rooster360 - comprehensive recruitment tool

Post on 22-May-2015






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Rooster360 is a comprehensive free open source recruitment solution from RoosterHR


Rooster360 from RoosterHR

A comprehensive , free open source integrated talent

acquisition solution

Integrated Talent Acquisition

Integrated Talent acquisition is an organizational design strategy whose primary goal is to break down barriers between like-activities and bring economies-of-scale and quality management to the function.

How tough is talent acquisition with your existing systems?

Manual processes or semi-integrated processes for don’t allow you to break down barriers between like-activities , they only increase your overhead

Economies of scale requires co-ordination of efforts , increased sharing of information and group communication across several functions , manual processes cannot provide you with economies of scale

Increasing speed of processing , Quality and reducing process cost is just a dream with manual and semi-integrated processes

To overcome your pain points you need….

Try Rooster360

The first open source , free ( SaaS ) talent acquisition solution from RoosterHR

Talent acquisition solution which allows you to group like-activities , reduce cost through economies of scale and bring in speed and quality in your acquisition process

Rooster360 FeaturesFeatures

Comprehensive Job Requirement Management Single point of data entry for requirements Faster candidate search through multiple job boards

Applicant/ Consultant tracking and information management Better data management across Client – Applicant life cycle Simplified applicant application workflow

Bench/Hot-list management Manage bench consultants better Make better consultant assignment decisions based on business intelligence

Vendor Management Single point of data entry for vendors Better vendor search and requirement assignment

Client Management Single point of data entry for Clients Better tracking of clients and client requirements

Recruiter Management

Why Rooster360 and RoosterHR?

• Decades of expertise in HR processes – Makes sure you are using the best practices

• Flexibility to provide the latest in HR technology – Makes your budget an investment into the future

• Multiple business models to suit your cash flow needs– Low cost partnership

• Solutions from ‘Small and Medium’ HR professionals for ‘Small and Medium’ HR professionals that fit your needs well– Minimum customization , clarity in requirements

Looking forward for a fruitful relationship

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