safety tips during diwali festival

Post on 13-Jan-2017






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Safety Tips during Diwali festival



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• Diwali is the time for fun and festivity. Regardless of age, anyone from six year old to sixty year old enjoy firing crackers and having their favourite sweets on a Diwali day.

• However we also see and hear a lot of accidents related to Diwali crackers in the newspapers and TV news channels.

• Most of these unfortunate accidents can be prevented by following these basic tips. Hope you take some cues from this page and have a safe and joyful Diwali.

The Do’s

• Make sure you buy Fireworks from a licensed shop.

• Always keep the fireworks in a closed box.

• Store crackers away from sources of fire or ignition; also keep them away from the reach of toddlers.

• Read the instructions and follow all safety precautions instructed with regard to the use of fireworks.

• Burst crackers in open spaces like playgrounds and fields.

• While lighting the crackers, stand at an arm's length, away from the Cracker.

• Discard used fireworks in a bucket of water this way you can avoid people from stepping on to and hurting their feet from used fireworks which are thrown on the ground.

• Keep buckets of water and blankets ready, in case a fire breaks out.

• Wear thick cotton clothes while bursting crackers, so as to ensure maximum safety from fire.

• While igniting Diwali aerial fireworks like rockets, ensure that they are not facing any opening like a window, door or an open building gate. If the rockets zoom into them, it may cause fire accidents.

• Wear footwear while lighting Diwali fireworks.

• Light only one firework at a time and one person should do it. Others should watch from a safe distance.

• Put your vehicles in a garage.

DON’ts • Don't burn crackers in crowded, congested places, narrow

lanes, near sources of fire or inside the house.

• Don't let children burst crackers unaccompanied by an adult. Keep an eye on them constantly.

• Don't put fireworks in your pocket. Careless smoking is the leading cause of fire deaths in North America.

• Don't dare to examine un-burst crackers.. leave it!! Light a new cracker.

• Don't show the Dare-devilry of lighting crackers on own hands. One tends to light bombs, by bringing them close to the candle or incense, rather than bringing the incense close to the bomb. Avoid doing such feats, as there are chances of the firework falling on someone passing by.

• Avoid long loose clothes, as they are fast in catching fire.

• Strictly avoid using matches and lighters for bursting crackers for Diwali as they have open flames that can be dangerous.

• Never ignite aerial fireworks (like rockets) if there is any overhead obstruction present like trees and wires.

• Never ever leave a lit match, agarbatti (incense stick) or sparkler near unused crackers.

• Never experiment with crackers or make your own fireworks.

• Avoid bursting crackers on the roads-it could cause a major road accident.

• Never ever light a cracker while holding it in your hand. See to it that you put it down and then ignite it.

• Don't keep your face close to the cracker while trying to light it.

• Do not throw fireworks at people.

• Never give any firework item to small children.

• When crackers take time or do not ignite immediately, do not keep in trying to burst them. Move away immediately. Throw some water to diffuse them.

• Never overload the switches with connection of 2-3 equipments together

• Diwali, the beautiful festival of lights, happiness and

celebration is just around the corner. Enjoying the festivities

with your family and friends is something everyone enjoys.

• However, ensuring a safe celebration is a must. Read through

for tips to celebrate this Diwali safely.

1. Clothes

• Bursting firecrackers is something everyone including children and adults enjoy. To avoid any accident with fire it is recommended that you wear cotton clothes and stay away from synthetic material.

2. Quality of crackers

• You must purchase firecrackers from legal manufacturers and ensure that you go through the instructions before actually bursting them. Good quality firecrackers reduce the risk of a dangerous mishap.

3. Instructing children

• Before taking your children out in the open to burst crackers, it is highly important for you to instruct them about the usage of firecrackers and educate them about the appropriate ways to do so. Supervising them while they are having a fun time with crackers is of utmost importance.

4. Fire extinguisher

• Having a fire extinguisher in close proximity to the area where you are bursting firecrackers is very essential. Even a bucket of water or sand would be useful to tackle an unexpected fire.

5. Closed areas

• It is critical to note that you must never burst firecrackers in a closed area. Doing so can lead to a massive hazard in case of fire breaking.

6. First Aid Kit

• A first aid kit should be a handy while you or your kids are enjoying the fireworks. In case there is a minor injury, it can be treated immediately at home.

7. Discarding used fireworks

• Dispose of the used firecrackers immediately and carefully. You can either put it in a bucket full of water or put sand on them in order to put out its heat.

8. Candles and Diyas

• Diwali is all about beautiful candles and diyas spreading their light and happiness. However, keeping lit candles and diyas at home can cost you dearly at times. You must make sure that there aren’t any curtains or inflammable materials close to them.

9. Pet Safety

• Pets are a part of the family for animal lovers. But Diwali can be an agonizing time for the animals due to the extreme noise all around. Try to sensitize your pet to the noises by playing similar sounds beforehand. Also, try not to leave your pet alone and do keep they away from firecrackers.

10. Sensitivity

• It is important to celebrate festivals with utmost sensitivity and care.

• Using firecrackers that do not create a lot of noise can be the first step towards being sensitive to your fellow neighbours and friends. Too much noise pollution can be harmful for everyone, especially senior citizens.

• Spread happiness this Diwali and celebrate this beautiful festival joyously with your loved ones and keep them and yourself safe.





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