rise of christianity - rome notes #4

Post on 12-Jan-2015






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The Rise of Christianity Rome Notes #4


Origins in Judaism• Romans were polytheistic. (Mythology)• When the Romans took over a land they

allowed people to worship their gods as long as they also honored the Roman gods and the “divine spirit” of the emperor.

• Some Jews known as zealots, believed they had to revolt to protect their belief in only one God and create their own nation.

• Other Jews believed that God would soon send a messiah or savior to lead Jews to freedom.


• In 66-70AD they revolted against Rome.

• The Romans then sacked the holy city of Jerusalem and destroyed all of the Jewish temple except the western wall. Wailing Wall.

• In 135AD Hadrian banished all the Jews from the holy city of Jerusalem. Diaspora

• Rabbis –Jewish scholars who interpreted scripture and learned Jewish Law. Rabbis became the leaders of Jewish communities outside of Jerusalem.



Beliefs of Christianity and Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth

• Jesus began teaching around 27AD.

• According to the Gospels: Jesus traveled the countryside with his followers and disciples, performing miracles, and defended the poor.

• His life & teachings are recorded in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

• The gospels make up the first 4 books of the new testament of the BIBLE. (Holy Book)

• Jesus’ teachings were derived from Jewish traditions.

• He emphasized that:

• People must love God above all else.

• They should love others as they love themselves

• There is One true God. Monotheism

• God cares for all people; especially those that are suffering



• Romans feared Jesus would lead an uprising.• Jesus was arrested, put on trial by Pontius Pilate

(the governor), and crucified.• According to the Gospels: Jesus rose from the

dead, remained on Earth for 40 days, and then went to heaven.

• His followers then called him Jesus Christ, believed he was the Messiah, and had died for their sins.(christos = Greek word for Messiah)

• Followers believed through this they could be redeemed from God’s final judgment.


Christianity Spreads• Christianity was appealing because it accepted

everyone, poor and rich alike and provided an afterlife.

• It was spread by the Apostles, including Paul, throughout the Roman Empire

• The Roman government viewed Christianity as a Jewish sect.

• Romans angry: --Christians converted people

--spoke out against polytheism=Roman Beliefs


• The Romans outlawed Christianity.

Martyrs – people put to death for their beliefs.

• But after the 5 Good Emperors, Rome entered a time of violence and unrest. 200sAD.

• Realizing they could not punish all Christians, Rome accepted Christianity.

• It was adopted and legalized by Emperor Constantine after a successful battle.

• Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of Rome



Impact of the Church of Rome

in the late Roman Empire

• The Christian church became more organized and became known as the Roman Catholic Church.

• Christian doctrine was established by early church councils

• Priests conducted services and ceremonies

• Bishops were above priests and headed the church in each city

• Patriarchs of these cities became Pope (latin word meaning “father”)

• Peter, Jesus’ disciple was considered the first pope.

• Church became an example of moral authority

• Loyalty to the church became more important than loyalty to the Emperor

• Church became main unifying force of Western Europe


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