research into youth fashion

Post on 19-Feb-2017






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Research into Youth subcultures + Current Fashions

I do believe that in the current era we live in fashion has never been so important for a band. Band's nowadays will get completely kitted out by there record label and will also be giving loads of free clothes to wear from all sorts of manufacturers. For example somewhere like Topman would let a band like JLS have any of there clothes for free because if they get seen in there clothes then the fans will want to replicate that look, which means going to Topman to buy it. Mainly manufactured bands will be seen getting styled and also the more indie guitar based bands will even be told by the record label what kind of look to go for. Fashion is so big that you will now see popstar's releasing there own fashion label, i.e. Justin Timberlake has just released a complete fashion line also people like Tinchy Stryder who has all his clothes labelled with his famous saying 'Star in the hood'.

Here are two teenagers who are very much in the public eye. Emma Watson is a actress who is a very keen persona in the fashion world this year especially for teen girls. She is in a film which is watch my millions of teens so what she wears off set is very key because many girl's will be trying to copy her look to the best they can. Then at the bottom is a teen Pop star where 2009 has been a breakthrough year for Taylor Swift, so instantly from going to a big star she is now having the pressure of going to these big award shows wearing something fashionable It is not possible for her to not be fashionable because then thousands of girl will copy her so she is almost forced to have to look stylish. Something which is very strange about the fashion world now is looks from say the 70's and 80's are now back in with retro t-shirts and shoulder pads etc. being very big. People like la Roux are very big Factor's to this coming back in and being successful because if she is seen wearing those types of clothes her fan base are almost forced to like the clothes. I Would say the girl's tend to be more influenced in what artist's wear although this may be a bit stereotypical but it's correct in this situation.

In my video there is quite a few idea I have going around for how I can fashion my band. They are a three piece band, all male so I think I will want them wearing the same clothes and because all they will be doing is performing then they will only need one costume. With Kunk fashion doesn't seem to be there biggest priority because of how they dress where as some bands will not only be about the music but the fashion. Also in the video will be two actors who are going to be a girl and a man, the man will be dressed in rags as he will be homeless, because he will be acting quite defensive I will have to try my hardest to make him look quite aggressive and threatening. The girl however is going to be in a school uniform so it instantly will make her look the vulnerable character in the scene. With Kunk I do think that eventually if they were to get signed they would be styled a lot more by the label. If that was the case I would probably as the director be told what to dress them in and they would be fashioned. In my video fashion will not really be a keen part of it which is quite surprising actually because I am keen on fashion and I would of thought instantly that I would want to include that with the band. I will be asking what they want to wear though because I don't have the funds to buy them clothes, if I did then I would chose what they wore.

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