responses to world order 1

Post on 18-May-2015






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Responses to World Order

Responses to World Order

Role of the Nation-State and State

SovereigntyTreaties are the primary source of law

Countries can agree or reject treaties that maintain peace and security


However, the UNSC can intervene if there is a ‘threat to peace’

The UNSC can deliver a humanitarian intervention. It can be difficult to get the ‘Permanent Five’ to agree (China and the Darfur region)

Theme and Challenge Time

Theme:• the effectiveness of legal and non-legal responses in promoting and maintaining world order.

The Permanent Five are often unwilling to carry out the intervention (military force)

Asking other nations to supply military force is often denied (supporting USA in Iraq)

Peacekeeping forces can be used but only after internal fighting has stopped

The Role of United Nations

The UN Charter: We the peoples of the United Nations determined -

to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war

to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights

to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties

Remember notes from Human Rights

192 members, 5 major organs

The UN also has other agencies in Vienna, The Hague and Geneva

The Structure of the UN

UN Security Council

15 members at one time, permanent 5 and 10 rotating members for two year terms

9 members need to agree for UN action, including all 5 permanent members

The UNSC has the power to issue sanctions, arms embargoes and collective military action

Veto Power...... effective????

Which areas of the world are not part of

the P5?

Libyan Leader: Muammar Gaddafi

A geographical formula is used to make up the 10 non-permanent members. There must be:

3 African

2 Asian

1 Eastern European

2 Western European

2 Latin American

Australia pushing for inclusion on the UNSC

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