s-100 the iho geospatial standard for hydrographic data 1st chris / msdiwg meeting ihb, monaco 4 –...

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S-100The IHO Geospatial Standard for

Hydrographic Data

1st CHRIS / MSDIWG Meeting IHB, Monaco

4 – 5 February 2008

S-57 BackgroundDX 87 DX 90

May 1992 - IHO S-57 - formally adopted (a number of Edition 2 ENC cells produced)

November 1996 - Edition 3.0 (ENC Product Specification Ed 1)Frozen four years to provide stability so that;

- HO’s could produce ENC data and - OEM’s could develop ECDIS equipment

November 2000 - Edition 3.1 released (ENC Product Specification Ed 2)(38 new attribute values added)

It was decided that Edition 3.1 would remain frozen until at least November 2002.

January 2007 - Edition 3.1.1 released (Enhancements Required to Encode S-57 Edition 3.1.1 ENC Data). • three new feature object classes;• three new attributes, and;• two new attribute values for Category of Restricted Area.

(Presently about 10 000 Edition 3.1 ENC cells)

IHO Definition of Hydrography

That branch of applied sciences which deals with the measurement and description of the features of the sea

and coastal areas

for the primary purpose of navigation and

all other marine purposes and activities including (inter alia) offshore activities, research, protection

of the environment and prediction services”

approved by IHO Member States in November 2002

Other Users

Other communities have developed products based on S-57• AML• Inland ENC• MIO

Open ECDIS Forum

• Privately registered Producer Codes (not in S-62)

• mechanism for registering external features and attributes (no longer on the OEF)

S-57 Limitations

• Developed primarily to meet ENC requirement for an IMO compliant ECDIS • Inflexible maintenance regime (“freezing” of editions)• Cannot support contemporary requirements (imagery, gridded bathymetry, time-varying

information, et cetera)• Data transfer mechanisms are limited (data model embedded in encapsulation (ISO 8211))

S-57 + ENC Product Specification

S-100 The IHO Geospatial Standard for Hydrographic Data


- is based on ISO 191xx set of Geospatial Standards(ISO profiles – tailored for hydrographic requirements)

- will support a broader spectrum of hydrographic requirements

- makes provision for imagery and gridded data (not in S-57)

- includes the concept of feature data dictionaries /catalogues (maintained within a registry)

- supports the development of multiple Prod Specs and enables them to be maintained independently

- supports more that one encoding format (ISO 8211 and GML) S-100 Toolbox

S-100 - is based on ISO 191xx set of Geospatial Standards (ISO profiles – tailored for hydrographic requirements)

Profileset of one or more base standards or subsets of base standards …

S-100 makes provision for imagery and gridded data

Feature Registers

HydroHydro IceIce NPubNPub InlandInland OEFOEF

























Features Attributes Enumerates

IHO Registry for S-100 will comprise a collection of registers:

S-100 - includes the concept of feature data dictionaries /catalogues (maintained within a registry)

S-100 will support a broader spectrum of hydrographic requirements

contains all the components

to make different product specifications

for all types of hydrographic data

S-101 ENC

S-103 ??.

S-104 ??.


???????????????????????????????? ... S-10?…

S-102 ??.

S-100 supports the development of multiple Prod Specs and enables them to be maintained independently

Determine geometry requirementFeature-based product - determine feature classes - determine feature attributes - determine enumerates - register definitions in appropriate dictionary - bind features and attributesDetermine geometry typesCreate application schemaCoverage based product ? - content and structure of the coverageDetermine Coordinate Reference System(s)


S-100 Publication – where are we ?

• Registry has been completed and is on line (

• Draft S-100 components documents – completed at TSMAD 15 (IHB Monaco - 4 to 7 Feb 2008).

• S-100 component documents are presently being combined into a single document and harmonised/cleaned, etc .. to be made available at end of February 2008.

• March to August – review period (comment sheet will be made available for feedback).

• Comments to be reviewed at the September 2008 TSMAD meeting and a final version prepared for adoption by CHRIS 20 in November 2008

S-100 Content

Component Title Part Number• Overview S-100• Conceptual Schema Language S-100• Feature Data Dictionary S-100 - Part 1• General Feature Model S-100 - Part 2• Hydrographic Metadata S-100 - Part 3 (Annex A, B) • Feature Catalogue S-100 - Part 4• Coordinate Reference System S-100 - Part 5• Spatial Schema S-100 - Part 6• Imagery and Gridded Data S-100 - Part 7• Portrayal S-100 - Part 8• Encoding Components S-100 - Part 9• Building an S-100 Product Specification S-100 - Part 10• Maintenance Component S-100 - Part 11

S-100 -IHO Geospatial Standard for

Hydrographic Data

S-100 Publication – where are we ?

Some key components still missing:• Portrayal component – dependant on the availability of a

stable version of ISO 19117• Encoding – application schema and encoding formats are

being prepared for ISO 8211 and GML, - draft versions will be available late May 2008.

Additional Objectives

• Content and carrier are independent• Core standard can evolve through extensions - no need

for new versions of product specifications or system revisions – plug and play updating

• Product Feature Catalogs more flexible and capable of expansion – will accommodate future IMO regulations

• Will support emerging ECDIS / E-Navigation requirements (integrated Nautical Publications, Inland ENC Product Specs, …..)

Derived Benefits

• S-100 stays in mainstream of GIS greater use and lower cost of implementation

• Maximizes access to COTS software applications and development• New components not developed in isolation• Interoperability with other ISO 191xx based profiles (e.g. NATO,

WMO (ice), …)• Encourages use of hydro data beyond HOs and ECDIS users

(coastal zone mapping, security,…)• “Plug and Play” updating of data, symbology and software

enhancements• Inclusion of 10 years worth of deferred S-57 corrections and


IHO Registry

Other Register

Metadata Register

Data Type Register

Symbols Register

Feature Registers


Features Attributes Enumerates

IHO RegistryIHO Registry

S-100 will support:

• Imagery and gridded data• High-density bathymetry• Seafloor classification• 3-D and time-varying data (x,y,z and time)• Dynamic ECDIS• MIOs• Marine GIS• Web-based services• Other applications …………

Strong Foundation

• Built on well established international standards:– ISO /TC211 (130 countries/members)

• Liaison– DGIWG (military)– OGC (strong industry/web involvement presence)– SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure) communities

• IHO will host Registry– registers of hydrographic-related information ( such as feature

data dictionaries, data types, metadata)

S-57 Edition 3.1

Comprises:• Introduction• Data Model• Data Structure and Format• Rules for ISO 8211 encapsulation• Appendix A – Object Catalogue• Appendix B1 ENC Product Specification• Appendix A, Annex A - ENC Producer Codes • Appendix B.1, Annex C - Recommended

ENC Validation Checks

S-62 ENC Producer Codes S-58 Recommended ENC Validation Checks

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