renaissance & first global age

Post on 22-Feb-2016






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Renaissance & First Global Age. Review 3. Practice Questions come from 2010-2014. Renaissance Europe. Began in Italy due to coast for trade, Byzantine monks fled from Constantinople bringing Greek/Roman ideas Humanism – new way of thinking that emphasized - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Renaissance & First Global Age

Review 3

Practice Questions come from 2010-2014

Renaissance Europe• Began in Italy due to coast for trade, Byzantine monks fled from Constantinople

bringing Greek/Roman ideas• Humanism – new way of thinking that emphasized reasoning and logic; new secular interests

– Protestant Reformation– Scientific Revolution– Commercial Revolution– Age of Exploration– Enlightenment

• Art that moves away from purely religious themes – Leonardo da Vinci (Mona Lisa, inventor and artist), Michelangelo (Sistine Chapel), Botticelli (Birth of Venus) – depicting nudes, human anatomy, portraiture – use oil and linear perspective (Brunelleschi)

• Vernacular literature replaces solely in Latin (Shakespeare)

Protestant Reformation

• Martin Luther wrote 95 Thesis to protest corruption of Catholic Church – especially indulgences.

• Gutenberg’s printing press helps spread it.

• John Calvin – predestination• Henry VIII – Act of


• Reformation will cause a permanent split (schism) in Christianity

Counter-Reformation will try to bring people back to Catholic Church: end indulgences at Council of Trent, Inquisitions for heresy (Isabella/Ferdinand), creates Jesuits, Index of banned books

Scientific Revolution

• Change from science based on faith and Bible to experimentation

• Francis Bacon – scientific method• Copernicus – heliocentric model of universe• Galileo – proved Copernicus right with

telescope, will be charged with heresy• Isaac Newton – calculus and laws of motion

Capitalism – Commercial Revolution

• Hanseatic League, guilds, and rise of towns replace manorialism

• Medici – Florentine banking and political family

• Commercial Revolution – rise of capitalism (laissez-faire), joint-stock companies, and bourgeoisie

Age of Exploration - Imperialism• Mercantilism – colonies established for providing motherland with

colonies for raw materials and markets for manufactured goods – desired favorable balance of trade.

• Motives – “God, Glory & Gold”• Inspired because of the conquest of the Byzantine Empire by

Ottomans (Mehmet II) and desire for new route to India and Spice Islands

• New Technology – astrolabe, compass, caravel, cartography

• Treaty of Tordesilla will establish a line of demarcation between Spanish & Portuguese claims of New World

Major Explorers

• Columbus (1492) from Spain to Caribbean, hired by Isabel and Ferdinand (had done Reconquista of Spain – kicked out Muslims, Jews and Protestants)

• Da Gama – Portuguese – south of Africa to India• Magellan – circumnavigated globe• Zheng-He – Ming dynasty from China to Africa• Cortes (Aztecs) and Pizarro (Inca) - conquistadors

Results of Exploration• Columbian Exchange – food stuff and diseases exchanged

between New World and Europe/Africa/Asia• Triangular Trade – manufactured goods (guns) from Europe

to Africa, African slaves to Caribbean for sugar plantations (Middle Passage) then molasses to Europe

• Encomienda – plantations using forced Native American labor

• African Diaspora – African slaves transported to Brazil and Caribbean

• Native American population declined due to disease and overwork – native culture lost

• Columbia Exchange

• The Spanish will establish themselves as head of the colonial government. (viceroys)

• Native Americans although a majority of population had no say in government.

• Long-lasting class resentment based on race/ethnicity

• Eventually will lead to revolutions to overthrow Spanish


• Rule by divine right• Machiavelli – The Prince

– said rulers should rule by fear not love• Louis XIV – France, “Sun King” – built Palace of Versailles, “l’etat

c’est moi” – revoked Edict of Nantes, never allowed Estates General• Ferdinand/Isabella of Spain – Reconquista – kicked out Jews and

Moors (Muslims) out of Spain, patronized Columbus’ exploration, later Phillip II – responsible for Armada

• Peter the Great – Russia – forced nobles to shave beards, westernize and modernize, built St. Petersburg to get “warm water port” on Baltic Sea – used serf labor, Catherine the Great “enlightened despot”

Limited Monarchy in England

• Magna Carta – 1215• Parliament – 1295 (House of Lords and House

of Commoners), controlled taxation• English Bill of Rights – 1688 – created after the

Glorious Revolution by William and Mary


• Philosophical movement that says rulers rule not by divine right but by consent of the people, used reason and logic.

• Locke – Two Treaties on Government – believed in natural rights and democracy

• Montesquieu – 3 branches of government• Rousseau and Hobbes – Social Contract• Adam Smith – Wealth of Nations – laissez-faire

economics (government should not intervene in economics)

Native Americans• Mayan– polytheistic (blood sacrifices), stepped pyramid

temples, ballcourts, slash and burn farming of Yucatan, hieroglyph carvings, and calendar – shows sophisticated culture

• Aztecs – middle of Lake Texoca – hydroponic gardens (chinampas) – made tribute states of neighboring enemies, pyramids, calendars, codex (birch-bark accordion books that show human sacrifice – Spanish will destroy). Peak under Montezuma, destroyed by Cortes

• Inca – Andes Mts, terrace farming, Incan Trail and suspension bridges, quipu (knotted rope), destroyed by Pissarro.

Gunpowder Empires• Islamic – based on trade with lots of cultural diffusion

leading to golden ages of math, science, etc.• Ottoman – sultans,, harem, Mehmet II took over

Constantinople with cannon, Suleiman – absolute monarch w/golden age – will be cut out of trade by European exploration – will attempt to take over Mediterranean stopped by Phillip II – B. of Lepanto.

• Safavid – shiites – modern Iran, shah• Moguls – Taj Mahal, Akbar – religious tolerance, Aurangzeb

– ended sati and religious persecution of Hindus

East Asia

• Ming – Zheng-He world explorer – wanted to expand trade but bankrupted dynasty

• Qing – foreign Manchus, forced Chinese to wear queues. Emperor Kanxi – absolutist

• Tokugawa Japan – Edict of Seclusion

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