddam 9 (Moddies) V Macabbi Heffron Netball

Courts No.31, 9.45am Saturday


Reddam V Chicks 9.00am Queens Park Sunday


@REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter Volume 16, Issue 18, Friday 17 June 2016 Page 5


This semester Year 8 has been introduced to the concept of Mask; its historical context, function,

mask performance techniques as well as mask-making. They have explored non-verbal communi-

cation, physicality and practitioner Jacques Lecoq’s ‘6 Levels of Tension’ to create their wonder-

fully diverse characters. Over the past 2 weeks they have delighted us with their devised perfor-

mances in which they demonstrated the power of the mask on stage. We have been amazed

and enthralled by the creative imagination and expression that the students have brought to this

task and we look forward to seeing what they produce next!


Rohan Dalglish

Yana Rusakova & Gabriella Gottlieb

Cooper Hartman

Yana Rusakova

Michelle Kaminski, Christian Caporusso,

Isabel Kratz

Charlie Campbell, Giselle Weishan,

Ruby Bowen-James

Anthony Yap, Sam Monteforte

Ela Greenfeld, Sara Erlich, Shannon Kaminski

@REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter Volume 16, Issue 18, Friday 17 June 2016 Page 6


Harrison Segerstrom, Clay Holle, Nicholas Angelou

Bianca Nuyda, Nicholas Kelemen, Rex Paver

@REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter Volume 16, Issue 18, Friday 17 June 2016 Page 7


On Friday 3rd June 22 budding Biologists, along with Ms Dignan and Mr Fenner made the journey

to Bonna Point reserve in Kurnell. The students were collecting data for Unit 2 of their Preliminary

biology course about local ecosystems. With mangroves, salt marsh, sand dunes and sea grass,

there was a lot for the students to take in. With the weather changeable, there were some crack-

ing outfits on show, including a mushroom umbrella and lots of gum boots (which, as many found

out, are only waterproof as long as the water doesn't go over the top!!). The students did a tran-

sects study looking at sand dune succession, quadrats in the mangroves looking for mud crabs -

where some students were brave enough to hold the crabs whilst others almost became mud

crabs by getting stuck, they tried some samphire from the salt marshes and did a net survey of the

sea grass. All in all it was a fantastic day, the students were amazing and they collected some val-

uable data for their studies.

@REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter Volume 16, Issue 18, Friday 17 June 2016 Page 8


Scholarships Information Evening - Wed, 22 June. The Scholarships Information Evening pro-

vides depth and detail on the range of scholarships at UNSW and the application process.

The evening is aimed at Year 11 and 12 students and their parents and will consist of an infor-

mation session that includes:

-General introduction to UNSW scholarships and application process

-Co-op Program opportunities and how to apply

-Q&A panel to answer all your questions

-An opportunity for one-on-one discussions about specific scholarships

Registration essential www.whatson@unsw.edu.au

UNSW Built Environment Faculty is hosting workshops for students in Years 10, 11 & 12.

Computational Design - Friday, 8 July

Industrial Design - Tuesday, 12 July

Interior Design - Thursday, 14 July

Architecture - Friday, 15 July

Landscape Architecture - Friday, 15 July

Portfolio Workshop - Friday, 5 August

To register visit www.whatson@unsw.edu.au

YEAR 12 - The University of Sydney is holding a Scholarships Info Evening on Wednesday 22

June 2016 6pm to 8pm Eastern Avenue Auditorium Camperdown. Registration essential.

ATTENTION YEARS 11 & 12 - UTS is holding ace the HSC seminar on either 4 or 14 July. For more

details see Flyer at Bondi Reception.

ATTENTION YEAR 12 - UTS is running a series of subject-specific lectures for Year 12 students dur-

ing the upcoming school holidays. These are free lectures. The timetable is below. If interested

in attending please contact Ms Jones by Tuesday 21 June at the latest.

@REDDAM—The Reddam House High School Newsletter Volume 16, Issue 18, Friday 17 June 2016 Page 9

Four amazing workshops are offered in the upcoming school holidays. Students will have great fun

and they will gain an incredible amount of skills and techniques that they can utilise in their next

school term and beyond! This is a fantastic opportunity for student's to be absorbed into the world

of art, having time to engage, have fun and create with other like minded artistic beings!!

Cost is $80 per workshop. Charges will be made to student accounts.


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