rev. jorge herrera, pastor

Post on 16-Oct-2021






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Weekly Bulletin LIVESTREAM MASS: 5 P.M. Saturday Evening

June 27, 2021 — 13th SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME 27 de Junio del 2021 — Décimo Tercer Domingo del TIEMPO ORDINARIO

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Community Roman Catholic Diocese of Reno

Rev. Jorge Herrera, Pastor

701 Mt Rose Hwy., Incline Village, NV 89451 775.831.0490 office / 775.831.2045 fax


Tuesday through Friday: Daily Mass at 12 Noon* *DAILY COMMUNION SERVICES from June 29th through July 9th.

Wednesday: Adoration of the Eucharist 12:30 pm to 7 pm

Saturday: 4 P.M. Reconciliation (or by appointment) Saturday: 5 P.M. Mass (English)

Sunday: 9 am (English) / 11 am (Bilingual) / 5 P.M. (Español)

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Saturday, June 26th at 5 pm

Todd Olsen† by Marcie & Bud Ellis

Fr. Bill (Good Fortune) by Caroline & Bill Guerra

Sunday, June 27th

9 am: Lena Pantaleoni† by Sharon Kennedy

Jennifer O’Neal† by The Gallagher Family

Socorro Leon (Birthday) by Lorena Herrera

11 am: Kimberly Rudnicki† By Family

Lowrey Stewart† & Eugene McMahon†

by Rita Stewart

5 pm: Miguel Pesqueda† (6-Mo. Anniv. of Death)

by his wife Juana Duran

Mauro Resendiz Ramirez† (Memorial) &

Francisco Ortiz Fortanel (1-Mo. Anniv. of Death)

by Family


Tuesday, June 29th thru Friday, July 2nd at Noon

Saturday, July 3rd at 5 pm

Kermit Norton† by Marcie Ellis

Sunday, July 4th

9 am: Geno Castello† by Paul & Burt Garavaglia

Bill Cash† (1st Yr. Anniv. of Death) by Polly Cash

11 am: Kevin Rudnicki† By Family

5 pm: La Comunidad de San Francisco de Asís

Our Centering Prayer Group meets on Monday afternoons at 4 P.M. in the church. All are welcome

to join in this opportunity for quiet, centered prayer time.

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time: If you wish to access the MUSIC WORSHIP AID for this weekend, June 26-27, 2021, please scan the QR code (below) with the camera function on your smart device. Simply open your camera, hover over the code image, and once your phone recognizes it, you should be given the option to open the program. The QR code is also available on the bulletin board in the gathering area.

NOTE: If the QR code is not functioning, or you are unable to scan & open it up, you can access the worship aid through our website at:

—> Media —> Bulletins

—> Music for OT-WK13

Please Note: In our ongoing effort to reduce the volume of the weekly bulletins, we will no longer publish the 2-week calendar in the bulletin. This includes most weekly ministry and program activities as well as weddings, baptisms, presentations, quinceañeras, and funerals. Ministry leaders, we ask that you please provide your participants with relevant dates for your gatherings and meetings. We will continue to keep the St. Francis of Assisi community informed about upcoming special events or the start of new ministries and activities as room allows. Thank you! - Lynne Cibulsky, Editor

The deadline for submitting requests for inclusion in the bulletin is Tuesday at 5 P.M.

Please send requests to:

“First Friday” Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated on Friday, July 16th immediately following our Noon Daily Mass.

El “Primer Viernes” de la Unción

de los Enfermos se celebrará el Viernes 16 de Julio inmediatamente después de nuestra misa diaria al mediodía.

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CSA 2021 Update

St. Francis Goal: $124, 205 (with 100% participation)

Donations-to-Date: $ 81,000

The report/accounting of our COLLECTION for the weeks ending June 21 and 28, 2021 have been delayed due to extenuating circumstances. We ask that you please keep our bookkeeper, Saundra Whitt, in your prayers for healing in the wake of a recent accident. Prayers for Jeff, her husband, would also be appreciated. Thank you!

We will hold Daily Communion Services at Noon on June 29-July 2, and July 6-8, 2021

Fr. Mike Mahone & Fr. Thomas Babu will preside over Weekend Masses on July 3 & 4, 2021 as follows:

Fr. Mike on Saturday, July 3rd at 5 pm, and Sunday, July 4th at 9 am & 11 am (All of Fr. Mike’s Masses will be celebrated in English. There will be no Bilingual Mass at 11 am this week. Our Bilingual Mass will resume on Sunday, July 11th.) Fr. Babu on Sunday, July 4th at 5 pm (Mass in Spanish)

Tendremos Servicios de Comunión Diarios al mediodía del martes al viernes 29 de junio al 2 de julio y del 6 al 8 de julio del 2021

Padre Mike Mahone y el Padre Thomas Babu presidirá las misas de fin de semana el 3 y 4 de julio del 2021.

Padre Mike el sábado 3 de julio a las 5 pm y el domingo 4 de julio a las 9 am y a las 11 am (Misas en inglés. / No hay misa bilingüe a las 11 am esta semana. Nuestra misa bilingüe se reanudará el domingo 11 de julio).

Padre Babu dará la misa del domingo 4 de julio a las 5 pm (Misa en español)

“Could you not keep watch one hour with Me?” (Matthew 26:40).

Eucharistic Adoration is currently held on Wednesdays, beginning immediately after the 12 noon Daily Mass until 7 pm. We invite you to please use the sign-up sheet found in the Gathering Area to join in Adoration. Striving to discern God’s will for our parish, Pastoral Council members have committed to personally devote time in Eucharistic adoration as it continues the pastoral planning

process. Won’t you Come, Adore Him, too?

"¿No podrías velar conmigo una hora?" (Mateo 26:40).

La Adoracio n Eucarí stica se lleva a cabo actualmente los mie rcoles, comenzando inmediatamente despue s de la misa diaria de las 12 del mediodí a hasta las 7 pm. Le invitamos a que utilice la hoja de registro que se encuentra en el A rea de reunio n para unirse a Adoracio n. Esforza ndose por discernir la voluntad de Dios para nuestra parroquia, los miembros del Consejo Pastoral se han comprometido a dedicar personalmente horario a la adoracio n eucarí stica a medida

que continu a el proceso de planificacio n pastoral. ¿No vendrás tú también a adorarlo?

Pg. 4

Prayers for the Living … Oraciones por Los Vivos

NOTE: Names on our “Prayers for the Living” list will remain for 6 weeks from initial date of publication, unless you specifically request they remain beyond that time. Please contact Lynne Cibulsky via for additions to our list or to update our current information.

NOTA: Los nombres en lista de "Oraciones Por Los Vivos " permanecerán durante 6 semanas a partir de la fecha de publicación, a menos que usted solicite específicamente que permanezcan en esta lista más allá del tiempo señalado. Si desea más información sobre nuestra lista o para actualizar nuestra información actual, póngase en contacto con Lynne Cibulsky a través de

Prayers for the Living / Oraciones Por Los Vivos *New additions or changes will be highlighted in green each week.

*Las nuevas incorporaciones o cambios serán resaltadas en verde cada semana.

MILITARY PRAYER LIST: If you would like to add a family member or friend to our prayer list, please send to, call (775) 831-0490, or drop off a note in our parish office.

U.S. Air Force U.S. Army U.S. Navy U.S. Marine Corp Michael Caretti SPC Estevan Ruiz Benavidez Payden Armstrong LT Jeffrey Caraway SSgt Alexandria J. Cibulsky Capt Sarah Casper LT Nathan Davey LT Kylee Caraway Lt. Col. Michael Drew SPC Jack Clouthier MIDN 2/C George Hamilton Alex Herron Lt Col Greg Ebert Capt Conor Keenan LT CDR Nelson Keyser IV Cpl Ross P. McGrath Col Chris Hardgrave Gen Tim McGuire LT Joshua Kovach Lt Mackenzie Spaich Nicholas Hooker Lt. Col Darren Moniot LT Robert Nordlund Cpl Patrick Dugan Lt Col Robert “Bobby” Houston Capt David Nuletelich LT CDR Preston Ochoa The Mills Brothers Maj Chase Ochoa Nate Scott, Blue Angel

Capt. Michael Cox CAPT Shelbea Treanor LTCmndr Jessica Sheffield Lt Col Jarrett Hlavaty Capt Sean Thomas LT Christopher Honeycutt Lt Col Jennifer Hlavaty Petty Office 1 Tynan Mahan SFC Eric Poppitz

U. S. Corps of Engineerss U. S. Coast Guard MG Michael C. Wehr LT Jeannie Crump

Emma Alden Mike Archer Steve Arvin, Chaplain, RFD Lily Bluhm Dalton Boutte Josie Bowman Eddie Bustillos Diane & Dale Brown Gina Carnero Dimitris Casarez Polly Cash Marsha & John Castiglione Cathy & Chuck Cecil Bill Cibulsky Cathi Colvin Ignacio Cortez Christopher Crow Richard Dooley Dr. John Felder Mary Felder Ed Filusch

James Foster Colette Foulke Sheila Gast Ryan Herrera Mike Jackson Anne Keehan Aubrey Kerr David Kerr Catherine LeVesque Ayla Macias Dave Marinoble Denise McCrea Christina McDougall Joan & Jack McGraw Judy Medek Torre Mercogliano Maureen Mika Tim Mika Paul Mimiaga Helen Neff David Orozco

Susan Penacchio Nicholas Rastenis Family Saul Viveros Resendiz Alyssa Robbins Les Robertson Jim Robinson Gina Robles Bari Ross Evelin Salinas Scott Slobe Barbara Stedman Steve Stephens Andrea Tatengo Petti Thall Rich Thall Saundra Whitt

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Important notice from Bishop Calvo regarding “Cessation of Dispensation:

Pg. 6

Our Knights of Columbus Council meets on the FIRST WEDNESDAY each month

at 6 P.M. in the Conference Room. Our next meeting is: Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Our 4th Degree Assembly meets on the SECOND WEDNESDAY each month

at 6 P.M.. Our next meeting is: Wednesday, July 14, 2021

SPECIAL NOTICE: Join the Knights of Columbus for Patriotic Apple Turnovers after Masses on the Weekend of Independence Day.

2 for $4 or 3 for $5

“As American as several small apple pies (that you can carry

away!! And freeze!!)”

St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Community 10th Annual Golf & Giggle Fun-Raiser Presented by the Knights of Columbus

(with a little guidance from Lynne & Bill )

Wednesday, Aug. 11, 2021 9:30 A.M. Shotgun Start At Genoa Lakes Course

All the fun, food & games you’ve come to love!

Get your team ready!!

The Knights of Columbus will have a registration table set up after Masses this weekend. Registration forms are also available at the Parish Office.

Registration ends on Monday, August 2nd.

Women’s Ministry Corner (WM)

Eddy House Update: Thank you so much to everyone who has responded so positively to the Immediate needs collection for Eddy House either through monetary donations or actual purchases. This weekend, June 26th and 27th, will be the final week for this outreach ministry. However, you can continue to donate by going to and clicking on " Immediate Needs" and you will be directed to their Amazon account which simplifies the process. May God continue to bless you for your generosity.


Book Club, Thursday, July 29th, 5:30 P. M. Location to be announced. Join other women of the parish for a fun social event, while discussing Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. Beverages and snacks will be served. Please RSVP by July 15th to Anne at

Questions about Women's Ministry? Feel free to email Anne at or

Jill at

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Society of Saint Vincent de Paul New Ministry Opportunity

Do you consider yourself a naturally caring, compassionate and giving person? You are invited to serve people in need in our Saint Francis of Assisi name by joining the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. Your assistance to people in our parish area needing food, clothes, rent assistance, utility assistance and other needs will be a rewarding experience. This weekend, June 26-27, a group of five people from the Saint Vincent de Paul Society are coming to make an invitation during Masses for those of you who are interested in serving the Lord and the needy in our community.

La Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul Nueva Oportunidad de Ministerio

¿Te consideras una persona caritativa, compasiva y dadivosa por naturaleza? Esta invitado a servir a los pobres en nombre de la Parroquia de San Francisco de Asís integrándote a la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul. Tu ayuda en el área de nuestra par roquia a los necesitados de comida, ropa, ayuda para renta, ayuda para facturas y otras necesidades será muy gratificante. Está fin de semana, junio 26’27, un grupo de cinco personas de la Sociedad de San Vicente de Paul vendrán a hacer una invitación durante las Misas para aquellos que estuvieran interesados en servir al Señor y los necesitados en nuestra comunidad.

THIS WEEKEND! Sunday, June 27th at Noon Building Blessing and “Thank You”

In gratitude to our generous donors, we invite you all to join us after the 11 A.M. bilingual Mass when Father Jorge will bless our much-needed new

space and we celebrate those who made it possible.

¡ESTÁ SEMANA! Domingo, Junio 27 a Mediodía Bendición y “Gracias” del Edificio

En agradecimiento a nuestros generosos donantes, los invitamos a unirse a nosotros después de la Misa bilingüe de la 11 A.M. cuando el Padre Jorge bendice nuestro nuevo espacio tan necesario y celebramos a quienes lo hicieron posible.

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We truly appreciate your continued financial support during this challenging

time. We highly encourage the use of Online Giving, a safe option:

Online Giving is a “green” solution – saving envelopes, checks, and other paper! It also helps us save bookkeeping expenses and the cost of printing and mailing envelopes. Enroll at or the “Giving” tab on the MyParish App.

For help or questions,

Email: John Keehan at



Please support our many ministries at St. Francis of Assisi when you shop!

Log onto when you are shopping on Amazon and specify “St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Parish Corporation Incline Vlg NV” as your designated charity when you register. (You only need to do this once.) Then, buy gifts and everyday essentials. A percentage of every purchase is automatically sent to St. Francis.

Thank you for supporting us as you shop!

Saint Francis of Assisi Parish Welcomes You! ¡San Francisco de Asís le da la Bienvenida!

Registration & Change Form / Formulario de inscripción

Family Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nombre de Familia

Physical Address : _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Dirección Física

Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dirección Postal

Phone : __________________________________ Numero Telefónico

E-mail: ____________________________________________________________________

Children’s Names & Dates of Birth: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nombre de Hijos y fecha de nacimiento ________________________________________________________________________________

I am interested in receiving: Envelopes_____ Electronic Bulletin_____ Learning More About Stewardship Opportunities _____

Husband: ___________________________________________________ Esposo

Wife: ____________________________________________ Esposa

□ Seasonal / Part-Time □ Full time

Se Habla Español

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Pg. 11

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