rubrics, rubrics, & more rubrics introduction to rubrics. stevens & levi. 2005

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Rubrics, Rubrics, & More Rubrics

Introduction to Rubrics. Stevens & Levi. 2005

Grading – A Real Story

Grade two papers using the assessment criteria provided.

Give each paper a numeric grade

Which paper received a higher grade?


Why use Rubrics?

Provide timely feedback Prepare students to use feedback Encourage critical thinking Facilitate communication with

students Level the playing field

Rubric? Huh?I don’t need one of those…. Do i?

Types of Rubrics – Holistic vs Analytical

General vs. Task-Specific General rubrics contain criteria that are general

across tasks. Advantage: can use the same rubric across

different tasks Disadvantage: feedback may not be specific

enough Task specific rubrics are unique to a specific task.

Advantage: more reliable assessment of performance on the task

Disadvantage: difficult to construct rubrics for all specific tasks

Rubric Components

Task descriptionScale

DimensionsDescription of the


CategoryCategory 33 22 11 00

Focus on topic



Eye Contact



Time Limit 10-20 mins

7-9 mins 5-6 mins Less than 5 or more than 20

Oral Presentation Rubric

#1 Task Description

Presents a thorough description of the paper, presentation, lab, film, etc.

Situates assignment in the desired learning outcomes of the course

Sample Description:

Each student will make a 20-minute presentation on the economic, social, and political changes in the Harrisonburg community, choosing a decade upon which to focus. The student may focus the presentation in any way s/he wishes, but there needs to be a stated thesis and inclusion of photographs, maps, graphs, and/or other visual aids.

Examples derived from sources cited on last slide.

#2 Scale

3 level: excellent, competent, needs work

4 level: exemplary, proficient, marginal, unacceptable

Excellent Competent Needs Work

Dimension 1

Dimension 2

Dimension 3

Dimension 4

Dimension 5

#3 Dimensions

Presents skills, knowledge, and abilities comprising the assignment

Ascribes percentage points to each dimension

Excellent Competent Needs Work

Knowledge/ understanding(20%)



Use of visual aids (20%)

Presentation skills (10%)

#4 Description of the Dimensions

Offers a description of the highest level of expectation; each level down shows the difference between that level and the ideal

Places emphasis on possibility over failure

Excellent Competent Needs Work


The presentation is imaginative and effective in conveying ideas to the audience. The presenter responds effectively to audience reactions.

Presentation techniques are effective in conveying ideas, but a bit unimaginative and some questions from the audience remain unanswered.

The presentation does not capture the interest of the audience and/or is confusing in what is to be communi-cated by the thesis.

Presentation Skills10%

The presenter speaks clearly and loudly enough to be heard, using eye contact, a lively tone, gestures, and body language to engage the audience.

The presenter speaks clearly and loudly enough to be heard but tends to drone or fails to use eye contact, gestures, and body language effectively.

The presenter cannot be heard or speaks unclearly. No attempt to engage the audience through eye contact, gestures, etc.

Building a Rubric



Grouping & Labeling


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