sacred heart catholic community · 13/09/2020  · for the intentions of jamie reilly bickel -...

Post on 24-Oct-2020






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  • Sacred Heart Catholic Community


  • Saturday September 12 4:00 Peg Alvey (BdayRem) - Family Joseph P.Mangione, Sr. (BdayRem) - Children & Families For the Intentions of Jamie Reilly Bickel - Doreen Murray Robert Talham - Diane & Ray Lammon Sunday September 13 8:30 Francesco Alfano - Dominic & Family Michael Miller - Family 10:30 Angelina Anastasio - Mother, Giovannina Becky Dunbar - Barry & Julie DeRubertis For the Intentions of Fr. Vaughan - Peter & Martha Desmond Monday September 14 9:00 Martin Hoyt - Ellie Szalasny Tuesday September 15 9:00 John Madden - Peter Kehoe Thomas Malone - Sacred Heart Prayer Group For a Special Intention Wednesday September 16 9:00 Ed deLuccia (1st Anniv) - Kathy deLuccia Thursday September 17 9:00 For the Intercession of St. Jude Friday September 18 9:00 For the Intentions of Fr. Vaughan - Staff at Sacred Heart Rectory and School Saturday September 19 4:00 Chester & Louise Szalasny (Anniv) - Children Helen & Frank Godfrey (BdayRems) - Family William Berry (1st Anniv) - Charles & Barbara Mamone Jose Candelario, Sr. - Marisol Candelario John Madden - Marilyn & Michele Vogt Frank W. Kennedy - Pat & Bill Aram Sunday September 20 8:30 Salvatore Mamone (47th Anniv) - Charles & Barbara Mamone Carol Stephenson - Isaiah & Barbara Bennett & Family Becky Dunbar - Ed & Kathleen Carey Sr. Annunciata - Miller Family 10:30 James Rhoades, Jr. - Peter & Martha Desmond ETERNAL LIGHT: For A Special Intention

    PRAYERS FOR THE SICK: Ellen Sheehan, Erik Reiser, Bill Rosenberger, Mary Ormsby McCue, Maryalice O’Brien-Smith, Vincent Ciraulo, John Kaniff, Kurt Reiser, John O’Bryan, Josie Bidwell, Mary Lourdes Betzinger, Tom Purcell and Richard Clements.


    NEW TO THE PARISH – WELCOME! We are happy to have you in our community and hope that you will enjoy a truly Christian experience with us. Please call or stop by the rectory to register (518) 274-1363. This helps us for sacraments, sick calls or any other assistance you may need. Thank you!


    We continue this Sunday in the Scripture readings with directives for how true believers are to live their lives. Today the focus is on the need (not optional) for a forgiving heart. As we listen to the Wisdom material from the Old Testament and the parable of Jesus in the New insisting that we must forgive others, recall the prayer Jesus taught us: “Forgive us our trespasses as (i.e. to the degree that) we forgive those who trespass against us.” The elephant in the room looming behind all of this is the simple fact that we are all sinners; not just previously, but we continue to sin. Hopefully, we are forever asking God to forgive us. Especially, it seems in our time, we make great of the fact that God is infinitely merciful. We emphasize Divine Mercy and would rather not think about Divine Justice. We have to be always and everywhere conscious of the fact that Christ is our Savior, not merely in the abstract, but my Savior here and now! I am lost without His repeated forgiveness. Therefore, the issue we are asked to reflect on today is: in light of my constant need for forgiveness, who am I to deny forgiveness to others? If God forgives because He loves, then His command that we love, demands that we forgive as well. It is not optional.

    ATTENTION!! We are in need of homemade or store bought white baby blankets. Sacred Heart provides a blessed white blanket to all newly baptized babies as a welcome

    into the church These blankets can be delivered to Barbara at the rectory. Thank you.


    SCHOOL NEWS Reopening: We are so looking forward to welcoming our PreK to 6 th grade students and families back to school this week! The majority of our families have chosen to have their children here at school for in-person instruction and we believe that we are ready for them with safety precautions in place. Approximately ten families have selected distance learning (at home) for the first academic quarter until November. Technology has always been an essential resource within our classrooms but the current Pandemic has made it more vital than ever before. Children while at home will be able to “participate” in the classroom instruction through use of the Google Suite Program. Morning and afternoon assembly and dismissal will be “broadcasted” throughout the school via Smart and/or Promethean Boards. These are just a few of the new approaches being explored for this year. Our Reopening Plan (posted on our website) serves as a guide for all of us but we must remain vigilant and flexible as additional guidelines are provided to us.

    THANK YOU! Our administration, faculty and resource personnel have been working all summer long at redesigning a faith-based program of educational excellence for every student during this pandemic. Family involvement, frequent communication and the directives from NYS Education Department, Rensselaer County Health Department and the Catholic Diocese School Office will continue to guide us through this new normal.

    YOU MAY HAVE NOTICED: You may have already noticed changes in the hallway outside of the church proper. The doors will once again be locked beginning September 14th and you will need to buzz into the school office for entrance. The school office door has been divided so that the bottom portion will remain locked while the top portion is swung open for office access. We are kindly referring to the door as the one from “The Mr. Ed Show”. Now that statement really shows many of our ages!

    Our Faculty/Staff must have their temperature checked and complete a COVID-19 survey before entering the school. Service providers will also complete this assessment prior to working with their respective child.

    There will be new procedures for so many facets of our school day; especially for arrival, dismissal, lunch, classroom design and playground use.

    FINANCIAL CHALLENGES: Many of our fall fundraisers have been canceled due to COVID-19 The Nuns of Newskete will not be offering our traditional cheesecake fundraiser. Our Fall Raffle and Dance will need to be evaluated due to the social distancing guideline. We will be exploring take-out dinner options and perhaps a brochure program for Christmastime. The main goal is keeping everyone safe and healthy during this time.

    ALTAR BREAD AND WINE - In memory of a deceased loved one or to commemorate a special event, a donation can be made to purchase the monthly altar bread and/or wine offered at each Eucharistic celebration. For more information, please call Barbara at the parish office at 274-1363.

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